Sphere Of Chaos Ch. 01 free porn video

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Singear, all of nineteen years of age, was trekking across the variegated landscape. She was surefooted, experienced, and rugged. She always had the same sort of base expression on her face-exhausted, but with a crazed look in her dark green eyes. She was fairly tall, but lithe. She had long, brunette hair that she kept loosely constrained with bits of leather. There were numerous scars across her tanned body, which was ever-so-slightly clothed in a makeshift uniform of light leather armor.

Singear stopped momentarily to hoist her knapsack up on her shoulders, and that was when she saw it—the flashing orb of light shooting through the sky. Singear knew that there was a mages’ college in the town nearby. Perhaps she could glean information from somebody there. She wasn’t sure how to go about finding answers to her questions, since she was fearful of drawing attention to herself being discovered after she had been on the run for so long. But she was dangerously curious by nature. She took quick inventory of the small arsenal she maintained on her person, and then headed into town.

Others in the town took notice of the orb of light shooting through the sky. Practically everyone in town had seen it, and for those that didn’t, word shot off quickly with stories spreading like a wildfire to reach every ear. One of those to actually see it from the rooftop of one of the tallest buildings went by the name Abris. She stayed up at top of the roof, almost as though she had been expecting the sight all day. She watched as the orb descended quickly out of sight before standing up and stretching her arms over her head.

Abris was perhaps in her early twenties with long auburn hair that trailed loosely past her shoulders and dark lilac-colored eyes. She was garbed in traditional clothing, normal for city-dwellers, consisting of a slit skirt that fell past her ankles, an olive-colored wrap about her waist, and a modest, breezy blouse with a scarf around her neck.

She was about to head down when she caught sight of something else—something she hadn’t been expecting. In the distance, she could just make out an unusual character making her way past the clusters of people already telling tall tales about the fallen orb and what it could mean. Abris stayed still, observing for just a moment longer before stepping through the open window that lead to the rooftop to get back inside. She went down a few floors to get to the second floor and then threw back the shutters from there, eyes quickly scanning to fall upon the stranger. ‘Hey you! Welcome to Anreaj,’ she called out to Singear, her expression warm and bright with something like amusement. ‘Are you lost? Do you need a place to stay tonight?’

Singear jolted at the sound of the woman’s voice, looking like she was ready for anything, including a fight. However, she didn’t sense any animosity from the voice that wafted through the air, the sound of which she quickly tracked back to Abris. Singear wasn’t used to generosity, however. She had a hard edge that seemed to rub everybody the wrong way.

Singear pointed up at the sky, which was now clear of any trace of that strange orb. ‘I saw that giant ball of light, and I knew that there was a mages’ college here in Anreaj.’ Singear glanced around a bit, getting a sense of the town. She had known of it for years, but had never actually been there before. ‘I thought that maybe someone there might know what in the hell that was. Can you tell me where I can find the college?’

Abris smiled and nodded, leaning her arms on the windowsill as she peered over. ‘It’s that way,’ she responded politely and pointed. ‘But you’re not from around here, are you? You might get lost. Here, I can show you the way.’ Before Singear could refuse, Abris jumped back out of sight to come down and join her, rushing downstairs before the other woman could get away. By the sight of Abris’s clothing, one might have figured that she was a merchant’s daughter or something of that sort—wealthy but not of noble lineage, formal but not scholarly.

She met Singear and pointed again the way she had indicated before, starting off at a steady pace. ‘So where are you from, then?’ she asked casually, as if she was used to making this sort of chit chat. She wasn’t exactly prying, and not exactly making small talk either.

Singear reeled back a bit. Usually people would cross the street just to get away from her. Now this woman was getting close and personal. She gave Abris a bewildered look before following the outlined path with her eyes. Singear seemed uncomfortable with Abris’s question, but the other woman seemed like she could be trusted with an answer or two. ‘You ever hear of a place called Graymoor?’ It was almost a rhetorical question. Everybody knew about Graymoor. It was known for being an absolute shithole, dominated by a few obscenely rich and corrupt merchants. While all of those merchants were human, they had effectively enslaved both humans and halflings alike.

‘Graymoor?’ Abris repeated with some excitement in her tone. ‘Yes, of course I’ve heard of it! I have met a few others from there too. I bet you have a lot of stories from such a place.’ She looked back a moment and tilted her head at Singear. ‘You look like you have a lot of stories.’ Rather than sounding cruel or sarcastic, she sounded attentive, almost like a little kid, and thus her tone almost sounded like a solicitation. Perhaps making conversation in Abris’s mind meant hearing such stories, but as to what kind she might have been expecting was another thing. ‘Oh, that’s right!’ she said suddenly, as though interrupting herself. ‘My name is Abris. I work around here. What about you, warrior of Graymoor?’

‘I am not sure I have many stories from Graymoor. It seems more like I have one story—the story of my life. Certainly not the story of a warrior.’ Singear took a few more steps before acknowledging the second part of Abris’s solicitation. ‘My name is Singear, but I have always gone by Sin.’ She waited a few moments to see if the name seemed at all familiar to the woman. Had word gotten out this far from Graymoor? All of the neighboring towns hated Graymoor because of how corrupt it was, and Sin had to wonder if the notoriety of her hometown had aided in her anonymity. At least Abris didn’t seem to recognize Sin’s name or Sin’s face. ‘So, Abris, what is it you do here? Is everybody in this place as friendly and helpful as you?’

Abris continued onwards without missing a step, leading into one of the more advanced parts of town. The roads were clean and cobbled and the buildings stuccoed in multicolored clays. The people around them were all babbling in discussion about the fallen orb, and Abris and Singear could easily pick out pieces of it as they passed, including those that felt—as some always would—that it was a sign of the end of the world. Abris paid those sudden shouts no heed either. Whatever it was that fell, Abris certainly didn’t think it meant danger. Sin certainly got the impression that the flying orb was something of a bad omen, but in her mind, Armageddon was certainly just crazy talk of the masses. Put a group of people together, and she supposed you were bound to get those doomsayers. But what was that orb all about anyway? What was it made of?

‘My family owns an inn not far from here, so I just sort of help out with that.’ That particular tidbit explained why she had asked Singear if she needed a place to stay, as well as her ease in conversation. It had to be a part of her duties with helping patrons. Abris had to laugh a little at Sin’s assertion that she was ‘friendly’ though, and Abris’s amusement came out in a musical giggle. ‘I wouldn’t say that everyone is as friendly as me, though. And I only am so to the right people anyway.’

‘So I guess since you work at an inn, you’re pretty on top of bounties that people have on their heads, right?’

‘Bounties…? I guess so,’ Abris said, a mite dismissively. Apparently bounties
did not hold much interest for her, but then again, she was clearly no bounty hunter. Based on looks alone, she seemed to be much the normal human woman, perhaps even with no special abilities or knowledge. Sin was just glad that Abris paid little heed to the question of bounties, but she had been gauging the woman for just this type of information.

Abris turned a corner at a dark maroon building and the street there ended in a dead-end, where she halted. ‘It’s up that way.’ Sure enough, there was a scholarly looking building that made up the entire end of the street. It had peaked rooftops and stained-glass windows, along with a mystic sort of aura to it to indicate its status. Sin stopped suddenly to gaze upward at the towering building. It was definitely intimidating, and even demoralizing to look at it.

‘As far as friendly people go though… The mages are perhaps not the friendliest. A lot of them are snobs and judge by appearance,’ Abris said in a neutral tone, just giving a fair warning.

Sin sighed softly. ‘Do you even think they will talk to me about that orb? And what do you suppose that thing even was?’ If they judged on appearances, she would never get her answer. She wasn’t even sure they would let her into the building with the way she looked. She peered over at Abris, who looked, for lack of a better term, normal. Maybe the mages would talk to her if they wouldn’t talk to Sin?

Abris perked up. ‘Well, it did look magical in origin… Powerful, too. I’m not quite sure what it could be though. You’re right to come here. The magi may know more, if they’re even available to speak now.’ She noticed the look that Sin was giving her and it made her giggle anew. ‘How about this… You can stay over at my inn and we can get you all cleaned up. Perhaps some of my clothing will even fit you. Then, we can come back tomorrow to see what they’ve found out. There may even be a public announcement of some sort. Right now, I doubt they want to sit and speculate with every civilian, after all… What do you think?’

Sin looked down at her own body. She was muddy, with scratches covering the patches of skin that were not covered by her leather armor. She was hungry, too, she noticed. Ravenous, as a matter of fact. Probably dehydrated. Her water canteen could use a refill anyway, and she was running low on the ale that she carried in her bag. ‘I would really appreciate that. I guess I didn’t notice how bad of shape I was in today. I’ve been trekking for so long.’

‘It won’t be free though…’ Abris started, unable to keep the mischievousness out of her voice. She turned and started leading the way again back the way they had come, though took a different turn this time. ‘You’re going to have to tell me more about your adventures in exchange. Like why you have been trekking for so long?’ Though she was persistent in her questions, it all seemed innocent enough, as she was asking out of personal interest rather than any ulterior motive. People always came and went in taverns, from all over, and there were always new places to hear about and new tales to hear. It seemed like she was more interested in hearing about the journeys of others than the very chaos unfolding before her now. She acted like someone who had never left the city before, but even then, one would think she would be just as invested in speculation as the next passerby.

‘I wouldn’t expect anything to be free. I’m from Graymoor, remember? What would you like to know of my adventures? I don’t know how much I can tell you, honestly.’

‘How much you can tell me…’ Abris repeated thoughtfully, taking it to be more a matter of will than of ability. She smiled to herself and dropped the subject for the time being. There would be more time for it once Sin was fed and rested.

Sin wondered why this woman stayed in Anreaj if she was so interested in life outside of the town. Was she here involuntarily? Did she have obligations or debts in the city? ‘You seem like you would be suited to a life of travel and exploration. Why don’t you leave here?’

Abris continued to lead the way, taking a route that was less crowded than the busier streets around the mages’ college. Those streets were getting more packed by the second with others that had the very same idea as Sin—to ask what the mages knew. Anytime now, guards would probably have to bar the way and close the doors until a determination was made. Fortunately, the offshoot roads designed for commerce were more peaceful as they traveled through. ‘Well, I’ve always dreamed of leaving the city, but my family has need of me. City-dwellers are often tied to that, I’m sure you know. So I sort of just live vicariously through those that stop by and hear what they say.’

‘Sometimes leaving your family behind is the best thing you could possibly do for them,’ Sin responded cryptically. She carefully scanned the neatly cobbled streets, more or less memorizing pathways in case she needed to recall them at a later time.

After a few more turns, they made it to the inn that Abris had referred to, though they were still located within the wealthier part of town. The tavern was well-kept, with a burnt-orange exterior and a sign that proclaimed it to be ‘The Strider’s Sunset.’ The downstairs portion had a bar as well as a raised platform for bards and other performers, which was currently empty, but the tables did have some groups of people milling about in deep discussion. Stairs lined the wall and obviously led to the rooms.

Abris kept on going to the stairs without stopping to speak with anyone, taking Sin right to an empty room at the end of the hall. It had clean accommodations, including a bed and a four-legged tub, as well as a small writing desk and a chest for storing goods and clothing. ‘Go ahead and get started. I can get food brought up to you, and fresh garments too. You can head back downstairs if you want to mingle anytime though, of course.’

Sin almost wept when she saw her accommodations. A tub?! She couldn’t remember the last time she had been able to bathe herself. It was probably sometime around the last rainstorm, about two months beforehand. ‘Thank you, Abris. I would greatly appreciate food and some clothes. And I really need to bathe. It’s…been a long time,’ she said sheepishly. This was probably the first sign of embarrassment that she had exhibited about her appearance. She was so used to building up a tough shell of an exterior. Perhaps she was truly sensitive on the inside after all.

Abris quirked a small smile. ‘I’ll be back soon, so take the time you need.’ She exited and shut the door behind her to give Sin some time to herself.

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BattlesphereChapter 10

Admiral Sethton was having a formal dinner aboard the Battlesphere "Rising Dragon". It was for senior officers only. Earlier that day, he had been in an intelligence briefing and update, as well as a strategy planning session. Admiral Sethton had also named Admiral Maxine Gordon as Deputy Force Commander. Admiral Gordon had been surprised, to say the least. However, being the professional that she was, she accepted the post with thanks. She had been at Lantree, training for the past month,...

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BattlesphereChapter 11

Richard Newcastle, one of the most powerful men in the known universe jumped to his feet and did a little dance while chortling. His wife, Vonda looked at him as if he had lost his mind. This caused Richard to start laughing. Richard Preston Newcastle, the heir to the empire, was feeding at his mothers breast. He cared for nothing except the nourishment he was getting. Vonda listened with that part of her mind that let her read minds. She listened to her son as he fed, and he was becoming...

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BattlesphereChapter 12

Aboard The Hms Phoenix, In The Captain's Conference Room "You want to say that again?" the captain of the Phoenix asked, his voice full of incredulity. "Certainly, Sir. We came out WHERE we were supposed to come out. We just didn't come out WHEN we were supposed to come out," answered the Navigation Officer. "What do you mean, when?" Captain Manson asked. "I mean, Sir, that we came out precisely where we expected to. We just came out about 700 years in our past, Sir," reported...

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DevilsFilm Rachele Richey Big Tit Office Chicks 06

Rachele Richey is ready for a new career. She gets an interview for a job selling watches and is tasked with selling a watch to the owner Cyrus King to prove her sales skills. If there is one thing a titter knows how to do it’s sell herself. This guy never stood a chance as she soon has him eating out of her hands, or in this case, off her tits as she shows him how to sell a watch to a man. With a rock hard dick in her mouth, he is offering her the job within minutes. Being no slouch, she...

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Crazy Night

Introduction: I never knew that I would get fucked by a cop. Today was a very tiring day at the office and I was so irritated of sitting in front of the computer the whole day. I just wanted to go home and make love with my husband. Yes, I am horny now, just by thinking about it. I unlocked my car door, threw my handbag inside, and buckled up the seat belt. It was around 8 in the evening and there was so much traffic in on the shorter road that usually take while going home so I drove my car on...

4 years ago
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Pauline The Slut Part 9 The Photo Shoot

For the last session he had me get on all fours on the dining room table in the nude. He positioned the cameras so one captured my face and the other my cunt. I had to look straight into the cameras and say "I'm Pauline and I'm a slut." Then I had to lie on my back and spread my legs. He instructed me to part my cunt lips so he could film the inside of my cunt. I felt so humiliated. Then he told me to masturbate. I couldn't believe it. I never did that and now he wanted to film me doing...

4 years ago
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Ana turns me into an eager cuckold

Having such a huge dick; sizing almost eight inches’ long and very thick; it was easy to keep my sexy Ana well satisfied every time we fucked…But some months ago she started to beg me to perform oral sex on her after fucking her in a wild manner, stealing from her some intense loud orgasms.Anita sometimes yelled at me during intercourse, begging me for more; but sometimes she lay there quiet, just feeling my cock was hurting her…One night she finally told me she wished I had a bigger cock, just...

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Canadian Cousin

Note : This story is completely fictional! Piers was only 18 when his mum told him he would have to bunk down in his younger brothers room on a camp bed for a few weeks in the summer. His dads cousins daughter was coming to stay from America. Her family had emigrated to Canada and moved to the States and she was coming to England to visit her old home and her remaining family. Piers was rather annoyed that he had to share with two little brothers and put the visit to the back of his mind....

3 years ago
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Emilys Seduction part one

It was the summer of the year. My marriage to Erica took place right at end of the school year. Now we were living together in my home. It was just Erica and me, and her daughter Emily. I'm Richard. No one had ever called me Dick. It may be because I'm rather formal in my personality.  We met when Erica came to work at the university. I was a professor of English, and Erica was a new instructor. She divorced her husband some years earlier. Then she went back to school and finished her degrees...

2 years ago
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A WellLived Life Book 1 BirgitChapter 23 Finding My Way

January-February 1978 The following Monday, I tried to keep the conversations away from sex and relationships. I was largely successful, though Kellie clearly wanted another date. I was pretty sure Mary was entertained by the situation, though Jennifer was not. I had the feeling that things were worse than I’d thought. I had to talk to someone and I decided I would co-opt the tutoring session again. I was coming to a crossroads. I had no idea if I would turn right or left or go straight....

1 year ago
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The Manors Harem Part 3

* Not Real* After Nick shot his cum on my back, he and Orlando stuck both their cocks in my face and made me clean them. "Suck them clean you little slut!" I did, willingly because that would quicken the time that it would take until my daddy would be fucking me senseless. When they both came in my mouth, they left me, with cum on my back, and my ass glowing red from the spanking of a life time. I got up from my position of being on all fours, and tried to wipe the cum off my back, but the door...

3 years ago
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A hot night

Condoms, lube and imported cigarettes ‘Liberté Toujours’ the package says. I check my pockets for these essentials and close the hotel door behind me. I take a deep breath and light the first Gauloises.Thank god I am back in a real city for three days. I walk down the street and enjoy the noise, lights, sharp dressed people and everything else that a country town does not offer. The money is good, but being stuck on a drill site for two weeks at a time is hard. I loathe the forced,...

Gay Male
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Indian Hotel Experience

I was staying in a small hotel in India while running some work there…the hotel was on the water front close to the very famous Taj Mahal Hotel ..Each night I would have to make various international calls to England, the U.S.A and to Singapore which I had to book through the operator in the hotel. She was a lovely sounding girl and we often laughed and joked both before I made a call and after when she would call up just to check everything was okay. Some of our conversations got a little...

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CarleyChapter 2

I’d brought a steak marinated in olive oil and a pre-baked potato, both wrapped in foil. The grill was hot. I unwrapped the steak, set it where it would cook and set the potato where it would get hot. I refilled our wine glasses and Carley and I sat at the picnic table. More people had arrived. The stocky black guy, George, and two other guys whose names I didn’t catch were sitting at the table along with Dianne and a girl named Ruth who would have been ordinary looking if not for her...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Melissa Lynn Loves A Hot Bath And A Hot Facial

Melissa Lynn loves taking a nice hot bath getting her gorgeous large tits nice and wet as she feels the water drip down her naked body. Jay Smooth would love to join her and Melissa can not wait to get that hard dick in her grasp. There is more than the water that is wet as Jay soon finds out when he buries his face in that deliciously wet pussy! Melissa arcs that ass up and Jay takes the hint putting his hard cock deep in that tight pussy! Melissa loves it doggy and Jay will do anything to...

4 years ago
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To Walk the ConstellationsChapter 12

BEDS OF SILKEN DREAMS I opened my eyes and wallowed for a bit in the crinkly softness that completely surrounded me. It was a softly smoothly perfection that felt like it was rubbing up against every single pore of my skinny body and draining out anything like resistance or anger or hurry. My limbs felt like lead and my head faded back into a pillow wider and deeper than anything in the known universe. A black hole of a pillow. I mumbled into it, tossing my head from side to side. I knew...

3 years ago
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At Work Bottomless Las Vegas

There are two types of jobs for women in Las Vegas. You can be a showgirl/stripper or you can be a casino dealer.Young and dumb and willing to try anything I left my mid-western home with all my savings and a lot of hope to make it in Las Vegas. It didn’t take long to find a small apartment in the back of a tiny house located in a decent neighborhood.  But it also took most of my savings for first and last month’s rent. So I had to find a job right away. Vegas is great for...

Office Sex
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I Work in a Doctors Office XIV

The following is a report that Jack related to me about a recent experience he had. I was flying cross-country to visit my grandparents. My dad is quite wealthy so I was flying first class. I had noticed this extremely attractive young girl at the terminal before boarding. She looked to be about my age. She had cutoff shorts on and had killer legs, cute ass, and very pretty feet clearly visible in her sandals. I have always had a thing for pretty feet. So imagine my surprise when she was...

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My Graduation Present 2

I woke up early in the morning, the sun shining brightly through my window. While the sun may have woken me up, a sudden chill ran up my spine. With air conditioner running all night, mixed with my ceiling fan, I was freezing, and as I moved, my hand accidentally brushed my erect nipple, hard in the cold room. I shivered, running to my bathroom, and turning the shower on as hot as it would go, the room filling quickly with steam. I climbed in and sighed as the warm water rushed over me....

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Curious Neighbours

Dan lives in a nicely secluded house by the sea, somewhere on the south coast of England. In his early thirties he runs his mail order company MOG from home, happy to be enjoying himself after a number of years slogging away in the city. He's no gym bunny, but was fortunate to be born with a good overall physique, broad shoulders and a good bum. Once a month or so he travels off to different parts of the world to talk to suppliers and look at ways to expand his catalogue. Occasionally a...

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The Black Room A Halloween Story

1The Black Room - A Halloween Storyby The TechnicianHalloween, Bondage, Pain, Myth  = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = One of the blue devils of Ireland stops by with a special request. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING!  All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY.  Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content.  All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions,...

2 years ago
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Union RebellingChapter 23

Kat had the beginnings of a plan. She had been fooling herself, thinking that she could take up a normal life after her years of struggle on Ovid. She had no marketable skills, and what little knowledge she did have was self-taught and centered around violence in its many forms. If she wanted to be a normal citizen, she would have to start over and go back to school. She would have to hope that she could find some way to support herself until she reached a level that would allow her to find...

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Into My Own Fantasyland

Hi readers! I received a lot of emails for more stories! So This time it’s a fantasy story of mine since my partner went back home for a month! I’m 21, with wheatish skin tone, average body, average cock, and a big ass! I live with roommates, so a lot of time i pass in my room fantasizing gay sex and watching erotic stuff online! This is one of my fantasies! Since we have so many international students in my college, we get to hangout with people from all the countries. It was last day of the...

Gay Male
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5 Clan Amir The Falcon in FlightChapter 05

One advantage of living in a tropical country is the year round sun and warm seas for swimming. Especially in a tropical area that isn’t badly hit by monsoons or major tropical storms on a regular basis. Because of this there are no major tourist seasons like there is in many countries. What does happen is fluctuations in the financial status of the tourists. During certain periods there’s a lot of tourists from the less developed neighbouring countries because they can’t afford to go much...

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