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Why are you sucking your thumb, Debra, John Windom asked. Are you unhappy?

I miss my kitty, she said.

John had figured out what she meant when she referred to her kitty.

Mama and Papa said I could play with my kitty to get the good feeling if I was in my room with the door closed, she added. I don't have a kitty. I have a pee-pee. I miss my kitty.

Debra if you play with your pee-pee, you can get the good feelings you got when you played with your kitty, John said.

Can't either, she said. No happy button. And no door to close.

Like Debra, John craved the sensations of an orgasm again. He had no control over the body they shared. Control rested solely with Debra, but he could feel her emotions and shared her senses.

Can, too, John said. I'll teach you how it's done.

Really? She said.


What about no door?

Don't worry about it. You can play with your pee-pee under a blanket. Loosen your pants and push them and your underwear down.

'Kay," she said.

Like Marlene, Angela Bright was a petite woman, a brunette with dark-blue, almost black eyes, and pouty lips. Shelly had said Angela had a girl-next-door look about her, but she'd arrived looking beautiful and professional in a winter white pant suit, the antithesis of the girl next door.

I offered her a drink, and she asked for coffee, so I poured a cup for me as well as her. We doctored the coffees to fit our tastes and carried the cups with us to the room in the inn I'd designated as my architectural design studio. She sat in a love seat, and I took a hard-back chair.

"Did Shelly tell you about the condo project my family plans to develop on this site?" I said.

"She did. She also told me that you hit on her."

"I did," I said, crinkling my nose with a smile. "She's a sexy woman. She also turned my seduction attempt aside so expertly I was neither hurt nor offended."

Angela chuckled and sipped some coffee. She looked around the room and said, "You've got some expensive equipment here."

"Yes, except for the renderings, the preliminary design work for the project is on CAD. I've also scanned the renderings, so I have a digital copy of them as well. I assume your firm uses CAD for your work."

"We do. That'll make it easier to transfer your work to us, so we can proceed with the working drawings. If you hire us, that is."

"Tell me about your firm," I said.

She rattled off past-client names, projects, and awards. The firm had an impressive list of accomplishments. I had no doubt that they could do the grunt work, but...

"Is your firm working at capacity right now, personnel-wise I mean?" I asked.

"No, winter is our slow season," she said.

"Good. If we award the job to your firm, will we be interfacing with you or someone else in your firm?"

"Me," she said and swallowed the last of the coffee in her cup.

"Do you do custom home work?" I asked, which surprised her.

"Yes," she said.

To satisfy her curiosity, I told her about the eight acres we'd purchased for our little compound. "I've started the preliminary design work for the structures on the acreage: a house for my parents and a house for me, plus a separate design studio for me and office facilities for my father's development business, a stable for six horses, a lighted dressage arena, and equipment and storage facilities. We'll develop the compound concurrently with the condo project, and we'll hire the same architectural firm for both projects."

"When will the preliminary design work for the compound be finished?" she said.

"A week to ten days," I said, "but we won't close on the land until mid-April."

"That works for me," she said. "We'll get a firm handle on the condo project before we have to dive into the working drawings for the compound."

"Does your firm have audio/visual facilities for professional presentations?"

"We do," she said. "Bob Daniels, one of the partners in the firm, is very proud of the facility. It was his baby."

"Good. If we come to an agreement, we'll use the facility for lender presentations," I said. "One more question, and then we'll get to the preliminary design work for the condo project. We haven't selected the marketing and sales organization for the condos. Do you have any recommendations?"

"How many condos and how much will you be asking for them?"

"Thirty units," I said. "We went with a ten-per-acre density, and originally believed they'd sell for an average of $500,000 per unit. My father thinks we can get more. He's talking an average of $650,000."

"Around $20,000,000?"

"Yes," I said.

"Stan Michelson and his crew would be the best local firm you could hire to market the condos," she said.

I asked for and she gave me Michelson's contact information. Then I did my dog-and-pony show with the preliminary design work, except the show was very informal: one easel, no special lighting, and after I finished with a design board, I dropped it casually to the floor before moving to the next one. I'd allotted an hour for the get-acquainted and fact-finding conversation and the presentation. We used up two hours. Angela asked a lot of questions, some of which I could answer; others concerning detailed specifications I couldn't answer. I was, after all, at the preliminary design stage.

When I finished, she asked, "May I see the preliminary work you've done on the compound?"

"It's rough at this point," I said.

"I understand. I have a reason for asking," she said.

I showed her what I had, mostly on the computer while she looked over my shoulder.

After seeing my rough preliminary designs, she sat back on the sofa and said, "Debra, you're a better designer than anyone in my firm. I asked to see the preliminary designs on the compound because I want to work with you to finish them, be a fly on the wall, so to speak. No charge and I don't want any credit for the work. What I want is to learn from you. We have competent draftsmen in the firm that can do the working drawings, and I'll supervise them. And I'll interface with the various engineers we'll engage for their specialties." She smiled. "I'm a good designer. Working with you will make me a better designer. I don't need or expect an answer right now, but please say you'll at least consider my request."

As Aaron MacDonald, I worked solo, designed the projects I was awarded, and had arrangements with two other architectural firms to do the grunt work. The idea of supervising an employee gave me the shivers. But Angela wasn't talking about an employer/employee relationship. It might be fun to work with another designer, toss ideas back and forth, have Angela pursue one approach to a design problem while I pursued another, not to mention that Angela turned me on more than Shelly. Working together could evolve into a more intimate relationship—or not. Angela and Shelly were involved romantically. I wouldn't intrude on their relationship. One quandary had to be overcome to make the collaboration work, though.

"Angela, we're sitting in my design studio. As you can see, it isn't big enough for two designers to function properly." Then an idea occurred to me. "Come with me," I said. I walked her to the room in the inn that I'd commandeered for my art studio. It was next to the design studio.

Over the past month, I'd had some successes with watercolor paintings that I had not destroyed—yet. They were matted and pinned to the studio walls. A large, unfinished canvas sat on an easel. It was an acrylic painting of Cathedral Rock at sunset, an artistic cliché in Sedona, perhaps, but a majestic Arizona sunset as the backdrop for one of Sedona's premier red rock formations had captured my attention and imagination.

"This is my art studio," I said. "If we tear out..." That's when I noticed Angela wasn't paying any attention to me. She was studying my paintings.

"You did these paintings?" she said, her voice projecting disbelief.

"Yes. As I was saying, if we tear out a portion of the common wall between the two studios, with a little rearranging, I think there will be room for the two of us to work together."

While continuing to look at my paintings, she said, "Yes, that would work."

I chuckled. "You like my paintings, huh?"

"I love them! Your talent for composition and color is amazing."

"Thank you. I've decided that art will be my life's work."

She turned to me and said, "How old are you, Debra?"

"I'll be twenty in April," I said.

"Shelly told me your cockamamie story, what she referred to as a collection of lies. Like her, I didn't believe your story. After witnessing first hand your architectural design expertise and your astonishing talent as an artist, I'm inclined to accept your story. I can think of no other explanation for a person as young as you with no education or training but with the abilities you can so adroitly demonstrate."

I chuckled. "Idiot savant comes to mind."

She laughed and said, "Or prodigy if we were talking about art only. Exceptional architectural design demands more than innate ability, though. Architecture demands in-depth knowledge beyond artistic talent. The profession requires knowledge of the various engineering specialties, building and zoning codes, construction materials and methods, and many other knowledge-based skill sets that cannot be labeled instinctive or innate. We're talking about proficiencies and knowledge that must be learned, Debra." She shook her head as if in denial.

"Did Shelly tell you about Hector?"

She laughed and nodded. "Hector sounded like the biggest lie of all."

"I know what you mean. Angela, put yourself in my shoes. My first memory was a light brighter than the interior of a star. Then blackness descended on me. I woke up to find that I'm a nineteen-year-old female with no knowledge of how to be female. My past is a complete blank. Then I'm told that I'm supposed to be retarded, a nineteen-year-old with a six-year-old intellect. But I'm not retarded. My mind is brisk and clear. I have an intellect beyond of my chronological age. I can speak again. I know how to drive a car and read and write. I know tai chi and krav maga. I'm adept at architectural design and art. I'm a professional poker player. Angela, my parents tell me I haven't spent one day in school. Where did the skill sets and knowledge come from? During a discussion with my parents, I called what happened to me a miracle. My father says it was a gift from God. In the end, I concluded that some controlling force in the universe, like a God, if the force is in fact not God, singled me out for reasons I can't fathom and bestowed gifts of knowledge and know-how on me. That's terrifying, Angela, and when I'm frightened I tend to make light of the situation, instill some comic relief, if you will, so I labeled the controlling force Hector."

"You had no knowledge about how to be a female?" she said.

"Not at first. I didn't know how to put on makeup, for example, and I had to learn how to walk in high heels. So while Hector was generous with some of his gifts, he left out some of the knowledge and know-how I need to function as a woman. He also screwed up in another way. Women excite me sexually, not men. When I finally figured that gem out, I looked to the heavens, shook my fist, and cursed Hector for playing a dirty trick on me."

Angela laughed heartily. Then abruptly she turned serious. "At least you're not a switch hitter, like me. Sometimes I feel schizophrenic, Debra. Shelly hates it that a man can excite me on occasion."

"Is that why the two of you have a relationship but not a committed relationship?"

"Partially, but I'm more reluctant about committing than Shelly. Sexually, I prefer women, but I also want children. Because I'm bisexual that can happen. I won't give up the possibility of future children for any woman." She sighed. "Shelly says we can adopt or visit a frozen semen bank, but..." Tears stung her eyes. "Truth be told, Debra, I not only want children, I also want my children to grow up with a father and a mother, not two mothers. I guess what I want is an almost normal marriage. I say almost, because my future husband must understand my need to be with a woman as well as with him."

I nodded. I knew there were some men out there that would happily accept such an arrangement, especially if Angela were willing to share the other woman with her husband. I didn't express my opinion.

"Let's go to lunch," I said.

Stan Michelson was not a handsome man. He was short, a little pudgy, and was losing his thin blond hair, but I'd never met a man in any of my lives that displayed more energy and enthusiasm. He was also an extraordinary marketer and salesman. He had arrived for our meeting in a conference room at L'Auberge' with a bevy of beautiful ladies. A bevy might be an exaggeration unless four ladies constituted a bevy.

Stan was a licensed real estate broker, and his ladies were licensed agents, but his firm offered more than the typical real estate organization. After I presented the preliminary designs for the project, we discussed what we wanted in a brochure, the advertising media we'd explore, our target markets, and how we'd reach them. Market research wasn't an issue, except for updating the data Stan had already accumulated. And then we talked about public relations and promotional events.

During a break, one of Stan's pretty ladies approached me. "Hi, Ms. Oakman, the condos are awesome. If we can make a deal, I'd like to buy one of them."

I dug deep and finally remembered her name. "Sue Thomas, right?"

"Yes. My daughter and I are living in a house right now, and..."

"How old is your daughter?"

"Candy is five"

"Why a condo instead of a house?"

"I hate yard work, and we have a huge yard. The house sits on an acre. I got the house in the divorce settlement, which was a good thing, but upkeep on the house and grounds is costing me an arm and a leg. If I sell the house, I can pay cash for one of the condos and have enough left over to set up a trust for my daughter's education." She grinned. "Depending, of course, on the deal we make on the condo."

"What about the creek? Won't it be dangerous for your daughter?"

"No. She's a fish. I taught her how to swim when she was a baby. The swimming pool for the project is another plus, and the elementary school Candy would attend if we moved into one of the condos is the best in the city. I talked with Stan. He's a sweetheart. He said I could have the entire commission, not just my share."

"Let's look at the floor plans, and you can point out the unit you prefer," I said.

She selected a four-bedroom unit with a creek view.

"Dad and I tentatively priced that unit at $650,000," I said.

"It's worth more," she said. "While you were doing your presentation, Stan whispered to me that your prices were too low, and I agree with him. A 3,000 square-foot ground-floor unit with a creek view will easily sell for $750,000. Prime condos are going for about $250 per square foot in Sedona, and although the project is small at only thirty units, in my humble opinion it will be considered the best of the best when it's finished."

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Mona Bhabhi Mast Gand Ki Chudai

Hi friends, my name is jay jani hai or mai llb kar raha hu. Meri age 24 year hai or mai gujrat ka rahne wala hu. Height 5ft 5” hai or looking handsome. Mere land ka size 6” hai. Yeh kahani aaj se 3 saal pahle ki hai jab main gujrat se delhi jar ha tha. To baat yeh hai ki main jab travels mai ticket bokking karva ne gaya to travels wala ne kaha ki sari seat booked hai par ek seat khali hai vo bhi double wali to maine kaha ki koi baat nahi dusri aap agar kisi ko dena chahte ho to de sakte ho....

3 years ago
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Our own Spring Break

I was 24 when I met Jodi, Karen, and Lynn. I was still living in a cheap apartment complex, saving up as much as I could for a down payment for a house. The complex was located several blocks away from the college I had graduated from and currently worked at. I helped them move into their two bedroom apartment. At first, I was very interested in getting to know Karen ...she was tan, blonde, taller than me with an amazing slender body. Of course, she wasn't single and not interested in making...

1 year ago
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An Amazing Day in a North West Gay Sauna

While I love going to sex cinemas and visiting crusing sites my main love is gay saunas. I might be bisexual and yes, I've love a bisexual sauna but gay saunas are the next best thing. Especially when they include lots of guys without any attitude and know what everyone is there for.Last year I visited a sauna in the north east. My work meant I had a good half a day in the area without any worries so I checked to see if there was a gay sauna there. There was. Then I checked the events hoping...

4 years ago
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Mom and I A True StoryChapter 6

Anne's friend told me that she wanted to have a private conversation with her and they disappeared for a long time. When they came back Anne had changed her clothes. She was wearing jeans and a shirt, ready to travel. The lunch was delayed and when we eventually started back home it was getting dark. As a result of our previous evening's activities, mom went to straight to sleep and I drove in silence, only stopping to stretch my legs and refuel the car. Anne was afraid of the last...

2 years ago
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My Next Time With a Dirty Mommy

It had been a little while since my late night with Krissy. In the past, I’ve never known people who work together screwing around to be anything but a total pain in the ass. Someone always feels weird, someone always wants more, it spills over into the workplace, someone ends up quitting or fired. But this situation seemed to defy all logic. We laughed and joked when we were together. We talked about people we were dating, or wanted to date. There was nothing hostile or tense between us. It...

1 year ago
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Trip of a Lifetime Book I I Grieve With TheeChapter 3 Conspiracy of Destruction

Apparently nobody found it necessary to explain, why they had to return to the ship all of a sudden. Captain Archer's frequent evasions of a straight answer told her that they wouldn't like it. -=/\=- After almost three hours of meditation T'Pol found herself back in Paxton's Prison holding baby Elizabeth. One of Paxton's guards pointed a phase pistol at her head. Suddenly the door was opened and a guard shoved in Trip's beaten up body. Blood ran down his face. "I should have known...

4 years ago
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I bit down on my bottom lip. "Do it if you're gonna do it," I whined, before walking in there. "I hear the showers going, so Gabriela and Mandy must be in there now. I just saw them playing some ball, and no one was else was in the gym," I said, before feeling my crotch. "Damn, my wood is stiffer than a diamond. They're both naked in there and maybe even washing each other," I let out, before I locked the door and had to start walking towards the shower.I calmly made my way over there and...

3 years ago
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Border Town Rendezvous

Border-town Rendezvous Townville was a quiet, sleepy little border-town that had certainly seen better days. Sadly there were far too many retail shops with For Lease signs, old decorations from holidays long past dangling in the windows and an unfortunate air of abandonment. If tumbleweeds existed in this part of the world, they would surely have been blowing down the street. In its heyday, it was quite the travel corridor between two very popular vacation destinations. The vacation resorts...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Friends With BenefitsChapter 3

Martin unlocked his front door and escorted Irene inside. “You don’t remember anything from your previous visit here?” “Only waking up in your bed.” “Come in and I’ll show you around ... again. Let me take your coat.” She slipped her low boots off and stepped in stocking feet into his foyer. “This is really cute,” she said. “It’s rather modest but it suits me ... one story, two bedrooms and one bath ... Here is the guestroom. This is the quilt, back from the cleaners. They were...

2 years ago
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The Bitch Her Boyfriend And I

Nobody who got to know Allie took longer than a minute to realize that she was the epitome of a bitch. It started with the way she dressed oh-so-perfectly, like right out of the newest fashion catalogue, even if everyone else was in jeans and t-shirts. It went on with the way she tended to pull up one corner of her lovely lips derisively while she talked to you, how she wrinkled her cute little nose and rolled her big, unique, silvery green eyes every time she wasn’t the one talking. She always...

2 years ago
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Small WorldChapter 1

"Private Jones? Just what do you think you're doing?" Sergeant Tolliver shouted at the soldier holding the mop at slope arms position. "Practising Sergeant. I've got to get into formation for the march past." Peter Jones, Private and hoping to be thrown out of the Army, said while making a mess of the salute. "Really, well for one thing you don't use a government issued mop for practising, you use that for wiping the floor. Now Get On With IT!" Sergeant Tolliver screamed out the...

1 year ago
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My first story

This story starts when I moved jobs she worked in the offices I moved too, I was to start on a monday morning when I got there I was met by the man who was going to train me, I was shown room & met the people who work there including this women who was name siddha over the next few weeks I got to know her wel, then one day she ask if I would go to lunch at a pub on friday I said yes she would be fourty five ten years older than me, well when friday dinnertime came we went to the pub on the...

2 years ago
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HaremChapter 8

After our excursion visit of Shweta increased to my business place, she used to pull a chair and sit beside me. She spoke girly talks or we talked regarding business how we do purchasing and the account maintenance, whenever there was important customer was present during her visit I used to show the sales are made and even negotiation she was learning fast and with keen interest. Other staff used to tease Suresh her father that she is going to replace him, so be ready to search for a new...

1 year ago
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Cop in a Fantasy WorldChapter 4

We entered Tonto’s shop, and it was wildly different from that of Arto. Almo went through the same kind of introductions, and I told Tonto what I was looking for. Uh-oh, immediately, I knew that this was a waste of time. To start, Tonto tried to sell me many things for which I had no interest, but I finally got him to talk about what he had that I was really interested in. That was a big fat zilch! Surely that explained why he had spent so much time pushing me to buy stuff that I was not...

1 year ago
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Mountain Love

We had lived in the midwest and had built a home in the southern moountains. It was a hot summer day when I had encountered a neighbor woman, Susie, and her baby in town. We chatted for a while and she asked me if I could give her a ride home. I naturally replied yes. She lived in a trailer a few miles down the road from us and her husband traveled a lot for his job. When we got to her place she took her baby and asked me if I could bring her bags of groceries inside. I said no problem. By the...

2 years ago
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Finally Got To Have Sex With Preity 8211 Part 2

Part 1 gist: we found out about our desires for each other. And booked a nice hotel room for sex. She is my cousin, lives in a different city. I closed the door and looked at her. She was standing near the bed. She was in a light blue skin tight jeans and a red top hugging her breasts. I walked towards her, our eyes keeping constant contact. I kept my hands on the sides of her face and kissed lightly. Then stopped and looked at her beautiful face. She had her eyes closed. She opened her eyes...

4 years ago
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Memories Written in Sand

Maybe your teen years were full of confidence and self-assuredness; mine weren't. I was bashful and kind of tall and lanky, not really girl-bait and had only been on a few dates. The time I'm telling you about was when I was fifteen and on vacation with my parents along the coast of Spain. I liked the beach, the rest, touring museums and old churches, well, it was okay, but I really liked watching the girls and the women, too, in their skimpy bathing suits. I had really never seen thongs...

2 years ago
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Two Girls and a Hot Guy

I was 18 and I went down to the corner to meet my GF one Friday night.She was already there and smiling from ear to ear.That meant she was up to something,usually something bad. She said"who is the hottest guy in the neighborhood with the coolest car?.I said "Rick "( is what I will call him)."Well" she said "guess who we have a date with tonight?"."What do you mean we?I said."I mean you,me and Rick".Rick was 19 by the way.She told me he invited the two of us to his house and he has a bag of...

1 year ago
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Robbed by a thuo

I had met John a few yrs. after I ,oved to N.C. , he had answered an add I had put in Craigslist ( oh how I miss it ) . First few times I would just go over to his house and give him a blow job , even though he called himself a thug he was always very polite and easy going .I would come into his house ,he would greet me at his door smile invite me in ,he would take his shorts off sit in a chair in his living room and I would suck his perfect blk. cock . John was a black males in his mid 30's...

3 years ago
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More Fun With An Asslock Cock Ring

Hi here's a couple more Asslock Cockring stories, I hope you enjoy them. The first one happened a few weeks ago when I found myself feeling desperately horny and a little twitchy with need. Sadly poor Wifey was right in the middle of her monthly, plus she was still suffering with an awful bout of thrush. Sensing my odd mood she asked if I was OK, I couldn't help but mention to her that I badly needed to cum, "yes you do!" she said. Happily she selflessly offered to make much of me with her...

2 years ago
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One HOT Summer Party

One HOT Summer Party It was that time of the year that most people enjoyed looking forward to summer was here. We’d had quite a few new neighbours move in our street, and one of our best neighbours (Sherry) had a brilliant idea to welcome them to the street with a summer night party but with a twist. Everyone who came would have to dress up in costume and have masks, that way no one would feel an outsider. We had no idea if anyone was up for it, but hey it was summer! So we both went to the...

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The Tally

Amy loved her job, but she had no illusions about what her job really was. After all, you couldn't expect success if you pretended it was anything else. She was a sex performer, and she was paid to have sex on stage several times a night whenever it was her shift. And sex, whether on stage, for film or in private, was still sex. It meant disrobing, it meant groping and above all it meant penetration. That was what the punters expected and what they were paying for. The art of it was in making...

3 years ago
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Summer WindChapter 5 The End of all Things which is the beginning of everything

Time passed, as it tends to do. Work fell into a familiarity that was comfortable. The boss was happy, the customer was happy, I was getting regular raises and some quite nice bonuses. I kept up the running, but no more organized races, particularly no more marathons. More and more I would drive over to somewhere around Waikiki or the zoo and park, then run around and into the Diamond Head crater. I would always finish up with a somewhat short swim in the water out from the Ala Moana Hotel....

1 year ago
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Me And My Kiran Maami

By : Sahil141 Hi, it’s me Sahil and its the first time I’m writing my hundred cent percent real story on this site its a very long story hope you will like it so lets start with the story. I am Sahil from Punjab Amritsar and my maami lives in up so we meet only occasionally she is an average looking lady with a fair complexion and a very nice figure when mama got married maami ji always used to love me a lot. I was a very small kid then she used to love me a lot always trying to hug me kiss me...

3 years ago
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Helping Hands

Liz sighed, watching an especially amorous young couple who had obviously forgotten they were on a public beach. He was gorgeous, and as much as Liz would have liked to live vicariously through the redhead he was pawing for a few minutes, she blew her whistle anyway. The pair looked more than a little embarrassed when they finally realized after the second tweet that the whistle was meant for them. Shaking her head to toss her tawny curls, a few of which were sticking to her lotion-covered...

2 years ago
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The housewife and the boy part 3

See my profile if you want to catch up and if you enjoy them a comment would be a nice way of saying thanks! Gladys lay back on the bed , her hairy mound exposed to my teenage eyes and I drank it all in, it was like I was in a dream, the best dream ever, I had just had my first blowjob and it had come from the hands, well the mouth, of one of my mothers friends! She looked up at me and saw me staring at her , "you can look but you can also touch" she said, licking the last sticky beads of cum...

3 years ago
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The Anomaly Volume One The Battle for the Known UnknownChapter 6

Godwin - 3750 C.E. "How many incidents have there been now?" Paul was asked. "A few," he answered. "Six, in fact," said the dark hued security officer who'd flown in from the Interplanetary Union's administrative offices near Pluto. "Three reported at the university. Two between here and your home. And one that destroyed your home; or at least most of it. Three explosions and three attempted assassinations. And you really have no idea who it could be?" "None," admitted Paul....

2 years ago
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Unknown WarChapter 5

“Boss! Boss!” A guard ran in breathing hard. I was leading the harem plus three guards in some advanced training. “Boss, we got trouble!” That had everyone’s attention. I looked around, “Back to work!” I pulled the guard aside, and was getting ready to ask when I noticed one of the harem girls paying close attention. I turned and looked at her. “If you don’t want to train, go fill up the water skins.” Dutifully scolded, she grabbed the water skins and left. I looked at the guard....

2 years ago
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Turned out by teen BBC

I met Dontay and Andy when I was 16 years old. My father sent me to live with my mother after I he had caught me making out with our the family dog,I was so horny he walked in as I lay on my back on the bed jerking off with my legs in the air and Milly the Schnauzer licking my asshole. How embarrassing, he still looks at me as some kind of freak. My mom lived with a black man named Tony and his two sons who were 15 and 17. It was the first time that I had ever had any real encounters with...

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