Doc Ch. 20 free porn video

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They spent the rest of the week at the ranch doing minor chores and basically just resting up, after their long ordeal. Then the weekend rolled around, and it was time to go to town for supplies.

While the women were shopping, I decided to check in with Judge Mitchell. After going to the courthouse, I was told that the judge was over at the restaurant, having breakfast.

Walking into the restaurant I immediately spotted the judge. After I went to the table, he invited me to join him.

‘I thought I should stop in and report to you on the status in Deadwood.’

‘I received ongoing reports from the townspeople of Deadwood. That was a great job you did there. The only negative report I got, was that some of them were concerned that you were a little pushy about the Hickok assassination.’

‘When I got there, they had Hickok’s body set up as a sideshow, while that film-flam man, Soapy Smith, was selling pieces of an Indian scalp. I ran Soapy Smith out of town, letting people know that selling what was claimed to be an Indian scalp, was a good way to start another Indian war. Furthermore, I made sure that Hickok had a proper burial.

‘I also met with the town leaders, about that so-called miner’s court that they had on Jack McCall. I told them that these kangaroo courts were illegal. He should have been held for a proper trial and transported here in front of you.’

‘That’s great! Did you get a chance to talk to them about setting up a Town Marshal, and a proper City Council?’

‘I did mention it, but I hadn’t gotten too far into it when I discovered a little girl that had a case of smallpox. That took precedence. I was immediately just too busy trying to keep it from becoming a full-blown epidemic, to worry about politics.’

‘Well, I can’t really blame you, there. Like I said, you did an outstanding job. After speaking with Dr. Timmins and the townspeople there, I was very surprised that there weren’t a lot more fatalities than there were.’

‘Thank you, Sir. We did the best we could. However, I am still awful tired. I’d like to see patients here, for the next couple of days, just to rest up. Then we’ll head out again. I still haven’t gotten to most of the towns and camps around the area. I’m sure that if I’m not needed as a lawman, I will be as a doctor.’

‘Don’t push yourself too hard, Clay. The last thing we need is for you to come down sick or injured, because you’re too tired. Just make a slow circuit of the camps without pushing yourself too hard. Come back safe.’

‘I will, I was planning on just taking it easy. I’ll see a few patients here for the next couple of days, until it slows down. Then we’ll move on up to Deadwood for a couple of days, doing the same thing. After that, we’ll hit Lead, Silver City, Spearfish, and maybe even Sturgis. Just to let you know, I’m also going to be checking on the Indian camps in the area. I’m not sure how long this circuit will take, but I should be back within three weeks to a month.’

‘That’s fine. You can check in with me by telegraph if any of the towns or camps are connected to the telegraph system.’

‘I’ll try to do that,’ I said.

I finished my meal, and went to the front counter to pay.

After leaving the judge, I headed back behind the general store to find my ladies, there, surrounded by angry townsfolk.

I shouted, ‘Just what the hell is going on, here? ‘

An elderly, heavyset, prune faced woman, was standing beside a small mousy man.

‘We just came through Deadwood! The preacher there said that you were heathens and the spawn of the devil. He said that if any of us good God-fearing Christians had anything to do with you, we would condemn our souls straight to hell. We don’t think you should be allowed in our town.’

This seemed to anger most of the other people waiting to be seen as patients.

‘The preacher in Deadwood is a fool! There was an outbreak of smallpox in Deadwood. One of my wives and I treated the patients. We were there for nearly two months straight. We had a fatality rate of less than twenty percent. That same preacher was there, also trying to help. He told me that he was a surgeon’s assistant during the last war. I found out that about all he was good for was cleaning the dead bodies out.

‘He was of the opinion that the people survived because of his sermons and his praying over them. Mostly, he was just in the way. We seemed to get along okay until he found out, just before the end, that I have more than one wife. That’s when he got all high and mighty and started denouncing me as doing the work of the devil. I don’t know how much you know about smallpox, but the normal fatality rate is over seventy percent! So, I actually don’t feel that we did such a bad job, there.’

This seemed to calm most of the people, although that same woman and her husband stomped off.

‘If all the ruckus is over, and if you still want to see me as a doctor, I’ll start seeing patients in about an hour. If you still see me as a heretic spawn of the devil, then like I told you before, that same preacher up in Deadwood was a surgeon’s assistant. So if you’d rather see him, be my guest, although I wouldn’t recommend it.’

My wife and I, after checking to see that things were ready to start seeing patients, went into the general store. I wanted to talk to the storekeeper, to find out what had been going on in the area while we had been busy.

Upon entering, Mr. Miller the storekeeper came over and said. ‘I’m glad you’re back. Most of your orders came in about three days ago. I had them stacked in a back room for you. I heard about the great job you did in Deadwood, with that small smallpox epidemic. I’m sure glad that you were there before it got out of hand otherwise, it could’ve wiped out most of the towns around here.’

He then took us to his back room, and showed us a pile of crates.

I thought, ‘Where are we going to store all this stuff?’

The pile of crates was larger than the inside of the medical wagon.

After getting help carrying everything outside next to the wagons, I hired a couple of teenage boys to help uncrate, and carefully unpack everything, so that we could put everything away.

I was surprised that we got everything to fit, until Mr. Miller told us that the rest of the things we ordered should arrive in a week or so. I told him that after we left we’d probably be gone for at least a month, and he should just put anything else we received in the cabin. We’d get to it after we got back.

I spent the next three days seeing patients, and just relaxing. There weren’t quite as many patients as I thought that there would be. I was guessing that some of the people were staying away, because of what that fool preacher was saying. Others may have been staying away because they thought that their ailments were minor, and that they were saving money.

After three days, we packed up, and headed back to Deadwood. Just after we arrived and started setting up the wagons next to the office that I had rented at the grand Hotel, I heard a ruckus. Looking out and saw the preacher standing on a crate preaching once again that I was the spawn of the devil and that my wives were just a bunch of Heathen Whores.

This was the last straw I walked up to him and promptly knocked him on his ass.

‘I really don’t care what you think of me. However, when you start calling my wives whores, or mean-mouthing them, you had better be ready to back it up with either your fists or guns! It doesn’t matter much, which, to me. In addition, your preaching to these people about not seeing me for medical advice is going to get somebody killed.

‘These are all God’s children! I will not have my flock consorting with someone who goes against the teachings in the Bible!’

‘What the hell are you talking about? Just where did I go against any of the Bible’s teachings?’

‘You have
more than one wife! That goes against God’s teachings!’

‘Against God’s teachings? I ask you, have you ever read the Bible? The Old Testament? It states right in there, Abraham, David, and several others had multiple wives. Not to mention the fact that it says that King Solomon had over three hundred wives. Look it up! It’s in that same Bible that you keep on preaching about. I suggest you read it, sometime.’

‘It’s still against good moral values. A man should only have one wife.’

‘There is no law against having more than one wife, as long as he can support them. However, there is a law against manslaughter. That is basically what you’re doing, by trying to prevent these people from seeking medical help when it is available, by your own prejudiced views.’

‘I’m not hurting them in any way by telling them not to see you. You forget I was a surgeon’s assistant during the war, so I do have some medical experience! Besides I heard that there was a new Doctor in Spearfish!’

‘Until you produce a medical license, I suggest you quit giving medical advice! A surgeon’s assistant was little more than an orderly! You were a cleanup boy! You have little or no medical training at all!’

‘I’ll have you know I worked closely with the surgeons will they were treating the wounded!’

‘And what did you do for the surgeons besides clean up after?’

‘I helped bring in and out the patients, got the surgeons their instruments and supplies, and assisted in keeping the patients comfortable!’

‘Those are all the duties of an orderly. An orderly has no medical training, and is not allowed to treat patients. So my advice to you is to stop giving medical advice before you end up killing someone!’

‘And if I don’t?’

‘If you don’t, I’ll arrest you and have you run out of town as being a public nuisance! And another thing… if I hear one more word about you talking bad about any of my wives, I will beat the shit right of you!’

‘You can’t talk that way to me! I’m a man of God! You will rot in hell!’

Hearing all this, the crowd started drifting away, but some still stayed close enough to hear. ‘You’re a man of God? Just what church do you represent? Do you have any papers that say you have the right to represent their interests?’

‘I got my calling, while among all the pain and suffering during the war. I received a sign from God that I should go out spread his holy word.’

‘That’s a fine thing to do. To go out and spread God’s word. However, don’t you think it would be a good idea to read the Bible to find out what God’s word is, before you try to spread it to others, instead of just spreading your own opinions?’

After seeing that the crowd had left, the Rev. Smith just glared at me and left himself.

I then went into the general store where my wives were shopping, to see what the storekeeper had in stock. After buying a bolt of muslin cloth to use for bandages and a few things that my wives had picked out, we went to the front counter so it could be tallied up.

After he tallied it, he said, ‘That will be $7.50 added to your previous balance of $126.35. That will be $133.85.’

‘$133.85? Just what the hell are you talking about? Last I heard I had a $283 balance here! What happened to all it? ‘

‘It went for all those supplies that you ordered, while providing for the sick.’

‘I paid for the first load, only. You were supposed to get the rest of the money from the town merchants and leaders.’

‘I tried, but they didn’t seem to want to contribute. So, since you had that balance, I went ahead and took it from that.’

‘So you thought that since I paid for the first load and was contributing my time and effort to try and save all these people, that I should have to foot the bill, too? I’ll tell you what… First you put all my money back into my account, before I arrest you as a thief. Then you go out, and you round up all those merchants and civic leaders. You have them here in one hour, or I will make it one of the sorriest days of their lives!’

‘Okay, Doc, I’ll get them and be back as soon as possible.’

‘Before you go, I have another question. That total bill adds up to almost $400. I know this is a gold camp and everything, but it still sounds a little high. Just how much did you contribute?’

‘I figured since no one else was contributing, why should I? As for the $400, that is the price that I would sell those items for. Otherwise why would I be in business?

‘Why, you little skunk! Besides being a cheap son of a bitch, what do you think these other business owners are going to think after they find out that besides not contributing, you made big profits out of their sicknesses? I’ll be surprised if they don’t tar and feather you, before they run you out of town! The least you could have done for your contribution, was to be providing supplies at cost.’

After the hour was up to, I returned to find the general store was crowded with the other town merchants and leaders.

‘I’ve had you called here for a couple of reasons. First I’m very happy that so many people lived through the smallpox epidemic. I really don’t think it’s fair, though. It’s not enough that you expect me to donate my time and trouble fighting this epidemic, oh, no! It seems that you expect me to pay for everything by myself, as well!’

It seemed to confuse most of the people, and one man… obviously the leader… said, ‘What are you talking about, Doc? No one approached us to help pay for anything? No one even approached us to help take up a collection to pay for your services, let alone any supplies?’

I turned and glared at the storekeeper and said, ‘I paid for the first load of supplies and the tents as they would need to be destroyed after the smallpox epidemic was over… to keep it from reoccurring. I paid the storekeeper, here. After selecting a few items that I needed, today, he presented me with this huge bill. I found it that he expects me to pay for this whole epidemic, out of my own pocket, while he makes a huge profit on the items sold.

‘Also it seems that the preacher has convinced all you ‘God-fearing souls’ that I must be the spawn of the devil, since I have more than one wife, and that I should not be allowed to practice here. Now, if this is the way that the town feels about things, maybe I should just stay away from Deadwood, entirely! ‘

‘No, Doc… Don’t do that… I will personally see about going around taking up a collection to not only pay for all the supplies, but also to pay your fee. As far as the preacher is concerned, we will see about making him shut up about all the rumors he’s trying to spread about you. Just don’t leave us without a doctor! You’ve done a fantastic job, since you came. We know that if you had not been here, many more of us would’ve died of the smallpox.’

‘I kind of figured it was like that. I think the storekeeper just got lazy about trying to collect from all of you. Since I had so much credit was on the books, he just thought he would take everything out of that. I’m not even sure if he had the tents and bedding destroyed. I would appreciate it if you would make sure that they are destroyed.

‘I am planning on continuing my circuit through the area. Unless something occurs, I’ll continue coming to Deadwood. Another thing you need to consider is that I’m only one man. You need to find someone to act as town marshal and another as deputy. I talked with Judge Mitchell, and he said to try and get the towns to hold elections for mayor, city council, and to try to appoint town marshals.’

‘We’ll do that, Doc. We need to have some law around this area. That’s a good idea. How long are you planning to be in town this time?’

‘I should be here three or four days, depending on the needs. Then I am going to Lead, Spearfish, and circle through Sturgis and Silver City, before I head home to Hill City. I will probably come back through here eve
ry three to four weeks, depending on the needs. In an emergency, you can always send a rider after me.’

‘That’s great, Doc, as long as you keep coming back through.’

I spent the next three days treating patients for minor accidents and illnesses. It seemed like a lot of people just stopped by to thank me for treating a member of their family. Most of them brought a little something to show their appreciation: a couple of cookies, or pies, etc. A few of these people that came around had lost a loved one. They still told me that they appreciated the effort that we had gone to, to save their loved ones.

Just before we were getting ready to leave, the spokesman of the town merchants approached me, along with another man.

He handed me several gold double eagles and said, ‘This is what was left over from the collection, after we paid for the supplies. We’d like you to accept it as your fee. We had an election, as you said. I was elected mayor. This gentleman beside me is Dave Tucker. He was elected town marshal, but we don’t know what to do. Does he have authority outside the city limits?’

‘That’s easy. Dave, raise your right hand and say after me: ‘I swear to uphold the laws of the United States of America, and the laws of this territory, so help me God.”

After he had said that, I congratulated him. I went to my saddlebags get a badge.

I told him, ‘I hope you make a good marshal for this town. If you have any trouble, you know where Judge Mitchell is, in Hill City. He will get back to you. Or, you just get ahold of me. Just be careful. Mostly, just use common sense.’

‘I’ll do that, Doc. I’ll be seeing you in around a month.’

After that we headed out for Lead. Lead wasn’t much more than just a gold camp. However, I knew from history that as soon as they discovered the Homestead Mine, which would turn out to become the richest gold mine in the world, the town would grow.

After spending a couple of days there we went on to Spearfish. There I met with the man that the preacher had referred to as being a doctor. I found that he was a veterinarian, and only treated humans in cases of emergency.

While in Sturgis, Running Deer and Little Doe were both nauseous the first thing in the morning. Thinking it was just a small case of the flu, I had them relax. But, when on the second day, Dawn and Moon both were nauseous, also, I started to get concerned about all four wives being sick. I knew that both the Chinese and Indians had little resistance to disease, so I cut my trip short. We headed for Silver City. After spending just one day in Silver city, we headed back to the ranch.

Dawn approached me and asked. ‘What is wrong, Clay? What is it that has you acting so worried?’

‘I’m just worried about all you girls being sick, every morning. Though none of you are running a fever, or even seem very sick, you’re still having nausea.’

‘That’s because we are not sick!’

‘What do you mean you’re not sick? You all throw up every morning!’

She started laughing really hard.

‘And you call yourself a doctor! We throw up in the mornings, not because we are sick, but because we are all having babies! ‘

I just stared at her, with my mouth hanging open.

Babies! All four of them pregnant at once!

I knew then, that grandpa would never let me hear the end of it.


Edited By TeNderLoin



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Hannah and Zack a Sex Date

A story in the sex date universe of stories. Updated and edited for clarity March 2022. This story takes place in a universe created by EazinAlong where parents set up sex dates for their teens. Pretty simple concept. The first story was published in 2016 and recommend reading it first. I consulted with EazinAlong about the story and he reviewed it, though all punctuation errors etc. are mine alone. He also has a new Hannah story in the works. In this story, a neighbor boy Zack has a sex date...

3 years ago
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Swim Coach chapter 67

So the next few weeks went by quickly. I swam very well at the next three meets, winning most of my races and consistently swimming at times that were the best in the state. It was all a bit strange – I’d never been the focus of attention in anything I’d done but now, at least as far as the swim team went, I was the queen bee. Youngsters on the team would ask me for advice and help. The coaches were all giving me much more attention, trying to give me any advantage that they could. Sally...

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Schwules Internat 0910

Offensichtlich ist mein Post vom 05.01. nicht auf die Hauptseite hochgeladen worden, daher jetzt noch einmal.„Kannst Du nicht, denn Du hast morgen wieder Unterricht, da musst Du fit sein.“Murrend stimmte er zu.Ich ging zurück zu meiner Wohnung und hörte, dass eine SMS angekommen war.Erol hatte geschrieben >hier tut sich einiges ich werde Dir später berichten

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March, 2004. “That stays’l halyard could do with a turn of the winch,” Jeff Jameson’s son Gerry commented. Anitra, his son’s forty-foot steel-hulled ketch, was curtsying along over a rising swell in a force five reach. (She’s named for that pretty passage in Grieg’s Peer Gynt suite) “Okay. I’ll take care of it.” The older man began to climb out of the cockpit. “Jacket!” Gerry commanded. He sighed, knowing his son was right, and donned the lightweight, self-inflating life jacket. He wasn’t...

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First time dressed outside Part II

The moment was about to come, when I would fully admit to sucking Mr McDoden's hard cock and in my present condition that took not too much courage from me to do so. So I unzipped his briefs, grabbed his penis with my right hand and started taking it deeper and deeper into my greedy little sissy mouth. Never have I ever felt so sexually aroused and at the same time completed in a way. It was as if I had reached a life goal. Well, at least a "sissy life goal", later I used to laugh about irony...

3 years ago
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Confessions Of Married Professioanl 8211 Part II

By : Django70 I just climbed on the table and spread my knees over Jaya his sweaty body giving such a musky odour and I just smelt the monster cock and licked his balls the cocks head gleamed with precum and I just licked and tasted its salty bitterness god I have never done this with my hubby and here I am just doing it wantonly Jaya sighed with a ahhhh. First time the man gave signals of getting satiated. I just moved my legs while he was fondling my breasts and slowly dipped my pussy in his...

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My incredible granny experience

For some reason I’ve always gravitated towards older women. For example, when I was 21, my girlfriend was 37. Sadly, we broke up because she was ready for something more and I, still being young with a libido in overdrive, wasn’t. So it was really no surprise when I met Phyllis shortly after our breakup and I was so glad I did. I was home on leave from the service visiting one of my good friends. We were enjoying some beers at his local hangout, when this older but very attractive red head sat...

2 years ago
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Extra Credit Part 1

Every single day seemed to be one more day of torture. I mean, how could someone so perfect, someone so handsome, someone so…sexy, be my teacher? “People, this is gym class, the easiest class to pass! Why are some of you nearly failing?” Mr. Parker’s deep voice rang throughout the gymnasium, though no one responded. “Alright,” the man sighed, “if you know that you have a bad grade, come up to me sometime after class to talk to me about extra credit. You guys can do a paper or something, I...

1 year ago
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Unfaithful 3

The next morning, Brad woke up to his work clothes neatly folded on the back of a nearby chair, joined by a pair of clean socks on the arm rest, and his shoes and keys in the seat. Next to the chair stood his smiling wife Kerri. ‘I got you all ready for work today, this is my way of apologizing for brushing you off last night. I wasn’t feeling well, baby, I’m sorry,’ she lied. Her purpose was to get him dressed and out of the house immediately. ‘That’s a nice way of apologizing, but I have...

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Dawn Breaks OutChapter 3 Pregnant Slut to MILF

And this became Dawn's life for the next 6 or 7 weeks! She met up with Jeff and Andy at least twice a week for a quick or slow fuck depending on circumstances. Enrico reappeared three times over that period, and this almost inevitably involved a threesome with Jeff. During the next poker game at their place, Dawn was totally naked within a couple of hours. Gavin had to play his golden chip later again, and lost to Andy. As she had nothing left to strip, Andy declared that she would have to...

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Xioxhel Warper of flesh and Eldritch Cutie

Xioxhel, The flesh twister is a god as old as time. She was one of the many first to be cast out from her dimension to the mortal world. She weakened and laid dormant inside of mortal bodies for millions of years until humans became the dominate force on Earth. Able to return back to her home world for fleeting amounts of time to her, but thousands of years in the mortal realm. Every few emergence, she would change those who followed her religion's bodies to twisted mockeries of human form. the...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Audrey Bitoni Vanna Bardot Her roommate8217s feet

I just moved into my new home; a beautifully modern house in the Hollywood Hills. I have a bunch of roommates though, that’s the only way any of us can afford it. One day I come home with my boyfriend Jake. Surprisingly, no one was home and the house was totally empty! We thought we had the whole house to ourselves. We started making out in the living room. A few minutes later, he removed my wedges and started to suck on my toes. He knows I love that. I was about to take his cock out when...

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What kind of person was Corrina?Seems no one really knew her, not even herself. Some called her a whore, though she wasn’t, all she liked was fun and excitement and made it her life; in the form of one man, and one woman after another. And no one man or woman ever owned her in anyway or form, and she would not be anyone’s toy, except for one.She especially loved the strange and exciting world of lesbian sex and was an avid student of the erotic mysteries of it. Corrina particularly liked...

4 years ago
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Joe BradyChapter 4

After stopping at the Police station and saying good-bye to Carla, Joe was on the road heading west to Colorado. He thought he would like to visit some of the named ski resorts he heard about like Vail and Breckenridge. It wasn't that he was a skier, he wasn't, it was just that he thought he would like to see and say he had been to these places. He visited these two resorts and was impressed. While there wasn't snow yet on these runs what impressed him the most was the steepness of the...

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Mom8217s Friend And My Aunty

Hi, this is Sameer.. I am average looking guy with 6inch cock. I am from pune and working in small org. I love elder woman than girls. this story about my relationship with my mom’s friend. She is so so good looking woman. Her age 50 and her structural statistic is 38-32-40, little bit dark is color. She is good friend of my mom. They are our neighbors firstly, at that time she comes to our home for chit chatting with my mom in afternoon. Mujhe woh tabse hi acchi lagti ti. Uski boobs jo bahot...

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BecChapter 37 Sunday Over A Rainbow

I returned to my senses long enough to roll to the side and throw up. I felt the urgent need to roll because otherwise my vomit would have gone all over Tara’s lovely velvet dress. I felt Nana’s firm hands guiding my head over a bowl and I think Tara was holding my hair out of the way. I lay back on Tara’s velvet-covered lap and tried to figure out what was going on. My eyes had been closed the entire time. I didn’t need to open them. I knew what I would see and I wasn’t ready to deal with...

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No chance of escape

Callum was bored, lately there was nothing unusual about that, Bored was the norm, ever since his mum and dad had divorced and his dad had dragged him of to live a nomadic life style, in the Far East. Callum’s dad works for an international Aid Organization, they went to the Countries where his dad was needed the most, and this subsequently meant that the places he went to live and work, were invariably third world countries where poverty was the order of the day.This City in the south of...

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Grocery Store part 2 of 2

As we arrive into a gated community my blood is heating up and my pussy is dripping and quivering from being so horny. We pull into a long driveway and park as I start to get out of my car he walks up to my car so I slowly get out flashing every inch of my pussy. I see him looking down as I get out as he takes my hand and he pulls me into him and we hug I cab feel one of his hands slowly sliding down my ass. We walk into his house and walk into the kitchen just then he grabs me and starts...

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Protect and Defend Pt 00 Prologue

Prologue Kabul, Afghanistan Leo Yamasato came through the door and looked into the eyes of the enemy with a calm he did not expect he possessed. He took several steps forward slowly and come to stop in the middle of the room. The door closed behind him, its light wood frame made almost no sound except the latch catching. Leo stood with feet just shoulder-width apart, as his glance captured every relevant detail of the 3 guards in the room all pointing an AK-47 at him… and the merc holding a...

2 years ago
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Head of the Clan The adventures of Steve and LanaChapter 18

The rooster beat me awake, and I was looking at two heads of hair snuggled against me. I would think it was Lana and Shana but there was no way to tell without waking them. So I did, and got kisses for my trouble. Lana left to use the bathroom, and I took advantage of Shana. Maybe it wasn't advantage of as much as loving on but we both enjoyed it. The bathroom door opened but that didn't slow us down. Lana came over and kissed me and then Shana. The need for speed filled my lust, as we...

4 years ago
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Slave for a day part 1 revised

Introduction: I edited this story and wanted to repost with corrections so it should be a bit easier to read Good morning, honey! Chris said sounding much more cheerful than normal. You remember what today is? Liz opened her eyes groggily, her head spinning just a little from the alcohol last night as she tried to recall what her husband was talking about. Slowly it came back to her, driving to the sports bar, the bet on the game, her favorite team losing to his. The loser of the bet had to do...

2 years ago
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Picture Night

It is 4:00pm. As your husband leaves to drop your son off at his Mom’s he reminds you that your dinner reservations are for 7:00pm. You will need to leave at 6:15pm. You sit down at your dressing table and start to paint your fingernails. In a few minutes the first coat is on and they start to take on the same shade of red as your toenails, which your husband painted the night before. As you wait for the first coat to dry, you sip the wine he poured for you just before he left and listen to...

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18 Year Old Virgin

I had not really planned to end up in bed with Ron, but things like that happen in college. I had actually gone to the dorm mixer the first week of class, despite being a junior. I was mostly to watch the freshmen act amazed at their ‘first college party’ and to check out the new talent. There were actually not that many guys there, but one of the ones I knew from last year introduced me to Ron, grinning as he told me he was my type of guy. I was not really sure what he meant by that since Ron...

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Cleverly Planned Wife Swap 8211 Master Plan To Convince Conservative Couple 8211 Part XV

This is real story of a two friends where we exchanged our wife with each other for bit lengthier live in relationship. Usually in swinging/exchanging wife with others, generally people will exchange partner for just a fucking session in just a week end visit or night visit to one of the couple’s home. In our case, to make our life spicy and have more thrill and adventure, we have decided to do this for bit longer period of time, where my wife will be with my friend for 2 months and where as...

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I Fucked Gizems foot in the car

I never thought bad about Gizem.She is my friend's daughter.She is 21 years old.I never thought bad about her till I see her legs and feet at the graduation ceremony of her school.She studies at the faculty of dentistry at a different city now.She's staying in a rented house with two friends.Someday I decided to go to this city for business.When her father heard that I would go to this city he asked me to take some things to her.I accepted.That wouldn't be problem for me because I will go there...

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EuroGirlsOnGirls Cherry Kiss Francys Belle Sexy Sub8217s DP Punishment 8211 Part 1

Francys Belle and Cherry Kiss make a perfect partnership in this Euro Girls on Girls tale of a naughty vixen who needs to be punished. Join them in this lesbian tryst where Cherry plays the role of dominatrix, ordering Francys upstairs and spanking her pert ass before bending her over and fucking her with a strap-on AND a dildo in a hardcore double penetration that has the brunette babe gasping with pleasure. The rampant hottie has even organized a fucking machine and loves to use it to give...

4 years ago
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She knew what she was doing

Oh god she knew what she was doing...The latex gloves fondling my aching balls, fingers squuezing and tugging as he hungry, made up lips worked my shaft.Her moans were driving me crazy and it was everything I could do not to empty in her throat right there.I remember trembling when I walked up the stone path to the front door. 29 and married for 6 years, but here I was about to knock on the door of a man dressed in womens under wear. A year of shameful and guilt wracked wanks to sissy and...

2 years ago
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A Date with Pornstars

Author’s note: This is, of course, totally a fantasy. Never happened and never will. This story was derived from a dream I had. Hope you enjoy. ***** It all started when I won the Megamillion jackpot. It was $120 million before taxes. I had a little over $65 million left after every government took its share. There was not much I wanted to spend the money on. I had to get a new car because my old one was 14 years old and in poor condition. My house in Chicago was paid for and I had no plans...

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Romantic Sex With ExGirlfriend

Hi ISS readers, this is my first story sorry for mistakes if I committed while writing story and comment your opinion to my mail let me coming to the story.any Aunties,unsatisfied married women,widowed,college girls from (Chennai and Coimbatore) contact me to above ‘d i’m doing this as service. I am Karthi completed my studies and currently working in Chennai my dick size 6.5 inch with big head and my girlfriend named pinky ( name changed) her structure is 34-32-36 she is having wonderful pair...

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My YouthChapter 22 Mary Part 3

We’d added a new lady to our little relationship, Krissy, a thirty one year old knockout. She just booted a philandering husband and came to us with nearly zero sexual experience, save laying there while her hubby got his nut. Her initial contact with me was a nightmare, her calling me a ‘kid’ and relegating me to the general male population of self-centered numbnuts and dickwads. Krissy got her first introduction to oral giving and getting, and several vaginal orgasms early the very first...

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Mary Part Two

Mary Part Two, Mary's Present (FF/M) By [email protected] (OTK-F/M-E) As you probably know from my other stories, my wife spanks me. Also, she has a good friend named Mary who comes to visit us about every two weeks, and my wife allows her to spank me. Mary has spanked me on many occasions, and one time while my wife was out of town on a business trip, she had me go over to Mary's apartment for a spanking. Anyway, my wife and I had just celebrated our second wedding anniversary several...

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The Arrangement Ch 11

Jill smiled weakly and waved as the school bus pulled off from the curb. Exhaustion and something else ate at her insides. She promised herself that she would take a nap when Britney and Ashley had theirs. She shook her head. This should have been easy. Old Hat. Instead it was eating her lunch, she thought. Three days. How the hell was she going to make three months, maybe more? ‘Are you sure you’re all right? Why don’t I take the babies for the day? You can rest and call the damned doctor to...

1 year ago
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Kuwari Chut

By : Jasi Hello friends its me Jasi from Gurgaon mene aapko apni pehali story may bataya ki kese mene indu ko chuda lgatar 7 days ab indu ka husband training karke bapis aa gaya tha tu indu or may yehi sucahte they ki kese chuda jaye ek din indu mere room may kayun ki rahul duty par tha or may apne room may so raha tha indu ne mere ko jagaya or boli ki tum yaha so rahe hu may such rahi thi ki tum mere room may aaoge mene kaha kanyu kaya bat hai tu boli tumhare lund ne Mere ko dewana bana diya...

2 years ago
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Sucking BBC in the Boardroom

Casey eased the white earbuds into his ears as the computer screen on his desk opened a window showing the business meeting, already in progress. Casey was in his work cubicle, but this wasn’t one of his company’s teleconferences. This was something special. The video conference streamed from the boardroom of Master Plan Ventures, where Malik Masters sat at the head of a long table in front of the floor to ceiling window that overlooked downtown San Francisco. These offices were his kingdom,...

Oral Sex
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Knowledge Arcanna

Hello adventurer, I am Dungeon Master. I will be your guide in your quests. I am god here, both good and evil friend and foe. Now we must decide who you are. But first a small description of where you are. His land is called Taer. It is most definitely a land of legend where youthful adventures may occur. There are a total of 8 continents in Taer. The largest is called Arvorrum, it is where the story will tak place. It is a land dominated by flat planes and few forests. Elves, Dwarves and...

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ReunionChapter 14

The weekend passed slowly. Bill fixed the faucet and a few other minor problems, like oiling the hinges for squeaky doors and replacing the filters on the air conditioner. As he did these routine maintenance tasks, he realized that next week, he would be doing many of the same chores in his own home. There, he would be alone and missing her. Courtney called Ashley on Monday afternoon. "I thought I'd have more information. Here's what they decided. They want both the guy from Washington...

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