Ancient Abilities Part 2Chapter 8 The Growth of Mission Finances
- 2 years ago
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The Guidance Council and Cathy had stepped in to restructure my personal life and organize my financial affairs.
With Cathy’s involvement, I went from a pathetic lonely widower to a happily married man with three wives. To be more accurate, I consider my three women to be my wives, but we are not actually married in the legal sense. I suppose you could say we live together and call each other husband and wife.
I’ve heard of whirlwind courtships, but mine has to have set a record. One day, I took Sam to dinner to help her understand what the Guidance Council was doing to her. The next morning Sam moved in with me, and the day after that Mary joined us. One day I was single with no girlfriend or interest in acquiring one, and two days later, I had two wives. To this day, I do not fully understand how in two days, I went from no women in my life to having two beautiful, intelligent wives. The only thing I am sure about those events was Cathy had a lot to do with them.
Sixteen months later, Sam and Mary added Karen to our relationship; it was a one-day courtship also. Karen did not believe in birth control and the sexual attraction between us was intense, so it isn’t surprising that we learned she was pregnant two months later.
When we learned Karen was pregnant, Sam and Mary were in their final trimester. Sam, Mary, and Karen swore that if they had it to do over again, they would arrange it so only one of them was pregnant at any given time, I silently agreed with them whole-heartedly. Thank God, I was smart enough to bite my tongue and not verbalize my thoughts. The three of them decided to space our future kids out at nominal 8-month intervals. Once again, I suspected Cathy of having something to do with their wanting to get pregnant so frequently. I found it very understandable that on occasion, they were grumpy, upset, or irritated because of their pregnancy, but I was happy that they did not intentionally direct those feelings toward me.
They decided that after Karen delivered, Mary would be the one to get pregnant next. Sam would follow her and Karen would be last before the cycle began again. All three of them wanted to get pregnant as soon as they could for they really enjoyed the constant state of sexual arousal they experienced during their first pregnancies. I suspect most of that was Cathy’s doing. I can recall Cathy telling me when she first got pregnant that she was in a continual state of arousal. I don’t know if she would have been aroused throughout her entire pregnancy, but I suspect she would have been if she had not been killed. My wives finally decided on an 8-month interval between births for it would give them more than a year for their bodies to recover between giving birth and getting pregnant again.
I generally don’t talk about it publically, but I am a very doting father. I spend a great deal of time with my kids. However, I suspect that when they become teenagers, they will want to do things with their friends and the time they spend with me will decrease significantly. From what I’ve heard, it isn’t cool for teenagers to hang out with their parents.
One day Sam and I were talking about our relationship, and I became confused about how we should refer to ourselves.
“Sam how would you classify the relationship between the four of us?”
What are you referring to Jim?”
“I started to call our relationship a four-way relationship because there are four people involved, but I wasn’t sure if that was correct. I know that a relationship between three people is referred to as a 3-way relationship. But is that because there are three people involved or is it because there are a total of three unique 2-person groupings. Furthermore, shouldn’t we consider the total number of unique groupings that can be formed with a given number of people? If you stop to work out the number of unique grouping, then with four people there are six unique groups of two people each, four unique groups of three people each, and one group of four people. So should we refer to our group as a 4-way, 6-way, or 11-way relationship?”
“That’s a weird question Jim.”
“I know. It’s just something that popped into my mind.”
“My understanding Jim is that it is the number of people in the relationship, but I don’t think any of us really care as long as we are all happy together. However, if it really matters to you, Karen, Mary, and I refer to ourselves as being in a 4-way relationship when we talk about our group.”
Yeah, I know I sometimes look at things from a weird perspective; however, my wives were used to it. Personal matters were complex to me, but business matters were usually much simpler for me to understand.
The Guidance Council and Cathy were aiding me with financial matters, and I didn’t understand their logic. Cathy said it had to do with their idea of accountability, so they divided my financial affairs into personal finances and mission finances; to me it’s all one big pot of money. The first thing they addressed was what they called my personal finances.
I had inherited Frank Ambrose’s financial investment business after Cathy died. Most of his investments, mainly real estate investments, were handled by the company, and he handled other investments personally. I wasn’t knowledgeable regarding investments, so I consolidated all of his investments and had the company manage them for me. While the company managed my finances, I learned about realty and stocks, while also working on my mission.
When Cathy decided to organize my finances, she had the Guidance Council research my investments and provide her with recommendations. The first batch of recommendations were for me to sell all of the stock that I held in three companies. The price of all three companies stock was about to drop. One company would go bankrupt, the price of the second company’s stock would quickly recover to its current level and in recovering, the third company’s stock would increase to much more than its current level.
I told the President of my investment firm, Henry Masen, some of what I expected to happen and what I wanted to do. Of course, I couldn’t reveal the real source of my information, but he agreed to do what I wanted him to do. Harry did warn me that the SEC might notice the transactions and I should have an explanation ready. Well he was right; their representative did drop by about a month after I completed my transactions.
I hadn’t been in the office that day, so over dinner one evening, Sam said, “You received a call from the SEC today. Their representative would like to talk with you about your recent stock transactions. He said that he would be in the area on another matter for at least the next two days. If possible, he would like to speak with you now instead of making a special return trip to talk with you. I made an appointment for you at 10:00 AM tomorrow morning. If that is not convenient, I can change it.”
“Did he mention anything about his concern?”
“Not really, although he did indicate that the timing of the sale and purchase of three different stocks at the peaks and valleys of their price changes was very unusual.”
“I see. Harry told me they might have questions. Well I doubt he would just go away if I ignore him, so I suppose tomorrow is as good a time as any to talk with him.”
Mary asked, “What exactly does he want to discuss Jim?”
“Cathy had the Guidance Council evaluate my financial investments. Five months ago, they made a recommendation regarding three stocks that I own. Based on what Cathy told me I decided to follow their suggestions, although I did make a few minor deviations.
“According to the Guidance Council, I was to dump my C&J Metals stock because the company was having financial troubles and they projected these troubles would result in their going bankrupt. Their stock price has dropped by more than 30% since I sold their stock.
“They told me that Sam’s Smelter stock price would suffer a major drop in price due to an error their accountant made. Once the error was corrected, the stock price would recover to its current level. I immediately sold all of my stock in Sam’s Smelter and my stock in C&J Metals. I also had some stocks that weren’t performing as well as the Guidance Council would like, so I sold them also. When the Guidance Council told me the price of Sam’s Smelter stock appeared to have bottomed out, I used the proceeds from my stock sales to buy as much Sam’s Smelter stock as I could. The price recovered two days later, so I sold all of that stock to gain capital for my Simpler Products stock trades.
“The Council found out that there was an internal power struggle at Simpler Products over the release of a new product. The product was very close, but not fully ready for release. They believed once the last glitch was fixed, its release would result in a major increase in the stock’s price.
“The weaker of the two groups wanted to release the product immediately, and then fix any residual problems. This group planned to make a bid to gain control of the company. The Council believed the bid would fail and the company’s stock price would drop due to a cash flow problem. This would be a temporary situation, so as soon as the price bottomed out, I was to buy as much stock as possible. They predicted that once the product was released, the price would increase to well above its current level.
“I waited until I received a very good offer for my stock from the stronger of the two groups, and then sold them my stock. The stock price fell as the Council predicted, so when it appeared to the Council to have bottomed out, I took all of my available assets and bought Simpler Products’ stock. A month later, the product was released and the stock price is still rising.”
Mary said, “That sounds like smart investing to me Jim. Why does the SEC want to talk with you about the transactions?”
Sam replied, “Mary, there is nothing wrong with acting on this type of information as long as you don’t obtain the information from a source within the company. That is what is known as insider trading. Jim thinks that the SEC suspects him of insider trading.”
Mary said, “Well all Jim has to do is explain how he got the information and that should satisfy the SEC.”
“Mary, I can’t do that. I got my information from the Guidance Council.”
“Oh, I didn’t think about that. Do you know what their sources where?”
“No, I don’t, but it is one of the things I need to find out. If I can point to enough public sources, the SEC will probably accept that I didn’t use any inside information. Of course they will keep their eye on my future trades, so I will need to document a rationale for all of my future stock trades.”
Later that night, I contacted Cathy and explained what was happening. She got back to me early the next morning with a list of public sources for most of the information.
Sam showed Mr. Wilson into my office at 10:00 AM and introduced us. “Good morning Mr. Wilson. My secretary informed me that you wanted to discuss the stock trades I have been making recently. Is there some problem?”
“As you know, the SEC monitors the investment community for suspicious activity. One of our analysts brought your stock trades to my attention. It is not unusual for an investor to sell their stock just before the price takes a major dip and to buy stock just before a significant rise in its price. However, when a single investor makes a series of major sales and purchases of stock in just a few companies like you did recently, we start looking at the investor a bit closer. Would you mind explaining to me the rationale for the timing of your stock trades?”
“Am I correct Mr. Wilson in assuming that the SEC is concerned that I may have used insider information to decide when to make my sales and purchases?”
“I think that is a fair assumption Mr. Conrad, but we are not making any accusations at this time. We just want to understand your decisions.”
“Alright, I normally would not explain my decisions, but considering the potential problems that I might have to deal with otherwise, I will this time. A little over two years ago, I inherited the estate of my wife’s parents. At the time, I knew very little about the investment business. Since then I have made a point of learning as much as I can about investing. I focused on the real estate market at first, and then on the stock market.
“During the past six months, I have been reviewing my stock portfolio. I decided to make three passes through the portfolio. The first pass was to gain an understanding of the companies in which I held stock and in the process to note anything that warranted immediate attention. When I had finished my review, I had found and followed up on eleven stocks that warranted further investigation.
“Rather than go into the details of all those companies, are there any specific companies that caused the SEC concern?”
“Yes there were stock trades in three companies that caused our analysts to come to me. Just a minute while I get my notepad ... Ah, here it is. The companies are: C&J Metals, Sam’s Smelter, and Simpler Products.”
After a moment of consideration, I said, “Yes, I can understand how you might have some concerns. To start with, C&J Metals and Sam’s Smelter were not companies that I flagged as needing additional research. C&J Metals is probably the easiest to explain.
“I had stopped at a Denny’s restaurant for lunch one day and I was seated next to two men who were having a disagreement about the acquisition of a company. What drew my attention to their disagreement was they mentioned C&J Metals as the purchasing company. One of the men was arguing that it was a brilliant business deal that would strengthen C&J Metals for future expansion. The second man felt that the company was starting to have financial difficulties, and the purchase may have caused them to overextend their financial position.
“This of course raised a red flag in my mind for I knew I owned a large amount of C&J Metals’ stock. After lunch, I started researching C&J Metals. What I found was that both men were right. The acquisition would position C&J Metals in a very good market position. Unfortunately, C&J Metals had made several poor investments and appeared to be overextended financially. That led to me investigating what had been going on over the past four years that led to their current financial state. I saw a pattern that caused me to question the decisions that C&J Metals’ board of directors had been making. I had a bad feeling about their future profitability and decided to sell my stock immediately. As you know, their stock has been declining in price over the past months. I expect that the company will be bankrupt in the near future.”
“What was your source of information that led you to this conclusion?”
“It wasn’t one source. I searched the internet and found articles in trade journals, newspapers, and magazines. There are also reports from financial analysts and other people in the industry. I don’t recall which articles and reports I read, but the overall consensus combined with the company’s annual report to stockholders left me with a bad feeling. I’m not sure of everything that gave me that feeling, but I have had it before in other situations and learned to listen to my instincts.”
“Alright Mr. Conrad, I can accept that for I sometimes have that type of feeling myself. Why did you sell your Sam’s Smelter stock?”
“That will be easier to explain after I explained my Simpler Products’ stock transactions.
“The financial section of the newspapers reported on the Simpler Products’ annual stockholders meeting saying that there was some dissension within the company regarding the release of their new product.”
“Yes I recall reading about that in the papers.”
“Well I looked into that as part of my research. I found several social media sites where people were discussing the possibility of a takeover bid by the group that wanted an immediate release of the new product. The consensus was that the company would probably be in bad shape regardless of who won the fight.
“I started getting letters from what seemed to me to be the weaker of the two sides asking me to sell them my stock. I decided to wait for I felt they were wrong in what they wanted to do. I felt that once the battle was over, the stock price would fall, so I waited for the stronger of the two sides to make me an offer and I accepted it. I was right for in ending the takeover bid, the company put itself in a poor cash flow position, and the decline in price led to a panic sell situation. I believed that the value of the Simpler Products’ stock would increase drastically once the new product hit the marketplace. I decided that when the stock price bottomed out, I would buy as much Simpler Products stock as I could, which brings me back to my Sam’s Smelter stock.
“I learned about the probable takeover bid of Simpler Products while I was researching my holdings, and the possibility of the stock price dropping. I decided that if the price of the Simpler Products stock dropped, I would make a heavy investment in its stock. Therefore, I reviewed my stock portfolio to determine what stocks I could sell to raise additional capital. As a result of this research, I sold my C&J Metals stock and my stock holdings in four other companies; Sam’s Smelter was one of the four.
“The value of Sam’s Smelter stock started dropping several hours after I sold my stock. It didn’t seem right to me for I had investigated the company and I found it to be a financially sound and well-managed company. I suspected there had to be a mistake for the price to drop so far. I made several calls to people in the investment industry, and everyone agreed that there had to be a mistake. They were advising their investors to hold onto their stock and buy more.
“I decided that whatever the problem was, it would most likely be a short-term situation. Therefore, I immediately invested all of my available capital in Sam’s Smelter stock. Later that day, the company released a news bulletin announcing that a mistake had been made in an SEC report and provided the correction. Within two days, the stock was back to its original value so I sold my stock again.
A short time later, the takeover bid failed and the cash flow problem surfaced, the stock price started to drop. A month later, I figured Simpler Products was getting close to releasing its new product, so I invested all of my available capital in the company’s stock. Early last month, they released their new product and the stock prices have increased significantly. I project that the value of the stock will continue to rise for at least another month before stabilizing.
“I hope that helps you in understanding why I sold and purchased stock in the way I did. I can understand how the SEC might think I was making my decisions based on insider information, but that isn’t what happened.”
“Yes it did help. I will have to give the matter further consideration. It sounds reasonable, but I wish to discuss it with the analyst that brought the matter to my attention before making a decision.”
“Thank you Mr. Wilson. There is one thing more that you should be aware of that is related to this matter. As I said, these stock transactions are the result of my first pass through my stock portfolio. I have two more passes to complete before I will be happy with my holdings. I am part way through my second pass, and I have found two stocks that I sold this morning for I expect the value of the stocks to take a sharp decline in the near future.
“I suspect your analyst will probably be keeping an eye on me. If he should decide that my decisions are questionable, he is free to contact me directly. That would probably alleviate the necessity of your having to make trips to my office. Do you have any other matters that we need to address Mr. Wilson?”
“No, not at this time. I believe you have been truthful in what you said Mr. Conrad, but like you, I trust my instincts. My instincts tell me there is more to this matter than what you have said, and I would be interested in pursuing that at another time.”
“I’m not sure what you sense, but I would be happy to address it with you when you can be more definite.”
“Thank you for your time Mr. Conrad. I need to get lunch before my next meeting. Goodbye for now.”
Well, it appears that I will be seeing Mr. Wilson at some point in the future. I need to document a public source of information for any stock transactions I choose to make in the future. It may be useful for me to read up on the definition of insider information. I don’t want to be charged with that because of some oddball interpretation of the legislation.
I will also need to fill Henry Mason in on what I told Wilson in order to make sure our stories are straight, or at least similar. In particular, I don’t want him mentioning the existence of a group that advised me on what action to take.
It took another month to finish organizing my personal finances. Once Cathy said they were in reasonable shape, the Guidance Council started on my mission finances.
“Jim, my Guidance Council representative Jan and I were talking about the mission finances. The specifics we discussed were what you could develop and sell to finance the mission. We decided that since Frank and Jim are very interested in environmental issues and since they are the ones you will want to manufacture your inventions, we should have you invent a series of products that would be beneficial to the environment.”
“That seems like a good idea Cathy. What did the Guidance Council think I should invent?”
“They do not want you to stand out too much right now, so they decided on three devices that are already made on Earth. Your devices will be very advanced versions of the existing devices. They will provide you with the design of a solar cell, a storage battery, and a motor-generator. The Council thinks that you could sell these devices as individual items, but they also believe it would be highly beneficial if you integrate them into a solar powered car.”
“Alright, when will I receive the design of the items?”
“That is the dicey part Jim. If you were to just come up with the devices with no development cycle, someone would ask questions. The Council says that you will need to conduct a series of experiments that lead to the final design, which they will provide. They believe that you may need to demonstrate to people that you created the devices. It is likely to take you at least three years to design all three devices. In the interim, you can design a car that will use these devices. That will explain why you are creating three drastically different products.”
“Okay Cathy, I can see their logic and agree with it although three years seems excessive to me. How do we begin?”
“The first step will be for you to obtain a workshop. Then you are to hire some engineers and assistants. The Council thinks that you should begin work on all three devices at once. The storage battery will be the easiest to create, and the solar cell the most difficult. You will be able to make the battery in different sizes for different applications. They think you should start out with something around the size of a car battery. The motor-generators can also be built for different size vehicles and for different applications, so a car size should be your first product in this line. The solar cell will be a unique device for you will design it using a modular plug-in design that allows for multiple modules to be interconnected.”
“That seems contradictory Cathy. If the Council wants me to design and produce a revolutionary solar powered car, then won’t selling the parts that make it revolutionary be counterproductive? My competition will be using my devices in their cars, so to a consumer, functionally there would be little to no difference between my car and theirs.”
“Hum, you’re right Jim. We didn’t think of it from that point of view. Why don’t you consider if it would be best for you to become a manufacturer of automotive parts or an automobile manufacturer? I’m quite sure that there would be financial and political advantages to both.”
“What do you mean by political advantages Cathy?”
“Well if you were to sell a solar vehicle that is comparable in size and comfort, has a lower operating cost, and a lower sale price than similar gas-powered cars, then you would most likely corner the automotive market. If your car were the number one seller in a country, then that would give you enormous leverage over the government. They would be well aware of what would happen if you stopped selling and supporting your car in their country.
“Cathy, is the Guidance Council thinking that if I create an automotive line that could affect the economy of the US, that it might give us some leverage in completing the mission tasks?”
“I’m not sure Jim. No one has mentioned that scenario to me, but I wouldn’t put it past them to have that built-in as part of their overall plan.”
“Cathy, since you were elevated to the Fourth Dimension, I have noticed several things about the Guidance Council that make me wonder if they are an ethical organization. Do you think they are an ethical group?”
“I never stopped to think about it Jim. Can I get back to you on that question?”
“Sure, there’s no rush.”
After talking with Cathy, I told my wives about the conversation I had with her.
Sam the more aggressive of my three wives said, “We have a set of mission plans to finish. How will the financial aspects affect our existing plans?”
I thought about how working on the financial aspects of the mission might affect our planning effort, but did not see any conflicts. “I don’t see them affecting our plans. What Cathy wants us to do is in addition to generating the detailed plans for each task. We can begin the effort of earning money to finance the mission while we continue developing the specific way that we will approach each task.”
Mary’s quizzical look told me she had a question, “How is your creating these new products going to earn us enough money to finance the mission?”
It took me a few minutes to figure out what she was actually asking and how to explain it.
“My designing these products will not make us any money. It’s what I do with the design that will earn us the money. I basically have three options. I can sell the design for a great deal of money to people who are interested in building the three devices. I can manufacture and sell the devices myself. I can also create a partnership with someone and we will jointly manufacture and sell the devices.
“Selling the design will earn me a great deal of money, but what we need is a steady income stream. The only way that I can get that is to be involved in the manufacture and sale of the devices. My maximum return would be obtained if I manufacture and sell the devices myself, but that is a very time consuming effort and it would leave me with very little time to work on the mission tasks. That means that I need to form a partnership with someone who handles the manufacturing and sale of the current and future devices that I design. The specifics of that partnership are not clear.”
Sam looked at me rather funny, and then said, “A partnership seems fairly straight forward to me. You and a second person enter into an agreement to manufacture and sell the products and then you split the profit. What specifics did you have in mind?”
“I’m not really sure what I mean, but do you recall your comment about how the government will respond to Task 1 once they realize what we are doing?”
“Yeah, I said they would make us their #1 target.”
“That’s right Sam; the government will try to stop us. If we are in a straight partnership, our partner and the business that provides our income will also become a target. That would be disastrous to our mission financing. We need some form of partnership that the government cannot focus on to destroy our financing. I am not sure yet how to structure that partnership or how it would work. We need to give that some thought.”
“Okay, I think I see what you are saying, but what do you want us to do to help you?”
“Nothing right now Sam. I don’t recall mentioning it, but Cathy was telling me about a company called the Chocolateen Corporation. It is owned by James Schneider and Frank Toliver. She suggested that we consider a partnership with them. She also told me that their past experiences with the media might make them and their wives good candidates for assisting us with Task 2.
“I think we need to look at them to see if they are suitable for becoming partners and to see if they would be good as part of the Inner Council or if they should be part of the Task 2 Action Group.”
Karen said, “I’ve heard of the Chocolateen Corporation. They run those programs that deal with weight control and smoking cessation. I have several friends that joined their programs, and they tell me they really work. One of my friends told me she had read an article that accused them of mind control. It had something to do with a woman who had lost a great deal of weight on their program not wanting to have anything to do with her boyfriend after using their product. He claimed that they brainwashed her such that she would have nothing to do with him, and filed a lawsuit.”
It has been close to two years since Cathy's death, and I continue to share a bond with her. My initial sense of loss and depression faded quickly. Our bond connects us mentally, so it feels as if we are still together. During the past two years, many changes have occurred, and the following describes some of those changes. It took more than a month for the link between Cathy and me to stabilize and return to what it was before her death. Once the link stabilized, I could communicate with...
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"Was Cathy able to convince you that she is real?" Frank looked at Jim who nodded his head, and Frank said, "Yes. I think we're having a bit of difficulty accepting it, at least I am, but we do believe what Cathy told us. I suspect we will have a lot of questions in the future, but we do believe she is real and alive in the Fourth Dimension." "Good. Did she mention the Guidance Council and my mission to you?" Jim said, "Yes and she said that you would explain it to...
Neha had a very tough childhood. Her father left her family when she was just 3 years old and since then it has been only her mother and herself. Right from her childhood she was determined to do something for the country, to make her mother proud. It didn’t surprise many when she decided to join the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). Many felt that it was a tough job for a girl and she would probably fail, but Neha always had the belief and the will to succeed. Neha, right from her...
During my senior year, my folks let me know that my college fund should cover my tuition, books, and living expenses for at least the first two years of college. The specific college and my course of study would determine how far my funds would stretch. Cathy's parents would pay for her education since her family was very well off financially. Neither Cathy nor I found out until later that Frank and Mary had plans to assist me financially, if it became necessary. Cathy and I discussed our...
“Jim, there are a number of things that I don’t like about the current design of automobiles. If we are going to do this, I would like to make some changes.” “What sort of things would you like to change Jeff?” “Well, did you know that if you are in an accident and your car doesn’t hit the other vehicle head on there is a good chance that your airbag won’t deploy?” “No, I thought they would always deploy in an accident.” “Well most accidents happen with one driver hitting the rear bumper...
My automotive engineer, Jack Timmons, had a brainchild for the second prototype. I had been thinking of designing and building a chassis that would meet the specific needs of our vehicle. He convinced me to choose an off-the-shelf chassis, and modify it if necessary. Jack had a friend that could get almost anything that an automotive enthusiast might want. He told me that once we knew exactly what we wanted for the production model, we could have a chassis built for us to our...
In the months that followed Cathy's death, many things happened. My mental state was poor during that time, so I am confused on the order in which things occurred and probably forgot many of the details. After a restless night's sleep, I cleaned up and made a list of what I had to do that day. The first thing on my list was to notify Frank and Mary's employees of their death. I called Mary's second in command and told her about Mary's death. I asked her to contact her fellow employees...
I was sitting in the Captain's office waiting to be called in for my mission briefing. I had been sitting drinking the lousy coffee for forty five minutes already and I could hear the Captain shouting at someone in his office. I don't know who the poor soul was, but for the Captain to raise his voice above a whisper, he must have really gotten him pissed. I was somewhat pissed myself because I was still looking for a second and still hadn't found one I thought I could work with. The few I...
Note to Readers: A lot of the facts in this one are true and also a lot of what is described actually happened. The VC were cruel and hated the hill tribes with a passion. ARVN troops were almost as bad as the VC and it created a lot of tension with the teams working in the bush. LZ Hardtimes was a firebase and thus the VC gave it hell every chance they got to do so. I had just come out from putting on my camo's to go back to my hooch when the tail end of a conversation between Chief and...
I was a typical teenager, but that changed shortly after my 17th birthday. I inhaled some chemical laden smoke, which was the first of several pivotal events in my life. Kevin Cantrell was the son of one of our town's wealthier behind the scene politicians. His parents provided him with just about anything that he wanted. The fire investigators learned that Kevin was a pyromaniac who set fires when he was upset and didn't get what he wanted. He satisfied his cravings to set fires when his...
While standing behind the Briefing Room’s podium looking over the Patrol Group, Explorer Leader Thelt says, “Quiet down and find a place to sit. “After we spoke earlier today, Ship Commander Shimlt ordered me to her Briefing Room for a Mission Briefing. I did not like what she told me, and once I pass her briefing on to you, I will probably be spoiling this Ship Day for you, as she spoiled it for me. “Ship Commander Shimlt was selected for this Mission for the reasons I stated this morning....
I woke to the sound of the flaps coming down on the civilian transport plane landing back in Nam. While I looked out the window anticipating being back, I had to admit the ride back, although long, had been well worthwhile. I had been officially inducted into the mile high club by the cute little brunette who seemed to have latched on to me as soon as I boarded. She was a cute little stewardess who talked my head off for the first hour then invited me to tour the galley, and it had went from...
Dammit I thought why the firebase can't find some indigenous personnel that knew what they were doing. Seemed like this was the third trip this year to Dak Seang. The last time we had been sent Chung almost beat the Hmong head scout to death. He had met our chopper when it landed and told Chung he wasn't welcome in their camp. It had taken me and Ling both to pull him off the idiot. When the Captain came over and started chewing me I had told him the next time that ass jumped one of my men...
The usual disclaimers apply such as the names and locations have been changed to fit the story. This is all in first person and UN EDITED. I hope you enjoy this one as it is a little unusual. We were sitting in the middle of a big ass swamp, cold, wet and mad as hell. It was almost dark and we could hear VC moving all around us. We had been running full speed almost all day with Charlie keeping the pressure on. We couldn't even swat at the swarms of mosquito's around us for fear of giving...
I was aiming for that horrifying place where I had met Moranna, where I had been so greatly changed. Of course I hadn't told anyone I was going, they never would have allowed it; but I had to go--I was on a mission. I was pretty sure I would recognize and remember the terrain from my trip out to the village. I knew I had to head southeast, and even though nothing looked familiar, I still had my old instincts for finding my way around in the field. The capital city, like the island, was...
Friday, July 11, 2008 As I had said I would, I convened a family meeting on Friday evening. Before I begin describing it, I will say that it was interrupted with variations on the same few questions over and over again. To save you from being driven as far up the wall as I was, I'll omit 99% of those interruptions. I will also omit the interrupting phone calls, especially for Carol and Donna. Fortunately they found the discussion exciting enough to let them get in touch with their masculine...
The following story is just that - a story - fiction. As such, all characters are fictitious and any similarities to persons living or deceased are purely coincidental. Some research has been done for authenticity and so I didn't screw it up too bad. Just so I don't receive nasty-grams from any WWII vets, the Balao class submarine, keel number 353, was never built. No military missions of this sort actually occurred in the areas at the dates specified. Furthermore, I hold the highest...
The Mission I I "May I come in?" It was the Ambassador. We called her that but she was more than just an Ambassador. We referred to her as her as a convenience. Her gender was something like human female but not exactly. She is Thanopses, the leading diplomat and project director for the Fomalhaut First Contact Mission to Earth on behalf of the Galactic Federation. She is also my boss. My office, in whose door she stood, is in the building now known as the First Contact...
CHAPTER 15: MISSION STRATEGYSam was standing at the one-way window looking into the lecture room that also doubled as a computer technology lab for the recruits. Inside were the eight recruits and Annie. They were just beginning with the ground rules for the morning’s agenda. Each of the recruits was stationed at a small table with a computer, double monitors, and other office supplies they might need for the assignment.Sam heard the door to the small, darkened room hiss open and close. He...
This is a sex story about a CBI officer Menaka’s secret mission. Menaka aged 26 is from Chennai from a middle-class family and got married to an Engineer. Her husband is an IT engineer aged 29. She got married before 2 months and had no sex life with his husband. Since she told her husband that she needs a gap for some months. So her husband agreed to it. Menaka is a beautiful girl with milky color and with a shape of 36-28-34. She has a well-shaped body with huge breasts with pink erect...
With Sand Dollar assigned to escort duty, Captain Steinert and her sisters take on their most demanding mission to date. Can Alexandra successfully complete a mission seemingly doomed from the onset? Copyright 2008- 2010 R.G. Beyer South of Bikini: Onward Episode 3 "Mission to Infamy" 2300 hours, 200 Nautical Miles North-northeast of Tarawa Island, May 18th,...
First Name- Main Character Last Name- Main love interest Writer's notes: see guidelines Somewhere in Chile... "Look at this!" my colleague said excitedly, holding the torch to the ancient stones surrounding us. "An ancient text I guess, seems to be preceding the Incas! It looks like an animal of some sort is depicted, so maybe a farming manual or agricultural record?" I glanced at the letters, using my natural gift for languages combined with my major in South American Ancient Cultures. They...
Mind ControlThe Mission II I "Aunt Sissy wants to take Judy and Solly to work with me today. I want to show them off to the staff. We'll have lunch in the refectory and they can watch me deliver my address from the broadcast studio. I promised them a treat and this is what they asked for." "Can we Daddy," they chorused. My mate Gwen, their mother, was standing right next to me but they addressed their request to me. It wasn't as if I were the final arbiter in this family, only the...
The ususal disclaimers apply but this one will be a little strange. I know about it, and it was strange to me as well. I have talked to several Vets and none of them had heard of this. There were eight of us that were chosen for this duty. I don't know if you could consider it an honor or a very distasteful duty. I do know that none of the others liked it any more than I did. Thankfully it was only for thirty days. This is in first person and UN EDITED. All mistakes are mine, and I refuse to...
"Dammit Chung, this is the third time this month they've sent us in here. I don't give a damned what HQ says there are no hidden bases in the middle of this swamp." "How you know Sarge, you telling future now?" "Very funny you sawed off comedian." I listened to the quiet laughter among the team and was glad to hear it. I looked over at Jenkins and he was shaking his head and smiling at the exchange between me and Chung. Finally after working together for so long he had finally...
We were wading in a stinking rice paddy in the delta and just about to get to dry land to take a break when off in the distance all hell broke loose. I could hear 16's as well as AK's popping off and from where we were at it sounded like it was in the area we had been sent to check out. This one was supposed to be nothing but a sneaky pete to see if some chopper jockeys information was true. This was supposed to be in and out within two days. We had packed light for a change and had made...
This was supposed to be a routine mission, but as usual although starting out easy it rapidly turned fubar. I didn't have a second but instead had gotten saddled with a radio specialist that was afraid of his own shadow. We were supposed to be testing some new type of radio that scrambled the signal so that the VC couldn't listen to our transmissions. Although a good idea the A Shaw wasn't a good place to test it. I had been overruled by the General and was ordered to go out with this...
"Dammit Chung, how the hell are they still tracking us. We got rid of all the dogs with Ling's balls of CS and itch powder. We haven't heard a bark since yesterday afternoon but they are still on our asses. We are about an hour ahead of them by my thoughts and we need a rest." This whole fiasco started with a simple recon mission to check on two of the small roads in the Mekong that seemed to have picked up a lot of new traffic. We had been asked by the Seals out of Dong Tam to check the...
I know many of you thought I would end this series with a big battle and blood and gore and etc., but I thought I would end it in a different way. I know all of you have heard of the Tet Offensive and I described some of it in the previous mission, and I will throw a few things in to describe it a little more, but I mainly wanted to give you my impression of my time in country. I stepped off the plane in Vietnam at the ripe old age of 17 1/2 years old because some remf screwed up my...
This story is about neha,a simple girl from Punjab who has been a brave girl all through her life..she belongs to a middle class family and right from her school days she had been good at sports..Which helped her have a well toned figure.Like any other Punjab girl,she has mass at the right places making her a beautiful young lady..She was always approached by guys but she was not in favour of having sex before marriage..After her exploits in sports,she was offered a job by the Punjab police and...
Benny lived in the fictional Latin American country of Val Verde, a sunny paradise but also a developing country where a brutal inequality existed, Benny himself was raised in the big city of New York and was extremely street smart and wise for a latin boy in his late 20's. Benny could only dream of having sex with the fair daughters of the rich bastards that came to use and exploit the natural water springs close to where he lived, not that Benny didn't have enough sluts to play with from his...
Disclaimer: This story is a work of complete fiction and my imagination. It's my very first story too, so go easy on me. Your comments and feedback are very important to me and I do plan to continue this story as a series until I think the story should end. Please do not use or re- post my work without permission. I can be contacted at [email protected]. The Mission by T.L. Chapter 1 I'd say it was like any other Sunday. My dad calling from downstairs, wondering if today...
Cynthia's insistence that I be there to meet her investment advisor and his wife was so persuasive that I couldn't turn her down. We were waiting around the corner, dressed in the same clothes we'd worn to work that day, when Robert opened the door and welcomed the couple to Mrs. Collingsworth's home. David Ferris was about an inch taller than me, slight build, and parted his thinning hair in the center of his head. I had mixed feelings about him as Cynthia introduced me, simply, as...
By Jax_Teller It was Aglom 32.870 and I was just getting underway with the retrofitted space craft Deflax. As a corporation Morox had spent a lot of money to repair this old ship, bringing her up to date and they had done some inventive upgrades. I took the job as Captain because this ship had a better than not chance of completing its mission. Often these journeys lost crews along the way and continued on remote for years before a new crew caught up with the ship. Often during...
This is a continuation:Black Widow submits to S.H.I.E.L.D Widow rises, while another falls between her... Widow Sexual Espionage Widow Spy vs Miracle DayAvengers TowerNew YorkA lone Avenger walked casually through the luxurious communal area of the...
At D-Day minus six months Jerry and I had, by satellite imagery, located a site on the continent of Plutus that roughly matched the terrain that Navy Intelligence had designated as our target on Metek’at IV. Jerry and I set up a sand table (really a holograph projector built into a table) and invited in the CO, XO, and NCOs that we would be working with on our chunk of the mission. If we were going to write a plan for the mission, we certainly wanted input from the troops who were going to...
Another Mission By Jane Hudson It was a lovely March day in Chicago. My wife had just moved her business there; she was running an Engineering Supply Company. Most of her contracts were with the new female run United States Government. The year is 2052 almost nine years after the three day war that marked the end of the war on Terror, it was also called WW3. That October day when the world finally went mad would always be with us in our lives. My name is Jack Patterson, it was...
The Sissy Mission series consists of short-short stories designed to give ideas for domme/sub play, solo "outings," or just for your reading enjoyment! The goal is to have a dozen vignettes. --CA Sissy Mission 5: Stacked Sissy By Cheryl Alison Everyone in the hardware store was staring at me. The checkout lady at the front of the store stared when I walked in. The mother and her teenage daughter stared. The guy in the back at the engine shop stared as I walked by. As I...
As the traffickers wanted innocent girls, one of the most important things was to cover her tattoos in a way, which would withstand different conditions. Penny contacted a friend, who was an expert in these matters, and soon, Lilly tattoos were begin covered with a water-proof paint, perfectly matching the color of her skin. She liked how the procedure, combined with a bare pussy, made her look so young, and fragile. But instead of pondering on the innocence that was ripped from her at her...
I run a mission organization that coordinates volunteers for short- and long-term projects helping orphanages, clinics, and schools in 3rd world countries. Our office is located in a small town next to a conservative Bible College and Seminary. It is a great location because our operating costs are low, there are many students who want to go on mission projects, and we make contacts with future pastors who can steer project volunteers and, more importantly, donors our way once they are...
Group Captain Montague's Mission By Vivienne Marcus One: The young British officer stood straight as a musket on the varnished wooden floor of the office on the seventh floor of the Whitehall Headquarters of the Secret Service. There were three other people in the room. Ahead of him, sitting behind an imposing oak desk topped with well worn dark green leather was a short gray-haired man in a dark brown tweed suit. He had a neatly trimmed moustache. A straight pipe was...
Now, the reason that I had been avoiding doing my “racial duty,” and getting lots of pretty girls pregnant, is that after being around for over a half-century, I’ve kind of lost the taste for casual fucking around. I know, I know. Big talk from a guy with a harem. But I wasn’t fucking around in my harem; I was supporting them and their kids. We were family. Most of my distaste for casual fucking around was caused by the number of relationships that I have seen hit the rocks and sink over...
Wonder Woman flew her invisible plane through the dark sky heading west out of Washington, D.C., the home of the IADC agency, of which she was the most famous field agent in their history. However, she had only rejoined the agency 4 days ago after a 30 year absence. She had returned to her home on Paradise Island back then because Orcs, large fierce green creatures, had invaded the Amazons. Thirty years later after the war had ended and the defenses had been strengthened so no such surprise...
Polly was leading me quickly from the restaurant where I had eaten her as well as an omelet made to appear as a portrait of myself arriving at the resort. “Spectacular performance in handling that volatile situation with Ruth. It was about to end badly. She is an exceptionally good agent, but still way too green to pull off a mission such as this. The CIA really needs to spend more time finding young looking agents that can properly get into their cover identities. She just blew seven years...
The airdrome was quiet this day. The fog that had crept in like a thief in the night still lay heavy on the land. The airplanes stood like silent statues as the mist soften their shapes. They lined the green grass landing strip which faded to gray in the fog. Mechanics and guards drifted in and out, shapes with no form. They called to each other in weird, muffled, and distorted voices. The men who flew these lighter than air craft moved like shadows towards the stone farmhouse that served as...
Sissy Mission 7: Lawnmower Sissy By Cheryl Alison It was a Sunday evening and Mistress and I were lazing around watching TV trying to avoid the reality of work on Monday morning. The Simpsons was on, and Homer and Flanders had made a little bet. Somehow, they both lost and had to mow their respective lawns wearing their wives' Sunday dresses. I looked at Mistress and I knew that another Sissy Mission was probably in my future! "Hmmm," was all she said. I knew I was in for...