Ancient Abilities Part 1Chapter 8: Prologue free porn video

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It has been close to two years since Cathy's death, and I continue to share a bond with her. My initial sense of loss and depression faded quickly. Our bond connects us mentally, so it feels as if we are still together.

During the past two years, many changes have occurred, and the following describes some of those changes.

It took more than a month for the link between Cathy and me to stabilize and return to what it was before her death. Once the link stabilized, I could communicate with Cathy while I was awake.

I still recall our first conversation, "Jim, Jim, can you hear me?"

"Cathy, oh God, I can hear you. I thought I'd never talk with you again. Can you hear me?"

"Yes, Jim. I hear you and I'm so happy for I started to think that our link would never come back. The Guidance Council told me it would and I just needed to be patient.

"I miss you so much Jim. I wish you were here with me so I can hold you in my arms and kiss you."

"I know how you feel darling. I've missed you also. When you were killed, I thought you were gone forever. I still love you with all of my heart and soul, even if you are dead."

"I know you must have been devastated by my death," Cathy said. "How are you doing now?"

"It was a disaster for me Cathy. I've been depressed and walking around in a mental fog. I can't remember everything I did, but my folks and most of the people I talked with were supportive. From what you told me in the dreams, I know you were frantic also."

"Yes I was and I'm so glad that we can talk again Jim. The Guidance Council wants me to talk with you about some things. Can we talk or are you busy with something that needs your attention?"

"Now is fine Cathy. It's evening here and I just finished doing the dinner dishes. I got a lot of the information you were trying to send me about the council in my dreams, but some of it was confusing. I think we should start from the beginning and have you explain it all to me. Do you have time for that?"

"I'm going to go over the basics with you for now and then fill in the details later. Trying to tell you everything would take several days.

"To start with, I'm now in the fourth dimension. I know you understood what I was telling you about there being multiple dimensions. I was greeted by a member of the Guidance Council, and she explained things to me.

"She told me the Guidance Council's mission is to guide the beings that live in the third dimension, so the people can learn the lessons necessary for them to be elevated to the fourth dimension.

"I was told that I was pulled into the fourth dimension before I was ready, so they could use me to communicate with you. I still need to learn the lessons that I had not learned and I am busy doing remedial training. I can't join the Guidance Counsel until I've learned those lessons, so until then, they are using me as a consultant.

"I learned that they have an urgent need for an agent on Earth, and had selected us to be their agents. They felt that we would need certain abilities in order to do what they wanted us to do, so they gave us the abilities and were training us to use them. It had nothing to do with the smoke we inhaled; if necessary, they thought we could use that as an excuse for the powers we received."

"I'm glad to hear that Cathy. It's nice to know that I can stop worrying about someone trying to take over my mind. I just wish they had let us know what was going on when they first started their training. It would have made things simpler for us."

"I know what you mean Jim. The council explained that to me. They told me that they are not perfect and all-seeing beings for they do make mistakes and there are many things they can't do. They said that they have to comply with the guidance they receive from the fifth dimension beings. They were not supposed to let us know about them and the dimensions, but when I died, their fifth dimension's contact allowed them to have me explain things to you so you could understand what they want you to do as their agent. Therefore, I need to explain the council's structure, mission, and plan to you, so you will be able to support them. They also told me that there are many things that I am not allowed to tell you about the fourth dimension, and let me know what topics are off limits.

"I already mentioned the council's mission, so I guess I need to describe their structure next.

"I learned that the people of Earth are not the only beings the council guides. They have hundreds of worlds that they are responsible for guiding. To do that, there is a Senior Council that has about 200 members. Each of those members is the leader of a Regional Council that is responsible for monitoring multiple worlds, and each Regional Council employs thousands of people. Some of the people are Analysts, but most of them are Monitors.

"Analysts analyze the progress of the third dimension's people to ensure that the world's people are making good progress on learning their lessons. If they see a problem developing, they notify their Senior Council Member, and that member reports the problem to the Senior Council. The Senior Council determines how to fix the problem, and provides direction to the respective Regional Council.

"The Monitors job is to monitor the people assigned to them, and they are each assigned a large number of people. The Monitors jump from person to person to evaluate their actions in terms of learning their lessons. They are only permitted to make suggestions to the people they monitor. They are not allowed to force a person to act in a specific way. Their suggestions are usually given by making us feel that we did something wrong. They find that guilt is a far more motivating force than the satisfaction of doing something right.

"They suggest an action by making the people who face a decision think that one option is better than the other options. Sometimes they express the decision in terms of right and wrong. Since they can't monitor a person all the time, the person will make decisions with no influence. If the person makes a poor choice, the Monitor induces a sense of guilt regarding the decision."

"Wait a minute Cathy. Are you telling me that there is someone messing with my mind and telling me what to do?"

"No, that isn't quite right Jim. All they do is suggest that one action is better than another action. You are in control and can make any decision you wish. Our decision to accept the college's settlement offer is a good example. We accepted their offer, but we could have held out for more money. Our Monitor felt that settling was the proper thing to do according to the related lesson we needed to learn. The Monitor instilled a feeling of rightness in settling and a feeling of wrongness in holding out for more money. The decision was up to us. If we wanted to we could have held out, and the Monitor would have done nothing in response to our making a poor choice other than making us feel guilty for gouging the college."

"I guess I can live with that. Maybe that explains my guilty conscious kicks in when I do something I know I shouldn't do. I guess it may also explain why I feel so good when I doing things that I know I should do."

"Yeah, that is the way my council contact explained it to me. Anyway, the Monitors prepare reports on the people they are guiding and submit the reports to the Analysts. That is how the Analysts get their data for doing the trend analysis for spotting problems.

The problem on Earth developed in a relatively short span of time, and it reached a severe level before the analysts became aware of the problem. "The Regional Council Member for Earth notified her Senior Council Member of the problem. The Senior Member then briefed the Senior Council. Thus, the Senior Council believes that quick and drastic action needs to be taken. That is why they are allowing me to explain the situation to you."

"Cathy, you are in the fourth dimension and I'm in the third dimension. If the council wants me to be their agent, then I want to be elevated to the fourth dimension when I die so I can be with you.

"Tell the council that I will be their agent, and will do my best to accomplish their goals. In return, I want them to elevate me to the fourth dimension at the time of my death. If necessary, I will take remedial training to learn any lessons I still need to learn. I don't see the need to go into the specifics of the problem or to discuss their plan to resolve the problem, until we have an agreement."

The rest of our time talking that evening was spent in a very personal discussion, which I will not describe here.

The council readily agreed to my deal with the provision that I take remedial training. Over the next two days, Cathy told me about the lessons and factors that needed to be changed, and told me about the council's plan to resolve the problems.

My initial reaction to their plan was along the line of 'When pigs fly'. I started venting to Cathy about the types of idiots the council must be comprised of, if they expected me to complete their plan within my lifetime. Cathy let me vent. When I calmed down, she explained the council knew it wasn't possible to complete their plan during my lifetime. They expected it to take more than 500 years to complete.

Once I understood the period for completing the plan, I reassessed the plan and decided it was viable over that many years providing my replacements are willing to dedicate themselves to the plan. I shouldn't have worried about my replacements for the council had already decided how to replace me, and when they accepted my deal, they had initiated that process.

The council considers my portion of their plan to be: 1) the plan's initial start-up activities, 2) the creation of an Organizational Structure that would execute the plan, and 3) the creation of a source of funding for the plan.

My main objection to the plan is the manner in which they want me to create the Organizational Structure. The structure is to be a two-tier organization: a core group and an operational group. The core group is to manage execution of the plan, and guide the operational group in completing the plan. The operational group is to be the hands-on group, and I am to recruit its members from the people of Earth that meet certain criteria. This seems reasonable for the council will guide me to the key people I need to enlist and assist me with the plan.

The core group causes me the most concern. The council wants me to enlist women as the members of the initial core group. They want me to establish personal relationships with all of these women, and father the children who would become the next generation of the core group. This was their plan for replacing me. I was to father children, raise and train them to become core group members, and transition them into the group as they became qualified to perform their duties.

Now don't take my objection the wrong way. I don't object to remarrying. I have no problems with having sex with multiple women. I do not have a problem with becoming a father. However, I do not see myself providing stud service to a herd of mares, and polygamy is illegal.

Furthermore, the relationship necessary for raising the children, which would result from my impregnating multiple women, would draw a great deal of interest to me. I believe it is necessary for me to maintain a low profile in order to hide my abilities and meet the goals of the plan. That number of wives and kids I would have would be anything but low profile.

Well, I guess I was wrong again. Cathy explained to me that yes, it was necessary for me to keep a low profile concerning my abilities. However, the council believes it is necessary for me to become a high profile individual to accomplish their plan.

Now at first glance that seems to be a 'Catch 22' situation. The council gives me a set of abilities to use in accomplishing their plan. They expect me to use the abilities with the world watching me closely without allowing the world to become aware I have these abilities. Cathy assures me the situation is not as bad as I perceive it to be, and everything will work out okay. I can accept that for I trust Cathy, and no, I don't want to buy a bridge.

Once I accepted I was to have multiple women in my life, Cathy dropped the next bombshell in my lap. The council had decided who the first of my women was to be and they are giving her the abilities Cathy had when she died.

The council picked Sam, Frank's former secretary, to be my first core group member. I let Cathy know I had no problem with Sam even though she was considerably older than I was. I made it clear that I doubted a 30-some year old woman would be interested in a kid just out of diapers as her mate for life.

Cathy laughed and told me Sam was actually 25 years old, which made her only slightly older than me. Her maturity, senior position, and manner of dress made her seem much older. Furthermore, the council knew she had strong feelings of attraction to me. Sam has not acted on those feelings because she believes I was still mourning the loss of Cathy. In addition to my being a new widower, she did want to appear to be pursuing me for my inherited wealth.

Once I agreed to consider Sam, Cathy set the hook. She told me the change Sam was undergoing was causing her a great deal of mental anguish. Even more so than the anguish, Cathy and I had experienced in the hospital. Sam had no support, and believed she was going crazy. Cathy knew me very well and knew I would feel it necessary to step in and help Sam through her crisis. I quickly realized the council and Cathy had played me in a masterful manner, and I stood no chance of avoiding any future plans they had for me.

I told Sam I needed to discuss some business with her that night and took her out to a quiet place for dinner. Once seated in a private area of the restaurant, I told her about what the council did to Cathy and me. I told her that I had just learned they are in the process of doing the same thing to her. I proved it to her by creating a simple bidirectional link between us and sending her my memories of Cathy and me in the hospital. I limited the information sent for I did not want to overwhelm or scare her.

Sam hadn't been ready for that link. She only got a limited amount from me, but I got a full download from her. It was evident Cathy had been right. Sam was seriously considering a long-term relationship with me. She even had the rough outline of a plan that would end with us getting married. Actually, that plan is only part of a bigger undefined plan that includes kids and a long pleasurable life together.

We talked extensively that evening about the council, the dimensions, my being able to talk with Cathy, and the council's plan. By the end of the evening, Sam was reassured she wasn't going crazy, and we had taken the first steps to becoming a couple.

Sam was uncomfortable with dating a newly widowed man, but I created a link with her and connected her to Cathy. Cathy reassured her and convinced her to be in a relationship with me. Once Cathy had given her the green light and Sam had gotten over the strangeness of talking with a dead person, my relationship with Sam proceeded rapidly. Cathy had somehow convinced Sam that she needed to help me find suitable women to aid her in assisting me in my efforts in completing the plan and in having a large number of children. I didn't feel it was right to have Sam become my procurer. However, I had surrendered for I knew Cathy and the council could run circles around me if I resisted. That night Sam decided she should move in with me. That night I learned Sam is a very passionate woman.

It started with me coming out of the bathroom to find Sam stretched out on my bed. I was expecting her to be in bed, but the beauty of her unclothed body and look of raw passion on her face was unexpected.

"Cathy is telling me that you are a wonderful lover Jim. She said that I need to get you to suck my nipples and devour my breasts.

"Yes, Yes, just like that.

"Oh God Jim, I think I'm going to cum."

Sam was quivering and shaking in passion. As I slid down her body, she grabbed me. Sam pulled me up, rolled me over, and said, "Now it's my turn Jim."

She stretched out on me and ravaged my lips. Sliding down, she began on my nipples with small bites across my chest. I could feel my cock pressing into her stomach. I was making small, slow thrusts upward lifting her a few inches with each thrust.

Sliding further down my torso, she took one of my balls into her mouth. She laved it with her tongue and then sucked on it as she pushed it out of her mouth with her tongue. As it popped free, she nipped the scrotum, and then took care of my other ball.

On her hands and knees, Sam crawled up my body while caressing it with her tongue and lips. She straddled my hips raising herself just enough to position me and sink down onto my cock.

Her linking ability was not adequate yet for us to sense each other's feelings and thoughts. However, I did not need a link to sense her sensuality and passion. That drove me over the edge, and I drained myself as I thrust fully into her body and ground my loins into hers.

We collapsed into each other's arms for she had come with me. As we lay there in a stupor of sexual exhaustion, Sam said, "Jim, while you were in the bathroom, Cathy created a link with me. She suppressed my inhibitions, and her words and thoughts inflamed my passion. I'm not normally like that in bed."

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Flexible Morals Ch 01 and Prologue

Author’s note: This probably won’t be relevant in the future but I’m taking a break from Arms of the Ocean for a while because I can’t get it to work properly in my head and I need it to brew some more. In the meantime, I give you this, a story that I wrote a while before I began submitting things to Literotica. It takes place in the same universe but the names of races, locations and a few other things have all been changed (Mostly as a way of separating erotic from non-erotic in the event...

4 years ago
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A Winter That Burned Ch 00 Prologue

Masters: I hope this tale drags you into a world that belongs to only us- SaintlyMouse ******** Prologue: ‘This way, shh, quietly now,’ Senka led the panting woman into her dim chamber. She secretly sighed with relief when she noted that the room had not been disturbed. The queen hissed as Senka forced her to keep walking. Senka, though smaller than the great sovereign, supported her with no more than a little arm around her waist. Queen Tiren-se slumped heavily on the girl, straining...

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The Darkest Veil Prologue

Prologue [The world is dark.] I can hear my own heartbeat. It pulses through my ribcage and I can feel it in my wrists as I hug myself tightly. Somewhere, I can smell urine and blood. She’s out there somewhere, sleeping. [She’s sleeping.] Never to wake, never to dream… You’d think that he’d have realized when she stopped screaming that she’d died. [But he doesn’t stop.] Every morning when he comes home from his rounds, he has his way with her husk, her empty shell. Maybe he doesn’t realize?...

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©This story is an original copyright. Any similarity is pure coincidental. Forgery or publishing without the permission of the author is fraudulent. This is my second attempt. Critics are welcomed (as usual). I know that I have been receiving many critics due to my lack of judgment regarding my first submission so I try to make this story more understandable to all readers. I hope I have improved much with this story. So, please, comment! Thank you! * PROLOGUE: THE BEGINNING Tuesday May...

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Virtual Slavery Prologue

Prologue The image of a naked woman fills the notebook computer screen. She is on her knees, seen from behind and to her right side. Her asshole and dilated shaven sex are clearly visible. The upturned soles of her feet. The side of one white breast flattened against a burgundy bedspread. Her face, but for one startlingly blue eye which seems to be staring not at the bedspread an inch away but inward, is hidden by outstretched arms and a sweep of black hair. The arms extend to wrists bound...

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Saint Nicholas School of Whores prologue

This is simply the prologue for an idea that I think would make a good story. The feedback will decide whether or not I pursue this further. There will not be much sex or action in this chapter, but if more chapters are requested they will be considerably more graphic. I've tried to write what I feel would be something that could, in a very crazy world, actually happen. If you enjoy and would like to read more please leave a comment. [b]The Saint Nicholas school of whores Benjamin...

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Preludes Ch 00 Prologue

Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...

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Protect and Defend Pt 00 Prologue

Prologue Kabul, Afghanistan Leo Yamasato came through the door and looked into the eyes of the enemy with a calm he did not expect he possessed. He took several steps forward slowly and come to stop in the middle of the room. The door closed behind him, its light wood frame made almost no sound except the latch catching. Leo stood with feet just shoulder-width apart, as his glance captured every relevant detail of the 3 guards in the room all pointing an AK-47 at him… and the merc holding a...

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Eternal Awakening Prologue

Now that that is out of the way, I'm reposting this series because I truly loved it and it can no longer be found unless you have the right sources. I want everyone to be able to enjoy it and read it so I am sharing it again. If you have any authors from this sight that cannot be found anymore, I might be able to find their work and repost it. I plan to do Captius' Eternal series, and his defiance/divided, I also plan to repost most of the original work of Ka Hmnd. Without further wait, I...

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The Kingdom Prologue

PROLOGUEThe Renaissance Faire has always been a refuge for freaks and weirdos. A safe place for the socially awkward and misunderstood. For the last 3 years, however, Notts’ Renaissance Faire in Georgia has expanded it’s demographic to a new clientele. One with incredibly deep wallets and the need for total and complete anonymity.But before we get into that, let me start with a bit of history. My name is Aly Rook. Aly’s short for Alison. Just your average, pretty, slender, freckled, 26 year-old...

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Sugar Cane Epilogue and Prologue

Sugar Cane Revisited – The Prologue Obviously this adventure had to end sooner or later. Our host of characters can’t simply hang out on an island hideaway forever. As was pointed out, jobs and mortgages and all the other shit await!! Where will we go form here? Since much of this is pure fantasy, why not play with another fantasy that we all have from time to time. The fantasy of leaving it all behind. The fantasy that made that country song “Take this Job and Shove it”...

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Molly Prologue

Prologue It happened by accident. But that is what they all say, right? I think of myself as a nice guy, but the list of those who would disagree gets longer every day. Every time I indulge the darkness within me, I end up with someone who despises me. It all started after my divorce. I was hurt by my ex-wife’s betrayal and I couldn’t think straight. At least that is what I tell myself so my conscience doesn’t eat me alive. Of course, that assumes I have a conscience. Based on what...

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More Than Friends Prologue

Prologue Mid - April A single house in a street thumped with the pounding music of the house party inside. Light still streamed out of the windows, among all of the other houses which had their lights turned off after midnight. Inside the house, which was full of teenagers, who were either blind drunk or getting there, an incredible event was unfolding. Three girls were sitting on a couch, making out. Arianna was the blonde, sitting on the couch, her D cup breasts were suppressed...

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By Any Other Name Prologue

An Erotic Novel of Suppression and Freedom Prologue “Forgive him, for he believes that the customs of his tribe are the laws of nature.” George Bernard Shaw (1856–1959) Winner of the 1925 Nobel Prize in Literature “Corazoncito, flagelo y soy flagelada. No hay medio más seguro para despertar mis pasiones que una buena azotaina”(108). Donatien Alphonse Francoise de Sade (1740–1814) from Julieta o El vicio ampliamente recompensado...

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The New Life Prologue

If you want to check out some of my other stories, they can all be found on my profile. Thanks for reading! The New Life (Prologue) Chapter One Mikael, a 35 year old man, witnessed his wife lose her fight with cancer last week. She had been battling it for the better half of a year. Those 8 months were the worst of Mikael’s life. The worst part was having to explain to his 8 year old daughter that her mom was never going...

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Solomons Daughters Prologue

Hope you like it!! Also any reference to historical figures is completely fictional if it offends you….. My Bad!! Glossary: Djinn - is a genie, magic lamp, wish granting, believed in ancient times to be demons, and therefore evil. They are neither demons nor evil. They are generally just mischievous or really pissed. (Have someone stuff you in a tiny ass bottle and see if you’re happy.) King Solomon the Wise- um….He was very wise and powerful sorcerer. Said the be the son of...

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Dabbling in Water Prologue

Prologue The creaking window sill did little to disguise the noises that erupted, like a flowing river of sound, from the room within. Gasps and groans could be heard from within. A male voice grunted as he released himself inside of his lover. Then, the woman followed suit with a gasp and moan of her own, also finding the heavenly release of orgasm. The night air was silent. The lovers lay in quiet contentment with their achieved feat. "Tarrin, my love, when must you return?" the...

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A Beautiful Wish Chp 00 Prologue

A Beautiful Wish by 800ibgorrila Prologue Beyond the Cliffs of Torment there was nothing.  The sunset cast its dying glow on the seas, crashing against the black volcanic rocks of the cliffs. Large curtains of steam blasted off the meeting between stone and sea, as the waves mixed with the liquid hot sludge cascading down the rock face of distant mount Hatred.  Any normal man would have stayed worlds away from this dreadful place, but Sir George of Battlehaven was no normal man.  He fought in...

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Totally Chesty Prologue

(NOTE: This is a crossover between Totally Spies and Art Wetherell’s Treasure Chests. All characters 18+ and all rights reserved to the ones who own/created/produces/distributed/broadcasted them. I am doing just for fun and not for money intentions TOTALLY CHESTY – THE SERIES By Victor2K and Sgt. Snake PROLOGUE Steelport… A seaside town, just an ordinary town at the coast. That kind of place where everything seems peaceful and even boring at times. Why a city like this might get the...

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The Ebonhard Secret Prologue

*This is the Prologue to a story I've been thinking up for a while now. I can assure you this: there will be plenty of hot sex, hungry women, and Relentless black cock. I've also got some drama in mind. If you read this and like it, please comment! I want to hear your thoughts. Now read on and enjoy!*THE EBONHARD SECRET Night. Inky darkness seemed to pour in through the windows, broken only by city lights shining from far below and the immense twinkling of the stars above. Quiet steps echoed...

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Diavolo Prologue

Prologue Gabriel entered the dimly lit room. Machinery whirred and blipped. His sweet grandmother lay in a nest of wires and tubes, her silver hair a frothy halo around her head. She looked so frail, this woman who’d raised him with an iron fist. She’d wiped his nose, swatted his behind when he misbehaved, and soothed his fears when the nightmares had threatened to overwhelm him. She’d been his rock, his fuel, backing him up in his crazy dreams of stardom until they became a reality. ...

Love Stories
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Persephone in Winter Prologue

 Prologue Elyse waited patiently by the open trunk of the car as the boy placed the last bag of groceries inside. She found herself smiling, for no particular reason. The sun was warm on her face, and a slight breeze played with her hair, tickling her cheek, teasing her in and out of her daydream. The soft knit of the light sweater fell away from the firm swell of her breasts as she reached to close the trunk lid, then settled smoothly over them again as she turned to the boy to tip him. She...

Wife Lovers
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Out Of Afrika SsynopsisPrologue

Out Of AfrikaA fantasy by Julie Van and Curt B.Synopsis;Rhino Electronics, a South African company, successfully negotiates setting up a US subsidiary to manufacture and market its innovative Mobile Phone. However the phone is not all that it seems for it has capabilities that are hidden to the user; in truth it is a portal for posting subliminal messages to the user to do very explicit and compelling things when told by the Black managers of the company. The residents of Hawksville have no...

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Totally Chesty Prologue

(NOTE: This is a crossover between Totally Spies and Art Wetherell's Treasure Chests. All characters 18+ and all rights reserved to the ones who own/created/produces/distributed/broadcasted them. I am doing just for fun and not for money intentionsTOTALLY CHESTY – THE SERIESBy Victor2K and Sgt. Snake PROLOGUESteelport…A seaside town, just an ordinary town at the coast.That kind of place where everything seems peaceful and even boring at times.Why a city like this might get the attention for a...

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Karen and Michellersquos Sad Story Prologue

Please remember that this is fantasy and anyone thinking that they should do these things in real life, deserve to be locked up and have the key thrown away and play sissy slut to their cell mate for eternity. If you are not at least 18 years of age please leave.PrologueStory SynopsisThis is the story of a Mother, Karen, and her daughter, Michelle, who each have a sad and sordid past and how they become the slaves of a spoiled little rich girl, Sarah, many years later. Because of her...

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Kinky Vanilla Prologue

Introduction:A short, vague beginning to a long seriesA word of warning: I am a very wordy writer and my stories are almost more about the stories and characters than the sex. If this isn't your cup of tea and you're looking for raunchy stories that get right into it, this story and others by me are not for you. This chapter is the prologue and is thus intentionally vague to begin with and somewhat heavy with exposition. I predict this series will go on for many, many chapters but I know it...

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Intense Crush Prologue

This is an imaginary story of how I got together with my crush. My crush is a real person though. She was about 5 ft tall, had a dark complexion, had straight, long, dark brown hair. Every time she would let it down, she would look so sexy. I fell harder every time I saw her. We started out as friends. I eventually developed feelings for her. As a topic of interest, we had talked about our compatibility as a couple. We knew a lot about each other, the good and bad stuff. I even offered to kiss...

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sexual frustration act 1768 The Prologue

THE PROLOGUEEngland mid 18th century was a lawless place, marauding bands of demobbed troops roamed the streets fighting all and sundry. Women were out of control, many spending time in the branks, which did not seem to deter their offensive behaviour. Pub fights were routine and **** a common offence. No one appeared happy and all appeared irritable.This was not the sort of England that Farmer George wanted to reign over. Thomas Hobbes’s works on the social contract had been studied, as had...

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An Atypical Story Prologue

An Atypical Story By Oberon ([email protected]) Prologue "Mister Anderson, there is a message for you." The balding and fat night watchman for the building told the man that came out of the elevator. "Thanks, Bob." A somewhat slim built young man of 19 replied. After a few seconds of walking between the elevator and the security desk, the young man reached across the table for the note that was left by the watchman. The fat watchman gave the younger man a brief, "I...

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VIRUS Prologue

VIRUS: Prologue By Destiny Iraq fired the opening shot in the Second Gulf War when it tested its deadly new nerve gas against its old enemy Kuwait. The effects of this chemical death were hideous, people dissolved as if soaked in acid, becoming little more than piles of blood and steaming tissue. The attack was well timed; America was in an election year and none of the aspiring candidates wanted to be branded a sabrerattler. Russia was still suffering its own problems and...

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