Ancient Abilities Part 1Chapter 4 Back to School
- 2 years ago
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I know I said it before but I was a basket case for almost two years after Cathy's death. Cathy's death had been one of the pivotal points in my life that had a profound effect on me. I not only lost my wife, but I also lost our unborn child. I wanted the alcoholic asshole driver that drove his car while under the influence and killed Cathy and her parents to suffer the worst punishment possible.
It was during that two-year period that Sam, Mary, and I became a threesome. The exact timing of my revenge on the driver and his lawyer and my forming a relationship with Sam and Mary is hard for me to recall. I know I took care of the lawyer before I formed my relationship with Sam and Mary, and I took care of the driver after that happened.
The final form of my vengeance took place toward the end of the two-year period. Cathy had explained what I did to Sam and Mary. They were horrified by my actions, but Cathy told them to talk with me about it and they would understand why I did what I did. She also told them, they had to change my mind. They confronted me in my home office, so I called it all up from my memory and started talking.
"Our judicial system was leaning toward giving the driver what I considered to be a slap on the wrist. Due to an error on the part of the police and paramedics, the ADA could not file the charges that were warranted, so the best the ADA could manage would result in a 5-year prison term. The asshole and his lawyer were trying to broker a deal with the ADA for no prison time. When the ADA explained their proposed deal to me, and asked my opinion, all I heard and focused on was no prison time. I didn't listen to and don't remember the rest of what they proposed, but there was no way that I was going to let that asshole driver get off that easy after what he had done.
"When I met the driver and his lawyer at the time of the plea bargain, I established a link with their minds. I learned that on the morning after the so-called accident, the driver drove his wife's car from his home to his lawyer's office. He told the lawyer what transpired the prior night. The lawyer told him to go get drunk as quickly as he could so the authorities could not determine an accurate blood alcohol level. Since the ADA had no proof of the asshole being intoxicated at the time of the accident, the ADA had to settle for filing lesser charges than what he wanted to press against the asshole.
"Because the two of them had conspired to prevent the law from exacting justice, I wanted a piece of that asshole lawyer almost as much as I wanted the asshole's ass. I wanted time to think of what I should do to obtain the maximum satisfaction from the sentence I decided to impose on the two assholes. To ensure their availability at a time of my choosing, I suggested that the asshole receive a 25-year sentence as part of his plea deal, one year in prison and 24 years of probation. There were also a few restrictions placed on the asshole as part of his probation. I knew that even if I didn't interfere, he would violate his parole and have to serve the remainder of his 25-year sentence in prison. I wasn't too worried about the lawyer disappearing for he had a local practice that tethered him to the local area.
"I wanted to punish both of them in the worst possible way. I spent six weeks thinking about what to do to them. I asked myself what I considered the worst fate possible for a person to have inflicted on them.
"I considered death, but that is an ending and the victim feels no pain or suffering once they die. I thought of abandoning them on a deserted island, but they might adapt and live a lonely but pleasant life.
"It took me a while but I finally decided that a long life of total paralysis combined with total mental isolation was the worst fate that I would want inflicted on me. I knew that I could paralyze them in a way that looked like a stroke, and leave them totally paralyzed and unable to speak. Then I could pay them annual visits, so I could use my abilities to ensure that they lived a very long life. During my visits, I wanted to be able to have them look on my face and hear why I had paralyzed them, so total isolation wouldn't work. Besides, total isolation would drive them crazy to the point they lost touch with reality. I wanted them to be aware of the world and what they were missing.
"I started with the lawyer. His doctor diagnosed him as having a stroke that affected all of his voluntary muscle control. He was aware and could think. He could see anything that moved into his line of sight, but he could not move his head or eyes. He could hear what was said to him, but had no way of communicating his thoughts to those around him. Within a month of being released from his year in prison, the asshole driver suffered a similar stroke.
"The three of us were together when I did that, but I didn't tell the two of you about it. I suspect that the Guidance Council decided that I deserved a measure of vengeance on the lawyer and driver. It was two months ago that I paralyzed the asshole driver."
Sam and Mary looked at each other, and Mary said, "Now I understand. I agree they deserved to be punished harshly, but Cathy contacted us about your vengeance. The Guidance Council and Cathy disagree with your solution. They believe it is wrong to prevent an individual from living their life for it prevents them from learning the lessons they need to learn. Furthermore, Cathy told me that in preventing them from learning their lessons, you were actually hurting yourself. If you allow your vengeance to continue, the council may be prohibited from elevating you to the Fourth Dimension."
I had cut a deal with the Guidance Council that would allow me to join Cathy in the Fourth Dimension once I died. I wanted that more than vengeance, so I decided to modify my solution by removing the paralysis from both men.
"Alright, I'll set the situation right."
I removed the paralysis from the lawyer but left him with an irresistible compulsion. If he continues his career as a defense lawyer, he will seek justice for his client and justice does not mean getting the client off. If he knows that the client is innocent of the charges, he will seek dismissal of the charges or a not guilty verdict. However, if he knows the client is guilty, he will seek a judgment that is fair for both the client and the victim. That means guilty clients will hopefully receive a punishment suitable to their crimes. I wasn't sure how to have him handle a client's defense if he was unsure as to the client's innocence or guilt. I left that as him doing his best without the use of improper tricks and tactics; he was familiar with a lot of those.
I removed the paralysis from the driver who killed Cathy, but gave him no compulsions. His fate would be self-determined, but his history told me what it would be. I checked his thoughts a month later and learned he had returned to drinking and driving. He had plans for stopping at a bar that afternoon on the way home from work. I was outside the bar in my car waiting for him when he came out of the bar. I watched him stagger to his car and get behind the wheel. When he drove out of the parking lot, I pulled in behind him. I linked with him and gave him a series of instructions that resulted in him being arrested for driving under the influence. He would be returned to prison to serve the remaining 23+ years of his sentence behind bars with no chance of parole.
I told Sam and Mary what happened during dinner that night. Sam said, "That sounds like a fitting end for him. He will probably die in prison, but he chose to do what led him to going back to prison."
Getting my personal life in order had taken almost a full two years from the time Cathy died. During and after my two-year recovery period, Cathy, Sam, Mary, and I evaluated the Guidance Council's plans for the mission. We broke each of the generalized steps down to macro steps and then broke those steps down even further. We then planned how to complete each of the micro steps. By the time we were through, we had a fairly detailed plan that could be adapted to meet the specific situations and changes that we would encounter during performance of the four tasks.
The first main happening was Cathy talked with Sam and Mary about my next woman. I didn't find out about it until later, but she told them that it was time for them to find me another wife. She said that according to my organizational structure, I needed three wives, one to control each of the Task Cells of Tasks 1, 3, and 4. She agreed with my decision of me controlling the Task Cell for Task 2.
Cathy knew that I didn't want a harem. She knew that if it were up to me, I wouldn't add any more women to our group. Instead of confronting me, she started looking for an ideal addition to our group. Of course, with the Guidance Council's ability to evaluate thousands of women in a very short time, Cathy found five potential candidates for the position. It was obvious to me that Sam and Mary used beauty, a desire for a large family, and intelligence as three of their selection criteria. I was not consulted, and I was insulted when I was told why. Cathy told me that she knew me very well and knew what I needed in a woman. She said if it was up to me my main selection criteria would be looks and sexuality with intelligence somewhere in the center of my other criteria. I think I felt insulted for it was probably true.
Cathy setup a Receive-only link with each of the five women and let Sam and Mary scan their thoughts. Sam later told me that it was a difficult decision to make. All five would fit into our group and two of them would be highly compatible with all four of us. She told me that the final factor in making the decision was that Karen Fuller was upset about the way our society functioned and wanted to see it changed. She didn't know how to do it herself, but would be very willing to assist someone who knew how to make what she felt were necessary changes. Karen was very much aware of the entertainment business celebrities, so Sam and Mary felt she would be a good fit for Task 3.
One night while I was working on Task 2's plan, Sam and Mary joined me in my study. Sam said, "Jim, Mary and I have been thinking about the Inner Council's Mission Control Cell. If the three of us become cell leaders, we will have a Task Cell with no cell leader."
"Yes I know. I plan to have the three of us work on Tasks 1, 2, and 3. Task 4 will not need to be started for quite a while, so it doesn't need a cell leader now. When one of us or one of our descendants is ready they can take over as Task 4's cell leader."
"Oh, well we should have known that you had already addressed what we thought was an oversight. However, we talked with Cathy about it before we mentioned it to you.
"Cathy thinks recruiting a cell leader for Task 4 is a good idea. She pointed out that you are to the point where you need another wife anyway, so she looked for a woman who would fit into our group. Cathy found five women and she linked Mary and I with the women. We think that Karen Fuller is an almost perfect match for us."
Yeah, they didn't have a problem with telling me a minor lie if they felt it was necessary. I had reached the point where I thought I had finished putting my life back together, and the three of us had settled into a harmonious relationship. Now Cathy wanted us to add another person to our group and my two wives seemed to support her.
I could tell that Cathy and the council were manipulating me through my wives for my abilities allowed me to detect that they weren't being totally truthful with me. Many years ago, I came to the realization that women and matchmaking went hand-in-hand. I just wasn't expecting my wives to be the ones lobbying for me to add another woman to our relationship.
I said, "Sam, I'm not sure if that is a good idea. The three of us haven't been together all that long of a time. The two of you are in your second trimester, and that can be a difficult time in a relationship. Now I know that Cathy means well, but she is influenced by the Guidance Council and their main concern is the mission not our relationship."
Mary smiled at me and said, "Sam, he is right about the Guidance Council. They do put the mission first and Cathy is influenced by them. However, Jim, both Cathy and the Guidance Council can predict the future better than we can. If they feel we need a fourth person in our relationship, then I think we should take their advice under consideration. Besides, Karen loves kids and she is hoping to have four or five children with her husband once she gets married. She is very much an Earth Mother type of person, who will fit in perfectly as the stay at home mom that we will need so we can work on our tasks."
I sat there considering what Sam and Mary had told me. Cathy and the Guidance Council were at it again. Cathy had manipulated me into starting a relationship with Sam. Then Sam with Cathy's assistance added Mary to our relationship. I realized back when I took Sam as my wife that Cathy and the Guidance Council could easily outmaneuver me. It appeared that they were at it again.
I wasn't ready for a third wife, but I knew that I would lose if I resisted their wishes. It was easier for me to just capitulate and do what they wanted me to do. The other aspect of this proposal is that we would gain a leader for Task 4's Task Cell. I sat there trying to come up with a valid reason for not adding another person to our group at this time. An idea would pop in my head and the counter to that idea would follow immediately. I wouldn't have been surprised to learn Cathy was in my mind without my knowledge. I shot down everything that I could think of to use as an objection. I finally concluded that it was going to happen, so I might as well get with the program.
"Well, if the three of you think that adding Karen to our group is the right thing to do, invite her to join us for dinner so I can meet her."
That was when I got an idea. If I made Cathy, Sam, and Mary's plan to make Karen a member of our group known to Karen, then she would probably say no. However, I would have to be subtle in how I did it. I didn't want Cathy and my two wives angry with me.
"I must reiterate what I've said before. I don't believe that we need another person in our relationship. I am more than happy with the two of you, and of course Cathy. I can understand that you want to add another person, and from the Guidance Council's point of view, I know we will need to do so in the future. I don't think this is the time to add our next wife."
"Jim, Mary and I disagree. We discussed this with Cathy. She tells us that the Guidance Council believes that now is the ideal time for another wife and they also believe that you need to get Karen pregnant."
"Okay, I agreed to meeting Karen and discussing a relationship with her. What have you told her of your plans?"
"Well we decided to wait until after she has met you to tell her about our relationship. Cathy says the chemistry between the two of you is all we need to get her to agree. She thinks the two of you will fall in love the first time you meet. She said love at first sight."
"I'm not sure about that. With Cathy in the mix, it is more likely to be lust at first sight. You know what she did to Mary, but I have to admit that worked out okay. Did she tell you that she would do something along that line?"
"No, she didn't. However, she did say something about making sure that the two of you will find each other compatible. She said that if both of you meet with open minds then the natural chemistry will go into effect and the two of you will want to be together for the rest of your lives."
"Cathy, we need to talk about Karen ... I know you can hear me ... I'm not going to cooperate if you don't talk with me about this right now."
"Good evening Jim. What is it you want to discuss about Karen?"
"You and I both know that we can implant a compulsion to make people do what we want them to do. I want your word that you won't do something like that to Karen. If she and I hit it off and want to be together, that is one thing. However, I believe it is morally and ethically wrong to compel her to become my wife."
"I agree with you Jim. Doing something like that would not be right. I promise that I will not place a compulsion in her mind to force her into such a relationship. In fact, I will go one step further and promise you that I won't place such a compulsion in your mind either."
"Alright then Cathy, I agree to meet this woman, and if there is a natural attraction, then I will let matters take their course."
"If there is nothing else Jim, I need to get back to my studies. I will talk with the three of you later."
Boy, that was close Cathy thought. Things are moving along fine. I didn't exactly lie to Jim and I won't break my promise either. After all, not removing the compulsions I have already placed on them doesn't break my promise. I know that the compatibility comparison I ran on the two of them indicate they are ideal for each other. Furthermore, the compulsions I've already placed on them will strongly influence them, but will not force them to do something they don't want to do.
Sam told me that she and Mary were going to have Karen over for dinner tomorrow night. My friend Jan told me that their sexual compatibility score was one of the highest that she had ever seen. If I increase the level of their pheromone production, they won't be able to keep their hands off each other. Yeah, that should seal the deal, and it's not a compulsion, so I am keeping my promises. Jim's sense of honor will almost require him to marry her, if he has sex with her, especially if she gets pregnant. Of course, that is probably unnecessary, for their compatibility score indicates they will want to be with each other so strongly that it is almost a sure thing for them to marry. Just to be on the safe side, I think I'll adjust Karen's fertility cycle to help things along.
"Sam, do you have any plans for my meeting Karen?"
"Yes, Mary and I talked with her and invited her to come for dinner tomorrow night. That is why we approached you this evening. We didn't want it to be a total surprise."
Over breakfast the next day, Sam and Mary discussed their plans for the day. It was evident that they would need the entire day to get ready for the dinner party they planned. I continued working on my mission planning, and my ladies made sure that the house was ready for our guest. Right after lunch, they started to cook dinner. When I asked, Mary told me that they had planned a special meal and needed at least four hours to get everything ready. They decided to start a little early in case it took longer than they thought it would.
Dinner was planned for 6 PM, and Karen would arrive at 5:30 for cocktails. At 4 PM, Mary told me I needed to cleanup and dress for dinner. The long lead-time usually meant that I would be put to work before our guest arrived.
Sam and Mary rushed to the front door when they heard the door chimes. I could hear them greeting our guest and Mary offering to hang up her coat. Finally, they escorted Karen into the living room and introduced her to me. They rather reminded me of farmers leading a lamb to the slaughter.
I have to admit that she was absolutely gorgeous. I was totally lost in her eyes and that wonderful smile on her face. I knew that I would be very happy with this woman in my life.
I suppose that I should explain Karen's beauty. If you were to examine a model or contestant in a beauty pageant, you would find their beauty was based on the bone structure of their faces, their tall slender bodies, full firm breasts, and tight rounded asses. Karen did not have that type of beauty.
Karen had a round face that glowed with her personality, long wavy brown hair that screamed for a man to run his fingers through it, large expressive hazel eyes that you could fall into forever, a dazzling smile, and a clear light pink complexion. She had a voluptuous figure with a slender waist, wide hips, and legs that went down forever. She was definitely not skinny, but she wasn't fat either. She had what men think of as an Earth Mother body. The type of body that just screamed, 'I am made for having and raising your children, come impregnate me.' The fragrance of her perfume was heady and highly arousing.
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I was a typical teenager, but that changed shortly after my 17th birthday. I inhaled some chemical laden smoke, which was the first of several pivotal events in my life. Kevin Cantrell was the son of one of our town's wealthier behind the scene politicians. His parents provided him with just about anything that he wanted. The fire investigators learned that Kevin was a pyromaniac who set fires when he was upset and didn't get what he wanted. He satisfied his cravings to set fires when his...
During the week after the privacy legislation had been passed by Parliament, Frank, Jim S, I, and our wives met to discuss our plans for the future. Some months back, we had decided that a few of our older children were mature enough to be informed of the mission. We briefed them on the four tasks and our desire for them to help support the mission. We made very sure to make it clear that the decision to support the mission was theirs to make. When they agreed, we strongly suggested that they...
Amy had never told anyone about this until 5 months after I had started dating her. Back in August of 2015 she had been out walking one evening she told me. She was always told you should never ever walk alone at night so she had been warned. She hadn’t listened and paid the price for that. She asked me if I had wanted to hear what had happened to her. She said it was scary but somewhat sexy at the same time. I told her yes, please tell me. She said a few years ago while out walking an...
It had all happened so fast that Belinda Jones was still in a state of shock. The plague that hit the globe was not expected at all. It had started innocuously in some of the third-world countries. Most of the civilized nations didn't consider it a real threat even though the modern era made international travel an accepted risk most governments were willing take for the economic benefits derived. In fact, the initial outbreaks seemed to affect mostly people past their productive lifespan...
Julie Anderson was a eighteen year old white girl from New York State. She was 5'5" and 120 pounds with curves that made every man, including her father and brother lust after her. She had long, straight blond hair with the help of that stuff in a bottle. She was a very smart girl and she really enjoyed flirting. She enjoyed watching the guys as tents grew in their pants as she teased them. She even found that it was easy to give her father an erection although she never followed up on...
Amber looked in the mirror studying her reflection. She was bald. She still had her hair, but it was hidden under a colored skull thing. The package it came in had called it a bald cap. All she knew was that she looked stupid wearing it. While being bald was bad enough, she was also light green from head to toe. Well, she was mostly green with some brownish spots that ran along her back. There was rather intricate patterning in tan and white offsetting the overwhelming green on her face....
Something brushes her leg. She reaches down to brush whatever it was off of her but feels nothing, yet she can still feel that something on her leg. She rubs her leg, wondering now what it could be, but the something starts to slowly travel up the inside of her thigh. A thrill runs up Emily’s spine as she now franticly tries to brush whatever the thing is off, but her hand feels like it passes right through it. The girl next to Emily looks across at her. ...
ALIEN SPECIMEN: The other side of the fence By: ROBO Rob enjoyed writing stories on the Internet about Men turning into Women and had fun reading them. He often found himself day dreaming to what this would be like if it would actually happen. He decided that of course he would only want to try out a female body temporarily. That would be fun! Still, he couldn't help but wonder if the grass was greener on the other side of the fence. Little did he know that this dream was going...
Jim Bronson's eyes opened on a new world and a new life. For starters, he was not in his own bed. He was in JJ's bed. He could feel JJ's naked body pressed against his side with one of her legs draped across his thighs, just below his soft cock. Jim was not a bad looking man and waking up in women's beds wasn't that unusual but this was completely different. Yes, he could feel her naked breasts pressed against him with her soft nipples resting comfortably against him. Yes he could feel...
Chapter Two: Henrietta Possessed by the Lesbian Alien By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 “...henrietta...” The faint voice called to me as I floated through darkness. It was feminine, familiar. “...henrietta...” The voice grew a little louder, whispering across the void. I tried to move my body, but I didn't have one. That should frighten me, but it didn't. I imagined I frowned as I struggled to understand what was happening. “...henrietta...” I was at Kensington Boarding...
I start out by picking a pair of black and red lacy panties, thankfully my dick isn't that big so tucking isn't really an issue. Next I pick out a matching black and red bra. The downside to wearing my mom's clothes is that she is a very busty women so I have to use a couple pairs of socks to stuff the bra. I grab a garter belt and a pair of fishnet stockings I know my mom has hidden in her closet. Last but not least I grab a pair of my mom's denim cutoff shorts and a white button down...
JJ smiled to herself as she released the mental connection to Jim. 24 hours before she had simply been an average reserve medical officer getting back in the swing of things after a reserve drill weekend. JJ didn't know if she would have rated herself as ordinary but certainly not extraordinary. JJ was anything but ordinary now and she knew it. She had just had a conversation in her mind with a man over five miles away. She had reached inside a patient today and fixed a torn liver, healed...
I opened my mask and took out the aerosol. Tiger took out his laser. I opened the inner door and popped the aerosol. Three minutes later we got a report from the WE. They had infested the two aliens. Their DNA was different from ours but it was close enough for them to work. They had a small problem. They were working on it. Each alien had a second symbiotic creature attached where their brainstem should be. This creature exercised control over the aliens like the WE sometimes control...
A man finds a magical, hypnotic flashlight in the middle of the road and accidentally hypnotizes his future mother-in-law with it. With him having just hypnotized his future mother-in-law with a pocket flashlight that was obviously not of this Earth, now he wondered if that was an alien spacecraft that crashed and not a commercial, passenger plane. For fear that they’re be a panic, and of course there would be a panic, maybe that’s why there’s no news, no TV, and no cell phone reception....
I will start by introducing myself, my name is Kiley. I'm twenty six, medium build, with brown hair and eyes. I have large C cup breasts, stand about five foot three and I was abducted by aliens. I know what you're thinking, "another looney with the anal probe story", and technically you would be right, at least about the anal probe part. I'm not lying however. I had the soreness and the "cum" stains to prove it. How about I start from the beginning. I was at home. I had just got in from a hard...
Fantasy & Sci-FiOrphan of technology By John Howarth ©copyright 2001 John Howarth My Stories may be added to Any free access Archive with similar content as long as the content is not modified and this notice and the copyright is maintained. Direct comments and email to [email protected] Preface This story has been surfacing and resurfacing in my mind for the best part of the year 2000. It started with my annoyance of cell phones. Not so much about the phones themselves but...
She drove her BMW convertible to the beach about eleven just as the sea fog was receding from the land. She spread her blanket out at her favorite spot and rubbed on her tanning lotion. The surf was predicted to be low that day so she did not even bring her board. She lay on her stomach looking at the water and untied her top string so as not to have a tan line there. She took out the novel that she brought with her and split her time between looking at the ocean, her book and the...
Our usual low and slow approach was what saved us. It gave me time to see the two flying boxes parked beside the target building. Somebody had really screwed up by doing that. We would have walked into the ambush if their transportation had been hidden as it should have been. I practically screamed at Bill to pull in front of Joe and Sam so that we could keep them from being shot down. Of course, Joe was startled when Bill cut him off, but he trusted Bill enough to follow us when I waved at...
The next few days are boring for Serori. She and Jo hang out both at school and at home. They watch videos and play with themselves like they have for the past year. But no matter what Serori does, she just can’t get that little white room out of her head. Several times when they masturbated, she sucked on her dildo, pretending to suck someone off through the wall. Jo never really catches on, and if she does, she doesn’t say anything about it. The strange thing is, Jo hasn’t mentioned the...
With a pile of dead aliens in front of us, the next question was what do we do now? Well, while we surely had a few minutes, the obvious thing was to see what we could loot from the aliens that might be useful to us. We had replaced the spent magazines in our rifles with fresh ones, so there was little excuse to put it off any longer. We still were very cautious as we approached the dead aliens. For one thing, we did not know if there were any more of the critters left in the flying box....
Some people believe we have been watched from afar for a long time now. Most of us think those stories are nonsense and make-believe. Aliens, beings from far away planets, who have been following our development, abducting people for scientific research. Uhu, and pigs fly, you’d probably react. But as with most stories, there are a few truths to it. Only it’s not one alien race that has been watching us. There is a whole universe out there, a society formed of different space faring races, far...
Patrick wakes up on a long silvery table up on a platform. he scans the room and sees nothing else. not even a single piece of decoration. then he starts to feel a bit cold, and notices he isn't wearing any of his spacebar anymore. his very small penis is even more shriveled from the cold, his balls sucked back up into his body for warmth. he shivers and wonders where he is and when he is going to get out of here. the last thing he remembers is looking out the cockpit of his ship while his crew...
We were driving across country on a family vacation, the wife's idea and her route. She decided that we would take the long route, thru deserted roads, vistas and one horse small towns (think deliverance), for the scenery... I'm Mark (38) brown hair tanned green eyes 6'2 I work out everyday to keep fit former soldier and now a middle manager of a large manufacturing plant. My wife Kimmy (38) 5'3 Brunette blue eyes, 34C-25-36 still a looker and she works hard to keep herself looking good she had...
IncestThe alien climbed out of its landing craft. They had been sent down to investigate the simian inhabitants on this planet, a backward world with only limited space flight. The spacecraft was hidden in a large area covered by deciduous woody plants called trees in the local language. The alien knew several of the languages spoken here since it had spent the last nine months studying the world's satellite communication transmissions. The craft also had a cloaking device that made it practically...
Zorg was pleased with the creature Susi. She had taken the fist up her cunt very well. And Catherine was correct, the singing of her screams were most pleasing. He would attempt to do the same thing that she did, make her scream. As he moved between her splayed thighs, her pussy dripping wet, his kock moved outward, now almost at a right angle to his body. It seemed to be harder then usual. Maybe he was like Catherine, female’s screams making his kock hard.Catherine stood next to Loren’s head,...
JJ took a deep breath and said, "Mom, Dad, and Uncle Bran." She paused for a moment looking at them. "I have a big favor to ask but first I need to tell you something that happened to me. To us I guess I should say because the girls are involved too. Last weekend was a drill weekend with the reserves and something happened." She paused again before saying, "This is going to be pretty unbelievable but it is true. I will try to show you at the same time I am telling you so you will...
“ ... henrietta...” The faint voice called to me as I floated through darkness. It was feminine, familiar. “ ... henrietta...” The voice grew a little louder, whispering across the void. I tried to move my body, but I didn’t have one. That should frighten me, but it didn’t. I imagined I frowned as I struggled to understand what was happening. “ ... henrietta...” I was at Kensington Boarding School overwhelmed by all the strange, new sensations. My thoughts darted from Nurse Paige’s...
Indeed, it had become a long night. Serori managed to get back before Jo did from the movies. Of course she didn’t tell the best friend what she had done or that she had even left. After dinner the two did their usual of watching a little porn and getting themselves off. Normally that is what it took for them to go to sleep, but for Serori it just wasn’t enough. Now she lies in her bed, listening to the sound of her best friend’s light breathing and starring up at the empty ceiling. Her...
This is an experimental story because I use for the first time real persons as protagonists and for the first time I play myself in the story. However, a little bit ‘out of my style’, normally I prefer more the submissive part, not the dominant part. The submissive role is a gift for the user susi-devot, a very special person, visit her profil: le! [user][/user] The alien spacecraft had been observing the planet earth for over five years now. It had been...