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Sam was standing at the one-way window looking into the lecture room that also doubled as a computer technology lab for the recruits. Inside were the eight recruits and Annie. They were just beginning with the ground rules for the morning’s agenda. Each of the recruits was stationed at a small table with a computer, double monitors, and other office supplies they might need for the assignment.

Sam heard the door to the small, darkened room hiss open and close. He wasn’t expecting anyone, but wasn’t surprised at the voice that broke over the voices coming from the next room through speakers that allowed him to hear them, but kept his presence unknown.

“How are they doing?”

He didn’t bother looking back, but moved to the side just enough for Dr. Moore to have room at the window. “They’ve just started.”

“Sorry for getting her back a bit late, I hope that didn’t hold up the start. I saw how she was met with some resistance yesterday; I didn’t want to add anymore to it.”

“No. It wasn’t a problem. She has pretty much eliminated any notion that she might be a weak, new recruit that can be pushed to the bottom of the pile. Besides, she isn’t a part of the group. This is the part of the training I wanted her for.”

“Is it really a hypothetical mission situation?”

He turned to face her. It wasn’t normal for her to be curious about missions. Agency had a distinct separation of information to protect those involved, even though most people were generally isolated at one of the facilities. The time away for personal reasons could expose them to enemies, if information was spread too widely. But, he suspected, and he knew he was correct in his supposition, that she was more interested because of Annie than about the mission.

So, he smiled at her and turned back to the window, leaving his answer as short as possible. “No, it is not hypothetical. A workable strategy, though, is escaping all of us. We were hoping that a presentation of ‘think wildly’ might cause a spark of ingenuity that nobody considered.”

“And, you think, Annie, might have that spark?”

He turned back to her. “Annie has proven to be a most interesting and unique woman, wouldn’t you say? Beyond the b**st-stuff, her mind is quite agile.”

Jenna smiled and turned to the window to watch Annie in the group. “Most interesting, indeed. You know, she is constantly putting down her intellect. ‘Barely making it through community college’ is a favorite deflection of hers. She may not have the books behind her intellect, but she is very smart.”

He was watching her now, too. “Her common sense and intuition must be off the charts.”

She turned back to him. “Her brain is the reason I came by while she was occupied. Is this a good time?” He pointed to some chairs and nodded. “She and I talked into the late, late hours last night. She talked and talked and I asked subtle but probing questions to keep it going. Did you hear about her experience in saving those c***dren lost in the mountain?” He nodded. She knew there wasn’t much he didn’t know about Annie between contacts with Adrian Ramos, media, and internet now that she was becoming a higher profile individual for Mrs. Contreras. “The kill of the coyote had an effect on her. Not one that she has particularly noticed or been bother by.”

He looked confused. “It affected her, but she hasn’t noticed ….?”

“It was things she said and didn’t say, then piecing events and feelings together. It was the reason for the testing this morning. Brain scans. Early on, we did some just because we had all this fancy equipment. What I found was a change in the prefrontal region of the brain, specifically an overactive amygdala. She merely mentioned a new anxiety developing after the confrontation with the coyotes. Then it mellowed and came back and mellowed, again. It had returned just before coming here, but then she admitted to it disappearing during the day. She describes it as a feeling of irritation, an itching in her feelings that she can’t scratch, a psychological itching if you will.”

He chuckled, “Thank you for dumbing that down for me. I was getting concerned with the ‘prefrontal’ and ‘amygdala’. So, psychological itching. What is that, do you think?”

She looked down, then faced him, again. “You’re going to think, ‘here she goes, again’. But, there are ancient mythological references throughout cultures and tribes around the world that deal with creatures that were part human and part b**st of one form or another. Those connected to a violent form of b**st, wolf, large cat, might be subject to something simply called ‘blood lust’.” His eyes opened wide, as she expected, so she rushed to continue. “That sounds terrible, I know. But, hear me out. A violent kill would often be the initiator. In Annie’s case, that would be the coyote. She killed it with her bare hands … with her claws without even thinking about it. According to her, it didn’t even traumatize her. It just was … there was violent danger and she reacted to it.”

He looked through the window at Annie. “And, she felt better yesterday. Yesterday was that fight …”

“Exactly! So, it doesn’t have to be blood or death, just a violent action. Just … okay, that’s not just a just, but you know what I mean.” He nodded, still watching through the window. “But, there is more. The other times when the feeling dissipated …” She paused and he turned back to her expectantly. “The other times … they were after highly charged sexual events.”

He laughed, “So, if she isn’t in a highly charged fight with someone, she should be performing highly charged sex.” He looked seriously at her.

She shrugged and raised her eyebrows. “Something like that. But it isn’t immediate. She described the events being a week or two separated. I suspect she doesn’t feel higher anxiety, itching, more intensely because of the amount of sex we know she has. Probably, the training she regularly has with Ramos and her intense workouts help.” She blushed and she knew she was to say it to Sam, “But, yes, for her to feel great, she needs intermittent doses of intense sex in addition to her lifestyle. Poor girl …” Her face belied the last words. Annie and sex were one and the same.

He shook his head and gazed out at the girl; even he had the pleasure to experience the sexual side of her while in the jungle. “Okay. We need to talk to her, then somehow get this explained to Sylvia and Adrian. I think they need to understand in case they see any indications of this ‘itching’.” He smiled at her use of that term, but was glad she really had dumbed it down for him.

* * * * *

I was more than just a little surprised when Jenna said she had another test to conduct. And, a brain scan, at that. I remembered going through one early in this process of discovery, but not why another was needed. She wouldn’t commit to anything when I asked, but I have come to know how she comes to these decisions. There was something, probably in our conversation last night, that raised her curiosity. I always get so relaxed and warm with a partner after sex and our quiet ‘pillow talk’ late into the night must have contained something. She did do some probing in her quiet, subtle way. Well … she’ll tell me. Right now, I need to concentrate.

This training session was described to us as a hypothetical mission strategy training. All recruits were positioned at tables with computer, monitors, notebooks, and pencils. If we needed something else, we could ask for it. The instructors were presenting a scenario of mission parameters and we would be asked to devise a workable plan for mission completion while keeping in mind two important objectives: mission success and operational safety. In other words, succeed in the mission while minimizing the risk to operatives.

One of the monitors showed the overhead simulation graphic of the target location. A house sitting 50 yards from the water edge of a quiet, private appearing cove. The house was otherwise surrounded on the other three sides by heavy growth of various tree species with a sloping hill in the back. The target was inside the house. Inside would be a human target along with computer files, money, and other documents and items which might be of interest. The mission was to capture and extract the human target and as much sensitive information as could be determined and taken under the conditions of extraction.

Complications, however: The house and property was guarded and was surrounded from approach by land by motion detectors activating cameras and infra-red imagining for nighttime along with remote controlled guns and two lines of electrified fencing separated by 10 yards of open space, presumably containing landmines; any air approach would be monitored by radar and surface-to-air missiles; any sea approach would be monitored by radar above the water and sonar below the water. Additionally, it could be expected that the target inside the house may have access to a safe room. Once inside it, he could alert more backup and secure the documents needed.

The only thing we were asked to resolve was getting the operatives to the house. A separate mission strategy was planned from the point of them reaching the outside of the house. The idea was for appearances to indicate that it might be the work of a rival cartel or organization. It would be difficult for the host government to explain if it appeared that a navel, air force, or other military organization was responsible.

That was all, the instructor stated. I could read on the body language of every recruit that it was impossible. Too many restrictions and too much technology to overcome without detection. Not having been through any other mission training, as the others had, it seemed impossible to me, too.

We were given three hours to develop a rough plan and send it to the server from the computer. The plans would be reviewed by the instructors and individuals would be questioned for additional clarification, if needed.

For the first hour, I stared at the monitor, playing with the features. The simulation had a feature to zoom in on sections of the landscape and provide cross-sections for terrain features. A sea approach seemed too exposed for a stealth attack. I spent most of that hour on the ground approaches and from the air. I looked at parachuting in, gliding in from the air. I looked at ground maneuvers, cutting fencing while remaining hidden. Nothing seemed reasonable. The trees had been cut back to eliminate the ability to use the trees to jump over the fencing, which also eliminated any cover in the approach to the fencing.

So, I was back to the sea approach as a last resort. Well, not a completely last resort … last resort in my mind was to suggest a Cruise Missile strike from the middle of the ocean. Screw the target!

I looked at it with a perspective from the beach, then from the inlet to the cove. I looked at cross-sections of what they thought the cove structure would look like. I found myself musing about the cove. It had a similar appearance to the cove I enjoyed at the resort. That made me think about how much I wish I still had such a cove to enjoy. The cove was more than a place to swim. The cove was peaceful, quiet, yet open to the ocean beyond with occasional abundance of fish and a****l life. That, of course, reminded me of the encounters with the dolphin. And, that made me stop musing and seriously thinking and finally planning.

This was crazy! This was wild! But, the comment was to think outside of the box. How often is that phrase used in silly circumstances, but now that comment seemed to make sense. This problem had all the markings of being impossible. Solutions to the impossible have to be crazy!

* * * * *

All the recruits were gathered in the large training room outside the lecture room. We were to relax and hang-out while the instructors looked over the ideas submitted. Some started half-heartedly lifting weights, others doing some floor exercises or stretching. Two of the guys were goofing around with sparring, trying not to get hurt in the process. Finally, after about an hour, the door to the lecture room opened. Everybody turned to look.

“Linder.” That was it, just my last name. Was that good or bad. Nobody had been called. I was just the first? Were they doing the easiest to eliminate and working to the more realistic? I reminded myself that I wasn’t in the agent training program. I had nothing to lose … nothing but the desire to be effective, especially for Sam. He put himself out to ask me here.

Several of the instructors were in the room with Sam and Director. Director nodded to me as I took a seat at the table I was directed to. They had the simulation of the mission site on the large screen at the front of the room.

One of the instructors I hadn’t noticed before started, “What did you think of the simulation?”

I looked to Sam but he was again impassive. “I thought it was impossible as it was laid out.”

“Yet, you were able to suggested a solution.”

“A wild one, yes. It seemed to me that an impossible situation required a radical option. May I ask how the other ideas compared?”

They all looked at each other, trying to suppress smiles. “They were ranging from Cruise Missiles, bombing run, navel bombardment, and … I think one was a full attack on the fence line. Oh, yes, someone else suggested coming in from the sea fast, hoping to catch them off guard.”

“So … your idea …” He pulled it up on the screen. I had included screen shots and description of the events. “Lay it out for us.”

“Well, it’s really quite simple except in its execution.” I smiled, but they didn’t return it. Sam and Director did, though, and that was all I needed. “Okay … a small Seal Team goes in underwater and don’t come out of the water until the lead guard is neutralized. Is that the right word? Neutralized? Or, should I just say, killed?” Now they smiled. “The only way to get into range of the house is if the men trained to monitor the surveillance equipment have a reason to doubt any presence of danger. That’s what this hinges on.”

“We have to presume all these men are highly trained, probably mercenaries. What would make them let their guard down to ignore the equipment?”

“Not ignore completely. More … more that they would be trained to question it. They would get the blip on the screen, or whatever, and they would be like, ‘okay, more of them’. He would follow-up per procedure, but he would notify the guard at the beach to verify.”

“Verify what?”

“Sorry, I tried to show it on that cross-section of the cove entrance, but I’m not much of an artist using the computer, I guess. Those blobs are seal team members being pulled by dolphins.”

“Wait … dolphins? They will still be registered by the sonar. Why won’t they just blast them out of the water?”

“Training! Training the dolphins and the guards. If you can get the dolphins to start appearing at the opening to the cove, they will trigger the warning. Have the dolphins surface. Do that random days, early or late or mid-day at random, making sure all the guard shifts are covered. Then, you have the dolphins go into the cove, surfacing, maybe jumping and splashing. Who doesn’t like to see that? Just a****ls that have found the cove. They stay for a little while and leave.” They were staring at me. I figured they thought I was crazy, already. Might as well continue. “I figure a small team of Seals because they each will need a dolphin. Can’t have a bunch of swimmers among the dolphins and the guards only see a few dolphins but a dozen markers on sonar, plus they won’t swim right for a dolphin.” They were still watching me. “So … once they are inside the cove the guard on the beach is eliminated … neutralized, killed … and they move to the house.”

They were talking to each other, then turned back to me. I looked at Sam and shrugged. “How would the beach guard get ‘eliminated’?”

“Shoot him! You guys are in that business, right?”

They stammered at that while Sam and Director erupted into laughter. I looked out into the training room and saw that they had heard it. I could just imagine that they thought I was being laughed at, especially THAT woman.

The instructor clarified, “What I mean is, they probably have sound equipment that can pick-up certain sounds like gun fire; even silencers, before you ask that, too.”

“Bow and arrow.”

They looked at Sam and he nodded with a pleased grin on his face. They shrugged and conferred among themselves more. It occurred to me that in this modern world of advanced weaponry, the idea of hinging a mission on the use of a bow and arrow might sound crazy. But, more crazy than hinging a mission on the use of dolphins encouraged to behave in a predictable manner? They had a few more questions, but it was evident to me that they were unclear how to consider this idea. In short order, I was back on my way home. Interesting to me, though, was that both Sam and Jenna were accompanying me, saying only they had something that needed to be discussed.

* * * *

I dreaded the conversation just concluded. Another negative revelation about what was happening to me. I thought all that was behind us and we could move on with dealing with what was known. Now … this new development. It made sense and I understood Jenna’s conclusions. I didn’t disagree now that I had something to put perspective on the feelings, the sensations, and considering the timeline. Sylvia didn’t need this new thing, though. She had dealt with a blow to her understanding of me with the full realization of the claws and how I might instinctively use them. Now this … blood lust. Jenna couldn’t have come up with a more innocuous term than ‘blood lust’?

Sylvia had hugged Sam deeply and gave the same to Jenna, including a kiss to the cheek and whispered words that brought a smile to Jenna’s face. Adrian was his stoic self and was hard to read, but his hand shake with Sam and Jenna seemed warm. The ride in the SUV to the house, however, was as quiet as a tomb.

Inside the house, I let Wolf and Preta into the back yard as the early evening light was just fading behind the mountains on the west side of the valley that was Caracas. I heard someone moving in the rec room and thought it was Sylvia. I turned, but found it was Adrian. He was at the bar and opening a bottle of red wine.

I came up to him, “Is Sylvia upset?”

“Upset? Sylvia? I don’t think so. Why would you say that, Annie?”

“She was so quiet in the car. I thought this new …”

He stopped and turned his attention to me. “Blood lust. That’s amazing!”

From behind me, I heard, “Adrian! ‘Blood lust’ isn’t amazing!” I turned to Sylvia’s voice. She was coming in from the kitchen carrying a tray of cut fruit, vegetables, and cheeses. “It doesn’t sound cool or amazing or anything remotely interesting to me. But …” she smiled at me, “I am also not angry or scared or worried. I learned my lesson last time.”

She set the tray of nibble food on the coffee table, then I handed her a glass of wine. I sat next to her on the sofa, Adrian in a chair to the side. I took a sip of the wine, then looked at her. She was still quieter than normal and clearly in thought about something.

“Okay, you aren’t angry or worried, but what are you? You are deep in thought about something.”

She looked at Adrian and chuckled, then turned toward me. “Dear, Annie … why I am thinking about you, of course. I have been thinking about possible situations we can create to give you intense sexual experiences!” She put her hand over my forearm, “I have to admit, though, this is different than giving you opportunities to exercise to relieve tension …”

I looked at Adrian and back to her. They were both trying to keep from laughing. Ultimately, we all failed.

Those imaginings, however, were not required for this night. It was nice to see Sylvia taking to this news with more of a relax, confident, and assured attitude. I wondered if Adrian hadn’t spent some time discussing with her some of the things we had mused on during our training sessions. Increasingly, we confided that what happened with the coyotes could not be considered a one-time aberration. I proved that again with that recruit.

But, this night wasn’t to be completely tame, however, even tame by my standards. And, it appeared they had something worked out between them. Sylvia took a big gulp of wine, got up from the sofa, and left the room. In moments, she returned with a large, old blanket she spread on the rug after Adrian moved the coffee table. She then went to the double doors and called out to the a****ls. Soon, two dogs and a large cat were following her into the room, looking expectantly at Sylvia and me. Then she left, again.

Adrian put his hands out to me and he assisted me off the sofa. He took me into his arms, kissing me and I returning kisses to him. His hands were over my body and I felt the back zipper of my dress being lowered as we kissed. He didn’t stop, just removed the straps from my shoulders and helped the dress down to the floor. He reached behind me, unfastening my bra, helping me off with that, then pushing my thong down my hips and off my legs. I was naked and back in his arms as I heard the sound of feet on the stairs.

I felt Sylvia come up behind me, pressing herself into my bare backside. She was naked, too. Her breasts pressed into my back, her hips pressing into my ass, which pushed me into Adrian’s crotch. His erect cock was unmistakable through his pants. Two naked women and one fully dressed man with three male a****ls watching with interest of their own. What did Sylvia have in mind? And, why had she gone upstairs when she could just as easily have been undressed by one of us here?

She motioned Wolf to lie on the blanket, then point at me and down to Wolf. No problem there. I was plenty excited and needed to get Wolf to the same point. She wanted me to mate with Wolf and I was always willing for that. I noticed that she indicated for Bo to follow suit and the two of us were quickly licking and sucking on dog cock, both of us eager to get to the next stage of being mounted.

From the side, I could see Adrian losing his clothes as well. What I hadn’t noticed, however, was the tube of lubrication Sylvia passed to Adrian while I was fixed on Wolf getting into position. Had I seen that transfer, I may have had an even greater curiosity of what was planned. As it was, I was their willing, pliable subject.

Sylvia got into position and indicated for me to match her side-by-side. I did and patted my ass, signaling Wolf. My shifting to my hands and knees, my mouth coming off his cock is normally sufficient indication for him to move to my ass. I love the licks he gives my asshole and pussy before he actually mounts me. It seems like he is being an attentive lover, thinking of his female, his bitch, the bitch he shares with a cat.

When he mounted me, I groaned at the sudden, though expected, weight of his body landing on my back. I assisted him into my pussy and he does that thing, that amazing feeling of an a****l taking control of the situation. Even if I give him the opportunity, this moment is when I feel him, as Preta also does, take control for the duration of the fuck. My hips and waist are athletic, maybe even more so now with the added muscle and bone density, so it isn’t as if he is grabbing a small waist connected to rounded hips. But still, he grabs me with his front legs, tightly and firmly, and at that moment of feeling control transferring, he pulls me back, back further onto his cock as he presses more firmly, and shifts into a higher gear and begins rapidly fucking into me. This is the wildly a****listic sensation that makes b********y so intriguing, so addicting.

Sylvia captures my attention with a hand on mine, “Move Preta on the floor by you. I want … you to try to … make him cum twice with your mouth.” She was gasping out the strings of words through the fucking Bo was giving her.

I turned to her. “Twice? I … I don’t know … that there will … be enough time …”

She looked over me to Adrian and smiled at him. “Yes, I think there will be.”

I was confused, but, then, I was being deliciously fucked, too.

I first felt the knot forming and hitting my pussy. While sucking and licking Preta’s barbed cock, my attention was drawn away from the knot more than it might normally be. Once recognized, though, I pressed back into the knot being pressed at me by Wolf. Adrian was the last thing I was thinking about at the moment. But, once the knot pressed fully into me, a thought came to be; something I had done before, a different time and place.

Wolf was earnest now, pressing firmly, pushing his cock and knot into me as hard and deep as he could, even though the action was restricted greatly with the knot inside my clamping pussy. My mouth would open around Preta’s cock as I groaned or moaned my reaction to the efforts of Wolf at the other end of my body. I clamped my lips around the barbed cock in my mouth, renewing my efforts to get him to cum, when Wolf slammed into me harder, driving his cock as deep as possible in my pussy. The resulting action also pushed my face into Preta and his cock deeper into my mouth to the entrance to my throat, which constricted around the barbed object unceremoniously violating it. My throat clenched around the barbs several times. I felt Preta’s cock swell and twitch in my mouth and throat. I pulled my mouth back with a last second effort at lucidity as my body convulsed into orgasm. As the cock pulled out of my throat, the barbs scr****g along the tender tissue, Preta also came, shooting his cum directly into my throat leaving no option but to swallow in time with his spurts, or gag. It was all overwhelming and it put an additional spike to my orgasm, jolting my body in the midst of the current orgasm, my entire body shaking in response.

I pulled my mouth from Preta’s cock and gulped in air, but kept a hand on his hind leg to hold him in position. According to the challenge given me by Sylvia, he had another climax yet to come. At the same time, the last of Wolf’s cum was draining from his cock into my drenched pussy, his knot holding us together. I felt him turn, moving his leg over my back and somehow rotating his cock inside me so we were now ass-to-ass.

I shifted my hands and stroked Preta’s head and neck before returning my mouth to his cock. We had never done this before. He raised his head and looked down his body at me. I had the strangest sense that he wondered what I was up to, but was resigned to seeing whatever it was through. The feeling of my mouth returning to his cock was not a feeling he was about to complain about.

I was settling in for a good suck of Preta’s cock while tied to Wolf when I felt a hand on my ass, then a glob of a cool gel spread over my asshole. When a finger went inside, pushing the gel into me, I pulled off Preta’s cock and looked over my shoulder. I found a grinning Adrian. He was standing over my hips, one leg on either side and he was spreading the gel over his hard cock, too. His large, hard cock. I turned to look to Sylvia who would also be tied and found her with a similar devilish smile on her face. Now, I understood what was going to be happening. I was about to be double penetrated while tied to Wolf.

Sylvia made the comment we were all thinking, “Intense sexual experiences …” I shook my head, but smiled with them.

Now that Adrian and I were both greased up, I felt his hands on my hips, again. This time he was pulling my left cheek to the side, while he aimed his cock for my rosebud opening with the other hand. When it made contact, I tensed, then pushed back against him. He responded to my willingness by pressing against the tight opening. I tried to relax, to allow it to open. It is hard to relax when you know that the cock that is trying to penetrate you is the largest one you have ever seen, felt, sucked, or fucked. But, I was determined to do my part and not let them down. After all, they were just trying to help me with my ‘itching’ problem. It is nice to have friends who will go the extra step for you. Joking aside, though, this was about to become very intense.

I felt Adrian pressing harder and harder against my asshole and with our combined effort, I began to feel my sphincter slowly, almost reluctantly, opening up to the pressure. He was so large, though. I was beginning to seriously become concerned about taking him in my ass while knotted with Wolf. There was so little room left. Then, I had an idea. I lifted up my ass and felt Wolf cock and knot pull me down.

I mumbled to Adrian, half around Preta’s cock and half not, “Lower your butt to Wolf’s back so he can’t raise up when I do. When I arch up, go for it!”

He did what I asked, then I raised my hips, again. It had the effect of stretching my pussy vertically and that cleared some room between Wolf and where Adrian needed to be. He pushed hard and he popped into. I put a hand back to hold him, not saying a word, but he was attentive and anticipated this from me, the need to have my anal passage adjust to him being inside. In moments, though, I released my hand from his thigh and he gently pushed a little more into me. He pulled back an inch and pushed in two inches more, an inch out, two in. Soon, he was fully inside me and we rested, again.

Wolf was trapped now. Peripherally, I saw that Sylvia and Bo had separated. Sylvia moved with some effort to hold and pet Wolf’s head and neck. I returned my mouth to Preta as Adrian began thrusting smoothly in and out, gliding fully into me with the aid of the lubricant.

I renewed my concentration on Preta as I felt my own body building to another orgasm. I returned his cock to the entrance of my throat, again, clenching and relaxing it around the barbed head. It was an odd feeling and I was enjoying it immensely when Adrian did something that jolted me at both ends. He must have been nearing his own climax and he pounded into my ass hard. The result was twofold: the knot trapped inside my pussy was jammed against my g-spot as my body was pushed forward; and, my mouth was jammed over the cock in my mouth, this time pressing the cock past the entrance to my throat and into it.

I started to gag, but my body went into a convulsion at the same time. When Adrian pulled back, I moved back just a bit to breath around the cock in my mouth. My mouth was dripping with saliva from the effort, but I had little time to consider anything further. Whether Adrian had realized what he had done or not, his next hard thrust into me yielded the same result and it was repeated over and over. My throat gulped down the hard, barbed cock head while my g-spot was hammered by the violent impact of the knot stopping any forward motion.

I came soon after and was surprised when Preta again released his cum while deep in my throat. I gulp as fast as I could as Adrian leaned into me, holding me against the cat, the cock buried in my throat. At the same time, he was grinding into me as he released his semen into my ass at the same time that Wolf became agitated by all the sudden motion and flinching around him and pulled hard on the tie, but only managing to pull his cock into my g-spot even harder than before. While shaking in my orgasm, another peak built on top it and my chest dropped to the floor, my mouth sliding off Preta’s cock and cat semen dribbling out of the corner of my mouth as I lay motionless, partially aware, but motionless.

My limbs were shaking and quivering for minutes. I had male cum running out of all three holes of my body. I was unaware of when the three separate cocks had left my body. I was only semi-aware of the feeling of being well used and satisfied.

* * * CHAPTER 16: DOLPHIN CONTACT will follow * * * Thanks for reading


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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 307 Our BioGate Strategy

Sunday, May 7 to Wednesday, May 31, 2006 (Continued) In describing the results of Dodge-Gate, I put the events of the preceding chapters first because they were the most visible events, and because they were also the necessary first step in something my families were much more focused on: the presumed death of Mark Anderson. What I'll simply call the "Parents' Strategy" was mostly Vanessa's work, resulting from a great deal of thinking that she'd been doing. After she'd developed her...

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MissionsMission 12A

I was sitting in the Captain's office waiting to be called in for my mission briefing. I had been sitting drinking the lousy coffee for forty five minutes already and I could hear the Captain shouting at someone in his office. I don't know who the poor soul was, but for the Captain to raise his voice above a whisper, he must have really gotten him pissed. I was somewhat pissed myself because I was still looking for a second and still hadn't found one I thought I could work with. The few I...

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MissionsMission 19

Note to Readers: A lot of the facts in this one are true and also a lot of what is described actually happened. The VC were cruel and hated the hill tribes with a passion. ARVN troops were almost as bad as the VC and it created a lot of tension with the teams working in the bush. LZ Hardtimes was a firebase and thus the VC gave it hell every chance they got to do so. I had just come out from putting on my camo's to go back to my hooch when the tail end of a conversation between Chief and...

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MissionsMission 7

I woke to the sound of the flaps coming down on the civilian transport plane landing back in Nam. While I looked out the window anticipating being back, I had to admit the ride back, although long, had been well worthwhile. I had been officially inducted into the mile high club by the cute little brunette who seemed to have latched on to me as soon as I boarded. She was a cute little stewardess who talked my head off for the first hour then invited me to tour the galley, and it had went from...

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MissionsMission 15

Dammit I thought why the firebase can't find some indigenous personnel that knew what they were doing. Seemed like this was the third trip this year to Dak Seang. The last time we had been sent Chung almost beat the Hmong head scout to death. He had met our chopper when it landed and told Chung he wasn't welcome in their camp. It had taken me and Ling both to pull him off the idiot. When the Captain came over and started chewing me I had told him the next time that ass jumped one of my men...

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The Creature Suit

The box was far smaller than either of them had expected, only barely reaching up to Markus' neck and just half a meter wide. They had ordered this specific skinsuit custom made, for a custom purpose. It was time to take their fun to new and strange a literal sense now. Finally, Markus had found a crowbar. Slamming its fork-tongued end into the crate, he ripped open the front cover to reveal...some sort of animal. The head alone was the as big as a horse's. It sported a...

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MissionsMission 5

The usual disclaimers apply such as the names and locations have been changed to fit the story. This is all in first person and UN EDITED. I hope you enjoy this one as it is a little unusual. We were sitting in the middle of a big ass swamp, cold, wet and mad as hell. It was almost dark and we could hear VC moving all around us. We had been running full speed almost all day with Charlie keeping the pressure on. We couldn't even swat at the swarms of mosquito's around us for fear of giving...

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The Secret Mission 8211 Part 1

Neha had a very tough childhood. Her father left her family when she was just 3 years old and since then it has been only her mother and herself. Right from her childhood she was determined to do something for the country, to make her mother proud. It didn’t surprise many when she decided to join the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). Many felt that it was a tough job for a girl and she would probably fail, but Neha always had the belief and the will to succeed. Neha, right from her...

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The Creature and Jessica

There came a sound from just beyond my bedroom door. I didn’t know what it was because I had never heard it anytime before but I decided to see what it might be. I wasn’t scared of it and figured I didn’t have any reason to be. The only thing I did know was that this sound was not from something in my house. My name is Jessica and I had just turned seventeen which was that age most often spoken about besides sweet sixteen. I opened the door and stepped out into the dark hallway. There wasn’t a...

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The Creature and Jessica

There came a sound from just beyond my bedroom door. I didn’t know what it was because I had never heard it anytime before but I decided to see what it might be. I wasn’t scared of it and figured I didn’t have any reason to be. The only thing I did know was that this sound was not from something in my house. My name is Jessica and I had just turned seventeen which was that age most often spoken about besides sweet sixteen. I opened the door and stepped out into the dark hallway. There wasn’t a...

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The Mission I

The Mission I I "May I come in?" It was the Ambassador. We called her that but she was more than just an Ambassador. We referred to her as her as a convenience. Her gender was something like human female but not exactly. She is Thanopses, the leading diplomat and project director for the Fomalhaut First Contact Mission to Earth on behalf of the Galactic Federation. She is also my boss. My office, in whose door she stood, is in the building now known as the First Contact...

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South of Bikini Just a routine mission

The following story is just that - a story - fiction. As such, all characters are fictitious and any similarities to persons living or deceased are purely coincidental. Some research has been done for authenticity and so I didn't screw it up too bad. Just so I don't receive nasty-grams from any WWII vets, the Balao class submarine, keel number 353, was never built. No military missions of this sort actually occurred in the areas at the dates specified. Furthermore, I hold the highest...

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Ancient Abilities Part 2Chapter 8 The Growth of Mission Finances

During the week after the privacy legislation had been passed by Parliament, Frank, Jim S, I, and our wives met to discuss our plans for the future. Some months back, we had decided that a few of our older children were mature enough to be informed of the mission. We briefed them on the four tasks and our desire for them to help support the mission. We made very sure to make it clear that the decision to support the mission was theirs to make. When they agreed, we strongly suggested that they...

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Virginity Lost During CBI Officer8217s Mission

This is a sex story about a CBI officer Menaka’s secret mission. Menaka aged 26 is from Chennai from a middle-class family and got married to an Engineer. Her husband is an IT engineer aged 29. She got married before 2 months and had no sex life with his husband. Since she told her husband that she needs a gap for some months. So her husband agreed to it. Menaka is a beautiful girl with milky color and with a shape of 36-28-34. She has a well-shaped body with huge breasts with pink erect...

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South of Bikini 2 Mission to Infamy

With Sand Dollar assigned to escort duty, Captain Steinert and her sisters take on their most demanding mission to date. Can Alexandra successfully complete a mission seemingly doomed from the onset? Copyright 2008- 2010 R.G. Beyer South of Bikini: Onward Episode 3 "Mission to Infamy" 2300 hours, 200 Nautical Miles North-northeast of Tarawa Island, May 18th,...

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Time Scope Part 2Chapter 4 Mission Parameters Defined

While standing behind the Briefing Room’s podium looking over the Patrol Group, Explorer Leader Thelt says, “Quiet down and find a place to sit. “After we spoke earlier today, Ship Commander Shimlt ordered me to her Briefing Room for a Mission Briefing. I did not like what she told me, and once I pass her briefing on to you, I will probably be spoiling this Ship Day for you, as she spoiled it for me. “Ship Commander Shimlt was selected for this Mission for the reasons I stated this morning....

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Ancient Abilities Part 2Chapter 3 Mission Finances

The Guidance Council and Cathy had stepped in to restructure my personal life and organize my financial affairs. With Cathy’s involvement, I went from a pathetic lonely widower to a happily married man with three wives. To be more accurate, I consider my three women to be my wives, but we are not actually married in the legal sense. I suppose you could say we live together and call each other husband and wife. I’ve heard of whirlwind courtships, but mine has to have set a record. One day, I...

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The Mission II

The Mission II I "Aunt Sissy wants to take Judy and Solly to work with me today. I want to show them off to the staff. We'll have lunch in the refectory and they can watch me deliver my address from the broadcast studio. I promised them a treat and this is what they asked for." "Can we Daddy," they chorused. My mate Gwen, their mother, was standing right next to me but they addressed their request to me. It wasn't as if I were the final arbiter in this family, only the...

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The Creature Worms embrace 1

Ashley sat on a rock that seemed to have fallen off of the ridge at some point and admired the heavily populated forest while sipping her water. She wondered if she should feel worried that there was no one nearby. She could scream for hours and no one would come. She could strip naked and no one would know. She smiled thinking that something might be slightly wrong with her if the thought of no help somehow turned her on. Ashley leaned forward and began to untie her boots. Her inhibitions...

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MissionsMission 6

The ususal disclaimers apply but this one will be a little strange. I know about it, and it was strange to me as well. I have talked to several Vets and none of them had heard of this. There were eight of us that were chosen for this duty. I don't know if you could consider it an honor or a very distasteful duty. I do know that none of the others liked it any more than I did. Thankfully it was only for thirty days. This is in first person and UN EDITED. All mistakes are mine, and I refuse to...

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MissionsMission 10

"Dammit Chung, this is the third time this month they've sent us in here. I don't give a damned what HQ says there are no hidden bases in the middle of this swamp." "How you know Sarge, you telling future now?" "Very funny you sawed off comedian." I listened to the quiet laughter among the team and was glad to hear it. I looked over at Jenkins and he was shaking his head and smiling at the exchange between me and Chung. Finally after working together for so long he had finally...

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MissionsMission 13

We were wading in a stinking rice paddy in the delta and just about to get to dry land to take a break when off in the distance all hell broke loose. I could hear 16's as well as AK's popping off and from where we were at it sounded like it was in the area we had been sent to check out. This one was supposed to be nothing but a sneaky pete to see if some chopper jockeys information was true. This was supposed to be in and out within two days. We had packed light for a change and had made...

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MissionsMission 14

This was supposed to be a routine mission, but as usual although starting out easy it rapidly turned fubar. I didn't have a second but instead had gotten saddled with a radio specialist that was afraid of his own shadow. We were supposed to be testing some new type of radio that scrambled the signal so that the VC couldn't listen to our transmissions. Although a good idea the A Shaw wasn't a good place to test it. I had been overruled by the General and was ordered to go out with this...

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MissionsMission 17

"Dammit Chung, how the hell are they still tracking us. We got rid of all the dogs with Ling's balls of CS and itch powder. We haven't heard a bark since yesterday afternoon but they are still on our asses. We are about an hour ahead of them by my thoughts and we need a rest." This whole fiasco started with a simple recon mission to check on two of the small roads in the Mekong that seemed to have picked up a lot of new traffic. We had been asked by the Seals out of Dong Tam to check the...

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MissionsMission 20

I know many of you thought I would end this series with a big battle and blood and gore and etc., but I thought I would end it in a different way. I know all of you have heard of the Tet Offensive and I described some of it in the previous mission, and I will throw a few things in to describe it a little more, but I mainly wanted to give you my impression of my time in country. I stepped off the plane in Vietnam at the ripe old age of 17 1/2 years old because some remf screwed up my...

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Virgin CBI Officer On Secret Mission

This story is about neha,a simple girl from Punjab who has been a brave girl all through her life..she belongs to a middle class family and right from her school days she had been good at sports..Which helped her have a well toned figure.Like any other Punjab girl,she has mass at the right places making her a beautiful young lady..She was always approached by guys but she was not in favour of having sex before marriage..After her exploits in sports,she was offered a job by the Punjab police and...

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The Mission Chapters 1 3

Disclaimer: This story is a work of complete fiction and my imagination. It's my very first story too, so go easy on me. Your comments and feedback are very important to me and I do plan to continue this story as a series until I think the story should end. Please do not use or re- post my work without permission. I can be contacted at [email protected]. The Mission by T.L. Chapter 1 I'd say it was like any other Sunday. My dad calling from downstairs, wondering if today...

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A Mormon Mission

Benny lived in the fictional Latin American country of Val Verde, a sunny paradise but also a developing country where a brutal inequality existed, Benny himself was raised in the big city of New York and was extremely street smart and wise for a latin boy in his late 20's. Benny could only dream of having sex with the fair daughters of the rich bastards that came to use and exploit the natural water springs close to where he lived, not that Benny didn't have enough sluts to play with from his...

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Creature Features

-Neil Gaiman, "The Sandman" *** October 31st, 6:10 PM: The house was dark except for the black-and-white flicker of the TV screen. Richard stared at it, passive, waiting. A voice wailed from the speakers: "It's alive, it's moving! It's alive it's alive—it's ALIVE!" Richard yawned and checked the time. Behind him, Dwight was going back to the liquor cabinet. "I'd go easy on that," Richard said. Dwight's hands shook as he put the glass back. "I need to settle...

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Another Mission

Another Mission By Jane Hudson It was a lovely March day in Chicago. My wife had just moved her business there; she was running an Engineering Supply Company. Most of her contracts were with the new female run United States Government. The year is 2052 almost nine years after the three day war that marked the end of the war on Terror, it was also called WW3. That October day when the world finally went mad would always be with us in our lives. My name is Jack Patterson, it was...

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Just Another Mapping Mission

By Jax_Teller It was Aglom 32.870 and I was just getting underway with the retrofitted space craft Deflax. As a corporation Morox had spent a lot of money to repair this old ship, bringing her up to date and they had done some inventive upgrades. I took the job as Captain because this ship had a better than not chance of completing its mission. Often these journeys lost crews along the way and continued on remote for years before a new crew caught up with the ship. Often during...

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The Space Creature

The ship she was on wasn't a large ship, but niether was it small. It was a research vessal that didn't require much of a crew. The fourty foot long vessal was piloted by her and her new partner named henry. Henry was a bright scientist, like her, but he had no respect for regulations and he kept hitting on her, also against regulations. Space had always seemed vast. Always more to explore and always more to see. She was always excited to explore it. As of now they were scanning a star...

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Black Widow waiting for a new mission

This is a continuation:Black Widow submits to S.H.I.E.L.D Widow rises, while another falls between her... Widow Sexual Espionage Widow Spy vs Miracle DayAvengers TowerNew YorkA lone Avenger walked casually through the luxurious communal area of the...

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The Girl Stories Mission 2

As the traffickers wanted innocent girls, one of the most important things was to cover her tattoos in a way, which would withstand different conditions. Penny contacted a friend, who was an expert in these matters, and soon, Lilly tattoos were begin covered with a water-proof paint, perfectly matching the color of her skin. She liked how the procedure, combined with a bare pussy, made her look so young, and fragile. But instead of pondering on the innocence that was ripped from her at her...

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Stewarts Second MissionChapter 5 Training and Conditioning

At D-Day minus six months Jerry and I had, by satellite imagery, located a site on the continent of Plutus that roughly matched the terrain that Navy Intelligence had designated as our target on Metek’at IV. Jerry and I set up a sand table (really a holograph projector built into a table) and invited in the CO, XO, and NCOs that we would be working with on our chunk of the mission. If we were going to write a plan for the mission, we certainly wanted input from the troops who were going to...

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Sissy Mission 5 Stacked Sissy

The Sissy Mission series consists of short-short stories designed to give ideas for domme/sub play, solo "outings," or just for your reading enjoyment! The goal is to have a dozen vignettes. --CA Sissy Mission 5: Stacked Sissy By Cheryl Alison Everyone in the hardware store was staring at me. The checkout lady at the front of the store stared when I walked in. The mother and her teenage daughter stared. The guy in the back at the engine shop stared as I walked by. As I...

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Mission Work Bobs Perspective

I run a mission organization that coordinates volunteers for short- and long-term projects helping orphanages, clinics, and schools in 3rd world countries. Our office is located in a small town next to a conservative Bible College and Seminary. It is a great location because our operating costs are low, there are many students who want to go on mission projects, and we make contacts with future pastors who can steer project volunteers and, more importantly, donors our way once they are...

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Captain Montagues Mission

Group Captain Montague's Mission By Vivienne Marcus One: The young British officer stood straight as a musket on the varnished wooden floor of the office on the seventh floor of the Whitehall Headquarters of the Secret Service. There were three other people in the room. Ahead of him, sitting behind an imposing oak desk topped with well worn dark green leather was a short gray-haired man in a dark brown tweed suit. He had a neatly trimmed moustache. A straight pipe was...

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Stewarts Second MissionChapter 2 Duty Calls

Now, the reason that I had been avoiding doing my “racial duty,” and getting lots of pretty girls pregnant, is that after being around for over a half-century, I’ve kind of lost the taste for casual fucking around. I know, I know. Big talk from a guy with a harem. But I wasn’t fucking around in my harem; I was supporting them and their kids. We were family. Most of my distaste for casual fucking around was caused by the number of relationships that I have seen hit the rocks and sink over...

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Wonder Womans Sexual MisadventuresChapter 2 First Mission

Wonder Woman flew her invisible plane through the dark sky heading west out of Washington, D.C., the home of the IADC agency, of which she was the most famous field agent in their history. However, she had only rejoined the agency 4 days ago after a 30 year absence. She had returned to her home on Paradise Island back then because Orcs, large fierce green creatures, had invaded the Amazons. Thirty years later after the war had ended and the defenses had been strengthened so no such surprise...

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Incredible ChangesChapter 105 Spring Break Mission Rolling Rolling Rolling Get this Mission Rolling

Polly was leading me quickly from the restaurant where I had eaten her as well as an omelet made to appear as a portrait of myself arriving at the resort. “Spectacular performance in handling that volatile situation with Ruth. It was about to end badly. She is an exceptionally good agent, but still way too green to pull off a mission such as this. The CIA really needs to spend more time finding young looking agents that can properly get into their cover identities. She just blew seven years...

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Winning Strategy

Years ago, we lived in a rather small, tight-knit community. Half the town seemed to be related by blood. The townspeople were very ethnic and prided themselves on their Eastern European heritage. Parties, dancing, and lots of drinking are part of that heritage. Jean and I are social drinkers; we enjoy the light buzz alcohol provides us, but each of us rarely drinks to excess.In late September, we received an invitation to attend a costume party. We didn’t know the couple very well who were...

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War in Two Universes Book 6Chapter 11 Strategy

Palace of the Queen, Merka Planet Remza Universe Recta 9: Conference Room 4.6 Preliminary Strategy Discussion Attendees: Gen. Nastovor Sarajengus — Head of the Armed forces for the Azayal; Chairman. Adm. Maron Mergazengis — Chief admiral of the Azayal Fleet. Adm. Pawela Hage — Intelligence Chief combined forces. Jacob Peck — President of the Flock of the Una. Grefel Magoo — Director of Intelligence of the Una. Queen Mergal Ravengus — Queen of the Azayal. Lisirra Chamadar — Crown...

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CHAPTER 12: GIRL TIMEWe were all soaked to the skin after the exposure to the storm. I settled the boys in for the rest of the night after rewarding them with the leftover meatballs from a recent spaghetti dinner, despite Adrian’s playful protests. I equally playfully offered that he could take them away, if he really wanted them.The three of us were headed for the upstairs for hot showers and bed when Sylvia emptied her pocket in the kitchen, finding the business card Rosa had given me....

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The Final Mission

The airdrome was quiet this day. The fog that had crept in like a thief in the night still lay heavy on the land. The airplanes stood like silent statues as the mist soften their shapes. They lined the green grass landing strip which faded to gray in the fog. Mechanics and guards drifted in and out, shapes with no form. They called to each other in weird, muffled, and distorted voices. The men who flew these lighter than air craft moved like shadows towards the stone farmhouse that served as...

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The MissionChapter 2

I looked up over the vehicle to see Jimmy waving to me to say that the visitor was okay. Deep down I knew that we should exercise much better security; at the same time I realized that we had such a small site that any incursion would be final. The only way to avoid capture would be to be elsewhere, we three weren't going to fight off shit. "Lieutenant Nichols, what can I do for you ma'am?" The LT was our platoon leader, and the main reason that Stretch and I were here. I had given a...

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Sissy Mission 7 Lawnmower Sissy

Sissy Mission 7: Lawnmower Sissy By Cheryl Alison It was a Sunday evening and Mistress and I were lazing around watching TV trying to avoid the reality of work on Monday morning. The Simpsons was on, and Homer and Flanders had made a little bet. Somehow, they both lost and had to mow their respective lawns wearing their wives' Sunday dresses. I looked at Mistress and I knew that another Sissy Mission was probably in my future! "Hmmm," was all she said. I knew I was in for...

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The creature Worms Mommy 2

Ashley spent her waking hours in complete bliss. Even when the creature, whom she was beginning to think of as her mate, seemed to be resting, she found that she could spur it on by clenching her vagina a couple times. Her body was still fully restrained in a doggie position. There were a few exceptions, such as her feet, which she found she was able to wiggle them freely. With not much else to do, she began clenching her pussy, hoping to turn the worm on again. Sadly, the worm did not seem...

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The Mission

The Mission By Mister Double U "My name is Colonel Donald Armstrong Wilson," the man behind the desk said. "And I am the head of Operation Turkish Bath." He walked out from behind the desk and paced the room. Sergeant Riley, head of the guards, stood next to him at full attention. "You have been chosen for a very important, top secret mission." Wilson continued. "One that will involve the elimination of one of the great enemies of the United States of America." He cleared his...

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The MissionChapter 4

One nice thing about stopping in to the division HQ is the food. They had actual cooks and hot grub. The coffee didn't come out of a pouch either. The cooks had adopted Kat as much as anybody had and whenever she came through the line her tray was piled up too high to see over. One of them would usually help her get to the table with it. It is almost sickening to see a big burly Master Sergeant with more hair coming out of his ears than on his head try to hold the door for the little girl in...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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CHAPTER 24: AMAZONA LIVESWhen my vision and senses cleared, I was still in the hut. More interesting, my head and shoulders were still resting on the thighs of the woman behind me. This woman … if this contact persisted, I was going to have to learn to pronounce their names. I have been reluctant to try their names for fear of butchering the pronunciation and offending them. I think, whatever was being determined here, I was gaining more points than my clumsiness could damage.I looked up at her...

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CHAPTER 16: DOLPHIN CONTACTOnce again I find myself sitting next to the water looking over the vast expanse of the ocean and wondering what could happen next in my life that has turned so crazy. This time I am sitting on an isolated beach on a small island off the Southwest coast of Columbia, roughly halfway between Buenaventure and Tumaco. The island is uninhabited, primitive and secluded. The significance of the island and the reason I find myself sitting on this particular beach, alone, is:...

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