S&S NerdChapter 4 free porn video

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You don't need many directions to get to Florida. I could do this in a long two days of about six to seven hundred miles a day, or do it in three or four leisurely days. I went across to highway 331 and headed southeast to Interstate 20. There was some traffic diversion going through Abilene, and a little farther through Fort Worth and south of Dallas. That place is big and busy, who would want to live there? My goal for the day was to see if I could make it out of Texas.

Around Dallas, I used my cell phone to call Dennis at S&S to let him know I was on my way. He was glad to hear I was coming and stopped short, "We didn't send you any money or a credit card. Damn, we are a bunch of goofs. Don't take it as a slight, Doc, but we try to take care of everything in advance for someone coming to us. Tell you what though, when you decide to stop for the night, call me and I'll have our travel people get you a first class place. Don't try to kill yourself getting here. We agreed you wouldn't start this coming Monday, so take your time and if you decide to stop and do some sightseeing, do it. You know, you're going near New Orleans. You could go down there."

"Thanks, Dennis, I'll visit New Orleans another time. I want to get to you guys and get started. I might have to check on the spring break babes around Panama City, but that's just a look see for me."

Dennis laughed before he cautioned, "Be careful of the jailbait out on the beaches, Doc. Lots of sixteen and seventeen year olds mix in with the older crowd and wreak havoc with your head. They'll tease you into distraction, and then give it up to another teen."

"So you're telling me Florida girls do the same things Texas girls do."

With a laugh, Dennis said, "They must all sign up for tease instruction about thirteen, so that they're pros by the time they're sixteen."

"I'm not a chick magnet, Dennis. I lurk. I love to check them out, but if I begin to talk to them, my pocket protector puts them off."

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha," Dennis couldn't quit laughing. "I know the feeling. I went to a local high school and was really cool driving my El Camino, but as far as getting close to some babe or scoring, SOL man. I didn't have any luck until I met my babe and she saw through or over the top of my appearance and tech interest. I'm lucky, hope you get lucky too, and that's not a pun."

Dennis continued, "But listen to me, I'll tell the travel lady to be ready for your call. We'll set you up in something plush. You're an important part of where we're going. Call, okay?"

Now I was chuckling, "I'll call. I want to make it out of Texas today or tonight, so I'll probably be ready to quit about five and I should be right around Shreveport. Have your lady find me a place there and get the directions. You know I'm a country boy and don't do cities very well."

"Got it, Doc, I'll have Jenny find you a first class place in Shreveport close to Interstate 20. I'll make sure they have a list of fun things for you to do there if you want. Have a great dinner and breakfast, it's on us. I'll give Jenny your cell number if that's all right."

"Sure, fine, Dennis. I'm just about past the heavy Dallas traffic, so I can get back up to Texas speed."

"And what is Texas speed, Doc?"

"Depends on the year of your pickup. If it's less than ten years old, you're safe under a hundred. They frown on faster than that."

"You better not drive like that down here. They'll only give seven miles an hour most of the time, and if there's no traffic on the interstate, they'll give you ten if they are in a good mood. Anything more than that and you'll have a ticket that will choke you up. Keep it down, Dude."

I had to laugh again, "I will, Dennis. I'm just used to burning tires up on the open highway. I hear you have to toe the line in Louisiana and Mississippi too, so I'll be doing only seventy as I make those states.

"Okay, Doc, drive carefully, and call if you want to chat while you're driving. I'll let you gab with Donny or Gerry for a while. You guys could talk equations or something together. You might even talk to Sandy; he has a whole slew of good stories. Drive carefully."

"Bye, Dennis."

Now that was encouraging. Dennis was okay and seemed to be just another guy. I knew Sandy was one of those guys who was like me and never seemed to hook up with women. I wondered how he met his wife. They seem really happy and they both work for one of the companies. I think his wife is one of the Quality Wear legal people.

It was about four forty-five my time, and I was about ten miles out of Shreveport when my new iPhone rang. I answered, "Feeny."

"Hi, Doctor Feeny, this is Jenny Huddy. I'm the travel lady for S&S, CS&S, and Quality Wear. How close are you to Shreveport?"

"I'm about ten miles out according to the signs."

"Tell me, do you want to stay at a great place that has a casino like Harrah's, or the Horseshoe where they have had the World Series of Poker, or just a regular place and have to hunt for supper?"

"Wow, either one of those casino places should have good food. Fix me up with one that's easy to get to."

Jenny described the hotels, "I'm told that the Horseshoe has a real good steak. I'm sure Harrah's serves a good meal too. The Horseshoe is easier to get to from I-20."

"Make it the Horseshoe for me, Ma'am. Get me directions and I'll be on the east side of the city in less than twenty minutes."

"Okay, Doctor Feeny, you're set. I'll have a concierge call you and talk you right to their valet. Eat well and sleep good. Be careful if you gamble. We can't help you with that. You'll have to go to a casino with the bosses. I understand they are really lucky."

"Thanks, Jenny, this is great service."

"Well, remember to check with me tomorrow so I can get you into a good place wherever you are. Just call the number on your phone and I'll answer, twenty-four seven."

"Wow, you are a busy person."

Jenny giggled, "Not really, I actually normally give the phone to someone else by now, but you are important. Good night, Dr. Feeny, I'm on my way to the patio."

She hung up and all I could think of was that the patio sure had a big appeal. I thought of how great it was going to be to work with friendly people who weren't always conniving to do something to you or say something that isn't true about you. Those university assholes never took the opportunity to ever find out anything about me. I do remember Sandy asking about my pictures a couple of times. He was always interested in others.

My phone rang, "Feeny."

"This is Jack from the Horseshoe. I'm calling to direct you to our front door, Dr. Feeny. Where are you right now?"

When I told Jack where I was, he told me to stay on the phone, what exit to take, and to inform him when I was on the correct street. He did guide me right to their door. I thanked Jack as a valet came to the pickup door and stood.

There weren't any smirks or funny looks because I was driving a pickup with a cap and a lot of stuff in the back. Another man came to the truck and asked, "May I carry your luggage for you, Sir?"

I laughed at the situation, "Hang on, Guys. I just drove from west Texas. Let me get my bag from the back and give this man my keys. If you could, put this where it's safe. I don't have a lot, but I'm moving everything I have to Tampa. Take care of it."

The bellhop took my bag and the valet got into the truck. He gently drove away as the bellhop took me inside. A man met me just inside the door with his hand stuck out, "Dr. Feeny, right?"

I had a chance to nod before he led me toward the front desk. "I'm Jack, the guy who directed you on how to get here. Let me help you through the bureaucracy and get you to your room. I'll give you a quick tour, a rundown of everything you can do, where to eat, and you'll be on your own."

Check-in only required me to show them my driver's license and sign a card. The foxy lady handed me a key card and asked, "Do you have another traveling with you that might require a key?"

"Nope, all alone, thanks for asking."

"My pleasure, Sir. Enjoy your stay."

Jack said, "Come on, the bellhop will take your bag to your room. I'll show you around down here first."

We walked through a busy casino and past a couple of places that appeared to be entrances to shows or other entertainment. The only thing of interest was a sign that said "WSP Texas Hold'em tournament, $100, $500, $1000 buy in, sign up, 7:00 PM."

I asked Jack, "What's the deal with three buy in amounts?"

"That is weird, isn't it? Everyone gets the same amount of chips. If you win on a C note buy in, the pay out is ten grand. If you win with a five hundred buy-in, the prize is fifty grand, and if you put up a grand, the winner will get a minimum of a hundred grand. The winner of everything can win up to around a million. Do you play?"

"Wow! I love to play, but you must have a lot of players to pay out a million."

Jack told me, "The room will be packed. This is a weekly thing that brings in a lot of big names. You'll be surprised at how many thousand dollar buy-ins there will be. They post it on the board. Are you going to play?"

"I might. I'm hungry and I ought to shower. Seven is only an hour and half away."

"Hey, Doc, sign up now and go shower and eat. The tourney doesn't start until eight thirty. The signup is at seven, but they let people sign up anytime. It's right in here, let's do it even if you only sign for a hundred."

I was concerned that this was going to take all night so I asked, "How long does the tournament usually last?"

Jack was nodding, "Sometimes to the wee hours of the morning, but that's only because some of the guys put on a show by trying to outfox each other. I've seen them out of here by one. If the tables play fast, you'll be able to just about guess the time."

A lady in a skimpy costume smiled and pushed a signup sheet to me. I put my name and room number down and she scanned my key card. She was startled, "You are a winner or at least whoever's paying for your room is making you a winner. You're signed up for a thousand dollars, Sir. Hope you do well."

Now I was feeling a little funny. S&S is willing to drop a grand for me to play poker? They are gambling on me, but are also willing to drop another grand for me to play. Wow, this is special."

"Jack, show me the restaurant first. I'll find my room and shower afterward."

The restaurant he showed me into wasn't very busy and a busboy almost ran to put water into my glass. I had chosen a booth seat at a window so I could look out at a huge swimming pool with lots of yummy looking females lying on chairs. The sun was almost down, but they were still showing it off.

A waiter interrupted my thoughts. "What can I get you to drink, Sir?"

I was about to ask for a drink or beer, but remembered the game. "Iced Tea, lemon, no sugar. If you'll get me a menu, I'll order now."

"I can get you a menu, Sir, but we make anything you want. What do you have a taste for?"

Uh oh, this is going to be expensive. "Ah, actually I was thinking a medium sized rib-eye with a small lobster tail, and a few shrimp scampi with a buttered mixed vegetable. How about a small Caesar salad along with a good British Martini. A small size Martini, please."

The waiter grinned and told me, "I'll be right back with your drinks and salad. Do you have a need for speed tonight? Are you going to play in the tournament?"

Very astute of the man, "Yes, I am and speed would be good. I need to clean up before I go in there."

"I understand and will make sure you only have the one martini. Good luck."

The drinks were almost instantaneous, with a salad slid onto a plate almost as fast. I savored the salad with the martini, thinking this gin was something special. Almost as soon as I put my fork down, a busboy whisked the plate and fork away. The waiter was carrying a tray with something smoking on it. He put a fairly thick rib-eye steak on a metal hot plate in the center, a small plate with a shelled lobster tail on one side, and a plateful of shrimp scampi on rice on the other. Directly over my plate, he set down a bowl of mixed vegetables. The man was smiling and offered me a card, "Excuse me, Dr. Feeny, if you can't finish your meal now, you can call this number and we'll warm it up or bring you fresh up to your room later. We always want to please."

I was stunned. How did he know my name? He was perceptive because he figured out that I was going to play in the tournament, but how could he figure out my name?

He was gone before I could ask him. My nose brought my attention to the rib-eye. I had not specified how I wanted the steak cooked, but it was a true medium bloody rare that was so tender that I didn't need a steak knife. The shrimp was delicious, and a mouth full of lobster had me drooling. I didn't eat fast as I wanted to savor the meal.

At one point while I ate, the waiter refilled my iced tea and had already removed the martini glass that I had not finished. He didn't interrupt my focus on the food by asking how it was, he knew it was good. I actually finished every bite and sat back with a full tummy. They gave me too many shrimp, but this was Louisiana. Knowing the meal was taken care of, I pulled my money clip to leave a tip.

The waiter magically appeared, "Oh no, Sir. Your gratuities have been taken care of. Go win some money."

I checked my watch to see it was still just a little after seven, so I took the elevator up to my floor and found my room. The door popped open as I slid the card into the slot.

"Holy shit, this was special. There was a large sitting area and a bed that looked like a dozen people could sleep in it. A quick look around showed some kind of porch or patio outside some doors. I looked out there and was surprised, there was a hot tub outside my room; oh, my.

I didn't have time to gawk, so I looked for my suitcase and found it on the floor of the closet with my clothes neatly hung. Okay, that's a nice touch. I was stripped in seconds and through the shower. I kept my hair short so I didn't have to mess with it, which was another source of derision by my peers at the university. I thought it was smart to have short hair so I could wear a hat and it not mess with my hair or look like I just got up if I lay down for a nap.

After a quick shave, I dressed and rode the elevator to the first floor. I found what I wanted in the gift shop. I pulled an extra strength five hour energy bottle and a pack of chewing gum. Gum was my weakness, but it was better than chewing tobacco, the common product for my age group in Texas.

I walked through the door to the tournament room and a lady on a high stool with a computer monitor said, "Welcome, Doctor Feeny, you will be at table twenty-seven. Do you want a lucky number table?"

On a whim, I said, "How about thirty-three?"

The girl did some keystrokes and said, "Would you accept table three?"

I was enthusiastic when I answered, "That would be even better."

"You're all set, Doctor Feeny, good luck."

I stepped past her and watched how she knew who I was. When someone would stand in front of her, she would push a key and the machine would compare a series of faces until it came up with the correct face and the information about the customer or tournament entry. That was a slick use of a facial recognition program. The signup lady took the picture and it was stored for the entrance clerk who assigned tables.

I walked around the room toward where I assumed table three would be. I thought the low number tables were for high profile players, but I didn't care. If I could play with these big guys, I could play my way through for a while.

I looked at the sheet of paper the lady had given me. Everyone from twenty-fifth to first place won money. For me to make the thousand back, I would have to come in twenty-second. This was high stakes stuff.

I found table three and I looked at the seat markers. A lady in another skimpy costume was setting my name tag in front of a seat.

While I was standing there, a waitress asked if she could get me something. I asked for a no sugar iced tea with lemon. She asked, "Tall or short?"

"Tall, Ma'am."

The very short waitress grinned and said, "You sure are."

That was a flirt, as I'm not tall at all. That was a nice gesture and a hell of lot nicer than the usual "nerd" stuff I heard.

I was sipping my iced tea near the table when a couple of fairly well known poker players showed up. This was going to be fun. How many times do you get to play with guys you only see on TV? Pretty soon, the public address system announced, "Tables, Ladies and Gentlemen."

I sat at my place and checked my name tag. Oh shit, it said, "Dr. Salvatore Feeny". I didn't need that. As I sat, all of the players were recognizing each other and shaking each other's hand. One of the guys said, "That's a mouthful, Dr. Feeny, how about 'Sal'?"

I was nodding and smiling when another of the famous card players asked, "What kind of doc are you, a shrink, a surgeon?"

With a smile I told them, "I'm a PhD. A doctor only as a matter of students addressing me. I fool with electronics and computers."

That was the right thing to say as they all continued their conversations with each other. In front of each player was a tray of chips. The players were taking them out and stacking them by color.

The public address announcer broadcast, "For the purpose of the tournament, the black chips will be a thousand, the red five thousand, the blue ten thousand, and the purple twenty-five thousand. Each player has been issued two hundred fifty thousand in chips. Good luck, Gentlemen.

The dealer said, "A thousand for the blind, ladies and gentlemen." There were two well-known lady players at the table.

The first hour was fast and three at our table went out. I wasn't playing conservatively, but I was watching and trying to play smart. I did have a rep at home for being one of the better players at the Saturday and Sunday afternoon tournaments. It was surprising how many good players were making bad bets. I figured the game could be won early if you played the way you were supposed to.

After two hours, the only original players at our table were one of the ladies and me. Both of us had a nice stack of chips. The break was long enough to hit the john and order another iced tea. I couldn't get over the number of well known players sucking up booze. This was for money, why would you take away your edge?

When the play started again with a new dealer, he was dealing so slow that I asked him, "Do you get paid for dealing slow or is it just the way you deal?"

There were several people that spoke up and agreed with me. The guy said, "If you question me you can leave. I control this game and will deal the way I want to. Who are you to talk to me that way?"

That brought a lot of "ooh's" around the table. I began watching the guy's hands and looked up at the lady playing at the table. She caught my eye and winked at me. The guy was doing some fancy dealing. I had to quit betting because of the cards I was getting. The only thing I did was put in the blind.

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Awakening by Quiver Chapter 2: Reckoning Rebecca woke up the next morning feeling strangely confident. Ordinarily, she would never sleep in the nude, but last night she had gone to bed naked without a second thought. And those dreams. Holy shit, that had been so vivid. Steven would never show such passion in real life. It must have been that weird summoning spell she had tried out. It had put some really intense images in her mind. Rebecca opened her eyes to see Steven passed out with...

4 years ago
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The unexpected

Your hips and ass are extremely shapely, and your breasts are magnificent卆nd no bra厃ou are an adventurous girl indeed.� I felt a second arm snake around me and two hands close over my breasts卹ubbing the nipples. I was a little scared, but strangely calm協or some reason I sensed that wasn抰 any danger here. A warm body pressed lightly against me, the hands circled my breasts卼hen one slid down to the bottom of my shirt. I felt my shirt being pulled up and smooth hands cupped my breasts, fingers and...

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Naina Kaki Ne Khilaya Chucho Se

Hello friends i am jacck here again from vadodara, Gujarat. Thank you for reaching my last story “School Time Ki Friend Chidi Vadodara Ke Garden Me”. Muje bohot sare readers ke feedback mile. Thank you so much readers. I hope esehi apko ye story bhi pasand ayegi. Time tha college ke 2nd year vacation ka. Me gaya tha apne gaav kaka kaki ke pas rehne. Wo mere sage kaka kaki to nai he magar mere papa k bohot achhe dost he. Humne gaav me jamin ko chhod ke baki sab bech diya he. To isiliye hum waha...

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Metamorphosis By Julia Manchester Copyright 2008 Author's Note: This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of the characters or events portrayed to any person or entity, living or dead, is purely coincidental and unintended. This work also includes mature subject matter and may not be appropriate for those under the age of eighteen. Part 1 1. It was nobody's fault, really. The truck was passing the car on the highway when the car in front of the Strattons had a blowout...

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Lezzy Sleepover

The girls:Tina, 23 years old (34B-24-35), 5'4" tall. A very pretty brunette with a slim, tight body from years of doing yoga. She has firm and perky tits and a completely shaved pussy with a piercing in her clit. She enjoys being in charge and takes great pleasure in fucking her girlfriend Lisa in both her holes with one of her big strap-ons.Lisa, 21 years old (35B-25-35), 5'3" tall. This hot blonde is the typical sex kitten type. Her body toned from the gym and her skin tanned with no tan...

4 years ago
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A Reluctant GunfighterChapter 20

We had collected $212.25 from tickets and drink sales. Jed was the only one who was disappointed, the rest of us were thrilled to have made so much from our first effort in show business. He had wanted me to double the ticket prices, but I maintained that I knew what I was doing. Four performances a week would produce over $3,200 per month! With all of my expenses figured in, I would be making over $1,000 per month! Mary and I would be rich within two years, not counting what we could make...

3 years ago
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Serving The Bitch pt 3

Hours pass me by so painfully slow as I stay stuck to the leather chair.The seat, which is certainly a lot more comfy to sit on than my own hard workchair, was now begining to ache my ass, you know that awkward feeling where although you no longer have any feeling in your cheeks they still manage to ache nonetheless. I managed to stand up for a bit, though my wrist is still trapped to the arm of the chair meant either sitting or standing was an uncomfortable experience. The big dark red leather...

2 years ago
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How My College Life Began 8211 FFM

Hi, guys and girls . I am here to tell a true story about how I met my girlfriend and our experience. I would like to know your email me. I am john ,23. I am fair , a little dark, average body and have a dick size normal 7inches. I started college and I was staying at hostel for first year . During second year we all changed to different rooms outside hostel. Mine was a complex buildings . There where two rooms on first floor and moved to the room which was near stairs. The other room was also...

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Teenu Aur Meri Chahat

Hi doston, myself Saurabh Chauhan I am from Haryana. Yeh Indian sex stories par meri pahli kahani hai. Meri age 27 saal hai aur mera penis 7 inch lamba aur 4.5 inch mota hai. Ye kahani hai meri aur meri cousin teenu ki, jo ki meri door ke bua ki ladki hai. Teenu ka figure 38-32-40 hai aur wo 22 years ki hai. Dekhne me wo kisi porn actress se kam nhi hai, uski deewangi mohalle me itni hai ki koi bhi ladka na bacha hoga jisne ki uske naam ki mutth na mari ho. Ab aate hain story par ye ghtna...

1 year ago
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Naughty Santa Chronicles ndash Epi 3

Carol, also known as Mrs. Claus felt guilty. She had now been having crazy wild sex with anywhere from 3 to 5 elves a morning for the last week. Seven different elves had serviced her in total! And while her frustration level had dropped she felt guilty. Her man, the Big C, was working his butt off for young boys and girls across the world while she was getting banged by his elves. It was not a very nice thing and she knew she was headed toward being on his really naughty list!That idea planted...

2 years ago
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Sexy Elder Sister 8211 My First Ever

Hi guys! This is my first story on ISS. Let me start off by telling you all a little bit about my sister and me. I’m a 20 year old guy (Rob) with a slim build and I am 170 cm tall. My sister (Alisha) is four years elder to me. She is 24, very fair with an erection-causing figure of 34D; 26; 36. She has done a course of Fashion Designing and Technology from NIFT and she usually dresses up in westerns (formals with heels for day and top and skirts with usually high heels for the night/evening)....

1 year ago
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Taken by a stranger in public

It was a warm summers night. My long backless ball gown clung to my body, the split exposing my right leg almost to my hip, the curve of my breasts and my stiff nipples clearly visible through the gown in the absence of any bra or any underwear at all for that matter.I was at a charity ball with my partner at a nice hotel just on the outskirts of town. The drink was flowing, we were dancing and I was having a great night. The fact that my outfit was getting a good bit of attention was turning...

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Two Bowls

Her name was Eva Crespo. When she was young, she didn’t know what she wanted to do with her life. She knew she couldn’t be a leader, because leaders were not like her, they grew up in different circumstances and had wealth, unlike her and so many others. Eva had many responsibilities when growing up. Her favourite, though, was cooking for her family and friends, making delectable dishes that articulated her warm nature. She always used a special, secret ingredient in her dishes, which she...

1 year ago
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How I became addicted to men

I have always been attracted to guys but I always ignored all of my feelings and urges. I always expected my feeling to remain dormant because I am also shy and didn't foresee myself ever having sex with another guy. That all changed on my 18th birthday. My Mom threw a big birthday/graduation party for me at a beach house her boss(David) owned. I had a nice buzz and I was starting to get horny. All I wanted to do was find a girl and fuck her before passing out. That changed at around 4am when...

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A Monkey On Her Back sixth and final chapter

We spent a long night out in the garden fucking and sucking each other, but by far the sexiest moments were those when I watched mum and Ginny doing things to each other. It was late when we staggered up to bed, but even then they hadn't finished with me.Mum reached for me and rolled on top of me whilst Ginny inserted my shaft into mum's warm sex and when I came for the last time that night, mum squatted on her face and allowed my creamy cum to trickle out into her mouth.As usual I was the last...

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The Little Purple Dress Part III

The water in the tub was beginning to get a little cool, so we got out and dried off. I dried your back and you did mine. Of course, there was a little friendly play with private parts as we dried off, but it was fun and we laughed at each other. When we were as dry as we were going to get I took our wine glasses to the kitchen for a refill while you headed to the bedroom to find something appropriate to wear. I suggested that nothing would be appropriate, but you insisted that at least a...

Straight Sex
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Sweet Mother Love

What was supposed to be a quiet night at home turned out to be much more than I could ever have dreamed of. I just got home from working a 12 hour shift, dead on my feet. All I wanted was a cold drink, some no brainer movie and my feet up on the couch. I live in a complex of about 5 homes so quiet time sometimes is hard to find and just as I was thinking this quiet was too good to be true there was a knock on the door. I guess some good company wouldn't be a bad idea. I opened he door and saw...

4 years ago
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Club Night

She was so excited and nervous, she barely even felt the cold air against her. The line moved forward a little, and she was now close enough to see into the club a little. It was just a small room with a hallway, you couldn't see any of the main room. It was so exciting to finally be able to go into this club though, she had wanted to go for so long. This was one of the clubs owned by a girl known as Anna, and it was well known that there was more sex in her clubs than in a Thai whorehouse. It...

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Dating Curtis Ch1

As a single, independent woman in my early forties, sex plays an important role in my life. Maybe it’s my hormones; I’m always feeling horny. Not a day goes by without masturbating at least once, or twice, and sometimes more. I have vibrators and dildos of different sizes, shapes, and colors. But nothing, and I mean nothing, takes the place of a real cock attached to a sexy man who knows how to use it. I’ve tried several ways of meeting men, from bars to church, but I found it much easier and...

Straight Sex
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New Secretary Chapter 2 Maries first month

New Secretary - Chapter 2– Marie’s First Month If you have read the previous story about my new personal assistant Marie, you’ll know that she may turn out to be a great addition to the company. At this point how far she is willing to go remains unknown. I do know I underestimated her commitment. I must admit that I had completely underestimated the effect on Marie of making her my personal assistant and sex slave. She had always been effective, efficient and professional beforehand, but our...

Straight Sex
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After a day and several stops, she finally got on the bus for Hollywood. Butterflies filled her stomach, mingled with worries about her parents finding out and getting mad. All those faded when early the next morning she pulled into the bus terminal in Hollywood. Julia had never seen a big city before, and the sight of it took her breath away. Driving through the streets leading in, she felt overwhelmed. When she finally got off the bus and entered the busy terminal, she began to feel...

1 year ago
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Debbie does Alabama Part Two

As summer approached she stopped wearing a bra and started wearing very see through blouses that showed off her gorgeous 38C sized firm tits. I noticed but never commented. This is based on a true marriage experience. Obviously names and places have been changed. Continuing from Part One: With our extravagant lifestyle we soon went through the financial endowment. I lost my job as I was drinking too much. Our marriage was in a desperate situation both at the bank and in bed. An Aunt of mine...

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Tinkle BellChapter 2

Leading me into her room, and then towards the bed, I saw she had left the door open after entering. "You ah ... might want to close that. As long as the doors to our rooms are closed, Doreen knows not to enter." And though it was early yet, not even eight in the morning, Doreen usually began making her rounds, cleaning rooms and changing sheets on the beds which she did every Saturday around nine or nine thirty. Bella hesitated looking back towards the open door, smiled, and then jumped...

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Live porn

I love watching Maria get fucked, seeing my whore wife completely naked and some guy banging away at her. Not long ago, one of the IFM Team – let’s call him Paul – booked Maria for a Sunday afternoon fuck session. As per usual, he had texted us to make the booking. We get a dozen texts of a weekend from the IFM Team all hoping to make a time to come over and fuck Maria. Depending on how busy she is – and how horny – Maria will usually take 6-8 bookings over a weekend. Sometimes when we get a...

4 years ago
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Sorcerer the Inner CircleChapter 42

DON (Friday 12/16) When the roar finally quieted down, I saw Michelle Bonds beside us with a young man, obviously her date; Michelle's in one of my Junior Chemistry classes and I'd gotten to know her fairly well. I heard her say, "Oh my God -- that's the Ultimate Seal of Approval." I turned to them and said, "Hello, Michelle. You know I'm new here. I've heard of this Seal of Approval a few times but don't really know what it is. If you don't mind, would you tell my wife and me...

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Spirit QuestChapter 13

Our first group of homing pigeons was finally ready to test. We’d raised hundreds in each capital and cities along the routes to other capitals and then transferred groups to different cities. They’d make their way home to where they were born and raised when released, taking our messages with them. The initial messages asked what time of day the pigeons arrived at each relay station (early morning, mid-morning, noon, etc.), and then each capital. Clovis’s first message, talking about the...

2 years ago
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Settle for Nothing Part 1

“Bitch is about like tits on a bull. Fuckin’ worthless.” The redneck’s slurred voice carried to Jasmine as she poured his next beer. Fuckers. She swirled the glass in her hand, foam circling the edges of the dark liquid. Daring her. Smiling, she swished her tongue in her mouth, gathering a thick dollop of saliva, and spat in the drink. She swirled it once more, letting it cling to the foam, and walked back to the counter. Thunked it down in front of him. “Four bucks, Murray.” Jasmine...

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A Little About Leeza

The rambling estate mansion, which is Leeza Gibbon’s California home, rests elegantly on 35 wooded acres in Beverly Hills. It has a grand, wide neo-classic Rococo exterior, while the interior design elements reflect it’s owner, sleek, chic and sophisticated. Purchased in 1988 after a successful 40 million dollar CBS deal, the property is maintained by a small permanent staff, and is Leeza’s preferred year round residence. As a woman of means, and in accordance with noblesse oblige, Leeza...

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TonightsGirlfriend Sophia Deluxe 26422

I had an experience once where I walked into the wrong hotel room and inside was this gorgeous women in sexy lingerie. While she looked inviting, I did not want to cheat on my wife. Then a friend of mine put me on to this agency and I notice my favorite porn star, Sophia Deluxe, was listed. I give them a call and she stops by my room. I’ve always wanted to relive that night I accidentally walked into the wrong room and tonight I’m going to replay that moment with Sophia, but this...

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Dark and Wonderful Things

Cass Raven walked slowly through the crowd of guests, smiling occasionally when she saw a familiar face. It amazed her that she barely recognized any of these people. But then again, it wasn’t her party so she wasn’t that surprised. She scanned the crowd of people in search of Leo, but to her disappointment he was nowhere to be seen. Trust him to disappear from his own party. She smiled wryly to herself and accepted a flute of champagne from one of the many hired waiters. She’d known Leo...

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My Slut Wifes Day Off Part Two

It was in the middle of August on a Friday when I was scheduled to work from seven a.m. until one p.m. Then from one p.m. to five p.m. I was to go do some special training in the next town. I told my wife I would probably be late and I would call on the way home. She knew these training exercises always take longer than scheduled. She warned me that it was supposed to be a scorching hot day that day, and for me to drink lots of water. I packed up all my gear, loaded up my truck, gave her a...

Straight Sex
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AssignmentChapter 6

J6 We were stuck at this place. And I tried the whole time to think of anything that would get us out of here. I was scared that Louie actually really would kill me and James. And as this fucking asshole dared to start touching me and humiliated me in front of James and this gorilla I was get-ting really pissed in the inside. He'd pay for it if he'd made a mistake. It was threatening to imagine he'd make me really suck his fatass cock. I'd do everything to avoid this. And he surely...

1 year ago
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The Shifter Chapter 1

The Shifter By JRD Chapter 1 Peter Wilkins pulled himself out of the mud where he had been dumped. As a small boy, only five foot, four inches, he was a regular target of boys like David Lewis and his football buddies. He looked up and saw David and his crew walking off, laughing at Peter's predicament. As they left, Peter was sure he saw Jessica Lowe looking back at him with a bit of regret. As kids, he and Jessica had been best friends, but those times were now long past....

4 years ago
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House work

My friend ask me if i could do some renovation work on his parents’ house while they were out of town. I told him that it should take about week finish add he was ok with that. We negotiated a price and time and it was set. A week went by and we started the job but we were told that his grandmother was going to be there but in a separate part of the house. She was quite and wouldn’t get in the way because she was in town to visit a old friend will probably spend a lot of the time out of the...

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He came from across the street part 2

Mike I watched joey lick up all my cum, he wasn't doing a very good job so I kept my hand on the back of his head making sure he did it right. He was going to have to learn to listen to me if i was going to get what i wanted from the two of them. I had signaled bobby to come over and he was on his way. Joey There was so much cum. Like he just kept his cock in my mouth and didn't let me get any cum out. Not only was it dripping down my throat but it was all over my cheeks, my...

3 years ago
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Yvette Niki and one dog

Here is another story for the ladies who are into K9s. It is about Yvette and her girl friend, Niki who had been together a couple of years. They find out that there is more to being pleasured than another woman’s tongue when they bring home Enzo , a big black Lab. Niki catches Yvette as she is letting the big doggie lick her. Instead of being mad with her, she pitches right in and helps her out. What turns from a good licking goes to hot fucking as both of them learn all about being...

1 year ago
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Fine Love Dolls

Have you ever wished that you had a beautiful woman who would fuck you every time you snapped your fingers? Dude, you’re not the only one. But to obtain that kind of perk, you need to have the skills required to talk to a woman. And well, that means bathing, having something to talk about beyond fucking hentai, and dressing in something other than your fedora and that stained Minions t-shirt you think is funny to wear ironically.Sure, depending on where you live, you could bypass all of that...

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