Captain Caveman in Cavey Can Do It
- 4 years ago
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In einer der Schilderungen von Erlebnissen hatte Nadine danach gefragt, wie es sich dazu entwickelt hat (also ganz am Anfang), dass wir heute ein - für andere scheinbar - außergewöhnliches Sexleben miteinander genießen, und darauf möchte ich heute eingehen:
Natürlich hatten Max und ich schon unsere Erfahrungen, als wir uns kennenlernten, schließlich waren wir beide ja keine Jungfrau bzw. Jungmann mehr (obwohl auch das beides eine schöne Erinnerung - beziehungweise, wie es dazu kam, dass es nicht mehr so war). Wie es dann so ist, haben wir jede freie Minute zuhause im Bett verbracht und unsere Leidenschaft ausgiebig genossen.
Dabei kam es dazu, dass wir auch unsere Vorliebe für Sextalk gemeinsam entdeckten. Anfangs bezogen wir das nur auf uns, aber nach und nach stellten wir fest, dass unsere Fantasien sich erweiterten, insbesondere, oder gerade auch dann, wenn Gäste in unserem Gästezimmer nebenan übernachteten.
An einem dieser Abende, als meine Schwester, Caro, bei uns schlief, war ich beim gemeinsamen Abendessen schon ganz kribbelig, weil ich wusste, diese Nacht werde ich ihm eines meiner großen Geheimnisse anvertrauen.
Der Wein zum Dinner, und auch die Gläser danach, zusammen auf der Couch vor dem Kamin, ließ mich anschmiegsamer werden - an beide! - und ich ahnte, es würde meine Zunge lösen, wenn wir uns trennen, um die Nacht in getrennten Betten - (zur Klarstellung: Max und ich im Ehebett, Caro im Gästezimmer) zu verbringen.
Max mochte Caro schon immer, aber er hat mich nie einen Zweifel spüren lassen, dass ich es bin, mit der er zusammen ist, und auch, wenn er sie manchmal intensiver anblickte, wusste ich um unsere Vereinbarung. Wie man so schön sagt: ansehen darfst du, gegessen wird zuhause.
Nachdem Caro in ihr Zimmer verschwunden war und ich aus dem Bad zu Max ins Schlafzimmer kam, er nur in Boxer und T-Shirt auf der Decke liegend, des Sommers wegen zu heiß, um unter einer Decke zu verschwinden, und ich auch nur in Slip und Top, war ich ein klein wenig schummelig im Kopf. Ich kuschelte mich aufs Bett und schmiegte mich an ihn.
Dass er geil war, dafür gab es eindeutige Zeichen in seiner Shorts. Und ehe ich mich versah drehte er mich auf den Bauch und legte sich halbwegs auf mich. Sein Harter drückte gegen meinen Hintern und ich genoß seine Kraft und die Macht, die er auf mich ausübte, als er sich an mich presste und dabei seine Hände meine Handgelenke umschlossen.
'Du hast Caro fast mit deinen Blicken ausgezogen', flüsterte ich ihm leise zu, nicht zu laut werden wollend, da sie ja im Nachbarzimmer schlief.
'Nein, habe ich nicht', flüsterte er zurück, 'obwohl eindeutig erkennbar ist, dass ihr Schwestern seid.'
'Wie meinst du das?', fragte ich ihn.
'Auch wenn ihr keine Zwillinge seid, und ihr euch in euren Körperformen unterscheidet, habt ihr ähnliche Ausdrucksformen, Ansichten, und auch im Profil seid ihr euch sehr ähnlich', antwortete er mir.
'Du lässt mich jetzt aber jetzt nicht sitzen wegen meiner Schwester?' zog ich ihn auf.
'Ganz bestimmt nicht. Es wäre ja nur ein Tausch Gleiches gegen Gleiches', lachte Max.
'Hey, du Schuft! Geht's noch liebevoller?', gab ich als Kommentar zurück.
'Ist doch nur Spaß, Kleines', kam von ihm als Erwiderung.
Mein Po drückte sich gegen seinen leicht steifen Schwanz, und ich gab mich seiner Fixierung meiner Hände durch seine hin, als ich mehr oder weniger unbestimmt sagte: 'war das erste Mal, dass ich etwas mit einem anderen Mädchen hatte'.
Mädels, wenn ihr mal wirklich eine deutliche, eineindeutige Reaktion mit eurem Lover haben wollt, dann sind das wohl Zauberworte. Spürte ich seinen Ständer bis dahin schon deutlich gegen mich drücken, kam jetzt eindeutig noch weitaus mehr Leben zwischen seine Lenden.
'Du hattest Erlebnisse mit Frauen? Und dein erstes Mal war mit Caro?', hauchte er mir hörbar erregt ins Ohr, während er meine Arme weiter festhielt und noch weiter auseinanderspreizte, sich dabei noch mehr über mich legte und seine Knie meine Beine auseinanderzudrücken begannen.
'Ja', hauchte ich ganz leise zurück. 'Beides' ..... 'Mit anderen Frauen ............ und mein erstes Mal war mit Caro'.
'Erzähl mir davon!', forderte er mich auf. Sein Steifer drückte sich dabei fester gegen die Spalte meines Arschs.
'Du findest es nicht komisch, oder sogar verwerflich?', flüsterte ich nochmals leiser.
'Nein. Ganz und gar nicht. Eher geil! Erzähl weiter'.
'Wir waren jung. Unerfahren. Und neugierig - wie man in dem Alter eben so ist. Andere Freundinnen hatten schon, und ließen es immer wieder anklingen oder erzählten auch davon. Bei uns war es eher so, dass wir uns wie hässliche Entlein vorkamen, keine von uns beiden hatte bis dahin mit einem Jungen ein echtes Date'.
'Was für 25 ja schon echt ungewöhnlich ist für heutzutage', wandt Max ein, und ich kicherte natürlich ein klein wenig. 'Ist natürlich schon ein wenig länger her', hauchte ich und bog dabei meinen Kopf etwas zurück, um es ihm direkt ins Ohr zu flüstern.
'Ihr habt euch sozusagen gegenseitig erforscht?', kam Max' nächste Frage.
'Ja. Küssen zuerst. Dann Fühlen. Berührung. Streicheln. Und dann noch einiges mehr', gab ich zurück.
Langsam wurde er deutlicher in seinen Fragen. 'Ihr habt euch gegenseitig berührt? Auf der nackten Haut?'
'Als eines Tages niemand zuhause war und wir auf der Couch einen Film zusammen angesehen haben, hat es sich ergeben'.
'Wie genau?' fragte Max.
Mhm, so langsam wurde mein Höschen nass, ihm davon mit noch mehr Einzelheiten zu erzählen. 'Caro lag hinter mir. Auf dem Sofa war nicht so viel Platz, dass wir ohne Körperkontakt auskamen. Ihre Titties drückten gegen meinen Rücken und ihr Becken gegen meinen Hintern'.
'Hey, du Perverser, dir gefällt es ja offensichtlich ganz schön, wenn ich dir von mir und Caro erzähle!', raunte ich nach hinten zu ihm hin.
Max erwiderte nur: 'kann ich kaum abstreiten', und ließ nur gerade kurz genug von meinen Handgelenken los, um meinen Slip zur Seite zu ziehen und seinen Schwanz gegen meine feuchten Lippen zu drücken.
'Meine Finger gingen auf Wanderschaft', fuhr ich weiter fort, seine Kraft, mich festzuhalten, und seinen Harten mich penetrieren zu wollen, genießend.
'Du weißt schon, wie geil mich das gerade macht?', raunte er mit deutlich rauer Stimme in mein Ohr. 'Caro ist hier. Sie liegt nebenan im Gästezimmer, und ich habe gerade das Bild vor Augen, wie du sie streichelst. Intim bist mit ihr - sehr intim, oder sollte ich ehr sagen geil? Sie und dich erregst'.
'Nicht nur streicheln, Max. Als ich über ihren Po strich, teilweise Stoff, teilweise Haut, da wollte ich mehr', ließ ich ihn hören, wohlwissend, dass ihn dass noch geiler macht.
'Was noch?' - Max Erregung war mittlerweile bei beidem zu spüren - dem Ton seiner Stimme und dem Spielen seiner Schwanzspitze an meiner jetzt schon ganz nassen Spalte.
'Ich habe sie gefingert.
Nicht nur ich Caro. Sie dann auch mich', keuchte ich verhalten unter seinem Gewicht auf mir, seinem Druck auf meinen weit auseinander gezogenen Handgelenken, mich zur Bewegungslosigkeit und Auslieferung verdammend, und seinem Schwanz, der sich in mich hineinschob.
'Habt ihr es danach noch mal gemacht? Oder würdest du es wieder mit ihr machen?', fragte er mich.
'Ja Max! Beides! Mich macht es gerade so heiß, dass ich dir davon erzähle und sie untmittelbar in der Nähe ist. Im Gästezimmer. Nebenan'.
Sein Riemen mochte die Vorstellung ganz offensichtlich genauso gerne, wie ich. Seine nochmalige Verhärtung war so deutlich zu spüren, als er tiefer in mich stieß.
'Du stellst es dir gerade vor, wie du mich fickst, während sie vor mir liegt und ich sie fingere, nicht wahr?', fragte ich ihn.
Auch diesmal war es wohl weniger eine verbale Zustimmung - eher nur ein noch härteres Ficken.
Mittlerweile waren unsere Geräusche und unser Gespräch so laut, dass Caro, so sie denn noch wach war, gar nicht umhin kam, es mitzubekommen.
'Fick mich!!!!', machte ich ihn und mich noch wilder. 'Und dann stecke ihn mir von hinten rein; fick meinen Arsch ................. und stell dir vor, Caro kniet unter mir und leckt mein Fötzchen!'
Da habe ich wohl den Nagel auf den Kopf getroffen. Gerade hat er noch mein Fötzchen gevögelt, und bei diesen Worten wechselte er. Sein Schwanz, feucht genug von meinem Saft, drang jetzt in meinen Hintern ein.
Nun bin ich eine Frau, die davon kommen kann, insbesondere dann, wenn sie die Geilheit ihres Partners spürt. Sein harter Schwanz in meinem Arsch, die verdorbenen Gedanken, die wie dabei teilten, Caro nebenan, die wahrscheinlich alles hören konnte, und dann seinen aufkommenden Orgasmus, sein Pumpen zu spüren, bis er dann schließlich in mir abspritzte, das war sowas von geil!
OMG bin ich an diesem Abend gekommen. Leichte Überflutung auch bei Max.
Was ich am nächsten Tag wusste: auf Dirty Talk stehen wir beide; ich brauche keine Geheimnisse vor ihm zu haben; Blümchensex ist okay, aber da gibt es noch viel mehr; zur Bewegungslosigkeit verdammt und irgendwie ausgeliefert sein mag ich - und er bei mir; Dreier können wir uns beide sehr gut vorstellen; Caro ist jederzeit willkommen (was ja später auch geschah); und gelegentlich teilen wir unsere Erlebnisse auch (das Erlaubte), so wie hier ;-)
Schönen Abend noch!
Kristen & Max
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Betting SitesThis one is compliments of joevsr My Dad taught me this. Careers: Psychiatrist: $100. a session Doctor: $50 a visit Lawyer: $60. an hour Priest: Talks for an hour on Sunday Morning and it takes 4 ushers with baskets to collect it all. Mathematics 60 year old guy comes home to his 60 year old wife and tell her that he is leaving her for his 20 year old secretary. The wife says that she will find a 20 year old stud to take care of her. The husband starts laughing at her saying what...
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Straight Sex(Okay heres number 2 let me know what u think) Dante grabbed his belt and strapped her arms above her head to her bed post. ‘Dante?’ She asked as he did the same with her legs. ‘What?’ He whispered against her wet pussy lips. All her words left her as Dante began to slowly lick herp ussy lips. She wanted to grab his hair and push him down, but he had tied her up good. Dante smirked as small moans of pleasure escaped Isabells mouth. ‘You like that baby?’ He asked. ‘Dante, Dont stop.’ She...
First I would like to apologize for the length of time with no activity. Real life reared its ugly head. Now that I can work on this a bit, I started working Chapter nine up, and went back through to check a few things, and found myself looking at some necessary edits. They are clarifications and streamlines mainly, with one foreshadowing element added. This isn’t meant as a stand alone story, and as such, you might want to read the first three chapters first, otherwise you might end up as lost...
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It was around November when my cousin, April, brought her classmates for a group project at home. Just for formalities, she introduced me to her classmates. Normally I could care less having 7th Graders hanging around at my house but one girl caught my attention. Her name was Anja, pronounced as Anya. She had a bit of Scandinavian in her blood, she was taller, paler, and more “developed” than the others.Later that night, I went to my cousin’s room. “Do you need any help?” I asked, though it’s...
Based in the Wild Cards world created by George RR Martin. He edited the books, that were written by a great many of his friends, making them into one story. I do not own the world, I simply cheated and put my characters in it because I love the Jumpers and the idea of an alien virus changing the world (alternate history/timeline). Should George or any of those writers see this (ya, right) I hope that they sees that I mean no disrespect and hope that they enjoys this if he ever...
I had put on a few pounds of weight when I reached 23. I had split up from my two year romance because he met and started shagging another thinner girl so my self esteem was low on the night this venture happened.I started to gain a little weight as they say, 'went to seed', because of my long term relationship with my boyfriend, I was off the market, I had regular sex, which was good sex as we had developed our own ways of doing things so in all I was settling down when he came out that he...
One day, my uncle Ben, who is my mum's brother, was staying over, and I heard him saying to my mum that my dad must have hardly given her time to get her pants back on after she had me, before he knocked her up a second time and my sister came along. Uncle Ben probably didn't mean for me to hear him saying that, but when I think about it, the comment probably had a certain amount of truth in it. There was less than a year between my sister, Tina, and me, so we were pretty close as k**s. My...
been after my girls ass for awhile now.she says if i can do your ass than you can do mine.finally i give in say ok.nervous i spread my legs wide.sucking my cock and balls she tongues my ass oh my i like that.shes licks me good and has finger in my ass.i love it who new.she than gets her strapon we use sometimes only now i get fucked in my ass.i suck her cock it seems so im ready for my first fuck.she slids the head in i want more than she enters me.fuck me i want it.she bangs my ass...
The Red Rose Beaks tribe was situated in Valgarel farthest than any other tribe from the border between the humans’ and beasts’ territories. It was the home of all crane type beasts and many other bird type beasts. Those who were assimilated through the years, after the establishment of the tribe, joined by succumbing to the influence and prestige of the ruler of all beasts in New Earth, who also happens to be a bird type beast. His Valor Ozeyn had all of Valgarel under his control, but the...
My whole family has always seemed to be devoid of the Westermarck Effect, but heavy on the Oedipus complex. We have some relatives that just love sex with whoever is available. We also have our share of gay or bisexual individuals. With that said, let me tell you about my older sister’s ex-husband, my ex-brother-in-law, Jason. Jason’s Story My named is Todd. I am a forty-five years old divorcee, and I love sex. I prefer heterosexual sex, but that’s not to say I would outright reject a...
It happened last week when my parents were out of town to attend a wedding, My Neighbor is 39 years old but still sexy looking lady, Big Tits No k**s and recently divorced. It all started on a Saturday morning when she came over to ask me for breakfast since she knew my parents where out of town.I had a morning hard on and i dint realize until i opened the door. She asked me if i coffee and i agreed then suddenly she started staring at my penis and It took me some time to realize what she was...
Walking into the bedroom of his place, Hayden thought about what had just taken place, the role play they’d indulged in, him really taking control and dominating her, spanking and screwing her hard. As she contemplated it, she realised just how much she’d enjoyed it, so turned on her pussy was deliciously slippery for him to enjoy along with her youthful tightness. He followed closely behind her, focussing his gaze on her tightly toned arse as she swayed into the room, stopping to undress,...
Blind Date Susanna says: - This is another one of those will I or won't I stories. It represents a final step that I hesitate to take and yet I know that some of the things I have done should make me more nervous; isn't life strange. It is also the first story I wrote and I love it simply because it represents my journey as a writer. Robin sat at home nervously waiting for the knock on the door that he had been expecting for the past couple of days. He shifted uneasily on the...
"I'm taking the week off on the 11th of October," Jane told Josh after they finished a bout of lovemaking the next Saturday night. "Oh? Why?" "I've got a week coming to me and I haven't seen my parents since early last summer. I have to take it or lose it. I wanted Christmas week but too many people are taking that off too so Mikleski won't let me go." "I see!" Josh said. "You know, if I could take a week I'd go with you but I don't get any vacation time until next...
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IncestThere must have been a dozen of them, at least; all sitting around the long row of tables that had been pushed together to accommodate such a large party. All between the ages of twenty-one and twenty-five, I'd guess by the way they were all dressed in their slutty best, laughing and carrying on. I could see the look on my husband's face. 'Oh Great ... A bachelorette party ... Just what we needed right next to our table.' It was supposed to be our special night out. The kids were at their...
As much as the world seemed to be changing in the sixties, you really couldn’t tell by looking around Main Street. The soda fountain on the corner and Old Man Jones’ hardware store sure looked the same to me. Yet there were changes brewing. We saw it on TV. The hippie movement, the war in Vietnam. Yet, it seemed the only way it really affected small town Pennsylvania was when someone’s son got sent home in a box. The sixties were a fascinating time to be young and curious. If there...
The two headed over to the miniature putting course. Jessie was so happy with how the day was going so far. He was befuddled as to why he could not remember how throw a baseball, but the fact that Jason seemed to genuinely like him again more than made up for that. It was just like the old days again and he was hoping it would stay that way. "I'm going to use the restroom real quick," Jessie told Jason. "Oh ok. I'll join ya. I gotta go too," Jason responded. As they headed to the...
I was so excited. first and foremost I could not believe i had cheated one of the biggest tests in the country. It wasn't as if i had seen the answers but I had snuck an Apple watch in without anyone knowing and looked up one answer. Only one but the thing that made it so bad was the fact that if I had gotten that one answer wrong I would not be collecting a prize on tv. With the help of my cheating ways I had gotten into the top five people of the whole country. If i hadn't I would have been...
I sat on bed and then my eyes moved on my mother turned wife. She was nude like me. There was no use of covering her now. Waiter has watched her nudity while I was in bathroom. He might have touched her also. ” sir, you have a very nice cock and very lovely and beautiful wife. ” He said clearly and aloud. But my mother was in deep sleep. I felt happy and proud of having such a lovely lady with me. While drinking tea I moved my hand on her breast and squeezed softly. ” thanks, yes she is very...
IncestAfter school the following Friday, Day 5 of the Game, Alina was at her computer and she nervously typed in the Game's website address. She entered her special username and password and instantly the images of her and her competitors appeared on the monitor. She sighed in relief when she saw that her image came up first. She'd ended the previous day in second place for the first time, down two points behind some Senior she'd never met named Chloe. Mr. Senders had given each of her tits a...
Monday morning....i wake up with the usual morning erection, but something is hands and getting are cuffed to the bed. as I take a look around I see a two women who must be 20 yrs older than me standing at the foot of my bed, one had on a mascarade mask with matching bras and thong and the other woman was naked with a determined look on her face, then it hit me she was the leasing agent Michelle at my complex!! I couldn't figure out who the other woman was...before I could say...
Chloe Cherry is home alone sitting in her living room. And what does Chloe do when she’s all by her lonesome? Why she sniffs her mother’s panties of course! As Chloe takes whiff after glorious whiff, she doesn’t notice Cherie DeVille walking towards the house. What’s worse is that Cherie can see Chloe through the window. Cherie knocks on the door while Chloe tries desperately to hide the panties in the folds of the couch. When she answers the door, Cherie greets her and...
xmoviesforyouThis is a little bit long story but i m sure u will cum in ur pants w/o touching ur cocks if u read carefully. Plz comment if this happens..It was a warm, spring day and I hurried home from school in great anticipation as today was my birthday. Every year my Mother would spend the day baking a birthday cake from scratch and shopping for my present. She never ceased to amaze me by her ability to find an incredible birthday present that always reflected her love for me. We had a very strong...
Dosto mera naam rahul hai.Meh delhi meh rehta hoo..Me18 saal ka hu aur class 12 meh pahr raha hu..Yeh kahani sachi hai aur tab ki hai jab me class 11 meh parhta tha..Meh commerce ka student hu aur mere school me english ki teacher thi mam shweta…… Mam bohut hi sexy thi..Gora badan……. Bare bare boobs..Chikni kamar………Kya figure tha unka pornstars bhi unse haar jaye.. Unka tha 36-32-36 ekdum hot thi wo.Unka pati 2 saal pehle army me mare ja chuke the aur unki beti jo ki 8 standard me parhti thi...
Turned out finding a job at camp was harder than they first thought. Rayner tried working with the whitesmith from the caravan, but the whitesmith had plenty of assistants eager to learn the secrets of the trade by serving them. Axel himself had little to no marketable skills to offer. Oh, he was vastly better educated than this world’s common citizens, but it wasn’t applicable or of little use. That left the duo stuck with their cover job as bodyguards for the camp whores. There lack of...
After returning to New Jersey from my left coast finale, I moved into a trailer I shared with a buddy from high school. It was tight, but there was just enough room for my guitar, my blues records, and me. I bought an old BSA Gold Star 650 motorcycle and spent the beginning of 1980 traveling up and down the East Coast on the bike. You could always tell where I had last parked it by the oil stains on the pavement, but it ran well and more importantly, it looked damn cool. By summer I had...
This is Nivedha’s tale. Nivedha is a 21 year girl just completed her studies. She loved her classmate Rahul. Rahul wanted to talk to her in privacy and Nivedha was not accepting it for a longtime. As their final exams approached she decided to go with him to a friend’s marriage. Nivedha is a brilliant active girl with a healthy body and she was expert in dressing up beautifully making even women admire her. Rahul could not convince her to stay in lodge. Rahul found a isolated storeroom in the...
Mission Impossible by Amber Lynn Kain Chapter 3 Arron opened his eyes and looked over at the digital clock on the nightstand. It was already noon. He pulled the covers over his head and groaned slightly, he didn't have a hangover or feel any of the after effects of last night partying. He just didn't want to get up yet. He sighed and stretched his thin frame, threw the covers back and swung his hairless legs out of bed. He went into the bathroom tossed his panties out onto the bed...
Chapter 2 Victoria was hovering in darkness, completely numb to all her senses and unable to form a single thought. She was wearing only her nightgown, but felt neither hot nor cold. “What are your feelings for me?” she heard a familiar voice ask, clearing her mind and causing her eyes to bolt open. Hovering twenty feet away was Jack, smiling calmly and confidently as usual. “Jack…? Am I dreaming?” “Whether you are or aren’t, does it matter? I told you before that half of...
STEVEN (Saturday afternoon, about 5:30 12/10) Lucia's nectar direct from the source was better than when she'd tasted it! Of course, with my extensive studies in statistics, I had to take quite a large sample to determine if the results were valid. The Wild Bunch gave us a wonderful show then the ladies shooed us away and checked each other out. After all, when you're in a group, you need to know the other members' strengths and weaknesses! Henry and I checked each other out. Heads?...
My Wife Wants You One Friday right after work my neighbor came over. It was about a week after my wife had left me. He said, “My wife wants you to fuck her brains out. I’m cool with it so feel free to help me wear her out. Maybe with the two of us fucking her she will finally get enough.” Stunned, I asked, “Are you serious? Trish is a knock out.” He smiled and said, “I know! I’m married to her and I want her to be happy. Apparently fucking you will make her happy.” I did not...
Hi this is Aman from Delhi. Like you i m also a big fan of this site. Dosto mujhe aap logo se ek baat poochni hai ki aap logo ko kisi ki figure ke barey main kaise pata chal jata hai aap log sab pehle tailar ke paas kaam karte they kya mujhe to aaj tak apni chachi ke figure ke baarey main nahi pata. Lekin itna pata hai wo mujhey bohot sexy lagti thi motey motey choochey aur mast moti gand jis ka main aaj tak deewana hoon. her color was very fair like aatey ki bori and her age will be around...
Mmmmm I can feel it now as Rocky still has my throat full of his gigantic huge cock as he caries me over to the bed his giant form toweres over the bed as he dropes down to his knees and slides his huge cock out of my mouth and lays me on my back on the bed he lays the gigantic long shaft overtop of my body sliding the shaft up over my stomach through my cleavage up till the head is resting on my lips ,im trembling with both fear and anticipation my tiny virgin pussy is spasming waiting for it...
I do have some time to myself. I discovered an adult book store. I was able to stop by the Adult Bookstore. There is a cover charge to get into the theater or booth area. I went in to the theater first. There a bunch of guys watching a fuck movie. I didn't see anything erotic in the theater. I then went in to the booth area. There are no doors on the booths. I put my $1 into the machine and looked for gay cock sucking. I found a nice cock sucking video, so I took out my cock and started...