Getting There Ch. 06 free porn video

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‘Oh God……….’ Gemma’s moan echoed around the bedroom as Ryan thrust himself impossibly deep inside her. He clenched his eyes shut as he felt her walls spasming around him. She held him in her vice and his head felt light. When he felt a final rush of wetness he spilled his seed inside her and she collapsed onto his chest. They had been at it for hours and the sun was starting to rear its head. Gemma rolled off Ryan’s body and onto her side and Ryan scooped her up in his arms and held her against him as they both fell asleep.

Gemma’s eyes fluttered open as she found herself tangled up in Ryan. Their fingers were laced in each others’. It was impossible to tell where her body ended and his began. She smiled with a sense of deep satisfaction. She gave Ryan a peck on the lips before extracting herself from the bed.

‘And where do you think you’re going?’ Ryan asked, without even opening his eyes.

‘Just to get a glass of water. Don’t worry, I’ll be back before you know it.’

‘Not so fast.’ Ryan sat up, his eyes adjusting to the light. He looked up at Gemma, her hair wild from the night before, and placed his hand on the side of her cheek, bringing his lips to hers. She accepted his kiss and let him pull her back on top of him. His hands began exploring again, his fingers finding their way to her pussy, sliding up and down her slit as if waiting to be invited into her warm centre. Gemma’s teeth grazed Ryan’s earlobe gently, as she kissed along his jaw. Her hand sought out his cock and she stroked it firmly.

‘Hold that thought.’ Gemma teased, as she bounced up from the bed and towards the kitchen. Ryan walked into the kitchen after her, his erection bobbing up and down before him. Gemma sat on the counter drinking a glass of water. He stood in between her legs and she placed a hand on his chest as she set the glass down next to her. She kissed Ryan softly and he found himself lost in her moist and tender lips. When they at last pulled away from their kiss Ryan saw a sort of vulnerability in Gemma’s eyes. Something about the look in her eyes resonated within him and he kissed her forehead.

‘What do you think about spending the day in bed with me?’ Ryan asked, tucking her hair behind her ears.

‘I would love to but I need to get to the Thompsons’ house. Check how things are going.’ Gemma reluctantly admitted. Her lips searched for his once more and Ryan wrapped his arm around her and carried her back into his bedroom.

Gemma’s hair was still wet from her shower as she stood on the pavement with Ryan. ‘If you give me a minute I can drop you home and then take you to work.’ He offered again.

‘No, no, don’t be silly. I just need to get changed and then I’ll go over there myself.’ Fortunately, she managed to hail a taxi just a moment later. Ryan opened the door for her and they shared a kiss. As the taxi drove away Gemma felt a smile spread across her cheeks. Last night was a dream. She caught a glimpse of her reflection in the rear view mirror, there was no denying the glow on her face. It was a dream come true.

‘A Feng Shui consultant? Well of course, I can arrange for one to meet with us this week. I’m afraid that it might delay the date of completion, and we will have to budget for certain additions that she might recommend. Sure. Okay, will do. Bye.’ Gemma rolled her eyes as she hung up. Ryan sat on the plush carpet in her bedroom. ‘You never would have guessed I’d spent the last 8 hours with her, would you?’

‘What’s karate got to do with a nursery anyway?’


‘Well what was that you were saying?’

‘Ohhhh. Feng Shui! It’s an old Chinese art of managing the flow of energy in the room. There are rules and certain things to put in certain places for good health or for fortune or whatever. It’s actually quite fascinating.’

‘Yeah, fascinating. That’s exactly the word I was about to use.’ Ryan patted the carpet next to him and Gemma sat down. ‘Certain things to put in certain places, eh?’ He said, his hands unbuttoning the shirt dress Gemma was wearing.

‘That was terrible.’ Gemma laughed, swatting his hand away. ‘Besides, what makes you think you can just undress me whenever you want to?’

‘I’m sorry, that was rather presumptuous of me.’ Ryan placed his hands on Gemma’s waist and then slid them up her back. His thumbs made slow, lazy circles over her nipples. Even through her bra and dress, Gemma could feel her nipples stiffen in response. And although Ryan couldn’t, her sharp intake of breath indicated that he was very close to having his way with her. His fingers returned to her buttons and he pulled the dress off her. ‘I’ve been thinking about you all day, Gem.’

‘Shut up.’

And with that, Gemma pulled Ryan on top of her. She put on a fake french accent and breathily whispered into his ear. ‘Monsieur, I’m about to teach you another tech-nee-cal term.’ The words rolled off her tongue.

‘Oh?’ Ryan responded.

‘Mais, oui. In my field we call this…’ Her fingers combed through the rug ‘…a ‘shagpile”

‘Oh, Gemma you’ve outdone yourself! It looks superb! In fact, I love it so much I don’t care what that stupid Japanese zen lady says we should do! Oh it’s wonderful!’ Mrs. Thompson, who looked fit to burst at any second, looked delighted with the nursery. It was a Thursday and Gemma had finished a day before schedule, all that had been left was for the Feng Shui consultant to stop by the next day.

‘Alright, I’ll cancel the appointment then. I do hope everything goes smoothly with the little ones, and enjoy the nursery.’ Gemma smiled. She had taken some photos with her little digital camera and was ready to leave.

‘Here’s the cheque, I trust it is in order?’

Gemma’s eyes scanned the piece of paper in her hand. ‘Perfect. Thank you.’

As the door shut behind her, Gemma skipped to the car that was waiting for her. She leaned across the centre console and greeted Ryan with a kiss. ‘Thanks for picking me up, babe.’

‘I think my new career should be as your personal chauffeur.’ Gemma looked lovingly at Ryan, a look that didn’t go unnoticed. ‘What are you looking at?’ He teased.

‘You.’ She was seeing him in a new light these days, and not just as a lover instead of a friend, but as something so much more profound than that.

‘So, I hear you told Rachel and Phoebe about us…’ Ryan began.

‘Where did you hear that?’ Gemma asked nonchalantly.

‘Phoebe told Sam.’ He shrugged. Gemma rolled her eyes and muttered how nothing was sacred anymore. ‘Well, to be fair, I was calling Sam to tell him the same thing.’ Gemma couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face.

‘So what did you say?’ She asked him, reaching for his hand as they stopped at a red light.

He looked over at her and hesitated for a moment. She was hanging on to every word he was saying and he was scared to say the wrong thing. ‘I may have suggested to Sam and Chris that you were potentially…’ He moved his eyes back to the road and fixed his gaze on the car in front of him. ‘My girlfriend.’

The lights changed and Ryan was worried because it meant that he hadn’t seen the look on her face when he said it. As he pulled up outside her flat, she leaned towards him again and whispered, ‘Would my boyfriend like to come upstairs?’

‘WAHEYYYYYYYY’ a loud voice boomed as Gemma and Ryan walked into the pub hand in hand.

Ryan and Gemma looked sheepishly at the floor as their friends celebrated their first entrance as a couple.

‘Stop being so coy and tell us EVERYTHING!!!’ Rachel shrieked. Gemma looked at Ryan and could see the twinkle in his eye still. She’d teased him mercilessly in the taxi on the way over and he had begged her to stop. Of course, she hadn’t. And now both of them were flustered and struggling to keep their composure.

‘I think we’re going to need a
lot of drinks.’ Ryan whispered to Gemma as she slid into the booth.

The friends bombarded them with questions and Ryan and Gemma were good sports and answered them all. Suddenly, quite out of the blue, Rachel interrupted the inquisition. ‘For god’s sake. The only thing I care about is the sex! Is it any good?’

‘It’s decent.’ Gemma grinned. ‘Passable.’ Under the table, her hand creeped up Ryan’s thigh. He cleared his throat in response. ‘You know what they say, though. It’s not the size of the boat, it’s the motion of the ocean.’ Ryan’s cheeks reddened as he started to get hard. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

Sam, Chris, Phoebe and Rachel were in fits of laughter as the lighthearted banter continued.

‘Are you okay darling? You don’t look well…’ Gemma asked, putting on her best baby voice as she caressed his cheek with the back of her hand. Her other hand continued stroking him under the table.

‘Yeah, you’re a little quiet mate. Sure you’re okay?’ Chris asked him.

‘Maybe some fresh air would do you good.’ Phoebe suggested.

‘She’s right you know. Here, let me come with you.’ Gemma stood up and held out her hand to Ryan. He followed her to the back of the pub, hiding the bulge in his jeans from the people around him. As soon as they were outside he picked her up and slammed her against the wall, pulling her underwear to the side as he slid two fingers inside her. His lips attacked hers as their tongues dueled. She wrapped her legs around his hips and he unbuckled his belt and pushed his jeans down forcing himself inside her. He pinned her against the wall with her hands over her head and they found themselves locked together.

Moments later, as they were both coming down from their respective blisses, Ryan grinned from ear to ear. ‘You’re the best.’

‘Wish I could say the same…’ Gemma teased, straightening Ryan’s collar as he helped her fix her hair.

By the time they got back to their table there was no denying what had just happened. Their group erupted into cheers and Ryan embraced the applause, proud to finally have Gemma on his arm. ‘Since we’re being so honest and open with each other, I really don’t want to stay for another drink. I want to take my girlfriend back to my house and…’

Gemma elbowed Ryan in the ribs and stopped him from finishing his sentence. The friends all agreed to call it a night.

The phone rang as Ryan and Gemma lay in his bed on yet another lazy Sunday morning. There was something soothing about the little routine they’d fallen into. They’d been together for two months now and despite conflicting work schedules, things were going wonderfully.

‘Hello? Oh hi Mum!’ Ryan said, sitting up in bed. Gemma, who was now awake, couldn’t help but to eavesdrop on the conversation. ‘When are they coming down? For how long? There’s another thing though. Something I wanted to tell you…’ Ryan looked over at Gemma. She clamped her eyes shut and pretended to be asleep. She must not have been too convincing because he slipped off the bed and stepped outside into the corridor. Try as she might, she couldn’t hear what Ryan was saying to his mother on the phone, so she rolled over and fell asleep again.

Gemma looked at the man in bed with her, flicking through the morning papers. ‘Good morning, Ryan.’ She smiled sleepily.

‘Good morning, beautiful. I ran out and got some pain au chocolats for breakfast.’

‘Mmmm. To what do I owe that pleasure?’

‘I have a favour to ask you. You don’t have to say yes, but it would mean a lot to me if you did.’

‘Then yes.’ Gemma smiled.

‘Just like that? You don’t even know what it is.’

‘If it matters to you then I’ll do it.’ Ryan smiled. He opened his mouth as if to say something but decided against it, instead settling for a kiss. It was the sort of kiss that spoke volumes, and Gemma’s body responded in kind.

An hour or so later while they were eating breakfast downstairs, Gemma asked ‘So, what exactly did I agree to?’

‘Meeting the parents!!’ Phoebe and Rachel squealed over lunch on Wednesday.

‘Hardly!’ Gemma laughed. ‘I’ve known them forever.’

‘They LOVE her, let me tell you.’ Rachel declared.

‘So why are you nervous then? Sounds like you’ve got this one in the bag.’ Phoebe finished the last of her sandwich and Gemma thought about what was bothering her.

‘He hasn’t told me he loves me yet…’

‘WHAT?!’ Phoebe and Rachel exclaimed, incredulous. ‘But it’s so obvious…’

Gemma nodded and shrugged her shoulders. ‘He’s always had trouble saying it. It’s usually the reason his relationships fail…’

‘Try not to think about it, it’ll happen eventually.’ Phoebe offered, but even she didn’t understand quite what Ryan was playing at.

‘What should I cook for lunch on Sunday?’ Ryan asked, as he opened the fridge for a bottle of cold water.

‘How about a barbecue?’ Gemma replied, painting her nails on the bathroom floor as she precariously perched the phone on her shoulder.

‘Hmm.. well that’ll be a lot of work.’

‘That’s okay, we’ll manage.’

Ryan smiled. ‘I love being a ‘we’.’

The phone slipped off Gemma’s shoulder and landed in her lap, causing her hand to jump. ‘Shit.’ She muttered as she picked the phone up again. ‘Sorry, what did you say? I missed that.’

‘Nothing. I was just counting how many people are coming… there’s the two of us,’ Ryan started, closing the fridge and having a seat on the sofa. ‘My mum, my dad, Sophie, Mark and of course little Oli.’

‘I’m excited to finally see him!’ Ryan’s sister Sophie was the mother of a gorgeous two year old boy, Oli. Ever the doting uncle, Ryan relished the chance to spoil his nephew. ‘So, what brings Mark and Sophie down from Edinburgh?’ Gemma asked as she inspected her handiwork.

‘It’s easier for Soph to disturb the peace if she’s closer to all of us.’ Ryan laughed. He was only half joking. ‘She and Mark are supposed to be going away on another little trip next month, so I think this is just a test run to see if they can travel with Oli.’

‘Oh.’ Gemma responded. Sophie and Mark’s ‘little trips’ had gained infamy. They had some issues in their marriage that they’d been working through for some time, and these holidays were usually last ditch attempts to salvage the remnants of their relationship. ‘Pick me up tomorrow after work and I’ll spend the rest of the weekend at yours.’

‘Okay. Sound’s good.’ Ryan closed his eyes as he lay back. ‘So, babe. What are you wearing….?’

The doorbell rang and Ryan laughed as Gemma sprinted up the stairs. They had spent the morning messing around in the kitchen and she needed to freshen up before greeting the Lewis family. She heard Lizzie and Tim’s voices greeting their son as she checked that she looked presentable.

‘Oh Gemma darling it’s been forever! You look lovely!’ Ryan’s mother called as she noticed her walking down the stairs.

‘Lizzie! You look well! Did you enjoy the cruise? You must tell me all about it, from what Ryan tells me it sounds like it was wonderful!’ Gemma was overcome with the warmth of Lizzie Lewis’ embrace. She really did adore Ryan’s parents. It was the sort of closeness that one can only harness in childhood. Lizzie was a mother-hen type through and through. Her small, stocky build meant that her husband Tim and her son always towered over her. Her maternal nature was extremely endearing and Gemma thought back to the many hours she’d lost chatting to her over endless cups of tea.

‘Well, well. What do we have here?’ Tim bellowed, rubbing his hands together. Ryan and his father had a wonderful relationship. Tim was something of a silver fox. Salt and pepper hair, more salt than pepper now, Gemma thought to herself. But his grey hair made his bright blue eyes come alive. Seeing Ryan and Tim together felt like getting a glimpse into her future.

‘Hello, Tim!’

‘Now son, what are you using to keep this one? She’s far too good for you!’ Tim was always a favourite amongst his children’s friends growing up. With a sense of humour that never failed to amuse, he lit up the room with his very presence.

Another car stopped outside the front door and the doors slammed shut. Sophie walked inside and gave her brother a hug, her sandy blonde hair looking dishevelled. Mark soon followed, carrying Oli and a bag seemingly crammed with every toy conceivable. ‘Here, let me take that.’ Gemma offered, taking the bag.

‘Driving holidays with toddlers are a terrible idea, we’ve now resorted to bribery…’ Mark offered, by way of explanation. Gemma introduced herself and cooed over Oli for a bit.

They retreated to the garden where Gemma and Ryan had set out some tables and chairs. Gemma brought a tray of glasses outside and set them on the table while Ryan poured the drinks. Sophie hadn’t seen Gemma in years, and watching her float around her brother’s house now reminded her of why. Something about Gemma made her feel eighteen and inadequate again.

Gemma gritted her teeth as she passed around the carrots and humous again. Sophie once more refused to eat anything she was offered. Gemma persisted in trying to make eye contact with her, but to no avail. Instead, she settled for catching up with Ryan’s parents and getting to know Mark. He seemed to be an interesting and good-natured man, and Gemma found herself silently wondering how the couple had lasted this long.

‘Right, I better fire up the barbecue.’ Ryan declared, jumping up from the table.

‘That’s my cue to toss some salads!’ Gemma laughed, enjoying the charms of domesticity.

‘If you’d like some help I’m sure Sophie wouldn’t mind lending you a hand.’ Lizzie suggested, in a way only a mother can. She’d obviously sensed some tension between the ladies and she gave Sophie a stern look.

‘Oh, don’t worry. I’ve got things under control. Although, I’d love some company at any rate.’ Gemma responded, diplomatically.

Sophie contemplated staying in her seat, but as she looked around the table she was met by glares from her parents and husband. Instead, she picked her son up and carried him into the kitchen with her. She placed Oli on the bar as she sat at a stool. Gemma attempted to make small talk as she organised herself.

‘Well you’ve certainly made yourself at home here in the past two months, haven’t you?’ Sophie said, without batting an eyelid.

Gemma was unsure how she was supposed to respond, if at all. Ultimately, she didn’t have to make a decision, as Sophie was far from done.

‘I mean, you really know your way around the place. Don’t you?’

‘Well, I did design it, after all. Can I get Oli anything? Some juice?’ Gemma tried to change the topic.

‘It’s pretty pathetic, you know. I can see right through you. You aren’t a special as you think, are you? You’re still alone. I know you never were the brightest bulb in the box, but it’s taken you long enough to realise you can’t sustain your lifestyle by rearranging furniture for the wealthy. Don’t think I don’t see you taking advantage of Ryan now because he has what you want.’ Sophie spat.

Gemma was stunned. She could feel the tears well up in her eyes and she mustered up every ounce of self will and smiled. She opened the fridge and took out two cartons of fresh juice. ‘Apple or orange?’

Sophie had returned to the table outside, and her glum expression was now transformed into a plastered on smile. Gemma was still spinning. She tossed the salad and served it at the table, while Ryan stood over the barbecue having a beer with Mark. She resumed her place at the table, sandwiched between Sophie and Tim. The usual conversation fluttered around the table, what one might expect when a family is reunited for a meal after some time, but Gemma sat in silence. She was, of course, polite, and responded whenever she was spoken to. But she was scared the lump in her throat would give her away.

After Ryan and Mark had joined them at the table, she felt a little better. A little less vulnerable. ‘So Gemma, Ryan was saying you’re working on a new project?’ Mark asked.

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Forgetting The Phonecall

Forgetting the Phonecall By Solon Plorry Forgetting the phone call, though it was easily more important then anything else! Nuit wasn't good at this, but then again, he had little experience. A couple more calls after one o'clock failed to locate her wayward husband, and wrath replaced her earlier heartsickness. She knew he would call; what the hell was he doing? Getting his jollies at a strip club probably, or maybe watching a porn movie with one of his chums, maybe drinking...

2 years ago
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Forgetting the Getting

Monday thru Friday provisions have been set to insure everyone meets a carbon standard. A uniform by any other could never be as supplicating to any male eye. Dress shirt and skirt simple yet the trope is often ignored and replaced by a fixation of a bearing midriff and pigtails. I am not of fan, nor do I entertain the idea of such a portrayal. Unlike my good friend Stephanie and other girls at my school, being seen as provocative is an ambition. Attention from the opposite sex is the intent....

3 years ago
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“You came here for something. You came here for this,” she said.,voice a seductive whisper of promise. Bumfelt bent down before her, pushed her black skirt up over her hips. Ran his fingers over her stockings. Placed them on her black satin panties and the warm mound beneath. He caressed her through the thin material. She responded, letting out a little gasp, pushing her vulva forwards. “No,” she rasped.“Yes,” stated Bumfelt, circling the pads of his fingers on her panties. In seconds she was...

1 year ago
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Life with a cuckold tiny penis and thereafter

A voluptuous lady married a cuckold person with a tiny asset. But she becomes a mother. How ?? read and find oout Let me tell you about my greatest act of seduction and the best experience of my life. Yes when this happened I was in my mid-thirties. We were staying in my husband’s Government Quarters in Nahur area of Central Mumbai. Nahur is in fact between Mulund and Vikroli. My husband, Sudhakar was working in IOC at Kalanagar, Bandra East. I was a home maker and never wanted to work. I...

2 years ago
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Hot and Bothered

Hot and Bothered By Roy Del Frink Marla Porter was fifty-eight years of age, and felt like she was seventy. Every fashion model's twin enemies, time and gravity had ravaged her once shapely figure. Though she had once been a respectable five foot six, she'd lost a couple inches in height to old age. All her hair had turned brown, then gray, then white. That's what happens to natural blondes. She'd raised three happy children who'd since become successes in life. Poor Marla, on...

2 years ago
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Forgetting Liesel Day 01

So I haven’t felt much like writing lately — depression can do that to a woman, I guess. But my therapist (yeah, you smirk, but you know you have one, too)… anyway, my therapist said it’d be good for me to ‘process my feelings,’ so here I am. How’s that for an introduction? I don’t know, it just feels weird to be introducing myself to my own fucking journal… Hah. I like that. Fucking journal. What would that be like? My own fucking journal? I’d probably have to start with Mark, even though I...

3 years ago
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Forgetting You

I will not cry, I will not cry, I chant to myself, trying in vain to keep the tears from flowing. I am glad I insisted on being seated in the back away from most of the other guests. Even this small comfort doesn’t bring relief as I once again berate myself for coming here in the first place. If I would have known how many couples would be here, I would have given my reservations to a friend and stayed home. Sighing, I admit the real reason I took this vacation was to get away and for a little...

1 year ago
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Forgetting the keys

Note : This story is completely fictional! My aunt is 45 years old and she is a bit curvy with nice tits to go with her plump ass, she has long blond hair and she usually wears glasses She isn’t the type to wear high heel shoes; at least I’ve never seen her do it She has 2 sons; the older is in the army and the younger one usually goes out to play with friends One day I slept over because I forgot my keys, apparently she was supposed to be alone the day after and didn’t know id be there. She...

1 year ago
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Getting There

I figured it was about a four hour drive, most of it on the Interstate, to Camp Hoyle, where my son is stationed. Kevin had a weekend pass and invited us up to see the place and maybe do some fishing. I had our gear in the big chest back in the bed of my pickup. The day was warm and sunny, but not too hot. Good for driving. We had the windows cranked down—no AC in my old Dodge—and a nice breeze blew through the cab. "Are we almost there yet?" Jill said. She smiled impishly and tossed her...

2 years ago
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Legion of LightChapter 1 Light Gathered

"Dave! C'mon, get with the program man!" I heard Mike say from the doorway behind me. I stood up from where I'd been sitting on the porch steps and flashed him a grin. "Sorry. I just got to thinking about something. Is everything ready?" "Oh Yeah!" Mike answered back with enthusiasm. Inside my parent's house a blur of organization and activity through the course of the day had produced a sea of blue and gold balloons, streamers, and a huge banner that stretched the entire living...

2 years ago
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Behind Enemy LinesChapter 2 The Puppets Are Gathered

After weeks of probing Sa'arm defenses on Tulak, Delta Company was ordered back to Truman for R&R. After two weeks of relaxation on Truman Delta Company was ordered to the training facility at Demeter to not only train replacements for the company's casualties, but to also train elements of other units with their firsthand experience of what works and what doesn't work when confronting Sa'arm units in force. Delta Company had gotten the training program organized on Demeter and was...

1 year ago
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Getting Nailed

Getting Nailed, By J. Birdman This story is not intended for children and if you are not old enough to read sexually explicit material, go away. This story features some elements of female domination (femdom), cross-dressing (CD), mild bondage, Trangender (TG) and a few other fantasies of mine. I hope you find it entertaining, but if you might be offended, stop reading and do something else. The author retains all rights to this story. You may re- post the story unchanged,...

1 year ago
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Getting her mom into bbc

I left the car at the repair shop; the check engine light came on while driving to work that morning. Since the shop is only a mile away I walked home. I figured that since I couldn’t go to work I’d stay home and do a little cleaning. The house would be quiet with my daughter at school and I could finally clean out my closet in peace. After calling work and telling them I wouldn’t be in today I changed into some old clothes and began to clean out the closet. I hauled out boxes of old clothes...

3 years ago
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Getting There

I took the leftover cheese, crackers, and wine back to the kitchen. There wasn’t much wine left, so I poured the remainder into my glass, then put the bottle in with the recyclables. I hummed a folk tune while I put the cheese in a baggie into the fridge and the crackers in a baggie in the pantry. I had done what I could to get and keep Steve’s attention. If I could get him to lead for the rest of the day, I could make this a delightful afternoon for both of us.After putting the dishes, forks,...

3 years ago
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Getting There

Study, come on Nika study, she kept telling herself that, but the information wouldn’t stay in her mine. Her hands were over her face, all she could think about was that she had to pass. It was her last exam and if she got it, she would be able to start working and earn money. To start being independent and not rely on her parents, but why? She asked herself. Why the fuck won’t this information just stay in my head. Nika was young, hot and sexy. At 21 years old she was only getting more...

1 year ago
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Getting Mom Interested CH01

It was my freshman year in college when my life changed with my Mother, and I was twenty years old at the time. What I meant by a change is that's when I first discovered I actually craved for my Mother in a sexual way.I know, right. I was amazed at first myself to have these unthinkable ideas swimming around in my brain about my Mother, but in my defense, it was really her fault it happened - at least that's what I told myself.I guess I should take you back to when it all started.  It was a...

3 years ago
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Getting Revenge On Charlotte

"Hey, Charlotte, let me get Mike's number," I giggled."Like hell, you're getting my brother's number, Vera," she whined, coming into her bedroom with me. "I'm not having him date a woman like you, and don't you have some other guy to screw?""First of all, he'd go for me. And no, Tom and I broke up. He left me for someone else, but I have no idea who, though. He just told me it wasn't working out, and he'd met someone else. He told me it was nothing I did, but bullshit. We're in our freshmen...

4 years ago
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getting caught in my wifes panties in the gym lead

Part 1 - The GymI got my stuff together and headed out to the gym. I was feeling incredibly horny this morning, id been chatting online with a few guys and looking at some pretty dirty porn on my phone pretty much most of the morning since I woke up. Its a huge turn on of mine to dress and act like a girly slut when I get a chance to be alone, and a lot of the time I like to wear panties under my everyday male clothes. Today was one of those days. I decided to wear a little thong under my tight...

3 years ago
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Getting caught wearing panties at the gym leads to

Part 1 - The GymI got my stuff together and headed out to the gym. I was feeling incredibly horny this morning, id been chatting online with a few guys and looking at some pretty dirty porn on my phone pretty much most of the morning since I woke up.Its a huge turn on of mine to dress and act like a girly slut when I get a chance to be alone, and a lot of the time I like to wear panties under my everyday male clothes. Today was one of those days. I decided to wear a little thong under my tight...

2 years ago
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Getting my hands on English schoolgirl

Checking her profile, Kate was a cute yet somewhat reserved school girl, probably around 16 tops. She didn't have any slutty pics, or posing like a stupid bimbo and trying to look 10 years older. But I could tell from a couple of photos that she had a fuckable body. There was that photo of her in a swimsuit and a couple in gym leggings. Not much in the tits department, but there was a hint of a decent peach and pair of legs there. Without thinking about it much, I messaged her that I had a...

2 years ago
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Getting to know the new Family

Getting to know the new "family" This is a continuing saga of Anastasia and her adventures. To be sure you can follow the story you should probably read the other stories. It starts with Anastasia's Life and then goes from there. The first story is absolutely autobiographical after that it has some truth and some fiction. As the stories progress they will probably start to become more fantasies of mine or my wife's. Enjoy. As I watched my lovely wife walk into the study with this...

3 years ago
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Getting away with murder Part 1

Getting away with murder Part 1 George goes on the run after killing the man who tormented him though high school and who eventually raped him. George looked down at his hands they were covered in blood, the blood of the man he had just killed, stabbed in the chest! The man was called Simon and had tormented George for year and had eventually raped him when they were both 16, Because of this when george turn 18 he left his small hometown and moved to the city. He lived...

4 years ago
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Getting Serious

GETTING SERIOUS It was my birthday (I won't say which one), and I felt like celebrating by doing something really fun. I took off from work, and after my wife left for her job, I checked to see that the doors were locked and the blinds closed, and went down to the computer and spent a couple of hours surfing through some of my favorite dress-up sites. I found a few girls who were absolutely breathtaking in their beauty and had whacked off while eyeing the stocking-clad legs of one....

4 years ago
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Getting Caught by his Older Stepbrother

GETTING CAUGHT, MARK QUICKLY LEARNED HIS NEW BROTHER'S COULD TEACH HIM A THING OR TWO.Mark's family never felt like the warm family blanket that he had heard his friends talk about. At least not to him. To Mark, his father always seemed to look for something else. And Mark did not get along with his mother at all, either. Perhaps that was his father's influence over him.Todd, Mark's father, was his best friend. And the only time the young lad felt truly comfortable was when he and his dad were...

1 year ago
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Getting Even with a Bad Twist

I have been married to Deb for the past three years. Deb is blonde, twenty five years old and college educated. She's cute and very sexy at the same time but I'm still very unhappy in our marriage. Now don't get me wrong, she's great and I love her very much. I just have to tell you the story of how my marriage changed. She was a great wife cooking and cleaning without complaint. I only had one problem. She just wouldn't get on the birth control pill. The only way she would let me have sex with...

1 year ago
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Getting Caught On Purpose

The realization that you are fucking your little cousin on a regular basis is empowering. Stephanie knew this too and as our sexual escapades increased in intensity and frequency we talked about breaking some more barriers. We would often include these fantasies in our dirty talk while we fucked. Stephanie was turned on at the idea of getting caught, and we had a couple impromptu public sex romps but we never actually got busted. The whole thing was liberating. We knew we were never going to...

4 years ago
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Getting Caught With Mum

Mark was a typical teenage boy. Ever since his hormones took over, most of the time, all he could think about was sex. In the last year, he had found that he was growing like a beanstalk and was rapidly approaching the six-foot mark. Though still thin, he was starting to fill out but not just his body. His cock had somehow turned from a small worm into a fat slug overnight. And that was when it was soft. Fully erect, it stuck out like some curved pole. He was quite proud that when he had a...

3 years ago
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Getting Even 3 The Final Chapter Part 1

Zane stormed into his hotel room. The meeting with his biggest client yet wasn’t going well and he was pissed. This was the deal he had to close to finally lock in his promotion he was promised three months earlier, and had been working on for the last year. He had put more energy into earning this promotion since he met Bella and her two children. Though he didn’t want to admit it to himself, they were the reason he was working so hard. Part of the delay for his promotion was due to the bad...

Love Stories
2 years ago
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Getting Married

My name's Tommy and I'm getting married. Sounds like an AA introduction,doesn't it? It probably should because right now I'm viewing getting marriedlike a curse. You know, getting married is just something that most peopleassume they're going to do. Your parents talk about grandc***dren, your sistermight mention about what kind of aunt she'll be, and of course - eventually -your girlfriend will make little comments about getting married and havingbabies. So, I just kinda assumed that I...

2 years ago
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Getting Even Closer To Alan Greg

I sat down on the bed, and they each took a side of me.I took a cock in each hand. "Which one of you would like to let your wood feel my pussy walls first?" I pondered, turning my head multiple times. "I'm only your mom, so don't be shy."Neither of them immediately spoke, but according to their faces, they loved the idea. I couldn't even decide which one to take a ride with first, but as I put the question out there, I waited for one of them to step up to the plate."You really want to have...

3 years ago
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Getting Even Closer To Alan Greg

I sat down on the bed, and they each took a side of me.I took a cock in each hand. "Which one of you would like to let your wood feel my pussy walls first?" I pondered, turning my head multiple times. "I'm only your mom, so don't be shy."Neither of them immediately spoke, but according to their faces, they loved the idea. I couldn't even decide which one to take a ride with first, but as I put the question out there, I waited for one of them to step up to the plate."You really want to have...

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Getting Spanked by Mom part 1

I forgot to mention that when she spanks me, I must be completely nude. I didn't care about it when I was young; except for a few times we had company. Yes, even in front of company. But when I started puberty, it freaked me out. I went through almost a year without being spanked because I thought I was too old for that. Then a couple of months ago, I did something really stupid (which is another story). I remember my Mom yelling for me. "Bill, get your ass over here right now!" she...

3 years ago
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I lay in bed half exhausted after another sweaty, athletic workout with her. Our sex is always like that, incredible, hot and nasty, the best I’ve ever had. After her third orgasm she had gotten up and gone into the bathroom. I heard the toilet flush and then the water running in the sink. Then the bathroom door reopened and my sister sauntered over and got back into bed beside me. She rested her head on my shoulder and caressed my chest with her nimble fingers. I kissed her on her...

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Getting Blacked

It was two years into our relationship when my boyfriend got a promotion, which meant a lot more money, and that was nice. But it also meant that he had to put in a lot more hours at the office and travel to business meetings and conferences in other cities. Due to his workload, my boyfriend didn’t have enough time for me, and the sex between us nearly dried up.I thought about the last time he was between my legs and he fell asleep while he was fucking me. During this latest time, we hadn’t...

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getting them knocked up pt 2

It was obvious that I had just tried to pull of an impossible lie. She looked at me like she couldn’t believe I had even bothered to try and pull out. She said you fucking came in me but I insisted that I had only came on her. I then looked down and all I could see was gobs and gobs of thick white goo covering her entire gash. I looked down a little further in disbelief and watched as a steady stream of sperm spilled out of her hole as it ran down the crack of her ass where it pooled on the...

2 years ago
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Getting Married Tomorrow Chapter 3

Introduction: Continuing Joys last night on the town Getting Married Tomorrow – Chapter 3. There were a couple of people gawking, as we left the lounge. They had obviously gotten a good eyeful. As we entered the room, Ivan pushed the massage table up against the wall, and indicated to me to help him get the mattress off the bed and onto the floor, as there was no way we were all going to fit on the bed. Marcia was full on, kissing Joy again, while Ivan dropped his towel and lay back on the...

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