The Greatest Lie, Part 12 free porn video

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The Greatest Lie Chapter 12 Copyright 2003 By Alexandra Rios My Own Worst Enemy Let's face facts. The so-called the "War On Drugs," "Just Say No," and all the other anti-drug campaigns are complete failures because they ignore reality: getting high is fun. College students drink and take drugs to break a boring routine; the poor do it to escape from intolerable misery; esthetes to explore a new place in their minds or bodies. Whatever the immediate impetus, the impulse to get high is about as primordial as that of propagation or perpetuation. And the dangers are overstated: unless you are shooting heroin or smoking lots of crack, you're really not in immediate danger of killing yourself. If recreational drugs were so dangerous, then half of my parents' generation would be dead, right? But when you wake up in the condition that I was in after my night out at Quest, you might well wish that you were dead. If the Feds really want to curb drug or alcohol abuse, they shouldn't waste their time telling people how bad it is to get high. They should remind people about how shitty it feels to crash, to be strung out, or to wake up really, really hung over. The drug warriors would have been preaching to the choir when I awoke the Sunday morning after my night out with Alec. When the first shafts of glittering winter light drove through my eyelids I pulled an unfamiliar down duvet over my head and shut my eyes tight against the light. The sun's sparkling rays seemed only to increase the intensity of the throbbing behind my eye sockets. My tongue was swollen, dry, and seemingly glued to my parched and rough palate. My eyes squinted through a crust of dried tears and mascara. I was unwilling and a bit afraid to open my eyes and see where my binge had landed me. But my mind whirred back through the fragmented images and impressions of the night before. Eyes still firmly shut, I collated them into a coherent memory and deduced where I was. My suspicions were confirmed when I peeked and saw my classmate Alec snoring nearby, smiling contentedly in his dreams. No wonder he was so happy, I thought. He had intoxicated and seduced his beautiful young classmate on their first date, and his buddy Peter had no doubt gotten lucky with my friend Tran. I was only too familiar with the feelings of power and achievement that he was feeling: after all, I used to be a guy. But now I was a girl, and I reproached myself for having wasted my post-op virginity on a guy I never really liked, much less felt attracted to. Which, I wondered, was smaller relative to the rest of mankind: his cock or his mind? I felt like an idiot, a dumb freshman that had been snared and conquered by a smarmy, patronizing upperclassman. I slipped quietly out of bed to pee and see how my new equipment had fared in it first skirmish. My pussy was tender, and the slight discharge that customarily followed dilation was now noticeably increased. I felt used and more than a little hung over. I wrapped a towel around my hair and took a long, scalding shower in his spotless and luxuriously appointed bathroom. There were lots of costly toiletries, but none were obviously feminine. I rifled his bathroom drawers for a Tampax, but there was none: there was no sign of a resident girlfriend. By the time I emerged from the bathroom I felt a little better. Unfortunately, the bed was empty. That meant there would be no stealthy escape from this scene: Prince Charming was up and about. Then I noticed the aroma of sizzling bacon and eggs wafting through the room. My pompous debaucher was cooking breakfast: an awkward interlude was impending. I decided to get into the scenario. I called out a cheery "Good morning," and stepped into the kitchen, modestly draped in a bed sheet. "That smells fantastic," I lied. I really prefer fruit and yogurt to a traditional starch- and fat-laden breakfast. "Do you have anything else I can wear?" "Wow, you look like something out of one of my dreams," Alec said. "Draped around you, that sheet looks like the gown of a fairytale princess." "Until I trip on it and break my neck. How about some sweats or something?" "Bottom drawer on the left, help yourself." I found a Minnesota sweatshirt that was long enough to cover me to mid-thigh, and rolled up the sleeves. Alec said, "I thought you wouldn't wear Golden Gopher sweatshirts?" "I can't wear a little black party dress on Sunday morning. Would you want me to look like a little slut?" "I wouldn't want that," he said with a wink. I blushed crimson at his comment, and my resentment poured out in a flood. "I wouldn't have come over if you hadn't given me so much to drink. I'm not used to those martinis, and I didn't know what I was doing. So I'm sorry if that makes me a little slut. I mean, an under-aged little slut. But what does that make you?" I asked accusingly. Alec looked crushed. "I'm sorry, that's not what I meant." "Well, that's what you implied, and it really hurts. First you got me so drunk you had to carry me up the stairs, and you had intercourse with me when I was half passed-out, and now you're insulting me." Tears filled my eyes. It was partly an act, to flush him out, but I really was insulted. "I didn't mean it that way! I thought that you wanted to ... I mean, that you wanted me ... and I wouldn't have done anything, if you hadn't wanted me to. I guess I just fooled myself. I'm sorry," he said with apparent dejection. I decided that I had deflated him enough and it was time to give him some slack. "No, I probably would have wanted to, if I had been in any condition to decide," I lied. "Just maybe not so soon. It feels like we just did it because we were drunk, and on our first night out. You know, that's really not the way I am." "I'm sorry, I keep on forgetting how young you are, because you think and act like someone my age. It's O.K. We're not in high school anymore. Whenever two people feel that way about each other, I think that's the right time, whether it's the first date or whatever. I always liked you, even when we were arguing about that first case, and I really wanted to be with you, and I hope you feel the same way about me." He embraced me, and I tilted my head back to invite a deep kiss. When I opened my eyes, still blurry with faux tears, I saw his eyes were locked on mine with a look that I had never seen before. I tried to catalogue the look that I saw in his eyes. I wondered: is this love that I'm seeing in his eyes? "Anyhow, it was really sweet of you to make breakfast for us. I'm starving." "Let's eat," Alec replied, setting the table and serving me. I beamed with satisfaction. I had manufactured a lover's quarrel, and I had triumphed. I wondered how Tran was doing with Peter. Doing great, I speculated: she's much more experienced, and lower maintenance than I am. After breakfast, I felt a lot better. No food and too much booze the day before had left me really frazzled. Alec's cholesterol feast had seemed to absorb some of the leftover ethanol byproducts. I asked, "So, can I at least get a ride home." Alec grabbed me playfully and asked, "Do you really have to leave, already?" "I have homework. Don't you?" "Tons, but all work and no play makes Alec a dull boy." He pulled me down onto his rumpled bed and began fondling me. I decided to give in as a reward for his earlier penance and pulled the drawstring of his sweats. I let him pull my top over my head. In that blind, vulnerable moment when the neckline of the sweatshirt was stuck on my head, he let go, leaving my arms pinioned above my head. He said, "Gotcha!" I panicked for fear he'd uncovered some clue to my pre-op past. But he only kissed my breasts playfully before helping me free myself, face flushed, from captivity. Then he kissed me and said, "You're beautiful." I kissed him back and then pushed him onto his back. My lips searched out his cock and I took him into my mouth. I love to suck cock. It's an easy and less messy alternative to intercourse, and hell, after Bill and Monica, I don't really even consider it sex. I mean, how could it be? You can do it fully dressed! Sucking cock is really more like a compromise between making out and sex: it's neater and faster. Besides, I wasn't too crazy about repeating the painful initiation of the night before, much less giving my trannie-phobic friend a daylight close-up of my still somewhat unfinished labia. The immediate and intoxicating hors d'oeuvre of precum indicated that this would be a brief and easy encounter - he was fully locked and loaded. With a small cock like Alec's, a blowjob is not even really hard work. He was small enough so that I could take his cock and balls in a single mouthful and still breathe. Alec must have dated some really uptight girls. He was not accustomed to my street-honed expertise in the oral arts. At first, he aimlessly twitched his hips and groaned with pleasure. He was so overwhelmed by the soft, wet sensations of my mouth and lips that his body knew no effective response. I clamped his hands over my head, and got him into the rhythm of plunging my head down over his upthrusting hips. With my hand guiding his, he learned to control my head and synchronize the dipping of my head with the upward thrusts of his cock. Despite his initial fumbling, he quickly got into it. Guys love the feeling of mastery of manipulating a beautiful face over their thrusting cocks, and I love the feeling of painless submission that I get for my side of the bargain. Plus it's easy, especially when, like Alec, the guy's cock isn't so huge that you have to fight the gag reflex with every plunge of your head. Between his groans and grunts I heard him cry, "I'm going to cum in your mouth! Oh, no!" I guess that wasn't included in his previous lovers' repertoire, but duh, that's the point, isn't it? He climaxed manfully, and his cock quivered and geysered into my mouth. I sucked him and squeezed his balls, and he writhed in ecstasy. The cum felt great splashing onto my vodka-desiccated throat. I said "M-m-m-m" with feeling. Alec gasped "Oh, my God! That was fantastic," and lay completely still. I got up and gargled, flossed, and borrowed his toothbrush for thorough gum cleaning. I applied make up, borrowed some oversized sweatpants, and put my dress away. I turned to him and said jokingly, "I think I hear church bells. Time to wake up!" He shook himself awake, looked at his watch, and said, "Oh, my God, I'm late!" "You're kidding, right? I mean, your whole conservative thing is like, about wealth preservation, or is it, like, religious?" "Well, I'm not really that religious, but the whole family goes, so I have to." "Wow! Talk about the high price of being rich!" "You know, it's just how I was raised. I don't really mind. I like the music." "God, I hate it. So, what's your choice of 'opium?'" He looked puzzled. I hinted, "You know, like, Marx and all that." He was completely nonplused. "I mean, which religion?" "Lutheran. Missouri Synod." Now I was stumped. He added, "That's the extra-strict kind. What are you?" "My mom's Swedish, so she must have been Lutheran, but she's like, completely agnostic, so they sent me to Roman Catholic Sunday school. I did really great there. When they asked me the name of God, I responded 'Zeus, Athena,' and named the other ten of the Hellenic Pantheon. The nuns whisked me straight home. After that, we only went, like, once a year on Easter, and after I was confirmed, we really went hardly at all." I thought about Tran's priest. "Never!" "Well, I have to go to keep the family happy. So what's with your family?" I replied "Dad was such a good Catholic that, last year, he just dumped my mom for one of his grad students. My parents got divorced, and I got in such a big fight with my Dad that he never wants to hear from me again. Now he's in Switzerland with a big-money biotech job, and my mom's back here with all the debts. She's broke, so it's just me and my scholarship that's keeping me here. That's why I have to go study now. Can you pick up Tran and give us a ride home now?" "Ah, er, I'm running a little late. You know, I can't miss the offering plate. Both God and Mom would be displeased. Can I call you a taxi?" "Forget it, I'll take the bus. Remember, I'm poor. I gotta get a grant just so I can eat this summer." And, also, maybe so I can get myself back to Phuket for some more surgery, and wild times in Thailand, I added to myself. "O.K. I'll just have to hurry." As he showered, I inspected his knickknacks: Alec in an extended family photo, lost in a sea of white faces in front of a secluded, tree lined lake cottage; Alec in golf clothes, clutching a gaudy trophy; Alec in a graduation gown, between his beaming mother and father; Alec on horseback, riding with a buck toothed, horsy-looking girl. Alec was the guy who had everything, born with a silver spoon stuck up his ass. As I looked at the evidence of his privilege, and compared it to my desperate poverty, I began to hate him, and myself. I helped myself to the change he had left scattered on headboard, scrawled a curt note good-bye, and took off before he got out of the shower. As I shivered through freezing bus ride back to my shabby apartment, I wondered whatever possessed me to get into this awkward and dangerous liaison. Oh well, I consoled myself, at least his cock fit my unfinished pussy. It had worked, sort of. Tran showed up a half-hour later, chauffeured by Peter. "How did you rate a ride? That prick Alec offered to call me a cab." "I think he has 'yellow fever,'" she replied. "I like your new friends even better than the old ones." She giggled appreciatively. "Poor Alec was worried about being late for church with Mommy. I think you got the better of the two." "But you got the richer one. Peter told me that Alec's family is rich, like royalty. I think you found a sugar daddy, if you play it right." "Oh, forget it. He'll date and marry the girl his Mommy approves of, and that won't be me. If they ever figure out we're post-ops, they'll freak out. We'll be lucky if we only get dumped. So just forget about it," I added. "So how was the sex?" Tran inquired. "Nice and tight, from what he said. Felt like a secondary vaginoplasty without anesthesia to me." "Yeah, it hurt a lot, even with his little dick. It hurts less to do it the old way." "I guess we had better check the damage," I said, slipping out of my borrowed sweats and reclining with my stent and lubricant. "You mean fucking is not enough dilation? It's not fair!" Tran complained. My interior was still lubricating from the unaccustomed activity of the night before, and it was swollen and tender. I winced with pain as I pressed past the threshold of the ring where scar tissue conjoined the former penile flap and the colon tissue. "Tran, you're not going to believe this. I think my ring is even tighter." "I know just what you mean. It feels even narrower. Ow!" "God, what are we going to do? We can't have sex with anyone." "And now, they are going to expect it." "If they ever call us again," I replied gloomily. "We have got to get back to Thailand for that surgery! I am going work all night if I have to, and get my research project done. I gotta get that next grant for the Thailand research!" I spent the rest of the day writing up summaries of interviews for my Transsexual Sex Workers Research Project, while I helped Tran study for the GED high school equivalency exam. After her umpteenth math problem, she threw her papers on the floor and snarled, "I'm sick of this shit. Why are you ruining my life with these fucking equations? All I need to know is cock plus pussy equals fuck." "So you can think great thoughts while you're getting fucked! It makes the sex so much more interesting." "You're making fun of me." I responded: "Education's good for that, too." "Good for you, bad for me," Tran whined. "Tran, you can't make your living on your back forever. Besides, we do need to get back to Thailand so Dr. Sanguan can finish our surgery, and the Thai's are not going to give us visas to be whores. They've got plenty of them already. We need a reason to stay, and money to travel and to live on. Our ticket to Thailand is this grant I'm applying for. And if I get it, the work's going to be great: we'll have to spend our full time in katoey bars all over Asia. If you want to be on the grant, you have to get into school here, and to do that, you have to pass the GED and the SAT. So, think of it as a means to an end. So try this equation on for size: studying plus school equals full-size pussy." "I think I'll stay home and be Peter's wife." "Oh please! We blew that completely by fucking them the first night. Guys like that will probably never call again." The intercom buzzed. "Did you order in dinner already?" I asked. Tran shook her head. You don't just take unexpected deliveries when you live on our part of Hennepin. In response to my brusque inquiry, the voice over the intercom announced, "Flowers for Miss Rivers." The shivering delivery man had to lug the mass of blossoms up three flights of stairs to our squalid apartment. The bouquet filled our tiny rooms with a delicious, spicy aroma. I found a card dangling beneath the canopy of fragrant blooms. It read: "Thanks for joining me for breakfast. My apologies for not taking better care of you. Call me if I deserve another chance." "Love, Alec." I don't want to sound like a poster child for the cut flower industry, but the arrival of my first bouquet of roses completely turned me around on Alec. My feelings of estrangement and resentment bordering on contempt were swept away in a wave of involuntary emotion. Despite myself, I felt a warm glow of appreciation. One feels one must be beautiful and desirable to have warranted being presented such delicate and costly blossoms. I was mightily tempted to immediately call Alec and forgive him his transgressions of the night and the morning. Tran demanded "You're gonna call him, right?" I replied, "of course I will, but not yet. He has to have a night of uncertainty and tension: penance for his sins of last night and this morning. He'll be desperate by the time I call him tomorrow. I will reel him in like yo-yo: but you have to throw the yo-yo down and let it spin before you bring it back up again." "You are right, but you are so cruel." "Life's cruel, Tran. Get back to work. I've got hours of work, and class first thing tomorrow. He can wait." When I woke up the next morning, the heat in our apartment was off. Tran had stolen all of the covers and was splayed out over three-quarters of our lumpy, shared bed. I was freezing and miserable. I warmed myself against Tran's slumbering body, and she recoiled from the touch of my chilly bones against her warm flesh. God, it sucks to be poor. But when I opened my eyes, the flowers were still in glorious bloom, reminding me of poor Alec's unrequited passion. Poor baby, I thought, as I drifted back to sleep, warmed by Tran's exquisite and toasty-warm flesh pressed against mine. After experiencing the luxury of Alec's bathroom, I hated the shower in my Hennepin apartment. It rattled and spit in sporadic, rusty spasms, and alternated between icy and scalding with the flushes of my neighbors' toilets. The curtain was stiff with age, the tub was gray with wear, and the tile was lined with spider-web cracks and brown grout. I recalled enviously the hot, luxurious waterfall in Alec's condo. God, I thought, I've got to get out of this shithole. It was still early, but I called. I got his machine. I purred a message. "I got the flowers. That was really sweet. But if you really want to apologize, you'll have to do it in person. Bye." Tran is not a morning person. She began to grumble dreamily, and I jumped on top of her and roused her from her reverie. "No, just another minute, please Alexandra." "Up! Now!" I straddled her and shook her shoulders roughly. She grimaced and whimpered, "Leave me alone." "You can't sleep. We have to meet with Mark Whitman about your priest lawsuit. It's our 'Plan B' for getting enough money for our operations." My friend Mark Whitman was, as usual, in his tiny law review editor's office at the law school. Under his strict supervision, a couple of second year students in Epstein's clinical law class had researched the Minnesota District Court system for cases of sexual abuse by clergy. Their search had tracked down Tran's old priest, Father Tom. Mark said "His name is Thomas Roarke. He's a defendant in a case that's already pending in the Ramsey County District Court. We sent a demand letter to the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis, but so far all they've done is hire the biggest law firm in the Twin Cities, and demand that Tran appear in Court at a hearing. I checked the Court calendar for more on the hearing. The hearing is to be on a motion to sever, or split up all the claims that have been filed against the Archdiocese for Roarke's misdeeds." "Why do they want to do that?" I asked. "Who knows? But based on who the Church's lawyers are, most likely it's hardball litigation tactics. It's more expensive to try each case separately, and the Church has more money than the victims. Also, each victim's story tends to corroborate that of the others. If you separate the victims' cases from one another, the story makes less sense, and Roarke's actions and the Church's lack of response don't make such an obvious pattern. Plus, they probably are hoping to intimidate Tran into dropping her claim." "Do I have to go to the Court?" Tran asked nervously. "If we don't agree to produce you voluntarily, they'll subpoena you. Then, you have to go." "What did you get me into?" she asked accusingly. "I told you the priests are too powerful." "Wait a minute. Why would the Court sever the claims?" I asked. Mark replied, "they'll say it's lack of common issues of law or fact; prejudice to a party; or judicial efficiency. But I think it's just they think they can beat the plaintiffs down better if they take them on separately. The plaintiffs' lawyer told me she's got twenty-three cases against this creep, and the more publicity the case gets, the more victims come forward. She keeps trying to add the new victims to her case, and the Church keeps trying to split them up. Typical game of litigation chicken, to see who's got bigger 'cojones'." Tran looked puzzled. "Balls," Mark clarified. "So is the church going to pay me? I don't want to go to Court. I don't want anything to do with lawyers. I just want money." "They have ten more days to respond to the letter you sent them." "I want my money before I go to Court," Tran insisted. "That might look bad," Mark cautioned. "I don't care how it looks, as long as money is green. Twenty five thousand dollars; then I go to court." "I'm sorry Tran, I can't make that call for you. It would be unethical." "Gimme his number, I call the lawyer myself." As we left, Tran fumed, "Your lawyer friend Mark is no good." "He's only a law student, not a lawyer, and he's worried that if you demand money before you testify, it will look like you are a paid liar. Why are you so scared of going to court? If they won't pay, then you'll have to sue! You'll have to go to court then." "I already went to court." "What for?" "I got caught hooking on Hennepin. I was eighteen. I got public indecency. My lawyer was no good, made me take plea." "Was it in juvie or regular court?" "Hennepin County. It was a real court. I was in county jail. It was horrible: the guards, the other prisoners." Tears streamed down her face. "This is different. It's just to get money, not about jail." "I don't want to go to court. Help me talk to the Church's lawyer." I called and made for an appointment at the law firm of Maestre and Fenton. Tran and I dressed in our most businesslike clothes and took a bus to an imposing marble tower on South Sixth. We glided up fifty floors in a mahogany paneled elevator to a mahogany paneled lobby, where the elegant hush was punctuated only by the ping of constantly arriving elevators and the constant murmur of the receptionist. The place reeked of intimidating wealth and power. After a wait that was almost, but not quite, insulting, a smooth talking, handsome lawyer approached: Eric Olson. "I'm sorry for the delay, but we are just crazy this morning. Come right this way." He led us down a brightly lit corridor, lined with secretarial stations on one side and bright, windowed offices on the other. Everyone was bustling about efficiently. People in cubicles were cradling phones as they clicked away on their computer keyboards. Others studied stacks of paper. Eric looked back and noticed me goggling. "Never seen the inside of a law firm before? It's always like this: even nights and weekends. Here, step in this conference room." We took seats in the richly appointed conference room. Eric courteously offered us coffee or sodas and then curtly placed our order to some unseen assistant. He opened a folder and casually shoved a sheaf of papers across the glossy table at Tran. He offhandedly remarked, "Before we get started, I'd like to hand you this. It's a subpoena to appear to testify and produce documents on April 10. Ramsey County District Court, Department 42, 9:00 A.M. Take a look at the papers and if you have any questions I'll be glad to answer them. Or if you'd like, you can go over them with your own counsel." Tran said, "That's why I'm here. I don't want to go to Court. I just want to get a settlement about the things that priest Roarke did to me when I was young. I wrote a letter about it. I brought a copy." "I know what's in your letter, it's right here in your file." He patted the manila folder. "There are some things that we want to ask you about. That's why I am so glad that you have come to visit us. Of course, it is always a pleasure to be visited by such lovely young ladies as you." He smiled like a predator. Tran blurted, "It's what I said in the letter. My friend Alexandra helped me write it because my English writing is not too good, but it is what happened." Olson's fawning smile hardened into a grimace at me. Tran went on: "I don't like to talk about it, but Father Tom made me do things with him when I was nine or ten, until I was twelve. He touched me and made me touch him." Olson nodded, and when Tran hesitated, he commanded: "Ms. New, I know this is difficult, but you're going to have to tell me the details. Your letter is very vague. "Who, what, why, where, and when." Tran answered defiantly, "He put his penis in my mouth, and inside me." Olson arched his eyebrows skeptically. Tran snarled, "I mean there." She pointed beneath her waist. "Twenty times, at least, I can't remember exactly: after services and confession, usually in the cloister. He told me never to tell, that God would punish me." She was choking up, on the verge of tears. "Just give me money and I won't go to court like the others. I don't need that much money and I don't have a lawyer to pay. I just want my money now. And no court." She buried her head in her hands, sobbing. "I'm sorry Ms. New, but that's just not how things work. We have to investigate your charges. I'd like to believe you, but we can't just accept your word or anyone else's, even if you are such a beautiful young lady. These are very serious charges, that a priest forced a young girl to have sex: very serious." He thumped the table to emphasize 'young girl.' "We have to find the facts. And that's why we want you to go to court: to talk about the facts." Tran looked up, her face streaked with tears. "I don't want to talk about such things in front of all of those people. It's bad enough that it happened. I don't want to relive it. Please, help me." "Look Ms. New, I know twenty five thousand dollars doesn't seem like a lot of money." He waved his hand expressively, as if to suggest that twenty five thousand wouldn't have bought half of the contents of this one conference room. "But if you multiply that twenty five thousand by all of the other baseless claimants that have emerged to malign Father Tom and the Church, now that a single isolated incident of priestly misconduct has been established, it turns into 'real money.'" He pounded the table again to emphasize real money. "And 'real damage' (thump, thump) to the reputation of Father Tom and the Church. So we can't just pay anyone who comes in off the street, or jumps on the coattails of some lawsuit, no matter how sad her story is. We need to scrutinize each story individually, because each story is so 'very different.'" His fists thumped the table again to emphasize 'very different', and his eyes narrowed as he glared at Tran with suspicion. He turned toward me. "So while we will need Ms. New in court, and will pay her travel expense and a witness fee, at the present time, I can offer her nothing more than an opportunity to tell the truth. And perhaps you as well, Ms. Rivers, as the admitted author of this letter." Just then, the door opened and a young kid pushed in with a beverage cart. In my imagination, I saw a clerk furiously typing a subpoena for me. It was obviously time to go. I said, "If that's all you've got to say, we won't need those beverages. We'll see you in court." I got up. "No please, I'd just like to go over a few things with Ms. New, in regards to her, ah, testimony." Tran started to settle back into her seat, but I jerked her up and dragged her toward the door. Olson demurred, but in a placating tone: "You don't need to leave now. I've put you down in my calendar for an hour." I replied, "And I'm sure you'll bill your client for the whole hour. But we're done!" I slammed the door and dragged Tran toward the elevator. She started protesting, but I hissed "Be quiet, I know what I'm doing." She hung her head. "I can't go to court again." I cuddled and comforted her in the freezing, filthy bus, but I knew my comfort was a lie. She was going to court. And it was going to be a bad day for her. But, I, imagined, it was going to be an even worse day for Eric Olson. I called Mark Whitmore to ask for the name of the lawyer for the other victims, and told him about our visit. "You went where?" he asked, incredulously. "Into the lair of the lion? I imagine you came out with the subpoena, and nothing else." "Well, partly true. I think I came out with some information. I think I know where Olson's going with the subpoena on Tran." "You never can tell what happens in court. What did he say?" "He was really focused on the fact that Tran was a female, and how that made her case so different. I don't think he figured out she's a trans. He thinks Tran's always been a girl, and is going to try to use her testimony to impugn the other victims' claims through the dissimilarity between her claims and theirs." "Serves him right for not taking her deposition first. Oh, well, haste makes waste. Alexandra, remind me never to litigate against you. You're wicked." "Poor Tran, she's going to be terrified in court." "It's going to be rough, but after they hear her story I think Tran's testimony will be over fast. Let's call Nora Hofberg. I think she's going to have a new client at the end of the day." Hofberg's office was a walk-up on a side street off Hennepin, above a furniture store. It was a far cry from Maestre and Fenton. The reception counter was unattended, so Mark called out "Nora, are you out to lunch?" She lumbered into view, a stubby, bespectacled, forty-five year old, with stiff, unkempt gray hair, unstyled and cut short. She wore a baggy, pilled sweater and mismatched plaid pants. "Whitman, good to see you. Have you sold out to the enemy yet?" "Holding out, doing clerkship next year; Seventh Circuit." "God help us all: you, working for a bunch of mercenary neofascist judges." "'Revolution from the inside out,' is my motto." "Revolution, my ass," she cracked jovially. "Who's this young woman you're bringing into our corrupt world?" "My good friend and colleague, Alexandra Rivers, and has she got a story for you." "In that case, welcome to my world." She cleared away stacks of paper from two chairs and beckoned us to sit down. She peered over the mounds of files and papers on her desk owlishly as I started into my tale. She laughed uproariously and clapped her chubby hands with glee as I recounted Olson's clumsy efforts to do a "back room deposition" on Tran. "You mean, when Roarke raped her, she was a boy?" I nodded. "That's fabulous, incredible. He's going to step into shit up to his neck, right in court, and he won't even know it until he's picking it out of his nose!" "I can't wait. Where is she? I have to talk to her." "She's really terrified of going to court. She got arrested for soliciting prostitution a couple of years ago and got plea-bargained to public indecency. That's her only contact with the courts." "Well, there's no way that's coming into evidence. Prejudice exceeds probative value." She slammed down her hand with crack like a gavel. "When can I meet Ms. New? I need to get retained, and prep her for testifying." "We only live a few blocks away. But after this morning, I don't know if I can get her to another law office." "Well, there's no law against lawyers making house calls." "She doesn't want to do this, but she really needs the money. Our operations didn't go that well. I mean, they're not really done." Nora interrupted, "You mean you're a trans too?" "Yeah. I'm sorry, I mean, what does that matter?" "Doesn't matter a bit to me. It's just that the lawyer should know all the relevant facts. And in this case, that fact is relevant," she said with a grimace. I joked, "Well, I guess all of this means we're passable." "Fooled Olson, but you can't fool everyone," she said with a snarl. "Have you got a problem with transsexuals?" "I don't have a problem representing transsexuals. Hell, I don't have a problem representing child molesters either. But that doesn't mean that I have to admire you." "Pardon me, I was under the impression you were gay." "Your being trans and my being gay doesn't exactly make us sisters: quite the opposite. Sexuality is a choice, but gender is destiny." "I couldn't agree more. Tran and I were destined to be women." "I don't buy it. To be gay is to be faithful to one's gender and ones sexuality, and to be trans is to betray one's gender in the pursuit of sexuality. Instead of coming out of the closet, you went back in and came out wearing your sister's clothes. You're a cop-out." "You think being transgender is so easy? You have no idea what we go through!" "So now you're through it, and instead of fighting the male/female hierarchy, you have morphed yourself into a Barbie doll: perfect face, body and hair. We're never going to change sexist stereotypes by impersonating them." "I'm not impersonating anything. I have made my body conform to my brain." I looked at her squat, masculine body, and couldn't resist adding "Just as you have. But we're just different on the inside." Nora snorted with contempt. "Well, it doesn't matter to me. And it's damn convenient for this case. Is Ms. New another boytoy like you?" "I let you judge for yourself." I rang to warn Tran, "I'm coming up with our new legal team." Nora introduced herself curtly and then announced, "O.K., if you want to work with me, sign here. I advance the all expenses and take them off the top. After that, we split one third of any judgment or settlement to me, two thirds to you: same deal as my other clients. I call all of the shots in the litigation." Tran looked at me with bloodshot eyes. "Alexandra, you said I would not need a lawyer." "Look, Ms. New, you're not going to get a penny out of the Church without me. So you can sign or you can forget it." "I'd rather just forget it. Go away." She hung her head. "So this priest raped you as a child and wrecked your life, and you are just going to walk away?" "My life is not wrecked. I was happy until you lawyers came along. I'll just tell the other lawyer I was a boy and he'll forget about me." "It's your choice, but we lawyers are not going to leave you alone. You are going to be in the case as a witness or as a plaintiff, but you are going to be there. If he doesn't subpoena you, I will." Tran looked trapped and scared. She whispered, "O.K. I'll sign." "Here is how we are going to play this." She outlined the ambush she planned for Olson. She was clever, confident and utterly ruthless. In her hands, the truth was a truly dangerous weapon. When she left, I asked Tran "Now, don't you feel better? You have the meanest lawyer in town!" "She doesn't care about me, only about winning. I'm worried she will ruin everything." "Tran, it's not like things are that great. We're broke and trapped ten thousand miles and about ten thousand dollars away from being able to function sexually." "I'm worried something bad will happen if we go against the priests." "You're being superstitious. It's gonna be fine," I reassured Tran. But I wasn't so sure. Nora was a transphobe of a different sort, and Maestre and Fenton looked like a powerful and resourceful opponent. The battle wasn't over yet. I returned to my endless mound of homework, and Tran to her GED studies. I had just finished my umpteenth follow-up call on Transsexual Sex Worker interviews when the phone rang. "Let's screen it," I advised. It was Rick, who left a message ranting at us about messing up his and Randy's heads at the hockey game, and then finished up with a demand that I call. "How to Win Friends and Influence People," I remarked sarcastically, and Tran snorted in agreement. As we rewound the tape, the phone rang again. Again, we screened the call. It was Alec, who began tentatively, "Thanks for calling this morning. You didn't have to, but I was glad you did. I wanted to ask you ... well, I wanted to apologize in person, like you said in your message, and I was wondering when I could do that? Like, any time would be good for me, how about now?" I grabbed the phone. "I just walked in," I lied. "Thanks for the flowers. They really made my day." "How would you like to make my day?" he responded. I put on an offended air. "What kind of question is that?" "I'm sorry," Alec stammered. "I mean ... would you like to go out to dinner?" "I don't know. When?" "Right now, I'll be right over." Tran nodded affirmatively, but I answered "Teri had a really hard day today. I think she needs my company." "I know Peter's been trying to call her for the last half hour. If you say yes, I'll hang up so he can get through to her." "Well, for a friend, OK. And don't offer to call me a cab!" "Never again, I promise." I dressed schoolgirl chic: tight black sweater, a long woolen black skirt, an open pea jacket, and high-heeled black boots. I accentuated my mid-winter pallor with ultra-faint mascara and pale lipstick, and brushed my hair back behind a headband. I looked like a Goth goddess. Alec stopped dead in his tracks when I opened the door for him. I loomed over him as he stood on the step below me. He had to stand on tiptoe to graze my cheek with a chaste kiss. I knew I had him where I wanted him. He squeezed my hand in his as he walked me to his car, and opened and closed the door behind me. God, this was new: he was treating me like a lady. We had reservations at a dark little Italian place, where Alec rated a quiet table in the back. "Do they know you everywhere?" I asked enviously. "Yeah especially at the places that my family owns. I always get good service here at Mona Lisa." The sommelier uncorked a gilt-labeled bottle. He intoned, "Barolo, '88. A very fine vintage." Alec swirled the claret, and inhaled the bouquet. "Perfect, thank you, Vittorio." "To a new beginning for us," Alec toasted and clinked my glass. "To new beginnings," I answered. "You know, Alexandra, from the first moment I saw you, I have wanted to be with you." "You certainly got my attention from the start," I answered politely. "I have to tell you something, and I don't know how, but I just can't stop thinking about you. I mean, I haven't really stopped thinking about you since the first time we met, and since you left the other morning, I have just felt this emptiness." "And now that I am with you, I mean, do you feel like, you know, not empty?" "That's it: I'm un-empty. I want you to be with me always." More like, full of it, I thought, but I said "I'm glad I make you feel that way, but Alec, I do have ambitions and desires of my own. And I'm not nineteen yet. I'm too young to really settle down." "We can take it slowly, but I really want you to stay with me. You know, move in. I am worried about your living in that apartment." "What about Teri? It's my apartment, but she's been staying with me? I couldn't do that to her. Besides, I need it for some interviews I'm doing for research. I don't think you want a bunch of weirdos like the ones in my study coming to your apartment." "If I know Peter, he's making the same proposal to Teri. But I don't know if my condo association will allow visits by your weirdos." "That's my project. It's going to be published in a journal." "You'd better keep the apartment for that. But live with me." He looked at me quizzically. "There's so much about you I don't know." Oh, yeah, I said inwardly. "I really care about my studies. I'm going to be published, you know." "You're so precocious, and ambitious. But I guess that's one of the things I love about you." Wow, I thought, is this it? Is this how girls fall in love, and end up married? I was in terra nova, totally untrained for this aspect of life as a woman. I was flattered, and a warm glow filled me from deep within, but in that part of my brain where I analyze my unfolding life, I spotted a trap. Don't go there, it seemed to be warning me. I blushed and smiled shyly. "What else do you love about me?" "Everything. I'm crazy about you." I had to say something, so I said "I really like being with you too." "Great, then you can move some stuff right in. Whatever you need doubles of, I'll buy. I mean, you can use my Visa." "You're so sweet. Are you sure you want to put up with me?" "No, but I'm sure I want to find out." He clinked my glass again. "To us! And to finding out about one another." I clinked his glass and responded, "To us," but didn't join the second part of the toast. We ate a lovely dinner and worked through the delicious Barolo, and by the end I felt warm and cuddly and he was happy and amorous. We staggered into a Rite Aid and he bought me toiletries and some pink velour sweats that fit. I was tipsy, but in control this night, as I went to bed with Alec. Now, instead of a martini-fueled mania, I was driven by a desire to imprint myself indelibly on his emotions. He caressed my breasts, and stroked my tummy and mons gently, almost reverently. He suckled on my nipples like a hungry baby as I stroked his fine blonde hair and sighed appreciatively. Between breathless kisses, he whispered in my ear "I love you." I responded with the obligatory "I love you too." With that, he clumsily tried to disrobe me and himself, alternating between fumbling attempts to undo my bra clasp, and his own belt buckle. I shifted and pulled at my clothes to subtly help him, without appearing to be too cooperative. When I was bare to my lace panties, his fingers began a relentless exploration. I remembered the painful vaginal intercourse and the swollen condition of my insides, and I was thankful for the panty liner that I wore full-time because of the constant post-dilation discharge: it would give me the excuse I needed to avoid another painful vaginal penetration. I whispered, "Sorry, I have my period." "That's O.K.," he said as he slipped my panties down. But I resisted, protesting "I don't want to do it when I am this way." In reality, the thought of him banging at the battered, swollen ring inside my vagina made my cringe with the expectation of pain. "Let me suck you," I offered, and pushed him back on the bed. I slipped my lips over his small, but rock-hard penis. He gasped as my warm, velvety tongue and soft, wet lips encircled the silken skin of his boyish penis. When I swallowed his balls, he trembled with ecstasy. I flicked, licked, and spanked my lips, but still he could not come. Finally, he gasped, "I need to be inside you." "You mean you want do Greek?" "What?" "You know, sodomy?" "That's not what I what I wanted, or meant," he said, as his penis deflated. "It's OK, I'm not offended." "You'll do that?" he asked incredulously. "You know, some girls in high school, if they had their period, or wanted to save their virginity, you know, people just did it. It's O.K. We could do it if you want to." Actually, I wanted it, too, for I wanted to corrupt his puritan soul. Just as I will never lose my taste for being fucked anally, so, I believe, most active participants will never forget, or willingly forbear from enjoying the delicious and forbidden intimacy of sodomy. "I've never tried it. But, I could try." "OK, just relax while I get ready." I went to his bathroom and lubed myself, and then kneeled between his legs and sucked him hard, and slipped on a condom, and slathered it with lubricant. "I haven't done this for a long time, and it hurts, so let me slide down on you, but remember, please go slowly." He nodded in silent acquiescence. I pressed my slippery rectum against his slender, tapered cock head. It entered swiftly and easily, much faster than I expected. The abrupt entry overwhelmed the counter pressure that I applied onto his entering cock, and a familiar crackling of pain wracked me. I cried out "Aaaagh, oh no," but he was so inexperienced, and his cock was so slippery and narrow that as I lost control, he slid all of the way in. My sphincter rebelled at this, and I thrashed my head involuntarily. My blond tresses fanned over him as I collapsed atop him, my breasts onto his heaving chest as my lips met his in an anguished kiss. As I kissed him, my interior adjusted to his modest size. As my grimace of pain faded I smiled and gave him a softer kiss, and lied, "it's been so long that I guess I forgot how." Now, I was comfortable and his throbbing cock gave me a familiar warm buzz inside me. "O.K., you can do it harder now." Alec lacked the mass, strength or endurance that Rick got from his hockey conditioning. As he bounced me atop him I could not help but think of the delicious smack of Rick's thick, sinewy thighs against my soft, rounded flesh. Where Rick utterly dominated me from every position, Alec was struggling under the weight of my slender frame; so I said, "Now I want you on top." I scissored my legs smoothly to the side and rolled him on top of me, doggy style. "God, that feels great," he said. "It's so warm and smooth inside of you: so tight. Is it O.K. for you?" I just murmured "M-m-m-m" and raised my ass higher so he could plunge deeper into me. My interior warmed and moistened with the rapid, short strokes of his cock in my colon. My interior became engorged and molten as his friction produced vernal glow within me. As his momentum built, I felt my flesh molded like sculptor's clay in his grasp, and fantasized that he was an artist who had created me, a modern day Venus de Milo, in an ecstatic rapture of inspiration. I was his idealized vision of perfect beauty, and all the more exquisite since my beauty had been fashioned by the hands of men. He began panting and moaning and crying out "Oh, oh, oh, I'm going to cum!" I squeezed my cheeks around his cock as it erupted, and he collapsed in exhaustion on my back, baptizing me with his sweat. His chest heaved a few breaths in silence, and then he intoned, "That was fantastic! Was it good for you?" "It's different, but I kind of like it sometimes." God, it had only been about a week since I had Rick that way, and I had been positively craving it, but for Alec's benefit I said, "it's not something I would want to do regularly, but it's kind of exciting, in a naughty sort of way." "It almost seemed like it was hurting you." "It does, but then it starts to feel good. I just can't explain it. I mean, if I hadn't ever done it before, I probably wouldn't, but now that I have, it's O.K. sometimes, isn't it. I mean, you don't think I'm too weird about it, do you?" "Well, I probably never would have tried it without you. Let's just say it's one more reason I'm so happy I found you. You are fantastic in every way. I would never have figured you for such an adventurer." I blushed, and pouted, and protested, "Don't start putting me down again." "Not a chance," he replied, and gave me a caress and a kiss, and said "I love you all over, inside and out." He gazed into my eyes, and I could see that he felt what he said. I forced a look of innocence and acceptance onto my face, and whispered, "I love you too." We rested, and cuddled and chatted, and eventually started talking about the future. "I'm pretty well set," Alec said confidently. "I just have to pass my law classes, and that should be no trouble unless you mess up the curve in Epstein's class." He punched me playfully. "Then the bar exam, and then off to the slave mines of Maestre and Fenton." I shuddered at the recollection of my unpleasant morning in that office. "What's that?" I inquired with feigned innocence. "The big corporate firm where Peter and I have offers. We'll put in a couple of years at a buck twenty-five per, then I'll go in-house to the family store. After I've been general counsel for a couple of years, I'll hire Peter to replace me and move onto the board. Sounds good to you?" "It sounds like, Master and Whatever is pretty hard work. Why don't you just go right to work for your family business?" "You have to get the right experience, meet the right people. Maestre represents the power elite of the Twin Cities. It's a good connection for me. You'd like the people there. And they're always looking for bright kids like you, if that's what you're interested in. I could ask my mentor about a summer job for you." "No thanks," I said emphatically. "I am still hopeful of getting this grant." "What's that all about?" "Well, I have been meaning to tell you. If I get it, I will be going to Thailand for the summer. And Tran is going with me." Alec looked distraught. "Do you have to go?" "Only if I want to eat this summer." "But I'll get you a job: if not Maestre, then for my family." "That's nice, but you have understand. I'm going to be published in a peer-reviewed journal. I'll be one of the youngest people to do that, ever. It's really something special." "Do you have to go?" "I want to go. I mean, I have to if I want to get the grant and keep publishing." "Oh yeah, I forgot. You're the girl Einstein. But what am I supposed to do? I'll be stuck here studying for the bar exam and working." "I'll be back for the fall semester. I still have to graduate." "Thailand's so far, and so dangerous. Why there?" "That's the grant I wrote. It's that or nothing." "Oh well, I guess I'll be busy anyhow. But I'll miss you. And now, I'll be counting every day until you leave." "That's sweet." "And every night." He kissed me again, and we drifted off to sleep. The next morning, Alec made me feel as desirable as he had made me feel cheap after our first night. He took my breakfast order and made me just what I wanted: oatmeal, yogurt and fruit. I used the make up and cleansers he had bought for me, and dressed in the chic warm-up clothes that he had bought. Of course, he insisted on giving me a ride home, and walked me to the door. Eyeing my tawdry neighborhood critically, he said, "I think we should try to find you a new apartment. My family owns hundreds of them. In fact, I think they own this one, but it's the worst!" We kissed tenderly, and I bounded up the stairs. My heart felt as light as my feet. But my mood sank as soon as I opened the door, for there was Rick, eating a piece of toast as he stood over my kitchen sink. "Security system here stinks," he mumbled though a mouthful of crumbs. "What are you doing here?" I asked in an outraged tone. "Waiting for you, of course." I marched to the door, but he bounded there a step ahead of me and pressed me against it. "Stop that, you're hurting me," I cried. "You don't think you're hurting me?" he replied. "You dumped me, you bastard," I hissed. "You didn't have to jump right into that law school wimp's bed, did you?" "As if you didn't jump into someone else's bed? Oh, please!" "O.K., then." He threw himself to his knees at my feet. "Please. Give me another chance. I just can't stand to lose you." "That's not the same as wanting me, much less loving me. Alec loves me." He rose to his feet, clutching me tight in his thick, firm arms, and pressing my breasts against his bulging pectorals. "C'mon, I know you miss me. I could tell from that look you shot me at the game. I can tell from the look in you eyes now." I closed my eyes to hide my feelings, but the mist that had formed on them squeezed into a tear that dripped to my cheek, which Rick kissed away. "See, I'm right," he cooed. "Mr. Law School may love you, but you don't love him." I couldn't deny it. "You hurt me so much," I admitted, bursting into sobs. "I just can't stand it anymore. I mean, what Tran and I did in that movie, we had to do. I couldn't stand staying as I was, and you weren't going to write a check for my surgery." "But how am I supposed to feel, seeing you with that scumbucket on top of you." "How do you think I felt? You know, that bastard had really raped me in real life, last year, and then I had to make the movie with him." "I'll kill him!" "Don't bother, he's not worth it. But you have to see how it was for me. And to have you dump me over it? It's just too much!" "So I made a mistake. You've made mistakes too!" Oh, was he right about that! And I was about to make another one. "So what are we going to do about it? You were so public about dropping me. I'm sure the whole team knows you dumped me. Everyone knows." "So we can't tell anyone," he said, as he carried me, unresisting, toward the bed. The secrecy and illicitness of our encounter intensified my desire: I had to let him have me. I melted into his embrace, and as his lips crushed mine, the feelings of loss and abandonment that I had endured in the past week were expelled like a breath of stale air. When I could at last breathe again I felt like a drowning victim seizing her first breath of air. When he broke off from that first kiss, through swollen lips I murmured, "God, I missed you so much." Rick buried his head in my already disheveled hair and whispered hoarsely "I need you, now." "Then take me, now." He swiftly disrobed me of the clothes that Alec had so recently given me. As they tumbled in a pile on the floor I felt a twinge of remorse. But not enough to hesitate. Alec's tentative lovemaking had left me craving Rick's overpowering strength and boundless energy, and his tiny cock had merely stimulated my desire for Rick's daunting member. But it had to be in my ass, and so I was compelled to make a further confession. "Rick, I never told you, and I realize it was wrong, but I have to tell you now: My vagina's still too small for you. We've been doing it the old way, and we have to keep doing it the old way." He looked puzzled. "You mean all those time, I've been in your ass?" "I'm sorry ... It's so hard ... so embarrassing ... I just hate myself." I was blinded by my own tears. "No, it's O.K. I'm the one who should be sorry. I should have been more careful with you." "You're great with me. And I want you now more than ever." He kissed me again, more gently, as my sobbing subsided. When I had recovered, I slid my head down his taut chest and took his stiff cock in my mouth. His musky flavors awakened my passions. After a few gentle bobs to lubricate him, my mouth reveled in an appetizer of luscious precum. Then I began blowing him with all of my pent-up energy and desire, banging his thick cock-head past my tonsils and into the warm wet reaches beyond. The soft mucosa writhed and spasmed as I suppressed my gag reflex. These exertions returned tears to my eyes, but these were the tears of ecstasy and passion. My ass began to buzz with anticipation of his manly penetration, as though Alec's ineffectual efforts had been a mere hors d'oeuvre. I quickly sheathed him with a condom and lube, and threw my legs over his bulging shoulders. He pressed against me, and said "I remember, I'll start slowly." I smiled and nodded, and gazed into his eyes as he pressed forward. I was still tingly and tender from Alec's penetration, so I buzzed with sensation from the first moments. Rick cupped my breasts tenderly as he inched forward, and the sensations merged somewhere near my heart to melt me from within. His steady penetration of my body's core lit a slow flame within me which he fanned from outside by caressing my skin. He built the heat within me; I felt myself boiling with passion and sensation. I wanted more. "Please, fuck me harder, more." He nodded confidently, and began slashing in and out like a power tool on 'High'. The heat from within me went from red, to yellow, to white, to blue hot, like a star cycling from a cloud of hot dust, to a fireball twirling in a cosmic dance around an even hotter twin star. The familiar objects of my room spun around me like planets in this galaxy of heat, energy, and pleasure. From within I heard my own voice trilling in ever rising arpeggios of ecstasy, accompanied by the timpani of his hard flesh crashing against mine in a slapping, jolting bass rhythm. As he reached a pinnacle, he slowed, and pulled back, and we both smiled, for we knew that delayed release only heightened the ultimate pleasure. As he slowed, my internal organs struggled to find their natural order, and squeezed against my swollen colon. I groaned with pleasure at this pressure from within. "Are you O.K.?" "No, a lot better than O.K.." I smiled. "Put you finger in me. See how tiny I am?" He slipped his thick finger in my vagina, and then slid in another. "I could probably fit if I was careful." He gently pressed his fingers onward, and as the poked my inner ring I winced. "Careful. That's the problem. Aaahh," I cried as he tried to enter further. "No, no more." "Oh, sorry. Is that like, your cherry?" "I wish. It's a scar from the surgery. That's why I can't have regular sex." "Oh, no! You mean never?" "Not until I get it fixed. I have to go back to my doctor in Thailand." "You poor thing. Why didn't you tell me?" "I don't know. It's like, embarrassing to talk about." "It's O.K. We still have this." "Hm-hm. Do it hard, again." "O.K., but roll over on your stomach." I pointed my toe and swung my leg over his head, and felt his massive cock turn inside me like a giant key in its lock. With one hand grappling my breasts and the other fingering my pussy, Rick increased the power and speed of his thrusting thighs, crushing the breath from my lungs in a gasp with each lunge. His heaving breath warmed and tickled my ear, and like white noise, dampened the cacophony of the slap of his flesh against mine, and the squeaking and rattling of my wobbly bed. At last, he came, with ten jackhammer-like blows that knocked the breath from me, and sent my bed crashing from its legs with a jolt and a thud to the floor. From the apartment below, an angry voice called out "Knock it off up there!" Rick and I both began giggling hysterically, his still hard cock wiggling in my ass. Finally, I composed myself enough to say, "I can't believe you broke my bed. How am I supposed to explain this to you-know-who. He's like, the landlord, you know." We burst into laughter. "Tell him that you and Tran were having a pillow fight." That imagery started our laughter anew. As we convulsed in still more giggles his cock slipped out from within me. "That was terrible," I joked. "I'll try harder next time," Rick replied. "I'd better have the landlord reinforce the building first." "What the hell, let's just demolish it. The place is a dump, anyhow." "I need to pee, and inspect the damage," I said, climbing over him. As I passed above him, he grabbed my buttock and said "Looks just as good as new." I showered myself squeaky clean, and freshened my makeup. I wanted to look perfect for a beautiful and romantic good-bye. But when I emerged from the bathroom, he was dressed and halfway to the door. "Not even a kiss good-bye? That's really back to business-as-usual." "Oh, sorry. I was going to wait. I just noticed the time. I'm late for a team meeting." "I'm so glad you could squeeze me into your busy schedule," I said sarcastically. "That magic moment sure disappeared swiftly." "I'm sorry, but you know, I'm not really into the relationship stuff. I really like you, and the sex is dynamite, but it's hard for me to do the romantic thing." "Well, it's kind of hard for me to do the sex without the romance: at least a little," I replied. He took me in his arms and kissed me. The smells and tastes of fresh sex were still on him, and my fresh scrubbed and brushed body only accentuated the contrast. As the kiss lingered, his hands began exploring me again, and I felt his penis hardening and pressing through his jeans and the fabric of my robe. I broke off the kiss and said "Save it for later, you have a team meeting, remember?" "Thanks for reminding me," he said. "Is that a better good-bye?" "Perfect," I replied. "I'll see you tomorrow at tutoring." Of course, we would see one another, but he would have on his tough guy airs and would treat me like a past, and discarded conquest, at least until our next furtive tryst. He could not publicly reconcile with a girl he had rejected as damaged goods. And I did not want to place my faith in Rick's fickle passion, and endanger the predictability and safety of Alec. On the other hand, I adored Rick's sexual athleticism, and feared the day that Alec would discover, confront and reject me over my past. So for a time I lead a double life, sleeping with both of them, enjoying the sexual fulfillment, but feeling guilty and duplicitous toward the faithful Alec. I had two lovers: one who didn't really know me, whom I did not love, but who loved me; and another, who knew me all too well, and whom I loved, but of whose love I was uncertain. Tran had followed my example and had resumed a furtive liaison with Randy. One day she mused, "I feel so guilty, I think I am going to fuck somebody else." "Why would you do that, and add even more complexity?" "Because then I would be just sleeping around and not cheating on anybody." "Tran, you're a genius. But when are you going to find the time, or the energy?" "That's the problem. I can't." Hopping between two beds, and living the rest of our lives, made us both ridiculously busy. I coached Tran through prep for the high school GED and the SAT, and sanitized her r?sum? for her applications to the Universities of Minnesota and Chang Mai. I finalized the findings of my transgendered sex worker study, Finch signed off on it and we submitted it for publication. At the same time, we submitted my grant application for the Thai sex worker research. Meanwhile, Doe vs. the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis lurched t

Same as The Greatest Lie, Part 12 Videos

4 years ago
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The Greatest Lie Chapter 14 From Prom Night to Homecoming

The Greatest Lie, Chapter 14 From Prom Night to Homecoming Alexandra Rios [email protected] For me, my hometown, L.A., is not the sexy, sweaty night clubs of West Hollywood nor the porn scene of the North Valley. Though I feel more at home there, that side of L.A. is not my home but rather the world into which my transsexual destiny exiled me. Home is the leafy, moneyed boulevards and side streets of Brentwood and Bel Air, California. Beneath the swaying palms and in the...

3 years ago
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Catherine and Callie 3

When Catherine arrived, I met her at the door and gave her a huge hug. Callie came bouncing down the stairs and joined us in a group hug. After we were finished, I carried Catherine's bags up to her bedroom and helped her unpack. "So have you two been good?" Catherine asked. "No, Mom, I'm afraid that we've been very bad" was Callie's response. "Excellent!" said Catherine. "I was hoping you'd say that." "Mom, I wanted to say thanks for allowing me to fuck Bob this weekend. He's been the subject...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The Greatest Lie Part 5

This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences only! All resemblance to actual persons is coincidental. It contains graphic sex described in first person narration by its transgendered, teenage protagonist. If you are not an adult, or if you find this type of material offensive, please stop reading and dispose of this file. You have been warned of the content. If you proceed neither the author nor the site host will be held responsible! A previous version of...

4 years ago
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Catherine and Callie 2

"Bob, I have a favor to ask of you." Catherine and I had just finished a long and hot fucking session; now both of us were trying to recover our breath. "Anything for you. What is it?" I responded. We had been seeing each other for over a month now, and not only was the sex hot, but I could see this relationship lasting for a long while. "You remember that I have to be out of town for three days next week, right?" "Yes, three days that I'm not sure I can survive" I said with a smile. I said...

Straight Sex
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The Greatest Lie Part 6

The Greatest Lie 6: Babes in Gangland ? by: Lilliana In my rare moments of leisure in the weeks following my close encounter with death, I had had little opportunity to talk about it. Of course, the police had asked perfunctory questions, and I had testified at the coroner's inquest, but until my next appointment with Dr. Erika Wright, I had not verbalized the anxiety that gripped me whenever my frenetic schedule gave me time to think. The slow spiral toward death, the flickering...

2 years ago
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The Greatest Lie Part 2

The Greatest Lie, Chapter 11 - A Whole New Me, The Same Old World ? by: Alexandra Rios "En Francais", they say "plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose:" the more things change, the more they stay the same. When Tran and I got back to Minneapolis from our trip to Thailand for our sex change operations, it was every bit as dark, frigid and depressing as it had been when we left. I returned to the same tiny, dreary apartment in a drug infested, sleazy stretch of Hennepin...

2 years ago
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Greatest Lie Chapter 11

The Greatest Lie--Chapter 11 A Whole New Me, The Same Old World By Alexandra Rios "En fran?ais," as they say, "plus ?a change, plus c'est la m?me chose:" the more things change, the more they stay the same. When Tran and I got back to Minneapolis from our trip to Thailand for our sex-change operations, it was every bit as dark, frigid and depressing as it had been when we left. We returned to the same tiny, dreary apartment in a drug- infested, sleazy s...

4 years ago
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The Greatest Lie Part 3 Town and Gown

This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences only! All resemblance to actual persons is coincidental. It contains graphic sex described in first person narration by its transgendered, teenage protagonist. If you are not an adult, or if you find this type of material offensive, please stop reading and dispose of this file. You have been warned of the content. If you proceed, neither the author nor the site host will be held responsible! A previous version of...

4 years ago
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Crossdressing Charlie Vol 1 Episode 16 The Greatest Change

CROSSDRESSING CHARLIE Episode 16 THE GREATEST CHANGE Everything in Charlie's life became slow and dreary after a period of unexpected escalation. Yes, he returned home to his family after nearly being kidnapped by a psychotic blackmailer. However, that did not mean everything would immediately return to normal. There were still a lot of unanswered questions pressing on the minds of those who loved Charlie and he knew they would start asking sooner rather than later. He had prepared...

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The Greatest Lie Chapter 15 East is East and West is West

This is a work of erotic fiction, which is written for adult readers only. It contains explicit descriptions of illegal drug use, sexual intercourse, and violence, which some readers may find disturbing. Portions of the narrative are inspired by current events in Thai society and an ongoing scientific debate concerning the safety of an over-the-counter microbicide, nonoxynol-9 (N-9). However, with the exception of the identity of the Thai Prime Minister and the protagonist's SRS...

2 years ago
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The Greatest Lie Chapter 13 Does Life Imitate Art

THE GREATEST LIE, CHAPTER 13 - Alexandra Rivers © [email protected] DOES LIFE IMITATE ART? I love technology, in spite of the stereotype about girls. Although I was a guy, at least outwardly, until a year ago, I think I was always inwardly a girl. According to the stereotype, we girls are supposed to be indifferent to anything more technical than the designer covers of our cell phones. Still, I just can't help myself: I enjoy mastering new technology. Even...

4 years ago
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The Greatest Lie Part 8

This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences only! All resemblance to actual persons is coincidental. It contains graphic sex and forcible rape described in first person narration by its transgendered, teenage protagonist. If you are not an adult, or if you find this type of material offensive, please stop reading and dispose of this file. You have been warned of the content. If you proceed neither the author nor the site host will be held responsible! The...

3 years ago
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Pelle the CollierChapter 9 How Lieselotte of Rennenberg Becomes the Baroness and Ingeburg has to Leave Pelle

That same evening, Sigfrid Baron of Birkenhain was entertaining important visitors. Rudolf, Count of Rennenberg had arrived with his youngest daughter Lieselotte for whom he was seeking a marriage. He had even brought the girl along and if the negotiations went as planned they would have the wedding before the Count returned to his lands. The haste was due to the fact that the Count had remarried after his first wife's death, and his new wife did not get along at all with his daughters....

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The Greatest Lie Chapter 16

Alexandra escapes Thailand into SARS quarantine, and the clutches of her estranged father. As the Thai police close in on her, she and Nancee seduce their way to freedom and whore their way to prosperity. Thanks to my invaluable editor, riottgrrl, whose contributions to TGL are far greater than mere text editing. The Greatest Lie, Chapter 16 Family Values They say that life is about making choices. But we humans don't get to choose the two...

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The Greatest Lie Chapter 16 Family Values

The Greatest Lie, Chapter 16 Family Values By lilliana (With thanks to my invaluable editor, riottgrrl, whose contributions to TGL are far greater than mere text editing.) -------------------- They say that life is about making choices. But we humans don't get to choose the two most important factors in our lives. We don't get to choose our genes, so I got stuck with XY chromosomes. And we don't get to choose our natal families, so I got stuck...

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The Greatest Lie Part 9

The Greatest Lie ? by: Lilliana, aka Alexandra Rios Chapter 9 - My Fifteen Seconds of Fame Two hours after saying goodbye to Rick and Randy, Tran and I left Minneapolis and boarded a plane to LA. I fell asleep at take off, and woke as the plane began its descent. Tran was staring out the window at the city's lights spread in an endless shimmering galaxy below. "Wow, it's beautiful. I love LA already!" she exclaimed. She was right: viewed from the air on a clear night, LA is a...

2 years ago
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The Greatest Lie Part 7

This story is purely fictional and meant for adult audiences only! All resemblance to actual persons is coincidental. It contains graphic sex and forcible rape described in first person narration by its transgendered, teenage protagonist. If you are not an adult, or if you find this type of material offensive, please stop reading and dispose of this file. You have been warned of the content. If you proceed neither the author nor the site host will be held responsible! The...

2 years ago
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The Greatest Lie Chapter 17

The Greatest Lie, Chapter 17 You Can't Go Home Again By Alexandra Rios [email protected] This chapter of my novel is the conclusion of my novel, which I have posted here serially over the past six years. It uses strong language and depicts explicit sex, including forcible rape. This is a work of imagination and research. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. If you are underage or offended by this content, please do not read on. If you...

3 years ago
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The Greatest Lie Chapter 10

The Greatest Lie Chapter 10 Beyond Bangkok Alexandra Rios Don't you hate commercial air travel? No matter how many drugs I take, when they wear off, I'm disoriented, my legs are twitchy, and there are still three hours (or whatever) to go. Not enough time to take the last of the Sonata I had borrowed from Mom's medicine cabinet before touchdown (and customs), but a long time to deal with boredom and discomfort. I got up to pee and stretch, but stepping back to my seat over my...

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"I challenge you to a duel!" The words, shouted in the middle of a Ministry of Magic atrium, could hardly have garnered more attention had they been accompanied by Voldemort resurrecting himself. Far from the quietest place on Earth, the Ministry of Magic was nearly always bustling and hustling with throngs upon throngs of every sort of magical being, almost all of them talking at unreasonable volumes to be heard over everyone else talking over unreasonable volumes. Now, however, it had gone...

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The Greatest Liar Date With The Devil

The Greatest Liar, Trans Erotica With A Purpose © Alexandra Rios 2019, all rights reserved Disclaimer This is a work of fiction. All characters (including the narrator), firms, business entities, organizations, teams, products, medical providers, medicines, governments, government officials, celebrities, schools, religious figures and religions, courts, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any...

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Allie the Alien

“Happy Birthday Ellen, I knew he was perfect as soon as I saw him.” Ellen formally introduced her new roommate to all of her roommates, “Allie, this is everybody, everybody, this is Allie the Alien.” She found him a spot between Dweeb the Bear and Smokey her Guardian Dragon. The three occupied a shelf over the dresser at the end of her bed. Ellen felt safe in her room with the trio gazing down on her while she slept. Justin sat at his laptop watching the girl as she slumbered. He was...

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Italienische Groszligfamilie Teil 4

Fortsetzung des 2. Teils,wenn ihr den noch nicht gelesen habt, holt das unbedingt nach: war verwirrt und aufgewühlt. Vor wenigen Tagen erst hatte seine ältere Cousine Caterina, von deren Traumkörper er schon seit langem träumte, ihn unerwartet beim Masturbieren erwischt und fotografiert. Das Foto diente ihr jetzt als Druckmittel um ihn in die Rolle ihres absolut willenlosen Sex-Sklaven zu zwingen,...

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Spying On Samantha Hallie

"So, they're just friends from college?" I asked, dousing my hands in shampoo."Yes, we were like a trio; only I was the third wheel after a while. I don't know how long I was exactly, but just one Saturday night, I came back to our dorm to find Samantha eating out Hallie. I didn't even know either of them were into girls, but there they were," she explained as I got it in her hair. "And judging by your dick touching my butt, you like that. Well, at least we're in the shower.""Well,...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

4 years ago
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Happy Birthday Kaylie

*Warning: contains some graphic scenes of gore or violence. It’s only PG-13 violence though really, so anybody on this sight should have no problems with it. However, if you really don’t like horror-type stories or violence, I wouldn’t read this. Also, if you could leave a vote and some feedback that would be great. Hopefully the feedback won’t be too bad.* * The night was cold, as it normally is in late October. The air was chilly and their breaths could be seen in the air as they crawled...

4 years ago
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Oliver and Emilie Wright

"For godssakes stop the silly crying, Oliver, and be a man. So Billy screwed me. So what? It isn't like it means a damn thing," said Emilie. "It made me feel good and didn't hurt you or us one little bit." "I'm not crying. I've just got something in my eye. But, as for the rest of it, it means plenty to me, and in case you actually give a damn it did hurt me. And also in case you actually give a damn there is the indisputable fact that this marriage is over," I said. "Oh, pooh,"...

3 years ago
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Catherine and Callie 3

When Catherine arrived, I met her at the door and gave her a huge hug. Callie came bouncing down the stairs and joined us in a group hug. After we were finished, I carried Catherine’s bags up to her bedroom and helped her unpack. ‘So have you two been good?’ Catherine asked. ‘No, Mom, I’m afraid that we’ve been very bad’ was Callie’s response. ‘Excellent!’ said Catherine. ‘I was hoping you’d say that.’ ‘Mom, I wanted to say thanks for allowing me to fuck Bob this weekend. He’s been the...

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Hallie Kassie

Hallie and Kassie were both freshman; they were designated roommates by the apartment office for the complex in which they had chosen to live. The university did not have near enough dorm space so the local apartment complexes did a booming business renting to students.In a questionnaire that was part of their apartment application, Hallie and Kassie had each answered many demographic and personal questions. The apartment management had worked out a system to sort students into roommates based...

College Sex
4 years ago
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The Greatest Gift

The Greatest Gift By Tom J. Hyde Synopsis: Jerry Ruiz thought he had it all. However, when he asks his newest secretary out for drinks, he finds that the greatest gift is yet to come. * * * Once again, I'm trying to expand my skills by writing a different kind of story. I've had this story bouncing around in my head for about three or four years now and it's gone through a lot of changes since it first came to me. But then again, so does everything else that ends up on the...

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Aunt Tillie

Aunt TillieThis is a fantasy based on actual events in my earlier years. There was an “Aunt Tillie” whom I lusted after, but since she was mom’s best friend......…This took place in an established old, very religious northern city (read: prudish). Extremely conservative.Tillie, or Matilda was her birth name, was my moms best friend all through high school. Both of them married a year or so after HS, but remained close friends. Tillie was sort of an “Aunt” to me, as she came to our home at least...

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Hallies Story

Hallie –I really love my bff, Jessica and I am fond of her boyfriend, Jason, but sometimes she drags me into things that I would prefer not to do. Like tonight, drinks and dinner at Jessica’s with her second cousin from out East. Sure, I can be pleasant, demure, sociable, and all that but things like this aren’t really what I had in mind.But, I may as well look nice. I have a new dress and the neckline is lower than I usually wear, but the color and print screamed at me in the store. It is...

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Hallies Story

Hallie –I really love my bff, Jessica and I am fond of her boyfriend, Jason, but sometimes she drags me into things that I would prefer not to do. Like tonight, drinks and dinner at Jessica’s with her second cousin from out East. Sure, I can be pleasant, demure, sociable, and all that but things like this aren’t really what I had in mind.But, I may as well look nice. I have a new dress and the neckline is lower than I usually wear, but the color and print screamed at me in the store. It is...

2 years ago
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Learning From Emilie

-- Learning From Emilie --Early one Saturday morning I was standing at the bathroom sink in our government quarters brushing my teeth. My father had awakened me earlier than usual, getting ready to go on an overnight guard duty assignment. Once he'd left, I decided to go ahead and get up early, get cleaned up, maybe go out for a nice motorcycle ride.There was a movement at the open door and I turned my head, toothbrush still in my mouth, to see my stepmother Emilie walk into the bathroom. ...

4 years ago
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Learning From Emilie 2

-- Learning From Emilie - The Second Time --I stopped by my father's home on my way to a job interview. I'd just begun a very messy divorce and had decided to relocate completely to another city. I'd called to tell my father and my stepmother Emilie about the whole messy situation, and they were both concerned at how it had upset me, and they both insisted that I stay over with them during my trip. Emilie was particularly upset and sympathetic: she knew how much I'd wanted the marriage and...

3 years ago
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La dette de Julien envers Alex

Chapitre 1 - Julien et ses probl?mes financiers "Promis Monsieur Durand, je vous promet que je vais tout mettre en oeuvre pour r?gler ce d?couvert sur mon compte le plus rapidement possible. Je suis en train de n?gocier pour un nouveau job me permettant de doubler mon salaire et en finir avec ces petit probl?mes financiers... Laissez moi juste un peu de temps!" Le banquier regarda Julien un peu rassur? mais ce m?fiait un peu. Ce n'?tait pas la premi?re fois qu'il avait convoqu? Julien ? cause de son compt...

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Hallie the Slut I Had a Dream

Hallie the Slut - I Had a DreamSince she'd had a couple drinks that evening, both Hallie and Mark suggested that Jessica spend the night with them. She could drive back home the next day. Jessica admitted that was a good idea. On the way home, Mark told the two girls that he had errands to run the next day in a city a couple hundred miles away. He told them he would be getting up and leaving early and wouldn't be home until very late in the evening. So when they got home Mark excused...

4 years ago
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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Everything For Tilliebyhoneydew©Tillie Smith is 18, and her and her Dad has been living in a big city for the last 12 years. After Tillie was attack, they moved to a small town of only 300 people, thinking that it would be safer than the big city. The house they got was an old two bedroom Farm house. Tillie took upon herself to redo the house, by the time she was done it was a three bedroom home. Her Dad Tony commuted to work 20 miles everyday. There were alot of men willing to help her around...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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At The Pool Kim Copies Kaylie

I was standing next to the pool, naked, with a hard cock sticky from cum, pussy juice, and the blood of Kaylie’s torn hymen. Kaylie was laying back on the chaise that she been on when she’d asked me to take her virginity; a painful experience for her that my daughter Kim not only helped set up, but watched. Kim was also standing there, eyeing my erection while she and Kaylie freely discussed the fact that my cock was apparently longer than any Kim had ever taken.Kaylie was in the process of...

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Carlie Came Through

The dusty wood shelf in the town grocery store always bothered me. Staring at it, I couldn't help but wonder when the last time someone might have cleaned it, if ever.I blinked and awoke from my daze, having no clear idea how long I'd been standing in the aisle, staring at bags of flour on that dull, unchanging shelf.Every Friday, I walked into town to get things my Mother needed for the coming week. I guess I didn't mind too much, since it gave me a break from being in the field, picking...

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Taylors Girlsquad III Tay Karlie

“Okay, that's the one, I think.”, Taylor Swift called toward the driver of her limousine. Once the car stopped she leaned back and forth to get a good look up and down the night-time street through the tinted windows, making sure there were no paparazzi camping out before the upper-class hotel a little bit outside of the city. Once she had made sure the streets were clear Taylor popped the wide lapels of her long coat, put on her sun-glasses and got out. For a moment she hesitated and leaned...

4 years ago
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Sweet Young Hallie

I still can’t believe what just happened. The young woman is sound asleep, facing me, her arm over my waist. My left hand is traveling up and down her smooth, naked skin, from the auburn hair to mid-thigh. Never have I loved a person more, and I figured that out, just before engaging in the most fantastic fuck session I ever had. …………… I had known Hallie for about six years, since she was sixteen. My wife, and I, met her in a local, small town grocery/general store. She was a...

2 years ago
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Emilie and Isabella

The London flat lay almost empty, containing just: stacks of books and papers in one corner, a violin case, a dresser with a suitcase on top of it stuffed with ratty clothing, a small kitchen, and a computer lying half hazardly on the floor, a statue of the Laughing Buddha on the counter in the kitchen with empty liquor bottles around it. The walls were lavishly decorated by skilled painting hands, and reds, purples and browns leapt out brilliantly, and in the centre of the room, a bed. Pillows...

3 years ago
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The Greatest Liar My Awkward Phase

Alex Rios’ furtive high school transition is suspected by friends, revealed to a lover and exposed by his enemies. With his intellectual hauteur torn away, he becomes the girl he longed, and was destined, to be. My Awkward Phase©Alexandra Rios 2019The greatest lie is that what happens in high school doesn't matter, because life begins in college. I pretended to agree, although I never believed it, for I was the world's greatest liar.WannabeesI was hanging out with my friends Quinn, Barb and...

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The greatest Slut Wife everI so miss her

I was married when I first met Barb.From the moment she started working at the cabinet shop were I worked I so wanted her.I just had a feeling that she would be a good fuck.Barb was not much to look at tho.Around 45 years old back in 1994.She was 5'4" tall.Slender build with b size tit's.Thin blonde hair to her shoulders.A plain jane face.She looked the part of a small town girl living in the western part of New Hampshire along the river in the 80's and 90's.She did how ever have an amazing...

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Princess Lien

Chapter I - Princess Lien's Breakfast treat Princess Lien yawned and thought is she bored or still waking up. She lay in her four poster bed, on a mattress made from duck feathers, covered with black silk sheets, with matching pillows. From each corner of the top of the bed were hung black drapes tied to the bed posts with black rope She looked out the window to try and judge what time of day it was. Soon breakfast would be arriving. She sat up in bed, stretched and revealed she was wearing a...

4 years ago
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Taylors Girlsquad II Karlie Kloss and Vict

Taylor's Girlsquad II - Karlie Kloss and Victoria JusticeVictoria Justice blinked rapidly a few times, her long, brown eyelashes caressing her cheek, and lifted a hand to her lips, painted in a subtle, pink lipstick, to yawn. She fanned air to her face and headed over to the coffee machine, her steps fairly uneasy, with a small grunt escaping her lips and her hand moving to her stomach to stroke it soothingly. She waited until the dark, steaming liquid had poured out of the nozzle and into her...

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ma femme et mon client 2eme partie

nous etions a table et attendions les miss qui etaient partie se faire un brin de toilettes ,le temps nous semblaient long ,trop long mon client et nous decidons d aller voir ce qu elle faisaient etant donné qu on avait tres faimnous montons dans ma chambre ou se trouve aussi notre salle de bain privative et la en entrant dans la chambre nous les voyons toute les deux nue sur le lit ,encore humide de la douche avec un etalage de gode ma femme a une collection exceptionnelle ,j avoue je lui en...

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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
3 years ago
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

1 year ago
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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
2 years ago
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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Finding Mollies Lover When I Home Home Early

The screensaver activated on the phone sitting on our kitchen bench as I walked past it, and I saw Mollie posing with her boobs out on display, wearing the smallest triangle for knickers and a big smile. And a bow around her neck. I hadn’t seen this picture before. Whose fucking phone was it?“Hey Mollie, where are you? I’m home” I called out as I poured myself a glass of Australian red and spun the phone around so I could see the image more clearly. It needed a password to access the phone...

2 years ago
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Kylies Song Part 2

"Ughhh…" Kylie realized she was upside down before she'd even opened her eyes. The air felt cold, dry. She was in a basement of some kind. She was also completely naked. A chill raced down her body. Goose bumps rippled across her chest as she opened her eyes to see Brayden's muscled figure. He was wearing a dark skin-tight mask with openings only around the eyes and mouth, but she could tell it was him. "Good morning little cunt. You and your friend have been asleep, imposing on my...

1 year ago
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
1 year ago
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites

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