RedemptionChapter 8
- 4 years ago
- 20
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The evening of the third day, as we were all sitting in the bedroom, talking, the room was suddenly bathed in white light. The man in white stood at the end of the bed. He looked first at me as I stared at him, and smiled gently.
"I know. You want to kill me for almost letting Victoria die. It doesn't matter. After this conversation, I will effectively cease to exist anyway. First, though, I promised that shortly you would know everything I knew. I think it is time to tell you what this is all about." He walked over to stand in front of Victoria, took her hand, and kissed it.
"I cannot tell you how delighted I am that you survived, my dear. I have spent many a sleepless night regretting the decision I made. I am glad Megan forced me to reconsider." Victoria smiled sweetly at him, put her arms around his neck, and kissed him. His eyes opened wide in surprise as she looked at him, smiling. He nodded to her, smiling. "I see you are as smart as they say you are." He walked over to Megan next and he and Megan flowed into each other's arms and kissed as passionately as any two individuals I had ever seen. He softly caressed her hair and cheek, as they looked into each other's eyes lovingly.
"Megan, my dear, I will always be indebted to you for pushing me to make that decision. You are a wonderful little girl and will make the right man a wonderful wife. Wait for him, dear; he will be there for you." They smiled at each other, sharing a private thought between them. Then he walked over to the chair and sat down.
"First, let me congratulate all of you. We were successful this time. I will explain what we were doing in a minute." He looked at me. "And no, we were not trying to drive up the price of Cumquats!" He laughed as I looked embarrassed. "But first, let me give you some background on what has been going on. Most of this will be new to the girls also."
"The most obvious question is 'who are we'? Unfortunately, I cannot answer that, because I don't know. As each of you has experienced, I first knew I was different at a very early age, when I realized that I shared a mental connection with my sister. I grew up, married a very lovely young lady, and had wonderful, beautiful twin girls, not unlike some of the special girls in this room. As has happened with you, I found a few others that had the same ability, and even more abilities. Then, when I was thirty-five, I discovered that there was a group of beings that watched over us, not interfering in any way.
"At some point, a branch of the government became interested in us. These are the people you met at the 'camps'. They were not evil, per se. They just wanted to figure out a way to use our abilities for their own use. However, a splinter group led by Victoria's now ex-boss Richard attempted to take control over us. When that failed, he decided that if he couldn't control us, no one would. In a sweeping move over a period of two days, he had all of you killed. Some looked like accidents, others were obviously murders. It was more far reaching than you may have guessed. He killed Amy, Cindi, Katie, Becky, Julie, Rebecca, Danielle, Stephanie, Elizabeth, Emily, Laura and Victoria. He probably killed Julie, Rebecca, Danielle, Stephanie, Elizabeth, Laura and Emily because we suspected they might have been part of us also, but latent, not showing abilities yet. He was taking no chances. We still don't know if they are like us."
"For some reason, I was the only one left alive. We still don't know why. We speculated that they wanted to start a whole new breeding program. Or, possibly, they were not able to kill me, although I don't remember them trying. However, I was not aware what was going on until it was too late, so I may not have noticed. For whatever reason, I was left alive. Maybe to make me suffer."
"Amy, Katie, those of you who have lost your twins, you know what I went through at that point." Amy and Katie gave him a sad, loving smile of sympathy. "I was devastated. I had lost my wife, sister, children, and friends of my children. I had lost my mental connection with my sister. I did not want to live anymore. I lasted about the same two weeks that Amy and Katie lasted. Two weeks seems to be about the time when you just can't take it anymore. Incidentally, Katie, it was my voice that stopped you from killing yourself, so you could save Amy."
"The night I had determined to end my suffering, I received two visitors. I say visitors, because I do not know what they were. One was a white energy, the other one purple. I spent the entire night talking to them. I learned that the white energy was the current leader of the group we came from. The purple energy was the scribe, or historian. They explained what had happened to us, why all my girls had died. If they were trying to cheer me up, or convince me to not kill myself, they were miserable failures."
"Then, they told me it did not have to end this way. They asked me if I wanted to change what had happened. Of course, they already knew my answer. They explained about all of the powers that we had, the things we could do. The ones you have seen in the last year or so are not all of them. They explained how the powers were activated. They explained that intense emotions, like love, activated those powers. They told me that the actual activation occurred during actions associated with those feelings, such as sex with love. They also explained that the same things could occur with other powerful emotions, such as hate. These were dangerous, though. Victoria, your overwhelming desire to avenge Julie's death in this cycle was an example of that. You were able to control it. Many cannot. They explained that there were possibly others like us, and maybe others like the two energies that were talking to me, that lived and acted off these powerful negative emotions. They then gave me all the powers associated with the good emotions. They told me that many would be activated when needed. I asked them how all of this would get my family back."
"That is when they offered me the greatest gift. The white and purple energies only existed until they were needed to readjust the balance of our family as opposed to the evil ones. The energies were set up by our ancestors, knowing full well that the current situation would happen. Once the energies would be needed, the purple energy would pass into the body of the one most suited for the position of scribe or historian. It would never again exist normally as energy. At the death of the scribe, outside of the deaths associated with the cycles that I will tell you about in a minute, the purple energy would enter into the next choice for scribe. We don't know how that works, since it has never happened. The white energy would exist as a guardian and guide until the stability of the family was restored. Then, it would pass into the body of the father of the family after victory, never to exist as energy again."
"The final gift they offered was the ability to reverse the actions that had happened, back to a common starting point. The white energy could then start the whole scene over again, making any changes that he thought might increase the possibilities of successfully navigating past the time when the family was killed. The power reversing the situation could also make changes itself. Whether these were random or due to some intelligence or algorithm I never understood. The people that started over would have no memory of the previous time. They would never know that they had gone through this before. This 'forgetfulness' circuit was not perfect, and as time went on, after so many cycles, most of the girls developed at least a simplistic idea that the cycles existed, what they were for, and some of the things that happened. The one exception to the forgetting was the scribe or historian, the one with the purple energy. That person always remembered everything, down to the smallest detail, that had happened in all the cycles. That person also had the gift of precognition under certain circumstances. This gift also sometimes existed in others. Amy has shown that ability at times. The cycling was set so it happened anytime there was only one member of the family left. That one, as far as they knew, would always be Patrick."
"Finally, I was given the power of the white energy, as he passed into my existence. I watched the purple energy descend into one of the bodies. I no longer had a body, and I watched my former body and mind continue to function as normal. That body would also have no recollection of the previous cycles. Certain protocols were set up in the event of the need to share certain knowledge from the past, or in certain cases when interference by the white energy was allowed. Those protocols were invoked by the scribe, or, in certain instances, by the special scribe that existed within each cycle. That special cycle scribe remembered everything of the current cycle, but her memory was lost in a new cycle just like everyone else's."
"Now, for specifics. As you have probably already guessed, Megan is the scribe. She remembers everything, from the original family before the catastrophe, to now, and will continue on as long as she lives. Once she dies, in a death not associated with the cycles, the purple energy with all its accumulated knowledge, moves on to the next choice. We don't know how that choice is made, since it has never happened. It may be to a child of the original scribe. Katie is the scribe within the cycle."
"Again, as you have all probably already guessed, my name is... Patrick John Phillips. I have chosen to appear to you each time as a body, rather than a white energy. When this conversation is over, I will merge back into the Patrick John Phillips you know, and we will become one and whole again. He will then know everything I know. That, I am afraid, is all we know. There are several important points we do not know."
"We do not know what happens now. It has never happened before, and the energies did not impart that knowledge to me. Now that we are successful, do we just continue on from here? In that case, Patrick, you will remember everything, as will all of you. However, it is possible that we will recycle back to where this all started, or possibly back to the beginning of this cycle. If that happens, Patrick, then I have set it so you will not retain the memory of this conversation and cycle, nor any other information given by me, just like everyone except Megan. However, I have programmed the failsafe that total memory may be regained by you if activated by Megan. There are no rules for her to follow as to when or if this should occur. She will determine when you are ready for this information, when you can handle it, and when it is needed. Once she activates this knowledge, however, it is all activated. It is all or nothing."
"I don't know how many cycles we have gone through. I lost count some time ago. I am sure Megan knows, but it is probably irrelevant. Each one failed, as we struggled to find the right combination. I was certain such a combination must exist; otherwise our ancestors would not have set this whole thing up. It was Megan that had the brilliant idea, towards the end of the last cycle, as it became obvious that it would fail, to set Patrick and Victoria, twin siblings, as husband and wife, parents of Amy and Cindi. We also set it that Katie and Becky would be their sisters, and Megan would be his child also. We made most of you adopted and unaware that you were related to prevent difficulties with societal norms."
"It was obvious almost from the start that this cycle was different. Julie was killed when she was 6 years old. That had never happened before. It was done in an attempt to influence Victoria to kill Patrick years later, if that became necessary for them. Since Julie was not clearly known as one of us, I could 'interfere' to keep her from dying. I felt we would need her later. Then, Becky was 'killed'. That was different also. In all the previous cycles, the family deaths had all occurred during a two day period towards the end of the cycle. The fact that Becky's death was faked was beside the point. Then, an attempt was made on Victoria and Amy's life at the Fair. This had not happened before either. I was seeing a pattern. Then the attempt on Amy's life, that Cindi thwarted. Finally, the telling point; Cindi's death. That was the fatal error on the opposition's part. All of these deaths and attempted murders were done by Richard's group." He looked at Victoria, noticing the sad, guilty look on her face. "There was no way you could have known, Victoria. He was a master at hiding these things. Please don't feel responsible." She gave him a weak little smile.
"In every cycle so far, there had been a cataclysmic battle towards the end that our powers could not stop or win. One way I knew that it could be won was if one of us, besides me, since I could not interfere, could devote all of their energy to it. That could only be done, as far as I could tell, if they did not have a body to devote energy to maintaining. When Cindi was killed, I realized that exact scenario was now possible. Although I grieved at your sadness at her loss, I knew this was the turning point we were waiting for."
"As the attempts to kill all of you mounted, the certainty grew in my mind that this was truly different; that this could be the right cycle. I still could not see success in the final battle, however. Once again, Megan solved that problem by invoking Protocol 14. Although there is still danger from having done that, and a high price to be paid in the near future, it was exactly what needed to happen. I had lost sight of the fact that that situation was exactly why Protocol 14 was developed. Fortunately, Megan did not."
"That is about all I have to tell you. Each cycle has a definite time limit, if it does not activate from only one family member left alive. That time is in ten days. At that time, you will find out if you remain here, or if one final cycle will occur. I want to thank all of you for your help in saving our family. Since I am Patrick, I will partake in the joy of being with you to a very old age, however that occurs."
"If you don't mind my asking, who was the young man that was so instrumental in saving us all? I would just like to know who I am indebted to for my life," Victoria asked. I saw the man in white wince.
"I was hoping no one would remember that and ask that question," he said sadly. "That man was my 'son', I guess would be the closest term in your language. I am embarrassed to say that he was part of the reason for the deaths originally, as he defected to the splinter government side in the original cycle. He is the one that informed the government of our existence, and provided them the information for the moves they made later. I am glad that he finally saw the error of his ways and provided the final actions that he did. Due to the changes made during this cycle, he will not survive the final cycle, as he did not have another permanent body to move into. The body he occupied was a temporary construct by the other side that will not survive the cycle deadline in ten days."
"There is one final side effect of all the power that was used in Protocol 14. You are all now connected mentally with Patrick, and he is connected with all of you. It is unknown whether that connection will survive a final cycle, if it happens."
The man in white then proceeded to go around the room, hugging and kissing each of the girls. There were some he spent more time with than others that had obvious significance to him, like Megan, Victoria and Julie. Finally, he came to me last. After giving me some last minute advice and instructions for my ears only, he shook my hand. As he touched me, the entire room was bathed in white light. The girls told me later that they could see tendrils of white energy flow into me as he slowly disappeared. I remembered nothing of this. Finally, I was 'conscious' again. I looked around, to see all of my girls looking at me, watching what happened.
The next ten days were spent basking in the love we had for each other. We spent as much time with each other as we could, not knowing what the future held for each other and our relationships with each other. I spent as much time as I could with Victoria. It was a bittersweet time for us. We both considered it likely that if we cycled one last time that we would not be married to each other when we awoke again. It seemed obvious that our being married was an adaptation for the last cycle only. We were both sad about that. We were happy that it saved our family, but we would miss each other as man and wife. Actually, we wouldn't, as we wouldn't remember it, but you know what I mean.
Victoria and I spent the whole first night holding each other, talking and crying and making love. Not the frantic love you might think from two people about to be separated, but gentle love, similar to the spring showers I had enjoyed with Cindi. It was a wonderful time. We knew that we would still have each other; just maybe not as husband and wife.
Sandi turned out to be kind of a pain in the butt for the first few days. She could sometimes be nice but often was rude and obnoxious. There seemed to be a tug of war going on frequently between Cindi and her. When Sandi was dominant, things were never boring, but they were often not nice either. I knew she was going to run afoul of the girls eventually, but they were trying to be nice to her, and ignoring her when they couldn't be nice. It came to a head sooner than I thought, and from a most unexpected source.
We were in the kitchen one day, and Sandi was being her usual obnoxious self. I guess Cindi was off resting somewhere. The girls talked like normal around her, ignoring her for the most part. We were all being maudlin and saying how much we cared about each other. Sandi seemed to have it in for Amy especially most of the time, for some reason. Amy had stated how much they all loved me and would really miss that if we were not together in the new cycle. That was the time that Sandi picked to be a jerk, in a most unfortunate manner.
"Yeah, yeah, you must really love him, that you would go fuck some other guy at school on a whim. Patrick must really be good. What a little slut! I bet Patrick really thinks you're special now, doesn't he?" She gave an evil little laugh.
Shit! Sandi! Are you stupid? I started to get up out of my chair, knowing she had gone way too far this time. I saw the hurt, shocked look on Amy's face. She looked at me, despair in her eyes, her eyes begging me to tell her Sandi was wrong. I looked at Megan, saw the fire in her eyes, and knew I would never get to Sandi in time.
Megan stood up, slipped over to Sandi, quiet, smooth, fast as usual, as deadly looking as I'd ever seen her, and nonchalantly grabbed Sandi by the front of her blouse. Before she could even react, Megan gently lifted her up, and held her up against the wall. You could have heard a pin drop as Megan talked softly to her.
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18 Winston, Lynn, Brad Winston Almost miraculously our lives were rejuvenated. For three or four months, Lynn and I were closer than we had ever been in Boston. And it was all due to those electronic images. The man I knew as ‘B’ and I vied with each other in inventiveness. I told him what I wanted him to do with his slave and he told me what to do with mine. And the results were stunning. The women beautiful. The situations extremely arousing. Often Lynn would come home from the office...
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Building a Dream: Part Eleven Where Jay tells all about her strange day with the wives “Those woman are bat-shit fucking crazy,” Jay said. She didn’t elaborate straight away. She laid in the bath, the bubbles floating around her as she clearly relaxed to let out any tension that had built in the past few hours. “What happened?” I asked, making myself comfortable on the toilet lid. I decided it would be best for Jay to tell me about her day before confessing that Manus and I had fucked...
My name is Kat I'm a live in a small town with my mother and little brother Matthew. I am a total slut and I don't care what anyone thinks of me. One day in the summer I was at home in my room texting a guy I know. He was asking me to send him a picture of myself so he could jerk off to it. I was already horny by this time so I didn't refuse his request. I sent him a picture of my panties which he was happy with. I then told him to send a picture of his cock. This went on for a...
This girl (cat) use to come over to spend the night with my sister all the time, my sister isn't very social and has a hard time making friends. Even though she only had a few friends, she hung out with them alot. Cat would spend the night at our house almost every weekend. Cat was about 5'7" with blond hair and brown eyes, she had a nice face, but nothing to brag about. What caught my attention was her rack, she had nice bouncy c-cups and almost always wore a tank top to show them off. The...
‘Hey Sarge, man, I gotta go,’ the sweet young PFC said with some urgency. Looking over at her from my station in the passenger seat of the deuce and a half, I asked politely as not to break any regulations, ‘Well sweet cheeks, do you need me to hold your hand? If you gotta go then I’d advise you stop the truck and go,’ ‘But… but there isn’t any privacy, where am I supposed to go?’ she asked holding her crotch. She couldn’t be fucking serious could she? ‘Look baby cakes, we’re in a combat...
I awoke the next morning to find my cock deep in Kerry’s mouth. Her tongue was busily swabbing all around my morning wood while she sucked hard. I stroked her hair and moanded with pleasure. It had been years since I had been given a blowjob. Kerry was an expert at sucking cock. “I’m almost there, Kerry.” I warned her. “Um hum.” She acknowledged my warning. Just as I began to erupt in her mouth, Kerry pushed down hard and drove my cock deep into her throat. She swallowed and took my cum...
We made it all the way to the parking lot of the bar before she changed her mind and instead decided she would rather have me than a drink. As soon as the car was parked she hopped over in to my lap and pressed her breasts in my face. This was not an easy task since I drive a small sports car. Liking the way this evening was turning out I grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her lips to mine. We made out for 4 or 5 minutes like this in the car before we decided we would be better...
Chapter 1 It was wrong; I was young but that was still no excuse. I had always wanted to be a doctor but I hated to study so when my exam results were posted, medical school was out. So I did the next best thing and signed up to be a nurse. Six weeks intensive training then it was off to the wards for some on the spot training. I got posted to the near by psychiatric hospital, I supposed being quite big and male they thought I would be more useful working there; and I went straight on to the...
Chapter FourYou have a stunned look on your face as the hunky young ranger slowly walks towards you, your still impaled on my big cock as you see him getting closer. "Now what do we have going on here?" he asks, loosening his button now. "Looks like we have a naughty girl who needs some punishing, need any help there big guy?" he asks as he looks down at me on the blanket, your legs astride me. A smile creeps across my face "Are you up for it then mate?" i ask. "Lets see what she thinks" he...
CHAPTER 10 As usual, we spent Christmas with my family. Pru called for a family meeting on Christmas Eve. She spoke from the center of the floor one everyone was seated. “Pat and I want you all to know that I’m pregnant.” Of course the meeting was delayed for more than fifteen minutes while we were congratulated. She continued once order was restored. “Sean, would you like to be godfather?” “I’d love to…thanks.” “Katherine, would you like to be godmother?” “Oh, yes, Pru. ...
Nick continues his lessons of lust delivering his double cream Double cream and blue tits For the last few months before I left school, I had a part-time job with my uncle, Roger. Roger by nature I used to call him, not to his face obviously. He was my uncle on my father's side, and he was a right character. If ever you wanted anything, then uncle Roger would somehow manage to get hold of it. I wouldn’t consider him as a criminal, more of a loveable rogue. Come Christmas we never had to...
StraightGeorge's Fantasy This is a story about the games some people play and how they never seem to think about all the things that can go wrong. They think of the moment and how exciting it was, then they start thinking what they can do to add to that excitement. It doesn't take long before they have to decide how much farther do they want to go with this game. It's a game of fantasy that often turns out bad for someone or everyone. My name is Ramona Sheldon, I was married to George Sheldon for...
To be continued . . .Who spoke first? I pushed the door fully open now . . . It was Rick - smiling that devious smile from his bed, however, it was a very different look for him . . . and I liked it! His brunette wig was classic, it was like a be-hive hairdo from the early '60's. He had slightly smeared red lipstick, his eyes had a beautiful shade of shadow and was wearing see-through black bra that wrapped tightly around his chest. I could see his tits straining to get out. I stood there...
Sexyassanytime sexy. next time we will do it with my stepmother. threesome will be fucking better.tspussyloveroh yes, thank you for everything. i loved it all.Sexyassthank you for allowing me to suck the cum back in my mouth. thank you for letting me suck your balls and play with your cock, do you like how i do it? do you like watching me as i finger my little sex holes just for you?tspussyloverI let u suck the cum back into ur mouth while u play with my balls and cock. u say thank you by...
Emma Hix is horny as hell, and her stepbrother Codey Steele eventually realizes that she’s masturbating all over the house. He sets up spy cameras to catch her in the act. Soon he finds himself with plenty of footage of Emma fondling her tits and giving her bare snatch plenty of pussy fingering action. When she eventually finds one of Codey’s spy cams, she confronts her stepbrother. Mid-argument, she realizes that Codey has a boner and that he must have been watching her. Whipping his cock out,...
xmoviesforyouOUR NAUGHTY ESCAPADEHi baby, first let me say what a great time I had this morning, the thought that I helped put a smile on your handsome face brings great joy to my heart. However, we didn’t get to finish our naughty escapade, so just lie back and let me give you the kind of pleasure I know you deserve. It’s late and you have had a long day at work. We have been together for close to a year and the relationship is great, but the sex is of the chain. I hear your key in the lock and I rush...
InterracialLittle Sally Grant was new to Saint Bernard's Private School. She had transferred in just before the Thanksgiving holidays. She was only in school for a single day when they all went on a four day holiday. The Principal's name was Sister Regina. She was described to Sally as "The Terror" by her new stepsister Angela. Angela had spent her entire school lifetime at Saint Bernard's and knew all the "ins and outs" of Catholic school existence. Her new foster residence friend was almost 19...
I was knocked out goodin the ring falling hard on the floor crawling to get back an fight afraid of my coach who was looking hard in his boxer in the corner my coach calling me a weak boy looking at the other guy win easy ''get out of there ''it was my dad idea to get me into boxingmost of the other guy taller and stronger than me , i was always sent down to the floor crawling and my coach took a great pleasure in making me suck on his fat black cock every time i lost ''please please i did my...
Joselyn’s husband Jim (Derrick) sneaks away under the pretense of meeting a client for dinner. Instead he ends up in the bedroom of his younger lover Leah (Brooklyn). Leah is a little cum slut just begging to get fucked hard by a muscle-bound, older man. All of her holes are just waiting to be filled to the brim with his thick cum. He starts pounding her harder than she has ever been fucked. She keeps pulling him closer to fuck her deeper all the while cumming and again and again on his cock....
xmoviesforyouAt eighteen, I was bit on the scrawny side, bespectacled and shy. A textbook case of a late bloomer, my adolescent growth spurt was a good four years late, and I was just starting to gain the adult height and weight I'd eventually develop. Not one of the popular kids at school by any means, and it wasn't unusual for me to be home on a Friday night. Not that I never did anything' I did have friends, and sometimes we'd catch a movie or tool around in my friend Russ's car' but sometimes I'd stay...
IncestDear friends, this is Shiva again from Tamil Nadu. Thanks for all those who spent their precious time, sending feedbacks for my stories Lucky Journey With Lusty Lakshana and Pumping Plumy Padma. All your feedbacks and my experiences after publishing those stories, made me to write this story. Feel free to contact me via my email ids and to have a very safe, secret and enjoyable relationship. My KIK Id is : dazzlingshiva I always feel every girl/lady as a flower and they have to be treated...
One day, we learned that we were not alone in the universe. Within hours, the RrrRr had conquered us. We killed a handful of them with nukes and large aerosol bombs and such (along with a lot of our own people), but by the next day, an occupying force of 1.6 million or so RrrRr were in charge of the 7 billion or so remaining humans. They laughed at us when we argued it wasn’t worth it to travel between the stars. Subjective time is very swift traveling between stars, a matter of a few months....
PINCUSHION?This is so good, Cope? said Nora Price to F.X. Copeland, the Craftsman of the PainCafe’s Dungeonopolis Gift Shop. ?I’ve heard such good things about the FunSack from my friends Celestine and Francie.?Cope grinned as he dropped the small envelope of crickets and red ants into the wire Trouble FunSack. ?Yeah. Their husbands really reacted, I tell ya, to the FunSackTM, especially Miss McKenzie, Mr. Mac, he had to be put in a straitjacket to take his first FunSack pouching.Nora smiled...
First of all let me introduce myself, my name is Isaac, I’m 19, college student in the Dominican Republic, a country in the island of the Hispaniola, that is shared with Haiti, among the bigger Antilles in the Caribbean(if anyone doesn’t know). So let’s start with the story. It all happened on one of the worst days ever, a Friday to top it all. I just received my grades for a class, D in Calculus, so I was really angry since the teacher told me that that there was nothing he could do to help...
Janna felt a chill despite the warmth of the fire that burned brightly in the fireplace in her room. The only time she had felt warm that morning was when she had availed herself of the services of Lady K'olran's male slave and had him snuggle with her after he had satisfied her. The sunshine the afternoon before had been no more than a brief respite. The misty drizzle that was more the norm that time of year had returned on the second morning, and the famed view from Selemas Palace had...
The near-silence of the tree-shaded streets was shattered by the most sorrowful song Cindy had ever heard. ‘Why you still insist on listening to country music is beyond me,’ she said. ‘Either the woman is cheating, leaving or dying….’ she had remarked, once, ‘or his dog and truck died.’ Soon, the heavily lemon-scent of eucalyptus trees, their branches laden with silver-gray leaves, filled the warm, humid air with the smell of southern California. The Gold Rush immigrant, brought from the...