Tol'Marinea Empire- The EndChapter 3 free porn video

Her body fit against his almost as if it had been made for his. Her breathing remained even and shallow as he pulled her closer. Last night was still fresh in his mind. Their love making had continued for most of the night. Even now as he looked at the clock was evidence of its aftereffect. It was three in the afternoon and they were still in bed. Well at least he could share it with the love of his life. Her breathing increased as she awoke. She turned to face him and their lips met. They kissed for an eternity and a half. Even as they broke it they wish they could continue. They couldn't though. They had to breathe. Their noses just weren't adequate enough to bring in enough oxygen.
"Good morning beautiful. Well afternoon." She smiled at him. Last night was still fresh in her memory too.
"Good morning. I mean afternoon. So what is on the schedule for today?"
"Well, I was thinking of exercising, flying a patrol, then destroying the Gr'Ivicus while I still feel invincible. But then again, I think I will spend the rest of the day here with you. We can ruffle the sheets a little more or we could make the bed and mess it up again. Of course after last night I think we might need a little nourishment. How about some eggs, scrambled; ham; and some chocolate milk?"
"Never had it before. Wouldn't mind trying though." Heaven hasn't tried eggs, ham, and milk? Mm this ought to be good.
"Want to send for Ikilla or my mother to get it?" He laughed. She giggled. It was a pleasant sound he decided. She should do it more often.
"Ikilla. Don't want to give your mother a heart attack now." She giggled again. Aocles just listened. They used the intercom to call for her. When she entered the door and saw them she blushed and looked away. They told her what they wanted and she left. It was funnier this way. Ikilla would have to look at them twice instead of just once if they told her what they wanted over the intercom. When she returned to the room with the food she left it on the bed and left the room quickly. Nichsa giggled and Aocles laughed.
Aocles awoke to having her nestled against his body. When he looked at the clock it read eight in the morning. He settled back into the bed ready to fall asleep when the other part of him talked to him.
Now is a good time to talk. I don't know. With Nichsa here in my arms, it just might not be. Nonsense. Remember I am you. I just know more than you can consciously remember. Now about how I knew that you were causing her agony. Please don't bring any of those memories back up. I enjoy her now. I don't think anything could come between us now. It doesn't matter. Listen in part of you is something no Tol has ever even heard of. Humans have made this up almost from the beginning. Of course that was just an elaborate way to conceal what you are. That thing in you allows you to manipulate things. You are what humans call a psychic. Or if you prefer psionic. From what I have glimpsed from minds of other psionics is that they just have a day when they discover theirs. I even looked into their memories of training. You might be surprised at how many people use their powers for simple things. Things like pleasure. Pleasure that can't compare to what you experienced last night. Now you are different. I believe it is because of your Tol'marinea ancestry. So I am here to help you through your training. Listen this is good and all but I would just like to lay here and enjoy the woman in my arms. We can do this later. Fine. Your choice. Just call me. You know who I am. Yes, I know. Now please let me get some peace and quiet.
He fell silent and nestled into Nichsa. Sleep came fast.
When he woke up she was still in his arms. Nature called though. He got up and entered the bathroom. When he returned to the bedroom Nichsa was sitting up. He admired her beauty. He smiled. She looked at him and couldn't help smiling back. They dressed in silence. When they left the room thought they left in each others arms.
The ready room door opened and Atlanta stood up. Her son and his lover stepped in. She couldn't believe he was only sixteen. He acted far older. Well some of the time. With her in his arms the world didn't exist to either of them. They took their own seats as Ikilla came through the door.
"I have called this meeting for some special reasons. First, dealing with the Gr'Ivicus. After the broadcast put out by Nichsa they know we are here. Now why they would even send units after one ship is a mystery. Next, we have to deal with the problem that the empire didn't respond to any communications. Then we have to deal with Earth. After the battle the other day I am pretty sure several people actually know what went on."
"Actually," Ikilla interrupted, "more than just several. Hundreds know. It was on the news, internet, and the radio. So that probably means thousands if not millions know the details even if they are skeptical."
"Ah. That could be a real problem."
"Yes, but you put it last on the list. So I agree we should deal with the other two first. I only object to their order. I think we need to find out what happened to Tol'Homeras first. That might answer a few questions."
"I got a question of my own. How long were you guys down there?" Atlanta and Ikilla looked at each, debating on telling her of how long she was in cryo.
"At least three thousand years."
"What!!!! You mean I was in cryo for three thousand years!!!" Jeez, and I thought I should be the one to overreact, thought Aocles. I mean I am the one bedding her. Oh well.
"I have no problem with that," he said. Nichsa turned on him with absolute love and devotion in her eyes. "Now back to the first problem. How do we get back to Tol'Homeras? I'm not so sure your star maps are accurate any more. I mean in over three thousand years the stars and systems have moved away from each other and we might not be able to go back there."
Atlanta and Ikilla thought it over. He is right. When I saw the night sky again a few days ago it was different from when we landed. We have to get back there though! Despair crossed their faces.
Aocles smiled. It disarmed all of them. "I know I can go back. My problem is getting the battleship there. It is hard to explain, but in my mind I could navigate Trans-space and come out in Tol'Homeras space. Again the problem is getting the battleship there."
Nichsa's turn to help. "We could just have you navigate the ship through. I mean if we disconnect the relays through the computer you could insert whatever you need to directly. It shouldn't be that hard." The other two women nodded thoughtfully. It just might work. Computer relays had to be removed, new direct input cords would have to be spliced in, and of course a suitable keypad for the numbers. It might work. No. It will work.
They started to get up, but Aocles motioned them to sit back down. "While that might work we need to plan for what we do when we get there. If they aren't communicating it might be because they were over run by the Gr'Ivicus."
"Impossible!" Atlanta exclaimed. "We made them and we can stop them."
"That is just it. You guys made them and then set them free. You never put safety precautions in. Now they rove where they want to and no one can stop them. I personally fear that the Tol have been over run by them. This means that we will have to be prepared for a fight. If anything we can hope they won't notice us. Then again ... Now Nopath put a nice little gun on Hemsut that can go through shields. That will be extremely helpful if we do fight. Now this is how I want this done..."
Numbers flowed through his head. They just kept scrolling by. Every line differed from the one before it. Even if it was only a marginal change it was important. Any mistake here could send the battleship sailing through Trans-space. The list stopped. The final line was put into the keypad. The ship shuddered as it exited Trans-space. Silence. Cheering could be heard from those in their ready positions. All three women were in fighters. Hemsut stood ready for Aocles to jump in.
He looked over to the radar. He was the only one on the bridge. Of course he would be. There were only four people on the ship after all. Two large spots appeared. One to the left of them and one to the right. Little lights flickered in between them as missiles flew by. Immediately he hit a button. Fighter bay two opened and the three fighters were disgorged from the ship. They activated their cloaking and shields and left the vicinity of the ship. He himself turned the battleships cloaking and shields then took off running towards fighter bay one.
"Computer, on my command I want you to open fighter bay one. After I am out seal it and move the ship out of the line of fire." Easier said then done. They had come out right in the middle of this battle. This wasn't even anticipated. How could there be a war here at Tol'Homeras? Wouldn't the Tol put up a bigger fight? Where was that damn door!? A door to his left opened and he entered it.
Hemsut had the cockpit open and the flight system ready. All she needed was the pilot. He jumped in and the cockpit slapped closed inches from his head. His eyes covered the screens as his hands went to the joysticks.
"Computer, open the doors!"
The doors in front of him opened and he shot out. The doors closed behind him and he lost contact with the battleship. It would wait silently out of harms way. It wouldn't respond to any communications except from one of the four fighters.
As the end of the ship cleared the doors he set the wings into their X formation. Cloaking and shields came on almost simultaneously. Then the battle caught up to him.
The admiral gaped as the large ship appeared from nowhere. It had traveled by the secret means of the Gr'Ivicus. It had to be an enemy. Her jaw dropped lower, as did everyone else's on the bridge, as three fighters left, cloaked, and then the big ship followed. A fourth ship that looked different then the other three came out of some room in the middle of space. They saw the fins pop up and then it too disappeared. This was unheard of. Not even the Gr'Ivicus had cloaking technology. Well not that the Th'Arirax knew of.
Just who were these mysterious people? Why had they entered this scrimmage between them? Whose side were they on?
Her answer came soon enough.
The captain glared at his radar man. The Tol'marinea were extinct. They should not be here. What the hell was a battleship doing here then? Maybe an old exploratory team just now returning home. No. They would have known immediately.
"I want them found and shot down. I want them as rubble and going into the sun! Now move!" Impossible!
"Raptors this is Hawk. Let's spread wide and take out the smaller ships. They will be easier targets then those monstrous ships. Remember, try and go for engines. We want them disabled if possible. If not you have permission to use whatever force you deem necessary. Now lets go hunt!"
"Eagle breaking right," Atlanta reported.
"Peregrine breaking left," Ikilla reported.
"Falcon keeping you company Hawk," Nichsa reported. Of course. All she really wanted was to make sure he didn't come to any harm.
"Roger that Raptors." He had to grin. Nichsa wouldn't leave his side any more than necessary now. "Hemsut, would it be possible to detect the hidden fighters in infrared?"
"That is an affirmative."
"Then can you change my view to that of infrared. It would let me keep track of the others." The entire bubble of the cockpit changed. And he thought that only a small part would change! Ha this was even better.
"Sir, I have taken the opportunity to also mark each of our fighters for you." It was true. Above each fighter that he could now see clearly was the name of the fighter. Behind him and slightly to the right was Falcon. Far to the left was Peregrine, and far to the right was Eagle. This was splendid.
As he approached the Gr'Ivicus ships his four lasers ascended from their resting places. Each of them deadly in their own right. Together they would decimate any army. Or navy for that matter. Lasers started blazing. The ship right in front of him turned into a fireball. Apparently its shields were low or non-existent. Either way that was one down. A roll to the left and he had another ship lined in his sights. The lasers met the shield at first until they penetrated. A huge hole appeared in the hull of the ship. Remember, get their engines. Screw that. Better chance next time to get some of these bastards.
"Alright Raptors, change in plans. Blow them all to hell."
Cheering erupted from the mikes.
"Admiral, we have their communications and we have a basic understanding of their language. We are getting little conversation in between them but it is there." The admiral nodded. Good, just as she asked. This crew was actually doing good. They wouldn't have to be punished.
"Put it on the speakers."
Silence persisted for awhile. It was finally broken by the leader. "Alright Raptors, change in plans. Blow them all to hell." She couldn't understand what it meant but she did know what they were called now. Raptors. To her the word meant nothing.
On the main screen the Gr'Ivicus fleet was at a standstill. Explosions spotted the line as ships blew up. At least now she knew whose side they were on. Not the Gr'Ivicus. Though they did seem to have better technology than those insect freaks. Her bridge crew started cheering. Let them, it's probably the biggest hit the Gr'Ivicus will receive.

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