Claiborne HighChapter 4
- 2 years ago
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The following story is based on one I read myself many years ago. I can't remember the author's name or even the name of the story. I really liked the story and so I will try to re-create a little of what I remember. If anyone recognizes it, please contact me with the name and author ... and especially if it is available for viewing at a website. My apologies to the author of the original story; I do not mean to plagiarize it in any way, I just want to share a story that I personally loved with others ... rmdexter
I finished eating my breakfast and as the other boys from the group home drifted outside or back up to their rooms, I went and sat on the little wooden bench on the opposite side of the hallway from Mr. Jarvis' office. His door was closed and I felt a little anxious just sitting there waiting. It felt like being called to the Principal's office at school when you'd been bad. Usually when Mr. Jarvis wanted to talk to you in his office, it was because you'd gotten into some kind of trouble. I sat there fidgeting, wondering once again if he'd forgotten about me or if I'd heard him wrong. I looked at the clock over the front entrance, 8:05. As I was thinking that maybe I'd been mistaken and that I should just go back to my room, I looked up as his office door opened.
"Joey, right on time. C'mon in," he said as he looked furtively down the hallway to see if anyone else was around. As I got up from my seat tentatively and stepped into his office, I noticed that he had a fine sheen of perspiration on his forehead and his face appeared a little flushed. He was also kind of tucking in his shirt as I went by him and then he adjusted his belt. I figured he must have just finished using the private bathroom he had in the back of his office. As I stood in front of his desk waiting for him, I watched as he closed the office door and then I was surprised to see him push the little button by the handle that locked the door. I wondered what that was all about.
"You're what, 13 now, Joey?" he asked.
"Yes sir. I had my birthday a little while ago."
"13 that's a nice age. Have a seat," he said as he motioned to the two chairs sitting in front of his big desk. As I sat perched on the front of one of the chairs, Mr. Jarvis reached into his back pocket and pulled out a hankerchief. As he moved behind his desk, he raised it to his face and wiped off his sweaty brow before sticking it back into his pocket. "Yeah, I noticed yesterday that you looked even frailer and more peaked than usual, Joey. Are you sure you're feeling okay?" he asked with a concerned look on his face.
"I ... I feel fine, sir," I said.
"Well, just to be on the safe side, I think you should start taking some extra vitamins on a regular basis," he said as he leaned forward and started to slide open the top left-hand drawer of his desk.
"Uh ... okay. If you think I should, Mr. Jarvis."
"I do Joey. I think that would be the best thing for you," he said with a smile as he lifted a clear plastic cup out of the drawer. As he moved around the desk and held it in front of him, I could see a milky-white liquid moving about slightly in the bottom of the cup. The medicine looked pretty thick and creamy and I could even see a couple of drops of it sticking to the inside of the clear plastic. He must have dropped those there when he poured it into the cup for me. He came right around the desk and held the cup out towards me.
"Here you go, Joey," he said as he handed me the cup and then perched himself on the front edge of the desk. "This medicine is high in vitamins and protein. It's just the thing for a boy like you."
"Thank you sir," I said as I took the cup in both hands and looked down into it. I could see close up that the liquid was not a smooth white color; it was kind of pearly with almost swirls of some clear areas and then some thicker looking whiter areas. As I held it right in front of my face, it had a very subtle fragrance. It didn't smell like anything I'd smelt before; it smelled ... I don't know ... kind of warm and comforting almost. I sniffed again and tried to identify the scent.
"What flavor is that, banana cream?" I asked as I looked up at him questioningly. For some reason this made him give a soft chuckle.
"Banana cream?" he said with raised eyebrows and then gave me a big smile. "I guess you could say that. Yeah, cream from the old banana." I held the cup up to my nose again and took another good long sniff. I liked the different feeling I was getting as the distinctive new scent filled my senses. I could feel my eyes close peacefully as I breathed deep one more time and let the peculiar smell settle right on my tastebuds.
"C'mon, Joey, drink it up now, son," Mr. Jarvis said as he looked at me intently. "We don't want you to get sick now, do we?"
"No sir," I said as I brought the small plastic cup up to my lips. I could feel his eyes on me as I tipped the glass up. I looked down into the cup and could see the thick creamy liquid start to slide sluggishly toward my mouth. As the leading edge started to settle on my tongue, I was surprised to find that it was slightly warm, almost at body temperature. I had expected it to be cold. As I tipped the cup up a little higher, one big gob of the gooey medicine slid forth right onto my tongue. I lowered the cup and closed my mouth. I let the warm viscous fluid slide around inside my mouth as I savored the new taste. It was just a little bit salty and tasted ... I don't know ... the word "musky" came to mind. It wasn't unpleasant at all and I liked the taste as well as the smooth silky texture. I savored the new sensation of the thick creamy liquid as I slid it around my mouth and let the new flavor settle on my tastebuds.
"How do you like that, Joey?" Mr. Jarvis asked as he watched me intently. I looked up at him and swallowed to let him know I was getting the medicine into me like he wanted. This brought a big smile to his face as he watched the satisfied look come over my face. The warm creamy medicine felt silky smooth as it slid down my throat. It seemed to leave a soothing coating along the inside of my throat as it made its way right down into my stomach.
"I like it Mr. Jarvis," I said as I looked up at him and smiled. I looked back down at the remainder of the liquid still in the bottom of the cup. "Can I have the rest?" I asked eagerly.
"Go ahead, Joey. Finish it, it's all for you," he said with a broad smile on his face. I slipped my lips around the edge of the plastic cup and tipped it up. There was enough medicine left for two good mouthfuls and I took one at a time and let the interesting new flavor sensation settle on my tongue for awhile before I swallowed. I savored the taste of the warm gooey fluid before I once again swallowed and let it slide smoothly down my throat. I tipped the glass up and let the final mouthful slip between my lips. I rolled the thick viscous fluid slowly all around the inside of my mouth before letting it settle right in the center of my tongue.
"Mmmmmm," I heard myself let out an unconscious little purr as the creamy medicine made its way down my throat to make a nice warm spot in the pit of my stomach.
"I guess you like that medicine," Mr. Jarvis said as he raised his big meaty hand and pointed to the cup still in my hand. "There's a little more left. See if you can get your tongue inside there and lick out those final drops."
"Yes sir," I said as I tipped the open end of the cup towards my mouth. Fortunately the plastic cup had a wide opening and was fairly shallow. It was pretty easy for me to run my tongue all around the inside edge and then even all around the bottom of the cup as I spotted a few stray silvery drops of the medicine there. With the cup now totally clean, I passed it back to Mr. Jarvis and sat there like a kitten that just finished lapping up a bowl of warm cream. He took the cup and sat there holding it as he just looked at me for a few seconds with a big smile on his face.
"So the medicine was okay, Joey?" he asked as he finally got up and walked back behind his desk and sat down. He quietly opened his desk drawer again and set the cup back inside before closing the drawer.
"I did, Mr. Jarvis. I've never tasted anything like that before. I wasn't sure at first but once I let the taste of it settle on my tongue ... well ... I really liked it!" He smiled and nodded when I said this. "And it was so creamy and soothing when it went down my throat. I ... I can still taste it." He looked at me with a pleased look on his face as I savored the interesting new flavor still lingering inside my mouth. "I had expected it to be cold and I was surprised to find that it was nice and warm. How did you do that?"
"Oh, that's my secret, Joey. I just want to make it as nice as I can for you to take the vitamins that you need. And besides, the medicine works best if you take it while it's warm too. If you let it get too cold, it doesn't work as well." He paused for a second as he looked at me with a more serious look on his face. "And speaking of secrets, this has to be our little secret, Joey. If the other boys found out, they'd want me to give them some vitamins too. And you especially can't say anything to the other councilors. This medicine is pretty hard to come by and if they found out I was giving it to you, well, we'd then have to start giving it to all the others equally too. If that were to happen, Joey, well, you just wouldn't be able to get it except maybe about once a week at best. And you do want more, don't you Joey?"
"Oh yes, sir!" I said with an anxious worried look on my face.
"That's good, Joey. If we keep this as our secret, I should be able to give you the amount that you need."
"How much do you think I need, Mr. Jarvis?"
"Oh, I think you need at least one good dose a day, maybe two on some days. I'll see what I can do to give you as much as you need," he said as he gave me a conspiratorial wink.
"Oh thank you, Mr. Jarvis!" I said excitedly. "I'll take as much as you think I should have."
"That's good, Joey. That's what I wanted to hear. So do you think you can keep this as our little secret?"
"Yes sir!" I said as I nodded emphatically.
"Good. Now since it's your first day with these new vitamins, I think you should probably have a second dose. Why don't you report back here after lunch at 1:00pm?"
"Yes sir. I'll be here."
"Okay good. Now you better go and do your chores. And remember, not a word to anyone," he said as he pointed his finger at me with a grave expression on his face.
"No sir, I promise," I said jubilantly as I bounded up out of my chair and reached for the door. The lock released automatically when I turned the handle from the inside. As I opened the door, I turned and saw him staring at me with a strange look and a soft smile on his face. "Thank you, Mr. Jarvis. Nobody's worried about me and been this nice to me in a long time."
"You're welcome, Joey. Don't worry, I'll take good care of you," he said with a funny leer on his face. "I'll give you just what you need."
I left his office and closed the door behind me. I hadn't felt this good in a long time. Mr. Jarvis was going to take special care of me. I had always been kind of afraid of him but now I saw the gentle caring side of him that I never knew existed. As I walked into the big farmhouse kitchen, I savored the delightful taste of the warm vitamins still lingering inside my mouth. With one o'clock only a few hours away, I was already looking forward to my next dose of medicine...
As the Greyhound bus droned on through mile after mile of dusty farmland, I gazed out the window and thought back on how I had got here and especially the flurry of activity in the last few days. Just a short time ago, I thought I was all alone in the world; now I was on my way to stay with an aunt and uncle that up until two days ago, I never knew existed.
My name's Joey, I'm 13and I'm an only child. Actually, I guess I should say that I "was" an only child. My parents had been killed in a car accident when I just a toddler. They'd left me with a babysitter that day while they went to a friend's wedding out of town. The accident happened on the way home; a drunk driver hit them broadside and they never saw it coming. They were both pronounced dead at the scene of the accident.
From what I'd been told, the authorities hunted high and low for any relatives of my parents but couldn't find any. Eventually I was made a ward of the state and ever since then, I'd lived in a number of different institutions and foster homes. Some of the people in the foster homes were pretty nice, and I'm not sure why, but I never seemed to stick anywhere. Maybe it was because I was too shy; I don't know.
I'd always been pretty small and frail for my age. The bigger kids always used to pick on me and so I came to just keep to myself most of the time. I read a lot and I've never been very good at sports. I was always pretty quiet, and as I quickly found out, you got into less trouble if you kept your mouth shut. I never even had a regular best friend. Being in group homes, other kids just seemed to come and go, and in the few foster homes I was in, I was always worried about getting to know anybody when it likely wasn't going to last anyways. So I mostly just learned to rely on myself.
Being shy and keeping to myself most of the time, I guess you could say I was pretty naïve about a lot of stuff. I had never had a girlfriend, and figured I wouldn't even know what to do if a girl came right up and started talking to me. That was okay though, I never really worried about it too much; after all, that was the only life I knew.
So over the years, I'd been shuffled from one group home to another, with a few short stays in foster homes mixed in every once in awhile. Like about six months ago, I'd been sent to live with the Quigleys; a couple who already had a boy and girl of their own close to my age. When they made the decision to take me in, I think they were just trying to be good citizens or something. The kids never liked me or even seemed to make any kind of effort. After a little over five months of me trying to fit in and their kids complaining all the time, the Quigleys had had enough. They probably would have liked to get rid of me sooner but they probably felt guilty and kept me on until the end of the school term. They obviously didn't want me hanging around for summer vacation, and that's how I ended up back at Monroe's about two weeks ago.
"Monroe's Group Home" was a state run institution for boys. They usually housed about ten boys at a time with about four or five councilors overseeing us in various shifts. That's where I'd been living for the last while before I went to the Quigleys. It was a big old farmhouse that the government had bought a long time and set up to house boys like me. And that's where I'd first met Mr. Jarvis.
Mr. Jarvis was the senior councilor at Monroe's and had been there long before I was first sent there. He was probably in his early forties and was married. While some of the younger less experienced councilors sometimes stayed with us overnight in the group home, Mr. Jarvis always arrived early in the morning and left late in the afternoon to go home to his wife. I never saw the woman in all the time I'd been there. Apparently he kept his life away from the group home as private as possible. The only thing we knew was that he never had any kids of his own. I never even knew his first name. While the younger councilors always had us call them by their first names, with Mr. Jarvis, it was always "Mr. Jarvis".
He was kind of a gruff man, not much on small talk and always right to the point. He was stoutly built and getting a little heavy around the midsection, like many men his age. I guess you'd say he was pretty average looking, not ugly, but Hollywood wasn't knocking on his door either. I had always tried to keep out of his way and he seemed to respect the fact that I always tried to look out for myself without asking others for help. A couple of times when bigger boys had been on the verge of picking on me, Mr. Jarvis had stepped in just in time to smooth things over. Although he never made a gesture to indicate he was looking for thanks, for some reason it made me feel a little more safe to think that Mr. Jarvis was kind of looking out for me. Like the day the Quigleys had dropped me back at Monroe's...
I'd gotten back in the late afternoon and just had time to stow my stuff back in my old room and hurry back downstairs if I wanted to get some supper. All of the other boys had already finished but there was still a little ham and macaroni and cheese left for me. I was starving and as I sat by myself in the big dining room, I eagerly dug in. I turned as I heard the gruff voice of Mr. Jarvis behind me.
"So Joey, I heard you were coming back," he said as he walked across the room towards me.
"Hi Mr. Jarvis," I said as I washed down my mouthful of food with a drink of milk.
"They didn't treat you badly, did they?" he asked with a tone of serious intent in his voice.
"No sir. They treated me okay. Their own kids never seemed to take to me; that's all," I said with a big sigh. I used to get real sad when these kinds of things happened, now I guess I was just a little more used to it.
"Did they ever feed you?" he asked as he looked me up and down. "I thought you were skinny before; there's almost nothing left of you, boy."
"They fed me Mr. Jarvis. I think I'm the same as when I left here."
"I don't know. You don't look so healthy. I think you need some vitamins," he said as he scrutinized me from top to bottom. "I want you to get a good night's rest, then report to my office right after breakfast at 8:00am sharp. You got that?" He pointed his big index finger at me to make sure I understood.
"Yes sir, 8:00am sharp."
"Okay, it's time for me to go home," he said as he turned and walked away. As he got to the door of the room, he turned and looked back at me, "Joey, I'm sorry about what happened with the Quigleys. I know that kind of thing is disappointing. While you're here, I'll make sure you're taken good care of." He gave me kind of a shrug and a look that for him passed for a comforting smile.
"Thank you sir," I said and then he was gone through the door. I finished my food and then spent the rest of the night in my room reading. I just didn't feel like socializing or watching TV with the other boys. It had been a pretty stressful day and I was actually glad to be sleeping back in my old room at Monroe's. I turned the light out fairly early and as I drifted off to sleep, I actually felt happy that Mr. Jarvis had seemed concerned about me and was taking an interest in my welfare.
I woke bright and early the next day and hurried down to breakfast. There were some new boys there I didn't recognize along with some familiar faces. As usual, I kept to myself. Breakfast was served at 7:30 sharp, which was the same time as Mr. Jarvis started his daily shift. Just as I sat down, I saw him come in and nod to the other councilors before he disappeared down the hall towards his office. I was a little surprised and a little bit hurt that he never once looked in my direction. I wondered if he'd forgotten about asking me to come to his office after breakfast. Obviously he hadn't forgotten, and that was how I came to have my first dose of medicine.
At Monroe, you were required to do about two hours of chores per day. Depending on the chore, it was usually one hour in the morning and then one hour in the afternoon. You usually did the same job for a week straight, and then they would get switched up. This week, my morning chore was to help out in the kitchen. Old Mrs. Nesbitt ran the kitchen with an iron fist and didn't take crap from anybody. Her food was good though, so nobody ever complained about her cranky attitude. Today, she set me about peeling potatoes for the evening meal. I sat down with a big basket of potatoes and an empty bucket for the peels and started in on my work. For the next half hour or so, I never looked up as over the last few days I had gotten used to manipulating the sharp peeler.
"Morning, Mrs. Nesbitt." I looked up excitedly when I heard Mr. Jarvis' deep voice. He came in and poured himself a cup of coffee as he chatted briefly with the old cook. I looked at him with a new level of admiration. I was already anxious to spend more time with and couldn't wait for one o'clock to come around. On his way out he stopped next to me and I looked up at him towering over me.
"So this is what they've got you doing this week?" he asked as he gestured to the half empty basket of potatoes and the growing bucket of scraps.
"Yes sir," I answered compliantly.
"Hhhhhmm," he said under his breath. Without a further word, he turned on his heel and went back to his office. I was left wondering what all that meant.
I finished up the job to Mrs. Nesbitt's satisfaction and she looked at the clock and with only a couple of minutes of my required hour left, she decided to let me go. Most of the other boys were outside playing a game of touch football but I just went back up to my room and lay on my bed reading. I actually felt safe and comfortable back in my old bed at Monroe. And with Mr. Jarvis giving me some extra attention I hadn't been expecting, I was actually looking forward to a nice relaxing summer.
I finally heard the other boys' voices as they came in and cleaned up for lunch. I made my way down to join them in the dining room and once again I chose to sit on my own away from the others as I ate. They seemed pretty happy as they chatted and laughed about their game they'd been playing. I sat quietly, looking forward to my one o'clock appointment with Mr. Jarvis. Eventually everyone finished up and left the room after taking their plates back into the kitchen. I did likewise and tentatively made my way towards Mr. Jarvis' office. Once again his door was closed and I took my spot on the bench across the hall. I checked the clock, 12:52. I was a few minutes early and waited anxiously for Mr. Jarvis to appear. I only had to wait a minute or two before he cracked open his door to see if I was there.
"Joey, you're a little early," he said as he opened the door wider and looked up and down the hallway. "That's good though. It didn't take me as long to get your medicine ready as I thought it might. You'd better come in and get it while it's still warm." He stepped sideways in the door opening for me to go past his big looming body. Once again, his face looked flushed and sweaty and he was wiping his hands with a towel as he ushered me into his office. I heard him lock the door again and as I sat down on the same chair I'd sat in this morning, I noticed his belt lying on top of his desk. Where his shirt was tucked into his pants, it looked a little disheveled again. Like I had thought earlier, he must have just finished using the washroom, especially since he was still wiping his hands off with the towel.
"So you haven't said anything to anybody about this morning, have you?" he asked as he stepped back behind his desk.
"Oh no, sir!" I said nervously, worried that he might be upset with me. "I did just as you said and didn't say a word to anyone." I paused for a second and then looked up at him shyly, "I know it's selfish of me, but ... but ... I don't want to share this with anybody else. Like you said, I want it to be our secret."
A big smile spread slowly across his face and he looked down at my frail little form sitting in front of him. "You're a good boy, Joey. I'm glad I can trust you to keep our secret." He dropped the towel on top of the desk and opened the same drawer that he had last time.
"Here you go," he said as he reached into the drawer and pulled out the clear plastic cup, "still nice and warm." He came around the desk quickly and passed it to me. "Drink up."
I took the cup from him and held it in my two hands in front of me. I looked down into the cloudy fluid and was pleased to see that there seemed to be even more than last time.
"So there's more here than last time?" I asked as I looked up at him questioningly.
"Yeah, I was able to work up a bigger load ... er ... I mean, I was able to work up a bigger dose for you this time," he said. "You did like it, didn't you, Joey?"
"Oh yes sir! I'm not complaining at all. I really liked it. I think I'm already feeling better after that dose you gave me earlier. I've been looking forward to this all morning," I said eagerly as I brought the medicine up beneath my nose and inhaled deeply of the warm musky scent. "I'm really glad there's even more than last time."
"Good ... good," he said as he perched on the front edge of his desk again. "Go ahead, you'd better drink it before the vitamins lose their effectiveness."
"Yes sir!" I said as I quickly brought the cup up to my lips. I tipped it up and let some of the warm creamy medicine run into my mouth. "Mmmmmm," I mewed out loud as I let the slick pearly liquid roll all over my tongue. I was already starting to love both the feel and taste of it in my mouth. I slid it from cheek to cheek and let its thick texture coat the whole of the inside of my mouth. Finally, I swallowed.
"Aaaaahh," I gave a little gasp as the silky fluid slid down my throat. Its distinctive taste and odor continued to fill my senses and made me want more of the same. I raised the cup back to my lips again and tipped the cup up gradually. I could see Mr. Jarvis watching me intently as I kept my eyes glued to the big wad of medicine sliding sluggishly towards the edge of the cup. I felt the leading edge roll onto my tongue and then I made a slurping noise as I sucked the rest of the big creamy gob into my mouth. It kind of made a sound like when you slurp up a single strand of spaghetti. I could see Mr. Jarvis smiling openly as I brought the cup down and closed my lips over my mouthful of medicine. I savored the delightful taste and warm creamy texture for a long time before I noisily swallowed.
"Did you get it all?" he asked as we both looked into the empty cup.
"Oh, there's a little bit more here," I said as I spotted a couple of milky-white drops clinging to the side. I quickly ran out my tongue and lapped up those two drops and then just to be sure, I ran the flat part of my tongue all around the inside of the glass and even over the flat bottom.
"Mmmmmm," I said as I handed the empty cup back to him. "That was so good. And I'm glad there was even more of it this time. Thanks for being so nice to me, Mr. Jarvis."
"That's okay, Joey," he said as he sat there with a big smile on his face. "I want to make sure you stay nice and healthy. Two good doses of medicine should get you started on the right track. I think you should come tomorrow morning at the same time for your next one."
"Yes sir!" I said eagerly. "I'll be here right after breakfast."
"Good, Joey. I'll have some more ready for you then. Now you better get to your afternoon chores," he said gesturing towards the door of his office.
"Yes sir. Thank you sir." I said as I got up and let myself out of his office and closed the door behind me.
I reported back to my kitchen for my afternoon chores. For the next hour I peeled some carrots and washed pots and various dishes and utensils under the watchful eye of Mrs. Nesbitt. As I worked, I rolled my tongue all around my mouth as I savored the peculiar taste of the medicine still lingering in my mouth. Compared to most medicines, I really liked it and wanted to keep the flavor of it for as long as possible so I didn't eat or drink anything for a long time.
I finally finished my shift and took my book out to the back porch to read in the shade. Just before we were called in for dinner, I heard a car start up and looked around the corner to see Mr. Jarvis leaving for the day. He looked up and spotted me at the corner of the house. His eyes met mine and he nodded in my direction as he gave me a comforting smile. I felt a warm feeling of happiness come over me and I waved tentatively as he pulled out of his parking spot and headed home. I spent the rest of the day almost overwhelmed with a feeling of safety and comfort that I'd rarely had. I went to bed that night eagerly looking forward to my next dose of medicine from Mr. Jarvis.
This went on for the next two days. I would wait outside his office right after breakfast and right after lunch for him to invite me in. He'd pass me the cup of warm medicine and sit watching me intently as I drained the cup and let the creamy liquid find its way into my bloodstream to do its work. As soon as the second day, I could swear I was feeling better already. The combination of the regular doses of medicine and knowing that Mr. Jarvis was interested in me had me feeling better than I had in a long time.
In the middle of the afternoon of the third day, as I was standing in the kitchen washing some pots at the sink, I looked up and saw Mr. Jarvis walk across the yard and start talking to Carl. Carl was one of the older councilors and one of his duties was to set up the chore schedule. He was the one who told us what jobs we had to do from one week to the next.
Mr. Jarvis started talking to him and then I saw him point towards the part of the house where I was standing. Carl's eyes automatically followed Mr. Jarvis' pointing arm to look in my direction and then he turned back as they continued their conversation. Mr. Jarvis did most of the talking and Carl nodded every now and then. Finally, Mr. Jarvis patted Carl on the arm and turned to go back to his office. Carl went back to working with some of the boys who were busy in the vegetable garden. I didn't think any more about it until later that afternoon when I was up in my room. I was lying on my bed reading when there were a couple of knocks on my door.
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Roy said, “A keg of whiskey and a good drunk would be more fitting for this quagmire.” “All right you guys have your brandy let me think,” and as I thought mom and Mary laughed as they seen the steno pad come out and the balls of paper hit the floor like rain. Marie and Mary picked up the balls and looked at each other shaking there head and said, “He can’t he wouldn’t.” I finished and came back to the table Mary said, “My husband you can’t we will be famous but not in a good...
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Born to Serve Man Growing up and living in Peru Indiana was like living in another century. I knew I was a hick and I knew what kind of hick town Id lived in for the past nineteen years. I was desperate to change my life, to change everything about it. All my life Id longed for that exciting kind of life Id read about in books and magazines. I just knew College could be the beginning of that new life for me. Finally that day came. Id I had the money from my parents estate and screwing up my...
Growing up and living in Peru Indiana was like living in another century. I knew I was a hick and I knew what kind of hick town Id lived in for the past nineteen years. I was desperate to change my life, to change everything about it. All my life Id longed for that exciting kind of life Id read about in books and magazines. I just knew College could be the beginning of that new life for me. Finally that day came. Id I had the money from my parents estate and screwing up my courage I started out...
Born to Be Mild Cassandra Morgan It was the motorcycle. It was the God damned motorcycle. That accelerated the changes in her, in my wife Bonnie. The changes in me. The changes in our lives. All of it, speeding down the highway in fifth gear, weaving in and out, barely in control. That is the perfect metaphor for the way our lives have been altered. Because of the damn bike. To her, it is power. It is freedom. It is the open road and the wind in her hair. To her, it is wonder...
Born with a cunt: An apology for being femaleBy Donna BarberChapter OneMy name is Donna Barber and I was born with a cunt. Even as a small child I felt different from the other girls I knew. They seemed unashamed of having a gaping hole between their legs instead of the manly rod that Gentlemen have. Worse still, as I got older I discovered that some of them were even proud of their stinking, dirty, repulsive holes and proud of being female.As far back as I can remember I did NOT share their...
My name is Brent. Mary was a beautiful slender girl, nice B size breast just perfect for her frame. Her legs were long and tone as she ran with me most every day since we were fourteen. Her hair was a beautiful auburn brown like her mothers with deep Blue eyes like her father. Her face was smooth as silk and she was my angel. Through school I never even looked at another girl well maybe I looked but no girl ever matched my Mary. For myself I was in decent shape I played in all the school...
Ben looked up and said, “That was the biggest fable I have ever heard a slave yes but this Brent. Write a book it has the makings of a best selling fiction novel.” I looked at Ben he stared back at me after a minute with a smile on his face he said, “Man you are not serious. They would lock you up and through the key away. Even if you spoke of this every religious nut would be after you.” I stayed looking at Ben his eyes were drawn back to mine and he said, “Man you are...
Introduction: Harry Brock teach the hard lessons to his unfaithful young wife. **co-writing with my friend from Imagefap, Reddwarf** **base from the incident in the movie named Born Yesterday(1993)** Born Yesterday was a 1993 remake of a classic movie starring Melanie Griffith and John Goodman as Harold. At the end of this movie, Billie (Griffith) had left Harold. This is the tale of what happened to him afterwards. **the tag consensual sex is for chapter 2** Chapter 1 Holly was a...
I was born a boy, today I’m a powerful woman. I was raised in a terrible home. My mother a whore, my father a abusive bastard. But I guess if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t be who I am now. Especially my father. Who knew I would grow to love cock? It started when I was young and lasted till I was 14 and ran away. Nowhere to live, no family or friends in the middle of cold Wisconsin. If I knew one thing was I didn’t want to be homeless in that cold place so I started walking. Headed south with a...
BORN AGAIN - by Monika Ikon one She had to be crazy coming here. Julie stood on the porch of her ex- lover?s impressive colonial-style home. She caught sight of her reflection in the shiny gold mailbox. She shouldn?t be here, but when Brian?s wife asked her to come ?well, somehow she couldn?t refuse. Maybe it was guilt, maybe it was the need to set things straight. Maybe it was just curiosity over the wife Brian had cheated on and a chance of seeing her old lover one last...
Cheryl wiped the sleep out of her eyes, yawned, and scrunched down in her bed, staring at the ceiling. She'd been having the most wonderful dream, but she couldn't remember what it was. There were horses in it, she could remember that much, and she'd gone riding, her long hair blowing in the breeze behind her. But... She finally pushed the covers away and got out of bed. It was dark outside, no surprise because it was 5:30 in the morning, and it was snowing. She could see the flakes...
"Cheryl came to the offices last Saturday," Hanna said on Monday morning. "She wanted to know why certain things were happening." "Such as the non-stop sex?" "That came up, but that wasn't her first concern. Apparently she turned trig homework in at her regular school. It was homework that she'd had in The Construct. But that wasn't all. I'd come in to finish archiving some material, and she was here. She wanted to view tapes of her experience in The Construct." "Uh oh. That...
Iraq, Present Day What's the saying, Born to be Bad. Well I was bad. Back home I was the meanest "motha fucka" in the neighbourhood, hell in the district. You wouldn't know it by looking at me, 5 foot 8, while gorged on the delicacies of my culture had left me on the heavy side. I had strength though, real strength, earned through hours of labour in the steel mills. A little on the quiet side but isn't that what they say about all the maniacs. I guess my real trouble didn't start...
Born to Ride I don’t consider myself a bad girl, but I will let you judge for yourself. After reading my story, you might come to a different conclusion. My name is Babette, but my friends just call me Babe. I am 25 years old and very aware of my sexy body. I sometimes wonder how many men have secretly jerked off with my picture in mind. I like to play and consider myself an expert at teasing. But I am not a slut, not at all. The truth is that I only had 2 (two!) real lovers in my life so far,...
{author- I tried to give my level best to all of you reader, if there is some mistakes I am sorry please give me feedback to improve my self, and also add some chapter to make it more interesting.} Hai , I am Rachel I am 19 year old, I used to see lot of porn and I want to try everything in sex, I became a sex addict and all I could able to think is sex, cock and cum. The best part is I have a porn star like body and dressed like a slut , I started to wear more revealing dress everyone can even...
Incest( In the making of this story you have the choice of being good or bad. Each action will influence how the other characters react to your choices, as well as in peak of your lust or urges. In essence, you can do things in a more subtle and rightious way or in an agressive and evil way.) Your name is Vlad Bucio Javez, Your mother and father died in an accident when you were three coming back from a family get together. Your sister, Jane Lilia Javez, was only seven at the time. You both were left...
FantasyBorn to be BredPart oneI had been a member of Xhamster for several years and amassed a nice selection of favourite videos, pictures and stories as well as a smattering of my own. Most important to me was my friends list of which probably 95% were classed under the transexual banner although they covered a wider selection from crossdressers, transexuals, Tgirls, transvestites, transgender, femboys, traps and sissies, each one is unique and special in their own way and yet i couldn't help but...
Born to be BredPart oneI had been a member of Xhamster for several years and amassed a nice selection of favourite videos, pictures and stories as well as a smattering of my own. Most important to me was my friends list of which probably 95% were classed under the transexual banner although they covered a wider selection from crossdressers, transexuals, Tgirls, transvestites, transgender, femboys, traps and sissies, each one is unique and special in their own way and yet i couldn't help but...
DISCLAIMER: This story is solely a work of fiction. Any similarities between people living or dead is purely coincidental. No a****ls were harmed in the writing of this story. Are you familiar with those stories where the f***r raises his daughter as his son, because he is desperate for at least the appearance of a male heir? This is one of those stories, only, it isn't. My m***r had already raised a son, birth to adulthood, when she became pregnant with me. She was determined to have a girl,...
There’s definitely something wrong with me. I write articles for high level engineering journals and not for erotic stories sites. Well, that was true until now. I put these words to paper with the hopes that you dear reader will understand. This may be one of the very few places on Earth where I can be vindicated. Please let me explain. Here’s the short version: I graduated from high school at 13, MIT at 17 with 2 degrees and Harvard at age 21. My parents were very smart and I was a kid genius...
IncestHello, Indian sex story readers, I am Krishna, very romantic and always want to be in that mood since I started my college days. I am working in Hyderabad and was looking for a strong will girl. One day I went to see my wife for official marriage looks. The way my mother in law and wife and her father communicated, I loved their way of clear mindset. I thought she is the girl. And thought myself born for her. They all accepted me, as I am fair and handsome as well and a has a decent job....
Not knowing what to do, Sarah goes to Monica’s apartment for her advice. Monica is shock at the news and advises her to break up with Jeff. But Sarah knows that Jeff will not give up on their relationship so easily. So Monica suggests Sarah that maybe she can let Jeff catch her fuck another man in her room at the office, that way, Jeff will leave her for good. Sarah agrees with Monica that it would be for the best, so she decided to use Nick, an associate in the office who had the hot for her,...
Born a Sissy 2 (This is a work of pure fiction. It is my own fantasy and does not in any way involve anybody but me and the fictional characters. I am the boy in the story) Well here I was sitting on grandma's lap with sheer white tights pulled up as high as they would go. Haley and Poly both had those kinds of smirks on their faces where they were trying to figure me out. I felt like such a sissy but loved it so much. My little pee pee was rock hard but pressed down by my pink...
This story starts in the basement of my friend David's house. It's where I was born. In truth, it started a bit before that, so I'll regress, just enough to fill in the blanks a little for you, make it less confusing. David, Jack, Jerry and I were all 15. We all lived on the same street, all attended the same school, all hung out to the exclusion of anyone else. Jack was my best friend; Jerry lived next door to me; David lived across the court from Jack. We walked to school in the morning...
For about the hundredth time of the trip, India was subjected to the doom and gloom computerized warnings about entering this sector of space during a time of war. The automated voice worked its legalese throughout the passenger cabins of the vessel in three different languages, each repetition less convincing than the last. Anyone who had come this far wasn't going to turn back now. India had been awake for hours, but remained silent while her Quebecois companion finished her sleep. Despite...
We had a courier coming in that night from Amsterdam with a stomach full of cocaine, so while Sherry was sleeping off her excitement, I phoned Frank and told him to bring her to our house straight from the airport. "For God's sake Frank watch her mate, if she as much as farts, I want your hand under her!" "No problems boss" he laughed, "I'll be there about seven if all goes well" "Hey Frank?" "Yeah?" "You just called me boss" "The king is dead Tony and we'll all miss him...
"BZZZZZT! ... BZZZZZZT!" I awoke to the sound of the alarm going off in Sven's room. I had slept like a log and never woke up once throughout the night. In fact, I felt like I was lying in the same position I was in when I first lay down last night. I'm not surprised I hadn't move during the night; Sven had fucked my boy-pussy and mouth repeatedly until I was totally exhausted. I slowly rolled over and felt my whole body aching ... but it was a good ache; like after you've exercised...
Mindblind ran, fighting the wind, rain, and muddy terrain to stay upright with his burden. Raven had barely breathed when he found her, and there was no guarantee that she still was. Upon reaching the turf house, he turned his back toward the door and threw his weight into it. In a splintering of wood, the makeshift bar fell away. He stumbled into the room amidst alarmed screams from the women within. Kayleen ran up and gasped, “Oh no. Is she okay?” Mindblind didn’t answer, but instead lay her...
This chapter can be read as a standalone story but it will make more sense and give you the background of the characters and the story line if you read the first chapter As always constructive comments and emails are welcome and appreciated. . ********************* Friday morning Dillon was late reporting to Tom at the marshal’s office, he didn’t get there until 8:30. He yawned as he walked through the door. Tom looked up from his desk and laughed. ‘You look like you been rode hard and put...
This is another departure from my normal type of story. I hope the readers will receive this tale as well as they did my prior story in this vein, The Trail West. As always, constructive comments, critiques, and emails are hoped for and appreciated. This story is loosely based and greatly inspired by the song Winterborn by the Cruxshadows. I’m not usually into Grunge Rock but I’ve been haunted by their song for over a year. I just had to write a story incorporating the ideas told in this...
Chapter 4 The Conclusion. By woodmanone copyright August 2010 *********************** Dillon faded in and out of consciousness. One time he felt he was lying on a hard surface but could feel it moving. The next time he was on something soft and felt someone applying a cool wet cloth to his forehead. Finally he fought his way back from the darkness, he was on a big bed in a room that he didn’t recognize. He tried to sit up and was rewarded with a shooting pain in his neck. Dillon fell back...
This chapter can be read as a standalone story but it will make more sense and give you the background of the characters and the story line if you read the first two chapters. As always constructive comments and emails are welcome and appreciated. ****************** I think I’ll take a couple of days rest in Albuquerque, Dillon thought as he rode into the town. It was pushing two weeks since he left Amarillo, he, Buck, and Buddy the pack horse had covered a better than 20 miles a day....
One hot sunny day, she put on her mini shorts and a small halter that showed off her thin belly and just about covered her large breasts, and she walked alonge her road to Kyles house, which was only a few blocks away. Kyle was meeting her half way and when she got to him he was with his new rottweiler, he was large for a one year old dog and jump up at her, nocking her down. Kyle helped her up and explained that this was his forst time out, and had only ever knocked down his mum and older...
Mindblind stood staring at the wall, fist clenched tight around his sword hilt, and his vision red with rage. He tried to master his emotions, as he’d done all his life, but it was having no effect. After everything – even killing the last of the assassins – he was no closer to discovering who was really behind it all. Behind him, Indigo related what he’d learned from the women locked in the back of the establishment. The assassins had stormed their family farmstead, killing every male, and...
The journey started pleasantly enough. The ladies of negotiable virtue chatted and laughed, still relating to each other the tales of their latest adventures and clients before leaving town. Indigo whistled as he drove the wagon, and even Raven seemed to be in good spirits as she hiked along, usually sharpening one of her daggers with a whetstone. The sun was shining bright, but a breeze kept the temperature tolerable. The tall, tough grass of the prairie rippled in the wind, reminiscent of...
Mindblind blinked his eyes open, squinting against the morning light streaming through the window, and tried to focus on his surroundings. Eventually, Raven congealed out of the haze, standing at the foot of the bed with her hands on her hips. “Well, what do you have to say for yourself?” “Morning to you, too,” he said as he sat up and groaned. He was stark naked, and as the sleep fog burned off, he recognized he was in a room at the Cat. “The hell made you run off alone like that, you damned...
The wagons creaked and rattled down the road as the sun sank toward the horizon. The women were excited, because familiar bits of scenery appeared the closer they moved toward Lakenshire. Mindblind, however, was on edge. He kept his eyes roving and his ears perked to the wind. From the moment they’d set out from camp, his danger-sense had been screaming at him, though they’d encountered few people and no trouble all day. Turning a corner and cresting a small rise, the town finally came into...
When the conversation about what to do next didn’t really go anywhere, Mindblind watched Yani leave the room, scratched the dark shadow of a beard on his chin, and then turned to Raven. “She’ll be fine,” Raven answered his unasked question while waving her hand in a dismissive gesture. “She’s had her tea. She’ll probably even have enough sense to charge any man that ends up poking her, now that she knows she can make money at it.” Though still leery of leaving the strange woman unattended,...
Mindblind came to, feeling rain on his face and grass beneath his back. With a great deal of effort, he managed to open his eyes and sit up. His vision swam, and he could feel the knots beneath his hair when he reflexively rubbed his head. A glance up revealed the reason for his current location. By some twist of fate, when the slaver had knocked him out, he’d fallen through the large double window upstairs. It swung open in the wind, illuminated by fitful light from the lanterns inside. From...
The muscles in Cerebus’ bare chest rippled as he hefted the sack of grain into the wagon. It groaned a little under the weight, but had proven its solidity with numerous round trips. He wiped the sweat from his brow and walked toward the front of the wagon, where his employer was busy secreting a loaded crossbow beneath the seat. “That’s the last of ‘em.” “Excellent. Excellent. Just one moment, and I will fetch your coin,” the rotund merchant responded after a start. Cerebus’ voice had a...
Mindblind winced when one of the boards underfoot made a loud creak as he stepped out onto the porch of the inn. He slipped his sword from its sheath, his eyes and ears alert. The town was silent, save for the taproom of the inn, and even that had quieted when he and Raven had stood up to leave their table. He saw nobody moving about as he walked along the front of the building, heading toward where he had seen the Draxnian through the window. He had no idea where Raven was. When he went for...
The firelight from the encampment finally provided enough illumination for Mindblind to figure out what he was doing as he followed Raven, miming her movements. His knees ached from inching along in a crouch below the top of the waist-high grasses, and his hair was full of cockleburs. The animal trail that Raven followed helped to obscure their movements through the grass, and the wind provided the final cover. He had no worries about any sound that they made alerting the slavers. The voices of...
Riding the shadows, into the light. . . they came on horses black as night. On wings of ice, with hearts of frost. . . they came to conquer where hope was lost. With fury unleashed, they brought the beast . . . It answered the call and rode to feast. The shadows alive, how could they fight . . . Against those that came and destroyed them light. Prologue. The world as we knew it didn't end with fire, nor did it end with brimstone. It died with a whimper, on its knees in the cold, with a...
Mindblind blinked his eyes open, squinting against the morning light streaming through the window, and tried to focus on his surroundings. Eventually, Raven congealed out of the haze, standing at the foot of the bed with her hands on her hips.“Well, what do you have to say for yourself?”“Morning to you, too,” he said as he sat up and groaned. He was stark naked, and as the sleep fog burned off, he recognized he was in a room at the Cat.“The hell made you run off alone like that, you damned...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThe wagons creaked and rattled down the road as the sun sank toward the horizon. The women were excited, because familiar bits of scenery appeared the closer they moved toward Lakenshire. Mindblind, however, was on edge. He kept his eyes roving and his ears perked to the wind. From the moment they’d set out from camp, his danger-sense had been screaming at him, though they’d encountered few people and no trouble all day.Turning a corner and cresting a small rise, the town finally came into...
Fantasy & Sci-FiMindblind stood staring at the wall, fist clenched tight around his sword hilt, and his vision red with rage. He tried to master his emotions, as he’d done all his life, but it was having no effect.After everything – even killing the last of the assassins – he was no closer to discovering who was really behind it all.Behind him, Indigo related what he’d learned from the women locked in the back of the establishment. The assassins had stormed their family farmstead, killing every male, and...
Fantasy & Sci-FiMindblind ran, fighting the wind, rain, and muddy terrain to stay upright with his burden. Raven had barely breathed when he found her, and there was no guarantee that she still was. Upon reaching the turf house, he turned his back toward the door and threw his weight into it. In a splintering of wood, the makeshift bar fell away. He stumbled into the room amidst alarmed screams from the women within.Kayleen ran up and gasped, “Oh no. Is she okay?”Mindblind didn’t answer, but instead lay her...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThe journey started pleasantly enough. The ladies of negotiable virtue chatted and laughed, still relating to each other the tales of their latest adventures and clients before leaving town. Indigo whistled as he drove the wagon, and even Raven seemed to be in good spirits as she hiked along, usually sharpening one of her daggers with a whetstone.The sun was shining bright, but a breeze kept the temperature tolerable. The tall, tough grass of the prairie rippled in the wind, reminiscent of...
Fantasy & Sci-FiMindblind winced when one of the boards underfoot made a loud creak as he stepped out onto the porch of the inn. He slipped his sword from its sheath, his eyes and ears alert. The town was silent, save for the taproom of the inn, and even that had quieted when he and Raven had stood up to leave their table. He saw nobody moving about as he walked along the front of the building, heading toward where he had seen the Draxnian through the window.He had no idea where Raven was. When he went for his...
Fantasy & Sci-FiWhen the conversation about what to do next didn’t really go anywhere, Mindblind watched Yani leave the room, scratched the dark shadow of a beard on his chin, and then turned to Raven.“She’ll be fine,” Raven answered his unasked question while waving her hand in a dismissive gesture. “She’s had her tea. She’ll probably even have enough sense to charge any man that ends up poking her, now that she knows she can make money at it.”Though still leery of leaving the strange woman unattended,...
Fantasy & Sci-FiThe firelight from the encampment finally provided enough illumination for Mindblind to figure out what he was doing as he followed Raven, miming her movements.His knees ached from inching along in a crouch below the top of the waist-high grasses, and his hair was full of cockleburs. The animal trail that Raven followed helped to obscure their movements through the grass, and the wind provided the final cover.He had no worries about any sound that they made alerting the slavers. The voices of...
Fantasy & Sci-FiMindblind came to, feeling rain on his face and grass beneath his back. With a great deal of effort, he managed to open his eyes and sit up. His vision swam, and he could feel the knots beneath his hair when he reflexively rubbed his head. A glance up revealed the reason for his current location.By some twist of fate, when the slaver had knocked him out, he’d fallen through the large double window upstairs. It swung open in the wind, illuminated by fitful light from the lanterns inside. From...
Fantasy & Sci-Fi