Lowborn Ch. 09 free porn video

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The wagons creaked and rattled down the road as the sun sank toward the horizon. The women were excited, because familiar bits of scenery appeared the closer they moved toward Lakenshire. Mindblind, however, was on edge. He kept his eyes roving and his ears perked to the wind. From the moment they’d set out from camp, his danger-sense had been screaming at him, though they’d encountered few people and no trouble all day.

Turning a corner and cresting a small rise, the town finally came into view.

“Please tell me I’m not dreaming,” one of the prostitutes remarked.

“Yeah, this place is a real dream,” Raven scoffed, and then burst out into derisive laughter as she jumped down from the rear wagon and jogged forward. Once she reached the front, she leapt up and caught on to the wagon. “I’m going to slip in and see what I can find out,” she said to Mindblind and Indigo.

“Watch yourself,” Mindblind warned.

“Don’t I always? Where you going to be? The Cat? The Inn? I’m just going to check out the scuttlebutt. Most of the scum that will have any real information won’t be up until the sun goes down.”

“Not sure. The Cat, for a while. At least until they’re all settled,” he nodded back toward the women in the wagons.

“Meet you there, then,” she said before jumping back down and almost immediately vanishing into the grass alongside the road.

“I will seek out the regional Governor,” Indigo said. “All too often, such vile acts are known to those in power, though they may care little. As one of my countrymen, perhaps I can gain his confidence.”

Mindblind grunted. “Good luck with that. From what I hear, he thinks being here is exile more than anything, and the only words he hears are the ones people pay him to listen to.”

“Unfortunately, your words ring true. Still, I may learn something, if my father’s name can purchase his ear.”

Not in the mood to put up with people staring, Mindblind had suggested that they take a track that skirted outside town and then connected back up with the main road near the Cat. A few people would still notice them, but most wouldn’t pay any attention to yet another wagon rolling by, despite the lateness of the hour.

When the wagons rolled to a stop in front of the Cat, it took only a minute or so for Yasmine to appear in the doorway. She let out a gasp and ran toward them. “Oh! You’re alive! Thank the gods above!”

The portly madame’s reaction took Mindblind aback. He’d always assumed that Yasmine took care of the girls for the same reason he oiled his armor or sharpened his sword. Genuine affection had never even entered into his thoughts.

After greeting her working girls, she walked up to where Mindblind stood next to the wagon. “I thought you might like to know that I had Delly buried in the town plot. Some folks didn’t like it, and she doesn’t have a stone yet, but I wouldn’t see her buried in the back like a dog.”

He reached into his coin purse, which was now heavy from a share of the gems Raven had fenced. “I want you to get her a stone.”

She laid a hand on his arm. “You’ve done enough in bringing my girls back safe. She’ll have her stone. She’s in the back north corner, if you want to go.”

He grunted and gave a little nod. “Yeah, Maybe.”

She took a deep breath and looked over the women gathering their things from the wagons for a moment, then turned back. “Thank you is about all I can say.”

He elbowed the wagon behind him. “Can we put these around back until we figure out what we’re going to do with them?”

“Of course. I keep a house outside of town for the girls. We have a stable and a barn, if you’d like me to call someone around to take them there?”

“Appreciate it.”

“I’ll do that, then help them settle and introduce them to the two new girls I took in. If you ever need any company, you just come on by, and leave your purse at home.”

A voice arose from behind. “What is going on here?”

Mindblind gnashed his teeth, having recognized Reed’s voice, and tried to hold back what he wanted to say. The moment he turned to see the arrogant lawman, he lost that battle. “Just getting back from doing your job.”

“My job is to find the truth of the matter, and dispense the appropriate justice. As far as I’m concerned, you are a prime suspect.”

A chorus of disagreement and outright sneers arose from the prostitutes. Betty ended up coming forward, placing her hands on her hips, and spoke for the group. “He saved our lives, I’ll have you know.”

“That remains to be determined. This may very well have been nothing more than an elaborate ruse to...”

An odd, sleepy-sounding chuckle drifted to Mindblind’s ears, and even as he glanced in that direction, he saw Reed’s face turn bright red and tighten in anger. It was Yani who had chuckled, and she was staring directly at the fuming guard captain when she did it.

Mindblind turned back to Reed to see his expression hadn’t softened in the slightest. From between clenched teeth, in a low, measured voice, the guardsman said, “If you attempt to leave the area, I will consider that an admission of guilt and issue rewards for your capture. You will be questioned on this matter.”


Once again, Yani chuckled. Reed growled under his breath and stomped off.

“Don’t pay him no mind,” Yasmine instructed. “My girls and I know you had nothing to do with the horrors that night, and we’ll tell it to everyone we see.”

Mindblind snorted. “Don’t know that the truth’s enough to stop him.”

“Folk around here may not treat you over kindly, but they’re just afraid of you because you’re different. They despise that man because he’s a corrupt scoundrel and an ass. If it comes to that, folk will stand for you.”

At a loss, Mindblind could only respond, “If you say so.”

“I do.” She smiled, and then started waving toward the brothel. “You girls get on inside now.”

Once Yasmine had walked into the Cat, Indigo said, “Come, let us drive these to the back, then you can tell me how to find the governor before he takes to his bed. It may be that we need his aid to keep your neck out of a noose with that one.”

Mindblind was fortunate that the horse was already used to following the other wagon, because he didn’t have the faintest idea how to drive a team. He was holding the reins, but other than a slap to tell the horse to move, he was more or less along for the ride.

Indigo took over after he’d positioned the first wagon and set the brake, in order to bring the two wagons up side by side. He then retrieved handfuls of oats from the stores to give the horses a treat after the long pull of the day.

Mindblind described how to find the regional governor’s home just outside town proper, though with its size and opulence, the place would be hard to miss. He was leaning back against the wagon as Indigo had a quick snack of cheese when Mindblind saw a flash of movement in his peripheral vision.

Already drawing his sword, he spun on the new arrival. The young man’s eyes bugged out as he froze in place.

“Easy, my friend,” Indigo said as he grabbed Mindblind’s arm.

“Snuck up on me,” Mindblind mumbled as he slid the sword back into its sheath.

“M-madame Yasmine sent me for the wagons,” the boy said to Indigo, trying not to look at Mindblind. “She said to stable the horses and put the wagons in the other building, if that’s okay?”

“Of course, my young friend. Just leave everything in the wagons,” Indigo answered.

Once the youngster drove off with the first wagon, Indigo turned to Mindblind. “I should take my leave before the hour is too late.”

Mindblind snorted, demonstrating his opinion on speaking with the governor. “Good luck with that.”

“I can but try, my friend,” the Draxnian said, clapping him on the shoulder before walking back toward the front of the Cat.

Again, Mindblind tensed and nearly drew his sword when the back door of the brothel creaked open. Kayleen appeared in the doorway, wearing a smile that had a touch of surprise.

“Cerebus, it’s Yani. You should come.”

“What’s wrong?” he asked as he stepped toward her.

“Nothing.” She let out a little chuckle, and reached out to take his hand. “Just come.”

He shrugged, allowing her to tug him inside, and tried not to think about the last time he’d passed through this portal. Once through the storage room, he let out a grunt of approval.

Yasmine had a guard posted near the back door, and two more flanking the front door. A look upstairs revealed a fourth man standing watch near the repaired railing. All were armed with short swords and – at the very least – looked as if they could handle themselves in a fight.

To their credit, all four men tensed and rested their hands on sword pommels as Mindblind walked across the polished floor toward the stairs with his huge sword strapped to his back. Only waves of dismissal from Yasmine caused the men to relax, though they still kept an eye on him.

The upstairs was a flurry of activity, with the girls passing back and forth, settling in and visiting with each other before they had to get back to work. One door was conspicuously closed. Fighting back a sigh from seeing Delly’s door and knowing he’d never see her again, he followed Kayleen up the stairs.

She guided him toward an open door at the end of the landing, and he gave a surprised shake of his head when he saw Pompeil within the room, standing behind a man in robes who hovered over Yani’s bedside. The dark-haired woman was sitting up, and looked more lucid than she had in days.

“Pompeil?” Mindblind asked, nothing else coming to mind.

“Greetings,” the merchant said, and then asked the man in robes, “What is your prognosis?”

“The potion is working. After a few days, I should be able to begin treatment in earnest.” He then asked Yani, “May I examine you? My observations will force me to take certain liberties with your person.”

She shrugged. “Observe away, I guess.”

Pompeil cleared his throat and looked away when the robed man clinically lifted Yani’s top and pressed his ear against her chest. He then walked over to Mindblind.

“So what’s all this, then?” Mindblind had to ask.

“I sought out goodman Fenthwick upon my arrival, having heard of his reputation through business partners. He is a healer versed in the apothecary as well as a devoted servant of the gods. I had already spoken to him about her condition, and he agreed to treat her. When I heard of your arrival, I sent men to fetch him here.”

Kayleen stood up on her tiptoes and whispered, “Look at her, Cerebus. She looks more aware than I’ve ever seen her.”

He nodded. “Still not done paying your debt, huh? Bet this is costing you.”

“I suspect this is a debt I will never repay in full.” He smiled and continued, “I am underwriting her treatment, but he has waived most of his customary fees in favor of the knowledge he believes he can gain in treating her.”

“Talking about me?” Yani asked.

“Nothing ill,” Kayleen assured her.

“Don’t know what you have to talk about, then,” Yani responded, following it up with a derisive chuckle, and then a yawn.

“The potion is going to make you drowsy,” the healer explained. “Proper rest will serve you well in your recovery.”

Yani shrugged. She then looked up at Mindblind and a crooked smile spread across her face. “That dickless Reed makes me laugh. Has to act like he’s tough because he hasn’t got anything between his legs. Came in here once and picked me. I laughed at him when he pulled that tiny little thing out.”

As she talked, Mindblind could see her eyelids drooping. Whatever concoction the healer had given her, it was quickly stealing her senses. “Yeah, he’s been harassing me since we were kids.”

“Thought he was really giving it to me in the ass when the wagons stopped. Barely knew it was in there.”

Mindblind’s brow furrowed and he asked, “Huh? When?”

“When they stopped the wagons after taking us out of here. Said he was going to get even with me first.”

“He was there?” Mindblind growled through clenched teeth.

Yani’s eyes briefly fluttered open, and she nodded before closing them again.

Mindblind stepped back, bumping into the wall with his fists clenching tight and face burning with rage. The Lakeshore Man. Reed. He felt like a fool for not making the connection before.

“Cerebus?” Kathleen asked in a startled voice as he whirled on his heel.

“All of you stay here. Don’t come out.”

“Where are you going? Shouldn’t you wait for Raven?”

“Stay inside the Cat,” Mindblind repeated, his boots thumping ominously on the boards as he walked toward the stairs.

The guards moved back from the door when he reached the landing and headed their way. Nobody could miss the look in his eyes, and only a fool would have stood in his way when the threat he presented didn’t involve them.

“Cerebus,” he heard Kayleen desperately call out one last time before he opened the front door and stalked out into the darkening town.

The barracks of the city guard, the jail, and Reed’s house were all situated in the same general area, not far away from the brothel. What little rational thought he had left pointed him toward the location, reasoning that it was the most likely place to find his quarry. His sword made an ominous hiss as he slid it from the scabbard on his back, and his rage seemed to double with the hilt of the sword in his white-knuckled grip.

A few people saw him as he stalked the edge of town, though he was fixated on the path ahead and didn’t notice. He had eyes for one man, and one man only. Bolts slid into locks and windows slammed shut with every step he took.

The door to the jail opened as Mindblind approached, and he quickened his pace, not caring in the slightest that two other guardsmen were flanking their captain.

Reed drew his sword, while the two men at his side aimed crossbows. “So, you choose to die by the sword for your crimes, rather than in a hangman’s noose?”

Kill them! Kill them all! The words erupted in Mindblind’s head. At the same time, his sword burst into roaring magical flame.

All three men facing him started from the magical display, and in terrified panic, the two men with crossbows fired. Mindblind whipped his sword in a sweeping, downward arc before him, impossibly cutting both bolts in half and incinerating them before they could slam into his chest.

Burn them! Kill them! Feed me!

Mindblind stalked forward, a juggernaut of deadly promise. The two crossbows burst into flames, but unlike those shrouding his sword and dancing around his body, the men felt the searing heat. Both hurled the weapons aside to slap at flames licking up their arms, and retreated in fear.

Before Reed could react, Mindblind was upon him. The blueblood brought his sword in line, and barely managed to deflect the first slash of Mindblind’s burning blade.

Give me your hate! Give me his life! Feed me! Kill! Kill! Kill!

One of the guardsmen drew his sword, darting in as Reed gave ground. Moving before he could form a thought, Mindblind whipped his massive sword into a swatting parry. The other man’s blade shattered, and he screamed as the impact broke bones in his wrist as well. Dropping to his knees from the pain was the only thing that saved him from the return stroke of Mindblind’s sword. Instead of removing his head, the slash grazed him, stealing his consciousness and filling the air with the stench of burning hair.

Reed took advantage of the other guardsman’s attack to launch his own. He balked upon seeing the blazing steel sweeping back toward him, and his stab pierced Mindblind’s side, rather than his chest.

A snarl escaped Mindblind’s lips when he felt the wound, but he ignored the pain and brought his sword in line once more. Unnoticed, tendrils of flame crept down his arm toward the gash as he pressed Reed with a stab of his much longer weapon. The lawman retreated with quick, measured steps as Mindblind stalked forward, slashing and stabbing to keep his opponent on the defensive.

While Reed ran out of room, the flames licking around Mindblind’s wound closed it, lending him further strength. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the third guardsman fleeing – most likely to summon aid from men on patrol. Every time Reed tried to alter his course to avoid the wall of the barracks coming ever closer to his back, Mindblind’s blazing sword was there.

The wall looming only a foot away, Reed had no choice but to stand his ground. He deflected a slash, but the force was still enough to push him the remaining distance into the wall. Hampered by the barrier, his next attempt to defend against Mindblind’s ferocity took the full force of the magical blade.

Reed’s fine, heirloom sword fell to the ground, sheared off inches above the hilt and glowing red from the magical fire.

Mindblind let out a growl of triumph and surged forward, slamming his opponent hard against the stout wooden wall, stealing his breath. Reed slumped to the ground, desperately seeking air and wincing from the wisps of flame leaping from Mindblind’s sword to sear his flesh.

Yes! Sweet pain! More! Give me more!

Shaking his head to push away the urge, Mindblind asked, “Why, you murdering blueblood scum?”

“I don’t know what...”

Mindblind gestured with his sword, and a gout of flame burst forth, reddening the guard captain’s arms and singeing away every follicle of hair. Reed screamed and lurched from the pain.

Yes! Yes! More!

“I asked you why!” Mindblind roared.

“For the common good. They are whores. Filth,” Reed spat out.

“Filth that laughed at your tiny prick, you mean?”

“You’ll hang, halfbreed. They’ll make sure your neck doesn’t break. Make sure that you strangle – slowly – dangling from the noose with your legs kicking in the air in front of the whole town.”

More! More hate! More pain! Feed me! Give me his life! Kill him! Make it last! Make him suffer!

“Shut up,” Mindblind growled to the voice in his head, only now truly aware of it – and realizing that it wasn’t his own inner voice.

No! Do it! Do it now!

“I said, shut up.”

Reed’s face twisted in confusion and fear, as he watched Mindblind stand over him, apparently talking to himself. Unnoticed, he reached for a dagger sheathed on his belt.

You are mine! You will feed me!

“Don’t belong to nobody,” Mindblind retorted, fighting against the tug of the sword trying to stab Reed. The flames licking around him warmed, beginning to burn.

Mine! Feed me!

A low growl rumbled in his chest as the pain from the flames intensified. He took a step back, shaking his head.

Now! You will burn! Suffer! Die!

“No!” Mindblind roared. With every ounce of his strength and will, he tore himself away from the teeth of the sword’s malevolent intelligence, and hurled it away.

A horrible, piercing shriek sounded as the sword tumbled end over end, and then slammed into the stone wall of the jail. It exploded on impact, releasing a great ball of flame and countless metal slivers that pierced the flesh of Mindblind, Reed, and the rousing guardsman. The blast knocked Mindblind off his feet, leaving him groggy from both the impact and the mental struggle against the sword.

As his senses returned, he heard Reed say, “Yes, you monster, I ordered the whores killed. Oh, I only planned to have them sold into slavery at first. The only one who was to die was that mad filth, Yani. Unfortunately, the situation was out of hand. Too many had died already. They had to die – all of them. But, you... No, you had to interfere.”

“And you call me a monster,” Mindblind spit out, rising to his knees despite the threat of Reed’s dagger and the other guardsman trying to rise.

“Lowborn, halfbreed offal. Now, you will die, righting the crime of your birth.”

“Oy! I wouldn’t do that if I was you, fella.”

Reed and his fellow guardsman tensed. Mindblind looked around to see a half-dozen ill-kempt men emerging from the tall grass and around the corners of buildings. Swords gleamed in the dancing flames caused by his sword’s explosion. The limbs of bows creaked as they were drawn, and crossbows lifted to point at Reed’s chest.

“What is the meaning of this?” Reed demanded, though he stayed very still.

“The meanin’ of this is we heard what you just said. Come on by ta see what all the commotion is about, and hear you done gone and tried to kill our pretty girls.”

“That’s ridiculous.”

“Nah, me hearing’s pretty good. Got to be in me line of work, don’t ya know? Otherwise ye end up hangin’ from a rope. I heard what ye said, right enough, and I’m not takin’ too kindly to it.”

Reed snorted. “More scum with lies to tell. You’ll hang alongside this murderous monster for your crimes, bandits.”

“Yeah, we’re scum. Thing is, we’re scum with arrows pointed right at ya. Now why don’t you just back away from that fella there.”

“Surely you know you won’t escape. My men will be here any moment.” Though his tone was confident, he did take several steps back.

Mindblind stood up, still shaky. “Ain’t worth getting killed over. Get outta here while you can.”

The leader of the bandits said, “You go. We got ya covered.”


Mindblind started and looked over his shoulder at the sound of the voice. To his surprise, he saw Kayleen, Yasmine, Raven, and all the other girls from the house of ill-repute other than Yani approaching. It was Kayleen who had shouted his name.

“The hell are you doing here? Go, before you get caught up in this.”

“Saving your neck, it looks like,” Raven said. She broke out into a crooked smile as she walked up next to him, and the rest of the girls moved between the guardsmen and Mindblind. “Heard what Yani said. Should’ve known it was him, huh?”

“We aren’t going to let you dangle from a noose after all you’ve done for us,” Becky said.

The commotion and confusion only increased as Reed’s men reached the scene, spreading out with weapons at the ready.

“Take the bandits and the murderous halfbreed,” Reed ordered.

“Sir?” one of the men questioned, seeing all the women blocking the way.

“They’re standing in the way of justice. You will take those men – now.”

“Don’t fucking think so,” Raven whispered as she gripped one of her daggers at Mindblind’s side.

“They’re women. They’re unarmed,” another guardsman protested.

“They’re whores. I don’t care,” Reed growled. “Do your duty.”

“Not all unarmed,” a quiet voice said.

Raven chuckled. “Told you the scum come out at night.”

The shadows came alive with men in dark clothing, the blackness broken by glints of steel.

“Hehe. Who’s outnumbered now, fella?” the leader of the bandits said. More of his men were emerging from the shadows as well.

Tension hung in the air as armed men stared at each other, all waiting for the slightest flinch. A poorly timed sneeze would have set off a bloodbath.

“I... I can’t do this any more.”

Mindblind looked at the guard who had spoken – the same one whose wrist he had broken in the earlier battle. The man looked haunted, and unlike everyone else, his dagger hung at his side in nearly nerveless fingers.

“Silence, Hodges,” Reed demanded.

“I didn’t know anyone was going to die. They’re women, Sir. It’s... I can’t do this any more.”

“Didn’t know who was going to die?” Raven prompted, nudging her way toward him through the prostitutes with Mindblind right behind her.

“The wh... The women from the... From that house. Sir, it isn’t right. No promotion – no gold is worth this. You paid to have them killed, Sir. How could you do that?”

Reed’s men began to murmur amongst themselves.

“You are a liar, and a disgrace to your uniform, Hodges. You are obviously in league with this halfbreed. Men, take Hodges into custody as well.”

The corners of Mindblind’s mouth crept upward. It took only a glance to see that Reed’s men weren’t falling for their captain’s lies. Though remaining wary, they were obviously standing down, not ready to spring into action at any moment.

“I said take them into custody,” Reed snarled as he turned back toward his men. “I will have you all tried for treason.”

“Knew something wasn’t right about all this,” one of the guardsman said. A few others murmured agreement.

“I heard you, Sir,” Hodges said, walking toward Reed. “It isn’t right. You’re the traitor. You’re the murderer.”

Reed’s eyes went wide, his gaze darting this way and that. Mindblind tensed, his danger sense screaming at him. When Reed let out a roar and sprang toward Hodges with his dagger lifted to stab, Mindblind intercepted him.

Reed changed targets quickly enough, but to no avail. Mindblind grabbed his nemesis’ wrist, pressing his thumb hard into the space between the bones. His muscles flexed, and he redirected the blueblood’s stab. A sharp crack sounded as Reed’s arm broke and the dagger plunged into his chest.

“I’ll see you in the hells, monster,” Reed wheezed as blood bubbled up in his mouth.

“Better hope not, because as far as I’m concerned, you’re getting off easy. This is for Delly and everyone else who died because you can’t deal with your inchworm prick.” Mindblind gave the knife a twist.

Reed’s eyes glazed over, and his knees buckled. Mindblind let go of the dagger, letting the man crumple into the grass at his feet.

“You lads really want to do this tonight over him?” The leader of the bandits asked.

Slowly, the armed men on both sides relaxed. The thieves in the shadows slinked away, though there was no way to know if they’d gone far.

“So, we all goin’ to our beds without any extra holes then, are we?”

“Go now,” one of the guardsmen ordered. “This doesn’t excuse your crimes. You are still wanted men.”

“Hell, it ain’t no fun otherwise, fella. Truth to tell, the pickins is gettin’ slim hereabouts. We was just talking about movin’ on to greener pastures, so to speak. May be that we never have to put holes in each other.” His men having taken the cue immediately upon being told to go, he was the only one left by the time he finished. “You lads and lasses have a pleasant evening, now.”

The guardsman who had ordered the bandits to leave, apparently having some rank, said, “Someone needs to answer for all of this.”

Raven snorted. “Think he already did,” she said as she glanced at Reed’s corpse.

“T-thank the g-gods...” Pompeil wheezed as he jogged in behind the guardsmen with Indigo at his side.

“It appears our arrival is a bit too late,” Indigo added as he sheathed his sword.

“Not much luck with the governor, huh?” Mindblind asked.

“I fear you were right, my friend. He was disinclined to pursue the matter until the good merchant here arrived.”

“I had to threaten to use my influence to cut off trade,” the winded merchant added.

“Where nothing else would sway him, the loss of tax revenue seemed to open his mind. Upon hearing Pompeil’s tale, he issued a writ ordering Reed to report for questioning, and to be detained if he refused.”

Hodges stepped forward. “I’ll tell everything I know.” He then turned to the prostitutes. “I’m sorry. I had no idea he would go so far.”

“Go easy on him,” Mindblind said as the ranking guardsman gestured for Hodges to approach. “Be a lot more men dead here tonight if it wasn’t for him fessing up.” His energy draining away as the danger finally ended, he wavered on his feet.

“We will still need to hear from you – from all of you. The full truth of this matter must be determined.”

“Not tonight,” Indigo said as he hurried over to support Mindblind.

“Damn me if I’m going anywhere near that jail,” Raven muttered under her breath.

“Send someone around to the Cat and we’ll tell you all we know,” Yasmine said. “Tomorrow.”

“Tomorrow,” the lead guardsman agreed. He then waved off one of his fellows who had approached with manacles for Hodges. “I don’t believe that will be necessary.”

“That healer still at the Cat with Yani?” Mindblind asked.

“Yes,” Kayleen answered. “He said he should stay and observe her all night.”

“May need to see him,” Mindblind slurred with the last of his strength as the world went black.


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In the morning they set off for Airlie Beach and were amazed at all the high rise development that was going on in that thriving town. Dave planned to spend two nights here, although as it turned out it became three nights. The next day they were going to catch the ferry to Hamilton Island, spend a few hours driving one of those golf carts around and then come back to Airlie Beach for the second night. On the way to Airlie Beach, Dave called into Proserpine for a quick morning tea break and...

3 years ago
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Stories From AB

I didn't write these three short ditties. My ex wrote these many years ago as a part of foreplay. I found these handwritten stories while cleaning out some old boxes and put them to a text file. I cleaned up the spelling an formatting. Otherwise these are exactly how my 20 year old wife (at that time) wrote them. Just like Billy in the Aunt May stories I have always liked to read about and listen to spanking stories. Hope you enjoy these. - Written by A.B. late 1960's - Once when I was...

1 year ago
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Dinner at Steffs

As soon as my good friend Steff heard that my son Mikey was back home from university due to the lock-down in Cardiff, she pestered me to bring him over for dinner with her and her husband George.We agreed on last Wednesday, so it was up to me to get him to give his girlfriend Rachael the night off. She had not seen her parents since last week so reluctantly agreed!!We were asked to be there at 6.30 for drinks. After a leisurely soak in the bath, I slapped on a bit of lippy, etc, and slipped...

4 years ago
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Cock crazy Cumpee whore

My live in girlfriend lisa is one of the horniest sluts you are everlikely to meet. she actually looks quite prim and proper, a real next door type. But once behind closed doors she turns into a kinky cock crazy cum swallowing whore. Take the other day. I came home from work to find a note on the kitchen table telling me to take my clothes off and go upto the bedroom. I did as i was told and when i opened the door to find Lisa lying on the bed with her skirt up her red panties pulled aside and...

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Porn Pics! With a name like that, you can tell right off the bat that this site is going to straightforward. No bullshit, no beating around the bush (except, of course, for you beating around your own bush). From the moment the homepage loads, it is exactly what you expect it to be: a shit ton of pictures taken from porn. Easy enough. Extra-large thumbnails are sorted into categories, so you can easily start your journey into whatever type of smut you like best.I am 100% an ass man, and, sure...

Porn Pictures Sites
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mummy sabse pyaari

hello guys.mera naam raj hai.me aako apni story sunaane jaa raha hoo hum punjabi hai.aur punjabi arto ki sundarta to aap jaante hi honge .hum do bhai hai. me chota hoo.mera bada bahi padhne ke liye pune gya hua hai.ab ghar par me, paapa aur mummy hi rehte hai,paapa roz subah office chalejaate the. ek baar papa ko office ke kaam se out of station jaana pada.ghar par me aur mummy hi reh gye.ab me aapko apni mummy ke baare me bata hoo.wo dikne me aisi lgti ki jaisi koi model ho.unka rang bahut...

2 years ago
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Pati ki behen randi

hi.i m roja.my husband is raja.he is a maderchod.he has fucked me very hard and good.we live in ahmedabad.we r only two in our home.so we fuck anytime any day.ham akser raat main nange rahate the.aur kabhi bhi chudai kerne lagate the.raja ki sis thi rani.rani four years se US main thi.woh kuch dino k liye hamare yahan aayi thi.un dino serdi thi.raja apne office main the aur main rani se baaten ker rahi thi. rani-bhabhi tumhari life kaisi chal rahi hai? roja-rani mujhe roja hi bolo na.ham dono...

4 years ago
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My Teacher and I Part 4

Our vacation passed quickly. I spent every possible moment of the week stealing away with Rachel. I lost count of the number of times we enjoyed some form of pleasure. If our bodies had been a mystery to each other, the mystery was gone. I felt closer to her. I was eighteen and ready to graduate. She was turning seventeen in a few months. I was glad we had started what we had now, instead of later. At least we could enjoy it before I left for college. We hadn’t spoken of returning home or how...

2 years ago
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My beginning

I have been a closet cross dresser since my early teens seeking my mother’s panty hose and underwear I thought I had kept it well hidden when I turned twenty I got a place of my own I found it very hard to get my women’s clothing since I didn’t have the courage to go out in public which brings me to my story . a friend of moms named Sherri was bag ng problems with her old man and they had spot up she came to me and asked if she could move in and help with the rent I was all for it Sherri wes a...

1 year ago
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Analized Saya Song Requiem For An Asian Sex Slave

Petite Asian babe Saya Song sits at attention. She is surrounded by cash but her master is not pleased. Saya Song sits on time out awaiting the repercussions from what seems to be a performance that was not up to par. Tommy Pistol degrades the tiny Asian slut by throwing her earnings in her face. He then reminds her of her purpose by taking her tiny body and making it his. He uses the Asian sex slave as nothing more but a fuck puppet. Her pussy is ignored as she is further humiliated by only...

3 years ago
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Karren Gets Sucked and Fucked Part 2

Karren followed Kevin to his home in her own car so if she had to leave she could do so at her leisure. Karren wondered what Kevin’s wife looked like, would she like the idea of a man dressed like a woman making love to her? Would she like sharing Kevin’s cock with another man dressed as a woman? She hoped everything would turn out for the best.  Her thoughts were arousing her cock, she could feel the panties and slip caressing her cock. As she drove the car and moved her legs to shift the...

1 year ago
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My ExWifes Sister

I was feeling down, it was now three weeks since my wife of five years had walked out. In the post this morning was a letter from her solicitor concerning our divorce. How can I divorce her when I still loved her, there had been no one else since I first saw her, all those years ago. I still dressed in my dressing gown, unshaven and dirty when the front door bell went off. "Oh shit," I said aloud, the last thing I wanted now was visitors. I thought about ignoring it, then it rang again, so...

1 year ago
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Bible Camp BluesChapter 14

Chapter 14 “So, does that meatlessness extend to sex? Are you straight or bi?” Felix asked Troy, who shrugged. “I’ve never been with another guy. I wouldn’t mind trying it, though, if someone wanted to initiate me that way,” Troy confessed, about three slices in by now. “Top or bottom?” I inquired now, truly curious. “I’d try both and see if I liked either or both of them. But first, I really want to try it with a girl again. Finish what I started,” Troy explained. “Alright, then,...

2 years ago
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Meeting the next door neighbors 18 yr old BBC Thug

My sexy teenage BBC neighbor son TyI was sprung for my next door neighbors teenage son Ty 18 yr old light skinned nigger It all started when I had just come home from shopping. I had on a very short summer dress, the kind that if I bent over, you could see I had neglected to wear any panties. I had teased a lot of guys that day, let me tell you. But getting back to this particular story. As I pulled into the driveway, I noticed that we had new neighbors moving in next-door. They were around...

4 years ago
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Bit of me in the beginning, skip toward the end if your looking for just the sex part.It amazes me the beauty that nature brings to the table without even trying. From the awesome power of the sun as it sets and rises to the sensuality of woman's body to the gentle dance of plants as the breeze pushes the waves plants from side to side. As I gaze upon with excitement as the sun sets over the lake; colors of orange, yellow, and red within the center and streaks of purple and blue on the edges....

3 years ago
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The Yellow Book Fantasies Ch 15 Miss Fancy Attorney at Law

As I walked into my high school and college friend’s law office, I sighed deeply. I never did anything close to illegal in my life. My cousin and I had one mishap. I had a hookup. That hook-up happened to be…“Chad Dupree. Tell me you didn’t…”“No, Miss Fancy, you know me better.”“Well, if you think about it…” Fancy said, pondering.“I’m here for my cousin, okay? I'm going to keep it real. I want you to represent him. I don’t care if you’re a public defender or what. He’s got a future. You and I...

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Cane Lake Ch 01

Kevin and Donna heat up their relationship, but Kevin experiences flashbacks during sex that provide clues to the death of a classmate on Cane Lake. Chapter 1 Our relationship didn’t start out hot and sweaty, moans and sighs all night long, legs and arms entangled. To be fair it wasn’t exactly that way later, but the more time Donna and I spent alone together the more passionate and erotic our evenings became. Sexual interest was certainly high between us after we met, but out of mutual...

2 years ago
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SullyChapter 5

I was at the grocery doing my weekly shopping, picking over some apples and peaches for a fruit salad, when I spied what appeared to be a good looking red-headed mother and daughter nearby. The daughter was about sixteen, maybe younger, wearing short-shorts and a "T" that ended just below her bra-less tits. She was covered with freckles. But her development in the tit department belied her true age. Firm and pear shaped, her tits jutted out as if she'd just been awarded a blue ribbon. We...

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My Black Guy Experience Part 4

Please Read Part 1, 2 and 3Mark, Dave and I leisurely walk home hand in hand Marks says "Shall we all relax in the lounge for a while and watch a film?" Dave and I agree saying "Sounds like a fab idea". When we arrive home Dave gets a bottle of white wine and three glasses whilst Mark and I choose a DVD. Dave joins us in the lounge and pours the wine and we get comfy on the sofa, me in the middle with the guys either side and begin watching the film sipping our wine, my glass not getting empty...

2 years ago
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My name is Deana. I live right in the middle of corn country, Iowa City, Iowa. I’m sales rep for a major department store, with two cats and a dog named Cuddles. I stand five-five in heels, am a full figured woman, with long red hair, green-eyes, and a zest for life, love, and adventure. I was introduced to swinging six year ago by my now ex-husband and loved every minute of it. Or I did, until he got jealous of me having more fun. So I quit. He has since divorced me and married a younger gal....

1 year ago
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How i became a sissy fuckslave pt3

i really hoped Sir would give me a little break before He started working my sissy cunt with His fist but alas this was not to be. He returned just a few minutes later wearing an elbow length black rubber or latex glove on his right hand and had a huge bottle of lube in His left hand. "Alright cunt" he said.."Time to destroy that sissy cunt of yours,"i felt Him squirt lube into and around my gaping hole, it was cool and soothed the fire burning there.Soon i felt Him push 3 fingers into...

2 years ago
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The Mark

The Mark By Morpheus Alten stared at the palm of his right hand, still stunned and confused by what he saw there. By the pale mark that had mysteriously appeared there in the middle of the night, or at least was there when he woke up and he knew for a fact that it hadn't been there when he went to bed. However it was not the sudden appearance of the symbol on his palm that surprised him most, but what the symbol was. "A mark..." Alten whispered to himself. The marks were not...

4 years ago
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An Invitation To Be A Naughty Wife

An Invitation To Be A NaughtyWife Sandra did not want to go. She had been to these functions a few times with her husband. It was almost obligatory. Many wives will know the feeling, she thought. Such functions are always very boring and mainly because Kevin, Sandra’s husband, once he gets into conversation with other work colleagues, just forgets he is supposed to be with her and she ends up like a spare part wishing the whole evening was over and they could just go home. It irritated her all...

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One Evening After Work

It was getting late. James was busy mopping the floor of the convenience store which he had recently began work a week before. He looked at the clock which was steadily pushing towards ten o'clock. The store would close in a few minutes and only a handful of customers remained. Liz Cooper, the store owner and close friend of James' mother announced the imminent closure of the store for the evening. Soon all the customers had left and the place fell silent. James hummed along to the muzak as he...

Erotic Fiction
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Seductive SisterInLawChapter 3

Betty walked down the long pebbled drive toward her station wagon, a mixture of anger and hurt setting up a wild race of thoughts in her brain that she knew no way to stop. She hardly noticed Dan Clark hunched below a row of hedges between their front lawns, until he sprung up with clippers in hand and said brightly: "Ain't you and Kent ever gonna take your summer vacation? Young kids like you got so much t'live for. When I was in fertilizer the wife and I kept puttin' it off. Then, as...

3 years ago
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She really loved the summer weather, she mused, as she stepped through the doorway of the health club into the picture perfect late afternoon. A warm breeze, heavy with the sweet aroma of the azalea bushes planted beside the walk swirled around her, gently stirring her shoulder length blond hair and giving her a rush as it caressed her bare thighs and curled under the hem of her tiny nylon skirt. She looked down at her stiffening nipples pushing against her thin cotton tank-top and wondered if...

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The Shopping Trip

I had imagined bumping into him so many times. I’d played out the conversations and different situations, pictured what it would be like to actually see him in person for the first time in sixteen years. It would then frustrate me to think that we had spent so many years at school together, in such close proximity, yet I’d never really known he’d existed, or knew that he even knew who I was. So many times throughout our lives we had been so close, skirting on the edge of each other’s lives,...

Quickie Sex
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Neighbour Aunty

Hi, I am Sumithra. And I am going to narrate you the incident which I saw when I was around 18 years old. At that time we use to stay in a rented house. It was little bit of upper middle class people living area. There was lot of houses in that area. And people were also of good nature. During that time we had a neighbor. In that house there were total of 4 people. Uncle, aunty and their two kids. Both the kids were in primary school kids. ( I don’t know in which class they were studying) As...

4 years ago
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Hero BoyChapter 4B

We explained to mom and dad about everything that happened at the office. We sat in the kitchen while the kids sat in the den watching some new videos that grandma got them. While the kids where gone we talked. Mom and dad added their wisdom to the subject and we talked for hours about everything under the sun. Mom and dad were on a roll. After we ate we all sat with the kids watching the tape. Sara got on the floor holding the kids while they watched the TV. Next thing I knew they all where...

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PornWorld Brill Barbie Ravishing Blonde Brill Barbie Takes Messy Facial After Fucking On First Date

Seductive blonde Brill Barbie is always hungry for sex and since she has some free time she decides to masturbate and finger her juicy pussy while relaxing on her bed. She slips on some lace topped stockings and bends over into the doggystyle position to continue her pussy play. Breaking out a glass dildo, this hottie slides it into her pussy and leans up against the doorway to fuck herself even quicker. She gets herself all dressed up when she hears someone at the door. Her guest, Jay arrives...

1 year ago
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My First Time

I've always had a penchant for Domination, and being sub in nature have enjoyed watching videos in which males are subjugated by strong women.Imagine my delight when i discovered a whole new genre involving shemales and transvestites. For years I searched the internet and watched hour and hours of video.As time progressed I felt the urge to meet up with and interact with real people.I found an advert for a mature lady with a TV maid looking for submissive males. I contacted the lady and...

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How to Handle Virgin Sacrifices

Glurg mumbled his incantations as the guards brought the trembling girl up to the altar. He with the two other senior priests held her in position. High Priest Plurger shouted and raised the sharp stone in the air. As so often happened, the girl jerked violently as she saw the stone descending to her chest. But Glurg and the two others were prepared and held her in position. The stone pierced her chest. Blood spurted. All four priests said the incantations appropriate to their role. Then the...

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The BDSM Monthly Club Social Part Six

The BDSM Monthly Club Social Part SixRobert told Kathy, "Go over there and help Suzy suck your husbands cock and when John is through with the two of you, he will no doubt find something else for you to do."John looked up and said, "Sounds good to me Robert."So Kathy went over and knelt down with Suzy and she started licking up her husbands hard shaft which led to her and Suzy french kissing then John took each woman by the hair and pressed their faces close so they could kiss and suck each...

4 years ago
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Mai Aur Meri Mami 8211 Part I

Hi to all ISS readers.my name is NIK(changedim 28 yrs old guy.i live in Nagpur ,Maharashtra.im a regular reader of ISS.in the beginning when I started to read ISS, I thought the storied are fake.but when I experienced myself I got to know that anything can be possible.actually after reading ISS stories,I got some courage to make my move on my aunt(mami).ye story thodi lengthy hai par muze bharosa hai ke aap logo ko pasand aaegi.ye story meri aur mere mami ki hai.agar aap logo ko meri story...

2 years ago
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My Boyfriend Made Me A Lesbian In Coimbatore 8211 Part 2

Hi all. This is Jennifer back again. Sorry for the delay in posting my 2nd part. My first part was how my boyfriend made me a lesbian. After that i had sex with many girls in my hostel. But i wanted to share my favorite experience with you all. After that incident we had our exams and we did not have time for sex. It was almost a month without his touch. I was starving for his cock since i have many pussies in my hostel. Now coming to the story. As i told we had our exams and did not touch each...

2 years ago
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The Shampoo Girl

The Shampoo Girl By Margaret Jeanette Sue Bender sat going over the books of her beauty salon. She dreaded this weekly task often putting it off until she knew it had to be done. She was surprised that they had done so well. It showed a ten per cent increase in business. She would rather be out there doing hair styling and make up but she trudged ahead. She was surprised when her husband Jake opened the door and came in. She could see by the look on his face something was...

3 years ago
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Challenge Accepted

I was in a beautifully erotic dream with one of my favorite male actors, when I heard the sound of my Call Me Maybe ringtone in the back of my mind. I cracked my eyes open and hurriedly searched on the nightstand to my left for my iPhone. I tapped the screen, put the phone to my ear and was greeted to the sound of blaring rock music. ‘Shit,’ I cursed, snatching the phone from my face. Goddamn what time is it? I looked at the screen, blinking against the blinding light, it’s 3 ‘o clock in the...

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By All Accounts

By All Accounts By Sissie Maid Cuckold By all accounts Ted Jefferies was a normal American husband. He had a great job as Technical Officer with Zanex Corporation, made good money and had prestige in the company. He had worked for Zanex for more than 7 years and was well respected by everyone and recognized as a man who could solve problems. His boss, Terrance Cummings placed high value on Ted's abilities and looked for him to go on special missions and solve unsolvable problems for...

4 years ago
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The Girl Stories Uncle Ben 2

They talked a lot during the ride, and joked around. Ben was some way more relaxed then usual, happy even. They had a late lunch in a diner in which Lilly still pretended to be a boy and even went to the boys restroom. They were both treating it as a game, and a shared secret which nobody knew apart from them. Finally they arrived at the lake and started to unpack. Ben did the tent, and Lilly prepared the rest, including sleeping mats and sleeping bags. After that Ben sat with a beer given to...

3 years ago
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Only Innocent on the Outside

My friend walks in the room, she is as shy and as reserved as always. So quirky, exerting elegance and innocence. Although in her mind, her thoughts are far from innocent. In her hands she is carrying a shoe box, but there are no shoes inside. Inside the box, are her favourite toys and deepest desires. She sits down on the bed without saying a word, no small talk here. She opens the box to reveal all the toys she has brought. The intent is clear, now it’s time for action. I reach into the box,...

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I finally fucked my best friends mom

I have a girl friend, and her  cousin should  look after  the enormous mansion,  with a long swimming pool.  We went ahead and began to organize a visit around this house on a week end and would soon go for a dip at this swimmng pool. Such colossal facilities occupied by only four people would be cool! My girl friend’s cousin came up with the idea of having some company:  his mom, my girl friend’s mom,  and his mother in law. All of them were either divorced or widows. It was a hell of a...

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Secrets of Fathers and EmpiresChapter 15

Sean was in a state of shock, he would have about 2 weeks before he and his wife would go to G’Acrax as Earth’s Ambassadors to the Central Worlds and as a Representative to the League of Free Systems. The past 2 ½ months had been a blur, he had to call yet another emergency Board meeting, one to put Kirkwood back on as CEO in Sean’s absence, and to award Tom Hardy Sr. and his son a position on the Board of Directors. Sean launched the colony ship and it would reach Mars about the same time...

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Fraternity Brother To Sorority Sister Chapter 29A Secret Revealed

Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 29-A Secret Revealed The next day it was time to put phase two of Beth's plan into action. Both Cheryl and Laura had informed her that they had successfully did their part. Beth was happy to hear that, but she knew that it was going to be a tough day. What Cheryl and Laura had to do was get their parents to meet with Aaron and Beth together. For Cheryl this was relatively easy, she got her mom to agree to host Aaron's parents at their...

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Hippolyte and JaneChapter 6

Author’s note: [ and ] delineate mind-to-mind dialog. We spent a couple of hours at the job, but Hippolyte and Janos recovered all of her arrows and took all of the loot that they could find from the corpses, all 35 of them. Most of the money was in coppers, but there were nearly 200 of them and there were four silvers. We also took all of the spears because of the bronze points—they had to be worth something just from the salvaged metal. Hippolyte added a couple of spears to Janos’...

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Fresh Dorm Angel Lickity Slits

I awoke to Vee's soft hand stroking my hair gently. Her fingers felt so good gliding through my soft brown mane. Her body was still wrapped in my arms and pulled close to me. I slowly opened my eyes and her blue ones were staring back at me.Vee smiled and said, "Good Morning," with a light pitch that was all her own.Was it morning already? There could not have been any way that we could have slept that long together. It was just morning when she knocked on my dorm room door. Was our time...

2 years ago
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Shock motherinlaw proposition

The basis of this story has evolved from a shock encounter with my mother in law last week, the first part is the build up to her surprise proposition and the second part is my subsequent fantasy that i as yet haven't acted upon, Though it is fair to say i am very tempted!Last Thursday my mother in law June asked me to fit her new kitchen sink for her rather than fork out the expense of a plumber, now it would be fair to say that over the 6 years me and her daughter have been together, june has...

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Cinema the aftermath told by the groper pt4

This is the sequel to Cinema - leads to the seduction of my wife which was posted recently in Loving Wives.It's probably not essential but if you haven't already done so it may be better to read that story first as I hope you will derive more enjoyment from this tale if you know what happened to begin with.Finally, whilst I am happy to receive good or bad comments about my stories please take this in the vein in which it is intended. Luedon finally gets it. I just wish some of you others who...

1 year ago
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KimberlyChapter 15

The couple had just finished an utterly magnificent dinner and were enjoying cognac with cigars and coffee. So far the evening had gone exactly according to plan: They were both relaxed and had unwound from the day’s excitement. What they didn’t know was a woman was sitting at the bar and had been studying them carefully, concentrating on Kimberly. Because she was sitting at Kim’s 8 o’clock, she had not been noticed by either of them. Kim and Brad were seated side by side on the banquette....

1 year ago
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BangBus Savannah Siren Waitress Gets Huge Tip on The Bus

This week, we rolled up on yet another money hungry chick in the streets of Miami. This one was getting off of her shift as a waitress. Where she works all day for almost no money. She was a little hesitant to even talk to us at first, but everything changes when we start flashing the stacks. Eventually, we got her to flash us for 500 bucks. From there it was a piece of cake to convince her to hop on with the promise of more dough. Inside the bus, we got her to do anything we pretty much...

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Trained up by my S1s7er Pam

A little appreciation goes a damn far way with me. It takes me a couple hours to crank out a good story.I don’t charge big bucks, only ask, if you enjoy it, to let me know and give me a thumbs up!!Thanks for reading, and I hope you cum again!!! When I was a freshman in high school, Mom took a job that had her leaving the house as I got up and Dad was not home until after my sister and I were gone to school.  Basically, we had the house to ourselves for two hours. Pam was a popular cheerleader,...

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