The Little Fat Fairy and the Fucking Fungus
- 4 years ago
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“Oh, you remember, it was…, you know, Him, his name escapes me, my mind thinks differently now, rather than when our vacation began. He and I we were friends, I remember that about him. Friends, no not lovers, I can see that evil mind of yours is thinking along the usual lines of depraved ideas.
J… ah yea, John, and myself we planned a vacation of picture taking, something we both enjoyed, and liked the idea of being away from civilization.
It was late in the fall season when we thought to go, as the likelihood of new snow would make the scenery look refreshed. We traveled by train leaving Chicago and traveled to the great state of Wyoming. Upon arrival at Cheyenne, I rented a Jeep that could help us go where the paved roads stopped, and the firebreak trails began.
We, him and I, ah John and I, we wanted to be well away from humankind and out in the true wilds of Wyoming.
Us…, we were as I remember it, happy, excited, and hopeful from just having finished with college. As I look back on us, we had our lives to live with nothing but successes coming our way.
Instead, we found that virtue of life is for some men, a failed view holding any time of joy. We were from that vacation as unlucky enough to see what a wealthy man thinks of and does, as to his fellows, but that is further along in my recanting the episodes I wish to convey.
On our second day, we made a base camp just south as west of the boarder to Yellowstone Park. It was a cozy glen with a mountain stream, our tent on a slight hill from the creek. As from our tent we had a commanding view of the trail leading down to where I had parked the rented Jeep.
We wandered then along three trails, those created and followed by the rural animals, as deciding of where was a best or more scenic place to set up our cameras.
The third morning was to be for us an eye opening experience. Him, he ah…John and I set then near to our tripods with cameras attached, we at two locations along what looked like a worn path near a stream and in a rock-boulder strewn valley. As we sat there conversing quietly by my two walky-talky radio phones, the peaceful silence of the high mountain beauty did echo the ranting babbling of an angry individual walking toward our locations.
I was ready to shoot my first frames of nature when with wondering what we were heard, the babbling words were blended with the sound of an animal bellowing. The angered babbling broadcasted well across the small valley, and from where we sat on high cliffs above trail, we could hear as understand most of the discontented words.
I looked toward as at John, we were puzzled, our position in plain view of anyone coming into and along the lower valley trail. I remember that I set in a hunched position while ready to take a picture of whatever might burst into view.
The rampaging volume of words, grunts, and bellows coming from within a stand of Aspens tickled my or our imaginations, we not knowing of what we would soon see. As see we did, coming out strode a dark form of some brown to black woolly creature walking uprightly, a Sasquatch, I thought, the beast having arms of a human with legs of an animal.
My camera clicked as the frames passed the lens, the slight sound of the camera shutter the animal below heard. It suddenly stopped its verbal ramblings, and did listen, began then looking around, to then as looking up, had to notice us where we sat. The dark burly form began to grumble, saying words like, “Fools, beware, captives, the doctor, the cave, of she, they let loose to become a part of nature.”
John reacted as of compassionate to a personage in trouble, he the friendly type stood up, and waving his arms, he did beckon it to come and be by him.
That Sasquatch or the darkly furred form climbed up the steep hillside, John using his long lens camera set there getting a good look, and several photo frames of what was coming toward him. John told me later of reading about this area where we camped, as being the home to many reports of strangely friendly animals, or odd creatures. What he saw coming toward him seemed to match the descriptions he read about. John felt there was more to the story than of another strange sighting of a mountain big-foot Sasquatch.
The creature came to stand within thirty feet away from where John sat. It or from what John had a better view, was in fact a she, who stopped, turned to look first at John, and then to where I sat, before then casting a wary gaze over her furry right shoulder.
She spoke to John, her words mixed between snorting, huffing her breathing, acting as highly nervous, she kept peering over her shoulders as if expecting someone coming after her.
As from where I sat, my thumb quivered and pressed the remote actuation button to make the camera take her picture, she turning and gave me a harsh glaring stare, as John heard her say, "You must go, “Snort,” the both of you need leave from here, “Huff, huff, snort,” as go quickly!"
John stood up and was as surprised as me; she came to stand then a few feet away. She stood there close to John, he having a revealing view of her naked raw beauty, she John said was something to behold!
In part, she was a woman that to be sure, but from head to hoofs her form had as a covering of dark brown fur. As about her legs as almost black skin and her shoulders thick with brown wool. Her breasts though human of placement and form, looked rather merged into what was her otherwise bestial self. Her eye captivating nipples protruded like cow teats from her large breasts, as John stood and stared, he licking his lips, thinking about her aroused as fully stiff nipple-cow teats!
Breathing very heavily as if excited, she was trying hard to warn us of some coming danger, which by her continued turning and casting wary looks, as if there was something following her back in the woods. She turned looking back up the path and into the woods, as John saw back and then rump, it having a tail.
John then said to his walky-talky, “She is in part a voluptuous woman and a bison!”
”Very good an observation,” she said to John, as she seemingly chose him as the friendlier of the two of us being there. Her black skinned face and the large nostrils looked quite bovine. Her eyes a deep almost black color were like pools a man might get lost gazing in. Yet her upper body was one of great muscular strength, her arms too were black skin and thick with shaggy brown fur.
As I peered through my 300-mm lens, I spoke to John via my walky-talky, as of her thighs, and as she turned, I saw they had such taunt muscle, though covered over with black hide and a thinner, dark brown layer of fur. Her foot long tail whisked at wide buttocks, but as she turned to give a look my way, offered me a clear view of her blackish, as leathery vulva, it stood bold and would occasionally wink.
We looked at her form panning each our gazes downward from strong thighs merged with a bovine sort of hind leg, hock, long foot and cloven hoofs recapitulating her to be some weird womanly Bison-Cow-Minotaur!
John was first to ask of her as whom she was, but his asking the question seemed to cause her to act more anxious. She snorted and began breathing rapidly, as tears popped out her eyes, and those round and dark orbs began to cry. Blubbering, sobbing, with an occasional snort she spoke, talking with lips thick as made more for grazing than speaking, as some what she said were words slurred.
She told us of her traveling to Wyoming and hiking up into the steep ragged cliffs for an afternoon of fun. When well into the backwoods, she came upon a cave but the opening was clearly man made. She entered the cave walked to where it was dark around her, but as she looked ahead further in there was bright lights.
As wondering, she entered deeper into the cave and found not some miners working, but a science lab belonging to one strange man, a Doctor type as he speaking to someone with him stated his name as Dr. Louis.
From where she knelt perched high above, she watched the Doctor working upon some person strapped onto a surgical steel table. The gagged youth struggled at his bonds, tried to scream when the doctor injected a syringe into the teenage youth. At the same time, an assistant sat upright and leaned back to view his workmanship, he having then finished making surgical changes to the ears of the boy.
She told of watching, feeling a sense of horror as the two men worked at the teenage boy, causing major changes to his skin hues, and facial appearance. The Doctor finished his several injections, he removing his gloves, stood eyeing his work and sat back then on a bar-stool.
He began to talk to his victim, telling the obviously scared youth of his playing a role in a very real game of life or death. As the Doctor explained, the injections would soon cause many changes. The teenage youth in the end then becoming a human mentality held within a bodily form of one mature bull Elk body. He continued to scare the boy further, telling of the plan to cage him for a few weeks, moving him to a corral while his legs muscles completed the full transformation to being an Elk male!
When properly prepared and his horn buds fertilized, he then with a ten point rack of horns would become then the rich catch of a hunter. Prepared and then released, given some time to roam for a month or two, and during the usual time for rut for a bull Elk, his mating would help to finalizing his changing body, as he would learn to live wild in the open country.
Then with the approach of fall season, it was his part to be the hunted by the Doctor and some associate friend. It was all a big game of fun between the hunter and his intelligent prey. If the young Elk was lucky, he might escape his soon death, and joining the Elk herd as a bull breeder, he could move into the Park and live many years being a rational thinking male Elk.
The teen tried to scream, pleading of being let go and return to be with his father. The Doctor and his associated both laughed when hearing the youth make mention as to his father.
“He is here,” said then the associate surgical technician, “He is already in his cage!
We captured him while he was searching for you. You can meet with him tomorrow, he being older, the changes come over him faster, he remembering little of what he was, and sadly knowing nearly nothing as of what we made of him.”
The technician then wheeled the boy strapped to the table, pushing him out the rocky cave laboratory to some holding place away from her sight. She then felt scared for the boy, his father and of her own self, and was about to leave the cave and go for help, when from below her, the doctor sat there chuckling, he muttering said, “What an excellent day of catching new victims. Yes, that boy should make a fine big Elk quite soon, and his father, a lover of horny fantasies, as his part in the coming hunt I shall ride him, he by then a handsome, if but horny, a Arabian Barb breed stallion.
When then and after the hunting season closes, we shall return to my estate, and a changed man transformed can begin fathering new foals into this harsh world.”
It happened when as she turned to leave and run out the cave, she became a captive. A medical associate walked out and along another tunnel to where the cages set, he likely going to check on the progress of the father for his part in the fall season hunting. She turning away saw another man, a large, broad shouldered, burly associate. He saw her at the same moment, he being quicker to react, scuffling with her and with his large hand in a fist; he hit her, and knocked her senseless.
She told a horrid story of her capture, of the injections administered, of her times when feeling the early changes, and of the burly man raping her while; she lay helpless and strapped down to the table.
She said she screamed while the men laughed, the doctor informing her of his plan she would become a sexy Bison cow. When a cow, he would have her sent to the Park for ultimate use as what a cow is for, mounting, mating, and giving birth to bison calves!
She said of her captivity, and there for a month in a cell, she was about out of her mind with the fear, in a constant state of arousal. Her body racked by passionate feelings of a woman becoming likened to a cow Bison.
She turned suddenly as if her keen hearing depicted something audible.
"He is coming; you must hide now and leave then after dark, as not come back!” She said as her bovine ears twisted and turned to capture the sounds coming along the upper trail.
She took hold of John by an arm, urging him to hide, as of not having enough time to leave before the doctor would arrive. As my friend John acted as anxious as he grabbed his camera and was the first down the path, he on the run toward the base camp. I held back to see what the Bison Lady would do. As Imagine of my surprise when she ran toward me, and as we met, she hugging me with her furry body, as if to cover, shade me from the doctor seeing me.
As spirited mounts and their riders in the saddles burst out from the trees, they saw John running. They did not see us up the hillside, but spurred their excellently formed horses to take after John, as soon they surrounded and lassoed him, bound him, as drug him back to their lair laboratory.
I was fearful for the wellness of John, and surprised that the Doctor as well prepared for his hunting of specimens, he having such refined horses and all the equipment they carried.
The woman Bison glared-stared at me and then informed me that the two horses were a pair of brothers, hikers who the doctor caught and transformed during the spring and summer months into being total animals.
She told of having met them, the doctor admitting he had his fun with the two brothers, as placing them where and halfway along in their transforming, put them with a mare in estrus, and letting them fight for the rite to breed.
After the contesting time what drove from them their human thinking and manners, he toyed with them further, placing each with a mare and letting the stallions breed away all their human memories. As from sexuality their experiences enjoying sex tends to surge their changing, causing the bodies to conform to being truer animals.
The Doctor likes to boast of his wealth and scientific accomplishments, as he told how he enjoyed his mountain retreat. He had invented a serum which when injected into a human body made it accept the animal cell enhancements. A virus attacking cells, growing an individual from the inside and out, from they being human, as changed to any animal form he had a desire to own, or hunt.
We talked so long I forgot about John and his plight further up trail, laid captive by the Doctor. The conversing with the woman Bison had her acting very affectionate toward me, and for some weird reason, I too felt the love relationship growing between us.
I picked up my camera, and she with me we went hand in hoof down the hillside, taking a round-about way walking down to our, my camp. As we, she and I came to the encampment, what I found there lay trampled into a mess, as hoofs helped smash the tent and all the camping equipment.
Not a sign of John, I looked around expecting to see a pool of blood or maybe a clue. I stood there wondering what to do next. That was when my Bison friend suggesting said, “He, John the doctor took to the cave for some adjustments.”
Her almost cruel manner to which she suggested my good friend was to become some forest animal for the hunt, made me mad. I started to yell, and with that, she rushed at me and knocked me down to the ground. Angrily she told how echoes might alert the doctor of my presence and if he heard…!
I continued to struggle until she forced me to be quiet by shoving one of her black breast nipples as jammed in my mouth. "Be quiet and if you feel so nervous then suck on this, as if the Doctor returned and found you…," she said rather forcible.
I imagine it was her nipple-teat stuck in my mouth and the sensual touch of her hairy body laid over mine, I felt instilled with want at sucking hard. Her milk flowed and from it, we began to become both aroused each with the other, until together we made love, a wild bestial sordid love making, as from then to well after dark.
With the darkness, we parted and my thoughts of John returned. She and I walked and worked our way along the trails to the cave entrance. She stood guard outside the cave as I entered, following the walkway. Similar to what she had told of being there in the cave-science lab, I saw below my friend laid bound and by then, he as in the midst of a change.
”Such a fine catch, a strong young man, intelligent, well educated, you likely never fantasized about what I plan for you to become, as live a different lifestyle. As through the coming weeks you shall have some time to consider your future, as with each of these injections I plan for you to become a mule-donkey, a pack mule.” The doctor said to John as I stood seeing and listening high above. I felt terrible for John, he laying there bound and gagged could do nothing but watch and listen.
I decided there was nothing more I could do to help my friend John, as if I tried to be of help, then we both might become as mule donkeys. He soon then having a lifetime of living, as would a pack animal, the thought of joining him did not appeal to me.
Yet, watching as with one injection puncturing the penis glands on John, I was witness to his penis-changing color, it began to swell thicker, as grew longer; his circumcision quickly became a part of history. Then the associate technician began to hand-masturbate John, forcing him to climax, the doctor telling John that once the testicles expatiated their all, they would accept change, helping him to change of form before his balls would wither and retract inside a changed body.
I watched from above, seeing John struggle and trying to scream. He lay there wide eyed from the sensations, feeling his penis stroked, as it began to really change, becoming a mule cock, while his balls spewed forth a mighty load of semen. The doctor his associate both chuckled, as I turned my back to my friend, and returned to be with my lover.
I left my friend John to his ultimate animalistic a fate. Although the doctor had diabolical plans for John, I could recall his high school flirtation with reading of transformation porn stories, many he liked to read more than a dozen times. Therefore, the doctor might be doing something my friend John could or would relish rather than to fear.
The Bison Lady returned to where I had parked the rented Jeep, we left the area with plans as never to return. I kept the rental and drove us both back to my rural home, based on the outskirts of Findley, Ohio. As my quite sensuous lover did over the span of four months continued to make love, while she accepted her changing form to a new life.
I placed her inside a game preserve and she has during the months since, changed more, as completely to being a Bison cow. I visit her often as she remembers, knowing me and we then play, as frolic together. Oh, I know, as you would ask how we could play together.
Well, from me having sucked her black nipple and drank her Bison milk on that terrible night, and many times since, her body fluids held still the suspended serums injected into her by the doctor. Exchanges of fluids caused transfer of her animal enhancement properties to me, from our many times when joined.
Expected by me, I have begun to see changes, and I suspect in time, I too will have my need to sneak into the game preserve manager again. Oh, you think I am crazy?
As crazy, full of B.S. well, I want to ask you, see this, is this the penis of a man, or like a bull bovine, it has a sheath grown as a portion to my belly?
Really, as this is not a tumor, but it is my very changed penis and a furry sheath. You would ask then, about what I am becoming more like every day, it tends to delight me with the idea of my becoming like her, but me being for her as a Bison bull!
Oh get real, see here as I drop the pants, are these woofer big balls looking anything like those on any a man? Of course not, as mine are furry, and equal in size of two large Yams. What I had as my scrotum was something far smaller, while mine produce now semen by the pint!
A Bison dick and balls are but the beginning items what have changed upon my body, after finding her teat sucking as my greatest fetish, when we play I like to suckle her dry.
See too here, as of the skin color and texture for my lower body, the skin is beastly thick hide and the brown fur feels coarse, just that of a Bison. As it all happened to me during the past several months, I rather expect by the year end, or next spring at the latest, my bodily form should be then that of a bison bull.
Some of what I have read about Bison lifestyle and breeding, this scares me, as within a year from today, I should then be closer nature than my parents ever thought I might.
Say what, as you asked, okay, here then let me show you a map of the Wyoming state, and where our encampment was, it was right there!
As if you go there be dumb-sure you want to become an animal, because if made captive by the doctor, he will make an animal from a human, like it or not!
I watched and listened as another good friend tells of big plans to find and explore the cave. I agree the plan has merit, especially the timing, of going with the coming winter months, as when, if lucky the Doctor will not remain there for that long cold season.
However, just the thought of what you might see causes my maleness to harden. The urge to join nature permanently serves me as an unplanned fantasy fun desire turned into a passion. I tend to apologize for my occasional slip by using animalistic manners and actions as the force within me in now, wants to become the animal, rather than to be a human.
Yea, yea, yea, the thoughts of brutal sexual pleasures and the newer feelings from relaxed grazing, my body is even now hastening my final changes. As my plans are made, I am ready to go, my friend I wish you well as success in finding what few have found. I hope in your case that if discovered by the Doctor, ask him, request that your mind remain as human. To have a rational thinking human mind held within the sensual body form of some beast, would, as is for me the greatest ability to appreciate the delights of living, being an animal!”
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After we got dressed and I had my coin back in my pocket, we were taken downstairs and led into another part of the building. An unfamiliar Gamma Alpha Eta brother wearing only black bikini briefs met us, and we were handed over to him just like that. Surprisingly he led us outside and across an open lot, through a gap of a chain link fence, and then approached another building which appeared to be a warehouse. The leader didn't seem to mind the cold December air, but Joey's and my teeth...
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What Boys Want! What else would boys want more than; to grab those tiny soft nipples they see everyday popping out of see-through tops and perhaps savour them inside their mouths, to probably see their crushes making out/ naked/ masturbating, or rather to slide under those tiny skirts mature pretty ladies wear to work among other fuckin' naughty fantasies that hardly ever see the light of day unless, of course, you check out This sex bombshell is packed up with lots of...
Free Porn Tube Sitesit began at 7 o'clock at the night. aori was sleeping when he woke up from a sudden noise. it took him a minute to understand that his mother was screaming. he, now 18, and so tall, banged his head on the wall behind his bed while jumping from the bed. when he got to his mother he noticed his father wasn't there. "what happened?" he asked kindly. "your - father - disappeared!!!" she said between her lips. after a few more minutes she finally explained that she was talking with him when he...
Erotic Fiction”Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to our marathon charity show for the victims of the dreadful earthquakes in Nepal.”Paul Sumner, late night talk show host, newspaper columnist and stinking rich philanthropist, was hosting a huge televised charity event being beamed to millions of homes worldwide."Everyone has seen the shocking images and heard the heartbreaking reports, and tonight we,” — and he pointed directly at the camera — “that is you at home and those of us here in the studio, are going...
ExhibitionismFundraiser A drabble by Karen Hansen The gavel fell, then clapping... Lance, now Lynnette, stepped carefully down the stairs. Cuffed, he couldn't catch himself... led past the people... "How wonderful 'she' looked enfemme..." "What a 'nice' gesture..." Lance couldn't see the last bidder. Mistress whispered, "See you in 48 hours." Winking. It couldn't be too bad... different Mistress... new chores... it's what Mistress wanted... to help out the...
One Wednesday evening, as I was sitting at the bar in a coastal city that renowned for its humidity, I was enjoying the balmy atmosphere as I sipped on a beer. I was very happy that a colleague had recommended this ‘arty’ area to me.The guest lodge I was staying in was charming, and all the shops and restaurants in Roper Road, as the area was referred to, had a lovely vibe. Of course, of special interest to me was the gay flag that I had observed hanging from the first floor of one of buildings...
Gay MaleMalfunction The 3 laws of Robotics: 1. A robot cannot harm a human being, or through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm 2. A robot must obey the commands of a human being, except where such commands would counter Law 1 3. A robot must protect its own existence, except where such protection would counter Law 1 or Law 2. Matt, the engineer assigned to fix me calls me Abe. That's when he isn't using profanity. My official designation is ABEVE - 2110...
Last night, (Saturday) with me showing MrsC the stories I had put on here she changed, I thought I was in trouble for putting our fun into words but she liked it, we do not know where Tony is we didn't get his number (like fools) we the best friend fro the first one is still on the scene in a way, only because of the power of the internet we found him again, well MrsC started to ask questions about him when I said I had spoken to him, questions like how is he?, where is he now? Is he married"...
Mera naam jimmy hai. Mein punjab se jalandhar city se belong karta hu.aaj mein aapko apni ik story ke bare mein aaj se kuch hi time purani hai.. Aaj kal whatsapp toh sab lok hi use karte hai. Meri story bhi whatsapp se hi related hai. Agar aapko meri story pasand aaye toh aap mujhe meri email id par contact kar sakte ho. Aab mein story par aata hu. Sunday ka din tha mein bilkul free betha tha .. Sardi ke dino mein dhup mein bethana mujhe acha lagda hai bus mein v dhup mein betha...
Die St?ckelschuhe Episode 1 - Gesucht und gefunden! © 2003 / 2017 Lydia Lighthouse Es geschah an einem Fr?hlingstag, so wie man ihn sich am meisten w?nscht. Die Sonne schien und es war angenehm warm. Zwar lie? eine k?hle Briese hin und wieder sp?ren, dass es bis zum Sommer noch ein wenig hin war, aber dennoch wurde es zu einem der sch?nsten Tage seit Monaten. Einen Tag, auf den die sonnenausgehungerten Menschen nur gewartet hatten - und das an einem Wochenende. Folglich lie? sich ...
Earth date 1st April, 2121. Time 12h03m56s GMT. Space Station Alpha 69. Geostationary above Mars. Unmanned. Nothing to report. All systems functioning.*Earth date 2nd April, 2121. Time 15h05m23s GMT. Space Station Alpha 69. Geostationary above Mars. Unmanned. Nothing to report. All systems functioning.*Earth date 3rd April, 2121. Time 10h23m19s GMT. Space Station Alpha 69. Geostationary above Mars. Unmanned. Nothing to report. All systems functioning.*Earth date 4th April, 2121. Time 16h02m45s...
Fantasy & Sci-FiI had to raise money for my school track team by selling candy bars. I was crafty and had the perfect sales pitch for every crowd to would show it to. The parks for the sugar hungry k**s after school, and other places i had up my sleeve that other team mates wouldnt think to try. My sales were going excellent and i had almost sold all of my chocolate bars, however, 23 boxes remained. I went to the police station and the fire house, gave a sweet lil sales pitch and sold 8 of the 23 boxes. I had...
(This story isn’t true, but it’s based on some real events. I just put them together.) Tottenham Court Road on a busy Friday lunchtime is not the tine to start playing Frogger for real but the young woman in front of me obviously didn’t realise that. I was moving before my conscious brain kicked into gear, my hand shooting out and yanking her back by her shoulder as the taxi swerved to avoid a bike courier weaving in and out of traffic. It happened in slow motion, the taxi screeching into the...
Weddings and funerals are the only time our whole family gets together. It is like a reunion. I mean they come from all over, the extended family from both sides. So this story takes place at a wedding, I can't remember who got married but I remember the important parts. My family arrived several days early as did most everyone. The first day we all went to the golf course and drank. Uncle Carl and Aunt Beth were ready to go and made me the designated driver. I loved being around Uncle Carl and...
After that, I left the podium and exited out a side door. There wasn’t going to be any schmoozing in the aisles tonight. Once outside the chamber, I sent somebody in to find the Commandant of the Marine Corps and ask him to see me for a minute or two. I smiled as I considered that. Once upon a time if a senior officer ‘asked’ me to do something, it was really an order. Now I was the one doing the asking. My, how Second Lieutenant Buckman had grown up. Marilyn and the kids showed up about a...
Probability Dysfunction AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a little story I wrote for the Machine Malfunction Contest in the TF-TG-Contests group on deviantart. I didn't win, but it was a lot of fun to write and I'm happy with how it came out. *** I grip the vertical and lateral function knobs as I work to keep the indicator in the green zone. I haven't operated the plasma input on this early prototype in years, so I'm glad that I'm still a ninja at this. I just hope the directors at...
Josie's job was quite near the mall where he intended to go so Freddy decided to accompany his sister on her bus ride to work. On the bus the boy would sound out his sister's views on sex in general and perhaps sex with her brother in particular. The teen wasn't so sure how to go about it. He knew subtlety was needed but that wasn't his strong point. Well, he would just have to play it by ear. "You're looking sexy this morning, sis." A few compliments never hurt to start out Freddy...
"Huh? What!" Freddy was deep in sleep. Oh shit! Was the place on fire? It was his cousin, Nina. "Move over. I'm going to sleep with you." Freddy knew he wasn't hearing right. My brain must not be in gear yet he thought. It sounded like Nina was going to get in bed with him. How was that possible? The bed was barely large enough for one. "Why? How?" Freddy just wanted Nina to go away so he could get back to sleep. The fact that she was a cousin whom he'd lusted over for years...
It was Easter and my best friend Zack was going over to the apartment of his long-term girlfriend, Ashley. When he arrived at her place, she greeted him with a kiss and they headed straight for the bed room, not waiting to get down to their usually dirty business. Ashley was still wearing her pajama clothing, which consisted of soft pajama pants and a light shirt with no bra underneath. As soon as they made it to the bedroom, she unzipped his pants and pulled them off his legs. Ashley then...
My friend, Jill, and I had been friends for a long time. She and her husband lived down the street and she was a big comfort to me during my recent divorce. Last month, my divorce became final and Jill said that we should go out and celebrate. She said, “Girl, you are single again and need to start getting out and meeting some guys”. And knew that Jill sometimes played around on her husband and so I thought to myself that not only did she think I should get out but that she wanted to go...
"Here's the problem my friends," the mayor was saying. "Here in Texas, we're living in a cesspool of human tragedy. We have an influx of immigrants, squatters and the homeless. As you all know, they need clothes, food, and shelter. Many children need medical attention. Our community is doing all it can to help, but our resources are limited. In a month or two, we will have spent our entire budget for the year. Most of you have contributed through your church or through the Red Cross but...
TeenYou go to a Funpark in Miami, Florida where you are supposed to meet your Friends. You really like them and drove all the way out here just for them. Right as you enter the Funpark to get to the meeting point, your Friends call you in a groupchat. They tell you that their Car broke down a long time ago but their Phones had no Battery and they were in the middle of nowhere. They could only call you now to tell you that they sadly can’t come to the Funpark. They say that you have to go on the...
TranssexualDer Kontakt war über eine Kleinanzeige entstanden. Werner hatte die Annonce aufgegeben und sie war die erste, die geantwortet hatte. Er sehnte sich danach, nach langer Zeit endlich etwas Besonderes zu erfahren. Ein wenig Nervenkitzel, ein wenig Spannung. Der folgende Mailverkehr faszinierte ihn enorm. Er mochte sie sofort und konnte das erste Treffen gar nicht abwarten. In dem Moment, in dem er ihre rauchige Stimme am Telefonhörer vernahm, war es um ihn geschehen. Täglich rief er sie an. Und...
BDSMOk so of you read my previous stories you know about Darrel . Dave also knew about Darrel and wanted us to try swinging together . We booked an adults only resort in Jamaica because it's was one of the cheaper ones . As we arrive they are giving everyone drinks at the airport and the guy handed it to me and says your going to have fun here ! .I thank him and continue to our transportation to the hotel . We see a sign and we stand with the rest of the crowd but we realized everyone was a bit...
It was a warm hot summers day at the fun fair Sun kissed freckle faces and messy hair Dribbling ice creamspinning round and round on rides so fast The thrill of the roller coaster making my belly flip as you’re zooming around The wizz making you feel horny as hell. Day time slips into night time Bright lights hairspray and the fairgrounds still open flashy lights loud musicAdults onlyI’ve had a couple of glasses of wine and my mates playing ClaweeOnly the stuffed toys have all disappeared And...
A few months ago I notice that I gain some kilos. So I decided to do jogging and lose weight. I bought some lightweight jogging pants and top and sports bra. Near our home is a track where lots people jog especially at evening when hot sun goes down. After work I drove there one evening. Oh there so many cute guys there and it fun to watch their buts when they run. I could not run all way around track and so I walk some and jog some. I try go there about 3 times week. I began recognize some...
Friday, and the efficiency at the office where Laura was working was winding down, most of her colleagues were thinking of the weekend and the plans they had made, but Laura had been buzzing with a restless energy all day long. By lunch time she had made a decision, she was going to clock off early, thank God for flexible working hours. In a very uncustomary way she caught a taxi home instead of the bus, and was almost running up the stairs to the small house that she shared with her partner...
Am Freitag dieser seltsamen Woche lernte ich dann auch Sues neuen Freund Dave kennen. Nicht direkt, aber irgendwie schon. Die letzten zwei Tage waren in Langeweile verlaufen, denn Mom hatte im Büro wieder viel zu tun, kam spät heim und war dementsprechend müde. Manchmal fragte ich mich, ob sie wieder das Penishöschen tragen würde und dann lief ich in ihr Schlafzimmer, durchwühlte den Kleiderschrank und fand diesen Slip regelmäßig, verborgen unter einem Stapel alter Wäsche, ganz hinten im...
Vor einer Woche sind mein Mann und ich vom Urlaub aus Ägypten zurückgekehrt und obwohl Ägypten ja nun nicht gerade ein erotisches Urlaubsland ist, möchte ich euch von einem Erlebnis berichten, das insbesondere mir viel Spaß bereitet hat. Auch, weil mein Mann nichts davon mitbekommen hat.Unmittelbar nach unserem Flug wurden wir per Bustransfer in unser all inclusive Resort verbracht, wo wir unser Zimmer bezogen. Die Anlage war sehr weitläufig aber gepflegt und wir waren zunächst mit unserer Wahl...
, you know I like to have fun in the beach. But now I tell how much fun!! Hope you not get upset for me not say before to you. I and my cyberlover decided to meet in Boracay. He is lawyer in US and his name is Joseph and he looks gorgeous at his early’s 50 based on webcam. You see him on cam and know we like sex together on cam. We had not yet seen each other in person. He had a lot of fantasy in bed which made me surprise as I did not have any idea about his fantasy. I was really curious...
Mein Name ist Nadja. Ja das hatten wir schon. Ich bin 175cm gross, habe weibliche Rundungen, einen klasse Arsch und mit 80c auch ordentliche, feste Brüste. Mich ziert langes rotes Haar und ausser meinen Augenbrauen ist das auch schon alles Haarige an mir. Von daher wurde ich auch mit der Güteklasse A- ausgezeichnet. Das Minus da ich leider ein paar Probleme mit der Leber habe. Nichts gefährliches, aber die Leber ist entsprechend nicht zu gebrauchen. Auch das hatten wir schon.Was wir jetzt aber...
Darf ich mich vorstellen? Mein Name ist Nadja. Ich lebe in der wunderbaren Zeit 2078. Warum wunderbar? Weil wir auf der Erde mittlerweile 17 Millarten Menschen haben und keine Hungersnöte mehr.Das Ganze fing 2022 an. Aus den Vegetariern wurde eine Bewegung, dann eine Partei und letzten Endes kam es sogar zu einem Krieg. Dieser war jetzt nicht so Blutig wie die Weltkriege, aber letzten Endes führte sie zur Gleichstellung von Tier und Mensch. Nun dachten sich die Vegetarier wahrscheinlich, sie...
Da meine Mutter Geburtstag hatte, und sie mit mir was unternehmen wollte, schlug ich vor in eine Sauna zu gehen. Eigentlich waren wir noch nie in einer gewesen, aber da wir es Beide ausprobieren wollten, nahm sie meinen Vorschlag an. Meine Mutter wurde 40, aber sie war stellenweise wie ein verspielter Teeny. Dafür dass sie bereits so alt war, sah sie immer noch gut aus. Sie achtete sehr auf ihr Äußerstes und sie pflegte ihre langen schwarzen Haare. Dazu war sie schlank, aber ein wenig breit...
Honey, the trip to Saipan last month great. You know my company sent me there for almost a week for training and meetings. They make reservation for me to stay at Resort hotel—great view and beach! Work was intense and stress. So one night I wear tight jeans and halter top under blouse and sexy bra and went to the street bazaar, like in Manila for relax the stress. Many stalls, locals, and tourists. I got thirsty and hungry and sat alone at nearby small restaurant/bar. Then I observe...