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Probability Dysfunction AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is a little story I wrote for the Machine Malfunction Contest in the TF-TG-Contests group on deviantart. I didn't win, but it was a lot of fun to write and I'm happy with how it came out. *** I grip the vertical and lateral function knobs as I work to keep the indicator in the green zone. I haven't operated the plasma input on this early prototype in years, so I'm glad that I'm still a ninja at this. I just hope the directors at Ascendaca Corp understand how much they owe me when this is over. No one else in the world could handle this job. I glance at Sashi, with her dark complexion and shiny black hair contrasting with her white lab coat. She monitors the field and gives updates about size and density to Dr. Manning. Sashi Mishra is the only one qualified for that job. The directors must be thanking their lucky stars that she's available, though they won't remember it if we're successful. The most important member of our team, Dr. Louis Manning, stands tall between us. He's still athletic and fit in his mid-50s. He takes in Sashi's verbal telemetry and somehow making sense of it while rapidly typing at the keyboard on the PAARRE while staring intensely into the small monitor. PAARRE, by the way, stands for Probability Analysis And Reality Reset Engine and it's going to solve all of humanity's problems once and for all. Not this cobbled-together early version that we're presently laboring over, but a near descendant of one of the advanced prototypes currently being tested in the field. There's no time to recall one of them for this emergency. Before us stands the object of our concern, a metal cylinder about the size of a garbage can with an open panel in its side exposing complex, booby-trapped electronics. This is a nuclear bomb. Parties unknown, with the wherewithal to build a nuke, have somehow gotten wind of our work and decided they don't care for it. Since the technology we're working on would give anyone the ability to literally edit reality, their reaction is understandable. Still, if Dr. Manning can work his wizardry and shift the streams of probability so that this bomb and, likely, its makers never existed, we can all avoid being vaporized. Of course, we'll have explain to the directors what happened all over again. Once we shift the probabilities to edit the bomb out of reality, no one outside the field generated by the PAARRE will have any memory that it ever existed because, technically, it won't have. Wrap your head around that. Everything is going as planned when something doesn't. "Ah... Dr. Manning," I say. "I think we have a problem." "Talk to me, Scott," he says as his typing speeds up. "The injectors are acting up. It's getting harder to keep them in the green. How close are you to finishing?" "Almost there. Just need a little time to do some quality control. Sashi, are you seeing any indication of this?" "A few ripples in the field," she answers in her musical East Indian accent, "but it is stable so far. Density is 88%." "Good. With a little luck, we can..." He's interrupted by a buzzing and then a flash from the main emitter. My screen goes dead. An acrid smell burns my nose as smoke rises from the cone-shaped emitter on the gray box beneath Dr. Manning's keyboard. "Sashi!" says Dr. Manning. "What are you seeing?" "The field is destabilizing," says Sashi. "It is at 82% and dropping. " She is remarkably calm. Sweat pours down my back. "We've got to evacuate!" There's no convenient digital countdown displayed on the bomb, but it's definitely time to get far away fast. "The minor emitter will have to do," says Dr. Manning. He hits the Enter key. "The field is coalescing," says Sashi. "Density is dropping. 78%... 74%... 70%... 67%..." More buzzing and smoke comes from the central unit. Everything goes dead. A familiar tingling dances over my body. The bomb shimmers, becomes transparent and then seems to evaporate into nothing. "Well," says Dr. Manning, "that could've gone better." I want to slug him. We should've headed for the hills instead of trying to power up this finicky old unit. I start to relax as my body gets the message that the danger has passed. We're heroes. We've saved the day, so there's no point in whining about it now. I start unplugging the cables from my module. "You needn't bother with that, Scott," says Dr. Manning. "What do you...?" The cable in my hand becomes as soft as overcooked pasta and then melts into liquid which dissolves away almost as soon as it forms. I know what this means and I swear a blue streak as the various components of the PAARRE begin rapidly melting into multi-colored puddles which seem to sink into the floor. Sashi and I look at each other. She turns to Dr. Manning and says, "What is going on Doctor? How is it that we erased the unit itself from the time-stream?" He looks guilty. "That's no accident. You can call me Louis now. I probably don't merit the title of Doctor anymore. I'm not sure what the end result will look like as I didn't get a chance to fine-tune the equation properly. Still, I believe the big picture is just as I intended. I'm no longer a mathematician and I never discovered the Hyper Probability Equations. I suspect you'll find that the Ascendaca Corp labs are no longer there." Sashi's eyes grow wide and I rush to the door of the warehouse and look across the street to where the labs had been. I see an empty field with a "For Sale" sign sporting the logo of a local realtor. I turn back to Dr. Man... Louis and say, "Why did you do it? We were going to save the world. We were supposed to cure the sick, end war, famine, climate change, and everything!" His expression becomes sad. "I discovered that the Board of Directors had other ideas. They intended to become gods and enslave us all. This was the only way to stop them. I built that bomb. I set the PAARRE to remove its makers from the time-stream. You should know that you both unknowingly provided me with very significant components. I'm sorry, but it was necessary." Sashi, the most unflappable person I know, now looks very frightened. "Have... have you killed us, Louis?" "Goodness no, my dear girl," he says in an oddly high voice. "I wouldn't erase us if it could be avoided. We simply have new and different lives in this timeline. I'd intended to leave us essentially the same but, with the breakdown, the changes may be greater than I'd planned." "We can start the project over," I say. "We can reinvent the..." "We can't." He looks smaller now. "I'm no longer a mathematician, or, I suspect, a genius. That part of me is gone." His voice has become significantly higher. "Oh Louis," says Sashi as she steps forward and embraces him, "I love you. I hope you know that." Her accent seems less obvious. It's odd what you notice when your world is dissolving. "I know it," says Louis, who is now shorter than Sashi and speaks in a soft, feminine voice. "I love you too, dear heart." The two separate and I see that my former boss is now an attractive, petite woman in her thirties, very tastefully put together in a light gray blazer with a matching skirt, cream-colored blouse and two-inch heels. Her golden, shoulder-length hair is neatly styled. I've seen some mind-blowing things over the last few years but this leaves me shaken. I don't know what to do. "Well," says Louisa, "I begin to see what this timeline has in store for me. I'm not a mathematical genius anymore, but I'm still a professor, a professor of literature." She looks down at her delicate, perfectly manicured hands with their dark red nail polish, noting a wedding band on the left one. "My, my, I'm only thirty-two years old now. I've gained more than twenty years and I'm now a wife and mother. My husband's name is Collin and I'm truly in love. How remarkable." Sashi is shrinking and is now shorter than Louisa. Her hair and skin are growing rapidly lighter as her lab coat balloons around her. She says, in a high voice with no trace of an Indian accent, "That's so cool, Mom!" "Yes, dear, it surely could've been worse. I'm very pleased." For reasons that I don't understand, I feel like I've always known these people. Sashi continues getting smaller and her clothes begin shifting. My darkly beautiful and brilliant colleague is transforming before my eyes. Within moments, nine-year-old Sarah Christiana Rieder stands next to her mother, Mrs. Louisa Leigh Rieder. The little girl has blonde hair and blue eyes like her mother. She wears a pink shirt with Minnie Mouse smiling from it, light blue leggings covered with multicolored butterflies and pastel blue sneakers. A pink handbag, with a picture of Barbie on it, hangs from her shoulder. Sash... Sar... my old colleague is gone. "I know you remember your previous self, sweetheart," says Louisa. "So I want to tell you, now, that I'm sorry you lost your heritage. I didn't intend that to happen." "It's okay, Mommy," says Sarah. "I don't remember Hindi, but I kinda think I have a little someplace in me." "You should have an easy time relearning it if you wish," says Louisa. We were inside the field. Our memories have only changed to fit these new identities. I remember my other life as a man, though I don't recall exactly how it felt and all those numbers and equations are just a blur to me now." "That's so weird, Mommy." Louisa crouches down, in that way women do when they're in high heels and a pencil skirt until she's face-to-face with her daughter and says, "It doesn't matter anymore." "It doesn't matter?" I say as I step toward them. "My life's work for the last ten years has just been obliterated and I still don't know where I'm going to end up." Outside the field, everything was changed almost instantly, but I have no way of knowing how long it'll take me to be absorbed into this reality. Louisa looks up at me. "It was necessary, Scott." "I don't know that. For all I know..." The world seems to shift around us in a disorienting swirl. When my senses return, we're no longer standing in that empty warehouse. We're in a suburban backyard with a set of swings and a slide. "We're home!" says Sarah. "That's so cool, like we teleported or something." Louisa looks down at a sleek, silvery watch on her thin wrist. "I've just come home from work. I guess that explains why I'm dressed this way. The babysitter has just left." Sarah wrinkles her nose. "Aw, Mom! I don't need a dumb old babysitter." "That's not for you to decide, young lady." Sarah sticks out her tongue and pulls a face. A tinkling sound comes from Louisa's purse. She draws out her phone, looks at the screen and says, "It's Collin. I need to take this." She turns and heads into the house. My former colleague and I are alone in a backyard that seems oddly familiar, which is puzzling. I understand why Louisa and Sarah are here, but why am I? Sarah gives me a knowing, secretive grin as she says, "Whatcha wanna do?" "What do I want to do? What can I do? "I'm not sure," I say. "Wanna swing?" "Okay, whatever." Lost in thought, I hardly notice walking to one of the little plastic seats and sitting down. It's barely wide enough for me to squeeze onto it. Both Louisa and Sarah know all about their lives and I seem to know about them too. Knowledge of my own life, in this reality, should come to me soon. As I swing back and forth, the seat fits better. I still have all the memories of my old life. What I don't have is enough know-how to reinvent the PAARRE, so that's out. Even if I am the exact same person, I can't work at the same place. Ascendaca Corp is gone. I'm annoyed because my feet can barely reach the ground and I'm having trouble keeping the swing going. Sarah gives me a push which makes me happy. I might as well accept that my old life is gone. I'll remember the new one sooner or later. Right now, the swing is lots of fun and it's hard to think. Sarah pushes me really high and I start getting scared. That's not very nice. "Stop it!" I shout. "It's too high! Stop it you poopy head!" "What's the matter?" says Sarah. "You chicken?" I clutch the chains hard in both hands. The seat is so wide I would fall off if I didn't. "Stop it, you big meanie!" Sarah grabs the swing and I stop so fast I almost fall down. I slip off and look up at Sarah. "What did ya do that for?" Sarah looks down at me and says, "Don't you wanna swing?" Just because she's nine doesn't mean she gets to be so mean to me. I'm a big girl. I'm almost three and... It hits me. I look down at myself. "What's the matter, squirt?" says Sarah. I'm wearing a purple shirt with lace on the bottom, dark purple pants and pink sandals with purple flowers on them because purple is the prettiest color in the whole wide world. I know without looking that my eyes are blue, my blonde hair, which is in pigtails, is darker than Sarah's and Mommy's. I look at my thin little arms and the purple nail polish on my tiny fingernails. "Wanna swing more?" says Sarah. I get scared now. "No! This is wong... I mean wrong. I can't be a little guwl, I mean girl" I need to talk right. Sarah frowns. "But it's okay for me to be a little girl?" "But you wew a guwl befowe. An you din get as little as me." There. Talking right isn't so hard. She crosses her arms. "Those are the breaks, I guess." "But, Sawah, you dun undowstan! Um not asposta be Sophie May Wiedew. Um asposta be... a... a gwon man named... ah... Scootie. I wuz a... ah... physi... phiz... a fizzy-sit!" Sarah frowns more at me. "And I'm supposed to be a super-duper scientist from India. Now I'm too little to even be a cheerleader." "But... But..." My bottom lip goes out and my eyes get all wet and drippy and I cry real loud. Over my crying, I hear Sarah say, "Poor little Sophie. I guess it must be hard being so tiny." Her arms go around me. After a while, I don't cry as much and say, "Dun... dun wanna be little. Wanna be big." Sarah moves back. "You just hafta grow up again." I rub my fists in my eyes and say, "Wanna be big now!" "Do you wanna be a boy like before?" I think hard. "Boys aw yucky." She laughs. "Yeah, they're kinda gross, but I sorta think we might like them okay when we grow up." I'm all mixed up. I don't like it. Sarah looks at me. "What do you really want, baby sister?" I think as hard as I can. "Want Mommy!" "Okay, but first I wanna show you something." She pulls some folded paper out of her Barbie purse. She opens it. It has lots and lots of squiggles on it. "What dat?" I say. "Those are numbers and, I think, mathematical symbols and stuff." I think I knew this before. "What aw... um... matho-maco sybos fow?" "I'm not sure, but grown-up me wrote this and I always had it with me because I thought it was important and it didn't disappear like all my other old stuff. I'm gonna hide it in my room until I grow up and I can understand it again. It's got lots of numbers and numbers are fun." "Can I undowstan too?" I want to be like Sarah. "Maybe. I think we both have lots of stuff left over in our heads that we can remember when our brains get old enough." "Um smawt!" I say. I puff out my stomach. She smiles at me. "I bet you're real smart for a two-year-old." "Um awmost thwee." I'm big. I don't need a diaper. I just need a pullup for sleepy-time accidents. "You used to be lots older," says Sarah. "Uh-huh," I say. "I can... um... wemembow." I close my eyes hard to remember being big. I could do lots of hard stuff. I could go pee-pee standing up. I can't remember how to go pee-pee when I'm standing up. I was smart. "Wanna play on the slide?" says Sarah. "Yay!" I say. I get on the slide. I get scared. It's far down. Sarah helps me off. "Wow. I think you just got a bit younger again, squirt. You must be done now," says Sarah. "See Mommy?" Then, Mommy comes right out the door. I run to her. I yell, "Mommy!" "Hi, honeybun," says Mommy in her sweet voice. Her sweet voice makes me happy. She scrunches down. She opens her arms wide. I run into them. She puts her arms all around me. She picks me up. I hug her real hard and say, "Love you, Mommy." She says, "Aw, I love you too, sweetheart." I shiver with happy. She carries me into the house. Sarah follows behind us. Mommy's walking rocks me. I like it. I yawn. "Someone needs a nap," says Mommy. "Dun wanna nap," I say. My head is heavy. I lay it on Mommy's chest. My eyes are hard to keep open. I'm happy. My eyes close. I'm safe with Mommy. I like being a little girl sometimes.

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Jenny Becomes A Porn Star Chapter Six After the morning alarm went off I got up and went into Steven’s room to wake him up and found him sleeping nude with his beautiful cock completely within my view. It took everything I had within me to leave him alone so he would still be enthusiastic during our shoot today. Then for the longest time after he had gotten out of bed he walked around the apartment with that meat of his swinging in my view till just before we left to go to work. My mind was...

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Sophies New Perversions Ch 02

This fantasy story is based very loosely on the comic ‘Sophie’s Curious Perversions’ by Von Gotha. That story took place in 1958 London. This one takes place in 2002, in Portland, Oregon. If you have not yet read the original ‘Sophie’s New Perversions’you may want to do so to understand how Sophie got to where she is now. Chapter 12: Sophie and Tracey Go Shopping I had just awakened from my night of initiation into the Portland Oregon Virginity Elimination Society (POVES) and headed to the...

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A Family history Part 1

My family history goes back almost sixty years. In the 1950’s nudist resorts were known as a place for “sun enthusiast.” This was a place where people gathered together to soak up the sun on their skin free from the restraints of society. I t was in one of these camps in the mountains of east Tennessee where my grandparents, on both sides, met each other. The club was Sol Solis Licentia (Latin for sun freedom). This club was like many that did not promote free sex between its members, but it...

Wife Lovers
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Couple play

I would meet them at a Motel about once a month inwhich they already would have the room. We would splitthe cost. As I enter the hotel room, the lights wereoff, the curtains closed, the t.v. would be the onlylight in the room. I would sit at the table for amoment for me and him to have small talk. She wouldusually wear a teddy, the type with no panties, mostthe time laying on one of the beds, always a room withtwo beds. She would spread her legs and said that allthis nasty talk thru-out the day...

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I’m Rajesh, 23, a MBA student in Christ college, Banglore. What i’m going to narrate is really a REAL incident in my life. Basically I’m a shy, average built guy. But, i had bit more libido. After finishing my board exams, i was sent to Banglore for higher studies n i stayed in my uncle’s house. I was 18 at that time. There stayed my uncle, aunt, their 2 children, Priya(21)-daughter and Ramu(19). Ramu was my college mate. Priya had recently married and stayed in another town but, she...

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Satanic Seduction

“Ok, who’s next?” Lucifer shifted on his throne, shifting his long red tail to one side, and looked at the list of names on the fireproof piece of paper on the desk in front of him. “Colin, your Satanic Majesty,” said Mephistopheles, handing Lucifer a slim file. “Fallen Angel, Second Class.” “Ah, another one looking to earn his horns, it appears,” observed the Lord of Ultimate Evil, flicking through the papers. “Very good, show him in.” Mephistopheles opened the door, and a small devil...

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The DilemmaChapter 16 Gareth Chancelor Wednesday

“I feel guilty,” I said. Benito smiled at me and nodded. “What’s making you feel guilty?” We were sitting on Dr Puretti’s couch in his office. He’d asked for an appointment, so I’d taken off from work early. My boss knew about Estelle being in hospital, so she’s given me a bit of slack this week. “I let Jennifer do that to me last night,” I said. “Isn’t that enough?” “What aspect of that is making you feel guilty?” asked Benito. “Um ... My wife is in hospital, recovering from surgery and...

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A Strange Day Ch 03

Please read ‘A Strange Day Parts I & II’ before reading this story. By the time Oscar returned to work on Monday his headaches and dizziness were gone. He hadn’t tried to do very much with his new found powers. The truth was, whatever it was that was happening to him scared him to death! Things like this just didn’t happen in real life. Oscar wasn’t terribly religious but he did believe in karma, and he didn’t believe that frivolously using these powers that had been suddenly bestowed upon...

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My Second Chance Book 2 Grade 10Chapter 52

When the meal ends, the club members leave, except for Neil and Dwain. As the staff clears off the table, Neil explains, “It is my job to oversee the tests. Trent, since you decided not to share the official results from when family services tested you, we will have to ask you to take the test too. It is only a formality.” “I wasn’t planning on taking the test, but there is no harm in it.” “Have any of you, besides Trent, ever taken an IQ test before?” The girls all state they haven’t,...

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A Swap

***Jeri and I had been married for about ten years, and most of our relationship had been great. We enjoyed most of the same things: music, sports, movies, and sex. We made love often, and it was usually super. Nevertheless, I had always had this nagging feeling that she was not being completely satisfied by our lovemaking. Still, I had to admit that she almost always seemed to reach orgasm, particularly when I took her clit in my lips and licked back and forth across it as fast as my tongue...

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Copyright © 1996 A few years ago, my sister invited me to join her family for a trip to Orlando and the Disney World complex. They live in Chicago, and I hardly ever get a chance to see them. So I said yes, despite my preference for traveling to more exotic and adventurous destinations. Judy's kids are 5 and 8 years old, so I knew that it would be fun to watch them enjoy the wonderland of children's pleasures. Her husband Jake and I don't normally get along too well-I guess he thinks...

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Fucking Mrs McKinley

I've only had one sexual encounter that was really anything to brag about, and the cruel irony is that it's something I can't brag about. People could lose jobs. A marriage and a childhood could be ruined. So congratulations, reader. Seven years of not being able to relay this story to my closest friends has led to it being posted anonymously online. Because the teacher involved in this story has a very unique last name, I'll be replacing it with a more common one. I'm changing my...

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The Survivors

"Only an hour ago you were on Flight 1047 to Spain," you think to yourself as you finally stand up to take a look at your surroundings. You appear to be on some sort of small rocky island, which you'd managed to swim to after the plane crashed. Turning around, you could still see the last of the smouldering wreckage sink into the ocean. Great. Pulling your exhausted body up, you survey the beach around you, taking stock of what you have to work with. There are a couple battered and soaking wet...

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Ms Governor Blackmailed to Screw

Will Bates, one of Governor Sharp's aides, waited patiently in the antechamber. The secretary had told him the governor was in conference and it would be a little while before she would finish and could see him. He sat and fingered the file he held and smiled. Quite all right, he thought; some things are worth waiting for. He watched the governor's secretary as she sat at her desk, and he felt his prick tingle and began to stiffen. She was a hot-looking little piece, and he smiled and ran a...

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The Blind Girl in the Snow part 4 End

And when you reach that end it's only natural to look back on what was and had been when everything was new and exciting. Looking back at those moments that changed the course of who you were into who you became. That it was love that did this only makes the remembering of it so much more special. *** Heather sat on the end of the bed and eased herself back so that she was propped up on her elbows as she listened to me taking off my tux. I stared down at her as she lay there waiting for...

2 years ago
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My Mom Got Punished For My Fight With The Traffic Police

This is a true sex story of how my mom got fucked just because of my silly mistake on road. My mom was a conservative woman. I always used to wonder how she’s sexually satisfied as my dad was working abroad for last 25 years. My mom is 46, she’s health, white and has really a nice figure compared to other Indian woman. She’s slimmer than most Indian woman. She’s got nice milky white cups on her chest. She’s got the biggest ass you can imagine in an Indian woman. I always appreciate her decency...

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The farmer

Introduction: Episode 4 – Caught In The Shower Later that evening, following his exciting game with the sisters, the milkman was wanking his milk spout replaying the days events. At this point in a state of rabid arousal he had wished he fucked the girls there and then. He remember the feel of the soft pouty lips on his shaft and relived the explosive moment over and over again, dreamily showering the girls with cum in his imagination as he stroked himself to completion climaxing on the thought...

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Back Home2

Harry slammed into his captives butt till he passed out form the intense pain of having 14 inches of enormously huge man meat pushed deep into his bowels. Harry laid there for a while, he rose and looked at the window, I moved to the door, Harry opened the door. I walked over to check on the young man as he panted and gasp for air. I turned to look at Harry, he was standing behind the door stroking his enormously elongated cock. He smiled at me and said 'Well, well, well if isn't my little...

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HotMILFsFuck Eve Marlowe 05182021

Today’s hot MILF is Eve Marlowe who’s a graduated sorcerer from a school like Hogwarts she explains. This misty blue haired goddess, who’s rug matches the drapes BTW, is also a tantric mistress and a Reiki’ing master who claims she can do real magic and promised not to put a spell on Jake Adams today. She also stated she’s not going to NOT promise to put a spell on Jake and he couldn’t be more ok with whatever witchery this seductive temptress is casting out. So this is Eve’s first ever Porno...

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Councils of WarChapter 3 Chance Encounters

Lady Anne was enjoying London. She had her own dressing room for the first time. Lenora, who was closer to her age than to Deborah’s, treated Anne as a confidant, not as a little girl. Even the secrets she did not share with Anne, she did not share with others. Walter was a darling, and he curled his hand around her finger as if he liked her too. Anne believed that she had purchased as many clothes in the past weeks as she had purchased in her previous life. On her first shopping trip,...

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HussiePass Nina Kayy It8217s The Size Of The Fucking Ship

We’ve got yet another “triumphant return” today, as MILF PAWG Nina Kayy ? makes her 1st Hussie?Pass appearance since June of 2018 ? and we just had to pair the self-proclaimed “size queen” up with our good friend and “size king” the one & only Brickzilla ?➕☝? After the interview portion of the program, Nina gets her motor running using her fingers and a rather large blue dong. In comes Brickzilla with some motion?lotion for Nina’s damn fine breasts and bootyful 40-inch ass ?...

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Authors name: Joe Slackie Story title : Kathy's First Orgasm -=*=- Kathy's First Orgasm by Joe Slackie August 13, 1998 My afternoon client had called to let me know that he was sick and would not be able to make our meeting. Disappointed, I went home early to catch up on a little paper work on the old home computer. As I climbed the stairs and was walking past my oldest daughters room I heard a soft noise that caught my in- terest. The door was slightly ajar so I peeked...

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Big Feeling

IIt was under a sky the colour of gunmetal that I’d arrived at the town of Grange Villa in the North East of England. Grange Villa was the last night of a tour I’d started eight weeks previously as support to a superb English blues singer-songwriter called Johnny Dickinson. We’d travelled the length and breadth of Britain playing in small to medium sized venues in some of the bleakest towns in the country and Grange Villa was no exception. As I manoeuvred my way through the streets of the town...

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Summer, 1959 in eastern South Dakota I was between freshman and sophomore year in high school. My family was very friendly with another local family the Elgin’s who had a girl a year younger named Sandra, a boy a year older than me Harley and younger brother Jimmy. In my family it was just my k** brother Austin and me and my brother was just five that year. Our parents planned a weekends fishing using the Elgin,s family tent and four camp cots and sleeping bags plus a few thick old blankets....

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The Masked Scorpio

It was a bold plan, and not one without any danger. Evil Master Ogreon had moved his HQ to an unknown location and was preparing a major attack against Island force for whom he had kept both his whereabouts and the contents of his plan a secret.It was only by mere coincidence Scooby had overheard a conversation between two of Master Ogreon's accomplices, being drunk in a bar and bragging about "a big big action against Island force on September the 3rd". That day was tomorrow, so Island force...

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The Unintentional Escort GirlChapter 4

Trish decided to take a short break from the escort girl scene after that wedding party project. Her private parts were exhausted from the constant humping from the groom and the five groomsmen sniffing after her sweet snatch throughout the entire affair. At least she felt that she had done a good job and the pay was excellent. She turned the entire operation over to her bed-buddy accountant and told Betty and Veronica they could keep 75% of everything they made which made them as happy as...

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The Commuter Day 16 The Rest of the Story

During my struggle to free myself, or maintain some shred of dignity, the hanky had slipped off my leg and fallen between my legs towards the floor. As I watched it slide off in slow motion, I caught my first glimpse of the handcuff key you had tucked away inside the hanky. Since I didn't hear it clang against the floor, I could only imagine that it had landed in the crotch of my underwear or shorts that lay crumpled around my feet. Oh fucking great I thought. Who the fuck is going to reach...

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Reluctant Stripper

Shortly after my birthday Kat, who is as mad as a March-Hare and works in the same office as I do, talked me into going to a house warming party. I didn't particularly want to go, for one thing I didn't know the guy who was having the party so it stood to reason that I wouldn't know anyone else either, except Kat, and that was part of the problem. I knew Kat would probably desert me as soon as we arrived, or shortly after so I tried every excuse I could think of, but Kat wouldn't take no...

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Darkness In Threes

And lay over top of you so you cant move but also you feel my rock hard cock pressing through my pants. I lean in to smell the desire and lust radiating off your body Close in to your ear i whisper "Your not going anywhere dear" I grab the front of your dress with both hands and tear it from your body Revealing my conquest of soft skin and beads of sweat over your thighs and breasts I kiss the sweat from your neck to in between your lovely breasts Taking time to play with your...

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Love Never ChangesChapter 11

“That’s ... quite a statement, mother. What do you mean by that?” “Simple, really. How large of a population do you have down here?” He looked uncomfortable. “I do trust you; I’ve let you keep your weapons and I’m meeting you unarmed myself. But I prefer not to share that information with you just at the moment, if you don’t mind.” “Not a problem. I saw three stories, with residences on each quadrant. With space for hydroponics, power, and other necessities of life, I’d make a guess that...

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My name is Deana. I live right in the middle of corn country; Iowa City, Iowa. I’m sales rep for a major department store, with two cats and a dog named Cuddles. I stand five-five in heels, am a full figured woman, with long red hair, green-eyes, and a zest for life, love, and adventure. I was introduced to swinging six year ago by my now ex-husband and loved every minute of it. Or I did, until he got jealous of me having more fun. So I quit. He has since divorced me and married a younger gal....


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