Primus PilumChapter 3
- 3 years ago
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Revandis guided Verus through the large structure. It was deceptively small on the outside, or so it seemed, forming the edge of a hillside. But the building ran in wide tiers down the hill, forming dozens of chambers and large open courtyards. They would pass elves in ones and twos as they moved down short corridors, or crossed a balcony. It was like a maze, but open, somehow.
Finally, they came to a large set of double doors, inset with ceramic plates, which were each shaped as a small bass relief sculpture. Each depicted a small scene of elves and men working together, and one, near the top, showed a man and elf standing side by side in arms.
The young elven girl looked at the enameled ceramic tiles. "The Lord Ambassador is very wise, and quite insightful of men's hearts," she said, her face once again reflecting a maturity which her youthful appearance belied.
Verus nodded and examined the various tiles, taking especial note of the one with men and elves joining in arms. "Let us hope he finds my heart not lacking," he said, smiling down at her.
The doors swung ponderously open, they were obviously quite heavy, by their thickness alone, even if not inset with massive slabs of tile work. In silence, they swung away, though, and admitted the pair into a darkened chamber, where the only visible light was the far end. A long table was there, spanning most of the width of the room.
The walls of the room were paneled in dark wood. Verus assumed it was arnthalon, for few other woods were nearly black. It made the great chamber seem small and stifling, forcing a person entering the room to focus upon that single illuminated table.
An elderly elf was sitting in the middle of the table. Verus had never seen an elf who was outwardly old. This wizened figure must be ancient, indeed. To either side of the smaller shape, but larger aura, were six figures. Seven were older men, like Verus himself. Two were aged women, though stern of face, just as the men, and advanced of years. One younger woman, in her early forties, and two more men, also younger than the rest.
Ghurian was one of the older rangers there, sitting directly to the right of the ancient Lord Ambassador. Verus also saw Rethas standing just behind Levathan, and a bit right, between the ambassador and Ghurian. The others he did not recognize, though he knew them instantly, or their sort.
Most of them were competent-looking officers, both the men and women. Thought he Abian legions did not allow females in their ranks, Verus was not a supporter of that policy, thinking that many women made fine warriors. He had faced enough on the field to have learned to respect female soldiers. The younger female officer, though, especially interested him. She was pretty, in a very stern sort of way, and her expression was far less hostile than most of the other's. She sat to Ghurian's right, and the old Centurion wondered if there was significance to that.
Revandis guided him into the chamber at a slow walk, letting him have time to size up his interrogators. Her little hand squeezed his as she held it, and she smiled up at him when he flicked his eyes down at her.
The ambassador spoke a word in elven and Revandis stopped. It is a formal greeting, she explained in his mind.
The elven girl then bowed, repeating the word and extended one leg. Her torso pressed to that leg, nearly folding her double. A simple normal human bow will suffice, she said into Verus' mind as his old body balked at trying to emulate that rather limber motion.
Verus bowed as low as his old bones would tolerate without creating a chorus of pops and snaps that would have been comical, but not quite appropriate for the solemnity of the event. He noted that there were twenty guards lining the darkened walls of the room, hugging the shadows, trying to be unobtrusive. Ten men and ten elves, near as he could tell from their heights. All were armed heavily, with spear, sword, and bow. These were no mere ceremonial guards.
If nothing else, they took Verus very seriously, as a possible threat, in any case. He supposed, given his reputation, he could not blame them. It was interesting, he thought for a moment, that despite his rather mediocre skills in personal combat, he was always assumed to be a master.
The ambassador rose from his ornate oaken chair and put both his hands upon the table before him, which was strewn with papers and a few books. "Primus Pilum Verus, you come before us applying for asylum?"
"I no longer use that title, Lord Ambassador, but yes, I seek asylum from the Abian Empire, for myself, my family, and a friend," said the old Abian.
There was a murmur among the officers, as they whispered curt words to one another. A few of the faces grew less stern, having now heard him speak. A few others, however, grew more suspicious of him, their eyes narrowing slightly.
"Do you intend to serve the people and needs of the Windy Isles, the nation that may offer such asylum?" asked Levathan.
Verus nodded, "I intend to do so, to the limits of my abilities," he said.
Another rumble of quick murmurs ran through the members of the High Command. Most of the faces had softened somewhat, excepting one. The man to the ambassador's immediate left. His face had now reddened, and Verus could tell he was chomping at the bit to loose his wroth upon Verus.
Revandis spoke again in his mind: That is commander Melakis, he is generally regarded as something of a firebrand among the High Command. He will seek to have you put to death.
Is his hate that consuming? Asked Verus in thought.
He felt the girl squeeze his hand slightly. His wife was transported as a slave to Abia. When scouts found her, she had been forced into a slave-brothel for over six months. The girls eyes were moist looking as she thought these words to Verus. She slew herself as soon as they freed her and got her on a ship for the Isles.
Rather than face her husband, thought Verus, his own eyes saddening, for the sake of the woman, and the husband that was wronged twice by her misuse.
"We, naturally, have a few questions, Verus, regarding this change of heart," said the ambassador, speaking carefully and referring to notes upon the table. "Will you answer them fully, and without equivocation?"
Verus nodded again, "I will," he replied.
"All indications are that you are a man of high honor, and your word is good," said Levathan. "I will take your word as fact, but some among us may protest that. Do you object to the continued use of the mental abilities of Revandis to maintain proof of your Veracity?"
"I don't mind," said Verus. "She's good company." He smiled down at the pretty elven girl standing beside him, with her tiny hand in his.
A small round of light chuckles and quite a few smiles moved through the assembled commanders. The face of Melakis reddened slightly more, and Verus realized he would be unable to sway this man, despite any action or word he might take. Blind hatred was now this man's bed partner, and he would brook no other lover.
One of the commanders to Ghurian's right stood up. "Why did you take command of the company in Rikken and lead them in a victorious battle against your own people?" he asked.
"They ceased being 'my' people when they leveraged my own grandchildren to force me, illegally, into performing the mission I was sent her upon," said Verus. "As far as why: I do not wish to die any more than anyone else, and leading the unit was the surest way I could see to continue not dying." A low murmur ran through them again, with many nods dispersed in the conversation.
Melakis rose and looked at Verus with hateful eyes. "You say you were there to aid them in a battle, by commanding them and guiding them," said the old officer. "What would you say to the fact that Rikken was overrun by Abian forces, not ten hours ago?"
"I would say, Commander Melakis, that it is a tragedy, and I hope as many as possible escaped and are on their way to safety," said Verus. Something in his mind had changed, and it took Verus a long moment to figure out what it was. Even when Revandis was passive, he cought random little flickers of thought from her. She was now trying to mask something from him, and those little thoughts were being obliterated by both the strength of the thought and her attempt at masking it. Then the realization hit him.
Oh, dear lord, your parents, thought Verus, his mind racing. He looked down at Revandis, with her lovely golden eyes filling with tears. She stared directly ahead of herself, her face now a mask of worry and pain.
"I regret to say," said Melakis, with far to little remorse in his voice, and far too much relish, "that few escaped. It seems that they found a weak point in the defenses and exploited it before an effective response could be organized. We only got word of the city falling by courier, we have no subsequent reports, yet."
Verus thought furiously for something else to think about, but his mind kept wandering to Revandis' parents, though he had never met them. Tears were streaming down the young elf's face, though she stood stoically by his side.
"I believe you might have been more circumspect in the revelation of that information," said the younger female officer, sitting next to Ghurian. She leaned forward and cast her eyes toward Melakis. "You know, as well as the rest of us, that Revandis' parents are in Rikken."
Melakis looked a tiny bit taken aback by her words, but soon his hostility reasserted itself. "You will excuse me if I forget a girl's emotions for a moment when faced with deceit," he said.
There was another round of the murmuring that seemed to form the consensus under which the command of the Windy Islanders operated. Verus was frankly amazed that they held the nation together, ruling by committee, much less mounted a defense that was tying up three entire legions. A smile cracked on Revandis' face as this thought went through his head and she read it. Even we elves understand that only one can lead in time of war, she thought in reply, and we are a strategically inept folk, when compared with you humans.
"Melakis is correct," said another of the commanders, one of the younger males. "How do we know that Verus did not gather information and betray us to the Abians after the supposed victory?"
Revandis stepped forward, dropping Verus' hand and standing before the long table. "Because I have told you that he did not, because I vouch for his honesty," she said. "I, more than anyone in this chamber, would turn on him, in an instant, if I even suspected that he did such a thing." She looked down the long line of officers, her golden eyes lingering on each a brief moment. "Of anyone in this room, I am the most aggrieved party, and the one most deserving of justice."
The elven commander had been preparing to silence the girl with a word, but the Lord Ambassador stayed him with a slight motion of his hand, raising two fingers. "Your little committee of twelve is fine and democratic, and we elves toyed with such a thing in the past," she said, her soprano voice gaining power as her confidence in her words and their hearing of them grew. "Democracy is a poor bedfellow for war. War calls for harsh choices and clear decisions." She turned those frightfully intelligent eyes upon Commander Melakis. "Vengeance is also a unseemly mate, is she not?" she asked, rhetorically. "Do we always seek one-for-one redress of each loss in battle?" The faces of the various commanders were moving through mixed emotional and thoughtful states as the girl spoke.
"If you wish to kill Verus, then get on with it, charge him with spying and be done," she said. "If not, then utilize his talents and win a war for yourselves." She held up a small hand to the audience of fourteen. "But with this man, I fear you will not have your sought-after victories by half measures. He does not partake of half measures. Some of the wine he offers will be bitter, indeed, and some among you may not have a stomach for such fare."
Revandis walked up to Verus and once again put her tiny hand into his. "I say I trust him, and I say that anyone who does not is either blind or a fool. If the former, then open your eyes to the truth. If the latter, then step aside and let the wise make decisions."
Melakis' eyes widened, and a deep crimson rose into his face. However, whatever rant he seemed about to rain down upon Verus and Revandis was cut short by the words of the Lord Ambassador.
"I am but an advisor," he said. This was technically true, Verus thought, but patently a lie, "and I say we have much, now to discuss about this resource we find in our possession." He held out a wrinkled, slender hand. "You have the list I asked for, of your family members?"
Verus stepped forward and handed the folded parchment to the old elf. The elf took it and peered at the long list of names. "Revandis' penmanship is quite good, don't you think?" he asked with a gleam in his eyes.
"She is a wonder, Lord Ambassador," replied verus, meaning it fully. He and the ambassador understood one another, even if no one else did.
There was much talk around the table, and several of the commanders were rising to walk to others and speak quietly. "We have much to debate, I think, Verus," said Levathan. The old elf turned to Revandis. "Please show him to his quarters and then go to your own, dear, this has been a day of sore trials for all."
Revandis nodded. "Yes, Lord Ambassador," she said. She then guided Verus out of the chamber, and the massive doors cut off the rising level of the debate within. They would be long hours discussing this matter, he felt sure.
They walked out onto one of the balconies that overlooked the other terraces of the strange, step-like building. "That was impressive, what you did in there," said Verus.
The girl smiled out into the open air. "Not very, really," she said, then turned her eyes toward his. "I cheated."
Verus thought for a moment. "How can you cheat in such a thing?" he asked.
A smile played on her lips, and a blush rose to her cheeks. The glanced up at him, then turned her eyes away. "I used some skills of yours to make the speech. In a way, I made you think of what I needed to say, then used your ability to command to say it."
"And you did so without me being able to tell you were doing it?" asked Verus, impressed immensely.
She shrugged. "It is not difficult, you, yourself often separate parts of your mind to clear your thoughts of extraneous things, or to shield off a part of thoughts while other parts continue," explained Revandis. "I simply utilized the mechanisms that were already there to do what I thought needed to be done."
He squeezed her little hand gently. "You did very well," said Verus. "You are an amazingly clever little girl — young woman," he amended.
She flashed a brilliant smile up at him. I WISH I were a woman, the deeper-voiced version of her thoughts said into his mind. A brief flash of skin on skin went through his skull, only to be blasted apart by Revandis' other thoughts, as she fought to regain control of herself.
Verus pulled his hand gently away from hers and stepped back a pace. "Perhaps it's time to sever this link," he suggested. "At least for now."
She nodded miserably. "I think it best as well," she said. "Can we walk to the main compound first, though? I can control my thoughts so long."
He nodded and she once again took his hand. They walked through the complicated building, rising a flight of stairs here, and crossing an open catwalk there. Finally, though, they reached the main compound, and were walking across the main courtyard, near her bush, in fact. He could smell the cloying scent of the plant as they walked toward it.
Verus noted an increase, or change in Revandis' scent as well, it mixed with the bush's, creating a new, subtle odor. The Niliwander ambassador had chosen a complementary scent well. He felt a momentary twinge of something feral move through him, something which must not be given in to, but which was undeniably there. Then it was gone.
Revandis smiled up at him. That will suffice me, she thought into his head. Then he felt her moving out, long tendrils of her thoughts and senses pulled from around his, and she slipped out of his mind like a breeze. As his mind expanded to fill the void she left, he felt a stark sense of loneliness in his own mind, a new experience for him.
She continued to hold his hand, and they walked past the bush, then toward a door. "This is your chamber, Verus," she said, her eyes glinting in the failing light of the late afternoon. "I will see you on the morrow?" she asked.
"I often break fast at dawn," said Verus. "Assuming I can find the dining hall."
She smiled. "I, too, rise early. I will collect you and be your guide for the morning meal," she said. The amazing formality of her speech struck him, but she still had that gleam in her young eyes. He now wondered immensely what thoughts were buried there, under that molten gold.
She turned and walked away from him, then around the corner of the stone-covered building. He entered his chamber, and sat upon the chair, where Ghurian had sat before, sharpening his sword.
A weariness descended upon him and he felt his many years deeply. He had not realized how much his mood had been buoyed by the contact with the young girl. He now understood better many men's desires to take a younger woman as a lover. They were seeking that support, though the only means their minds could divine.
A gentle knock from his door in the morning, as he slipped on his tunic. Revandis' gentle voice came through the wood. "Good morrow, Verus," she said.
He smiled and rose from the chair, and opened the door for her. She stepped in, smiling, and carrying his gear, which he had worn from Pigwillow. "They trust me with a sword?" he asked.
"They trust it will avail you not to try to use it," she said, grinning. "Most of them trust you, insofar as they can," she said. "Your former reputation as an honorable man has served you well."
Verus nodded. "I hoped it would help at some point to not be a scoundrel," he murmured. "Scoundrelling seems much more fun than being circumspect."
She giggled at him. "Scoundrelling?" she asked. "Is that truly a word?"
Putting on his boots, and only strapping on the sword, Verus shook his head. "Not really, no," he said. "But it's a true occupation, by some folk," he added.
Revandis nodded. "I see," she said, as she held open the door. "Let us go break fast, I am hungry."
They did not hold hands this time as they crossed the yard, and Verus was slightly disappointed by this. As they walked near the plant, he noted the scent again, and even the mixture of the plant and Revandis. It did not repeat its odd effect on him again.
There were quite a few elves in the dining hall, this morning, and not a few humans among them. Taking up several fruits, a few biscuits, and a boiled egg. They found a recently-vacated table and took seats. Almost immediately, Revandis was inflicting grievous damage upon the foodstuffs upon her platter, an activity that raised several nearby eyebrows, and not a few corners of mouths, as well.
Verus ate more reservedly, wondering what this day would bring, by way of news, and decisions by folk both important and trivial.
"Refugees from Rikken are arriving," Revandis said quietly, her eyes down upon her platter of food. She was eating slowly, something Verus knew surely foretold of ill. "No one bears word of my mother or father."
Verus sighed. "You fear for them?" he said.
The elven girl nodded. "Greatly, Verus, they are not soldiers, though all elves know the rudiments of fighting." She looked out the open archway onto the lawn of the courtyard. "They should not have been so close to the front lines of the war."
Verus nodded at that, thinking it as she said it. "War is no place for gentle hearts."
She giggled at that. "My mother and father are that, for certain," she said. "Though my mother can be quite sturdy when called for. She has headed our clan for almost eighty years."
"I wish I knew them," said Verus, honestly. "To have reared you, they must have been fine folk."
She smiled again. "Are you certain there is no elven blood in you. You speak very cleverly, complimenting them and me in one turn of the phrase."
An aide walked up to Revandis, speaking quietly. Her face took on a look of shock, then she rose. "News of my mother," she said, following the aide out the door and into the courtyard. Verus trailed after her, worry lining his aged face.
There was a tight knot of elven folk gathered around one who was speaking, he was bloody and muddied, obviously fresh from action in combat. A horse, in much the same state, stood nearby, its coat covered in the froth of sweat and breathing heavily.
He was speaking rapidly in elven and Revandis stood near enough to hear. Automatically, her small hand went out and took Verus' again. She began translating for him, rather in a dead and unfeeling tone of voice.
"He was with the rear guard, trying to get as many of the civilians out as they could," she said. "The Abians beset them in sudden attack. Streaming in from the west, where the woods came closest to the Pallisades. By the time an effective defense could be mounted, the gates were breaking."
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Chapter two: Finding our daddiesThe next day and a half was a blur of sleeping, watching porn and toying my ass relentlessly, my slutiness amplified by my cage. I was determined to stretch my pussy to impress Heather when she returned. I made sure to bathe and clean my pussy and put on a slutty maid outfit that i had. When i heard the knock on my door i was so excited and i was even more excited when i opened it. Heather had publicly walked over dressed! I asked her what it was like and she...
Chapter 17. Well hello mom and dad. After Brad and Alyssa’s steamy foursome, with their friends Kayla Morrison and her boyfriend Danny Ellison. The young stepsiblings are still hot for each other, and remembering it’s Friday night, and they’re allowed to sleep together they wasted no time getting home. But as they step inside their home, they find their parents, Jack and Grace half naked in a very compromising erotic entanglement on the family sofa. In their passion, Jack and Grace have...
Ye kahani meri apni kahani hai is me koi bhi baat jhoot nahi hai ye kahani mere dil pe ek bojh hai Jo mai utarna chat a hu . mai kafi samay se ISS ka reader hu . Mai ek professor hu meri age 36 hai achhi naukri achha paisa sab kuch hai . ye ghatna karib 2 saal pehle ki hai jab meri duty exam me lagi thi mai ek sakht professor tha ye baat mere college me bachhe to jante thai par bhahr ke students nh jante thei mai class room me ghoom raja that achanak Maine dekha ki ek ladki parchi se copy kar...
Elizabeth peered out the window of the carriage as it bounced over the streets of Philadelphia. It was a cold, December night with snow on the ground and more beginning to fall. Her heart was beating quickly and she took a deep breath of the cold air to try and clear her mind for what she was about to do. Sitting beside her, his hand on her thigh, was General William Howe, commander of the British Army. The general had first seen Elizabeth, or Lizzy, to her few close friends, two weeks prior at...
Jack admired the universe, and let out a sigh. He'd been God for millions of years now, and it was beginning to take its toll on him. The powers just didn't excite him anymore, and he'd simply gotten bored of being omnipotent. "I guess this is what the last God meant when he said Gods get bored after a while and retire," he said. "I suppose it's time to choose a successor." Jack however, unlike most retiring Gods, didn't want to choose his successor from the current time. No, he wanted one from...
Mind ControlTaroudannt Phillippa flicked the ash at the end of her cigarette onto the dusty earth outside the window. She watched it fall from where she sat on the passenger seat of the rented four-wheel drive and contemplated its dispersal in the slight breeze. She inhaled another centimetre of cigarette and reluctantly tossed the butt onto the earth where it smouldered. It burnt off its final centimetre of ash before extinguishing itself. She regarded it sadly and wondered whether she might have to...
“You are invited to our masquerade ball” the invitation read; a picture of a masked couple kissing at the top. “How fun” I moaned to myself, a room full of adults getting drunk pretending that their identity is somehow masked by a piece of paper. My cynicism level climbed. But the invitation was from a business contact and I remembered the quote from Oscar Wilde about giving a man a mask and he will tell the truth. I hushed my cynical side and marked my calendar. The party was in the nice...
Lost for the moment in her own thoughts, Larissa ignored the icy wind as it teased a tendril of blonde hair from the chignon caught low on her slim neck, and sent it dancing across her cheek and into her eyes. Larissa shivered and clasped her woolen coat tighter to her slim frame, but not before the cold wind managed to work its way under the fur trimmed collar, eliciting a shiver as it caressed the warm skin of her neck. She moved quickly and slipped through the wide front doors and out of the...
It was 3 months’ time from my last story. Since last time I had my encounter with Megan, I had gotten a job at my dad's business five miles from my mom's house. My dad was a contractor and made a reasonable pay. I had a good salary of $500 a week just for filing papers and being his son. For my birthday my dad got me my own car. As soon as I saw that baby my heart almost got dumped out of my butt. It wasn't new but it was my dream car. A 2008 Mustang Shelby. I drove Megan and me to school...
"I've created a monster," Jay was exiting the tent, pulling a dry shirt over his head. "Feels good," Lee had found an over large towel and was now lying out nude in the sunlight. "So warm ... my blood feels heavy like warm honey." She did feel heavy, warm and sleepy now, her body content after their playtime. "You'll burn." "Not with your shadow over me, I won't," Lee smiled up at him, standing over her. "Gonna lay there all day driving me mad?" Jay said, thinking about...
Sylvie looked once more at the barn Sylvie looked once more at the barn. It had obviously been deserted for many years, cobwebs were abundant, holes in the walls were in need of repair, and the rusted lock had come away in her hands. This is where she planned her next escapade. Far from prying eyes, except the road from the trees to the barn. Half a mile where she could be discovered. Could she do this? Could she take the risk? In her work life? Sylvie was an executive with...
I was escorted to the side of the table that her son had been tied and as I stood there I realized the professional looking camera was now pointed right at me. I looked down and saw some of what was written on me: “Faggot”, “Cum Whore,” “Piss Drinker,” and other true statements. The woman looked at me and said: “Tell all your fans what your full name is and give them your address and all contact information.” I hesitated a minute then felt her belt strike my tender ass. “Ouch. I’m Daniel...
My hands are shaking as I drive out to his trailer on the county line. Breathing deeply, telling my inner Casey what a foolish thing I'm doing, but not heeding my own advice. Taking one last deep breath and walking unsteadily to his porch and knocking on his door. Even softly, it rattles in the frame. No response. Harder now, until I hear the sounds of him moving, shuffling towards me. The door cracks open, then slams shut. "Who is it?" We play the game, even after all this time. "Sam,...
Group SexMy first public sex occurred a long time ago. My husband and I went to an adult book shop in Texas. I wore a pink cotton tank top and a blue shorts. I wasn't wearing a bra. The shop had several video booths and we went into one. The booth was real small and there wasn't much room in it. So I squatted down and have my husband a blow job while he kept the door open. Eventually a guy saw us and came over to watch. Somehow we all managed to squeeze into the small booth. My husband allow...
The next Saturday morning, Joy thought her plans were all shot down. Her mother's brother Bob was coming to visit. This would kill any fucking, she decided. Having no fucking in sight made her sad. She had been ready to lure her Aunt Vi into today's family bash and include Ron Dobbs. Her mother had promised to help get Vi fucked by Ron, too. Then Joy found out that she could trust her mother to deliver, no matter what. Joy went out after, lunch and got her hair done, still convinced that...
As his lips touch my outer labia I shiver from his warm breath touching my cold skin. His tongue traces my lips then “Oh she kind of sweet and metalic at the same time, either that or I’m really wasted guys!” Rob speaks up “Quiet isn’t she, mustn’t be turned on being with the three of us he-men!” Keith laughs “Look at the look on her face!” leaning in closer “Ah what’s the matter, Tell your next boyfriend all about it!” Closing my eyes so I don’t have to see his face, screaming inside...
I have been sucking our UPS man Calvin’s cock for several weeks now. I am a Nurse at a Doctor’s office and have to stay after work to wait for late arriving UPS packages. This gives me the opportunity to suck good old Calvin’s 10 inch black cock. As a bored 38 year old divorced mother of two sucking Calvin’s cock had become the highlight of my week. I even let him cum all over my face or shoot his huge load down my throat. I had never swallowed before for any man and at first I felt like such a...
It was a quiet day on the bridge. Everybody minded his or her own business, running scans, diagnostics or whatever was available to fight the boredom of flying through friendly space. Due to the latest incidents with Augments and Orions, Starfleet had ordered the ship to stay closer to home, leaving the job of traipsing around in unknown space to find exciting new worlds to Columbia. It didn't exactly do much for the mood of the crew, and Jon wasn't sure how long it would take until the...
Prudence and Ted had been submerged to their necks in the water for ten minutes. They seemed to just be talking, as far as Mirriam could tell. Prudence was laughing, at something. Mirriam felt much calmer when they left her alone, and she felt much more in control of herself. Watching them, she thought about everything that had happened. Ted was a mystery to her. He wasn’t like any other man she’d ever met. He was so open ... so direct ... so willing to say what was on his mind, even when...
It was late when I finally finished for the day. I'd gotten a lot done and I was happy with the progress. The meeting had gone well and I had just incorporated all of the changes into the design of the project. I had told them it would take a week, so now I would have plenty of time to review it and make sure all the i's were dotted and the t's crossed. As I was leaving the office, I was confronted with three girls. "We want to do a midnight swim," said Caitlin. "Will you come with...
My cock was bulging at this point, she turned away from me and bend down to get some plates out the bottom of the cupboard, this time displaying her full arse to me, I could see her pussy dripping, my cock stood on end, was this my opportunity to penetrate her, her pussy was open practically begging to be pounded, inviting me in. I looked down my cock had broken free from the robe. The tip of my cock was shining with pre-cum, it was ready to slide in.At that point she dropped to all fours, and...
Session 29: My head was spinning. I’d made a ridiculous, impossible suggestion to my sister - a world in which incest wasn’t frowned-upon ... and she’d accepted it as truth. I could wake her up now and she’d believe that incest was normal. She’d think that a sister and brother being attracted to each other wasn’t a weird perversion, but a standard part of life. And she’d fuck me. I had to put the brakes on. I knew this was dangerous territory and that waking her up could ... hell, I...
Debbie had decided that she needed to clean some things up around the studio before she could paint. Peter and Meagan were sitting in the kitchen killing time while they waited for Debbie to tell them she was ready for them to start posing. "You know how we talked about all our favorite poses not too long ago?" Peter asked. Meagan responded, "Yeah." "Well, I was just thinking that I wouldn't put anything we've done in the last two weeks on my list of favorites." "You know,...
Chapter 4: Lacey’s adventures with Uncle Steve It was the middle of summer vacation, and I had been having some pretty exciting encounters, sexually exploring with my classmate Ricky. We started getting pretty hot and heavy: looking at porn, my first kiss, first time giving a hand job, first blow job, first oral orgasm of my own, and very nearly losing my virginity. I was excited to see what the rest of summer had in store, then my parents dropped a bomb. We were going on a road trip across...
Allison grimaced as she turned the key on her mailbox and retrieved her stack of mail. She closed the small metal door and locked it back up. It was her second day with a cock between her legs and it wasn't getting any easier. She wore a red, pleated leather skirt along with a white top and leather jacket. It was one of the few articles of clothing she owned that would hide the obvious bulge. It was thirty six hours since discovering her big surprise. Time hadn't lessened the stressful...
1. Nathan heard his phone buzzing on his desk and looked at the display. The number was not saved into his contacts and so he figured it must be Jon. Smiling he picked up the phone. "Yes, naughty boy, are you ready for your spanking?" Jon listened to Nathan and even though he had just climaxed his cock stirred. "I uh...yes Sir." Nathan was already so enamored with Jon he couldn’t help but reach for his cock and squeeze it while talking with him. "Yes, I know you are." Nathan rattled off...
Gay Male“We’ll be right back!” Alyssa promised, grabbing Jehanna by the hand and tugging her towards the en suite bathroom. Jehanna wiggled her fingertips at John and grinned as the blonde led her away. “I’m needed too,” Rachel said, giving him a mysterious smile as she glided into their walk-in-wardrobe. “Looks like you’re stuck with us,” Dana said, wiggling her eyebrows at him. “A fate worse than death,” John lamented, sitting cross-legged on the oval bed. He reached for Calara and Sakura’s...
Reddit Unexpected Titty, aka r/UnexpectedTitty! Sometimes, we are lucky enough to be present during something unexpectedly hot, and that is basically what r/unexpectedtitty/ is all about. I think the name of the subreddit pretty much says it all, and you can expect a lot of unexpected titties or so to speak. With just a bit browsing, I am sure that you will get the gist of what r/unexpectedtitty/ is all about.Now, keep in mind that is a free website, and there are loads of NSFW...
Reddit NSFW List// It’s a rare day when Ashok gets to leave the office early. He is happy that he can now spend more time with his sexy Savita. He calls her and tells her he will pick her up from work and they can go out later. Savita is also happy and wants to finish her work fast. But what about Savita’s boss Mishraji? Will he let her go without his daily dose of sex? Watch this video and find out: Savita Bhabhi: Episode 28 – Business OR/AND Pleasure. Liked the trailer? You can watch the full video...
“I am eyeball fucking you from across the bar” That’s what the text said. I was sitting in a bar on a Friday night with a girlfriend and her friends. A married couple. I looked at the text again and then I scanned the room. No one seemed to be staring or leering at me. I should have been scared, but instead I was intrigued. I didn’t recognize the number. And trying to show my brave side, I sent a text in return. “Who the fuck is this?” I waited for a reply. A few minutes went by, and nothing. I...
This ain't going to be a long and certainly not an arousing story for most. What this is all about is for me to get insight from most of you all who have done it. A threesome. I've always wanted to do it even when I was still younger, sometimes I do feel a little regret since I never got to experience it. The biggest draw back for me was my small cock. I've always have come to terms with having a smaller penis than most and I'm really proud to say it did not hold me back into getting myself...
STATUS REPORT: Further research into Diane's family shows that she has a daughter and a son, both of consenting age. Diane looks surprisingly young to have kids this old. I am recommending her family as further test subjects. END STATUS REPORT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adam cursed silently as he left his English class. Miss Shelly had been absent all week, and an ugly old man was substituting for her. He wanted to make sure...
It was a short drive from that statement till we got to Lori’s home. There were a few sly smiles back and forth. That were seen when the giver thought the other wasn’t looking. I was getting excited but the kleenex from earlier was still working between my legs. Lori pulled into her driveway and as she is getting out tells me ‘to bring my purchases in.’ “Lori we didn’t do any shopping for you today.” I say as I remember our conversation from earlier today. “Oh yeah. We got into Victoria’s...