Primus PilumChapter 2 free porn video

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Verus awoke with the voice of Centurion Denthius in his ear. "Sir, you asked to be awakened at two hours past dawn," said the younger soldier.

He slid out of bed and stretched, bones popping by the morning light. The younger centurion noted that he bore scars on every portion of his body, and embarrassingly, he also noted that Verus had only one testicle.

A chuckle emerged from the old soldier. "Don't worry son, one works fine, ask my children and grandchildren."

"How sir?" asked Denthius.

Verus chuckled. "On the Mindian Isles, to the blade of a Dark Templar," he said. "Just cut it right off, those swords they use are terribly sharp."

The younger centurion nodded. "I see. I hear they are enchanted, as well."

"Oh, I'm certain they are," agreed Verus. "It sure felt enchanted, let me say."

Denthius chuckled at the flippancy with which Verus relayed what must have been a terribly harrowing experience. "Are the Templars as good as people say?"

"Better," said Verus, "they are probably the singly most deadly warriors in the world."

The younger soldier swallowed. "How did you defeat him then?"

"Who said I did?" asked Verus.

"Well, it is said, that you never lost a battle," said Denthius, smiling.

Verus thought as he pulled and fastened his armored skirt. "Well, I suppose I did beat him, but it was by sheer luck, I believe. After he slashed my left nut off there, his sword hit my horse, and sunk deep into the beast's flesh. It killed him, damn pity too, it was a good horse. Anyway, when the blade cut the beast's heart in two, it fell like, well, a dead horse, and the blade was yanked from the bastard's hand."

"I was upon him like a legionnaire on a whore, blood flying everywhere, mostly mine, but he had no main weapon now. I basically poked and prodded that damn interlocking armor they wear until my short sword found a chink in it and then I poked some more. He finally quit moving."

The centurion laughed. "Is that the truth?" he asked.

"On my wife's grave," said Verus, smiling. "It took me a month to get my men to stop calling me Verus Hangsright."

The old soldier was dressed now and strapped on his short sword. "I have need of gear, Denthius, where is the captured equipment?"

Denthius said, "What there is of it will be in the quartermaster's warehouse. I will take you there."

They were walking across the area before the inn and both stared at the large elven vessel as people were loading stuff onto it and other goods off of it. "You have been warring here for four years, Centurion," said Verus, "how is it there is little captured gear?"

"It has been being shipped off by the Governor's orders, sir," said the Centurion.

They arrived at the quartermaster's warehouse and indeed the pickings were light, but sufficient for Verus' needs. He asked Denthius to go fetch the lady and bring her to the warehouse.

As the young Centurion brought her into the darkened warehouse, she gasped. Standing before her was a Ranger of the Windy Isles, in his green tunic and chain armor. He stood with his bow held low, and his broadsword's hilt gleamed on his hip.

"Verus?" asked the lady. "What are you doing, trying to be killed?"

The old Centurion chuckled. "Quite the opposite," he said, "The only way we can make it to Rondall." He looked down at his clothes. "We are going to blend right in."

She nodded, "I see," she said. "Well, you've not led me astray so far, so I will go along with your idea."

He walked over to a small box, much to the quartermaster's chagrin and picked up a brooch. He clipped it to the neck of his cloak. Suddenly he was speaking flawless elven. "Do you speak elven, milady?" he asked.

She nodded. "Of course I do, Verus."

"This gladdens me. You will be my elven 'advisor' for I hear such are used by the rangers," said Verus, smiling at the sound of his voice in elven.

Emogen giggled at the sound of it, his words wrapped to form polite elven speech. "I serve." she said, bowing low, one leg forward and her check lowering to that leg and her hands crossing her chest.

"I hope I am not expected to bow like that," said Verus. "It will make my bones pop like kindling."

She was already wearing a passably elven-style outfit in the short skirt and half-top, but she was further clad out in a long woods cloak of brown and a hyandai and bow. She claimed she had no clue how to use the latter, but he asked her to carry it anyway, for all elves were said to. If she were to try to pass as a Windir half-elf, she would have learned it, as well.

They sat outside the warehouse, attracting many stares from passing legionnaires. She looked sadly at the smallsword. "What troubles you, milady?" asked Verus.

She looked up at him. "This weapon is a family heirloom for some elven clan or another." said Emogen. "I cannot read the name, but the date says that it is eleven hundred years old. She held the pommel out to Verus.

He took it gingerly, examining the finely-wrought scroll work on the pommel and crosspiece, then slid his fingers over the edge of the blade. "Very sharp," said Verus. He held the blade out, and swung it a few times. "It is probably more deadly, even than our short swords. It is fast and nimble, but lacks parrying mass." He flipped it in his hand and held the grip toward Emogen again.

She took it and sheathed it. "I wonder how many of these have been claimed as loot and shipped off by the Governor already?" she asked.

Verus shrugged. "Such is war, though it does seem this governor is rather eager to turn all his booty into liquid assets," he said, "including slaves."

She nodded. "They've already loaded several dozen onto the trimaran," she said, jerking her chin toward the massive ship. "They're naming her for you, you know: Veria Prima."

"I don't know I wish a namesake of mine carrying slaves," said Verus, shaking his head. "I've never approved of the practice."

Emogen smiled up at him as he extended a hand down to her and helped her to her feet. "You're a good man, Verus," she said, and kissed his cheek. "Your wife must have felt very lucky."

The expression on Verus' face was unreadable. "I don't know about that," he said quietly. "She only spent maybe five years in total with me, I was away so much."

"Yet in those five years you had six children," said Lady Emogen. "When you were home, you obviously loved one another."

His stern face broke into a smile. "Well, we did do some good portions of loving, for certain," he said. His eyes were not focusing properly, and Emogen knew he was no longer speaking only to her, nor was he seeing today.

"We leave after lunch, if you have any affairs to settle," said Verus, casting aside his reverie.

She nodded. "I have already done so, well before we took ship."

"Good, then best you rest, we will push hard once we leave this village." Verus walked to another tree nearby and lay himself against it. She saw he was soon asleep. With a smile, she sat next to him, and propped herself against that same tree and closed her eyes.

At some point Emogen dozed off. "Time to wake up," said Verus. She opened her silvern eyes and flicked them upward to regard Verus' cheek at very close range. She was lying upon his shoulder.

Lady Emogen smiled weakly and sat up. "Sorry," she said.

"For?" asked Verus.

"You already told me your position on affection between us," said the lady, straightening her skirt and adjusting her sword. "I will respect your wishes."

He stood up and stretched. "My wishes aren't the matter here, for if I had them, I would be playing chase with one of my younger grandchildren, or showing one of the elders of them how to shoot a bow or cast a hook for fish." He then turned his earnest brown eyes upon her. "As far as my wishes of companionship from a woman, you would exceed all I've ever had of those."

The lady blushed slightly, for she had been complimented before, and with more clever words. But, somehow, she knew Verus meant them, it was said he never lied. "What is it like trying to live up to a legend in yourself?" she asked, trying to turn the subject away from her heart with a well-timed verbal parry.

Verus picked up the elven bow and handed it to her, taking up an Islander bow himself. "I don't try to live up to anything. I simply do what I do, I guess." They began walking toward the gates, Denthius awaited them there, carrying two local-style rucksacks of food.

"God be with you, Lady Emogen and Primus Pilum Verus," said the Centurion, and he saluted the old soldier with his fist over his heart. "Good luck."

Verus nodded. "We'll need it, I'm sure," he said.

At Denthius' command, one gate swung open. Verus and Emogen passed through to salutes from the men upon the battlement and a few quiet words of luck. The soldiers here were hopeful of a resolution of this neverending war, as well, and they hoped soon.

The jungle before them was dense and sinister. He had never been in such an environment, but it seemed like any other woodland, only a bit more so. Great ferns covered the ground, and thick-trunked trees rose to form a tight canopy over their heads. Some of the trees had half their root structure above the ground. Most of all, he noted the smell. It was a rich, earthy smell, full of life, and death. He had never smelled such richness before in the earth and it was appealing to his nose, almost as much as the cinnamon scent he caught from the lady from time to time.

Emogen followed Verus by a few feet, watching him and listening to the jungle about them with wary ears. Even half-elven hearing was more acute than human, and she knew she would hear anything before he. They walked for the better part of two hours before she reached out and touched his arm.

Verus turned with a question on his face. "Voices ahead," she whispered.

They took cover in nearby shrubs and lay silent for long moments before Verus heard the voices, as well. They were Abian. They ducked even lower into the cover. They were now dressed as a ranger and an elven advisor, they would not be treated kindly by their own troops now. Speaking Abian would not help them, as the Windy Islanders, like the Abians were descended from the Syrisians, and spoke a language that was similar excepting a few minor dialect differences. It was easy enough for one to imitate the other.

The cohort passed, talking among themselves about this and that, but obviously not seeing the two earth-tone-clad people only a few yards off the path. No wonder they are having such trouble with the islanders, if they could not even see us, thought Verus. The two slipped from the underbrush and moved north-westward again, toward a river he had seen on the maps which would eventually take them toward the capital, as that city lay upon the river.

Emogen seemed quite happy, and Verus asked her why. "It is in my blood, I suppose, to love the wood, even such jungle as this," she said, gazing about them. "Do you not find it lovely in the least?"

He nodded. "It's very pretty," he said simply, "but it is too much, in my mind, it needs less undergrowth and more grasses."

She nodded soberly. "You would like Windir itself then, Verus, for it is like that," said Emogen.

"Somehow, I doubt I will ever see Windir, milady," said Verus. "This war has seen that I would be most unwelcome."

They came not across another soul that day, and traveled almost until dark had settled upon the rainforest. True to form, as soon as the sun had set, the clouds opened up, as it did most every night, according to Denthius.

The two huddled under a oilcloth canopy and Verus laid out his bedroll, just a blanket really, but waterproofed on one side. Emogen did the same. "I apologize for the lack of gentle accommodation, milady," said Verus, smiling as she twisted and turned on the blanket, trying to find a comfortable position.

She smiled up at him. "I am actually quite used to these conditions," said the lady. "My father used to take me camping often into the wilds. It was the only real time I spent with him, other than when I had angered him and he punished me."

Verus laid beside her, and turned onto his side, his knapsack forming a pillow for him. "What was it like having an elven father?" he asked.

She looked at him. "Very different," she said. "I knew other children's fathers, and they had a totally different set of priorities. Their fathers sought wealth and property, and status. My father looked for knowledge and spiritualism. He became a Oneian, for a while. Until he learned that the Church condoned slavery."

"Not all sects do, you know?" asked Verus. "The Blue Sect, and the Green, for example."

He spoke of the sects that ruled the spiritual lives of the Western Realms to the south of their land of Abia, and of the Windy Islanders sect, the Green. The Abians followed the Silver Sect. As much as politics, the sect that led the spirits of the regions defined them.

"Anyway, he made me study intensely, saying, 'You've not long to learn what an elf needs to know, being half human'." She imitated a stern male's voice as she spoke in what must have been her father's cadence. "Mother always tried to tell him that I was not an elf, and that he should not try to cram fifty years of learning into fifteen. 'Nonesense', he would say, 'no daughter of mine is too stupid to learn anything she needs'."

"Did you learn everything he though you needed?" asked the old soldier.

She nodded. "Yes, to please him, I did," she said. "When mother died, he and I moved to Windir, but it was too late for me. I was too human, and never quite fit in. There were even elves who thought that humans and elves should not intermingle, and their words were most unkind. I soon left, and moved back to Abia, and lived with my mother's family."

"How old are you?" asked Verus.

She gave him a mocking shocked look. "You are to never ask a lady that," she said. "But, since I pride myself on honesty I will answer, for a price."

"What price?" asked Verus.

"A kiss good night," she said.

He smiled in silence a moment. "A bargain, then, I will gladly pay." He leaned toward her and she toward him. Their lips met and pressed together for a long moment. He felt her slender fingers moving over his close-shorn hair and moved his into her golden tresses, feeling the incredible softness of her curls. A long moment passed as they kissed, though finally they parted lips.

"A bargain, indeed," she said. "For I would tell you anything for another."

He smiled. "Just your age for now, milady."

She laid back and looked up at the canopy over their heads and listened to the rain spattering off of it. "I am sixty-eight," she said.

"Sixty-eight," he echoed, "and not even middle age." Verus sighed. "My mind boggles at trying to grasp what that means to one's perceptions."

She laughed. "Oh, I am middle aged," she said. "Most half elven folk only live a bit more than a hundred years."

"ONLY!" he exclaimed, then laughed. "Twice the life of man and you can say only?"

She shrugged. "My father will likely outlive me," explained Emogen, "He says that is the pain of loving a human, to loose your mate and even your children before you pass."

"I heard elves can share their longevity with their lovers," said Verus, "Is is not so?"

"My mother wouldn't have it," said the lady. "When she found out he was feeding her days in their kisses, she became incensed, and demanded he stop, else she would not kiss him anymore."

"It must have hurt to see her age and die," said Verus.

"More than you can know, I think." Tears were falling from her eyes and rolling over smooth skin and into her hair. He felt the moisture of them, as his hand rested beneath her head, cradling it. "But he stayed beside her. Elves never leave their spouses, they will kill themselves first."

"Or their spouse, if it is warranted?" the old soldier asked.

She nodded. "I have heard of such happening, when one turns to madness or wickedness," she said. "But then they often still destroy themselves after the deed is done. There are many lenods to that effect actually." She nuzzled her cheek onto his palm, and then turned her head slightly and kissed it. "You know pain like that, though, don't you?"

He shook his head. "Not truly, no," he said, using his thumb to wipe the tears from her cheek as they fell. "My wife passed in her sleep with no warning of it happening. She was hale and happy, and we even had made love that night. When I awoke, she was still sleeping, and never opened her eyes."

It was now his turn to shed tears, and a few fell before he pulled them back. "It was a good death, perhaps the only one that truly exists," said Verus. "Soldiers may die honorable, and even glorious deaths, but not usually good ones."

She reached out a slender hand and wiped away his tears now, and smiled at him. "I marvel to see a legend weep, Verus," said Emogen. "I would never have guessed you could."

Verus chuckled then said, "I have cried almost after every battle, milady. I've never been able to divorce the man from the body, and I see the potential lives in each fallen soldier, my own and the enemy's, too."

She leaned forward and kissed him again. "You are a magnificent leader Verus," she said. "If only our Praetor was one such as you." The lady stopped and thought a moment, "But you would never be Praetor, even if asked, would you?"

The old soldier shook his head. "Such is beyond my vision," he explained.

"Pity," she said.

"We should sleep, milady, we have two more days of travel ahead of us before we can even hope to reach Rondall," said Verus.

She nodded. When he tried to pull back his hand, she grabbed his wrist with both her hands. "No, please, leave me this much of you," she said, her voice soft. He left his hand under her head, and they both drifted off to slumber.

Verus was awakened rudely by a foot kicking his booted foot. "Get up and run, they're coming!" a man yelled. He had a Windy Islander accent. Verus sat up and looked toward the man as he ran northward. He heard drums to the south, Abian war drums. There was a legion marching toward them. They clambered up and quickly folded and crammed their bedrolls into their packs. They could hear the marching feet now, and knew that soon they would be seeing the forward phalanx. He grabbed the oilcloth tarp and they ran. It ripped free of the ties that held it to branches and he rolled it up as they fled.

He flashed that they had forgotten their bows, but the lady had both of them in her hands, much to his relief. She handed his to him when his hands were free. The man who had awakened them was ahead and turning to see if they were behind him. He was a tall, slim man, clad in the green of a ranger. As they ran toward him, his face took on a look of alarm. Had he figured out they were not Windy Islanders? In a motion that was almost too fast for Verus to see, the man had raised his bow and knocked an arrow and was aiming it directly for his chest.

Verus shoved Emogen to the side and dove for the ground himself. The arrow whistled over their heads by mere inches as they fell. There was a muffled scream and Verus looked behind himself to see a Abian scout falling, his own bow dropping an arrow to the ground.

They got up and began running again, passing the man with the bow, another arrow knocked. She was breathing hard and he was panting for air. They came around another bend in the path and the ranger, who had been sprinting after them grabbed Verus' arm, yanking him to the side of the path. Verus followed, and Emogen followed him. They ducked under some low shrubs, then the man virtually dove into a hole in the ground.

Verus looked at the hole dubiously only for a moment, before they heard marching feet again, and the drums began to roll in an attack call. He urged Emogen into the hole, then dove in after her.

It was a long crawl down a very narrow passage. Verus was never claustrophobic, but this almost became his first opportunity to gain that particular phobia. Finally, as a bit of panic was beginning to set in, the tunnel opened and he found himself in a cave. It looked natural, but had been worked partially by the hands of man.

The man who had alerted them sat on the floor, looking up at them and laughing. "You two need to find a better trysting place than the path from Pigswillow, sir." he said, then he stood up and dusted the dirt from the tunnel off his clothes.

Verus adopted a smile and tried to imitate the Windy Islander's accent. "We weren't aware that they came this far afield," he said.

"Well, they used to not, but they've been pressing in farther since we pulled all the villagers back," said the ranger, walking over to a barrel in the corner. "We've denied them more slaves, and they have to reach out farther to get them."

In a tone that tried to sound casual, with an edge of hostility toward the Abians, Verus asked, "They raid solely to take slaves?"

The man nodded. "Yes, they razed Wicket's Patch last week, and it's got no tactical use, what else is there, when they take every man, woman, and child captive and drag them off?" The ranger looked at him oddly. "I'm surprised you don't know that, commander," he said, eyeing the badge of rank upon Verus' cloak clasp.

"We have only two days ago come back from Windir," said Emogen, interjecting herself. "He was commanding a training company for a period."

The ranger looked at her. "You're a half elf," he said, "don't see many of you about here. What clan are you of?"

She nodded. "We are rare enough," replied the lady, "and I am of clan Velithar. She put her feet together and put one hand over her breast, her palm touching her chest. I am called Lemovaur." Her head bobbed in a short bow.

"Velithar?" he asked, "Never heard of them." Then he grinned. "Then again, I've never heard of a lot of the different clans." He turned to her, and executed a similar bow, with his hand open upon his breast. "I am Lucas Crusus," he said. The ranger then looked toward Verus, one eyebrow raised questioningly.

"I am Critus Tanverus," said Verus, using his full name that few knew.

Crusus laughed. "There used to be an Abian Centurion named Verus, long before the war. I wonder if you were named for him?" he asked.

Verus shrugged. "Maybe, my father was very into the study of military things," he said. In truth 'tan' as a suffix meant 'akin to' and he had been named for an uncle name Verus. It was also often used to mark a child named for someone whom a parent wished him to emulate, where 'tan' would mean 'like'.

"Do you two have some food?" asked Crusus, eyeing their rather heavy looking packs.

Verus nodded and unlimbered his knapsack, and opened it. He drew out a large hunk of salted meat and a chunk of hard tack. "Do you need some?"

The man's eyes said everything Verus needed to know. He was very hungry and he even saw the ranger's tongue poke out and lick at his lip. "Please, have some, we have plenty," he held out the meat and hardtack.

Same as Primus Pilum
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"As you may or may not know I am about to be divorced. This is a way I thought of getting back at hubby.........hell no we are not getting back together. LOL!"Dear ex-hubby, I hate it here, living with my sister. Don’t get me wrong, I am glad she offered me a place to stay, but she is just too nosy and bossy. All she does is lecture me oh how you were so wrong for me, pointing out every thing in detail like a fucking drama queen. Why just this morning sis told me that I should swear off all men...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Second ChanceChapter 5

Jeanette was a mess. She hadn't slept a minute that night. The tears had come when the kids were in bed and she could finally let herself go and indulge in self-pity. There hadn't been a word from Brent. Where was he? Had he left for good? It didn't seem possible. He loved his children and Jeanette couldn't bring herself to believe he would just walk away and leave them. She had reasoned that he had left to try and understand what he had seen, and decide what to do. That was just like...

1 year ago
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My One Adventure with Mom

If you've read my other stories, you know that my family consist of my mom, me (I'm the oldest), my younger sister Ginger, and my little brother Mikey. My sister and I have been very close for a long while over the eyars, but she wasn't my first member of the family I had a sexual encounter with. There was that one night with I had with my mom.It all started when I was f*****n. We lived in HOT south Florida and Mom was pretty open about nudity around the house, so it wasn’t unusual to see her...

3 years ago
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                                The Archer                                  by Abe     There, in the gloom, was a typical Welsh cottage: small,square, all stone and slate.  A candle burned in a window.  Gwenneth went to the door and knocked.  A woman answered thedoor, dressed in black, just like the "witches" on Welshpostcards.     "Pardon me," said Gwenneth, "but could you tell me where Imight be able to rent a room for the night?"     Sternly, the woman looked down on Gwenneth, who was all...

2 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 2107 Life in the Fast Lane

It was a week later that we got the diagnosis for Doug. I called Angela. "Lymphoma? Crap!" she said. "Hodgkins or non-Hodgkins?" "Oh. They said it wasn't Hodgkins. That's good, isn't it?" I said. "Not necessarily." She hesitated for a few seconds. "They'll probably want him to start treatment right away. It depends on what stage it's in as to what the treatment will be. I'll send you some info so you'll all know what to talk about with the oncologist. Don't try to...

2 years ago
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Sex starved man

Hi friends,I m Kunal, 31 yrs old married guy from Bhubaneswar.I m a banker.My parents live in another town,where my father is a class-II govt.officer.I have been married for 2 years & my married life was fantastic.My wife Renu is really a beautiful woman & always ready for my desire. This unexpected incident happened only 6 months back.Renu was pregnant & she was at her father’s place.One day my parents visited me.I requested my mom to stay back with me for a couple of days as a gesture of...

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Country Boy City GirlChapter 11

Saturday I woke up, and when I went to grab the newspaper it was in one of those plastic bags, and it was drizzling. Well, there went the idea of going to the drive-in tonight. So I brought the paper in and pulled out the Entertainment section to see what was playing in one of the cinemas. Hmm, there was a report in there about GameCon, a local gaming convention. That sounded interesting, as I had never been to a gaming convention before and was wondering what they were like. I went to the...

1 year ago
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Clueless But Willing

My name is Megan. I am an extremely beautiful woman in her 30’s. About three years ago I moved from the big city, along with my family, to explore what it would be like to live in a small town. My twin sister Maria, whom I am very close to, along with her family moved here too. I have slowly grown accustomed to the dramatic change of pace but have embraced my new lifestyle very well. It is kind of refreshing to walk into the post office and know many of the faces of the customers standing in...

1 year ago
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The Bet

You landed a great girlfriend when Jess came around. Not only was she a complete knockout, standing just about five-five, slender, with 34B breasts (you've bought her enough lingerie to know) and amazing legs. She works out fanatically, constantly asking you about her ass and if she looks fat. She has never once looked fat. Not only for looks, though, is your girlfriend a great catch. She also loves sports, especially football. Sunday, when most guys send their significant others away, you and...

1 year ago
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Blinding Hate

Have you ever hated someone so much that you would willingly risk going to jail just to get even with them for something that they had done to you? Well, I have and I did and now I'm waiting to see how things turn out. Yolanda was a bitch! A miserable fucking bitch and she made my life a living hell for over ten years. Yolanda was my stepmother and from the day my father brought her home until the day I moved out we did not get along at all. She hadn't been in the house a week and she took...

1 year ago
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WarlockChapter 9

Bren had barely started to look over the Warlock's engine when he heard Sophia slide down the side of the ship and race toward him. "Don't touch that!" She snapped, even before she'd rounded the ship to see what he was doing. From the looks of her, she had barely thrown on clean clothes and washed up before she had come rushing to make sure that he hadn't touched her precious ship. He stepped back and spread his hands out. Even she could see that they were still clean. He hadn't...

2 years ago
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Alone In My Room

We were upstairs in my room, and I was admiring the trees outside my window when our conversation subsided. Ryan looked at me with his flat brown eyes and short, oil black hair. He wore glasses, but you really didn’t notice them unless you looked hard enough at him. I usually felt like a midget standing 5’2′ beside his 5’9′. Even though we were both 19 I felt that I wouldn’t be growing anymore, while he just kept getting taller. Lucky. We were sitting on my bed next to each other and I hadn’t...

1 year ago
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As you are preparing for your day your television flickers on with an emergency broadcast comes on and the tornado siren near your home screams. The emergency broadcast beeps: “Attention citizens stay in doors and lock your windows and doors until further notice, Martial Law is now in effect. Anyone seen trying to leave the city will be detained or forced back into the city through any means necessary.” There is panic in the streets as stores are looted, people attacked by something that is...

3 years ago
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An Incest Birthday

Ever since I can remember, I and my twin sister were like best friends. We've done everything together since we were kids, go to the movies, play basketball, and go to the mall, anything fun we did it. We tell each other everything, there’s nothing we don’t know about each other, and at least, that’s what we thought...Let me start by describing us. My sister Rita is 5'2, blue eyes, blonde hair, a gorgeous smile, and a figure to die for. She has a wonderful body, 105 pounds, size 32B bust, and a...

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ThawChapter 6 Sheyda Sophie and Jessica

With the rest of the staff working over at the hospital to get the Taubett up and running, Cassie and Julie had the department to themselves. Eve spent most days working at her apartment, and only came into the uni for meetings. Stefan began sending Julie data from the scanner in the USA by the end of that first week. This seemed remarkably fast to Julie, but there were many problems with the initial data sets. The first scans were only of small regions of the body. The Taubett could only...

1 year ago
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Fucking at the theater

When Kenny turned 21, his father gave him the family owned movie theater for his birthday. A beautiful old building that had been around since the 1920's. It was really something in it's heyday. Since about 1960 the balcony had been closed to the public. It quickly became our favorite place for sex. We had been getting our nuts off together for about a year before he started running it. Right away we started playing around in the balcony. At first, when the theater was closed. But, later, we...

1 year ago
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Most women do not understand it, but there is freedom in obedience! It is actually so liberating for a sub to follow her MASTER's instructions to the letter, and not have to worry about a thing. That doesn't make me weak or spineless, in fact it makes me brave because i have the courage to follow my MASTER without question!It isn't about not thinking, (i'm a degree student so quite clever) it's about the freedom that there is in being in servitude. i feel so relaxed happy and free when i'm...

2 years ago
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Bo Derek Discovers the BeastChapter 13

Miles O'keefe received word two months later that he would be the star in John Derek's next movie project, a remake of 'Tarzan.' Now he knew why all the questions regarding animals. After his introduction into Bo Derek's quirky love habits, he had convinced himself that they were for that rather than a movie. Now he knew. What happened back at the Derek Ranch was just a bonus. He could still picture Bo and John along with the dogs. That same night he had given the Derek's young...

2 years ago
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Man in Blue

The young woman with jet black hair and dressed in a tie-dyed t-shirt smiled as Rachel walked into the shop. ‘Back again so soon?’ she asked, as Rachel bypassed the tacky bachelorette party supplies and headed straight for the vibrators. ‘Yeah,’ Rachel murmured, feeling a blush of embarrassment rise on her cheeks. She let her heavy dark brown hair parted down the middle fall over her shoulders, partially hiding her face. She always feared that someone she knew from work would come strolling...

2 years ago
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In A London Bedsit

“What we have here, my girl, is a genuine ILEA school cane.” “ILEA? Is that the Swedish furniture shop?” “No, no, no! Are you trying to be smart with me? I-L-E-A, do try to keep up my girl! ILEA stood for Inner London Education Authority, part of the GLC.” “GLC?” “GLC stood for Greater London Council. All the ILEA school canes were stamped to show they were approved models, you see?” “Yes, I think so. As opposed to unapproved ones?” “Yes, it was to discourage teachers from acquiring more severe...

3 years ago
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The Reunion

The Reunion (M/TG) by [email protected] This is a work of erotic fiction. If you're too young to be reading explicit sexual stories, stop now! If you're in a place where the sexual acts depicted are illegal, MOVE! It was my 10th High School reunion. I went with a real sense of boredom. High School was a wierd place for me. I spent my formulative years as a geek, but a geek who had no problem getting the girls. How did I accomplish this seemingly impossible task? I LISTENED...

1 year ago
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BimBim Squirt

Alright, you watersport-loving fucks. Oh, don’t make that face. Piss. Not piss. I don’t fucking care what it is. I’m not here to argue this with cucks who don’t know a thing about the female anatomy. Hell, most of you would get lost trying to find a slut’s fucking clit. All I know is that you sex-starved cucks go fucking crazy for bitches who can shoot sprays of squirt across a damn room when they orgasm. And, hey, there isn’t a damn thing wrong with that. If you’re a horny bastard who wants...

Live Squirt Cams
2 years ago
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The Instructress Ch 04

Donna smiled like a lovestruck teenager as Sam arrived for the next lesson. She hadn’t stopped thinking about their night together and beneath her kimono, she wore the same blue underwear that she had used to tease him at the hotel.“Yesterday was fun,” Sam smiled, discretely kissing her cheek.“I didn’t scare you off?”“No… but I  still can’t escape your scent.”“Good,” she whispered excitedly, “Now line up!”The other two students were there again. They were giggling, and evidently hadn’t...

4 years ago
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I started this as a means to get to another idea I have, but I got so into the intro, I thought it worked as a story on it’s own. I will post this and then post it again with my original ending so you can make up your own mind. I walked through the door, following your instructions to the letter. I sat on the chair you had left in the middle of the room, put the mask over my eyes shutting out the light. The chair was wooden, with a spindle back which lowered and came round the sides to make 2...

1 year ago
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The Perfect Woman

She had blue eyes, long red-hair that reached down to her butt. Her lips were big and soft and her butt size was 60 inches. Her soft skin was as white as snow. She had the smile of a princess and the kindness of a saint. She never cursed or held a grudge against anyone. She had no tattoos and piercings because she is a sophisticated lady. She had a British accent and loves to listen to soft rock music. She was not a tomboy, and you could tell because she always wore makeup and short skirts with...

3 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 09Chapter 7

[Andy continues to write] I don't think Marco liked any part of the situation but he didn't seem to want martyrdom to be the end of his life. He and Guiseppe spoke. Guiseppe said, "Let Marco go free and he will be sure that you will be safe to leave." Mom Janice immediately said, "No!" She offered nothing more. It was quiet for a long while. She looked at Bobbi and said, "Okay, we'll do it this way. We will tie their hands behind their backs with an additional rope around the neck...

2 years ago
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Burying the PastChapter 6

Memphis FBI Office It had taken them a while to get back, with a two-hour stop at the hospital so the kid’s cuts and scrapes could be cleaned and the one broken leg set in a cast. He also had a broken rib and some nasty bruises, but considering he’d been literally blasted out of a second story window, he’d gotten off lighter than he could have. They’d used the time well, pulling fingerprints and all the records they could find on him, from his visa and schooling in the US to online...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Lexie Deep Special surprise leads to anal

In todays update Lexie Deep gets her workout session interrupted with a birthday song and cake. As a special surprise her man gives her a box with a bunch of dildos and anal plugs. He lets her know that the toys are for her since she’s been wanting to tryout anal for a while. Since its her birthday, what a better time to do so? She gets the dildos inserted slowly and after she feels likes she ready and she ask of his cock. We see this chick taking this long cock from multiple positions until...

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lovely bhabhi

)Hi this is oorja. I’m 26 yrs young and single guy. I’m 5’9” tall fair in complexion and gud looking. I’ll not boast abt my body but it is average built. I stay at punjab with my parents and sister. We have a family in our neighbourhood with whom we have family like relations. There were uncleji, auntyji, inderpal bhaiya, baby didi and sukhi bhaiya. They have one more house at chandigarh. As uncle ji and inderpal bhaiya were working at chandigarh so they were staying there and come to patiala...

3 years ago
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Sex Ahead 4

With the coffee pot in her hand, Dorothy Baker went over to the kitchen table where her two good friends, Mary Anne Overton and Jennifer Henderson were sitting."More coffee, girls?" she asked."Not for me, thanks," said Mary Anne. "Hadn't we better be going? When there's a sale on, the store might be crowded.""We have time. It's still early," Dorothy replied. "How about you, Jennifer?""Yes, I will," said Jennifer. "Say, why don't we give Irma Thatcher a call and see if she'd like to go with us?...

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Randis Return

Randi's Return Randall reached over and silenced the alarm clock that had brought him out of his sleep. He lay there looking around his room trying to get completely awake. He felt a little saddened looking around his own bedroom; it wasn't the bright place that was Denise's where he had woken up just yesterday. At last he decided he best get ready for work and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He sat there for just a minute longer looking down at himself sitting there in his...

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I Sucked A Cock For You Maam

As commanded, I went to the nearest adult theater / bookstore. Shakily inside, I wandered around for a half hour looking at this and that. I could hear sounds from a film playing in another room. Judging from the number of cars in the lot, I figured a half dozen guys were in there. But no one else was looking at the take-home merchandise. The stocky guy behind sported a neat red beard. He kept a tired eye on me but nothing bothersome. He finished a cup of coffee and poured himself another from...

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Gateway What Lies BeyondChapter 58

Monty came to see me in the morning. He’d flown the drone north yesterday, and he had video for me to look at. He’d taken the drone straight up our valley and through the pass, and then flown it about the plateau, looking for signs of Winslow and his men, and the Horse People. Then before turning the drone back around and flying it home, he’d taken it back down our original valley to see if he could spot any sign of the Hilltop people. I quickly found out that Monty had good news and bad....

1 year ago
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A Different Kind of Freedom

A Different Kind of Freedom By Julie O Chapter One Group Captain Reginald ?Reggie? Carpenter slowly walked the perimeter of the camp, lost in thought. As the senior officer of the camp he was often called on to make difficult decisions, but today he was faced with an extremely complicated one. Reggie stopped and looked across the fence line, freedom was so close and yet so far. He glanced up at the closest goon tower and saw that the guard was watching his every move. Goon was...

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Serva Claudia from wife to slave 2

Chapter 2From Wife to SlaveI woke up at just after 7 after a deep and sound sleep and went downstairs to fetch some coffee. If my wife was still willing to go through the changes we discussed last night than the least I can do is serve on her one last time. Being the start of a bank holiday weekend did make it easier to put my plans into place. Wondering what I would have done on a Monday, calling in sick at work - but for the whole week and being perfectly fine yesterday, chatting with my...

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Mrs Graves

MRSGRAVESBy: counterparts199; part 1?What?s up, Mister Askins?? I asked the barber.  He was sweeping the winter dirt off of the shop porch.?Looks like you could still use a sit, Joe,? he teased back.  To Mister Askins I seemed a deserter, my hair having grown a little since the better economic conditions of fall.?Hi there, Mrs. Graves,? I said after walking on a piece, and past the town?s cornerstone plantation house.  She didn?t answer.  Mrs. Graves was pruning her roses because she?d grumped...

2 years ago
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Summer TrainingChapter 3

Stephanie was in the dark again. Jeffery had placed a leather blindfold over her eyes and left her standing naked in her bondage in the living room. She could hear her stepbrother setting something up beside her as she stood there in silence. In the living room they had gone through her lessons as she remembered them. The straps around her legs were gone as well as the lavender butterfly-shaped vibrator. But Stephanie still had the red-leather cuffs around her ankles and wrists, a matching...

3 years ago
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Black Bear Down

Copyright© "Oh, five, black," the radio crackled, "position report..." "Reception's shit tonight," Mladshiy Schpagin, commented. "Ah, oh, five, black, level 270, bearing 120 magnetic, Red Control... Red Control? Damn!" "What's the matter, Schpagin?" Starskiy Borodin asked from the front cockpit, known in AV-MF parlance as 'the office.' "I keep losing the signal, sir," he replied. "Atmospherics?" suggested Leytenant Yung in the second seat. "Americans!" replied the...

1 year ago
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TandraChapter 26

I walked through the medical section looking at the people that had come to depend on me. Mecholov's wife and three children, his maid on one side. A mother and her two children of a man Mecholov had to kill, so that he could acquire the family. How could one man be so evil, as to do this to his family, people that he was supposed to protect? It was almost 5 AM my time, and the girls would soon be waking. It would be good to be inside the base for some reason, but I knew being in the ship...

3 years ago
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The Preachers DaughterChapter 5 First Date

Three days later... Time: January 12, 9570 1 PM UCT Eliana had a few minutes to go in her forty-minute run on the ellipse trainer when she saw Basel climb the ladder and join her in the Level-4 exercise area. He was dressed in workout clothing, thin and tight. His outfit was similar to Eliana's leotards but with bare legs and arms, and Eliana caught her breath as she admired his masculine form. "Excellent physical shape," she thought. "He's so handsome! Why didn't I see this the...

1 year ago
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Bua Or Bua Ki Beti Ko Choda

Hello friends, mera naam hunny hai or mai 24 saal ka young boy hu ye kahani meri, meri bua or bua ki beti ki chudai ki hai sabse pahle meri bua ke baar mai aapko bata deta hu meri bua 48 saal ki hai par aaj bhi dikhne mai Sexy hai bua ke pati shaadi ke 6 month baad hi videsh chale gaye or 6 saal mai ek baar aate hai. jis karan meri bua ki chudai ki vasana puri nahi ho paayi. Meri bua ki ladki jiska naam ina hai wo 24 saal ki hai wo dikhne mae kaali, moti hai jis kaaran uski shaadi abhi tak nahi...

4 years ago
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Carols nephew comes to stay

BY Docker5000 Carol Newport was just leaving her office to go home, when she got a telephone call from her sister Tricia. Tricia told her that her husband’s mother; had been rushed into hospital and they were on their way to go and see how she was. Because they did not know how bad she was they did not want to take Jonathan their son with them and could he please stay with her for the weekend and they would pick him up if everything went to plan Monday morning. Carol was a little...

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Hot Cross Buns

HOT CROSS BUNS! Having the extension built on the house should have been an easy affair,they had got several quotes and chosen two builders who had a good reputationin the area. In fact the work was going just fine and the men had the outerskin of brickwork up to the height of the window sill when Melody took a weekoff work to catch up with her dress making. She always did her sewing in the dining room on the table and set everythingout as soon as Steve left for work at 7.30. By nine o'clock...

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