Exploding CupcakesChapter 2
- 3 years ago
- 27
- 0
The next day at work, she went up three floors from her office to visit her friend, Brenda, at another company. While there, she asked to use the phone. She assumed they couldn't tap all the phones of all the companies in the building. Steve was surprised to hear from her, but agreed to pick her up at her office after work.
Cat had brought a change of clothes to work. She changed shortly before quitting time, put on a wig, and turned her reversible coat inside out. When Steve arrived, she watched with amusement as he wandered around the office looking for her. The second time he walked by her desk, she said something.
"Cat, is that you? You're different. This is a new look for you."
"It's not a look, it's a disguise," Cat said, mildly surprised that he would notice or comment on her look. "Let's go down to your car and I'll explain on the way."
It was raining out and Cat pulled her umbrella down close over the two of them, hoping not to be recognized. Steve misinterpreted her action and slipped his arm around her waist. Cat started to shrug him off, but desisted. She needed a major favor from this guy. Considering all the things she'd done for total strangers in the past few weeks, an arm around her waist was nothing. Nevertheless, Steve's presumption was intensely annoying, and Cat was puzzled as to why it should bother her so much, but it did.
Steve was surprised when Cat asked him to take her to his shop. As they drove, Cat explained her problem. Her original intention had been to tell Steve as little as possible about her situation, but there was no way to tell part of the story. She ended up telling him everything, including the rodeo, the death of Monica, her own punishments, and her fears about Mindy.
"Cat, that's the wildest thing I've ever heard in my life. I've never known you to make up stories, but this absurd. Why don't you tell me what's really going on."
"Please, Steve, you have to believe me. I know it all sounds incredible, but it's true. I need for you to believe me."
"It's clear you're frightened. I honestly don't know what to make of all this, but we'll have a better idea of what's going on once I make some measurements."
Upon arrival, Steve led Cat into the shop and sat her down on a low stool in front of a work bench. He switched on a lighted magnifier and swung the arm around so that the lens was positioned over her collar.
"Weird," he said. "This isn't just jewelry."
"That's what I've been trying to tell you."
Steve continued his inspection. As he worked, his personality changed and Cat remembered what had first attracted her to him. He spoke with a confidence born of competence, not arrogance. He had the situation in hand and Cat felt safe for the first time since this had all started. If only Steve had put that level of effort into their relationship.
Cat watched as Steve waved what appeared to be a wand with a loop at the end around her collar.
"What are you doing?"
"This is a pickup loop. See the waveform on that scope? That's the signal you're collar is putting out."
"What does it mean?"
"I don't know yet. It's a very low level signal. It looks like we get a burst every twenty seconds or so. I assume those are the instructions to your implants. It probably resets a countdown timer."
"What does that mean?"
"It means that if the signal from your collar doesn't arrive before the countdown timer runs out, the pain is turned on."
"You mean the implants have to get a signal every twenty seconds?"
"Maybe, maybe not. If I were doing it, I'd set the timer for forty five seconds. That way it would have to miss two successive resets to activate, but who knows how these guys programmed it. Has it ever turned on by accident?"
"Then they probably included some sort of fail safe... Jeezus, what was that?"
"What was what?"
"This thing just put out a much larger signal. Stronger than the reset signal and a longer burst. You may be in trouble. I think your collar just reported in."
"Oh, no. Steve, they'll kill me. We've got to get out of here."
"And go where?"
"I don't know, but we have to get away."
"I don't think so. If your collar was reporting a problem, it would have repeated by now. I'll bet that was a routine report."
"Do you know what it said?"
"No. The signal was digital, but modulated onto an analog carrier. It may be encoded as well."
"I have no idea what you just said, except that you can't read it."
"I can't read it right now. Given time, I might be able to figure it out, but I've got to capture it first." He disconnected the handle from the pickup loop and taped the loop to Cat's collar with a piece of electrical tape. Then he made some adjustments to his equipment.
"There. Now we'll be able to save the next one."
"So how far can this thing transmit? It doesn't seem like it could be all that far, so they've got to be nearby, don't they?"
"I doubt it. They would use a relay device."
"A what?"
"A device that would pick up the signal and transmit it at higher power to wherever they are. For all we know they could be in another city. They might have their own repeater, or they might be using a satellite or the cell phone system. I would eliminate the satellite idea just because it takes more power to access a satellite and this is definitely a low power device. My guess would be either the cell phone system or their own repeaters. Either choice presents a number of problems, but the fact that they've solved those problems and come up with a working system indicates they have resources, both technical and political."
The two of them sat silently and stared at the screen of Steve's scope. Every twenty seconds, a short burst of activity would occur, then it was quiet again.
"This is boring," Cat commented.
"That's good. If your collar had reported a problem, I think we'd have seen some other activity by now. I think that was some sort of routine... There, got it!" The screen had burst into activity, but this time the waveform more than filled the screen.
"It's been about twenty minutes. I'll bet this thing reports in about every twenty minutes. We'll have to wait another twenty to know for sure, though."
"How long have I been here?"
"A little over an hour."
"Then they probably don't know where I am. They'd have been here by now."
"On the contrary, they probably know exactly where you are."
"How could they? Even you didn't recognize me in the disguise. I'm sure we weren't followed."
"Cat, you're not thinking clearly. What do you think your collar reports when it reports in?"
"I don't know. Do you?"
"No, but I can guess. I think it reports your position. That burst it sends out probably consists of an ID number and your current latitude and longitude."
"How can it do that?"
"I think you've got a GPS receiver buried in your implants or collar. Every twenty minutes it tells them exactly where you are."
"What's GPS?"
"Ground positioning satellite. It can determine your location to within a few yards."
"I thought you said it couldn't reach a satellite."
"It can't talk to a satellite, but it can listen to them. That doesn't take any power to speak of."
"But if they know I'm here..." Cat was beginning to panic.
"Relax. They may know where you are, but they probably don't know where that is."
"I don't understand."
"Just because they know your location doesn't mean they know what's at that location. They know your exact latitude and longitude, but they probably don't know you're at my shop. I doubt that this location would set off an alarm in their system."
"I still don't get it."
"Okay, let's back up a bit. You assumed they had people following you and that's how they knew when you went to the police. Now you know they didn't need to do that. Do you think they've got a guy sitting in front of a terminal somewhere watching your every move?"
"Well, yeah. That's sort of what I thought."
"Well, they probably don't."
"How do you know that?"
"I don't. But I can make some reasonable assumptions. I just ask myself how I'd solve the same problem."
"What problem?"
"The problem of keeping track of several busloads of women. It would require a lot of manpower to sit and watch them all the time. People would get bored. They'd miss things. That's a job for a computer. You just feed it a list of forbidden locations and then let it compare the incoming reports to those locations. That's how they knew you were at the police station. When your location matched a forbidden one, the system yelled for help."
"Yelled for help?"
"Rang a bell, buzzed a buzzer, printed a report, sent an email, whatever. The details don't matter. The point is that someone was alerted and they took action."
"But what about when I was with Monica?"
"That's easy. They also program it to watch for two locations that are identical. At that point, somebody probably has to sit down and decide if you both just happen to be independently shopping at the same mall or if you're in contact. In your case, it would have been easy. You were in the coffee shop, so your locations were identical and neither one of you was moving around."
"How sure are you of all this?"
"Hang on, we're coming up on twenty minutes... Yes, there it is. Given that, I'd say ninety percent. If I can extract the data from that signal, I can probably make it a hundred percent."
"How long does that take?"
"It won't happen this evening, if that's what you're asking. Give me a couple of days and I'll let you know."
"So, is there anything you can do?"
"I have several ideas, and I'll probably get a few more as I think about it. We aren't going to do anything tonight. Besides, if I can read those transmissions, we have a much broader range of possibilities. I wish I could be around next time you're punished. I'd love to get a copy of those instructions."
"What do you mean by that?"
"If I had those instructions, I could probably manage to counteract them."
"Doesn't the collar send them out every twenty seconds?"
"No, that's a simple reset. There should be an override instruction that's transmitted to the collar to turn on the pain when you're being punished. I'd like to see the response."
"No, dummy, not your response. The collar's response. It probably sends back an acknowledgment. Otherwise, they would have no way of knowing if the instructions they transmitted were received or carried out."
"So what's that good for?"
"Suppose the instructions weren't carried out, but they received an acknowledgment anyway. They would have no way of knowing you weren't actually punished."
"Can you do that?"
"I don't know. Can you arrange to be punished when I'm around so I can get a copy of the signal?"
"Steve, you don't know what you're asking."
"Probably not, but think about it anyway. If I could do it, it would free you from future punishment, and they'd never know."
"Okay, I'll think about it."
"Fine. We'd better get you back to your car. They may be set up to raise an alarm if you're not where you're expected to be for any length of time."
"What do you mean?"
"You're normally home at this time, aren't you?"
"Well, tonight you're not, and you've spent a couple of hours in the same place without moving, so you're probably not shopping. Are they set up to watch for that?"
"I don't know."
"I don't either. I'll take you to your car, then you'd best get home. I'll let you know when I've got something."
"Okay. Leave a message for me at Brenda's office. I'll call you from there."
"Cat, I don't think they're tapping your phone."
"I don't care. I'm not taking any chances. If they catch us doing this, they'll make me cut my head off."
"You're right. Caution is called for. I'll be in touch."
Shortly after Cat arrived home, her phone rang. She nearly panicked, afraid it was them. Oddly enough, it was Fred. He wanted to know if she'd seen Mindy. Cat told him she hadn't and Fred went away.
Cat thought the call was odd. If Fred had sold Mindy to the institute, he wouldn't need to call around looking for her. Maybe he was trying to cover up, in case her disappearance became a police matter. The other odd thing was that Fred was distracted and distant. He hadn't tried to flirt with her, which he always did when he had occasion to call her. Cat wondered if she had been wrong about Fred being the cause of Mindy's indenture.
The next morning, her phone rang again. This time it was the institute. Cat was alarmed until she realized they were only calling to give her an assignment. She relaxed a bit. Apparently, her visit to Steve's shop had not set off any alarms.
Cat was dismayed by the assignment she had received. It was a repeat of her second one. As before, she was instructed to dress up in her hooker outfit, catch the bus, etc. She was further instructed that this time they had better be four inch heels. Cat couldn't believe the guy had actually noticed her shoes on their previous brief and stormy encounter. If only Steve could have learned to pay attention like that. Why was it only the jerks? Not only that, she was going to have to go out and buy a pair of shoes after work that met the specifications. She couldn't afford to piss this guy off a second time. She didn't know if that would qualify as strike three, but even if it didn't, her punishment would certainly be severe.
Cat dressed as required and went to catch the bus. She had neglected to replace her plastic raincoat and didn't want to abandon her good one, so she waited for the bus in the hooker outfit. At this point, it didn't much matter what the neighbors thought. She had more serious problems.
This time she arrived at her destination without mishap. The man was waiting for her as before.
"I'm glad to see you've learned to follow instructions properly."
"Yes, sir."
The man pulled Cat's arms behind her and bound her wrists, then opened the trunk of his car.
"Okay, in the trunk."
"But my hands are tied."
"I don't want any crap from you. You've already got enough to make up for."
"But I've already been punished for that."
"Not by me, you haven't. Now get your ass in the trunk."
Oh, God. Why did she get all the wackos? Didn't the institute have any customers who just wanted to fuck her and send her home?
The trunk had a high lip. Cat backed up to it and sat down. Leaning back slowly, she tried to slide her butt into the trunk. She slipped and fell backwards, banging the back of her head on the forward lip of the trunk. Cat lay moaning, her feet still hanging out the back of the trunk.
"Cross your ankles," the man commanded. Cat complied and he bound her ankles tightly with rope. "Now, get all the way in." Cat pulled her ankles into the trunk and rolled onto her side.
"You don't have to lock me in the trunk. I'll do whatever you say."
"You bitches just never get it. You always assume you're being locked in the trunk for some ulterior motive. You're not. You're in the trunk because I like locking you in the trunk. You're here to please me and this is what I like."
"Yes, sir."
"Just so you don't feel neglected, I'm going to have my friends keep you company." The man produced a large glass jar. The light in the trunk lid allowed Cat to see that it contained two very large tarantulas. The man unscrewed the lid and upended the jar. The spiders landed with two small thumps. Cat screamed, scooting away from the spiders...
"If you injure my pets, you will very much wish you hadn't." The trunk lid was slammed, extinguishing the light.
Cat stopped screaming and worked her way into the far corner of the trunk. How had this guy known of her fear of spiders? Cat thought she heard scuttling near the front of the trunk. She shrunk farther into the corner. The car started and lurched into motion, making enough noise that Cat could no longer hear the spiders, if indeed she had heard them.
Cat lay trembling in the corner, rolling about slightly as the car accelerated, decelerated, and turned corners. She felt something on the back of her knee. Cat screamed and flopped about, managing to bang her head yet again. She returned to immobility, hoping she had frightened the thing away, but it was a cold night, and the spiders sought the warmth of her body. Moments later, she felt something on her throat. Cat screamed again, raising up with sufficient force to knock herself unconscious.
Cat returned to consciousness. She didn't think she'd been out very long. Slowly, she opened her eyes. The red glow from the tail lights permeated the trunk with a soft light that didn't really allow her to see anything, but did at least permit her to orient herself by the position of the lights. Cat noticed she couldn't see out of one eye. She opened and closed her blind eye a couple of times. Her eye lashes brushed against something. She realized the thing was perched on her face, blocking her vision. Cat screamed hideously and thrashed about, finally to lay whimpering at the rear of the trunk with her back to the taillights. A few minutes later it happened again. One of them had crawled up her thigh and arrived at the bare flesh above her stocking. It was more than she could stand. Cat screamed and kicked continuously for the remainder of the trip, pleading to be let out.
The car stopped and moments later the trunk opened. The man, who she later learned was named Louie, scooped her into his arms. Cat was still hysterical and didn't pay any attention to her surroundings. Louie set her down in a chair and untied her ankles.
Slowly, Cat regained her composure. Looking around, it was obvious that she was in the basement. The accouterments made it equally obvious that she was here to be punished. Why did she always end up in the basement? Couldn't somebody just once carry her to the bedroom?
"Now listen, cunt, cause I'm only going to say this once."
It was obvious to Cat that Louie saw himself as a real tough guy. When confronted with a terrified woman whose hands were tied, Louie didn't flinch even a little bit.
"You're going to do exactly as I tell you. If you disobey in the slightest, you're going to spend the rest of the night in a box with a dozen of my friends. Understand?"
Cat gulped and nodded emphatically. Louie would be obeyed.
Cat spent a miserable night with Louie, but no worse than others she had recently endured. Except for the spiders, Louie was not that imaginative, and Cat was subjected to a fairly routine evening of sexual service interspersed with punishment and humiliation. When morning came, Cat was bound and stuffed in the trunk again, sans spiders, to her vast relief.
When next the trunk opened, Cat was released from her bonds and climbed out. She was at the corner where Louie had picked her up. Louie handed her bus fare and departed. It was early morning and Cat made her way home without incident.
Cat showered and dressed for work. If she hurried, she would be on time, but there was no time for breakfast.
She returned home that evening to another call from the institute. It was another assignment, plus some feedback.
"Louie was quite taken with you," Cat was informed. "He said you screamed most delightfully."
"Oh, no. Please don't tell me he wants me again."
"No, he wants somebody new every time."
"How did he know I was afraid of spiders?"
"He didn't. He does that to everyone. Most women are frightened by spiders, although few are as frightened as you were. He said you were spectacular. He made a recording, you know. He collects recordings of women screaming in his trunk. So far, you're his favorite."
"Where do you find these weirdos?"
"Mostly, they find us."
"But where do they all come from? I've dated a bunch of guys, and nobody ever wanted to torture me or anything. These guys are just sick."
"If they have the money, they can do whatever they want."
Cat was given her assignment, which turned out to be just what she'd been praying for last night. Some guy who just wanted to fuck her and send her home. It didn't pay as well as a night with Louie, but Cat didn't care. The guy was actually kind of sweet, considering.
Two sentences from the last phone conversation with the Institute stuck in Cat's head. The first, 'Mostly, they find us' caused her to wonder just how one went about finding the Institute. How had Louie found them? If you were someone who collected recordings of women screaming in your trunk, how would you go about finding someone to supply the women? Cat didn't want to know where he got the spiders.
The second sentence she remembered was frightening. 'If they have the money, they can do whatever they want.' What if they unearthed some nutcase who collected shrunken heads? Would they sell her head? Considering what had happened to Monica, Cat was certain they would. And if a schmuck like Louie could find them, it was likely that even more sinister types would find them, too. Something like that might already be going on. Since the ban on communication among Institute 'servants' was strictly enforced, there was no grapevine. Cat had no idea what the other girls were forced to endure. Did she get a disproportionate number of wackos, or were all the institute customers like that and she was just getting an average mix? There was no way to know.
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CrossdressingIt’s Saturday afternoon and I decide I need a little R&R, get out and get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and Rick my boyfriend, he has issues today and I’m just not ready to deal with them right now. I’m just gonna hop on my motorbike and see where the highway takes me first ride of the season. If I go 2 hours out and 2 hours back home, I should still have time to get ready for Rick’s bash tonight. Riding along, the countryside slipping by, soon I start to relax and can feel the...
Lily woke to find that Rich's seed was still sticky between her cheeks, and that Rich had buried his face into her bosom at some point during the night. She felt his breath on her chest, his hand on her hip, and his hard-on pressing against her thigh. Rich woke to find that something was moving under the sheets, and that his cock was in something wet, and warm. He subtly shifted his leg, not wanting to let her know that he was awake, and he watched the figure bob up and down underneath the...
Dirty blonde Tiffany Tatum’s team has been renovating director David Perry’s home. He inspects the place, thrilled with their work. Young Tiffany takes him downstairs, where she immediately throws herself at David! The slim, sexy girl kisses and caresses him, soon dropping to her knees to feast on his thick, lengthy dick. Tiffany drools through a sloppy, throat-fucking blowjob, slobber seeping over her perky tits. She pulls down her tight leather pants and sits on David’s...
xmoviesforyouLast night (Friday) was a date night for me. I was "fixed-up" by a couple whom I've known for years. They had a friend coming to visit (college mate of the woman in the couple). They wanted her to join them for dinner, but she was reluctant to do so - fearing she'd simply be a 3rd wheel. I consented to "the date," fully expecting to simply be an escort for the friend. I drove to my friends' house, and was greeted with a drink in hand by the female host. She gave me a peck on the cheek and said...
The extended family gathered in the hospital parking lot and discussed supper plans. “It’s too late to cook anything. Who is in favour of pizza and the hockey game on TV?” Karen asked. “I am!” They resoundingly responded. While Dan and Karen went to order pizzas, Wendy drove the remainder home to get the plates and drinks ready. When they arrived home, Brad checked the messages on the phone. “Quite a few calls about what happened at today’s game plus, NSN called and wants to interview...
Hi dear mera naam ajay hai , aaj mai aap logo ko ek sach ghatna batane jaa raha hun . Mere ghar me mummy papa or bhaiya bhabi rahte hai, didi bhi unke sasural me rahti hai . Hum sab kanpur ke ek chote ganv me rahte hai . Papa ki umra 52 sal hai or unka khud ka business hai , bhaiya bhi papa ka business sambhal te hai.Bhaiya ki sadi 5sal pahle hui thi . Or didi ki 3sal pahle. Mummy ki umra 48 sal hai or bo ek sati savitri housewife hai . Ye kahani or kisi ki nhi meri mummy ki hi hai jo ek...
Dave sat on the toilet, shaking, shuddering, as his cock spat little splashes of cum that bubbled over the tip of his hard-on and dribbled down onto his hand. He was spent. Sue had cum too. She still had her hand in her panties. Dave slumped back on the toilet seat, splayed out, his prick half-hard, but he still fondled the curling stalk. "I'd like some pictures of you, Sue," Dave whispered. "Pictures?" "Yes." "Like those cheerleading pictures you masturbated to?" "Something...
What was the matter with Linda Parker? For these last few years, she had been enjoying all kinds of different sex. With men. She loved to suck and to be sucked, she loved anal, she loved more than one guy... Guy. Yes. So far, guy. But... What about something... Someone... Some girl? It wasn't just thanks to Julie. Sure, when her twin sister ate her, Linda had a fantastic orgasm. One of the bests of her life. But that had nothing to do with it. She had also seen lesbian sex, just in...
"Ooh yes, that feel so good. Right there, just a little harder with your thumbs."Gina just loved getting massage, she felt the goose bumps spreading across her bare body as her daughter Tanya, who was standing behind her in the bathroom, massaged her stiff t****zuis muscles. This was a routine that had been going on for a few weeks after her evening bath. The doctor had said that non professional massage at home would do her good to besides her regular visit to the chiropractor. She knew that...
I thought I'd share an experience that I had at my local bath house earlier this year. I've always wanted to have a bukkake done on me and after some careful planning, made my dream into reality! I had tried a few times prior to this to set a bukkake up and it always failed. Either guys didn't show up, or if they did, joined into recieving and got most of the loads. I finally approached the owner of the bath house I go to and explained what I wanted to do. We know each other fairly well, and...
MAU: Morphic Adaption Unit The Other Side of the Fence Part One By Mr. 20 Inch Biceps Prologue Did you ever wake up and want to be someone else? That's pretty much where I'd found myself unexpectedly. Only the person I wanted to be was me. I was college educated and single. I was considered by many to be what some called 'handsome'. The only problem was I was a woman. Moreover, 'handsome' was...
My name is Ryan Everest, I’m a 22 year old Male my hair colour is dark brown it comes to just about my shoulders, I have green coloured eyes and am a little over five feet high, I’m not the most heavily endowed but I’ll go into more detail on that later. Where do I begin… well I guess the best place to start is the day I met lady Gomorrah… It was just another day. A day spent sitting at the laptop, jumping from one Tumblr porn blog to another. I can’t even remember how I got into this stuff...
Macario lay out by the pool, getting himself a late morning tan. He was getting a hard-on from listening to Holly and Haley as they munched on each other for dessert. After a while, though, the twins came looking for something else to do – besides each other. 'Something else to fuck besides each other, you mean... ' "Hi, Mackie-honey," Haley greeted him, her lips scrunched together in what she thought was a sexy pout. "Yeah, hi from me too," Holly said as they dropped down, one on...
Several months passed before the completion of their little health center. Most everyone pitched into the design of their sector of the building. Victoria had an idea for the suite on the top floor. Kristen had been in enough clinics to have a good idea what she wanted for the third floor. The second floor they opened up for dance and exercise, building a lovely sound and light studio to make the space possible for performance against one short wall, the opposite wall containing a small stage...
At that point I don’t know how, but my cock was even harder. It was so hard it hurt. I crawled in-between Laura’s firm smooth legs and bent down to kiss her again. I used my left hand to play with Laura’s tight pussy... that perfect pussy, those nice puffy pussy lips perfectly trimmed.. and sure enough it was hot and wet. I stared rubbing my cock on her pussy and I could feel her get hotter and even more wet, the girl was soaking. I ran the tip of my dick up and down that pussy and finally my...
“Mmm. Karen, you’re so sweet.” “Mm. And you’re so hot a kisser.” “It’s you. You turn me on. You’re so soft here, but so firm. Does it feel good when I do that?” “Yeah. It’s standing up for you.” “Let me see.” “Mike!” “Well, you tease. That last was deliberately turning me on. I have to see it stand up.” “You don’t have to see anything.” “Okay. I won’t look. I’ll stare straight into your eyes like this. Just let me feel.” “Mike!” “You are so soft there. Your skin’s so smooth up here....
MASTER OF TRANSFORMATION #3 By Tammie Anne Freeman Chapter 9 It was strange looking at myself in the mirror and seeing my sister Debbie. But I was getting increasingly used to being Debbie's twin. But with school starting I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to go to 11th grade when I looked like a 7 year old. And it would be ridiculous to go back to 2nd grade, as I would be bored and not learn anything. Janet said that I would be going to a special school called LAMA...
[Tennessee] “Folks, here’s what we think we know. There is another group coming from the west. They’re about half of what we faced before. I would like to wipe them out but holding them would be acceptable. The real threat is coming from the south now. A party at least as large as what we faced here is coming up from the south. That’s now their main party. I want to keep five or six with a rocket launcher here with the tractor-trailer rigs blocking the bridge. The job will be to slow them...
Hi dosto aapka gaurav hazir he ek baar phir apni real life story lekar neha ko chodne ke baad ab muje bas sara din sex ka hi khayal aata he. Well my little intro again for new readers ” I am gaurav from ahmedabad my height is 6 ft 3 inch my body is perfect and my dick size is 7 inch long 2.5 inch thick. So dosto aapka jyada waqt barbad na karte hue me sidhe story pe aata hu ye baat kuch mahino pehle ki he hamare ghar ek function tha jisme hamare sare rishte daro ko invite kia tha usme meri...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Hi my name is Jeff I am a 34 year old man who got married when I was just 18 to Rose my beutiful redheaded wife. We got married when we found out that she was with our love child and neither of us wanted to give the child up. Eight months later Rose gave birth to Tracy a beutiful baby girl who is now 18 with 36-c cup breat and the most beutiful head of strawberry-blonde hair you can imagine. We also have a son named Josh. Due to complications during...
IncestEven after several years we continued our on again off again relationship as secret lovers I and my older English boss. There was a formal function we all had to attend and everyone brought their spouses. I was in-between boyfriends at the time and even though I could have drug someone along I knew he would be there with his wife so I wanted to go alone. I did my best to mingle and stay as far away from them as possible so I didn’t have to make eye contact with him. I don’t really...
TabooCameron I was lying in my bed, tossing and turning because Olivia kept crossing my mind. Her beautiful caramel colored skin, her light brown eyes, and her seductive lips never failed to mesmerize me. I have never been so sexually alive, but I liked it because only she can bring it out of me. For the tenth time that hour, my boxers got tighter as my erection requested my attention. I sighed because I was not used to jacking off this often and I rolled over, attempting to get some sleep. My...
I’ve been steady with Laura for nearly two years now and we have a very close bond. We are as much buddies as anything but we are close and don’t have any secrets. We are both openly bisexual, but prefer girls for lots of reasons. Despite swinging both ways, guys have been few and far between of late. I just haven’t gone out of my way to seek male company. That all changed recently. I guess you would describe my taste in guys as ‘fussy.’ I like them to be young, fit and cute; but manly. I...
Group SexStaff Sergeant (SSgt) Thomas Eagle's eyes popped open at the unexpected startling sound. His heart was beating loudly as the noise dragged him from a deep sleep. He lay still for a moment, then groaned and grabbed his phone to shut off the alarm. He was still exhausted from his past several weeks of roaming the hills in Afghanistan as well as the long flight back to Ft. Bragg, NC. To top that off, after they were released the night before he and some friends from his unit who did not have...
I handed Grant the data terminal, and spent the next few days walking around in a daze. Somewhere, Jenny was possibly frozen in a state of suspended animation, waiting for me to awaken her. I had no idea whether she ever arrived at her destination, or even where it was. All I knew was that locating it would become my top priority. Just the possibility that Jenny and I could be together once more gave me fresh hope, and determination to prevail against the odds. As expected, Matthias arrived...
I was packed and ready to go to camp. The plan was for Tami to pick me up to take me to the airport. I had loved up on Duke, and explained I would only be gone a few days. I was surprised when Harper walked in the back door. I didn't ask any questions until we were in the car. "Where's Tami?" I asked. "She'll see you when you get back. You get to talk to me on the way to the airport." "Okay, what am I talking to you about?" "My job is to talk you out of being Tami's boyfriend....
His hands slipped all over her body, caressing each dimple, each crease, each hill and valley intimately. He kissed all over her face, down her neck and shoulders, to her chest and breasts, lazily tasting and licking each nipple to get it hard. He gently pinched them, which sent shockwaves coursing through Ariel's body, causing her to moan his name breathlessly. His fingers teased her at the triangle of dark chocolate curls below her belly, drifting into the curls, and down between the...
The bath was already deep and overflowing with fragrant bubbles by the time Phil managed to drag himself to the bathroom. Serena was stretched out full length in the tub, her glorious body obscured by the foam. She smiled up at him as he walked in. “Feeling better? Have I worn you out?” “Oh I will be fine in a little while. Is there room in there for another one?”. Serena shuffled forward and he slid in behind her. She nestled back against him and he took the soap and started to wash her...
It's a little hard to not know the name Amouranth. She's a beautiful woman with large breasts and booty who happens to be a gamer girl — occasionally. Amouranth does have a Twitch channel where she plays games, does some ASMR streams, and even some dance party sessions, too. However, there's another side to this beautiful girl who has gotten extremely popular over the years.Amouranth does OnlyFans as a way of showing her most dedicated fans so much more that they could never see on Twitch....
Twitter Porn AccountsMy intoxicating carnal connection with my stepsister Sue was carefully hidden in the home and she only revealed her sinful behavior to her close friend Betty Ann Weedock at a time when she thought we had split and would never get back together again. I never suspected that Betty Ann was harboring a sort of crush on me because I thought she was one of those girls that were a lot happier with their arms around a nice warm pussy than taking a stiff dick from an annoying member from the opposite...
A New Start in Life Part 18 We got in the car, well it was what's called a SUV, Kell sat in the front with Al, so the rest of us squeezed in the back, not that I was complaining as I was literally crushed against Mac and Shoni, he had his arm around me. Really with the crush he had no option and I wasn't complaining. Al was telling them about our trip on Route 66, and also about his granddad giving us driving lessons and He teaching us basic car skills, he commented, "they're good,...
"Wow, did you catch the expression on Uncle Matt's face when he finally passed out?" Millie chuckled, on the way home with her mother after the sucking and fucking. "What a grin. Aunt Libby'll have to pry it off his face when she finds him like that." "Believe me, if anybody knows how, it's your aunt. She's had plenty of practice. She's been making Matt miserable for years," Betsy noted. Then, with a sigh, she added, "But that's a marriage for you. I ought to know." Millie was...
About me 25yrs, athletic built from a highly reputed engineering college and working in an MNC in Bangalore with a fat salary. Hangover of break with ex-gf, and heaviness of living with limited female friends in college the lightness of being in Bangalore added on to look for a companion as well as much more. And added worst part was all the female school friends getting married. Anyway hunt began and facebook definitiely was one of the means. After repeatedly trying to meet somebody new and...
Stacy wanted to taste Alex so bad that they didn't even make it to the bedroom. As soon as they came through the door she turned to face Alex and started kissing her. " Someone is eager." Alex chuckled. "You have no idea." Alex replied. "but you soon will." she winked. Stacy took a look at Alex taking her all in, and she liked what she saw!. Alex had the most amazing body she had ever seen. Her shirt was exposing some of her tight tummy. All Stacy could think about was licking it..So she did....
It was originally a gift for my best friend Jake but he hadn't wanted the stuipid last minuite gift. As I twisted and turned the colone bottle through my hands I studied its shape it resembled the shape of a gorgeous lady that had at least 38 DD. The top of it was the lady's head. Already i wished she actually was there. I figured why not keep it and see if i can use it. So when I got home i put it in a bathroom cabinet. It stayed there for 4 years. Then finally one year when I was looking for...