Exploding CupcakesChapter 2 free porn video

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Cat felt like a zoo exhibit. Every once in a while, passing footsteps would stop in front of her cage. Sometimes the passers by would comment on her. Other times they would linger silently and walk on.

The door to Cat's cage opened. She was led back down the ramps. Her blindfold and chains were removed, as was the gag.

"Get undressed," her handler commanded. Cat removed her jeans, shirt, and shoes.

"Keep going," she was instructed. She removed her socks, bra, and panties. She was now naked.

"You're entered in the calf roping competition," the man told her.

"But I don't know anything about roping," Cat protested. "I don't even know how to ride a horse."

"You won't need to. You're the calf."


"When you enter the arena, go to the center and stand in the chalk circle. When the bell rings, run," her keeper (as Cat had come to think of him) said.

Cat was thrust into the arena. The door closed behind her. The stands were filled. The audience was mostly men, but there were a few women scattered around. Most of these wore casual clothes, but a few wore either lingerie or nothing and seemed to be captives or servants or something.

Cat turned red with embarrassment from being naked in front of all these people.

"The quarry will stand in the circle," the announcer commanded. Cat saw a chalk circle about three feet in diameter and went to stand in it. She tried to examine the crowd more closely, wondering who all these people were and where they had come from.

"The first rider in the calf roping event is Bill Jenkins," the announcer announced. "Catherine Lund is the calf." Cat was angry that he had told all these people her name. It was somehow more embarrassing being naked when they knew who she was.

A bell rang and a gate opened. A horse and rider issued from the gate. The horse sped toward her. Cat had never been around horses much. It was huge. As it approached, she could literally feel the earth shake as its hooves pounded the turf. The rider was slowly twirling a lariat.

"Run, you stupid bitch, run," the rider shouted. The horse was very close now. Cat realized she would be trampled if she didn't get out of the way. She turned to run, but it was too late. The lariat settled around her shoulders and yanked her from her feet. The rider dismounted and ran toward her. Cat tried to get up, but the horse backed up, keeping the rope taut and pulling her from her feet again.

The rider reached her side. He had a length of rope in his hands and another in his teeth. Cat was turned onto her stomach and her hands were jerked behind her and bound tightly. Then he grabbed her ankles, crossing one over the other, and wound rope tightly around them. He pulled roughly on the tail of the rope binding her ankles and her feet were yanked toward her waist. He wrapped the end of the rope around her wrists so that she was hogtied with her wrists and ankles closely bound together, pulling her body into a tight arc. The rider threw his hands in the air and a bell rang.

"It may be a record," the announcer enthused. "if the judges allow it. Yes, it is. Wait... no. Disqualified. Penalty assigned to the quarry. The rider will get another chance with a new calf."

"Damn," the rider said and stomped off. One of the grounds crew untied Cat's ankles and helped her up. Her wrists remained tied. He looped the rope around her neck and led her away on the makeshift leash. Cat was even more embarrassed being led away in ignominy like this.

"Now you've done it," her keeper informed her. "You've gotten the ride disqualified and made an enemy of the rider, not to mention the penalty you've got coming. It doesn't count if you don't run."

It was all so unfair, Cat thought. She had tried. Nobody had really told her what to do or what was coming. What did they expect on her first time? It wasn't like she volunteered for this or anything.

Cat was locked back in her cage. "They're going to go easy on you since it's your first time," her keeper informed her. "Only $1000 and 30 seconds."

"Only 30 seconds!"

"I know it seems like a lot longer, but it really is only 30 seconds. You can handle it," he said sympathetically.

Cat knew she would handle it. There was no choice. It would happen to her and she had no option but to endure. That didn't make it any easier.

Cat was locked tightly in her cage as the pain hit her. She hoped she would pass out or something, but she didn't. After an eternity, it stopped again.

Cat stood in her cage and sobbed quietly. It was all so unfair. She was going to have to endure a whole weekend of this sort of treatment. Bound, caged, blindfolded, led around naked on a leash, roped and hogtied. What had she ever done to deserve this?

Cat's misery was interrupted by her keeper.

"You get another chance. This time, run. You're expected to give the rider a contest. There's a prize for the girl who takes the longest to hogtie."

Cat was shoved naked into the arena again. She walked over and stood in the circle. This time she took off running the instant the bell rang. She ran for the opposite wall, simply trying to increase the amount of time it would take the rider to get to her while she tried to think of something else to do. The horse came pounding up behind her. She stumbled as the rider cast his rope. Cat tucked her head and did a shoulder roll. She felt the rope land on her back, but wasn't ensnared. She turned a somersault and came up running, heading off in a new direction. The rider reeled in his rope and wheeled his horse around in pursuit. His next cast was on the mark and Cat was jerked from her feet again. As the rider dismounted, Cat rolled onto her stomach and came up running toward the horse. The horse backed, but not fast enough to keep the rope taut and Cat was able to slip the lasso off her shoulders. The rider was nearly to her as she gained her feet and rushed past him. The rider was caught off guard. Cat was between him and the horse. She did the obvious thing. She raced to the horse, stuffed her foot in a stirrup and heaved herself onto the animal's back. She had never ridden a horse before, but how hard could it be? She'd seen her share of westerns. Cat kicked her heels against the horse's flanks and shook the reins. The horse, sensing an inexperienced rider, didn't budge. The cowboy had, in the meantime, reversed direction and was nearly in reach of her.

"Hey, move it," Cat shrilled and smacked the horse on the butt as hard as she could. The horse leapt forward and Cat hung on for dear life. It raced toward the far end of the arena with Cat pulling on the reins but unable to bring it under control. When it was nearly at the far wall, it stopped suddenly, planting its front feet and lowering its head, pitching Cat off its back. Cat flew through the air. She tried another shoulder roll, but landed hard and the wind was knocked out of her. She lay on the turf moaning and wheezing. The bell clanged and the crowd roared enthusiastically.

Cat's keeper came trotting over. "Don't move," he instructed. "We need to check for broken bones."

A doctor came puffing up behind the keeper and the two of them checked her over pretty thoroughly. "Nothing broken," the doctor informed her. "That shoulder roll saved you a concussion, but still you hit pretty hard. I'm amazed you didn't break a collar bone."

A stretcher crew arrived and carried her off the field. The crowd continued to cheer. Cat was carried into what appeared to be a locker room. Her keeper helped her onto a massage table, then rubbed her down with liniment and massaged her back and shoulders. Cat winced as he worked over the more tender areas, but it did seem to help. Afterwards, she was allowed to rest for a bit. Finally, her keeper prepared to lead her back to her cage.

"You probably won the prize today."

"What's the prize?"

"Five thousand off your indenture. But don't get cocky. You've made another enemy. That rider was disqualified, not to mention embarrassed. I think you'll find it's wiser in the long run to let them catch you, just don't make it too easy."

Cat's hands were bound behind her again and a rope looped about her neck. She was now on the far side of the arena, so she was led all the way around the top tier. She wasn't blindfolded, so she was able to see the other girls in their cages along the wall. Her leash pulled taut as she stopped suddenly in front of one of the cages.

"Mindy! Oh, Mindy. They got you too. I'm so sorry. No wonder they told me you were unavailable. I didn't realize... Wait a minute! The Halloween party, the cupcake salesman... they knew where I lived. You bitch! You did this to me, didn't you. How could you? Your own sister."

"So they told you I was unavailable. You were going to do it to me, weren't you. It just happens that I did it to you first, but it wasn't anything you weren't going to do to me, was it."

"Yeah, but you deserve it. If you hadn't done it to me, I wouldn't need to do it to you... you..." Cat stopped, realizing how stupid that sounded. "Bitch." She turned and stomped off. "Take me to my cage," she demanded. Her keeper led her away.

By the time they reached her cage, Cat had had a chance to cool down. She supposed she couldn't blame Mindy for what she had done. After all, she had tried to do the same thing to Mindy. She wondered who had done it to Mindy. She thought she knew. Fred had a habit of playing the ponies and had suffered some losses. As a result, he had run afoul of some unsavory characters. Had he indentured his wife to pay his debts? Did Mindy know who was responsible for her situation? Cat thought smugly that Mindy would finally have to admit what a slimeball Fred was.

Without her blindfold, Cat had a good view of the arena from her top tier vantage point. The calf roping competition went on for a while. Cat learned a few tricks by watching the other girls, but all of them were eventually hogtied before the bell rang. Cat was the only one to escape. She was assured of the prize. The competition was eventually won by Bill Jenkins, the rider who had first roped Cat. Cat hoped this might remove any lingering animosity he might have had toward her.

Cat drifted off to sleep. When she woke up, a new competition was under way. A large group of fifty or more women was huddled in the center of the arena. Each had a square piece of cloth on her back which bore a large number. They were otherwise naked. Along one wall was a small area had been enclosed in a rail fence. The fenced area had an opening with no gate and contained what appeared to be a chuck wagon and campfire.

The bell rang and a horse and rider emerged from the gate with a dog. The rider charged into the crowd of women, who scattered, then milled around. The rider wandered through the group, apparently looking for a particular number. The rider spied his prey and spurred his horse toward her, calling to the dog to indicate this was the one. The girl yelped and started running. The dog caught up to her first, coming in from one side snarling and nipping at her legs. The girl turned away from the dog and ran in a new direction. The dog followed barking with the rider close behind. The girl was currently headed toward the fenced area. She tried to change direction again, but the dog snapped at her ankles. She turned in the other direction, toward the rider, and he struck her on the thigh with what appeared to be a buggy whip. She screamed and turned toward the fenced area again. She was obviously being herded there. The girl continued to run, the dog nipping at her if she slowed down. Just before she reached the opening in the fence, she turned aside. The dog had been ready for this and snapped at her and blocked her with his body, but the rider also came toward her. This was what the girl had been waiting for. Her feint had pulled the rider out of position and she reversed direction and ran past the rider and along the fence. She yelped again as the whip cracked on her thigh, but she was back in the open. She ran along the wall, using it for cover until the dog caught up with her and managed to turn her out into the field. This time the rider and dog herded her more carefully toward the fenced area and with a final crack of the whip across the back of her thighs, she stumbled in.

The rider dismounted and followed her in. She tried to run out again, but he tackled her then grabbed her by the ankle and dragged her to the center of the area. He tied her ankle to what appeared to be an iron stake in the ground. The girl struggled and fought, but finally he had secured all four limbs to separate stakes so that she was spreadeagled face down on the sod. The rider then retrieved a branding iron from the campfire and approached the girl. Her shriek filled the now silent stadium as the iron bit into her posterior.

The announcer gave the elapsed time for the rider, then announced the name of the next rider. Meanwhile, the girl was released from the stakes, then handcuffed and led away by the grounds crew. The pack of women was formed up again in the center and a new girl sent out to replace the one who had been branded.

"C'mon, Cat. Time to join the festivities." Cat's keeper unlocked her cage. He looped a leash around her neck and led her down the ramps. Cat was terrified. As much as she feared the pain from the collar, this was somehow more awful. Her keeper saw the look on her face.

"Don't worry. They won't choose you. You'll just be there as part of the pack to add to the confusion. The girls who get branded are either being punished or are desperate to reduce their indentures and have volunteered. Each girl gets $2000 for being branded and the girl with the longest time gets $20,000."

"Oh." Cat wondered if she would ever be that desperate. She hoped not. "What if you don't have enough volunteers?"

"That's not a problem. We usually have too many. You get $1000 for volunteering, even if you don't get chosen. Some girls volunteer and hope they aren't chosen."

"So all I have to do is run around naked with this number on my back and add to the confusion."


"And do I get compensated for running around naked in front of all those people?"

"You'll probably get fifty or a hundred dollars."


After the next girl was branded, Cat was sent out to join the pack. The pack formed up in the center of the arena. Cat was at the edge of the group nearest where the rider would come from.

The bell rang and the rider came riding toward them. The girls tried to stay tightly packed in a group to make the rider's job harder, but the rider didn't slacken his pace as he neared them and finally the girls panicked and scattered in all directions. The rider circled his horse, looking for his assigned target. The dog ran around barking at random, apparently not sure what else to do with himself until the quarry was pointed out. He chased a few of the girls around out of high spirits until the rider whistled. He had spotted his prey and pointed her out to the dog. Both took off in pursuit. She ran as hard as she could in the opposite direction of the fence and fire. The dog ran along side her, nipping and barking, trying to turn her. The rider caught up and snapped his whip against her thigh. The girl collapsed on the ground, weeping.

"Please," she wept. "I've changed my mind. I don't want to do this. Please, let me go. I've changed my mind."

The dog and the rider circled her, not entirely sure what to do. Cat was about a hundred yards from the girl and couldn't see her all that well through the crowed. A couple of guys came running up to the girl, picked her up, and carried her to the fenced off area. They passed close by Cat on the way. Cat got a good look at the girl. It was Mindy. Cat knew what had happened. Mindy had volunteered in the hopes that she wouldn't be chosen. The odds were with her, but her number had been drawn. Now Mindy wanted to renege. She must be desperate to rid herself of her indenture, Cat thought. She could hear Mindy pleading as the men carried her toward the fire. She sounded so pitiful, so frightened. It made Cat cry, despite what Mindy had done to her.

The men tied Mindy down to the stakes as the others had been, then branded her on both cheeks of her ass. Mindy screamed continuously throughout. Cat turned away, unable to watch. When she finally looked again, the men had Mindy on her feet. They had bound her hands behind her and frog marched her off the field. Mindy struggled, cried, and pleaded even more pitifully. She was obviously terrified of whatever was to come next.

A new girl joined the pack and the rider emerged once again. All the girls had been disheartened by Mindy's fate and didn't put up much of a struggle. The rider easily corralled his assigned victim and she was duly branded, a good time being turned in by the rider. He had been the last rider and the girls were herded off the field.

"What happened to that girl who..." Cat asked her keeper as she was being led back to her cage.

"You mean the one who tried to get out of being branded? You saw. She got branded twice."

"But what else happened? What are they going to do to her?"

"Don't ask."

"But she's my sister."

"Then you really don't want to know. Look, you should have figured out by now that if you aren't told something, then you aren't supposed to know it. Curiosity killed the Cat. Literally, if you're not careful. And don't go hanging around your sister after this is over. Institute servants aren't allowed to fraternize. They take an extremely dim view of that."

Cat was dismayed by this information, but did notice that her keeper had referred to the Institute as 'they' rather than 'we'. She wondered exactly what his connection with them was.

The afternoon consisted of a couple more events which Cat watched from her cage. At the end of the last event, a grounds crew came out and began grooming the field. Cat's keeper arrived to lead her away.

"Is it over?" Cat wanted to know. "Are we going home?"

"Hardly. Right now you go to the showers. Then you dress for dinner. After dinner is the auction."

"Let me guess what's being auctioned."

"You got it. But it's not permanent. They only get you for a night."

Cat was led into a locker room. Although the room was bustling with women coming and going from the showers, dressing, and putting on make up, it was eerily silent. She noted that a couple of the women were gagged, making it obvious that talking was not allowed.

Cat was shown to her locker, which already contained her valise. She showered, then dressed and put on her make up. After she finished, she sat on the bench that ran along in front of the locker and waited. Most of the other women were dressed and also waiting. A few were still dressing.

When everyone was dressed and ready, they were led as a group to the cafeteria. They were seated at long tables and waitresses began circulating taking orders. Cat was given a choice of chicken, steak, or vegetarian. She chose the chicken. The food was surprisingly good and Cat hoped the cost of the meal wasn't being added to her indenture.

After dinner, a man entered the cafeteria and called for their attention.

"Alright, ladies. It's time for the auction. Each of you will be auctioned to the highest bidder and he will own you for the night. You will serve him in any way that pleases him. I'm sure I don't need to remind you of the consequences if you fail to please him," he said, doing precisely that.

A girl near one side of the room raised her hand. "How does this affect our indenture?"

"Half of the bid price goes toward your indenture, so the more you sell for, the greater the reduction of your indenture."

Another girl raised her hand. "Why did we get all dressed up? Don't we get auctioned naked?"

"No, you don't. They've already seen you naked. For the auction, we want you to look as alluring as possible. Being dressed piques the imagination in a way that being naked doesn't."

The group was led down a hall to another large room. They were seated on benches around the edge of the room. One by one their names were called, one about every couple of minutes. As each woman was called, she would approach the door where she was prepared. Preparation consisted of an inspection, with small adjustments being made to her clothing and make up. Then her wrists would be locked behind her in a pair of manacles separated by about six inches of chain. A similar pair with a little over a foot of chain would be locked on her ankles. Then a leather collar would be fitted around her control collar. A leash was attached and she was led away.

About a third of the women were already gone when Cat's name was called. She walked up to the door. The make up person was another woman in a collar. She made some changes to Cat's eye make up and fussed with her hair. Upon command, Cat reluctantly placed her hands behind her back. She felt the steel bands latch around her wrists and reflexively she tugged at them. She wished she hadn't. Her bonds were unyielding and made her feel helpless in a way she hadn't before, even though she had spent a good part of her day bound in one way or another. She felt the chains being locked on her ankles, then the collar and leash were attached. Cat's keeper seized her leash and led her away.

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I am Neha Luv, with another hot lesbian story. I am thankful for all your response. Please email me your feedback at My son Ramesh had told me about his girlfriend and I could not wait for him to bring her home. Ramesh is a doctor. He is 5 feet 11 inch tall, rugged looking guy whom the girls must find sexy. I was looking forward to female company in my house. His girlfriend, he informed me ,intended to spend more time with me after marriage. What I had not told my son was that I had a long...

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Futa Naked In School 01 Futas Naked Temptation Chapter 3 Ginnys Naughty Futa Revelation

Chapter Three: Ginny's Naughty Futa Revelation By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Ginny Reynolds's Week, Wednesday I huddled in my house's upstairs bathroom as the shower's spray grew colder and colder. Despite washing off all the futas' cum that had splattered my body from the gangbang, I still felt so dirty. Candice's blue eyes, peering behind her glasses, haunted me. My friend had witnessed me enjoying being fucked by all those futas. In my college's bathroom, I was taken again...

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From Jenny to Mei Ch 04

If you are reading this tale for the first time I would urge you to start at Chapter 1. Please provide feedback and vote, it makes me happy. ***** The alarm on his phone went off at 7:30 and his eyes opened to a profound blackness that matched his mood. He pondered for a moment, wondering where his anger originated. After all, things were going his way. Last night’s breakthrough was breathtaking. She had admitted that she wanted to transform, wanted love for the first time in her life. She...

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The Basement BlowOut

We were good friends not close but good. She always said to me in school why such a cute looking boy like yourself dosent have a girlfriend. I would reply I dont know a good one hasnt come around yet , wehn really i wanted her. I never thought anything would happen between us until my birthday weekend. My birthday came and everyone wished me a happy birthday. I got punched a few times by the jocks. The same day i was walking down the hallway heading for lunch when Brittnay jumped in front...

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70 Goth girl takes me to a disco

70 Goth girl takes me to a disco.It was another hot summer night, and we got to the club around tenish. We'd already been out for a couple of hours & been to a couple of pubs, as you do on such a lovely warm, summer`s night. Mary was looking very sexy, in her crop long sleeved top, tight jeans & ankle boots all in black obviously. We got our drinks, and then stood in our usual place. It's dimly lit apart from the lights on the dance floor, which were like looking straight at the sun....

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Story Of Desperate Housewife Vasundhara 8211 Part 2

Hello all, thanks for reading part 1 about the desperate housewife. Without wasting any time, I will continue my story. The next morning, I woke up a little late than usual time. My back and legs were paining, and there were a lot of love bites around my neck. I felt shy when I saw it in the mirror. But I was happy and mostly married life was back on track after that wild fuck. After this incident, I used to have sex with my hubby every night. I became a sex addict and become his servant on the...

2 years ago
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Fulfilling A Girls Male Fantasy Part 2

"Kat's having a party next weekend," she told me. Katrina, Kat for short, was one of her friends, who I got on with pretty well. "Will you be able to come?" "Yeah, of course." I replied. "Her parents will be away," she continued, not looking at me and starting to fidget with the carpet, "so we were talking about what we could do, and..." "And what?" I asked when she came to a halt and began toying with her new tongue piercing. "And... well, they know about, you know,...

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Crossing the Line0

================================================ As she closed the door to their cabin she turned and saw two junior ship’s officers waiting for her. They were dressed in best uniforms and she found them both handsome, in a boyish way. “Ma’am we have been sent to escort you.” She nodded and took the arm of the elder of the two. The other walked ahead and opened doors and pressed elevator buttons. Being useful but not intrusive. “You look very smart dressed in your uniform, I guess you get...

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Entrapped Enslaved 510

Oh, and for those who want to get straight to the action: The sex starts in chapter 10 and you can probably skip the other chapters while still understanding the story. Enjoy. Chapter 5) Trailer park jazz On that same sunny saturday in May Tessa and Danielle were playing some board game and were getting quite bored. They were getting quite bored in life in general. Luckily they had each other. They were fraternal twins, which meant that even if they didn’t look like eachother,...

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Is it really Nine Inchs Gay

Just arriving home at 4 in the morning, a salty yet intoxicating taste lingering in my mouth, I felt I should put my thoughts down before retiring. After all, I had just sucked a cock for the first time, and it was a wonderful experience I had waited oh, too long to try. I now knew it wouldn't be my last, so I decided that, at least for my own sake, I should describe the feelings so I could relive them again and again.I am an average white male, so I thought, who has been out of the loop since...

2 years ago
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The Young Adults of New StartChapter 14 Amanda

Neona came awake at daybreak to rough shaking. The vines that bound her ankles together were removed and she was jerked to her feet by her captor. He dragged her over to a nearby tree and held her upright with two hands while he relieved himself. He then indicated that she should do the same. Neona squatted and when she was done, she found herself lifted from her feet and placed astride the mount. Her captor leapt on behind her and pulled her back against his chest. With a flick of the...

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My Whore Task

My Whore Task To understand this story, you should read "T/Th Class will Never Be the Same," first. When it was all over, I couldn't believe how exciting it had been. Keyser-Soze from had told me what to do and I had done it. I wanted more. When I got home, I got online and found him and told him what had happened and how wet it had made me-- being dominated online by him and told what to do gave me a sensation I've never had before. I told him I wanted more and that I would obey whatever he...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Cathy Heaven Submissive Busty Brunette Cathy Heaven Stuffed Airtight in BDSM Gangbang

Cathy Heaven, a submissive busty brunette who loves to be humiliated and fucked, is doing some BDSM roleplay with her boss when theyre joined by two colleagues. Cathy, whos already had all of her holes stuffed by her boss Vince, is ecstatic that shes about to be slammed by two additional cocks. With her hands completely bound, Cathy begins sucking their cocks one by one like the slut that she is. When their dicks are rock solid, the foursome moves to the couch, where Cathys legs are spread, her...

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Lizzies Lost World

Lizzie Harrison arched her back away from the worn leather seat and adjusted her upper arms to apply subtle pressure to her breasts. Satisfied that her cleavage had been enhanced to maximum effect, she called over to Richard. “Magnificent view, isn’t it?” He didn’t respond. Lizzie shouted. Richard jumped. He’d definitely heard her that time but he didn’t even bother to turn round before replying. “Yes, marvelous.” He was craning his neck to see something of particular interest out of the...

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My Fantasy Finally Cums True

Warning: Adult material contained. M/M sex - If you are not of legal age to read this story, then go away and play computer games. Yeah right I can see that statement deterred a lot of youngsters. Oh well you have been warned. ************************************************** The idea for this story came about when I sent details of my relationship to another writer, but I thought I should do my part and share it with everyone as I have been reading the stories on the net for quite some time....

2 years ago
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OceaniaChapter 15

As they sat in the crowded bistro, Greg discussed his childhood but Valerie felt disinclined to relate the fictional upbringing constructed to support her cover. She tried to imagine him as a young boy, living under the shadow of a generation of cops and following his destiny at the earliest opportunity. She found herself developing a healthy respect for the man. He'd avoided the familiar trap of corruption and surrounded himself with similarly like-minded people. They both forswore...

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Adventures of Flint Hardwood Bounty Hunter

Winter 1862 I looked out the window of the stage coach as the snow started to fall, the first snows of winter feeling a little sorry for the driver. I hated the damn snow. After this job was done I take my money and head west, California maybe. There sure as hell wasn’t anything left for me back home after the war. The snow sent a chill down my spine but luckily I had two lovely ladies to keep me company. I glanced down at them. A French lady from and her daughter. I had paid their way in...

Group Sex
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The battle for mankind has begun and you are about to land right smack in the middle of it. You may become your own hero or villian to help either side but now comes your choice.

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Magic Ink II the ChildrenChapter 10

I was awakened by Sean's voice as he pounded on our bedroom door a couple of weeks later. "Gus, Gus! Wake up!" he was shouting. I sat up and that was when the knowledge hit me. It was like someone had suddenly opened a door and all of the Magical knowledge that I had been absorbing for the last five weeks plus was suddenly right there in my mind - whole and in exacting detail. I just sat there stunned at the magnitude of it all for several seconds. I was brought back to reality by...

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French Connection

If you have checked my profile you know I am a well endowed black 27y.o. trucker. Recently I was driving through a pretty rural part of Quebec east of Quebec City, definitely not many , if any black folks.A car was passing me and I looked down into the car, as I often due and it was a middle aged couple. She was an average build for her age, a little heavy but pretty woman and she was looking up at me and gave me a big smile and then turned to her husband and said something. He slowed and they...

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Kavita In Lust Part 2

After coming home and ravaging her husband Raj, Kavita stayed up all night replaying the events with Arun in her head. The images of Arun's naked body, the feeling of being helpless to his lust, the unwelcome pleasure he gave her continued to send thrills through her body the whole night. For the next several days she continued to re-live those erotic moments until she couldn't take it any more. With each passing moment her desire and want for pleasure of that magnitude became a need and one...

4 years ago
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The Gardeners Daughter Pt 1

I have a good job. It doesn’t pay fantastically, but the work is varied and means I am always doing something new. I’m lucky enough to work for a Sports Management company. We manage top level sportsmen and women and my job is to take care of all the little bits and pieces that they want/need to keep them happy. The logic is that is they don’t have to worry about the little things, then they can concentrate on performing, which means they get paid, so the company gets paid. I’ve travelled all...

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Creampie is Best

There I was in the kitchen, washing my hands, when I heard the phone ring. I didn't know where my wife, Jill was. I had been out working on the truck. She had gotten mad at me, because we weren't going to spend the day together. I needed the truck for work the next day. Well, back to the story.I picked up the phone and was about to say hello, when I heard my wife say, "Hello." I thought to myself that this was good. She didn't leave after all. Apparently, she didn't know I had picked up the...

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The Man From Eagle CreekChapter 4

Elizabeth awoke with a smile as she felt the kicking of small legs against her stomach and the flinging of arms against her breasts. Looking down at her new son in the early light of dawn, she smiled and thanked God once again for this blessing He sent into their lives. Raif had been up for an hour and had a good roaring fire going in the big stove up front to chase the night chill from the large building. Now the heat began to slowly make its way through the open door to the living...

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Since the accident, mostly my husband Tony just watches while I'm having sex. With a couple of guys that we've known for a long time, and with the permission of the other guy, he likes to get closer to the action. Not just getting an eyeful of my pussy as I lower myself onto a cock; but getting closer to the action and helping to give me pleasure. This is a description of the last time that happened. Steve, the other guy, is a couple of years younger than me, and extremely fit - in both senses...

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Bua Ko Choda Ahmedabad Aur Gandhinagar Mein

This is my first incident of July 2015 I am a Raj of 23 years old.Mein gujarat gandhinagar se hu,mein chuttiyo mein bua ke ghar ahmedabad gaya tha to mein waha pahucha aur bua ne darwaja khola to my god!.Kya lag rahi thi, Unhone mujhe welcome kiya fir mein fresh hua aur t.V dekhne laga.Utne mein bua ke husband aaye mein unke sath betha baate kari aur utne mein unhone bataya ki unko company ke kam se bahar jana pada hai to wo 5 din rajkot janne wale hai.To woh sham ko taiyar ho gaye aur rajkot...

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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 94

Friday night after dinner, I called everyone into the living room. "The schedule is off tonight." There were several complaints which I ignored. "Also, I know I said we would, but we are not going to the club's formal on Wednesday." "Why not?" Juan demanded. "Because we won't be here." I shrugged, struggling to keep a straight face. "Pack for a week, but pack light, one carry-on each. Don't worry about formals. The flight's at 5am and it's a long one with a stop-over. We leave...

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La Rose DAmour Chapter One

Or the Adventures of a Gentleman in search of Pleasure. Translated from the French."Thus every Creature, and of every kind,The sweet joys of sweet coition find." -DRYDEN.CHAPTER I.At the age of s*******n, through the mistaken but paternal fondness of my father, the Count de L-, I was still immured in an old chateau, on the coast of Brittany, with no society but that of my tutors, an eternal round of daily lessons, to be gotten only by poring over some dozens of musty volumes. Naturally of an...

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Memoirs of a Secret Sissy Part II

I hadn't mentioned it to anyone yet, but word of our drunken threesome traveled quickly around campus. Our peers were especially interested in that small detail of Ben's dick having found its way into my mouth. My roommate Chris came home the next afternoon and said, "I heard you and Ben really hit it off the other night!" I denied it, but quite unconvincingly, and my smile gave it away. It turned out to not really be a big deal, though. In fact, I was surprised by the number of people who were...

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Introducing David

My name is David and life has just begun in the sense that I have just turned 40. I am single through choice not for any other reason and I live in a little 2-bedroom house on the outskirts of town.I am openly bisexual preferring to keep my options open and I do have a high sex drive, I am 5’10” tall quite fit as I still work out when I can and can turn my hand to most things and what I can’t do I learn.Since about 2 weeks ago my younger sister Florence split with her husband and out the...

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UniversityChapter 46

Al phoned on Sunday morning. First to thank us again for the cheque, second to pump his sister for every possible bit of data about Cait. I let them chat. After lunch we showered, dressed and drove off to meet Alf at Summer Salt in Cronulla. "He's really interested," Rachel said. "Hunh?" "Al's really struck by Cait." "So I'd gathered." "He said he'd sent her an email about his math and about moving north to Macquarie." "That should fascinate her. I can hear him: 'After...

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Sex With Cute Traveler Girl During A Solo Trip To Rajasthan

Hi, I am a professional photographer from Bangalore and a travel enthusiast. I always keep myself fit with regular workout and clean diet. I mostly travel solo and all my plans are instant and crazy. Ladies you can contact me at my email. We can sit over a mug of beer and share things. I had been for a solo trip to Rajasthan recently and in one of the forts, I met a girl from Hyderabad. She was a stunning beauty with perfectly shaped body and I found out that she was also on a solo trip and it...

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Unfinished MORFS Steele Crossover

Notes: I don't often do cross-overs in to other peoples stuff, but sometimes you've got to practise how to make things like that work. Especially when something your dreaming up is called 'Worlds Collide'. I never got around to finishing this practise piece but figured someone might like to read it, play with it or well whatever really. Sarah Panting the woman ran through the forest pushing aside branches and vaulting logs, behind her a tree exploded in to splinters. Sweat...

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DeepLush Kristen Scott Keep Me Cumming

This scene features Kristen Scott and I in our second video with really intense chemistry again. We are insatiable with each other and fuck all over the bed with a wonderful balance of intimate kissing and passion with plenty of intense, energetic, rough sex with slapping, spanking and spit. I hold her down, fuck her mouth, we both lick each other’s asses a ton, she rides my cock, and there’s a portion shot in POV during the blowjob. We keep the energy high through the whole scene...

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The Games Part Six

THE GAMES PART SIX By Nancy Rose (NOTE: If you haven't read Parts One, Two, Three, Four and Five you really should! Part One is here... https://fictionmania.tv/searchdisplay/authordisplay.html?word=1473 Chapter 21 MY OPPONENTS, BIG MEN WHO stink of sweat and fear and aggression, explode out of the now open doors and sprint into the house. It's a race. They will frantically look...

4 years ago
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Melissa Degraded

The lottery commissioner hands you your check as light bulbs flash in your face. You look down at the big cardboard presentation piece and shake your head, still unable to believe the number written on it. The commissioner asks you, "So John, how you are going to spend THREE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS?" You reply numbly, "I'm going to do all the things I could never do before!" A few months later, the dust has settled from your big lottery win. Your dream house is built, you've bought a few sports...

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A Trip to Canada can be a wonderful thing especia

You might have seen this story before, I have posted in another place beforeA Trip To Canada Can Be A Wonderful ThingI guess I should introduce myself my name is James. The other importantperson in this story is of course my mom and her name is Elizabeth. She has huge tits at 34F and a wonderful large ass. We aren't the smallest of people in more ways than one. This is my story of how far a mother and son relationship can go. Well than one with the story. Every year my Dad goes to California to...

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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 33

As if she didn't have enough troubles, now that she had been to bed both with Yvette and Yvette's teenaged sister, Laura met a tall, thin, gorgeous model at a press reception. The girl was stunning. Nearly every man in the place clustered around her, though she was a head or more taller than most of them. She was black, with shoulder-length hair, big gold hoops for earrings, and the longest legs Laura had ever seen, even longer than Yvette's, in black net stockings. Laura felt familiar...

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