Exploding CupcakesChapter 4 free porn video

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"Did it take long for that brand to heal?"

"Who are you?" the woman demanded. She eyed Cat's neck brace. "Don't you know what will happen if we're seen together? Get away from me."

"It's okay," said Cat. "They can't track me."

"Maybe you managed to ditch your watchers, but we're in just as much trouble if mine see us."

"You don't have any watchers. They track you electronically with your collar. Mine is shielded, so they can't tell we're together."

"You don't understand. I've already got one strike."

"I've got two," Cat replied. "Believe me, I wouldn't be talking to you if I wasn't sure it was safe. I'll tell you what, though. See that pay phone over there? Walk by it on your way out and get the number. Then on your way home, stop at another pay phone and call that one."

"Okay, I'll try it. I've wanted so badly to talk to someone, but I've been so frightened."

"Fine. I'll walk around for fifteen minutes or so, then I'll go and stand by the phone until you call."

The phone rang just as Cat approached it. "Hello."

"Are you the woman in the neck brace?"

"Yes, it's me. My name is Catherine, but most people call me Cat."

"I remember now. You're the one who was thrown from the horse. I knew that neck brace made me think of something, but I just now realized what. My name is Heather."

"How did you get in the branding competition? Did you volunteer?"

"No. I skipped an assignment. It was my first strike and that was my punishment. I'd hate to find out what they do on the second strike."

"Then you really don't want to know about the third." Nonetheless, Cat proceeded to describe what had happened to Monica.

"Oh, no. Oh, no. I can't believe it. I've been so frightened, and this just makes it worse. These people have taken over my life, and I don't think I'll ever get my indenture paid off. I owe more now than when I started."

"I know. So do I. What kind of assignments do you get? I seem to get a lot of guys who want to whip me and beat me and stuff. I always wondered if that was typical for Institute customers, or if they were giving me all the wackos."

"I think it's typical. I get a lot of that, too. A lot of the Institute's customers seem to be control freaks. They want total submission, and they do mean total."

"Do you have any idea who or where these people are?" Cat asked.

"No. I'm not even sure why they decided to pick on me, although I suspect my ex-husband had something to do with it."

"What happened?"

"One day this guy knocked on my door. He had a contract he said I'd signed and demanded money. I told him to get lost. A week later I got an invoice in the mail with a copy of the contract I'd allegedly signed. It looked like my signature. I had a feeling it had been slipped in with my divorce papers. I signed a bunch of stuff that day without paying very much attention. It was a pretty stressful day all around, and I just signed whatever my lawyer handed me, although I would have thought he'd have caught anything odd. Sometimes I've wondered if my lawyer was in on it. Anyway, I tossed it in the trash. A while after that I got another one with a ridiculous amount which I also ignored. The next day I was collected. Early in the evening, the police knocked on my door and I was arrested. They put me in handcuffs and then put leg irons on me, then they led me out my front door on a leash. The police car was sitting there with its lights flashing and a big crowd had gathered. My neighbors all saw me being taken away in chains. It was so embarrassing. Once I was in the police car, it drove off and I was blindfolded. That's when I began to suspect they weren't real police."

"Do you have any idea where they took you? They knocked me out with some kind of poison gas and I woke up strapped to a hospital bed after they had put the implants in."

"No. They drove around for a long time and turned a lot of corners. I have no idea where I was. Once I got there, they strapped me down to a gurney and put me under with gas. After that I had pretty much the same experience you did."

Cat continued talking to Heather for a while, but didn't really learn anything new. Just the same, it was nice to have someone to talk to. Heather seemed desperate to talk and didn't want Cat to hang up. Finally, she and Heather exchanged phone numbers and worked out a scheme for calling each other from pay phones.

Cat drove home feeling somewhat better about things than she had in a while. She hadn't told Heather about the nature of the Institute's control system or her means for evading it, even though Heather had pressed her for information regarding her apparent freedom to move about. Letting another party in on her secret would only increase the risk, with no countervailing benefit.

As Cat approached her house, she noticed a strange car parked out front. She was so absorbed in the car that shouldn't be there that she nearly failed to notice the man coming out her front door. It was the cupcake salesman. He had the liar tucked under one arm. Cat sped away in a panic.

Cat headed for the freeway, keeping an eye on the rearview mirror to see if she was being followed. Once on the freeway, she headed across town. She would be safer if she wasn't in her neighborhood. She passed through downtown and stopped at a convenience store to call Steve on the pay phone.

"Steve, they stole the liar."

"They did what? What do you mean they stole the liar?"

Cat told Steve what she'd seen.

"Were you followed?" Steve wanted to know.

"Not that I'm aware of. I tried to watch pretty carefully."

"Whatever you do, don't take off the neck brace. The moment it's off, they have control of you."

"I understand."

"Good. Now I want you to come to the shop as quickly as you can. I'll meet you there. I've got to get that collar off you as soon as possible."

"But, Steve, if you take the collar off..."

"Cat, I know what I'm doing. I'll replace it with one of my own, then they won't be able to control you. Now get over here."

Cat rang off and got back in her car. Steve's shop was back in the direction she had come. She got back on the freeway and headed through downtown. What would it be like wearing Steve's collar, she wondered.

Red and blue lights flashing in her rear view mirror interrupted Cat's musing. Oh, shit. She was doing 75 through downtown. Cat pulled onto the shoulder.

"I'm sorry, officer. I was in a hurry and..."

"License and registration, ma'am."

"Officer, I don't mean to be rude," Cat said as she dug in her purse for her license, "but could you show me some ID. I need to be sure you're a real policeman."

"That's quite alright, ma'am. I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours."

Cat handed her ID through the window and the policeman flipped open a small wallet. Side by side were a badge and an official looking picture ID identifying him as a member of the municipal police force.

"You realize you were doing 76 in a 45 zone."

"Yes, sir. I'm sorry, it was just that I was in a hurry."

"Catherine Lund," he said, scrutinizing her license. "Please step out of the car, Catherine."

"Why? Is there a problem, officer?"

"Yes, ma'am. You have an outstanding warrant. Now please step out of the car."

"But... a warrant? A warrant for what?"

"Parking violation, ma'am. It's a minor offense, but I have to take you in. Please don't make it a more serious matter by resisting arrest."

Cat was stunned. She recalled the unpaid parking ticket. She had only been five minutes over and it had made her so angry at the time that she'd thrown the ticket away. She had no idea it would come back to haunt her like this. She thought of making a break for it, but she knew her car had no chance of outrunning the police cruiser. Reluctantly, she got out of the car.

"Now, place your hands behind you, ma'am."

Cat shivered as the cuffs were locked on her wrists. She felt even more helpless than she had at the auction. So many thoughts were running through her head. Steve was going to have to come down and bail her out. What if the Institute located her in the meantime? What if the police took her neck brace off? What if they came to bail her out? Could she refuse to be let out of jail? What if...

Cat's thoughts were interrupted by the snick of a metal cuff around her ankle. The policeman was down on one knee, chaining her ankles together. Cat thought it rather extreme for a parking violation.

"Is that really necessary, officer?"

"Standard procedure, ma'am. I know you're not a dangerous criminal, but just the same you have to arrive at the station properly restrained."

The officer led Cat to the squad car and helped her in. Cat was afraid he would blindfold her, but he didn't. She was in a mess, but it could certainly be worse. At least it was a real cop.

Cat watched out the window to see where they were going. She saw lightning on the western horizon. A storm was moving in.

The police car headed back downtown. It exited the freeway in an old industrial district full of large abandoned warehouses. There were block upon block of them. Cat wasn't aware of a precinct station in the area, but it was a neighborhood she wasn't familiar with.

The squad car pulled up next to a moldering multi-story building that occupied an entire city block. A garage door opened in the side of the building and the car pulled in. Cat's heart sank. She knew where she was. This was where she had been let out of the van when she'd been brought in to witness Monica's execution. She was at the Institute.

Cat allowed herself to be helped out of the car. The policeman had to hold her up. She was so frightened that her legs wouldn't support her on their own. She knew why she hadn't been blindfolded, why they'd allowed her to see where the Institute was. She was never going to leave here. She wondered how long she had to live.

"Hello, Cat. Glad to see you could make it."

Cat turned numbly to face the voice that had come from behind her. It was the cupcake salesman.

"Let's get a look at that neck brace, shall we," he said as he unfastened it. "Fred called us about this thing. He said it looked suspicious."

Fred! That bastard. He'd called the Institute and reported her. It was clear he was much more deeply involved with these people than he had pretended. Cat had wondered about his presence at the rodeo. It hadn't seemed like the Institute would want the husband of one of their servants witnessing what they did to his wife.

Part of Cat's mind marveled that she could still be analytical. There wasn't much point to figuring it all out any more, but the thought of Fred made her angry. She wished there was some way she could get even with him.

"How did you find me?"

"We bugged your car. After we got the call from Fred, we decided we needed an additional check on your whereabouts. Your car seemed to occasionally be driving around while you were at home. We decided to check it out. While I went to your house, Heather was sent to the mall you were at--you didn't think your meeting with Heather was coincidence, did you? Unfortunately, you didn't tell her who else was involved in your little subterfuge, so we weren't able to round you all up at once, but she did delay you long enough to enable your capture. But that's alright, you'll tell our interrogators whatever they wish to know. Then we'll round up your friends."

Cat sobbed as she was led away. She hoped she would be strong enough not to tell them about Steve, but she was so afraid. She knew that all the horrible things she had seen and experienced since Halloween were nothing compared to what they were going to do to her now.

After being taken up several floors on a freight elevator, Cat was led down a hall and into a room. The principal feature of the room was a pair of vertical wooden support beams. Chained to one of the beams was Mindy. Mindy stood naked on her toes with her wrists pulled above her head and locked in a pair of manacles. Each ankle was bound tightly to either side of the post, spreading her legs by the twelve inch width of the support.

"Oh, Mindy, you're alive, you're alive. I've been so worried." Cat began weeping all over again. Mindy was gagged and unable to reply.

Cat was ordered to strip naked, then bound to the other pillar in the same manner as Mindy, then she too was gagged. Once she was secured, the man who had bound her stood before her, looking her over.

"Welcome to my parlor, Miss Lund. My name is Kevin and I'll be your inquisitor this evening. As an appetizer, you and your sister will be enjoying a rather severe whipping, followed by some electrical torture. The main course, if you make it that far, is yet to be announced," Kevin declared, then laughed.

Cat already didn't like Kevin. He was one of those guys who laughed too hard at his own jokes, especially when they weren't funny, which this one especially wasn't. While Kevin was looking Cat over, she had been trying to figure out what was going on. Why was she gagged if they wanted to question her? Why were they going to torture Mindy? Was this guy's name really Kevin? It seemed an appropriate name for waiter, but not an inquisitor.

"I know what you're thinking," the alleged Kevin informed her. "You're wondering why you're gagged if we want to ask you questions. You're gagged because you're going to want to tell me all I want to know long before I'm ready to ask you. When you're finally permitted to speak, you'll be most eager to answer my questions honestly and in detail. Oh, and your sister. She's here so that her suffering can add to your own torment. Whatever is done to you will be done to her, so any lack of cooperation on your part will result in further suffering for her as well as yourself."

The alleged Kevin removed Mindy's gag, then he began. Cat had been whipped and spanked by any number of guys on her various assignments, but Kevin was an expert. His accuracy was uncanny. He could reliably hit the same exact spot again and again, land the tip of the lash directly on her nipples or between her legs, and could wring a maximum of pain from each stroke. Mindy's shrieks cut her as deeply as Kevin's lash on her own skin. Both Cat and Mindy passed out more than once under Kevin's attention, only to be revived and whipped some more. Cat remained gagged throughout. It was obvious that this was only a warmup. Things were going to get worse before she would be permitted to betray Steve.

Finally, it was over. Cat still couldn't understand what was going on. As bad as the whipping had been, it wasn't as awful as the pain caused by the implants. Why didn't they just use that? The whipping did have a psychological impact that the implants lacked. Watching the lash leave stripe after stripe on her body, not to mention seeing it done to Mindy and listening to her scream, did produce its own special type of horror. Watching Kevin, Cat could see another reason for what was being done to them. Kevin was busily preparing for whatever he was going to do next, and it was obvious that he was enjoying himself. Cat was gagged because Kevin didn't want her blabbing all she knew until he'd had his fun.

Kevin wheeled a small cart between Cat and Mindy. He trailed a pair of wires from the cart to Mindy and clamped the alligator clips at the end of the wires onto her nipples, producing a heart rending wail from Mindy. Moments later, Cat yelped as wires were attached to her own nipples.

Kevin returned to the cart and trailed a dildo over to Mindy, which he worked into her, buckling straps around her thighs to hold it in place. Cat subsequently received her own intruder. Then he removed her gag.

Back at the cart, Kevin manipulated the dials and switches, drawing a long gurgling scream from Mindy as her entire body shuddered and shook, her voice distorted by the electricity flowing through her. Moments later, Cat learned that Mindy's prolonged scream had been fully justified as she produced one of her own. Once again, Kevin proved to be an expert. He played the two women like an accordion, drawing shrieks and screams, sometimes alternately and sometimes in unison. Again, both women passed out more than once. By the time Kevin finished this phase of their torture, both Cat and Mindy had screamed themselves hoarse.

Kevin gave each woman a drink of water, then left the room. He returned pushing a large transparent plastic or glass cube on wheels. It was about three feet square and perhaps somewhat taller than that. He wheeled in a second one.

"Anything you'd like to tell me?" Kevin asked Cat.

"Go to hell, you pervert."

"I was hoping you'd say that."

Mindy was released from her pillar and led to one of the cubes. Kevin tied Mindy's hands behind her, then opened the top of the cube and unlatched one side, swinging it open. Mindy was forced to kneel erect in the cube as her ankles were crossed and bound, then forced to lean back so her butt rested on her heels. Her wrists were tied to her ankles so she could no longer straighten up. Kevin closed and latched the back of the cube, then lowered and latched the top, forcing Mindy's chin down onto her chest. Cat was installed in the other cube. Crammed into the tiny space and bound as she was, she could hardly move.

Cat wondered what Kevin was going to do to them. She had gotten a closer look at the cube as she was being bound. The sides were solid, but the top was perforated with numerous air holes each about the size of a half dollar. Additionally, there was a hinged square about eight inches on a side in one corner of the lid.

Kevin opened the hinged section and began filling the cubes with water. They were going to be drowned? That didn't make any sense. How could she be questioned after that?

Kevin stopped adding water when the level was about even with the bottom of each girl's rib cage, then left the room.

A few minutes later, he returned with a companion. It was Louie. Louie carried two small boxes and pulled a larger one on wheels. Now Cat knew what they were going to do to her.

Louie opened the large box and removed a tape recorder. He hooked it up, then strung a tiny microphone to each box. Using electrical tape, he fixed a microphone over one of holes in the top of each box.

Louie wasn't done yet. He pulled two tripods out of the large box, set them up, and fastened a video camera to each. He was obviously expecting quite a performance. Cat very much feared that he was not likely to be disappointed.

"All set," Louie announced. "Put 'em in."

Kevin picked up one of the smaller boxes Louie had brought and approached Mindy's cube. He opened the hatch on top, then opened the box and poured the contents in with Mindy. The contents consisted of a dozen or more large tarantulas. Cat knew that Mindy's fear of spiders was as great as her own.

The spiders clambered onto Mindy, desperate to get out of the water. Mindy was already hysterical.

"Oh, god. Get them off, get them off. I can't stand spiders. Please... please... let me out. Please, let me out."

Cat, staring at Mindy in horror, was interrupted by the sound of spiders splashing into her own cube. She joined Mindy in hysteria. There were spiders in her hair, on her neck, her face, her breasts. Cat thrashed about as much as her restricted condition allowed, but every time she managed to throw a spider off, it climbed right back on. The spiders didn't want to drown and Cat's body was their only refuge. Cat screamed and pleaded and screamed. She saw the spiders clinging to Mindy's face and screamed some more. She vomited into the water, adding to her revulsion.

A loud tapping finally attracted Cat's attention. Kevin was squatting in front of her cube, rapping on the surface with a small block. Cat looked at him and began begging for release.

"Names, Cat. I want names."

"Steve... Steve Bartlett."

"Who else?"

"Nobody, just him."

Kevin stared intently at Cat for a moment. "Yes, I believe you. And where do I find Mr. Bartlett?"

Cat told him where Steve's shop was. Kevin unlatched the top of her cube, then cut the rope joining her wrists and ankles and the one binding her ankles. He lifted Cat to her feet, then brushed the spiders from her body and lifted her out of the cube, setting her on a small stool. Louie hurried over and began scooping his spiders out of the water with a small net.

"What about Mindy? Aren't you going to let her out?" Mindy was still shrieking in her own cube.

"Mindy stays where she is until you tell me the rest of what I want to know."

Kevin wanted to know about the liar and her neck brace. Cat explained the operation as well as she understood it, which she mostly didn't.

"That's alright," Kevin told her, "we can get the rest of the details from Mr. Bartlett, although it will be a shame to waste a talent like that."

Mindy was released from her cube and placed on a stool next to Cat. Cat was convulsed, weeping over her betrayal of Steve. Mindy was still shuddering over her experience with the spiders.

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So you know how it is. You’ve just fucked and been fucked by your heterosexual best friend while watching a bisexual porn movie. You’ve both cum, the film has ended and you’re sat in the living room naked with cum leaking out of your arses. What do you do?Surprisingly there wasn’t any real awkwardness between us. Gary went to the toilet and cleaned himself up then returned to the living room. When I returned from the toilet he was sitting in his chair still naked watching TV. I sat on the chair...

2 years ago
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Intemperance Volume 2 Standing On TopChapter 19b

The tour went on. After the third show in Long Beach, the band went to their own homes for the last time. The next morning, limousines took them to a truck stop on Interstate 5 just outside the Los Angeles city limits. Here, the tour caravan had formed up and they climbed onto the dreaded tour bus for the first time in almost two years. The first trip was relatively short. They went to San Diego and did two shows there. The following trip was considerably longer — from San Diego to San Jose,...

1 year ago
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Exhibitionist Over The Edge

by: vapidvector When my wife, Joy, and I were married fourteen years ago I found it absolutely impossible to believe that she had never masturbated. Not once in her entire life. I, myself, was an old stroke off master, having been practicing the fine art since I was as young as five. I knew how to do about anything autoerotic that would make me feel good and never was slow about getting myself off no matter when, where, or how. Joy, on the other hand, swore that she had never used a vibrator,...

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Wet Wild And Slippery Time

My love to all iss readers. Thank you so much for all your feedbacks and appreciations on my previous story ! Lets get soon to this story. Let me introduce to my opposite character sanjana. she’s a good looking women and aged around 26 i guess because i never asked her age and this happened a month ago ! I don’t wanna mess you all up about how i met her, how we dated and i’ll take you directly to story ! The day came when we decided to meet up at her place and she was all alone and i took a...

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Suhaagrat Ki Umang 8211 Part II

Namaskar meri pyari auntio aur friends main hu lucky . Ye meri pehli sex story hai ISS par . Umeed karta hu ki aapko pasand ayegi . Jharkahand ki aspas wali auntiya aur girls mujhse chudwana chahti ho ya phonesex karna chahti ho to mail kare . Mail karne par mobile no. di jayegi . Mail id hai aur story kaisi lagi wo bhi mail kar dijiyega meri pyari auntio aur girls and friends. Main ek teis saal ka ladka hu . Main 5ft.11inch lamba hu aur handsome hu . Mera lund 8 inch lambi hai. Main M.Tech ki...

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The Masked Lady Of Wakefield Hall

THE MASKED LADY OF WAKEFIELD HALL By Sylvia Who? It was in March 1774 that the rural district of Wakefield in the County of Leicestershire had its first experience of robbery on the King's highway, following the sudden appearance of a mysterious woman, dubbed by the local populace 'The Masked Lady', who was considered either a legend - or to some people a scourge - until she melted away once more into the shadows just as suddenly, never to be seen or...

4 years ago
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A Boys Best Friend

It was over at last. I couldn’t believe it. Three of the worst years of my life were nearly at an end. It wasn’t that I hated college because of my studies. In fact, I was expecting an honours degree from all the work I’d put in. No, it was my fellow classmates that had made my life so miserable. It’s not like I’m a spotty nerd or anything. It’s just that I’m not into sports. And if you’re not into sports, then you don’t get to hang around with the guys. And if you don’t hang around with the...

1 year ago
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Maine aur meri bahen ne sath

Namaskar. Me aaj apko meri sachhi kahani batane ja rahi hoon. Me ek 26 saal ki ladki hoon. Mujhe pahle se hi land lene ka bahut shok hai. Aur wo bhi bada bada. Ye sab mujhe meri bahen ne sikhaya hai. Me jab choti thi tab meri bahen ne mere samne hi bahut bade land liye hue hai. Chalo ab me meri kahani batati hu. Me ahmedabad ke ek chotese gao me rahti hu. 2 mahine pahle hamare ghar ke bilkul pas do ladke kirye ka makan me rahne aye. Dono city me kahi nokri karte the. Jismese ek ladke jiska naam...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Silvia Saige Sweet Dreams Are Made With MILFs

Gorgeously wicked Silvia Saige can captivate with just her eyes but she always goes beyond that running her hands all up and down her sexy body. She loves thinking of you cupping her breasts with your hands and burying your hard cock right in her cleavage while she desperately tries to lick and suck on the tip of that cock! Silvia loves a clean man; right out of the shower she will do whatever she pleases to make you dirty again; but with her; there will be no complaining once those eyes are...

2 years ago
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Its a Monster

I can remember it like it was yesterday. I was in my apartment, sound asleep. I woke up and rolled over towards my fiancé, Beth. I was twenty four years old and Beth was twenty three. We had been together for four years and had been planning on getting married later that year. We were actually in the planning stages of the wedding and were scheduled to meet with one of our prospective caterers for a food tasting that evening after work. As usual, during the night our bodies had become...

3 years ago
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Her power was mesmerising. The way she held herself. The way she commanded the room. It was only me in it, but she owned it. She owned me. She had made her position clear, as she strolled around in grace and thigh high stockings. Heels and lace underwear set. My eyes followed her. She had given me an option: not touch her, or be tied up.  I chose the latter, knowing from experience that I would not be able to trust myself if I was free to move. She walked back over to me, swaying her hips with...

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Short Sighted

There he was again, drinking coffee in a crowd on the other side of the refectory. God he was so good looking, but off course he didn't know I existed. Nor that I was ugly, I had a decent body all right, it was I was so short sighted and the thick lenses in my glasses didn't help any. What wouldn't I do to get him to notice me. Just as soon as I could afford it I was getting contacts, but as yet that was a distant dream. It was tipping it down and it was a long walk to the bus station, shit...

3 years ago
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Clare 6 The final story

This is the last Clare story :( Clare has unfortunately stopped writing, to date we have still never met. Peter..............I arranged to meet Clare at our regular spot, the Lamb Inn, Nomansland. The day was scorching hot and I was looking forward to showing her a special place I had found in the Forest. I pulled up in the car park and saw that your car was not there yet so I popped in and ordered a couple of drinks for us and luckily found an empty table outside, the sun was gorgeous as it...

1 year ago
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DeceptionChapter 2

Kendall woke with a start. He sat up, and looked around, completely disoriented. Then the events of yesterday started to flood his mind. After a deep sigh, he got out of bed. He flicked the television on, on his way to the bathroom. Shaking his head slightly when there was no sound coming from the TV, he stood in front of the toilet, relieving himself. Flushing, Kendall then washed his hands and walked back out into the room. He flipped the TV off, and then back on. Nothing. This wasn't...

3 years ago
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Enjoyed Horny Housewife In Vijayawda Luckily

Hi girls & boys . I am Rakesh from Vijayawada,AP.Currently doing my B.Tech in central part of Tamil Nadu,Trichy in a reputed university. This is my 2nd story I am submitting here.Thank you all for amazing response for my first story.Those who did not read my first one you can go and search ” fucked aunty in vijayawada for 10 days”.My dick is of length 6 inches & 2inch circumference. This incident has happened in November,2015.The stories I submitted/submit/will submit are all actual happened in...

3 years ago
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Wolf WivesChapter 4

After Jay and Karen had finished eating lunch together in the school cafeteria on Tuesday afternoon, they went off in separate directions. Karen had a class at one end of the campus, and Jay had to report to Mrs. Wells' office for a work conference at the other end. Before they parted, Karen told Jay which pots to warm up for supper, since she had a late class and wouldn't be home until after seven. Jay went straight to Mrs. Wells' office and knocked on the door. The work conferences were...

3 years ago
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A Reason To Live 8211 Love

Hello guys, I am your Anand back with the second part of the story. Thank you for the amazing response to . I am glad it made you horny and happy. For all the new readers, it would be better to read the previous story for the context. The second part picks up exactly where we left off.  On that note, get ready for another earth-shattering orgasm. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary. The settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to...

4 years ago
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StarDick King Kong

Hi I’m Terry Smith but you can call me stardick Today’s tale is about a lady friend of mine named Andria who had a fling with a guy or two, who had the strangest nickname King Kong. Andria got up a bit disappointed because she had been dreaming of a sexual fantasy so intense and exciting that she almost had an orgasm if it had not been for that stupid clock which alarmed 6:00am this morning. “I need a man…” she frowned as she could feel her panty slightly wet come the passionate...

4 years ago
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Incest Fun With My Sister

Hi. I am vivek from goa. Iam going to tell my incest sex story with my sister. I am going to write my whole story in hindi so guys please forgive me if I had done something wrong.Mai ek college student hu. Meri umar 23 sal hai. Mai ba final year mai padta hu. Meri height 5ft8inch hai. Ab mai meri behen ke bareme bataunga. O ek sidhi sadhi ladki hai. Mujhse 2 sal choti hai. Ekdum kisi hollywood actress ki tarah dikti hai. Dekhte hi mume pani aa jata hai.Uske boobs to aise hai jaise ki roj doodh...

2 years ago
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Meri Gaon Ki Mast Bhabhi

Hi dosto mera naam jay hai, main delhi mein rahta hun. Dosto ye mera ISS par pahli story hai, vaise main ISS regular padtha rahta hun. par aaj main aapko apni ek kahani sunane ja raha hun. agar koi bhabhi, girl ya aunti or unsatisfied lady from delhi and around ko meri seva chahiye to please mail me. aap logo ki privacy ka pura dhyan rakhunga. Ek baar mein apne gaon gaya tha aur wahin par mere saath ye ghatna ghati. pahle mein aap logo ko apne baar mein bata deta hun. meri age 25,height 5.7 aur...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Kissa Sins Hard Body Kissa Sins Gets A Hard Fucking

Hard-Body Fuckslut Kissa Sins unleashes wraith on makers Dupree! Dressed in a skintight fishnet body stocking Kissa dances in the window while she tempts you with her stunning curves. She does some squats and twerks her ass for you before making her way over to the chair to show off her holes. Markus makes his way to the kitchen to find Kissa waiting for him on a barstool with her ass perfectly poking out for him to lick her dripping pussy. They don’t waste a second as Markus stands up and...

4 years ago
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Gwalan Ko Choda

Hi friends mera nam deepak hai mai ranchi (jharkhand) ka rehne wala hu. Ye meri ISS par phli kahani hai agar koi galti ho jaye toh mujhe maaf kr dijiye ga. Ab story pe aata hu baat hai 1 saal phle ki us time mera age 20 ka tha. Main ghar me apne papa mummy ke saath rehta tha aur hamare pass 3 guy (cow) tha. Us guy sb ki dekhbhal ke liye hamare yahan gwala aaya krta tha jo un teeno guy ka doodh nikal le bechne Jaya krta tha aur jo income hota tha usme se kuch hissa hmlog ko deta tha aur uski...

2 years ago
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Brandys Nightmare Part Two

Part 1 Brandy looked up at Vlad with scared eyes. The carpet dug into her knees uncomfortably and she felt tears running down her cheeks, she hadn’t even been aware she was crying. Brady was nude, her petite body exposed,...

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Broke My Gf8217s Virginity

Hi.. Again its rakesh. Age 23, a bussines man in bihar. Aunty, bhavi, or girl can mail me for real sex, privacy ki gurentee. Now lets come on story, its story about a my facebook gf from gorakhpur name kanika(name changed), age 19, yeh story ek sal pahle ki hai. Mai us se fb me chatting karta tha aur wah meri ek achi dost ban gayi thi, but wo abhi abhi jawan hue thi aur us pe jawani ka nasa chada hua tha, mai sirf us se he bat kiya karta tha. Eo bar kisi wajah se us se kuch duno tak chat nahi...

3 years ago
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Minor AdjustmentsChapter 3

It was Saturday night, and we had parked by the lake. After a half-hour make-out session, Greg was getting Emily’s panties down when Beth reached over and unzipped my pants. I put my hand over hers as I spoke quietly to her, “You don’t have to do this Beth. I’m not interested in Emily, and she is not interested in me. I know you only do it because you think I might get so horny I will try to fuck Emily. Well, it’s not going to happen. She is my best friend’s girl.” Beth kept her hand on my...

2 years ago
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iStartLife chapter 13

That night Sam and Freddie watched USC take on Texas Tech.The game did not as easy for USC as the last game did. Texas Tech was a much bigger, tougher team than San Diego State had been and after Carly rolled her ankle early in the second quarter and had to go to the bench. With USC's best player on the bench, Texas Tech made a run and ended up leading at halftime by the score of 49-40.When Sam and Freddie saw Carly on TV at the start of the third quarter, they could tell by the look on her...

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My Niece grows up

So there I was, standing under the shower, shaving my cock and balls, and leaving just a small, neatly trimmed patch of hair above my cock.The feeling of smooth balls and cock always made me horny, and I stepped out of the shower with a half an erection, my swollen cock jutting out at half-mast….That’s when I saw my young niece standing staring wide-eyed at my cock with a look of total fascination. “Oh, I’m sorry” I said, “I didn’t hear you come in, the water was running”“That’s OK” she said,...

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Twisted to Perfection

"Good evening Ms Wen." "I trust you had no issues finding me?" "It's nice to finally meet you Mr... X." "No, the directions you gave in your email were perfect. It's strange, since I've never noticed this building before, and I've driven through this area hundreds of times... but I suppose there will be a lot of strange things happening today." "Yes indeed Ms Wen, I make it a point to not be found unless I intend to be. Sorry to be abrupt, but did you bring the full payment?...

1 year ago
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TittyAttack Annika Eve Poolside Breast Stroke

Theres only two things people know about Annika. Shes got the longest hair and the biggest tits, but people usually only notice her for the latter. She was spending a relaxing day in her backyard, finally letting her massive breasts out to play instead of being cooped up her tight ass bra. After going for a swim and getting those knockers nice and wet, Annikas boy Pete came outside and showed her tits some love. He sucked them gently, then Annika proceeded to suck him, then eventually work her...

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Reunited chapter three

BILLY                  I'd seen what mum needed as she proudly showed me the field, and to say that I was impressed would have been the biggest understatement ever. She'd done miracles!It cost me all the money I had and a bit more besides, thanks to my credit card, but when mum eventually surfaced, I'd already dug out the base for it."Is it in order for me to ask what you're doing?"I looked up and grinned, she was a vision in my tee shirt and nothing else but a tiny pair of very skimpy...

1 year ago
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Busted by stepdaughter Part 2

100% fiction! Nadia and I lay in each others arms for some time after playing together , after a little bit she whispered in my ear would you like to watch me finger my pussy , how could i refuse yes please i could love to watch you , she made herself comfortable on the lounge and spread her legs , she started by teasing her nipples pinching them pulling them they were so hard. Then she slowly ran her hands down over her smooth flat tummy between her legs and looked me straight in the eyes as...

3 years ago
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Flat mate surprise

Beth opened the front door of the Victorian house. Her flat lay on the second floor up 2 flights of stairs. She was slightly drunk having stayed too long at an after works drinks party and so, with a slow giddy gate, she worked her way up the first set of stairs. On the landing was another door, which led to her flat. It should have been locked but was ajar. She pushed it open, her new flatmate, a tall (six foot) and very elegant 27 year old West Indian girl called Maria, must have left it...

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Jordans Job Morning in the apartment

Even though Jordan was exhausted he found it nearly impossible to fall asleep. He tossed and turned all night attempting to keep his distance from his friend. Eric had an old box spring for a mattress that he had since he first moved in. As a result, there was a permanent indent where Eric slept every night. It was this indent that Jordan had to fight against for hours. Every time he would find a nice distance from his friend Jordan would be close to pressing his face to the wall,...

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The Perfect SolutionChapter 11 A Woman Absent

"Absent, adj. Peculiarly exposed to the tooth of detraction; vilified; hopelessly in the wrong; superseded in the consideration and affection of another. To men a man is but a mind. Who cares what face he carries or what form he wears? But woman's body is the woman. O, stay thou, my sweetheart, and do never go, but heed the warning words the sage hath said: a woman absent is a woman dead." Jogo Tyree Excerpt from "Cynic's Word Book" by Ambrose Bierce © 1906, Doubleday, Page and...

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The sexual tension was unbelievable. They'd wanted each other for quite some time now, and their fantasy was about to become a reality. She had always dreamed of being fucked hard, and something told her he was just the guy to give it to her."Your place or mine," she asked. "Doesn't matter," he replied. She said, "Well alright then, let's go. I'll drive." They didn't say a single word on the short drive to her place, but once they were inside, he grabbed her by her long ponytail, pulled...

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The girl with the yellow shoes

Do you believe in love? I try to believe in it, deep inside I want to. But reality has shown me that love is far from the fairytale in a book or movie. Love can be excruciatingly painful and often doesn’t have the ‘happily ever after’ ending. I’ve seen enough of bad endings, with family, friends, and even myself. I thought I wasn’t destined for true love, the love where you walk with your head in the clouds all day, where you can’t stop smiling because butterflies are tickling the inside of...

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Rachels Wish Part III

Rachel woke Saturday morning when Marcus’s body shifted beside her. Slowly, she stretched and took inventory of her naked body. The friction from the sheet brushed against her erect nipples, still sore from the clamps Marcus had used on her the night before. Some soreness in her thighs reminded her she’d been well used. She turned toward her lover, who met her gaze and stroked her cheek.“Good morning,” Marcus whispered, he laid his arm on the mattress so she could move closer. She loved the...

2 years ago
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Their Unusual Mommy Chapter Two

by BrettJ © 2011 Teagan and Tanya had been very upset that a few hours after her initial call, their Gran had called and cancelled her dinner plans. Tracey explained to her daughters that her mother had a good reason, a special “surprise” but the girls were let down. Tracey knew she had to do something to cheer them up, so she went to her toy closet and got out her favorite toy. “Teagan sweetie, put this on,” Tracey grinned. “You’re going to fuck your sister with this while Mommy...

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