Primus PilumChapter 5 free porn video

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Lady Emogen stood in the accused's box facing the Judicator. Her chin was held high, but her eyes betrayed the anger and resentment she felt.

The Praetor sat in the high throne, watching the proceedings, not speaking. His eyes ever moved over the assembled crowd. They were here to witness the trial, to see a noble brought low. Such was great entertainment for the commoners. Even if that noble was one very popular with most folk, always some few wished to see someone else's misery.

Vultures, he thought, one and all. How I love you fine folk.

Sendrus, despite his shortcomings in personal integrity was a fine orator, the Praetor had to admit. He presented his case against Emogen eloquently, and with much emotional impact. Several times, the crowd, enraged at the accusations and proofs he provided, rose up, screaming obscenities at the lady. A few even hurled rotten fruit and had to be removed from the courtroom, though they were usually let back in after a few minutes.

"Go on, Senator," said Justicar Ulanis, leaning on staff and eyeing the lady warily.

Senator Sendrus smiled, "Thank you, Justicar," he said. "As you can see, Lady Emogen used her position, as well as considerable mystical knowledge to manipulate the Senate and our illustrious Praetor into sending Primus Pilum Verus, into harm's way under the guise of an offer of peaceful resolution. A resolution neither she nor the Windy Islanders wished. They aimed to make Verus captive and use elven means to rip the knowledge from his mind, such a great leader of men he was. However, his heroism thwarted them and he fell fighting them to his last breath." He glared at Emogen with hatred and disgust. "He died a Hero of Abia, due to this vile woman's machinations."

The crowd growled again, the volume rising to the point that the Justicar had to pound his staff on the flagstones to silence them. "Severe charges, indeed, Senator," said the Justicar. He turned toward the accused as she stood stoic and silent.

"Have you words to say in your defence, Lady Emogen?" asked Ulanis, glaring at her.

She simply returned the hateful stare and set her jaw defiantly.

"An indefensable position, I see," said the Praetor, playing to the crowd. There was a ripple of laughter in the mass of people in the gallery.

The Justicar walked around from behind his podium and regarded her. "I have little choice, Lady Emogen," he said, with what sounded like true regret. "Despite the good works that have been done by your hands, deeds, and words, we must punish treason. Even if it be inspired by noble goals, such as you saw them." He was now feeding into the rumors that she was subverted by elven spies. "Therefore, I must pass punishment. As you know, a noble cannot be simply put to death, as we do commoners who commit a crime of such immensity. You are stripped of title, to be sold at the first opportunity in closed auction. You will live out your life the sole property of another, and live and die by their whim."

At those words, two guards stepped forward and ripped the gown from her back, leaving her nude before the crowd. Her lovely, slender body was exposed to the catcalls and more hurled fruit. A tomato splattered over her breast, red fluid sliding down her body like thin blood. She was then draped in a gray tunic that covered only to mid thigh, with no ornamentation and only holes for the arms and head. A collar was snapped about her neck, with a chain, like a vicious dog might be collared.

She was then led, with a sharp jerk of the chain, from the courtroom, the jeers of the crowd chased her down the narrow stair to the slave pens.

Emogen was hurled, unceremoniously, into the women's holding pen, rolling onto the dirt floor. Her chain was fastened to a loop outside the cell, then the cage closed. Other women were huddled in the room, some collared as she was, others not. After a moment, she looked up at one group of them. They eyed her dubiously for a moment then one approached, walking upright, rather than the slouch most slaves adopted in the cells.

"You are among friends here, firstborn, " the woman said, in elven. She knelt beside the disgraced noblewoman and held a wooden cup to her lips. It was stale water, but after many hours in the courtroom, with nothing to wet her lips, she welcomed it heartily.

The woman, a tall, heavyset Islander, from the look of her, led Emogen back to the knot of women she had been sitting with. "I am Aresia, " said the woman, still speaking accented, but passable elven. She gave a curt elven-style head bow. "I was a ranger, and these others were militia."

That the elven-speaking woman was a ranger was little surprise, they would be the most likely among men of the Windy Isles to speak elven, as most were trained in Windir. "I am named Emogen, " said the noblewoman. "But, I am not elvenborn, I am half-elven, " she explained, giving her own head-bow, with a small hand gesture indicating humility in her introduction. It was an older form of communication, and probably lost on the humans, but she felt she should do it.

"Your ears have points, and you are very beautiful. You are an elf in our eyes," the muscular woman said, and then laughed.

Emogen forced a smile onto her lips. "You honor me, " she said quietly. One of the Other slaves moved to their group from another and murmured a few words to the large, strong-looking woman, then scuttled off, casting furtive glances back at Emogen.

The large woman looked at her a moment. "She said you were a Syrisian noble," said Aresia.

"I was, but now they have branded me a traitor, and turned to your side of the war," explained Emogen, suddenly very much more worried than she was before.

"Did you?" asked Aresia, looking rather dubious.

Emogen decided that she had little to lose, the worst that could happen was that the slaves turned on her and killed her before that animal, Sendrus, could take possession of her and destroy her. All in all, I would rather die at the gentle hands of these folk. "I am on the side of ending the war, which was what I was doing when I was betrayed by the Praetor and Senator Sendrus, " she said.

The woman digested these words for a long moment, the other slaves just gave her hard, rather unkind looks in the meantime. "I believe you, " said the large woman, finally shifting to a smiling visage. "Anyone who has earned the ire of the Praetor must be someone I can trust." She reached out a meaty hand and patted Emogen's shoulder.

Verus stood next to the pilot's position on the Rethallin, he was receiving rather odd looks from the crew about the deck, human and elf alike. He supposed he could not blame them. He had issued a dozen odd orders since they had sailed around the eastern tip of the Island. Undria and his aide, Vendithan, were even looking at him a bit askance, but so far, they were willing to humor him.

Primary to their continued cooperation was Undria's confidence that he knew what he was doing. She had read extensively of his exploits of years past, and was confident, in her heart, that he was up to something clever. He only hoped he had not yet run out of cleverness, or more to the point, that his enemies had not come into a large supply of it.Rethallin

They were cruising under full sail, every yard of cloth on the masts, and making amazing time. The sliced the water like a sword, leaving roostertails behind the main pylons supporting the ship out of the water. When they had caught a bit of a tailwind, they had even done something called 'hydroplaning' as the elven crewmen announced, which was apparently something of a good omen among them. For a few hours, they had flown along, skimming the waves with the sponsons above the water, skittering like a hurled stone on a lake. It had felt terribly unstable to Verus, but the elven crew was exhilarated by it.

Less thrilled were they when they started being fitted with sailcloth slave outfits, designed to go over their mail vests. He had discovered Vendithan could maintain illusory disguises over about a score of men, but needed far more than that for what he wanted. The elven guardsmen would work well for that, were ideal, in fact, due to their innate speed and the shock value alone. The score of illusory disguises would be used on their 'guards', to make them appear as Abian Legionnaires. These would be played by rangers. Another twenty rangers would be among the elven 'prisoners, ' also dressed as slaves.

Undria approached him from across the broad deck. "We near Remless," he said to her as she approached. "How went your conversation with Ghurian?"

"He says that they have challenged and defeated two galleons, and that one of our galleons reported sighting the Amthallin moving southwards, they converge in the morning to intercept her as she nears port." She rattled off these words in a short tone, as if she were eager to discuss other matters.

Verus ignored her apparent urgency. "Do you think he suspects we're up to something?" he asked.

"No," she said, "he trusts me." Her hazel eyes turned to him. "I damn well better be correct in trusting you."

Verus' eyes grew distant, as if he could see Remless on the ribbon on coast to their right. "You are," he said. "Unless betrayed, my loyalty does not falter."

She sighed mightily then turned to follow his rightward gaze. "This is about more than just ending the war, isn't it?" she asked.

"Yes," he said, "it's about justice, too."

"Will the price be great?" she asked. "To our men, I mean."

"Perhaps," said Verus. "But for this price, justice will be served, and she's a woman who deserves men's loyalty even more than the honorable Ghurian."

Undria nodded.

"Less than an hour, Commander Undria, please ensure the men and elves are ready," said Verus.

"Yes, sir," she said, giving him one of those modified Abian salutes that he found so difficult to duplicate before trotting off the main helm deck.

Over the next hour, men were replacing the elven crew in the rigging and about the ship. The hastily-trained rangers were not nearly the sailors, and the ship slowed considerably over that period. Much sail was pulled in and she was only making a speed slightly greater than a galleon normally did.

Verus expected this, and figured that the Amthallin probably sailed like this, or only slightly better. An elven artisan murmured something to the captain of the Rethallin, and the captain relayed that the name had been changed on the prow and aft ends. A hastily but well-crafted Abian banner was hoisted up the mainmast to flap bravely in the quickening breezes. Soon, no elves were visible on the decks of the ship, only men, dressed as closely to sailors in homespun and borrowed garments as they could manage. All of them were rangers, and their gear of war was near to hand.

This plan would not work if they did not achieve near total surprise on the forces defending Remless.

The Praetor sat at the long banquet table with the justicar, Ulanis, and Sendrus. Sendrus was standing near the massive bay windown that overlooked, of all things, the bay. "The lady is being coddled by the other slaves, much to my chagrin," said Sendrus, glowering out at the glimmering waters of the scenic little bay.

"Don't begrudge her some last moments of comfort, Sendrus," said the Praetor. "You'll disabuse her of any notion of comfort, soon enough, I warrant."

Sendrus grinned at the reflection of the Praetor in the glass. "Yes, yes I will," he said, a distant and very unsettling gleam growing in his eyes. "I want to thank you, justicar, for a very well-run courtroom."

Ulanis shrugged. "It is how my courtroom is run, Senator," he said, humbly. "I trust this balances the ledger between us, Praetor?"

"Of course, Justicar Ulanis," replied the Praetor. Until I need your services again, anyway, he thought.

There was a lot of activity down, below on the streets of Remless, a ship was coming in, apparently. Watchtowers down the coast were signaling, using mirrors and fires, to the town's port master, and he would relay messages to those who needed informing as to what was approaching. Apparently, a large ship was inbound.

There was near silence in the room as they ate and drank, each tending to his own thoughts. "Ah, the Veria Prima makes her trips hastily, to be sure," said Sendrus, watching the captured trimaran slip into the port. "We will be able to move those legions in mere days with her, she but left day before yesterday, and already she returns."

Out in the bay, the Veria slid through the water toward the docks. People on the docks milled about, preparing for the unloading of booty from the Isles. Eagerly, slave traders were moving toward where the slaves would be marched past, to get a first look at the morrow's wares for the auction block.

The massive ship slowed, and nuzzled up to the longest dock, dropping her mighty gangplanks and slaves began to be hustled off the ship, over a hundred of them.

The Praetor nearly drooled in excitement over how much money he was about to make. The palace was barely a hundred yards from the docks, situated to give the governor or his guests, as now sat in the chamber, a commanding view of the port facilities. Sendrus smiled as well, watching the prisoners being prodded by their legionnaire guards and hustled into a long double file.

Verus stood on the deck, watching the elven High Guard being herded into ranks. The long slave shifts concealed their armor, and their warswords were tucked up underneath, tied to their armpits. He just hoped that no one grew bold enough, too soon, and grabbed one of them by hand, and felt the mail.

"As soon as they enter the slave compound next to the palace, you are to loose the hounds," said Verus. "Come hell or glory, we shall free those slaves AND capture that bastard of a Praetor." Undria nodded and moved off to where she could see the remaining three hundreds of rangers, waiting just belowdecks. Her second, Nolduro, was delaying the dock workers from boarding, explaining that some prisoners had to be killed and there was gore everywhere that was being cleaned up. It would not hold the eager folk on the docks for long.

Verus walked over to the three ballistae amidship. "Aim for the palace, I want men able to slide those cables directly into the palace itself." A clever system of pullies and gears would hoist the near end of a mooring cable to the top of the main mast, and allow boarders to slide down them and onto captive ships. He aimed to make good use of that feature to avoid the crowded streets between the ship and the palace, just as soon as the battle started.

Four legions were posted near Remless. One of them within the town itself. It would take time for the other three to get into town, and he hoped to be long gone before that. However, he had to stop the one in town overwhelming or pinning them down before they did. That was Undria's job. She was going to lay siege, in an instant, to the small fortress south of the palace, using her small army of rangers. At least, she was going to make the legion in that fort believe they were under siege. With Vendithan hurling fireballs, it should be an easy convincing.

The crowd pressing to the procession route of the slaves was going insane. Elves had been captured, in numbers. This was a first and very noteworthy. They cheered and clapped the legionnaire guards on the back as they marched past. The slave traders veritably salivated at the thought of having elves to sell tomorrow. A few of them were women folk, as well, and most men in the crowd salivated at that idea alone, much less selling them, or more importantly, owning one. The bidding on the morrow would be legendary.

The column reached the slave pens and moved under the arched entry gate. As the huge oaken doors closed behind them, one of the slave pen guards, excited by the appearance of the beautiful and exotic elven slave girls, stepped forward and looked at one closely. "The tides of this war finally have changed, for sure," he said, reaching out and grabbing her arm. He aimed to pull this one to the side and sample her wares immediately.

His fingers closed on hard metal chain, and the elven girl, turning cold eyes to him said, "It has changed, human, but not in your favor." A razor point was beneath his chin. She had magicked a sword from thin air and held it at arm's length, backing him to the wall. He looked about, panicked, all the elves and the men among them had weapons. He turned to the legionnaire who had been standing near him only to see a Windy Island ranger standing there, wearing a amused expression. The ranger shrugged just before the elven girl knocked the slave guard out with the flat of her blade.

The turmoil in the slave pens reached the ears of the three men in the banquet hall. "What is going on down there?" asked Sendrus, trying in vain to find a good vantage point out the bay windows to the pens. The flicker of uncontrolled fire could be seen coming from below and to the north.

The Praetor adopted a look of boredom. "Probably a little riot among the new slaves," he said. "They've not learned their place yet, the legionnaires will have them subdued quickly enough."

Sendrus turned from the windows, but what if Emogen gets killed?" he asked, worry on his face. "Then I'll not have my prize."

Both the Praetor and the justicar chuckled in amusement at his predicament. "It would be a shame if she died before you could kill her, no?" asked the Praetor.

"Damn right it would be!" yelled Sendrus, truly agitated. "I have many, many plans for that love..." His words were interrupted by the sound of shattering glass. An eight-foot barbed spear, cast entirely of cold iron, shot through the bay window. It smashed through the table, then skidded on the floor.

The three noblemen looked at it agape for a heartbeat, but then it sprang open, long spikes of iron extending in four directions, then it shot back toward the window. Sendrus was quick enough, as was the Praetor. The justicar, Ulanis, however, was not. He was pinioned between the iron spikes and the wall, the spike across his thick legs. A moment later, he fell to the floor, in three pieces. He groaned on the floor for only a moment before laying still. The other two men just looked at him with varying levels of interest.

"They're firing on us!" screamed Sendrus, stating the obvious to the Praetor. Out in the bay, more grappling harpoons sailed out from the ship toward the palace, there was screaming in the building. The Praetor looked down out of the broken windows and saw an organized force of rangers moving through the streets, driving a crowd of panicked people before them, toward the small fortress of the Fifth Legion. He ducked back as an arrow shattered against the stonework just inside the window.

Sendrus ran about the room, agitated to the point of near mania. "Not right!" he screamed and his hands clutched his head. "They're ruining my plans."

The Praetor shook his head and looked out again. Two legionnaires ran into the banquet hall. "My lord?" one asked.

"Stay with me," said the Praetor. "We are attacked by Islanders."

The two legionnaires looked at him oddly, but stayed put, as told. Sendrus, however, said. "I'm taking my prize," and ran into the corridor.

Fool, thought the Praetor, glaring after the errant Senator. More arrows zinged off of the stone ceiling of the chamber and ricocheted from the stonework around the shattered windows. He peeked around the window frame to see shapes sliding down the cables now, heading toward the palace. Some fell to arrows as they slid, while others were, just as assuredly, making it to the palace. They moved too quickly to be hit easily.

Sendrus skewered a man wearing ranger livery as he descended the narrow stair from the courts to the slave pens. He reached the bottom of the stairs and looked about himself. In his hand, he clutched a long, narrow blade, unlike most seen in this land. It had belonged to a Niliwander assassin, and was a very fine sword. Sendrus had long had the weapon and loved the feel of it.

He cut down a slave as she ran screaming past him. Unsure which way to go, he headed where she had come from, thinking that she may have been held in the same area as the Lady Emogen would be held.

The sounds of fighting was all about, and there were bodies of guards and legionnaires everywhere he went. He came to a narrow doorway with a barred door. Peering into the shadowy cell he saw several women on chains tethered through the door to the wall behind him. He fetched the keys from a dead guard and opened the door, stepping into the cell.

The women cowered away from him, pulling to the end of their chains and slinking aside as he neared. One, however, did not. She rose from among the others and stepped forward. "Come to take me early, have you, little man?" asked Emogen from the shadows. She stepped into the light coming in from the doorway.

Sendrus grabbed her chain and yanked, hard. She fell to her knees and grabbed the chain with her left hand, yanking it back somewhat. "You've lost, Sendrus," she said, sneering as she took to her feet again. "They've already freed most of us, and will be back for those of us with collars when they find a key."

The Senator glared at her and stepped forward. "You shall not live to enjoy that freedom, bitch," he grated out between clenched teeth. He raised the narrow straight sword and leveled it at her chest. "I wished to enjoy killing you slowly, but will take much pleasure, anyway, from doing it quickly."

There was some murmuring from among the other women. "Fear not, ladies, I've time to tend to all of you before anyone returns," he said, smiling at them.

Yanking the chain again, he lunged for Emogen's chest. A look of shock spread on his face when his blow was deflected. In her right hand, Emogen held a slender hyandai. The blade glowed faintly blue with magical energy. The lady smiled at him, a small smile. "Sendrus," she said, "I've wielded blade for nigh sixty years. You may wish to sit this dance out."

He lunged again. Emogen slipped nimbly aside, wrapping her chain around the point of his blade and twisting it from his hands. In the same motion, she sliced a deep rent in his shoulder, forcing his hand to open. The blade skidded across the dirt floor of the cell, at the feet of a small knot of women. It disappeared amid them.

As he gaped, she moved behind him, and almost as if pirouetting, she flipped the chain about his neck, once, twice, three loops of chain. His peril was suddenly very obvious to him. Three women took hold of the chain as she danced away. Pulling it taut. He stepped a few clumsy steps until the chain was bouncing tightly in both directions from him.

He felt pressure in his skull as the links around his neck bit into the meat. Then he started to see black creeping into the corners of his vision.

Two minutes later, the women loosed the chain and Sendrus collapsed to the floor. The keys jangled to the floor as his left hand opened.

Undria stood across the parade field from the little, compact fortress. The rangers rained arrows at its stone walls, and Vendithan would casually hurl a fireball from time to time, a small one, just large enough to make a scorch mark on the stonework. It was also enough to keep everyone behind that wall ducked down for cover. The panicked civilians in Remless had all fled the city, or at least to their homes. Right now, the streets belonged to the rangers.

Hundreds of slaves had been released from the pens and were filing back toward the Rethallin. Many were cheering and singing as they went, and not all were Islanders. No one bothered to ask if someone belonged on this journey, it was freedom for all.

In the palace, the Praetor was packing a few of his valuables in preparation for flight. The two legionnaires stood guard over his doorway, across the hall from the banquet hall. There was a soft cough from behind them.

Both turned to see a dozen rangers with drawn bows, with an old man standing before them. "My name is Primus Pilum Verus," he said. "I recommend you drop your weapons and surrender."

The guards looked at him a moment, then one dropped his spear. The other followed suit a half a heartbeat later. The rangers moved forward and hustled them off into the banquet hall.

The Praetor glared at Verus. "You old fool, you've truly raised the ire of the Empire now," he said.

"You think so?" said Verus calmly. "I think we've just won the war."

Two rangers moved up and grabbed the Praetor, binding his hands behind his back. "You are made arrest, Praetor," he said. "So far as I know, I still hold the rank of Centurion, and declare you a enemy of the people of both the Empire of Abia and the Windy Isles."

"You cannot arrest me!" screamed the Praetor, trying vainly to pull free of the two strong young men. "I am the Praetor of the Abian Empire!"

"You are a prisoner of war," said Verus, "and you will be tried for crimes against the peoples of the Windy Isles." Verus looked to the two rangers. "Get him to the ship, make sure none harm him."

They both nodded and all six of the rangers moved out of the room with the Praetor in tow.

Verus moved to the other side of the banquet hall and watched as the rangers who had been holding down the fort were pulling back, leaving only a few behind, ready to retreat should the legionnaires within discover the siege lifted.

Elves were moving in the rigging of the Rethallin, making ready to sail. Now that the actual fighting was over, the town did not look much worse for wear. It had been Verus' intent for as few as maybe to die in this attack, and he felt confident that he had succeeded. One of the legionnaires in the corner, hands and feet bound, said, "Are you truly THE Verus?"

Verus turned to him, smiling slightly. "Yes, legionnaire, I am Verus."

The legionnaire smiled back at him. "I don't feel too ashamed then," he said. The other legionnaire nodded in agreement.

"You should not, soldier," said Verus.

The rangers returned to the chamber and Verus left with them, making for the ship. A column had been sighted, marching for town from the nearest encampment of the legions. It was time to go.

As he walked up the gangplank, it was rising from the docks. Every other vessel in the bay was listing or under the water, only their masts poking up out of the placid surface of the bay.

Undria walked up to him as he took to the main deck. "We rescued more than a thousand slaves, Commander Verus," she said. There were many people crowding the deck, and, from the general volume of the murmuring belowdecks, many, many more down there. "I'm frankly amazed we're afloat."

Verus chuckled and watched as the elves in the rigging began playing out sail. The massive ship began to slip away from the docks. The watchman at the top of the mainmast announced that the column had reached the northern gates even as they slid out of the harbor and added on more sail, making for the Windy Isles.

Vendithan approached soon after they had reached open water. "Commander, the Praetor demands to speak to you of terms."

"I am just a soldier," said Verus, "he'll have to discuss terms with leaders."

Vendithan nodded. "I thought you would say that," he said. "There is also another matter. One of the freed slaves requests audience."

"Oh?" said Verus, raising an eyebrow. "Well, those honorable folk, I will take time to speak with."

The elven wizard smiles. "They were shown to your quarters. I also anticipated you would say that."

"You are truly foresighted, Vendithan," said Verus, patting the aide on the shoulder and turning for the stairs down to his quarters.

He entered his chamber and found no one in the conference area. He had expected the slave to wait at the table. He looked about, then toward the sitting area.

"I took the liberty of getting comfortable," said a feminine voice from his bedchamber.

A broad smile formed on Verus' lips as he walked to the doorway. "Milady, you are always welcome to be comfortable."

Emogen sat upon his bed, wearing a gauzy bit of cloth, obviously something that she had retained from an elven crew member. She looked at him with large silver eyes that were slowly darkening to iron gray. "I believe you owe me something," she said.

"I rescue you from certain doom, and I owe you?" asked Verus, removing his chain tunic and sitting in a chair. He noted a filled glass of wine on the little end table next to it.

She rose from the bed in a slow, graceful motion. The Lady Emogen was no young woman, even as a half-elf, but she was very well formed. Her curved body was accentuated by the flattering cut of the elven gown and her red hair gleamed in the lamplight of the chamber. She walked up to him, moving far slower than normal. Apparently much motive power went into the sway of her hips and back.

He put out a hand and touched the inward curve of her waist. Emogen put a hand over his, and gently moved it over the swell of her hip. "You promised to claim a reward from me, should we end the war."

Same as Primus Pilum
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The JOMB ClubChapter 3

Opal: What a day. Janie and Candace had us over – me, Pam and Robin – to tell us what they had started with their brothers. Well, with each other's brothers is more correct. They started jacking the other's brother off and now they want to add more of us girls who have brothers so there's more of us and we can experience more than one or two guys. Also, we all want to make it so the boys are getting us girls off, too. Just no brother/sister stuff between sibs. Well, I told them I liked...

2 years ago
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Visit to Queen Victoria House of Femdoms

You were searching the net one day for S/M site when something click on the screen. It was Queen Victoria House of femdoms. It look like an invitation. It even had your name on it. You figure it was just some spam so you clicked off it. Then your phone rang. The voice on the other end said "Come to Queen Victoria, You know you want to. The car is outside." It was a sexy woman's voice. You look out the window. A car was outside with 2 sexy women in fish net stocking. You knew this seem dangerous...

3 years ago
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Friday Night and Wednesday Morning

It was still early (8.30ish) on Friday night and my friend Julia and I were about to leave the Centurian Bar near the railway station in Newcastle when a male voice called to me, ‘Nice jeans, what make are they?’ Stunned, I stopped in my tracks and fingered the spangly logo on the back pocket. ‘Victoria Beckham,’ I replied as I looked up to see the voice belonged to a chubby thuggish looking bloke wearing a peach coloured CP Company polo shirt, ‘Why?’ ‘They make your arse look bloody sexy!’...

1 year ago
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Just One of Moms Men

100% fiction! My name is Mick and I live with my . My dad was a very violent man that beat my mom and me too if I got out of line. He caught me peeking on him and mom while they were having sex one time and he made me watch until he finished. When dad was done, he made me lick his cum out of my moms pussy and then he made me suck his big cock clean. My dad was killed a year later in a car wreck and we both felt a sense of relief. After dad died my mom started drinking a lot and partying with a...

2 years ago
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The Replacement Chapter Four

I followed "Mum" still hyper-aware of the video I'd recorded, and easily I'd been accepted as just another girl. Was I really going to have to endure an entire birthday party as a girl? What would that entail? I absent-mindedly started peeling my nail polish as I entered the kitchen. I wasn't sure I liked what I smelled."Stop picking those nails or I'll have to repaint them for you." my new mother snapped at me. She pressed the *1* button on the control, enough for a short...

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Amar Didi K Rajasthan E

Hi bondhu ra..ami amal abar esechi apnader kache amar life er arekta satti ghotona niye.apnade anek request er por amar eta new story. apna ra amake besi mail korlae ami aro likhbo. ami iss er anekdin dhore reader ar author. ami incest story pochhondo kori. amra amader family tour e rajasthan gechilam. okhane amader family er sob member, ar jethur family o gechilo. amara okhane ekta hotel e uthechilam. Amader sobar alada alada room chhilo.amar room ta chhilo amar didir room er pase. amara...

4 years ago
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Fun Drive

This might be the hottest day of the summer, Janet thought. And here she was going door to door to collect money for the intramural volleyball team. You’d think the school could pay for a couple of dump trucks of sand for the new outside courts. She’d picked a neighborhood with a lot of trees hoping it wouldn’t be so bad in the shade but it still felt like it was over 100 degrees with all the humidity. Every time she pulled out her pledge form she was afraid she would ruin all the names she’d...

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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 38 Hunting

The next week was a lot of fun. I’d brought hard miners hats that had my crystal lamps attached to the front of them. I’d also made a heap of small crystal lamps that we used to mark intersections. Albi and I would scribe arrows and one or two words to help anyone to get to a particular feature we found, or back to the main cavern. We also marked dangerous tunnels that had sudden drops to catch the unwary. One of the cavern entrances we had climbed up to and accessed from the central tunnel...

2 years ago
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The Preacher ManChapter 50 Dawn of the Revolution

Time: July 4, 8244 11:48 AM Taking over the Code of Bel'dar proved to be delightfully easy. The monks of Babylon completed the upgrade of their operating system in mid February and we began our probing soon afterwards. We were ready to make our first backdoor changes by early March. The Australian women and my family have two objectives today with my meeting with the Babylonian monks. The first objective will be executed at noon. If successful, we are expecting a great deal of chaos at...

3 years ago
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My Mums Sexy Busty Friend

My name is Daniel, but everyone just calls me Dan for short. I’m a nineteen year old adolescent lad whose got pictures of topless models on his walls. I have this fascination with older women like, I think that Michelle Phieffer is hot even though she’s in her late forties. After seeing her in that tight, leather black cat suit in Batman Returns, I was in awe. Speaking of sexy older women, one of my Mum’s friends called Andrea is gorgeous. Forty eight years old I think. With long. golden...

4 years ago
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Finding The Right Woman Part 2

Marie tells her story: I hardly know where to begin. My life has been totally turned upside down. You readers know me as Marie Timmons. My real name is Angel Marie Simmons. I used my middle name and changed the first letter of my last name when I took a position as an escort. Right now I'm sitting in the cafeteria of our hospital thinking about my future. I guess I should tell you a little about my past and where I came from. I was born in Illinois and was raised by my single mom. She had...

4 years ago
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A Night with Kaley Cuoco

I went to comic-con for work and it was no fun at all. My bosses had kept me too busy wasting my time to actually enjoy anything, then dumped me off at the hotel once they had scored tickets to some movie studio party. Up in my room I felt useless and abandoned. I drank a couple of the small liquor bottles from the mini fridge before I decided to go down and drink in the bar like an adult.A while later I was a few drinks deep and feeling pretty high when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 12 House Calls

November 8, 1993, Chicago, Illinois A dark fog swirled before my eyes as I tried to take stock. My head hurt, badly. I felt something on my face and realized, dimly, it was an oxygen mask. My right hand was uncomfortable and I recognized the feeling of an IV and pulse-oximeter. My left arm ached fiercely. On my chest I felt the pads and wires of an EKG. I didn’t feel anything else wrong as I continued taking inventory. I tried to open my eyes, but the fog didn’t clear. I tried to speak, but...

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Spontaneous Public Nudity Some Highlights Part 5

This event took place while on holiday with Susan down the coast from Sydney. I have covered some of her exploits in previous submissions. On this occasion, I was the one getting naked for an audience.The house we rented for the week was across the road from the beach. It was a two story house, with rumpus room and garage at ground level, at the top of a steep rise of from the road. The garage was locked, probably containing the owner's car and personal belongings. On the upper level were the...

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My Sweet Little Sister

Mera naam rahul hian app mujhe pe mail kar sakte hian only from hyderabadAaj mai jo kahani aplogo ko sunane ja raha hu wo kisi aur ki nahi meri apni hai aur wo bhi apni chhoti bahan ke sath kiye gaye sex ki hai.jaisa ki apne pahle kahani me maine bataya hai ki meri bahan jiski umar pachish saal hai ek sawali ladaki hai. Uski chehare ko dekhne ke baad kishi ka bhi man chodne ko bachain ho jaye. Ek din mere intjar ki ghadi khatma ho gai. Jab maine us raat ko use chod diya. In dino meri mummy...

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The Lockdown Effect 8211 Part 3 A Hot Bitch Is Born

Rahul had a chat with Praveen and Milton to increase the amount they had to pay for Dona’s one-night service with both the men. They agreed to pay an extra 10k for the hot bitch. Once that was sorted out, the four people gathered around the living room. They started to talk and relax as they continued to drink wine. The effect of the wine took its toll as everyone relaxed, and the mood lightened. Dona’s nervousness was replaced by confidence and hornyness. Rahul liked how the men complimented...

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Two Little Girls Watch Me Cum

Just a very short experience, but one I think worth conveying. I was at home one Sunday afternoon, when I heard a lot of noise outside, so I went upstairs to look out of the window and saw two young little girls messing around in the rear car park of some flats which are nearby. I had not seen them before, but they were being very naughty, throwing rubbish about and so on. Although they were young, they were quite cute in a sort of rough naughty way, so I whipped my cock out and started having...

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Courtin the Devils DaughterChapter 11

I had found a shop who could put just enough bend in the yoke of the handlebars that I could sit comfortably, my feet in the right place for easy shifting, and it was quite comfortable to fly down the road, with two lovely ladys at my back. Eliza gave me a thankful squeeze at the thought, and Marygold4, or Mary Goldfour, as she had taken to pronouncing it, purred into my wireless earpiece. It had taken very little work to arrange her laptop home so that she was always on even with the top...

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I am his woman whenever he want me to be

I am his woman, whenever he wants me to be. I am his woman Whenever he want me to be. And the transformation completes me, Allows me to be the woman Buried deep within. A perfect appearance, Flawless skin, beautifully accentuated With powders and paint. Long golden hair, Kissing the nape of my neck Sensuous curls, Caressing the bare skin of my back. Dressed only in the finest silks, Sheer black stockings, Gracing my perfectly formed thighs. Yes, I will become his...

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My Sweet Friend Su

Hi there people. I’m a regular reader of ISS and I think I have become a greatest fan of this site! I am Prakash, writing my first ever true story that happened to me when I was just 19! Let me tell you about myself. I’m 20 now fair complexioned, 5’11 with a very athletic body. I have been kind of an attraction to girls since school days, until now! This story is about how I seduced my friend, Su, whom I know ever since childhood. Su is very beautiful, she has gorgeous eyes and very tempting...

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"I got your email...Sss. Emails." "Come in, Kim. Sit down." Kim gave up struggling to close the heavy fire door to Clare's office and sat down opposite her employer. Clare was a large lady. That was putting it politely. She was huge. Too huge to wear proper business clothes. She had made an effort to accessorize her outfit with a silk scarf and expensive spectacles, but it was still basically a vast purple kaftan. Sacks of fat flesh spilled over the arms of her leather "executive" chair,...

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War in Two Universes Book 6Chapter 5 The Joys of Mespa 49

“In critical and baffling situations, it is always best to return to first principle and simple action” — Winston S. Churchill “Please stand here sire,” Jones said to Jason as they waited for the ship, close to the Gromelix takeoff point from the day before. An instant later Jason found himself standing on the bridge of a ship. The bridge was fully manned by AIs that looked humanoid. “Welcome sire, I am the ship. You have much of the DNA of our originators. Do you formally take ownership...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of Reggie Starr Book 1

The following is the beginning of a serial, which will continue as stand alone books. Just for the record, I know much about the subject as I was in a much similar environment. This character is a mixing of several police investigators I have known over the years. Here is the first book in the series. I have tried to keep the sex and violence to a minimum. I have been trying to keep an ?R? rating. That means, no one under 18 should read this. If you are 18 and do read this,...

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Shop Assistant Fun Mania

Please read the first part “First Class AC Nightmare” @, would help to get the plot of this story. And second part for continuation “Glooming at Gents Hair Saloon” @, would add spice to the current story. And third part for continuation “Village Adventure of an Idiot Wife” @ , would add spice...

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The new world

The world as we know it has changed. After the huge economic crisis a lot more is allowed and human rights just aren't as important anymore. Thus we find ourselves in a relatively new but blooming company. fantavery inc. The owners of the company used to be a manufacturer of androids trying their best to make an as lifelike sex doll as they could manage. But with the new state laws being passed, legalising almost everything, they quickly changed their business model. Because what android would...

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MySistersHotFriend Ana Foxxx 22329

Ana Foxxx is over at her friend Susan’s house, but she’s nowhere to be found. What Ana does find is some muscly dude in the shower! When she calls her friend to ask where she is and who the the guy is, Ana’s pleasantly surprised to discover that that’s Johnny, her friend’s brother! It’s been a good five years since she’s seen him…and since she’s fucked him! After seeing her, Johnny tells Ana that his sister never learned of their tryst, and since she won’t be back at the house for some time,...

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Generous Offers 2 the CruiseChapter 10 End of Cruise

The Mann’s had budgeted for a private jet to return them to California. Once I heard about their plan and their children complaining about not being able to join the mile-high club, I spoke to my ladies. They offered $50,000 if we could all fly back together in a private jet. Every cabin got a brochure about Sun Park, an Australian sexy sun park where nudity was enforced and open sexuality was encouraged. We all wanted to spend at least a week. Abby phoned her dad. We heard her request...

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Sissy boy James is butt pounded

A sat on the hard floor and made little squeaky whimpering noises like a chipmunk. His brain had been fried with intense embarrassment. He wore only a tiny pink lace thong panty. Nuzla and Garima stood nearby giggling at their blushing panty boi. Nuzla reached down and grabbed his left arm, Garima grabbed his right arm. Each girl lifted James about 8 inches off the ground and then slammed his butt cheeks firmly down on the floor with a hard PLOP! James grimaced, rolled his eyes, and blushed....

Gay Male
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Daddys Rules Daddys Consequences

I’m lying on my back in the cage. My legs are cuffed up and open, and Daddy is stroking his magnificent cock on the other side of the mesh. His face is a mixture of concentration and amusement. My eyes pinball from his eyes to Bestie, my pet name for Daddy’s dick, who is now leaking precum. My heart is racing, aroused at the sight of Daddy’s engorgement, but also from anxiety. My “number one” job is to clean Daddy’s dick when he leaks, and in my current state, I cannot perform my task. Daddy...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 4 ElyseChapter 68 A Perfect Storm

June 15, 1991, Chicago, Illinois It was early on Saturday afternoon. Kara and I had gone to karate practice, but Jessica was too far along in her pregnancy to participate. We’d had lunch, and I’d excused myself to go to my study to make a phone call. “Ohio law won’t be an issue,” Bethany said. “The statute of limitations ran out on your sister’s 23rd birthday. And Ohio has exceptions to reporting in certain, limited cases, for therapists. I’m not so sure that your psychiatrist can avoid...

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The Lake Cottage

A hint of fall was in the crisp cool air as she walked from the cottage to the lake. A light breeze blew across it from the pass between two mountains to the west. It was midmorning and she was aware of the juxtaposition of nature’s gifts. On the one hand, the morning sun warmed her bare back and cheeks, whilst the cool air caressed her face, her breasts, stomach and her glistening lips peeking out from the soft downy patch of blonde pubic hair. She felt like invisible fingers were moving over...

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my wife my cousin andy and i

I always believed that in a sexual act; two men only (not one) can satisfy a woman and one woman can easily satisfy two men. We arrived back at andy and paula promptly went in and took a shower. When she came out she had only a towel on and asked where she should ****. andy told her we could have the bed. We each then showered, first andy then me. When I came out I saw andy was lying on the couch. His legs hung over then end almost to his knees. paula was asleep in the middle of his king size...

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A Passionate Love 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone. This is my first contribution in the form of series. The upcoming stories are not based on only lust/sex. It is based on true love and passion. I hope you guys enjoy the story. All your suggestions and feedback are welcome. You can email me at So let’s begin: Introduction LOVE – It is still an unsolved mystery. No one is able to understand it completely. There are several heroes and heroines who are widely known as lovers. This story also narrates the love of two lovers whose...

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The Promise

The Promise ? by: Jennifer Richardson. Chapter One - Lost Souls Are you going?" Amanda asked me as we stood in the canteen queue. She nodded at the notice board behind me. "Oh, no, I don't think I'll bother. There was a colourful poster advertising a company fancy dress party at the weekend. "Why not? You never go to any of the socials," she pointed out. "No more than you do! When was the last time you went to one?" I countered. "Maybe we should make the effort then,...

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Hot For Teacher Chapter 16

CHAPTER 16 To think about how this day has been going so far, I never saw it coming. I'm trying to think back to before this whole thing started. Back to the first time I slipped on my first pair of heels. Before that, I was your normal, everyday, 16 year old boy. My biggest love was watching sport games, playing video games and reading comic books. My biggest decision about what to wear each day was if I wanted to wear my Phillies hat or not. I'm trying to think about how others saw...

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Iberian the Hellkite

The Third World War, if you could call it a war, lasted only two hours. In that time, the earth was laid waste, and all the money in the world saved no one. Caught unaware, hundreds of millions died in those fleeting moments. Over the following year, billions perished in the nuclear winter that followed. A hundred years passed, and man gathered together in tribes. Fighting to survive, life adapted. Mutation of animals and humans was a constant. Some terrifying creatures evolved, giant snakes...

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The first thought I had was that I should have seen it coming.I woke up chained to a chair, dressed in grey slacks and a shirt, what I can only assume is some kind of prisoner’s uniform. They took my watch, where I would have had a small pin that I could have used to pick the lock. But unfortunately, I had to rely on my own body to free myself. I was still trying to wriggle out of my chains when I heard a door opening behind me.A large, muscular woman, obviously Ruskie stepped in front of me,...

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Jersey Bar The Series

Well, this is my first post and what better way to get inspiration then your real life. One night I was really depressed and didn't want to go out, but because of my recent unemployment I thought I really needed to get out of my apartment. My close male friends Stewie and Vince lived on the Shore right by all the bars you may see on a popular tv show, but I wasn't in a wild mood and neither where my friends. Actually, the only reason Stewie wanted to go out was because he was having a lady...

3 years ago
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Good Cop Bad Cop

I was half-way through a day shift on a Wednesday morning, as I sat at a computer in the muster room, typing out a report on a minor arrest I had made the day before. I heard footsteps on the carpet behind me, and I looked up to see the shift supervisor, Sergeant Morrow, standing there with a clipboard in his hand. Morrow was one of those big, rugged, old-style cops that you just don’t see any more, and he said, “I’ve got a little job for you, Mark.” “What’s that?” I said, sitting back from the...

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Because She Wore Heels

“High heels have always been Lee’s thing as well.” Olivia’s words hung in the air for a brief moment before a few of the other ladies let out a knowing cackle.Claire looked around, slightly embarrassed by her drunk friend’s somewhat loud, suggestive comments. Their party had arrived early and Ludovico’s was still almost deserted. That hadn’t stopped the drinks flowing early where the accounts girls were concerned; it was as if a few of the girls wanted to liven the venue up all by...

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Courtneys feet

Courtney was this amazingly beautiful brunette girl in my class that I just could not take my eyes off of. She was fairly average aswell, she had a couple of friends, both guys and girls, would hang out at the mall and party occasionally but what set her apart from the rest, for me atleast, were her feet. Most of the time she wore tomy’s or sneakers so that I wouldn’t be able to get a look at them and would have to weirdly gaze at her ankles. Other times though, when it got a little warm in the...

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The CircleChapter 22 Kyles Mother Joins The Circle Lifestyle

Jim came home from work one day and much to his surprise he found Kyle’s mother, Lynn Broadhurst, sitting on the sofa making ga-ga and cooing sounds at both Ariana and Marshall, who she’d propped up against the back of the sofa amid pillows and baby blankets. The babies seemed fascinated with her antics. “Hello, Mrs. Broadhurst. I’m pleased to see you here.” “My grandbabies are so adorable. I can barely stand it. I made a big mistake, and now I’m making up for it.” “Mistake?” Lynn picked...

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A dad attempts to get his daughter to change her slutty ways

I still remember the day that I kicked my cheating whore wife out of the house like it was yesterday. I was walking through the front door after being away for a couple of days on business, the bitch wasn’t expecting me for another day or so when I walked in on her being gangbanged. There she was, moaning and groaning like a bitch in heat all holes filled, being fucked by three men she had picked up at a bar. When I saw Mia our daughter sound asleep on a couch in the same room I became...

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Beltane Rites

  He walked into the grove not knowing what to expect.  His arms Burned yet fro the adornments the priests had placed upon him when he was chosen.  They had explained that he would know what to do when the time came but the young hunter was still nervous.  The fog of uncertainty was lifting as he walked further into the circle and closer to the bonfire that raged in its' center. Sweat gathered at his brow, under the heat of his headdress and the antlers it contained.  Finally he came upon a...

Straight Sex
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Gaybi sauna

I am 35 years of age and married to sexy woman for years but I love cock too. I often visit my local gay/bi sauna when I get the urge for cock. On this particular time it was an hour or so befor it closed. The man who worked there did tell me that it was empty as he was shutting in a hour but I said it was ok as I could entertain myself and enjoy the steam room and jacuzzi. He gave me my towel and locker key as normal. I always wear s pair of my wife's panties when I go as I love the chance of...

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Chris took a deep breath before he knocked on the door. There’s no reason to be nervous, he reminded himself. But reassurances had long since stopped soothing him. Beth’s smile when she opened the door helped, though. She ushered him in. “C’mon into the den. It’s more comfortable there.” Then she turned and led the way with another smile over her shoulder to make sure he was following. Chris let out another deep breath but forced a smile this time. By the time they settled into their...

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A Simple Sex Story In Bangalore

Hello all, All the people who write in this site say their story is real. I just want to write this as a work of fiction. This was probably 4 yrs. before in Bangalore. I had completed my bachelors and had joined a mnc. I had to complete my certifications and my manager had given me a deadline to complete my certifications within 2 months. I started studying for my certifications. I do everything madly as i am a passionate individual. I kept on studying from 9 to 2 a.m. night. We normally need...

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The Nudist And His PupilChapter 7

Three months later, we were about to doze off when the phone startled us to sitting positions in our dark bedroom. Michele picked it up, listened for a while, spoke a few words, listened some more, then asked the caller to hold on and hit the receiver's mute button. "It's Connie," she said to me. I sat up straighter. "What about her?" "Her stupid jerk of a husband just went over the edge — big time." We knew it was coming. Michele had long ago told me that she and her friends had...

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Sharon wanted to wait BUT

Sharon was 15 and was my girl friend for the last few months but didn't want any sex not even touching as her parents had put fear into her.She was the hotest looking girl around. Great body, gorgeous face, long blonde hair and nice round tits.I tried everything I could think of to let me touch her but a kiss on the lips was the limit. I was so horny for her, one day we were walking along a track when I pulled down my pants and showed her my cock and pleaded for her to touch it but she turned...

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Visiting Family In Europe

Hello readers, my name is Xanthia and this story took place last year when I was visiting family in Europe. I was 24, I have a nice body with 32 d cup and a tiny waist and nice round ass when I arrived my uncle picked me up and I went to his house. I saw my cousin Haari who I haven’t seen in 3 years there is some history with us, when we were younger (15 at the time) we kissed but that was all. I thought it was wrong and I never did it again because he is my first cousin. He is tall 6 feet and...

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Took What Wasnt Mine

After three years of being close to the beautiful hot, young Ella Ross and not ever touching, it became too much for under my belt. It had to be dealt with. And soon! But how? Ella was 22-years-old, stood 5’4” and had long black curly hair, blue eyes, pouty lips, and 34DD perfect plump titties. Sum it up, she was a fucking goddess and she knew it. For three long agonizing years, I’d watched her walk every day into my work wearing another of her taunting, cock twitching outfits. Enough was...


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