Primus PilumChapter 3 free porn video

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"What do you mean he isn't one of the command cadre?" asked Thurus, eyeing the newly-arrived commander. They stood over Verus as he lay in the cot, sleeping soundly. Morlani had said he would sleep a day or two but would awaken mostly well and ready to rise.

Ghurian stood beside Thurus and shook his head. "I've never seen him before, and at his age, I would have met him long before now," he said. The old ranger rubbed a hand over his balding skull. "This man is NOT one of our commanders."

Thurus blinked a few times. "Then who is he?"

"You said his name is Critus Tanverus?" asked Ghurian.

"Yes, sir," replied Captain Thurus. "He had a half-elven aide with him, named Lemovaur of clan Velithar."

The old ranger pondered this for long moments. "You are certain the aid was of clan Velithar?" he asked.

"Yes, sir," repeated Thurus. "Is that significant?"

"It may well be," said Ghurian. "Clan Velithar was a clan that left Windir eight centuries ago to live in a deeply forested section of what was then the Northern Extents of the Western Realms."

"What is it now?" asked the captain.

Ghurian paused a moment. This was a thing that he did, which drove Thurus, and other junior commanders quite mad - his theatrical pauses. "The Senmarch region of Abia," he said.

Thurus quickly forgave the theatrical pause, as it was quite called for, in this instance. "His aide was an Abian half-elf?" he asked. He then turned toward Verus, sleeping on the cot. "That means, he's Abian?"

"It would seem," said Ghurian, a hardness coming to his old gray eyes.

"Still," said the captain, suddenly perplexed, "why, then, did he deliver to us a victory over the Abian legions?"

"Are you certain he did?" asked the commander.

"Yes, sir, he did. Believe me when I say: Without his leadership, we would be routing toward the capital right now with three cohorts of legionnaires on our heels," pronounced Thurus. "His plan was genius. We even had a good laugh when he arrived, that his name sounded like the old Centurion from Abia, Verus. I'll be damned if he didn't deliver us a victory like Verus would have, were he an Islander."

The commander thought a long moment again. Command was reinforcing the garrison even now, by more than a hundred rangers and two hundred more militia. It was in the best defense that the High Command could manage for it, presently. "Load him onto a wagon, one with a decent ride, and prepare for us to remove him to Rondall, we will sort out his identity there."

In under an hour, soldiers transferred Verus to a wagon, with an attendant healer, and Commander Ghurian's contingent left Rennik, bound for the capital. Verus slept through the trip, the wagon, true to Ghurian's request, rode smoothly, even over ruts and muddy road. It was one of the wagons formerly used by merchants to haul fragile goods and fruits. A suspension of leather straps, which reduced the movements to those similar to a ship on water, supported it. Sea sickness was a possibility, and the healer succumbed to it twice, but the ride was smooth enough to allow a recovering, wounded, old soldier to sleep.

On the eve of the second day, they rolled into the beleaguered capital of the Windy Isles. A city of fewer than ten thousands, now swelled to nearly thirty with refugees and military units drawn from throughout the islands and even beyond. Elves were in great evidence, dozens of them, as they felt, in large part, responsible for this invasion, and were freely giving of themselves to reinforce the troubled and invaded nation.

They formed the core of the healer cadre, as their natural ability to mend wounds could well count for more during a battle between men than even their keen aim and skilled swords. Every Islander military unit had at least one elf with it, attending to the duty of being the commander's aide and, secondarily, as the unit's healer. Some units, those expected to see more activity, had many elves in their ranks, both bolstering their numbers with skilled scouts and provided added insurance of healing.

However, the war was going poorly. It seemed that no matter how many galleons the valiant navies of the Isles and Windir sank, more legionnaires were constantly streaming forth from their three beachheads on the Isles. In the last week, the Abians had taken one of the precious trimarans, further demoralizing the Islanders, and terrifying the elves. Until then, the trimarans had represented a form of invulnerability to the Abian threat. They were bulwarks that, while not utterly a wall, represented a massive hindrance to the reinforcement of the Abian camps.

The remaining trimaran captains were now cautious, and the number of ships they were sinking reduced. Scouts reported that the Abian legions were reinforcing strongly now, and they would soon be at full strength. Rumors from spies within Abia also confirmed that four full legions were in the west of the empire, near port cities. The fear was that these legions were poised for a massive assault upon the Isles and all indications were that this was true.

Commander Ghurian meant to find out who this man was, this Critus Tanverus, and discover his part in things. His mind dwelt upon the unpleasantness that an intense interrogation might involve, and looked at the wagon that contained the old man. He did not wish to do what he knew he would probably have to.

However, the decision was not his to make, he discovered. As his company moved through town, they were stopped by a, for elves, massive formation of elven troops. They wore the silver and green livery of the elven king, and were the guards of the ranking elven representative on the Isles, Lord Ambassador Levethan.

"What is this about, commander?" asked Ghurian as the leader of the elven company stepped forward, a grizzled elven soldier named Rethas.

Rethas stood tall, despite his rather diminutive stature, and his presence was palpable. He watched as the old ranger dismounted, and then said, "The Lord Ambassador believes that you are escorting a prison to whom he wishes very much to speak." His Syrisian was clipped and precise, and it carried the unmistakable accent that an elf was speaking.

There was some murmuring among Ghurian's company, but the commander silenced it with a mere glance. He then turned back to Commander Rethas. "He holds no official jurisdiction within the Windy Isles, Commander Rethas. This is my prisoner, and I will not yield him up to a foreign dignitary to be spirited away to sovereign land within my own nation."

The elf considered his words for a moment, though Ghurian could see him controlling a small measure of wroth with care. "Then, Commander Ghurian, honorable veteran of many battles by mine own side, will you not consider a joint custody on your own terms?"

The elves had been prepared for his refusal, and this worried Ghurian more than their mere insistence on taking the captive for their own holding. He put one of his great hands on Rethas' shoulder, in a traditional greeting among warriors of elves and men. "Let us speak in private, my old friend, and perhaps we can make a more reasoned decision," said the old ranger. He looked toward his second. "No one moves until we return."

The captain nodded and began issuing orders. Rethas and Ghurian walked to the side, and, spying a tavern, they walked inside. The innkeeper cleared a side room for the two of them and brought them a bottle of wine and two glasses.

"Now, Rethas, what is this about?" said Ghurian, taking a small sip of the wine. He winced at the sourness of it. The wine had been poor since the start of the war as most of the best vineyards were in the south of the isles. Two of the best areas were now beachheads for the Abians.

A minuscule narrowing of the eyes was the only reaction the ever-polite elf granted to the poor quality of the wine. "The man you are carrying is more important than you know, friend."

"I know he is a very accomplished spy, is what I know," said Ghurian. "One so highly valued that the Abians very likely suffered a major defeat to simply to allow him to gain trust."

The old elf, and he was an old elf, bearing gray hair and many lines on his face, very unusual for elves in general, focused his silver eyes upon Ghurian. "We do not believe that was the case," he said. "We believe that the man you transport, and mean to interrogate is none other than Verus, the retired Abian Centurion."

Ghurian barked out a laugh. "I believe the much-vaunted elven spies have, for once, failed you, friend," he said. He took another sip of the sour wine. "Verus retired ten years ago from the service of the Empire, it is well known, for most of their enemies breathed a deep sigh of relief. Hell, I studied his battles at the academy, under your own tuteledge, I might add."

"Be that as maybe," said Rethas, "we believe that you bear him now into Rondall."

Commander Ghurian blinked at him a few times, then asked, "Why do you believe that?"

"I tell you this only as a friend, and it may sour that friendship," said the old elf. "The Lord Ambassador was secretly working on a peace agreement with the Abians to get them to leave the Isles in exchange for certain concessions from the elves."

"What sort of concessions?" asked Ghurian, suddenly very worried.

"We were to agree to training a legion of their forces to ranger status, for the agreement of peace and withdrawal from the Isles and two hundreds of years of non-agression," said Rethas.

"You were going to train rangers for them?" asked the old ranger, stunned. "And you believed they would abide by their half of the agreement?"

"No," said Rethas, "we did not." He looked out the window at the two companies standing, and facing toward one another in the road. "But we figured they would at least withdraw for a while and give your people the respite needed to rebuild and train your own defences."

"Then be set upon by rangers under the enemy's banner!" screamed Ghurian, slamming his fists down on the table.

"The proffered agreement is now moot, friend, please calm yourself," said Rethas. "There will be no training, and no peace. As a matter of fact, there will only be our ultimate defeat, if that man is Verus, and you try and execute him as a spy."

"Wait a moment," said Ghurian. "You never explained why you thought this particular man was Verus. So far, you've only shown me that elves can be as sneaky and foolish as men."

"Old friend, I am not certain if that was an insult or a compliment," said Rethas, chuckling.

Ghurian's expression softened a bit. "Okay, I apologize," he said. "But why do you think that was Verus?"

"Our spies reported that Verus was to escort the Abian negotiator for the cause, a half-elven noblewoman from a clan living in Abia," said the old elf. "The Lady Emogen, who is still regarded as trustworthy by our folk." He sat back and regarded the wine still in his glass dubiously. "We have heard that a half-elven aide was at the side of this 'commander' when he arrived in Rennik. She matches the description we have of Lady Emogen."

"I heard her description, as well, and it would cover about a quarter of all the half-elven women who have been on the Isles," said Ghurian. "You must have more to go on than that."

The elf shrugged. "There is also the matter of the trimaran," said Rethas. "We only recovered the crew that was set adrift two days ago, and they say that it was Verus who bested them."

"Well, a crew would at least hope that a worthy opponent was victorious over them, for certain," said Ghurian. "But it was bound to happen that a trimaran would eventually be overwhelmed by superior numbers."

Rethas laughed. "That is exactly the point, friend Ghurian," he said, "they were bested by a single galleon, and not even a troop transport, at that."

"What?" asked the ranger. "One galleon?"

"One," repeated the elf, holding up a single digit to reinforce the concept.

Ghurian peered out the window again and stared at the wagon with the man aboard. Was that man Verus, the terror of all who faced Abia for nearly thirty years?

"Why would they send their most treasured commander, ever, into harm's way like this?" asked the old ranger.

The elf looked at him levelly. "So we would kill him," he said.

Ghurian blinked a few times, then shook his head. "That makes no sense," he said after the pause.

"Think, if you will, like the Praetor, commander," said Rethas. "You are conducting an unpopular war. Your armies are only barely following your orders, and they refuse to commit further legions to a cause you need at least two more legions to complete. Your finest commander, who would hand you victory easily, refuses to help, and stays in retirement. So, what do you do? You find a way to get the armies to fall into line. Conveniently, that same obstinate leader is also unbelievably popular with the legions. You talk him into a mission to the enemies land, a peace mission, a treaty offering. When the enemy treacherously kills him, your legions immediately fall into lockstep and are more than willing to extract revenge upon the offending nation."

The old commander sighed. "You get four legions, which are conveniently positioned to move quickly, to attack a few days later," he said hoarsely, almost wheezed.

"Seven legions, friend, would crush us like a vintner would crush grapes," said Rethas, setting down his glass. "Though I wager we would be a finer vintage than this rotted fruit."

"I will release the prisoner to you," said Ghurian. "On condition that I can remain with him at all times."

"You, of course would have unlimi..." started Rethas.

"At all times," the commander restated, interrupting the elf. "I do not leave his side."

The elf smiled. "Acceptable," he said.

"You, sir, had better damn well be who we think you are," said Ghurian as Verus blinked at the dim illumination in the room.

He looked around slowly, taking in the surroundings. Wood-paneled walls and finely wrought tapestries met his gaze. He immediately saw the hands of elves in the decor, the delicate scrollwork on the moldings and the intricateness of the tapestries attested to fingers far mor nimble than those of men.

Lastly, his eyes fell of Commander Ghurian, sitting in a chair nearby, sliding a war sword over a whetstone. "If you are not Verus, then you will be very dead shortly."

Verus gave him a weak and resigned smile. "I am Verus," he said. The wave of relief that overcame the old Centurion was like a ton of lead ingots being lifted from his neck and shoulders. He was no longer skulking and was himself again. Verus was a soldier, not a spy, and he discovered that he would rather face death than be deceitful again.

"Good," said the old commander, who looked to be about the same age as Verus, himself. "Though you will excuse me if I seek proof of that claim."

Verus sighed and laid his head back onto the pillow. "If I can prove it, then I shall," he said. He was not even trying to project the Islander accent onto his Syrisian anymore, and spoke plainly.

"Right, then," said Ghurian and stood. He walked to the door and poked his head out, then returned to his seat.

A few minutes later, Commander Rethas entered the room, with a adolescent elven girl with him.

Verus blinked at the two of them and could not help but smile at the girl, who looked very nervous and exceedingly tiny.

"He says he will submit to proving his identity," said Ghurian.

The old elf nodded. Verus noted the war sword on the elf's hip, so he was another soldier. The young girl, obviously, was unarmed. The elf spoke to the girl in his own language, a melodious babble that soothed Verus' ears with its softness and beauty.

The girl answered in a soprano reply, the sound even more soothing than the old soldier's.

She smiled weakly and turned to Verus. "I am called Revandis," she said. "I am the means by which you will prove yourself." Her face was nervous, as was her body language. However, her golden eyes were steady as she regarded him. "You will have to trust me."

"I do," said Verus, his mind drifting to two of his granddaughters, who looked to be this girl's age. He had to remind himself that she was elvenborn, and was probably in her forties.

She nodded again. "Then relax your mind, and think of that trust," she said.

Verus was not quite sure how to do that, but did what he thought was relaxing his mind.

A moment later, he felt something inside his head. It was as if part of his psyche had become like clay, and was being molded. Her eyes dominated everything that he saw. As a matter of fact, her eyes were all that he now saw. A small place in his mind was now empty, his own thoughts pushed aside from that area. Then there was something there.

She was there. He could feel her soft and warm mind inside his skull. It was not as if he were being invaded, though, and a part of him felt ashamed to have such intimacy with such a young woman. His breathing grew short as she filled the void she had created. Her own breathing was short, as well, and her face was shining with sweat.

He thought, incongruously of his mother's cooking, of cinnamon-spiced biscuits. The scent came from the girl, from Revandis. Her smile grew broader. "I am within him," she said, finally. "Ask what you will."

Verus found he could break the intense gaze now. She had left a part of herself within him, he could feel her peering through his mind. It was not enough of her to make him feel occupied, if felt more like a stray thought that was not entirely his own.

Is that you, Revandis? He asked the thought.

There was a brief pause as he felt part of his mind being prodded, then he heard, it is a part of me, Verus, yes, it said.

"Are you, indeed, the Abian Centurion, Primus Pilum Verus?" asked Ghurian.

"I was," Verus replied. Revandis nodded at the same instant. Not only was part of her mind within his, part of his mind was within her.

The old commander's eyes widened a bit at the confirmation. A few moments passed as he thought on this. "Primus Pilum, why have you come?" he asked.

"I came to assist the Lady Emogen in reaching this city to negotiate with the elves for peace," said Verus.

The young elven girl nodded agreement.

"You aren't spying?" asked Commander Ghurian.

"No," said Verus. "If anything, I've committed treason upon my own nation, by aiding Windy Island forces in the defeat of three cohorts of legionnaires."

Again, Revandis nodded, a smile upon her face. "He thinks we should win," she added.

Verus turned quickly toward her.

"Revandis!" said Rethas, then began speaking harsh words in elven. Gone was the soft, melodious tones, and tears welled in the little girl's eyes.

"Stop it!" yelled Verus, with such vehemence that both Ghurian and Rethas took a step back and the elf even reached for his sword, so sure was he that the human would attack him. "She didn't mean to read past my answer, It was my thought, not her doing."

Same as Primus Pilum
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Staring down at the cruel stick, I said to myself "This can't be happening." Yet I knew it was. The test was cheerful in it's finality. One line: Negative Two Lines: Positive. With a heavy sigh, I sat down on the lid of the toilet. Why did this happen? Why me? What was I going to do? Tears slowly started to well in my eyes as I saw all my life plans shattered with those two lines. "I'm only 15 ... and I'm pregnant." I closed my eyes, but the memory came rushing back to me like it was...

2 years ago
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One failing student

My name is Tonya, I’m 5’3 with C-cup breasts and red hair. I’m 28 and I teach math at a community college. I have one student who keeps failing quizzes. I handed back a quiz and he didn’t do so well on it, but I came up with an idea on that Tuesday when I gave it back to him. “OK class dismissed,” I said to the whole class. Then he came up to me wondering about his grade. “I can’t believe it, I could have sworn I got all this down,” the student, Jack, said. Jack was 22 and he was 5’11 with...

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How I Lost My Virginity Last Night 8211 Part 2

I’m Akila with height 5’2 and my stats being 34-28-34. I recently got married to my boyfriend of 10 years, Ronit. He is 6’1 with a tool of 7′ . This story is how we enjoyed during our honeymoon. I’ve always wanted to go to the Maldives and Ronit knew about that. So, for our honeymoon, we decided to go there. Immediately after our marriage, we left for the honeymoon. In the flight, I wore jeans and a spaghetti top with plenty of cleavages just to excite him a little. His reaction was just as I...

2 years ago
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Futa Milfs and Their Naughty DaughtersChapter 4 Latina MILFrsquos Futa Discipline

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Christine Holt I opened the door to the house, eager to get in, get changed, and get out before I ran into my mom. I didn’t see her in the living room. A lavender scent filled my nose. One of Mom’s dumb scented candles she was trying to sell on the internet. She thought she’d be the next Martha Steward or some dumb shit like that. Though, it did smell good. I took another deep inhalation. A tingle rippled through me. I could see lighting one of...

3 years ago
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Happy EndingsChapter 5 Hello

Reality came crashing back with a knock at the door. "Mom?" Patricia inquired. Kevin and I both jumped like it was a gunshot! "Wh..." I started and cleared my throat. I tried again. "What Hon?" "You ok? How's your ankle, why's the door locked, can I have Cap't Chrunch?" Pat started firring off question after question, never pausing for a breath. "Ankle's fine, Yes go get breakfast" I said loudly cutting her off. "K. Billy said not to worry, he'll cover it all today...

2 years ago
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Mondo virtuale

Sto passeggiando per strada quando vengo attirato da un cartello che mi invita a provare il più realistico videogioco interattivo di tutti i tempi. Incuriosito entro nell'edificio e vengo accolto da una donna di mezza età che mi dice:"Benvenuto!Abbiamo messo a punto un videogioco in cui il giocatore è fisicamente presente nel mondo virtuale e ha la sensazione che quest'ultimo sia parteciperai ti sembrerà di essere veramente lì e sentirai odori,rumori e anche sensazioni tattili uguali a...

2 years ago
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The cold air from the cracked window woke her from her sleep. The slightest disturbance of noise or light would often wake Fiona from her sleep. This was particularly annoying because it always took her so long to fall asleep in the first place. She went to reach for the window and gave it a firm yank to try and shut it but it was no use, she would have to sit up to close it. She sighed and slung herself towards the window, slamming it down hard. She clenched her teeth and lowered her...

4 years ago
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El PasoChapter 39

Posted: August 29, 2007 - 03:48:51 pm I guess disposing of George Howard could be considered the climax to my life as Ty Ringo McGuinn. After all, I had righted time by turning aside the Salt War, while still dispatching George and Charles Howard on the road to hell. Yet, if those were my only purposes for being here, why wasn’t I dead too? The only thing I could figure out was that Ty Ringo was alive when he shouldn’t be because Chet Benton was dead when he wasn’t supposed to be. Cosmic...

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The Pandora Project

Author's Note: This story evolved from a particularly vivid and disturbing dream that I had perhaps ten years ago; it's taken me this long to actually frame it with a real plot and write it all down. I hope it was worth the wait. The story is essentially straight-ahead science fiction with a transgender sub-theme, as opposed to a transgender sci-fi story, if you get the distinction. If you're looking for a little transgender titillation, you're not likely to find it here....

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Wild Sex In The Pool8217s Changeroom

Hi, everybody! This is my third story here and the reactions and steamy emails I have received for my previous story have been overwhelming. I particularly have a thing for women older than me and I have been to their service of all those who have contacted me. I welcome all suggestions and emails especially from women and girls in Bangalore. I’m 26 years old now and this story is about a year old with my then girlfriends who was of my age. I’m 5.10 with an athletic physique with a well-endowed...

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Witch Chronicles 12 The WarEndgame

Government file 00007: Document classification: Events leading up to the Restoration See also: Diaries of characters of the Restoration: Government file 00001: A TG Witch's Tale Government file 00002: Elizabeth's Story - Elizabeth Government file 00003: Elizabeth's Story - Lynn Events leading up to the Restoration: Government file 00004: I Was A Teenage Sorceress Sec 01 Government file 00005: I Was A Teenage Sorceress Sec 02 Government file 00006: I Was A Teenage...

2 years ago
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Sex is on mind Its been a long time sigh

Laying here thinking about all the things I want to do and be done by my love. First off I wanna take my time on his body. A tall lean, heavily muscled black man with dark chocolate skin as smooth as butter. Kissing him from head to toe. Teasing him and grinding until I feel his dick begin to bulge in his shorts. Strocking him through the fabric while I suck on his wide juicy bottom lip. Then begining my slow trek down south. licking and sucking ob his neck then his chest and nipples. Teasing...

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Incest Games Chapter 2

Chapter 2 Travis Johansen had a tough time keeping his eyes off his sister at breakfast the next day. And when she brushed her bare knee against his under the table, he started to raise an immediate hard. She smiled at him, and her eyes were warm behind lowered lashes. He thought there had never been a more beautiful girl, and the tightening of his belly muscles reminded him how hot and sexy she was. But it finally penetrated, what his mother was saying, and he damned near choked on a...

2 years ago
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Sardi Mei Garam Bhabhi Ko Thanda Kiya

Hello!! Indian sex stories readers mera naam ricky hai mai iss ka regular reader hu bhot saare logo ki stories padh kr maine socha ki mai bhi apni story likhu toh yeh meri pehli story hai agar koi galti hot toh maaf karna. Mai agra ka rehne wala hu or mai 6ft lamba or athletic body hai, toh aap logo ko zyada bore na krte huye mai aap ko apni story btata hu. Yeh baat december 2015 ki hai jub meri winter vacation shuru hui thi, mere mon-dad ko 1 week ke liye delhi jana tha per mai jana nai...

1 year ago
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Not knowing the wife side of the story

I had an incredibly hard day at work on that day. It wasn't the work itself. That was mundane and repetitive as always. It was more my mind racing, my heart pounding, my body trembling and a constant, burning, almost desperate excitement that consumed me all day. I lost count of how many trips to the bathroom I had made, drying myself off as the excitement got too much for me. I even had to go out at lunchtime and buy a pack of fresh panties, five pairs, and by 3pm, I only had two pairs left....

3 years ago
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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 3 Graces Goodbye

Wednesday, June 2, 1971 Mikeya, Ileana, and I were the first ones in the Dining Hall on Wednesday morning. I don't think the girls were really ready to leave the small cabin. Check that! I don't think the girls were ready to leave the bed we had shared for the last day and a half. Nor were they ready to let me leave. But I had finally acknowledged their championship about an hour ago, when Little Mike had tossed in the towel. And when they clamored for a rematch, I regretfully pointed...

3 years ago
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A Fathers Last Wedding

Donald was eating breakfast with his wife, Lorna. He loved her even if she was particularly cold he loved her all the same. Soon enough they heard a voice coming from upstairs "Mom, Daddy I've got a surprise!" Bea their daughter called from upstairs. They watched her descend the steps in a white wedding dress "What the fuck is this?" Lorna asked dismissively Bea didn't let Lorna's dark demeanor get her down, she laughed it off "I'm getting married today!" Bea declared. This was rather shocking...

2 years ago
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Protection and Preservation Book 06Chapter 3

[Janice writes from Lavaca] There were six or eight horses and five trucks in the party coming our way. They quieted when they saw us waiting there. Melissa and I were the only ones not carrying a rifle and we had pistols strapped to our sides. Even Charlie had a small-bore rifle. His instructions were to drop the rifle and grab Doris on the way to safety. Right now, all we could do was wait and trust Melissa's feeling that things were right. I trusted my spouse. When she had a feeling...

1 year ago
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Not by accident

So a few days later I got an email via my website from Stevie asking me to text her, texted her back and forth a few times before she finally asked if I had enjoyed seeing her again the other night.‘Seeing her or her tits’ I replied jokingly. ‘Both’ she said with a text wink.She asked me what happened when I got home that night, had I been a dirty old man and wanked while thinking of her tits again. I replied that I had and she said good as she was really wet when she got indoors and had gone...

4 years ago
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First Discreet Meeting with Lynne

We both took a week off from work. We didn’t care people talked. It was Monday morning, and I drove over to Lynne’s house. She allowed me to park in her garage since her husband was away for a week on business. My wife wouldn’t miss me as she was out on a cruise with her sister. We had five days to play with each other. I turned off the engines of my car and saw Lynne step into the garage from her house. I got out, and she closed the garage door. She walked over to me. I gave her...

1 year ago
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My nephew and I

My sister called and asked if I could keep my nephew for a week while she went out of town. I told her sure we got along well and it would be nice to have someone to talk to for a change. It had been a while since I had company around to talk with. She came by an hour later and told me she had to go out of town on bussiness and was glad I had said yes. I told her it was my pleasure it would be fun. She told me he had been very quite the last few days but didnt know why. I told her I would try...

4 years ago
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Fun with Friends Part 1

“What kind of guys do you like?” Jeff asks looking up from his phone for the first time since we met up at Greg’s second floor apartment. “Well I’m usually more attracted to the person and their personality than their body. But if I had to choose a body type I would go for someone big and strong like Chris Hemsworth or Jason Mamoa. I really like the idea of a big, strong guy just using me, tying me up and just doing whatever he wants to me.” I tell Jeff, I bite my lip at the arousal the...

1 year ago
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A very savage affair

A few weeks had passed and no one had seen or heard from Bruce, Charlie or Daniel, the entire school seemed to breath a breath of release. I was no longer looking over my shoulders or traveling with numerous friends. School was out for some teachers study session, and I like most of the rest of students, was euphoric. I had just left the corner store and was enjoying a candy bar when I heard a voice that chilled my very soul. 'HMPF, HMPF, HMPF, I likes the way your lips wrap around that piece...

2 years ago
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A Slut Well Used

It was a cold evening in Bangalore. I was waiting outside the concert ground for my friend. I was super excited for this concert. This break was a long time coming. It was a typical EDM concert. Everyone was high off something and the girls were barely wearing any clothes. My dick stirred as a group of girls walked past me. They smelled incredible. My phone rang. It was from my friend. I picked up the phone, “Hey man, where are you? I’ve been waiting for a long time.” “I’m so sorry dude, I...

4 years ago
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My wife becomes a TV Actress

I was extremely nervous. I knew I was going to forver lose my exclusive right to my wife Prayashi's body after this day. Yet, it was important to do it. It was important to let Prayashi pursue her dream of becoming a Television actress and the "audition" with Khaled sir was an important step towards fulfilling that dream. After all Khaled sir was one of the most well-known casting directors in the Telugu Television industry and his blessings would guarantee a break for Prayashi. My beautiful...

3 years ago
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City Lights

Copyright© 1998-2003 There was a young man of Bengal Who swore he had only one ball, But two little bitches Unbuttoned his britches, And found he had no balls at all. Far below, the city lived and thrived. It was a hungry beast, prepared to devour even the heartiest of souls. I looked upon it with hatred and trepidation, though I was now a part of the beast. I needed the beast to survive. The constant roar of noise lifted up to my penthouse, the lights causing even the darkest...

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Peeking out of the curtains, I stare wide-eyed at the spectacle before me. More men in one room then I could ever count. Glancing at Trixy I simply shake my head and pull the curtain wider. Shaking her head she steps back a few paces. "Ah no you don't, you can't back out now~" and with a gentle shove I throw her to the lions... A roar greets my ear as the MC begins stats on Trixy. "Standing 6 foot 4 inches wearing Sapphire blue satin... Trixy!" My cue... "Her opponent standing 6 foot...

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Sancta Sara 9 Kelly1

BOOBY blonde beauty cute Kelly is newest nun at naughty nunnery Sancta SaraBooby blonde beauty cute Kelly is introduced by jolly juicy Jenny in SexoniaJuicy Jenny is a sexy spankee sweetheart sinning sometimes to slvage her soulJuicy Jenny is preparing cute Kelly for her first confession at Priest Peter Sancta Sara is a nice nunnery for free fornication, as a form of proper prayerSancta Sara is way up in the hills of upper Sexonia and self-sufficient so farNice naughty nuns and novices seek...

2 years ago
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Wild Willie chapter 2

William Barnes was a menacing figure of six foot four inches standing up on the stage. He controlled the people in the gigantic tent much like a sheep dog controls his flock. ‘That’s right he thought, even Christ thought of his followers as sheep.’ They were nothing more than mindless sheep to him, and William was the neighborhood sheepherder and butcher. He continued his rant, informing his followers how they would spend eternity in a burning hell unless they accepted Jesus Christ as their...

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My wife, Desiree, and I were visiting in the home of two friends -- Mary and her husband Tom. The four of us had drunk quite a lot. Mary was a beautiful, eighteen-year old who was a sexy blonde with pear-shaped, upward-pointing breasts. She wore a tight T shirt with no bra. The outlines of her breasts and nipples were plain. Her very tight short shorts clung to her round butt. When she walked, her firm tits bounced and her sweet butt swung. I enjoyed watching...

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Forced to Rape My Daughter1

I’m trying to see if my daughter Penny is still okay. And from the glimpse I got, she’s everything but okay. Because just like I have an armed deranged stranger sitting next to me, she’s got one sitting next to her. “You can take the car, I won’t…” Before I can finish the sentence, I feel the cold steel from my uninvited passenger’s gun drill into the skin of my temple. “You won’t what? Call the cops? I don’t think so my friend. Besides, I wouldn’t know how to drive this old piece of junk...

3 years ago
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Tales of an American Geisha Slave Boi

Introduction: Collin, a Business School Graduate, goes to Japan, hoping to find his dream job. What he finds instead, is a whole different life, based upon his dreams and nightmares, in a situation that he thought no longer existed in Japan. Tales of an American Geisha-Slave-Boi Disclaimer Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating...

2 years ago
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Horny Voyeur SchoolgirlsChapter 10

When she saw that the young couple was separating, Thelma turned to Homer, who still had his cock out, and gave him a questioning look. Words were seldom necessary between the two, since their inclinations were so much in accord and they were always thinking the same thing, and Homer nodded and said, "Certainly, my dear." Tom was wobbling up alongside the Eldorado, his hands jammed in his side pockets in a futile attempt to hide his erection. Thelma slid the electric window down and...

1 year ago
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My first swingerclub visit

When I was younger I had plenty of porn magazines which I used to jerk off to. Yes, no internet yet. Besides the pictures the magazines published some adult personals and advertisements of swingerclubs and brothels. It was then when I found out there was a swingerclub about 5 km from where I live.As a 20 year old guy, I didn't know what to expect in a club, but eventually I was horny enough to overcome the fear of entering such a place. When I rang the doorbell I was very nervous, until a young...

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Smol Pt 1

“Essentially, they are your 'pet'.” He Paused, probably noting the confusion spreading across my face. “Somewhat of an adoption agency, mixed in with a brothel.”“So, these are…. Prostitutes?” I asked, a little rudely.“Well, no. It’s a licensed brothel so it’s completely legal. Everything is confidential. The girls are carefully screened and have their regular check-ups. You can view them online or go down to the place yourself. They each get their own room, there are webcams set up in their...

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Mom needs it

Follow me if you like my work on instagram @raqm0900And Fiction, Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Cum Swallowing, First Time, i****t, Teen Male / FemaleIntroduction:Mom sees son with girlfriend, knows she can please him better.For a brief, insane moment I feared they could hear the pounding in my chest. I jerked my head back around the corner and leaned against the wall in the hallway, struggling to catch my breath, trying in vain to force my heartbeat to slow.I only watched for...

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