Devlin's StoryChapter 74 free porn video

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Friday dawned bright and clear. The snowstorm of the night before had ended, leaving the outside world covered in a white blanket. Devlin slowly stretched, tensing and releasing every muscle in her body. It had been quite a week, but now she was on the homestretch.

She had finished Finals the preceding Thursday. It was the last set of Finals she would have to take. All the papers had been turned in, all the tests finished, there was nothing left but the graduation ceremony. Her grades were more than good enough. She was graduating 15th in her class, which was better than she'd expected. The important thing, though, was that she was graduating. She'd get her diploma and officially be a college graduate.

It was going to feel strange not going to school. She'd been going to one type of school or another for as long as she could remember, and now she'd have to take all of those years and put them to use. From here on she'd be earning her living in the real world; from here on she was going to be a businesswoman with a career of her own. And after her honeymoon she was going to spend two months in Chicago learning about the business from the inside. Starting in April she and two other gals were going to be in the Bay Area opening up a new territory for the company. It was quite a task, and she could hardly wait to get started.

She spent the day closing out her student accounts and finishing the paperwork that ended her time as a student. She went over to the Athletic Club and did a mile in the pool, then took a really long hot shower and washed her hair. She cleaned out her locker, slowly folding and storing things in a box. Krissi was going to ship this to Chicago and the apartment she'd be sharing there.

When she emerged from the locker room she practically tripped over Denise O'Connor. "Fancy meeting you here," Devlin said.

"I got your invitation," Denise replied after a hug. "I wish we could attend, but..."

"Oh, I understand. All of my relatives are up here, and I've been getting barraged by phone calls about why we were getting married in the Keys."

"My husband and I went to Key West once," Denise said as they braved the weather. "He'd been stationed there when he was in the Marines, and he told me all about it." She paused to brush some snow off of her arm. "We're going to get down there, just not right now."

"So how's life treating you?" Devlin asked.

"This is the quiet season," Denise said. "Students are heading home, and with it a lot of the weird problems we get. We'll just be down to routine assault and batteries, robberies, and the like."

Devlin laughed. "Sounds boring... not!"

"Yeah, I know. Coffee?"

"Why not?"

They chatted away for a few cups of coffee, and parted after having exchanged addresses. She was going to miss Denise, even if she'd had to evade the truth from time to time with her.

Commencement was a blur--she'd followed more of Krissi's. She only wished Evan could have made it, but he was pitching that evening. Krissi was on a book tour and couldn't get away. Steve had been there, and Amnita came, along with Lisa and Jo. They all joined in the graduation party, and relived some of the fun things they'd done.

Amnita reduced Jo to near terminal embarrassment with some of her stories, especially from Olangopo. Jo hadn't considered some of the possibilities involving two guys and four girls. Lisa, who'd seen a few things like that at Emma's, could only laugh at her friend's expression.

"They get more bizarre than that," she said. "They have this thing called a pile, where you get everyone in the room involved with each other."

"You didn't... you never..."

"Never did it," Lisa said. "But both Devlin and Amnita have."

"You lose all sense of self," Amnita said. "By the time everything ends you're exhausted, but it's a happy exhaustion."

"And you're a mess," Devlin added. "Half the time you never know who you're involved with, but that doesn't matter. Oh, and did you tell her about the random sprays of come?"

"What?!" Jo looked at Lisa in shock.

"You'll be going to town on someone," Amnita said, "and some guy will get too excited and spray the whole group when he comes."

"Accidents happen," Devlin said. She saw her mother standing by the door. "I think it's time to do the parental unit thing. I'll talk to you guys later."

After a quick round of hugs she made her way across the floor to her mother. Another hug, and they left for the dinner they'd planned. She watched her mother closely as they ate and talked, not sure if she was going to cry, or laugh. She felt much the same way. Graduation was the end of a phase in her life, and they both knew it.

On Monday she drove to Chicago, where she turned her sales territory over to another gal. They waded through the paperwork, changing the names on the accounts and other things. All of it was necessary, and it seemed to drag on and on. Finally, though, she was officially a Territory Manager, though she didn't have a Territory just yet. She now had the authority to hire people--though that was still subject to approval by her boss. Full authority would come as she built her Territory.

When she was done at work she walked through the evening gloom, jostled by the occasional shopper. It was snowing, a fine drifting powder that promised much more to come. She still had things to do in Chicago--find an apartment for the next two months was the most important--and they were keeping her from Key West. She also had meetings, including with one of the gals who would report to her. She was on a deadline, and she wasn't sure if she was looking forward to Saturday night when her friends were taking her out to a bachelorette party.

Sunday morning, too early Sunday morning, she was going to catch a flight from Chicago O'Hare to New Orleans, and from there to Key West. Bright and early, well, 9:30 or so, she'd arrive in Key West. She'd probably be tired and a little out of sorts, but there would be no time for that, because on Sunday afternoon she and Evan were going to be married on Sugarloaf Key.


She turned that word over in her mind. She was going to be married. She was going to be a wife. She was going to have a husband. After all this time she and Evan were going to make it official.

She wasn't quite sure she was used to the idea yet. She stared at her reflection in the window of a store. She'd better get used to the idea, because at the end of the week it was going to be a reality. She'd have the ring and everything, all of the things a girl was supposed to have that officially made her happy.

"I wish it was over with and we were married," she murmured. She could already feel her nerves buzzing. If it was just over and done with... Oh well, the bride was supposed to look forward to the ceremony. After all, it was her big day.

Somehow she got through the week of meetings, spiced with a nightly phone call to Evan. There were a lot of things involved in being a Territory Manager. She'd have to do some selling, too, and probably take the lead on bra fittings, at least for a while. She smiled at that. Same old--same old. Some things just didn't change.

Sunset on Saturday night found her on the freeway. Traffic was agreeably light. It had snowed again, just a little over an inch, but the streets and highways were already cleaned off. She ran over her list of things to do. It looked like everything was complete. It was time to relax and enjoy the process. It was her day coming up, and she was going to have fun with it.

But first she was going to visit her mother.

"You look so composed," her mother said when she opened the apartment door. Devlin could hear her sister squalling in the background, a noise that died to a gurgle as Tom did something or other. "And you're all dressed up, too."

"I'm meeting some friends," Devlin said. She was wearing a black turtleneck sweater, jeans, and her winter boots. It wasn't very fashionable, but in the Midwest keeping warm trumped everything else.

"Sounds fun," her mother said, inviting her in. "I wish I could join you."

"Most of it would bore you," Devlin said. She took off her coat and draped it over the back of a chair. "It'll just be a bunch of girls sitting around talking about guys they'd dated and things that had happened in college. We'll tell a bunch of stories, lie a little, and things like that."

"So they're not taking you to a male strip bar?" Her mother's eyes twinkled as she said that.

"I don't know of any around here," Devlin said. "There may be one in Chicago, but none of us want to go that far. No, we'll sit in some watering hole, eating and talking half the night away."

"Yeah, but..." Her mother stopped, shaking her head. She gestured for Devlin to sit, and brought her a cup of tea. "We're all set for Sunday morning," she said. She and Tom had made their own travel arrangements and were flying out of Peoria, leaving at the crack of dawn, or actually a little before.

"Well, I thought I'd go over the directions one last time," Devlin said. She put the paper with the directions on the coffee table. "The church isn't hard to get to. I mean there aren't many ways to get lost in the Keys. There's only one main road, and..."

"No need to explain," her mother said. "I've talked with Evan's mother, and she's going to have someone meet us at the airport." Then she gave Devlin a careful look. "Nervous?"

"Scared is more like it."

"It's a big step for a gal. Nothing is ever the same after your wedding day."

"I know."

"No matter what happens, Devlin, you're still my little girl."

"Oh, Mom, I..." Whatever else she was going to say was lost as her mother opened her arms and Devlin buried herself in them. "Everything's happening at once," she confessed after a good cry and a few minutes to check her make-up.

"You'll have time to relax on that cruise," her mother said. "Phone me when you get back." Devlin nodded, snuffling back her tears again. "And be sure to let me know where in Oakland you finally settle."

"Actually I can do that right now," Devlin said. She scribbled the address of Evan's apartment on another piece of paper. "When I move to Oakland, that's where I'll be staying. Of course that won't be until the end of March."

"I thought your company was only keeping you to the end of February... oh yeah, Spring Training."

"Only for a week. I'll be driving there from Chicago, which should be an adventure in itself."

"Too bad Evan can't help you with that."

"Team wives have to be somewhat independent."

"That you are," her mother said. "You've always been more than a little independent. If it hadn't been for Sue and Danny helping out, I don't think it would have been possible."

"That reminds me, I'll have to call them when I get back to town."

"I thought you invited them to the wedding."

"I did, but Sue sent their regrets. Their kids are in school."

"That's too bad. I liked Sue. I'm glad you got her to do that surgery."

"I'm glad it worked out." Devlin glanced at the clock. "Oh, I've got to be running. I told the other gals I'd be there before 8:00, and it's nearly 7:30 now." She grabbed her coat and wrestled it on.

"Well, have fun tonight, and I'll see you Sunday about noon, okay?"

"I love you, Mom." She gave her mother a quick hug, stuck her head in the baby's room to say hello/good-bye to her sister, and hurried out the door.

Devlin dozed on the flight to New Orleans. Her dreams were confused, a jumble of eroticism and a little nervousness. She arrived in New Orleans at 7:15 local time. She had to run to catch the Key West flight, but having no luggage helped. When she emerged from the jetway in Key West Evan and his family were there to meet her.

"You look rushed," he said after a quick kiss.

"So do you. When did you get in?"

"About 20 minutes ago."

"Now, now," Georgia said, pushing them apart. "There'll be plenty of time for kissing and talking later. Devlin has a lot of things to do, and not much time to do them."

They separated there. Evan and his Dad went one way, Devlin and Georgia, with Jenny and Sandy in tow, went the other.

Devlin glanced at Jenny, who was sporting a ring on her finger. "You didn't have that on when I was here over Thanksgiving," she said. "When's your big day?"

"June," Jenny said. "Right after graduation. Well, 10 days after graduation." She smiled. "He asked me Friday night."

"Well, congratulations!" Devlin gave her a quick hug.

"When does your mother get in?" Georgia asked as they drove over the bridge to Boca Chica Key. Off to one side a pair of Navy fighters split the sky as they took off.

"Their flight gets in about 10:45," Devlin said. "They got up at the crack of dawn and are connecting through Mobile."

"I know that flight," Georgia said. "Jenny's going to pick them up and bring them to our house. She'll also run any last minute errands for you."

"I'll do the same for you," Devlin told her. "You'd be surprised what can go wrong at a wedding."

"Something always goes wrong," Georgia said. "I have a friend on stand-by with spare flowers and a spare cake just in case."

"You didn't have to," Devlin said.

Georgia laughed. "Listen, at my wedding the cake and flowers got delivered to the wrong church. We only got through it all because my aunt was prepared in just the same way." She shrugged. "Anyway, she'll bring the flowers whether they're needed or not. It'd be a shame to let perfectly good flowers go to waste like that. And if we don't need the cake, don't worry. It'll go to a good home."

Devlin laughed. "If you say so."

The wedding was at 2:00. Georgia and Sandy helped her start to get ready. Her mother appeared, youngest daughter in tow, when Devlin was about half-dressed.

"She looks just darling," Devlin said, kneeling to look at her sister. Her sister was wearing a white dress with ruffles, white tights and brand new black shoes. She'd been walking for several months, only now she wasn't falling down all the time. She peered at Devlin curiously, then smiled as Devlin poked her sister's cheek and drew a dimple. A moment later the early hour was forgotten as she hugged Devlin.

Devlin finally put on her wedding dress. It was sleeveless--though not strapless--with a tight bodice. It flared at her hips in a cascade of white over several layers of petticoats. It was all topped off with a white lace wrap and a white head piece with its own train that wrapped around her hair and flowed down her back. It had taken four different fittings before both she and the dressmaker were satisfied.

After a couple of pictures everyone else changed. Her mother held her hand on the way to the church. Devlin was shaking so hard from nervousness that anything else, flowers for instance, would have been shaken to pieces by the time they got there.

There were a lot of things she was still worrying about--bridesmaids were way up on her list. Because the wedding was being held in the Keys she'd asked her mother about it.

"Well it can't be me," her mother said. "I'd love to, but I can't."


"I'm the mother of the bride. It's my job to sit in the front row and cry. A bridesmaid's supposed to be supportive, not a bundle of nerves."

"Well, who, then? I don't know anyone down there."

"Ask Sandy and Jenny."

That night she did, in a conference call. "Maybe," Sandy said. "If you can't get someone else, I'll do it."

"Same here," Jenny said. "I'll do it, but..."

"Well, it can't be my sister, she's barely walking, and anyway, she's going to be the ring bearer."

She called Mary, the woman she'd worked with before. She was setting up her own sales territory in New Orleans, but quickly agreed. "Maybe I'll even get my boyfriend Brian to come along," she said. "We need time together, and this'll be just the thing."

"Hasn't he asked you yet? I know the last time we talked you said he was close."

She laughed. "He's nervin' himself up to ask me."

"I'll warn you, this is on the weekend, so you'll have to wear a nice dress, not the stuff you usually wear."

"Just don' make it taffeta. I had to do that when I was younger, an' I hated it. Anyway, I'll make flight reservations an' see you the day of the wedding. I figure I can catch the early mornin' flight an' get there about 8:00 or 8:30."

"You'll beat me," Devlin said. "I'll send you directions and everything. And the dress."

"What's it look like?"

"It's a white satin sheath."

"Well okay, then. White satin I can do. I'll see you then."

Mary was as good as her word. She greeted Devlin at the door of the waiting room with open arms. "You look marvelous," she said, "an' that dress is absolutely you. I've already checked your flowers," she added. "An' the photographer is already here an' settin' up."

"Did Brian make the trip?"

Mary nodded. "He's out front right now." She glanced at Devlin. "I can't get over it. You're a knockout in that dress."

"It fits because I haven't eaten lately. I've been too busy."

Mary laughed. "I bet. When we were workin' together last summer you didn't eat enough. New Orleans food has to be savored." Somebody said something behind her, and she turned her head. "Oops, got to go."

"I have a surprise for you," her mother said as Devlin eased down on a stool in the corner.

"As if I have enough surprises," Devlin said sourly. "Okay, what is it?"

"You know Jenny and Sandy said they didn't want to be bridesmaids, but they would if nobody else would?" Devlin nodded. "Fortunately a couple of your friends said they could fly down and help."

"Who? The only one other one I know down here is Mary."

"There's me," Krissi said, peeking around the door. "I couldn't let you get married without my help."

"But... but you're on that book tour. You're supposed to be in Denver this week"

"Still am," Krissi said. "But today's an off day. I'm flying back tonight after the reception. I'll be dead tired tomorrow, but all I have to do tomorrow is sit, smile, and sign my name. I can do that. And, anyway, you didn't think I'd miss my best friend's wedding, did you?"

"I remembered what a help she was when I got married," her mother said. "And I knew you two are good friends, so I called her and asked her if she could possibly make it, and she agreed."

"Steve's over with Evan," Krissi said. "He flew down with Marie and Rick. They all came down on the same flight as your Mom. Rick and Marie said they needed time off from the snow, and Marie said that her school was out for the holidays. Oh, and Marie said she'd go find your bouquet."

"My bouquet's missing?" Devlin got up and began opening boxes. Her bouquet was supposed to be with her headpiece.

"I didn't know Marie and Rick," her mother said. "But Krissi introduced us at the airport."

"Marie owns a cosmetology school," Devlin said, still looking for her bouquet. "She used to do make-up out in Hollywood, and now she teaches it back home. She also owns something like half a dozen beauty parlors, which may be where you know her."

"Marie as in Marie's Curls & Gossip?" her mother asked. Devlin nodded. "There's one that just opened in Peru. I just had my hair cut there last week."

"That's the one."

"And her husband Rick plays professional volleyball," Krissi added.

"You mean that dreamboat out front?" Sandy asked. "Ooh, he's quite a hunk."

Devlin had the sudden urge to add that Rick and Marie were both dynamite in bed. Marie had the softest breasts, and got really turned on when you rubbed her nipples with your own. Her skin didn't have the delicate porcelain look of Krissi's, but she was just as orgasmic. And Rick... Rick had a manhood that was a foot long and 3" across, and he could do it for hours on end, reducing her to a puddle of satisfied woman-flesh. Of course that would mean telling everyone about Rick, and Marie, and Krissi... and the lifestyle, and all of the men she'd had sex with since she was 14. She decided that some things just shouldn't be shared with her mother.

"You ought to see him in a wet tee-shirt and shorts," Devlin said. She gave Sandy a wicked grin. "We were at a barbecue last summer and he'd been playing volleyball. Everybody was all hot and sweaty, and somebody turned on a sprinkler so they could cool off. When I saw him I practically melted."

"Ooh, I can see why," Sandy said. Her eyes were dreamy. She was obviously having very specific fantasies about Rick right now. "He looks pretty good in a tuxedo, too."

"He's happily married," Marie said from the other side of the room. She had the missing bouquet in her hands. "Guess what I found!" Like Krissi she was wearing a white sleeveless sheath, long white gloves and white heels. "Your flowers, girl," she added with a curtsy. She reached up and did a couple of things to Devlin's hair. "Let me get a pin, you have some curls trying to escape."

Devlin smiled as Marie pinned the errant curls back under her headpiece.

"I brought my make-up kit," Marie added. "You could use some touching-up, girl." She got it and set it up next to the stool Devlin was using. "This'll take just a couple of minutes." She tossed a sheet around Devlin and got busy with her brush and eyeliner. A touch more mascara, a little refreshing here and there, and she blended it all with her brush.

"There, that should do."

Devlin inspected the results in a mirror. Marie had somehow brought out the features on her face, accentuating them just a little more. She looked better than she expected.

"We've got a couple of minutes, still," her mother said. "On your feet, Devlin. Okay, everyone, last check."

Devlin dutifully climbed up on the stool. Everyone did a careful walk-around inspection. "The dress looks nicer than when you tried it on back home," Krissi said as she plucked the train out a little more.

"I think so, too," her mother said. "I can't think of anything more left to do."

"Checklist time," Krissi said. "Something old: the headpiece. Something new: the choker. Borrowed..."

"Those earrings of mine she's wearing," Georgia said.

"Something blue: my garter," Devlin said.

"Penny in the shoe for luck," her mother said. "It is there, isn't it?" Devlin took her foot out of her shoe and showed them the penny.

"That's it," Marie said. She gave Devlin a quick hug, perhaps just a hair warmer than she had before. Devlin returned it, keeping a proper cheek to cheek touch. Another hug from Krissi, just as warm, and both headed for the front of the church with Mary right behind them.

Marie stuck her head back in. "Evan looks great," she said with a wicked grin, and winked.

Devlin saw the clock--1:55. "Oh. It's almost..." She swallowed, wishing she wasn't shaking so much. "It's almost time." That last came out as a squeak.

"You'll do fine, dear," her mother said. She gave her a hug and a kiss. "I wish your father was here to be with you today."

"I've never missed him more than right now," Devlin replied quietly. She took a breath to try to calm her nerves. It didn't work. "I'm okay, I guess."

"I'll be right there in the front row for you."

Sandy handed Devlin her bouquet while Jenny fiddled with the wrap and something on the dress. "Ready?" Jenny asked.

"No, but it's a little late to back out, now, isn't it?"

Jenny gave her a quick hug. "You'll do fine. Mom said at her wedding they gave her a straight shot of rum to steady her before she walked down the aisle." She draped Devlin's veil over her face, tugged at a couple of things, and nodded.

"I did the same for my Mom," Devlin said. She swallowed. Her throat was suddenly dry. The organ did a couple of bars, and then broke into the wedding march.

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I open my eyes to the sound of waves crashing onto a beach. I almost forgot where I was for a moment as I sat up. The sun was down, I looked over to the clock sitting next to the bed ‘2:23am’ It read. I lay down quickly making the entire bed shake, I roll over to see the most beautiful girl laying next to me. The covers half on her body, barely covering her. I have a great view of her amazing C up boobs and her toned stomach all the way down to her groin area. The moonlight coming in through...

3 years ago
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Jack and JillChapter 10

Mom was on the phone in the living room when I got home. I looked at the grandfather clock and saw that I was ten minutes late. She just smiled and held out her hand for her keys. I gave them to her and started to walk away. She put the keys on the table in front of her and snapped her fingers, then held her hand out again, making a "gimme" motion with her fingers. I couldn't figure it out, then it dawned on me and I got the twenty I took for ice cream and gave it to her. "I haven't...

1 year ago
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Day light was streaming through the window when he woke up, he woke with a smile. Sliding his arm across the bed under the covers he could not feel her, he opened his eyes and turned over, all that was there was her pillow, still with the intend of where she had slept, the rest of his senses started to come alive, he could hear running water. He pulled back the covers and slid out of bed, walking over to the bathroom door he could hear her in the shower, he gently knocked on the door, he heard...

3 years ago
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How I Became a Tranny Whore

First time as a Tranny whore!When I was 30 with c***dren at home I would get dressed in the bedroom. When it was time to leave the wife would take the c***dren off for ice cream and as soon as they were out of the drive way I would head for my car. Of course when I returned home the c***dren would be a sleep. The plan worked for years. The wife had it much easier. She would get dressed for a night out with the girls, and then meet her boy toys for a night of fucking.On this night I wore a...

1 year ago
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The Show

I sat back in my chair as David ran his eyes over my wife’s half naked body. I’d watched him strip her down to her undies, a pair of white lacy panties and matching bra. I could see her nipples were already hard and erect and, from the damp patch on the panties, I knew she as more than ready for his big, hard cock. David had other ideas though and told her get down on her knees. “If you want my cock inside you, you’ve got to earn it Hazel,” he said, smiling across at me, “we’re going to give...

2 years ago
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I Sometimes Say the Dumbest ThingsChapter 6

I slept through the night and when I awoke Sunday morning Keary was sleeping beside me with his arm over my waist and his hand resting over my tit. He was still asleep though and I didn't move for fear of waking him. I needed to go to the bathroom. But I was in no hurry for the rapes to begin again. It was probably close to half an hour later when I heard a change in Keary's breathing and he started to stir. I was dreading whatever the day ahead might hold for me and I almost cried as I...

4 years ago
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Rock and roll all night

I knew it was going to be a fun night, but not like this.I was off to see my favorite band play a rare live show.When I got to the gig I went straight to the bar for a quick beer before the gig. Thats where I saw her. Standing by herself, looking bored and hot at the end of the bar. Blond and red hair, old (and very tight) t shirt, short plaid skirt, fishnets, and a pair of Chuck Taylors. And the body? Well isn't it obvious? Amazing. I made eye contact and a smile, and she stared through me...

3 years ago
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The Blind DateChapter 21

We must have slept like a log, we woke up around 10 am. We sure had a long night because we must have hit the sack around 10.30 or 11 pm or so, not sure. But I felt refreshed and happy when I opened my eyes I was not in my own bed but with Debra, in a bright painted bedroom, sun shining through the window, poking us in the eye. I had a piss hardon, but wasn’t going to use it. I was just getting up quietly to go to the bathroom when Debra also stretching her arms and opening her eyes. I looked...

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BecChapter 34 Sunday Morning

Inside the police station, the officers quickly split us up so they could talk to Liz and me separately. I sat in a small room with a lady policewoman who was little and probably older than Nana. She asked me all these questions about what happened at the bus stop. It felt weird talking about a man pulling out his penis to this little old lady – even though she was in a police uniform. After a time, she said I had to go and look at a line-up to see if I could identify the man who did it. I...

4 years ago
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Early Adventures Of Tracy And JeannieChapter 9

Jack had gotten Ted and Al each a beer, and they were standing in the living room when I walked in. The expressions on all of their faces told me that Jeannie and I had been right with our choice of dresses. Three pairs of eyes went directly to my protruding nipples, which were even more obvious in the bright light of the living room, and then each pair went off in their own direction, all of them washing over me with lustful appreciation. My uncle came over to me and kissed me on the...

4 years ago
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Another Long Weekend

I knelt in the corner of her room and watched her move about. Her movements were always graceful and purposeful.I had been by her side for three months. Her business was booming and I helped with her books. I spent my working hours behind a computer and my lunchtime, on most occasions, under her desk between her beautiful legs. Despite this, time together had been at a premium, and we decided to do something about it. We spent long hours planning a holiday, and the big day had finally...

2 years ago
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Sali Ke Sath Ak Sam

Hallo dosto aap ne meri pichli kahani ko saraha! Kai dosto ke reply mile sabi ko thanks.meri shadi ko 7 sal ho gae h. Ar meri wife ki cosin ko le kar mai bahut utsahit rahta hu wo medical final year me h.badi hi khubsurat ,hight 5ft 5 inch h dekhne wale gash kha ke gir jae, ya yu kahe buddhe ka lund bi dekh kar khada ho jae. Uske mumme bade bade aur sexy hai .ar uske hips kahar barsate.Meri ar uski bahut patti h pahle pahal non veg joke se suruat hu ar ab to bat age tak pahucha gai. Mai uske...

2 years ago
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Shootout in the BadlandsChapter 5

The preacher's wife was making cookies in the kitchen when he returned to his quarters. Most of the other boarders at the old residence were already down at the saloon trying their luck with the wheel and hoping one of the fancy girls was in a mood for a discounted poke for a local. Brett knew for a fact the wheel was crooked because he saw the levers under the table and as far as the painted females were concerned, they were all none too interested in cheap fucks with local yahoos. They...

1 year ago
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100% fiction! My name's William and I'm 21. So, I have 2 aunts. One of them is my mother's sister. Her name is Romy. She is about 40 years old. She has short hair, but is still attractive. She wears stockings and heels a lot and I often catch myself staring at them. (Pretty embarassing!) Another is married to my uncle. Her name is Olivia. She is about 45 and is a rather buxom woman. We're talking hu-uge tits. She also likes to wear heels a lot, but usually without the stockings. (Inevitably I...

3 years ago
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Donalds Path The SequelChapter 4

Damn, the next to the last initiation and I sensed trouble. Actually, the whole evening had started badly and just seemed to get worse. I introduced myself at the door of the initiate and briefly met the mother. She looked nervous and I wasn't invited in. The father was no where in sight, thankfully. I knew something was really wrong when the young girl I was to escort bounced up to the open door giggling about this being her first formal dance. As soon as she said that, I looked more...

1 year ago
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Two Aunties Seduced Me At Banjarahills Road No10

Hello guys and gals, this is Rakesh Cupid with second story of my real life incidents not a reel life and also, urge our authors to publish real life true stories. About me: This is Rakesh Cupid, athletic body type, working in a leading MNC and living in Hyderabad. You can reach at my email – Now lets move to the incident during my last year of graduation. I’ve joined for CA-IPCC coaching in a reputed oldest institution in Hyderabad (I don’t want to take name and spoil its reputation bcoz...

3 years ago
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Android OmnibusChapter 24 Android Aftermath

Arnie Phillips is one of those individuals who shouldn't be allowed near a screwdriver. Boy, has he got Michael in a precarious situation. Fortunately, it doesn't appear that the police are convinced Michael, Chip, and Becky were androids, but Arnie's next move could prove most damaging if he decides to carry out his plan entirely. Robots Living Among Us Aired September 27, 2000 – 21:01 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. MONICA...

3 years ago
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The Lodger part 1

My parents had rented the room to a university student after my older sister left home. He was a 20 year old guy studying chemistry at university, and I thought he was pretty cute - but also a bit annoying. I was also aware that it probably wasn't a good idea to get involved with a guy who was paying rent to my parents. Even though I was only 15, I could tell he found me attractive. After all I had a nice body, guys at school were always trying it on with me. I had small but nice and...

3 years ago
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Las Vegas FantasiesChapter 4

It took me a second to process the fact that Crys had walked out but that there suddenly was a capital C Chance. I went to the door and opened it. A large – VERY large – man of semi-dark skin was standing there, scowling. His eyes were brown, of that I'm sure, because they were staring at me with the most intense look I can ever remember. It was worse than when Jerry Harbiston and his friends took my lunch money in the third grade – previously the most dangerous experience of my...

2 years ago
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My Daily Sissy Schedule Part 1

My Daily Sissy Schedule I met Daddy online a little more than a year ago. He lives about five hours away from me, but promised that despite the distance, he could help me become the perfect sissy slut if only I would agree to follow his schedule for me. I readily agreed, and started down the path to becoming his perfect sissy whore. Here's a peak at my sissy schedule, just in case there are any other sissies out there looking to add a regimen to their life. I wake up every morning...

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Class Reunion My Two Lovers

I went to my high school’s 25th reunion expecting nothing. I was recently divorced and figured I might as well get out of the house, enjoy a trip, have a few laughs. And ended up at a table with two women that had, long ago, been a part of my teenage fantasy life. By the end of the weekend, adult reality turned out to be even more interesting than my adolescent fantasies.One of my old classmates was Beth, a girl I had dated a few times my senior year. I had some very fond memories of goodnight...

2 years ago
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A TS Fantasy 1

A TS Fantasy By Paul G Jutras It was Paul's day off and after some hair removing lotion to the body and the polish on his toenails dried, he dressed up as Paula in a white T-shirt, blue shorts and white sandals. His toenails were painted a hot pink. On that day his Uncle Ryan and his family were going to Universal Studios and asked if Paul wanted to go along. Having always wanted to go as a female, Paula jumped at the chance. Fixing up everything she needed in her hip...

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Leben 140

Truda -   Fighting woman Varick -   Protecting Ruler Harman -   Man of the army   Alan appeared back in front of his uncle's house. His eyes wide, his face white as he recalled the conversation he'd just had with the doctor. Gasping in huge lungfuls of breath Alan could only shake his head in denial.    Falling to his knees Alan didn't hear the approach of several people. Stopping a few feet away from him the men and women weren't sure they should venture closer. Somewhere...

1 year ago
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Nikis New LifeChapter 22 A Taste of Cyndi

Cyndi’s face was still flushed from her orgasm, thankful that Max had given her the choice to cum for him, or to get out of the car bare assed. It seemed that while he had no qualms about embarrassing his sister, even though he treated herself like a slut, it was only in private. She was grateful for that. She thought. She followed Niki out of the car, Max’s two seater forcing her to wait until Niki had pulled on her clothes. She supposed Niki could have moved the seat forward first, but she...

4 years ago
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Elizabeth To Beth

Authors Note: I quote in part from a review on one of my stories Painting The Rose. The review Stupid is as stupid does 01/20/09 By Anonymous in USA: ‘The sex was minimal, and for the most part, not there. Hence, some might not have liked it for its lack of vicarious luridness. This Story does not contain vicarious luridness. To Anonymous in USA: Thank You! I am a Correction Officer assigned to a maximum-security prison of some notoriety in Western New York. I have lived alone since my wife...

1 year ago
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I Always Want It a Cuckold Story

This is the first installment of many, that is if you like it and want more. These are true stories. I am not a professional writer just a slut who wants to tell my story. First off I am married to a wonderful man for 12 years now. He calls me insatiable. I do know if I would go that far but I do love sex. I am a college instructor at the local Community College. My husband is in the construction business. We started watching some porn on Xhamster a while back when our sex life needed some...

3 years ago
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Angels Conditioning

‘I can’t stop thinking about your ass.’ Matt whispered to me while giving my ass cheeks a quick grope, pulling them apart. ‘I want to fuck you until you scream for mercy.’ He made a point of brushing his hard on against my ass. ‘My brother is a lucky bastard. If I was him, you wouldn’t walk straight for a week… or more. I’d fuck you every day and night.’ If anyone looked my way they would see me blushing. Thankfully, I was being ignored by everyone but Matt. Ever since the episode of my...

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Ori WarThe first Ori emperor

Our push into Kane went more than fifty kilometer beyond the river before spreading to the sides. The rest of our army followed and pushed out and the bulge became a line as Kane pulled back. They had stopped letting mages command in the front lines. More forces from both us and Sax were pouring in each day to make the army even larger. We were in farmlands with large mounds and tracks of trees. I was from the northeast above Aberdeen so I knew about the Ori royal guards and a lot of their...

1 year ago
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How I Got My Job Part 1

My name is Katie, I am 25, a very attractive brunette; I would give myself a nine on a scale of 1 -10. I know my 34D boobs get me a lot of attention from men. I’m 5’8”, very nice figure as I love to work out, mostly jogging to tease the guys who watch me; watch my boobs bouncing as I jog by them. I had to tell someone about how I got my job. I guess I feel more comfortable just sharing it with strangers since I know I could never tell any of my friends, except for one. They wouldn’t believe me...

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Expelled From MankindChapter 11

Allen awoke again Monday morning to find himself balls deep inside Jessica Leopold’s ass, not that he minded that at all. It didn’t hurt that his mother’s fingers were up his backside and his father’s dick was inside Jessica’s twat. When Whitney pulled Allen up to shower with him, her cherubic smile belied her true intent, of course. She soon had him deep inside her wet, sloppy cunt, loving the sense of being reclaimed by her man while she reclaimed him in turn. “So, baby, how was this for a...

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Back To Sexting My Mother 8211 Part 5

Hello, my dear readers. Nothing compares to the love you people give! Never thought, even in my wildest dreams, this series will bring me so much appreciation. I have found some really wonderful friends among my lovely readers, and I feel honored. Let me just get straight into the story. This is a pretty loud episode – one that has the potential to question the very existence of the entire plot. In the beginning, I did say that I would be taken certain liberties with this series, and I have...

1 year ago
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Not Quite Humans

I was alwasy a little...bothered by the Alma. They were visually indistinguishable from humans except for their eye colours. They have yellow and orange patterend eyes, the pattern being unique for each individual. The eyes weren't what bothered me though. No, the eyes were beautiful, absolutely nothing to be bothered by. What bothered me was the slavery. The Alma are a people who, apparently, willingly become the slaves of others. That bothers me. Slavery is conceptually horrifying, being...

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JulesJordan Athena Rayne Petite Belly Dancer Athena Rayne Charms Dredd8217s Snake

Athena Rayne dazzles Dredd with her dance moves as she devours his monster cock! Athena’s a nimble little slut with pale skin and long Lucious legs. She shows off her flexibility as she and Dredd sit on the couch and get to know each other before getting up to put her dancing on display. Athena makes her way back over to Dredd, who’s now rock -hard, so he can examine her ass up close and gets a taste of her pussy. Dredd has her do a striptease for him, and while she slowly removes her belly...

2 years ago
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Aastha Family Reunion 8211 Pt 3 Naked Indian Sisters Fucked On The Lawn

When the doorbell rang, I peeked from behind the curtains. 8 men were standing outside the door. I was completely naked and Nisha (my sister) was in the bathroom. My elder son Kush was in my arms. He was playing with my breasts. It was his favorite pass time. My other two kids were already in the room. I put Kush on the bed, took out a pink silk gown from the closet, and put it on. The gown was a little tight and short. It was just slightly below my ass, long enough to cover it while I was...

3 years ago
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Giantess bones a Midget

[if you like this Illustrated story, pls subscribe to my blog – I Usually write and Illustrate a new story about once every 2 weeks, so I’ll be posting up new Illustrated erotic Literature, often they’re accounts of actual sexual encounters I have during the week] -- markfayer“Giantess bones a Midget”[Here's a drawing I did showing the relative size of Steph next to me. She easily dominated me]Stephanie and I are the sole file Clerks in our Hospital Department.We work down in the basement of...

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A Homeless Treat

“Isn’t fate strange?” Caroline said as they drove off from the supermarket parking area.“What do you mean, baby?” Garth, her husband, asked.“Well, if the homeless guy that always pushes our trolley and unpacks our groceries got cleaned up, I think that he could be; extremely sexy,” she answered with brevity.“You’re not serious?” Garth replied, before adding, “He would have to spend a week in a bath of antiseptic and detergent to get cleaned up.”“Yeah, he certainly needs a good scrubbing. But,...

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Throated Chloe Couture Honey Gold Leigh Raven Triple Throating

The best throated scene to date: triple the girls, triple the beauty and triple the pleasure. As three goddesses descended from mount Olympus Leigh Raven, Honey Gold & Chloe Couture present themselves scantly clad in sensual lingerie. As preliminary they get playful between them but soon they are tackling a massive black monster cock. They take turns, deepthroat it, suck it simultaneously, lick the balls, push each other heads and get gagged. Your wildest cock sucking fantasies fulfilled...

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PenthouseGold Princess Alice Horny New Neighbor

Princess Alice is the hot new neighbor that moves into Matthew Meier’s building and the stud can’t believe his luck, especially when he hears the horny brunette moaning as she masturbates in her bedroom. What this dirty little Penthouse nympho needs is dick and he is more than happy to fill her hungry mouth and tight pussy with his huge cock. After some heavy petting, the all-natural cutie is soaking wet and begging for more, so he fucks her real good until her pretty face is...

3 years ago
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HOBO Chapter 19

Everyone was gone by nine o’clock that evening and Kate was on cloud nine after the reconciliation with her mother and her apology. I was relieved as well, the thought of always being at odds with your wife’s mother was something I was not looking forward to. Kate and Jackie were on the sofa talking as I finished putting away the excess food we had left from the party. “Hey Tim, would you open a bottle of merlot for Jackie and I ?”, Kate asked. “Sure.”, I replied, opening the wine fridge....

2 years ago
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South Carolina for the Summer pt 5

Pam and Ethan's sexploits continue... chapter 28Pam and Amy carried their Cokes to the row of benches and sat, facing the stores that lined the hallway."Did you see those shoes back there?" Amy asked. "Weren't they the best?""Oh I know. I loved those little bows on the back." Pam took a sip from her Coke just as two young men walked by. Pam, looking down at the floor, noticed a pair of snakeskin boots walking past in front of her and looked up to see who was wearing them. She looked right into...

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Tushy Whitney Wright I Think I Can Help

Whitney has been working as a personal assistant to a big Hollywood producer and her boss expects the best of everyone around him. She is one of his biggest fans and has always been so attracted to him. She’s kept this under wraps, but on this occasion, when he has been nominated for best picture, he is a favourite to win, and he is strangely showing a little vulnerability. Whitney is willing to support him in any way she can, and when she sees now nervous he is, she lets him know she can...

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My Aunt In Delhi

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers, My name is Vinay (obviously it’s not my real name) it’s just a nick name given by friends. I’m 26 years old and this story is about my aunt who is 35 years old. However, she doesn’t look like 35 as she used to stay fit and a lot of makeup. I’m from Kanpur and she is from Pune. I live in Delhi alone by myself as I’m working. We rarely meet as we are always busy in our lives in different cities. Two months ago she had some work in Delhi so she called me...

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Convincing Karen

Dateline: September, 1995. When John Adams first got transferred to Washington, DC, he was not happy at all. Until then, he had lived within six miles of his parents in Grand Rapids, Michigan. He loved the fishing and hunting that Michigan offered. As an engineer with Medfix, a software developer specializing in systems for doctors, and hospitals, he was pulling in big bucks. Medfix had started as a little twelve man company. Demand for their product skyrocketed, as did the workforce, forcing...

2 years ago
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Bad Cop Good Fuck

Melissa smiled as she hit “Send” on her phone as she walked out of her classroom to the parking lot. She took off her English teacher glasses and freed her hair from the low bun she wore while teaching. She was slipping out on her lunch hour and couldn’t wait to see how Shawn responded to her text inviting him to join her for a quickie. She climbed into her car and headed home, her body already tingling with anticipation. She had just turned onto the highway when her phone signaled a text. “On...

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