Unholy Arts Scenes
- 3 years ago
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It was almost 9:00PM when Julie Moore finally left Philip Randolph's gallery, having been wined and dined by the amorous older man. She felt very precious and cared for, it had been a long time since any man had paid her that kind of attention and she liked it. Occasionally she and Randy went out for dinner but mostly along with several of their friends, nothing romantic or candlelit for them. On odd occasions her closest friend David would take her out for dinner when Randy was out of town but they were really like brother and sister, although at times Julie had suspected David of being secretly in love with her and desirous of her body. She had never allowed that possibility to manifest however, and good friends they had always remained.
Now Philip Randolph was turning out to be something entirely different, a man of culture and refinement he really knew how to treat a woman. She was no longer angry with him for having trapped her into making love with him... in truth she was having too good of a time, it had been too long since she had felt cared for and she really liked it.
She knew that Philip had just separated from his wife and from the number of telephone calls he had received that night at the gallery, she was well aware that he was in demand. It felt good to be with a man of class and elegance, she liked the feeling it gave her, she was already aware that if Philip wanted to see a lot of her she would readily agree... she would enjoy going to the theater with him, after all, Randy was away so much of the time he could hardly resent her having a little fun, especially with owner of the gallery that would give her her first one-woman show in New York City.
Philip had put her in a cab and given the cabby five dollars, ample money to see her home. She was surprised as she pulled her in front of the studio to see that the lights were all on. She had left earlier when it was light and she hadn't left the lights on... could it be possible that Randy was home? He wasn't supposed to be home for a few days! Well, hopefully it was him, she prayed that it wasn't a burglar!
She let herself into her studio cautiously and was immediately relieved to see Randy sitting in a chair reading some manuscripts.
"Oh, so you're home," he said a little coldly.
"Yes Randy, surprise, surprise, didn't expect you for a few days," she replied with equal distance.
"Where have you been?" he demanded, exercising his husbandly rights.
"I had dinner with Philip Randolph, the owner of The Argon Gallery."
"How cozy," Randy replied sarcastically.
Well... thought Julie to herself, everything is true to form, Randy is his usual weird self and I'm reacting in my patterned responsive way... so well, what else is new.
"How did your trip go?" she asked curiously.
"Great... great, got Sam Smithers a fabulous contract with Universal Studios, quite a break for him. They loved the script... that means I get my cut and maybe can buy a new car. I'm sick of that beat-up old piece of junk!"
"What kind of car were you thinking of Randy?"
"A Porsche... what else?"
Julie felt sick when she thought of how stingy her husband was with her, never really giving her any money for clothes or fun and yet the first bit of cash he got, he was going to spend it all on himself, a Porsche was one of the more expensive toys on the market. She would be really happy when her artwork really began to sell, at least then she wouldn't have to rely on him so much.
Suddenly Philip's remarks from earlier on in the evening began to float back into her mind... Al Cortini said he had seen Randy on more than one occasion in a Nude Club with various women... just how true could that be, Julie mused to herself. Certainly she and Randy were not having the greatest time in the whole world together, was he fucking other women? She started a little when she thought of this and realized how jealous it made her, she knew that she had allowed Philip to fuck her earlier on because she had felt in some way that she was getting her own back at Randy. Not that she hadn't ended up enjoying herself, however, and not that she wouldn't allow him to fuck her again... still, she would really like to know what was going on with Randy and yet she dared not confront him with the situation.
Julie was in truth a little afraid of Randy, he had a violent temper that she hadn't really discovered until after they were married, not that her mother hadn't warned her. People with red hair have bad tempers, she had told her but Julie had only laughed it off saying that Randy was an angel. How wrong I was, she mused now. She looked across at her husband slyly... not that he isn't handsome, she thought and not that he doesn't have a great body... it's just that he's so strange and distant these days. Julie changed into a comfortable flowing caftan that buttoned down the front, it was slightly diaphanous so that when she passed underneath the light her beautiful form could be seen through it. She was still drenched in the powerful memories of the fucking session she had had with Philip and she had worn her caftan instinctively not thinking of the effect it would have on Randy.
For an instant, as Randy looked at Julie, he felt desire flooding his body. He took in the curve of her upthrust breasts and the long, svelte line of her tapering thighs. Christ! he felt horny, he was surprised too, it had only been an hour since he had stashed his latest girlfriend in the Chelsea Hotel, having fucked her almost to death as soon as they hit the room. I wonder if I could get it up again, he mused.
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Dr. Alex Leduc smiled benignly at the ravishing blonde beauty seated across the desk from him, his expression a professionally warm, sympathetic one as he leaned hack in his chair, his hands joined at finger-tips, his relaxed presence putting Janet at ease immediately. Remarkable, he thought, smiling inwardly at this stroke of good fortune. Oddly enough, hadn't he been thinking of her just before she had entered his quarters? Surely, the gods must be smiling upon him this day, he mused, as...
Janet didn't know what it was, what mental affliction had suddenly warped her mind into instantaneous loathing at the mere sight of Paul's naked body, but she well knew that the ailment had seized hold of her- neurotic or otherwise. Paul had said nothing... unbelievably nothing... not once complaining to her during the entire voyage... even after she would lead him on, begging him to make love to her, wanting him so badly that she ached maddeningly with her desire; and then, he would expose...
The Embassy had provided them with pleasant lodgings on Rue St. Lazare, not a great distance from the Place De l'Opera, and with all of the conveniences a young, new American wife might expect in Paris. It was an apartment, but spacious, and the other tenants seemed to be upper- bracketed Frenchmen. Paul was not discontented with the quarters... he was simply at a loss to know how to cope with this affliction that plagued his beloved Janet. Christ, he was yet to consummate his marriage......
By the time Doctor Leduc got around to leading Janet to his private consulting chambers, she found that fear had begun to take the place of the ardent desire that had been building within her throughout the day. The liqueurs -- or whatever they were -- she had been consuming one after the other had peaked her passion almost to the maddening point before supper, but with the passing of time and following what food she had eaten, all such carnal thoughts and sensations had suddenly dissipated...
Madame Leduc was in a state of yet unsated sexual desire when Paul Arden, completely spent and exhausted after three violent orgasms, collapsed into a deep, half-drunken stupor, and in disgust she had left him there atop the bed, taking her mastiffs beside her as she set off to find her husband and the proud little American bitch. Her loins ached for further satisfaction and although she had been tempted to let Vailante perform the feat as only the gallant brute could, her lascivious desire...
Once airborne, Paul Arden unfastened the safety-belt and tried to relax. He was more than just a little upset at Leduc's concern over Janet's condition. This morning, just prior to the Embassy's calling him and informing him that the Ambassador had a special mission for him to carry out in Brussels and that he was to return to Paris at once, Doctor Leduc had recommended a complete rest for Janet at some quiet sanitarium, else he would not be responsible for what was inevitably to come....
Paul had followed Leduc's automobile for the past hour, staying a safe distance behind in his own rented vehicle as they traveled the slick wet streets of Paris, crossing the fabulous city of sin. He had not believed the Doctor nor his wife when earlier in the evening at dinner, they had told him of Janet's worsened condition. But they had substantiated his greatest fear... she was addicted, yet to what particular drug Leduc had not said. My poor, sweet darling... Damn, he had wanted to...
Paul had no difficulty gaining entrance into the Palais de Plaisir once he showed proof of identity and paid the exorbitant fee. Inasmuch as the establishment only catered to notables and people of wealth, the ugly looking Frenchman at the door seemed pleased to welcome a guest from the American Embassy. He was immediately handed over into the care of an extremely attractive young Moroccan girl, whom, he was certain, would not have been yet fifteen, and whom, he felt sure, he recognized from...
Janet lay upon the bed within the mirrored room. Vailante rested upon the floor in the corner as if ready to spring at her slightest questionable move. She had drunk the so-called medication sometime before and now it was taking effect. No longer did she doubt the actual properties of this concoction she had been consuming daily since she first visited the doctor aboard ship. It was undoubtedly some sort of aphrodisiac, and that was why she had welcomed the large dose this time. Doctor Leduc...
Julie Moore awoke the following morning, clear in her thinking, knowing full well what she was going to do. She had spent most of the previous evening mulling over her problems, thinking about how hard it would be to get started in New York City without a gallery, not wanting to rely on her husband's salary forever to sustain her. It was good that Randy had always earned enough money to take care of the rent and all their expenses but Julie felt that she wanted to be able to support herself,...
Julie could hardly wait to talk to Philip, she sipped her coffee in her apartment and looked impatiently at the clock. Probably the gallery wouldn't open until 10:00AM damn it, she really wanted to talk to someone. Suddenly Julie Moore felt very lonely, she realized now that she didn't know anyone in New York and it was a big place. She thought of calling Larry Rutherford, he had been so good to her he would probably give her a shoulder to cry on... still she felt silly, she didn't really...
Julie was surprised to awaken the following morning to the smiling face of Philip Randolph bending over her bed, she looked around hastily, good, no tell-tale signs of Pete or Tim were visible. "How did you get here Philip," she gasped, being fully aware that the ferry didn't get in until the middle of the day. "Oh easy Julie, with money you can do anything you want, I just hired a fishing boat to bring us across the sound, simple. How are you my dear, the sea-air seems to be agreeing...
Julie, Pete and Tim took the noon ferry back to Long Island, picked up Pete's car and on a whim decided that instead of hitting the island early in the afternoon, they would drive out to Amagansett, visit a friend, have a leisurely dinner, then hit town later in the evening. It was almost 9:00PM when Pete's car swung into the West 11th Street, they were all rather tired and Julie had intended to tell them both that she was exhausted and would rather leave it to another day to visit. She...
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The sight that met Alyssia in the bedroom was incredible. On the round bed, on a love-bench and on the floor, eight people were fucking, sucking, touching or reaching for, each other. On the floor was Clarence, with Rosalind squatting over his head, obviously enjoying his tongue. Nobody seemed to take care of his cock, which was standing proudly upright. Alyssia went straight for it. With one hand she supported herself on Rosalinds shoulder, while she lowered herself towards the hard cock....
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xmoviesforyouHi iss readers,this is my second story on this site.fisrtly i want to tell you a little bit about myself.i am ronit 20,5′ 9″ .my tool is 6.5 inch. if there’s any mistake committed by me in this story then i would like to apologise.you guyyz can contact me on feel free to post your comments and conversations. Its a not a real life incident but its something which every guy wants to be dealt with,its a story of my dream sex,hopes you guys will enjoy it heres the story, It was one of the hot,...
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When the first ray of the sun hit my eyes, I scooted over. When it hit me again, I scooted back into the wall. The next time I rolled over and faced the wall. Why didn’t I close the shades last night? Hell. I wasn’t even sure how I got to bed. I was so drunk. And now I was so hung over. I hugged the wall and tried to find a cool spot on my pillow to lay my head. You’d think in a hotel this expensive the bed would be a little farther from the wall so you could walk around it. The thought of...
It's true. Jen has converted me into a total gym rat.It's been four months since my original conquest of my hot little sister-in-law. Through various bets and incentives, we've made love five more times. She is really playful in bed, and we have a great time. After ten years, I'm finally getting to know her. It's only since she lost the bike race that we've really talked a lot.On the other hand, we're spending less and less gym time together. I'm really working at building up some mass. I've...
I had been into dressing in kinky little latex skirts and dresses for years. I loved the way they felt against my skin. Playing on my own had been enough until now, I had toys and vidoes to amuse me but the thrill of being fondled and fucked by a real guy was now too much to resist. I decided to try the online sex sites to find someone and find someone I did. He had looked at the pictures I had placed on the site and was bursting to get his hands on me, a thought that made me tingle with...
We threw our jackets on the floor and then kissed again, grinding our erections together through our open zippers, regardless of the fact we were smearing each other's precum across the fronts of our trousers.Ricky smiled as my tongue entered his mouth and this time he let me penetrate him deeply, offering no resistance as I worked my tongue between his teeth and flicked the tip of it firmly against the roof of his mouth. As we kissed, we humped each other's crotches, our cocks both straining...
Gay MaleIntroduction: WARNING: This story may contain themes some readers may find offensive. If you are one of the aforementioned readers, please vacate this page and do not return. As I respect people, I wont tolerate the spamming of my comment section, and have no time to listen to your whining about how you dont like my stories. Please leave legitimate, honest feedback (like/dislike, comment). Enjoy! -CptMitchell288 Im Mitch. Im 21 now, but during the events of this story, I was only 16 and had...
"I don't know about this Sally." Pam sat at the table across from her friend in the little café where they had first met back in high school. High school, such a long time ago, where two young girls one an outcast, the other a rich cheerleader, befriended one another over coffee one fall afternoon. Now, both of them in their thirties, with families sat here once again, like they did every Saturday, but the conversation was not of who's child's birthday was coming up, or who's husband was more...
LesbianI had always focused on having a good body and participation in athletics had kept me fit. But today I was out of a job, being freshly fired. I hadn’t thought about what I would do as I had a mountain of debt and I was also raising my 1-year-old nephew. I needed something asap to pay the bills and feed ourselves. It is at this time that my cousin introduced me to Jofre who produced porn films. And tomorrow I was going for a screen test. Getting kinky while watching porn is different and being...
FetishA few months ago I was asked to head up to a friend of mines family farm to help out with some bush fire mitigation. They were afraid of a fire spreading and taking out their property. In the end, their property wasn’t effected by the fire but I enjoyed helping out in the bush for a week and they are good friends. I could tell you some fun stories about hanging out on the farm but that isn’t what I really want to share with you guys. On the drive up to the farm, I spent a night at a...
Hi, every one of Indian sex stories dot net this is a real incident and some fantasy added story between me and my sister’s friend “Harika” it’s her real name.If I got a chance to fuck any women I like to do in this way.Before entering into a story about me, myself Sriram, a good looking guy of 24 age with 5’10 height,75 weight with a 6-inch tool from Hyderabad I respect women and I love sex, any interesting women can contact me to “”. Let start the story in Telugu E incident one year back...
we'll to let you know about me I'm 312lbs 5'9 and this is a true story about me getting my first hand job hope you all enjoy! :)when I was 21 I decided to give online dating a try , so one day I signed up for a free website. as nervous as I was I noticed a lot of hot and pretty girls on this site so I thought damn there is no way ima get some chick to date me. sure enough after a couple of days I didn't get any replays so I thought we'll maybe this wasn't gonna work out as I planned, so I...