Unholy Arts Scenes
- 3 years ago
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By the time Doctor Leduc got around to leading Janet to his private consulting chambers, she found that fear had begun to take the place of the ardent desire that had been building within her throughout the day. The liqueurs -- or whatever they were -- she had been consuming one after the other had peaked her passion almost to the maddening point before supper, but with the passing of time and following what food she had eaten, all such carnal thoughts and sensations had suddenly dissipated themselves, leaving little but apprehensive revulsion for what she knew was to come.
Dear God, why had Paul insisted they come here, she thought, as the suave Frenchman led her into a luxurious suite of rooms located in a far wing of the sprawling villa. She watched him snap the catch of the lock behind him and wondered what in God's name she would do for help if she needed it. They had walked for ten minutes along corridors and up stairs. Paul could never find her here! Nor could she ever find her way back to him...
"And now, ma chere, this night I want you to completely relax and give of yourself," Leduc said, smiling meaningfully at her.
Although the room was splendidly furnished with massive desk, plush chairs, and other paraphernalia depicting his profession, a round, rose- hued, velvet covered bed surrounded with mirrors immediately caught her eye, its obvious purpose causing her breath to catch frighteningly in her throat.
She looked to him quickly, her beautiful eyes widening now in this new panic that had begun to well up inside her. Doctor... I... please, may we not go back and join the others?" she stammered hesitantly in her perfect French.
Leduc's smile broadened as he observed this new consternation draining the color from her entrancing face. It pleased him that she dreaded what was to come, yet knew she must submit like a common slave. Earlier, he had feared that she was looking forward to their little tete- a-tete, and he felt disappointed inasmuch as her desire would deprive him of forcing his will upon her, but now he realized she had drunk too much absinthe and the effects had finally dwindled with the event of time and supper.
Leduc walked to a chair and lowered himself into it. "My pet, you surprise me," he said tauntingly. "I thought after our last day aboard ship together that you had come to understand you must open your cunt to me whenever I feel like dallying with you?"
The vile sound of the lewd word twisted Janet's entrails nauseously. "Oh please... please don't speak that way to me?" she pleaded.
"Ahhhh, but ma chere, I will speak to you as I choose," Leduc said softly, changing to English. "For you are my own luscious bitch slave... and tonight I intend to teach you many new things to delight my sensual appetite."
Janet's hand went to her throat in an automatic gesture of her dread. She must have been insane this morning when she thought she wanted him to make love to her! My God, he was foul and evil... and she had to get out of here! Suddenly, she spun about and ran for the heavy door, fumbling with the lock frantically... but the effort was futile. She couldn't open it. Slowly, she turned back toward him, tears dribbling down her reddened cheeks.
"Oh God, please... please, Doctor. Let me go... let me go," she sobbed, slumping to the floor, her face buried in her hands as she wept quietly.
Leduc had not moved. He was reveling in this emotional display of panic and penitence. In fact, it had commenced his member into a lengthening rigidity and he licked at his thin lips licentiously.
"Now, my pet," he said in his soft monotone, "supposing you get up from there and come over here... before you anger the doctor and he sees fit to punish you... in some diabolical manner, eh?"
Janet raised her head, opening her tear glazed eyes in an effort to see him there and study the expression of his face. The sincere tone of his words had frightened her further; she wouldn't put anything past this man. Still, she must try to fight him. She must do everything to keep from submitting to his lust ever, ever again.
"D-Doctor Leduc... don't you see what you're doing to me?" she sobbed at him. "I love my husband... I love him with all my heart and I could never love another. Please... please, let me go to him... ?"
"Of course, you love your husband, ma chere," said Leduc, arising and walking to her, gently helping her up from the floor and taking her to a chair beside his desk. "And you will see him... after we've had our shot and our little glass of medication."
Janet hesitated. "Must I have the shot?"
Leduc smiled. "My dear, it's entirely up to you. You know what happens if you don't have it."
The horror of her agonies the previous night came quickly back to her and once more she covered her face with her hands.
My God! I wish I could die!
"So... ? Shall we take our shot... or our chances, cheri?"
A shudder rippled through her. "Yes, yes. Give me the shot. Oh God, yes... I've got to have it."
Leduc had decided to use no hypnotism at all on her this night. He wanted her entirely aware of his power over her, completely conscious of the fact that she was nothing more than his slave. A bit of Dhattura to excite her loins and a spot of closed-circuit television for entertainment. That was all that would be necessary, he was certain.
When she had drunk the sweet, amber-colored liquid, he took the glass from her, got to his feet and grasped her hand. Again, Janet held back.
"Come, ma chere, now I'm going to take you to see your husband."
She stood hesitantly, then saw that he was leading her to the round bed.
"Don't be frightened, cheri," he said, smiling at her in his inimitable manner. "We are going to lie down here fully dressed and watch a television screen, and you will see all of the others, including your handsome husband."
Janet was confused and uncertain, but the mere mention of seeing Paul brought her slowly to a reclining position on the bed, with the Doctor beside her, some twelve inches between them. She lay back on the pillow and saw the large screen light up directly before her eye level above her head. Leduc had picked up a small, remote hand unit, pressed the first button that brought the screen from the wall to halt at the proper height, then he had switched a second button setting the instrument in operation.
Already, Janet had commenced to feel those same familiar, prurient sensations tingling in her pelvic area and she tightened her crotch muscles, even crossing her legs as if to choke the growing agitation that was mounting there. And as she did these things, her eyes focused upon the screen above while sounds of beating drums became audibly clear. The dimly lighted background confused her at first, but then the dancers came into view quite readily.
They were young, brown-skinned boys and girls, completely nude and dancing about each other in a wild frenzy, the girl's small, taut breasts and tight firm buttocks jouncing erotically with the savage rhythm, while the boys kept thrusting at them with stiff, naked penises jutting out from their young loins in boarish violence.
My God! She couldn't believe the sight! And then the girls were clasping the boy's members as if they were trying to hold them away... but all of the time massaging and stroking them, and thrusting their own buttocks out behind as if to get away from the oncoming boy... then the girl was attacked from the rear and Janet saw the second boy's long, thin shaft go right up into the poor girl's rectum! The child cried out ecstatically, letting free of the boy's tool in front of her, until he too charged forward, ramming his stiff penis deep up into her vagina and impaling her between them with their cocks sunk deep in both her orifices.
"My God, what is this?" she heard herself question.
Leduc tittered. "It is a fertility rite, ma chere, often performed in North Africa and the Middle East... but this one is taking place right here in the villa at this moment... as you see it."
The carnal sight had involuntarily started her blood racing through her veins as the sensations in her stomach, pelvis and loins continued to increase. She squirmed down into the bed feeling the mattress beneath her buttocks pressing deeper into her dampening crevice. Her panties soaked up the moisture and she squeezed her thighs together to hold down the unwanted tingling fermentations growing there. She swallowed dryly. She was on dangerous ground once more and knew it, but could think of no way of escape. The lewd sight of the wild orgy held her nearly spellbound. She squirmed downward again, the mattress forcing the crotch band of her panties deeper into the split of her loins. Its smoothness excited the sensitive, pink lips of her vagina. She felt minute throbs beginning to pulse in the tiny bud of her clitoris and she bit her lower lip tightly to hold back the forbidden sensations that were throbbing between her legs.
I must get hold of myself! I must!
She raised to one elbow. "You said I would see Paul..."
"And so you will, my pet," said Leduc as she lay back down, raising her knees now with the soles of her feet flat on the velvet coverlet, holding her legs tightly together while her skirt fell back to expose a portion of her smooth white thighs above the tips of her hose. "If you look closely about the room, you will see couches with people dressed in togas lying upon them... and doing other things..."
She did... and she saw! She made out the face of Charl Rondeau... and... and Gretchen Friestag... both naked! And she was on all fours with Charl on his knees behind her buttocks... then, Leduc flicked a button that brought them into close-up and Janet gasped when she saw Charl's slippery cock plunging into the lovely blonde German girl's flowered vagina. She watched in revulsive fascination as Charl fucked into her with long powerful strokes -- not hurrying, and leaning back to enjoy the sight of his prick moving in and out of her glistening, moist cunt -- she watched the soft, pink flesh of Gretchen's throbbing pussy gripping and clasping at his thick shaft in pulsating constrictions, then...
"My God!" she gasped a second time as she made out the countenance of Paul with Madame Leduc bent over him, his prick shoved to its entirety into her mouth! "It's... it's Paul... and your wife!"
"Of course, ma chere," purred Leduc. "She's sucking him. Beautiful, isn't it? Poor chap, look at the salacious expression on his face. He is loving it... it has been such a long time for him."
"Oh, dear Jesus!" Janet groaned. "My husband... my darling Paul!"
"But you see, my dear, if you won't suck or fuck him, he had to go to another," Leduc said, rolling to his side and placing his hand upon her belly. "Just as you must come to me to have your pussy licked... or receive a cock in your asshole... or merely to get fucked..."
"Oh no, no! Stop... stop!" Janet groaned at his obscenities, writhing beneath his touch as a deep, indescribable electrifying shock surged through the frayed nerve-ends of her drugged body like a thousand tiny sharp needles. Laughing red demons seemed to spring into being and dance wickedly along the inner softness of her thighs. Her buttocks ground desperately into the soft bed beneath her in an effort to quench a sudden hot flame licking hungrily over her body. She closed her eyes so that she would not have to see the horrible thing that Paul was letting the woman do to him, and she strained to blot out even the thought of it from her mind... but it was impossible to eliminate the maddening sensations Doctor Leduc's hand was causing her.
Suddenly, his fingers dug into the softness of her flesh and she whimpered in pain. His hand moved down her side as he edged closer to her, his hot breath against her cheek, and his fingers dug cruelly into the narrowness of her waist, and then over the full rounded curve of her hips into the hardness of her pelvis taunting her, and she clutched at his hand as his fingers gathered in the folds of her skirt until he reached the crease of her hot loins between her legs. Gone was any sign of gentleness. He began to chew savagely at her ear while he rubbed furiously into her crotch, raising a cry of pleasure-pain from her throat... then, he rolled back away from her and laughed.
"Now, that is the way it could be if I so desired it, ma chere," he sneered, unzipping the front of his trousers. "But I believe, for a little while anyway, I'd prefer more gentle and submissive loving, eh?"
Janet did not answer. She had heard him open the front of his trousers and dreaded to think what was going to happen next.
"Enough of this nonsense, my bitch," he said sharply. "It's time for our little performance... now, take out my cock."
An unwanted shudder of sensual delight quivered through Janet at his command, yet she still sought to fight it as the pin-pricks of sensation followed along the path his cruel fingers had taken.
Once again, Leduc reached over to her, well aware of the hopeless battle raging within the tortured girl beneath the kneading fingers. He slid his hand under her skirt and along the soft warm flesh of her inner thigh and she merely moaned, no longer trying to stop him. He squirmed his fingertips beneath the elastic of her panties, then with thumb and forefinger on the fleshy lips of hair lining the outside of her cunt, he spread them slowly apart. Janet lay holding her breath, still attempting to fight with all of her moral strength.
But her philter weakened will power would not sustain her... and her resistance shattered.
She groaned, the exquisite feeling of air rushing over the rising bud of her exposed clitoris. It rippled through her now quivering belly and out into the nipples of her covered, throbbing tits, destroying all feeling of debasement, humiliation, or thought of any other thing but the delicious pleasures building within her. The straining muscles of her thighs relaxed loosely and she rolled toward Leduc with a little moan as her small hand darted forth inside his trousers to find his heavy, thick cock and bring it out into the room with them.
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Dr. Alex Leduc smiled benignly at the ravishing blonde beauty seated across the desk from him, his expression a professionally warm, sympathetic one as he leaned hack in his chair, his hands joined at finger-tips, his relaxed presence putting Janet at ease immediately. Remarkable, he thought, smiling inwardly at this stroke of good fortune. Oddly enough, hadn't he been thinking of her just before she had entered his quarters? Surely, the gods must be smiling upon him this day, he mused, as...
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Madame Leduc was in a state of yet unsated sexual desire when Paul Arden, completely spent and exhausted after three violent orgasms, collapsed into a deep, half-drunken stupor, and in disgust she had left him there atop the bed, taking her mastiffs beside her as she set off to find her husband and the proud little American bitch. Her loins ached for further satisfaction and although she had been tempted to let Vailante perform the feat as only the gallant brute could, her lascivious desire...
Once airborne, Paul Arden unfastened the safety-belt and tried to relax. He was more than just a little upset at Leduc's concern over Janet's condition. This morning, just prior to the Embassy's calling him and informing him that the Ambassador had a special mission for him to carry out in Brussels and that he was to return to Paris at once, Doctor Leduc had recommended a complete rest for Janet at some quiet sanitarium, else he would not be responsible for what was inevitably to come....
Paul had followed Leduc's automobile for the past hour, staying a safe distance behind in his own rented vehicle as they traveled the slick wet streets of Paris, crossing the fabulous city of sin. He had not believed the Doctor nor his wife when earlier in the evening at dinner, they had told him of Janet's worsened condition. But they had substantiated his greatest fear... she was addicted, yet to what particular drug Leduc had not said. My poor, sweet darling... Damn, he had wanted to...
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Janet lay upon the bed within the mirrored room. Vailante rested upon the floor in the corner as if ready to spring at her slightest questionable move. She had drunk the so-called medication sometime before and now it was taking effect. No longer did she doubt the actual properties of this concoction she had been consuming daily since she first visited the doctor aboard ship. It was undoubtedly some sort of aphrodisiac, and that was why she had welcomed the large dose this time. Doctor Leduc...
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This is a work of fiction. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Any attempt to re-create these events may be construed as a violation of local, state and physical laws. Anyone reading this younger than eighteen years old, please remove your eyes at your earliest inconvenience. Anyone wishing to repost this to any free story archive is encouraged to do so. The Sorcerer's Daughter by Andy Maynard **************************** As the CEO of the largest brokerage in a...
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Damn… I knew I’d left something. The paperwork! How could I forget it? I groaned and walked back into the empty station. I quickly ran into the other side of the interrogation room. I grabbed the file and sighed. Good. It was still here. I was about to walk out of the room when I heard voices. ‘Kevin!’ I heard a woman squeak. ‘Can we be in here?’ ‘Not at all, baby, but it’s just more exciting,’ a male voice rumbled. I knew that voice. It was the voice of Kevin Greendale, a bass ass cop who...
In some ways, the foreplay had gone on for ages: flirty glances, dirty text messages, suggestive photos. And then today... an "innocent" drink. Touching at every available opportunity, kissing, hand's sliding up my legs and the moan as you realize I've removed my panties... It's getting late and we should be going our separate ways but the kissing and the flirting has got us both hot and horny, the apprehension is too much. We walk hurriedly as you lead me to a secluded place you know. A park...
Oral SexTuck gets fucked senseless in Pecos country!Part Two — Tuck didn’t have much of a plan as he headed west on Interstate 10 toward Baton Rouge. He was struggling to push the hurt of being dumped by Prissy on their wedding day out of his mind. Certainly the events of the night before with Trixie had helped but he was finding that deep feelings of love do not go away quickly no matter how deep the pain and humiliation. Soon Tuck found himself cruising by Baton Rouge until he got to the Mississippi...
Straight SexHi friends this is Travis again with a new love making (as I call it and not sex) encounter I had recently. Thank you for your likes and comments and emails for my previous story “fucked my widow aunt after 10 years”. My old email account has been hacked and I have created a new one. Your suggestions, comments and contacts would be appreciated. My id is “mailto:” I have not mentioned any names as I believe in privacy. So girls, aunts in Delhi if you want to enjoy and keep it secret, you are...
IncestAnny Aurora thought she was sending her boyfriend nude photos of herself. Apparently her boyfriend owed Louie some money and since he didn’t have cash on hand Louie took his phone as collateral. Anny goes over to try and get the phone back from Louie so he won’t have access to her nudes, but Louie refuses to give the phone back unless Anny provides the money her boyfriend owes. Anny doesn’t have the money so instead they make a deal, Anny fucks Louie’s big cock to ensure...
xmoviesforyouThis story is based on an episode from Savita Bhabhi comics which you can read Savita and Ashok had attended a musical show, and the woman playing the sitar caught Savita’s eye. After watching the sitarist at work, she wanted to learn the instrument, so she approached her after the show. The sitarist, however, had other plans in store for her. She asked Savita Bhabhi to join her in a small, cramped dressing room. Savita: I don’t know what it is about the sitar, but I can’t get my mind off of...
Charlotte was quite sure she had never been in a longer, deeper bath tub. “Any bigger and you'd have had to call it a spa”, she had said to him, as he carried her naked from the stained and rumpled bed and laid her in its steaming luxuriance. He had then stepped into it with her and settled down facing her, a smile of pure contentment and pleasure settling over his chiselled face, making her realise anew that though she had been drunk last night and flinging herself at him, she had been right....
Spanking=================================== 'It seemed like any other Monday, except for the whispers and stares I received as I walked around campus. In one way it was an improvement, no one calling me dweeb, or nerd, but it was also a little disturbing. Had someone discovered my ability? Had Gina told someone? I remembered Lindsey saying I was the talk of school, and that had been before I'd told Gina, so I doubted she'd told anyone. I walked towards a couple guys talking, to see what was...
It was a warm summers day in Pittsburgh. The sweat was dripping off my forehead as my girlfriend and I drove down route 86 in my Chevy Cavalier. We were on our way to my mother in-laws house for dinner. This was the same ritual that I had to deal with Sunday after Sunday. Well I mean it wasnt all that bad&hellip, for a 57 year old woman Shannons mom was quite attractive. She was a slender woman with large breasts, and a tight ass. Oh how I dreamed of fucking her. Shannon turn that radio down,...
I never knew my real father Bob, till I was around 55. His wife Laura( #2, he was never married to my mom) had found me thru a family member on FB. After several emails and a few phone calls we set up a meeting. They lived about 250 miles away so on the day we were to meet I left early for the drive. I got there, and obviously it was a bit awkward , but they were very nice and after a while I felt comfortable. Bob was 6 years old by now, and after a divorce he married Laura, who was 22 years...
He always calls right about now. Nighttime's darkest moment, when only the desperate are awake. Naked under the covers my body aches from use but hums with anticipation. Twenty-one years old, it’s never felt so alive. Like I knew it would, the phone rings, it’s him. He’s looking for a fix, a little naughtiness before sleep. A thousand miles away, he breathes into my ear, the opening moments of a familiar ritual with a different twist every time. We met over the summer. Right after I broken up...
When I was 18, I had a summer job working at a gas station, out along the interstate. Nothing glamorous, but it paid my bills and put gas in my '67 Mustang. My normal shift was from 7 a.m. until about 3 p.m., when my relief got there for the evening shift. I was sort of popular with the neighborhood kids, whom I didn't mind hanging around the station, as long as they didn't get in the way. Especially one of them in particular... Her name was Crissy. She was 13, and she developed a crush on...
They say the hardest moment of a mother’s life is when her child leaves home. This was particularly true in the case of my eldest daughter, as I had to literally chase her out of the house with a broom. This wasn’t our family home, of course, and she had in fact been living as an independent woman for several years at that point. The house, however, was mine. One of the many properties I owned around Nottingham and rented out to students. Lisa, my daughter, and her old school pal Ellie had...
Straight SexHello Chennai! This is Preethi, working as a HR manager in Chennai. I am newly married, tall, and slim and I have a wheatish complexion. And because of this, I don’t get much attention as the fair women, thanks to all those stupid cosmetics commercials. Coming to the story – I was having a naughty chat with my junior colleague Janani, about her love life. She said she had a date that night with Ramesh, a friend of her. When I asked further, I was shocked to hear the full story. Janani and her...
The day after the bathroom Incident was a holiday, so I decided not to get Tasnova involved for the day. Making it too frequesnt might break her too soon, and I wanted to have more fun with her, give her some hope before taking it away. I let her rest the day after that as well and told Prianka to play along, pretending that I'm also blackmailing her too. Prianka reported back that she did exactly that and that she made sure to tell Tasnova that if she tried to fight back, I'd destroy her life....
Mya and Rudeolph straightened the room, unpacked and went out for a stroll , catching up on the events of the last few years when they were unable to communicate. Mid afternoon they returned to their rooms and dosed in each others arms until around 5pm, when they went down toe the public bar area, Mya just in T shirt and shorts, Rudeolph also wearing casual clothes. The bar area was a smallish room but like the bars of old it was mainly small cubicles designed for 4, they selected a cubicle in...
"Excuse me," the tall redhead in the light green leisure suit and matching skirt said as she stepped up to the small desk just inside the restaurant entrance. "May I help you?" the hostess asked with a smile as she looked up from her seating chart. "My name is Gabrielle Adams, I'm meeting Julia Logan for lunch," the thirty-seven year old replied with an equally warm smile. "Has she arrived yet?" "Oh yes, Mrs. Logan arrived just a few minutes ago," the younger hostess said as she...
He loved money and never used to spend a penny for anything. When we had finished our masters he went to India and got married and he came back alone. After arriving here he was looking for a house to rent. Because the rents were very high he decided to rent a 2 bed house so that he can rent out one of the rooms to someone else so as to save some money. Because I was very close to him he asked me to join him in house but I refused politely as I would not be comfortable living with a...
I had just received my first big promotion. Sales Manager of a satellite unit far away from the big city in which the company was located. I met with the HR person on-site and we discussed who was transferring and from which cities they were transferring. She asked me about administrative help. I told her I didn't have anyone in mind."We can give you Helen," she offered. "But I have to tell you, she's a bit of a strong personality and she doesn't really get along that well with the other admins...