Unholy MasterChapter 8 free porn video

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By the time Doctor Leduc got around to leading Janet to his private consulting chambers, she found that fear had begun to take the place of the ardent desire that had been building within her throughout the day. The liqueurs -- or whatever they were -- she had been consuming one after the other had peaked her passion almost to the maddening point before supper, but with the passing of time and following what food she had eaten, all such carnal thoughts and sensations had suddenly dissipated themselves, leaving little but apprehensive revulsion for what she knew was to come.

Dear God, why had Paul insisted they come here, she thought, as the suave Frenchman led her into a luxurious suite of rooms located in a far wing of the sprawling villa. She watched him snap the catch of the lock behind him and wondered what in God's name she would do for help if she needed it. They had walked for ten minutes along corridors and up stairs. Paul could never find her here! Nor could she ever find her way back to him...

"And now, ma chere, this night I want you to completely relax and give of yourself," Leduc said, smiling meaningfully at her.

Although the room was splendidly furnished with massive desk, plush chairs, and other paraphernalia depicting his profession, a round, rose- hued, velvet covered bed surrounded with mirrors immediately caught her eye, its obvious purpose causing her breath to catch frighteningly in her throat.

She looked to him quickly, her beautiful eyes widening now in this new panic that had begun to well up inside her. Doctor... I... please, may we not go back and join the others?" she stammered hesitantly in her perfect French.

Leduc's smile broadened as he observed this new consternation draining the color from her entrancing face. It pleased him that she dreaded what was to come, yet knew she must submit like a common slave. Earlier, he had feared that she was looking forward to their little tete- a-tete, and he felt disappointed inasmuch as her desire would deprive him of forcing his will upon her, but now he realized she had drunk too much absinthe and the effects had finally dwindled with the event of time and supper.

Leduc walked to a chair and lowered himself into it. "My pet, you surprise me," he said tauntingly. "I thought after our last day aboard ship together that you had come to understand you must open your cunt to me whenever I feel like dallying with you?"

The vile sound of the lewd word twisted Janet's entrails nauseously. "Oh please... please don't speak that way to me?" she pleaded.

"Ahhhh, but ma chere, I will speak to you as I choose," Leduc said softly, changing to English. "For you are my own luscious bitch slave... and tonight I intend to teach you many new things to delight my sensual appetite."

Janet's hand went to her throat in an automatic gesture of her dread. She must have been insane this morning when she thought she wanted him to make love to her! My God, he was foul and evil... and she had to get out of here! Suddenly, she spun about and ran for the heavy door, fumbling with the lock frantically... but the effort was futile. She couldn't open it. Slowly, she turned back toward him, tears dribbling down her reddened cheeks.

"Oh God, please... please, Doctor. Let me go... let me go," she sobbed, slumping to the floor, her face buried in her hands as she wept quietly.

Leduc had not moved. He was reveling in this emotional display of panic and penitence. In fact, it had commenced his member into a lengthening rigidity and he licked at his thin lips licentiously.

"Now, my pet," he said in his soft monotone, "supposing you get up from there and come over here... before you anger the doctor and he sees fit to punish you... in some diabolical manner, eh?"

Janet raised her head, opening her tear glazed eyes in an effort to see him there and study the expression of his face. The sincere tone of his words had frightened her further; she wouldn't put anything past this man. Still, she must try to fight him. She must do everything to keep from submitting to his lust ever, ever again.

"D-Doctor Leduc... don't you see what you're doing to me?" she sobbed at him. "I love my husband... I love him with all my heart and I could never love another. Please... please, let me go to him... ?"

"Of course, you love your husband, ma chere," said Leduc, arising and walking to her, gently helping her up from the floor and taking her to a chair beside his desk. "And you will see him... after we've had our shot and our little glass of medication."

Janet hesitated. "Must I have the shot?"

Leduc smiled. "My dear, it's entirely up to you. You know what happens if you don't have it."

The horror of her agonies the previous night came quickly back to her and once more she covered her face with her hands.

My God! I wish I could die!

"So... ? Shall we take our shot... or our chances, cheri?"

A shudder rippled through her. "Yes, yes. Give me the shot. Oh God, yes... I've got to have it."

Leduc had decided to use no hypnotism at all on her this night. He wanted her entirely aware of his power over her, completely conscious of the fact that she was nothing more than his slave. A bit of Dhattura to excite her loins and a spot of closed-circuit television for entertainment. That was all that would be necessary, he was certain.

When she had drunk the sweet, amber-colored liquid, he took the glass from her, got to his feet and grasped her hand. Again, Janet held back.

"Come, ma chere, now I'm going to take you to see your husband."

She stood hesitantly, then saw that he was leading her to the round bed.

"Don't be frightened, cheri," he said, smiling at her in his inimitable manner. "We are going to lie down here fully dressed and watch a television screen, and you will see all of the others, including your handsome husband."

Janet was confused and uncertain, but the mere mention of seeing Paul brought her slowly to a reclining position on the bed, with the Doctor beside her, some twelve inches between them. She lay back on the pillow and saw the large screen light up directly before her eye level above her head. Leduc had picked up a small, remote hand unit, pressed the first button that brought the screen from the wall to halt at the proper height, then he had switched a second button setting the instrument in operation.

Already, Janet had commenced to feel those same familiar, prurient sensations tingling in her pelvic area and she tightened her crotch muscles, even crossing her legs as if to choke the growing agitation that was mounting there. And as she did these things, her eyes focused upon the screen above while sounds of beating drums became audibly clear. The dimly lighted background confused her at first, but then the dancers came into view quite readily.

They were young, brown-skinned boys and girls, completely nude and dancing about each other in a wild frenzy, the girl's small, taut breasts and tight firm buttocks jouncing erotically with the savage rhythm, while the boys kept thrusting at them with stiff, naked penises jutting out from their young loins in boarish violence.

My God! She couldn't believe the sight! And then the girls were clasping the boy's members as if they were trying to hold them away... but all of the time massaging and stroking them, and thrusting their own buttocks out behind as if to get away from the oncoming boy... then the girl was attacked from the rear and Janet saw the second boy's long, thin shaft go right up into the poor girl's rectum! The child cried out ecstatically, letting free of the boy's tool in front of her, until he too charged forward, ramming his stiff penis deep up into her vagina and impaling her between them with their cocks sunk deep in both her orifices.

"My God, what is this?" she heard herself question.

Leduc tittered. "It is a fertility rite, ma chere, often performed in North Africa and the Middle East... but this one is taking place right here in the villa at this moment... as you see it."

The carnal sight had involuntarily started her blood racing through her veins as the sensations in her stomach, pelvis and loins continued to increase. She squirmed down into the bed feeling the mattress beneath her buttocks pressing deeper into her dampening crevice. Her panties soaked up the moisture and she squeezed her thighs together to hold down the unwanted tingling fermentations growing there. She swallowed dryly. She was on dangerous ground once more and knew it, but could think of no way of escape. The lewd sight of the wild orgy held her nearly spellbound. She squirmed downward again, the mattress forcing the crotch band of her panties deeper into the split of her loins. Its smoothness excited the sensitive, pink lips of her vagina. She felt minute throbs beginning to pulse in the tiny bud of her clitoris and she bit her lower lip tightly to hold back the forbidden sensations that were throbbing between her legs.

I must get hold of myself! I must!

She raised to one elbow. "You said I would see Paul..."

"And so you will, my pet," said Leduc as she lay back down, raising her knees now with the soles of her feet flat on the velvet coverlet, holding her legs tightly together while her skirt fell back to expose a portion of her smooth white thighs above the tips of her hose. "If you look closely about the room, you will see couches with people dressed in togas lying upon them... and doing other things..."

She did... and she saw! She made out the face of Charl Rondeau... and... and Gretchen Friestag... both naked! And she was on all fours with Charl on his knees behind her buttocks... then, Leduc flicked a button that brought them into close-up and Janet gasped when she saw Charl's slippery cock plunging into the lovely blonde German girl's flowered vagina. She watched in revulsive fascination as Charl fucked into her with long powerful strokes -- not hurrying, and leaning back to enjoy the sight of his prick moving in and out of her glistening, moist cunt -- she watched the soft, pink flesh of Gretchen's throbbing pussy gripping and clasping at his thick shaft in pulsating constrictions, then...

"My God!" she gasped a second time as she made out the countenance of Paul with Madame Leduc bent over him, his prick shoved to its entirety into her mouth! "It's... it's Paul... and your wife!"

"Of course, ma chere," purred Leduc. "She's sucking him. Beautiful, isn't it? Poor chap, look at the salacious expression on his face. He is loving it... it has been such a long time for him."

"Oh, dear Jesus!" Janet groaned. "My husband... my darling Paul!"

"But you see, my dear, if you won't suck or fuck him, he had to go to another," Leduc said, rolling to his side and placing his hand upon her belly. "Just as you must come to me to have your pussy licked... or receive a cock in your asshole... or merely to get fucked..."

"Oh no, no! Stop... stop!" Janet groaned at his obscenities, writhing beneath his touch as a deep, indescribable electrifying shock surged through the frayed nerve-ends of her drugged body like a thousand tiny sharp needles. Laughing red demons seemed to spring into being and dance wickedly along the inner softness of her thighs. Her buttocks ground desperately into the soft bed beneath her in an effort to quench a sudden hot flame licking hungrily over her body. She closed her eyes so that she would not have to see the horrible thing that Paul was letting the woman do to him, and she strained to blot out even the thought of it from her mind... but it was impossible to eliminate the maddening sensations Doctor Leduc's hand was causing her.

Suddenly, his fingers dug into the softness of her flesh and she whimpered in pain. His hand moved down her side as he edged closer to her, his hot breath against her cheek, and his fingers dug cruelly into the narrowness of her waist, and then over the full rounded curve of her hips into the hardness of her pelvis taunting her, and she clutched at his hand as his fingers gathered in the folds of her skirt until he reached the crease of her hot loins between her legs. Gone was any sign of gentleness. He began to chew savagely at her ear while he rubbed furiously into her crotch, raising a cry of pleasure-pain from her throat... then, he rolled back away from her and laughed.

"Now, that is the way it could be if I so desired it, ma chere," he sneered, unzipping the front of his trousers. "But I believe, for a little while anyway, I'd prefer more gentle and submissive loving, eh?"

Janet did not answer. She had heard him open the front of his trousers and dreaded to think what was going to happen next.

"Enough of this nonsense, my bitch," he said sharply. "It's time for our little performance... now, take out my cock."

An unwanted shudder of sensual delight quivered through Janet at his command, yet she still sought to fight it as the pin-pricks of sensation followed along the path his cruel fingers had taken.

Once again, Leduc reached over to her, well aware of the hopeless battle raging within the tortured girl beneath the kneading fingers. He slid his hand under her skirt and along the soft warm flesh of her inner thigh and she merely moaned, no longer trying to stop him. He squirmed his fingertips beneath the elastic of her panties, then with thumb and forefinger on the fleshy lips of hair lining the outside of her cunt, he spread them slowly apart. Janet lay holding her breath, still attempting to fight with all of her moral strength.

But her philter weakened will power would not sustain her... and her resistance shattered.

She groaned, the exquisite feeling of air rushing over the rising bud of her exposed clitoris. It rippled through her now quivering belly and out into the nipples of her covered, throbbing tits, destroying all feeling of debasement, humiliation, or thought of any other thing but the delicious pleasures building within her. The straining muscles of her thighs relaxed loosely and she rolled toward Leduc with a little moan as her small hand darted forth inside his trousers to find his heavy, thick cock and bring it out into the room with them.

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Clouded Judgment Chapter One As they arrived to their secret place behind the bleachers the air was filled with excitement and laughter. Giggling like school girls because that is what they were. Sarah and Jenny tried to settle down as they pulled out the magazine Sarah had tucked under her sweatshirt. It had become a ritual lately that every Wednesday afternoon the two would disappear from gym class and meet. Neither one cared much for gym except for the gym cloths which were a break from...

3 years ago
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Second Thoughts and Last ChancesChapter 15

I sat there in the study for quite a while. How long I'm not sure, because the chair faces away from the only time piece in the room, an old style mariners clock that resides on my roll-top desk. I held the glass of vodka in my left hand, my head in my right; staring out in the direction of the doorway yet seeing nothing but the swirling dissonance of my own thoughts. All the downstairs lights were off, the only illumination was a small nightlight plugged into an outlet halfway down the...

2 years ago
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Wedding Bells are Ringing The Wedding of Nicole and William

Introduction: Continuation of the Adventures of a Railfan Series Wedding bells are Ringing – The wedding of Nicole and William This is a continuation of the Adventures of a Railfan series. In this story, William and Nicole get married and they start their lives together. This is also a work of fantasy, even though the two people depicted in the story are based on Fiancee and myself. If you are a new reader, I suggest you read the Adventures of a Railfan and Nicole, Myself and Rachel before you...

2 years ago
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A Fantasy Part One

A Fantasy By Caitlin Rose "A Fantasy" and all its parts are a work of fiction. Any similarity to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. It is a copyrighted work of Caitlin Rose. It may be archived at any web site that does not charge a fee for access, as long as author credit is given and the work is not abridged or changed. There is no sex in this story, but there is some crossdressing. If that offends you, read something else. Caitlin Rose ************** When I was a...

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Wifes Afternoon Passion with An Old Friend 2

Rita woke the next morning with a fairly sore vagina after her tryst the afternoon before. It was a reminder, however, that put a smile on her face and it would be there for a while."OMG!" was all that came to her mind remembering the orgasmic details of her first extramarital affair. If it were the first and last, well, what a good one to have had. It'd changed her thinking about a lot of things. Guilt, power, persuasion, etc... A lot of emotions ran through her mind. One thing that kept...

3 years ago
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The Devils Pact SideStory The DD Game

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 The Devil's Pact Side Story: The D&D Group Come visit my blog at www.mypenname3000.com Note: This takes place after Chapter 17 when Mary goes out with Diane. Takes place at the same time as Mary and Diane Go Clubbing. I left Quatch making out with Willow and headed to answer the door. Tonight, I was going to play D&D with the same group of guys I had been playing with since I was fifteen. We had all met in the WOTC store in the South Hill Mall,...

4 years ago
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Tracy the Crack whore

Sean watched out his kitchen window as the scene unfolded in his backyard. The girl, a young teen, led a strange man toward the rear of Sean’s property, to the rickety old shed. He watched her grow frustrated, and then mad, when she found the shed padlocked.Sean grinned, in his kitchen, as he reached into his pocket, removing his key-ring and examining the two shiny new Master-Lock keys. As he watched, the teen seemed to make a decision, and she led her man around to the side of the shed. She...

1 year ago
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GirlsWay Charly Summer Jewelz Blu The Ultimate Distraction

Jewelz Blu, a video game streamer, looks miserable and flops onto the couch. Her girlfriend, Charly Summer, who is sitting nearby, asks what’s wrong. Jewelz reveals that her video game streaming has become more popular, BUT as a consequence, there are more people in the chat and it’s distracting. Her gaming performance has been going downhill. She can’t afford to lose her followers because she keeps getting distracted — she WANTS them to interact with her while she...

1 year ago
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My Second ChanceChapter 28 Things Neglected

When I get home, I phone Sorrel right away. “Hello, Sorrel speaking.” “Good day, this is Trent. I’m sorry, I didn’t phone you sooner. I meant to, but with everything going on, it slipped my mind.” “I can understand that. It isn’t every day I see somebody being escorted away by a military big-wig and a bunch of military police.” “Ya, sorry about that. It was a matter of national security. They were supposed to wait until after I got home from our meeting, but they thought it couldn’t...

2 years ago
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Scenes from a mall

I slouched down in my plush couch and studied the numerous bright video monitors around me. They showed scenes of the shopping mall around me, scenes of young, old, men and women all walking around happily, entranced by the sights and sounds around them. I saw them through the video feed, but even without that, I knew what they were feeling, I could feel it like a warm breeze slowly pushing at me. It was intoxicating, I could feel their stimulation, their desire, their greed for the sights...

3 years ago
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Two Heads Are Better Than One

Hi, readers. I am extremely happy for the feed back that some of readers sent in on the previous submission and the list of regular readers is growing day by day. The below submission is a kind of continuation to the Southern Spice, yet again we are to tread the same line. The back drop is the same Kumbakonam 320 km south of Chennai also this time around its Vaishali & Janani both in their final year of higher secondary in a private school in Kumbakonam. What exactly transform in their night...

1 year ago
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Refugee encounter

After finishing Kiran joined as a teacher in a high school. This high school was started by a philanthropist who gave land, buildings and money to run the school. However, this school was located in the agency area of southern state of India. The philanthropist owned a lot of property. The high school was on the edge of a big mango orchard on the slopes of a hillock and there was a mountain stream flowing nearby. Kiran used to walk around these groves after school work and on the ledge of the...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Will Fantasy Soon Become Reality

Life in small town America was going about as well as could be expected for a married couple of ten years. Lisa and I had chosen to not have k**s, but we were starting to change our outlook until a series of unlikely events unfolded. A big promotion for me came along that would mean more money than the two of us were making together, but we would have to move to the big city. We had always been against doing so, but when opportunity knocks you have to act quickly, and we knew from the previous...

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A surprise assfucking in panties

A very curious thing happened to me the other day and I feel I need to share it with you... I have been 'mildly’ crossdressing for over a year now. I say 'mildly' because I am not into full feminization, I just love the feel and look of lace panties when they are hugging a good looking cock, not to mention the taboo. I have taken to wearing stockings too which feel amazing, it's like having your whole lower half caressed persistently. I have thought of wearing a bra but, although I can almost...

2 years ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 33

Tracy sat beside me in the car, we hadn't moved from the Sports Centre car park. As she leaned to buckle her seat belt, she flashed me a dark look. I was about to start the car and ask her where she wanted to go when she said, " I thought you liked me Ann." I leaned back in my seat; I knew what this was about. Back in the cubicle I had barely touched her, now I thought she saw this as rejection, which in a way it was. But not for the reasons she must be thinking. " Of course I like you...

4 years ago
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a Vampires Halloween

  After living for 200 years, you tend to get bored. Wanting things to be different, needing that suspense that you vaguely remember from being human. After 200 years, you’ve done and seen it all. No surprises. Ethan turned vamp, or as his kind like to call themselves ‘immortals’ when he was 29. Tall, about 6’1′, a good 200 lbs, all toned muscle. Shaved head with piercing black eyes. (Think Vin Diesel, only taller.) Dressed in an all black business suit, he stands by his office window, looking...

3 years ago
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Ana coming back after a girls night out

Ana coming back home after a girl’s night outMy sweet Ana had gone that night out with a couple of girlfriends.The night out could be quiet and easy, because her friend Helena was not among them. So, I estimated my unfaithful wife could behave herself in a nice mood and she only would have some margarita shots with the girls.At two o`clock my cell phone started buzzing, as I was watching TV. It was Ana, asking if I was still awake. I said yes; I was waiting for her.Almost immediately a photo...

1 year ago
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Trading UpChapter 24

After they left, I dished out some fresh ice cream for the four of us, finishing off what I had in the freezer, much to Doris’s amusement. “You actually went out and bought an ice cream maker?” she laughed. “I didn’t think you would.” “We most certainly did. We tested it out yesterday. If we hadn’t run you dry this morning, we’d be interested in getting a supply to make more,” Jane said proudly. Brad loved the ice cream and the rest of us agreed. By the time we were done, it was time to...

2 years ago
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Fucking the Married Chick From Up the Street

We had worked together for a time. She sat in the cubicle next to me at the call center. Everyday that we showed up, we were both happy to see one another. God knows that job was boring enough. So just seeing her made my day that much better. But she was off limits to me. She was married with a kid. Had she ever told me that she was off limits? No. But I respected that arrangement and never thought about breaking it. As with most workplace friendships between men and women, we began to...

1 year ago
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Change of TasteChapter 19

"Wake up, wake up, Daddy Steve, wake up, come on, lets play." Jorge was bouncing on the bed at my feet grinning while his twin sisters, the Nitas, Bonita and Juanita, were standing in the doorway watching to see if their brother got in trouble. I was on my side facing Mary with Julie who had fallen asleep on top of me having slid down between Mary and I. All three of our faces were inches apart. I could feel Maria's mammoth breast against my back while her arm was over my side with her...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life Book 4 BethanyChapter 50 Myth and Reality

February 1981, Milford, Ohio On Wednesday, Kara simply smiled at me when I walked into chemistry class, rather than greeting me with a kiss. I knew that she and I had to have a long talk, so I didn’t let it bother me. I wasn’t quite ready to talk to her yet, thinking that Friday night would be best when we could be alone for an extended time. Of course, there was a question of whether or not she was willing to go out with me. “Kara, can I see you Friday night?” I asked. “Of course! We’re...

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Jacks Big Life Chapter 4

And so it went...For a good 3 months ... Jack had countless, secretive sex sessions with Laura. Total bliss being shared between a High School senior ... who was being exposed to the kind of sexual satisfaction 99% of guys his age never experience ... and a 38 year old homemaker ... who was taken back to her flirtatious, sex laden years ... while enjoying a massive sex organ. It was like a blur ... but the summer came and went ... After almost 3 months of unchecked, secretive visits with Ms....

2 years ago
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The Angel Next DoorChapter 8

The congregation began nervously and awkwardly walking into the church and taking their seats for Sunday School, everyone afraid to discuss the eight hundred pound (or metric equivalent) gorilla in the room, namely what happened the night before. The children had just been dismissed to the basement floor for their classes when Darren Craft, the adult Sunday School teacher, began fumbling through his lesson plan. He was visibly tense and sweaty, wiping his forehead, as he looked at his niece,...

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Summer Project

Summer Project by B. Pink This story is about forced feminisation, the transformation carried out for the fun and amusement of twin 17 year old girls from an affluent family. Their parents give them the freedom and finances to undertake this project, something they see as a part of the girl's developement. The victim was to be a working class male and therefor considered disposable. The father owns a large chemical company. The research and development department will do...

2 years ago
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My Disastrous Night

Introduction: Kate thought she had a wonderful life, a strong marriage, and a good family. Then in one night it all fell apart. My Disastrous Night Kate thought she had a wonderful life, a strong marriage, and a good family. Then in one night it all fell apart. Authors note: Every character in or referenced in this story is 16 years old or older. Sometimes in real life people lie about their age. In the same manner, these story characters may lie about their age, stating that they are younger...

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