Unholy Arts Scenes
- 3 years ago
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"I gather that Alexander often has referred to our family, calling it a clan. And he is right. We are definitely not an ordinary family."
"Our history goes back more than four hundred years, and every member and every major event, is recorded."
"Life has been generous to our clan. As long as we have behaved according to the rules and traditions of our clan, we have been prosperous without much effort, we have been influential, and we have all lived long and active lives."
"A very few times through history, a clanmember has fallen in love with a person, who did not want to adhere to our rules. Usually they have found out in time, so no marriage wows have been given, but the two times a prospective spouse refused, or agreed with fingers crossed, it has been bad for our clan."
"That is why Alexander has not yet asked you, himself. I promise you, it is not because he does not love you. But he always told us what a strong-willed person you are."
"And he feared you might refuse, because you did not love him enough."
"Oh, but I do." Alice could not help but comment on that.
"We shall see, we shall see, my dear."
"Basically we are a hedonistic clan. And a social network. If you are appalled by the thought of having sex with Alexander's pretty cousin or with his uncle's son, you don't belong. If you would not have a few of the clanmember's children living at your place, to help out for a short time, you don't belong. And if you would not sell your house in order to raise money to help a member, you don't belong."
"And if you cannot keep your mouth shut in the outside world, you don't belong either."
Alice was on the brink of making a comment, but Victoria put a finger to her succulent lips and shook her head 'no'.
"The social part of the clan is more like a commitment, than something you actually have to do, and we have to look into the books to find stories about people who have sold houses or land in order to help another clan member. For the last 8 generations we have been very wealthy, and the help we give each other today is more like good advice and insider information. Plus we all pool together to give every new couple a fair start in their marriage. A very substantial sum will allow you to set up house according to our standards, and get you into any business you should like to enter."
Victoria poured her another cup of tea, and with a kind smile she said:
"It's the hedonistic part that may cause you trouble, because it is so unusual. But I can tell you, once you get used to that way of living, you would not miss it for all the riches."
"Did you really mean that, Sully? That I'm supposed to have sex with other men and women of the clan?"
"Oh, yes. And of course that has a historic background, like almost everything else in our clan. You probably know that late seventeenth and early eighteenth century was a hedonistic period. One of the more well known results of that was the closing down of public bathing facilities, because all of Europe was overwhelmed by a wave of venereal diseases, some of them deadly. At that time our families were living not far from each other in Germany, and in order not to give up the pleasures of a rich and varied sexlife, they bought one of the closed down facilities, reopened it, but for clan families only. Every member swore a sacred oath, that they would abstain from sex with people from outside the clan."
Victoria smiled. "That way they could avoid the diseases, and there were still so many partners to chose from, that the pleasures were manyfold."
"Later, when Pietism swept Europe, about the same time as families of the clan started to immigrate to America, the clan had to become more secret about it. Especially the smaller societies in Germany and up the east coast of America were very religious, very judgmental, and the clan had to go 'underground' if they wanted to go on."
"And believe me, everybody wanted to go on. If you have not tried to be pleasured by four or five people, men and women, you have something to look forward to."
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Dr. Alex Leduc smiled benignly at the ravishing blonde beauty seated across the desk from him, his expression a professionally warm, sympathetic one as he leaned hack in his chair, his hands joined at finger-tips, his relaxed presence putting Janet at ease immediately. Remarkable, he thought, smiling inwardly at this stroke of good fortune. Oddly enough, hadn't he been thinking of her just before she had entered his quarters? Surely, the gods must be smiling upon him this day, he mused, as...
Janet didn't know what it was, what mental affliction had suddenly warped her mind into instantaneous loathing at the mere sight of Paul's naked body, but she well knew that the ailment had seized hold of her- neurotic or otherwise. Paul had said nothing... unbelievably nothing... not once complaining to her during the entire voyage... even after she would lead him on, begging him to make love to her, wanting him so badly that she ached maddeningly with her desire; and then, he would expose...
The Embassy had provided them with pleasant lodgings on Rue St. Lazare, not a great distance from the Place De l'Opera, and with all of the conveniences a young, new American wife might expect in Paris. It was an apartment, but spacious, and the other tenants seemed to be upper- bracketed Frenchmen. Paul was not discontented with the quarters... he was simply at a loss to know how to cope with this affliction that plagued his beloved Janet. Christ, he was yet to consummate his marriage......
By the time Doctor Leduc got around to leading Janet to his private consulting chambers, she found that fear had begun to take the place of the ardent desire that had been building within her throughout the day. The liqueurs -- or whatever they were -- she had been consuming one after the other had peaked her passion almost to the maddening point before supper, but with the passing of time and following what food she had eaten, all such carnal thoughts and sensations had suddenly dissipated...
Madame Leduc was in a state of yet unsated sexual desire when Paul Arden, completely spent and exhausted after three violent orgasms, collapsed into a deep, half-drunken stupor, and in disgust she had left him there atop the bed, taking her mastiffs beside her as she set off to find her husband and the proud little American bitch. Her loins ached for further satisfaction and although she had been tempted to let Vailante perform the feat as only the gallant brute could, her lascivious desire...
Once airborne, Paul Arden unfastened the safety-belt and tried to relax. He was more than just a little upset at Leduc's concern over Janet's condition. This morning, just prior to the Embassy's calling him and informing him that the Ambassador had a special mission for him to carry out in Brussels and that he was to return to Paris at once, Doctor Leduc had recommended a complete rest for Janet at some quiet sanitarium, else he would not be responsible for what was inevitably to come....
Paul had followed Leduc's automobile for the past hour, staying a safe distance behind in his own rented vehicle as they traveled the slick wet streets of Paris, crossing the fabulous city of sin. He had not believed the Doctor nor his wife when earlier in the evening at dinner, they had told him of Janet's worsened condition. But they had substantiated his greatest fear... she was addicted, yet to what particular drug Leduc had not said. My poor, sweet darling... Damn, he had wanted to...
Paul had no difficulty gaining entrance into the Palais de Plaisir once he showed proof of identity and paid the exorbitant fee. Inasmuch as the establishment only catered to notables and people of wealth, the ugly looking Frenchman at the door seemed pleased to welcome a guest from the American Embassy. He was immediately handed over into the care of an extremely attractive young Moroccan girl, whom, he was certain, would not have been yet fifteen, and whom, he felt sure, he recognized from...
Janet lay upon the bed within the mirrored room. Vailante rested upon the floor in the corner as if ready to spring at her slightest questionable move. She had drunk the so-called medication sometime before and now it was taking effect. No longer did she doubt the actual properties of this concoction she had been consuming daily since she first visited the doctor aboard ship. It was undoubtedly some sort of aphrodisiac, and that was why she had welcomed the large dose this time. Doctor Leduc...
Julie Moore awoke the following morning, clear in her thinking, knowing full well what she was going to do. She had spent most of the previous evening mulling over her problems, thinking about how hard it would be to get started in New York City without a gallery, not wanting to rely on her husband's salary forever to sustain her. It was good that Randy had always earned enough money to take care of the rent and all their expenses but Julie felt that she wanted to be able to support herself,...
It was almost 9:00PM when Julie Moore finally left Philip Randolph's gallery, having been wined and dined by the amorous older man. She felt very precious and cared for, it had been a long time since any man had paid her that kind of attention and she liked it. Occasionally she and Randy went out for dinner but mostly along with several of their friends, nothing romantic or candlelit for them. On odd occasions her closest friend David would take her out for dinner when Randy was out of town...
Julie could hardly wait to talk to Philip, she sipped her coffee in her apartment and looked impatiently at the clock. Probably the gallery wouldn't open until 10:00AM damn it, she really wanted to talk to someone. Suddenly Julie Moore felt very lonely, she realized now that she didn't know anyone in New York and it was a big place. She thought of calling Larry Rutherford, he had been so good to her he would probably give her a shoulder to cry on... still she felt silly, she didn't really...
Julie was surprised to awaken the following morning to the smiling face of Philip Randolph bending over her bed, she looked around hastily, good, no tell-tale signs of Pete or Tim were visible. "How did you get here Philip," she gasped, being fully aware that the ferry didn't get in until the middle of the day. "Oh easy Julie, with money you can do anything you want, I just hired a fishing boat to bring us across the sound, simple. How are you my dear, the sea-air seems to be agreeing...
Julie, Pete and Tim took the noon ferry back to Long Island, picked up Pete's car and on a whim decided that instead of hitting the island early in the afternoon, they would drive out to Amagansett, visit a friend, have a leisurely dinner, then hit town later in the evening. It was almost 9:00PM when Pete's car swung into the West 11th Street, they were all rather tired and Julie had intended to tell them both that she was exhausted and would rather leave it to another day to visit. She...
Alice relaxed for the first time since this morning. Tension had been high all day, and she had heard so many things that were going to change her life. Now that things were settled she felt light-headed and bubbly, and the champagne added to that feeling. "I think I'd like one of those small cakes now." "Of course." Victoria got up and went over to her chair and handed her the little silver tray. Before she picked one of the cakes, Alice looked up into Victoria's sparkling and...
Sully led Alyssia upstairs and opened a door at the end of a long corridor. A truly Sybaritic sight met her there. A lavishly decorated room with chairs, divans, mirrors everywhere, and in the centre an enormous round bed, filled with pillows, silken blankets of various colours, and soft ropes hanging from the headrest. Large antique Japanese paintings of explicit erotic nature decorated the walls where mirrors didn't take up the space. Alyssia turned round towards Sully and invited him to...
"It was so nice of you to include my grandparents." Alexander caressed her hair while he drove the big Packard with his left hand. "And I'm so happy that you were OK, even if they are so much older than we are." Alyssia had persuaded him to take the long drive around the lake. She felt they needed to talk, and she always found it easier to be honest in the darkness of a driving car. "Well, first of all they both look incredibly good for their age, and it only felt natural after that...
The days up to the engagement party flew by in a blur of preparation. All the time members of the clan were calling to congratulate, some of them to tell they were looking forward to the party. Which by the way would be held at uncle Jonathan's large estate, overlooking the Hudson river. Alyssia wanted to look special, inside out, and spent two days shopping for just the right things. When finally a limo stopped in front of her house, late Saturday afternoon, she was ready. She looked...
The sight that met Alyssia in the bedroom was incredible. On the round bed, on a love-bench and on the floor, eight people were fucking, sucking, touching or reaching for, each other. On the floor was Clarence, with Rosalind squatting over his head, obviously enjoying his tongue. Nobody seemed to take care of his cock, which was standing proudly upright. Alyssia went straight for it. With one hand she supported herself on Rosalinds shoulder, while she lowered herself towards the hard cock....
Six weeks had passed since the engagement/initiation-party, when Alyssia and Alexander were invited to Sunday brunch at Victoria and Sully's. The last days of September were glorious, and they chose to take the drive in the big Packard Le Baron, with the roof down. They both just adored that car, and they started out early, so they could enjoy a leisurely ride, watching the landscapes roll by and listening to the purr of the 12-cylinder engine. Just before noon they rolled up in front of the...
They had entered a very old part of New York, and Alexander stopped the car in a small square, very London-like, with trees, flowers and grass, surrounded by big old houses. "That's our new home." He pointed his hand at a really big, three-story affair. Quite simple to look at, built sometime during the 1700's out of red brick, kind of Queen Ann-style with white windows and a large black double-door, framed by two pillars. "My God, it is huge for two people." "Remember, we are going...
Time passed in a blur of activity and torment. Activity to get everything finished and packed, in time to reach Key West by the following Sunday. Torment in the form of a rather rough ride on a romantic schooner, which took them to Baron's Island, and in the form of unwanted celibacy for five days. Friday evening was the worst. Apart from a few people, the whole clan had arrived during Friday, and at the very informal evening meal, which was kind of a glorified barbecue on the white,...
The girl shook her head almost imperceptibly, but a mother can pick up on the most minute details. Also, she saw her roll her eyes in the mirror. Aranel did look absolutely stunning. Her eyes shone like green emeralds on an unblemished porcelain face. Her elvish heritage gave her the long ears and lithe, nymphette body, but it must have been her human half that gifted her perky breasts considered unthinkably massive among her people. Hard to imagine they could still be growing for another...
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Hi, it’s me Arun again, with yet another experience. I can’t resist your comments and opening up all my secrets so far. Now I post my experience I had with my other aunt her name is Marie. This happened 7 years before. She was my fathers’ brothers’ wife. She is tall, fair and had ample boobs and ass. I have always fantasized of fucking her. Once they visited our place. That afternoon I was sleeping in the bedroom. My aunt came in after having bath, she had petticoat tied above her boobs which...
IncestCopyright© July 6 2005 She had been anticipating seeing the fireworks all day, and by 5pm, she was ready to go. She even took a shower without a reminder. Daddy shook his head, knowing that there was no convincing her that she did not have to be ready this early. After her shower, she dressed in a denim skirt and a top that tied behind her neck, the stretchy material snug across her accentuated breasts. Slipping into sandals, she asked daddy how she looked. "It looks like some little girl...
Maria began to allow her feelings to surface. Emerson had been thinking about her, and telling everyone about her beauty. Maria wasn't particularly vain. She knew that she could be very attractive to Emerson, while still not impressing someone else. She admitted to herself that Emerson was the one she wanted to impress and it was beginning to appear that she had, even more than she dreamed. Emerson, on the other hand, cursed himself for talking so freely about his past and Maria. Over the...
Hello Friends, I am 31 years old my name is Rohan I am 5’5 in height slim guy 55 in weight fair black hair. After reading so many nice stories I thought of writing my incident too which happened on 24th December Christmas Eve. I am very close to all my friends we decided to go to Lonavla for Christmas Eve all friends.The plan was made we left on 24th morning by car we all stay in Mumbai we had one Innova.We were 5 of us two couples and me single.I loved my friends wife a lot cause she is very...
((Authors Note — This story follows ‘A Day in Gotham – 9 – Batgirl Wins 01’. As with all multipart series, it’s best read after the first episode, but I’ve tried to make it stand on its own as far as possible. In brief though, this follows a part of Batgirl’s life where she’s been through a long recovery and rehabilitation period after the near tragic events in that old warehouse battling Leopard Man. It was a period where she established a close relationship with Catgirl, became aware of...
Okay, first and foremost I've always wanted to be in an orgy so this being my first time I was nervous but in all I enjoyed myself. I'd like to start off that I had no idea that there was something like this going on and I just happened to have driven by the house in which the event was taking place. Apparently you are suppose to have an invite to one of these things but I literally just walked into the house and saw naked people. I dropped my clothes after furthering examining the place...
I woke up and my uncut dick was rock hard and I was super horny. My belly button was almost full of pre-cum. I must have had some great dreams. So, I used it as lube and stroked my cock until I busted allover. I gave myself a pearl necklace! That was a first, so I got ready for the day. I was feeling sexy and somehow still extremely horny and wanted to fuck some tight holes, or even get fucked by a huge juicy cock. Mmmmm. I didn't even take a shower. I threw on my younger sisters pink and...
Rocky Emerson was born on December 12th, 1991, in San Diego, California, to parents with Serbian roots. At a little over six feet two inches tall, her claim to fame is her height. She's one of the tallest porn stars on the market.Girls Gone Wild: An Inspirational FilmRocky discovered a Girls Gone Wild commercial on late-night television as a youth. Every man above the age of thirty remembers those commercials. We used to stay up into the wee hours to get a couple of strokes in while watching...
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