Fifties Fashion Parade free porn video

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Fifties Fashion Parade by Elaine (c) 2016 This story deals with homosexual sex, cross dressing, trangenderism and therefore should not be read by persons below the age of 18. Any comments on this story good or bad should be addressed to me at [email protected]. If you liked this story please feel free to read some of my other works that have been posted in Fictionmania. I am still indebted to the late Debbie Carlisle for taking the time to proof read the first part of the story and who provided some valuable input and advice. Prologue The big band dance music was loud, the bright spot lights were blinding, the full length figure hugging elastic corselet under my dress was tight and restrictive, while the dark blue sheath dress was expensive silk and hard to come by in a post war Europe devastated by war. The dress hugged my legs tightly making me take quite short wiggling steps while the seams of my nylons were oh so straight and were held up by three suspenders on each leg to the corselet. I wore a blue large saucer shaped hat in matching blue and on my feet, I was wearing a pair of the latest pointed 3" stiletto heels again in the same shade of blue. Yet no one in the audience of this famous Paris fashion house even suspected my real identity. Here I was, a man walking down the catwalk during a Christian Dior fashion show and not one person suspected that I wasn't a typical well- endowed and narrow waisted British model called Angela Hodge. I really moved and looked like a girl even though I had been born a boy. For the last few years I'd been able to gain many high paid modelling roles all over post-war Europe. I even got married to a German Baron which made me a Baroness. If you have a spare wet Sunday afternoon I would like to tell you my crazy and almost unbelievable story. Chapter 1 - A war time heroine Achieving this glamorous and exotic new life as a model hadn't been easy. In becoming one of Europe's top models there had been a lot of luck, some good and some bad as well as a great deal of hard work. Where should I begin this story? Oh yes let's go right back to the beginning and I will tell you all about my life. First a little about my roots. No, not those roots, those are kept a beautiful blonde colour now! My story is all the more remarkable as I originally came from a small mining community living close to Scotland's capital city of Edinburgh. Coal had been mined in that part of the country for a couple of centuries and it was seen as the main source of employment for the working classes. However my father had once told me as I grew up destined to work down the mine that if I ever went near the top of the pit shaft that he would then kick me down it. He would take that step if that was the only way to stop me from becoming a miner like him. Such was his complete distaste for his miserable lot in the world. Despite his threat, I had never any intentions of following him down the shaft cage into that dark living hell. In any event I wasn't particularly well built or strong. Unlike my strong hairy ox of a father who would bath in front of the fire regularly to try and get the dirt out of his skin. In contrast I'd been given some of my mother's traits and was fully grown at just five feet eight inches. My thin girl-like features were still quite obviously a big disappointment to my father. He would call me a poof and a Nancy but I didn't care. I often wonder if he knew I was different from the other boys in the village even before I did. I obviously didn't have his large miner's hands the size of shovels and my size seven feet were four sizes smaller than his. When the second world war started in September 1939, I was still a scholar at the local grammar school. I was quite bright and enjoyed most subjects except the obvious male ones such as woodwork and metalwork which all boys were forced to take. Unlike some of my much bigger and stronger classmates, I was not all that enamoured with the thought of getting into the fight or taking another life despite the evil that was coming out of Europe at that time. Even if it happened to be a citizen of detested Nazi Germany I just couldn't imagine killing another human being. I just hoped that by the time I attained the minimum enlistment age of 17, that the war would be all over and I would avoid the carnage and the undoubted harshness of army life. In the early years of the war I decided to stick at my studies and was good at school. My father was proud enough that he allowed me to stay on a little longer to complete my School Leavers Certificate. This delayed my conscripted entry into the forces by six months but I knew there would be no escape for me any more than for the thousands of other young men up and down the country. It was then no real surprise when my call up papers duly appeared midway through my 17th year of life. So it was with a feeling of gut wrenching dread that I prepared to say what could be a permanent goodbye to my youth and more likely to my life. I did not mind leaving my father to his mine, but my mother though who had brought me up as best she could with little money, that was a different matter. My father safe in his protected occupation as a miner could afford to be jealous of his newly created unwilling conscript son but he had known the sad loss of two brothers and several cousins during the Great War. That included his younger brother who had answered the call and was killed on the Somme in 1916. "Maybe the army will mak a man oot o' ye yet," he said in his distinctive Scots accent as we ate our final meal of mince beef and potatoes. (mince and tatties) "Sure as God's ma witness I have nae managed it." I just sat and ate in silence though my mum gave me a scared looking smile. "Leave the boy alone Alex," my mother responded as usual letting me hide behind those wide skirts she wore. My mother was really scared at the thought of losing her only child following the death of my brother when he died of Scarlet Fever when aged two. I particularly didn't like my father's definition of being a man. He'd never really treated my mother with any great kindness, giving her only a small part of his pay in a weekly housekeeping allowance. He would keep the rest for himself to spend in the local miner's club drinking. His excuse that he needed to wash away the coal dust he accumulated each week didn't really impress me especially when he would always come home drunk and so completely incapable he was never violent until the morning. That night I thought about the prospect of being cannon fodder and wasn't too happy about the idea. That would be the proper term for me, for, with my physique, I decided that I could never make a foot soldier or a fighting man. While taking life was not something I wanted to do, as you can imagine being on the receiving end of a bullet or grenade or a howitzer shell was something I wanted even less. My dad was right about one thing though, his Nancy boy son was queer all right, and how! Though I was later to discover that women were much softer and more loving. The next morning with my call up papers in my pocket and a railway travel warrant I had a very heavy heart when I joined the local commuter train at Inveresk station and reluctantly headed towards the army call-up centre in Edinburgh. As I walked in, I decided that I would explain my position to the enlistment sergeant sitting behind his large brown desk as best I could. That I really didn't think I was suited to a life in the army but if they still wanted me that perhaps they could find me a non combatant role as a cook or medical orderly or something in administration. I had my fingers crossed that he wouldn't just put me into the Royal Scots which were the natural choice for a man from the Lothians. It was the first regiment of the British Army and had an illustrious history that I really didn't want to sully. So I told him about my conscience about killing and that I would prefer a non-combatant role and on seeing my slight build it was obvious that he thought it made sense too. After a medical examination in which my scrawny slight body was commented upon, it was with some relief that I found that I was being sent south to join the Royal Army Medical Corps. This was in early 1944 and with the tide finally swinging against the Nazis I still hoped it would be a short and sweet war so that I could resume my previous life such as it was. I spent the spring of that year in an intensive five month training programme at a large base camp in England as a medical orderly. I wore a red cross armband with some pride and carried a bag full of bandages and morphine syringes to treat the fighting men I'd be with. Although I wouldn't or couldn't bear arms except for self-defence, I was still disappointed to learn that I still had to undergo the rigorous army training. Wherever the men went in battle, I and my RAMC mates would be expected to follow. That meant climbing cliffs and scaling ravines just like them. Oh my poor body, it was agony and sheer bloody hell. I would often fall into my bed at the end of the day completely exhausted. The training gave me confidence that I would be able to give emergency treatment to soldiers so that they would make it to a first aid station or field hospital for shipment back home. That included crucial medical support in the heat of battle, by applying field dressings, painkillers and tourniquets so that they could live long enough to survive the trip back off the line. Although I was fitter than I'd ever been in my life, I was still a miserable excuse for a soldier. I constantly failed to cross obstacles and barriers. Carrying a stretcher loaded down with an injured soldier for any distance caused intense pain in my slender shoulders, elbows and wrists. After the end of the basic training I was actually thinner than when I joined. As the fighting men prepared themselves for the invasion of Europe and Operation Overlord, I often wondered if I would live out the first day. I'd heard stories that SS snipers took great delight at shooting at Red Cross badges just for the hell of it on other battlefields. A small badge with a red cross on your arm was absolutely no guarantee of safety. I was scared shitless in the run up to the D-Day landings. During this time I lived in the army barracks with the other medics and soon found that homosexual practices were the norm in such places. Particularly where they had a wimpy feminine looking boy like me to play with and women were in such short supply. The lack of women became worse when the camp was sealed off just prior to D-Day. I was abused and raped a couple of times during my training and it was obvious that to broadcast my problems to authority would probably only make matters worse. I kept quiet but I am quite sure the officers and NCO's knew what the hell was going on. Eventually I met up with a charming man, a drill sergeant called Charlie Brown from Guildford in Surrey who agreed that provided I gave him certain sexual favours he would protect me from the attentions of the others. Charlie had only needed to take one look at me to know that I was a sissy or gay or as I know now transgendered. "How did you start, Andy?" He asked one night as we lay in his bed smoking after a short bout of anal sex. His room was locked and we were safe from intruders for another 30 minutes or so. "I only discovered that I was queer shortly after my fourteenth birthday," I replied recounting that episode. As I dragged on my army issue Woodbine cigarette, I told him that my good looks had attracted the attention of some of the more influential affluent men in the area where I lived. I was a frequent visitor to the local public park and had made relationships with several. "I guess that's what you're doing with me. I'm one of the influential men in this outfit," he replied smiling. "Though I don't have much money on a sergeant's pay." "In the early days of the war, several of those men made me promises that I wouldn't see any combat duty," I replied telling him what I wanted most. "One guy told me I was too beautiful to be killed," I smiled and then stubbed out my cigarette in the ashtray before sitting up and reaching for my hobnailed army boots. He put his hand on my arm and back and rubbed slightly. "He was right." Of course Charlie had to work hard to keep me and that led to some horrific fights between him and some of the other NCOs, and it is a weird feeling knowing that two men are fighting over who will possess your arse. Of course, it didn't really matter who won, the lack of tenderness or roughness was just the same, though it was better if Charlie won as he promised to keep me to himself while someone else might share me around among his mates. Despite suffering the intensive training, it became obvious to the training command that I would never make the grade as a front line medic. Although I was all set, like everyone else, for my imminent departure for the Normandy beaches, you can't begin to realise how relieved I was to find that my old contacts and my physical build had finally helped with my first posting. It wasn't to the coast of France after all. I had been personally recommended by a Scottish politician I'd known while I was at school to act as a medical orderly at a newly established convalesce hospital back in my native Scotland to treat injured men returning from the Italian conflict. That Member of Parliament had been one of my old park acquaintances and the one who thought that I was too beautiful. I left the camp a week before the invasion knowing that I would never see many of those guys I'd trained with and who had fought over me again. The hospital turned out to be a large commandeered Scottish country manor house near Glasgow. With medical facilities in short supply, the old manor house had been commandeered and then rapidly converted and extended to allow badly wounded officers to receive further surgery and convalescence. The main house had been converted into six wards each housing up to 30 beds while the former billiards room had been converted into an operating theatre.The medical staff were housed in temporary metal sheds called Nissen huts located in the extensive grounds at the side and rear of the house. Of course the sexes were strictly segregated and the few rankers were crowded into a single hut. Just as my former mates were preparing to set up field hospitals and stretcher parties on the French coast, I was stepping down from a train after a long 14 hour journey from the south of England. Scots say that there is only one good thing about going to England and that is coming back home again to Scotland. Well I felt that way in a big way and I was so happy that I would be close to home. At first my duties really were not that onerous. They included ferrying and carrying wounded soldiers from the operating theatre to their rooms and the main wards using trolleys and wheelchairs. The majority of those soldiers undergoing treatment were higher ranking officers who had been badly injured near Anzio. I was also responsible for fetching and carrying essential supplies and materials around the hospital. I liked my role in the war effort. It carried no real danger and I was helping to bring our brave lads back to active duty again or get them ready for a disabled life in Civvy Street. I imagined a front line post would be nothing like this and certainly not as safe. The word "cushy" springs easily to mind. Of course, as I said earlier I was queer and I fancied like crazy some of the men whom I helped back onto their feet. At least I thought I was because I also envied the nurses who wore their blue and white starched uniforms with such pride. They looked very glamorous while I was restricted to wearing my rough battle fatigues consisting of my oddly named khaki brown blouse and trousers. No shirt and no tie and I wore Red Cross badges and RAMC insignia. I was required to wear this this coarse battle dress day in and day out and it became necessary to take steps to wear something a little soothing on my skin from time to time. Before I had joined the army, one of the men I met in the local park had shown me the delights of dressing up in female clothing. He owned a large house and he still had his late wife's elegant old clothes in the wardrobes and drawers of their bedroom. To please him I would spend hours dressed like up a young woman. It had been scary at first but extremely exciting when I saw his reaction. "My wife," he explained as he caressed my neck with his long soft hands, "was around your size and she loved to wear pretty floral dresses, blouses and tweed skirts. I love seeing you wearing them." The first time, I tried on her stockings and suspenders was so sensuous, and I needed no persuading when it came to wearing a wig and the rest of her clothes. We would act like husband and wife in nearly all respects when I stayed with him at weekends dressed as a woman. He was very kind and considerate and there was no driving need to pleasure him though of course I did. You can imagine how I felt when he suggested we go out with me dressed up as a woman and he made it easier for me when we would go out in his Rover car powered by petrol he had stored away in his garage before the war. He had fuelled an interest in me that proved really difficult to stop and was to lead to some big changes in my life. While I stayed with him I would paint my nails, apply make-up, try on his wife's clothes and even cooked his meals in his empty large house. To make matters even better he would give me some money and buy me nice things of my own like heeled shoes or lingerie. Anyway back to my time at the hospital and I was billeted along with three other guys in the smallest hut. It was meant to hold about twenty men so we had plenty of space and we rigged up screens to give ourselves a bit of privacy. The hut was just a short walk to the nurse's quarters and I had soon stolen some non army issue female lingerie from their washing line. I also tried to become friendly with a couple of the young nurses called June and Laura, but they were officers and I was just a private so I didn't get anywhere. The senior nurses appeared aloof and no amount of friendly banter would open them up. In the course of my duties, I had the run of the place and found that I could enter storerooms and other restricted areas at will. One day I found a lovely warm storeroom that contained some spare nurse's ward uniforms and that as you will see would eventually change my life completely. The nurse's uniform in the wards and recovery rooms consisted of starched blue dresses with a white apron. Since they were liable to get blood and other body fluids onto their uniforms, fresh clean ones always had to be to hand. I remember that there had been a lot of casualties after the landings in the British sector of Normandy as they struggled to capture Caen. With Rome falling to the allies and the Anzio beach head secure, our hospital was expected to take its fair share of the senior officer casualties that had been arriving back home. With so many new arrivals I had been working all night and when things had quietened off, I decided to relieve the pressure between my legs by trying on some of my stolen underwear and so I headed for that store room. For some reason it was only after I had slipped on the stockings, bra and underwear that the thought of dressing up in a full nurse's uniform came into my head. I was soon completely dressed from head to foot and of course I liked doing what all transvestites like to do while dressed and was soon rubbing my penis with some energy. Only my regulation short army haircut gave the game way as I stared in the small mirror I carried. I quickly pinned on a long nurse's hat to my head and carried on with my relaxing masturbation. I was pleased when I found that my short hair was effectively concealed by the long nurse's head dress. I had played like this before and was always careful to conceal my activities at the back of the long storeroom just in case anyone came in. This night though, I was a quite tired and thought the chance of discovery so remote that my usual precautions weren't needed. I lay back with my hand up my starched skirt feeling the stockings on my legs imagining that it was someone else's fingers gently caressing my thighs. My lips were ruby red with the last of some lipstick a nurse had thrown into a ward waste bin that I'd retrieved. Unlike most men who would use a gift of nylons to get a woman into bed, I preferred to use them for myself. I rubbed my nylon covered legs together as I continued my slow relentless massage as my erection ached for that familiar relief to come. However my lonely and harmless enjoyment was brought to an abrupt end. Just as I was on the verge of coming there was a noise outside. I quickly stood up, straightened my skirt and tried to retreat into the back of the store. Before I could move a step, in walked the Senior Nursing Officer - Major Sue Scott. She was in her late twenties or early thirties and definitely single. All the male doctors, surgeons and the hetero medics lusted after her. The reason was simply that she was very attractive with typical English features and a soft voice to match. She was a very beautiful English rose and hailed from deepest Hampshire. She was also a tough person to get the better off and often she would make me do a lot of extra work as Andy. She wore her hair short in the style of the era with an elaborate series of tight curls and her cap securely pinned to her hair. Despite her more senior administrative position she wore the regulation nurse's uniform. I was breathing hard in the dim light when she spoke. "Ah so what are you doing in here nurse?" she asked quite politely. She didn't seem angry or perturbed. "Sorry I was just about to have a smoke and it's a bit cold outside, Major," I replied softly putting a lipstick smeared Woodbine cigarette back into its packet. I was scared that she would spot my disguise and my identity. She didn't at that point thanks to the poor lighting inside the room from the single light above the door. "Well Lieutenant this isn't the place to smoke cigarettes is it?" She asked but before I could answer she said. "Just don't take all night and no more hiding in here. Help me put these supplies inside here," she said brusquely and pointing to the boxes near the door. "Then go to Ward 6 as they need some extra bandages and saline packs." "Yes Major," I replied and helped her put ten or so heavy boxes into the store room so that it was now quite full. "You'll get the stuff for Ward 6 near the store at Ward 2," she explained as if reading my mind when the task was done. "Thanks Major," I replied and saluted. "By the way have you seen Private Hodge?" She asked as I tried to walk away. "This is his responsibility to do these things for us." She said annoyed and looking at me closely. I was thankful the light bulb was not powerful. I just hoped that my forced disguise would hold up. "No Major, I'm sorry I don't know him," I replied again in my softest voice. "Do I know you?" she asked. "I don't think we've met." "Sorry Major I was only posted here last night from Glasgow to help with your casualty overload," I whispered softly hoping she would accept that lie. I secretly doubted that. "Well if you should see him, tell him to report to me immediately," She ordered. "Yes Major," I replied. "What does he look like?" "Like most conscientious objectors, thin and quite small. He's a bit of a shirker though and I often have to keep him busy," she replied. I gulped at what she'd just told me that she didn't like my male persona very much. "Come on let's get you back. We have patients to treat," she said and she waited until I walked past her before securely locking the door. It was then I realised in horror that all my army uniform and pass keys were still inside the room. That storeroom was like a vault with bars on the windows and a thick locking bolt on the outside locked with a large army padlock. I groaned inwardly at the predicament I was now in. I was pleased that my hat was well stuck to the top of my head and it concealed my lack of hair. I put my experience of walking as a girl into good use and minced back to the ward glad I was wearing a full uniform but wondering how the hell I was going to explain all this if I was caught. Impersonating an officer could be treated very seriously and I was sure that impersonating a female officer would be treated very harshly. The dim lighting in the corridors and the wards certainly helped with my disguise. After delivering the supplies to Ward 6 as ordered I slowly made my way back towards the ward where I expected the least problems trying to think how I was going to get out of this situation. On my way out of ward 6 I met the Ward Sister, Captain Christine Abbott coming in with another nurse and saluted. "What are you doing here Nurse," she asked in a good natured way. "I was told to bring some supplies here by the Major Scott," I replied honestly and softly. "Where are you going now?" She asked. "Back to the store room," I replied. Inwardly I knew I would need a crowbar to break that door down. "Oh I have a much more important job for you Nurse," she said, "Please could you sit with Lieutenant James over there in the corner? I'm afraid he won't last the night so I want his last hours to be comfortable. Let me know immediately if he is in any pain or his condition changes or if he regains consciousness. Take regular 15 minute blood pressure, pulse and temperature readings and record it all on his charts." I reluctantly went over to his bed and looked into his cot. He was really in a bad way and I could see why he wasn't expected to live. What was left of his right arm was connected to a drip line that was feeding him blood plasma. His right drip was feeding him a glucose solution. I checked both drips and made sure that they were operating correctly. I checked his urine bag and saw that it was almost empty. I then to my horror noticed that both his legs were also missing while his face and torso were both swathed in bandages. I just hoped that my medical orderly training would help me carry off this impersonation without any fuss. I knew exactly what I had to do and performed my new nursing duties quickly and efficiently. After about three hours, he started to make some gurgling noises and I immediately called Christine for help. Two doctors were summoned and arrived quickly and surveyed my multiple readings on the chart and went into action. They gave him some injections to sedate him and then evacuated some of the fluid from his lungs. "Well done Lieutenant ah...ah...," the older doctor said towards me. "Hodge, Lieutenant Angela Hodge," I interrupted as he looked in vain for my name badge. "Good work Lieutenant, I think you may have helped save his life," I tried to look pleased but wondered what life the poor soul would have without any legs along with his other injuries. "Thank you sir," I said quietly back to him. I went back to taking my routine readings after that little excitement as the doctors went back to their quarters to snatch more sleep before the morning rounds. At around 6:00 am Christine came up to the bed and told me to get some sleep but I had one last set of readings to take and she watched as I did them. I recorded my results on the chart and went back with her to the nurse's rest room. I fixed myself a cup of tea and then sat down. I had been up for nearly 24 hours and soon I fell fast asleep. "Nurse you can't sleep here," I woke suddenly in alarm to the sound of my cockney orderly colleague Archie Cox. I stirred and immediately he exclaimed. "Struth mate! Is that you Andy?" He was clearly shocked at my change of appearance. "Yes it is. Just keep your bloody voice down," I replied shaking myself instantly awake. "How come you're dressed like this?" He asked. "I wondered where the hell you'd got to. I didn't bloody expect to see you in a nurse's uniform though." "It's a long story," I replied. "Have you got your general stores pass key?" "Yes why?" "Questions, questions. Well take me there, I need to get back in; my uniform is in there." Archie, I knew was bent as hell and I also knew he would make his presence known to me when we got back to that store room. A situation I confess I was not all that keen to avoid. If only he would learn to keep his mouth shut and talk just a little quieter. He was much taller than me but wiry and had a long face with a hard jaw. However we didn't get as far as the storeroom when the Major spotted us in the main corridor. "That was good work this morning Lieutenant. Captain Abbot was really pleased with your work on Lieutenant Jones. Report back there tonight again." "Yes Major. Thank you," I replied tiredly. I was really exhausted from the pretence of being Angela and the long night in the ward. I just wanted sleep. "Get yourself back to your billet," she ordered seeing my condition. "Right away Major I am rather tired," I replied trying to speak softly and hopefully succeeding in convincing her I was a woman. I hoped the dark morning litght would conceal my identity and only time would tell if I had succeeded. I feinted my move back to the huts until she had disappeared around a corner. When she had disappeared, Archie and I eagerly made our way back down the corridor to the storeroom. However there was a huge shock waiting when we found that a different padlock was now fitted to the door. "Bugger!" I exclaimed angrily. "Archie how do I get out of this clobber now? How do get my uniform?" "If the padlock has been changed I could try and get a key," he suggested helpfully. "Let's go back and I could loan you some of my kit if that will help. I doubted that because he was six feet tall and had much bigger feet than my size 7. I had a spare blouse and trousers in my hut but getting inside was going to be difficult dressed as a girl. It was strictly forbidden for women to go into our hut. Suddenly my frustration changed to outright fear as I could see the Major returning back along the corridor and she was heading straight for us. I made for the exit, but she called after me. "Nurse what is your name, rank and serial number?" She demanded. "Hodge, Angela Hodge, Lieutenant, 2367895," I replied coming to attention in my parade ground style and that was not nearly the right thing to do. "Come with me now!" she barked at me looking angry at us both. I followed leaving Archie with his mouth open and she led me back along the corridor towards her office. She asked me to stand easy as she went and sat down behind a large dark varnished desk. "Attention!" she said suddenly. I immediately stood to attention just as I had been trained. I decided that my number was up and I was for the high jump so would just be completely honest with her. "Right," she ordered, "just what or who are you?" "Major my name is Andy Hodge not Angela Hodge and I'm a medical orderly here," I replied honestly but my face was tight and grim. "I see and just how long have you been impersonating one of my nurses?" She asked angrily. I could see her lips were tight. "Last night was the first and the last time," I replied. "I'm sorry Major but I was working in the store room last night and for some reason I just couldn't resist trying on a nurse's uniform. When you came in unexpectedly, you caught me and I just had to continue with the deception. I'm profoundly sorry." "Well it seems you gave yourself an instant promotion too. Rising in the ranks from a lowly private to a Lieutenant in one night! You do know that impersonating an officer is a court martial offence?" She continued. "Yes Major. I mean no Major I didn't know that," I replied somewhat confused. "I didn't mean to wear the uniform outside the store room. I was going to go back on duty as usual when you opened the door and caught me dressed in this uniform." "Well normally I would take action against you," She started. "I would put you on a charge if it was peace time but luckily for you we are in a really critical situation right now." I stood still to attention feeling the tug of my stocking suspenders on my legs and my skirt caressing my legs. "I am so short staffed here and there is a real shortage of trained nurses. You know that soldier you specialled last night would certainly have died but for you so reluctantly I am prepared to overlook this misdemeanour." "Thank you Major, I..." I tried to interrupt her. "However I do have a condition," she said surprising me. "Yes Major?" I asked. "It is if you will work as a nurse again," she said stunning me. I couldn't believe what I was hearing and my mouth opened in surprise. I didn't speak. I couldn't speak. I was struck dumb. She sounded fierce but also desperate as she looked on at the newly effeminate creature in front of her. "At ease, Private Hodge. I need another ten nurses and possibly more if the casualty list from France keeps on growing. They keep sending us patients and we just don't have the resources to cope. So you see I need you to continue with the charade but how would you feel about that?" She asked. "You mean dress up as a nurse all the time?" I asked really surprised at her suggestion. "They would shoot me at dawn for desertion. I'm supposed to be a medical orderly remember." "I know but we can worry about that later. I need more nurses and you have shown that you can be a good one. Like the other girls you can have your own room in the nurse's dormitory. What do you say?" "I'm stunned," was all I could offer. "If you can help me then yes I would like to help you Major." "I would help you all I can," she said. "In return you'd get to dress full time in female clothes." "I only have this one nurse's uniform," I replied. "We'll get you more and some civilian clothes too so will you consider it?" She asked. "I'm not wanting to force your hand but the only other option I can see is a court martial for impersonating an officer." She replied sounding more desperate than threatening my life. "Oh I see Major," I replied. "You are so short staffed that you really need me to help but I could never pass off as a female 24 hours a day. Why don't I do what you need as a Private Hodge?" "I don't think that will be possible." She replied. "While the only thing that gave you away was the regulation short back and sides army haircut, which became visible as I walked past in the daylight. That can be cured with this," she said and she pulled out a shoulder length light brown wig from a paper bag. "Take off your head dress," she ordered and rose to approach me. Standing behind me she lifted the wig up and over my head and smoothed it into place. "There now, take a look." She said holding up her compact mirror from her pocket. With the wig fitted onto my head I could see that it did indeed transform my image. She gave it a brush and then replaced the triangular shaped nurse's habit on my head but obviously not so tightly as before. "Look in the mirror now Angela and tell me what you see," she ordered handing me the powder compact mirror and her lipstick. I was surprised that she called me Angela but I soon overlooked it as she helped me to apply the face powder to my cheeks and the lipstick to my lips. My lips were full, red and creamy. The make-up certainly transformed and completed my look. It made me look convincing as a girl in a way I had never expected. "Without the make-up I look like a boy with long hair your make-up really helps," I said honestly moving my head from side to side admiring the look. "The hair also helps Major." "Well you will just have to make sure that you wear make-up all the time now," she replied giggling and looking into the mirror at me. Her own red lips opening to reveal perfect small white teeth. "Permission to speak freely Major?" I asked politely. My army training kicked in again. "Granted," she said going back to her seat anxious to hear what I had to say. "Am I right that it can't just be the short staff situation that makes you want me to be this way?" I replied bravely and suddenly afraid that she had some other ulterior motive. By the look on her face it seemed that she did. At that she moved quickly back towards me, took my face in her hands and pulled me sharply towards her. She kissed me hard on the lips. I can still remember the surprise that flowed through me like an electric shock as our lips touched and her tongue invaded my mouth. She held my head so firmly I don't think I could have resisted her even if I had wanted to. She continued her assault on my lips and mouth. It wasn't long before my surprise gave way to lust and I began to kiss her back. I'd been kissed and kissed back many times before, but this was so, so different. I had always thought that I was queer but here I was kissing a woman dressed as a woman and this seemed so much better than I could ever have imagined. The feeling of our lipstick covered lips sliding against each other was so shocking and yet so erotic to me. She broke off for a moment and I looked straight into her green eyes. The image of a sleek and graceful cat sprang to my mind as she smiled and drew me into yet another tender kiss. This time I was ready and my hands went to the back of her head and gently stroked her hair. I inserted my tongue into her mouth and she began to bite the tip so gently. Her hands dropped from my face and found their way to my backside and I felt her leg slide between mine. My penis was now engorged and one of her hands slid between our skirts to grasp my hardness. She began to rub gently and I moaned out loud. This was so unlike kissing another man. This was so soft, so sensuous, and so erotic. I began to melt and felt my head spinning as Sue broke off her kiss but continued to massage my hard penis. "I confess I had a sense that you were different to the other orderlies," she said taking me over to a small sofa at the side of her office. As we sat down she explained, "I thought you might be gay or perhaps a transvestite and wondered what it would be like to see you appear as a girl." "Major why did you feel that?" I asked. "I was always in my army uniform." "Oh just the way you moved - your mannerisms and you always seemed to attract the attentions of men who like boys like you." I couldn't deny that part was true. "You also reminded me of a young boy I knew in the late thirties back in Surrey and he had a predilection towards cross-dressing. We lived together for two years but he was killed though when a horse and cart went out of control and mounted the pavement he was walking on. He was like you very pretty and he lived full time dressed as a woman. They were somewhat shocked to discover his true sex when they did an autopsy in the hospital. He looked so utterly convincing," she explained to me "Did you help him with his look?" I asked. "Not at first. I caught him like you by chance. He had just started working as a porter at the local hospital where I worked as a staff nurse. I caught him changing inside a linen cupboard into a dress after his shift. I took him in hand from then on and we eventually became lovers." "And?" I asked again when she paused. "And I suppose I have been looking for someone like him ever since," she replied and then she kissed me again. I broke free and looked at her, "I still don't understand why?" "That's easy, I am bisexual, I don't mind who I make love too. Men or women, but those times with my pretty Bobbie were so nice. I was with a man who looked just like a girl. I had the best of both worlds. I now would like to explore that with you if you'd like," she smiled. I smiled back nervously. "I'm not very sure about this deception," I said pointing to my uniform. "What? About dressing as a woman for me or as a nurse?" she replied. "Both," I stated sharply. "I could get into very serious trouble wearing this when I am not supposed to. You said that yourself." "There is no need to worry. I'll give you lots of coaching and lessons in deportment, dress sense, make-up use and general nursing duties. In return hopefully we will become closer," she said pecking me tenderly on the nose. "But Major?" I cried. "Just call me Sue, Angela. The matter is closed. Please say you'll be Angela from now on," she said and then threatened, "The alternative I can assure you would be so much worse." 'That was that,' I mused as I looked in her compact mirror again. This could work and it might be fun. It would certainly be more fun than being a private called Andy. Despite being awake for more than 24 hours I could see that there was no visible facial hair to remove. With the long hair and wearing the make-up I looked just like a girl. My face looked so feminine framed like that. Sue picked up the phone and made some arrangements about my 'posting' to her hospital. "I suggest that you get some sleep now and report back here to me at 17:00 hours this evening," she said replacing the phone. "We will give you some extra attention then. Report to Captain Lorna Smith in hut number one, she is expecting you. I told her that you'd lost all your personal effects and that she should arrange to kit you out after you've had some sleep. A private room is ready and waiting for you." She half ordered and half suggested. "Yes Major," I said standing up, coming back to attention and saluting. "You are dismissed Lieutenant Angela Hodge. Oh and welcome to the Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps." She outstretched her slim soft hand and shook my equally small hand. I guessed that not many men have ever joined that part of the British Army so easily. "Thank you Major, I promise I won't let you down but what will happen to Private Hodge now?" I asked before turning the door handle to leave. "He will I'm afraid be eventually reported as AWOL," she replied returning to the pile of papers on her desk. "Now run along and go get some beauty sleep." Run along? How could I run dressed like this? The tight skirt meant that my usual stride was reduced somewhat and I turned and tripped out of the office in my tight officer's lace up shoes. I could feel my stocking covered thighs rub together as I minced away down the corridor. As I approached my old billet thinking of retrieving some of my possessions including my unsmoked Woodbines, I trembled as I passed the Senior Medical Officer, Colonel Wilson and I remembered to give him my best salute. "Good morning Lieutenant," he said as he passed smiling and returning my salute. My new wig and make-up gave me a lot more confidence. As much as I wanted to head to my usual bed in the barracks, I slowly entered the corrugated steel building of my new quarters and quickly found Lorna and her office. I knocked and nervously entered. She was seated behind a double pedestal desk. A short stocky woman she was well built with a massive chest and hips. She looked like an English farmer's wife. Her cheeks were red and I could see that it was not the wearing of make-up that caused her ruddy complexion. She stood and extended a hand to me to sit down and then spoke in a high squeaky voice. "Ah Lieutenant Hodge. It seems from Major Scott, you've been posted so fast that your belongings have failed to catch up with you. That's most peculiar but I'm sure that we can help you out though until they do. Here is a requisition form for a complete nurse's uniform and a dress uniform. Go to the quartermaster's store this afternoon and pick it up. I'll lend you a nightgown of mine so you can get some well deserved sleep. I heard you did very well on your first night." "Yes Captain," I replied. "Thank you Captain." I was still feeling nervous about lots of things including not standing to attention with this woman who usually made my life a misery as Andy. I couldn't believe she couldn't see who I really was. "No need to call me that, just call me Lorna. All the nurses are on first name terms in here in private. All right Angela," she sounded genuine and friendly. She was now more friend than foe that's for sure. She winked at me and I instantly knew what that meant and realised that she fancied me too! Now I was being propositioned by another woman. Already life as a woman certainly seemed better than as a man. I was being congratulated, admired and I was equally attractive to both men and women. I was also very tired so I eagerly took my leave, saluted and headed over to my new bedroom. I opened the door and found a small room with a small bunk already made up. I quickly disrobed except for the bra and panties I'd put on in the store room and quickly put on Lorna's lovely warm nightgown. I tossed and turned a few times but then drifted off into a very sound deep sleep. I awoke completely refreshed about six hours later and got up desperate for a pee. The problem I now faced was getting into the toilets without being discovered. I opened the door in my night dress and seeing no one about, I tiptoed towards the toilets. I got in and looked around for the urinal and obviously found none. I dived into the first cubicle and relieved myself. Of course I was in such a hurry that I stood up and then realised the splashing noise I was making could be embarrassing to explain. So I quickly held my foreskin with my fingers and briefly held back the flow. Then I sat down and let go with great relief into the bowl. I then realised I had already splashed urine on the floor and seat and thought I had better clean that up in case anyone saw it. Obviously I was going to have to sit down from now on in case I was discovered. On opening the toilet door, I could hear voices. Female voices and quickly rushed back to my room just as they came into the hallway. "Oh look a new girl," said one. "Yes she's in quite a hurry," laughed another. I quickly got dressed and then took Sue's make-up and applied a small amount of colour to my lips and cheeks. I looked around and could see nothing with which to brush my hair. I decided the best course of action was to report for the uniforms I would need before the stores closed at 5pm. Since I knew the way I was quickly in front of the quartermaster sergeant and he was giving me a whole load of smiles. "Poor dearie. So you lost your kit? No problems, that's what I'm here for. Just let me know if you need any extra nylon stockings. I can let you have a pair for a small favour or two." He said winking. I knew what that meant and decided that I couldn't just overlook his sexist comment. I appeared indignant until he withdrew his comment and then I made him he apologise. Before I left I had extracted three extra pairs of stockings from him. The kit he gave me weighed a ton but I had virtually everything I needed to complete my deception. I also extracted two extra uniforms and that included dress khaki skirts and blouse and a couple of white regulation bras and panties in what he guessed was my size. I was astonished to see I was a 34C bra and a size 12. I slowly headed back to my new quarters carrying the whole bundle with a brand new steel army helmet perched on the very top and ran into Archie who smiled when he saw me. "Can I help you with that little lot my dear?" He asked sarcastically. "Yes that would be nice," I smiled. "Just don't say a word Archie. I'll tell you all about this later," I said under my breath but pointed to my nurses uniform. I was very grateful to dump everything into his long strong arms and just carried the stockings myself. I opened the door to my room and he placed everything carefully down on the bed. Very thoughtful the army they included a little of everything. "So pretty one, how come you're a Lieutenant and a Nurse now?" he asked barely able to contain his excitement. "I think it's going to cost you a lot to keep this quiet." "What do you mean?" I asked standing with my hands on my hips indignantly. "Well I know you're queer, so you won't mind some extra sexual relations between consenting adults would you?" He asked. "No I suppose not," I tried to think of a way out but he had me cornered. "If you blab about this to anyone else Archie then this will be the first and last time you take me." I said and pouted at him. "You look so pretty it's going to be a pleasure to finally take your little cherry," he replied with that horrible big cheesy grin he wore as he started to unbuckle his belt. I was getting my mind ready to take him with my skirt hitched up when there was a sudden knock at the door. I rapidly made myself decent and then said, "Come in." As I moved towards the door I smoothed my skirt down even more. It was Lorna and she suddenly had a look of amusement on her face when she spied Archie the camp troublemaker in my room. "Ah Lieutenant," she said smiling, "It seems some of your personal belongings have just turned up." She handed me a small bag marked Hodge on the top surface. "And what have we here?" She continued looking at Archie. She made a further comment to me, "so you're just in the place and you have men in your room already?" "It's not quite like it seems Captain. Private Cox here saw that I was struggling with my new replacement kit and gallantly offered to carry it. He was just about to leave when you knocked." Archie thankfully took his cue and scuttled out like a frightened rabbit with his belt and webbing still slightly undone. "Fine, here's your bag. Sue dropped by with it just a little while ago. By the way do you have a brother or a relative here because there is an orderly stationed here called Andy Hodge? Do you know him by any chance?" "No sorry I don't," I replied to both questions hoping that no one else would notice the similarity in names. "It is just as well because I hear he hasn't been seen in the camp since last night. The Military Police are out looking for him now." "Do you know why?" I asked concerned about my predicament. "They say that he was really afraid to get transferred to an active post near the front," she replied. 'Not quite true,' I thought but close enough. I wouldn't have deserted though and would have gone if they wanted me to go to war zone. "Goodbye Angela. If you need anything else please just let me know," smiled Lorna again as the door pulled closed behind her. I stared at the towering mass of the kit and decided that I needed to get it properly stashed away in my drawers and wardrobes. I had three complete ward uniforms of blue dresses and white aprons not including the one I was wearing, and two dress khaki uniforms with knee length skirts, and the regulation khaki shirts and ties, and flat dress peaked caps to go with them. I had a standard issue helmet with canvas webbing. I had three pairs of dress leather shoes in my size and three of the rubber soled ward shoes, and several complete sets of cotton underwear, including suspender belts and bras, with those extra regulation issue brown lisle stockings. I even had a gas mask, but who ever thought the Nazis would use gas up here? So I quickly stripped off and donned a fresh bra and did it up. I struggled to get the unfamiliar hooks done up behind me until I decided that wasn't working. I turned the bra around did up the hooks, turned it back to the front again and slipped my arms inside the straps. The straps were quite thin and also needed some adjustment. Eventually after some fiddling the bra straps were adjusted and I filled each bra cup with a pair of stockings for want of anything better. This proved to be too much for my liking and I took one stocking away. If I was going to be caught I didn't want to be seen as going over the top such was the turmoil in my mind. Next I donned a pair of cotton panties and realised that I would be happy to see the back of my rough army underpants that I'd previously worn. I tucked myself between my legs and the tight panties did a good job of concealing my manhood before I attached the suspender belt. Tan stockings were next but then I noticed that my leg hair showed through so I would have to shave my legs but with what? It was suddenly obvious, in my belongings! I opened up the back of my bag and found my shaving gear. So deciding that if the other girls shaved their legs I would too and so I went into the washroom and lathered my legs and shaved myself until I couldn't see another hair. I didn't realise it then of course but my legs would never be hairy again. Back in my room and I found my grooming kit in the bag and started to comb out my wig. It was straggly and tough but I soon had it curly and manageable again. My scalp felt all hot and itchy under that wig. With my army regulation short, back and sides haircut I was going to have to wear the wig for quite a long time to come to get the same length hair. I tried to cover my eyebrows with the wig fringe but they still looked bushy and joined together. 'Oh no,' I thought, 'they'll have to be plucked back too.' Fortunately my shaving kit that had been a gift from my boyfriend before I was called up also included a manicure set and had handy items such as nail scissors and even a nail file. Right at the back was a pair of tweezers. They had come in handy in the past removing wood splinters from fingers but this was something altogether different. After some tears, I had removed several centre hairs and wondered how this could be done with less pain. Eventually I found that by stretching the skin it could be slowly done and I set out to remove all but the smallest hairs. With the main hairs out I decided I could make a proper feminine arch with more time available over the next few days. It was already nearly 17:00 hours and I was famished. I quickly donned my dress skirt, my dress shirt, tie and tunic. I slipped a flat cap on my hair and then did up my shoe laces. Ironically it was the first time I'd worn a tie since I'd joined the Army. I looked in the wall mirror and neatly applied some more red lipstick. The tube was the one that Major Scott had given me. It too was nearly empty though and I would soon need some new cosmetics. In my old kit bag I found some money and I put it in my breast tunic pocket. I would also need a leather shoulder bag to house my purse and make-up. I knew where the mess hall was of course but still asked Lorna for directions to avoid any suspicion. She looked me over and said that I looked quite cute in my new dress uniform. She grabbed her jacket and offered to show me the way in person. I sat next to her with the other nurses. All were young and very pretty. After a main meal the chat degenerated into the usual gossip about the doctors and the surgeons. Who was the best looking and what they did with what nurse? They also briefly talked about my alter ego Andy Hodge and his disappearance. Most felt sorry for his plight if he had gone AWOL because they too had heard that a front line posting was looming. That was good to know that as Andy I had made a good impression somewhere. Soon the conversation turned towards me and my new female identity and I was able to embellish the truth. My accent was a dead giveaway and they were pleased that I was Scottish like most of them. The meal in the mess was basic fare but filled up my aching empty stomach. I walked briskly over to the Major's office to see what else she had in store for me. "At ease Angela," she said after I had come to attention in front of her desk and added, "we have no need for the rigid army discipline among nurses." "I'm sorry Major it's difficult to change overnight," I said relaxing a little. "No need for apologies. Just call me Sue. The die is cast, you've been listed absent without leave and the red caps are out searching for you. From now on you'll have to make extra sure that you deport and behave like a pretty young girl," she said, adding "I am sure though that in time you will also make a valuable addition to my nursing staff." "I would like nothing better, Sue. I've been treated so well since I started this morning. Much better than I ever was as a man." "In what way?" She asked. "Everyone is so much friendlier now and they really see me as a very attractive girl. Even some of the lesbians here have taken a shine to me." I smiled. "Yes, we have our share of them here, but it's of no importance. They will leave you alone if I give the word." I have to admit I heard that with more than a hint of disappointment. "You are mine, all mine Angela. Don't you forget it and I'll make bloody sure the rest don't forget it either. I'll be making sure we see a lot of each other," she said with a smile. She was like a cat with a saucer of cream. "Do you find me attractive as a woman Sue?" I asked gulping for air like a marooned fish. "Yes, you certainly never did all that much for me as a man," she replied. At that she got up from her chair and walked around me, looking me up and down. "Not bad to start with, but we'll need to make some more changes," she said. As she walked behind me her hand touched my backside and I jumped with surprise. I realised I had been holding my breath as she had performed her inspection. "Don't be frightened, Angela. Nothing bad is going to happen to you. On the contrary I think you're going to enjoy our little adventure. I know I will." She stood behind me now and I could feel her large breasts pushing against my back and her hands snaked around my waist to pinch my rising manhood. She suddenly grasped my shoulders and spun me around so that we were facing each other. Those green eyes glowed and I knew what was coming. Her face moved towards mine and I closed my eyes and waited for her lips to touch mine. She gently nibbled my bottom lip with her teeth as her arms wrapped around my waist. I was powerless in her much stronger grasp and I leant into her body as I felt my cock begin to stiffen more inside my army issue panties in response to what I was feeling. Sue noticed immediately and moved a hand to cover the growing bulge beneath my uniform skirt. "Oh good, so you liked that," she said, smiling that damn cat's smile again. "More than you can believe, I think I'll need some relief now," I replied honestly. "There isn't time now Angela but perhaps later. We need to do some more work on your appearance and deportment. You still look and walk in a too masculine way for comfort." For the next hour I was shown how to sit and stand, walk and run. How to move my wrists, hands and arms and even my head. She then went to town again on my eye brows and I soon had very little hair left as she crafted two very fashionably thin arches over each eye. I looked at her eyebrows as she explained why she needed to take off so many hairs and I could see why. That hurt though. Next she pierced my ears using a sterile needle and duly inserted two small gold sleeper studs that she had kept in a box. She told me to take them out before I went on duty but to keep putting them back in afterwards. I had winced with pain when she pierced them and she laughed. "You really are a big baby." Next up she handed me a small panty girdle and as I pulled it up over my still anxious manhood, it was flattened into my stomach. She then handed a longer line bra and added. "Those are not standard issue but they will help with your shape. The longer line bra will also help shape your waist." After I put it on she was pleased and she went over to her desk saying, "rolled up nylons won't do Angela for your bosom. They are not nearly realistic enough." She went to her desk and pulled out a packet of party balloons and then proceeded to fill two with a little water from the sink. I remember to this day how cold they were when they were inserted against my bare chest. "They will also give you a slight wobble when you walk and will be much more realistic. They are also slightly larger and give you a much more enlarged personality. Take the rest of the packet just in case of trouble," she added. Next she gave me a long handled hairbrush and showed me how to properly brush and style my wig. She opened an old shoulder bag of hers, which had a simple clasp and I saw that it was subdivided into several compartments. She helped me fill it with the items of make-up, hairbrush, comb and the spare balloons before handing it to me. "Here, take this and let's get you back to your room and changed back into your nurse's ward uniform," she said. I followed and was surprised at the greetings we two women had, as we walked the quarter mile back to my quarters. There were smiles and salutes from men and women alike. That had never happened to me quite like that before. It was astonishing to see the reactions I was creating. Sue helped me dress into my ward nursing uniform and I was relishing the wider skirt after the more restrictive khaki version I had worn for much of the afternoon. She carefully attached my long scarf like cap onto my wig with hairgrips showing me how it was done. "There now you do look the part," she said. "Why do nurses wear this head dress?" I asked touching the long piece of white cotton material. "This is a throwback to the days when all nurses were nuns," she explained. I looked in the mirror and she handed me a fresh tube of red lipstick that I then used to touch up my lips. I looked at myself in the mirror and she pinched my cheeks to make them look redder. "You'll do," Sue said before kissing me fully on the lips. I kissed her back and it was quite a delight kissing her after all that time with men. She was so soft and loving at least that is what I thought. I couldn't believe this was happening as she led me outside in the cool evening back towards the ward. She led me back to the manor house to begin work on the night shift again. Christine and the other night nurses were all seated in the nurse's room when I arrived. "Sorry I'm late," I said crossing my shaved legs and relishing the feel of the stockings on them and then added, "but Major Scott called me into her room on the way over here." "That's fine Angela, we'd just started the report," said Christine. "Now like last night I want you to special the officer in the end bed. He just arrived today. He was caught in a bomb blast a few days ago, he has severe lacerations and several broken bones. His spleen was ruptured and he lost a lot of blood. He was brought in here today and the operations he has had indicate that he should make a good recovery. Start right away with quarterly readings and relieve Amy or Lieutenant Johnson as she prefers to be known." I noted my instructions asked if that was all she wanted me to do and when she shook her head I got up and left. It was going to be another long night. I quickly talked with the tired nurse I replaced. She gave me some information on his condition and that he had drifted in and out of consciousness all day. Mercifully he was asleep and I started to take my first readings on a fresh sheet of paper clipped to the board. It was fairly routine stuff and apart from meeting my own needs of food, tea and regular comfort breaks at the toilet, I was very motivated to ensure that this brave lad would pull through. His condition was stable for much of the night when suddenly it all changed. His pulse had shot up and his temperature threatened to burst my thermometer. It was obvious to even me that he had a bad infection somewhere. I immediately raised the alarm and once again the doctors arrived. They attempted to stabilise his condition but they started to shake their heads as they tried to maintain his vital signs. It was obviously something wrong internally and he was clearly slipping away from us. I stared in horror as he slowly died in front of us and I felt devastated. I took off in tears down the ward and was stopped by

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FW How To Trick A Fashion Witch

"Stay back!" Fitz shouted while lifting a broom like a weapon. He glanced behind him for a moment and saw that Kellie equally frightened. Shifting his view revealed themselves trapped in a corner of the school's drama club room. "Doesn't she make a nice wig? I always loved her hair. So smooth and silky." Fitz's eyes narrowed as he saw Becky lift her latest victim up. He hadn't known. No one had. The mousey little wallflower was a fashion witch and now turned against her...

4 years ago
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BDSM Parade

*****BDSM Parade*****by Harvey [email protected]*****Chapter 1 - Orphan Slave*****"Give me your hand!"Our bodies were freezing. Visibility, extremely poor."I said give me your hand!"I didn't want anyone to go this way. Without trying. Not this way. Never this way."Lady can't you hear me!? Try to grab my hand!" I was practically out of breath. I desparately wanted her to make another attempt. I was trying to save her life. Trying to get her to reach for my hand. My body was pulled by my...

2 years ago
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Raine on Her Parade

This one might be just a touch, a tad, a jot, an iota over the top. The answer to that stereotypical LW cliché, that trite meme – is not that the best revenge is a life well-lived – it is a life really, REALLY well-lived. Enjoy. (BTW, if you recognise the accent – it’s not from there!) RAINE, ON HER PARADE “Damn, you’re a hard man to track down.” I grunted. I didn’t look around – I didn’t need to: she still wore the same perfume. Not knowing quite what else to do, I continued attaching...

1 year ago
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Nautical DelightsChapter 7 Defaulters Parade

At the Defaulters' Parade it turned out there were two cases. One was a crew member who had come back off a forty-eight hour shore pass hopelessly drunk, and the other was another sailor who had been caught in the guest quarters. Discussion with Charles revealed to Henry that the first had been drunk on illegally brewed local hooch and that Admiral Peitsche's normal punishment for that was six lashes of the dog whip. "Seems a bit severe?" "Well sir, he would get at least twenty if the...

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Fashion's SlaveIt was the night of the presentation of our tenth couture show in Paris. Our company NIARTSER FASHION was not a big one, but we had grown steadily little by little and the number of the special kind of people that appreciated our art had grown and now people were coming from all over the world to see our presentations, which -- like at the big couturiers and the "pret-a-porter"-houses -- were held twice yearly. Actually we were more in accord with the timing of the...

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The Doyen of Fashion LoPR Part VII

The Doyen of Fashion Mark had been summoned to the offices of the Independent Mutual Assurance Company on urgent business. They'd not said exactly what that urgent business was, but he knew that urgent business meant work for him, so he hurried to make the appointment. He headed to the office of his regular contact there Mr Walpole, and he was promptly shown in by Walpole's buxom young secretary. "Thank you for coming so quickly Mr Entwhistle-Houghton. The insurance company has a...

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Fashion House 2 TUESADY

TUESDAY I woke up but Alastair wasn't in the bed next to me. I sat up, not at all in any pain, despite what I suspect was more than enough alcohol to sport a hangover. I realized I was naked, and looked around but didn't see any of my clothes from the night before. There was a light blue silk robe lying neatly at the foot of the bed so I got up and put it on. I went into the bathroom and relieved myself. After I washed my hands, I spotted a small hotel vanity kit with an extra...

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Fashion House 1 MONDAY

The House Couture Looking back, I could never have understood how important this week in February was going to be to me or to my life. I mean, I started the week as a young man, intent on cracking into his industry and I ended the week as a bride! MONDAY I had been looking forward to February for a long time. Through several pulled strings and a little bit of sorcery, if I do say so myself, I had scored an invitation to one of the fashion world's most exclusive gatherings,...

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The Fashion Mark

I was sitting there on the side of the road, in a terrible downpour, a tire obviously failed. Flashers on, traffic passing by in rush hour fashion, fifty or so cars every time I blinked, all of them trying to get home faster than they should. I certainly wouldn’t be one of them. At least not anytime soon. Luckily, I was in the second to right lane when I heard the pop, and the flop flop flop, and was able to slow down and pull over. The good Samaritan behind me was able to slow down, seeing the...

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sandis world of fashion

PART 1 For quite some time, I’d yearned to try my hand at modeling, but every shoot I checked into wanted someone younger than my twenty-two years or taller than my five-seven or thinner than I’d ever been in my life. In the meantime, I had to work, or move back home and accept the negative comments from my folks, something I was not about to do. I took jobs that were way below my skill level for a while but one Saturday, while having lunch with a friend, she remembered a classified ad...

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sandis world of fashion

PART 1For quite some time, I'd yearned to try my hand at modeling, but every shoot I checked into wanted someone younger than my twenty-two years or taller than my five-seven or thinner than I'd ever been in my life. In the meantime, I had to work, or move back home and accept the negative comments from my folks, something I was not about to do.I took jobs that were way below my skill level for a while but one Saturday, while having lunch with a friend, she remembered a classified ad she'd...

4 years ago
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Fashion Man

AUTHOR’S NOTE AND DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction containing adults in adult situations. The persons depicted do not exist nor have they existed to the author’s knowledge. This story is not to be read by, read to, or printed and given to any minor under the age of, oh let’s say 20. Situations may be portrayed which may be considered in bad taste, or downright illegal in some places and therefore should not be attempted unless you are a story character and not a real human being. ...

Straight Sex
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Six Times A DayPart 68 Fashion

The fashion show resumed when the snack break ended. Alan had had such a prolonged, teasing-free break that his penis had become flaccid. Since Brenda had been the last one to win the job of penis tender, she was given permission to suck him back to full size. Brenda felt like she'd won a national lottery twice in one night. First, she got to give him a brief titfuck, and now she was being allowed to suck him off for the second time in her life. Sucking Alan's cock while kneeling between...

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Fashion Man 3

AUTHOR’S NOTE AND DISCLAIMER: This story is a work of fiction containing adults in adult situations. The persons depicted do not exist nor have they existed to the author’s knowledge. This story is not to be read by, read to, or printed and given to any minor under the age of, oh let’s say 20. Situations may be portrayed which may be considered in bad taste, or downright illegal in some places and therefore should not be attempted unless you are a story character and not a real human being. ...

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Fashion Reporter

My thanks once again to Jenny North for providing the inspiration for the this story. Her cover, Fashion Reporter2 was the inspiration for this story. Look for more from Mark Preston, Fashion Reporter. Fashion Reporter Janet L. Stickney [email protected] As the last of the models finished the show, they all went to get cleaned up and change clothes. However, just as they were about to leave, they were all asked to meet in the conference room. The girls filed into...

4 years ago
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After A Fashion

AFTER A FASHION by anyport Brian was on an all time high, a month ago he'd landed a job at a fashion house. Not one of the major companies, they designed mostly women's fashion and imported about 60% of their marketable inventory, comprising silk and lace blouses, lingerie and evening wear. However, he was learning a great deal about the industry, and best of all, he had just been promoted to personal assistant to the owner of the company. He had no idea what his job...

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sandis world of fashion pt 7

Oh god no, honey. Not at all. You’ve given me so much courage and self confidence. You’re my angel, darling. Don’t blame yourself at all. I owe you everything.’ ‘You don’t owe me a thing, Edie. You were in there all the time. You just needed someone to let you see the really beautiful woman that you are, that’s all. Call Mrs. Walker though to let her know what your plans are so she doesn’t think I wasted her time.’ ‘I will,’ she said. ‘Now I have to get on my way and you have to get back to...

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sandis world of fashion pt 7

Oh god no, honey. Not at all. You've given me so much courage and self confidence. You're my angel, darling. Don't blame yourself at all. I owe you everything.""You don't owe me a thing, Edie. You were in there all the time. You just needed someone to let you see the really beautiful woman that you are, that's all. Call Mrs. Walker though to let her know what your plans are so she doesn't think I wasted her time.""I will," she said. "Now I have to get on my way and you have to get back to work....

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Candys Fashion House Chapter Ten

Candy's Fashion House Chapter Ten Thanks to Charlie for all the editorial help and guidance. Charlie you are a star! The next day I got up early and went to the new factory to meet the contractors and catch up with the foreman and make sure we were on track. The initial ground work for the extension was going well, the machines and material had been delivered. I discovered a small storage facility nearby that we could use as a cutting and preparation room. So with everything...

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Candys Fashion House Chapter Twelve

Thanks to Charlie for your guidance, advice and editing skills. They both disappeared into the shower together and by the sounds of the moans emanating from the shower there was more than washing going on in there. They both reappeared red faced and flushed. I laughed. "You girls need another shower, a cold one might be more appropriate though." I couldn't believe how easy it was, I was expecting jealousy and uncomfortable silence, but this was nice, Alecia seemed different,...

1 year ago
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Behan ka fashion show

Dear brothers and sisters, Aap sabhi ki sexy kahaniya padne ke baad mene bhi apne jeevan ka ek anubhav aap sabhi ke saath share karne ka man banaya aur me apni sacchi kahani aap sabhi ko batane ja raha hun.Yah baat ek saal pahle ki he,Ghar me mere alava mammi papa aur ek badi rahti he, jiski umar tab 19-20 ki hogi aur me koi 17-18 saal ka tha, meri mammi aur bahen jitni modern aur bold thi me utana hi sidha aur shant tha,aas pados ke kai log to muze pahchante bhi nahi the kyonki me aamtor par...

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Of Lemonade And OldFashioneds

Sorry, I don’t know where to begin.Let me start with the day before April Fools’ Day of this year. Why? Because the sport of baseball keeps moving Opening Day around and Grandma Kelly is fed up with all the fol-de-rol as she calls it. She couldn’t keep up with all the different dates for Opening Day and it was confusing her clients. She now opens her business on the first of April every year and closes it on the last day of the World Series. You won’t get an appointment with her during the...

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The Fashion Show

“No, Darling, you must show your tits,” came the cry from a very effeminate Pierre, the designer of a new range of clothes for the European summer collection. I rearranged my ‘tits’ in the soft multi-colored synthetic dress so that the audience could see my bobbing breasts as I walk down the ramp in the European Fashion Show in Paris, France.This year Pierre’s designs were very sexy and very risqué. He combined synthetic materials with leather and satin, chiffon and wool and showed a lot of...

4 years ago
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FRIDAY Jena and Gretchen awoke to her iPhone's alarm. She wanted to spoon with a woman so we slept in our female aspects. We took turns in the bathroom and she showed me how to brush out my hair, just as a good life skill. I could have done a quick female to male back to female change and had my hair basically ready to go, but we had time and it was good to learn. Jena and I were both borderline size fours so she lent me a skirt and a top so I didn't have to do the walk of shame...

2 years ago
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Fashion is Our Name Pt 14

Fashion is Our Name – Part 14 – The Road to Prague Chapter 35 – An Anxious Journey After a restless sleep on one of the mats with a blanket, my alarm woke me at three-thirty and I put the coffee on as others used the bathroom and dressed in travel clothes. It was a quiet group with thoughts directed inward. Jeremy and Al and Ben came up the stairs, waving and saying the vans were ready whenever we were. The women struggled into their body armor and jackets. Jeremy got me to one side and...

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Fashion is Our Name Pt 15

Fashion is Our Name – Part 15 – Escape from Zagreb Chapter 38 – Headed to Croatia After the motorcycle escort peeled off with a hearty wave, Ben had us headed straight to the southwest, taking a route toward Graz, avoiding Vienna. He asked if I knew the plans for the evening. After asking Sing to take the passenger seat, I headed to the back, where Anne and Amelia were having a rapid conversation, with a lot of head nodding. I interrupted, ‘Ben needs some directions. What is the plan for...

2 years ago
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Candys Fashion House Chapter Eight

As I got up and headed for the shower I felt the breast forms still stuck to my chest, oh shit. Kelli would have to hang around for at least until lunchtime as I would need to get Candy to remove them. I showered and had a light breakfast, I went back upstairs and sat down at the makeup table. I loved the look Candy had developed, the pixie cut was sexy and trendy. I went over a nice light daytime makeup. I stole one of Laurens favourite dresses, a beautiful pale green chiffon dress...

3 years ago
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Fashion House 2 WEDNESDAY

Wednesday Wednesday morning seemed to be a repeat of Tuesday morning. I awoke alone in bed and there was satin robe lying across the bed. It wasn't the blue one but rather a long silver one with embroidery that matched the negligee. I got up, and went into the bathroom knowing I needed to relieve myself. I walked to the toilet, pulled my panties down and sat. "If I'm going to experience being a woman then I might as well start now," I thought. Next I went to the sink and...

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Fashion House 2 Thursday

THURSDAY It was an odd start to a morning. I awoke snuggled into Alastair's body, wrapped in his arms and felt a sense of protection and safety I had never felt before - never needed to feel before. The clock read 5:30AM, as I broke out of his embrace to get up to use the bathroom, I felt a strange sensation between my legs. I padded over to the bathroom and closed the door quietly before turning on the light. I pulled up the negligee, tucking the fabric under my arm, and...

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Ultimate Submission Jacquelines StoryChapter 8 Fashion Model

Being with Ramon was a wonderful experience. He shared with me his interest for music, the arts, good food and most of all his worship for the female body. He made me feel like a fully grown, mature woman, like the only woman in the world. His attention, his gentleness, his generosity made me want to give myself to him in any possible way. And when he fucked me - although he rarely used this term; he preferred to say we were making love - I wanted time to stand still, wanted the experience to...

1 year ago
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Elle McBain Teenage Fashion Model

Elle McBain was a teenage model much in demand in the fashion world of New York City. She was first discovered at the age of sixteen and soon caught the eye of Manny Francisco King of the porn world in Manhattan.Elle began posing for clothing ads in the New York Times. But, was soon high on the list for the better Fashion Houses. Her work kept her so busy, she dropped out of high school. She promised herself and her mom she would make sure to obtain her GED.As she was leaving a photoshoot, she...

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Fashion Week

Paris's father approached me about possibly using my contacts in the fashion industry to assist Paris market her clothing line. I agreed to help her, when she arrived in New York at the start of fashion week she called me.I sent a limo to bring her to the hotel, left instructions at the desk to register her in the suite next door to mine. Paris hummed to herself as she pushed the door open and stepped into her dimly lit suite. Tossing her backpack on the floor, she let the...

4 years ago
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Fashion is Our Name Pt 11

Fashion is Our Name – Part 11 – The Trip Takes a New Direction The next morning, Sunday, there was a text on my mobile from Tom. ‘Do not book tickets, call in the morning.’ I asked the women, ‘What do we make of this?’ Anne gave me an open eyed look and asked, ‘Do you suppose, as they say, ‘the plot thickens?’ ‘ I looked up from my breakfast and said, ‘I fear that an expedition to promote dresses is becoming overtaken by events.’ I helped the twins down and arranged them in the parlor...

1 year ago
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Photography and Fashion

Special thanks to ‘larryinseattle’ for his editing and patience. ***** Gavin had always loved photography. He got his first camera, an old Browning ‘Fold-out’ model, from an aunt when he was six years old. After that, everywhere he went, people heard ‘snap, snap, snap’ as roll after roll of film poured from it. When he was in high school, he even became the school newspaper’s photographer. So it was no surprise when he decide to pursue professional photography as a career. The best...

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Waterbury Hills High School Dads and Dudes Fashion Show and Auction

“Mom, is daddy really going to be naked in front of all these ladies?  In front of my teachers and friends and their mothers?  Oh God, in front of me?” Annie demanded to know!“And in front of me, too?” Shelly wanted to know.  Shelly and Annie have been best friends since kindergarten.  While Shelly had stayed overnight at Annie’s house many times, she never got to see Annie’s father naked!  At best she saw him in his boxers in the morning, and sometimes she thought she could detect some morning...

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The escort 4 A fashion show

You may remember how a few days after my assignment with Geoff and Anna, the couple in their mid-fifties, Rosie (my Madame, as I was beginning to think of her) sent me a picture by email; it was of me straddling Anna's face. Geoff must have taken the picture while I was unaware but it looked amazing: my black-stockinged legs astride her face, my red choker looking so slutty, as Geoff's cum dribbled from my cunt onto her waiting tongue. The picture captured the moment that his sticky strand of...

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The escort 4 A fashion show

You may remember how a few days after my assignment with Geoff and Anna, the couple in their mid-fifties, Rosie (my Madame, as I was beginning to think of her) sent me a picture by email; it was of me straddling Anna's face. Geoff must have taken the picture while I was unaware but it looked amazing: my black-stockinged legs astride her face, my red choker looking so slutty, as Geoff's cum dribbled from my cunt onto her waiting tongue. The picture captured the moment that his sticky strand...

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A Fashion Fling

Fashion Fling by Willi Berner A truly true account Part 1 A-Mail 1/24/91, 11:58 Dear Roxy, I missed the good bookstores you recommended on the trip out because I went through the major cities at awkward hours (between 7 and 9 pm). I was tempted to stop and try to find one of those clubs you described and see if I could meet someone. But I was concerned about getting my derriere far enough down the road that I wouldn't have to travel a ton during the day Monday...

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Candys Fashion House Chapter Eleven

Thanks to Charlie for the guidance and editing. I hit the factory straight after work and continued with the office fit out. I had the framing finished and was running some cables through the walls when Siobhan came in. She needed me to get away from work in the morning she had organised a radio interview for the drive time show on local radio. "Shit Siobhan I'm not sure I can do it, will I have to be dressed as Kelli?" She smiled. "Yes of course unless you want to come out as...

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Just A Bit Of Fun Part 1 The fashion show

Just A Bit Of Fun Part 1 The fashion show.Nora Bell had started as an agent for a insolvency company. Nora purchased stock at a much reduced rate, then try to get people to buy the goods. Nora would add between 10 and 20%. This way she could make a reasonable profit and her customers would get the items at a bargain price. Being selective, Nora only chose items that she knew she could sell easily. The latest stock came in, it was a collection of women’s underwear. The catalogue had stated that...

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Elle McBain Teen Fashion Model to Porn Star Part 2 The Sequel

In the earlier story, eighteen-year-old Elle McBain, a top teen fashion model, was accosted by thugs working for Manny Francisco, King of Porn in Manhattan.Elle was literally fucked into signing an exclusive contract with Manny and Black Onyx Productions. One of Manny’s leading men fucked Elle as Manny fed Elle his monster cock, thereby spit roasting her. The session was topped off by Manny’s assistant Gayle lapping the cum from Elle’s well fucked pussy.The top teen fashion model eagerly signed...

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High Fashion Queen

Of an old love’s fancy lies that left you stranded in a dream, Ain’t you glad you’re a high fashion queen. The Flying Burrito Brothers I felt like such a loser. It was Friday night and instead of going out and hitting the clubs to dance, drink, and have fun; I was in my dorm room with my best friend. We had known each other since the 6th grade and today was his birthday. No one should be left alone on their birthday, right? To be honest, I didn’t really feel like going out anyway. My...

1 year ago
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Bisexual Fashion Model Tastes Muslim Friend8217s MotherInLaw

Hello readers, I am Alisha – 5 ft 3 inches, bisexual girl in her mid-20s with a sexy body. With an hourglass model-like figure and 32D-28-32-sized assets, I am constantly a prey for the eyes of men of all ages. I am a tattoo artist cum fashion model. I am here to share with you a real-life incident. As a part of my work, I had to visit Bandra (Mumbai) for a week. A couple of fashion shows and 1-2 clients for tattooing were scheduled for my visit. I decided to book a hotel nearby and inquired my...

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Madges Fashion Boutique Part 3

"Frumpy! I am so God damned sick of that term!" Brittany sat down at the dining room table in a bit of a huff. "Brittany," Mother stated, "Ladies don't use language like that. So, how does the bra look on Jamie? Is it cute?" "Sorry about the language, Miss C. I'm just so tired of being that way. 'Frumpy' describes me to a tee. I just don' know how to change. Oh, the bra fit perfectly. Jamie's absolutely adorable in just her delicates." "What do you say to Brittany,...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 14 Beckys gift to Ben a fashion show trip to Paris and New York City Part Two

Sarah, 37, Mother of Becca, 5'9 White, Blonde Green Eyes 36D breasts Soyeon Kim, 32, Dry Cleaners wife, 5'2, Asian, Black hair and eyes, 34C breasts Chin Ho Kim, 40, Dry Cleaner owner with Soyeon, 5'7, Asian with 5” cock Caillum, 46, Jet Airplane Pilot, 6'2 ,white, 8” cock Randee, 36, wife of Caillum, 5'8, white, Red Hair Blue Eyes, 38C breasts Reba, 16. daughter of Randee, 5'4, white, Red Hair Green Eyes, 36D breasts Karen, 36, neighbor of Crystal's, 5'8, white, Blond Hair...

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Mothers Model Son In His Totally Fem Fashion Show The Final Chapter

Frank thought ruefully that nothing could be more humiliating than to be a man dressed in a bra and panties, garter-belt, stockings and high heels to please two demanding women. Now, he realized with a new shame that shriveled his manhood, it was even more terrible to be undressed by those women even as they prepared to put him new, frothy lingerie loaded with lace, ribbons and bows. Even worse, he now stood there naked. From the neck down he knew he looked like a man even though his...

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You Must Remember ThisChapter 9 Fashion Victim Paris December 1941

Anna Prozisc was not a woman to let a simple thing like global conflict interfere with her enthusiasm for haute couture. As a result it hadn't been hard to track her down. Two of Sandy's "nuns" had kept watch on the fashion houses in the Boulevard Hausmann, under the guise of collecting alms for the poor. On the second day, Sandy was able to tell Clegg that they had spotted her. Clegg and Sandy took off in a taxi along the right bank, Sandy for once eschewing a military uniform to allow...

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Fashion is Our Name Pt 08

Fashion is Our Name – Part 8 – Tense Meetings in London After a busy weekend, we were up in the dark, in a hard rain, with clouds to the ground. Anne and Helen dressed the twins in their warm clothes and had retrieved small size raincoats. The first wave for London, including me, was departing on the 8:40 train and had no time to lose. The others would follow in the Range Rover later in the day if the weather let up. From the train, I rang Tom Carruthers, who was in early and eager to talk to...

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