Parade free porn video

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Parade My friend Dave asked me if I was going to do it or chicken out. I wanted to say no because if I didn't they might find out that I really like dressing up like a girl and I have done that many times. The only guy, besides myself that knows what I look like as a girl is Stan. He saw me once when I was out one afternoon. He smiled and waved but so far has not said a word about it. I did not answer Dave. I walked away instead. I always watched the girls and the way they did things, but especially because they all wear the short flippy skirts with nice tops, their hair done nicely and the makeup perfect. I wanted to be one of them. I want to wear the skirts and makeup just like them. I wanted to be a girl. The notice I was handed was always given to select boys. I have no idea how they selected us or why, I only know what they wanted us to do. That was, they wanted us to compete for the title of Faux Queen for the annual founders day parade, then attend the following Prom five months later. Of course, we all had the right of refusal, but I just knew in my heart that I could not say no. I would at least try out, but I would have to tell my mother. She would have to tell my dad because I would never do that. All of the selected boys came from high schools all over the county. The entire event was sponsored by local shops and run by the Parks and Recreation Department, which meant that supposedly nobody had an edge. There were usually a hundred boys to start with, but that number was usually whittled down to 18 after we all appeared for judging while dressed as girls. Again, I have no idea how they selected the finalists, I only know that as a life long crossdresser there was no way I could pass this up. I was absolutely eager to be dressed as a girl, and I was sure that I was not the only guy that feels that way. I gave my mom the paper and went to my room to watch television.She came in a few minutes later. "What are you going to wear for the tryout?" "Why would I know?" "Please. I know all about your dressing up and that small wardrobe you have, so tell me. What are you planning to wear for the tryout?" Swallowing my pride... "I don't have it yet. It's at the store on fourth. I need to try it on to make sure, but that would be the perfect dress for a tryout. It looks real sexy." "Why don't you get ready to go. Wear a skirt and blouse. I'll wait." I went to the shower to clean up and began to get dressed. I used my birdseed breastforms and when I had my makeup on I got dressed in a pleated skirt that was short on my legs and a plain white blouse. I wore my white tennies. Adding lipstick and changing my earrings for hoops, I grabbed my black purse and stepped out of my room to confront my mom as a girl for the first time. I stepped out and as she heard me she turned and saw me. "Oh my! You look just delicious! Tell me what you think you need other than the dress." "I have no hips to speak of, and no buns, so a padded pantybrief, one of the gel ones, and better breast forms. I use birdseed right now. And heels. I have exactly one pair." Okay then! This is going to be fun! let's go honey. By the way, what is your name?" "Kristen. Kristen Marie mother." "Okay Kris, let's get you fixed up with a great wardrobe! This is going to be so much fun!" My mother was excited to be buying me girls clothes! You could reasonably say that I was a bit shocked, so I asked her why, and told her I wasn't leaving until I knew why she was so excited about me dressing as a girl. "Because I know that you have been playing dress up for years, and now is your chance to actually become that girl you are searching for, because I'll help you! I only want you to realize your dreams honey, and if that means having a daughter rather than a son, I doubt it'll be much different, but you'll need something better than a padded panty brief! While you were getting ready I looked on line and found this shop that caters to boys that want to look like girls and I think we should see what they have before we do anything else. I agree that you need hips and buns, so let's go to that shop to start with!" She managed to shock me yet again, especially going to that shop. I knew exactly which one she mentioned. I had visited it once. As we walked into the shop mom did not hesitate to tell the lady that I need to look like a girl all over, and mentioned the P&R event. "Oh yes! We usually do several of the girls every year! You do understand that this will require you to manage your body the same way your mother and I do, right? I mean, you'll start having periods in a month or so, and your breasts will be glued on and that will last for almost a year. You will be as close to being a real girl as it is possible to get without surgery. Are you ready for that?" "Can't wait," I blurted out. I saw mom smile and it began. My Mother left during the procedure, coming back some six hours later. By then I was a girl! My breasts were a full B cup, my hips and booty well rounded and my measurements were 37B-27-38. I loved it even though I am not a small girl. I was touching up my lipstick when mom walked in, with dad beside her! "We have dinner reservations Kristen," dad said calmly, "so let's do that and you two can go shopping tomorrow." My father did not seem to mind that I was dressed as a girl which confused the hell out of me, but I did my best to act like a girl, and I even used the ladies room. Mom had that thin smile of hers, which meant that she was amused. At home, in my bedroom, she asked me to undress so she could see what I had become. "Damn! You look positively just like a girl! I had no idea that lady was this good! Put your pajamas on and we'll talk about feminine hygiene." That was an interesting talk. The next day she and I went shopping, starting with the basics, like panties and bras, followed by a few skirts, slacks, jeans, and shorts, plus two dresses including the one I mentioned to start with. I also got three pairs of shoes and my ears pierced. Along the way we stopped to register for the parade and Prom, which is when I found out what era I had to represent. We all had to draw a slip of paper with the info we would need on it. Reaching in I was hoping to get the seventies, but I drew 1890-1910! That meant that all my dresses would have to be from that era! By the time we got home I was extremely curious about the style of dresses I would be stuck wearing, so I went online to find out. All of the skirts were really full, but the dresses looked real nice. Then I found out what they wore underneath the dresses to make then stand out like that. Hoops! And bustle! Worse according to my mom was the corset. I almost quit right then but she assured me that my waist was small enough to get by with only a minor squeeze. Mom and I both did some research that night, discovering a place that made dresses from all eras, but specialized in clothes for renaissance fairs. We went there the next day. The lady did not believe it when we told her I was a boy, and sadly, I had no way to prove it, but she showed us several styles, but when she explained the way ladies of that time used the bath I was beyond shocked. They wore split bloomers which allowed elimination without getting undressed. She and mom insisted that I try them on, so I undressed and pulled on the split bloomers, which was very airy to say the least. "Depending on the style of the dress some ladies did not back into the stall, but the faced front and straddled the fixture because it was easier." "How long does it take to get a dress made and how much?" "This is for the Founders Day Parade, right?" mom said yes. "If you agree to tell everyone where you got the dresses I'll donate them, hows that?" "Can Kristen pick the style?" "Of course! She and I will spend a lot of time together because I need her to try on everything including the under garments." Every day mom had me practicing how to walk, use my hands and arms and so on. Plus the art of makeup and doing my own hair. It was tedious being a girl. I was trying to learn in a few weeks what girls have their entire life to learn. Taking a break I went to the mall alone, taking a break. I was wearing a mini skirt that was almost three inches above my knee, and a loose top. I looked great and felt better, and was just strolling along when I saw him. Stan was standing there staring at me. All six foot two, 275 pounds of him. He smiled and walked up to me. "Hi. I'm Stanley. Whats your name?" "Um.. Kristen." Just then a little girl walked up and took his hand. "Your very pretty," she said to me. "Thank you! What's your name?" "Sasha. This is my Uncle Stanley." "We've met." "Can you take me to the restroom. He won't let me go alone." "Of course." "Uncle Stanley likes you. A lot." "How can you tell?" "I just know that's all." We walked out and Stan was standing there smiling. "Let me take you to dinner tonight Kristen. For watching Sasha." "Better go with him," Sasha said. "Or he'll pout all night." "Okay then. At seven?" "At seven. Where do I find you?" I gave him my address, and grinning, went home to get ready. I was going on my first date! And he is a hunk of the first order. I told mom as I went to my room to get ready. I was going to wear a black sheath dress, square cut neckline, sleeveless and form fitting, plus the hem was about two inches above my knees. I loved it since the crests of my breasts could be seen. I looked great, smelled good and I have a fantastic shape. I was ready to have Stan help me become a complete girl. When I let him into the house to met my parents, he towered over my dad who is a mere 5'8," tall. Stanley was very polite and with a minor scowl from my dad, he took my hand and we left. We had a wonderful dinner as he had some great jokes and was very attentive. I loved all the attention he was giving me and held his hand as often as I could. I had landed a real hunk. When he dropped me off at home I kissed him well enough to let him know that more of that would be just fine. "Stanley," mom said at breakfast, "is a very nice looking young man." "Yeah, I like him too mother." "Your father is confused. He is under the illusion that when this is over you'll be his son again. I didn't tell him that your a girl now. He doesn't even know about that special panty you have. I tried to tell him, but he didn't listen, and since he does not go into your room he has not seen that box of tampons on your dresser. But when your friend Stanley showed up at the door he was shocked when you kissed him, took his hand and left." "I'll think of something mother. I'm going to change and wash my car." In my room I was about to put on my shorts when I saw them, The booty shorts I had bought but never worn. I took off my panties and pulled them on, then added a tee and stepped into my tennies. In the mirror I could clearly see my fully outlined kitty, which meant that dad could not miss the changes. Grinning I went back in the kitchen. Dad saw me first, his eyes focused exactly where I knew they would, but smiled and told him I was going out. I almost made it to the door. "Kristen! You have a.... what I mean is how do you have a... you look like.... a girl!" "Finally! Dad, I am a girl! And I have all the right parts! How could you not know?" "Go put something else on! That looks indecent! NOW!" I changed and went out the front. leaving my mother to explain things to him. I was washing the car when Stan drove up. He had Sasha with him. She ran up and hugged me, while Stan simply stood there grinning. "I knew that you would look smoking hit in a wet tee." "Sasha, come with me. Let's leave this brute here. I'll change." Smiling at him, I took her hand and Sasha and went in. I told my dad that she was my friend, and she sat there with him while I changed into a dry shirt. Walking back in the room I saw Stan sitting there as well. "And he thinks she is the hottest thing in a dress ever!" "Who are you taking about Sasha?" "You of course! Uncle Stanley likes you... a lot!" "Does he know that she is a...." "She is a beautiful girl honey and you know it. Kris, why don't you and Sasha take Stan with you and get some take out chicken, I need to talk to your father." My dad was about to get an earful for trying to tell Stan that I am a boy. Even I could see that she was steaming hot. I grabbed Sashas hand and the three of us left. for the chicken joint. Sasha is about 10 or 11, with blonde hair and a wickedly cute smile. And she obviously has Stan wrapped around her little finger. By the time we got back my dad looked sullen and seemed like he was pouting, but mom was all smiles and had Sasha sit next to her while we ate. "Where is your mother Sasha?" "My mom died of breast cancer two years ago. Now I live with Uncle Stanley and his mom. He protects me and my mom." "Protect you from what?!" "Everything. That's why he needs someone else to take care of. Maybe he'll lighten up on me!" "Hey! I am not a meanie!" "He won't let either of us go anywhere unless he is with us!" "You're just a baby that's why!" "Am not! It's only because my mom was your sister!" "That's enough," Dad said calmly, "Sasha, you are always welcome here. I'll protect you from this.... brute.," He said that with a big grin and smiled. "Thanks! Now he can watch Kris instead of me!" I almost choked on that but really, I would not mind if he was watching me, especially with that eye he has, The lusty one. Mom saw that look I gave him and told Sasha and I to help her in the kitchen. As we cleaned up mom asked Sasha where her dad was. "I have never seen him, so I don't know. Maybe Uncle Stan does but he won't say." "You two have to go home. Kristen and I have some things to do." "Okay Mrs. S. I'll call later Kris." "Sasha thinks of you like a big sister, you do know that, right?" "Yeah, I know that mom, but if Stan and I don't work out, what then?" She and I went to pick up two of my dresses. One to wear during the parade, a cornflower yellow dress with blue flowers as the print. The other was a black and silver satin and lace fitted bustle dress that was fitted exactly to fit me. It was wonderful. It also had a small black hat. The yellow dress would be worn with a prairie bonnet. The ball gown was not yet done and she would not show me, telling me that I would love it. Mom and I went to get our assignments for the parade, which is when I found out that I would be walking with Stan! And Sasha! Mom would be walking with her boyfriend. Stan had to know about our walking together, or he set it up. We walked in the parade, Stan dressed as a typical farmer and me as the typical farm wife, with Sasha wearing a burgundy long dress with us. We looked very much like a family. After the parade I changed into my shorts and a tee, then mom and I, with her boyfriend Greg, met up with Stan, his mom Janet, and Sasha, and we all went to the long buffet they had set up. It was like a great big picnic for the town. Somewhere along the way Stan and I slipped away. I held his hand just like I wanted, and he was smiling the whole time. We walked down by the lake where he pulled me close, and for the second time, kissed me. I loved it and did not stop him as his hand slid down my backside. I liked that too. I even kissed him back. But... "You do know that I am one of the faux girls, right?" "Yeah, so?" "You know that means that I'm not a real girl, right?" "Not yet, but you will be, soon I think." "So you don't care?" "No, do you? I mean, we are good together!" "I don't mind at all! Now kiss me again!" Over that summer I was started on hormones, my path tp womanhood already started. By the time of the ball I had grown to an A cup, but with some gel enhancers I had a full B cup. The gown was really beautiful. It was a mint blue with white lace trim and a smallish bustle and a sweet heart neckline which showed off my girls quite well. I wore silver sequined shoes with rhinestone earrings, a bracelet to match and a rhinestone necklace. My gloves were elbow length and crystal white. I wore a big fake diamond ring over the glove on my right hand. It took mom and I plus the seamstress to get me into the dress, but I looked simply delicious. "The reason I removed the panty is that every year some asshole always disputes the winner. They usually claim that you are not a boy. This way you can prove you are. Just come back and I put a new one one, okay?" Stan and Greg picked us up in a limo, and the four of us drove to the hall. As we walked in Stan gave our names and we walked to our assigned table. Every girl sitting there was really a boy, but there was absolutely no way to tell! Everyone was gorgeous. As we danced the way he looked at me was exactly the look of a man in love, and he was in love with me! We ate, we danced, we even kissed a bit, then came the announcements. As they ran through the Belle's Court, we sat there anxiously waiting to hear who would be the Belle until next years Parade. Evelyn, the girl sitting across from me was the first runner up, then they called my name! I accepted the title of Belle and the tiara, danced with Stanley again, then later, mom and I went back to turn in the dress. The next morning I had a brand new panty put on and I was back to being a complete girl. "I know that look Kristen! You plan on doing something! Like making Stanley yours?!" "He's coming by later. Don't wait up for me mother. Besides, I am a woman now and you know it! There is zero chance that I will ever be a boy again, and Stanley is going to help me prove it." When he showed up I was wearing my snug shorts with a loose top and my tennies, with lipstick, perfume and a smile. I grabbed my purse and his hand and we left. He thought we were going to lunch. Silly boy. I had him go to a motel instead. Exploring our options he and I completed our journey to become a pair. A couple bonded in love and adoration. He is mine and I am his. By the way, Sasha was right. I could see the lust in his eyes.

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Rebirthday It was the beginning of my senior year of college, and our fraternity was throwing the annual fresh meat back-to-school party. It's easily the best party of the year because it's our first chance to check out the crop of incoming freshmen girls. They're always so sexy, all dressed up and unsure of themselves, awkward and embarrassed by their blossoming 18 year old bodies, and they're always so worried that they have to put out or they'll get a bad reputation. And as usual...

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A Soon One

Alena Darcy,RN is one of those rare creatures, an extremely beautiful woman with an effervescent, mischievous, daring, caring, personality. Three years into her marriage it was apparent that she had grown, as a person, but her husband had not. They divorced. Alena went to work for the Butterfield Fertility Clinic in affluent White Plains, New York. Dr. Donald Butterfield, MD, the owner, was sort of an odd duck. He was initially trained in Psychiatry, but switched to Obstetrics and Gynecology...

1 year ago
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Stephanies Fun With Amy Part 1

Introduction: This is the first part of Stephanies Fun with Amy so based on these comments I might make a part 2 It was a dark and cool night in Houston as I was getting ready to go over to the Johnsons to baby sit their little 12 year old daughter named Amy. I myself am 15 and developing quiet nicely, with 38C breasts and a tight round ass, I could get just about anyone even if I only wanted the girls. Now I am no virgin in fact far from it, but I have only ever done it with girls not boys. As...

2 years ago
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Sibling Rivalry

Kat 18 years old Light Brown Hair Green Eyes 5'3'' Tan Skin Shes the kind of goody goody that doesn't want to break the rules, she never steps out of line and basically keeps quiet. But if you piss her off, she'll become a stubborn bitch with a foul mouth. Sean 20 years old Black Hair Blue Eyes 6'2'' Pale Skin He's the kind of guy who is the loner, a bad ass who you'd most likely see smoking pot in the boys' bathroom. You'll probably see a bunch of blond cheerleaders following him around, and...

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I Dont Want to Know

I Don’t Want To Know I had just finished my work at the store and was walking out to the parking lot where my car was parked. The first cigarette in four hours tasted damned good, these twelve hour days were pretty rough. A female voice came to my ears from out of the darkness. “You got one of those you could spare?” I pulled out my pack and my lighter and held them out. A hand reached out and took them from my hand. She lit up, handed the smokes and Bic back to me and said,

1 year ago
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Shoba My Weird Maid

I am a 32 year old hardcore fucker looking for any hole on a female body to let my dick in. This is a true incident about the maid working in my office. She used to come to office at 10 in the morning and leave by 12.30. She will first sweep and later mop. I am the boss and my chamber is fully covered. When she asks me to get up to mop my room, I will ask her to just continue without me getting up as I will be busy on my computer. She will come closer and I will just try to touch her buttocks...

3 years ago
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Rebecca Gets Hers

"Andy, I'm going to get my mani and pedi. Be sure to have the minutes of the staff meeting typed and on my desk before I get back. And pick up my dry cleaning on your lunch break, but get back to work on time in case anyone calls for me. And this time, lay them in you car neatly. Last time you picked up my things they were wrinkles in my shirts from your carelessness. You may not care that you look like a useless fucking slob but I do. So help me if you bring them back to me in anything other...

4 years ago
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The Hunting Trip Part II

I could smell the aroma of bacon wafting up the stairs as I slowly woke up. Rolling over I wrapped my arms around the person lying beside me, thinking it was John. Opening my eyes, I looked at him and realized that it was Darryl. Embarrassed I quickly rolled away from him. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him, snuggling up to me and caressing my hair. I realized that we were the only ones still in bed. I could hear John and Chris talking downstairs. “Fuck me,” Darryl whispered in my...

2 years ago
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What I Want

So far I've been writing about things that I have done, things my brother has done and things we have done together. I would like, with your permission (you can send me hate comments if you choose) to tell you some of my fantasies, or things I'd like to do or experience if I wasn't so scared.First off, since I like to be watched peeing, that is where I'm going to start. I see myself at a NASCAR race, lot s of men around, long lines at the ladies bathroom. I drink enough that I have to pee...

3 years ago
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Leaving Ch 03

So there she was. Flying towards utter misery with those haunting words ripping her heart apart …. now the time has come to leave you … one more time let me kiss you. Megan’s flight to Kennedy International Airport had been a blur. She knew she had another flight to Albany, then by car to Hamilton in the middle of the state where Crestin University nestled in a quiet valley. At long last the Jumbo gently touched down, the engines screamed in reverse thrust and the pilot slowly skillfully...

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The TempleChapter 13

Thompson closed his copy of Blackstone's Laws of England after reading only a couple of pages, and turned out the light. The sounds of Zophia doing the dinner dishes was just barely audible. He'd wanted to spend the night at the temple, but Alice had sent him home. "Your wife won't be allowed to see you tonight," Alice explained. "She's getting another twenty-five lashes, the pain of which she'll have to bear for two hours during prayer time until I heal her just prior to her lights...

3 years ago
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George Part 3 The End

Young Mrs. Anna Dustin sits in a baby nursery, decorated in pinks, yellows, and whites. She’s only twenty seven, but everything is falling in place for her, finally. As Anna stares into the small delicate face of her newborn daughter, she reflects back on her life before little six point nine pound Demi Alice Dustin came along. As for most teenagers, high school is a rough time, it’s when you are trying to discover who you are, what you want your life to be. At the time, Anna wasn’t thinking...

Love Stories
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Entangled Chapter II Serving Rapunzel

“Good morning, my pet. I trust you slept well?” Rapunzel greeted me that next morning as she always had, her voice full of boundless energy and anticipatory joy for what the day would bring. It was one of the qualities l loved best about her, her endless optimism lay untarnished despite a lifetime of imprisonment in her tower. I made to rise from our bed with a contented sigh, puzzled at first by my inability to do so, blinking the dust of sleep from my eyes as I focused on her the impish...

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The Werewolf part 1

While Dustan was growing up, his friends always laughed at him and told him that the only Irish he had in him was his looks. The luck of the Irish must have skipped a generation and left Dustin with no luck at all. This odd notion seemed to follow Dustin, from childhood, through adolescence and into his adult life. This week end was a prime example. Dustin had driven from his business office in San Diego to a conference in down town Las Vegas. All he needed to do was secure the signatures of...

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strooder had a huge wanking session over me

strooderHey. Ive just had a huge wanking session over you. I was reading your post about the messages NYNASTYGUIDO sent you and it got me thinking how amazing you would look if you were pregnant. Just imagine how your tits would swell up and develop big milky pregnancy nipples. Your legs and ass would become bigger and your belly would become huge, and you would be so horny with all those hormones.Im just imagining you now, how sexy you would look with extra big curves, how you could sit on me...

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Glory hole afternoon

 I had gone to my favorite gloryhole in Salem looking for and hoping to suck several cum filled cocks. I had been in the booth for several minutes and was really thinking about leaving and trying one of the other ABSs. I decided that I’d wait until my money ran out and then go. I was sitting, stroking my cock slowly and enjoying the bi movie. I guess I was engrossed in the movie and stroking so much that I didn’t hear the door in the next booth open and close. I caught movement out of the...

1 year ago
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Teasing Neighbour gets her lesson

I have never has any real form of sex before.. well at least until that day. Im 19, and im doing a degree in computer studies. Let me explain my neighbourhood to you.. i live in Malaysia. Thats a little asian country where the place is flocked with chinese and malays. And thats a good thing mind you. All the houses are really spreaded out. Except for the ones across each other. Well, it all started when we first moved into our new house. I was carrying my computer into my house. And it was the...

4 years ago
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Damn Mister The school teacher and student Pt 1 Revised

One day during our class, as he was teaching, one of my class-mates made a joke in regards to his last name. He's pretty lenient, and has a pretty good sense of humor. “Ah, so you like to talk about masturbating huh?” he asked and turned around to look at the student, who just idiotically nodded. “Ya know, they call me the master for a reason” as he stepped forward towards his desk, folding his arms in front of his chest. “Damn..” I thought to myself as I was staring at his...

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The Education of Jasmine Ch 08

Chapter 8 – Jasmine’s Bath Jasmine walked into the bathroom, it was one of her favourite rooms in the house. It was completely feminine. The walls were a dusty rose shade, complemented with gold fixtures, black rugs and huge black fluffy towels hanging on a gold rack beside a large ivory bathtub. She walked from the bedroom nude into the bathroom, watching herself in the mirror behind the tub. ‘Not bad for an old girl.’ She thought while glancing at her reflection before bending over to turn...

3 years ago
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My Fantasy Visit Chapter One

After many weeks of erotic chat, I finally get to meet the man who has been turning me on with his cyber domination. I am so excited I can barely contain myself. I can’t help but get a painful erection as I drive to his cabin.It all began weeks ago when after what seemed forever I received a message on xHamster. He had a place to meet only a short drive from where I lived and wanted to chat. Of course I thought as usual it was just another person wanting to build their friends list. I was so,...

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Tracy V

We had arranged to meet in an out of the way bar. It wasn’t too far away, just far enough, so that the chances of meeting someone we knew would be pretty remote.It was late afternoon when I arrived. I picked a table away from the entrance and the main bar.The bar seemed quiet, there was only a couple of people s**ttered around the main room. Perfect I thought. The bar was a sort of take on an English pub, a lot of dark wood, and nooks that were perfect if you wanted to hide away from prying...

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The Desert Part III

We all collapsed on the grass and promised to meet at the club around 11. Jessie and I ordered take out and ate. He and I looked at my purchases, and He brought out his gear. He had a sexy red PVC jock strap that could contain his big dick if it wasn’t hard. I told him I wanted him in that. So he slipped it on, and proudly gave me access to finger and lick his hole.Jessie and I took and nap, and just after 10 PM, we heard voices outside out room. When I opened the door – still nude of...

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Play Date with Chloe

Since my husband and I got married nearly eight years ago, I’ve become very good friends with his business partner’s wife, Chloe. Chloe is 44, tall and tan, with long blonde hair, D cup implants and an amazing body for a woman in her 40s. She's not bi like me, but she is adventurous and loves to have fun. A few years ago, while vacationing in Cancun, I drunkenly French kissed Chloe on a dare. Since then things between us have progressed to the point where we regularly have sex together—we call...

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The Cherry PopperChapter 10

Friday night Sue sat in an easy chair in the living room and watched her brother Dave as he, Cindy, and Janet enjoyed a three way. "Fuck me, Dave, fuck me," Cindy shouted as she bounced up and down on Dave's cock. At the same time Janet screamed in pleasure as she sat on Dave's face so he could eat her blonde cunt. Sue watched them and groaned in frustration as she tried to satisfy herself with her hand. Now that she was so close to losing her cherry the young girl felt more frustrated...

2 years ago
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The Home Chapter 7

I woke in the morning with Mary’s huge tits pressed over my chest. She was still sound asleep but I was ravenously hungry so I started kissing her. Her eyes flittered open and she said, “Mmmmm what a nice way to wake up. How are you handsome?” “I’m fabulous Mary. Who wouldn’t be after the night we had.” She said, “That was really something David. You make my body do things that I didn’t think were possible.” “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself Mary because I certainly did. Right now though...

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The Masseur 1

After locking my photo album back in my safe, I sat down with a beer and thought about the last several years. The collection always made me think about those good times. That's when I decided to write it all down. I guess it's a confession of sorts, even though I have no regrets about how things turned out. I didn't start college until I was twenty. Before that, I moved from one worthless job to another. Delivering furniture, driving a fork-lift, and even tried driving a big rig but...

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Bobs Great AdventureChapter 40

It was Fretail and Marlet’s turn to stay with me this morning and I proceeded to eat out Fretail and I pounded Marlit into the mattress for some time before I gave her my essence. Fretail immediately swooped in once I pulled out of Marlit and sucked most of my cum out of her sloppy pussy. I said, “Shower time ladies, we need to be clean and fresh for breakfast.” Just as we were drying off Bertet came in and said that breakfast was ready, I grabbed her and gave her a long slow kiss good...

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Mojo Rising

A hundred tiny mechanical legs legs skittered over the tile floor of the long hallway as they hauled the bloated yellow body of Mojo, the ruler of this dimension. Mojo was not in a good mood today because the ratings for his television stations had come in today. His seat of power was based upon his ratings because to the people of the Mojoverse, bad programming equalled a bad ruler. Mojo had to do some serious rewrites if he wanted to remain in power. As he reached the end of the hall, a door...

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In The family Part 1

Hiya here's a raunchy i****t tale ...Well, I remember once coming home late one night, and I could hear some some deep-moaning and groaning, I peeped round the lounge door, only find my then ex-wife, on all-fours hungrily sucking on her brothers cock on the sofa, I watched her head bobbing up and down, sucking hard on his well-endowed cock; this was erotic, then, to my suprise I then noticed yet another man, an older looking guy, naked and dark skinned; I recognised him - it was her her...

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The Innocent Classmate Part 1

Hi. Let me introduce myself. I'm Jake Whittaker. I'm 19 and half British and half Indian. Luckily, I've got the best of both worlds in terms of looks. I'm 5'11 tall, I have deep set brown eyes and wavy black hair thanks to my Indian lineage. Talking about my skin, I'm a light shade of brown, coincidentally the kind of skin tones English people want to achieve. I'm kind of good looking and I've a fairly decent body, thanks to football which I play nearly everyday.Coming to the story, this was my...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 2 Martha ThompsonChapter 2

It was a week later, and Bobby had just come in from morning chores, when Mamma told him that Mrs. Thompson had called, to see if he was free to come over and fix a hole in the wall. Mamma said they’d had a nice chat, and that she’d thanked Martha for the pears, which had been succulent and sweet. He called her back, and arranged to go over that afternoon. When he got there, she was dressed in much more youthful clothing, wearing a skirt that came two inches above her knees, and a flowered...

2 years ago
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Little Miss Thing Gets Hers

She walked into the shop and I knew she was going to be trouble. It never fails that when things are going smoothly on a nice quiet day, I get a clueless, entitled princess who demands all my attention. She strode in on stiletto heels rocking a mini skirt and halter top. She wasn’t bad-looking, but I was waiting on one of my regulars, Dave, at the counter. She looked around and after no one welcomed ‘her majesty’ to the store, cleared her throat and asked, ‘Can somebody please help me?’...

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Life lessons Ch 3 Recap

While driving the family home from church I was thinking about what my wife did too our sons this morning in the kitchen. On her knees sucking their cocks, like some cum hungry slut that I use to know all those years ago. Damn, just thinking about Carol this morning is getting me hard. Carol stroking Frank’s dick while sucking hard and fast on Billy’s dick, I wished that I did not put some stupid timer on their mother and that Carol could have taken her time. I always liked it when she...

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My First Time and Second and Third and Fourth

It was my freshman year in college and I was out with a few friends on a Friday night. We went to a diner to get something to eat, and Ricky, one of my friends, saw a girl he knew from high school back home who was sitting up at the counter. He got up and, in a few minutes, they came back over and he introduced Amy to us all. As it happened, she sat next to me and I was rather taken with her. She, too, was a freshman, majoring in dramatic arts, blond, about five four, nice figure and quite...

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