CivilityChapter 12
- 3 years ago
- 29
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Now that Mother had officially called me, I expected her to hang up, and I never would speak with her again. “I don’t want to lose you, Mother.” I pleaded. My well exercised tear ducts ratcheted up to full gear.
“I’m suppose to talk it out with you.” She huffed. “Talk.”
“It’s all my fault.”
“I doubt that. You and Andrew don’t have that dynamic.” Mother knew because my son’s dynamic took after hers.
“Yes, he was complicit.” I backpedaled. “But I never should have involved him.”
“I-I have a fetish, Mother. You saw it.”
“I don’t know what I saw anymore. It was so wrong, I blacked it from my mind.”
Interesting choice of color. “I finally told Garrick about it. He’s more understanding than I expected.” After you left, I never sought Andrew’s help again. From now on, Garrick will help me.”
“You need therapy.”
“I do, Mom, but I was told at a young age that shrinks are dinks for believing they can mess around with people’s heads.”
“This isn’t about me.”
“You wouldn’t have called if it wasn’t.” I surprised myself by saying it.
“I’m hanging up.” It was the only way she could reestablish control.
I called Andrew and listed everything I’d told Mom. Then I went to work. The three pounds in my ass felt like two, until I actually started working.
Claire inquired. “Is your back okay?”
“I swear, for the last few weeks, you’ve been assigning all the lower shelves to me.”
“You need the exercise more.”
“Your breasts have been shrinking.” She agreed with a wink.
Seriously? I’d only been on a low poop diet for three weeks! I looked around before feeling my breasts in front of my subordinate. “They fit the same bra like they always have.” I stuck out my tongue.
“Oh, and Mrs. Elgin asked for you. She left a note and said it was private.
“What does it say?”
“Oh, no. I take that shit seriously, Ingrid.” She did. I knew.
I returned to the counter and found Tess’s note: folded, stapled and stuck between pages 104 and 105 of “500 Knots Around the Seas”. It was a manual printed by and for the British Navy.
“Ingrid, I can’t come to the library anymore, but there is a park in my neighborhood. Few people spend time there. You can always find a quiet corner. Henry sleeps late, most days. I could meet you on Thursday mornings around 8am.”
A park didn’t feel at all right. It felt dangerous, but less so than yelling one’s incestual secrets in a parking lot. I had to go at least once. We could decide something else.
The note didn’t say which Thursday morning. I had to trust she would be there this coming Thursday. That made me feel less safe.
That Wednesday night, Mother called again.
“I spoke with Andrew.” She accused. Her voice could say anything as an accusation. “Something fishy is going on. Your stories match too well.”
“Mom, I love you too.”
“Hush! I don’t care what you put up your ass. I want to know how my grandson was involved. I’m willing to call the police.” That would have been either a desperate move on her part or a bald lie.
I improvised. “It got stuck, and I needed help.”
“You go to the emergency room, Daughter, for something like that. They’ve seen worse by a million miles. YOU DO NOT INVOLVE YOUR CHILD!”
There was nothing that could be said. I waited.
She hung up.
I almost called her back. If I had. I would have destroyed the last thread between us.
I slept poorly, anticipating what might happen at the park where Mrs. Elgin offered to meet. I half expected her to bail, the other half to go ballistic.
I made a simple breakfast and borrowed Garrick’s car. Tess lived in a poor but not shit part of town. The park wasn’t crowded because a gang sold drugs out of it. From my college days, I knew. If you ignored them. They’d ignore you.
No cat-calls. These guys were professionals.
Tess was waiting, on the side of the park farthest from the dealers. She ran to me and raped me with a hug. I returned it hesitantly.
“It’s not a cure. It’s just talking.” I reminded her.
That didn’t phase her eagerness. “How do we start?”
“Tell me who you are?”
“I told you. It’s Tess.”
“I mean, who are you?”
She nodded. “I’m Tess Elgin. I’m a submissive to my son. I’m studying to reapply to the bar exam. I wear nipple extenders under my bra. I like Bluegrass.” She shrugged.
“Good. But I think we can keep the non-submissive parts of our lives private.” I tried to sound grateful. “Let me try.” I cleared my throat. “My name is Ingrid Mulderhoek, I have been under my son’s control for two years, give or take a few incidents. I nearly lost my Mother when she discovered my son and I, removing a three pound, cock shaped butt plug from my rear. Yesterday, she called. I have a chance to redeem myself, but to get that chance, I lied to her. I’m terrified she’ll discover the lie and leave me and my family forever.” I cried as I said that.
“Huh. I don’t know what to say.”
“Don’t.” I recalled. “We’re not looking for advice. This isn’t for solving our problems.”
She smirked. “I guess we’d be the worst to ask, since we’re all trapped.”
“I think it’s more about getting shit out in the open. Thank you for listening.”
“Is that it?”
“We take turns, until we don’t have anything left to say or an hour goes by. It’s your turn.” I interrupted her before she began again. “You don’t have to say who you are each time.”
That earned a brief smile, however guilty. “Ahem. I married my high school sweetheart, but we waited until after college. He worked for a tool foundry. I was a public defender. He was a strange man. He might have been bisexual, but the thought of any gayness enraged him. He never struck me, but I endured hours of verbal abuse. I learned to tune him out. Despite it, he was a good provider, and an okay father. We had one son. Henry’s sixteen, small for his age. When he was eight, he heard his dad berating me. He’d heard it before, but something silly happened soon thereafter, and he ranted at me blaming me. For an eight year-old, I was stunned by how well he could put words together. He’s some kind of shit-talking genius. I could tune out my husband, but Henry’s words always stuck in my brain, like cheap music. I’d screw up on oral exams for the bar, because I’d suddenly be reciting my son’s abuse.”
She stopped, and looked worried. “Am I talking too much?”
“No.” Her tale fascinated me. It was entirely different than my own.
“When puberty hit, at thirteen thank the gods, his verbal lashings turned sexual. I was a cunt, a piece of junk fit only for cocks that didn’t give a shit. He’d complain about the clothes I wore, calling them slut suits. They were modest business dress. I found myself donating them to thrift stores. He complained about my whore make up. I tossed all of it in the trash. He said I was trying to make him into a mother fucker. He said my bras were too loose, my panties too vulgar. I took him to a fine clothing store. I dared him to find clothes he approved of. He raped me in the changing booth. He had just turned fourteen.”
She stopped to wipe tears from her eyes. She had been so lost in her story, she hadn’t felt them.
“I-I’m sorrry.” She blubbered.
“Do you want me to talk?”
She shook her head. “No! I need to get through it.” She gulped and continued. “Henry impregnated me that day. I didn’t guess for the first six weeks, I was too worried about him raping me again. As soon as I knew, I sought an abortion, but Henry guessed. His father hadn’t a clue. Henry called me a baby killer. He gave some stupid, elaborate reason why a mother had to deliver an incest child. I canceled my appointment. I told my husband, he was the father.
I delivered a healthy boy, Jerry. I remember his grandfather saying how much they looked alike. He hadn’t said that about Henry. His father’s half-hearted parenting gave Henry plenty of time to press his luck with me. I went on the pill after delivering. I avoided getting raped regularly, but every month or two Henry caught me off guard. My tenth rape happened on his fifteenth birthday. He and his friends were playing a kissing game in the closet. He rigged the game and raped me, while his friends tittered from the living room. That night, I was cleaning up. He sauntered in and claimed me. ‘Ten fucks makes me a master mother fucker, Mom. From now on, you can’t deny me.’ He never had to rape me again.”
She sniffed and paused. “Am I shutting you out with all this?”
“No, there’s plenty of time.” I looked at my phone. I had to be at work by 9:05 at the latest. It was 8:27.
Tess resumed. “My husband caught us fucking, twice. The first time, he couldn’t believe his eyes. We made up a story about falling down together. He didn’t believe that either, but it was either believe it or believe his son was cuckolding him. Our sex life was terrible. After delivering my second child, I complained about post birth pains. I slept with my husband about twice a month. When he was horny but didn’t fuck me, he would rage at me.
“The second time he caught us, he beat me and Henry. Henry blamed me for ‘wanting Dad to find us’ again. His father set his terms to avoid my going to prison. I agreed. He must have guessed that Jerry wasn’t really his, but that would be a second, painful thing to live with. He left us with his grandson. I suspect Henry told him before he left, but he never called the police.
“Henry found my birth control pills, three months ago. He threw them out and told me how bad they were for my body. I begged him to let me get an IUD or use female condoms. Henry said those weren’t natural. Pregnancy is natural.” She almost shouted.
“How long-” I clapped on hand over my mouth. “Sorry, I shouldn’t pry.”
“I’m two months. I told the doctor that my husband and I had a brief reconciliation. Henry loves to tell me how this child will be his! I haven’t told him. It’s a girl.”
“I-I can’t go on.” She deflated in front of me, but her nervousness had vanished.
I filled the resulting silence. “Uh-um, I don’t know why Andrew hasn’t fucked me yet. I don’t think impregnating me is a thing for him. Maybe he respects his father just enough to let him have that part of me. For a while, I couldn’t have sex with my husband, except hand jobs and blow jobs. I even tried a foot job. Andrew’s anal, obedience training had to be hidden from his father. I figured out a great solution. My son doesn’t know it, and it should stay secret from him. I have sex with my husband, now whenever I want. Still, every couple weeks, Andrew takes out my plug so I can make love to his father. I pretend gratitude.
“Mostly, I’m worried about my Mother. I just know I’m going to lose her.” I reiterated.
“You have to get over the lie.” Tess said without meaning to.
“You need to get an abortion, to save that girl from your son.” I countered.
“You’re right.” She sighed. “We shouldn’t try to help.”
“Thank you.” I remembered the women in the other town, saying that often.
“Thank you.” She came in slow for a parting hug.
I returned it. “Next Thursday?”
“How will I know? I mean, I’m not sure I can get out of the house every week at this time. It’s too obvious at my home.”
“I don’t have any other good time of day or week. Is a month too long?”
“Yes! But it’s better than every other month.” I agreed.
I told her I’d leave first. That way I wouldn’t know which direction led to her house. If my encounter with Lila’s Eric, had taught me anything, never get involved in another mother’s troubles. I hurried to my car and drove to work. My phone pinged during the drive. I didn’t check it until I’d checked in at the library. It was from my mother.
“You and Andrew will visit as soon as you are able.”
I tried texting back, about how impossible that was for any time soon. She never replied.
Claire arrived late that day.
“Sorry, Ingrid. I had a date.”
“You don’t look dated-”
“I look late.” She completed the saying. “Ha, fucking ha.” She signed in late and went straight to work. I caught her up on the day’s tasks and left early.
Andrew wasn’t home when I arrived from the library. His mechanic sideline was picking up. If he ever went online and studied to pass a few auto manufacturer’s, technician qualification certificates, he could charge twice as much.
He arrived while I was sixteen browser tabs deep in planing a trip to Mother’s. I told him.
“We can’t go, Mom. She’ll tear our story apart.”
“If we don’t go, she’ll never talk to us again.”
“What will Dad say about it? Oh. Yeah, you have him wrapped around your little finger.”
“I might not, if you weren’t taking that lump out of my butt regularly.”
“It’s pretty much served its purpose. I think you like it in there.”
“Bullshit!” I pounded the computer desk.
He responded to my defiance by collaring me. He led me to my bedroom and fucked my ass on his parent’s bed after I got him hard with my mouth.
“Shit, I love to cum in you, Mom! I can’t decide if I like it better down your neck or up your butt. Variety rocks!”
The moment he took back the collar, I scrambled to wash and dry the comforter before Garrick returned from work. I had been more than sufficiently punished.
I told Garrick at dinner. “Mother wants Andrew and I to visit as soon as possible.”
“Is she well?”
“Well, yes, but not as she was.” I answered cryptically, in front of our son.
In our bed, after a satisfying fuck. (I hadn’t cum from Andrew’s attentions.) He asked me. “Is there something you should be telling me, now?”
“This trip will probably make it worse between Mother and I, but I have to try.”
“I worry about Andrew. She has a stronger influence over him than I ever had.”
“She lost most of that when she overdosed. Andrew doesn’t think she’s Superwoman, any more, just super human.” I quipped.
“I thought you had more time to keep an eye on him. He’s spending an awful amount of time at the university.”
“He’s fixing cars and racing on a proper track.” I covered for my son.
“Something doesn’t add up.” He shrugged. “I don’t know. You have to make up with your mother, but is there any way Andrew can stay?”
“Garrick, I won’t lie to my mother!” Another one would be a disaster.
The next day, he texted her. Such a thing had never been done. She actually replied.
“Both of them, Garrick. You stay put.”
It was at the airport, I realized how jauntily Andrew was taking this trip. He tried to bring my collar in his carry-on. The x-ray technician asked him about it. I tossed it in the rejected items bin. Later, I nearly drubbed his shoulders into bone fragments, waiting in line to board. “How could you, even think of that?”
I dismissed his reply as sour grapes. “Dipshit.” I called him just before the boarding attendant scanned our tickets.
He didn’t try anything on the flight, and I thanked my lucky stars. The x-ray technician hadn’t mentioned the giant, black, fake cock in my carry-on. Modern airports offer everything. At our destination, I found a jar of coconut oil in an incredibly overpriced market.
Armed and ready for the apocalypse, I met my mother at the waiting area. She sized up Andrew, stone faced. She didn’t hug me. She led us to her car in short term parking. We put our things in the trunk, sat ourselves in the back seat, and she drove us to her house. Other than calling our names, she didn’t say a word. I was fine with silence. Andrew’s knee bounced. If only a semi-truck would crush us into bloody asphalt sealant, I wished.
“Put your things in my room, Ingrid. Andrew you have the guest room.” She switched on lights, preceding us into her home. Mother sounded very well indeed. The moment Andrew and I separated, she locked me in her room and grabbed my hair. “What kind of fool do you think I am?”
“Ow! Mother!”
Angry but quiet, she accused. “I know you, bitch daughter. You had that look on your face.”
“What look?”
“Obedience.” She had taught me its fullness, after all. That quickly, my lie was undone.
“Andrew is abusing you. Isn’t he?”
I didn’t know what to say.
“Don’t say anything. It’s all over your face.” She warned. “I tried to believe you, Daughter. I desperately tried. I bet you brought that horrid simulacrum to try and convince me.” She released me. “Fetch it. If it’s not in your rolling case, I’m not the woman who raised you.”
I wanted to cry, but in front of my mother, that was only allowed when she punished me. It wouldn’t be a long wait until I could ball like a baby. I unzipped the inner compartment within an inner compartment. I dragged my giant, black cock facsimile and the unopened jar of oil before her.
She looked sad. Not mean sad or disappointed sad, just sad. “I wish I could have given you a better upbringing, Ingrid. Maybe you needed a father after all. Maybe you’d have more balls now.” She shook her head.
“What are you going to do to Andrew?” I had to know.
“Ingrid, I don’t know what to do with you, other than what I always did when you failed me.”
I swallowed and nodded.
“That wasn’t a promise. I honestly don’t know what do when my daughter has fallen under a sexually abusive son. It’s out of some insane fiction.”
“It happens, Mother. I’m not a victim. I’m just as responsible as he.”
“Were you responsible for raising you?” She raised her voice.
“None, starting out.” I tried. “Later, a lot.”
“Remember his fifteen birthday?”
“You gave him a car.”
“I gave him a challenge, but he already had one.” She eyed me like a demon totem.
“You called him a man.”
“He is, but now I know he’s a bad one. I want to blame Garrick, but that would be like blaming the dark side of the moon for being dark.”
I cracked. “My husband is a wonderful man and father! Andrew has never fucked me because he respects his father too much!”
“Are you trying to provoke me, Daughter?” Mother’s whisper intensified. “What are you, regressing to childhood? Andrew is a product of you and your father’s incompetence! A grope is as bad as a fuck, Ingrid Mulderhoek!”
“Say it, Mother!” I shouted. “I’m worthless!”
“You are my most loved treasure.” Mom’s eyes glistened. “I spent too much time polishing you instead of treasuring you.” Her voice faltered. I’d never seen my mother cry, not even when she begged for drugs to stop her cravings.
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Hey guys, this is Priyanka back with my 3rd step. I wanna thank everyone for all the comments on gmail and fb. Sorry that I cannot reply due to the huge amount of emails. My special boys for giving me pleasure on fb, love you all. Let’s jump into the fucking story. After losing my virginity to vinay, we used to have sex weekly thrice and this continued till the end of my holidays. For my 11th class, dad put me in hostel far from my place. I missed vinay a lot in the initial days. Later I got...
Hi my name is Blaze. I had a girlfriend named Dona. Our houses were very near. We were friends from our childhood. I had full freedom in her house and she had in my house too and every day after school. I used to go her home and chat with her parents for some time and enter her room and chat with her for long time. If I didn’t go her home evening she will come to my home and scold me. It was our routine and we became teenagers. She became very beautiful. I can’t sleep at least one day without...
I had never even seen a picture of Alex before I got on a plane to meet her. We had emailed and chatted, mostly about writing and sex. Every now and then the conversations would get flirty, but they never turned into anything promising.Believe it or not, there was a time when just writing on the internet could lead to a meaningful relationship. This was in the early 2000s. I was posting erotica on a blogging site and had about 200 regular readers. I was twenty-four and single and had money...
TrueA Russian Ordeal in MongoliaBy Helena Aranatovya(e-mail me at [email protected]) ;)Author's Note:This is the first time I am sending a story to Kristen Archives. I have read so many stories written by many people and I must say that I have come to enjoy them. I then thought maybe perhaps it is my turn to write and contribute an erotic story of my own to this great websiteTHE STORY:Natasha was a beautiful Moscovite Redhead. At the age of 35, she had a beautiful 18 year old...
I got out of the car that the hotel had sent to meet me at the airport, I was glad that I had come back to this hotel. It was in a terrific location, as it was close to all the things I needed to visit on this trip. I walked in the front door and the first person that I saw was Terri, one of the concierges at the hotel. Terri had helped me with so many different things on my previous trips to London and I was sure it was her that had sent the car to pick me up, rather than me having to get a...
BisexualThe Unfortunate Life of Carla (part 2) (Authoress Note: All disclaimers regarding characters, age appropriateness etc are in effect. I really advise anyone under 21 not to read my stories. It takes a certain degree of maturity to enjoy my writings without recriminations. Don't write a review if you don't like the theme of the story. That's just childish. But criticism is always good and helps me.) Carla Enters (Carla with a feminine sway walks out of her room. Her dress flows...
Blonde Honey She had long curly honey blonde hair, beautiful blue eyes, and long eyelashes. She was thirteen years old, skinny as a rail, and cute as hell. She was the perfect image of what a young woman should look like. I had been jerking off to thoughts of her every night for weeks. I slept with her used panties under my pillow. That is whenever I could find her used panties. I think Dad was beating me to them. Only the three of us lived in the house. At first I thought that maybe...
They are all gone away, the house is shut and still, there is nothing more to say. Through broken walls and gray, the winds blow bleak and shrill: They are all gone away. Nor is there one today to speak them good or ill: There is nothing more to say. Why is it then we stray around the sunken sill? They are all gone away. And our poor fancy-play for them is wasted skill: There is nothing more to say. There is ruin and decay In the House on the Hill they are all gone away, There is...
PART 1 My name is Nicole, but it used to be Nicol?s. If I look back into my childhood the signs were always there, but somehow I never noticed them until I suddenly did when I turned 18. I?ve always been an excellent student, a nerd actually. My main focus were my studies so I didn't have much of a social life, nor did I want one. I was happy reading and studying or playing video games online. I was an 18 year old boy who had no social life or sexual interest, it was almost as if I w...
I was too confident. I was so pleased with myself, so full of myself, that it made me careless. However, it was understandable – for the third time in the space of only ten days, I had run better than ever before, and attained a new Personal Best. And what a time to do it, as well! – for the selectors were in the process of choosing the British team for the greatest event of any athlete’s career – the Olympic Games – which in just six weeks’ time would open in London, my own home...
Southern Belle Hell 2 Mom and I pulled in to Bridgeport New Jersey around Noon. It was so great to be back home away from those nut cases down south. No more Y'all and weird country accents to listen to. After unpacking I began checking many emails on my computer. I was way behind in responding to eveyrone because of the Hooter girl thing the past 10 days. It took me over 2 hours to respond to all my friends. Even though I told everyone I was gonna be gone for 2 weeks, they still...
Hi friends. Sorry to be away for a week. I had an assignment to be completed till 21st of this month. Other than that my BF Raj had met with an accident and fractured his legs. I am taking my time out from my assignment just to jot the most unexpected recent sex encounter which took place yesterday. I am accustomed to have sex at least once in a day whether it is with a boy or Simran. But due to my busy schedule and even Raj having met with an accident I was deprived with my basic needs for sex...
IncestSeveral years ago I split with my long time GF, Miki. It was a friendly break up so I agreed to be the one to move out of our place. My long time friend Chris happened to be looking for a roommate at the same time. He had been going through a divorce and it had finally gone through. So I ended up taking the room. This was before I met Miku so this is a recounting of some of the time between them.Now the twist of this was that he was Miki's ex. If you've read my other stories you may have read...
Two and a half weeks later Crystal and Scooter pulled into Diamond Creek Wash once again, at the end of another trip. The first half of the trip had been very hot, and people had been more than a little crabby, but a couple days below Phantom another front blew through with an even more severe thunderstorm than on the last trip and a sharp drop in the temperature. The next morning Norma, the Navajo swamper that graduated from high school earlier in the summer, stepped out onto the beach,...
October 1, 1976, Shelly’s apartment Shelly invited us to a small party at her apartment. Cindy and I arrived in “sibling mode” so that we could interact with others, without being seen as a couple. The event was low key. Rock music played in the background, while we met a number of Shelly’s acquaintances. Since the event was come-and-go, only ten or so people were in the apartment at any given time, however we met a roughly two dozen students, altogether. I enjoyed myself, making small talk...
A Strange knock on the Door.It's another Friday night and I'm stuck at Home; Kelly is upstairs sleep and I'm playing video games and drawing tattoos. I roll up a Blunt and Blaze, after midway through the blunt the weird knock on the door. A new knock? A Freak out a little due to the 420 and look out the peephole to see this mature Brown sand hair lady standing at my door. I crack the door open and stick my head out.Yes, Can I help you?I give her the head to toe scan, pretty toes, high heels,...
Hi dosto, mera naam Raju hai aur main Assam se hu. Main 22 saal ka bohut hi kinky ladka hu. Meri maa ka naam Anju Das hai. Meri maa 45 age ki hai. Maa patli aur sawli rang ki hai lekin assets kafi mast hai aur sath hi curvy figure wali. Meri maa ka looks halki si Paoli Dam actress jaisi hai. Main aaj jo kahani batane jaa raha hu, yeh meri maa ki randi banne wali safar ki hai. Uss dauran mere maa ki age 30+ thi aur ekdum jawani se bhari hui maal thi. Sundar nahi thi lekin hot aur hawas wali look...
My name is Ron Height 5.8″ age 21 years I used to go gym so I have ‘six pack abs’ ’15 inch biceps’.. My friend Vicky height 5.8″, he is my college mate. In his home he has a elder sister ‘Binita’ height 5.5″ (32-28-32) age 26 years very slim figure, not so hot looking, she was studying MCA, I used to go their home in every 2 days. I saw Binita was studying every time when I go their home, 6 months later she complete her ‘Mca’. She got selected by a MNC company salary package ‘5 lakh’ annum.. 2...
Abduction... that never happens. People go missing all the time. Jerry had seen it so often on the news that stories of disappearances or abductions didn't even register. He always thought that happened in bigger cities to people with skeletons in their closets. Jerry was twenty, mild mannered and didn't have an enemy in the world. That kind of shit didn't happen to him. So regaining consciousness in a small padded cell didn't make much sense to him. His movement was severely...
A/N: I just added chapters, that use the score system of CHYOA. I hope everything works as intended. But if you notice something, feel free to contact me. Either in the comments or via DM. Thank you and enjoy the story! Update May 22: I implemented a kind of game clock, that should make it possible to play the story as a game from now on. Obviously, there's still a lot of content missing, but if I did everything right, you should be able to sleep at the end of every day and start a new...
MILFThe week after my encounter with Debbie and I was finished with school. I wouldn't be going back after the summer and had only to wait until my birthday in July and I could leave the home too. That was a great summer, knowing that in a matter of weeks I would be free to go where I chose when ever I pleased. I could practically taste freedom and my spirits were higher than they had ever been.Within the first few weeks of summer I had met a girl who had just finished school and would be going to...
Get Tranny! Are you horny as fuck for hot tittied beauties? I’m not talking about a woman, either! I’m talking about the trannies with those monsters cocks! If you want the best of both worlds – big titties, big asses, and dicks bigger than yours – then you already know that I have reviewed a fuck ton of these types of sites on ThePornDude! Just take your pick, and you will find an amazing selection of sites that will make you cum!But I want to point to you something extra special today. A tube...
Shemale Porn SitesThe last thing Laura remembered was pulling up into her driveway, now, as she was coming to she could feel her mouth full and couldn't see or move. Sure enough she had been silenced with a full sized penis gag and a blindfold had ended her ability to see what was going on around her. She had been tied with her hands behind her and ankles crossed and tied - she realized she wouldn't be going anywhere.A little while passed before she could hear a door opening and closing. "Well look what we have...
As you know, it is not just the SSC that exists.BASES: SSC, RACK, PRICK, RISSCK, PCRM (included by me in the text), CCC, SSSIn the 1980s, with the growth of the internet, in online forums, many discussions and debates were taking place in search of a balance and definition of "rules" to prevent people from being abused and to "standardize" and make the community a more diverse group. concise and cohesive, the creation of the first BDSM Base began.In 1983, David Stein, a New Jersey slave, aiming...
My name is Swati and after reading the story of another housewife I am encouraged to share my experience. I think almost 70% of housewives are unfaithful to their husbands on some pretext or the other and mostly thsese things happen during noon since that is the time when the boredom really sets i.Well I am tall and dark with a well shaped body, my breasts are slightly oversized after the birth of my son and actually I am dissatisfied because my hubby travells a lot and we stay in a small town...
Incest“So exactly what is the plan again?” asked Bob Turner. He was fresh from the shower, with a towel wrapped around his waist, and was just inside the walk-in closet looking for some clothes. Paige was wrapped up in a terry cloth bathrobe working on her makeup. “God your memory is awful! Tom and Terry are coming over at eight. We’re going out for dinner and drinks - we’re paying - and then come home for some fun and games.” “Same rules as before?” he asked, more than a bit curious about the...
You slide a dollar in, getting excited. You unzip your pants and pull them down, sitting back down on the stool. You slide another dollar in the machine, your heart starts pumping. The last time you saw her, she was amazing. It had been your birthday and a friend had gotten you into the bar as a present. She danced on the floor, shaking her ass in a school girls outfit, shaking her ass in your face and giving you a private show in the booth when finding out it was your birthday. You only knew...
The Ride HomeWe had amazing sex in the morning. Nothing was said between the two of us, but it was really intense and better than it had been in a long time. We kept saying how much we love each other and seeing each other in a completely new light, almost as if for the first time. It was amazing after all these years we could still surprise one another.We packed up, ate breakfast at the hotel and got on the road. I kept looking over at my beautiful bride as the wind blew her shoulder length...
Wife LoversThere is a woman that isn’t exactly part of our neighborhood, but deserves mention with all of my other sex-starved friends. Cherry is a house sitter and dog walker for an elderly couple down the street. She’s only around for a few months in the winter when the Mitchells are making their home in the warm weather of Scottsdale, Arizona.The Russian beauty with the unmistakable silky black bangs and slender body is quite a hit with many guys on the block, especially with her sexy broken accent....
Over the next few weeks after the party, the girls spent a lot of time at Ginny's. Rad talked to Ginny about it and they agreed that it would be best if Rad never even came in the house. He told Ginny that he hoped they could date before the divorce was final, but they would have to listen to her attorney on that. Perry had not been willing to work it out the easy way, so Ginny had initially filed on adultery. That meant that things could drag on for a long time, not a happy prospect for...
“Okay, we’re ready for action!” Lisa smiled holding Karen’s hand. “Don’t you two look good enough to eat,” Dan grinned to the two pairs of virtually exposed breasts and non-existent hems. “That’s the plan my love, lots of pussy eating,” Karen said going to Dan and kissing him. “Where are we going for dinner?” Lisa asked. “To Chandler’s in the Convention Centre, I’ve asked for a certain waiter named Andrew. He’s very discreet and earns his tip.” John drove with Karen sitting beside him....
He (Jason) worked in a farm in Texas, he spent most of his time with the horses and cows, there were no more Gay’s adventure, no more sex, just working and farming… And when he thought of having sex, he could find nothing but his dildo…. One day Jason, was in the stable washing Horsy, a horse, a male horse, as he leaned down to moisten the washing sponge, he noticed something that he didn’t see since along time ago, it was a cock, not like that dildo, it was a fleshy huge cock. At...
Perfect Wife – Diary of a bad time 8-9 Aug 2009 I was in a central Manchester hotel celebrating a business success with my husband Paul. Wed had a bottle of wine with our meal then headed to the bar where we downed a couple of shorts before ordering champagne. Paul doesnt drink much so I was feeling pretty good after two vodkas and most of the wine and bubbly. I blame the alcohol, it made talk about how I longed for my ex lovers big hard dick right now. My husband had set me up for an affair...