S.M.O.M.S: IngridChapter 8 free porn video

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Now that Mother had officially called me, I expected her to hang up, and I never would speak with her again. “I don’t want to lose you, Mother.” I pleaded. My well exercised tear ducts ratcheted up to full gear.

“I’m suppose to talk it out with you.” She huffed. “Talk.”

“It’s all my fault.”

“I doubt that. You and Andrew don’t have that dynamic.” Mother knew because my son’s dynamic took after hers.

“Yes, he was complicit.” I backpedaled. “But I never should have involved him.”


“I-I have a fetish, Mother. You saw it.”

“I don’t know what I saw anymore. It was so wrong, I blacked it from my mind.”

Interesting choice of color. “I finally told Garrick about it. He’s more understanding than I expected.” After you left, I never sought Andrew’s help again. From now on, Garrick will help me.”

“You need therapy.”

“I do, Mom, but I was told at a young age that shrinks are dinks for believing they can mess around with people’s heads.”

“This isn’t about me.”

“You wouldn’t have called if it wasn’t.” I surprised myself by saying it.

“I’m hanging up.” It was the only way she could reestablish control.

I called Andrew and listed everything I’d told Mom. Then I went to work. The three pounds in my ass felt like two, until I actually started working.

Claire inquired. “Is your back okay?”


“I swear, for the last few weeks, you’ve been assigning all the lower shelves to me.”

“You need the exercise more.”

“Your breasts have been shrinking.” She agreed with a wink.

Seriously? I’d only been on a low poop diet for three weeks! I looked around before feeling my breasts in front of my subordinate. “They fit the same bra like they always have.” I stuck out my tongue.

“Oh, and Mrs. Elgin asked for you. She left a note and said it was private.

“What does it say?”

“Oh, no. I take that shit seriously, Ingrid.” She did. I knew.

I returned to the counter and found Tess’s note: folded, stapled and stuck between pages 104 and 105 of “500 Knots Around the Seas”. It was a manual printed by and for the British Navy.

“Ingrid, I can’t come to the library anymore, but there is a park in my neighborhood. Few people spend time there. You can always find a quiet corner. Henry sleeps late, most days. I could meet you on Thursday mornings around 8am.”

A park didn’t feel at all right. It felt dangerous, but less so than yelling one’s incestual secrets in a parking lot. I had to go at least once. We could decide something else.

The note didn’t say which Thursday morning. I had to trust she would be there this coming Thursday. That made me feel less safe.

That Wednesday night, Mother called again.

“I spoke with Andrew.” She accused. Her voice could say anything as an accusation. “Something fishy is going on. Your stories match too well.”

“Mom, I love you too.”

“Hush! I don’t care what you put up your ass. I want to know how my grandson was involved. I’m willing to call the police.” That would have been either a desperate move on her part or a bald lie.

I improvised. “It got stuck, and I needed help.”

“You go to the emergency room, Daughter, for something like that. They’ve seen worse by a million miles. YOU DO NOT INVOLVE YOUR CHILD!”

There was nothing that could be said. I waited.

She hung up.

I almost called her back. If I had. I would have destroyed the last thread between us.

I slept poorly, anticipating what might happen at the park where Mrs. Elgin offered to meet. I half expected her to bail, the other half to go ballistic.

I made a simple breakfast and borrowed Garrick’s car. Tess lived in a poor but not shit part of town. The park wasn’t crowded because a gang sold drugs out of it. From my college days, I knew. If you ignored them. They’d ignore you.

No cat-calls. These guys were professionals.

Tess was waiting, on the side of the park farthest from the dealers. She ran to me and raped me with a hug. I returned it hesitantly.

“It’s not a cure. It’s just talking.” I reminded her.

That didn’t phase her eagerness. “How do we start?”

“Tell me who you are?”

“I told you. It’s Tess.”

“I mean, who are you?”

She nodded. “I’m Tess Elgin. I’m a submissive to my son. I’m studying to reapply to the bar exam. I wear nipple extenders under my bra. I like Bluegrass.” She shrugged.

“Good. But I think we can keep the non-submissive parts of our lives private.” I tried to sound grateful. “Let me try.” I cleared my throat. “My name is Ingrid Mulderhoek, I have been under my son’s control for two years, give or take a few incidents. I nearly lost my Mother when she discovered my son and I, removing a three pound, cock shaped butt plug from my rear. Yesterday, she called. I have a chance to redeem myself, but to get that chance, I lied to her. I’m terrified she’ll discover the lie and leave me and my family forever.” I cried as I said that.

“Huh. I don’t know what to say.”

“Don’t.” I recalled. “We’re not looking for advice. This isn’t for solving our problems.”

She smirked. “I guess we’d be the worst to ask, since we’re all trapped.”

“I think it’s more about getting shit out in the open. Thank you for listening.”

“Is that it?”

“We take turns, until we don’t have anything left to say or an hour goes by. It’s your turn.” I interrupted her before she began again. “You don’t have to say who you are each time.”

That earned a brief smile, however guilty. “Ahem. I married my high school sweetheart, but we waited until after college. He worked for a tool foundry. I was a public defender. He was a strange man. He might have been bisexual, but the thought of any gayness enraged him. He never struck me, but I endured hours of verbal abuse. I learned to tune him out. Despite it, he was a good provider, and an okay father. We had one son. Henry’s sixteen, small for his age. When he was eight, he heard his dad berating me. He’d heard it before, but something silly happened soon thereafter, and he ranted at me blaming me. For an eight year-old, I was stunned by how well he could put words together. He’s some kind of shit-talking genius. I could tune out my husband, but Henry’s words always stuck in my brain, like cheap music. I’d screw up on oral exams for the bar, because I’d suddenly be reciting my son’s abuse.”

She stopped, and looked worried. “Am I talking too much?”

“No.” Her tale fascinated me. It was entirely different than my own.

“When puberty hit, at thirteen thank the gods, his verbal lashings turned sexual. I was a cunt, a piece of junk fit only for cocks that didn’t give a shit. He’d complain about the clothes I wore, calling them slut suits. They were modest business dress. I found myself donating them to thrift stores. He complained about my whore make up. I tossed all of it in the trash. He said I was trying to make him into a mother fucker. He said my bras were too loose, my panties too vulgar. I took him to a fine clothing store. I dared him to find clothes he approved of. He raped me in the changing booth. He had just turned fourteen.”

She stopped to wipe tears from her eyes. She had been so lost in her story, she hadn’t felt them.

“I-I’m sorrry.” She blubbered.

“Do you want me to talk?”

She shook her head. “No! I need to get through it.” She gulped and continued. “Henry impregnated me that day. I didn’t guess for the first six weeks, I was too worried about him raping me again. As soon as I knew, I sought an abortion, but Henry guessed. His father hadn’t a clue. Henry called me a baby killer. He gave some stupid, elaborate reason why a mother had to deliver an incest child. I canceled my appointment. I told my husband, he was the father.

I delivered a healthy boy, Jerry. I remember his grandfather saying how much they looked alike. He hadn’t said that about Henry. His father’s half-hearted parenting gave Henry plenty of time to press his luck with me. I went on the pill after delivering. I avoided getting raped regularly, but every month or two Henry caught me off guard. My tenth rape happened on his fifteenth birthday. He and his friends were playing a kissing game in the closet. He rigged the game and raped me, while his friends tittered from the living room. That night, I was cleaning up. He sauntered in and claimed me. ‘Ten fucks makes me a master mother fucker, Mom. From now on, you can’t deny me.’ He never had to rape me again.”

She sniffed and paused. “Am I shutting you out with all this?”

“No, there’s plenty of time.” I looked at my phone. I had to be at work by 9:05 at the latest. It was 8:27.

Tess resumed. “My husband caught us fucking, twice. The first time, he couldn’t believe his eyes. We made up a story about falling down together. He didn’t believe that either, but it was either believe it or believe his son was cuckolding him. Our sex life was terrible. After delivering my second child, I complained about post birth pains. I slept with my husband about twice a month. When he was horny but didn’t fuck me, he would rage at me.

“The second time he caught us, he beat me and Henry. Henry blamed me for ‘wanting Dad to find us’ again. His father set his terms to avoid my going to prison. I agreed. He must have guessed that Jerry wasn’t really his, but that would be a second, painful thing to live with. He left us with his grandson. I suspect Henry told him before he left, but he never called the police.

“Henry found my birth control pills, three months ago. He threw them out and told me how bad they were for my body. I begged him to let me get an IUD or use female condoms. Henry said those weren’t natural. Pregnancy is natural.” She almost shouted.

“How long-” I clapped on hand over my mouth. “Sorry, I shouldn’t pry.”

“I’m two months. I told the doctor that my husband and I had a brief reconciliation. Henry loves to tell me how this child will be his! I haven’t told him. It’s a girl.”

“I-I can’t go on.” She deflated in front of me, but her nervousness had vanished.

I filled the resulting silence. “Uh-um, I don’t know why Andrew hasn’t fucked me yet. I don’t think impregnating me is a thing for him. Maybe he respects his father just enough to let him have that part of me. For a while, I couldn’t have sex with my husband, except hand jobs and blow jobs. I even tried a foot job. Andrew’s anal, obedience training had to be hidden from his father. I figured out a great solution. My son doesn’t know it, and it should stay secret from him. I have sex with my husband, now whenever I want. Still, every couple weeks, Andrew takes out my plug so I can make love to his father. I pretend gratitude.

“Mostly, I’m worried about my Mother. I just know I’m going to lose her.” I reiterated.

“You have to get over the lie.” Tess said without meaning to.

“You need to get an abortion, to save that girl from your son.” I countered.

“You’re right.” She sighed. “We shouldn’t try to help.”

“Thank you.” I remembered the women in the other town, saying that often.

“Thank you.” She came in slow for a parting hug.

I returned it. “Next Thursday?”


“How will I know? I mean, I’m not sure I can get out of the house every week at this time. It’s too obvious at my home.”

“I don’t have any other good time of day or week. Is a month too long?”

“Yes! But it’s better than every other month.” I agreed.

I told her I’d leave first. That way I wouldn’t know which direction led to her house. If my encounter with Lila’s Eric, had taught me anything, never get involved in another mother’s troubles. I hurried to my car and drove to work. My phone pinged during the drive. I didn’t check it until I’d checked in at the library. It was from my mother.

“You and Andrew will visit as soon as you are able.”

I tried texting back, about how impossible that was for any time soon. She never replied.

Claire arrived late that day.

“Sorry, Ingrid. I had a date.”

“You don’t look dated-”

“I look late.” She completed the saying. “Ha, fucking ha.” She signed in late and went straight to work. I caught her up on the day’s tasks and left early.

Andrew wasn’t home when I arrived from the library. His mechanic sideline was picking up. If he ever went online and studied to pass a few auto manufacturer’s, technician qualification certificates, he could charge twice as much.

He arrived while I was sixteen browser tabs deep in planing a trip to Mother’s. I told him.

“We can’t go, Mom. She’ll tear our story apart.”

“If we don’t go, she’ll never talk to us again.”

“What will Dad say about it? Oh. Yeah, you have him wrapped around your little finger.”

“I might not, if you weren’t taking that lump out of my butt regularly.”

“It’s pretty much served its purpose. I think you like it in there.”

“Bullshit!” I pounded the computer desk.

He responded to my defiance by collaring me. He led me to my bedroom and fucked my ass on his parent’s bed after I got him hard with my mouth.

“Shit, I love to cum in you, Mom! I can’t decide if I like it better down your neck or up your butt. Variety rocks!”

The moment he took back the collar, I scrambled to wash and dry the comforter before Garrick returned from work. I had been more than sufficiently punished.

I told Garrick at dinner. “Mother wants Andrew and I to visit as soon as possible.”

“Is she well?”

“Well, yes, but not as she was.” I answered cryptically, in front of our son.

In our bed, after a satisfying fuck. (I hadn’t cum from Andrew’s attentions.) He asked me. “Is there something you should be telling me, now?”

“This trip will probably make it worse between Mother and I, but I have to try.”

“I worry about Andrew. She has a stronger influence over him than I ever had.”

“She lost most of that when she overdosed. Andrew doesn’t think she’s Superwoman, any more, just super human.” I quipped.

“I thought you had more time to keep an eye on him. He’s spending an awful amount of time at the university.”

“He’s fixing cars and racing on a proper track.” I covered for my son.

“Something doesn’t add up.” He shrugged. “I don’t know. You have to make up with your mother, but is there any way Andrew can stay?”

“Garrick, I won’t lie to my mother!” Another one would be a disaster.

The next day, he texted her. Such a thing had never been done. She actually replied.

“Both of them, Garrick. You stay put.”

It was at the airport, I realized how jauntily Andrew was taking this trip. He tried to bring my collar in his carry-on. The x-ray technician asked him about it. I tossed it in the rejected items bin. Later, I nearly drubbed his shoulders into bone fragments, waiting in line to board. “How could you, even think of that?”


I dismissed his reply as sour grapes. “Dipshit.” I called him just before the boarding attendant scanned our tickets.

He didn’t try anything on the flight, and I thanked my lucky stars. The x-ray technician hadn’t mentioned the giant, black, fake cock in my carry-on. Modern airports offer everything. At our destination, I found a jar of coconut oil in an incredibly overpriced market.

Armed and ready for the apocalypse, I met my mother at the waiting area. She sized up Andrew, stone faced. She didn’t hug me. She led us to her car in short term parking. We put our things in the trunk, sat ourselves in the back seat, and she drove us to her house. Other than calling our names, she didn’t say a word. I was fine with silence. Andrew’s knee bounced. If only a semi-truck would crush us into bloody asphalt sealant, I wished.

“Put your things in my room, Ingrid. Andrew you have the guest room.” She switched on lights, preceding us into her home. Mother sounded very well indeed. The moment Andrew and I separated, she locked me in her room and grabbed my hair. “What kind of fool do you think I am?”

“Ow! Mother!”

Angry but quiet, she accused. “I know you, bitch daughter. You had that look on your face.”

“What look?”

“Obedience.” She had taught me its fullness, after all. That quickly, my lie was undone.

“Andrew is abusing you. Isn’t he?”

I didn’t know what to say.

“Don’t say anything. It’s all over your face.” She warned. “I tried to believe you, Daughter. I desperately tried. I bet you brought that horrid simulacrum to try and convince me.” She released me. “Fetch it. If it’s not in your rolling case, I’m not the woman who raised you.”

I wanted to cry, but in front of my mother, that was only allowed when she punished me. It wouldn’t be a long wait until I could ball like a baby. I unzipped the inner compartment within an inner compartment. I dragged my giant, black cock facsimile and the unopened jar of oil before her.

She looked sad. Not mean sad or disappointed sad, just sad. “I wish I could have given you a better upbringing, Ingrid. Maybe you needed a father after all. Maybe you’d have more balls now.” She shook her head.

“What are you going to do to Andrew?” I had to know.

“Ingrid, I don’t know what to do with you, other than what I always did when you failed me.”

I swallowed and nodded.

“That wasn’t a promise. I honestly don’t know what do when my daughter has fallen under a sexually abusive son. It’s out of some insane fiction.”

“It happens, Mother. I’m not a victim. I’m just as responsible as he.”

“Were you responsible for raising you?” She raised her voice.

“None, starting out.” I tried. “Later, a lot.”

“Remember his fifteen birthday?”

“You gave him a car.”

“I gave him a challenge, but he already had one.” She eyed me like a demon totem.

“You called him a man.”

“He is, but now I know he’s a bad one. I want to blame Garrick, but that would be like blaming the dark side of the moon for being dark.”

I cracked. “My husband is a wonderful man and father! Andrew has never fucked me because he respects his father too much!”

“Are you trying to provoke me, Daughter?” Mother’s whisper intensified. “What are you, regressing to childhood? Andrew is a product of you and your father’s incompetence! A grope is as bad as a fuck, Ingrid Mulderhoek!”

“Say it, Mother!” I shouted. “I’m worthless!”

“You are my most loved treasure.” Mom’s eyes glistened. “I spent too much time polishing you instead of treasuring you.” Her voice faltered. I’d never seen my mother cry, not even when she begged for drugs to stop her cravings.

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Dear sissy, We are pleased to announce that applications are now invited for our new improved courses of PANTY THERAPY. We can promise that each course will be specially designed to help transform the participant into the sissy their heart desires. Before you apply you must sign the disclaimer below: I hereby state that I hope to become completely feminized and promise to follow all the instructions assigned to me by my training matrons. I shall not hold the organization responsible for any...

2 years ago
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Jennifers JourneyChapter 1

January 5 My name is Jennifer Applegate, but I prefer Jen or Jenny. I'm fourteen years old (yes, I know, I skipped a grade) and I'm a sophomore at Washington High School. I am the only daughter of Bill and Mary Applegate. We moved here this winter from Seattle because my dad was transferred here in his job. I love to read, and I used to ride horses back where we lived before, but it doesn't look like I'll have much chance of that here. I'm not terrifically athletic, but I do enjoying...

1 year ago
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House Party

This is a short Hayley Williams story. M/F, 18+ only. This story was inspired after seeing Hayley's Instagram story about going to a house party. Hope you enjoy ;)Hayley went out for drinks with her two friends Marcus and Josh. It was a small bar just around the corner from where she was currently staying. The past few months had been rough on her personally but her friends were always there to hang and help her through the tough times. She was sipping on her drink when Marcus hopped up to...

2 years ago
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My Brother Made Me a Cuckold

It all began when the doctor revealed that my wife wasn’t getting pregnant because of my low sperm count. “You don’t have enough sperm and what little there is just too weak,” the doctor said in a professional tone, as my wife and I took in the disastrous news. He then discussed the various options available to us, but they were all expensive, and not covered by my health insurance. Betty was devastated at the news, but she said she still loved me, and...

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The title does not allow you the pleasure to describe the loss of your virginity, nor does age allow you the scope or breadth of descriptive prose to fully say what it is like to feel a man's cock enter you, the parting of that thin line that forms your girlish pussy, from which you pee, as you squat to do so. When that thin line parts it displays another set of pinkish sensitivity, a small clitoris that makes you touch yourself discretely, or the more dangerous opening, the one that requires...

2 years ago
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The Long Hot Day

It was a Friday morning, already heading towards the 100 degree mark, and it was just too hot and too nice of a day to be cooped up in an office; or anywhere else for that matter. I called into work and played the act that I was sick and would schedule a dr appt to check and see what was wrong. The only thought on my mind was finding a nice cool water spot and enjoying the day. I packed a light lunch of leftover chicken and some fruit from the fridge, and slipped on my favorite kakki shorts and...

1 year ago
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Ranis First Fucked

I’m Rani age 25 years I have been a reader and follower of the stories in ISS. I’m crazy for erotic literature and have a series of sexual escapades I’ll share with you through ISS. My first sexual experience happened at a ripe age of 18years. Till now, I’ve slept with at-least 36 guys and all of them lust for me till today. Let me tell you that work as a personal secretary to an influential politician (I can’t take his name) Since I joined him, I’ve made lots of money, sleeping with...

2 years ago
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Haleys CometChapter 12

The afternoon was fun after a light lunch. Harry's was everything I said it would be to her and she was very happy. Our cart was filled with veggies, fruits and a few meats plus seafood for her dinner special. She teased me all afternoon. While looking at bananas from across the aisle she cleared her throat to get my attention. "Rob?" She said holding up one curved specimen. "Did I ever tell you how I loved these? So filling." She said as she rubbed her tummy. Not an hour ago she had...

1 year ago
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Good Porn! Ah, the appeal of free things! It doesn't matter whether it's a new pair of pants or a car; free stuff makes everyone happy. What if you could get something that you actually wanted for free? You know, something like free porn? That's right. You know The Porn Dude is your number one destination when it comes to finding the best portals for free smut. I spend long hours on the darkest parts of the internet looking for places where you can stroke your prick chaffed without worrying...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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A carring mother

She was my mom friend for about a yearthey just moved in the city and met at the parc near our homefor the last year id been friend with her chubby cool son and mostly hang out together playing video gameswe where turning 18 and both never had girlfriendit was friday my mom was out for the weekend and Maria had me over for supper , my mom had told her i would be alonewe ate and she told us she was going out until midnightlooking at me asking if was going to be a good boy before leaving giggling...

4 years ago
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Most guys my age view Halloween as an opportunity to drive fast, soap windows, toss eggs, and uproot mailboxes. Raise Hell in general! This year I found myself escorting a four-foot-tall orange-and-black striped tiger to a costume party. The starting sophmore linebacker of the Central High Panthers held the hand of a six-year-old Tigger as we crossed the parking lot toward the grammar school auditorium. And I loved it! Erin entered my life two years ago. A damn drunk driver crossed the...

1 year ago
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Dating Danielle

Danielle was the daughter of my employee at the convenience store I managed. At 11 she was cute as a bug and just starting to develop as a woman. Her small breasts were mere bumps at this point on her otherwise flat chest. Her mother had confided that she had just started her period. Her mother treated her badly, so my plan I felt would work well. The day came when I could proffer my plan. Danni as I called her was at the store one day with her mother, and I overheard her complaining...

3 years ago
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The Commissars in TownChapter 11

“Woah ... honey ... you can do that to me ... anytime you like!” Joanna reacted to the way that Alycen had rimmed the holy hell out of her sweet ass, “was that safe to do while pregnant?” “At this stage, probably. Besides, you cleaned it up pretty damn well. I didn’t hear any complaints while I did it, anyway. You gonna get a hall pass for this or keep it our dirty little secret?” Alycen asked her girlfriend. “Oh, baby, I won’t have any more secrets from Les. That’s where it all went...

2 years ago
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Tied up and spanked before a hard fucking

I come in the bedroom and you were lying in bed wearing nothing but a black shear thong with black stockings and your 7 inch black strappy heels . There was a pair of your torn stockings on the chair in the corner I picked them up and kissed you on the back waking you up . I pulled your arms behind your back and tied your wrist together with one stocking .Next I use the other one and tied your ankles together so you could not go anywhere . I started caressing your ass then I shocked you with a...

3 years ago
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Linda in Life part1

It was Happy Hour and the customers were just beginning to filterin from their daily routines to sit down and have a cold one andwatch a little psuedo pornographic "art", go-go and strip dancing,ala Linda style. The Happy Hour shift started with B.J. doing herthing in her usual wanton and sexy way in the bright orangish redbikini top and bottom.......whirling around the poles on theraised stage, pole clasped firmly between her slim, white legswith a high on the pole start and a slow twirling...

3 years ago
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Homemade pleasure

I am almost twenty-five but still a virgin. It might sound a bit odd, but this is my life. I don't want a relationship, because I would like to travel the world alone, and casual sex is not something I would consider.  But I still have needs I have to take care of myself. I love my sexy triumvirate: my realistic dildo, my glass dildo, and my silicon anal plug, but sometimes while I'm pleasuring myself I get struck by this strange desire to put things in my pussy that are not designed to be...

4 years ago
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A BBW Reader From Indian Sex Stories

It was a sunday morning.. I just got up and was having a strong morning wood in my boxers.   My parents were not home so i wasn’t worried about anyone seeing me like this.   I logged in to check for any new emails. To my surprise there was a female reader who was very pleased by my previous stories… Her name was supriya and Coincidentally we lived in the same city. Just some 20 kilometers away.   We started talking a lot.. Exchanged our numbers… To my surprise she was a married woman!   We...

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First time I sucked a guys cock

All my stories are based on real experiences.You may have read my previous stories about my experiences with shemales, but this was my first experience with a man. I'm not in to men, just their cocks.This is a bit of a strange story as I was not out looking for a guys cock and was on the pull with my mates in Brighton looking for uni girls. We was in a well known club and the booze was flowing and so was the girls. We all know that the first few weeks of a new term uni girls are wild... I will...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 221

Bill and his wives put their luggage in one of the Escalades, backed out of the garage and headed for the copter. Fred and Brenda, together with Frank and his wives, followed right behind them in another of the Escalades. The crew Sergeant and the trooper helped with the luggage. In moments, everyone aboard, the big engine roared and the group was on its way to Boulder, most now sipping hot coffee. Fred tried again to find out why everyone else was going, but Wainwright asked him to wait...

1 year ago
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Ida may screws her nephew

Note : This story is completely fictional! Ida May snuggled up to her nephew and ask."Do you like my pussy?""Hell yes" answered the boy."Your uncle will be gone for a month on his hunting and you can sleep with me until he gets back""What about your daughter?" "She's too busy whoring around to care what we do" she laughed."Linda was the one that said I could seduce you""That slut knows what I want" she laughed.Jim got another hard on and rubbed it on her ass and Ida May helped him put it in. He...

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From Bromance to Romance

This story is the story of romance and genuine love. There are alot of erotic firsts in my life but none are as dear to me as my first time with Jacob. We meet our junior year of college. I had just left the rugby team which was a club sport and he was openly gay and had just broke up with a long time boyfriend after he cheated on him. We were both changing and ended changing together. We had common interest like the outdoors. He turned me on to meditation and alot of liberal ideals....

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Game WorldChapter 63

I didn't kill another man right away, even though I was sorely tempted to do so. Instead I started talking to the man from Action Network. The guy proved to be very cooperative. He didn't know where Dindraine was, but he did know who everyone in the room was. I put him to work placing him under the supervision of some of my troops so that he could move through the group and identify everyone for me. As he picked out people, I had my soldiers haul them away and put them in places where I...

2 years ago
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my daughter

she had some kind of sickness that made her sleep very very hard..and sometimes she would just fall asleep no matter where she was or what she was doing.I always worried she might fall sleep some nite as she drove home from her evening job after school,but thankfully she never did..Anyways..my story goes like this.."and by the way""..i never tell made up stories..mine will always be factual..i have stories about i****t with cuzins,nieces,sister..and this one about my daughter.Anyways..like i...

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Story of My Life Ch 01

I guess it’s no surprise to most people, but I thought college would be more quiet and dead in a lot of ways, but every week is the same thing. Maybe a guy or two streaking through the halls at all times, a dorm room filled with drunken idiots constantly hollering at no one about nothing, trying to stick their manhood anywhere and the women who should just put a sign that says ‘Open for Business’ hanging from they’re hips trying to suck anything to arouse the boys – even if they’re not horny,...

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Natalies Family AdventureChapter 8

Natalie wakes in the middle of the night to find her hand massaging her pussy. She was dreaming about her mom’s gangbang show the night before. She rolls over onto her stomach and takes the tablet off the charger. The timer on it reads 1 AM. Opening it to the Video app, she scrolls through the choices. The first video, “Aarielle and the Baseball Team” sounds good so she presses Play. The video opens with Aarielle playing baseball with four guys on an otherwise empty field. She has long...

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Sunny Pays for Anas Party

Sunny, one of the girls who is in choir with Ana, a soprano, a sprite of a girl, four and a half feet short, standing head below my chest she's an awkward hug, with a shy smile because she's self conscious about her braces and tiny breasts is freshly showered and Ana brings her in. She has mousy brown hair, faint freckles, soft round cheeks, the tiniest double chin, and a complexion that says she spends all her time inside reading books. Bubble butt covered only with a pair of white cotton...

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Mom Caught Me Fingering My Sister So I Fucked Her Instead

I had an amazing run. It's not every day that I get a good winning streak on one of my favorite online shooting games. When I get into it, hours flew by. Feeling good and wanting to end on a high, I logged off and noticed the time.11pm. Dang, it was late.Well, all that’s left is to go see what’s in the fridge, grab a bite, jerk one out and go to sleep.I didn’t get as far as outside my bedroom door before I nearly tripped and broke my damn neck.“What the fuck?” The hallway was dark so I assumed...

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Friendship threesome and pregnancy

THIS IS TRUE STORYNOTE: Since English is my second language please forgive any style or grammar mistakes.NAMES ARE MODEFIEDI know Sami since college days, he is my close friend and my wing man. When he married his girlfriend (Nadia) I thought he made the best choice, she is beautiful, smart, friendly and looked so in love with him.After graduation he got a job with a government sponsored company and I opened my own business which is constructions contracts, but we still maintained the...

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The ProtectorChapter 31

By the time I got back to my study, I was in a foul mood. I felt liquid running down the back of my neck and knew that Myrna's slap had opened the cut again. I sat down and leaned, back thinking about what I had done. To my surprise, I felt a little guilty about the way I had talked to Myrna. Even though she shouldn't have slapped me like a little kid, I was still wrong in the way I had handled it. I had not only shocked myself and her with the venom in my voice, but I could still see the...

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S1sters Show

"Will the passengers for Plein Sud du Ligne on Air Pandora flight 25935 please come to the information desk."The tannoy was barely understandable, but I got the gist. When I reached the information desk, it was chaos. All 500+ passengers of the Airbus 380 seemed to be s**t1ered around the desk and a lot of shouting was going on. Instead of trying to manoeuvre myself to the desk, I went over to a neighbouring airline's desk. It was empty except for a single attendant following the commotion at...

4 years ago
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African Prince 4

Chapter 4When someone finally stirred it was Mikey. "Mom?""Yes, honey?" She said in her sweetest voice."Hmm," Mikey paused. "I've got to take a leak."With these words his Mom began to laugh and through herlaughter, "Yeah, me too."With their laughter they regained the will to separate.Mikey rolled off his mother and stood up. Still facingher, with her watching him, he tried awkwardly to puthis still hard dick back into his white underpants. Herlaughter intensified and he couldn't help but join...

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Fucking the Cheerleader Next Door

I walked out of the Economics building after my last class on Friday afternoon. It was unseasonably warm for the middle of February in suburban Ohio. It felt much more like the middle of May and I knew the students would start drinking anytime soon. I hurried across campus to my dorm room so I could join in on the action.After a short walk across the small campus, I entered my apartment-style dorm and saw Corey, my roommate, sitting in the living room.“What’s up, C?” I said to him as I set my...

College Sex
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A not so silent night 2

Introduction: After the suprise in the club, I was in for more then I bargained for … This is the direct continuation of part 1 Laughing we burst through the door at my house, almost falling down and taking the coat rack with us. In the cab back, Megan had some fun at the cabbies expense, blowing down her chest, spreading the scent of cum in the cab and being all over me. I closed the door and helped her back up. She leaned back in my arms, wrapping her arms around mine and said That was the...

2 years ago
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The Weekend Test

The Weekend Test        My wife read my true feelings about her and our lifestyle together. She had let me know she would reconsider my request to serve her in the way that she felt appropriate. That had been a few weeks back, I had pretty much forgotten about the conversation. That was until one Friday while I was out working.It was around noon when I received an email on my pda. It was from my wife. My jaw dropped as I read the email.Dear slave,        This weekend will be your test of how...

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We recently visited my sister-in-law and spent 2 weeks there at her place in Tampa, Fla. They have pretty big home and have a woman come in everyday to tidy up the place. She actually prepared our rooms for us. She was about 45ish and in pretty decent shape. We had been there for the first week and i noticed the cleaning lady's schedule was pretty routine. Right down to catching her sniffing my underwear. She didn't think i saw her, but she would go in to get the dirty laundry and when she saw...

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Claras Adventure with Bugs

After class she walked up to the teacher. “Uh hi Mr. Johnson..” she said trying to plan out how she was going to ask for these bugs. “Oh hello Clara, if you have any questions I’m afraid that I’m in a hurry I have a dinner date tonight and I still have to let these bugs free.” Bingo! She thought to herself “ oh it’s nothing big I was actually wondering where you got the containers they’re perfect size for an art assignment I’m doing... but seeing...

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The Gentle Cowboy Ch 04

Sorry about the wait, but the fourth chapter is finally to my liking. Let me know what you think! Enjoy. ********** ‘Yea, Mom. I’m really going to marry Jake McKean. Kinda crazy, huh?’ Grabbing her daughter’s hand, Donna half led, half dragged her to the kitchen table. ‘Now dish, Daisy. Tell me how it happened, where and everything. What did he say? How did he ask?’ she demanded in a rush. ‘Uhhh…’ Unsure that the truth was the best answer in this situation, Daisy began slowly, ‘Well… In the...

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