Jeff His Family And Me 3 free porn video

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Chapter 8 That night, and for many nights afterwards, all I could think about was Jeff, his cock; his Dad, his cock; Jeff's Sister. His Sister! Was I more than confused. After all of the goings on with 2 males, here I was still lusting after his sister, Sue! I kept imagining her helping me to dress up and then descending into a "lesbian" frenzy where my "special clitty" would be put too more "traditional use". This, and Jeff's obvious infatuation with me, led me to continue experimenting wherever I could. It was difficult at home so I contrived reasons to visit my Aunt who lived a few miles away. She was quite independent, good job and no husband, and spent lots of time on holiday. I thought, rightly, that she would let me "look after things" whenever she went on holiday. About 2 months into my relationship with Jeff she was off to Spain, and I put plans in place to expand my female expertise. In these few months things had "cooled" a bit as Jeff had been away on holiday with his family and I had been to Poole with mine for a few weeks, rubbing my clitty whenever I could in anticipation of seeing Jeff again. Once back from Hols we started back at school into our exam year and, although we mad out whenever we could, we really didn't spend a lot of time together. By now my hair was quite long and I was looking after my diet, my nails etc, anything to enhance my femininity without totally giving the game away. My first visit to my Aunt's house was really exciting as I could hide my own clothes there and even try out a few of hers. I knew nothing about hormones or creams and just kept massaging my boy boobs hoping they would grow a little and practicing make-up and walking in heels. It all really did come very naturally to me. The following week-end, I arranged to meet Jeff in the Park where he took my virginity with the idea of spending our pocket money at the Fair or take in a film. You know, what young lovers do. I left home early so I could get to my Aunt's in time to get changed for our date. For once I didn't call him to confirm things were OK, I suppose because I was so excited. I decided to "go for broke" this time and dress to please. I put on a training bra I had acquired and inserted two small balloons filled with hot water. I had practised this so I knew they would jiggle realistically. I slipped into a sexy thong followed by a flared and layered ra-ra mini-skirt. My top was a long-sleeved cheese-cloth blouse and, to finish, I put on the 3 inch cork sandals (at this time these were the only girls shoes I had - none of Aunties stilettos fitted me). I did my make-up quite lightly but used pink lipstick and some of Aunty's perfume. I wore my short little denim jacket over the top. I looked in amazement, even now, at myself in the mirror. I really looked and felt the part. I was determined now so without hesitation, I minced out of the house and caught the bus into town. I reached the Park and headed for the Ice-cream and loo area where Jeff and I had finished our initial meeting there. I was about 10 minutes late and anxiously looked all around the area for him. But there was no sign. Soon I started to get cold feet and imagined people looking at me and seeing I was a boy not a girl, you know sort of losing confidence. All of a sudden I felt a tap on my shoulder, I quickly turned and, when I had moved my hair from my eyes, standing there was Jeff's Dad! Wow, was I shocked. As I tried to get some handle on the situation, he grabbed my hand and started walking me across the park toward the Bristol Road past the County Ground. He started the conversation by telling me that he knew that Jeff and I were lovers and that he had bullied it out of him as to this meeting today. He barred Jeff from seeing me in order that he could have me to himself. He stopped a few times to grab me to him where he passionately kissed me. By the time we stopped our brisk walk he had me in a tizzy. On about the 3rd kissing session he really hugged me to him and I, as I always do, found his ball-sac and cupped his gorgeous bunch squeezing him gently. His sac felt heavy and full and I had forgotten about Jeff (again) already. All I could think about was his love juice and me working my man up to his ejaculation. Before I realised it we had stopped outside a well respected Edgbaston Hotel (it's still there now) and he marched me up the stairs. On entering the Foyer, he whispered to me that he had booked a room and asked me to sit in the bar whilst he checked in. I walked into the Bar area, remember I was not 18 yet, and sat on a comfy sofa. My skirt rode up my thighs and my tits "bounced" as I flopped myself down. I noticed one or two men looking my way, I wondered what they would think if they knew that I was a schoolboy! Jeff's Dad came over to me rattling the keys in his hand, he ogled my thighs. He bent down and kissed me gently telling me how beautiful I looked, and asked what I wanted to drink. I asked for a fruit juice but he bought me a rum and black which, I later found out, is also know as a "LO" - a leg opener! The drink settled me down and he sat next to me on the sofa cuddling and feeling me up. So much so that I had to stop him from practically shagging me openly in the Bar! His hand was up my skirt, all over my tits and, whenever he could, his tongue was half way down my throat. We did however start talking in earnest about "our relationship" and I could tell that he was besotted with me. His relationship with Jeff's Mom was almost "dead" sexually as she spent most of her time getting drunk (she hid that well I thought). I reminded him that she had a great figure and looked really tasty but he wanted someone younger and "tighter". She didn't give him what he wanted so he wanted me. I was intrigued by this and wondered how their relationship had impacted upon Jeff and Sue. My melancholy was broken as he was soon kissing me again and I kept his ball-sac close to hand, as well as rubbing his massive erection. After a couple of more drinks we weaved our way out of the Bar up to the room. His strong arms around me; me mincing my bum for all it was worth; my tits jiggling; mini-skirt swirling around my thighs, boy was I hot. In the lift we kissed passionately, I felt as if on air. He was all mine and was I going to enjoy him! Chapter 9 As the lift reached whatever floor the room was on, he picked me up and romantically carried me to the door not even letting me down to open it. He carried me across the threshold (would I dream about that again and again!) and flopped me softly down onto the bed. Within seconds his beautiful, rampant cock was bouncing in front of my eyes. I grasped for it and wrapped my luscious lips around it as best I could. He really was a big boy and I caressed both of his bulbous balls, one in each hand, as the head of his cock squeezed past my teeth. I playfully teased the rim of his knob with my teeth as best I could as I felt my mouth was fully open to accommodate his monster tool. It was wonderful, really wonderful to feel his manhood filling my wide open mouth. I knew it would be difficult to breath but I had learned a lot during my previous "meetings" so concentrated on both pleasing him as well as taking timely breaths. He forcefully pushed me back onto the bed and sat above me trying to fuck my mouth. He slid what he could in and out, slowly at first, until I had got to grips with it. No way would he be able to get it into my throat as it would probably suffocate me! Whilst pumping my mouth he started lifting up my skirt and feeling my legs sending shivers all over the place. Realising he was going as far as he could with my mouth he, disappointingly for me, pulled out and started to kiss my thighs and inside my legs. Shivers, shivers. He pulled down my panties and released my throbbing clitty and took it in his mouth. I did it again. No sooner had he taken me in his mouth than I came in a shuddering orgasm, and I didn't see a drop of cum-juice, well not straight away! I pumped his mouth for all I was worth and he drank the lot, or so I thought. When I had finished shuddering, he sat up in front of me pulled my legs up over his shoulders and spat a mixture what must have been his spit and my cum-juice all over my pussy. He immediately followed this action up with two fingers into my love-hole and started to vigorously, for me anyway, finger-fuck me. My anal muscles must have responded because I began wigging by arse up off the bed as he twisted and turned those fingers sending me wild with excitement. My skirt was up around my waist and I couldn't see a thing as my legs were up in the air, so he carried on until I heard myself begging him to fuck me. My hands stretched out longingly looking for his cock and, I suppose expectantly, I was a little disappointed when I found his tool only at half mast, even so it was still massive! He continued to finger fuck me and I started to wank him up. This seemed to go on forever until I came again in a frenzied blast of juice which splattered me in my own face. He carried on and took me totally to another level and I may well have cum twice I really just don't know. He was getting hard again by the time he stopped finger fucking me but I was absolutely shagged! The next thing I remember was waking up about an hour later on my own, splattered in my own cum, skirt up around my waist, tits all over the place and my make up in ruin. He had left a note saying that he gone downstairs to the Bar for a "pick-me-up" and that, if I was up to it, to join him. I quickly got myself ready, tarted myself up went after my man. When I got to the Bar he looked 3 parts cut, I was tempted to do a runner there and then, but I plucked up the courage and minced over to him, grabbed his sleeve, stretched up and kissed him on the cheek whispering a big thank you for the sex, and that mine was another rum and black. He was very pissed but his eyes were all over me, my tits, short skirt and bare legs. With my drink I wiggled over to a vacant bar stool and hitched my skirt up, opened my legs and let him ogle my pantyless clitty. Boy, was I turning into a real hussy or what! He wobbled and almost passed out. I indicated to the Barman that I would get him up to his room so I the Barman helped me get him into the lift. I could feel the eyes of the Barman all over me and I gave him my cutest smile as I was closing the lift door. He offered to help me take him up to the room, but I declined as I had other ideas. My man hadn't cum yet and I was desperate for his love-juice. As soon as the doors closed I undid Jeff's Dad's flies and his member just plopped out. He was quite flaccid at this point but still a big ask! I started to suck the rim of his knob whilst caressing his balls. He responded immediately and I gave him head like I had never done before. The lift stopped so I just kept my finger on the close-door button whilst I pumped the head of his massive tool as best I could. He was moaning and didn't know where he was and within a few minutes, which was amazing considering his condition, I could feel his balls start to rise in their sac which alerted me to his impending orgasm. I took his cock out of my mouth and moved "out of range" whilst still pumping his tool for all I was worth. His balls reached their peak and a massive splurt of cum-juice ejaculated from the slit in his knob and blasted off the steel wall of the lift. One, two, three, four or more streams of the stuff splurted out of him as his ball sank back into their usual heavy dangling position. As the last splurts leaked out I took each ball in turn into my mouth and let the dribble of cum-juice that was running down his cock slither into my mouth. He tasted really strong and juicy, just how I like it. But I was learning, he had blasted a few cup loads of semen without splattering me!. He gave out a heavy sigh and rested in a heap on the floor of the lift. To save his vanity I put his genitals back into his undies and did up his flies before opening the lift doors and leaving him to sort himself out. I nipped into the ladies loo on the second floor to check myself out before gliding down the stairs to head off home. As I passed the Bar I gave the Barman a wave and blew him a kiss. I was off home a satisfied girl. Chapter 10 The plight of Jeff's Mom and Sue was playing on my mind. It was one thing me having affairs with her son and husband, but I really felt sorry for her. A few weeks went by when I saw Jeff from time to time and we had oral sex as often as we could but I avoided his Dad like the plague, although he didn't show any animosity toward me considering I had left him on the floor of the lift! Jeff invited me round one evening and I managed to get out of him that his Dad wouldn't be there, so I got "appropriately dressed" for a night of playing records in his bedroom (and the rest). I slipped into my tight low cut jeans and a tight top, brushing my (by now) shoulder length hair and just creaming my face with some light foundation and lipstick. When I got to Jeff's his Mom opened the door and she looked semi-pissed. She had a glass in her hand but I couldn't help but notice her figure especially her boobs. They were really meaty, I wished they were mine! I never really noticed her that much before but she was quite a hot looking babe. She made me a cup of tea and sat down beside me, Jeff was upstairs and I was a little early than expected so I started talking with her. She looked tearful and, perhaps because of the drink, she dropped her inhibitions and started to tell me how sad she was as her relationship with her husband was going down the pan. She suspected he had a mistress (I choked a little at this point) and went on to add that they were no longer "close". She began to smile as if a weight had been taken from her shoulders and looked rather lovingly toward me. She commented about my hair and started playfully curling and caressing it. Never backward about coming forward, I moved my head and closed my eyes really enjoying the sensations she was creating. I opened my eyes just as she was leaning forward to kiss me. I was really shocked. She planted a warm, soft, wet kiss on my lips so I responded giving her a bit lf lusty tongue. When the kiss broke, I said something about Jeff upstairs and where was Sue, but she didn't bat an eye-lid. She hurriedly started to undo my jeans fumbling due to excitement and drink. She pulled them down and sighed when she saw my pink lace panties. She looked up and smiled as she took my growing clitty into her mouth. Her hands worked their way up my top and started to feel my boobs, so I reciprocated and planted my hands onto her huge boobs tweaking her now erect nipples. She was hot, and so was I, but I was alarmed at the fact that anyone could walk in on us at any moment. I managed to stop her in her tracks and asked her if she was sure this was what she wanted. He slurred a purred yes so I said I would have to pop and see Jeff and try to get back to her later. That was all I could think of saying! She sort of groaned and wobbled back into the kitchen to top up her glass. I asked her where Sue was and she said she was at her friends and would be back before 9pm. It was now about 7pm but my mind was buzzing with the smell and feel of this woman. My clitty was rampantly hard as I tapped on Jeff's door and stepped into his bedroom. He smiled a hello and just lay on the bed naked, Bowie blasting out of his Dansette. His cock was pointing rigidly toward the ceiling as he propped himself up on his elbows and demanded I joined him. How could a girl resist. I slipped out of my jeans and panties and wiggled over to his cupboard where he kept some hair-cream, I took a dollop and rubbed it all over my pussy. He looked in amazement as I stepped onto the bed, turned my back on him and lowered my pussy down toward his shaft. Guiding it in line with my hole with hand, I slowly started bouncing my bum up and down gently letting his cock enter me little by little. He grabbed my hips and tried to speed up the process but I was in command now. I bounced and bounced, enjoying every second as his stiff rod penetrated deeper and deeper. Soon I could feel his balls on my bum so I stopped bouncing and just stretched backwards so that I could feel his full penetration. Oh how wonderful that was. The two of us were one as my lover struggled to try and fuck me but my weight restricted him. After some moments I raised my pussy back up his shaft and came stopped at his bulbous knob. Teasing him for a few moments before sliding down his pole until his balls slapped my arse. He now forced me up off him so that he could do the natural thing and start to pump-fuck his girlfriend. I responded by bouncing with him in unison to his fuck-pace. This seemed to go on for ages but soon he relented, I was holding on to my orgasm, and his fountain came up again filling my insides with his wonderful juice. When I thought he had spent his load I clamped down upon him again making his creamy fluid splurt out of my pussy back onto him. You could hear the fluid gurgle its way out of me and he slapped my arse in playful recognition of a great fuck. Knowing that he was satisfied for now, as all men are after they have had their way, I inserted a tampon (see I was learning) into my pussy before getting dressed. The Bowie album was still playing so I guessed we had been shagging for about 20 minutes. I gave him a little kiss, yes my clitty was still throbbing, and told him I would see him at school the next day. I dashed downstairs to see his Mom sitting quietly in the living room. I asked her if she was OK. She was staring at my bulge nodding. To be continued, when I can find the time!, where I can hopefully capture the rest of the 2 year period involving Jeff' and his family and bring you up to the present day. Please feedback comments etc. E-L xxxx [email protected]

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Jeff ThousandaireChapter 2 Architectural Connections

MONDAY "Good morning, boss." I looked up from my computer. "Good morning, Melody," I answered easily. My eyes flitted to the clock. She was right on time for a Monday morning. "Coffee? Your usual?" "Thanks, that would be great." I relaxed into my chair as the pretty blonde nodded and headed out. Maybe everything would be alright, despite the animosity she'd been showing last Friday. Maybe we would be back to normal. A few minutes later, I heard the hollow knocking on glass as...

2 years ago
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Jeffry and Billy 2

Summary – Billy invites Jeffry over to play some games. Previous Chapter Summary – Jeffry and Billy spy on Billy’s sexy sister and become aroused. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but...

3 years ago
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Jeffry and Billy 5

Summary – Billy and Becky abuse poor Susie. Previous Chapter Summary – Billy and Jeffry are caught by Billy's older sister! Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into...

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Jeffry and Billy 1

Summary – Jeffry and Billy spy on Billy’s sexy sister and become aroused. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy lives. Don't fuck with other...

3 years ago
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Jeffry and Billy 4

Summary – Billy and Jeffry get caught! Previous Chapter Summary – Billy and Jeffry play even more sexy games. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy...

2 years ago
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Jeffry and Billy 6

Summary - Becky apologizes and tries to make it up to poor Susie Previous Chapter Summary - Billy and Becky abuse poor Susie. Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into...

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Jeffry and Billy 3

Summary – Jeffry and Billy play even more sexy games. Previous Chapter Summary – Billy invites Jeffry over to play some games. Note – This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into...

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Jeffry and Billy 7

Summary - The Siblings Invite Susie to a Party! Previous Chapter Summary - Susie Meets Becky’s Boyfriend Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and sexual fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. Also, the author does not condone unprotected sex in real life. It is OK to have fantasies, but turning a fantasy into reality can destroy...

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Driving Mrs Tandy

Driving Mrs. TandyChapter 1  John Stefanovitch was appointed as Mrs. Tandy’s driver on his 25th birthday. He took that as a good sign. He didn’t have any reason to think otherwise. The payment was more than generous and the work wasn’t hard. Most of the time, he was doing small repairs on Mrs. Tandy’s old Bentley, and washing it. Two times a day, he had to take Mrs. Tandy’s nurse downtown for shopping. And that was all.    The nurse’s name was Norma, a plump little creature with a permanent...

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Unforgettable Moments With Chandni

Hi iss reader Mastram is back with my unforgettable moment to share with u all,and thanks again for lovely feedback to my previous stories. To aap logo kaa jada time naa lete hue mai story pe aata hu,let me introduce to the lady her name is Chandni,figure 34 30 36 approx.Coming to the story. Ye baat tab ki hai jab mai Mumbai,Vasai shift hua mai apni studies ke liye mere ghr jo kafi time se band pada tha.Aur mai apne purane ghr aur aunties aur bhabhiyo ko bhi miss kar rha tha,but mai shift ho...

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Driving Mrs Tandy

John Stefanovitch was appointed as Mrs. Tandy’s driver on his 25th birthday. He took that as a good sign. He didn’t have any reason to think otherwise. The payment was more than generous and the work wasn’t hard. Most of the time he was doing small repairs on Mrs. Tandy’s old Bentley, and washing it. Two times a day he had to take Mrs. Tandy’s nurse downtown for shopping. And that was all. The nurse’s name was Norma, a plump little creature with a permanent smile on her face. Norma...

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Making Love With Gorgeous Delhi Girl Chandni

Hi, this is Amit, once again. This incident happened recently and has been etched in my memory forever. For those reading my story for the first time, I am 39, quite good looking, 5.10 in height and having an athletic build. I reside in Mumbai and am quite adventurous. Without detailing further, let’s get on with what happened. It was a usual day at work, a hot summer day. I had just completed lunch and heard my phone ringing. When I looked, the name it displayed put a smile on my face. It was...

3 years ago
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Nandita To Nandini

Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...

4 years ago
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Fucking Neighbour Girl Nandhini

Hi ISS readers. This is Vicky from Coimbatore again. I am a huge fan of ISS for past 10 months and I like Incest sex stories more. I am 5.7″ Bit fair complex. Here I’m gonna share a true incident happened just three month back. Now here comes another real incident of my life in which I had sex with my neighbourhood lady (beauty).. Her name is Nandhini 25 who is an MCA graduate and wife of a person who needs only money. She looks very good with beautiful apple size round boobs with brown nipples...

2 years ago
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Lemons and Coffee Chapter Two Kandy

Kandice, Kandy for short, was even more stunning than Kat – if that were possible. She had an almost identical body to Kat, just a little more developed in the right places due to the five year age gap between the two girls. She stood almost five centimeters taller than Kat and carried the extra height well.  Kandy was twenty-eight years old and recently married, and I often thought what a lucky fuck her husband was to have such a gorgeous lady to come home and fuck every night. Okay, maybe...

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Sex Studio Secrets 1 Alessandra

I run a small sex shop specialised in spanking and erotic equipment for submissive lesbian ladiesI run my small shop sometimes with my dear granddod pretty Petra and some awesome sexy assistentsI have on the first floor my private quarters also a studio full of see-through full size mirrorsI have on stand-by a few cameras behind each of those mirrors, for recording seek some assistanceI will direct with the help of hot Princess Petra the debute for Alessandra in her first 3-someI will direct...

1 year ago
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Slutty neighbour vandana

In life people always like to partake in a little bit of risk. Just enough to feel a rush, but not enough to get caught or noticed. Here is a story of a slutty teasing aunty. Vandana was no different. She was a beautiful 27-year-old woman working a relatively unassuming entry-level job at a fortune 500 company. The pay was nice, but her job was boring and provided very little excitement. So to bring a little excitement into her life, Vandana began to dress sexier. First it started off very...

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 342 The Angel Visits Memphis but not Graceland

Sunday, April 22, 2007 (Continued) I discussed my plans with the parents, especially Mom and Dad because they'd be taking the calls. Later that evening, I flew to Memphis, located a reporter typing up a story in his station's office. He was sitting within twenty four feet of the exterior wall, which made it even easier for me to type. During a pause in his typing, I machine-gunned, "Grab your phone, tape recorder and camera. Come to the roof for an interview you'll love." I repeated it...

3 years ago
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The story of Sandrine

Story of Sandrine (1) By Perverpeper on 05/15/08F/f F+/f F/f+ F+/f+ teen enema exhibition WaterSport bestriality BDSM feet hair slavery scatology college hightSchool job slow reluctant humiliation blckmail torture nc HeavySummary: Sandrine is a young high school student.  A few days after celebrating her 18th birthday with college only a few weeks away, she is kidnapped by a rich woman who will introduce her to the pains and the joys of submission.Comment?: This is a translation from the...

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Bell Whistles SecretsChapter 8 Historical Perspective

During the next week the treasure was moved from the treasure room to a vault at H. J. Hendley & Company, a company that specialized in storage and appraisal of collectable coins, gold and antique jewelry. I took no chances with the transfer and contracted an armored car service to make the actual move. The brief appearance of the armored car in the neighborhood was hardly noticed by our neighbors. Leo Hoskins proved to be a fount of knowledge concerning property law and more...

4 years ago
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Meri Padosan Chandni

Dosto mera naam Rahil hai aur meri age 25 years hai mai ek smart n clever ladka ho.Ab story mai ata hu meri padosan chandni bohat hi khubsurat ladki hai uska figure 32 26 30 ka ho ga dekne mai todhi choti lagti hai uski age 18 ya 19 yrs ki hai,woh shalwar jamper pehenti hai. Mere mummy papa aur chota bhai sab mere cousion bahi ke bedi ki mangni mai gai the out of town mujhe office se chutti nhi mili thi to mai ghar pe akela tha jab mai office se gahr aye to dekha mere mummy papa log ja chuke...

1 year ago
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PA01 LAbattoir Alessandra

Name: Alessandra Ortiz Ethnicity: Puerto Rican Age: 24 Height: 5'8" Breasts: 36DD Waist: 24 Hips: 41 Weight: 140lbs Hair: Espresso Brown Eyes: Pistachio Green Skin: Peanut Brown Personality: Extroverted, Shallow, Sweet Inspiration/Muse: Priscilla Huggins Chapter 1 - The Mistake Alessandra was on top of the world. Her recent shoots with popular men's magazines got her noticed in a way that a girl from San Juan simply couldn't have anticipated. Her shockingly stunning face,...

2 years ago
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Jeff Zephyrs Life JZL0501 The Beginn

I was a c***d of the sixties, born about the time that John Kennedycame along to shake things up. The times they were a-changing. Myparents were 50's k**s, and my mom was just 16 when she had me. Mydad had his Harley, and I and mom rode behind him (before car seatlaws and helmets), and we lived with my dad's mom and aunt, who wealways called just Grandma and Auntie. I don't recall anythingspecifically related to sex before five years old, and even then it isvague. Like many k**s, I got to see...

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Punishing Kandi

This is a true story, so, to protect her identity, I'll call her Kandi.She is my personal sex slave and slut. She is not my girlfriend. In fact, I am engaged to be married to a man. But there is dominant part of me that loves to sexually control, use and engage in rough sex with bimbo bitches who love it just as much as i. Kandi comes when I call. She knows not to bother me unless I initiate contact ... or else she'll be punished. Last weekend, I phoned her and told her to meet me at a...

3 years ago
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Sex With My Maid Nandhini

Hello to all the iss reader’s. Let me first introduce myself, I am sparta with nice athletic body and this incident happened in boys hostel when I studing my bachelor’s degree. The heroine of this story is the maid nandhini who works in that hostel. She is black in color and good looking. Her size is 38-26-38 which will make everyone tempt. This is the real incident happened between me and my sexy maid few months back. Nandhini was working as a maid in that hostel for more than three years. Her...

1 year ago
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Night In Nellore With Sexy Girl Chandan

Hello everyone, greetings to all the readers. I am Ravi kumar from Nellore town in Andhra Pradesh and also a regular visitor and reader of the sex stories. I am here to narrate my real hot experience in Nellore with a sexy girl by name Chandan who is from Bangalore. This wonderful incident happened last week when I came to my native place Nellore from Hyderabad for a short stay. That evening around 7pm I went to meet my friend at DR Uttama hotel, as he was coming from Chennai and asked me to...

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Lena and Landon

Lena Brooks and Landon Parker sat proudly at the graduation of Walter, Lena's son. His fellow classmates envied him since he was receiving double Masters degree's at his young teen age. It was no surprise to Lena nor his uncle Landon when he gave them a nod in his acceptance speech. They too were "gifted" she a recognized Environmentalist, Climatologist and Speaker. Landon a Mechanical/Nuclear Engineer for Military Special Projects before going independent. "Wally" as they called him rushed to...

3 years ago
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Mera Mom Chudi Mere Story K Ek Reader Ashish Se

Hi friend I m Vikram ek bar fir se aap logo k leye ek real story la k aya hu Ye story mere mom or mere ek frnd ki hai is na mere story pdhi or mere se mila or fir mere maa se mila or us se dosti kari mai aapne dost k bare mai bhi bata du name Ashish hai Delhi se hai height 5.11..tall..brown Color..athletic body..good looking..6.5 land ka size Mere maa k naam sapna hai hum ek midail class family se fairdabad mai rehta hu mere ghar mai mai mummy papa hai bs papa ka aapna kam hai mai kabhi kam pe...

4 years ago
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Ashish Made Me His Slut

Hi mera nam kamran he. Ye story mere aur ashish ki hai.Ashish mera padosi hai.About me me 1 gay pure bottom hoon. Mujhe gaand marana bohat pasand hai aur meri gaand bohat bari aur naram he aur mere boobs bhi kaafi bade aur naram he bilkul girls ki jesi body he meri. Mere body par baal bohat kam he. Agar aap janna chahte he ke me gay kese bana to meri pichli stories parh le. Story parh kar feedback zaroor de mera email he Coming to the story now ye 2 mahine pehle ki bat he jab me rajiv se...

3 years ago
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Fulfilling Robber Pussy Eating Fantasy Of Nandini

Hi, all Indian sex story readers. This is Madhan here with a story of a pussy eating fantasy. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for . I am a story writer with many stories published. About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all...

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Fulfilling Robber Pussy Eating Fantasy Of Nandini

Hi, all Indian sex story readers. This is Madhan here with a story of a pussy eating fantasy. First of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for . I am a story writer with many stories published. About Me: I am a Madhan of 28 years of age, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a normal body with skills of tasting a body erotically. I belong to one of the cleanest cities in India, Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all...

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Chandni Oh My Chandni

Hello, ISS reader i am Sumit from Siliguri, West Bengal and this story involves me and my sexiest hot girlfriend Chandni, losing her virginity to me. To begin with my hot girlfriend Chandni, she is about 5’7 and her assets measure 36-26-32 she looks like Ayesha Takia, her boobs can make any one go crazy within first look, her eyes are so beautiful that one gets hypnotized by her beauty. Though i am 5’10 and my cock measure about 7″ she’s truly a sex goddess. It all happened after the college...

2 years ago
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The Knight Zander

Since the day of the ill-fated campaign to bring down the warlord Mahrk that led to the death of the youngest prince of Harya, Zander lived in seclusion in the tiny fishing village of Fairno. No kingdom would accept him into their knighthood nor would any hire them for their "dirty" work. So Zander was content living in Fairno and keeping the life he now had. Most of his days we spent excercising keeping in shape and farming his land. And on days like today when he needed supplies Zander went...


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