The Strawberry Patch Book 2: Lost And FoundChapter 4: Performing And Teaching free porn video

September – Year 2
My first presentation was well attended with over 400 coaches in the room and a good Q&A session afterwards. The presentations I attended did one of either two things for me. They either taught me something new or they affirmed that I already knew good stuff. Both are valuable lessons.
During the lunch break I took a walk outside the hotel and found some of the local lunch spots. Mac and I had lunch one day and I went with a group of new coaches one day. I made a good number of contacts and agreed to be available for young coaches if they ever had questions or needed mentoring. Everything was moving smoothly.
I talked to my wives each morning before my meetings and each evening after the meetings and before I went out to take in some of the local music. On Thursday night I went to a place called The Rustic Zipper. They were hosting a jam session and I signed up and sang three songs that were well received. After my set, I sat at the bar to enjoy an adult beverage and call Erin at the bar to tell her that I loved her. I man and woman approached me.
“Hi, can we talk to you and maybe buy you a drink?” The man asked and offered.
“Sure. I’m just doing Shiner Bock.”
“We love your voice and your stage presence. I am in a band here in town and we have a gig tomorrow night and wondered if you would like to come and hear us and maybe sit in on a few songs.” The woman smiled after he spoke.
“Wow. That is very nice of you. I am in town on business until Saturday morning. If I can find the time I would like to hear you. What is the name of the place and what time do you start?”
“It is called the ‘Doo-Drop-In’. I know, and believe me it is as cheesy a place as its name. But the crowd is always good and the sound guy makes us sound really good. We go on at 9pm.”
“I saw the name of the place when I was searching for jams before this trip. It is down south in Pasadena, right?
“Yup. It is a little bit of a drive.” The couple seemed like nice folks.
“I have a presentation on Friday. If I don’t mess up and I feel good, I will give it a shot.”
My Friday presentation was well attended and was received better than the first. Mac and his whole staff were sitting in the front row and two of his assistants were writing like fiends the whole time. There were many good questions afterwards and I walked away feeling like I had earned my keep.
“So now that you are a big-time coach and all, what are you doing tonight?” Mac asked, surrounded by his staff.
“I don’t know. I was going to go out to hear some live music.”
“Are you still doing that?” He turned to his staff. “This guy is not just a great coach. He has one of the best blues voices you will ever hear. He was in a band in Kansas City called “They Only Look Dead” that was the bomb.”
“First I didn’t have anything. I was IN a band of great musicians and I just tried to stay out of the way. Second, you know that I am just a little old country coach and I am just trying to not mess up.”
“Hey Mac, isn’t that your line?”
“Who do you think he stole it from?” I smacked Mac on the back.
“Well where are you going tonight?”
“A place down in Pasadena. It is a bit of a drive but the band invited me to hear them and maybe sit in so I figured what the heck.”
“Really? They let you do that?” One of the assistant asked.
“Happens all the time. I mean if you had a fellow coach come into your practice, would you ask them to give your kids a drill or a talk?”
“I don’t know. No one has ever come to watch me.” He laughed.
“I watch you! So you better watch out.” Mac tried to look serious before breaking out with his normal booming laugh.
‘Look, Mac, I need to get to the next talk. I really want to hear what the U of Texas coach has to say. Call me if you want to meet me down there after the meetings tonight. OK?”
“Ok, Paul. See you later.”
I walked into the next meeting room and sat in the front row. The Texas coach saw me and nodded to me. Several coaches noticed and came to sit by me. Coach groupies? Anyway, he was his normal great self. His talk was more about living a full life as a coach and not getting locked into only the job. He mentioned that he made regular time to be alone, away from home, with his wife for dinner or a movie.
I had come to that conclusion when I got together with my wives. I had been a workaholic during my first marriage and it cost me my wife and almost cost me my relationship with my kids. These two women had given me a second chance and I was not going to mess it up this time.
After dinner, I called home.
“Hi lover.”
“Hi Lynn. How are the babies?”
“They miss their daddy. I miss their daddy to and so do my too full breasts. I can’t wait for you to come home. Erin and I are going to do a rock, paper, scissors to see who gets to come and pick you up at the airport. If I win we are going to park up on the top of the parking garage and I am going to fuck you until you empty my tits.”
“Oh shit. I’m gonna die! What are Erin’s plans?”
“I will let her tell you. Erin, Paul is on the phone.”
“Hi Paul.” She was very quiet.
“Hi Sweetie. Are you ok?’
“No. I want you safe at home. I’m not going to play any game with Lynn. If she wants to fuck your lights out she can. I just want you home, holding me tight in bed.” She sounded almost despondent.
“Sweetie, I’m ok. When I get home I am going to wrap myself around you and stay wrapped all night long, OK?”
“Can you come home tonight?” She was pleading now.
“No, my love. I can’t get anything going home this late at night. That is why I am flying out in the morning. I will be home by noon, unless it takes me too long to finish off your wife.” I tried to sound funny and light hearted for her.
“I love you Paul. Our babies love you. Please come home safe.”
“Erin O’Dell. Please stop worrying. I love you forever. I love our babies forever. Good night. Let me talk to Lynn please.”
“Good night. I love you forever.”
“Hi Lynn. Has she been like this all week?”
“Yes. I have tried everything. Last night I just held her and she cried herself to sleep.”
“What? All because of a dream?”
“Paul, I think that she had another one but isn’t talking about it.”
“Do I need to talk to her again?”
“You can try, but I don’t know if it will help. Let me ask her. Erin, Paul wants to know if you have had another dream.”
“Hi Paul. Yes. The baby said it was sorry for the pain, but it was needed.”
“Hang in there Erin. I will be home tomorrow morning. I love you and I am never going to leave you.”
“Here is Lynn. Good night.”
“Hi lover. That is what I have been facing every day. The babies feel it. Margaret has been holding on to me for dear life. Please don’t go away for a week any more without us.”
“I’ll do the best I can. Oh! Also, I called to let you know that I met some young musicians and they invited me to sit in at their gig tonight. So I am going to pack and get ready to leave in the morning and then I am going to go to their gig. I might not get to bed tonight so I’ll sleep on the plane.”
“I meant what I said about tomorrow, you better not fall asleep inside of me.”
“I would never do that. Loving you is way too exciting to sleep through.”
“Good answer. I love you Paul. Please be safe.”
“You too?”
“Hey, the babies have not been wrong yet. Please come home to us and stay safe. I love you forever.”
“I love you forever. Good night.”
“Good night.”
After packing and showering, I was ready to go. I put on a pair of faded jeans and my boots and a t-shirt from Lester’s BBQ. I was looking forward to hearing the kids band and seeing how good they might be. After 45 years of coaching I found that when I listened to music I was listening as a teacher and coach. I wondered if these kids were any good.
When I got to the dreaded Dew Drop Inn (who the fuck names their place that?) I parked and noticed a lot of pickup trucks and beat up Chevy’s in the parking lot. Not even a messed up Ford! That set me off right away. I walked into the place and it was everything a nasty Texas honky-tonk should be. By God they had a mechanical bull!
I sat at the bar and waited for the band to go on. I am still a semi-good looking man and I was not sitting at the bar for more than five minutes when women began to pay me some attention. First they just rubbed up against me when ordering a drink, then they nodded and said “hello”. Then the damn broke!

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