In My LifeChapter 4B free porn video

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Maria began to allow her feelings to surface. Emerson had been thinking about her, and telling everyone about her beauty. Maria wasn't particularly vain. She knew that she could be very attractive to Emerson, while still not impressing someone else. She admitted to herself that Emerson was the one she wanted to impress and it was beginning to appear that she had, even more than she dreamed.

Emerson, on the other hand, cursed himself for talking so freely about his past and Maria. Over the years he told more people than he could remember. He never thought Maria would meet any of them, but he should have known better. The world wasn't that big, and people seemed to remember his stories. He hoped that Maria would not take offense at his mentioning of her name.

Maria had been silent and Emerson had squirmed during Reynolds' story. Emerson asked again, "Can we get on with the business now, Walt? What will you pay for beef?"

"Emerson, you know I am in no position to haggle with you," Reynolds replied. "You name a fair price and give me your count. I'll agree to it."

There it was! Emerson knew the rest of them were watching him. This was an opportunity they never expected.

"Walt, you put me in a tough spot. I have to ask as much as I can and I have to treat you right." Emerson went on, "Suppose you give me Taylor's lowest price and your men take the count. Would that be fair?"

"It sure would. I knew you wouldn't take advantage of my debt to you, although Taylor's lowest price was higher than most buyers are paying. We will make the count tomorrow and take control of the herd. It will take a few days to get the draft." Reynolds went on, "Could I give it to you in Santa Fe in a week. I will be in for the Governor's Ball. Why don't you folks go to that, too?"

"Lieutenant Andrews made it a point to invite us to that already," Cathy told the Major. "We are already making plans, and we will see you there. It sure has been a pleasure doing business with you. Should I save a dance for you, General?"

Reynolds laughed as he answered, "That is a condition of this sale! Each of you ladies must reserve a dance for the "General" and I will hold you to it."

"Emerson, I should tell you that Ellen Lander is in Santa Fe and will probably be at the ball. It wouldn't be like her to miss it," Reynolds concluded. "She has been asking about you, trying to find out anything she can. Of course, I told her nothing, as I promised, but she has the resources and intelligence to put the pieces together, even if she doesn't actually know you are in Santa Fe. I can pretty well guarantee that if you go there, she will find you."

Emerson nodded. "I guess it doesn't matter now. Thanks, Walt."

Cathy and Maria exchanged glances at this message. This was another mystery Cathy was determined to solve. Maria also found herself wondering who Ellen was and what she meant to Emerson.

The ride back to the herd passed quickly. Cathy, Tom, and Bob were excited about the day's events and discussed it during the ride. Emerson was pensive and didn't join in, but Maria found herself catching the others' excitement. Soon she was talking and laughing with the others.

Cathy was laughing as she talked about her plans. "We should be in Santa Fe in two days. That gives me time to find something to wear, or have something made. Maria, you have relatives there. Will they help us find everything we need?"

"My cousins will be delighted to help. I haven't seen them for a couple of years, but I know they will. They are probably planning on going themselves." Maria then asked Cathy, "Are you saving any dances for anyone besides the 'General' as you called him. I think he liked that."

"Well, Maria, it sure didn't upset the man, did it? As far as saving any other dances, I guess it will depend on if I'm asked, and by who. Tom and Emerson have already earned them, so I'm offering one to you lucky boys, if you are interested," Cathy declared.

Tom Gordon answered immediately, "Interested? I'd fight for that chance! I hope to sneak more than one from you. How about you, Emerson?"

"I would be a bigger fool than I already am to pass that offer up," responded Emerson. "I look forward to it!"

Cathy continued, "How about you, Maria? Are you going to save a dance for anyone else, or do you want to save all of them for someone?"

Maria smiled as she answered, "I would certainly make the same offer as you, except I will include Bob and the rest of the crew, if they are interested. I will never be able to thank these men enough. This was difficult, but it worked out well. So, do you cowboys want me to save a dance for you?"

Bob Jordan was the first to respond. "I was hoping you'd ask! Count me in, early in the night. When the other girls see you dance with me, my stock will go up. They'll all want a dance!"

"In that case, I would like the last dance," Tom chuckled. "That will let me remember it longer. How about you, Emerson?"

Emerson looked at his companions. He scratched his chin and appeared to be thinking the offer over. Maria had almost decided to recant her offer when Emerson finally answered.

"I would ask for the one just before intermission, so you might spend that with me as well."

Maria was touched. "You fellows know how to make a girl feel good! I won't forget your dances, I promise."

That evening Emerson asked everyone to report to the camp to learn the deal that had been reached. He passed over the preliminary trouble and simply stated the terms of the contract.

"I made the deal and I am glad to stand by it," Emerson told the group. "We should get the government draft in a week, but they are taking the herd tomorrow. Does anyone have any problems with this arrangement?"

Ernie Hooker, who had proven himself a top hand for a man of any age, asked, "It may not be my place to ask, but I'm curious. How did you get such a good deal from the Army? I always heard they liked to buy low."

Maria answered that question, "You are right, Ernie. It seems that the Major Reynolds owed Emerson a large debt of gratitude for something he did in South America a few years back. Emerson forgot to mention that."

Billy Hatko asked, "Reynolds? South America? I guess Emerson earned a favor!"

Cathy made a mental note to talk to Billy as soon as she had the chance. Billy knew the story and Cathy hated being on the outside of a mystery. He could even know about the girl called Ellen.

There were no complaints. Everyone was more than satisfied. That evening Pat Casey sat by Emerson as they ate. Maria sat near her father and listened as Pat told Emerson, "I can't thank you enough, Emerson. You did what you set out to do. You got the herd through and sold for a good price. Everyone survived. In fact, you were hurt worse than anyone else.

"You came through for Maria in that stampede. I thought I was going to lose her that time. I don't know how I could have faced her mother if something had happened. You risked everything for the girls when Gustin showed up. Your arm is still in a sling from that. I'm just trying to tell you that Carmella, Maria, and I know what you have done for the Casey family. We won't forget it."

Emerson shook Pat's hand. "Pat, I should be thanking you. Your family was good to me back when you had every reason not to be. You threw in on this drive without argument or complaint. You ran things when I was unable to do so. Maria saved me from that Indian and got me through my injuries. You owe me nothing. I feel very much indebted to your entire family."

Maria listened to the two men talk. She realized this was something they felt they had to say. It seemed strange to her that men could be more honest with other men than they were with women, even the ones they loved. Listening, she knew that her father and Emerson would always be friends. It seemed so simple and basic for them.

Cathy and Maria were excited about the drive finishing so well and the impending visit to Santa Fe, including the Governor's Ball. They sat and talked long after the others were sleeping.

"Maria, I saw you drop back with Emerson today while we were riding with Lieutenant Andrews. When you rejoined us you looked a bit flushed. Did that man insist you pay your debt?"

Maria smiled as she thought back to the ride with Emerson. "Are you kidding? He is so proper! I practically had to climb into his saddle to settle my account, but you will be glad to know I have taken care of it."

"Maria, you have changed your opinion from a few weeks ago! I guess you aren't going to claim you hate him any more. Maybe it is the opposite emotion?"

"I never hated him, as you guessed. He just hurt me badly and I felt the need for some kind of revenge. Also, I didn't know how he felt about me and I didn't want to make a fool of myself. I guess I was afraid to show my real feelings."

"You seem to be showing them a little now. How will your mother feel about Emerson? Your Dad seems to think he is the best. Will she approve?" asked Cathy.

"Cathy, haven't you heard my mother talk about him? She was sold on him before I was. She will be delighted, but don't rush this thing. We have no understanding or anything."

"Maria, you can wrap that man around your finger! You can take this anywhere you want to go and you know it."

"How is your romance working out? Tom seems to stick close to you as much as possible. Is this something serious, Cathy?" asked Maria.

"We haven't really talked about it, but I think it might be. It is one reason I am looking forward to the Ball. I can dress up and let Tom see I am not just a cowgirl, although I'm proud to be one. This cattle drive has been a great experience."

The troops from Major Reynolds' outpost arrived early the next morning. Lieutenant Andrews was in charge and he dallied after his men started the herd. Emerson saw him talk to Maria off to the side and was mildly curious about the nature of the conversation, although he felt he had a good idea what it was about.

The extra horses were sent as well. Andrews assured them that the Army needed them and they would be paid a fair price. With nothing to hold them, the happy group headed for Santa Fe. When darkness began to fall, the lights from the city beckoned to them. It was agreed that since they were that close, they would ride on.

Billy rode beside Emerson. "You should have a big smile on your face, Emerson. Instead, you look like your dog just died. Is anything wrong?"

Emerson smiled. Billy had a way of cheering him up. "I think I'm experiencing a let down. This thing was so important to me, I could think of nothing else. Now, I feel like a ship with no direction, just floating where the winds take me. I'll get over it soon enough."

"Reynolds said Ellen Lander was in Santa Fe. I really never thought I would ever see her again. I'm afraid she feels indebted to me. I hope she doesn't try to make too much of that incident in San Cristol. I would really like to keep her from our crew, but that isn't likely. That Cathy is a curious sort and seems to figure things out pretty quick."

"I don't think that story will cost you any friends! The fact that the Lander family owns a good chunk of this earth doesn't hurt either. I never saw her, but I heard Ellen Lander is something to look at. What about that, Emerson?"

"You seem to be well informed, as usual, Billy. She is very attractive." Emerson added, "I just don't want to complicate things right now. Ellen will get along fine if she never sees me again. I think I'll stay low while we are in Santa Fe."

"I don't know about you," Billy stated, "but I'll feel better after a bath, a good meal, and a drink. Then things will be right again."

The group stopped at a livery stable not far from The Casa Diaz. Before the drive started, family members had told the crew that they would be at the hotel, waiting to welcome them.

The girls, Tom, and Bob were very excited and hurried off to the hotel as soon as the hostler took the horses. Soon the others followed suit. Emerson and Billy took care of their own mounts before entering the hotel. They were the last two to go in.

Emerson was surprised at the number of citizens from Morgantown that were present when he entered the hotel. His mother and sister were there and met him with hugs.

"Maria told me you were shot in the shoulder, but you would be okay," Nancy told Emerson. "She said you were the bravest cowboy she ever saw! I'm glad we're all together again."

Emerson's mother held Emerson's left hand as she spoke. "Miguel told me a little about the trip. He said you were the difference, Emerson. All of them talked about the job you did. I'm very proud of you."

Emerson leaned over and kissed his mother on the cheek. "I'm glad I've finally done something you can be proud of, Mother. I never did that when I was a kid. Miguel was great. Be proud of him, too.

Tom Gordon's father was the next to thank Emerson. "You did what most said you couldn't do, son. The trip has changed Tom. I can see that. I would have liked to have been there when he slapped Taylor! We can get by without his business, and sleep better at night for it. That must have been some gunfight you lads were in. I thank you for shooting fast and straight and for everything else." The older Gordon grasped Emerson' good hand as he spoke.

Emerson couldn't believe it when he saw Vern Jordan and a lady that could only be his wife. "I never expected to see you two here! You have to be Cathy's mom. I see where she got her good looks."

"Cathy told me you were handsome, but she didn't mention how smooth you are," Mrs. Jordan's eyes twinkled as she wrung Emerson's hand. "We couldn't sit around and wonder about the kids, so we came up here with everyone else. I'm not that fragile and the trip did me good."

Vern Jordan spoke, "Emerson, I was some relieved to see those kids, and everyone else, come through that door. From what I hear, you were largely responsible for that. Thanks a lot, son!"

Emerson began to feel like he was in a receiving line at a wedding. He was dusty and self-conscious of his appearance. Everyone but he and Billy had gone to get cleaned up. He went to the desk to register and remembered he had never mastered writing left-handed. Carmella Casey stepped in close to Emerson and wrote his name for him.

"I was told some of the things you did on that drive, like save my daughter's life twice, at least. Pat choked up telling me about it. Maria was unusually quiet. Emerson, Maria is a wonderful girl. She means more to us than anything else in the world. Pat told you we are your friends for life. I can only repeat it. Thanks for taking care of my daughter." Carmella made little attempt to hide her emotions as she spoke. She gave Emerson a hug and he could feel her sob against his chest. He felt emotions welling up in response.

"Mrs. Casey, Maria really is a wonderful girl and you have every right to be proud of her. When the chips were down, she came through for me. Don't make me more than I am, please. If I should ever be lucky enough to help her, it is for me. It makes me feel better, so that makes it a selfish act." Emerson hugged her back. "You are a lucky woman to have a husband and daughter like you do, and they are even more fortunate to have you."

Emerson went up the stairs to his room. With one hand he cleaned himself up as well as he could. He promised himself a bath in the morning. Struggling out of his clothes, he crawled into his bed.

Someone banging on his door woke Emerson. He got out of bed and opened the door a crack. Billy stood in the hall grinning. "You didn't show up at breakfast and we all thought you were sleeping late. When you didn't show for lunch some of us got a little nervous, so I came up to see if you are all right."

Emerson looked out his window and saw it was afternoon. He must have slept fourteen hours! "Billy, thanks for the concern. I slept more than I ever have. I'm going to find a place for a bath and a shave and then I'll feel human."

It turned out there was a barber shop across from the hotel. When he emerged over an hour later, Emerson had a fresh shave, a haircut, a bath, and a new outfit. He had picked up a suit that was in style and felt much better.

Emerson spent the rest of the day wandering through Santa Fe. It was already an old city and Emerson found it interesting. His command of Spanish was a definite aid in a city were so many spoke it, and not English. It reminded Emerson of the times his ship would dock in a new port and he would explore the culture of that part of the world.

Emerson carried one colt, tucked in his waist and covered by his jacket. Occasionally, he saw men wearing holsters but for the most part no guns were visible. He had decided to not wear his sling. He found he could hook his thumb on his belt and keep his shoulder still. He felt less awkward that way.

He ran into other crew members and some of the relatives from Morgantown several times during the day. They were all very warm to Emerson, and sometimes that made him uncomfortable. Still, he was always gracious.

Near evening, as he entered a mercantile, he almost bumped into Maria. She was with Cathy and two pretty girls of obvious Spanish decent. Emerson tipped his hat.

Cathy saw Emerson and called to him, "Emerson, you really look a lot better. How do we look?" and with that, Cathy stood by Maria and turned slowly as Emerson watched.

Emerson's eyes told the story. These two girls from little Morgantown would not soon be forgotten in Santa Fe. They were dressed in dresses of Spanish style and were beautiful. Maria with dark hair, and Cathy with blonde, the two made a contrast that enhanced each.

Emerson gave a gulp and replied, "I am almost speechless. I would have to say that I have never seen a lovelier vision. You girls could cause a riot dressed like that. Be careful."

Cathy started to laugh, but Maria seemed nervous. She had Cathy's arm and started to pull her back to their shopping. One of the two Spanish girls that were with them looked at Emerson and gave a big smile.

"Emerson?" she said in a Spanish accent. Then, in Spanish, she continued, "I am Maria's cousin. She has told us so much about you over the years! I thought she had made you up, but I see you are very real and Maria was telling the truth. I'm sorry, do you speak Spanish?"

Emerson smiled at the girl, "Yes, and Maria said she had some attractive relatives, but she didn't do you justice."

The girl was about Maria's age and was pleased with Emerson's comment. The other girl had joined them and she told Emerson, "I think Maria is afraid we will steal you away. That is why she has not introduced us. I am Consuela and my sister is Margarita. We have listened to Maria tell Emerson stories every time she would visit for years. Finally, we meet you. I see why she is so proud of you!"

Maria was flustered and made an attempt to end the embarrassment. "You have met Emerson, now let's get on with our shopping. I'm sure Emerson has things to do."

"Maria, you don't want us to talk to him! Are you afraid we will say something to embarrass you? After all your talk, it would seem like you would be glad to show him off." Consuela ended her words with a small pout.

Cathy had been able to understand enough to catch what was going on. She laughed, "Maria, you are so selfish! Your cousins have heard about Emerson for years and you are trying to get rid of him now. That's what you get for bragging."

Emerson saw Maria's discomfort increase and decided it would be best if he left. "It has been a pleasure meeting you, but I do have to attend to some business," Emerson lied. In English he added, "Remember to be careful, you girls are too pretty!"

Cathy was enjoying the situation. "Thanks, Emerson. Are you going to give your girl, Maria, a kiss good-bye?"

"Cathy, you do love trouble, don't you?" Emerson laughed. "I think it best if I left as fast as possible." As he spoke, Emerson turned and left the building.

Maria's cousins were clearly impressed with Emerson and told Maria so. "Maria, he is so strong and handsome! We thought he was someone you had made up, the way you described him. Now I see you were truthful. You are very fortunate!" Consuela exclaimed.

It was a few minutes before they got back to the task of finding the things Maria and Cathy wanted for the ball. Eventually Maria was alone with Cathy. Maria didn't know if she should laugh or cry.

"Cathy, I might as well tell you what that was about, if you haven't already guessed. When I visited my cousins, they always talked about all the boys, and then men, in their lives. I had to have something, and Emerson was far away, so it seemed safe for me to tell them about him and that he was my suitor. I never thought he would ever meet them! That was so embarrassing! What must Emerson think?"

Maybe he'll think you like him, and are proud of him. Is that so bad?" Cathy asked.

Maria was thoughtful for a moment and then told Cathy, "I am going to tell my cousins the truth. It will be embarrassing for a while, but they won't bother Emerson any more."

Cathy held Maria by the shoulders and spoke directly to her. "Are you crazy? Did Emerson look flustered? We both know he likes you, so you weren't telling a lie. In fact, it was probably the only time in the past eight years you were truthful about how you felt about Emerson. You can always tell them it didn't work out, if it doesn't. For now, let it go. No one was hurt. Certainly not you or Emerson."

Maria looked down. "Cathy, you always seem to understand what I should do. You are a real friend. I guess I'll let it go. The embarrassing part is over now anyway."

Cathy and Maria had made it a point to ask Billy about Emerson's business with Major Reynolds in South America and about Ellen Lander. Billy had not been helpful. He refused to elaborate on the former and claimed to have never met any Ellen Lander, or even heard of her. Still, the two girls had come away with the feeling Billy was not telling them what he did know.

"Maria, Billy is keeping information from us, I'm sure. Men really stick together. It occurs to me that if this Ellen Lander is in town, we should be able to find something out about her, with some discreet questioning."

"We have to be careful not to be too obvious or we could look rather foolish, Cathy. But it is worth a try. I must admit I am rather curious about this woman. I wonder if she is attractive. Somehow, I know she must be."

On the second evening after their arrival, Cathy and Maria were out shopping for the ball. Cathy came up to Maria with a mysterious look on her face.

"Well, it sure wasn't hard to find out who Ellen Lander is. This clerk couldn't say enough about her!"

Maria waited for the rest. "Cathy, don't play games with me. What did you learn?"

"Just that Ellen Lander is the richest, most beautiful woman in the country. Other than that, she isn't all that special, I'm sure."

"Cathy, are you serious? I can never tell when you are telling the truth."

"Maria, her father owns mines all over the world. They are wealthy, incredibly so. She is young and beautiful and in Santa Fe, staying at the best hotel, of course. It seems that every single man in the territory is presenting himself to her constantly. Everyone knows Ellen Lander, the clerk says."

"Did you happen to hear any connection with Emerson? I guess I don't have to ask. She's probably met him in some exotic part of the world. If she has, she will remember him, I'm certain." Maria was not enjoying Cathy's information.

The following afternoon, Carmella, Molly, Nancy, Cathy, and Maria were all together, strolling through stores and outdoor markets in the old part of the city. A shop specializing in silver caught their attention and they entered it. The jewelry was magnificent and all the women turned quiet as they looked at the different pieces.

Cathy saw Molly looking at a beautiful silver necklace. "Look, that piece has Molly Hernandez written all over it! It would look great on you, Molly!"

Ellen Lander had decided to pick up some gifts for her friends in Denver. It was that decision that brought her to the same shop Maria and her companions were visiting. As she entered, Ellen heard the name Molly Hernandez.

"Excuse me! Did you say Molly Hernandez?" she asked the group. "Is someone here named Molly Hernandez?"

Maria turned to the questioner. She was not prepared for what she saw. A fashionably dressed young woman stood by the door. Her hair was copper colored and well coifed. Her figure was perfect and her looks stunning.

It was Nancy that broke the surprised silence. "My mother is Molly Hernandez. Why do you want her?"

Ellen looked from Nancy to Molly. It was apparent that she was in an excited state. That was when she turned and saw Maria. Staring, she approached Maria, a question forming on her lips.

"Are you Maria? There can't be two as lovely as you. You do have the look of an angel!"

Maria was shocked that this woman knew who she was. "Yes, I am Maria Casey. And you can only be Ellen Lander."

"So you know me? Have you seen, I mean, do you know a man, tall and handsome, that went to sea many years ago? I probably sound crazy, but I must know."

Cathy stepped forward. "Miss Lander, Maria isn't giving out information today. You'll have to excuse us."

Maria knew Cathy was trying to keep the Lander woman from Emerson and loved Cathy for it. She also knew that would solve nothing, only delay it.

"You are asking about Emerson?" Maria asked Ellen.

"Emerson? That would be his name. He seemed like an Emerson. Have you seen him in the past year and a half?" Ellen asked.

"Certainly. We are staying at the same hotel, the Casa Diaz. He is probably there now." Maria answered.

"He is? Is he all right. I mean is his health good?" Ellen was holding Maria's arms as she spoke.

"He is quite well, except for the bullet wound in his shoulder, but that is improving rapidly. It only happened a couple of weeks ago, but he is a fast healer." Maria answered.

"He has been shot again?" Ellen cried.

Carmella had been listening to the conversation and making little sense of it. "Could I ask what is going on? You have completely lost me."

"Mother, this is Ellen Lander. She is as wealthy as she is lovely. She and Emerson seem to go back a ways, and she is obviously anxious to see him again."

Carmella had noticed Maria's softening toward Emerson since their arrival in Santa Fe. It was quite apparent Ellen Lander was not a person with whom Maria felt she wanted to compete. Emerson seemed to have a way of attracting desirable women. She felt some of the emotions her daughter was experiencing and was proud of Maria's control.

Ellen could not contain her pleasure. "I can't believe my good luck. I was hoping I would find him, but I had almost given up. Hearing the name Molly Hernandez brought it all together. That and seeing this beautiful woman." She indicated Maria as she spoke. "Emerson really does have good taste."

"Thank-you so much! I haven't much time so I must go find him. Will I see you at the Ball? We can visit then. There is so much we can share!"

Again it was Cathy that answered. "We'll be there. Maria has promised Emerson a dance. He's really sweet on her you know."

"I sure do! I'll see you there," Ellen answered as she headed back out the door.

"Mother, isn't she beautiful!" Maria whispered to Carmella. "She is a real lady, in every sense."

"She is lovely, but certainly no more so than you. I've seen the way people, especially men, look at you. You are second to no one, and I'm sure Emerson will agree," Carmella responded.

Cathy moved close to Maria. "She does seems to be up on fashion, but you didn't have to make it easy for her to find Emerson. Why did you tell her where to find him?"

"Cathy, you are a wonderful friend, and I appreciate it, believe me. She would have found him sooner or later, and I have no right or reason to keep them apart."

"Well, I sure don't see it that way, but you are probably right. Did you see the heads turn when she went down the street? I think we'll have to work really hard to get ready for the Ball. She said she would be there."

By this time, Carmella and Molly were unable to contain their curiosity. Questions came faster than answers. There was much Cathy and Maria did not know, but were determined to find out.

Ellen Lander went directly to Emerson's hotel after leaving Maria, only to find Emerson was not in. She decided to finish her errands and check back at the hotel afterward.

Later that day, Cathy and Maria volunteered to carry the group's purchases back to their rooms, while the rest continued browsing through the city.

"This trip has been so good for my mother and Molly! They really do need to get away from the ranch now and then. Nancy is really enjoying herself, too. That cattle drive really did turn out well, didn't it?" Maria asked as the two women strolled toward the hotel.

"I should smile! We haven't been able to dress up, or see anything but home for quite some time. We also have a couple of pretty good men interested in us. Who knows how well this will turn out!"

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I am a happy man. Yesterday my love, Tori, and I returned home from Italy. We have been together for one year so far and we celebrated our first anniversary together in Spello, Italy, which is located in the beautiful Umbria area. She and I spent three days in Spello after we saved up for it. What we did was worth it and our memories of it will never fade. We stayed at the Delfina Palace Hotel and the experience was absolutely wonderful. It has a restaurant, Gli Orti Di Epicuro, which has such...

2 years ago
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An Evening Out0

She felt his hands on either side of her head, urging her to stand. She rose gracefully to her feet; head still bowed until he placed a finger under her chin and raised her face to his, his lips coming down on hers in a fiery demanding kiss. She locked her arms behind his neck to steady herself as his arms crushed her body to his; she could feel him already getting hard as their tongues dueled and explored. His hands stroked her body, one going to a breast, pinching the nipple to instant...

1 year ago
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The Train journey

Train started from hyderabad on a wet july evening chugging along slowly, the rain has paused and the freshness it left was covering every inch of surface. the roads, building and the vehicles were all bathed and cleaned by the torrent that lashed the city. the city was running in opposite direction and it started picking speed, soon it started disappearing and instead there were open spaces, fields and trees. i was lost in the nature's bounty when a voice brought me back to the train. "Excuse...

1 year ago
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Birthday Present

She sat quietly, drinking her tea and half listening to the station announcements... "The next train from platform seven is the 1735 to Ramsgate, calling at Bromley South, Chatham, Gillingham, Sittingbourne, Faversham..." The hustle and bustle of the trains faded from her mind as her thoughts went back to a year before. "Can you come to my room? I've got something to show you?" "Okay, what is it?" her boyfriend, Steve had asked, but she had just grinned, running up the stairs to the...

1 year ago
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To Walk the ConstellationsChapter 14

GOODBYES AND GOODLUCKS We didn’t go to the spaceport. Instead, we circled around the pyramid that was the former Emperor’s home and settled down next to the sleek, angular corvette that had been my prison for subjective days. As the bulky, beetle looking transport settled to the ground, Mal glanced my way from the piloting rig. “Think we can steal that? It’s closer.” I mentally kicked myself for ten kinds of idiot – then heard a snarl from Techne. “That thing, if it has a spindrive,...

2 years ago
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Spa Treatments

Joe lay on the massage table waiting for the sweet young thing to return. The girl giving him the massage had a slender body, firm boobs that he wanted to fondle and a sweet ass that he wanted to dive into. He was growing hard thinking about her, and she was due to return any minute. She had given him the option of stripping nude or leaving his boxers on. He took the option of nude, hoping that something else might happen. She returned. He was under the sheet waiting for her as he had been...

3 years ago
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Pregnant lady

I was asked to do a job at one ladies house that would change all that, even though no actual flirting happened. I arrived at the job, having been recommended by a friend of the client. I hadn’t priced anything and so it was a “As the job runs” structure. The lady in question was Mrs. Lyn Holmes. Now Lyn was, by my estimation, about five months pregnant, no husband in sight. Apparently he had done a runner as soon as she had conceived. Still she had a nice pad and didn’t seem short of a few...

1 year ago
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Sex with Neighbours

It was near the end of summer and my parents were planning a weekend away before the weather began to cool down. Recently our family had become friends with the King family who live down the street. The Kings have 2 daughters, Jane who is 19 and Jenna who is 18. I'm the only boy in our family and turned 18 two weeks ago. Having become friends my parents decided to ask the Kings to go with them for the weekend and they accepted, leaving Jane, Jenna and me at home. Our parents decided it would be...

First Time
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A Hot Cheap Way to Get Off

When you’re a 18 year old girl it’s hard to purchase . The fact that I’m always horny, I’ve tried a lot of things. I’ve tried things such as candlesticks, carrots, magic markers (the fat ones), and bananas. Bananas are one of my favorites because thery are soft, and they taste really good when I lick my cum of of them. The problem is that they always split in half. I thought of a great new way to get off Hot & Cheap when my parents left me alone for the entire weekend. I start by getting a...

3 years ago
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Finding HomeChapter 37

One Saturday in January, a few weeks after coming back from Japan, I’m sitting in the mall finishing my lunch when Lia, my lead girlfriend, returns from the rest rooms with another girl. I smile, because it’s like Lia to make new friends. Lia is giving me a sweet smile while they walk over, so I know I’m in for some sort of trouble. She nods at her new friend, while saying, “This is Meredith, you’re taking her to her high-school dance in three weeks’ time. But you have to ask her father for...

1 year ago
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Basha sold the farm

Basha Bagrowski came from a proud Polish Nebraska farm family. Her father and mother died in a car crash driving back from a night on the town in Omaha. She missed her father and mother. They used to sit on the front porch in the evening and her dad would play the accordion and sing Polish songs.She had to sell the farm. Basha could not do anything about it. She could not work the farm alone. Basha had sold all the animals and farm equipment. She sat on the front porch steps with her head in...

3 years ago
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White sissy used by black Masters

White sissy used by black Masters I’m booked into a London hotel and, after you text me to say you’ve arrived, I text you back the room number. It seems like ages before I hear someone attempting to open the door, followed by a firm knock and I jump up, excited but nervous about what’s about to happen. I walk over and unlock the door, careful not to meet your eyes as the door opens. I’m dressed in male clothes but I perform a very feminine curtesy as instructed, feeling both self-conscious and...

2 years ago
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Gemma by Callie Messenger I trotted quickly up the stairs to Daly's flat. She'd called me at work about heading out for dinner. I had clothes there so I would shower and change before we left. Possibly we might have time for something else too. I knocked on the door, and was a little surprised to watch it swing open. I walked in and called her name. She answered from the bedroom. I dropped my case and walked through. As I entered the bedroom, Daly was laid on...

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Becoming a Slut Wife AnneMarie

I'm a trusting kind of guy. I've been married to Ann-Marie for over twenty years now and in all that time I've never been unfaithful to her and I never even considered that she might not be true to me. Imagine my surprise when I found evidence that she was not only unfaithful, but unfaithful in a big way. During our entire marriage I had never — NEVER — gone into Ann-Marie's purse, and I don't believe that she had ever gone into my wallet. To me some things were just personal. One...

3 years ago
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They all heaved together and pushed the intricately carved stone block as it groaned under its own weight. Twigs broke under their feet and the block slowly slid into the shallow sunken chasm they'd dug for it. It crashed loudly into place and they all sighed. In the dark, moonlit forest, it was possible to see it began to glow very faintly and the world on the far side of it seemed to shimmer slightly around it. "Finally," Stan said and dusted his hands. He stretched and groaned from...

1 year ago
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Masters Golden Shower

Master and I love taking showers together. We love just standing under the hot water holding and kissing each other. We are both about the same height and our bodies fit perfectly together like puzzle pieces.After we make-out under the constant stream of water, I reach up to grab the shampoo to wash Master's hair. He looks so fucking hot with his salt and pepper hair slicked back exposing his widow's peak and sexy bedroom eyes. Sometimes I can't believe how much just looking into his eyes makes...

3 years ago
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Tell Laura Chapter 22

LauraTommy must have been like a mouse the morning after, as he had already left for work by the time I woke up on Monday. We had talked until the early hours and decided that we were going to take Cara up on her generous offer. I sent him a text to remind him to invite Kazumi to be with us and then I set about what I had planned for the day.Strange as it might sound, I was pleased when I walked into the kitchen and found some of the debris from the previous day. It gave me something to do, but...

1 year ago
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Wife for Sale

Gabriella honked lightly as she spotted her daughter. The tall, scrawny girl with long reddish blonde hair opened the passenger door and threw her backpack into the back seat of Wilbur, the yellow1966 Volkswagen bug. "Hi, mom. I got an A+ on my speech today." She said as she pulled her earphones on and pulled out her cell phone. From there it was all texting and music through the MP3. She had tuned her mother out all the way home from track practice. "How many intervals did you have to run...

1 year ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 149 Late Night Stroll

Now what am I walking in to? “Come on David, hurry up,” Suzie told me. “Most of my friends have to be back in their cabins by two at the latest. For some it is midnight if they don’t want to get caught. All our parents are having an adult’s night out. My sister thinks they are going off to have a massive orgy, but they aren’t. When I snuck over last there summer I found they were sitting around drinking, watching movies and playing cards as they bitched about their kids. It really is only a...

2 years ago
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Meri 18 saal ki naukrani

Hello Friends! My name is Lucky Qureshi.I study at a college in Delhi.Now, Iam going to tell you about a real sex event.I returned my home after my classes,I found that there was no one at my home accept my maid Chandni.She is 18 yrs old,wheatish complexion, 5’3 height and Figure of 30,28,30 approx.She told me that my mother is out for shopping.Then,I took my laptop at my bed and started watching nude wallpapers,I was so deeply watching them that i forget that chandni was sweeping my...

3 years ago
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Weekend fantasy chapter 2

Your hair glistened in the early morning sun which streamed through the not-tightly drawn curtains. Getting out of bed I closed the curtain darkening the room and started the coffee before showering. Somewhere during my second cup of coffee I realized how much I enjoyed sitting and watching you peacefully sleep as I recollected the previous night. Unexpectedly the flying pillow hit me as you exclaimed that I should take a walk and let a lady shower. Grinning, I headed for the restaurant. You...

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MylfDom Gia Vendetti Bondage And Betrayal

A gorgeous tall MILF like Gia Vendetti is bound to think she can get away with anything. With a body like hers, she can convince a guy to dig a hole to China if she wanted. But today, our stud is getting payback. He stuffs her mouth and ties her up on the bed, teaching her a lesson about betrayal. Then, he spanks her ass with his belt as Gia begs for more punishment. He whips out his fat dick and shoves it in her salivating mouth, and Gia flips over and spreads her leg for him. He pounds her...

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Kunal Uncle visits Savita and Ashok Comic Video

// Ashok’s Kunal uncle is going to visit them again. Savita bhabhi remembers Kunal uncle’s last visit 3 years back. She had cheated on Ashok for the first time and lusted for Rohit’s dick. Kunal uncle had caught her masturbating in her room. Not just that, she was moaning out Rohit’s name aloud as well! What will Kunal do, seeing his daughter-in-law in this situation? Watch this video and find out: Savita Bhabhi: Episode 25 – Bahu ka Farz. Liked the trailer? You can watch the full video...

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Daughter of Friend

Daughter of FriendNudity has never been a big deal in our household, it’s just the way we are. We live in a hot tropical country and at home – we prefer to be clothing minimal or sometimes clothing optional. I designed our house to be a private enclave where we didn’t need to feel confined by other people’s cultural habits. The house is three pavilions arranged around a central swimming pool, it’s very private. At the top, facing onto the street, we have a 2 storey pavilion with garage, entry,...

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Young Black Cock I was Addicted

It was my second year as professor at Western University. I had a Ph. D in Fine Arts and was instructing first year oil painting.The curriculum was mainly still life and landscape but did include some figure painting.For the figure painting I employed a willing student who would pose for a stipend from my limited budget. Usually it was a female student but this year a well-built nineteen-year-old male volunteered.Brad had the body of Adonis. Was a blue eye blonde with well defined muscles. He...

4 years ago
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Camping trip turns into threesome

This is a fantasy it is not trueI am in my late 40s I was camping when a big motorhome pulls up across the road and takes the campsite across from me . I see there is 2 ladies in the motorhome it took them about 10 minutes to back in and get set up. They where both standing outside they were in there mid to late 60s when one of them waved to me so I waved back. They called me over they were having trouble lighting there fridge so I went inside and heading towards the fridge I noticed a dildo...

2 years ago
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Barbara by Unknown The soft warmth of her lover's breathing fell across Barbara's face. The aroma was a pleasant mixture of his own musky breath and the scent of her lipstick still smudged in a crimson slash across his open mouth. She stirred from a peaceful sleep to find him pressed firmly against her back, his strong legs encircling her slender body, his hand laying gently on her lower belly. She smiled as she tried to move without disturbing him; she concluded that would be...

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The chamber maid

The Chamber Maid By: the Abbe I welcome any feed back you might want to share at: [email protected] Chapter 1Maggie was a naughty girl. That is why she found herself chained to the wall of the dungeon hidden beneath the main floor of the Estate of the Count and Countess De la Fountaine. She was still wearing her mistress’ black corset with pink lace and silk stockings. She felt the biting cold of the stone against her back even through the corset. Her nipples were hard and aching from the...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 495

The Retreat Diana hung up the phone, having just finished a last minute update to one of her orders. She was going over the coming trip in her mind while sitting at Jeff’s desk in his main office when the door burst open and Selina, red-faced, rushed in. “You were going to 2214 without me,” she accused. “Well now, Baby...” Diana almost stuttered, but even as her words stumbled out, she knew she was in trouble. “Baby, 2214 is a prison planet. There are dangers...” “Morales would not harm...

2 years ago
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My Booby Bhabhi

Hi, I am Vishal from Mumbai and i am 18 years old. I love all girls who are interested in sex. Now on the story, there was one of my bhabhi named Rani … her boobs were just like water balloons … her pussy smell was great … her lips and my penis … wow my darling Rani bhabhi …. now on the story sex hungers ;) Those days I was staying as a tenant in a single bedroom barsati, on the first floor of a house in Faridabad. That was the house of a couple in their late forties. While their elder son was...

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The Immortal Man

I awoke underwater. It was warm water. It was salt water. I was naked and alone. I'm not sure how many times I had been in this position, but I was being reincarnated again. The sun was coming up, soon I would need to get out of this water and start my next life again. Maybe I misspoke; I would continue my life. I'll explain. I was born so long ago that I cannot remember the number of years that havegone by, maybe 3,000 – 4,000 years. Every time I died or was killed, I woke up later in a...

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kelly makes the grade

That was until one day she didn’t come into class. I wondered where she was because we had a math test that day and I needed to get a look at that hot bitch. The day ended and I was walking to my car when I saw Kelly. She was sitting on the side walk next to the school. “Kelly.” “oh Mr. Mel hey.” “missed you in class to day.” “yeah well I was… sick.” “and now your all better.” “ummm…” “Kelly I have to report you for skipping.” “no please Mr. Mel. The reason I didn’t come was...

1 year ago
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SheWillCheat Kagney Linn Karter Black Bull fucks his desperate hotwife realtor

Kagney Linn Karter is working to be the top realtor in her area but her best friend Britney always comes out on top, mostly because she’ll do ANYTHING to sell a home. The listing Kagney’s showing today should put her over the top if her client Nat Turnher decides to buy it. After touring the house, Nat mentions that this is the second time he’s seen the house, his first being with Britney, who didn’t close the deal because she didn’t want to lend a “helping...

1 year ago
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Loving the Wounded pt 2 of Typical Teenybopper

I had no clue what Chris’s issue was. The most frustrating feeling to me is when the one you love most freezes her heart to you, melts enough so you can just taste her essence, then freezes again abruptly and attempts to smash her solid self. Chris had just been released from the hospital. When I asked her sister about Chris’s experience with her psychiatrist, her sister giggled at me. “Shrink? Hee hee! Her head is shrunk! Hee hee hee!” It’s fifteen-year-olds like this that ruin the general...

3 years ago
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the trip

We had looked at this trip for a while not sure if we were ready for a full on swinging holiday but finally you had agreed and the date was close. We had been shopping but what to get it was an upmarket Spanish Villa in Marbella with luxury evenings of food wine and frolics so we had to dress for the occasion. The day had arrived and we were very excited we had made a command decision that no underwear was needed for the trip so both of us were free and easy so to speak, the flight was nice and...

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Wild Fantasy 8211 Episode 1

This is a fictional sex story made solely for the purpose of pleasure for the readers. Any feedback would be appreciated at Now sit back and experience probably the best pleasure u might get out of a sex story: Amy was a single, 35-year-old mom with 2 kids. She had recently been through a rough divorce with her alcoholic husband who, she suspected, was also cheating on her. She was a simple lady, and there was nothing unique or extraordinary about her. She was, however, envied by many of her...

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Poolside Romp Part 1

From my cabin verandah at the exclusive spa retreat in the Hollywood Hills, I watched the security guard check the pool area and shut the gates. I knew they weren’t locked, despite the sign which stated the pool closed at 9:30pm sharp. I’d been for a couple of midnight swims in my first few days and on all my other secret solo swims, there were no more passes by the guards. The retreat was based on a large lot of land, well away from the hustle and bustle of the city. It was private, secluded...

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Becoming An Independent Gigolo Part 8211 2

Helooo boys, girls, and aunties I’m sameer thanks for your lovely feedbacks and for motivating me to write another story.You can find my previous part at https://www.Indiansexstories.Net/couple/becoming-independent-gigolo/ I’m back again with another story with my client number 2 after becoming an independent professional gigolo. For those who don’t know me, I’m sameer from Mumbai western suburb (mira bhayander). I’m 6.2 feet tall with a muscular body with 6-inch cock size to please any girl or...

4 years ago
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Beth Naked in SchoolChapter 7

Wednesday School As he'd walked me home, the evening before, the cool night breeze caressing our naked bodies, I tried to talk Carl into doing school naked with me the next day, but he weaseled out of it, the fink. He said he didn't want to distract anyone from the fine job I was doing. Yeah, right! So anyway, the next day, there I was, outside the school, about to strip for the usual audience. I hadn't thought it was possible to feel more naked than I already had, but it is. You...

4 years ago
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Tiny Tits Tight Twat Lessons and Confessions

We’d been hooking up for a few months now, and were keeping a pretty good schedule. Once a week, sometimes twice, when my delivery route took me close by, I’d drop in to bang her willing cum-hole. Occasionally I had enough time to get her to orgasm, but she seemed just a little more eager for it when I made her wait until Friday night.Sunday afternoons, we had even more time to play, but I still hadn’t wormed any sexual fantasies out of her. She had complied with a few of mine and I was going...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Gloria and Tony Strangers to lovers

TO RENT:- Large room available to single working man.  Bath and laundry facilities available.   Also meals if required.  Enquire within. This was what I had been looking for, for weeks now.   I just wanted to get settled into a space of my own where I could have peace and quiet.  I had recently been divorced and left the house with the wife.   Thank goodness we didn’t have any children as I don’t think I could have been separated from them. Anyway, I rang the front door bell and waited.  The...

Straight Sex
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I Finally Fucked My Dads Friend

Mr. Walker was my dad’s friend. It had been a year since I knew him and we kissed last month in a party at his house. It was me who started all this. Let’s just say I was a big slut who wanted to fuck with her dad’s friend. I was nineteen. I had blonde hair, 34C size tits and a fine hot ass. I always found myself getting horny to see older man checking me out. However, Mr. Walker was married to a beautiful woman but he always checked me out too. When I found out that he liked me I started...

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Roommatesbysamslam©"What happens in this apartment, stays in this apartment," my sister said, not meaning what I wish she had meant."What I mean is... I'm not going to change my lifestyle for you, okay?" Her tone softened slightly as she adjusted to my reaction. "If I want to bring someone into my bedroom, I will." She paused as if waiting for my agreement. I nodded so she went on. "If I want to parade around in my nothingness, I will. This was my apartment first." I didn't really expect her to...

1 year ago
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BondageFemdom funfestPart 1

This is a true storyI had an affair with a co oworker named Janet while we worked together in New Jersey. We were both married but had similar, non rewarding sex lives with our spouses. It didn't last long as I was transferred to the West Coast shortly thereafter. We kept in touch but things cooled as we went our separate ways. Two years later, I got an email from Janet saying that she was coming to LA from the East Coast for a week long training class. She left me her cell phone number and...

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Night on the Town

A Night On The Town. Hi, my name is Chas, and my wife just cant get enough. She just really gets off being naked in public and having her body used for the pleasure of men, fucked in all her holes, whipped, spanked, you name it she love,s it. If anybody had told me eight months ago, that I had a cum bucket slut of a wife and would soon be letting any man, in fact groups of men, strip her naked and abuse her body how they wanted, to humiliate her, use her as their slut, I would have told them...

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Beginning of a Friendship

David was lost in thought as he walked home on his way back from college. Professor Jacob had given him an "F" in chemistry practicals again. David knew that the results of his experiment were accurate. But he couldn't do anything about it. Professor Jacob has been intent on giving David a hard time ever since he caught David kissing his daughter. That bastard, David thought, how can he keep doing this? One more time and I am taking this to the principal! "Hey Mike, did you learn to count to...

Straight Sex
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MySistersHotFriend Addison Lee 24551

Sunning by her friend’s pool on such a nice day, Addison Lee never expected to be bombarded with water balloons by her friend’s brother Kyle! He’s getting her back for the last prank she pulled on him, but his plan backfires when Addison launches a water balloon right onto his nuts! Doubled over, Kyle’s surprised when she asks him if she can look at it, that the nursing classes she’s taken may apply. But when the horny blonde sees how big Kyle’s dick is, she nurses him back to health with a...

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Vantier a Whateley Tale part 10

Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it. In this chapter....Kyley and Becky journey to Whateley via NY city! AKA Road Trip! He is saved from the death of his race and start all over again....but can she survive? A human high school and being a teenager? Will she remember what was? And grow in power? most of my current stories can be found on Fictionmania Or if you want to input...

1 year ago
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The NeighborChapter 6

Tom had planned it for the next Friday. That would give him time to set up his special cameras around the pool. The day of the party, he had Karen and Susan over early to receive the guests and show them where to go. Tom knew the girls and their mom’s. He had seen them at Karen’s house many times. And to say the least, to him everyone looked hot! Now they would all be here, running around in their bathing suits. As he thought about this, maybe he had bit off more than he could chew. Thinking...

3 years ago
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When we got one morning the lights in the kitchen weren't working, Fucks Sake, that meant that I'd have to look for an electrician, finding one in the phone book, after ringing him he said he'd be up within the hour. I took my wife into town, she was having lunch with her best frind. Sure enough the Electrician, Bob, arrived with his son, Neil.After looking around Bob told his son, who was his apprentice, what he had to do as he was going to get some cable, he told me "Neil can do a little...

2 years ago
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Two black gentlemen share my wife

That night I was starting to get bored at that party; when suddenly that sexy mature woman sitting close to me whispered in my ear very softly:"Your slutty wife is going to get really fucked tonight..."Her slender fingers lightly grazed my hard cock through my pants as she whispered these words so softly. She also readjusted her luscious ass against my leg, and I could swear I could feel the heat radiating from her hot wet pussy where it touched me.A short while earlier, I had been sitting with...

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