Zhenzhen an InterludeChapter 3
- 2 years ago
- 25
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When I awoke, I found myself enclosed by female flesh. Eva and Helena rested along my sides, and Zhenzhen blanketed me. I felt warm of course, and sticky with sweat, but only my bladder made me uncomfortable.
"Zhen," I murmured. Her eyes opened and her smile made my heart lurch. "I need to use the toilet."
She let me slide out from under her and immediately replaced me between our lovers, facing Helena and getting spooned by Eva, both lovely angels adjusting in their sleep to embrace her.
I looked at the clock and chuckled. Exactly 6 am.
After my ablutions, I returned to the bedroom, looking at the three incredible beauties and wondering at my impossible fortune. Leaning over the bed, I kissed Eva on her cheek. "Eva," I murmured.
She smiled at me and brought my lips to hers. After the kiss, I told her of the time and she giggled and nodded and slipped out of bed.
Once dressed for dancing and filling my small backpack with a change of clothing, Eva emerged from the bathroom, clean and ready, and speedily dressed as well. We headed upstairs to Zhenzhen's bedroom. There, the three ladies, Lindy, Angelique and Consuela, greeted us with kisses, the most intense coming from Consuela for me. They had already dressed. Only Consuela looked like she wished she could have slept longer. I briefly thought about her joining Helena and Zhenzhen in my bed, but remembered Helena's presence would prevent it and silently cursed.
I noticed Consuela's slight discomfort in Miwa's presence when she joined us in the Ambassador's limo. The two sat as far apart as possible. Angelique showed little if any affect. Needing to be in her presence must have lessened Simon's efforts, and even Consuela's reaction seemed less than before.
We stopped at the old hotel to collect Vance. Lindy called up to his room from the lobby. He must have been ready, because it didn't take long for him to join us. We figured Sheila would be at the Chateau, and Vance confirmed it.
We actually met at the Opera for the briefest of technical rehearsal ever. It turned out to be more about the feel of the stage than anything else. The Double Q simply shifted back, the lights that lit them before lit us, dimmed a little, with the musicians basically in darkness, only adding stronger spots at the sides of the stage, with the one from the right strongest to create chiaroscuro effects. Angelique knew the space we had, and had defined it for Lindy in the rehearsal space.
We focused primarily on the piece we would perform that evening, tightening it to perfection. Saturday's piece followed, and we went through it just enough for the light cues for the blackouts during the piece to be timed. Samantha and Barnaby arrived, as did my wife and Zhenzhen, and after an early lunch, they spent an hour on Sunday's piece.
Helena actually didn't need to be there any longer, despite her poem being used. No more editing was necessary or wanted for it. So she sat with me for lunch and throughout the last bit of rehearsal.
"Christy's here, and she's pissed," Helena told me while we ate lunch. "She headed to our old hotel, and found me no longer there. And since we wanted some secrecy, the desk clerk had no idea where I'd gone. I had turned off my cellphone because ... well, you know why," she smirked and kissed me. "Of course when I turned it on, she had left me like half a dozen messages, ever more agitated. I thought about ignoring her, but realized that wouldn't be fair of me."
"Of course not," I said. "Was she being that much of a bitch?"
Helena shrugged. "Like I said she was pissed. I think she thought I was avoiding her. But worse, she felt somehow betrayed."
"Because Maria had come with her, and her inability to make contact with me made her look ridiculous to her young lover, like she really didn't have the strong relationship with me that she claimed."
"Maria's here?" I sighed.
My wife giggled. "She insisted on coming."
"But she never texted me." Our texting had continued, sending and receiving a couple texts a day.
"I think she wanted to surprise you."
"And Christian?"
"He's joining them this evening."
"So Maria's essentially alone."
"And horny, I bet," my wife giggled.
"Sorry," she smirked, looking not the least bit sorry.
"I have no interest in breaking up her relationship with Christian."
"Are you sure your stud work hasn't gone to your head? Why would she not be with Christian? She lives with him. She loves him."
"He can't make her pregnant. His ex-wife insisted on a vasectomy, and he's not interested in reversing it."
"Even if Maria wishes he would?"
I nodded.
Helena contemplated the situation, during which Eva, sitting on my other side, put in her two cents, "I for one wouldn't mind at all joining you in bed with Christy if I could play with Maria. She's delicious."
I didn't glare at her, more of a confused frown, because I couldn't help but agree. Maria was delicious.
Helena ignored Eva's comment. "We either convince Christian of the joy a child would bring to Maria and Christy..."
"You think Christy craves motherhood?" I asked.
"Of course she does. She has as strong a maternal need as anyone I've known."
I nodded in agreement. Not just Michiko proved it, but I imagined Christy felt maternal towards her old troubled soulmate, and that woman's kids probably loved their so called Auntie as much as she loved them. "Or?" I said.
"Or he loses two amazing women. I believe it will be an ultimatum."
Before asking how the women would replace him, I realized both only really needed a cock on occasion. And with Maria, and even the much older Christy, seduction of males would never be a problem. Instead I asked, "You think Maria and Christy will remain together?"
"I think they are quite fond of each other. And if or when Maria gets pregnant, Christy will do all she can to remain with her. I think the only thing that might separate them is you."
"If Maria wants to join my so-called harem," I sighed.
"You like her," Helena pointed out.
"Very much. But I believe it would be best ... I mean I hope Christian comes to his senses."
Her nod and a kiss on my cheek ended that topic.
We watched, transfixed, the dancing of Samantha and Barnaby, and the amazing harmonics of the instruments and especially the voices. When it ended, Zhenzhen joined us, heading to me for a hug and kiss. "I'm almost brave enough to sing in front of a crowd," she told me. "But I think feeling your juices drip from my pussy would completely overwhelm any nerves."
I chuckled and kissed her cute mouth. "If I must," I agreed.
"Such a chore," she pouted adorably, then giggled with even more adorableness. "Where to?" she asked. "Working on Nick's book?"
"Not today," I smiled. "I have to go be surprised."
"How can you be surprised if you know you will be surprised?"
My young angel looked confused.
"Bring her along," said Helena.
"Won't that bother Christy? I mean Eva's sexiness worries her, so..."
"Are you kidding?" Eva chuckled. "Both of those lesbians would have to be dead if they didn't become instantly lustful bitches seeing our cute lover."
"You say the sweetest things," said Zhenzhen, kissing her powerfully and quickly before separating lips and giggling with Eva.
After I said au revoir to Angelique, Consuela and Lindy, with kisses, we headed to Nick's limo. Helena directed the driver to our old hotel.
"They were staying in some cheap hotel, well, at least not nearly as comfortable," Helena explained, "so I got them Nick's suite, which we still had reserved for the week."
"I bet they appreciated that," I said.
"At least Maria did," Helena replied. We shook our heads. I liked Christy, but she had been acting like a cunt lately.
When Christy opened the suite door, I saw a couple of plates from room service mostly empty and kept my chuckle to myself.
"You must be hungry," Eva smirked. Happy to see Helena, Christy lost her cheer seeing Eva. However, when Zhenzhen revealed herself, Christy did a double take, Eva proving right once again.
"Uhm," she replied before Maria burst through the bedroom door and jumped into my arms. Surprise no longer needed pretending with her impact.
After a lengthy French kiss, she asked "Surprised?"
She studied my close face. "Helena told," she pouted.
"But you still managed to surprise me," I replied.
She giggled. "I was a bit aggressive, but I missed you."
After another lengthy kiss, I ordered her to sit. When she shook her head, I pulled her off me and sat at the table. Since Christa had sat, I was able to determine which plate was Maria's. "On my lap then." I stopped her from straddling me. "Face the table and finish your delicious and expensive meal."
"Yes Joe," she sighed.
Silence reigned as the Dutch ladies ate their food. Zhenzhen must have been introduced to Christa while I had been preoccupied. Helena sat close enough to Christa to keep her side pressed against her. Her hand probably rubbed the older looking woman's thigh from the motion of her arm. Christa smiled at her, but mostly she gazed at Zhenzhen sitting beside me. Maria, on the other hand, hardly noticed anyone but me.
After whispering to Helena and getting a nod, Eva stood and went to the telephone to order champagne along with sparkling grape juice for the three pregnant angels.
"So," I said when the plates became mostly empty, "what does Christian think of you coming to me, Maria?"
"I want you both inside me. We play with anal sex, with Christa fucking my ass with a vibrator, but I want to feel the real thing inside me there. I know Christian wants to fuck your wife and Eva..."
"I don't think Eva would mind," I responded.
"I guess I'd allow him to fuck me anally," Helena said. "He cannot have my pussy though."
"I feel the same," said Zhenzhen. "It actually sounds like fun. I'm Zhenzhen by the way."
"Hi. I'm Maria."
"I know. And you're delicious just like Eva said."
"And you are adorable," said Maria as if noticing my cute Chinese angel for the first time, which, with her obsessive interest in me, seemed likely.
"I know," Zhenzhen shrugged, causing everyone to laugh.
"You know you're deflecting the true reason you're here," I practically scolded Maria.
"Follow me," she said, hopping off my lap and pulling me to my feet. Her hand stayed in mine as she pulled me into the bedroom. "Sit," she said, closing the door behind her. I sat at the foot of the obscenely large bed.
She sat beside me. She had opened her robe, the hotel's robe actually, so that I could see her delicious flesh between the edges of the cloth, but kept it on. Turning towards me, she took my hand again. "Christian's uncertain about me becoming pregnant."
"I heard he was adamantly opposed to it," I argued.
"Your wife has a big mouth," she smirked.
"I'm actually quite fond of my wife's mouth."
"Me too. You know Christa and I planned all this, coming to Paris alone."
"I figured."
"I knew Chris would not be able to come here early. I knew he was in the midst of negotiations. The whole pregnancy issue has been a divisive one ever since you ... did whatever you did to me."
"I'm sorry."
"I'm not. I wanted to be a mother before you brought it to the fore. Christian's sterility and his reluctance in becoming a father disappointed me. Here I was, enjoying a man for the first time in my life, falling in love with him, and his wealth promised stability to start a family and he has this attitude. Perfect except for that. I guess nothing's perfect, and life has a way of tossing disappointment in the way. And Christa came along, and things got even better. I ended up with an ally in more desire for family, and I think she wants it even more than me, if that's possible.
"The issue came up again, of course, after your visit. I'm afraid I got a bit whiny, and he got a bit defensive, but I think I got through to him how important it was to Christa and me. I think he began to realize how selfish he might be, how unhappy he made us, and how unfulfilled. How his sacrifice in being a reluctant father might be far less than ours in being childless.
"Neither Christa and I wanted to make it too obvious what our plans in Paris might be, so last night I held back my adamant desire, and us ladies brought it up as a sort of fantasy, and at the same time, made the possibility practical. He had two ladies looking after the child, and he could involve himself as much or as little as he wished being a father. Of course I'm certain he'll end up being an amazing father. He didn't cave in, he remained reluctant, but I believe his position weakened.
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ThreesomesWhen the kids had arrived at the school early that morning, they had found the area around the school semi-deserted, similar to the day before. The only real difference was that they found Patty waiting by the front door. The eleven people crowded in the car, counting Pietro, Amy and the 3 Wilson kids, clambered out and breathed a sigh of relief. The only people that really enjoyed the ride were John and Debbie (Debbie was riding on John's lap and he took the opportunity to position the...
I had fantasized about being with another woman for many years. My ex-husband, Carlos, and I (we were still married at the time) would talk about it, making me really me hot and wet during sex. I never told him how often I thought about it though. I would pick out women I found attractive and think about what it would be to run my tongue along their clits, feel their wetness with my fingers...all the while fingering my own pussy. I finally decided to approach my ex about finding a girl to have...
Group SexMera naam Ranee hain. SAb log pyar se mujhey Pam bulate hain. Meri umar 25 hain.Aur bhagwan ki mehrebani se meri figure bhi mast hain, 36C-30-31. Mere mohaley ke kafi ladke mujhey apney bistar mein lena chatein hain.Is kahani ka main role mere bhaiya ada karenge jinka naam Kunal hain. 5’10, good built. Bake jawan yahan tak meri niyat bhi hoti ki mein bhaiya ke ssath ek baar bed share karoon. Inki umar 29 saal hain. Ye 6 mahine pehle ki baat hain, garami kaafi pad raheen thi. Mummy aur papa ek...
Esto que les voy a relatar me ocurrio hace algunos años me dirigia a casa despues del trabajo como siempre el metro super lleno para mi suerte una chica como de 30 o 35 años con buenas nalgas y mucho busto, lo malo viajaba acompañana, aproveche que el metro estaba lento y me fui acercando a la pareja, la chica con un mayon muy apretadito, me acerque por un costado de la dama, y al momento de sentir su calor mi verga cobro vida propia, se puso firmes para lo que fuera, la mujer al sentirme me...
My wife has gone to see her grandma in another state for few days leaving me and my dog lewis home alone. After work late and decide to take lewis for a walk. I grab his leash and head out. I start toward downtown and cut back a small trail I take occassionally. At the end of this trail it goes into a residential area. Its past dusk so I decide to head back. As I am walking up the road I see a light come on, where a blonde appears in the first floor window. I double take and notice her slipping...
Voyeur100% fiction! Mikey sat on the couch watching TV. He heard a car door in the driveway and he looked at the clock. It was 10:00pm. His Mom was back already? He got up and walked to the front door. Just as he was reaching for the handle to open the door, it turned; the door opened; and his Mom came in. The look on her face was not happy. She said hi matter-of-factly and walked past Mikey. He wasn't sure what to think. "What's the matter Mom? He wasn't good-looking after all?" Mikey asked, not...
IncestJenny lay alone on her bed, tingling all over. Skip had left the bedroom to go to the bathroom, he'd said, but that had been almost ten minutes ago. She began to finger her pussy, no, her cunt she thought, little girls and virgins had pussies. Grown women and experienced girls, like her, had cunts that accommodated men's cocks. She had just proved her pussy, her cunt, capable of accommodating a cock. Jesus what a cock! Her cunt felt all stretched out. Her loins throbbed, and it was as if...
Young Girl's Dream - Part 2Mr. W. heard the key in the door and glanced at his watch confirming that his daughters were home by 3:30 a.m. just 30 minutes after the double feature at the local theater had finished. He lay still in his bed listening to them as they entered the living room and turned on the lights."What are you doing here Rachel, "Ashley burst out loudly seeing her girlfriend lying on the couch partly covered by a blanket wearing Ashley's bathrobe. "You were supposed to meet us at...
Indraveni is a manager in my company. Met her in a office event. Our love for old Hindi movies brought us close. There were occasional exchange of message after that event.She is probably in her forties. Tall, dusky and a mother of one. Being in same organization flirting was not an option. We took time to know each other.Sometimes we exchange songs of Hindi movies over whatsapp. Her inclination to send me mostly sad songs gave me signal. I took a chance and we end up discussing our...
Sleeper By Waldo([email protected]) "Mister Davis, I assure that it's perfectly normal to have erotic dreams. In fact, if you've never had an erotic dream, you wouldn't be normal at all." "Doctor Brantley, you weren't listening to me. I said that I've had the same damn dream every night for the last three months. And nothing about it, is the least exotic to me. It scares the shit out of me when I wake up and the memory is so .. vivid, so fresh in my mind that I...
Hi guys my name is suhas(name change) pehle mai apko apne barey me batana chahata hu basically mai akola se hu aur phil hal mai mumbai job search kar rha hu aur thoda apne barey me bata deta hu height 5″7′ well built gym jata hu aur yoga bhi kr leta aur abhi phil hal as a yoga trainer kaam kr rha hu part time. To jyada bor na krte huye direct story pe ata hu ye story abhi ek mahine pehle ki hai jab mai apna rrb ka exam dene gya tha waise to mai hamesha ful tayar hok jata hu exam dene exam ka...
For many a man out there, their first sexual experience was a hand job. That's why I like to call getting a hand job getting an "old-fashioned." Because it occupies such a quant area of human sexuality, it doesn't often get the respect it deserves. Nevertheless, I still love to get the occasional hand job, especially if it's a hidden hand job delivered in public.Hand Jobs for DummiesThere are a million ways to deliver a hand hob. The one you are probably most familiar with is the okay sign hand...
Premium Handjob Porn SitesThis happened around 1998 i as in my early 20's. its not glamorous or any thing but if people like it i let me know. i met this beautiful black woman who i just had to talk to. we both were driving down the highway from my work not to sure where whe ws coming from. i got her to pull over and she asked what i wanted. i stood out side her car door and said that i thought she was very beautiful. and she was her face was beautiful she had pale brown eyes full lips and from what i could see as she...
My name is Tarun, I am a resident of Gujarat. I am a handsome guy to my height is 5.6 Feet. This story is a true story of how my boy, my aunt made me call. My aunt’s name is Sonia, their age 29 years, when they are very beautiful and sexy. Their butts are raised upwards to see if anyone stands Lund, the figure is 36 32 38. Aunt lives in Rajkot, he is a boy of 5 years. My uncle is a military, they remain out of the house. He visit 2 time a year. Join the paper after I got 12th, I was bored at...
IncestFour days after his return home. Zax sighed and lowered his head in resignation as he proceeded to Grandmaster Kartion’s cave. As it turned out, promising to come back from Valgarel every three days became a compulsory routine. His mother insisted, his little sister persisted and his father, recognizing the safe side, just went with the flow. ‘These four days I spent at home were great, but mom and Liz now want me to match every day I’m in Valgarel at home’. The higher his cultivation...
It had been a normal day in school when the Headmaster had summoned me too this office that afternoon and thats when the nerves set in. Girls had been called into his office before at random and came out different, they came out and refused to speak of what happened. Rumors spread that he was using the cane on girls to keep them in line during his uniform check and if he found anything wrong it was a swift thwack with the cane to the knuckles. So when my name was called out I became very...
Hi this is chaitali again, with the next part of bhaiya’s gang, gangbanged me part-2 . actually u must be wondering why did I take soo much time to come back again. So the answer is that the sequels of great movies come after a long wait. New iss readers who haven’t read, of the readers who have forgotten my first story, should first of all read that to know the characters, and remember how hot I m!. Coming to the story, priya and sapna were getting bored coz they were not yet been fucked. They...
How long I was out for I couldn't tell, but it couldn't have been verylong. I came round to find myself lying on top of Nin with my earsringing and the acrid taste of smoke mixed with petrol fumes in mythroat. I knew we had to get out of the car, but as I tried to move,pain flared in my shoulder and I couldn't move that arm. I somehowmanaged to grab the door handle with my good arm, but it wouldn't budge.The door had buckled, and it wasn't going to open. I could see soldiersrunning past the car...