BLOOD DIAMONDS Chapters 16 - 20 free porn video

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Chapter 16

The Present... Sicily

The old man hung up the phone and left the patio. Walking down the hall to his study he moved books away from a section of his bookshelf and opened the wall safe hidden behind them. Withdrawing a small notebook, he leafed through it until he found the number he needed.

Dialing the number from the phone on his desk he waited for the connection then spoke without greeting, "The two men I asked you about before. Do you know where they are? Good. Collect them. I will tell you then what to do."

Setting down the phone, he leaned back in his chair and smiled.

The Present... New York City

Down at the end of a hall away from the police, two men were urgently whispering. Wiping the sweat from his forehead with a handkerchief, one voiced their thoughts. "We're dead men, George. Dead men! We promised five of the toughest crime bosses that we could protect their emergency money in exchange for favors smuggling our diamonds in and out of the country and now the money is gone. Gone!"

"You think I don't know that! As soon as the police leave we're going to have visitors dropping by to look in those empty boxes and I'm not waiting. I have some emergency money stashed away in a bank and I'm leaving. Now! I suggest you do the same!"

Both men disappeared from New York City that same day.

Later That Same Day... Sicily

"Ahh, Giancarlo my favorite nephew. Come in, come in. Have you seen these yet?"

I entered Uncle's study and crossed over to his desk. He handed me hardcopies taken from many news organizations off the internet. Leafing through them I saw they all were about a robbery of a building in New York City.

"I had a friend send them to me with that fax machine you showed me how to use and then I forgot."

Reading a few more lines it made sense why my uncle had called. "My God, Uncle," I whispered. "She did it. Christina actually did it."

Uncle slapped his desk. "Of course she did it! I knew when I saw her that she was exceptional! When I think of the wonderful babies she could have given to me to spoil, I weep. Weep! Oh, such a granddaughter she would have been to me in my old age!" Uncle actually danced a little jig. "And do you know what the papers do not say? The papers do not say that also stolen was money. Two hundred million dollars!"

"Impossible, Uncle! Where did those men get that kind of money? I had people checking their finances for you. Yes, they had a large number of diamonds, but they spent their profits almost as soon as they made it on their boats and houses and women."

"A little birdie has told me that powerful men kept money in the vault because they were given promises that their money would be safe in case they ever needed it for emergencies."

"Damn! Men like that will never stop looking for Christina, Uncle. Never! She should never have touched that money."

"I know this. You know this. Christina? Maybe, yes. Maybe, no. It is of no matter. I sent Christina to do a job for me, so it is to me to protect her. I believe I have a way to do this, but it is not for me to talk about this to you. This is business you are not to be involved in. Your business is to remain in control of the legitimate part of my business. You will be with the beautiful, dull woman your Mama has picked for you, Giancarlo. You will not treat her as you did Christina. You will show her respect! The respect that the mother of your c***dren deserves until the day she dies or I will rise from my grave and cut off your balls, nephew. And do not think for one moment that I will not have the power to do so! Your balls!"

"I will, Uncle. I know you are still angry with me for what I did, but I must ask you for a favor. When you meet Christina, I'd like to be there, Uncle."

"No. This side of what I do is not for you. All I have ever worked for is to give the family a business seperate from what I do. As I just told you, that is your legacy. This side of what I do will die with me."

"I know that, Uncle. All I want to do is to meet Christina to apologize. That is all. Personal for me, not business."

"You know that you cannot marry her now after the way you disgraced her? I would never condone it."

"I know that, Uncle. But, she does deserve an apology from me."

"You've grown up, Giancarlo. You are thirty-five now? And you have finally grown up if that is how you feel. How can I say no to you, my favorite nephew? I will let you know when we are to leave."

Time Uncertain... A Hotel Room

It was pain that roused me from unc0nsciousness. I couldn't move to lessen the pain and I couldn't go back to sleep because of the pain. Well, this sucks. Those religious idiots were right about life after death. Who knew?

With conscious effort I was able to open my eyes. Huh, I would have expected Hell to not look like a hotel room. I have no idea how long I laid like that. On my side, staring at a hotel room wall with my hip bone on fire until I finally understood I wasn't dead.

Hmm, if I can open and close my eyes maybe I can move something else? I looked at my hand and made my fingers move. Then my hand and then my arm. I rolled over onto my back. The pain in my hip lessened but didn't go completely away and my hair pulled like it was stuck to the floor. Then I remembered and I knew my hair was stuck to the floor by my own vomit.

I jerked my head away and made myself roll over onto my other side away from the dried vomit. Damn, I was cold. And dirty... I had to get clean was my only thought after that. I crawled towards the bathroom when I could sync my arm and leg movements. Once on the cold tile I pushed myself along on my stomach until I reached the shower stall. I was able to get to my hands and knees to reach the door handle and pull the door open.

Crawling in I turned the hot water on and collapsed onto the floor of the stall. That first spray of cold water shocked me closer to reality. When the water started turning warm it felt soooo good to feel warmth. The hot water felt good and then it was too hot and I rolled out from under the spray and just let the warmth given off by the spray sink into my skin. When I felt I could, I reached up and adjusted the water spray to a temperature that wasn't so hot I couldn't stand it.

With weak, short robotic movements I took my shirt and shorts off and tossed them to a corner of the stall. Just taking off my clothes exhausted me. If I'd been wearing panties and a bra it would have been too much. Naked, I let the water continue warming me while it loosened the crusty vomit on my face and the shit between my legs. Filling my mouth from the spray I rolled the water around my mouth and spit. I repeated swishing water in my mouth and spitting until I couldn't taste vomit. Filling my mouth again I swallowed the water. Bad idea! As soon as the water hit my stomach it came back up in a spew that hit the opposite wall of the shower stall. My stomach knotted itself in a cramp that doubled me over onto the floor. I tried again when I could sit up with just a trickle of water, this time I gagged, but the water stayed down.

Spying a small, paper wrapped bar of soap, I used it to wash my face and chest. Alternating washing with sips of water, I was able to stand up to turn off the water after the bar of soap became too small to use. My legs were shaking, but I managed to walk to the towel rack and start drying off. I began to shiver again and I remembered that Rambo had turned the thermostat all the way down. It must be fifty degrees in here! I hobbled into the next roon and turned the AC off and the heater on. I decided that the best way to stay warm until the temperature started to rise would be in a tub of warm water. I started water flowing and crawled into the tub, almost crying in relief as hot water rose around me.

This was a tub large enough for two on their honeymoon and there was a crystal vase filled with small, scented soaps. I filled and emptied the tub three times and used all of the scented soaps. I was still weak when I finished, but my body and hair were clean and my mind was much clearer when I rose from the tub and started toweling myself off. That's when I noticed the ugly bruise on my hip. Whatever made that bruise had woken me up and kept me awake long enough for my brain to start functioning. I walked over to the shower stall and fished around in my short's pocket until I found that large, ugly red stone. I'd been correct. This was my lucky totem. I closed my fist around it. I would never let it go now.

The room was warm enough that I was no longer shivering as I sat on the bed drying my hair with a towel. Drying my hair and asking myself, Why was I still alive? I was looking at the pool of vomit when I understood. Rambo had used too much poison. It had made me sick and I'd thrown it up! Then his kicks to my stomach had caused me to spew more of it up. I shook my head at his stupidity. If he'd used the right amount or if he hadn't kicked me I'd be dead right now. What a stupid shithead...

Turning on the TV, I surfed to a news network and found out how long I'd been dead. After dressing in clothes from my luggage I surveyed the room to see if anything needed to be done. Couldn't think of a thing. The hotel staff wouldn't be very pleased with having to clean up this mess, but with no dead body on the floor there was no reason the police would become involved. I put on my breast cancer awareness cap and sunglasses. One last look around checking off my list... I grabbed my keys and suitcase and left the scene of my murder.

The suitcase went on the passenger seat since boxes of money filled the trunk and back seat. I put my hands on the steering wheel and rested my head on them while a little spell of dizziness came and went. Well, I guess I just lost the third of my nine lives, I thought and laughed weakly. As fast as I'm losing lives I'll be dead before I'm maybe thirty...

I actually gave some thought to just packing it in and driving to North Carolina. I hadn't counted it yet, but I was sure I had more cash money in this car than I'd ever hoped to clear from the sale of the diamonds. That thought didn't last long. What came next was anger! White hot anger! When I thought of all the guys who'd fucked me over... All the nameless, faceless men one after another... All the men who had names... Uncle Dave, Tall Man, Shorter Man, Uncle Doctor, Uncle Cop, Gi and now Rambo...

I remembered what I'd heard in Marty's church. Turn the other cheek... Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord... Fuck that turning the other cheek shit! Every time I turned my cheeks, another guy was there to spread 'em and ram another dick up my ass! If God wanted vengeance, He could get in the fucking line behind me!

Lighting a cigarette I settled back into the drivers seat. Letting the expected lightheaded, spinning pass, I began planning. Item One: Food... Item Two: A clean motel room where I could sleep and eat for 24 hours... Item Three: Well, that would have to wait. I didn't know where Rambo was, but I knew where he would be and on what day.

Rambo was correct about one thing. He had planned the perfect murder. He'd made the plan and carried it off like clockwork. He'd made a checklist on what to do to cover his tracks and he'd checked off every single item... Every item except one. The most important item to check off....

Make sure the bitch is dead!

Tossing the cigarette butt out the window, I had a cold smile on my face as I settled my sunglasses snug on my nose, started the engine and drove off.

Chapter 17

That Same Hour... New York City

The man tied to the chair gave a jerk at his bonds when the hood was yanked off his head. The room was dark and indistinct behind the two lights shining in his eyes. Squinting, he saw a shape move behind the lights. "Look, whatever they're paying you I can double it. Just let me go and..."

"Be quiet. You will leave here alive. On that you have my word. If you will follow my directions to the letter. Soon I will turn on a video camera. Once on it cannot be turned off for any reason. There can be no break in its recording. Do you understand?

"Good. While the camera is recording you must remember to tell this story. You and your partner hired someone to steal your diamonds for the insurance money. You helped this person plan how to get into your building. When the time came to collect the diamonds from the thief you found no thief and no partner. You had been double-crossed by your partner. You understand so far?

"Very good. Later you found that your partner had also stolen the money from the vault. You don't know where your double-crossing partner is. You ran because you were afraid that people would blame you, but you are innocent. It was all your double-crossing partner's fault."

"Yes. Yes. It was all my partner's fault!"

"Repeat back the story you are to tell." With only a few corrections from the shadow behind the lights, the man tied to the chair repeated the story.

"Tell me the story again."




"Now, I am going to turn on the camera. I will cause you pain. Yes, yes. There will be pain but not as much as the people watching this recording will believe. I will give you d**gs. No, not real d**gs but only water in the syringe. Here, see? I inject myself. Only water, but people seeing the recording will believe it is real d**gs to make you talk. Do you understand? I will cause you pain. I will give you injections of water. But if you stay with your story, you will live and walk out with the money and diamonds found on you. I will see you to South America and you may start a new life there. If!...You stay with our story even through the pain I must cause you."

"And you promise I will walk out with my money?"

"Of course. The person who hired me wants only this recording. Repeat the story to me again and then I will start the camera. Remember, you must stay with the story no matter the pain for you to live!"

Two hours later the man tied to the chair convulsed as the other man injected something other than water into his arm. Crying out the man in the chair went rigid and then slack.

Feeling for a pulse and after putting his ear to the dead man's chest the other man sighed and looked into the camera. "I'm sorry. The d**gs... I'm afraid his heart gave out. I will keep the body if there is any question he is dead. I'm sorry he did not live as you requested, but who knew his heart..."

Turning off the camera, the man untied the body and dragged it to another room. Opening the top of the floor freezer, the body was lifted and dumped in. He decided to eat something before bringing in the dead man's partner to repeat the entire charade again for the camera and an unknown audience.

Whichever man gave the best performance would be the man whose voice would be heard again from the grave.

Two Days Later... Sicily

"Don Carlos, thank you again for inviting me to your home. That meal was truly fantastic."

"Thank you. My cook will appreciate your words," the old man said as he sat down behind the desk after his guest took a seat. "Now, I must get to unpleasant duty that I asked you to visit me here for. A few days ago I learned of the sad business that happened you. To do that robbery in such a way. It had to be an inside job was my first thought."

"Ours as well, Don Carlos. We are searching for these men. Oh, we are searching."

"That is why I ask you to visit. I can help your search. I received word that a friend of mine had been contacted by a man who wished to leave your country unknown. It was one of the partners who had been given care of your money."

"Yes? Do you know where the man is? I wish I had listened to you when you were cheated by these men. You said they could not be trusted. I only wish I had listened."

"What is past is past. I made peace with those men. But for a man to come to me for help after he cheat me? That is a stupid man. But enough of what I say. I have recording you and your friends will want to see. Ahh, here is play button my nephew says I must press."

For several minutes Don Carlos and his guest listened and watched as a man tied to a chair repeated a story that never changed even under beatings and d**gs. Don Carlos pressed the button to turn it off. "It goes on and on. Always the same story. I am afraid that at the end the man died. His heart give out. My friend is very good and did not mean to give too much of d**g. But who can tell a weak heart? The man's body is kept that you and your friends may be sure I speak the truth."

"I believe you, of course, Don Carlos. You would not offer us a body as proof unless you had it," the guest laughed.

"You may, of course, take the recording to show your friends. Such a bad business. This man's friend was smart. He did not come to one he had cheated for help. I believe that he must have had a way to leave your country all thought out before taking your money. I will have my friends watch for this man and if they find him you will receive word immediately. On this you have my word. What is between you and the man that stole your money is your business. I have no part in that."

"Thank you, Don Carlos. My friends and I are very interested in finding that man's partner."

"Of course. Of course. Now, as I say, the business between you and the man with your money is not my business. However, a few days ago another person contacted another friend of mine and offered to sell me diamonds. This person is the thief they hired to steal diamonds for the insurance. I think missing partner plan this robbery for your money, not insurance money. I do not believe this thief has your money or even knew the partner had decided to steal it. This person say when he meet to get money for diamonds, man tried to kill him. This person run away with diamonds.

"Now, buying and selling, that is my business. But I want no misunderstandings between us so I tell you about person offering me diamonds."

"There's no misunderstanding between us, Don Carlos. The diamonds are your business, not ours." The guest laughed. "Besides, if the thief had our money why would he want to sell a few diamonds? No, I'm sure the man we're looking for stole our money before the thief even broke in. I would ask, if you do buy the diamonds, you ask this person if he has any hint of where our other friend might have gone? Perhaps he saw or heard something?"

"I will ask. Of course, I will ask. So, no misunderstandings? Your business with man who steal money from you. My business who I buy diamonds from."

"No misunderstandings, Don Carlos, and thank you for your help. This recording answers many questions we had."

"Take it with you. Take it with you. Your friends will want to watch it. Perhaps pop the corn and watch it."

Thirty minutes later as the guest was driven away the old man rubbed his hands in glee and danced a little jig at having pulled off such a joke. With a last small jump the old man wished the man who'd just driven away a very long, very fruitless hunt.

The Same Night... North Carolina

"I want you to understand this, Marty. If I'm not back in one year, everything in this lockbox is yours."

"But, Jessie, what is going on? You show up looking like hell. Why..."

"You don't need to know. All you need to know is that if I don't return within a year then I don't need what's in here and I want you to have it. But don't open the box until a year has passed. Put it down in your basement, cover it up and forget about it for a year. Don't tell anyone about it."

"Okay, Jessie. Okay! Oof... It's heavy. What you got in here girl, bricks?"

"Yeah. Lots of bricks," Jessie called down the stairs.

"Well, if you don't want to tell me you don't have to make jokes either, smarty mouth." There was no answer and when Marty climbed the stairs back to her kitchen, Jessie was gone.

Chapter 18

June 30th... Wassamassaw Island, South Carolina

I was at my desk rummaging through its drawers trying to find my pocket dictionary. Our county had recently hired a new Assistant DA who was a real pain in the butt about reports being filed in perfect English. I was a terrible speller. I'd just found it when Officer Sam Gentry let out a long, low whistle from his desk beside mine.

"Jim, take a look. You won't believe what just turned into our parking lot."

Ahh, here it is. Perpetrator... Spelled with an O, not an E. I never can remember that. I made the correction on my computer. "What's out there," I asked not looking up as I leafed through the dictionary again.

"Jim, look!"

I glanced out the large windows at the front of our island's little precinct office and then started to stand as Sam and most of the other officers stood, also. It was like we were in the presence of royalty. And in a sense we were. Gliding across the blacktop of the strip mall's parking lot was... "It's Magnum's Ferrari," Sam whispered reverently as if he were in church. "A 1981, 308 GTSi Ferrari."

I'm sure that every generation has a car that becomes iconic to them. Starsky And Hutch - Ford Gran Torino. The Dukes Of Hazard -1968 Dodge Charger. Miami Vice - Ferrari Testarossa... But nothing comes close to Magnum's Ferrari.

"It ain't from around here," Officer Neilson observed.

"Can't be," Officer Stands agreed. "If it was we'd know about it."

We all continued to stand and stare as it glided to a stop outside our precinct. Except for darkly tinted windows, it was exactly like the car in the show. Then the door opened and we had something else to admire.

The woman who got out was tall, very tall, with the perfect face and figure of a goddess. Long, straight, blond hair that fell to mid-back. On this woman that meant a long fall. Eye color undetermined. Creamy complexion which suggested she wasn't from the South. Even her movements were perfection... Regal, as she tilted her head back to clear the hair from her face to put on large sunglasses. Bending down to reach back into the car she showed off an asset that was both firm and perfect as her skirt stretched over it.

"Damn. Sure as hell she's not from around here, either!" Not sure who said it. Might have been me.

Straightening up again, she held a briefcase as she closed the door to the Ferarri. Looking our way, I saw the hint of a smile on those large, perfect lips. She had to have noticed we were watching.

When the new mall had opened on the mainland, many smaller businesses s**ttered about the county had moved into it or gone out of business. The shops that used to occupy the strip mall with the Piggly Wiggly supermarket were some of them. Our island's new post office occupied the space of most of those stores and our new police precinct occupied the end.

Our previous precinct building had been built way back in the 1930's. When the county magistrates finally decided our little island precinct was too small, they had simply rented what used to be a shoe store and moved us into it. That meant we had these huge, plate glass windows we could see out of. It also meant she had a clear view of us staring at her.

We quickly tried to look busy as she walked to our door and opened it. If Magnum's Ferarri glided over asphalt then she walked on air with the grace of someone long accustomed to wearing heels. She didn't clump around in them as all too many women do. Small, graceful steps that barely stretched the material of her short skirt. I wasn't the only one to suck in my stomach as she stood there and took off sunglasses to reveal vivid, green eyes.

"Excuse, please. Is person, ahh, in charge, here?" Wow, even a perfect accent... Italian probably, I thought as I registered just how tall she really was. The height strip that stores have to record the height of a person exiting a store in the event of a robbery was still on our 'shoe store' door. Standing in front of it told us she was 6'3" or 6'4" in her heels. And her heels were maybe three inches. Wow...

What was just as wow..., was her face. This wasn't the beauty of the-girl-next-door-pretty. This was the strong face of a goddess. Her eyes were large, green and penetrating when she looked straight at you. Perfect skin. High cheek bones. Full lips that seemed red against her creamy complexion even without lipstick. Her smile was wide and open that revealed perfect white teeth. The kind you usually see only in the movies. The only actress I knew of that came close to her would be, maybe, Sophia Loren. But this lady was taller, thinner and her eyes more lively than Sophia's.

"I'm Lt. Danford, Miss. May I help you?"

"Yes, please. I name Genevieve Bujold. May I speak you private?"

"Certainly. Please come to my office," Lt. Dan said as the goddess walked on air past us mere peons.

Damn. Tall, graceful, beautiful, intelligent if the briefcase mattered and rich as hell if Magnum's Ferarri counted. At least I'm... Umm... Taller than she is without those heels! Not much taller, but I had to have something to feel good about.

As soon as Lt. Dan closed his door the speculation began. Fashion model soon won Most Guesses Award. But why a fashion model would be here was still being debated when Lt. Dan opened his door and asked me to join them in his office.

In the office as Lt. Dan closed the door behind me I had a closer look at emerald green eyes that almost captured my eyes before I noticed the great chest on this babe! Another well deserved wow! Her blazer had done a great job of concealing her most outstanding asset when she'd entered. Now seated with her blazer open I saw the strain the button over her cleavage had to take.

At least a D cup, was my appraisal. 34D-23-34... Was my second appraisal. My admiration rose another notch. I thought about baseball to keep my admiration in check.

"Jim, have a seat. And before we begin, would you show Jim your credentials, Inspector?"

I was just processing 'Inspector' when I was handed a cred case. Inside, in a language I didn't understand, was her name and some other stuff. Embossed over all was the word INTERPOL. Even a dumb hick like me had heard of Interpol. Even her picture was perfect. Probably never met a camera that didn't love her. Damn, why couldn't we get cops like her?

"Jim, this is Inspector Bujold. Inspector, this is Detective Jim Kershaw."

"How do you do, Detective," that accented voice said as I shook the slender hand that was offered. Long fingers, no rings. No rings on her other hand. Single... There is a God!

"Inspector, why don't you start over, now that Jim's here."

"Yes, I do this," Inspector Bujold said, taking in a deep breath that strained her button even more. Stopping to search for words now and then, she began, "Over last few years, there many robberies. Large houses, very rich people. In different countries so Interpol become involved."

Inspector Bujold opened her briefcase and brought out files which she handed half to me and half to Lt. Dan. I opened one of mine and it was in German. The next was in French. Neither one I could read. Lt. Dan opened and closed several just as fast as I did. Guess he didn't read European either.

"I say what there. Very, ahh, professional?, done. Safes opened, much taken from each. Interpol become involved since many countries. Get files and I look, see, maybe what you say, M.O.? Same things each case. All robbery there things left. Equipment used. Some very large. Heavy. Heavy in pieces. Thief put pieces together at scene, then leave. My boss, he think is man who do these. I begin to think is woman."

"Why, Inspector?" I was finally able to think something intelligent.

"Heavy things broken many pieces certain ways. If man do this, I think could, umm, break pieces into less pieces, heavier pieces. But woman need more pieces. Less heavy to carry."

"I follow you, Inspector. Fewer pieces mean less trips, quicker to put together. You'd expect a thief to want that."

"Si! See here, here," Inspector Bujold moved to the edge of her chair to get close enough to point at sections in the police report I still had open. My God, her perfume was... Baseball, Batting averages... "No piece heavy more twenty kilograms. That is, umm, forty-five?, you pounds."

"A hefty weight but nothing a woman who's fit couldn't carry for a good distance," Lt. Dan remarked and I nodded to show agreement.

"Si, yes, this what I think, too. My boss, he not, umm, concerned? Con..."

"Convinced?" Lt. Dan added helpfully.

"Si, convinced. I think is woman but there few clues to follow. Cases go nowhere. Then I hear of robbery, New York City. I hear little details. I think maybe same woman who do. Case outside Europe but United States part in INTERPOL so I hear. I ask for copy police file."

"Is that the big diamond robbery that was all over the news," I asked before Lt. Dan could.

"Si, si! I get file, look, ask boss if I go New York City. He say no. Cost much for, how you say, hunch. I think maybe good hunch. Take vacation time. Fly New York City. Talk to the police there. Police there not nice. Little help. They say things they think I no understand. Even Italia we know Barbie Doll. Blond hair, big boobies, no brains. They call me Barbie Doll. No take me serious. Say go home. No need help from Barbie. Detective say he take me scene but I do things for him first!" Inspector Bujold stopped and looked pissed off.

Whoa... If looks could kill those green eyes looked cold enough to freeze anyone.

"Inspector, we are taking you very seriously and if anyone ever steps out of line with you like that while you are here..." Lt. Dan didn't finish but I'm sure Inspector Bujold knew what he meant.

"Thank you, Tenente Danford. I sorry. I use to looking from men. But the hearing what say. Those police think I no hear or no understand! I go to their boss. I tell what they say. Say I make complaint. Boss, he say, no, no, no. No complaint. He say he show me this crime scene, just no complaint."

Inspector Bujold shrugged. "I agree. I no make complaint. I go crime scene. Look evidence. And I convinced is same woman! Things broken to small pieces than what man do. Ah, the photographica see heavy man before lenses covered. But hole thief go through? No heavy man go through. Small man or woman go in hole. I fit, maybe I think, maybe no, but no heavy man. Police there no listen. Boss say I see, now go home. He call my boss. My boss say come home. I much trouble in."

"Inspector Bujold," Lt. Dan said looking perplexed. "I think you did a good job putting these cases together and I'm convinced you're correct in that the evidence seems to suggest it was a woman or small man who did all these crimes. But, why come and tell us?"

"Ahh, I come to this now. My boss very angry. I say sorry, sorry. I be good now. Apologize. Apologize! But," Inspector Bujold shrugged again and looked anything but apologetic. "But, I... no so good. I think, think, think... All those diamonds. Cannot eat diamonds. Cannot buy with diamonds. Must make diamonds to money. Who have money buy so many? One name come to mind. Carlos Giovanni. He name mean nothing to you. To us mean big mafioso. Much, much money. He buy things all countries, stolen, take other countries, sell. All world over. Much, much money.

"I go talk people watch him. He phone all, what was word, 'encrypted'. No can hear what he say. But," Inspector Bujold held up a long, thin finger. "Not hear what he say but know who he call. The number. Same day big New York City robbery, he take call from outside New York City. Outside but close. Call last only the short time. Same day, hour later, he make phone call here!"

"No, no, no," Inspector Bujold laughed when both Lt. Dan and I looked at his phone. "No this phone. Phone on island. To a, Mr. William Raisman."

"Son of a bitch. Slick Willy himself," Lt. Dan said. I nodded in understanding.

William Raisman had made quite a name for himself up in Charleston as a defense lawyer who didn't let ethics get in the way of winning a case. From being a crooked shyster he became just plain crooked as he also got the rep for taking over his client's businesses when he couldn't get them off.

But Slick was a well deserved nickname. No one could ever pin a charge on him that would stick. Evidence would go missing, witnesses would disappear. Rumor had it that he had dirt on people in every office of the Charleston police department all the way up to, and including, the FBI and the DEA.

Just last year Slick Willy had bought a tiny island just off our island. Just large enough for a few trees, a small house and a deep water pier on the Intra-Coastal Waterway. Supposedly he was fixing up the house and pier as a vacation/fishing home. A place he could get away from the pressures of Charleston. It sure as hell was away from everything. His island was only connected to our island via a long, single lane causeway built through the marsh long before the Marshland Protection Act was passed. No one really believed the house-as-a-fishing-retreat story but neither could anyone disprove it.

"I no be good more," Inspector Bujold continued while Lt. Dan and myself wondered why a big mafia boss would call Slick Willy. "I take more vacation. Go Sicily. Talk there people. I hear Don Carlos have big boat. Big boat maybe big take trip here? I go see. Talk people at where boats are. Just talk. These people where boats place see thing. Don Carlos, he have big boat. No use much. Now boat make ready for trip. The fuel, the food. Engine turn on, turn off, checked. I put on swim suit, bikini, just walk to boat is. Man on boat talk to me. I be the... Wait I have translate machine. Stupid. Why I not think before," she asked herself as she brought out a small hand held devide that looked like a cell phone. She punched in some Italian and then showed the translation to me. "I be the boat bunny?"

"Ahh, Lt. Danford and I know what that means."

"Ok. I be boat bunny look for ride, trade for... You know. I ask, go Marseilles? Man say no. Go on long trip. No go Marseilles but he no say where boat go."

Consulting her translation machine, Inspector Bujold made faster time in her explanation. "I think, think, think more. Buy diamonds must get diamonds. Many, many diamonds. Would take plane? Plane easy to search. Flight plans must to file, made say where plane go. Radar track. No. No plane to smuggle many, many diamonds on. Be boat. Boat go sea, ocean, disappear. No record place to go need be filed. Big boat have many place to hide diamonds. Carlos Giovanni no trust anyone with the so big money. He and boat sail three day ago. I be much bad more, come here. I think big boat come here, get diamonds!"

Chapter 19

June 30th... Wassamassaw Island, South Carolina

Inspector Bujold was silent as Lt. Dan and I gave some thought to what she'd said. Everything she'd laid out seemed to support her case. I thought it was a great piece of detective work myself and said so. Lt. Dan used the time to collect the case files to return to Inspector Bujold.

Lt. Dan finally nodded and slowly voiced his thoughts, "I think it's just likely enough to investigate. But, what I was thinking was, what the hell we're going to investigate with? Sure as hell, if I kick this up the chain of command, Willy will hear about it."

We were quiet again as Lt. Dan came to a decision. "Okay, this is what we're going to do. Inspector, how large is the boat Don Carlos took."

"Is 30, maybe 35 meters."

I whistled.

"Jim here is our resident boat expert. He lives on one," Lt. Dan explained to Inspector Bujold. "Jim? Best estimate?"

"That's a hundred to a hundred and twenty foot yacht, if Inspector Bujold is correct. I'm sure you are, Inspector. It can make the trip from Sicily to here easily. L-T, I'm thinking that with the Fourth of July coming up, if that wouldn't be the day to make the meet for. Coast Guard and other law enforcement agencies will be short staffed that day or occupied with other duties. Hell, the Coast Guard will be busy all day reponding to emergency calls from broken down boats. You know what it's like on the Fourth, L-T."

Lt. Dan nodded.

"Eight or nine days to make a run from Sicily to here with refueling in the Azores... Easy. Buy 55-gallon drums of fuel, lash them together on the fantail... The boat could make it here and back to the Azores without refueling. No one would ever know it was even on this side of the Atlantic. Go slow to conserve fuel, could probably be here or just off shore on the third, maybe even the evening of the second depending how hard they push the engines. But, I don't think the owner will want to stress the engines with a billion dollars of diamonds at stake. I'd still bet on the Fourth.

"It would take a ballsy captain to bring a yacht that size into the Waterway at night. The pier Willy has would take that size yacht but most captains would want daylight to find it. Sometime after dawn on the Fourth. With a good captain on the helm maybe on the night of the third/fourth before dawn. Me? I'd wait until sometime during the day of the Fourth. That's what I'd bet on, L-T."

Lt. Danforth nodded, lost in his own thoughts.

"You know, L-T, if this Carlos is into smuggling stolen goods and he knows Willy, I bet that's why Willy bought that old place after Mr. Talbot died. I bet he uses it to smuggle goods in and out of the country. I know I've seen other boats at his pier as I cruised past."

"Probably right, Jim. So, we wait and see if a large yacht ties up at the pier."

"Can't be done from shore, L-T. His little island is a good distance away out in the marsh and his pier is on the Waterway side. Can't be seen from shore. Best bet is from a boat hidden in the marsh grass."

"You're sure, Jim? Maybe if you and the Inspector drove around the shore looking for a spot?"

"Pretty sure, Lieutenant. And that's another thing. No offense, Inspector Bujold, but you're not the most, umm, unnoticeable woman? L-T, if I drive the Inspector around you can be sure that by nightfall everyone on the island will know. And they'll start wondering why she's here. I doubt anyone would believe she's my cousin visiting from Italy.

"Sure as shootin', Willy will hear there's someone from Italy on the island being driven around by the police just before a possible big meet-and-greet with an Italian mafia boss. Just a coincidence? I wouldn't think so and Willy is ten times more paranoid than I am."

"There is that," Lt. Dan mused and sat back rubbing his chin in thought. "Inspector Bujold, Jim does have a point. You do stand out in a crowd. Hell, those blabber mouths out there have already told half the force in the county you're here by now. We need something to distract everyone. No one will believe we've been in here talking about the weather all this time."

"Well, we were all pretty much convinced that the Inspector was a fashion model. Maybe a story along those lines..."

During mine and the L-T's conversation, Inspector Bujold had been busy typing words and phrases into her translator trying to keep up with our English. When I mentioned fashion model at the end she perked up.

"Si, I can be fashion model. I fashion model when young. Something to try. Papa, he no like so I do. I was bad girl, but good model. You have the Victoria's Secret catalogue here in States, yes?"

Holy crap and Oh, My, God!... I've been sitting next to an Honest-to-God, Victoria's Secret model all this time?!

Consulting her translation device, Inspector Bujold continued, "I think I no be model this time. Model no be here. I, umm, I advance scout for, umm, location. The place take model photo. I then go here, there, all to think I look place for photo, new catalogue. Yes?"

"I think it will work. Jim?"

"It's perfect, L-T. Every guy around will be thinking of supermodels coming here and every mother will be wondering if her daughter can be discovered. No one will be thinking of much else."

The Inspector was still typing and without looking up she added, "Shoot will be Fall when cool weather. Cannot be sweaty models. This I know from ex-per-ie-nce, si." I knew it was a fake story and even I couldn't stop from thinking about sweaty, Victoria's Secret models. "I here, speak to Tenente for police man, si? Guide the autos. Umm, escort models?"

We'd be getting calls from as far away as Spartenburg with officers volunteering to help escort Victoria's Secret models and protecting them from, well, guys like us...

"Perfect, Inspector. And come to think about it, that's the last time I want either of us, Jim, to call Ms. Bujold, 'Inspector'. Got it? No offense, Ms. Bujold."

"There none. You, Tenente and Detective Jeem, much better nice than New York City police. I now no Inspector. I now umm, for-mer model and now location scout."

"That will be fine, Ms. Bujold. Why don't you go and tell the other officers our little story while I talk to Jim about some details."

After Lt. Dan closed the door behind Ms. Bujold we continued to look out the window as she gathered the other officer's undivided attention.

"What do you think, Jim? About her story, I mean."

"I think it hangs together, L-T. Certainly worth a few days of our time even though the only thing to suggest that Don Carlos guy will come here is a few phone calls that can't be decyphered. She's one hell of a detective."

"All true, and if there is even a small chance we can crack a billion dollar diamond heist, recover the stones and put away a mafia boss? Hell, I could run for Governor on a case like that. Jim, you have plenty of vacation days. Your request to use some is approved. As of now, you stick to Ms. Bujold like glue. I know how much of a hardship that will be.

"Drive her around. Make her cover seem believable. See if there is a place that can be used to spy on Willy's place. If there isn't, I want you out on the marsh on your boat no later than the evening of the second just in case the boat does show that night or on the third. Stay out there until at least the night of the fifth. If that Don Carlos hasn't shown by then he ain't coming here.

"If that boat does show, call me and I'll have every cop and Coast Guard cutter headed your way in nothing flat. Until then, you, me and Ms. Bujold are to be the only three people who know about this. Got it? Any problems you need to discuss?"

"None I can see, L-T. If I un-ship the mast, lighten her a bit, my sailboat can hide somewhere in the marsh grass easy. Think the county will reimburse me for fuel?"

"Jim, look out there." I looked and saw a room filled with men who worshiped every word and gesture Genevieve made. "You'll be driving her around the island for two days. Alone. You should be paying me!"

Chapter 20

June 30th... Wassamassaw Island, South Carolina

By the time Lt. Dan and I joined the other officers, Inspec... I mean, Ms. Bujold, had them eating out of her hand.

"...and they'll really be coming here, Ginny?"

"Oh, sì. I look, look for small town. No the crowds. Must have hotels. Many rooms. Have beach for shoots. Have old place, house, for shoots. Have big trees with much, that thing in tree, hang down, moss? To frame models. Close, no to close, to city with airport. This good place."

"Hey, Lieutenant, I volunteer for extra duty this Fall."

"All of that can be sorted out later," Lt. Dan assured the officers. "Right now, let's make Ms. Bujold welcome on our small island. Jim, you already have the third and the fourth off for your family reunion and there's nothing pressing so consider yourself Ms. Bujold's personal guide for the next few days."

I'm pretty sure I heard someone mutter Lucky son-of-a-bitch under their breath.

"Oh, please, Tenente, as I say to these, call me Genevieve. Or Ginny. Is what family say me. And you, Jeem, too."

"Thank you, Ginny. Jim, why don't you escort Ginny to her car and set up a time to get together later. Show her around. I'm sure there is some work that still needs to be done around here by these officers."

I walked Genevieve to her car and just had to ask where she'd gotten it "I rent auto airport, Atlanta. I no like. I see place sell auto. I go, see this. I buy. Is red like shoes and is Italiana like me."

I so wanted to know what the car had cost but couldn't ask.

"I can't believe you just walked in and bought Magnum's Ferarri because it matches your shoes," I laughed.

"Magnum? Who is this Magnum? He own auto I buy?"

"It's from a television show I guess you never saw," I told her as I ran my hand over the paint. The car had a shine that only 15 coats of wax could produce. "But this car... It's a classic, Genevieve."

"Ahh, I have, umm. Fratello maggiore. Wait I translate on machine... Older brother. He auto crazy. So was not me you stare at when I walk," she laughed.

"Believe me, you definitely were stared at, Genevieve." I did a mental slap. "Sorry, Inspector. I was being rude."

"No, no. You no rude. I use to men to stare. I so tall. I do model job four year. Man looks. Okay, if no rude." She yawned. "Mi scusi, per favori. Now I be rude, Jeem. Sun here but sun go down Italia. I to get ready sleep now if there."

"Hey, go sleep at your hotel. A nap. Short sleep. It will help jet lag and you will still sleep when it's night here. I'll call you later and we can discuss what we should do tomorrow." I had to repeat most of that as she worked the translator. I made a note to myself to speak more slowly and in shorter sentences.

After Genevieve drove off I had nothing to do for the next couple of hours. With nothing at the precinct that wouldn't wait and the Pig right there, I decided to finish my report and then pick up the groceries Mom had asked me to bring home. Mom and her three sisters were getting ready for full cook mode with our family reunion so close.

Besides, the looks of envy from my fellow officers could easily turn to looks of hatred if I crowed about my luck. Not that a shy and retiring man like me would be so crass! Nope, not me. After finishing my report I left with a cheery hand wave and I'm sure that the shouted Asshole! I heard was directed towards someone else.

Parking my old jeep later, I grabbed the bags and waved to my dad who was puttering around on my boat. Yelling I'd join him soon, I went through the back door into the kitchen. Mom and Dad had bought this place almost thirty years ago. It backed up to the Intra-Coastal Waterway. My sailboat was tied to their dock. I paid the utility bills and did the lawnwork. In exchange I got free meals and a Dad who liked doing all the little scut work around a boat that kept it shipshape.

Mom and one of my aunt's who lived a short distance away were sitting at the kitchen table when I walked in. I knew something was wrong by the way they stared at me. My Aunt Al, short for Alicia, leaned to look past me. "Where's that pretty girl you were talking to in the Pig's parking lot?"

I had to shake my head in admiration. The CIA didn't run spy rings as efficient as these two. Nothing happens on this island that these two didn't know about two minutes later.

In anticipation of the interrogation about to happen I answered, "If you must know, Aunt Al, her name is Genevieve Bujold, but her family calls her Ginny. She's from Italy. She works for Victoria's Secret. She's here for a few days to scout out locations for a fashion shoot. Lt. Dan wants me to show her around the island while she's here. She went to get something to eat and to lie down for a nap. She's still on Italian time which is later than ours. So, are all the questions covered," I asked as I finished putting away the groceries.

"You let that poor girl go to a motel all alone?" Mom sounded indignant.

"I offered to go and take a nap with her but..."

"Don't you be a smart mouth, boy," Aunt Al snapped. "Your mom means you should have brought her here. Why, the way it was told she's nothing but skin and bones. We got all this food cooking and you let her go get junk food?"

"Absolutely, Jim. You go call that poor girl and go get her. The least we can do is make sure she gets a home cooked meal while she's in America."

Mom made it sound like it was her patriotic duty to fatten Genevieve up. But I knew the real reason. Genevieve was a catch that they didn't want to let slip off the hook. Mom and Aunt Al wanted to find out all the details so they'd have first place in the Gossip Corner at church this Sunday.

"Mom, no way am I going to call and wake Genevieve up to bring her here so she can nap. I'm supposed to call in about two hours and wake her. I'm sure she won't starve to death by then and I'll ask her if she would like to come over."

One Hour Later... A Motel Room

I was waiting for the polish to dry while debating putting on a second coat. The curtains to my room were parted a little so I could look out with little chance of being seen. The chance of Rambo driving into this particular motel's parking lot was small, but I couldn't be sure.

Odds were good that Rambo was in a fancy hotel room in Charleston waiting for the Fourth before driving down for the meet. I was worried that Rambo might go to the wrong bar and hit on a straight, good-ol'-boy and get his ass kicked. I wanted Rambo to be in good health when I killed him.

Looking at my toenails, I decided on a second coat. It was hot here in South Carolina and sandal wearing weather.


When I called Genevieve the phone rang and rang before a sleepy voice answered, "Ciao... Chi è?"

"Genevieve? This is Detective Kershaw. I said I'd call and..."

"Ah, sì, sì. Siamo spiacenti, sto ancora dormendo... Sono contento che hai chiamato e mi ha svegliato. Ho solo bisogno di adattarsi a un nuovo fuso orario. Come stai?"

"Ahh, I don't have a clue what you just said." But it sure sounded sexy as hell in half-asleep Italian.

"Sorry. Sorry. I awake now. I say good you call wake me, Jeem. Wait, please... I have machine here, ahh, here is... Time zone difference kick my ass?"

"I know how that is from my time in the army," I laughed. "I don't know if you are hungry, but I also called to invite you to supper. We have plenty of food and after supper we can talk about what we will do tomorrow."

"Cibo? Sì, sto morendo di fame! Sorry, sorry, I say I am hungry. Sì, I like eat you. With you."

"Great, but I need to warn you about my family."

"La tua famiglia? Ahh, you wife? c***dren?"

"No. No wife or c***dren. It's my mom and my aunt. They will try to get all the information about you they can. They can be very, umm, relentless."

"Wait, I need machine... Ahh! Then I to be poor Italiana who no speak much English. They will no, ahh, trip me up?, sì? You come half one hour? I be the ready."

Thirty minutes later I pulled up to Genevieve's motel door next to the Ferarri. If Genevieve had tried to be more noticable I don't think she could have. A beautiful Italian woman driving around the island in Magnum's Ferarri? A great detective but a lousy spy. This lady needed lessons in subterfuge.

While I was still admiring the car Genevieve opened her door and she was spectacular. Just sneakers, jeans that fit like a glove and a body hugging t-shirt that read, This much awesome wouldn't fit in a short body! I totally agreed. Without heels on, she was so close to my height at 6'1" that it made no difference. Something told me that before she left, diet books would be sold out in the mall bookstore.

Laughing she came to stand by me. "I see you in window. Look at auto." Dangling the key from her finger she said, "So much like brother. Auto crazy. You want drive?"

"I've been wanting to drive one of these my whole life! Can I take the top down?"

"Sì,sì. You drive, I learn path you house."

Genevieve pulled an Atlanta Braves baseball cap from the glove compartment to wear. Arranging her long hair in front of her and twisting it, she held it in one hand so it wouldn't fly in the wind as I pulled out. I couldn't see her eyes through her dark sunglasses but I knew they were smiling as she said, "You like boy with new, little toy."

"Are you k**ding me? Driving a Ferarri, THIS Ferarri, with a beautiful woman beside me and the top down, it's a dream come true! I'm sorry, but I have to ask... How could you buy this knowing you'd be leaving in a few days?"

"Oh, I take back to Italia when go. I have money... Well, mi familia have much money. I make money when model. I model from sixteen to twenty. Graduate university then, too. Do much runway, photo. But the bright light, flash, flash, flash when do pictures. They make head hurt. I get the mal de testa, umm, migraine headaches, from much light."

"I'm sorry, Genevieve. I'll pull over and put the top on."

"No, no. Is fine with hat, sunglasses. And light no go flash, flash, flash. But is why I buy auto, it red, have dark glass. The dark glass in windows, sì? Auto from airport not have dark glass. The mal de testa is why I stop to be model. Alla time there be the flash, flash, flash for photo. Uncle, he carabiniere, police. He say why no I try. I try, I like. Brother, he may run business. I like be police. I okay many languages with little machine here, so Uncle tell Interpol. Interpol like me, ask me join, I do. So, now you to know me life."

"Well, my life story is much less interesting. Joined the army out of high school. Got interested in the Military Police Program and stayed in for four years. Got out of the army about three years ago. Joined the force here and just made detective last time I took the exam. My partner, the senior detective I was going to learn under, was diagnosed with cancer four months ago just as I started as a detective and he's been on medical leave since. Plenty of people I can call for advice but, it's been pretty much up to me to learn the ropes so far. Luckily our island isn't exactly a hotbed of crime. Until now, of course, what with a mafia guy and a billion dollars worth of diamonds maybe headed our way. And that's my life story."

I couldn't resist. Asking Genevieve for permission, I took a detour and cruised past the precinct. Ah, the looks from my fellow officers as I drove Magnum's Ferrari and waved at them with Genevieve beside me... Priceless.

Genevieve seemed content with silence after that and it wasn't long before I pulled into our drive and parked beside the house. Getting out of the car, she looked around and smiled. "You boat," she asked nodding at the sailboat tied to dad's pier.

"Yes. I'd never be able to afford a forty-five footer like her on a cop's salary, but I bought her for salvage the last time a hurricane rolled through and left the poor girl stuck in a marsh. My cousin has a large tow truck and we used it to haul her clear and I got a friend with a boat to tow her here.

"I've been cleaning and fixing her up since and she's livable below deck now. At least the Captain's cabin is. The two, small guest cabins and galley still needs work. My dad loves to tinker with engines and her's are like brand new now."

Genevieve tilted her head back and took a long, relaxing breath. I tried not to stare at how stretched her t-shirt became. Releasing her breath slowly, her body visibly relaxed. "I like here. Quiet. Much peace."

"I don't know how much peace and quiet my mom and dad had raising four sons, but there are worse places to call home. Come on and I'll introduce you. Dad's probably already at the table waiting to eat."

Introductions were made and we sat down to eat. Mom and Aunt Al did their usual questioning, but they had to wait for answers because Genevieve's mouth was usually full of food. With many exclamations of how good everything was in both English and Italian, she was packing away an amazing amount. So much that dad finally leaned back in his chair to look under the table. "I'm just looking for your hollow leg, Ginny. I swear it's been ages since I've seen such a skinny girl tuck into a meal like this."

Genevieve waved her fork in the air as she swallowed and took a drink of sweet tea to clear her mouth. She couldn't seem to talk without her hands. "E 'solo così buono! Tutto è così buono! Sorry... Is just so good! I bad, bad cook. When I do model, all other girl hate me! We go eat, they get little salad, little meal. I eat everything! No gain the kilo. I very thin. I eat much, my tummy push out, make little bump like I have baby. I go party after eat much. Wear tight dress, sì? All mama friends say, Look, look, Genevieve tummy! She have baby... I need tell mama is no baby, is food."

"Well, in your line of work it must be wonderful not to gain weight," Mom said. "You must be proud of everything you've accomplished."

Genevieve amazed us by sticking her tongue out and blowing a short raspberry while chasing the last peas on her plate. "Pfft... What be proud of? I born this way. I no to work to look what I do. I born tall. I born skinny with big boobies. Pretty face men like. If all just given you, what be proud of? Oh, I like this being tall, skinny, big boobies. I like Jeem think I pretty. Look when he think I no see," Genevieve laughed at me. "But no be proud. Is just is."

"I think that's a very healthy attitude for a young lady," Aunt Al observed.

"It certainly is and I've made up my mind," Mom said emphatically. "Jim, you take Ginny and check her out of that motel. We've got lots of room here and Southern Hospitality isn't just a saying in this household. Ginny, you call your mama and tell her that while you're here you'll be well looked after and fed good food. Not that junk from a fast food place."

"I thank you for offer, but this to much..." Genevieve started to say until Mom cut her off.

"Young lady, do you want hot apple cobbler with ice cream or not? Then the two of you get moving and it will be ready when you get back."

We got moving. On the drive Genevieve laughed, "You mama, she very good to be, umm..."

"Bossy? Imperious? Used to being obeyed," I tried to help fill in the blank. "Raising four sons I guess she had to learn how to boss us around. In her eyes I think we'll always be ten years old, stupid and wet behind the ears. Besides, you're the juiciest piece of gossip around and Mom now has you safely locked away in her house. Anyone who wants to know about you has to come to her. She's in high hog heaven right now."

I had to translate the idioms for Genevieve but she caught the meanings and laughed. Then yawned. "I sorry, Jeem, very late Italia. Long trip. Maybe no this cobbler tonight? I very need just sleep."

At the motel, Genevieve packed while I went to the office to check her out. When the motel clerk wanted to know if it was true a magazine was going to do a fashion shoot on the island, I knew our cover story was well entrenched. When she mentioned a niece who would be perfect as a model, I knew there were going to be a lot of very disappointed people when the truth came out. Disappointed and angry at me most likely.

It was time to start thinking about another cover story that would toss Lt. Dan under the bus when the truth came out.
Genevieve followed my jeep back to the house. Once there she made her excuses, and after I carried her bags to my old room, she went to shower before going to sleep. I went to my boat and passed a restless night thinking of all the times since puberty I'd dreamed of having a girl like her in my room. Now there was a girl like her in my room and I was in the backyard on a boat!

Same as BLOOD DIAMONDS Chapters 16 - 20 Videos

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BLOOD DIAMONDS Chapters 21 25

Chapter 21Wassamassaw Island... July 1stI woke up when I heard Dad clumping around up on deck. After so many years working at the post office he seemed incapable of sleeping past 5am. Mom could sleep right through the noises he made while getting ready for work. Now that he was retired, the noises he made not getting ready for work woke her up. No one wanted to wake up Mom before she decided to wake up! So Dad would come out to my boat and wake me up instead.I started the coffee maker and by...

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After the Energists Championships Concerts CompletionChapter 43 Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

Labatt Mansion, London, Ontario 11:51pm, Friday, December 28, 1979 “Jeezes, Cuda! I can’t believe you tipped that missed shot into the basket like that to win the game,” Tempe excitedly said as she sat in the leather recliner with her injured right leg propped up with a pillow in the main living room of the Labatt’s big mansion. “Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn every now and then,” I laughed as I stood behind my four girlfriends at the entrance to the living room. “That was no luck,...

2 years ago
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Blood Diamonds

The Present... A Trash Dumpster, New York City"Rambo to Sugar Tits. Rambo calling Sugar Tits. You awake Sugar Tits? This is your wake up call.""Yeah, I'm awake Rambo," I groaned. Rambo's irritating, nasal whine wasn't something I wanted to wake up to. Ever! "And, stop calling me Sugar Tits."The earpiece/microphone was coming lose from my ear and I seated it firmly back into place as Rambo continued, "Hey, you were the one who agreed that I could pick our call signs for this job.""What was funny...

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Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

He puts his best jeans on tonight. His black boots are polished, laced up nice and tight. Frankie’s hair is slicked like back in seventy-five, come on baby, let’s drive… His fingers caress the cold curves and raise dusty stripes on the sleek black skin of his oldest friend. ‘Summertime baby, summertime… Let’s get your top down.’ ‘You talking to me or the car daddy-o?’ He winks at her where she would be standing at the passenger door. ‘Why not both baby, why not both…’ he grins lopsidedly,...

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Diamonds In The Rough Ch 09

‘Diamonds In The Rough© and its associated nine chapters is a copyrighted production by Mostera1©. Use of its character’s or any part of this story without the author’s permission is strictly prohibited. Many thanks to my editor the all powerful word wizard, SoCalOvid for his tireless work on this series. Welcome to this the final chapter of Sam and Lynn’s story. If you are a first time visitor, ‘bienvenue’ and I recommend you read the previous chapters first. So for one more time: With an...

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Queen of Diamonds

Driving for a car service requires a deft touch for customer service, as I found out when driving part-time for a New York outfit called Lioness Limousine. I had one particular passenger with unusual demands, but I was more than happy to oblige her requests. She was a thirty-eight-year-old divorcée named Holly Sykes, and she lived in the Gramercy Park section of Manhattan.What Holly asked for and got from me one Sunday afternoon in June, 1976, was my participation in her self-directed, quite...

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Diamonds In The Rough Ch 01

My sincerest thanks to SoCalOvid, for his editing wizardry on this story. Any mistakes you see are mine, and mine alone. The category for this series is correct. Readers: This story requires you to have the willingness to accept an odd and unusual relationship. It calls for an open mind, and an unlocked heart. So without further adieu, for your reading pleasure: Diamonds In the Rough Ch. 1 * The bar was lively for a Thursday evening. Sam Weatherly stared into the almost empty bottle of...

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Diamonds In The Rough Ch 07

I wish to give my thanks to my editor, SoCalOvid for his fine work on this series. If you haven’t, I highly recommend you read the previous chapters first to fully understand the unique characters, and their unusual but compelling story! With an open mind, and unlocked heart, Diamonds In the Rough Ch. 7 *** * *** Major heard the faint click, and came out from the shadows. He stared at the door and cocked his head at the noises emanating from the room. He didn’t understand the sounds, but...

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Diamonds In The Rough Ch 02

Thanks to SoCalOvid for his remarkable editing skills. Readers: If you haven’t already done so, please read Chapter 1 first! This story requires you to have the willingness to accept an odd and unusual relationship. It calls for an open mind, and an unlocked heart. Diamonds In the Rough Ch. 2 ** Samantha Weatherly took another sip of her beer, she heard the man with the Chardonnay, a few empty seats down, sniffle. He wiped his nose on his sleeve, and hid his head in his folded arms....

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Diamonds In The Rough Ch 08

Many thanks to my editor SoCalOvid on this series. He has given my words, that extra zing. Thank you for opening my quirky romance. If you would please read the previous chapters before this one, it will make it more understandable, and I hope very enjoyable. To all that have followed this series, thank you so much, I have been humbled by the comments and votes. Diamonds In The Rough Ch. 08 *** ** *** The Boeing 737 banked northward and began its descent. The man in 27A packed up his...

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Diamonds In The Rough Ch 03

Thanks to SoCalOvid for his patience with my writing, and his willingness to work with me. Readers: If you haven’t already done so, please read the previous two chapters first. This story requires you to have the willingness to accept an odd and unusual relationship. It calls for an open mind, and an unlocked heart. Diamonds In the Rough Ch. 3 *** ‘What’s going on, and why am I beginning to feel happy again?’ Sam asked herself, watching Lynn play with Major. It didn’t make any sense...

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Diamonds In The Rough Ch 04

My continued thanks to SoCalOvid for his tireless work editing my stories. With this chapter especially… If you haven’t done so, please read the previous chapters first. Again, open your mind and unlock your heart! Diamonds In the Rough Ch. 4 **** Even before Lynn could leave, Sam quickly excused herself and headed to the bathroom. She closed the door and quickly pulled off her jeans to expose her rapidly moistening pussy to the cool air. Sam trembled with forbidden excitement. She didn’t...

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Diamonds In The Rough Ch 05

Thanks to SoCalOvid for his tireless work editing my stories. Any mistakes you see are mine and mine alone. If you haven’t done so, please read the previous chapters first.And please, open your mind and unlock your heart! Diamonds In the Rough Ch. 5 ** * ** Curled up on the back porch eyes closed, Major enjoyed the warmth of the afternoon sun. Ears twitched at a very faint rustle, SNAP! In a flash the canine’s long legs propelled him swiftly towards the huge silver maple, the squirrel...

4 years ago
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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

2 years ago
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Empyrian Final chapters

This is the CONCLUSION of the novel "Empyrian". I'm so happy to share with you the final chapters. Please make sure you've read chapters 1-46 before proceeding because otherwise you'll know how it ends! Go on, back up and start at the beginning like everyone else. Also, please, if you are reading the story, let me know what you think. This work has taken over a year and countless hours to complete. Your feedback is a must! Please, please leave a review so I know if someone is...

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Girlfriend Stolen pls add chapters

(I have published this story on first. I am not the owner of every chapters, it's specified at the begining of chapters. If you see some of your work in it and you dont want it to be in, message me and I will delete it a soon as a receive the mail.) You are a boy, 18 years old. Your name is Tim and you have a wonderfull girlfriend, enveryone arround you are jalous about her. She is the perfect girl, angel face, slim with perky and perfect breast and ass. But a morning she is...

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Report 2 The Lost Chapters

Report 2: John becomes Joanie: The lost chapters by Jodi John stood, his legs shaking as Bri had Candy help him to the dressing room. The Wendy's came in smiling as Bri gave them instructions to help Candy. They held the still bound and gagged John and let him put his weight on them as Candy slowly unlaced the corset. As it came free, John felt his body relax and the cool air made him shiver as the Wendy's buried...

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Barford File 2 The Betancourts Chapters IX and X Final Chapters

IX: Training Daze Harvey Betancourt kept his eyes closed, his mind in an almost Zen-like state, as his wife continued to run the buzz of her old-school clippers over areas of his head. Glenda was almost done shaping his hair to resemble the look of the eager new recruit that was a day shy of being shipped out to Europe. Only back then, he wasn't as pleasantly well-built, nor as tanned, as he was now. The radio played a Benny Goodman swing tune as Glenda worked. He remembered...

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Bloodlines 2 PostVampire Depression

BLOODLINES 2: POST-VAMPIRE DEPRESSION BY Cassandra Anaconda Morrison Being a vampire is not as easy as you might think. In the first place, one has to pretty much swear-off direct sunlight - which means you can forget about that golden tan which is considered the epitome of sexual desirability. Instead you have to cultivate that alabaster pallor most people associate with dead things. One can compensate for this with body make-up of course but I would advise any fledglings out...

3 years ago
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Some Days are Diamonds

SHIT! Almost to work and I realized I forgot my fucking pass, and my wallet! Just what I fucking need not only will I be late to work because I have to go back home to get my card and wallet but my ‘loving wife’ will get another chance to point out another of my many short comings. For some time now my relationship with my wife ‘Darla’ had been very strained to say the least. I could not remember the last time we ‘made love’ we have had a couple of very quick and, in my opinion,...

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Chapter 21 Apartment Rug Burns But No Diamonds Please

I expected Elliot's interest to wane once he added me to his "seduced list" but the opposite occurred. He pestered to see me; said he’d never met anyone like me. I asked how many he’d "met”. He didn’t reply.With the cherry blossom relationship setting to bear fruit, we needed a place to rendezvous. I didn’t want to become a Governor Hotel elevator mystery woman. My home turf and his buck seduction pad were out. For the affair to ripen, we needed a love nest. If he balked, it meant, "wham,...

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Baseball diamonds are forever

I moved to Indiana from Chicago in the 3rd grade. I was very popular and knew I'd make friends easily in the small town we were moving to close to Indianapolis. Look-wise, I was an ordinary 9-year-old boy. I had brown hair, blue eyes and a slim and short 4'6 body. The subdvision we moved into was a new one and we had one of three houses that were built. My brother and I were outside throwing rocks in the dirt pile accross the street one day, when one of the new kids down the road rode his...

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Diamonds In The Rough Ch 06

Thanks to SoCalOvid for his tireless work editing my stories. I am lucky to have him for an editor! Any mistakes you see are mine and mine alone. If you haven’t done so, please read the previous chapters first, the story will be much more enjoyable for you if you do. And please, make sure to open your mind and unlock your heart! *** *** Major lay down by Sam’s bed and watched the men leave his mistress’s room. He put his head on his front paws and closed his eyes. Major’s ears twitched...

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Diamonds and Rust

Author’s note: The title and theme of this story come from a song by Joan Baez from around 1969 or 1970, about her relationship with Bob Dylan. ^ ^ ^ ^ It was late in the afternoon in late November, already getting dark on a cold, dreary day that promised snow later that night. I was at a particularly rough spot in the novel I was working on, and I had developed a headache from trying to work out the plot line at that point in the book. I knew I needed to push on, because time was growing...

4 years ago
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Diamonds or Pearls

Claire knew that anyone driving past would think she was crazy– sitting in her Mazda, screaming at the passenger seat as if someone were there– but she was past caring. He made her so angry. Blake Anderson. She wished he was in the car so she could scream at him in person. With his blue eyes and his square jaw. If he’d been there, he would have just shook his head slowly smile that smug smile of his. Look, Claire. She’d have been screaming so loud the people across the street would hear her,...

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Before the EnergistsChapter 27 Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds Before the Energists

Early morning, February 13, 2003 I quickly clicked off my watch's alarm at 4:20am, hoping that my birthday girl didn't hear it. As expected, she didn't flinch and was softly snoring with her back to me. I gingerly got out of bed and went about getting the first part of Kaleigh's birthday surprise ready. After turning up the thermostat to about 75, as I didn't want either of us to 'freeze', I went to the kitchen and put together her breakfast-in-bed-tray. I pulled the flower...

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Diamonds in the RoughChapter 2

Samantha Weatherly took another sip of her beer, she heard the man with the Chardonnay, a few empty seats down, sniffle. He wiped his nose on his sleeve, and hid his head in his folded arms. She heard him sob. 'So typical of a man not to be prepared, ' she thought. Sam reached into her pocket pulled out a travel packet of tissue and tossed it to the crying man. He looked up at Sam, nodded his thanks before blowing his nose and wiping his eyes. Looking back at the party, he began crying...

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Diamonds in the RoughChapter 3

'What's going on; and why am I beginning to feel happy again?' Sam asked herself, watching Lynn play with Major. It didn't make any sense to the young woman. Major would have normally had a stranger on the ground by now with his playfulness. Not so with Lynn. Major behaved just as he would with Sam. While his improved behavior made her happy, it also perplexed her. Major, was a one-woman dog — her dog. Why would he relate to Lynn like he did to her? Sam was also mystified by how...

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Diamonds in the RoughChapter 4

My continued thanks to SoCalOvid for his tireless work editing my stories. With this chapter especially... Even before Lynn could leave, Sam quickly excused herself and headed to the bathroom. She closed the door and quickly pulled off her jeans to expose her rapidly moistening pussy to the cool air. Sam trembled with forbidden excitement. She didn't care about Lynn still standing in the living room; she needed immediate and complete release. Her thoughts turned to happier times as the...

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Diamonds in the RoughChapter 5

Curled up on the back porch eyes closed, Major enjoyed the warmth of the afternoon sun. Ears twitched at a very faint rustle, SNAP! In a flash the canine's long legs propelled him swiftly towards the huge silver maple, the squirrel wise to the dog's tricks quickly ascended the tree chittering at the hapless dog. Major his jaws snapping jumped up the tree and loudly protested the angry rodent's presence in 'his' domain. The squirrel climbed higher up into the branches. He looked down and...

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Diamonds in the RoughChapter 6

Major lay down by Sam's bed and watched the men leave his mistress's room. He put his head on his front paws and closed his eyes. Major's ears twitched furiously as the downstairs sounds grew louder. Abruptly the dog picked his head up and looked at the open door. The two friends left Sam's room and started down the stairs. While they were saying goodbye, Jackson animatedly explained to Lynn that every single time he came over for an after work beer that dog would jump on him the...

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Diamonds in the RoughChapter 7

Major heard the faint click, and came out from the shadows. He stared at the door and cocked his head at the noises emanating from the room. He didn't understand the sounds, but he instinctively knew that all was well. The Belgian took his position and lay down in front of the entryway. He rested his head on his crossed paws and closed his eyes. Ever alert, the dog's ears twitched periodically in the air and listened for anything that would disturb his family. Woe to anyone who would dare...

1 year ago
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Diamonds in the RoughChapter 8

The Boeing 737 banked northward and began its descent. The man in 27A packed up his computer and looked out the window. He saw the Cincinnati skyline off in the distance and thought about the past eighteen months. It was fraught with poor choices, and deception. He quietly squirmed when he heard the landing gear extend and wondered what kind of a reception he would get from his former lover as he returned to reclaim what was his. He knew once he got his hooks in, it wouldn't be too long...

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Diamonds in the RoughChapter 9

It wasn't until several months after the twins had been born that one Saturday afternoon Sam heard Major barking outside followed shortly by the sound of the doorbell ringing. From the nursery she heard Lynn's voice, "Could you get that Sam? I'm changing another poopy diaper. Oh! Don't our children know how vulgar it is to keep their mother wiping up poopy bottoms both day and night, night and day!" There was a brief pause, "I like the sound of that. 'Night and Day.' Catchy song...

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DiamondStar IV

DiamondStar IV DiamondStar IV ??????????? Nysia laid back on her bed and watched the pristine, white planet below as she touched herself.? She ran her fingers slowly along her hairless folds, opening herself in front of the window to see her own glistening sex reflected back imperfectly, and panted, smiling, as she thrust the dildo into herself with a moist sucking sound.? ??????????? The slim object, half again as long as her hand and wider than two fingers, was made of pure diamond ?...

2 years ago
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Blood Magic

It was really too easy, I reflected when it was all over. I'd decided what I wanted, and getting it was almost anti-climactic. I say almost, because climaxes definitely weren't in short supply. It all came down to blood magic. When Jowan came to me with a half-assed scheme to learn blood magic from Uldred, I didn't agree to it for power. The fact of the matter was, my harrowing was approaching, and I was terrified. My friend, Neria, had accidentally let slip more information than she...

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Blood Lust

I am so tired of all the bullshit about vampires. Yes… we do exist, so that’s not a myth, but all the rest… well, the crap people think they know about us is mostly nonsense. Firstly, we do not live thousands of years long. Around two hundred years is as good as it gets for us. Fortunately, we do not age and all mature vampires look like they are in their mid-twenties. This, of course, is a great advantage and sets us apart from boring humans. In addition, unlike humans, Vampires are also...

Gay Male
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Blood Lust

Michael Clarke Duncan- Coach Clark Jackson Eliza Dushku- Kelly Rayne Me- Jamal Mitchell Chloe Sevigny- Ashley Mitchell Ja Rule- Spyder/Kenny Bone Crusher- Jenkins/B.J. Vin Diesel- Victor Kristen Davis- Lara Rayne Josey Scott- Lucas Gerald Butler- Dracula Fergie- Angie Baker Ashanti- Krissy/Trix Undertaker- Lord Ayres James Marsters- Spike Scott Wolf- Kurt Fuller Started out with Nas' "Dance", then to the sex scene that had Usher's "Twork it...

1 year ago
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Blood Lust

                                                                             Blood Lust        The winter wind howled fiercely as I made my way back to the town tavern. Pulling my tattered top coat tightly around my neck. Deathly afraid to be late for my meeting with my mysterious benefactor.       I think about the night before last while sitting alone at the rear of the noisy dark tavern   Counting my dwindling money and wondering how I would live and survive in this strange new world in...

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Blood of BrothersChapter 10 House Cleaning

From the writings of Aarcidmus, high archivist and lord researcher to High Emperor Sedimer'tiskoniar: Milord has been obsessed as of late. His only concern is the weakness that has been spreading. The sickness seemed to come from nowhere, and yet, minor cases of it have been appearing in my research dating back several imperials. The weaker lords have been becoming ill and dying. The weak have vanished. The powers all demon kin has been weakening over time. I have not been able to make a...

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Blood Lust

I was thinking what a pathetic life... I didn't see the car in front of me until I was nearly on top of it. Dim flashers through the snow caught my eye and I was able to slow enough to avoid hitting it. I wondered, as I slowly passed by if anyone was inside. I could not make out anything but the outline of the car. As I drove past I saw the lights flash faintly in the mirror. There was someone in the car. I slowed and started backing towards it. I'm not in the habit of stopping for...

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Blood FangChapter 6

Paul showed up early the following day to his new job, eager for a new beginning. No longer would he be an alpha, and worse case scenario he could at least pretend to be normal. When the first dogs came in, he began their check ups, trying to hide the fact that he could hear them. He succeeded as far as the police were concerned, the dogs however knew better. Watching his every move they reacted to his every word and intention as if they clearly understood, and indeed they did. In an odd way...

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Blood RoseChapter 7

1590 Very few things in the world had the power to frighten Electra. Her master's wrath happened to be one of them. And even that was usually only enough to make her take a step back and bow her head. Right now she shrunk down to the floor, positively cowering. Dracula's shadow aura was practically causing the whole keep to tremble with his rage. "Dost thou dare presume to insult my intelligence, Electra?" "No milord," Electra responded weakly. "I spoke only truth to you." "Then...

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Blood RoseChapter 8

Her hair is like blood, her eyes violet jewels And she governs the fates of all whom she rules. Her voice is of silk, but her words are of steel. Look in her eyes, and your fears become real. A blossom of blood, with thorns that can kill, She will bend all your dreams to the ways of her will. Her beauty is pure as the clear driving rain, But to enter her world will bring only pain. The blade that she holds you cannot defy. Kill her you might, but she will not die. There is but one...

2 years ago
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Bloodlines 3 Bats All in Leather

BLOODLINES 3: BATS ALL IN LEATHER I was growing extremely disillusioned with the LAPD. Here I had been hiding in my (recently deceased) Uncle Gregory's decaying Hollywood mansion for almost three weeks and STILL they had not discovered the body of Rick Herzog. I mean... what in the Nine Billion Hells of Nyarlathotep are we paying taxes for? I was almost tempted to grab the first cop I saw and drag him over to Rick's apartment. Saner council prevailed, however. And I soon realized...

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Blood of BrothersChapter 13 Dining with Demons

What is the nature of demons? Are they the demons case down by god, the spawn of Satan, as humans tend to believe? Do they come from a different world? What are they? Demons come from all over the worlds. They are dimension travelers, but most specifically, they are beings that feed off of life. They are parasites. There are few that know the true origin of demons, most of them being the first demons. Some of them are still alive. Stories claim that the demons came originally from a harsh...

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Blood Lust

My name is Jackson Shaw; at least that is what I call myself now. I have gone by many names over the ages. I am a vampire. I was turned the year the great pyramid was completed. Yes, I am over 2000 years old, ancient even by vampire standards. I have lived in the shadows for most of recorded human history. I say human history because it has been a long time since the title human could be associated with me.  Time teaches all to he who has the luxury of eternity. And what the ages have taught me...

1 year ago
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Blood Moon Chronicles Book 2 As the Waning Moon SetsChapter 13

I made my way from the inn to the market east of there, where Clive had said they had been ambushed. When I arrived, there was a bustle of activity, normal for a market of this size, as well as a grouping of soldiers on the far side. I suspected that was where the attack had transpired. I weaved my way through the crowd until I arrived at the other side, where three soldiers were investigating the area. “Good afternoon gentlemen, what exactly happened here? Do you have any idea who did...

4 years ago
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Blood RoseChapter 3

Six years ago... It was almost midnight. Brad and Ritchie had already retreated to their tents; Anthony was alone. Aside from the chirping of crickets and the crackle of his campfire, it was quiet. The pale light of the moon danced eerily on the ripples of the lake. He sat calmly in front of the fire, gazing out around the darkness of the woods. She was out there. He was certain he'd seen her once already. Last night when they got back from their hike he was certain for a split second...

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Blood of BrothersChapter 19 Death

Every morning we vampires die, and every night we are born again. Each and every day must be a new experience or we will become bored with the world we live in. A vampire's world is sharper and stronger in every fashion. Every taste a vampire experiences is new and exciting. Every smell, every touch, every emotion is an educational opportunity. Vampires are children of the night, seeking their degree in the world. Each chance they have to learn is an opportunity worth taking. The new life...

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Blood Diaries Ch 03

Chapter Three: The Angel of Death I had no fear for my life, if he had wanted to kill me he would have already. I realized that the warm feeling I had been getting was him feeding on me, but I was confident in my assessment that he wouldn’t make me his next victim. He wanted me to panic, to flee and leave him, but I couldn’t. instead I leaned forward and embraced him. He became very shocked at my reaction. ‘Who made you the way you are?’ I asked. ‘I have never told this story before,’ he...

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Blood Sword

Blood Sword by Eddie Glover Brenlan felt the familiar twinge in his body. He reached for the sword he'd brought back from the east, the sword to which he was cursed. "That's a hell of a sword!", the bartender whistled in admiration. Brenalan turned with a frown, "You have no idea of it's strangeness or powers my friend.". He could now feel the sword's pull and the beginnings of his own change. "Help!", a woman screamed from outside. "Damn! It's about time I was...

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