On My OwnChapter 17 free porn video

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Wow, Friday. The week is rocketing by. Oh boy, I have to kick butt today if I'm going to get that prototype made. I can do it since I have a working model to incorporate. The plans are ready, so all I have to do is modify a few things and get Billy to machine a couple of parts. Done by noon; right, sure, who am I kidding? This was going to be tough.

I gave the lady on each side of me a squeeze then pulled my arms out from under them. As I was getting up, Betty said, "Isn't it early? It's not seven yet."

With a smile, I said, "It's five forty-five this wonderful Friday morning. I need to get moving this morning. If you ladies prefer to sleep, enjoy. I'm going for a quick walk."

I slipped on my shorts, socks, and tennis shoes. As I headed for the bathroom, Caroline stretched and got up. As I came out, she came in and gave me a quick kiss on the way. We were out of the door and on our way at a fairly rapid pace by five to six.

Caroline said, "You're excited about the R&D center this morning, aren't you?"

"I sure am, Babe. This is a big deal. I'm getting a wide open budget to make one of my ideas into a reality. This is really going to be fun. I bragged that I would have something done today, and in my mind, I can do it easily. That's not reality, though. It always takes more time than you think. I'm going to get it done though, hopefully early."

My partner said, "It excites me to see and hear you so worked up. It's like you're sharing your excitement with me. You've just fascinated the hell out of me every time you do something new. I just don't know what to think."

"Think good thoughts. Love. Think good thoughts for the project and for everyone around you. Those good thoughts become magnified and that's how we all get happy."

As we were on our way back to my trailer, I said, "Let's stop by and get coffee and something to eat in these clothes, then I'll go shower and get ready for work."

There were already people at the patio, as I had heard they began showing up around six. Steve was there with some of his kids as they were early risers too. The coffee was great and a breakfast sandwich hit the spot. Caroline was clutching this morning, hanging on to me as we enjoyed our morning together. We said goodbye to our friends early and headed to our trailers.

I had forgotten my pills, so I quickly took them, showered and dressed. Caroline had made some more coffee, so we shared a cup and kissed before I left. She said, "I love seeing you off in the morning knowing you'll be home to see me at the end of the day. I'm enjoying all the things in my life that I didn't have before. You are really the first man that I've ever la ... ah, enjoyed that way. See you tonight, Honey. I'll watch for you at lunch. If you don't come, I'll bring some sandwiches."

I raced over to the R&D lab at seven fifteen. No one was there yet except the security guard. He asked for my security pass that I didn't have. Crap. I told him that it was imperative that I begin work. He said he was sorry but no pass, no entry. Crap.

I rode over to the patio, cursing all the way. Once at the patio, I found Dennis talking to Steve and said, "I can't get in the lab because I don't have a security pass. The guard wouldn't let me in."

Dennis looked at his watch and said, "Too early, it doesn't open yet."

"Come on, Dennis, I need to get going. I bragged I could get the prototype up and operating today. I need to get to work, now, not this afternoon."

Steve said, "I would try to get you in, but you have to have a security pass to get in there now. Let's run over to the RV store and get the title lady to make you up a pass. I'll vouch for you, but you'll have to have a security clearance done. Just tell the lady to check you out and she will."

We drove our individual carts to the RV store and went upstairs to find a gray-haired, older, lady working on a stack of paperwork. She smiled and said, "Morning, Boss, how's it hanging this morning."

Steve answered, "Fine, Dorothy, is it as juicy as ever?"

I laughed as she said, "Who's the swinging dick you brought with you this morning. If he ain't too old to get it up, can I check him out?"

Steve said, "Dorothy, this is Mark Robins. You probably heard about him fixing stuff around the park. He's working in R&D on some real sensitive stuff and needs a security pass. Can you fix him up?"

"I sure can, Boss. Perhaps I need to investigate him real good."

"Just give him a pass this morning then you can get Jake's permission to attack a new man."

"Ah, that wouldn't be any fun. I like to surprise the old coot with a pussy already full every once in a while."

"Jesus, Dorothy, now I know why we hide you up here out of reach of everyone. You are one rangy babe."

"Oh say it, Honey, just say, 'One rangy bitch.'"

Dorothy looked at me and said, "Go pee in this cup. If you pass the piss test, I'll issue you your pass. Can I check you out, Honey? I mean a security type thing. I'll call you when I'm gonna ravish your ass. My old man likes to watch, so just come on over when you're called."

I took the cup and went into the bathroom she indicated. When I came out she stuck a litmus stick in it then said, "Nice equipment, Honey, I'll bet that thing is fun when it's hard."

Steve was shaking his head. Dorothy pointed at her PC to show it had multiple frames of security cameras and one of the frames showed the bathroom. I blushed and knew it was a mistake as soon as it happened.

Dorothy said, "Give me your driver's license and I'll photocopy it. Then drop your drawers so can I count the hair on your balls and suck a load out of you this morning. Hot damn, Boss, you brought me a live one."

The whole time the lady was talking nasty, she was busy. She had run a card through the machine that seals it in clear plastic. She handed me the card, a larger card, and a lanyard to hang around my neck.

"When did you take my picture?"

"When you were standing here. I have three cameras that will get your best side. I liked that picture, so that's the one to use. If you want to see how they work let me get my panties off and you can fuck me on the desk. We'll get some good shots of that for my old man."

I picked up her hand, kissed it, and said, "Dorothy, it has been a great pleasure meeting you. I hope to see you again soon."

"Oh, Steve, get that man out of here before I do something I haven't done in this office yet. See ya later, Boss."

Steve was grinning as we left. "Bye, Dorothy."

Downstairs, out of earshot, he said, "When Crystal hired that lady she warned me not to go up to that office unless I promised not to get upset by the woman's filthy mouth. Crystal said the lady was pure gold and worked harder than three MBAs on steroids. But, she said the lady was an incurable nasty flirt. She told me she would ask me to fuck her within the first thirty seconds we met and she did. I think she's all mouth, but I'm not going to find out. Very few people venture up there. Wait till you meet her husband, Jake. The man's as skinny as a rail. He says it's because she fucks him to death, so he's always making like he's begging for help. He says the last three guys he's brought home she used up the first night and he had to dump their bodies in the bay. Between the two of them you have an XXX rated nightclub act."

"An unusual employee, Steve. She's just another fun person to know around here." I was smiling in wonder when I said that too.

The guard let us in this time when I showed him my pass. It specifically showed R&D access. Inside, Hans was looking over my plans and checking parts for the prototype. I popped the notebook open and pulled four pages and headed for the copier. I copied the pages then put the originals back into the notebook. I told Hans, "I'm going to Billy's to either make these or have him do them. I'll be back and show you how we'll put this thing together. You can do the circuit board."

Billy was just opening and smiled at me. "Eager, huh, Mark. I guess this means I better get my speedy boots on."

Billy looked at the four drawings and the measurements. He went to some racks in the back and came back with four pretty big blanks. He measured them then asked, "What kind of blank or steel do you want to use on this?"

I said, "We'll cast them later, but this one needs to be tough so it won't lose its shape while we're testing. Use some part stainless, eighteen percent is common, so that will be all right. The blanks you brought up should be okay."

Billy asked, "How do you know they're eighteen percent stainless?"

"Well, for one thing, it's written in grease pencil on the backs, and you took them off the rack that has an eighteen percent stainless sign over the top. You don't seem like a guy that would mix up his blanks."

"You got me there, partner. Are these numbers correct? Are you sure of the dimensions?"

"Billy, these are the correct numbers. I originally machined two cases and shafts. They should be right on. If you calculate them, it will be tough to cast those numbers, but cutting them out of blanks should work. Do you want me to do them?"

Billy thought for a second and said, "Naw, let me do these and you go begin making what you need to finish the project. I can do two of these things at the same time, so I'll do two sets. See me in a couple of hours."

Steve and I left and as we were walking back to the R&D center, I asked, "Should we go get another cart or do they have sufficient carts for us to use here."

"Dennis should have plenty. If he needs more he can request them and go get them. I'm going to go to work. Here's my cell number. Call me as soon as you're getting close. I want to watch this thing on the real road, not on the test wheels."

Inside, Hans was pulling the parts we would need and not working on the circuit board. When I pointed to the page he said, "This is pretty delicate, how are you going to make it standup to the beating you're going to put it through."

"Watch me. I'll lay triple tracks and double side solder everything just like robotics can do. If this breaks in our lifetime, it will be because someone shot it."

I took the green board and began the photo etching process from the layout I had drawn. Their etcher didn't like the triple track, but it had that option and I made sure all the redundancy was laid out correctly. I put the board into the track laying oven and watched through the monitor as the tracks were laid. The temps were a couple of degrees shy of melting the board, but that's the right way to lay them. A big process machine would do the job faster, but this was a prototype and using this machine was a hell of lot more exact than putting the board out in the sun and hoping for good tracks.

I had to hunt up the components for the board since Hans was still thinking that the board wouldn't be tough enough. I laid the components on the board and used the Magic solder system to begin hitting the board on both sides. It's a good thing I had done this part before, because you had to program in coordinates for the solder to be laid. When one was done, you saved that process on a back up and the next time you did the job, you just stuck the board in and pushed a button.

When that was done, I used the oscilloscope on the bench to test all the circuits. It looked right. Hans had made a good card rack and had cut and soldered the wire harness to go between the board and the components.

He and I went out back and selected a pretty blue golf cart and brought it in. Between the two of us, it was quickly in pieces. We pulled the transmission, then checked the cart to make sure it was pristine as far as everything else. I checked the nut and bolt sets that could cause problems and they were good. Hans said, "The cart people have the same motto." He pointed to the sign, "We make it perfect."

I told Hans, "I'm going for the parts from Billy. I'll be right back."

Billy was outside, sitting in his chair and leaning back against the building, smoking a cigarette. With a grin, he said, "How come so late?"

I looked at my watch to see that it had been all of an hour and fifty minutes since I gave him the job. He got up and hobbled into his shop. Billy had been in one hell of a motorcycle accident a long time ago and didn't walk well.

He gave me the pieces and said, "These are exactly to your specs. I'm giving you back your sheets, but I have the numbers recorded in the job database. Your stuff is secure. No one would ever be able to figure out which one was which. They would have to make every thing in there and there are more than a thousand jobs in the machine."

I thanked Billy and carried the box of parts back to the center.

Hans and I pulled the old transmission apart then began building the new one exactly to the sheets from my notebook. Each piece was polished with an emery cloth and then wiped with oil cloths soaked with synthetic oil. We were smiling as each piece slid together and was locked in place with the small keys. When the gears were in place, I put the shifting forks in place and connected them to the shift gate that would be operated by the transformer servo combination. When it was together, we mounted it in the cart and connected everything.

Hans said, "That is crazy that you had the exact measurements of our cart gearboxes."

I said, "Abe used standard sizes when he made the carts so it would be easy to repair in the field with available parts. We're just adding a few things to the mix."

We slid the circuit card in and began wiring the pieces in place. I used some plastic I had printed after making it up on the computer to put on the gearshift indicator. I'm sure we would do something different in the future, but this would work for now. The indicator looked like it came from the factory with the cart.

I stepped back and called Steve's number. When he answered, I said, "I'm not sure how we did this but you should come watch us succeed or fail. Hans and I just about have this thing licked."

Steve said excitedly, "I'll be right there. I'm bringing Abe and Tiny with me. Maybe Phil too; if I can find him."

Hans was putting the covers on everything so I helped put the cart back together. We were about to put the access panel down when I said, "Oil, we didn't put any oil in the gear box. Hans laughed and held out the oil plug that goes in the bottom of the box.

I put the plug in while he put oil in and screwed the access panel down. When we were all done, Hans said, "I think we should at least start it. You're so confident about that box of yours, we need to see if the cart will at least run."

I told Hans, "Don't tell them about the ignition system. We are testing the transmission. When we feel good about the transmission, we tell them about the ignition."

Hans said, "It was too easy, you know. We did both in a lot less time than we thought we could do only one."

"I know, Hans. We are good together; real winners."

He pointed to the sign, "We make it perfect."

I nodded and Hans turned the key. The cart started instantly. We checked all of the switches and the directional and brake lights. Hans shrugged his shoulders and said, "I guess it works. It's too easy."

I said to Hans, "I had that worked out a long time ago. You had the coil worked out a long time ago. We could have had this ten years ago if we had met then. It went together easy because our two parts went together."

"Ya, ya, just like my wife we go together good. This is too good." It sounded more like goot, but I knew what he meant.

We were pushing the cart out of the shop when Steve came sliding to a stop. Steve, Abe, Tiny, and Phil came out of the pickup truck. Phil came up and said, "It looks like any other cart to me."

Steve and Abe had already seen the little gear display. Steve asked, "Have you tested it?"

"You will be the first," I said, crossing my fingers. "The test model worked, so this one should."

Abe said, "Don't you just love engineers. These guys make something and think it's perfect out of the box."

I had to say it, "But I'm not an engineer. I putter; I play with things until I know they'll work. Hans is the same. Our ideas meshed."

Dennis came out of his office and said, "You should have seen these two working on this thing. I think there are some surprises in here today."

Phil asked, "So what's the big deal anyway."

Steve said, "Come on, Phil, get in, Tiny, you and Abe come too. Let's give it a load."

They got in and Steve turned the key and the cart started instantly. Abe and Steve both turned their heads listening. Abe said, "Shut it off and start it again."

Steve did and when he started the cart he looked at Hans and me and arched an eyebrow. Abe was grinning from ear to ear. Steve put the gear selector in reverse and the cart backed up when he let the brake off. He but the cart in drive and the cart didn't jerk but sat there as it should until he let the brake off and gave it some gas. He drove around the parking area and stopped in front of us with the brake. When he let the brake up, he had to give it gas again. They took off down the street and you could hear the cart change gears. Steve must have really been going as it went into third gear and we could hear the motor revving. You could also hear Phil yell, "Whoopee, Automatic."

Hans, Dennis, and I did an uncharacteristic high five with each other. Dennis said, "You know Steve is going to try to kill that transmission, don't you?"

"I figured," I said. "He'll have to work at it. You know I made that thing out of eighteen percent stainless. He can't bend the forks because they're servo controlled. He can't harm the linkage because it is direct. The control box is linked to the electrical, so he can't get it wet because we have rubber gaskets sealing the cover. It should be tough enough for a sixteen year old or a couple of old ladies."

Dennis said, "You put your new ignition in there, didn't you?"

I nodded.

He asked, "How did you do that so fast. I thought it had to be developed yet."

"I've already made several, but didn't have the coil. Hans gave me the coil and I designed it in when he gave it to me yesterday. We have all the components, so while I was making circuit boards, I made that one too. You had the gel so I poured it in. I almost didn't put the connections in the right place and remembered just as I put it into the soldering machine. It's all triple tracked and double soldered, so it should last. If the components you had in stock are rated correctly, we should be golden."

Dennis said, "I hope the lawyers get the patent application done today or we'll have to lock this thing up tonight."

I grinned.

My cell phone went off. I answered it and heard, "Where in the hell are you. We are supposed to be in the judge's chambers in thirty minutes."

"Oh shit, I forgot. Damn, I'll be right there. I should be able to make it. Where are his chambers?"

"You idiot. Jesus, I'll meet you at the door of the court house, hurry."

Steve came back in the cart, so I said, "I have to be downtown at the county courthouse in less than thirty minutes. Who can get me there?"

Steve said, "Hop in, there is a way."

I jumped in the cart and Steve took off, pressing buttons on his cell phone in one hand. He said to the person he called, "You have to drive Mark Robins downtown to the courthouse and you have to be there in about twenty minutes. I'll meet you at the gate."

We slid up to the gate as a country Sheriff's cruiser pulled up. Steve said, "Go" and pointed.

I jumped into the cruiser and was told by a small person, "Put the belt on and hurry."

As I was buckling the belt, the car fishtailed away from the gate, turned around and headed toward town. We jumped on the highway at Bearss, hitting well over a hundred with the lights flashing. Every time people began crowding up, she put the siren on. I almost pissed in my pants a couple of times. Holy shit, this tiny person could drive. She weaved through downtown traffic and slid up to the front of the courthouse. She looked at her watch and grinned and said, "Sixteen minutes flat. That's movin, ' Buster."

I got out and said, "Thanks, Mickey, you are some driver."

She said, "I'll be out here waiting to take you back."

Sarah took my arm and said, "Come on, hurry, we can't be late."

We walked down some hallways and entered an office that had a receptionist. The lady pointed at an open doorway and we went into what looked like a conference room, with shelves of law books surrounding us. At the table were Judy, Jeanie, and a guy I assumed was Judy's attorney.

At the head of the table was a man in a judge's robe. I didn't think the robe was necessary in this situation, but oh well. There was a court reporter sitting in the corner with her tiny machine on a stand in front of her.

"Glad you could make it, Ms. Perkins and Mr. Robins. I understand you were involved in an important government project out at S&S. I hope you are successful with it."

He waved at all of us, "So, you have reached an acceptable agreement to dissolve the marriage of Judy and Mark Robins. I will read the brief description of the division of property. When I am through, if you want to request anything additional, please do so at that time."

"The value of the home is to be split between both parties. The personal checking account is also to be split equally between the parties. Judy Robins is to retain her vehicle and Mark is to retain his. The third vehicle is now a gift to the daughter, Jeanie."

The major asset of the marriage is the amount of money from the sale of the business. I understand the business was a minority owned business with fifty-one percent ownership by Judy and forty-nine by Mark. I also understand the business was originally incorporated several years before your marriage. Now, Judy, did you work in the business?"

Judy said, "I had an office there for the entire time I was majority owner."

Her lawyer smiled.

The judge was looking at the papers and asked, "What were your functions with the company? What did you do?"

Again Judy said, "I had an office at the company the entire time I was the president and majority owner."

"I see," said the judge. "Did you work with marketing?"

Judy answered, "No."

"Did you work with accounting?"

"Heavens, no," she answered.

"Then how about customer service?"

"I didn't do any of that."

The judge then said, "The division of money from the sale of the company is listed on Mark's papers at sixty percent for Mark, but on Judy's papers it is listed at forty-nine percent for Mark. I thought you two attorneys had agreed on a property settlement?"

Sarah said nothing as she knew what was coming.

Judy's attorney said, "Your Honor, I'm sure you would agree that even forty nine percent is too much for a man who has abandoned his wife to go live in a remote dowdy trailer park. He should forfeit the full amount of the home as it is Mrs. Robins only place of residence. We tracked this man down by way of his new car. He must be doing all right to purchase a new car. You might possibly consider an eighty/twenty split of those proceeds in addition to the full amount of the home."

The judge looked at me and asked, "How did you purchase a new car, Mr. Robins?"

I looked at Sarah and she just nodded, "My car was stolen from the police impound lot, actually it was a federal impound lot. They made me an offer of a vehicle that I accepted. When I used that vehicle and my antique motorcycle as a trade-in, I was able to trade for a Ford Escape. It was a pretty good deal for me since my Bronco was getting old."

The judge said, "That is an unfortunate, but fortunate, opportunity. I'd say a wise deal to come away with a new vehicle. So you didn't have any money that you had to put with it?"

"No sir, I used my only valuable asset, my antique Harley Davidson."

"Okay, that explains that. Is there anything else that you want from this marriage, Mrs. Robins?"

The attorney said, "Besides Mr. Robins generous Social Security, he receives two hundred seventy dollars each month from the Veterans Administration. We feel Mrs. Robins should be entitled to half of that, as well. We also believe that Mr. Robins should not be carried on Mrs. Robins' health insurance."

"Is that all?" The judge asked, arching his eyebrow.

He looked at me and asked, "Is the VA money payment for an injury or retirement?"

"An injury, Your Honor."

"Were you married to Mrs. Robins when you received this injury?"

"No, Your Honor."

The judge wrote some notes on his pad. "Mr. Robins, how do you feel about the division of assets as far as the house and the money from the sale of the business?"

I took a deep breath and answered honestly. "I think the way we presented the division of assets was fair, but I will abide by what the court deems fair."

He asked, "Do you own your home in the trailer park?"

"No Sir, I rent. I was given two thousand dollars to find a place to live and for food until I could get my Social Security and VA money changed to a new bank account."

"And why did you need a new bank account?"

Judy's attorney butted in and said, "It's only reasonable, Your Honor. If she asked him to leave he might rape those accounts and abscond with all of the money. She had to protect herself, so she allowed him two thousand to get settled somewhere else."

"You know, Gerald, you are always interrupting people and always trying to influence a judge in the wrong way."

The judge turned to the girl who was typing on a small machine. She was the court reporter. The judge said, "Get this down exactly, Thea."

The judge turned back to Judy's lawyer waving a finger, "Please remain quiet until I ask you to speak Gerald. One more interruption and you will be in contempt."

The attorney began to stand to say something, but the judge wagged his finger at him. The guy sat back down.

"Mr. Robins, are you willing to let me decree what is fair in this situation?"

"Yes sir, ah, Your Honor."

"And Mrs. Robins, are you willing to let me decree what is fair in the situation." He paused and said, "You may discuss this with your attorney."

Judy and the master idiot got their heads together and then she looked at the judge, "Your Honor, I think you should decree that I get the house and at least eighty percent of the business proceeds, as well as at least half of his VA money. Mark should be able to be fine with his VA medical benefit. I want him to be required to maintain his life insurance and for me to remain the beneficiary."

The judge asked, "So are you willing to let me decree the division of property?"

The attorney nodded for Judy to agree.

"Yes, Your Honor."

The judge said, "Fine, I'll be in my chambers for a few minutes then I'll return. You should have time for a bathroom break and refreshments if you want. I want to see both attorneys in my chambers."

The judge, Sarah, and Gerald the jerk all left the room. Judy said, "I hope you agree to all of this, Mark. You know that I'll need the extra money to sell the house and buy a decent condominium. Jeanie still needs help up in Atlanta that I'm sure you'll agree on. Just enjoy your new car and your Social Security. Half of your VA money is pretty good, don't you think?"

After I choked for a minute, I got up and went to the bathroom. Wow! How could this morning be such a rush and this be so fucking terrible? Where was Judy coming from? She was being greedy like I've never seen her before. I had best watch my language. Somebody will read my thoughts and be pissed. Someone like Mercy or Chuck. I wish they were here so they could tell me what to say.

Back in the conference room, Judy was gone, but Jeanie was there. She came over to me and I stood. She hugged me saying, "I'm sorry, Daddy, this is not nice. I don't know why Mom is acting this way. She's lucky she's not in jail. Can I come and stay with you a little while before I go back to Atlanta? I want to make sure you're all right. Please, Daddy. If Mom gets everything she wants, you won't get out much anymore."

Sarah and Judy's attorney came back and Judy came back shortly after. Judy and her attorney had a chat that had Judy sitting back gasping. The judge came in and sat as we stood, then we sat.

"I've discussed what my decree will be, but in this case Mr. Robins has some say. First, the value of the home will be appraised and it will be sold, borrowed against, or paid outright, with half of the existing value paid to Mr. Robins."

"As to the VA benefit to Mr. Robins for injuries incurred during his military time, Mr. Robins will receive one hundred percent of that benefit and he will receive one hundred percent of his Social Security benefit."

"The big one. I decree that Mr. Robins will receive ninety percent of the money received from the sale of the business owned by the couple. I make this division on the basis that Mrs. Robins did nothing for the enhancement of this business. Mr. Robins, do you feel this division is equitable."

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He woke suddenly, in the type of darkness that only three in the morning can provide. An angry wind was blowing outside the window, and he had an aching erection, the kind of rock-hard cock only a certain type of dream can create. He was lying on his back, to one side of the bed, and he threw back the sheet to take his cock in his familiar right hand. He closed his eyes, and tried desperately to recall the dream. He knew it had something to do with a redhead, and he knew it was dirty, but that...

4 years ago
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Wife Watches

Note: ——I am NOT the author!, wife watchesI wrote this story because while there are plenty of stories where the husband watches the wife having sex with another man, there are not very many here on Lush that have the wife watching the husband have sex with another woman, which is something that I like. Please enjoy my story; it is based partly on this really vivid dream I had, based on real people. It went something like this...I have been married with my husband for 11 years now. I have...

1 year ago
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Turning 400

In early May I was invited to a birthday party in the centre of town for one of the young nurses. I would normally have made my excuses and not gone but this time I accepted. As we live in the countryside, about 17 miles from town hubby I volunteered to drop me off and pick me up; although I knew he wouldn't be happy with staying sober enough to collect me at midnight. When I arrived in town and saw what the others were wearing I felt old and dowdy in my glasses, smart trousers, blouse...

2 years ago
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A Peasant Girl Chapter 8

As both girls grew more and more in love with each other, they explored each other's bodies, each fascinated with the other. At first, all they did was caress, lying in the spring grass, letting the summer sun beat down on their naked bodies, feeling the chill winds of autumn whisper into their ears. Noor could give Anna an orgasm that nearly caused her to pass out, while Anna in turn had become adept at penetrating the horse-maid's pussy with a finger, hitting just the right spot to...

2 years ago
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me n my young niece

this is a true story when i was 11 years old i started to fuck my niece who was 9 at the time.it started one morning when my brother came down to see my dad n mam. my brother came with is daughter ellie.on the night my dad ask me to look after ellie when ever go out for a bit so i said yh ok then.when ever left me n my niece was on the bed watchin tv n she asked me about sex i was so shocked n i asked her how does she know this n she said i saw my mummy n daddy have sex. i didt no wot to do or...

3 years ago
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I Was Sitting At My Wedding on a Friday NightChapter 10

When we finished making love and dried our tears after simultaneously and spontaneously saying “I love you with all of my soul.” to each other, we went to the shower. “I hate to wash after we make love. I don’t want to wash a baby out of me.” “I thought you were going to put in a tampon to keep my sperm inside you longer.” “I know, but it IS an old wives’ tale, so will just have to make love more often.” “Is that possible?” “Dry my back and let’s go for a walk to the market.” Kendi held...

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Doctor Taboo family Medicine

A taboo is an act everybody agrees, must not happen. There are many taboos in modern culture that are practiced by two consenting adults that are harmless when understood. It is my job to help make people understand. As a Doctor, I will do what ever I feel necessary to help a patient. Sometimes, I make mistakes but after all this is why I have insurance. Here is an example of what I do"John , I have been your doctor for 10 years and I know when something is wrong" " Dr T you can read me like a...

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WetChapter 3

As I had more or less expected, John - the chicken - hadn't said anything to Jennifer who was all over me during the meetings. "We're staying at the same hotel," she breathed at me during lunch, leaning over to entice me to view her considerable cleavage, made easy by the fact that she had undone the top three buttons in her shirt. "Yes, so I understand," I replied in a noncommittal voice, pointedly looking elsewhere. "And the dinner is at the hotel restaurant," Jennifer continued,...

2 years ago
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Martha Space MadamChapter 25 Training

Jacqui watched the dancing girls and thought she could do that quite easily. All they did was wind themselves round a pole more or less in time to the music and occasionally dance a few steps away from it and back again. Okay, they were naked, but that wasn't so important here. In fact few of the customers seemed to be paying any attention to the dancers. The thought of actually performing naked for people who were paying to see her tits and cunt quite intrigued her. She watched a number of...

3 years ago
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Romance Comic Cover Stories Chapter XLII

Chapter XLII – Love and War at the Beach (based on Girls’ Romances No. 16 cover, DC, August-September 1952)What might happen if you know that your best friend likes the same guy as you do? Maybe be angry with her, even to fight and cause harm. I know and understand, it’s not easy for anyone to see a person you trust your deepest thoughts to love the same boy as you do. That’s why me and Nicole found it weird that, for a long time, we shared the same man without any kind of trouble between...

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Fucking Friends

When they first met, Calvin was one of the laziest people Shawna had ever met. He didn’t do any of his homework and nearly failed every test. Yet, he managed to graduate with everyone else. Even though he graduated, everyone thought he’d amount to nothing in life.Shawna was the total opposite; she did all of her homework and passed every test with flying colors. She wasn’t valedictorian or anything like that, but she was more productive than Calvin. It came as no surprise that she graduated and...

Straight Sex
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Our Sex Playing June 2 2020 and how we wanted you

Our play time last Eve on June 2nd at 7:30 pm and wanting a 3-sum, 4-sum or 5-sum ... want to cum fly with us?? Me and J since this lock down in February was last time with played with our croup of long term friends, we had a single male 37 join us for a 5-sum of which we vetted in December 2019 , we had the 5-sum Feb. 8th and while we played for almost two hours on non stop excitement. We all enjoyed our new friend! Now everyone to to scared to meet and play...So anyway, me and J play between...

4 years ago
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The Making Of A Gigolo 14 Erica BradfordChapter 7

Bobby had to drive, of course. He was responsible for the car, and Erica probably couldn’t have driven anyway, in the condition she was in. She sat stiffly in the passenger seat, still in shock, and paying no attention to William, who was in the back seat. Bobby felt compelled, therefore, to ... chat. Over the hour and fifteen minutes it took them to get out of the airport and to Erica’s driveway, Bobby learned quite a bit about William Bradford. He preferred “Will” to “William.” He wasn’t...

2 years ago
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Domestication of a Parisian Bourgeois

THE DOMESTICATION OF A PARISIAN BOURGEOIS Full story-Feb13 By Monica Graz Author's Note The story is happening in Paris of the early 1970s and is based on real facts. At the time Portugal was still a very poor country and not a member of the European Union. Lots of poor girls and married women were coming from there to work in France as factory workers, cleaners and maids. Many of those girls were working as live in maids in...

2 years ago
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Rough DiamondChapter 07

Mary, Peg, and I concentrate on college while Bron and Cadi work hard at high school. However, whenever we go outside the estate we all continue to move with some of the security guards, mostly the retired Deputy US Marshals. A couple of nice apartment complexes are built for the staff: one for singles and one for marrieds with family. The estate now has plenty of living space and the buildings make up three sides of a square with the open recreational areas in between them. This increases...

2 years ago
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Trumped Up Punishments Chapter 9 Fundraiser II

Trumped Up Punishments – Chapter 9: An unusual fund-raiser, Part IIEloise, Ibby, Andrew and Rebecca are being punished in a new format punishment assembly – for the first time, members of the public can pay to attend, and wealthy donors can influence the proceedings, bidding money for the right to set each student’s punishment and even to carry it out. Eloise has already been punished and humiliated severely – Andrew thought he was going to be next, but Ibby has was called forward...

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Barite chodon sukh 1

Hi! Amar naam Partho hochhe aar amake barite sabai Bablu bole dake. Amar boyesh praye 21 bachar hochhe. Amar didir naam Renu hochhe aar didir boyish praye 26 bachor. Didi amar theke praye 5 bachor baro hochhe. Amra ekta middle class family aar ekta choto flate Kolkata te thaki. Amader bari ta choto, tate ekta hall/dining room duto bedromm aar ekta kitchen ache. Amader barite bathroom bolte khali ekta aar tate sabai jaye. Amader baba aar maa dujoneyee chakri kore. Didi amake Bablu bole dake. Aar...

1 year ago
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Nani maa aur bahan choda

Mera nam raj hai aur mai ahmedabad ka rahane wala hun. Mere ghar me mere maa aur pitajee ke alwa meri ek bari didi bhi hai. Didi ki abhi shadi nahi hui hai. Is samay mera umar kareeb 22 saal hai. Mai ab apna parhaee khatam karke ek mnc me junior executive post kam raha hun. Mai aaj jo kahani sunane ja raha hun wo aaj se kareeb 10 sal pahale ki hai. Us samay mai 11th class me parhta tha. Garmee ke din the aur humari nani humare ghar par aayee hue thee. Nani ke sath gaon se humare chacha ke...

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The Making Of A Gigolo 5 Jill TrimbleChapter 8

Things escalated almost immediately when the women left the water. That was because their suits, made primarily for sunbathing, without the thick pads that render a suit suitable for swimming, were virtually transparent when wet. Both women were looking at the picnic area, as opposed to each other, so neither woman was aware of her appearance, as they approached Ted. Ted looked up, and his mouth dropped open. Prudence’s raven black pubic hair formed a dark vee through the yellow of her suit....

1 year ago
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Private Lucia Love Sarah Sultry Threesome With Anal

Welcome to My Kinky Diary where the gorgeous Lucia Love confesses one of her most memorable sexual experiences, an incredible threesome with Dean Van Damme and the big natural tits of Sarah Sultry! Watch as these girls get started by showing off their cock sucking skills, deep throating and getting things wet and ready for the fantastic anal fuck that’s about to follow. Lucia then offers up her tight little ass, riding, getting pounded and showing off those amazing curves whilst the horny Sarah...

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Behan Ki God Bhari

Hi I am Huma, I am glad that readers have appreciated my recent stories greatly. My present story is a hot one in which husband offers his wife to be impregnated by her real brother. A hot sister brother incest with lots of vulgar dialogues is a dish I am offering you. Post your comments at ” AUR JOR SE CHODO MUJHE MERE RAJA, MERI CHOOT KAB SE TARAS RAHI HAI TERE LUND KO. KAHAN THAY ITNE BARSON SE MERE BHAIYA, MERE SAINYA, MERE MALIK, APNI BEHAN KO CHOD KAR NIHAL KAR DO AAJ MUJHE CHOD LO APNI...

4 years ago
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A Great Reason to Have a sister Part 1

"Jamie, could you help me get this darn necklace off? I forgot I had it on, and I'm going to be late for school."Jamie was sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee, watching the news before leaving for work. Heather had just run down the hall from her bedroom, and was now standing in front of him, reaching behind her neck in evident frustration as she struggled with the clasp of a thin gold chain necklace. She was dressed in only her underwear – thin, white cotton bikini briefs, and a lacy...

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Mrs BellThe Next Day

I didn't sleep much the night after the encounter with Mrs. Bell.I was way too excited for the next morning, anticipating what was to come, so I did the only thing I knew would help me relax and drift off to sleep: jack off while reliving what had happened. Twice.Dad usually left the house before I arose, around 0545, driving the seven miles to the tire manufacturing plant. Mom, normally around 0730. She'd taken the time to fix me a quick breakfast of oatmeal with a side of bacon and some...

3 years ago
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Amys New Daddy

Amy was frightened as she entered the school’s front office. She hadn’t done anything wrong and yet had been called to the office during school announcements to pick up a detention. What, she wondered, had she done to get a detention. She often smart-mouthed teachers but had always stopped when warned her behavior was out of line. Had some teacher decided at last to give her a detention without warning her? It didn’t help that her home-life sucked. Her mother and father had divorced 5 years...

4 years ago
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French MaidChapter 7

One morning at about 10 am I was sent up to a room with a feather duster of all things. I had the standard outfit on, black stockings, suspender belt, skimpy panties and bra, plus a French Maid's outfit. I knocked on the door and was told to enter. The man sitting there was dark haired and about 50 years old. He was slim and not so bad looking. He had a nice smile and was holding a newspaper in his hands. "I want you to do the dusting please," he told me, "But only in your...

1 year ago
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Long Time Crush Fantasies

I’m 18 years old, have brown hair, brown eyes, am 5 feet tall, quite lean in build, and undoubtedly horny. When I got off the bus after it had arrived at the campsite, and took in my surroundings, I was immediately surprised. This was nothing like the cabin campsites the school had sent us to in the past. This place was more reminiscent of a resort. The cabins were miniature houses, consisting of 1 room and a bathroom and there was a swimming pool literally 30 feet away from them. The late...

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It is the annual alumni reunion event at the Lauderton High School, which they hold in the large gymnasium in the main school building. The events in these stories take place at various times during the evening, and to different characters; they are not chapters of the same story, but a series of separate takes. We are the invisible camera, panning around the scene and then zooming in for a close-up ... TAKE FOUR Jenny Neustein, the teacher who had done most of the work of...

2 years ago
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Joan goes to Las Vegas 6

Introduction: Joan has a new bikini. What happens in Las Vegas stays in Las Vegas My wife Joan has been traveling with me on business trips. While I work Joan scouts for possible sexual adventures. The next business trip was to Las Vegas. Las Vegas is a wonderland of adult fun: Casinos, Showgirls, famous performers and wonderful hotels and resorts. The hotel we were staying at was the Cosmopolitan. We had a Lanai suite. It was a two level suite with a private plunge pool and direct access to...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 357

Monday I was reviewing the weekend concert reports and the county police call logs for anything that happened at the convention center that was an indication of trouble. Andy was on site positioning the jersey walls to limit access to the site and maintain a desired traffic flow. Andy also had a meeting with the Montgomery County Police Chief today. As an afterthought I sent our contract with the convention center to Howard Fine & Howard and to Curtis Warren - both of our outside legal...

1 year ago
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Devar Ke Saath Honeymoon

Hi me App logo ki pyari Randi Mansi phir ek bar app logo ke samne hazir hun apni ek neyi anubhuti leke. Asha karti hun app logo ko pasand aye. Or han muth marna na bhulna jo jitney bar mara hay mujhe mail me jarur batana. Ab me bor na karte huye apni dastan bata rahi hun. App logo ne to meri pichli kahani padhe hoge to wo mujhe abhi batane ki jarurat nehi hay. Jin logo ne nehi padhe hay wo jarur padh len kahani ki nam hay “PATI KI EX GIRL FRIEND MERI SOUTAN-I,II,III,IV” Ye hasin incident mere...

3 years ago
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Jackson in HRPGWorld 3 A Sticky Starting ScrapChapter 3

"It's not the end of the game," the slime girl laughed. "You can repeat the same fight over and over." Her face took on a very lewd expression. "Actually, that's kind of the whole point." She slithered towards him. More tentacles budded off her blue body and reached out for his immobilized body. "But first: you came, you lost, now it's time to enjoy your Bad End." Her expression was now really lewd ... really lewd and hungry. Bad End? Jackson didn't like the sound of that at...

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Loosening Up Book 4 RevelationsChapter 27 Reflections and Friendly Arrangements

The Cessna 182 seemed to slide almost frictionless through the grey cloud. Every direction the pilots looked there was only a light gray. There was no sense of speed or motion, because all the visual cues that would suggest that were gone. There were only grey and tiny droplets of water bouncing around on some of the windows. Even the sense of being in a cloud was missing. The fog over the coast was thick extending from a couple of hundred feet above the Gulf Coast up to about two thousand...

4 years ago
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Can It Get Any Better

My husband, Ryan, and I have been married for almost 20 years and our sex life has never been better. During the honeymoon phase of our marriage we made love whenever we wanted. Then we had an awkward phase. Most of our difficulties were due to poor communication. But we learned to share what feels good, and open up to each other more. Since then, we have had an incredible sex life and it just keeps getting better. The first thing we did was accept that we both liked looking at sexy people. We...

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The first FIST in my life

The first fist in my life, how to start an experience that turned the world of thinking to me what this is the fist. I've been reading for years about it and honestly I have to admit it was not me for either **** or it was a tad, but time seemed to have made its own. Unplanned from the sky I felt something that changed everything. It has only happened to me recently. As we are otherwise, we arranged for an evening to see and enjoy. We have not seen it any longer so we can make a little spare...

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Rhonda and Seattles Damp Air

I was sitting in my office getting a blow job (door locked of course) from my secretary when suddenly she stopped, looked up at me and asked, "Does your wife run around on you?" "I don't know, I don't think so, why?" "Do you think she would if the circumstances were right?" "I doubt it. She isn't into sex all that much, that's why I started chasing you. Again, why?" "Well, I know that my husband thinks that your wife is one hot chick. I was just wondering if there was some way...

2 years ago
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These Wolves Alone

I felt the hot sun shining in through the window, hitting my cheek and warming my face. Although I was already hot, it felt good. I opened my eyes and sat up in bed, looking around my room. It is surprising how real everything actually looked, considering this must be a dream. Knock, knock. I flinched at the noise. ‘Yeah,’ I called as the woman who has come to be familiar to me, appeared around my door. ‘Hi, Hun, you need to get ready, they’re going to be here soon.’ ‘OK, thanks.’ I...

1 year ago
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Coffee Cards and a Cabin

"It was so nice of you to have me and Tyler join you guys up here for the weekend! We really appreciate it," Brooke said to Amy, holding her cup of coffee close to her lips to protect against the chilly bite of the Sierra Nevada breeze before taking a sip. "Jacob and I have been up here so often, just the two of us, that we decided that this year we wanted some company and who better than you two? I mean, you and Jacob spend so much time together at work that I'm sure you'd like to hang out...

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Private Nelly Kent Closes The Sale With Anal

In Private Specials, Beautifully Young 3 estate agent Nelly Kent is looking to close her first ever sale with businessman Alberto Blanco and she will go to any length to do so! Nelly slips into her sexy lingerie as the final lure and soon she’s on her knees giving an incredible sloppy blowjob and wet tit fuck to the lucky buyer. Then watch this beauty put her sexy tattooed body to work as she receives a hard pounding, first in her pussy and then in her tight little ass as she enjoys some great...

3 years ago
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Desert JailChapter 2 Megan and Sun

Megan was left standing as the head of this strange and terrible prison walked off, leaving her to be dealt with by her subordinates. The senior of these barked at one of the others. "Any free space in Solitary?" "No, Ma'am! We've two occupied and one cell with no door." "As I thought. Well! You know what to do!" And the senior guard went off, sweating and thirsty, to get herself a drink and a meal. The other two seemed in a hurry to join her. "Take it off!" ordered the first...

2 years ago
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Shadows From the PastChapter 56

Diane's bike skidded to a stop at the edge of the sidewalk, and she stared at the boardwalk. "Oh no!" Richie skittered to a stop next to her, almost overshooting her as his front wheel slipped on a patch of ice. He frowned as his eyes swept the boardwalk from one end to the other. "What?" Crown Drive had been named such because its looping shape right at the northernmost point of Haven was somewhat reminiscent of a crown. It followed the river to the east and the canal to the west. The...

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Lovely Memorable Incidents

Hello, my dear Indian Sex Stories dot net readers, this is my real sex story. I am Keshav. I am from Mysore. I am 26 years old. I am working as a lecturer in a reputed college. I started working here 3 years back after completing my masters. About me, I am a good looking person with 6 feet height. I am medium built but I keep myself fit. I am going to share my experience here. This is a real experience. In fact still, I am having this & enjoying every bit of it. This is an experience which I am...

3 years ago
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The Transition

"The Transition" I was working in the kitchen preparing supper as usual when Joan came in the front door. She hung her coat up then came into the kitchen and set her briefcase on the kitchen table. "Tough day at work today honey?" I asked. She looked tired but still attractive as she approached me, I could hear the click of her high heels as she crossed the floor then felt her arms as she wrapped them around my waist as I stood at the stove. "Just another day at the office" she said...

2 years ago
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Rivers Turning Point

RIVERS TURNING POINT by Noni Mouse ***Call Me Trent*** My eyes blurred over the words "Call me Ishmael" for the seemingly hundredth time as I put down the Herman Melville book that I had intended to read. I laughed aloud that the more appropriate interpretation of Death and unrequited love would be "Call me Trent." Yes, I was Trent Rivers and I had fallen deeply in love years ago in my first year with a stunning woman only to find out that she was only in the game to get her Mrs....

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So every year we have an auction at work to help raise money for either new equipment or for a non-profit organization. Every year the guy that gets sold for the most amount can be the king of the station and bust everyone else’s balls. So we are all dressed in our uniforms and get brought up on stage to be sold off to the people in the audience. What people are buying is us for one day of household chores or taking the person out for dinner at the place of their choice. Which can get a...

3 years ago
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I Need To Talk To You

“I need to talk to you,” he said as the phone crackled in her ear and the noise around her swelled to an as-yet-unseen level. “Right now?” she asked, trying her best to sound less pulled than she felt. “As soon as you can.” “Give me a couple of hours to finish up here with the kids and I’ll head that way.“ As she hung up, something in Garret’s voice struck home with Sierra. The sad, flat tone he used along with the catch she heard in his plea caused an unfamiliar feeling in the pit of her...

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SnatchedChapter 29

Breezus had provided a surprise, big time, but there was nothing we could do but get over it. It didn't bother me so much and I knew nobody would complain, but it was a little unsettling for some of them. Jonalton had been waylaid by the spirit, and it didn't take long for Janita to find him. She was bitten just as hard as he'd been, and things progressed as they normally did. I learned that it wasn't so much out of the ordinary for a man who hadn't joined the Calak already to be mated...

1 year ago
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Youre beautiful

We were meant to leave half an hour ago to go meet our friends for a meal, but you’re still changing your outfit. I stand in doorway and see your clothes are thrown all over the room along with pairs of shoes. I can see faded mascara tracks trailing down your cheeks. I leave the doorway and go downstairs to call our friends and apologise that we won’t be making it tonight, but we can rearrange for another night. I grab a couple of drinks from the fridge and make my way back up the stairs.I...

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Another group experience

I had already had a fling with a married couple. We got together a few times as a group, plus some extra action with the wife a few more times on the side. It ended relatively abruptly because of issues they were having about their new lifestyle. I moved on to other women here and there, but still longed for another try. I got my wish a few years back. Personal ads had begun to switch away from the free, anything-goes approach and had begun charging fees and limiting extreme stuff from their...

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Ensuring the Family Tree Has BranchesChapter 45

Sure enough, Summer was good to what she'd told Philip and the next afternoon she was in his office, working to get what it was that she wanted most from her big boss. Big in more ways than one, she laughed to herself. Summer had dealt with her increasing desire to have another baby, and now she wanted one so badly that there was no longer any denying the overwhelming burning within her mind and body to conceive again and bear another baby. "Philip, I'll just be very honest with you and...

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Jack And Jill The Second BookChapter 24

Mary got a big smile on her face and then stiffened up. I leaned over to Jack. "Is that the smell you were talking about?" I thought I said it quiet enough for only Jack to hear but I guess mothers are good at picking up stuff like that; it must be part of the package. "Hush, Jill. Let her enjoy it." I would have probably said something stupid if not for Mom's hand on mine and the warm smile on her face. I looked over at Mary. She was in her own little world and things were good. She...

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