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Pucker Up By Jena Corso Edited by Angela Meyers Chapter 9 - The Conclusion Story dedicated for my friend Paula. "Roberto, let me help her." Bridget grabbed the bag from him. "We were about to use the ladies room anyway, before my mom's little issue." Bridget quickly ushered him into the ladies room and inside the handicap stall. When she locked the door and spun around, she hugged him and they held each other so tightly, as for just a moment this was their sanctuary from all the turmoil. After a few deep breaths, she unzipped his dress and carefully helped him step out of it. "Ok just chill and don't be worried," said Bridget, kneeling and helping him out of his shoes. "I got this, and I'm sure none of this will be as worrisome as it seems, little sis." "I'm stuck as a girl, Bridget," sighed Paul as she pulled down his hose. "This can't really be happening?" "Don't worry, I'll be with you in every pageant, and I'm sure a few other things. Since Lillian signed me too, the good news is I'll be there with you every step of the way. Now spread and don't tense up," said Bridget as he tried staying calm. "We're sisters, and there's nothing we won't share with each other." "Thanks, and please don't forget I'm a still hockey player, not a princesssssssssssssss!" yelped Paul, feeling the tension as she snapped the tampon from his butt hole. "Wheeeewwwww!" "Eeeewwww little sis," said Bridget, flushing the toilet. "Grrr--oosss girl." "Thank you," sighed Paul, feeling some sense of relief as she re-snapped his panty strings, keeping everything in place and pulling his hose back up. "You might want to rethink that last point you made, though," giggled Bridget, taking his outfit from the bag. "What does that mean?" Paul asked, not understanding as she knelt, holding out this big sea of green for him to step into. "Meaning like you may not exactly be a princess in this, but looks like your audition might be to play one of her friends." Bridget pulled up the outfit and slipped his arms inside. "It's certainly a far cry from a hockey player." "You mean I'm auditioning in this?" Paul was startled as she began pulling pins from his hair. "I have no clue, but it looks that way," said Bridget, pulling off his crown and patting his hair. "Just obviously not with a tiara, and they didn't give us any shoes. Plus I'm so jealous of your hair. It's so pretty on you. Now come on before mom comes in here, searching for us." She took him by the hand and suddenly there he was front and center as everyone was awaiting him as they exited the rest room. "So do I deliver or what?" said Lillian, walking behind him and pulling all his hair up behind his neck and holding it atop his head. "And I'm sure in time she can do so much more. So ten am still good for tomorrow?" "No," answered a man watching videos on Liiian's ipad and looking back and forth at Paul. "Damn he is really her?" "Yes of course," said Lillian. "I know it's hard to believe at first, but look closely." "I did. Over and over last night, but seeing her in person....." said the man. "Lillian, the audition is canceled." "But why? I told you everything?" said Lillian, getting annoyed, dropping Paul's hair back down and standing behind him with her hands on both his shoulders. "How are you going to do better than this?" "Who said we were?" replied the man, handing her back her ipad. "This is astounding! I just said the audition is canceled. In fact, it's not necessary!" "I'm confused here Mr. Hansey," said Lillian. "I thought..." "Don't think at all, Lillian," said Mr. Hansey, taking a long legal document from his brief case. "She's twelve, so our offer is for her to do four shows on weekends, and three during the week each tour. She'll do a summer, spring and Christmas tour for the next three years, and we'll include the full academic package, complete elite level training, family and guardian travel reimbursement, plus a handsome pay scale. Should you execute the two year mutual option, then the full college scholarship will be in effect." "Wait, I don't understand?" His father's eyes bugged out reading the offer. "You people realize what you've got here in this costume, and what you're offering us? This is life changing?" "Mr. Prieto, understand my job is to evaluate talent for our show, and we also fully understand how to assist young transgender women while they are coming into their own. Your daughter won't be our first, and we consider our organization a proud supporter of all LGBT causes," said Mr. Hansey. "With her talent and looks, I expect she'll work her way to more of a lead role, possibly by the second year, and then that's where her wages will certainly hopefully help assist your life change to that of a more affluent family." "Mr. Hansey, I'm not sure if that's what my husband meant, but this is a lot to digest," said Kristen, miffed, reading up and down. "Understand that as pretty as she appears, this all just happened." "Yes, we fully aware of what has occurred, but opportunities like this are rare for both sides," said Mr. Hansey. "We just lost one of our performers to an injury, so timing is everything. I'll give you until prior to tomorrows auditions to make up your mind, but once I begin that process, this exclusive offer is off the table." "You're giving me one day to decide his future?" barked his mother. "This is all happening too fast." "Kristen, please think rationally, and look across at Paula," said Lillian. "She just won a pageant on her first try, and we all know how hard that is. She is going to Nationals, and we've got so much to do, so it's not like there will be any down time for other stuff. Basically, he is staying a she for the next year anyway, and this will keep her doing what she does best, besides looking pretty, skating." "Mrs. Prieto, unfortunately yes, and all I can do is recommend you heed the advice of your coach, whose reputation and track record is undeniable. Her phone call is the only reason I came at all, and sometimes we find a diamond in the ruff like I believe we just did in your daughter," said Mr. Hansey, packing up his briefcase. "I would imagine that you may know Disney on Ice is the premier show in the country, and some of the world's most elite skaters have been part of our casts early in their careers. I'm sure you can see as well as I can that Paula playing Tinkerbelle is remarkable casting, and I doubt we'll find a better match at tomorrow's auditions." "You're saying that not only am I now spending a year as a girl, but I'll be skating as Tinkerbelle?" Paul asked, looking down at his costume. "Dear, how you live your life outside of our show is completely up to you, and I assume your parents and coaches," said Mr. Hansey, bending down, looking him right in the eye. Of course you just won't be Tinkerbelle, but she's a popular character in our show, and you'd have some wonderful exposure plus challenging skating routines that not many skaters can handle. Our performers will play other roles in the show, but what other ice dances or backup roles they'd slot her in at this time are not part of what I'm out here recruiting for. I'd expect you'll dance in four or five numbers per show and work your way up to Belle or Ariel or other princesses as you mature. You'll have opportunities for featured solo or pair dances as we perfect your skills in practice, and for a skater regardless of if you expect to play hockey or figure skate, this is the best training in the world." "But what about hockey, it was my dream to play in college and when would I even have time to play now?" said Paul, getting upset. "This agreement leaves time for our pageants, and we'd never take something you truly love away from you," said Lillian, looking at him and his parents before taking out a few documents. "But understand, our contract allowed me to collect and review your medical history which I've shared with your potential employer. These are your doctor's grow charts which show you'll be 5'8" or maybe 5'9," which makes your possibilities of being a professional hockey player quite slim, regardless of your skating ability." "Honey, she's not saying it's impossible, but we always knew that but didn't want to break your spirit," said Kristen, giving Lillian a dirty look. "And I'm not trying to crush his dream either, Kristen," said Lillian, leering back. "I'm just making a point that the chances of being a professional hockey player are slim to begin with, and then you can count on one hand how many there are once you look at her expected size. One the positive side, 5'9" girls made wonderful young models." "And if you don't mind me chiming in," said Mr. Hansey. "Make wonderful young ice dancers if your intentions are to enjoy a love of the ice. Otherwise, once college is over, then so is your ice time and for a girl with your talents, that would be a complete sin." "But I'm not really a girl," mumbled Paul. "And I've barely been one." "Well, between your coaches and our organization, we'll be helping every step of the way with that," said Mr. Hansey. "Keep in mind you'd be home schooled from this point forward if you choose this, and that would leave plenty of time to understand who you really are. It seems you're committed to a year of pageants anyway, so if you need me to I'll modify the agreement so you could terminate it after a year without issue if it's not working out." Paul looked up at his parents, having to think about making a life changing decision even at his age. He was already stuck doing pageants and playing the role of Paula as needed, but this seemed so much more permanent, yet at least encompassed the ice time he craved. "I really don't think I can--" Paul started to say. "Pass this over," said his father interrupting and taking a pen, signing the agreement. "This just makes too much sense, so we'll give it a year." "Wonderful," said Mr. Hansey, handing the pen to his mother as she signed under her husband's name. "I think you made the right decision for your daughter." "I hope so," nodded Kristen, looking over at him. "She is beautiful, and even if I didn't know, believe it, she looks like the perfect little Tinkerbelle." "I look forward to seeing all of you on the road with us," said Mr. Hansey before he left. "And we'll see Tinkie at the rink 7am for your first practice. Your first show is only two months away, but with your ability I'm sure you'll have mastered fitting into to so many pretty parts in the show by then." 34 months later in the show's practice arena, in Denver, Colorado on a wondrous unseasonably warm day. "Breaks over, everyone into position." "Sorry, on the way," Paul yelled, dropping his mascara wand into his bag near the bench at the end of the rink and quickly glossing up his lips. He flexed his neck and stretched his arms in the air, skating back towards center ice before pirouetting as he got ready to work again. A few toes turns and then he skated backwards, alternating outstretching each leg as he glided around the middle of the ice, loosening up from the short break. Once he stopped, he tugged softly at his little peach skater skirt and then ran his palms down the sides, ensuring the glittery lycra outfit was perfectly straight. "Ok ready," signaled Paul, positioning himself, pointing one toe down towards the ice. "Next, please!" yelled the director as Paul exhaled, ready to test out the next person auditioning. "Hi, I'm Paula," said Paul, as a tall young man skated over as Paul extended his pretty manicured hand. "Of course you are?" said the voice as Paul took a double take, knowing the voice. "You're the star of the show?" "Excuse me?" Paul started yo say before stopping mid-sentence. "Pietro?" "It's great to see you, Paula! How have you been?" asked Pietro grinning. "What are you doing here?" Paul asked, looking him up and down. "Auditioning, what else!" smiled Petro. "Long time no see, but you still look amazing?" "Thanks... You got so tall?" said Paul, feeling uncomfortable. "Well.. uumm... how have you been? I've seen your sister at some pageants but..?" "Yeah, she seems to being doing well at them, and I've been ok.... Well I guess much better now that I've seen you," replied Pietro, trying to break the ice. "I just almost didn't recognize you." Pietro had certainly been hitting the weights, looking more muscular in the tight male skater outfit, and had a typical teenage grow spurt now up to about 6'1" at seventeen. Paul though as well had grown to about 5'6," yet still possessed his thin frame with a strong skater's lower half. He was as always flawlessly made up for the additions, with alluring eye makeup and glistening soft cherry lips. There were also certainly no longer any stigma about haircuts, as he was now a platinum blonde, sporting cute bangs and a fringe type bob cut that was layered around his face. "Yeah... well a lot has changed for me in my life," said Paul, looking away as he nervously swept some of his hair behind his ear. "But please, I really don't want to think about the past, so let's not go there, ok?" "Oh I wasn't... sorry," said Pietro, knowing he made him uncomfortable and then stumbling on his words. "I just meant you've matured a lot. No... I'm mean you're still... I mean you always looked really pr-" "Forget I said anything please... It's ok. We better get ready," smiled Paul, interrupting, holding out his hands for Paul to take them. "We're both different now. I'm not twelve anymore, and I'm sure it's just this cutsie skater outfit that they made me get that maybe threw you off. They like my hair whipping during spins and falling right back in place like the stars in the Ice Capades. Even for me it's taking some getting used to, but it does snap right back after my solo I've worked my ass off to get, and easier under all the wigs I have to wear in the show." "It's gorgeous on you, but I really wasn't talking about your hair. I meant you've matured a different way, it seems," Pietro gulped as they were leaning against each other, getting ready to skate. "You haven't seen me in almost three years, Pietro," Paul said, before whispering in his ear. "But underneath I'm still a boy, in case you want to stop before you freak out again." "You said it yourself, that let's leave the past in the past," said Pietro, leaning back, looking into his eyes. "Now of course I don't want to stop! I came to audition." "Seriously?" said Paul, as the music began. "You know how to ice dance?" "Maybe a little, but I guess your sister never told you?" said Pietro. "Told me what?" Paul asked as he stepped back, ready to start the simple audition dance. "That I wasn't always just a goalie," said Pietro, lifting their arms up gracefully. "Where I come from in Canada, my parents were more than just skaters. They met on the ice. We learned at a young age to make the ice our sanctuary, but that's not something you talk about in locker rooms. My parents were a pair's team." "Fine, then let's see what you got," nodded Paul, intrigued. "You got it, and I intend to give more than just that hair a good test." Pietro smiled, twisting backwards as they began skating together. "And remember you asked for it." For almost three years now, Paul had been ice dancing in shows. He could jump and spin with the best of them at his age, and was now learning to do more than solos. He had auditioned many potential partners this past week, performing simple couple's routines, but immediately something felt different. It seemed fresh and original, even though it was the same routine he's already done thirty times. He had no idea Pietro could do things like this, as they glided together hand in hand, and then it was more than his body spinning as he leaned back for his partner. Being held and rotated skating backwards, being held by man was something that was beginning to become second nature, yet suddenly he found himself being gently launched into a waltz and then embraced as he landed it perfectly. "This is crazy! You're amazing," gasped Paul, catching their breath as the spin paused and they gazed into each other's eyes. "Where did that come from?.... But that's not how the routine ends?" "Thanks, and so are you," said Pietro, as he pulled him away, skating together again. "And who said it was over? Lean back." "I don't understand? The time is up, I'm sure?" sighed Paul, puzzled yet leaning back skating on one foot, looking up at him. "The routine is overrrrrrr?" "I hope not?" Pietro flipped Paul around with both hands on his hips. "I thought we'd just start it over anew." "We can't deviate from the program?" said Paul, completely confused. "What are you doing, Pietro?" "What I should have done when I saw you with that tiara atop your head. Lifting and spinning my girl," smiled Pietro. "Get ready." With his arms stretched out wide, Pietro locked his elbows, lifting him a good seven feet above the ice as he flew like supergirl suspended in the air. It was terrifying, yet uplifting at the same time as they circled the ice with the wind in his hair. He took a moment, thinking maybe Pietro was doing something a little extra to ace the audition, and suddenly he found himself being flipped over and caught as they began to engage in a series of spins. "Pietro, please stop," Paul said nervously. "We've never rehearsed any of this! You're incredible, but please put me down! Puuuut meeee down before you get both of us in trouble, or killed!" "Only if you accept how sorry I am for how we left off," said Pietro, as Paul couldn't believe how strong he was. "Please, that's way behind us both," Paul said while being spun. "Maybe, but I was a jerk, and I can't sleep anymore without admitting what an asshole I was," replied Pietro, spinning him faster. "Ok, ok," cried Paul. "But put me down. I have a show to do and I can't get hurt." "I will if you say you'll go out with me tonight," said Pietro, looking up at him during the spin. "And I'd never hurt you. I hope you know that." "Yeah maybe not physically. You are such a jerk," said Paul, getting angry and emotional. "Now put me down. You were an asshole, and I can't do this again. I just can't!" "I was wrong and I'm sorry, but please give me a chance," said Pietro, slowing them down. "I know you don't know this, but I'm your biggest fan and I've never stopped thinking of you. Plus, I know you don't have a boyfriend, and I'll do anything you ask. Anything!!! Just one chance, Paula! Please?" "How do you know any of that?" said Paul as they were stopped. "You don't know anything about me anymore." "I know more than you think. But most importantly, you're incredible! You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. You're Paula, and Tinkerbelle and a Disney star," said Pietro, lifting him up again and starting to skate. "And I can do this all night, so make your decision." "Please Pietro. Please put me down! Stop it," moaned Paul as he held him up higher and they went into another spin. "I told you I'm still a boy underneath this dress, and that's not what you want." "Last time I'm asking, or we'll be spinning for hours," yelled Pietro as they spun faster again. "Go out with me tonight on a date. Just you and me! Please just give me one last chance and I promise you'll never regret it." "Ok, ok, I'll go out with you tonight," cried Paul. "Now please. No more, put me down!" "Good, then let's stick the landing, princess, because even if you roll that ankle the date is still on," said Pietro. "Trip and fall and I'll carry you everywhere tonight!" "You're insane," Paul told him as he found himself spinning in the air with no hands upon him now. He only recently learned to land a double axel, but Paul stuck the landing and then paused his spin, glancing over at his director and staff who were dumbfound as to what was going on. He lifted his arms in the air and bent one knee like any of this was planned, and then turned, unable to hide his grin, staring up at Pietro. "You are out of your mind," smiled Paul as he looked into his eyes as Pietro skated over, holding Paul's hips. "I'm so sorry about what a jerk I was," said Pietro, getting down on one knee. "Thank you so much for this chance." "Get up," yelled Paul, glancing over, knowing everyone was watching. "That's my boss over there, and don't blow your audition worrying about me?" "All I care about is you, Paula." Pietro took his hand. "I didn't really come for any audition. I came because I thought it was the only way I could get to spend a minute alone with you without you storming off and thank you for that." "Ok next please," said the director over the loud speaker. "Thank you Pietro, and we'll be in touch." "Please, get up and we'll talk later," said Paul, wanting to die as everyone looked at them. "Please just let me do my job." "Of course, and you do every job well. I've seen all your pageants, seen all of your hair and makeup videos like a million times, and been to six of your shows this year alone," said Pietro, standing, squeezing Paul's hand softly before beginning to skate away. "But just being able to look in your eyes again was like nothing you can feel from afar." "Wait?" said Paul, reaching out softly and re-grasping his hand before he could skate away. "Are you kidding me?" "Sorry, I was just too ashamed to come up to you until now. I've chickened out so many times," said Pietro, looking down at the ice, breaking contact. "People think I'm nuts, as I have all your makeup videos bookmarked and I know more about creating smokey eyes than any man should know. I just can't stop looking at yours, and really never have. I cried like a baby when you were the runner up at Miss Teen Ohio, and squealed like a pig when you won at Nationals last year." "Wait, you were there?" asked Paul, feeling a lump in his throat. "I didn't notice you, and I heard your sister's been off modeling and I know she didn't compete in Nationals this year." "Yes, I drive now and drove 10 hours to watch," said Pietro. "I sat way in the back and just keep to myself." "You're not the mystery man sending me flowers and stuffed animals and the sweets," said Paul holding his chest. "Are you?" "Yes, I hoped you liked all of them," said Pietro, looking up sheepishly. "I loved them. I take the little pink koala on the road with me," said Paul, feeling so warm inside. "And the chocolate covered strawberries at theTeen Vogue photoshoot last year? How did you even know I love strawberries?" "Guilty as charged, and it's published on your facebook fan page. I've read everything," said Pietro, holding up one hand. "Don't get weirded out, but that poster from that shoot has been on our locker room ever since, and I wasn't even the one that put it up, but truthfully I make sure it doesn't come down. Your picture when you were a redhead in the soda pop ad is my screen saver on my laptop, and your first pageant win after we first met is my wallpaper on my phone. It's my favorite. I know every pageant, every hairdo, every dress and every picture that's been published." "I don't know what to say, Pietro," said Paul, completely stunned. "I don't need you to say anything, and tonight can't happen soon enough for me," said Pietro. "I'll wait outside for you, but I want you to think about one last thing before I go." "Ok, you crazy stalker," smiled Paul, flattered. "Then please go before you get me fired!" "Like they'd fire their star?" smiled Pietro, wiping his palms nervously and biting his lip. "But I need to get this off my chest, because it's taken me months, maybe years to work up the nerve to see you again. I came here for more than just a date." "Pietro, please don't move so fast," said Paul. "You have to realize how much of this is just a shock to me." "I know, but this part is important, and why I couldn't wait any longer," said Pietro, staring deeply into his eyes. "Paula, I couldn't wait anymore and finally worked up the nerve, because I want you to come with me to my prom next month." "Oh Pietro. You really have been reading everything if you know how much I've dreamed of going to one," sighed Paul, holding his chest, so gratified. "As much as I've always wanted to go to one. You know..." "Please Paula, just consider it. I've already made sure you have no show that night, and I'll be flying you in first class," begged Pietro. "Just think it over and we'll talk more later....Yes I read your interview where you said one of the things you regret about your job and your life is being homeschooled and missing a chance to go to a prom. I can't wait to see you tonight, I hope we can fix that? It's the least I could do. It would be so special. Special for both of us?" "It is, but as much as I'd love to.... I just can't! You'll be embarrassed," said Paul, feeling horrible and pushing him back. "I've been promoted as transgender in some articles you probably haven't even seen yet, and if anyone recognizes me you'll be ridiculed at school. The last 15 months on hormones have allowed me to blossom as a woman, if that's what's fooling your eyes, but I already told you underneath I'm still a boy. Now go rip down that poster when you get back to the team and maybe it's best we just forget you were ever here today." "I know I told you we should both do that 3 years ago, but haven't been able to forget you for a second, Paula. I'm way past worrying about anyone's crap, and certainly done with hiding behind the goalie mask I hid behind for too long," said Pietro, skating forward and taking his hands. "The gorgeous girl under this dress is no boy, and even if that's who you really are, then that's who I want to be with! No questions asked, and no matter what!" "Really?" said Paul, softly batting his lashes. "No matter what?" "Yes, no matter what, Paula Anne." Pietro nodded. "Well, a few extra boy parts might be hanging around, but just so you know I was only some clueless boy until that pageant weekend, but I've been a girl ever since that magical kiss. Even after that pageant, I couldn't change back even when a moment or two presented itself, but that had nothing to do with my hairdo or outfits, as somehow I was hook, line and sinker a girly girl. I've been living full time as a girl since that day, and even though hormones have been transforming my body, it was you that somehow transformed me inside," said Paul, rubbing his thumb softly over Pietro's hand. "I can't do much more until I'm eighteen, but I know who I am. Even struggling through the confusion, my family and this job have been with me, but I've really never looked back. My mom made me date a few girls just to make sure and my sister set me up with some boys I had no interest in. I really have never been able to shake our moments, our kiss, our whatever we'd call it?" "Me either, whatever it is, but you're ok now," said Pietro, wiggling his fingers between Paul's. "And I'm so sorry I took this long to come back to you, but I'm here now and I promise I'm going nowhere." "Really, because I've tried kissing some others, but nothing been right so I was worried it was me?" said Paul, wrapping his hands around Pietro's neck and leaning in slowly. "Really since that night I've touched some lips to mine, but honestly never been kissed." "I feel exactly the same!" said Pietro, as Paul slid his tongue over his own teeth inches away from Pietro's lips staring deeply into his eyes. "Good, then you better make some sparks fly if you really want a prom date, because if this Tinkerbelle is going to any prom then the pixie dust better soar, because it better be spectacular," said Paul, closing his eyes, softly pushing forward his lips. "Now stop talking, because honestly I really do need to know." Before his eyelids even fully closed, Paul felt the only spark he had ever known as their lips touched and somehow everything seemed right again. Within moments, the softest, deepest wet kisses began as sparks became fireworks and tongues swirled uncontrollably as Pietro lifted Paul off his skates as their romance was rekindled. It was a long public passionate display of affection, and like nothing Paul could have ever imagined he'd do anywhere, let alone on the ice, as they room grew dark as the director switched off the main lights, calling it a day. "So it looks like we lost another Tinkerbelle?" said the assistant director, amazed at their passion. "It's ok, we were going to have to promote her soon anyway," said the director to his assistant. "The way she's been budding, she's about ready to fill out Ariel's clams or Belle's big gold gown, and now we've got a new prince to go with her." "You mean Pietro?" said the assistant director, surprised. "Yes, sign Pietro as soon as they take a breath," said the director. "And from the looks of things, they'll bring down the house every night, because you can never fake true love, and audiences always love a happy ending." "Yes, sir," said the assistant, before getting on the loud speaker. "Pietro, please report to the office, and that's all for today, everyone." "I guess that means you got it?" Paul broke the kiss and hugged him before pecking a few more soft ones. "Looks that way?" said Pietro as they skated hand in hand to the director. "Make his contract length match my extension, and I'll be executing it first thing in the morning," said Paul as he skated right up to the director. "Of course, Miss Carbonelli. It seems your prince has arrived!" said the director. "Just make sure you pay him full scale, and I'll meet you outside Petie," said Paul, running in skates down towards his dressing room. Pietro read his deal, negotiated a few terms and then signed, leaving the meeting on cloud nine. He hurried down to change in the men's locker room, only to find some of his things missing and a note in their place. "Meet you by your car, Prince Charming," the note said, which was sealed with a pink lipstick stained kiss. He walked outside and his jaw dropped, seeing Paul leaning against his car, twirling his hair so innocently yet looking sexy beyond Pietro's wildest dreams. "So, all good?" said Paul, leaning sexily against Pietro's car with his bare legs crossed in strappy black cage stiletto heels as music was blaring from the car stereo. "It is now," said Pietro with a huge smile, staring at Paul's toned legs in a short slightly black flared skater skirt, and above it he was in Pietro's Boston College maroon oversized hoodie. "Nice ride, Petie," said Paul, sliding down his sunglasses, modeling sexily against his convertible black BMW and spinning Pietro's keys around his index finger. "Hope you don't mind that I put the top down and put on some music." "Thanks, I bought that with my signing bonus money from getting drafted, but since I planned on playing in college and will be on tour in the ice show the rest of the time. I'll have to probably have to give that back," said Pietro, smiling. "That would such a shame. I really like it," said Paul, making a silly pouty face and running his palm over the car's shiny waxed finished. "Because if I ever do have a boyfriend again, he'd certainly need a car to take us out when I'm not on the road. Wouldn't he?" "Yeah, I guess the lucky guy would, right?" smiled Pietro. "So you're feeling lucky then today?" teased Paul, bending back one leg against the car, flirting. "Yeah my luck's already changed for the better," said Pietro. "And I'm just getting started." "Well, we'll see about that, mister?" Paul flipped his hair. "But you're off to a decent start, and if you're a good boy tonight, then I'm sure I'll convince them tomorrow to pick up the payments." "Oh, I plan on being very very good to my girl, and somehow I bet you could?" Smiled Pietro, walking towards her. "And how did you get my keys and sweatshirt anyway?" "You think that poster of me in the cut off shorts is the only time this girl's been in a locker room," giggled Paul, pushing his sunglasses back up his nose and tossing him the keys. "It's been a while for me, but you might remember I know my way around there a little." "Yeah," said Pietro, walking up and kissing him. "I've got a few runner- up trophies at home that prove your point." "I bet you do, but we're not dwelling on the past you said, right?" said Paul, scooting his ass up on the car just behind the front seat and lifting his legs inside sexily, without opening the door. "What I'm wearing ok for our date? I come to the rink in workout gear, so I really didn't have many options without any notice. Hope you don't mind me borrowing your hoodie?" "You kidding?" gulped Pietro, never seeing Paul act so sexily before as he slithered down into the passenger seat. "You..ahhh... ahhh. Look unbelievable." "Thanks, The rest isn't my outfit either, but I'll put back the skirt and shoes before my dance teacher gets in tomorrow, and either way I don't think she'll mind," said Paul, patting the drivers seat and sliding his tongue across his lips. "So you ready or what? Get in, I don't bite." "I doubt she'll mind." Pietro practically dove in, starting the car. "Where do you feel like going to eat? Anywhere you'd like?" "How about paradise hill?" said Paul, reaching over his hand and making contact with Pietro's stick shift and then his thigh. "It's down two blocks, then make a right and all the way up to the top." "Sure," said Pietro, tensing up, feeling incredible feeling Paul's nails slightly through his jeans on his thigh. "But I'm not that familiar with what's around here but I didn't know there was even a restaurant up there?" "I didn't say there was, but I didn't agree to dinner. You said you've read every article about me, so you know I'm on a very strict diet." Paul slid his finger inside Pietro's. "I agreed to go out with you tonight. That is what we agreed to, right?" "Yes...abb...absolutely," moaned Pietro as Paul leaned in, swirling his tongue inside Paul's ear as he drove as fast as he could. "Good boy." Paul nibbled on the edge of his lobe. "But I did lie about one thing Petie, and I hope you're ok with it? I do bite just a little, my prince." "I'm sure it's fine," Pietro replied as he suddenly tensed up in pain, feeling his teeth clamp down on his neck as he turned into the parking lot. "Holy shitttttt, Paula." They were both groaning as Pietro slammed the car into park and Paul couldn't stop suckling down on his neck. For the next few minutes he rotated kissing and nibbling, enjoying leaving his imprint on Pietro, and then took a breath, admiring his work. "Well yuuummm... that left a nice mark." Paul leaned back smiling and then dropped down the visor. "But I guess you liked that?" "That was crazy! That came out of nowhere?" moaned Pietro, stunned yet satisfied as Paul opened his pocketbook. "Not really, I've waited almost three years to return that hickey that my mother still wants to kill me about getting," smiled Paul, fixing his lip gloss in the mirror. "I still haven't been able to explain what came over me the first time, and really it was just as amazing this time my soon to be prince, on a nightly basis. I honestly can't even believe we're here together again." Paul flipped up the visor and as soon as he turned his cheek, Pietro practically was in his lap as he leaned over, initiating a much more firm kiss. Their lips were made for each other, sliding and groaning as they both loved every second until finally Paul leaned back to catch his breath, staring into his eyes, beyond content. "Me either, and I can't think of anything better than sweeping you off your feet every night. How romantic will that be?" said Pietro, staring into his eyes as he leaned over, pecking the softest kiss and they softly wiggled noses. "Your knight is back for his damsel, so please climb aboard my stallion for the ride of your life." "I can't even begin to tell you how that makes me feel, and you know how I've dreamed about the prom," said Paul, pressing his lips and then sliding his hand softly over Pietro's leg as the outside of his fingers touched his crotch, realizing it was rock hard. "Thing is we're going to need to save that special ride for another time. I think that would make it the most special night of our lives?" I've never... you know, and when I do, I want it to be so so special." "Yes, that would be so special," Pietro replied as Paul slipped his pinky over his crotch, giving a soft rub through his jeans. "Of course I understand ... Me too and I haven't you know.. either. It needs to be special." "It should be, right?" said Paul, adding a second finger, giving a small pinch. "Yes, I want it to be special for the most special girl," said Pietro as Paul dug one finger inside his zipper as his nail twisted a few pubes. "But Paula... I..." "Good, I hoped you felt the same way," said Paul, popping open Pietro's fly and then he couldn't believe the sound he just heard. "And don't get me wrong, as I truly am the romantic type, and I know when the time comes it'll be special. But when they pumped as many hormones in me as they have... sometimes the damsel inside me needs her stallion more than she needs her knight. You understand that, my young steed." "I...I...I thought," Pietro started to say as Paul had unzipped Pietro's pants and pushed his briefs below his balls. "You just said......" "No, you thought right, but that doesn't mean we can't advance our relationship and have a little taste in advance, right?" said Paul, wrapping his nails around it. "So is your little friend there happy to see me, or could it be the chill in the air that's woken him up?" "Oh, I'm far from chilly," gulped Pietro as Paul began slowly yanking him. "Good, because just like our kiss, its my first time again, and I've fantasized about this for almost two years now," said Paul, as suddenly Pietro couldn't believe it as Paul went down on him. It was so exciting and fulfilling as he felt no longer like the little girl trying to find her way, as instead he was a young woman satisfying an enormous thirst. Just Pietro's grumbling and moaning made it so much more desirable as he bobbed and suckled, trying to quench his craving. When he felt Pietro tense up, it was like he had conquered the world, as he instinctively took him as deep as he could, relishing the explosion in his mouth. It was quick but incredible, as he didn't last ninety seconds, but Paul did his best swallowing without choking, before licking down every last ounce. They panted and hugged, having both shared another moment for the first time, neither yet believed could be possible. A few deep breaths and anxious smiles, and then Paul opened his purse and pulled out an item Pietro never expected. "You actually carry that in your purse?" laughed Pietro, seeing Paul take out a tooth brush and lining it with a mint paste. "Hopefully not because you expected to do shit like this?" "Don't ruin the moment, jerk!" giggled Paul, playfully slapping Pietro and spitting the toothe paste out the window of the parked convertible. "They make me keep my teeth like super white for everything. I brush like three times a day and get them whitened regularly. They'll be doing that to you now too, honey." "Ah minty fresh?" said Pietro, leaning over and pecking a kiss and accidentally knocking over Paul's purse, spilling the contents everywhere. "Shit so sorry." "It's fine. No biggie?" replied Paul as they both scrambled, picking up things and slightly clunking heads. "Really?" laughed Pietro, backing away, rubbing his head as they continued tossing things in her purse. "Again? Isn't this how we started?" "Yes, but we're a little past starting!" giggled Paul, rubbing his temple and softly kissing him. "Now go easy. Last thing I need is another lump." "True, but at least I already have bangs these days to cover it," said Pietro, kissing him back and then became shocked, picking up an item. "Wait, what the?" I thought you said you still have... you know your boy stuff, so why would you need this?" "It's girl stuff," said Paul, snatching his tampon from Pietro's finger and stuffing it in his purse. "But?" said Pietro as Paul turned away fixing his lips in the mirror, self-conscious. "But nothing?" Smiled Paul with an evil grin on his face. "Except you're still a little chilly?" "Well no but..." said Pietro, looking down, realizing he was aroused again already. "I don't think it's the chill in the air." "Good because I don't feel any chill. In fact I'm overheating a little, and I was thinking I better let you have this back now," said Paul, lifting Pietro's borrowed hoodie off over his head and tossing it into the back seat. "You good with that and...These?" "Holy shit, Paula," mumbled Pietro as suddenly his firm C-cup mounds were vibrating inches from Pietro's face. "Fucking Spp...Specular... Oh I'm good... sure....anything." "Anything? Hughhh?" Whispered Paul, sliding his tongue across his lip gloss as he cupped his breasts and pushed them together before unclipping his bra. "Yes," said Pietro, mesmerized as Paul tossed his bra into the backseat and squeezed them upward "Oooohhhhh," Paul moaned as Pietro began grabbing and suckling his breasts. Paul allowed him to manhandle and smother himself in them as Paul enjoyed every moment of someone adoring them for the first time. It was like they had opened a faucet, and passion flowed through their veins until Pietro squirmed, pulling back. "Sorry! Guess we missed a few things?" said Pietro, realizing two tampons and a blush brush must have not been picked up and were sliding under his but tin his seat as he squirmed towards her, kissing her breasts. "Can't you just enjoy my tits like most guys," said Paul, getting annoyed and emotional, grabbing the items and stuffing them in his purse. "Not that I've ever shown them to anyone before, but..." "I'm sorry.. I just didn't understand why..." Pietro said as he quickly changed the subject, kissing them tenderly between each word. "But forget it... and it doesn't matter.... I love everything about you.... and girl stuff is your business..... It's cool and... these are incredible." "Oh, that feels incredible," sighed Paul as his eyes rolled back as Pietro massaged his mounds. "Your touch is amazing. Oh Petie... I can't believe we're together again." "Me either," Pietro said before he sucked Paul's left nipple. "Wait, not that I want you to stop, but I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been rude, and I just don't want any surprises between us like the first time," said Paul, awkwardly pushing him back. "Actually, If you must know.... Having them inside me helps me feel more womanly, and when I do certain things, they help me train my cheeks to stay tight. Sometimes I wear them in there when performing, and in a way it'll help get me kinda ready for our special night." "Paula, you don't' owe me an explanation," Pietro replied as Paul put his finger over his lips, stopping him. "It's ok," nodded Paul, pecking a kiss and looking into his eyes, smiling. "Of course I do. Maybe it'll help me get ready for our prom night." "Whooaaahh," Pietro said as his mind was spinning thinking about it. "I'll make it the most special night of our lives." "I know you will!" said Paul, initiating a soft, slow kiss for thirty seconds and then leaning back, looking into his eyes again. "But I have to ask you one more thing, and please be truthful with me no matter what ok? Promise?" "Of course," replied Pietro, nodding softly. "Promise?" "Ok?" Paul pecked his lips again. "Did you mean it when you said you loved everything about me. I need to know that?" "Why of course," said Pietro, kissing him back again softly. "Everything, and I don't even hesitate to say that for a minute. This is more than I dreamed of." "Ok, then I guess maybe we can take it further than I thought tonight," said Paul, pulling off his skirt and unbuttoning Pietro's shirt before ramming his tongue into his mouth again. "You sure about this, Paula?" asked Pietro, taking a momentary breath, lifting them both up while kissing and wiggling his pants down to his ankles. "Yes, if you are," said Paul, panting as they kissed. "Fine, who needs to save sex from prom night," said Pietro, pushing back, completely aroused again. "Pull out that damn tampon, and I'm ready for you, my princess!" "Oh I didn't mean anal sex, that I'm definitely saving for prom night, my prince," said Paul, pushing Pietro's head between his breasts, smothering him in ecstasy as he could barely control his tongue. "You said you loved everything about me, and now we're both about to find out about that. Now let's see how really good those lips are, and don't worry, I don't mind sharing my tooth brush." "PPP..ppp..paulaaaaa," Pietro groaned as Paul nudged his head downward, giving a good yank on his hair and suddenly Pietro's lips were surrounding his girlfriend's member. With all his own saliva between Paul's boobs, it was the most natural lubricant as his face slid down like a rocket before his teeth rested gently on Paul's pubes. "What a man you are! This means everything to me, my sweetheart!" Moaned Paul, getting emotional as he began tugging Pietro's hair and then applying pressure, pushing him down. "It's not easy! I'll help you! Every girl should have a man that cares so much for his girlfriend's needs. I'm so damn lucky. I'm so hot for you! I can't wait for your prom. I'm going to rock your world that night. I fucking promise, you sexy son of a bitch." Pietro was as stunned as the day when he found out about Paul's true gender, but either way he was in deeper than he could have imagined, suddenly blowing his girlfriend. He didn't feel too lucky or sexy, at first struggling to handle himself in a position he could have never fathomed. Up and down he bobbed with initial assistance, and then just as it had happened for him, then it happened inside him as Paul quickly exploded, filling his throat. He was helpless swallowing the juices and then half gagged licking the remainder. It was nothing Pietro could ever believe could happen, and then he finally came up and they embraced. They were speechless, looking into each other's arms as Paul took a tissue from his purse, wiping Pietro's face. Just feeling such satisfaction was beyond Paul's imagination and then French kissed him without a worry, tasting his own juices. When the kiss finally broke, Pietro gladly took Paul's tooth brush and then was ready to go the minute he spit out the paste. "How about we go get a few beers to wash down the taste?" Pietro asked as Paul pulled the hoodie back over his head and fixed his skirt. "I've got fake ID." "Cool, but you know I'm not even 16 yet, right?" replied Paul with a smirk. "Of course I do, and I'm still only 17," said Pietro, backing up the car and pulling away. A few turns and back down the hill they went until Pietro pulled into a convenience store and then parked the car. When Pietro went inside, Paul immediately dialed up his sister. "So guess who showed up for auditions, today?" said Paula. "Who?" said Bridget, caught off guard watching tv and painting her nails. "Pietro!" replied Paula, with glee. "No way?" said Bridget, perking up. "He came all the way there?" "To see you or to really audition?" asked Bridget, dying for the scoop. "Well both... no really me," started Paula. "Yeah for me and he did audition though." "And?" said Bridget at the edge of the couch. "Paula, do not tell me that..?" "Well yeah... so I'm back with Pietro, and I just texted you the image of the prom dress I need grandma to make," said Paula, getting excited. "You know it well, it's the low cut Versace I always said would be it if I had the chance, and do you believe it... I'm going to a prom. His prom. Bridg... it's incredible!" "Holy shit, Paula! I told you he's been checking you out every pageant that his sister's been in, and never forgot you," said Bridget, looking at her phone. "So now you believe me?" "Yes, he's so fucking dreamy, and so buff. Oh my gaaawwdd sis!" sighed Paula. "We just had a night I've been dreaming about! A night I've been waiting for." "Paula, you didn't?" said Bridget, looking down at her phone. "And you want grandma to make this. Your fucking tits will be half out of it?" "I didn't sleep with him, but I did suck him off just like you taught me, and it was amazing," said Paula, trying to calm herself. "I'm saving the rest for prom night, and you think I've been taking all these damn hormones to hide them like some old prude? I love how my boobies are developing so much, and trust me, so did he?" "What guy wouldn't? But in that slutty dress you sent me you might not even make it into the party," laughed Bridget. "How was it? Did you love blowing him or what?" "Oh stop, Tell grandma that I want the long big skirt to be detachable with a nice high left side slit. Then under it the super short skirt can be attached to the top, and trust me my tits are so firm they'll hold up the whole thing no problem," said Paula, feeling so fulfilled. "You know... thing is it just felt natural and yes I loved it. It was quick though." "That's to be expected in the beginning. Prom night, just blow him first and then he'll last longer once you guys really get intimate," said Bridget, lecturing. "But Paula, he's ok now, right? I mean he's not freaking out anymore, and knows you know... that sex will be from the backdoor, not the front right?" "Maybe a little, but not like the first time we met," replied Paula, thinking. "I mean... He said he loved everything about me, so I made him prove it." "You kidding... you mean like go down on you?" squealed Bridget. "Holy shit, and did he?" "Well I don't think he realized what it would entail when he said that, but I didn't let him off the hook. Once I dropped my skirt, then I kind of dropped his head... with a little force and then let's say he was in further than expected," giggled Paula. "You are fucking nuts!" laughed Bridget. "And did you cum in his mouth?" "Yup, and I guess I am nuts," giggled Paula. "Oh and about the nuts part.. he licked those clean too." "Well then I guess prom night should be easy for you two, then," said Bridget, sitting back and resuming painting her nails. "You sure you don't want to wear something a little less revealing? Maybe blend into the background a little?" "Not a chance of that, anyway," laughed Paula. "You know that poster I did with my hair strawberry blonde in the daisy dukes and heels?" "Yeah, from last year, that was hot," replied Bridget curiously. "Why?" "Well, it's in their locker room, so half the assholes on his old team that will be there have already probably masturbated to me, so my plan is to send the rest of them to the bathroom jerking off when they look at me," said Paul, texting. "As we speak, I texted Marcy to order me a slew of new extensions, because I plan on having blonde curls almost down to my ass, and I'm going to make him parade me through that crowd in skyscraper heels until every girl wants to scratch my eyes out." "Why so wicked, Paula?" asked Bridget. "Enjoy the prom honey, and believe me every one of their girlfriends wishes they were as hot as you in that poster." "Oh I will, but payback is a bitch. Remember those are the same French assholes that cheap shotted me every chance they got, and tried to get in my head calling me names. I was called a little sissy, a pussy, and the trash talking was non-stop about making me their bitch," said Paula with vigor. "I did my best tuning it out like dad taught me, but it was pretty hurtful and obviously I didn't know it at the time but I guess they were partially right." "But that's behind you now," said Bridget. "And you know better than anyone it was just boys being boys I guess." "I do, but boys can be assholes, and now I'm going to pose for every picture, flirt and leave my lipstick on a few cheeks, because eventually they'll realize who they just emptied their balls sacks lusting to," Chuckled Paula. "And I'll make sure I post those shots everywhere, so like it or not those pics will be on the net of those big hunks next to this former player permanently." "Oh, you are cruel sister," giggled Bridget. "But aren't you worried about your boyfriend's feelings once his friends find out you were once a guy." "Well yeah, I would have been, but he told me he was good with it and he knows underneath that I'm still a guy. Boy does he know after today," smiled Paula, seeing Pietro approaching the register from afar. "Thing is, I think he's probably wondering what the hell just hit him, as honestly I might be double his size down there." "Don't exaggerate on stuff like that, Paula," said Bridget, reprimanding him. "You know better than anyone you should know how sensitive boys are about themselves down there." "Sis, you know the Eiffel tower in Paris, right?" asked Paula with a giggle. "Yeah and I know he's French?" said Bridget. "Duh. You're saying he's kinda curved like that!" "No, but if you must know, I'm more bent except like the leaning tower of Piazza and thick like a Roman column," said Paula, getting descriptive. "He's more like the thin pointy needle on top of the Eiffel tower." "Enough, and remember I've seen you and helped you... but those are visuals I did not need Paula, and remember I've been with his brother, so I know the family trait there! Ok little sis?" gulped Bridget, grossed out. "But double...The poor guy! I'm sure he has to be wondering what the hell just hit him then! Ok, I know we said we could talk about anything, but maybe this falls into the TMI category. But Double... wow." "I'd say so," said Paula. "You know what Bridge--Tell grandma to change the side slit to a front slit, now that I think of it." "Why?" said Bridget. "What's the difference? I thought you were not keeping the long skirt on all night." "Oh I'm not, but now that I think of It, i want to keep things interesting in the bedroom for not just the first time, but all night," said Paula. "We'll start with the short dress. The platinum curls. And I'll find lingerie that'll blow his mind for his turn. I plan on being the woman of his dreams in every way he'll desire, but from the smile that hasn't left his face I think he may have really liked the unexpected, so when it's my turn I'm thinking he'll be more comfortable if I begin as his damsel." "Wait, you're not saying?" snickered Bridget. "I'm saying I plan on making it a night to remember, sis! Don't forget I've got a ton of experience stick handling up to him and getting him to spread wide before I shove one in the five hole," sighed Paula with a chuckle. "He'll be a lot more relaxed the first time I bend him over if I'm more princess-like in the long dress." "You're thinking he wants that!" asked Bridget, amazed. "Maybe even expects it?" "Right now I'm sure he's scared shitless of what's between my legs, but I can already tell he might be looking for a turn as the damsel in distress himself," said Paula, getting excited thinking about it. "He's French. He's hopelessly romantic and they're lovers, not fighters!" "Yeah, and so are you," giggled Bridget. "Even when you were a boy you fought like a girl and you're the biggest mush there is? Who's the one reading all those damn romance novels sis?" "I know and he's so freaking cute, but I've still got a few years before I need to decide whether I'm losing the equipment or not," said Paula, lifting his skirt and glancing down at himself. "Right now, even with all the shit I'm on, it works so I need to know and even if I do decide I'm keeping it, I also need to know if he'll adapt long term." "Long term?" said Bridget. "Slow down blondie. You look beautiful in white, but you've been back with him for like a second. I know you'll be spending quite a bit of the next two years together, but who knows if that'll work? I'm sure his dream is still to be an NHL goalie when this is done, so don't worry about being Mrs. La Claire already, please?" "I'm not, but who wouldn't want to be an NHL wife? Wow?" Paula laughed, watching Pietro paying. "I wasn't even thinking that, but me as a headliner in the Ice Capades and him as an NHL goalie would be dreamy. Thanks for the fantasy, Bridg." "Ok forget I said it, Mrs. La Claire," teased Bridget. "Go ahead and keep dreaming big! Why the hell shouldn't you?" "Paula Anne La Claire? Eeehhww. Hate it!" laughed Paula. "He's taking my name. Pietro Prieto sounds better right? How cute is that, and I gotta go in a sec, he's paying and will be right out?" "I love that," said Bridget, as they belly laughed together. "And you're just crazy enough to ask him?" "Exactly! I've already got my prince wrapped around my finger, and by the time I'm done with him, he'd do it too," laughed Paula. "Plus I'd be giving dad back a son again to carry on the family name. He always wanted an NHL-er with his name." "You're so sick," laughed Bridget, wiping her eyes, crying from laughing. "But I don't think he expected it to be a French one!" "Wewe.. and his is yum..yum," said Paula, trying to stop laughing before getting serious. "Oh shit! Gotta go sis. Here he comes. Call you later." "Ok, and behave yourself, future Mrs. Pietro Prieto-Carbonelli," giggled Bridget. "And at least we don't have to worry about you getting pregnant. Talk later and have fun with your cute little boooyyy--friend, Love ya and bye, sis." "Miss me, gorgeous?" asked Pietro, getting in with a case of beer. "Damn right, my prince," said Paula, jamming his tongue into his mouth. "All I've been thinking about is you? And your prom... and what I'll be wearing... it's like a fairytale." "No doubt you'll be the most beautiful princess there, and I'll be the luckiest prince," said Pietro, lovingly looking into his eyes as they took a breath and then made out again. "That's my plan, but just don't forget that noble steed," said Paula, reaching over and rubbing Pietro's crotch. "Because I know I won't." "How could I?" gasped Pietro, growing hard immediately. "I didn't expect you would," smiled Paula widely before leaning in and kissing his ear as he whispered in it. "In fact, I don't expect you'll forget anything you experienced today, and since we'll be working together every day, we'll have plenty of time after work to practice." "Every day?" gulped Pietro, turning his head looking at Paula, breaking the kiss as Paula rubbed his throbbing crotch through his pants. "Yeah, practice makes perfect my prince," said Paula, leaning back in, nibbling on his ear, taking Pietro's hand and placing it on his rock hard member under his skirt. "And this little damsel you've got your fingers on has got quite a few years until she needs to decide if she'll heed to the knights sword if you get the picture... But until then, this girl expects her knight to keep her content and not locked up all the time in her panty's chambers? Understood?" "Yes my princess," replied Pietro, giving it a firm squeeze and a slight yank. "It'll take some getting used to, but consider this prince bowing to his princess." "Good, now hand me a beer and let's go back to your place before you have to get me back for curfew," said Paula, cracking one open and sipping it. "Bowing sounds good, but after a few beers, I think it'll be easier if we get you to kneel before your princess, especially since we should both last a lot longer the second time." BONUS - A little inspiation provided by the lovely Paula - seven chickens video which anyone that has enjoyed my stoties will enjoy - watch it!! http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x21pxjw_seven-little-chickens_fun

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Picture Perfect

Introduction: Sarah Gets More Than She Asked For At A Modelling Job Ok, so this is my first story. I hope you like it. I understand that it may have a few problems with it, but Im only just getting into writing after being a long time reader of a lot of peoples work on here. Id love to hear your feedback on it in the hopes I can improve my writing ability. Hope it turns you on. This is not a true story and nobody in this work is real. Picture Perfect Oh come on! It cant be that bad! Amy...

2 years ago
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Living a CAP Based PresentChapter 14 Broken Social Contracts

The hallways were once again deserted as we made our way to the room that the AI had designated. Ashley held my arm and leaned against me as we walked. "Mark," she said once she was sure we were alone. "I know you and I have been together the longest, but please don't freeze me out." "Have I?" I asked. Ashley looked at me. Her eyes were filled with unshed tears. I immediately put my arms around her and hugged her. My blond haired lover giggled. "Got you!" she said as she put her...

3 years ago
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Skin Deep The Dance Chapter 4

Chapter 4 Alone At The Dance Detective Marion Callahan, known by some of his compatriots as 'Dirty Mary', of the Rouston, Pennsylvania police department, had found himself with a bit of time on his hands. In fact, those times when Marion didn't have the whole day at his desk were very rare these days. The force tried to make sure this man pushed as much paper across his desk and as many doughnuts past his teeth as possible. Detective Callahan was undoubtedly the worst police...

2 years ago
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The First and the Last Drilling 1

Miss. David was in her early 50s but had somehow managed to look just like a sizzling hot 30 years old model with 34d bra size, bug ass and fine pink pussy. She was a widow for past 15 years when her husband left her for his secretary and she haven’t been touched ever since and she lived alone with her dog in a small house situated right next to Andy’s hostel. He had visited her several times and even thought about fucking her right then and there but never had the guts as he was afraid of...

3 years ago
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Bitter LoveChapter 18

Standing at the bottom of the ramp was Grace Wheathers looking as lovely as ever. The dress was red silk that fell to the ankles, a matching wide brim hat crowned her long raven hair. The sensuous garment hugged her beautiful body as she waved to him. The shock was that he never told her he was coming home. Beside her was a was a uniformed man standing in front of a shiny limo. She embraced him once he reached the ground. For a few moments he felt as if his leg were still on the boat. The...

1 year ago
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Young mans 2nd time

The first time I was in a 69 sucking cum out of a buddies cock while we were both being Butt Fucked by two other studs--Loved it and wanted more man sex. Two weeks after my first pleasure of Man Sex. my Aunt, Uncle and 18 year old cousin came for a visit. This happened about once a year and he always slept with me. I noted that he had been working out was really well built and of course I checked out his package in his levies--got to tell U it was a very impressive bulge!! When we finally went...

3 years ago
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My Coworker part 1

I have been working in the Student Life department at Miami DadeCommunity College (MDCC) now Miami Dade College (MDC) for about a yearand I never thought about doing a story about this but now I am. Gusstarted working for in the summer term of this year. He is one cute guy.He is about 5'10 black hair brown eyes and about 180 lbs. one day Istarted hitting on one and he was like what the fuck are you doing I toldhim nothing. I went to the storage room to get some refreshments readyfor an event...

3 years ago
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Daughter for a Day

Daughter for a day I always knew I wanted to have children, even from a young age I had my whole future mapped out. I would meet and fall for a handsome man, we'd get married and have two children, a boy first and then a girl. We'd settle down, in a big house on the edge of town, he would go out to work and I would stay home with our children, watching them grow into beautiful human beings who I would be so incredibly proud of. As a family we'd be there for each other through the...

4 years ago
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My Best fantasy py2

Firstly Thank you for the comments it means a lot to me, i will now try and improve….lol So i have just sucked and swallowed my 1st cock, and wow it was amazing. I got up from the bed gave the mans wife a quick kiss again saying ‘thank you’ left the bedroom and made my way to the kitchen for a drink. As i poured my Drink a voice said ‘That was some performance you gave, well done you’ It was the Hostess, ‘sorry i did not speak much when you arrived only as you could see i was a liitle busy...

3 years ago
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I did it again

About once a month a group of us from work go out for dinner and drinks after work. It is not uncommon for us to close the bar and we have loads of fun. We were all surprised to see Fred come with us. Usually his wife is very controlling and does not let him come. He told us she was out of town for a conference so he was rebelling. We welcomed him and went through our usual routine. As the night went on and people were filtering home, Fred and I just kept drinking more. We were...

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Give And Take 8211 Losing Virginity To A Virgin College Girl

Hello ISS readers. This is the first story of my sex life where I lost my virginity to a virgin college girl who became my best friend during my college time. Let me introduce myself. My name is Aneesh, 23 years old, currently working in an IT company as a software engineer in Bangalore. Basically, I am from Kasaragod, topmost district of Kerala. Let me start my story. The heroine of the story is Shreya. Shreya is from a rural village of North Karnataka and she came to Bangalore to continue her...

2 years ago
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Bouncer Gets A BlowJob

I was in the nightclub well outside smoking a cigarette, i was talking to the big muscluar black bouncer. He was well hot and having only just broken up with my ex i was in need of some attention. I had a good cleveage and i could see him constantly looking at my tits, he so wanted to grab a feel so i just said to him, do you want to have a feel, he laughed and gave them a squeeze. We chatted each time i went outside and at the end of the night he asked if i wanted to go for a quick drink with...

3 years ago
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Terry OConnell and the Assistant DA

PROLOGUE; Midland, Texas - 1958 C.E. Terrance Paddraigh O'Connell was not the sort of kid that his peers wanted to be seen associating with. Skinny, wearing thick lensed glasses, hand me down clothes, and possessed of a high pitched irritating voice, he was a nerd's nerd - ere such a term had even been invented. Friends, however, were the last thing on Terry's mind at the moment. It was eleven thirty, on a Friday night, and his old man hadn't made it home from the honky tonks yet. The...

2 years ago
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FirebrandChapter 5 Top Pair

Moralez marched along the corridor, feeling the rough texture of the carpet beneath his prosthetic foot. He stopped to lean against one of the whitewashed walls once he was out of view of the Admiral’s quarters, running his hands over his scarred face. He held one of them up, watching as a slight, involuntary tremor made the polymer fingers twitch. He clenched and unclenched his fist, willing the shaking to stop. Damn it, how long had it been since his emotions had interfered with his...

1 year ago
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My Bisexual wife and BBW friend

one of the great things about being part of a bi-sexual couple is the freedom to explore and try new things without feeling your other half is missing out. Alison my ex-wife is openly bi-sexual and we regularly enjoyed the pleasure of sharing our bed with other women many times, usually the women she either picked up or met were generally of the same kind each time, nothing out of the ordinary but all sharing one thing in common they liked girl on girl action. In the cafe where I used to stop...

2 years ago
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One Dark NightChapter 8

Raven was getting dressed for the show one night. She sat there at the dresser and was putting on her make up and fixing her long dark hair. She looked up into the mirror and there stood Carla standing behind her smirking. She startled Raven. "I didn't see you there!" I said. "Is there something you wanted?" "No, just watching ya put your face on and gettin' all gussied up for all the horny old bastards out there. "She said with a laugh. "You think you're somethiing special, don't...

2 years ago
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A Double Standard

Chapter 1 Thanks goes to 'Techsan' for editing this story. I am one of those weird people who read erotic stories. Yes, I admit it. Once I start reading them it's hard to stop. Some stories are total trash; of course that is only my opinion. But then you come across a story, not paying any attention to the authors name, you never heard of him or her but the title of the story draws your interest. You decide to click on it and kind of give it a scan through, not really reading it. After you...

2 years ago
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New Career1862Chapter 3

The next morning saw us leaving town to continue our trip to Branson. Both of us were now wearing two pistols in shoulder holsters. Mary was not familiar enough with the shoulder holsters to manage a quick draw, but I intended to reserve enough time for her to practice some this afternoon while there was still daylight. We now had four pistols loaded with six cartridges in each, a safety feature of the Starr DA allowed that. The five Henry rifles were divided up so that Mary had three up...

2 years ago
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Parent Teacher Interview

Apart from the obvious benefits of being able to rail my mom whenever I wanted to, one of the advantages to having such a whore for a mom was that she’d regularly fuck my teachers. It wasn’t that I wasn’t hard working or stupid, but it helped to get that extra boost when I wasn’t the one doing any of the extra credit. Earlier in the week, my mom came by to do her rounds. I walked into gym class, and got changed, and when I walked out into the gym, I noticed my mom was standing there talking to...

2 years ago
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My best friend got lucky and shared with me

My best friend when I was 16 lived 2 doors down. We did most everything together. We'd go to the mall, movies and swam at the pool. Today we were going to go to the pool after school. He told me to come to his house when I was ready. We had known each other for years, our families too. It was normal for us to just walk in each others house like family. I had changed my clothes when I got home and went to his house, walking in as usual and headed to his room. When I reached his door, which was...

1 year ago
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Ritual 2 Birth of the ClanChapter 9

I sat back in shock. I was a one-man Craxill population bomb. And, since I had no delusions of uniqueness, so was every other human male on the planet. The possibilities were disturbing. "Husband?" Priya asked, concerned. "She's right," I said. "We wondered, and now we know. I jacked off into her vagina, and her mate got her pregnant with twins. I fucked her up the ass, and her husband gave her quadruplets. And the exact same thing happened to Nilwint. Add up Lisa, three of Rillnam's...

3 years ago
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ChameleonChapter 12

Obaninov and his wife were sleeping in their bedroom when our team showed up. As far as we knew, Obaninov's wife had nothing to do with the theft, so Genie transported her to his holding place while we questioned her husband. When we finished, she would be returned to the bed and would know nothing that might have happened. When Obaninov woke up, he was already tied, spread eagle, to his bed and he was naked from the waist down. The ball squeezing had turned out to be such a convenient...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 104 Spring Break Mission You rang

What have I done that had this goon with a gun summoned to tell me my presence was required? He didn’t have to say it was to go to the man upstairs. No one else would be dumb enough to demand I leave one girl I was with to go off to screw their daughter or wife. Would they? Nothing was said as the man led me away from this building and back toward the rear of the resort. We ended up in a noisy room with a lot of pipes everywhere. He opened a door and told me to sit inside; someone would come...

1 year ago
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Behan Ki God Bhari

Hi I am Huma, I am glad that readers have appreciated my recent stories greatly. My present story is a hot one in which husband offers his wife to be impregnated by her real brother. A hot sister brother incest with lots of vulgar dialogues is a dish I am offering you. Post your comments at ” AUR JOR SE CHODO MUJHE MERE RAJA, MERI CHOOT KAB SE TARAS RAHI HAI TERE LUND KO. KAHAN THAY ITNE BARSON SE MERE BHAIYA, MERE SAINYA, MERE MALIK, APNI BEHAN KO CHOD KAR NIHAL KAR DO AAJ MUJHE CHOD LO APNI...

4 years ago
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Taking the Class Part 3Chapter 3 Tuesday Afternoon 243PM

Will came to groggily. What just happened? His eyes focused, and he recoiled. Oh, shit, is she—Okay, she’s breathing. Wow, what a ride. I think that was the most intense one yet. Alaina lay naked with her back draped over her desk, her legs still wrapped around his waist. Her eyes were rolled back in her head, and her lips were parted slightly. She reminds me a little of a dragon from high fantasy novels—all fiery and possessive. And beautiful. He reached up and gently caressed one side of...

2 years ago
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Maddie Part 1

Madelyn walked through her front door and immediately threw her keys as hard as she could against the couch that sat opposite of the doorway. Pissed off, a little tipsy and rather horny, she made her way to her bedroom before ridding herself of the dress that she selected for Him – the modest sun dress with a hint of sexy added in. She made her way to the bathroom to relieve her aching bladder before slipping into the safe confines of her warm bed. She didn’t want to succumb to the horniness...

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The drive

I’m driving… you are at my side, in the passenger’s seat. You are laying back listening to the music, and the sun is setting in the west. It is warm so you only wear a nice summer dress, and your flip flops are on the floor with your feet up on the dashboard. We are very close to our destination. We have to go to a dinner with friends, and it is gonna be a long dinner with drinks and dancing. You start thinking about us dancing, close together, sweating, moving… and you start getting horny. I...

1 year ago
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CherryPimps Kay Lovely A Good Slut for Daddy

Kay Lovely has many great memories growing up and spending time at her best friend’s house. She especially loves the memories of her friend’s hot dad, Michael Stefano. She gushes about how good looking he is, successful, intelligent, and he even makes a great breakfast! Boy, does she wish he was her daddy! Or, perhaps her boyfriend! Kay regularly fantasizes about her friend’s dad, and jumps at any opportunity where she can finally suck his dick, and have him fuck her over and over again. She...

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Safe Word

Safe Word By Cassandra Morgan Some laughter is a joyous thing. It invites you to join the party, to laugh along. It is the sudden burst of joy, sounding out in musical notes, gleeful and free. Some laughter, on the other hand, has teeth. It is derisive, mocking. It is the scorned sound of someone who cannot believe what a preposterous thing that was just said, and it makes one shrink at the sound of it. Melanie had a laugh like that. And now, it was pointed at Davie. "Are...

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Knock knock

He opened the door wearing his torn jeans and a blue singlet. As he caught sight of me he smiled and enjoyed the view. his eyes went from the black leather stiletto boots up to the white dress through which you could see the shadow of the black lace suspenders i wore underneath. His eyes went further up and rested on the slightly unbuttoned top and the shadow of the lace bra underneath. he watched me bend down and begin to unzip my right boot giving him a good view down my top. i unzipped...

1 year ago
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Our Weekend Trip to Florida Part III

We stayed in bed for another hour just talking and sharing an occasional kiss. You told me more about your visit with your parents and filled me in on the things that happened after I left the office, but before you left. We often wondered what everyone had to gossip about after we let it be known that we were a couple. We had certainly been the high point of office gossip before we let it be known that we were well, sort of engaged. We didn’t actually announce that we were living together,...

3 years ago
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Black Girls Have Big Dicks

She was like no woman I had ever seen before. She walked into a room and everyone's eyes were on her. She just had that incredible presence that just lit up the room and everyone just wanted to be around her. I was working behind the bar of a trendy club when I first saw her saunter in on her long legs, swaying her hips in a short dress. She walked over to the bar and leaned over toward me, a good number of inches taller than me in her heels. Up close, her face was perfection, skin like dark...

3 years ago
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Mouthfull of cum

Well I've never considered myself straight as Ive always appreciated a nice big cock though I've never realy done anything other than being sucked off many time through gloryholes in mens toilets when I was as horny as hell.So I’m driving back south on the A34 from Oxford. And see someone thumbing. Its Christmas so I pull over. I say I’m going as far as the A303 and says OK and hops in. He’s a young lad and after a while tells me he’s been with his girlfriend but he’s annoyed as she wont let...

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I am sitting at my desk as you walk by first thing in the morning. You reach out and grasp me firmly by the hair and pull my head back, placing your lips on mine. Your touch sending electric sexual pulses through my body. You lean in and tell me that you want me NOW. You firmly grip my arms and lead me into the bedroom, as you take and rip my clothes from me. You head drops as you take my nipple into your mouth. As I moan out and I grip your head, as run my nails down your back. You take and...

1 year ago
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WeLikeGirls Aiden Ashley Charlotte Sins 03182022

This past year, I got the opportunity to direct two amazing women for the first time: Charlotte Sins and Aiden Ashley. They were for separate projects, but I was really impressed by each of them… and for similar reasons: they were both kick-ass, professional, good actors, great sex performers, and very genuinely like other women. When I was on set with Charlotte, I heard her telling a co-star about how much she craved authentic lesbian sex scenes and, naturally, that piqued my curiosity....

2 years ago
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My first time in a gloryhole

I was new in town by the time I was around 23 years old and starting my way in the gay/bi world. I thought it was the perfect chance to "try new things". So I went to a sex shop to window shop.I saw several guys come in, pay and go through a door to another area, I didn't know what was hiding behind the door. Since nobody knew me, I decided "why not?"... payed my ticket and went in.I thought it was a "adult cinema" or something, but I was wrong. To the right a bar why lots of alcohol and all...

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Mindfuck Paradise

60 years ago, a strange phenomenon swept over Earth, sparking its transformation into a world of free sexual use. The phenomenon turned humankind into a sexually-focused society, and a wide array of mutations have created new groups of humans with features and capabilities far outside the previous norm. All humans are essentially immortal; their aging slows to a near stop around 30, only progressing if they want to become older, and they'll regenerate from any injury - even total destruction -...

Mind Control
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The Secret Cheerleader Vote 82

The next day was Sunday, so Zane slept in. He was exhausted from the previous night’s activities and the fitful sleep that followed. He spent the entire night dreaming of the things he had seen. Five girls, naked, all over each other, doing things he never would have imagined. He probably still wouldn’t have believed it if not for the video that Stephanie had taken of the whole thing. He was hard from the moment he woke up. Not you’re regular morning wood, this was “Holy shit, I can’t...

3 years ago
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Bhagalpur Main Masti

Hello every body, main ISS ka eek regular reader hun aur main iski kafi sari kahaniyan parhi hain. Aur aaj main apni life ki eek real story aap logon se share karne jaa raha hun. Main bihar ke eek shahar bhagalpur ka rehne wala hun. Mera family background economically koi bahut acha nahin hai par meri life se expectation bahut hai. Main humesha glamour main khoya rehna chahta hun aur isliye humesha tip-top rehne ki koshish karta hun. Meri height 5’7” hai aur dekhne main smart lagta hun. Mera...

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Poker Night

This is legolas1313 this is in regards to the poker night scene you would write for me.        Ashley Cuminners was happy today. She had recently had a really tough time with her boyfriend who she loved very much and he decided to give her another chance. There’s no question that Ashley was in the seventh Heaven at this news and was planning to make their first renewed date hot. Of course it wasn’t too hard for her to find a guy to date, because of her sexy appearance. The girl was 5’5? tall...

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The Nursing Home

Working in a nursing home sometimes can be very depressing. Most of the residents have long term illnesses and are either bed ridden or are confined to wheel chairs. There are many different kinds of people that work at a nursing home. There are nurses, doctors, aides, dietary aides, maintenance people, and recreation coordinators. The nursing home is usually very busy during the day and afternoon hours. Visiting time is until eight o'clock in the evening. Families and friends visit most...

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Toms DiaryChapter 28

Thursday, April 11, 2002 Jenny woke me up before my alarm clock did when she got out of bed and headed for the shower. I got up myself and went and reviewed my memo for Uncle Craig and the family to make sure I hadn't been dreaming everything. It sure didn't look like it; I was pleased at how well the idea was looking now. I didn't really have any idea how many families would want to live there, nor could I be sure that the number of leaseholders would stay as high as I thought. Still,...

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The Best Christmas Eve Ever

It was just after 8:00pm on Christmas Eve. I was tending bar at a Ramada Inn in Lancaster, PA. There were less than a dozen patrons in the bar when Scott and Diane walked in. I’m thinking oh crap. While Diane was a real hot number in her early 40’s and a bit of a flirt, Scott was at least 15 years older and didn’t know when he had had enough to drink. They had been in the bar two nights before when Scott got so drunk that I had to get someone to help him to his room. Good news. He was sober...

3 years ago
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SlutSport Part II

Part II - Day 1 of Tournament Festivities as we get our first glimpse into the Sluttimay Tournament! (It is suggested you read part I for context and backstory). SlutSport - Part II The day had finally arrived. I could barely sleep the night before but I woke up feeling excited and more importantly ready. I was just finishing up my shower when I heard a knock on the door. I threw on some boxers still wet from the shower with no shirt on thinking it was my liason coming to get me...

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Adventures of Me and Martha JaneChapter 4A

I had a bad cold. It was just before Thanksgiving. Wearing a heavy brown flannel robe, I sat up against the headboard as Martha Jane settled near me on the bed and sat Indian-style. In her hand she had a bottle of green cough syrup, a bottle of cod liver oil, and a bottle of ear drops. "Okay, hon, time for dessert." "That's not dessert," I complained. "This is dessert for sick folks." She shimmied her hips into the mattress to get comfy. "Now, let's see, what does this say... ?"...

1 year ago
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Salamander 2Chapter 17

(Four) The man sat at the bar still wearing his cheap uniform, frankly I disliked him on sight but he would be useful so I suppressed my distaste. I moved up to the bar a meter or so down from him, trying not to scratch at my face for fear of disturbing my disguise. Personal contact was risky so I did what I could to mitigate the risk. The ex guard was pretty drunk and quite loud, it would make my job easier. Since half the pub could hear the guys ranting it wouldn't be a stretch to seem...

2 years ago
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Dirty Chachi

Dear ISS reader, hello!. Mera naam Ronit he. Me Bharat se hu aur filal Europe me Masters ki padhai kar raha hu. Meri umar 25 saal he. me ISS ki stories jab me 10th std me tha tab se padh raha hu. yaani lagbhag 10 saal pahelese. ISS ke karan me bahot sari sex fantasies sikha hu. ISS ke karan mujhe lagta he me sex ke maamle me sudhra bhi hu magar niyat ke baare me bighda bhi hu!!……ye story aaram aaram se hot fir wild hote jaaegi to dont expect ke pahela para padh ke hi aapki pussy gilli aur dick...

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College Daze

It was six in the morning and, tired as he had been, Daniel awoke first. He felt refreshed, rid of the bus trip, and cuddled next to Carter's warm body. The sun was slowly rising, casting a dim morning light through the blinds. Basking in the glow, he still couldn't believe it. So many things had happened to him, yet his first love, Carter, was there next to him. Daniel glanced over and saw that Carter was still deeply asleep. He admired his gorgeous face, and chuckled to himself...

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Michelles Continuing Affair Ch 8

After Michelle’s last trip to Seattle for a weekend with Mike, he told her that he wanted her to leave me and marry him. He’d told her he couldn’t go on sharing her so she had to make a choice. She had. She told him goodbye and came home, this time for good. After she got home, we went to bed, both of us nervous about what our future might hold, but secure in our love for each other. In the middle of the night, I woke up to Michelle crying. I put my arms around her and pulled her to me, asking...

Wife Lovers

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