Zhenzhen an InterludeChapter 3
- 2 years ago
- 25
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My smile disappeared when I listened to Lindy's messages. The night before I had turned off my cell phone so as not to be disturbed during the divirginization of Zhenzhen. Turning it on made me chuckle. Six thirty am on the phone meant I had been awakened earlier than Lindy must have. I had a feeling my new lover had been extraordinarily patient to wait that long before our morning shower sex. I barely noticed the windows revealed nighttime when I awoke, and the sun just began to lighten things outside when I got dressed.
"Joe," the first of her messages said, "What the fuck is going on? Something happened in Naomi's room. I saw her come out on a stretcher except you know and I know that's damn near impossible. Wait. Betty's here, and Salomé. They look much less freaked out than they would if the unimaginable happened to Naomi. Definitely much less than I feel. I'll talk to you later."
The second began the same, if more irritated than freaked out. "Joe. What the fuck is going on? Where are you? Salomé said not to worry, that me and Sheila and Vance can take the Pereire limo to rehearsal. Miwa's here as well. But I want you here. At least give me a call."
She must have called minutes before I turned the phone on, so I called her.
"Joe, thank God. Are you alright?"
"I'm good actually."
She laughed unexpectedly. "Why would I think otherwise? Of course Xo's angel is hot as shit. You liked her?"
"Her too," Lindy sighed.
"I still love you Lindy," I said. "That will never change."
"I know. I'm not jealous. But you're spreading yourself pretty thin, stud boy."
"I know," I sighed. "But you'll always be my best friend, and I'll always think the world of you."
After a beat she asked me, "Will you be my stud tonight? I think I need that, especially if Angelique turns a cold shoulder to me."
"Fuck," I said, as my stomach burned. I hadn't intended to say it aloud.
"I know," she sniffled.
"I'll be there for you."
"Does that mean right now? You are coming to rehearsal?"
"Of course."
"Then please pick me up. I'm not going in that fucking limo."
"I may be a little while. I'll be there as soon as possible."
"I'll wait," she said before ending the call.
"You okay?" Helena asked me. Everyone had dressed by the end of the call.
"We're worried about Angelique."
"Why?" asked Gia.
"Because your former master probably persuaded her to hate us."
"Why would he do that?" she asked.
"Because he's an asshole?"
She chuckled. "I'll give you that. But what has he got against you or Lindy?"
"Because we're friends and collaborators with his nemesis?"
"And with Angelique as well, and in terms of you with her and Consuela and the rest of Helen's copies, their impregnator, not to mention his youngest angel."
"But nothing. You may be fond of Nick, much more than Simon to be sure, but you're not totally his minion are you?"
Thinking of my father I bowed my head. "No. Not entirely."
"And Lindy?"
I perked up. "I don't know if she's his at all."
Gia shook her head. "I have a feeling all of mankind has some of at least one of the eternal wanderers."
After nodding I asked her, "You coming with?"
"Wouldn't miss it for the world," she grinned, shoving her ceramic shiv into its secret pocket between her thighs.
"So Mei gave it back to you," I said.
"Why wouldn't she?"
"Can I come too?" my adorable new lover pleaded.
"Definitely," I said. "I want you to meet my brilliant lover and best friend."
"Can't wait," my cutie grinned.
We hurried out after that, and made as quick time as possible through busy Paris streets. The Chinese driver seemed quite skilled.
During the ride, I asked Helena, "How is Brianna?"
"Not good actually. She received a pretty bad concussion. Simon tossed her against the wall, pissed off that Nick had switched her for Naomi."
"He couldn't tell?"
"Who knows with that asshole, but he did inject her with whatever that shit was that he gave Helen and Gia. Since he planned to give it to you, and probably to Natasha, it must not kill mortals, but I bet it didn't help her condition."
"How do you know?"
"Nick kept close contact with her. He saw Simon inject her through that contact, which immediately ended of course. He went to her at the hospital after screwing the Ambassador into unconsciousness. His secretions will help her recover."
"Nick left my sister alone?" asked Zhenzhen.
"Not to worry," Mei grinned. "That horny old bastard snuck back into her room early this morning."
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the oldest angel decided to accompany us. As petite as Salomé was tall, the lithe and sinewy woman had an even more regal and wise bearing than Nick's African angel, and I hadn't even thought that would be possible. Her presence made us all feel much more at ease.
And speaking of being at ease, Lindy looked extremely relieved to see me when I opened the window of the Ambassador's limo. It surprised me to see her alone, although not having a lot more room in the limo, it was better that she was. Helena shifted to the back facing seat to make room for her, sitting beside Gia who sat across from me. Beside Gia sat Chanda, and beside me sat Zhenzhen and Mei, making for an Oriental contingent that conversed in Mandarin for most of the trip (although Gia tended more to speak English with me and Helena). Eva sat in the corner closest to the door, and Lindy squeezed between her and me when she sat.
"Hey," she said first before engulfing me in a hug. I felt dampness at my neck and heard a sniffle when she whispered, "I was so worried. With Naomi who wasn't Naomi, and you all ending up moving somewhere else, and me all alone, almost abandoned, and then that stupid limo..."
"Lindy," I said, pulling her head from my neck to gaze into her hazel eyes, "I could never abandon you." And then we kissed. With heat of emotions, it became passionate. Several kisses between loving looks, it couldn't have been a more private and intimate moment, even if surrounded by angels, a couple of whom were complete strangers to Lindy, and at least with Mei, to me, hardly stood as an acquaintance.
"I love you," I murmured at the end of our oral embrace.
Her tilted smile put the exclamation point to the expressed feeling. "Me too," she said.
"Hi," said Zhenzhen shyly.
"You must be Joe's new love," Lindy smiled. "I can see why he couldn't resist you."
"I'm Zhenzhen. This is my sister angel Mei."
"It's an honor," said Lindy, bowing her head to the oldest angel. I thought it a perfect thing to say and do. "I'm Lindy."
Mei smiled and nodded like a sage warmly accepting a disciple. She said nothing, letting her youngest sister and protégé speak.
"You surprise me," Zhenzhen said to Lindy.
"Why so?"
"I have seen Western dance. The women in their leotards, lean like emaciated models except sleek muscles fully displayed shifting and rippling most erotically. Though clearly athletic, they seem fragile somehow, to be tossed about by all those gorgeous men also fully displayed. I have heard of your talents, as writer, and as choreographer and as a magnificent dancer. When I heard the last, I could not imagine you the way you are, fully a woman unlike those fragile things. It makes you unique, does it not?"
Lindy laughed. "It is ironic that a body like mine, a normal body, not one specially, or even freakishly made for ballet, could be considered unique. And truth be told, I probably have to work even harder than those prima ballerinas so as not to get any thicker than I already am. It's lucky that I work so much at dance, as well as other things, as Joe can attest, though he hasn't joined me for a while doing calisthenics and especially running. Calisthenics and stretching I can get him to do when he makes rehearsal."
"Sorry about that," I said. "I should get back to jogging with you."
Lindy laughed again. "I think you've had quite a lot of cardio lately, maybe not so much in the mornings, but I wager well into the night."
I blushed as most of the ladies chuckled.
Zhenzhen giggled, saying in her sweet, shy way, "He does have stamina," and blushed with me when another chorus of laughs resulted. Despite her shy manner, I found her to speak boldly and honestly. And much like her capability as a warrior strengthened because of it being unexpected, her directness in expressing opinions or asking questions had a way of disarming coming from such an adorably shy creature. In just such a way, what could have been insulting to Lindy lost its sting, and allowed her, when she continued, the compliment that she intended. "But you are unique, Lindy. Instead of sleek poses and arcs of flight, quite aesthetically pleasing lines, very decorous, I sense a power in you, an expressiveness, aggressive in its communication, and therefore intense and memorable. Add to that a lovely, expressive, charismatic face, and I believe no one will ever forget witnessing you dance. I wonder though if a man ever lifts you."
Lindy grinned disarmingly. "I lift myself. I jump well. If a man, or even a lady happens to have his or her hands at my waist, it becomes a sort of illusion. When a woman looks like your typical ballerina, it can be quite startling."
I added, "Of course, if it's Miwa, looking like a lean ballerina, she can carry you quite easily."
"An angel?" Zhenzhen smiled.
"Nick's Japanese angel," Lindy explained fondly. "You'll meet her soon."
Which she did when we arrived at the rehearsal basement, and both angels revealed a predatory gaze towards each other. It reminded me of their fondness for their own gender.
If amused at that encounter, I had a far more emotional response to Lindy and Angelique embracing each other.
"I missed you," I heard Angelique murmur.
I heard Lindy respond with, "I love you."
What they said after that, after the brief kiss which I figured their professionalism shortened, I couldn't hear. But Angelique's nod and her wink at me suggested I wouldn't be with just Lindy that night.
Angelique came to me and kissed me, just as briefly as she had kissed her lover, but with a warmth communicating everything I needed to know. "I know you two were worried," she said quietly. "I still love you."
"Do you understand why we were worried?"
"Not really," she pouted.
I might have pursued it, asking how she felt about Miwa, or if she planned to ever join us for Nick's Tales again, but she had things to do, and having her not swayed by Simon's manipulations in her feelings towards me and especially Lindy was enough. It would be a while anyway before the question of her surrounded by Nick and his angels would be answered, though I doubted that she'd join us for a while of ever. I could see it with her indifferent and even displeasured reaction to Miwa and Chanda and Salomé, and the worst of it, to Helena.
Helena saw it too. "Perhaps I should go," she said to me. "The less angel balancing the better anyway," she gestured towards the small audience area where Simon's Spanish angel and a Nordic beauty stared smugly at us.
I sighed. "I suppose. The way Angelique glares at you, and I think even worse, Consuela, makes me want even more to tear that asshole's head from his body."
"You and me both," she practically growled. "I'm just thankful that Eva still loves us."
I nodded. "What are you going to do?"
"Meet with Father for a while until Naomi and Tash wake up, than go visit them. I'm hoping I can talk Nick into letting them stay."
I kissed her. Eva hugged and kissed her and exchanged quiet conversation. My stunning blonde lover came to me afterwards. "You'll be with Lindy tonight," she said.
"And Angelique it appears."
"That's good," she smiled. "I'll keep company with Helena. I think we'll get to play with our Chinese cutie some more."
"Looks like it," I chuckled, watching Zhenzhen embrace and kiss my wife at the exit door. As Helena exited, I noticed Simon's Nordic angel head to the old elevator. "So childish," I murmured.
"What?' asked Eva.
"This whole balance thing. But I'm not surprised he left the Spanish angel here."
"That's Berenice. She's actually pretty cool. Likes being called Bernie believe it or not. About Rosa's age, maybe a little older."
"Why am I not surprised?" I commented.
"Don't know," Eva shrugged. "I believe Lindy wants us stretching."
When the elevator arrived, it released the Pereire women before the blonde angel disappeared inside it. Marietta, Seraphine's mother walked over to a stretching Scots Amazon. Nods and smiles told of some kind of agreement. Marietta returned to her clan.
There, Seraphine looked as she usually did, pre-submissive. She barely glanced at me, and when she did, she showed her smug indifference. I didn't know how to take it. Slighted of course, as anyone would being looked down upon. Her arrogance reduced her beauty, which probably helped, but she couldn't not be beautiful. And her body obviously couldn't be any less firm and voluptuous. I might have missed that most, except I had women in my life who easily matched and surpassed her in that way. Truth be told, I had fun with her, with our dom/sub game, with her intelligence and with her complexity. But in the end, I felt relief more than anything. I definitely had enough women in my life, all of whom I enjoyed thoroughly in the multivariate aspects of those relationships, each unique and extraordinary. I didn't need her, and she obviously no longer needed me. Except I felt a little sad for her, because I think she did sort of need me.
"Pay attention, Joe," Lindy ordered, and I obeyed, getting my body ready to dance.
During rehearsal, Samantha and Barnaby arrived. They had a later call, so to speak, and could thus sleep in, the lucky bastards. I saw them introduce themselves to the two strangers in our midst, Mei and Zhenzhen. And while Barny began his stretches—I guessed being quite a bit older he needed more stretching—Zhenzhen and Sam continued chatting. My newest lover had kept her gaze focused on us dancers from the start, and except when they glanced at each other, Sam did so as well.
When we broke for lunch, ending my part of rehearsal, I asked Lindy, "Could you bring Helena's poem and sit with me and Zhenzhen?"
"Sure," she responded with a curious and lovely grin.
"Maybe bring Consuela along, and have her bring her viola."
Her grin became even more curious when she nodded.
Knowing Zhenzhen's shyness, I decided to have them take their food into the garden to a quiet bench that only had the manmade creek as background sound, and a few songbirds.
"You do not prefer Angelique to accompany you?" my hot blooded lover asked tersely walking beside me ahead of Lindy and Zhenzhen.
I couldn't have been more flummoxed. Consuela jealous? Of her best friend? What had Simon triggered in her?
Tamping down my surprise and my disappointment in this terrible change of relationship, I simply stated, "No."
Unfortunately she snuggled against my arm and murmured, "Good." Not that having the incredibly sexy and intensely beautiful woman pressing a breast against my arm could be construed as objectionable, but the situation definitely disturbed me.
Once we filled the bench with our butts, three particularly delectable ones, and began chowing down, Lindy, sitting on the other side of Zhenzhen from me with Consuela pressing against my left side, asked, "What's up, Joe?"
"Could you give Zhen Helena's poem? How long would it take for you to translate it into Chinese, sweetheart?"
"Why?" both of them asked me.
After swallowing my bite of sandwich I explained, "Zhen has an amazing voice. I think it would create amazing harmony if she sang with Helen. Hers is high and feminine, while Helen's is almost deep enough to be masculine, and..."
"They'd reflect the pas de deux," Lindy smiled. "And Zhen singing Chinese and Sam being half Chinese ... Kind of obvious, but kind of interesting."
Zhenzhen already began reading the poem, practically tearing it from Lindy's hand, eager to see the work of her new female lover.
"Very rich," she said while still chewing on her sandwich. "It will not take me long."
"I figured," I said, knowing angels' capacity for instant memorization.
After we finished eating, Zhenzhen taking longest, her delicate nature reflected in her delicate consumption of food, even if talking with her mouth full might be construed as countering it, Consuela played the melody which Helen would sing. The second time she played it, Zhenzhen already accompanied her.
"Wow," said Lindy afterward.
I grinned proudly before kissing my cute lover.
"Joe," Zhenzhen murmured after the kiss.
"Ssh, sweetheart. You were incredible."
"What's going on?" asked Lindy.
"She's afraid to sing in front of an audience."
"You never have?" Lindy asked her.
"Just my sisters and Master and a few companions of theirs and mine," she sniffled. "At first, being a child, everyone thought 'how adorable'. Later, when I got older, my sisters teased me about anything, demonstrating marshal moves, reciting, and especially singing."
"A bunch of jealous cunts it sounds like," Consuela smirked.
"No!" Zhenzhen growled. "I think they wished me to get over myself. Even from the beginning I got nervous, and it only got worse."
"Obviously. Those cunts liked to watch you squirm and piss yourself."
"No!" Zhenzhen yelled and ran off.
"Fuck," I roared.
"I'll talk to her," Lindy said, walking quickly away.
"Have you always been a bitch," I asked the Spanish Helen clone, "or did Simon make you one?"
"I need you, Joe," she responded unsteadily. "I need you to make love to me. I know we don't have time, but I think if you could just be inside me, it would be enough."
"Are you crazy? You got jealous of your closest friend earlier, and just fucked up a chance for Zhenzhen to shine. And you want me to fuck you?"
"I want you to make love to me, Joe," she sniffled while placing her hand on my groin where my flaccid penis hid. "Please?"
Her eyes shone with tears. For some reason she never looked more desirable or beautiful. Considering her incomparable skills as a sexy flirt, this realization stunned me, perhaps making it more effective.
"Where," I finally said. She probably felt my penis harden under her hand, because she smiled. The sadness in it shook my heart. "It can't be in the Chateau," I explained. "Things went rather badly the last time."
She looked puzzled for a moment, causing me to curse Simon silently before standing and pulling me to my feet. "Come," she said.
I knew the way. We passed through the hedge, ending up at the large oak. Stripping naked, she sat on the thick root where she had placed her clothes and pulled me to her, freeing my cock.
"Wait," I said after she kissed its thickening head.
Removing my clothes, I used them for my knees to rest on. My hands gently pulled her thighs open, and I leaned forward to taste her excitement. I hadn't expected her pussy to be completely flooded with nectar.
"Joe," she moaned. "I am ready."
"But I'm not," I smiled up at her.
She smiled back. "Okay," she peeped as I scraped my tongue between her turgid labia, lapping her extended clit at the end. We didn't have much time, but I wanted to tease her a little. I kept it slow, and avoided the clit most of the time, circling it and narrowing the circle. Meanwhile, knowing she needed it, our eyes rarely lost their mutual gaze. Only when her eyes closed occasionally did our stare break.
Finally I gave her the coup de gras or coup de clit and sucked it in and licked it rapidly.
"Dios mío," she moaned loudly, shivering while pulling me harder against her and shifting upwards against my mouth. But she ended it right at the edge of orgasm, pushing me onto my back and straddling my very stiff cock and guiding it to her needy center and leaning forward and sending it in with a steady descent. Her breath caught. Her eyes went wide. Her lips turned up in a grimacing smile. Her interior fluttered around my cock. Her exterior trembled. And through it all, our eyes never stopped their connection.
When her descent finally ended, she rocked her clit against my pubic bone, extending her pleasure. "Muy bien, mi querido Joe, mi amor," she muttered.
When the last echoes of her climax ended their fluttering squeezes on my cock, her hands pulled me upwards and her mouth lowered to my mouth, only then ending our oracular connection. Very warm lips met mine gently, lingering, subtly shifting, subtly tightening and loosening.
"Turn me over and fuck me," she said when our lips broke apart.
"That's okay," I said.
"But you must cum."
"I'm okay," I half-grinned.
She pouted cutely. "Some lover I am."
"That was amazing, Consuela."
"One thrust and I am gone."
"I know," I grinned. "I loved watching it and feeling it."
She studied me and smiled. She did shift a little bit on my cock, sustaining my erection. "Mmm, that feels nice."
"It does. So, my little Spanish slut..."
"Yes. This is what I want. Your Spanish slut."
"Shit," I thought. Out loud I sighed, "I have a wife, and ... lovers."
"So? I have your baby," she rubbed her tight abdomen.
"So do they. Your half-sisters..."
"Am I not sexier than they?"
"You are," I chuckled.
"And am I not sexier than your wife?"
"No you're not. No one is."
"She is..."
"She is what?"
"Not what?"
"Human enough for me. What about Eva?"
"She is okay. Slutty but okay."
"Because she is Simon's?"
"Yes. Simon's," she practically purred.
"And Helena is Nick's?"
"Nick's. Yes," she spat.
"And Angelique?"
"She leads us. She is a genius."
"Mmm, I like when you say my name."
I pulled her off me cock, which had become half-erect and became flaccid soon after. She pouted.
"Do you even remember who you are or were or whatever?"
"I am yours."
"Get dressed!" I growled. "Now!" I added when her hand went for my genitals, pushing her onto her back.
She looked sad and confused, staring at me as we dressed.
I grabbed her hand and tugged her along beside me. In the basement, I brought her to Helen, tossing her to the floor in front of the betraying angel. "Fix her," I growled at the perfect blond beauty.
"Fix what?" Helen smirked.
"Fix her or lose her. Simon has her obsessing over me for some fucking reason. She can't have me because she can't stand my wife, and even Angelique is more competition than best friend. It's an impossible situation. Do it or you will lose her."
"Joe," Consuela muttered abjectly.
Helen sighed. "Okay." She went blank, recovered and stared into Consuela's eyes. Consuela nodded and headed to Angelique, who handed her her viola, looking worried. "She'll be fine for rehearsal," Helen informed me.
"She's more of your minion than Angelique," I realized out loud. "But Angelique fawns over you more than the others."
"Consuela's from a strong minion of Simon's. And Angelique..."
"Seeks dominants," I chuckled. "You're not worried about Lindy?"
"Or you?" she smirked.
"Right," I shook my head. "A couple of fragile mortals compared to a millennia old angel. Angelique is in love though."
"I'm glad," she responded, sharing a nod with me. Happiness for her favorite clone. Helen could actually act human. I thought compassion to be one of her weaker attributes, but considering her singing, which couldn't only be extraordinarily beautiful to be so affective, added to this moment, I realized she might not be quite the cold bitch she presented to us. The thought made me sad. Maybe she hadn't been such a reluctant or oblivious spy for Nick. Maybe, after becoming a rebellious young angel, she had realized her mistake over the centuries, and had returned to loving the first man she ever loved. Maybe both had been lying to conceal their subterfuge. But if that were so, it seemed as if Simon had finally found a way to neutralize it, and Helen had lost the love of her life for the second time, except the choice this time had not been hers.
I turned away from her while contemplating her situation, trying not to show my insights to her. She looked fairly happy though, and had a subtle glow. "Simon probably fucked her after changing her mind," I thought disgustedly. I tried not to think of who else he fucked, including Helen's clones, but couldn't avoid it.
"Joe," I heard behind me.
"Aren't you supposed to be busy?" I asked Angelique, a bitter tone unfortunately tainting the words.
She bowed her head sadly. "Is that an order, Warden?"
"What? No. Sorry."
"Good, because I would have disobeyed. Perhaps you will punish me by fucking me into submission tonight."
"You will join Lindy and me?" I smiled.
"Of course," she smiled back. "Can't wait."
"I want to ask you some things."
She led me to an unoccupied corner of the large rehearsal space and sat on the floor. When I sat beside her she slid between my legs and rested her back on my front. "Go ahead."
"What do you think of Helena?"
"I hate her."
"It doesn't matter. Besides the fact that I don't hate all that well, not much passion in it, we haven't been sharing a bed with her lately, have we?"
"But if Lindy..."
"I won't be there for those occasions. And I won't be present while your wife's asshole father gets nostalgic and sentimental. But I will be with Lindy as much as possible, and hopefully with you as often as you can join us. Okay?"
"Good. Anything else?"
"Did you fuck Simon?"
"You mean that gorgeous Aryan god, Helen's wonderful master, and the representative of all things good in humans? I don't know."
"You don't?"
"I don't remember. But someone fucked me last night."
"Not much impact then."
"Enough to notice, but no."
We laughed. "You're incredible," I told her, wrapping her small body in my long arms and kissing her neck.
"Mmm," she approved. "Only as incredible as you wish, Warden."
"I somehow doubt that. But why are we laughing about you basically getting raped?"
"Rape is about violation, a profound trauma, yes? Why then did I have a most pleasant dream last night, and today I feel only affection towards you?"
"And the dream?"
"I believe I said 'baisez-moi' and 's'il vous plais' and 'oui' quite often, you know, 'yes'."
"To whom?"
"I cannot recall, but I begged and used vous instead of tu, so a master I suppose. Simon fits best in that way. It felt somehow like you though."
"What do you mean?"
"It felt like the best fuck, and only you have provided that."
She giggled and kissed my cheek. "I should get back," she said. "Your new amour has a lovely voice."
While we talked, Zhenzhen sang with Consuela's viola. It began again, a capella, with Helen's voice as counterpoint. It sounded amazing. Angelique immediately began adjusting it, for both voices and for her half-sisters and her. Neither ancient nor young angel needed musical notations, but the mortals did, so she noted changes she made to the Double Q's sheet music in her ever present laptop, and with remarkable speed, after only a couple times through the twenty minute dance, she printed the revisions.
Lindy and her two dancers worked alongside the musicians, halting when the music halted, and Lindy tweeking movement as well. She seemed mostly to work with Sam, and I noticed she had the lithe young Chinese/Caucasian beauty close her eyes quite often, and I could see the results. Sam's dancing, already strongly emotional in Lindy's unique, gestural style, had never been so expressive, despite it being rehearsal, and I had seen Sam in real performance, albeit in an intimate space with basically friends and colleagues as audience.
I felt a little guilty about staying and not joining Betty and Nick in Nick's new suite working on his Tales. We had finally gotten the ball rolling. I thought sustaining that roll, and not having to get it back to speed, would be best. Naomi may have not been available, and possibly for a while, but I figured the drawings had been made and could be edited as is. I did hope Helena persuaded Nick to let his Jewish angel stay in Paris.
But I couldn't help but remain in the basement watching. It had to be the most mesmerizing rehearsal I had ever attended. I almost hated when Lindy called for a break, but it allowed me to check on Zhenzhen.
"So you think you can go onstage and sing?" I asked her, sitting in the chair she rarely occupied since she always stood when she sang, so we could look more eye to eye.
When I awoke, I found myself enclosed by female flesh. Eva and Helena rested along my sides, and Zhenzhen blanketed me. I felt warm of course, and sticky with sweat, but only my bladder made me uncomfortable. "Zhen," I murmured. Her eyes opened and her smile made my heart lurch. "I need to use the toilet." She let me slide out from under her and immediately replaced me between our lovers, facing Helena and getting spooned by Eva, both lovely angels adjusting in their sleep to embrace...
Of course the Double Q were brilliant. I managed not to fuck up my part in the encore. In fact it was an incredible experience having thousands of eyes focusing on me and my friends. Even more, the audience responded with gasps and laughs at the athletic and intricate choreography, enveloping me further in their attention. Somehow their noise not only didn't distract from the music, but intensified it, almost as if Angelique intended the added sound. Knowing her, she probably...
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In my room watching some porn, just jerking away and not paying too much attention to what's around me, my mom had knocked on my room but must of been quietly. She walks in and sees what I am doing, there was nothing to hide my rock hard dick either. Kind of embarrassed, she tries to look away and pretend she didn't just see her son jerking off."Oh I'm sorry son" she says"It's ok mom, I do this all the time"To my surprise she responds by saying "I know, I sometimes watch you through the crack...
You're a tall, slim man of average appearance. You live with your young wife in a quiet neighborhood in the outer suburbs in a small house. Your wife, Jessica, is a 24 year old brunette, standing at a little over 5'3". 'Petite' would be an accurate term to describe her. You've lived together for over a year now after having been married for only a few months more. You met Jessica when you were still in college. She worked in the library where you'd often see her. It took a while before you...
Mind ControlI got this email the other day. It completely changed my life. It came from a friend of mine so I didn’t think twice about opening it. It was a forwarded email, so I figured it was just one of those long stupid observation, joke emails I always get and delete. Boy I was wrong. I was very engrossed whilst I read it. Totally got into it. I am sending it to you to read. I hope you will send it to a friend as well, after you are finished. Give it a shot, you have nothing to lose. Read the whole...
It was around lunchtime one Wednesday afternoon. Darlene was lying naked on the table with her legs over my shoulders as I sat on a chair licking her cunt. There were traces of me and of Eddie inside her but also on my tongue and by now I didn't care anymore. The phone rang and Darlene asked me to hand her the receiver. I reached for the wall phone with the long cord and handed it to her.She answered the phone while pointing a finger at her cunt so I would continue. I had my tongue deep...
Karma Rx gets her special package delivered and asked the guy for some help inside. She checked him out before she pushed him to the couch. She asked him if he can help her pick an outfit from her new delivered package. She dropped her towel to get his complete attention. She takes out some very naughty outfits before her took his cock out for her. Her jaw dropped when she saw the size of his cock. She gave a great blowjob with some hot tit fucking action. She finally got what she craved for...
xmoviesforyouMeanwhile in the Christmas Ball Room overlooking the twinkling lights of the San Francisco skyline was nearly full. The pretty long blonde haired witch swished and swayed from side to side displaying her round shapely bottom packed into her black slacks. Billie the coed witch found herself in the presence of “Piffy Piper at the hip party, which was being attended by her sisters Piper, Phoebe and Leo. Witchcraft is a learned craft and much responsibility is needed to learn and use it...
FACE THE STRANGE by Crazy Baron Chapter 10: Room with a View I came to with a slight start and comprehended that I was looking at a wall of white panels. The sight was not particularly magnificent and stirring for a first impression of afterlife, but at least I had gotten there and finished my journey. I had nothing to complain about. As usual, it took me a while to become reoriented. The ornamented paneling was in actuality not a wall, but the ceiling of a room; I was lying on...
My name is Stephen McCain, formerly Alex Shay, and I’m a tall and lean young black man living in the city of Plymouth, Massachusetts. These days, I’m a student-athlete at Saint Meredith College, a small private school located in the heart of Plymouth. These days, I’m finally doing alright. I’ve escaped from the clutches of my evil family. Black American families in general are a model of dysfunction but mine was absolutely the worst. You think you’ve got it, wait till you meet my relatives....
Seductive coed Emmy Space is always happy to put aside her book for her boyfriend Timmy. He rewards her for her attention by slipping her thong aside to fingerbang her creamy bare twat and then to lap away her juices with his soft tongue. Soon he has Emmy naked and his cock out for her to suck in an enthusiastic deep throat BJ. When Emmy climbs onto Timmy’s lap, he keeps his hands on her hips and then her tits as she rides his hardon. Her small tits shake and her whole body quivers with...
xmoviesforyoui've never had "game". i'm not even a particularly handsome guy. how i've ended up with some gorgeous women is beyond me, but i've enjoyed it immensely.brittany was one of those gorgeous women. when i first met her, she was a security guard at the company where i worked. even in her uniform, it was obvious that the body beneath it was firm and fit, but i never gave her a second look because she told me that she was married. i always stopped to talk to brittany for a few minutes when i was on my...
The first tennis match was against Portsmouth with whom there was intense but friendly rivalry. It started at ten and Caroline left at her usual time so that she would not be in any rush. Peter and Penny followed an hour later. It was well sign-posted and they had found decent seats for Caroline’s first match with quarter of an hour to spare. Penny was in a high state of excitement. She had never done something like this in her life before. As they approached Southampton she saw all the...
I was about 16 and me and best friend hung out all the time well one night I was getting up late at night to use the bathroom at his house and when I walked into the hallway I could hear moaning and groaning so being curious I looked and seen my buddies dad there naked getting a blowjob from another guy seen in the neighborhood and then heard him grunt and say I'm coming and the other guy just held his mouth down and swallowed the he said it's your turn that was the first time I seen two guys...
Lexi Lore is enjoying a little ‘me’ time as she masturbates while watching a steamy video on her phone. She’s lost in the moment, enjoying every second of it, until her conservative step-mom, Serene Siren, barges in with laundry. Serene is shocked and disgusted by what she sees, though Lexi is more annoyed than anything else. She rolls her eyes as Serene scolds her for masturbating and makes threats about getting her kicked out of the house. Lexi isn’t too bothered,...
xmoviesforyouA couple (Lena Paul and Victoria Voxxx) are relaxing at home when they are unexpectedly visited by their friend Skylar Snow. Skylar has mistakenly shown up a week early for a surprise birthday party that Lena is planning for Victoria. Whoops! Lena is furious, but before Skylar can leave, Victoria asks what’s going on. Not wanting to spoil the surprise, Skylar claims that she’s there to talk to the couple about something, so Skylar is invited inside. Desperate to come up with a cover...
xmoviesforyouKen, Bryan and I slowly walked back to our gear. We were grabbing each other, kissing, pulling swimsuits down, until we got to my towel. A sexy dude of 40, in some cargo shorts and ball cap, was taking pictures of dudes and the scenery. He came over to Ken and reminded him that he just bought tons of gear, porn, and toys from the shop. He asked Ken to pose and snapped a few frames while Bryan and I laid down, with the guy just at our feet. Bryan was still fingering my hole, when the guy came...
WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUNDMy name is Mike and I am the Senior VP of a large marketing firm in the Southwest. I manage a group of about 20 employees that handle the marketing for many fortune 500 companies across the globe. I moved here after graduating from college in the south. It’s a tough business, but if you work hard and are intelligent, you can move up fairly quickly. One of my employees is John Stanley. He is a lower level marketer with very little experience. We hired him fresh out...
Voyeur"Just watch!" commanded Cindy, as she sat on the edge of the bed with herfriend Rachel sitting between her legs on the floor, facing her. Cindy'sslender fingers gracefully began to explore her wet pussy as Rachel gave alittle groan. Cindy slid a finger deep inside herself. "Mmmm," she sighed as she masturbated for her friend. "Wasn't it hotseeing Sharon and her Mom making it together? I can't stop thinking aboutit, Rach," she said softly. Rachel's dark eyes were glued to Cindy's sex,her...
We were in Miami at the time. I was born here and this place is special for me. I have been here since May and will be here till November. My hubby left me with his sister in my home where my Dad, Mom, brother and his wife Niya are staying. After hubby had left, I used to live my way by finding many guys every day, even brought some guys home when mom and dad was not there. My brother and his wife Niya know about my habits and they have no problem with that. I've been nude almost all day and...
We hadn’t seen each other in almost a month and the thought of how good it was made me wet. As my flight landed I got butterflies in my stomach just thinking about him touching my body. I got my bag and smiled to myself thinking about the toy, lube and extra batteries I had brought per his request. I’m sure the TSA agents enjoyed going through my bag. Once I was on the shuttle I called to let him know I was on my way, I was early, I hoped that he would find it to be a nice surprise. The shuttle...
We open this week’s show with an establishing shot of the medieval stone structures that form the gates of the old city walls in the center of Carlisle. Two stories tall, rounded buildings with battlements, between them a wall, and in the wall an arch big enough for two lanes of traffic to pass through. We move through the gates, seeing newer buildings inside on either side of the road. Still over a century old, the lower level of these buildings has been converted into large-windowed...
I woke up this morning,and spotted him beside me sitting. "Ah Carlos why are you here?",i asked then he sighed.And caressed my cheek. "I just wanted to see you, my love",he whispered to my ear then i blush. Then he let me lie to my bed,and deeply kissed me,i lightly moaned and he noticed it. "I love you kelly",he huskily said then he passionately kissed my neck and rolled his lips down to my cleavage. "Ahhhhhhhh,carlos i want more",i pleaded then he smirked. "As you wish my princess",he said...
EroticRestrictive light bondage provides a certain kind of stimulation that can arouse any woman. Pairing such bondage with stockings and nipple clamps will surely give a more intimate feel to sexual activity. Sera Ryder is experiencing the increased arousal provided by the combination of the three fetishes/kinks. Sera lies on the couch with her body straight. She excitedly waits for her master to dominate her. Chloe wastes no time at all. She immediately teases the handcuffed girl, running her...
xmoviesforyouVanakam friends, en thozhi hemavai eppadi sex seithu oothen enbathai ungalidam indru tamil kama kathaiyil pagiguriren. Vaaipu koduthatharku migavum en nandriyai therivithu kolugiren, en peyar arun vayathu 23 aagugirathu. En nanbanin thozhi hema vayathu 25 aagugirathu, avalai eppadi sex seithen enbathai thaan naam kathaiyil parka pogirom. En nanban IT companiyil velai paarthu varugiraan, avan peyar mani avanuku nichayathaartham nadaka irunthathu. Atharku munathaaga oru china treat vaipathaaga...
During breakfast on Saturday morning Smoky changes the cleaning schedule and he has them move to the residence building as he skips the stables for now. They go to work and he goes to talk to Abe before he joins them with the cleaning. Abe closes up shop at 3:00 p.m. today, but he’s back an hour later with the gear he uses to keep the grass down around the toilet. He leaves it in the loading dock before he calls Smoky on his trust cell phone to tell him it’s there with a full can of...
They spent the rest of the afternoon walking through the properties and discussing plans. Belle took notes and Jeffrey promised to get her the original floor plans for the warehouse. She made a note to have one of the other designers visit the house in order to take measurements and photographs since no plans were available for it. The house had been their last stop and she didn't realize how much time had passed until she glanced at her watch. It was six o'clock and her stomach echoed the...
I have Sabrina half naked, her skirt and panties removed, abandon somewhere in the living room, when the phone rings. It’s her husband. ‘Hi,’ she says leaning into the phone, her silk blouse looking as immaculate as it did when she arrived at the office this morning. ‘Just stopped by to grab a bite to eat,’ she says. I’m standing in the hallway within earshot of the master bedroom, impatiently waiting naked and with a hard on. ‘You’re kidding me,’ she says. ‘Again?’ She’s beside the bed, over...
Tuesday February 27, 1844 Shortly after noon, we reached the Missouri River across from Council Bluffs. The river had ice all along the edges, and chunks of ice, some as big as a wagon, drifted lazily down the river periodically. “It must really get cold for the edges of the river to freeze like that,” I commented. “The entire top of the river usually freezes over at some point,” Samuel advised. “This was a very mild winter. Two years ago, we slid the raft across the ice on top of the...
David had to be in Boston Monday morning for a series of conferences, which were scheduled to take at least a week, but somehow his secretary had failed to make his reservations in a timely manner causing some hysteria on his part. Being the good wife that I am I worked feverishly all day Thursday trying to make arrangement for him. After countless phone calls, I had two solutions. One, leave at 2:30 A.M. on Monday, or a 9:00 A.M. flight on Sunday. Well even though David had refused to fly on...
" hi" Hey Um thanks for saving my ass today Your welcome Then I heard a girl who sounded just like Stacey yell who are you talkining to he said no one. Hello? Hi Stacey Brooke Taylor seriously why are you talking to my man Thanking him from saving me Ugg do you like my boyfriend Brooke Yes I guess Would you like to join are group Brooke Yes please Well you have to do something for me Anything at all Absobutly anything you can't change your mind I promise I'll do...
April 26, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Welcome home,” I said to Jennifer late on Sunday evening. “Did Jesse behave?” she asked with a smile. “We are talking about our son, right?” I grinned. “He behaved as well as his dad does!” “Do you have the police reports?” Josie teased. “He was fine,” I said with a smile. “He went to school, played with Nicholas, and went to church with us for Pascha. How was Ohio?” “Very interesting,” Josie smirked. “Never mind!” I chuckled. “When will you...
I warn every small 5inch white boy out there, if you do it one time you are done and eventually will become addicted to big nice cock sliding in youeven if you think it coudnt be done to you, it might just happen, because big cocks needs small tight holes and small cock boys have 2 pretty holes for big cocks love even if you think that friend with a gf coudnt want to fuck you, the truth is, big cocks love to fuck and get into a warm mouthi was in a party drunk having fun and got wasted , he was...
“There,” Lize said as she manipulated the keyboard on her laptop. “Our site is up and running on the new server. We’ll be paying more but getting more bandwidth. And, now we can accept credit cards directly without resorting to Pay Pal.” “It’s amazing,” I remarked. “So much of our success is due to you, Lize.” She made a demure smile. “Think what you like. I believe it’s a combination of good products, good service and good marketing.” “The basement is full of inventory. Have you thought...
It is often said that opposites attract and I believe that is true. I also think the same theme applied when one is experimenting with having cuckold fun. My wife Sarah and I got into the sex with others thing about 10 years ago and it became something we really only did on holidays. Sarah was very particular about who she takes as a sexual partner and what she will do with them.Firstly, they must have a big cock, certainly over 8 inches but preferably bigger, unless she is in the mood for anal...
The wife came to me and said that her and the k**s was going to going away for a few days as her mum was not well and that I didn't need to worry as she had sorted out someone to come in to cook and clean for me as I was hard at work all the time so on the day she was due to leave she came in to my home office showing the cleaner around and she said "Lee this is Tracy she is your new wife" we all laughed and I said "nice to meet you but sorry I have to get back to work" the cleaner and my wife...
Harry and Doreen Shemmings were a married couple in their very late fifties who liked to spice up their sex life by occasionally devising situations which would titillate their partner.They had gone shopping at the local supermarket and as they pushed their trolley around Doreen leaned towards her husband and said in a low tone "Harry, what would you say if I told you that I had come out shopping without putting on any knickers?."Harry, in an equally low tone replied "Doreen, if you told me...
ThreesomesThe bridal salon was breathtaking. As Lisa and I passed through the front door, I felt my pumps sink slightly into the plush carpet. We were immediately surrounded by an immaculate world of frills and tulle, pearls and sequins. I gazed across rack after rack of gowns and wondered where a girl would begin her quest for her perfect gown. For my perfect gown, I thought, for but a fleeting second. Lisa and I had spent many a night perusing various bridal magazines. Lisa had her gown...
I had returned to my family home, where we were ex-pats in the Far East. I'd been back in the UK for a month and my return trip confirmed what I knew all along, my wife had been having an affair with a work colleague.When I had asked her directly if she was having an affair she'd said, “No, don’t be silly - I love you and this was just sex." She had been horny and needed this in her life to distract her from work stresses.Lying in bed, wearing a dressing down, she slowly explained to me how...
Wife LoversSorry about my english. So, I used to make myself as podiatrist in an app just for get easy pics and videos from girls. But here came College Soles and Sticky Soles with their fake content about trick girls and secret cum in their feet. I liked this idea. One day I knew Fan, a 29 years old woman, with a apearence from a 40th old, very punished by her life. We had a nice conversation and she sent me pictures from her feet and her soles. I think her feet was size 6. Her soles were dry and rough...
Jason was aware of a faint clattering sound and then faintly heard Philippa protesting about something. He couldn’t move a muscle or open his eyes. He felt himself being carried and then recalled no more until he woke in utter blackness. He was lying on a very comfortable bed, but he knew he was not in the palace. The smell was completely different. He concentrated on his smell. There was a smell of the earth and the air was humid, but there was more. It smelled like his doctor’s surgery on...
Hi, Sabhi ISS Readrs ko ek bar phir se mera aur meri phooli hui choot ka salaam. Jaisa ki aap sabhi jaante hai ki mai Bihar ke chhapra district ki rahne wali hun. Meri pehli kahani ‘Meri Kahani-1’ ka aap logo ne bahut achhaa response diya aur bahut se logo ne mujhe mail karke apne sujhav bhi diye aur presentation ki taarif bhi ki. Mai un sabhi logo ko IIS ke jariye unki mails aur pyar ke liye thanks kehti hu. Dusra bhag likhne me deri ki wajah se mai aap logo se maafi chahti hu. Sabhi ladkiyon...
Part-1-of-1 To this day I don’t know why, it just happened. I was in a committed relation with someone I cared for greatly and we had a great sex life. She never refused me sex. Actually she was the frisky type and initiated sex as often as I did. I won’t say I’d never though about it, but that was only the normal curiosity that all guys have from time to time. I certainly had no desire to really find out. It started with a dreary over cast day and nothing to do. I had the day off and my...
The Defenders crossed into the Lord of the Blue Moon’s territory the day before Good Friday, 1758. The force consisted of 2600 mounted raiders, musketeers, nymphs, and even several cannons. Additionally, there were wagon trains bringing along enough supplies to travel as far as a crossroads south of Malenkta-Gordnackta. The Grand Duke promised to dispatch additional supplies from the border town, but the help would not include any regular troops. Danka realized the Sovereign would help the...
Introduction: this is a fantasy i have between me and a coworker who are both very into each other but have a significant other let me know what you think and ill write more if you like it It was around 8 that night everyone was leaving the area where we are talking. Im standing behind the register talking to you as you lean on the counter. It has been a long day for the both of us. Everyone has left, leaving us to ourselves finally. I just need to lock up and we can leave for the night. I walk...
John Castle sat in the Airport waiting the arrival of Molly his 24 year old daughter. He had lucked out getting a parking place close to the terminal and consequently had a bit of a wait before her plane was due to land. It was almost 5 years since the terrible event that had changed their lives. Maureen so dear to both of them as Wife and Mother had been killed instantly when a drunk driver ran a Red light. John and "Mo", as Molly called her before she could say Mom, had gone to grade school...
This is one of my favorites I found somewhere on the net, enjoy you BBC sluts:I had been fantasizing about sucking a big black cock for a longtime. Looking at websites and pictures on the net, mesmerized by thesight of black cock. I finally couldn't take it any longer, I decidedI needed to try sucking one. I went on the web and found a sight thatlisted gloryholes in the area. I posted a note asking which ones werefrequented by black guys and if I would be able to find black cock.After a couple...
I awoke in a mass of naked female flesh once again, but at least we had more room this time. After we'd finished cuddling on Monday night I'd gotten my traditional late night snack, and when I got back I found most of my girls ready to join me in bed. The girls all congratulated Nikki and welcomed her officially into the family. It was nice having everyone together where they belonged. It was especially nice to be able to give Nikki a place where she felt she belonged at long last. Before...
The gorgeous Carmen Caliente hangs out naked and is one with her Santa hat, loving her relaxing moments chatting it up after a shoot. After her talk time, she shows off her luscious booty, pulling her legs back as she opens up her holiday pussy present. It is moments like these when you wish to get on the naughty list, getting her to ride your sweet candy stick. Deeply pounded, this lucky dude digs deep and breaks Carmen off a piece of his festive cock. This delicious beauty backs it up, as she...
xmoviesforyouIt Was A Gloomy Morning... Jenny Had Just Rolled Awake From Her Slumber, And Hurried To Begin Her Daily School Routine. Jenny Was By All Means A Normal 18 Year Old School Girl. She Maintained Her Grades, Kept A Couple Of Friends Throughout The Years, And Held An Above Average Body. All Was Normal Throughout Her Preparation, However Her Stomach Was Stirring As She Continued. Jenny Shrugged It Off As Last Nights Dinner Not Agreeing With Her, However Something Felt Off. As Jenny Left For School,...
A Day in the Life: Dreams of a Lovely Marriage Part 2 Awash with emotion and my penis fully erect, I hurried to our bedroom. There I saw carefully laid out on the bed a pair of wispy, white, boyshorts-style panties; my prettiest white garter belt and matching, opaque hose; a white cotton long-sleeved shirt, and blue jeans with a brown leather belt. The outer garments thus were those of a man. Dark socks and brown penny-loafers with an exaggerated heel completed what Marla had...
The first few times they had seen each other, the initial meetings were remarkable not only for their awkwardness but also of their interaction. It could be said that they did not completely ignore each other. She had very little to do with him because the eroticism she felt in his presence was like the thick jungle air, pressing on her like two atmospheres, making the ground under her feet soft and treacherous. She knew God was cruel and that a feeling like hers couldn’t be reciprocated with...
Part 3 Wednesday As they sat down to breakfast the next morning, Ellen had already eaten, but she joined them for a cup of tea. From the outside she appeared fairly relaxed, but on the inside she felt like a young girl waiting to be picked up for her first date. She tried to tell herself that it was silly: that she was nearly seventy, for goodness sake, and she had known Ken a long time and they shared a bed regularly; but it didn't seem to make much difference, as she was still both...
Which is why I entered into the arrangement I’m currently in. It’s perfect. There’s no other way to say it than I am the plaything of a couple I’ve known for years. They like to adventure out and I am submissive so … it works perfectly. I don’t want to ruin their marriage, and none of us really want anyone to know what our situation is. It’s for the pleasure of those involved and it works for us. Unlike most of my friends, I don’t have pets, I don’t have kids … I’m free to do as I...