Zhenzhen - An InterludeChapter 2 free porn video

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My smile disappeared when I listened to Lindy's messages. The night before I had turned off my cell phone so as not to be disturbed during the divirginization of Zhenzhen. Turning it on made me chuckle. Six thirty am on the phone meant I had been awakened earlier than Lindy must have. I had a feeling my new lover had been extraordinarily patient to wait that long before our morning shower sex. I barely noticed the windows revealed nighttime when I awoke, and the sun just began to lighten things outside when I got dressed.

"Joe," the first of her messages said, "What the fuck is going on? Something happened in Naomi's room. I saw her come out on a stretcher except you know and I know that's damn near impossible. Wait. Betty's here, and Salomé. They look much less freaked out than they would if the unimaginable happened to Naomi. Definitely much less than I feel. I'll talk to you later."

The second began the same, if more irritated than freaked out. "Joe. What the fuck is going on? Where are you? Salomé said not to worry, that me and Sheila and Vance can take the Pereire limo to rehearsal. Miwa's here as well. But I want you here. At least give me a call."

She must have called minutes before I turned the phone on, so I called her.

"Joe, thank God. Are you alright?"

"I'm good actually."

She laughed unexpectedly. "Why would I think otherwise? Of course Xo's angel is hot as shit. You liked her?"


"Her too," Lindy sighed.

"I still love you Lindy," I said. "That will never change."

"I know. I'm not jealous. But you're spreading yourself pretty thin, stud boy."

"I know," I sighed. "But you'll always be my best friend, and I'll always think the world of you."

After a beat she asked me, "Will you be my stud tonight? I think I need that, especially if Angelique turns a cold shoulder to me."

"Fuck," I said, as my stomach burned. I hadn't intended to say it aloud.

"I know," she sniffled.

"I'll be there for you."

"Does that mean right now? You are coming to rehearsal?"

"Of course."

"Then please pick me up. I'm not going in that fucking limo."

"I may be a little while. I'll be there as soon as possible."

"I'll wait," she said before ending the call.

"You okay?" Helena asked me. Everyone had dressed by the end of the call.

"We're worried about Angelique."

"Why?" asked Gia.

"Because your former master probably persuaded her to hate us."

"Why would he do that?" she asked.

"Because he's an asshole?"

She chuckled. "I'll give you that. But what has he got against you or Lindy?"

"Because we're friends and collaborators with his nemesis?"

"And with Angelique as well, and in terms of you with her and Consuela and the rest of Helen's copies, their impregnator, not to mention his youngest angel."


"But nothing. You may be fond of Nick, much more than Simon to be sure, but you're not totally his minion are you?"

Thinking of my father I bowed my head. "No. Not entirely."

"And Lindy?"

I perked up. "I don't know if she's his at all."

Gia shook her head. "I have a feeling all of mankind has some of at least one of the eternal wanderers."

After nodding I asked her, "You coming with?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," she grinned, shoving her ceramic shiv into its secret pocket between her thighs.

"So Mei gave it back to you," I said.

"Why wouldn't she?"

"Can I come too?" my adorable new lover pleaded.

"Definitely," I said. "I want you to meet my brilliant lover and best friend."

"Can't wait," my cutie grinned.

We hurried out after that, and made as quick time as possible through busy Paris streets. The Chinese driver seemed quite skilled.

During the ride, I asked Helena, "How is Brianna?"

"Not good actually. She received a pretty bad concussion. Simon tossed her against the wall, pissed off that Nick had switched her for Naomi."

"He couldn't tell?"

"Who knows with that asshole, but he did inject her with whatever that shit was that he gave Helen and Gia. Since he planned to give it to you, and probably to Natasha, it must not kill mortals, but I bet it didn't help her condition."

"How do you know?"

"Nick kept close contact with her. He saw Simon inject her through that contact, which immediately ended of course. He went to her at the hospital after screwing the Ambassador into unconsciousness. His secretions will help her recover."

"Nick left my sister alone?" asked Zhenzhen.

"Not to worry," Mei grinned. "That horny old bastard snuck back into her room early this morning."

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention the oldest angel decided to accompany us. As petite as Salomé was tall, the lithe and sinewy woman had an even more regal and wise bearing than Nick's African angel, and I hadn't even thought that would be possible. Her presence made us all feel much more at ease.

And speaking of being at ease, Lindy looked extremely relieved to see me when I opened the window of the Ambassador's limo. It surprised me to see her alone, although not having a lot more room in the limo, it was better that she was. Helena shifted to the back facing seat to make room for her, sitting beside Gia who sat across from me. Beside Gia sat Chanda, and beside me sat Zhenzhen and Mei, making for an Oriental contingent that conversed in Mandarin for most of the trip (although Gia tended more to speak English with me and Helena). Eva sat in the corner closest to the door, and Lindy squeezed between her and me when she sat.

"Hey," she said first before engulfing me in a hug. I felt dampness at my neck and heard a sniffle when she whispered, "I was so worried. With Naomi who wasn't Naomi, and you all ending up moving somewhere else, and me all alone, almost abandoned, and then that stupid limo..."

"Lindy," I said, pulling her head from my neck to gaze into her hazel eyes, "I could never abandon you." And then we kissed. With heat of emotions, it became passionate. Several kisses between loving looks, it couldn't have been a more private and intimate moment, even if surrounded by angels, a couple of whom were complete strangers to Lindy, and at least with Mei, to me, hardly stood as an acquaintance.

"I love you," I murmured at the end of our oral embrace.

Her tilted smile put the exclamation point to the expressed feeling. "Me too," she said.

"Hi," said Zhenzhen shyly.

"You must be Joe's new love," Lindy smiled. "I can see why he couldn't resist you."

"I'm Zhenzhen. This is my sister angel Mei."

"It's an honor," said Lindy, bowing her head to the oldest angel. I thought it a perfect thing to say and do. "I'm Lindy."

Mei smiled and nodded like a sage warmly accepting a disciple. She said nothing, letting her youngest sister and protégé speak.

"You surprise me," Zhenzhen said to Lindy.

"Why so?"

"I have seen Western dance. The women in their leotards, lean like emaciated models except sleek muscles fully displayed shifting and rippling most erotically. Though clearly athletic, they seem fragile somehow, to be tossed about by all those gorgeous men also fully displayed. I have heard of your talents, as writer, and as choreographer and as a magnificent dancer. When I heard the last, I could not imagine you the way you are, fully a woman unlike those fragile things. It makes you unique, does it not?"

Lindy laughed. "It is ironic that a body like mine, a normal body, not one specially, or even freakishly made for ballet, could be considered unique. And truth be told, I probably have to work even harder than those prima ballerinas so as not to get any thicker than I already am. It's lucky that I work so much at dance, as well as other things, as Joe can attest, though he hasn't joined me for a while doing calisthenics and especially running. Calisthenics and stretching I can get him to do when he makes rehearsal."

"Sorry about that," I said. "I should get back to jogging with you."

Lindy laughed again. "I think you've had quite a lot of cardio lately, maybe not so much in the mornings, but I wager well into the night."

I blushed as most of the ladies chuckled.

Zhenzhen giggled, saying in her sweet, shy way, "He does have stamina," and blushed with me when another chorus of laughs resulted. Despite her shy manner, I found her to speak boldly and honestly. And much like her capability as a warrior strengthened because of it being unexpected, her directness in expressing opinions or asking questions had a way of disarming coming from such an adorably shy creature. In just such a way, what could have been insulting to Lindy lost its sting, and allowed her, when she continued, the compliment that she intended. "But you are unique, Lindy. Instead of sleek poses and arcs of flight, quite aesthetically pleasing lines, very decorous, I sense a power in you, an expressiveness, aggressive in its communication, and therefore intense and memorable. Add to that a lovely, expressive, charismatic face, and I believe no one will ever forget witnessing you dance. I wonder though if a man ever lifts you."

Lindy grinned disarmingly. "I lift myself. I jump well. If a man, or even a lady happens to have his or her hands at my waist, it becomes a sort of illusion. When a woman looks like your typical ballerina, it can be quite startling."

I added, "Of course, if it's Miwa, looking like a lean ballerina, she can carry you quite easily."

"An angel?" Zhenzhen smiled.

"Nick's Japanese angel," Lindy explained fondly. "You'll meet her soon."

Which she did when we arrived at the rehearsal basement, and both angels revealed a predatory gaze towards each other. It reminded me of their fondness for their own gender.

If amused at that encounter, I had a far more emotional response to Lindy and Angelique embracing each other.

"I missed you," I heard Angelique murmur.

I heard Lindy respond with, "I love you."

What they said after that, after the brief kiss which I figured their professionalism shortened, I couldn't hear. But Angelique's nod and her wink at me suggested I wouldn't be with just Lindy that night.

Angelique came to me and kissed me, just as briefly as she had kissed her lover, but with a warmth communicating everything I needed to know. "I know you two were worried," she said quietly. "I still love you."

"Do you understand why we were worried?"

"Not really," she pouted.

I might have pursued it, asking how she felt about Miwa, or if she planned to ever join us for Nick's Tales again, but she had things to do, and having her not swayed by Simon's manipulations in her feelings towards me and especially Lindy was enough. It would be a while anyway before the question of her surrounded by Nick and his angels would be answered, though I doubted that she'd join us for a while of ever. I could see it with her indifferent and even displeasured reaction to Miwa and Chanda and Salomé, and the worst of it, to Helena.

Helena saw it too. "Perhaps I should go," she said to me. "The less angel balancing the better anyway," she gestured towards the small audience area where Simon's Spanish angel and a Nordic beauty stared smugly at us.

I sighed. "I suppose. The way Angelique glares at you, and I think even worse, Consuela, makes me want even more to tear that asshole's head from his body."

"You and me both," she practically growled. "I'm just thankful that Eva still loves us."

I nodded. "What are you going to do?"

"Meet with Father for a while until Naomi and Tash wake up, than go visit them. I'm hoping I can talk Nick into letting them stay."

I kissed her. Eva hugged and kissed her and exchanged quiet conversation. My stunning blonde lover came to me afterwards. "You'll be with Lindy tonight," she said.

"And Angelique it appears."

"That's good," she smiled. "I'll keep company with Helena. I think we'll get to play with our Chinese cutie some more."

"Looks like it," I chuckled, watching Zhenzhen embrace and kiss my wife at the exit door. As Helena exited, I noticed Simon's Nordic angel head to the old elevator. "So childish," I murmured.

"What?' asked Eva.

"This whole balance thing. But I'm not surprised he left the Spanish angel here."

"That's Berenice. She's actually pretty cool. Likes being called Bernie believe it or not. About Rosa's age, maybe a little older."

"Why am I not surprised?" I commented.

"Don't know," Eva shrugged. "I believe Lindy wants us stretching."

When the elevator arrived, it released the Pereire women before the blonde angel disappeared inside it. Marietta, Seraphine's mother walked over to a stretching Scots Amazon. Nods and smiles told of some kind of agreement. Marietta returned to her clan.

There, Seraphine looked as she usually did, pre-submissive. She barely glanced at me, and when she did, she showed her smug indifference. I didn't know how to take it. Slighted of course, as anyone would being looked down upon. Her arrogance reduced her beauty, which probably helped, but she couldn't not be beautiful. And her body obviously couldn't be any less firm and voluptuous. I might have missed that most, except I had women in my life who easily matched and surpassed her in that way. Truth be told, I had fun with her, with our dom/sub game, with her intelligence and with her complexity. But in the end, I felt relief more than anything. I definitely had enough women in my life, all of whom I enjoyed thoroughly in the multivariate aspects of those relationships, each unique and extraordinary. I didn't need her, and she obviously no longer needed me. Except I felt a little sad for her, because I think she did sort of need me.

"Pay attention, Joe," Lindy ordered, and I obeyed, getting my body ready to dance.

During rehearsal, Samantha and Barnaby arrived. They had a later call, so to speak, and could thus sleep in, the lucky bastards. I saw them introduce themselves to the two strangers in our midst, Mei and Zhenzhen. And while Barny began his stretches—I guessed being quite a bit older he needed more stretching—Zhenzhen and Sam continued chatting. My newest lover had kept her gaze focused on us dancers from the start, and except when they glanced at each other, Sam did so as well.

When we broke for lunch, ending my part of rehearsal, I asked Lindy, "Could you bring Helena's poem and sit with me and Zhenzhen?"

"Sure," she responded with a curious and lovely grin.

"Maybe bring Consuela along, and have her bring her viola."

Her grin became even more curious when she nodded.

Knowing Zhenzhen's shyness, I decided to have them take their food into the garden to a quiet bench that only had the manmade creek as background sound, and a few songbirds.

"You do not prefer Angelique to accompany you?" my hot blooded lover asked tersely walking beside me ahead of Lindy and Zhenzhen.

I couldn't have been more flummoxed. Consuela jealous? Of her best friend? What had Simon triggered in her?

Tamping down my surprise and my disappointment in this terrible change of relationship, I simply stated, "No."

Unfortunately she snuggled against my arm and murmured, "Good." Not that having the incredibly sexy and intensely beautiful woman pressing a breast against my arm could be construed as objectionable, but the situation definitely disturbed me.

Once we filled the bench with our butts, three particularly delectable ones, and began chowing down, Lindy, sitting on the other side of Zhenzhen from me with Consuela pressing against my left side, asked, "What's up, Joe?"

"Could you give Zhen Helena's poem? How long would it take for you to translate it into Chinese, sweetheart?"

"Why?" both of them asked me.

After swallowing my bite of sandwich I explained, "Zhen has an amazing voice. I think it would create amazing harmony if she sang with Helen. Hers is high and feminine, while Helen's is almost deep enough to be masculine, and..."

"They'd reflect the pas de deux," Lindy smiled. "And Zhen singing Chinese and Sam being half Chinese ... Kind of obvious, but kind of interesting."

Zhenzhen already began reading the poem, practically tearing it from Lindy's hand, eager to see the work of her new female lover.

"Very rich," she said while still chewing on her sandwich. "It will not take me long."

"I figured," I said, knowing angels' capacity for instant memorization.

After we finished eating, Zhenzhen taking longest, her delicate nature reflected in her delicate consumption of food, even if talking with her mouth full might be construed as countering it, Consuela played the melody which Helen would sing. The second time she played it, Zhenzhen already accompanied her.

"Wow," said Lindy afterward.

I grinned proudly before kissing my cute lover.

"Joe," Zhenzhen murmured after the kiss.

"Ssh, sweetheart. You were incredible."

"What's going on?" asked Lindy.

"She's afraid to sing in front of an audience."

"You never have?" Lindy asked her.

"Just my sisters and Master and a few companions of theirs and mine," she sniffled. "At first, being a child, everyone thought 'how adorable'. Later, when I got older, my sisters teased me about anything, demonstrating marshal moves, reciting, and especially singing."

"A bunch of jealous cunts it sounds like," Consuela smirked.

"No!" Zhenzhen growled. "I think they wished me to get over myself. Even from the beginning I got nervous, and it only got worse."

"Obviously. Those cunts liked to watch you squirm and piss yourself."

"No!" Zhenzhen yelled and ran off.

"Fuck," I roared.

"I'll talk to her," Lindy said, walking quickly away.

"Have you always been a bitch," I asked the Spanish Helen clone, "or did Simon make you one?"

"I need you, Joe," she responded unsteadily. "I need you to make love to me. I know we don't have time, but I think if you could just be inside me, it would be enough."

"Are you crazy? You got jealous of your closest friend earlier, and just fucked up a chance for Zhenzhen to shine. And you want me to fuck you?"

"I want you to make love to me, Joe," she sniffled while placing her hand on my groin where my flaccid penis hid. "Please?"

Her eyes shone with tears. For some reason she never looked more desirable or beautiful. Considering her incomparable skills as a sexy flirt, this realization stunned me, perhaps making it more effective.

"Where," I finally said. She probably felt my penis harden under her hand, because she smiled. The sadness in it shook my heart. "It can't be in the Chateau," I explained. "Things went rather badly the last time."

She looked puzzled for a moment, causing me to curse Simon silently before standing and pulling me to my feet. "Come," she said.

I knew the way. We passed through the hedge, ending up at the large oak. Stripping naked, she sat on the thick root where she had placed her clothes and pulled me to her, freeing my cock.

"Wait," I said after she kissed its thickening head.

Removing my clothes, I used them for my knees to rest on. My hands gently pulled her thighs open, and I leaned forward to taste her excitement. I hadn't expected her pussy to be completely flooded with nectar.

"Joe," she moaned. "I am ready."

"But I'm not," I smiled up at her.

She smiled back. "Okay," she peeped as I scraped my tongue between her turgid labia, lapping her extended clit at the end. We didn't have much time, but I wanted to tease her a little. I kept it slow, and avoided the clit most of the time, circling it and narrowing the circle. Meanwhile, knowing she needed it, our eyes rarely lost their mutual gaze. Only when her eyes closed occasionally did our stare break.

Finally I gave her the coup de gras or coup de clit and sucked it in and licked it rapidly.

"Dios mío," she moaned loudly, shivering while pulling me harder against her and shifting upwards against my mouth. But she ended it right at the edge of orgasm, pushing me onto my back and straddling my very stiff cock and guiding it to her needy center and leaning forward and sending it in with a steady descent. Her breath caught. Her eyes went wide. Her lips turned up in a grimacing smile. Her interior fluttered around my cock. Her exterior trembled. And through it all, our eyes never stopped their connection.

When her descent finally ended, she rocked her clit against my pubic bone, extending her pleasure. "Muy bien, mi querido Joe, mi amor," she muttered.

When the last echoes of her climax ended their fluttering squeezes on my cock, her hands pulled me upwards and her mouth lowered to my mouth, only then ending our oracular connection. Very warm lips met mine gently, lingering, subtly shifting, subtly tightening and loosening.

"Turn me over and fuck me," she said when our lips broke apart.

"That's okay," I said.

"But you must cum."

"I'm okay," I half-grinned.

She pouted cutely. "Some lover I am."

"That was amazing, Consuela."

"One thrust and I am gone."

"I know," I grinned. "I loved watching it and feeling it."

She studied me and smiled. She did shift a little bit on my cock, sustaining my erection. "Mmm, that feels nice."

"It does. So, my little Spanish slut..."

"Yes. This is what I want. Your Spanish slut."

"Shit," I thought. Out loud I sighed, "I have a wife, and ... lovers."

"So? I have your baby," she rubbed her tight abdomen.

"So do they. Your half-sisters..."

"Am I not sexier than they?"

"You are," I chuckled.

"And am I not sexier than your wife?"

"No you're not. No one is."

"She is..."

"She is what?"


"Not what?"


"Human enough for me. What about Eva?"

"She is okay. Slutty but okay."

"Because she is Simon's?"

"Yes. Simon's," she practically purred.

"And Helena is Nick's?"

"Nick's. Yes," she spat.

"And Angelique?"

"She leads us. She is a genius."


"Mmm, I like when you say my name."

I pulled her off me cock, which had become half-erect and became flaccid soon after. She pouted.

"Do you even remember who you are or were or whatever?"

"I am yours."

"Get dressed!" I growled. "Now!" I added when her hand went for my genitals, pushing her onto her back.

She looked sad and confused, staring at me as we dressed.

I grabbed her hand and tugged her along beside me. In the basement, I brought her to Helen, tossing her to the floor in front of the betraying angel. "Fix her," I growled at the perfect blond beauty.

"Fix what?" Helen smirked.

"Fix her or lose her. Simon has her obsessing over me for some fucking reason. She can't have me because she can't stand my wife, and even Angelique is more competition than best friend. It's an impossible situation. Do it or you will lose her."

"Joe," Consuela muttered abjectly.

Helen sighed. "Okay." She went blank, recovered and stared into Consuela's eyes. Consuela nodded and headed to Angelique, who handed her her viola, looking worried. "She'll be fine for rehearsal," Helen informed me.

"She's more of your minion than Angelique," I realized out loud. "But Angelique fawns over you more than the others."

"Consuela's from a strong minion of Simon's. And Angelique..."

"Seeks dominants," I chuckled. "You're not worried about Lindy?"

"Or you?" she smirked.

"Right," I shook my head. "A couple of fragile mortals compared to a millennia old angel. Angelique is in love though."

"I'm glad," she responded, sharing a nod with me. Happiness for her favorite clone. Helen could actually act human. I thought compassion to be one of her weaker attributes, but considering her singing, which couldn't only be extraordinarily beautiful to be so affective, added to this moment, I realized she might not be quite the cold bitch she presented to us. The thought made me sad. Maybe she hadn't been such a reluctant or oblivious spy for Nick. Maybe, after becoming a rebellious young angel, she had realized her mistake over the centuries, and had returned to loving the first man she ever loved. Maybe both had been lying to conceal their subterfuge. But if that were so, it seemed as if Simon had finally found a way to neutralize it, and Helen had lost the love of her life for the second time, except the choice this time had not been hers.

I turned away from her while contemplating her situation, trying not to show my insights to her. She looked fairly happy though, and had a subtle glow. "Simon probably fucked her after changing her mind," I thought disgustedly. I tried not to think of who else he fucked, including Helen's clones, but couldn't avoid it.

"Joe," I heard behind me.

"Aren't you supposed to be busy?" I asked Angelique, a bitter tone unfortunately tainting the words.

She bowed her head sadly. "Is that an order, Warden?"

"What? No. Sorry."

"Good, because I would have disobeyed. Perhaps you will punish me by fucking me into submission tonight."

"You will join Lindy and me?" I smiled.

"Of course," she smiled back. "Can't wait."

"I want to ask you some things."

She led me to an unoccupied corner of the large rehearsal space and sat on the floor. When I sat beside her she slid between my legs and rested her back on my front. "Go ahead."

"What do you think of Helena?"

"I hate her."


"It doesn't matter. Besides the fact that I don't hate all that well, not much passion in it, we haven't been sharing a bed with her lately, have we?"

"But if Lindy..."

"I won't be there for those occasions. And I won't be present while your wife's asshole father gets nostalgic and sentimental. But I will be with Lindy as much as possible, and hopefully with you as often as you can join us. Okay?"


"Good. Anything else?"

"Did you fuck Simon?"

"You mean that gorgeous Aryan god, Helen's wonderful master, and the representative of all things good in humans? I don't know."

"You don't?"

"I don't remember. But someone fucked me last night."

"Not much impact then."

"Enough to notice, but no."

We laughed. "You're incredible," I told her, wrapping her small body in my long arms and kissing her neck.

"Mmm," she approved. "Only as incredible as you wish, Warden."

"I somehow doubt that. But why are we laughing about you basically getting raped?"

"Rape is about violation, a profound trauma, yes? Why then did I have a most pleasant dream last night, and today I feel only affection towards you?"

"And the dream?"

"I believe I said 'baisez-moi' and 's'il vous plais' and 'oui' quite often, you know, 'yes'."

"To whom?"

"I cannot recall, but I begged and used vous instead of tu, so a master I suppose. Simon fits best in that way. It felt somehow like you though."

"What do you mean?"

"It felt like the best fuck, and only you have provided that."


She giggled and kissed my cheek. "I should get back," she said. "Your new amour has a lovely voice."

While we talked, Zhenzhen sang with Consuela's viola. It began again, a capella, with Helen's voice as counterpoint. It sounded amazing. Angelique immediately began adjusting it, for both voices and for her half-sisters and her. Neither ancient nor young angel needed musical notations, but the mortals did, so she noted changes she made to the Double Q's sheet music in her ever present laptop, and with remarkable speed, after only a couple times through the twenty minute dance, she printed the revisions.

Lindy and her two dancers worked alongside the musicians, halting when the music halted, and Lindy tweeking movement as well. She seemed mostly to work with Sam, and I noticed she had the lithe young Chinese/Caucasian beauty close her eyes quite often, and I could see the results. Sam's dancing, already strongly emotional in Lindy's unique, gestural style, had never been so expressive, despite it being rehearsal, and I had seen Sam in real performance, albeit in an intimate space with basically friends and colleagues as audience.

I felt a little guilty about staying and not joining Betty and Nick in Nick's new suite working on his Tales. We had finally gotten the ball rolling. I thought sustaining that roll, and not having to get it back to speed, would be best. Naomi may have not been available, and possibly for a while, but I figured the drawings had been made and could be edited as is. I did hope Helena persuaded Nick to let his Jewish angel stay in Paris.

But I couldn't help but remain in the basement watching. It had to be the most mesmerizing rehearsal I had ever attended. I almost hated when Lindy called for a break, but it allowed me to check on Zhenzhen.

"So you think you can go onstage and sing?" I asked her, sitting in the chair she rarely occupied since she always stood when she sang, so we could look more eye to eye.

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THE STORY OF TWIN PAIN SLUTS CHAPTER 5 THE LATEX BALL That next day, Sunday, Helga was busy, finding the newspaper announcement, contacting the listed officials, then gathering all of the information from them. Gina made a list of all the shops that specialized in latex clothes, and sheet material. Sindy spent most of the day locating "on line" latex goods, fetish latex clothing, and any latex related items. One of the many things we learned was that a "polish" for latex was necessary...

3 years ago
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Sending a message

Sending a message The church spire was perhaps the windiest places you could find in this small town. Not to mention the hardest to get to, or the most uncomfortable to cling to. But Shay found keeping his balance here an easy job. Besides it gave him a perfect view of Palais de Versailles which was his next destination. His assignment for the last year or so had been to track down Charles Dorian, a high-profile Assassin working in France, and then eliminating him. The Templar order...

4 years ago
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The Diary of a NIPgirl 1999 2000Chapter 15

During these months, I didn't do anything special anymore, but it was the offset for my next daring thing that I would do. Because of school and other stuff, I hadn't had much time for leisure. So, walking around naked at home and having some great sex with Illiana in the weekends was all the 'special' activities I did. However, in those months, I had felt how the urge to go naked outside of my house was getting stronger. I wanted to try and walk naked somewhere where it wasn't allowed...

3 years ago
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Santas Friend Father Time

Santa’s Friend Father TimeFather Time was old. So old he wasn’t entirely sure when he began. He knew he’d been around for as long as people had been around and he was the one who whispered about the passage of time to the earliest people. It was because of those whispers that people began to count time themselves.So he found himself watching and monitoring what people did as the centuries and the millennia passed. It wasn’t until some people exploring what they would later call America that he...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Gotcha Ch 02

Frank has owned his own architectural business called, Frank & Sense, and has been quite successful for years. But the recent downturn in the housing market has buyers making offers on houses that are already built, since the prices are way below market value and new construction is so costly right now in the area. Two years ago Frank purchased a restored 1967 corvette and financed 75% of the $70K purchase price with the local branch of our bank. The third past due payment has just come due....

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Toms AdventuresChapter 8 Faces of Change

It was in the middle of summer when Moon Flower and the girls cornered Fighting Hawk about the woman. He had just returned from hunting and the woman was unloading the deer from the horse. They said that she needed a name, and that he needed to take her as his woman. He looked at them without speaking. It was Moon Flower that spoke, "There are new captives in the village, and she should be dressed. She does not complain at still being naked, or having a rope around her neck. We have to lead...

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iki yl

merhaba. ben X şehrinde yaşayan x. bir gün böyle bir siteye bu tür şeyler yazacağımı hiç ummazdım. beni buna iten belki de yaşadıklarımı kimseyle paylaşamama durumudur. evet kimseye anlatamıyorum yaşadıklarımı. çünkü evliyim ve bazen yaptıklarımdan utanıyorum. hem bir kez değil, defalarca ve değişik insanlarla yaptıklarım var. sadece birini anlatacam. ben şu an 35 yaşındayım. giyim mağazam var. 2 yıl önce eşimin de önerisiyle onun çocukluk arkadaşı olan yeşimi işe aldım.(gerçek adı değil)...

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Eden RescueChapter 4

There seemed to be no doorbell, and it was difficult for the old man to find a place to knock on the bamboo door. He tried a hard rap on the frame, but the result was a mere muted thud that he knew wouldn't carry within. It was all of a piece, he supposed. People who were looking for visitors didn't seclude themselves on remote islands in the middle of a vast ocean. It had been tough enough to even find the place; then he'd had to take three different aircraft of steadily diminishing size...

2 years ago
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Nothing Comes Free on Earth

“Ms. Esperanza, I assure you that I have set the ideal course for the nearest planet of refuge – per your instructions. We will arrive there in approximately fifteen minutes and– “ “If we’re not there in five, the only bits of us that will make it will be atmospheric dust!” Elia bit back at the voice emanating omnipresently into the cabin that was only otherwise occupied with flashing red lights and the mechanical complaints of a propulsion system failing rapidly. “.. and, in case we both die...

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A Week in Provence Chapter 2

Aroused by her reminiscing, Kristina let her hands wander over her body, palms circling over her hardening nipples, which she pinched and pulled on. Gently caressing her abdomen, which made her body twitch slightly, she reached for her inner thighs, a favorite erogenous spot, and felt her body open up, almost like a flower at dawn. With one hand still brushing lightly over her thigh, she reached with the other for her pussy, her fingers feeling her swelling clitoris and parting her labia to...

2 years ago
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My fantasy With XHam friend

I go to the mall looking for a new pair of jeans. Not really looking forward to the shopping experience so I try to make it go as fast as I can. So I go into the store and begin my task. Walking around the place until I find the men's jeans. I pick out a couple pair in my size and make my way to the dressing room. I notice the dressing rooms divide the men's and women's sections. And just as I walk into the dressing room of my choice, I notice you standing there. Looking at the bras. I feel my...

4 years ago
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Accidental Incest

The Masons were a naïve, Christian, American family. David and Esther had met while attending middle school, grew up together, but never had a chance to fully explore their sexuality before getting married and having children. They always just stuck to what they knew. The extent of their sexual exploits consisted of missionary and the occasional hand job. They ended up having three children, before deciding against having anymore. David had recently turned 42. With brown hair and eyes, and a...

1 year ago
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StepSiblings Alexis Tae Kiarra Kai Stepsister Snatch Scheming

When stepsisters get competitive, sometimes things get nasty. Today, Kiarra Kai and Alexis Tae find themselves in a fierce battle for our studs sexual attention. Kiarra sucks him off with a deft prowess that leaves his balls totally sapped. Then Alexis rides his pole, giving her sexy stepsister the finger as she bounces. But when our stud finds out that the two girls are fighting over him, he sets up an extra sexual competition. They share his fat cock before taking turns riding his dong to...

3 years ago
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Lovemaking With Simran 8211 Wow

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net I have worked across many countries and work for an MNC and live in Bangalore. Married with kids, 50 years and 5’10”. Life is good, but love and intimacy have not been there for years! I was on the lookout for some fun, intimacy, and sex but has to be extremely discreet. I was a senior member in one of the forums and there was a very nice looking woman by the name of Simran who was leading the coordination of the group. Let me...

1 year ago
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TeenPies Maya Bijou Pow Right In The Pussy

Maya is a rough day. She just broke up with her boyfriend and she hasnt gotten fucked good in a hot minute. She reaches out to one of her exes best friend Dylan for some consolation. Maya tells him of her woes, and even brings up her exes obsession with facial porn, which she just couldnt stand. She likes the way it feels but hates the way it tastes and smells. She would much rather have it soaking in her pussy. She requested this for her birthday (which was today) yet he still busted on her...

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The Futa Fairy Futa MILFs Harem Wish Chapter 3 Mrs Fatimas Fertile Harem

Chapter Three: Mrs. Fatima's Fertile Harem By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 A nervous energy filled the apartment as the girls rushed through the house to get ready for college. All but poor Alesha were dripping with futa-cum. My futa-cum. Sa'dia, my eldest daughter, twenty and lovely, flounced by, her green eyes flashing. Those emerald orbs set in her dusky face gave her such an exotic beauty. “Thanks for breakfast, Mother,” she said, snagging a plate and hurrying to the table to join...

3 years ago
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Furniture Anyone

My wife Krista has always had a penchant for teasing and flashing herself in public. While subtle about it, she nonetheless gets a tremendous rush from showing herself to men when they can least do anything about it – and usually when they’re with their wife or girlfriend. She says it’s a public service since the guy probably gets turned on, goes home and fucks his lady like never before. I know, but hey, that’s her theory. Her first experience with it occurred when she was just 19. After a day...

1 year ago
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Our First Time

You will get a knock on your door not knowing who it is you open the door. I immediately enter your home and start making out with as I am making out with you we start to move to your kitchen table as my hand moves to your supple breasts. I start removing your clothing as you start removing mine. Then I lay you down on the table and I start licking your pussy with long passionate licks. When I start to sense your high tend arousal I start figuring your clit between licks. Next I climb up on the...

2 years ago
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Jim and Stacy Naked in SchoolChapter 2

Tuesday morning: When Jim and Stacy got to school Tuesday morning the clothes boxes were setting outside the front doors. The bus had, for, once gotten them to school early. They stripped quickly, with the intention of getting into the building before the crowds got there. The doors were locked. Since the boxes also locked as soon as they were closed, they had to stand in front of the doors naked. Jim commented that they knew not to do that again, as they stood there waiting for the doors to...

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The Realtor

This is a work of fiction... but every girl has a fantasy... right?I am a happily married woman in her 40s who sells real estate. I have been doing this for many years and I have been very successful. I pride myself on being professional at all times and carrying myself in an way that shows style and an upscale lifestyle. This has led me to be known for having the highest priced listings and being connected to the finest homes in our area.I buy a new Mercedes every other year and but my clothes...

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Best Customer Service

The best customer ever! I have been in the plumbing business my whole life and I have had my share of Horny house wives calling up to get a young service man to come over and service their needs. I have had my share of women as well and I am always willing to help out a horny lady anytime. But I was never thinking that I would be sharing a story like this one. It all started on a hot summer morning and I was working in the office like I have been for the last few years. I mostly do the take...

3 years ago
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Sex In Uttrakhand 8211 Part II

Hello,, I am Deenu age 22 From Uttrakhand now in delhi, Main aaj apko apni story batana cahta hu jo maray santh uttrakhand may huwi thi ye aaj say 2 sal pahlay ki baat hai jab main 12th ki padayi ker raha tha or unhi dinu maray uncle ki sadi huwi thi or hum logon nay bahut enjoy kiya tha or humaray goan may hardly 20-22 gher hai .mari aunty thodi sawnli(light black) thi but figer unka ansa ki koye bhi apnay hosh kho day. After 18-20 maray uncle wapas aa gaye fir mujay jab bhi moka milta main...

2 years ago
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Before the EnergistsChapter 6 Touch Me

Mike’s Apartment, Tuscaloosa, AL 6:45pm, Wednesday, January 8, 2003 “Welcome to my humble abode, my lovely lady,” I deadpanned to Kaleigh as I opened the door for her. I hit the switch for the lights for around my leather couch and loveseat. Immediately afterward, I bowed slightly for Kaleigh and swung my arm into the entrance of my apartment. I did that for two reasons. The first was to show off a touch of chivalry to M’lady. The second became surprisingly apparent to Kaleigh as she...

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Visitors while Naked in the Garden

Tess is my wife of 20 years and she loves to strip off all her clothes at home and tan in the sun around the pool or simply tend to her organic veg garden in the nick. The c***dren are out of the house and we are free to do as we please. We love stripping off on the weekends and spend all our time naked. This leads to some really sexy times especially when Tess has just shaved her lovely pussy, this I can’t resist. It is fortunate that we stay on a small farm in a peri urban environment.One...

4 years ago
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Showing my Sister Part 2

by Vanessa Evans Part 02 During the next 3 weeks Mary had some VERY embarrassing experiences. For starters, after she’d cleaned-up after the party Zack told her to finish shortening her dresses and skirts then model them, then shorten them some more. He wasn’t happy until 3 of them were just long enough to cover her butt at the back, but not long enough to cover her slit at the front. “Those are for if you go out before our parents get back, and for our holiday.” Zack said. “Are telling me...

2 years ago
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Godless and Faithless Chapter 4

Theirs had been a resounding victory. All the bandits they knew of were dead. They took longer than expected, as they had to deal with another two dozen women and girls rescued from the bandits. Then there was the packing of the loot. The bandits had been busy, they had plenty of food and even more weapons. Nothing too amazing as Alta was not a rich country. The bandits had been attacking both the Inimi and coalition forces, hitting their supply lines. Rayner told him the bandit boss was an...

4 years ago
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Robbing the BunkerChapter 9 The Day After

After cuddling for a while, Andrea, Lucy, and I unstuck our bodies from each other. The girls went to Lucy's room and I snuck back upstairs to my apartment. My head throbbed, like a massive hangover after a night of drinking cheap tequila. Pitching forward into bed, I fell unconscious. Dreams came to me; slowly coming into focus like the light of the sun becomes clearer to a diver ascending from the depths. In my dreams, I was climbing stone stairs. Drums boomed out the cadence as I marched...

3 years ago
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The PhotoChapter 2

Siobhan sent Mike back to his room with a warm (but not passionate) thank you kiss on the lips. He navigated there on auto-pilot, performed his usual bedtime routine and got himself into bed, all in a daze; partly due to his lack of sleep the previous night, but mainly due to the emotional overload of a day spent in Siobhan’s company, rounded off with that kiss. A good night’s sleep and the challenge of getting Siobhan away without alerting the media focussed his problem-solving abilities and...

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RayChapter 3

It has been six months since Ray had the dinner date with Peg. In that time a number of things had transpired. Probably the biggest event was that Ray's significant other became less significant. Ray would not commit to marriage and she enjoyed her time with her grandkids so much that she had decided to move to Texas. Ray was sad to see her move but he didn't love her nor was he going to move to Texas. Ray wished her the best and hoped she would be happy. She had been good to Ray and she...

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cheating on my husband

cheating on my husband- by Rebecca oh im Rebecca and I have the best life ever my husband is very good to me and im good to him! I just like to be fucked a lot and my husband works day in and day out and he just cant fill my wants and needs so while my husbands away! im fucking around and even with him home asleep just in the next room I have guys come over and fuck me in the basement or in our guestroom! here it goes!!!ok one night my husband was asleep in our bedroom and I was felling freaky...

3 years ago
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The Lure Power of An Werewolf

All of us were dancing and singing to the latest popular songs. Our hair getting sweaty falling from the style we had it in. Whoever says a girl stay pretty always was a liar or he partied with the wrong women..hehe. We all decided that we were going to see our boyfriends. We begin to drink alot of soda. It helped some not alot. We were able to walk straight and see straight to get us where we was going. Text our boyfriends of our coming. I drove, I honestly did not drink that much, but enough...

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The UpgradeChapter 3

The summer went by, with the girls relaxing, worshiping the sun, and getting nice tans. Shirley’s freckles loved the sun, and I loved them. Cuteness multiplied. Jen just tanned. Gorgeous. Both of them. They had both gone through their company doctor’s appointments with flying colors, our good doctor referring Jen to a different endocrinologist than she had, but making sure her records followed her. There were adjustments in her meds now that the testicles had been removed, and related...

2 years ago
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I now own this slut Part 5

There she lay: sideways on her husband's side of the bed, waist at the edge where I was standing, knees pulled up to her chest, full and leaking lactating breasts, very long nipples, a wet pussy spread and full of my cock, a baby monitor interrupting with gently noises from her young daughter in another room.... and her pleading with me NOT to cum inside her very fertile hole and to put it into her ass!I withdrew from her creamy pussy and lined up to her tight little rosebud, all wet with my...

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Hot Summer Night

It was a hot summer night, and the heat was burning, and all over the land, the people were going to the bars for a cold beer. One such bar was 'Caseys', situated a short distance from the interstate, and a simple few minutes walk to the town. Caseys sold ice cold beer that was brewed on the premises, it was refreshingly cold and very tasty. Nothing else was being sold.The town clock struck ten, and the Westside doors opened and in walked a stranger, a modestly tall man, a hunter or a hiker by...

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The Awakening

The Awakening by BobH (c) 2011, 2013 Four years ago someone murdered me. I was determined to find out who, and to make them pay. 1. The Party It all began at the firm's annual party. To the casual viewer this was an excuse for us to relax and for our spouses and significant others to socialize. In reality it was more like the Roman arena, a killing ground in which we associates warily circled each other, looking for ways to curry favour with the partners and to do each...

1 year ago
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I had spent the previous week mostly naked around the house, along with my son, Shane. He had unexpectedly come home from college over the prior weekend, and started blackmailing me after catching me fucking my husband’s boss right after Frank left for his business trip. Shane had decided he wouldn’t tell his father about it as long as we were always naked around the house whenever Frank was away, and he had unfettered sexual access to me whenever he wanted. As a result, I’d been sucking and...

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I Moved Into a New Apartment

Jase moved into his new apartment and was standing on the small entrance balcony when he saw someone coming up the stairs. His eyes opened wide when he saw the tall, slender, and very attractive woman and thought, things are looking up! She got to the top of the stairs and spotted him, but then she looked down.He held out his hand, “Hi, I’m Jase, I guess we are neighbors.”She looked at his hand, “Look, I’m sure you’re a nice guy, but once the other people start talking about me, I’m the last...

2 years ago
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Becoming Daddys Good GirlChapter 7 Bratty Sister Gets Spanked

A hand shook my shoulder as I slept. I didn’t want to wake up. I was still so tired from yesterday. So much had happened yesterday. I went on a roller coaster of emotions. It started off with Daddy taking me to a private dungeon to show off how much of a good girl I was. My fourteen-year-old body was on display for the other Master’s and their submissive sex slaves, some as young as me, others older. There were even mother/daughter teams of submissives. That should have been a clue for what...

1 year ago
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Fucking My Auntie And Her Friend On A Yacht

Hi, I Am 19 years old , I am 6 ft 3 , slim-muscular build , Tanned , Brown Hair ,Blue eyes , 9.5 inch uncut,A few weeks ago my auntie and uncle who live in spain , phoned my mum and asked if we would like to go over for a week or two to catch up on old times.My Mum was Busy In work and couldnt get the time off , i had just finished college so i asked if it was ok if i went over alone for a week , and they happily agreed.Before i Knew it i was in Spain , I Arrived at their villa in a taxi and...

1 year ago
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Florida Vacation

It was my senior summer of high school. I had finished top of my class. In celebration my family decided to take a summer vacation to Florida. I was thrilled. I couldn’t wait to hit the beach. I had heard Florida had some of the best beaches in the world. My family and I had flown to Florida from our small town in Oregon. I was thrilled to be in such a different scene. I was just a common small town girl, who was ready to have some fun. And boy would I have some fun maybe more than I ever...

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Munts To The Rescue

Jake was in a wheelchair. The doctors told him after his car accident that his chances of walking again were pretty good if he followed a course of intensive physical rehab. For the next year his pretty young wife Lola accompanied him to the best rehab center in the area. Every other day an ambulette was sent to pick them up and drive the 45 miles to the center. The firm payed for everything even a private driver. Munts was his name and from the first day Jake could feel the chemistry between...

1 year ago
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Waiting for it

He had wanted her for more years than he could remember. Now she was near him, leaning on the balcony of the bedroom of her holiday hotel in Menorca. She was wearing a loose, crop top t-shirt and beige shorts with an elasticated waist. Her back was to him now but later….. He moved up behind her and put his hands on her hips, just standing slightly apart from her – he expected her to resist or pull away but she moved her body back to press against his loins. He moved his hands round and up under...

2 years ago
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wife fucked in bus

My wife Nirmala and myself, are a married couple, living in Mumbai, with our three small c***dren. We are in our early thirties. Nirmala is a very pretty woman, though quite short ( she is only 4' 8 " ). But she has beautiful facial features, lovely breasts and amazingly shapely buttocks. In-fact, very few people can make out, that she is the mother of three c***dren. My wife is an introvert by nature - very shy and bashful. My wife loves me a lot. We have a good married life and she is very...

4 years ago
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Claras MindControlling Tweets 3 Quarterback and His Naughty Little Sisters

Chapter Three: Quarterback and His Naughty Little Sisters By mypenname3000 Commissioned by n1one Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by n1one and the story was crafted by fans on his discord server. Clara has a big grin on her face. Rumors are whispering about that those two skanks, Juliet and Annabelle, are having slut-off competition with creepy Mr. Finch as the judge. Some tweet that the two are always asking people for crazy sex acts for them to prove who's the biggest...

1 year ago
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Freedom of AssociationChapter 4

For those who are lucky enough, success in poetry, or in any art for that matter, may come early in one’s career. To stay a successful poet over a lifetime though—that’s the trick. Amanda felt as though she had made a deal with the devil in some unconscious dream, and due to either her negotiating skills with the Lord of the Underworld or just dumb luck, she landed a tenure- track professorship at Seton Hall a week after her twenty-seventh birthday, a year and three months after her divorce...

2 years ago
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First Time Youre a Lesbian Now

I was 35 before I had sex with another woman. I admit having thought about it; I think most girls do. I had masturbated to pictures of women in my brother's Playboys, but never saw myself actually having lesbian sex.I liked boys. Or thought I did. My first boyfriend, Jock, owned a Harley-Davidson motorcycle, and I think I was more in love with that bike than Jock. I rode everywhere with him on the back of it, but would never take the controls. I didn't want to look like a dyke. Anyway, I...

4 years ago
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A King and His QueenChapter 26 Sound Effects and Animations

Millie stood in the center of the office. When Andrew turned to watch her, she started stripping out of her clothes. She didn't shed her clothes in the manner of a stripper, but in a business-like fashion that was strangely erotic. She would remove an item of clothing, carefully fold it, and then place it upon a chair. Andrew always had the impression that he was a voyeur watching a woman undress for the evening. Once she was undressed, she approached him. Normally, she would get under the...

1 year ago
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Im a Woman

I awoke to his lips on my neck and his lovely thick prick nudging against my bottom, I pressed myself back at him and moaned softly as he entered me, his rock hard erection filling my anus delightfully. "Mmm perfect" I said softly and pushed myself back against him. We moved together slowly, enjoying each other and enjoying the thought of no work for another whole week, We'd been at the office Christmas party the previous night, booze was flowing, everyone was dancing and flirting, even...

4 years ago
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Just Construction Bums

I work in the construction industry. . . not one of those who work the red iron members of an erection gang or a boltup gang but I used to be. I’d started out of high school, as an apprentice, worked myself up to Foreman, and now I was a superintendent building bridges and tall buildings. The work takes me all over the country for varying lengths of time and has left me with little social life. My friends are those I have through my work. I drink only moderately, never to the point of...

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What do Asian girls in bikinis have to do with dudes getting their dicks grabbed by river crabs? How about nice thick asses on teenagers, sluts showing their O-faces, and memes about jacking off in the river? I know this is a goddamn mystery, so I’ll give you one more example before the big reveal. Where can you find sexy professional models posing on rooftops, comics about accidentally groping some girl’s giant boobies, voyeur shots of the lady downstairs sunbathing nude on her balcony? Or...

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Cat 3 Movie! To tell you the truth, I love a site that allows users to watch and submit porn. Look at it this way; most porn lovers do know their tastes and they are likely to submit as diverse content as you can imagine. The site I’m about to review fits that description. Cat3movie.us allows users to submit Japanese porn, amazing Asian porn, Indian, Vietnam, cartoon porn and what have you. There is no kind of porn you won’t find here especially considering the colorful tastes some freaks have....

Asian Porn Sites
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Dizzy Izzy

New York on a rain-filled fall night is not a pleasant place to be. This was beyond rainy… it was torrential. In desperation to get to shelter, I dashed into a doorway of a bar across the street. The place was empty, with the exception of a solitary barman reading a book at the bar. I whipped the rain from my hair and face and sat on a barstool.“What’ll be your pleasure?” the barkeep asked as he came to face me.“What kinds of scotch do you have?”He recited a litany of unremarkable brands....

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