Zhenzhen - An InterludeChapter 3 free porn video

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I didn't notice falling asleep until my wife woke me up. She and Eva had dressed. I didn't see Zhenzhen. "You need to hurry," said Helena. I nodded, knowing Lindy's command needed to be obeyed. "Zhen's in her room," Helena told me without my asking. "Probably had to eject those oriental sluts and their conquests from her bed before napping. Mei let us know she's dressing."

After pissing, and not needing to shower or having the time if I did, I dressed quickly and hurried out to the front of the apartment building, Zhenzhen greeting me with a kiss. We entered the Chinese Ambassador's limo.

"So, did you have to kick out those lovers?" I asked Zhenzhen.

"Yes," she blushed, "but Miwa didn't leave with them. She wanted my body, kissing me and fondling me and sucking me to release."

"So you didn't need me to cum?" I chuckled.

"I felt comfortable with her. I really like her. She's so intense, especially when she dances. And she definitely knows her way around a pussy."

"And no strange men making you feel uncomfortable."

"Maybe not so much uncomfortable as reminding me they are not you," she smiled and kissed me.

At rehearsal, her amazing voice once more mesmerized me, along with the ever improving pas de deux. "Excellent," Lindy beamed after the one go through. "Let's eat. I'm starved."

I noticed Seraphine's absence and her mother's presence, sitting intimately with JB and Sheila. While the latter fact continued bothering me, the former gave me some relief.

But by the end of our rehearsal, Seraphine did arrive. Since lovers surrounded me, with Helena on one side and Zhenzhen on the other and Eva beside her, the beautiful Jewess, looking submissive, took a seat in front of Zhenzhen. "They kicked me out," she shrugged. "They want time alone before Michiko dashes off to catch the last shuttle to Amsterdam."

"You okay?" I asked.

"Much better," she smiled. "I just wish ... Master..."

I shook my head and she sighed. "I'm busy," I explained. "Not just with Nick's work, but with being with my wife."

Looking around, I spotted Gia, who seemed to enjoy annoying her former sister angels by her presence and probably Simon indirectly. That she kept company with either Mei or Salomé, or more often both, since the two most ancient angels had become best friends, probably enabled security from any threat Simon might have brought as revenge. He had no qualms about sacrificing her, and her becoming a traitor made killing her no longer a trade off, but a priority. At least I speculated that may be the case. She did seem to insure she wouldn't be alone at the Chateau.

"Go to Gia, Vache" I commanded. "Tell her she is to be your mistress."

"I want to play, too," said Eva.

"Even better," I smirked. "Vache?"

"I will be her slut, Master."

"Good." Before Eva left, I whispered, "Will Gia be safe?"

"Mei will accompany them," said Zhenzhen. When Seraphine and Eva left, Zhenzhen added, "She wishes to negotiate with Simon via Eva. Any threat to Xo's newest angel will result in retribution."

"Good," I nodded, kissing the cutie.

Lindy looked well kissed when she came to us. I glanced at Angelique, who winked at me. "Let's go," Lindy said.

We worked into the evening on Nick's Tales, with my wife once again fetching dinner which we only realized we needed when we chowed down. Zhenzhen seemed to enjoy her first real encounter with the work. She ended up adding valuable insights on occasion with her fresh eyes and ears. Tash had done something similar before, with perhaps a writer's skill adding to it, but she remained in her room working relentlessly on her play. I did bother her a couple times to bring her food and to check on her. Both times she didn't seem bothered, and actually read me things in which she needed feedback. Though the clumsiest moments in her writing, they still revealed the impressive brilliance of the work.

Finally it came time to see the Quadruplet Quartet. Eva became our conduit for tickets since Simon's minions ran the show. Most chose, of course, to sit center and close. I hoped the legendary Opera had great acoustics, because I chose to sit up in the balcony and back a few rows, but also at the center. I wanted to experience the grandeur of it, and witness the audience, and perhaps feel more comfortable surrounded by students in the less expensive seats.

Though I tried to convince them they didn't have to follow my lead, my ladies, meaning my three impregnated angels and Lindy, pretty much surrounded me there. Nick and the rest of his contingent sat below and close. The only one who debated it inside her mind was Tash, who more and more could be considered a friend and lover. Pointing out I had seen the Double Q perform often, and as intimately as possible, even if they hadn't performed the pieces they would be performing that night, and Tash had only seen them in San Francisco playing the music for Lindy's choreography finally convinced her my odd choice shouldn't be hers.

Essentially the over three hour concert with fifteen minute intermission would be the same for all four performances. But there would be differences as well. Each half began with an interpretation of a classic piece, a sort of set-up for the direction the rest of the pieces, all written by Angelique, would go. But Angelique used different pieces every night, similar, and often by the same composer, but different. And each half would have a short piece at its center only played on one night.

Thursday turned out to be the most avant-garde of the evenings with the set-up pieces and with the center pieces. And even the repeated pieces ended up being more ballsy and less elegant, letting go a bit in anticipation of more careful execution for the snootier audiences for the other shows.

Many of the youthful audience remained afterwards for questions, the main floor of the auditorium over half full. After nearly an hour of fascinating and amusing dialogue, someone brought up she had heard the other shows would have encores with dance. "Would you like a sample?" Angelique asked, in French of course, knowing the response. "Lindy?"

As usual, Lindy wore a top that clung to her shape like a leotard, more dressy looking than usual. She wore a long skirt with a high waist that somehow revealed her strong abdomen beneath it. As she came to the stage, Angelique explained, "This is not one of the pieces we have prepared for the other encores, but one which Lindy and my group have been working on surreptitiously. I think it perfectly represents Lindy's brilliant choreography."

The audience murmured and chuckled when Lindy came up to Angelique and kissed her. "We call it 'Awake: a Wake'," Angelique announced the title in English. "Ladies and gentlemen, Lindy Rieman!"

Lindy, in a tattered robe, danced the body's failing and dying, ending up on the floor. She arose from it, leaving the robe behind as if leaving the old body, her dance responding gesturally, in her inimitable style, to words spoken by the Double Q while they played, and Helen at her deepest, a masculine alto. The words invoked stories and embarrassments in a woman's life, much like a wake.

Of course Angelique's score, with combinations of notes decaying like the woman, staccato pops, swooping extended bowing and the Dadaist chanting of phrases, words and phonemes, added its own brilliance to the performance making for an exquisite and breathtaking ten minutes.

Loud applause followed, ending the wonderful evening.

"You two planned that," I whispered into Lindy's ear backstage.

She pressed her sweaty body against me and gave me one of those thrilling tilted grins. "Can I have one more night with you?" she asked. "For Angelique and Consuela more than me."



"I need permission from my better half."

When I asked Helena, she sighed. "You're making it difficult remaining monogamous."

"I'm sorry. You know how..."

Her face lit up in a mischievous grin. "Just teasing you, Joe. Have fun with them. I'm glad about Consuela, and I'm sure you are too." She giggled when I refused to agree.

"Can I come too?" asked Zhenzhen.

I saw Eva actually pout. Looking at her, I said, "Only if you let us use your bed, Zhenzhen, and we end the night cuddling with my wife and Eva."

"I'd like that," Zhenzhen squeaked adorably while Eva smiled.

"My boss gave me permission," I told Lindy.

Miwa stood with her looking a little sad. "I wish I could join you and bring some of my pleasure tools," the last bit bringing a little grin to her beautiful face. She shrugged, "The asshole seems to have made that impossible."

Lindy and I nodded with bitter expressions. Angelique and especially Consuela would not be able to stand Miwa's presence in bed with them because of Simon's chemical brainwashing.

"How have things been going with Sam and Barnaby?" I asked her.

"Sam very much prefers men," she responded. "I think Barny wishes otherwise, as do I, both in getting me intimate with his lover and with him. Zhenzhen saw the result of some of that frustration last night."

Zhenzhen nodded. "You seemed more excited by me and Gia than your man."

Miwa kissed her. "I was, but needed a cock as well. Anyway, I'm working on it. Sam and I are getting closer and closer in our friendship. The spark of love is there, but we need to wait for her to invite me into their bed, or into a sexual relationship since I'm often with them in their bedroom when they get amorous, slipping out so as not to make her uncomfortable. I can barely wait to hear her call me back to join them."

"You think she will?"

"I'm certain. She has been asking about my relationship with Barny and Barny has been very careful describing his past with me so as not to develop any jealousy."

"A narrow edge," said Lindy.

"Don't worry. I've been coaching him."

We chuckled. Lindy kissed her before she strode off to join her two dancers.

In the Ambassador's limo, I settled in between Consuela and Angelique, both giving me an intensely sensual kiss, the hot Spaniard's especially hot. Their hands shared the space in my lap where my erection grew.

I looked across at Lindy and Zhenzhen grinning at me, and finally asked Lindy, "Yesterday you said something about getting impregnated."

Lindy blushed. "It was of the moment, Joe. The thought added to my excitement."

"Mine, too, but..."

"I'm on the pill, Joe. You know that."


"I'm not ready. I know I will be someday."

"I understand. But you know the pill isn't 100%. And you know how potent my seed is."

"I would have your child, Joe. I have had an abortion, and I feel it was the right thing to do, but never with your child."

"Of course not," Angelique and Consuela said simultaneously, lightening the mood, with everyone chuckling.

"I'd miss your dancing," Angelique added. "But your choreography would always continue."

"I'm not ready, Slave," Lindy growled.

"I'm sorry, Wardeness," Angelique bowed her head submissively.

"On your knees and suck my cunt, Slut!" Spreading her legs and pulling up the long skirt, she revealed nakedness behind the snaps that held her leotard shirt tight to her body.

"You are wet and hot inside, Wardeness," Angelique commented.

"Don't talk with your mouth full, Slut," Lindy growled.

Pulling her top down past her breasts, Zhenzhen took hold of the exposed nipples, one in hand and one in mouth.

Consuela, having my cock to herself, unleashed it from my pants and boxers and sent it deep into her mouth. Once fully hard only seconds later, it entered her throat. "Fuck," I moaned.

"Okay," Consuela rasped, nudging me towards the end of the seat, removing her panties, and guiding me into her hot center facing away from me. She leaned back once she had me fully embedded, which happened on her second descent, and brought my mouth to hers and sent her tongue out to wrestle with my tongue.

During the French kiss, she barely moved. When it ended, she shifted sideways and bent down until her mouth pressed against her half-sisters pale posterior, bared by a lifting of the skirt and a pulling down of the lacey panties.

Once the panties had been removed completely, Angelique spread her legs wider and shifted slightly towards the eager mouth.

I immediately took control of the fucking, pulling Consuela's sweet ass against my pelvis as I thrust it forward. I saw Consuela's hand, the one not occupied with assisting her mouth, disappear underneath her, and felt its fingers press along my shaft while she rubbed her clit.

I wanted to feel her small, hanging breasts, but her lovely butt had to do in order to keep balance. She didn't seem to need the stimulation. Her guttural moan, along with her tight undulations signaling a rather quick though intense climax, triggered a smaller one from her sister, which in turn brought Lindy to trembling climax as well.

"Fuck her, Joe," Consuela ordered breathlessly, pulling off my rigid cock and removing herself from between me and my destination.

I kneeled and brought Angelique's pussy up and Consuela guided me in. I kept my thrusts slow but intense, wanting my little French slut to feel all of me. Consuela helped my efforts by rubbing Angelique's clit. And Lindy leaned down, freeing Angelique's breasts, and massaging them, twisting nipples at the end of each caress. Soon, she concentrated on the nipples. My thrusts quickened and remained intense at Angelique's insistence. Like always, when fucking, my lovely, passive slave tended towards aggression. Her backward thrusts equaled my forward ones.

When she came, she came as profoundly as the earlier one had been quiet. She stiffened and shivered, sending forth almost a keening squeal. Her convulsive milking throbs inside of her pulled the cum right out of me. I too shook with overwhelming pleasure, undulating, each forward wave of my body sending forth another powerful shot of potent cream.

Though eventful, the sex lasted shorter than I imagined, and we hadn't arrived at the apartment building until we had cleaned and dressed, the cleaning rudimentary, and in my case, exclusively using Consuela's mouth.

Upstairs we got naked and focused on Zhenzhen. To make room for the others, I sat at the head of the bed with Zhenzhen's head resting on my thigh. She and Lindy played with my cock, kissing it, sucking it, lips sometimes meeting around it. They would kiss, and Zhenzhen's small hand caressed my cock alone.

Oddly, they chatted as well, getting to know each other while, almost as an afterthought, inducing pleasure for me. Often a sigh or moan would enter the conversation, emanating from Zhenzhen.

Seeming to want this odd new friendship to continue, Zhenzhen informed the Helen clones, "Miwa left me a strap-on."

Consuela giggled and dashed to the drawer Zhenzhen pointed out. "There's two!" she exclaimed, showing us a Joe sized dildo and a thinner, anal sized one.

"Good," Zhenzhen murmured. "How do you want me?"

"On your knees," said Angelique. "Let me crawl underneath you. The Spanish slut will fuck your ass."

"With pleasure," said Consuela.

I saw her coat the thin dildo with Snake essence and shove fingers saturated with it once Zhenzhen had eased onto Angelique's cock.

Familiar Mandarin uttered from Zhenzhen's lips immediately upon the second penetration. She let Consuela ease in only for a little while before thrusting backwards, impaling herself completely, and almost letting Angelique's cock escape. A chaos of thrusts and counter-thrusts soon followed, and not long after that, Zhenzhen's body quaked in orgasm.

"Keep going," she managed to murmur in the midst of it.

And they did, fucking her harder and faster and just as chaotically. Two more orgasms followed, the last ending things when Zhenzhen's body became inert.

Throughout, Zhenzhen kept her focus on Lindy and my cock hovering between them. She held it, almost painfully sometimes, at the base. Lindy would suck on it on occasion, or rub the head with her hand.

My hands rested on Zhenzhen's beautiful pale breasts, massaging them and pinching nipples. And I watched, amazed, as my best friend and my newest love seemed to bond despite the incredible distraction being given the latter.

The two gorgeous musicians pulled out carefully from the orifices their fake cocks had occupied. They had the sweat on them of effort and excitement. Both had helped the phalanges on dildos to bring forth their own orgasms. Removing the naughty contraptions, they brought them to the bathroom to clean.

"I want to shower with you," Zhenzhen murmured to Lindy.

"I am a bit sweaty," Lindy responded with regret.

"I love the smell of you," Zhenzhen argued.

"Me too," I said.

"Thanks," Lindy grinned her special grin.

"I love your smile," said Zhenzhen.

"Me too," I said again.

"Such an eloquent man," Lindy mock sighed.

"And yet his communication couldn't be clearer," Zhenzhen defended me.

"True," Lindy giggled and kissed both of us briefly. "I have to admit, Zhen..." she started tentatively.

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King Frederick of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 2 January, 1832 I could not help fancying that the cheers of the people as we departed London sounded rather more heartfelt than they had upon my arrival 19 months previously. Nevertheless, I had determined to spend as little time in the capital as possible, and intended to return to Brighton at the conclusion of this tour. As soon as we had traveled far enough outside the capital to be assured that there were no...

4 years ago
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Innocent BIL And Husband 8211 Part 18

Hi, Reader. I know the first question you have in your mind seeing a multi-part story with an episode number higher than 10.  You may wonder/guess, “What is there to tell a sex story with 13+ parts?  Maybe in each episode male character will fuck one girl. Otherwise in each episode male character will fuck a girl in a different environment like pool, bed, bath, etc.” his is not that type of story, this is like a novel which has all the ingredients like a strong addictive storyline,...

2 years ago
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The Perils of Wanda Mitty

Chapter 1 Mr. Johnson peeked over the top of his American History textbook and zoomed in on the last girl in last row. The pretty 16 year old teenager was NOT by any stretch of the imagination ... petite! Her curves were far too rounded for things like cheerleading or gymnastics. In all honesty, Wanda Mitty was what one would describe as a "big" girl. The lesson was about the War of 1812 between the British and the newly sovereign country of America. It was really a very odd set of...

4 years ago
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A involuntary pact

"Be carefully, Smith, don't bend forward so much to read, otherwise you will knock something over," Jim could hear a voice say behind him. He hadn't to turn around to know it was Billy, the school bully, who was targeting him already. Bully's friends were laughing as Jim tried to ignore his mocking. "Hey, I'm talking to you," Billy said more angry and a moment later Jim felt how he was pushed forward. He struggled for balance for a moment before he felt over and knocked against the item in...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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My Thoughts Last Night While I Was

I place my pillows by the headboard of my bed, climb in, and sit up with my back against the softness of the pillows. I am wearing my light blue cotton nightgown with cap sleeves and a low neck line. I slip my left hand through the top opening of my nightgown and begin caressing my right breast. I slowly run my fingers over my nipple until it stands erect. Now I move my hand to my left breast and continue with the same gentle maneuvers. I open my legs as wide as I can. I reach for my hand held...

3 years ago
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Sex Relationship With My Mom

Hello. My name is Ravi. I’m from Andhra Pradesh India. This story is about my sex relationship with my mom. From many months since I was 18, I had lust towards my mom. My desire for her started on the day when I saw her in a saree that was almost transparent. That was the first time she wore a sexy dress. I jerked for almost 3-4 times that day imagining her. From that day I used to see her body differently. Whenever she was cleaning the house and wiping the floor I used to see her with lust and...

2 years ago
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Wandering MindsChapter 19

The second event that brought Seth further out of his funk was meeting a girl. Seth had been a virgin until college, and ever since then all the girls that he'd fucked had been seduced under the influence, as it were. So when Seth locked eyes with the stunning redhead across the cafeteria, he wasn't sure what to do. He had never seen her before, but there was an immediate attraction. At first he wrote it off, because she was beautiful enough that he was sure that most guys, and probably...

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Melissas Revenge

Melissa and Holly had been best friends since grade school. They played together, they went on vacations together, and they both grew into beautiful teenage girls together. The problem between them didn't surface until they had been going out with boys for a few years. It would be easy to say that boys were the cause of the problem, but they weren't, not really. The boys just provided the flash-point for the jealousy that had been simmering for some time. Melissa had been dating Scott for...

2 years ago
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Building a CAP Based FutureChapter 73 Off on Another Outing

The final two weeks of the school year passed quickly and painlessly for my friends and me. We studied often during the first week leading up to the finals. After the last final we gathered chairs and tables and took over the backyard of the house. Morgan set up in the middle of the yard and looked around at all of us. "I guess it is summertime. And I'm hoping everyone has enjoyed the activities so far," he began. "Some more than others," Jason called back. "Can we formally protest...

2 years ago
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Erotic Drive

Erotica Drive As we drive along the highway, I put my hand on your leg just above the knee and caress your inner thigh, feeling the softness of your skin with my finger tips. Slowly, I stroke my fingers back and forth and your skin feels warm and smooth to my touch. Your slender legs part a little more, and I gradually move my hand up your inner thigh, inch by sensuous inch, making little circular motions and lightly caressing your skin with the tips of my fingers. My hand finally reaches the...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Encounter Part 2 The Morning After

Slowly I began to stir from my sleep. The crisp sheet made a scrunching sound as I moved. My senses slowly came back to me and I became aware of the uncomfortable shape in which my body was laying. I was positioned face down with my collar bone pressed against the bulky pillows. This posture wasn't uncommon for me, but the thick pillows felt like they were wrapping themselves around my face. My arms were packed tightly underneath the pillows and I tugged until they emerged. I got my arms...

Straight Sex
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Part 2== Chapter 2 Time passed and passed and passed the big grandfather clock down in the living room clanged 9 o'clock:: 10 o'clock:: 11 o'clock:: then 12 midnight. Isabell snuck from her room to theirs and opened the door and came in and went over to the two girls and said come on we must go now!! And snuck out of the house not making a single noise!! But also getting up and sneaking about was Maryellen herself and snuck down the hall and opened the door ever so slightly to peek in on...

2 years ago
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A salvation in the white

20 days of winter holidays, good little pornie pornie time. Hope they leave for vacation soon. I thought. The thick snow started rising. The lazy floating down flakes turns to a light blizzard. I can make it before it could devour me. 3 blocks left. Now the coldness was killing me. It became unbearable. The light blizzard turns violent. The white fluff of angry winds of snow cuts through my hair, lifting it and throwing it around. I try to walk forward but the wind's too...

4 years ago
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Power Chapter 33 Were in Business

A week after his return Drew was allowed out of the hospital for an afternoon. Janice brought him to the first floor lounge in our dorm, where many of us had gathered. Charlene greeted them for the group and said “Seth and Nate’s room is yours to use uninterrupted today until you leave. Nate insisted and Seth doesn’t get a vote.” Most of us treated him like a delicate flower, afraid even to shake his hand. Mike went to Drew and punched him hard on the shoulder, then tackled him, wrestling him...

3 years ago
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Slutty Whore Fianceacutee Part 2

Slutty Whore Fiancée (Part 2) (see Part 1 first) There was that same avoidance after our second amazing night of perverse debauchery. By the time I woke up, stiff and sore, on the living room carpet, Helen had cleaned herself up and was her normal old self again and acted like nothing had happened. To tell the truth, I was thankful. I'd done and said things to her I was deeply ashamed of. I'd treated a smart, beautiful woman I really loved like she was nothing more important than three holes...

2 years ago
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An easy wife

This will be go fast on my part . It will be obvious I'm just a working story so give me a braek on sentence structure , etc. I'm putting this out to you all as a " how to " rather than wank material . I was married for 20 years to a very attractive woman , a Ann Archer look alike with an absolutely perfect body . 5'4" , 125 lbs. , c cup breasts with very dark large nipples , narrow waist , perfect legs , pear shape ass and a very heavy dark bush ( which I loved as a hair guy ) . My wife was a...

2 years ago
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All is fair in love and war part 2

Scarlett was awfully turned on by Elisabeth’s dominance. It was already making her wet. She liked being controlled, made her feel naughty. ‘So come on then Scar, I don’t have all day!’ she said tapping her foot and raising an eyebrow before mumbling with lust in her eyes ‘take me right now!’ Scarlett gulped and extended her hand taking hers and wandering over to the single bed. Elisabeth needed no prompting or help whilst she casually undressed in front of her as though she was just getting...

3 years ago
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To do list 2011

Ah yes, the honey-do lists, never ending yet constantly expanding. I have come to loath and fear this reminder of how "days off" are never easy nor relaxing in preparation for the next week of work. Once again, the weekend begins and soon the list rears it's ugly head. The sink to fix, the tub to re-plumb, and the grass to be mown is only the beginning. As the alarm clock ticks to 6:00 a.m., the air raid warning wails from the tiny plastic box, so eager to interrupt my slumber. Groggily, I...

4 years ago
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Mami Ki Chudai Meri Dream Huvi Puri

This is my latest incident which occurred during this diwali vacation. Yeh kahani meri aur meri mami ki hai, meri mami ek dum fatka hai 36-24-36 unke boobs dekho toh lagta hai jese aam chus rahe ho. Woh ekdum gori hai, aur bahut fridenly bhi. Unki age 32 hai, aur meri age guys aapne story description meh dekhi hi hogi agar nahi dekhi fir se kehta hu 21 saal. So coming back to story yeh iss diwali ki baat hai. Mere village meh har saal mela lagta hai toh iss baar jab mela laga toh mere sabhi...

3 years ago
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the last time i masterbated

I was home alone. I got myself turned on walking about naked, had just watched some really hot porn and my little pussy was all wet. I lay down on my bed, spread my legs wide, and gently ran my fingers up and down my slit, making my clit throb and my body squirm. I began by rubbing my clit gently with one finger, rubbing it up and down, then from side to side, then round and round, feeling myself get wetter as I did so. I lay there with my eyes shut, biting my lip and moaning, and then began to...

2 years ago
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Giving Oral for the First Time

It had been a tough day at college. I was in the final year of my A level's and it was quite a jump from what we'd been doing before. As I walked home I just wanted to get out of my uniform and into a bath. Once there I'd do what I'd done the last few nights since our adventure in the woods; I rubbed my clit and thought about you fucking me until I came.Thinking of the woods and the garden had been distracting me at school. I wanted to tell someone I was a woman now, but who could I tell? We'd...

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A Sisters Bet Part One Lessons

My sister, Jessica, and I have always been competitive. She’s twenty-one, a year older than me, but I’ve been told we bear a strong resemblance to each other.I picked on her a lot, although she would get me back. Sometimes I would ask her, “What’s so special about being a girl? Jeez, I would think being female would be such a hassle. Wouldn’t it be easier if you had been born a guy?”She retorted, “Why on earth would I want to be a guy? I love being female.”I shook my head. “I don’t get it.”“You...

1 year ago
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getting off at work part 3

What can I say, I'm a sucker for alliteration.... As soon as she heard the door click shut behind her, Rachel turned to David and pressed him against the wall with the length of her body, feeling his cock harden in response as she kissed him deeply, exploring his mouth with her tongue.  The possibility of getting caught was making her wetter than before.  She reached between them to unzip his pants, reaching to grasp the base of his cock in her hands and giving it a squeeze, eliciting a moan...

3 years ago
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Confessions of a Cock Slut Craving for Dog Meat conclusion

I liked Paul and Rachel just fine, don’t get me wrong, but I longed to fuck their dog-- the big, beautiful male German Shepherd named Bowser. As I left their house with the sexy vision of Rachel knotted to the beast imprinted on my mind, my pussy throbbed with the excitement of fucking their dog. My thoughts became consumed by the desire of fucking it. I had to tell my husband Tom of my true feelings as well as the invite from our sexy neighbors’ to spend the weekend with them. Not...

3 years ago
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Costume Party

When they walked into the room everyone turned and stared. As opposite as they appeared to be, they were also both beautiful people. She stood about 5’5′ with dark skin, long dark hair, amazing green eyes and a killer body. She was dressed as Jane wearing a very short, very tight dress that was slung over one shoulder. The ragged edge across the sides and bottom making it even smaller and displaying a little more of her body. The white leopard skin design of the dress offset her dark skin...

4 years ago
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Sharing Claire The Agony The Ecstasy Part 6 rewrite

That Tuesday Claire and I headed off to work as normal. I knew it would be a crazy day of meetings and people needing my time. You know, one of those days you never quite get under control.Just before 5 p.m., I was about to head into my last meeting of the day, when I saw my phone light up with Jason’s name. My pulse immediately quickened and my muscles tensed. I could calmly deal with all kinds of stress at work, but seeing this guy’s name on my phone gave me a huge mix of angst and...

Wife Lovers
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Massaging sex saali Simran

I have professed my love for simran on this website in the story sex with lovely sister in law. That was a true story and my guilt was reduced as i received a lot of encouraging comments. I thought that women in india are conservative and especially saali-jija relationship has its formal bounds. I guess in the age of late marriages and liberated women, things have changed. Marriage was a bit difficult for simran. She was rejected by god knows many eligible guys. But then she has learned to live...

3 years ago
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Punishment    I was kneeling in a dungeon (I could tell it was such because of the hooks hanging from the walls with several interesting toys hanging from  them).  You entered the room quickly with Your hands clasped behind Your back and paced around me in a circle. I could tell You were very upset and perhaps even angry.  You stopped directly in front of me and let Your hand rest briefly on the top of my bowed head before speaking.   "You disobeyed Me slave"  You said.  "Yes Master" was my...

2 years ago
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At The Park

I want to start out by saying that ALL of my stories are written for my best friend Monica. They all were specifically written for her and I'm now sharing them as she believes they're worthy of being posted.This one is Monica's favorite.It’s 10AM and my alarm is singing its awful wake up call. Luckily it’s Friday and I don’t have any class today, but I figured that I would be productive today since the semester is drawing near an end and time is running short. I roll out of bed like usual, grab...

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The Paper RouteChapter 30

“Eddie, I think I can take you deeper. Can you give me just a little more? Ohhhhhh fuckkkk Yesssss! Maybe just a little more, but not too much? How much of your cock do we have in my pussy now?” Charlotte told her, “Violet, you have about half of his cock in your pussy. Just wait until we develop these photos. I never thought your pussy would take this much of Eddie’s cock. Violet, you really do have a pretty pussy.” She looked at Charlotte and smiled, “Do you really like my pussy? I mean,...

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Jakes Magic Remote Part II of Pranks and

NOTE: This story is intended for adults only. It includes elements of voyeurism, time stop, non-consent/reluctance, i****t, and mind control. If you are offended or upset by this sort of thing, please do not read it. The story is fiction and any resemblance to real persons or events is either coincidental or the result of artistic liberty.Feedback and positive criticism is welcome, as are suggestions and requests.------------------------------Jake uploaded all his work and went to lunch early....

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