Heaven Sent, Chapter 4 free porn video

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Angel had just gotten herself together when they pulled up to the restaurant, and as he parked the car she straightened up her dress as best she could. She checked her looks in the visor mirror - she was a bit worn around the edges, but still presentable! He came around and opened her door offering his hand to help her stand. She got out and smoothed her dress again, and they went inside.

Etan had been to this restaurant a few times before and knew where he wanted to sit. The tables here had long tablecloths which would be perfect for his next game. He seated her at the table next to a man sitting alone, and on the other side was a mature couple in their late sixties or so.

Dinner started out normally - the waiter came over to ask if they wanted something to drink or some appetizers. They placed their drink order, appetizers and meal preferences all at the same time to save him some walking back and forth.

After the waiter left, though, the fun began. "Oops, I dropped my fork!" Etan said, "accidentally" pushing his fork onto the floor. When he bent down to pick it up, he slid out of his seat and ducked quickly under the table. Hidden from view by the tablecloth, he pushed Angel's thighs apart and moved between them.

Angel was shocked by his actions, but being in public, she tried to cover her surprise. They were too close to the other tables for her to say anything, so she had to sit there and act nonchalant. Which would become harder than she could ever imagine!

Etan knelt under the table and began by slowly running his hands up and down her thighs. She tried to brush his hands away a couple times, but he wouldn't have it. She remembered her panties still hanging on the rearview mirror of the car, and she knew exactly what he intended to do.

Her suspicions were confirmed a moment later when she felt his fingers toying with her bare pussy under the table. He was playing with her right there in a public restaurant!

Angel could feel her cheeks turn red with embarrassment, but she couldn't deny the sexiness of the situation. While she had cooled down enough from Etan's teasing to maintain her dignity, her arousal hadn't diminished entirely and now with this new attack, her passion flared once again.

Angel began squirming in her seat as soon as he pushed his fingers into her and she slumped down in her chair subconsciously, spreading her legs wider for him and granting him better access to her drooling pussy.

Knowing that he had precious little time to accomplish what he wanted to do to her, he accepted her invitation eagerly, and he exchanged his fingers with his mouth. When he pulled his fingers from her wet hole, she breathed a sigh of relief, figuring he was through playing with her. But she was very wrong. Angel gasped audibly when his mouth clamped over her peach, and his tongue took over for his fingers.

Angel gripped the table edges as he went to work. She had never experienced anyone going down on her and didn't know what to expect or how it would feel.

Angel bit her lip as he devoured her pussy under the table. Little beads of sweat began to form on her forehead as she fought desperately to keep control. She wanted to scream out her pleasure - to let everyone in the restaurant the wonderful feelings he was giving her.

She wanted to cry out, to scream and to let herself go completely. But she had to fight these urges as hard as she could. She couldn't allow her joy and her lust show to these other people. It was her own inner bondage - her self-control that was being tested.

Still, it was so hard, she so wanted release - she needed a release. Just when she reached the point where it was going to happen no matter what she did to try to stop it, he relented. She sat there half slumped in her chair, panting heavily, the beads of sweat rolling down her face like she had just come out of a sauna.

Etan popped out a moment later grinning "I found my fork!" he said. He then took his seat and looked at his frazzled girl.

Angel gave him a weak, exhausted smile "T-Thank you, Sir... I don't think I could have lasted much longer!" she whispered quietly to him. "Sir may I be excused to go freshen up a bit. I won't be but a minute."

"Yes, you may. And thank you for asking."

She went off a little wobbly to the ladies room. She had to steady herself on a chair and then on the doorframe of the ladies room before she disappeared around the corner.

Angel returned a couple minutes later looking much more refreshed and together. He stood as she got to the table as he did whenever she left or came back. She had just gotten seated when the mature couple finished their dinner. The man went up to pay for their meal and as she walked by, the woman stopped at their table and took Angel's hand.

"Hang on to this one dear - any man that can make you as wobbly on your feet as he did just now is a keeper!" she smiled and winked at Etan then went up to join her husband.

The waiter brought their food, and they had a wonderful meal. The food was delicious, and Angel was so proud to be his girl - even if that came with some very interesting conditions and side effects!

Once dinner was over, Etan went up to pay for the meal while Angel went into the ladies room once more. He waited for her to come out and they went out to the car.

As they started driving Etan turned the car in a different direction than the one they came from.

"Where are we going now, Sir?"

"You'll see. Just sit back, and we'll be there in a few minutes."

She settled back and watched out the window as the scenery passed by. She didn't know what he had planned, but judging by what had occurred on the way to and at the restaurant, he hadn't finished his teasing her. She prepared herself to be teased more once they got wherever he was taking them.

Just as he had said it only took a few minutes, he pulled into a very nice little park. There were no other cars in the parking lot at that time which seemed to please him. "Okay, we're here."

Angel looked around as Etan came around to let her out of the car. He grabbed a blanket from the trunk, and they walked a short distance where there were some small rowboats docked on the edge of the small lake. He helped her into one and then got in himself. He rowed out to a small island in the middle of the lake.

"This should give us some privacy," he said as he ran the boat up on the sandy shore of the island.

He got out and pulled the boat further up on shore so it wouldn't float away and then helped Angel out of the boat. He tied off the rope to a large tree trunk and then took her hand and walked a few feet up to a grassy spot on the island.

"This is one of my favorite spots... I come here whenever I need to get away and spend some quiet time alone."

"I know. But you weren't as alone as you thought you were Sir," Angel said, smiling at him.

"I wanted to bring you here because it's a nice place and because it's quiet and peaceful."

"That's it, Sir? Just because it's quiet and peaceful?"

"Well now that you mention it there was one other thing... you tasted so good at the restaurant, that you put dinner to shame. And I want more of that. Let's just call you my dessert!"

Etan pushed her gently onto her back on the blanket as she giggled at his words. He pushed up her tight dress as she raised her hips up a bit. He moved between her spread thighs and laid down preparing for the feast. Using his thumbs, he pulled apart the lips of her tight pink pussy and peered into the dripping sweet hole.

"Please, Sir..."

"Now this time, Angel, you can feel free to make noise - there's no one around that can hear you." And with that, he lowered his face to her sweet honey hole and gave her a reason to make noise!

"YES! Oh, Sir! Oh! Ohhh that... yess right there, baby! Ohh, Sir, that feels soo wonderful! Ooh, oh, that's it - lick me right there, just like that! Ohhhh!"

She began to writhe and squirm on the blanket, and he had to wrap his arms around her legs to keep her from wriggling away from him. She clawed at the blanket then grabbed the sides of his head and guided him where she needed his tongue to go. He licked and lapped up her sweet juices wherever he found them, searching every wrinkle and fold in her love hole to reveal the pearly prize.

Angel was in complete ecstasy as he feasted on her. She moaned and cried and whimpered her delight with every lick and lap of his tormenting tongue. Lost in her own lust fogged rapture, she reached into the deep V front of her dress. She began playing with her own tits, clawing at the meaty globes and pinching and tugging on her hard aching nipples.

Somehow she thought that distracting herself from the flood of sensations coming from her afflicted pussy could somehow make it easier to endure. However, the exact opposite was true - the added sensations her nipples were sending to her overtaxed brain only drove her further into her depravity.

Angel had never felt anything as exquisite as what he was doing to her. She was quickly losing her mind as her passions grew and started to overcome her completely. However, she retained just enough of her mind to be able to moan out her need.

"Please, Sir! Please, I need... I need to cum! Please! Please make me cum! Oh please, Sir!"

This is what Etan had been waiting for. He had been waiting to see the woman this former angel had become. The human woman - the sensual, lustful, and even wanton side of this beautiful woman.

"You want me to make you cum do you, Angel?"

"Yes, Sir, please! Please, I need to cum so bad!"

"And what will you do for me if I do? What will you give me in return for your orgasm?"

"Anything Sir! I'll do anything you ask - be anything you ask! Please! Please, Sir, I can't stand this!" Puulleeeease!"

"Very well - I'm going to hold you to that promise!"

Ethan went back down on her and resumed where he had left off driving her right to the edge again. Just when he could sense she had reached the very pinnacle of her passion, he thrust two fingers into her under his tongue and rapidly fingerfucked her as his tongue flicked over her hard erect clit.

"OHHH... SSSIIIRRR!!" Angel's body arched making a human rainbow of her before falling to one side and writhing stiffly like a snake on a hot sidewalk. She poured out her juices like a broken water pipe as she squirmed and wriggled.

Etan sat there watching over her as her orgasm wrenched and twisted her body. After long moments, it finally passed enough that she began to relax again, laying on her back and gulping in great breaths. She fought to regain control even though she still spasmed every so often as the orgasm worked through her.

Once he saw that she was coming out of her orgasm, he pulled her to him cradling her in his arms and slowly rocking her back and forth as you would a baby. He stayed with her like that until she was completely back with him and he brushed her sweat-soaked hair from her face softly.

"Hi! Welcome back!" He grinned down at her.

She looked up and smiled softly at him, and he kissed her gently on the lips.

They lay there on the blanket in each other's arms for a couple hours, before deciding it was time they headed for home. He helped her to stand and picked up the blanket, and they went back to the boat.

"Sir, do you think we could watch one of your BDSM movies when we get home? It's still a little early, and I'd really like to see what you like in them."

"I suppose we could watch one if you like. When we get home, I will let you pick one and we'll watch it together - in case you want to ask any questions."

True to his word when they got in the house he took her to where his DVD's were and showed her the five or six BDSM-related videos he had. She looked at the covers and picked one out. "This one, Sir."

Etan looked at the cover. "Bound for His Pleasure" was the title of the movie, and it pictured a woman tied to a St. Andrews Cross while he used a Hitachi Wand to torment her.

"Okay, if this is the one you want. It's one of my favorites too." He went to the DVD player under the TV and put the DVD in.

"Now since you want to learn what I like in this movie I want you to go to the bedroom and get undressed. I want you completely undressed when you come back."

"Yes, Sir," she said smiling. She scampered off to the bedroom to get undressed, returning quickly.

He sat on the sofa with her sitting between his legs on the floor. He started the movie with the remote control, and they began watching it. As they watched the movie, he occasionally looked down at Angel. She seemed totally engrossed in the action on the screen - especially the way the female behaved around the man.

Etan smiled at her attention to the movie. He moved his hands down to her shoulders, and she looked up at him giving him a smile before returning to the movie. His hands moved down to her tits, and he began toying with her nipples as she watched the movie. She laid her head to one side resting it on his arm as he occupied himself with her hardening nipples and full firm tits.

"Play with yourself while you watch the movie. Pretend that is me on the screen doing that to you."

"Yes, Sir." Angel moved her hand down to her pussy trying to replicate what the man was doing to the submissive woman. Etan watched as the sights and sounds, coupled with his playing with her tits and her hand in her pussy all worked to get her aroused again.

She got wet very quickly this time, he could hear the squishing of her fingers inside her sopping pussy as she worked herself into a frenzy. Her nipples had gotten hard as pebbles, and her breathing had changed as well.

The girl in the movie was pleading and begging him to cum, squirming and fighting against the bonds that held her captive. Etan heard Angel softly moaning with her as she watched, fidgeting now as she sat there spellbound. He could tell she was sympathizing with the woman on the screen because not more than an hour ago she was in the same agony.

"Do you see how turned on the woman in the movie is? Do you see how she aches for him to make her cum? She needs to cum, she's begging him to make her cum," Etan whispered softly in Angel's ear. His words and the soft low voice he used worked on her mind, making the movie all the more effective. Her moaning increased, and she fingered herself harder as her lust grew.

"You know how it feels to be her don't you Angel? You know how it feels to want to cum so badly you would do anything for it. Didn't you promise me the same thing just a little while ago?" he said.

"Yesss..." Angel moaned.

"Yes, you did. And didn't I grant you that orgasm... the one you begged so desperately for?"

"Yesss... Sir" she moaned. She turned her head to kiss his arm as he kept the pressure on her.

"You enjoyed what I did for you didn't you? You enjoyed that cum didn't you? And you want more of them right?"

"Ohhh yesss..." she whined.

"I'll bet you do. You like when I make you cum. You like the feeling of the orgasm... washing over you... drowning in the sheer blissfulness..."

"Ohhh Sirrr..." she said, clutching his arm tightly.

"You'd like to cum right now, wouldn't you? You'd like to cum just the woman on the screen there, wouldn't you? Want me to make you cum Angel?"

"Please, Sir... please make me cum?"

"Okay, the girl on this video is about to cum. I want you to cum with her. I want to see both of you cum together at the same time."

Angel watched the video carefully for signs she was about to cum. Etan continued toying with her nipples lightly tugging on them as she fingered her drenched pussy.

"Here it comes Angel he is about to grant her orgasm. Ready?


"Almost here!"

"Ohhh, Sir!"


"OHHH, FUUCK SIRRR...!" Angel screamed out as she gushed her juices out onto the hardwood floor. She grabbed his arms clutching him tightly as the orgasm threated to pull her away from him. He pinched her nipples as she came, adding another layer of sensation to her orgasm.

As she worked her way through her orgasm, Etan turned off the DVD player so he could concentrate on helping her come back. He wrapped his arms around her as she sat on the floor and held her tight, the feeling of his arms around her comforting her and making her feel safe and protected.

When she had come back and was once again in her right mind, he helped her to stand. "Why don't you go in and take a shower - you've had a hard day and haven't had much chance to clean up. When you are done, I will be here on the sofa watching TV."

"Yes, Sir. Thank you. May I be excused then?"

"Yes go ahead, my good girl."

Angel went in to take a much-deserved shower. About twenty minutes later she came back out still naked her hair damp but towel dried. She saw Etan sitting on the sofa, and he looked up as she entered the room. Without speaking, she walked over in front of him and knelt down facing him.

"Sir may I talk with you?"

"What is on your mind, Angel?"

"It's this whole Dominant submissive thing, Sir."

"What about it?"

"Well, Sir I want to know all about it. I mean I want the whole thing. I know that there is a lot to this and I want to know everything, experience everything. I want to be a real submissive to you. Do you remember when we were on the island today and you asked me what I would do for you if you made me cum? I told you I would do anything, I would be anything for you. I meant those words - I wasn't just saying that to get you to give me an orgasm.

"I want to be a true submissive to you, Sir. I want you to be my Master, and I want to be your submissive - like the girl in the movie and like I know you have dreamed of having. Sir, I offer you all that I am for your service. I know you, Sir, better than you know yourself and I trust you implicitly to keep me safe and keep me from harm. I will do whatever you ask of me gladly. I just want to serve you and please you."

"Well, Angel that is a very nice request, and I am definitely interested. But just for clarification purposes, what do you mean by 'whatever I ask' and 'would do anything, be anything for me'?"

"I mean that I want to be whatever you want me to be. I want to be a submissive like your movie submissives."

"So you are saying you will do whatever I ask you to do? If I said I wanted a blow job, you would do it?"

"Yes, Sir."

"And if I wanted, say, anal sex you would agree?"

"Yes, Sir if that is your wish. I give you all of me Sir for whatever purposes you desire. I just want to please you and pleasure you."

"Well I have to admit the 'Oh Fuck Sir' did catch me off guard - that was the first time I had heard you swear."

"Sir I wish to learn to talk dirty and to be treated in degrading and humiliating ways too. I want to be called a slut and a whore when you talk to me - I saw it in the movie, and it was very exciting! I want to be used and treated like she was treated. Slapped and spit on and spanked... I want it all Sir. Please, please use me like that - watching her get treated like a whore really made me excited... and horny!"

Etan sat there for a couple moments thinking about her proposal. And she saw that he had some reservations.

She moved closer and took his face in her hands. "Sir, I know you are hesitant because of where I said I came from. But please believe me when I tell you, I am all woman now and I am completely aware of what I am asking. I want to be your submissive. I want to belong to you. I want you to consider me your property and use me for your own needs and desires. I want to be everything you ever dreamed of in a woman and in a submissive. I have seen your mind and your heart, Etan, and I want to be the person in it. I love you, and I want to be all I can be for you. Please?"

Etan stood up and took her hand in his. "Come with me then slut, your training is about to begin."



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Heaven With The Glamorous

Dear Indian Sex Stories readers. Hope all are good especially the sexy chicks and aunties. This is my first sex story in Indian Sex Stories dot net. Please do forgive me for my mistakes and for fun, chats (girls and aunties only) email me at I am Vinu from Chennai. 6.2 feet tall, 80kgs. Fitness freak has a tool of 6inch to drill women Let’s move to the sex story ( a bit longer one because have to capture the incident live ) This was my encounter with a sexy chick and her sister. The name of...

1 year ago
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Heaven With Neighbor

Hey guys, I am Jazzbir! Its is my first story which I am submitting on ISS. This is the story about me and my hot neighbor ;) her name is Meenu, she will be approx 28-30 with a child of age 5. Well some one had said good point to reach to mom we have to go thorough the kid ;) I started spending time with his kid and that kid use to be with me most of the time and Meenu use to come at my place to see where is her kid. It was 20 June morning when she came up to my place that his kid autowala had...

4 years ago
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Heaven With Stunning Aunty Neha

Hi to all readers, I am tarun 21year old guy, fair complexion, I have sibling that is little sister only, live in Delhi and doing BA. One incident I want to share with you which was happened to me 2 year ago with my neighbor aunty neha, let me tell you she is not that much smart but in my eyes she is very sexy and horny,I always want to have fun with her, her figure size is 34-36-38, she has 2 kids Nikhil(8yr) and tamana(6yr), I love them a lot and they too love me. This incident was happened...

4 years ago
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Hello…. friends…. I’m new to ISS. I used to read stories from other sites. But,i was not aware of this site till one day i accidently found out. After reading some of the stories, i was really happy & i felt sad how much i missed this site. I thought i too should narrate about my experience. Hope u will enjoy. Please forgive if my narration is bad. This is a real incident which took place in my life. To be frank, there is no addition of fiction to this incident. Let me introduce u. My name is...

4 years ago
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It was a beautiful day at the beach. I was with my boyfriend Chris, his buddy Mike and his girlfriend Amy . We spent the day enjoying the ocean and warm weather. The waves were just prefect to body surf in. More than once my bikini top came down riding the waves. I know Chris enjoyed the view and I caught Mike take a quick glimpse as well. After a few hours of the beach we decided it was time to go. I went home to get showered and then headed over to their apartment. We planned on double...

Group Sex
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Heaven and Hell

Heaven and Hell Heaven and HellBy Jeremy Binder  I was frantic and feverish with desire.? She teased me with her delicate and talented fingers, stroking my cock, bringing me closer and closer to the edge of climax.?Would you like me to make you climax?? she teased.How could I possibly answer that?? Of course, I wanted to cum!? Or did I?? How could I ever be sure?? The only things of which I were certain was that the way she touched me felt more intense and pleasurable than anything I had...

2 years ago
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My name is Salma Hayat and I am 37 years old. I have a daughter named Maria Hayat who is seventeen years old and a son named Babar Hayat who is sixteen years old. I belong to a well to do family and my husband is a high ranking government official. When I first saw ISS website and came across so much of incest stories, whether true or fantasies, it created a stir down my spines. “Do so many people fantasize or practically have incest relationship” was my first question to myself. I had never...

2 years ago
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Erotic Sentient Slime

In the future, who cares when, a scientist has created an Artifical Intelligence hardware (or is it software at the same time) which can physically embed itself into any article of slime. Whether it was a jelly of some sort or even a toy slime, the scientist could install this AI into a slime by injecting or pouring said chemical onto/into a body of slime. This chemical, whatever it was called, we'll just call it Sentient Slime Water, or SSW, was embedded with a number of (I guess a lot) of...

3 years ago
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Public Pillory 1 The act and sentencing

The Humility bill of 2069 changed it all. It was a sweeping bill that changed the face of justice. Trials lasted days not months or years. Most sentences lasted hours or days not years. When a sentence was completed, the accused had a clean record. No more ruined lives due to past indiscretions before the accused learned their lessons. Almost overnight, all prisons were repurposed into rehabilitation and party centers. Serious crimes of murder dropped by 99.8 percent in a matter of months....

2 years ago
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A Routine EnslavementChapter 30 Private Sentencing

The evening after that brutal public punishment fair I relaxed at home and thought about what sentences I would hand out. I was feeling a good deal less vindictive after watching that cruel exhibition — just as the judge had indicated. What would happen to the prisoners next was up to me the judge had said. I checked my messages and found one from Judge Morelock's law clerk. She said the judge would like to see me with my attorney and opposing counsel in his chambers the day after next if...

1 year ago
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Heaven was a big dick up my wife ass

My wife is a fantasy fuck, and she knows it. Drooling drunks will tell her their fantasy. She’ll find a way to make their fantasy come true, or do what she can do, and I have to find a way to deal with it. She doesn’t force dealing with it on me; in fact, she feels badly that I must, but is thrilled that I do. She will not look a gift dealer in the mouth, nor will she make dealing any more difficult than she is sure it must be. She tries to be sensitive, but her calling comes...

1 year ago
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Heaven Scent

Shopping in Manchester   Tom and I had trailed around the shops in Edinburgh, looking for some sexy outfits for Marks party. We just couldn’t find anything that grabbed our attention.   Oh there were loads of nice things, but nothing that made us shout, “Eureka”, if you know what I mean.   The last shop we entered, we started chatting, well, I did, to a very sexily dressed young woman. I asked her where she had purchased her outfit and explained to her that Tom and I had been searching all...

2 years ago
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Heaven Hell

Introduction: For what seems like forever, angels and demons have been at war with each other and have been said to be unable to stand the presence of one another… but it seems this angel and demon have come to an agreement between their heaven & hell Chapter 1: Heaven It has long since been known that angels and demons despise each other.. But for these two lovers, neither can agree that that is entirely true. It started out easily enough with her taking watch at the Purgatory gate and...

3 years ago
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My name is John doe and I'm dead. But it's ok because I'm in heaven now, and if you didn't know, when you go to heaven god gives you you're very own universe to be the god of. God said i can do whatever i like in this new universe except inherently evil things(rape, murder, pedophilia, etc.). God also told me that the devil would put someone who went to hell in this same universe with me, and as punishment for their sins on earth, I would be able to do whatever I want to them, even including...

3 years ago
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Sitting at the dining table, he found his eye’s drawn to her breasts. They filled the vest top that she had worn as part of a pyjama set, baby pink, with white clouds.His hands trembled as he lifted the cup to his lips. He could make out the unmistakable outline of her nipples, slightly raised. Pushing against the taut fabric, her breasts were large and firm, this only added to his state of arousal.She stood and moved towards the sink behind the table, now he could see that she wasn’t wearing...

3 years ago
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Heaven On The Highway

Hi readers, Thanks to all of you for your responses for my earlier stories and a special thanks to girls and aunties who offered me a best complements and for feedback you can mail me at To those who are reading me for the first time, I am Vikram a good looking 28 yrs old guy with fair and athletic body from Bangalore and am working in a MNC company. Well it’s all happened recently, For Gandhi Jayathi I had an holiday which was on Friday and next two days were weekends so totally I had some...

4 years ago
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Heaven Time With My Sister 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone Jazz here! This story is about how me and my sister got intimate with each other and did all the fun part!! Let me describe myself I’m 5’11” not so fair but bit fair, engineer, rich person, good dressing sense, tool size is good enough to satisfy girls.. Why to hide 6.5″ is my tool I last long.. The story which I am about to tell is a real incident I happen around a months ago thats November 2015, there was wedding in our family the wedding was of my aunts daughter!! It was the...

1 year ago
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Heaven In Hell How I Got Her In My Job

Hi indiansexstories.com, I am Raj (name changed) from Andhra Pradesh.I inspired from all of u to write my story here. Coming to my story, I am a graduate from Andhra but due to lack of job opportunities I have to do group d job in railways. In my life I never went outside my village, but as I got job, my posting is in Orissa, so I have to move on. In Orissa which is not developed state in India, people here still wear leaves and sarees which are almost transparent and not wearing jacket.And as...

3 years ago
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Heaven With My Girlfriend

Hi chicks and chocks…my name is Aryan a new writer to this ISS. I am reading this ISS from past 3-4 years. Today first time I am going to write my own story with my girlfriend. It all happened when I was in diploma before 5 years at the age of 21. That time she was 20. She was beautiful with not so fair but with very good stats. Anyone want to love her whole night she was that type of girl. She had beautiful face with eatable lips, her 34 size boobs were the best part of her body anyone want to...

4 years ago
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Heaven Scent

Shopping in Manchester   Tom and I had trailed around the shops in Edinburgh, looking for some sexy outfits for Marks party. We just couldn’t find anything that grabbed our attention.   Oh there were loads of nice things, but nothing that made us shout, “Eureka”, if you know what I mean.   The last shop we entered, we started chatting, well, I did, to a very sexily dressed young woman. I asked her where she had purchased her outfit and explained to her that...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Heaven on Earth

I was married to Anitha almost two years back and recently she went to her native place for her first delivery. She had to undergo a Ceasarian operation and stayed in hospital for 15 days. I went to my in-laws place to see my wife who was in hospital. My mother in law attended her in the hospital and as only one person is allowed to stay with the patient I came back home. My father-in-law aged about 46 years and my younger brother-in-law aged around 19 yrs were at home. To kill my time I saw a...

3 years ago
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Heaven can wait

      iPearly gates opened, celestial music played and St. Peter, dressed in a large, sky blue tunic appeared. White bearded, spectacled, his pace had the dignity that only time, and peace of mind can give. He stared at the young man standing in front of him. After a few seconds he asked‘What’s your name, son?’‘I’m Samuel’Peter opened an enormous book, scanned through the pages looking worried‘Samuel, huh?’‘Yeah’The old man went to the shelf, grabbed another huge book, nodded and closed...

Straight Sex
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Heaven or Hell

Copyright© 1996-2003 "There was a young woman of Sydney Who could take it clear up to the kidney But the thrust of Alphonse Barely reached to her mons So he left her unsatisfied, didney?" Intro "Where am I? How did I get here?" Jacob's eyes were filled with a stark whiteness. He lifted a hand up to his eyes, confirming its existence. Below, above, and to all sides the bright whiteness filled his vision. There was no seams, gaps, or form to his surroundings. It was almost like...

3 years ago
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Heaven or Hell

Helena was standing outside the quick-mart waiting for her friend. They were planning on going to a movie and then the bar to check out the guys and maybe bring a couple home for some naughty foursome fun. She was running pretty late and Helena was getting impatient. She began to wonder if her friend had hooked up without her. Seems that's how it usually ends up lately. She thought to herself that maybe she should venture out on her own for a change, leave her friend hanging for once. What...

1 year ago
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It was a pleasantly warm May afternoon. So nice, in fact, that I decided to cut my afternoon classes and spend time down at the pool like any intelligent 14 year old boy would do. Okay, so it was not my pool. My family didn’t own a pool. I was swimming in the pool at an apartment complex about 3 blocks from our house. I didn’t let the little fact that my family didn’t actually live at this apartment complex keep me from sneaking in and enjoying the cool water. I’d long discovered that the key...

1 year ago
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Heaven hotels

Josh continually stared at the gorgeous guy sitting on the leather couch only 2 metres away from him. He had thick black hair,a smooth shiny leather jacket that glistened in the lamp light,tight blue jeans covered his long,sturdy muscular legs,and sparkling black sunglasses,that somehow matched everything he wore The guy was reading a 2 year old fishing magazine. He put it back on the table,looked over to the left of him and then stared at josh. Josh quickly looked away,he panted and began to...

3 years ago
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Heavenly Choir

Heavenly Choir By Eric 1,000,000 of the recently dead men and woman were milling around waiting anxiously to be admitted to heaven and the delights there in! An arch angel spokesman came out and many were surprised to see the angel looked apologetic. "Welcome to Heaven. You all I hope have heard of the heavenly choir. You will shortly be joining the chorus. I must tell you that God has his fads. Ours not to explain with reason his mysteries. At the present moment he has a taste...

2 years ago
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My Sentinel

Author’s note: I had a very vivid dream recently. I do not know where it came from, but it has stayed with me as it was frightening, but also comforting and arousing. I awoke feeling confused, sexy, a little disorientated, but also content to be who I am. I have embellished the dream a little in order to make it readable and hopefully believable. It is just a dream, so do not be harsh…….Dreams are not supposed to be real. My Sentinel I am writing this one year later. I still marvel at how far...

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Heavenly Fruits 8211 Part 2

I kept enjoying the heavenly fruit of my daddy for next ten days. Mom and my younger brother were likely to come back from abroad the very next day. Moreover daddy was also likely to go abroad for an official visit after three days. So we wanted to quench our sexual desire to the maximum before their arrival. I squirted my heavenly drink while riding on daddy’s mouth twice and daddy squished every drop of my cheesy cream with passion and fatherly love. Similarly daddy was also at his peak that...

3 years ago
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Sentiments of a Submissive

Sentiments of a Submissive By:? Miss Georgia Peach As told to:? JEP  Introduction:? Miss Peach is the most unique submissive I have ever encountered.? In addition to being incredibly beautiful, she has the mind of a true intellect.? She has a unique ability to put words together to create a vivid word picture that is truly a work of eroticism.? The following are her words to express her sentiments and a few of her experiences.???????????????? JEP  I do love the concept of being pierced...

2 years ago
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Billy the Delinquent Gets Sent to New Outlooks

Billy the Delinquent Gets Sent to New Outlooks A sequel to the original, "Boarding With Jim", which should probably be read before this... I'm probably playing out this scenario, but we'll see where it goes. I just started another story, "Results of Behavioral Conditioning and Sexual Development Studies at the New Outlooks Research Institute, 1997-1999", which will present another aspect of the findings of this setting... Billy the Delinquent Gets Sent to New Outlooks by Jay...

4 years ago
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How Are You Not Being NeglectedChapter 9 The total four chapters

We went to the bedroom and the bed was ready with pillows for the fireworks, what our ANR love would bring to us. I was no longer an ANR virgin so I was confident. Olga said, "If you want I could give you oral sex first, because my breast isn't yet full of milk and you'll be able to build up your own fluid." I told her, "I like that idea." "I gave you pineapple for lunch so your sperm will be very tasty for me. It's like what happens to my breast milk when I eat chili." My cock...

3 years ago
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The Unsent Letter

The alarm goes off again. I waken just slightly. My husband gets up and starts his day. When he leaves, I wait for my son to wake up. My day should be routine and normal. I am a grown woman. I have the life I struggled so hard to achieve finally in my grasp. As my son watches Blue’s Clues, I go to my computer. I log on to the internet. It is in this forum that I think I have found you, again. You are my hope and my memory. I spend much of my time wondering if I’ll catch a glimpse of you again. ...

1 year ago
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A Birthday Present1

On my birthday, I took the day off. A lazy summer day. The kids were in camp. Linda made the cake I love, she added extra frosting. Around 6 pm, the doorbell rang, she opened and a handsome, 35ish, strong bodied guy came in carrying some stuff. Linda smiling said, “This is Alex, the masseur I hired for you. Just relax and enjoy, leave everything behind and you will feel like you are reborn.” I had never tried a massage, never liked this. Anyway, I complied since her intention was to make me...

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Sashas birthday present0

Cindy sighs. She’d been waiting for the inevitable, and her new boyfriend didn’t disappoint. Being a girl of short stature with relatively modest breasts, there is one particular feature of hers that tends to attract men more than any other. And much to her dismay, it isn’t her love of the arts and sciences, or her glasses that announce such things to the world. It is that which her mother gave her. Which, itself, does not refer to her penchant for emotional honesty, her taste for fantasy...

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Birthday Present0

I have been giving massage treatments to my clients over the last couple of years, and most of my clients are referred to me by word of mouth. The majority (90%) of my clients are women, so I have to control my sexual urges sometimes. After reading my previous experiences, I received many enquires, some were just pretending, some were looking out for contacts, some were asking me for jobs, among those was a mail from a husband, who decided to hire me to give his wife a well needed soothing...

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