Heaven free porn video

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It was a pleasantly warm May afternoon. So nice, in fact, that I decided to cut my afternoon classes and spend time down at the pool like any intelligent 14 year old boy would do.

Okay, so it was not my pool. My family didn’t own a pool. I was swimming in the pool at an apartment complex about 3 blocks from our house. I didn’t let the little fact that my family didn’t actually live at this apartment complex keep me from sneaking in and enjoying the cool water. I’d long discovered that the key to sneaking in somewhere is just to act like you belong. And today was just so pleasant, I didn’t belong anywhere but here.

Since it was a weekday and still time when most people were either off at work or school, I was one of the very few in attendance poolside. There was the grandmotherly-looking woman watching over what I assumed was her two grandkids. Another old guy was sunning himself on the deck, keeping a distance from the splashing of the two kids. Lastly was the couple at the other end of the pool. For some reason, their presence kept drawing my attention.

I assumed the woman to be in her late 30s, maybe about the same age as my mom. She was of medium stature, probably a couple inches shorter than my 5’6” height, and what I’d come to know as “pleasingly plump” in her build. She wasn’t fat, just softly rounded and almost cherubic, and her turquoise one-piece bathing suit showed her curves in a most positive light. Her hair was a medium brown and fell straight to just between her shoulder blades. But what kept me interested in watching her were her very ample breasts that strained at the upper half of bathing suit, swaying softly as she walked over to climb into the pool. And especially fun to watch were the hardened nipples that were revealed when she pulled herself back out of the cool water.

The man was maybe in his late 40s or early 50s. I estimated him to be about 6’ tall, with a medium build, save for the little extra soft roll around his mid-section. His hair was thin, gray-black, combed straight back. He has a fairly thick patch of dark chest hair that trailed down his stomach and into his navy blue Speedo swimsuit. And the way that tight swimsuit highlighted his dick and balls with its clingy material drew my attention as much as his companion’s bouncing breasts.

As I swam in the pool, or got out just long enough to dive back in, I found myself stealing glances at the both of them, if not periodically just staring at them. Maybe they noticed my visual visitations on their physiques, maybe not. At least, if they had any problem with it, they never let on. If nothing else, it seemed as though they might even be aware of my focused attention, given the sometimes almost obvious way in which the busty woman would bounce in her step, or would adjust her massive mammories. And even the guy seemed to have a need to adjust his manhood within the tight confines of his Speedo.

Not having anyone else to distract my attention, I was able to watch these small displays and let my fantasies drift unimpeded through my mind. I’m very comfortable in my bisexuality, and am equally as excited over the images of pleasant sexual play with the man and his well-defined dick as I am with the woman and her huge tits and full body.

As I played more and more of the fantasies in my mind, their effect was starting to play havoc with the fit of my gym shorts that I was using for swim trunks, as well. They would not be able to hide an erection, especially given that they were a tad baggy on my thin frame, which would only serve to create an obvious tent over my stirring member. Jerking off in the pool was not possible, much less even a good idea, although if I kept my thoughts going like this, it would soon become a serious need.

In the distance, I heard the unmistakable diesel rumble of a school bus. Damn. It was time for me to get out of the pool before a possible schoolmate or parent that might recognize me came home to their apartment. I got out of the pool and shook off as much water as possible, given that I did not have a towel to dry with. I grabbed my gym bag and headed to the small cabana so I could change back into my street clothes, then turned to take one last look at the couple that had been the center of my afternoon fantasies. A brief smile from the buxom woman in blue made me wonder if they hadn’t noticed my interest after all. I turned away and into the small men’s restroom that would serve as my changing area.

Once inside, I pulled off my wet shorts and stood naked near one of the two bathroom stalls so I could get as dry as possible before pulling on my clothes. The memories of the two attractive people still fresh in my mind, I was tempted to go ahead and whack off my meat then and there, and had there been a door on the stall, that would have been a guarantee. Any further thoughts of instantaneous self-gratification went out the window as soon as the door to the restroom opened again. With that, I stepped fully into the stall and focused my attention to appearing to use the toilet.

Someone stepped into the stall next to me who seemed to struggle with something for a second, after which a wet swimsuit was placed over the stall wall next to me. I tried to remain nonchalant, but when the sound of someone pissing hard into the toilet followed next, I sneaked a peek at the suit on the stall wall.

A wet, navy blue Speedo.

“She’s a looker, ain’t she?” came a voice.

“Huh?” was all I could manage.

“My wife,” came the voice again. “I saw you looking at her.”

Oh, shit! Just what I need, a pissed-off husband! My voice caught in my throat, preventing me from answering. The flushing of the toilet on his side filled the void instead. I then sensed him stepping around behind me.

“What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?” he chuckled.

I mustered up my courage and turned to face the man, expecting to see an angry, jealous face. Instead, he was smiling broadly.

“Are you mad?” I asked.

“Mad?” the man laughed, adjusting his towel around his waist. “Hell, no! Why would I be mad?”

I thought I’d melt in relief. That much must have been obvious.

“’Cuz I thought guys got jealous when you looked at their wives or girlfriends.”

“Only guys that have no balls get jealous when you look at their ladies. Good-looking women are gonna get looked at. Especially ones with really big hooters, right?”

I laughed and nodded my head.

“I mean, what good is having a pretty woman if you don’t want anyone looking at her?”

“I never thought of it that way,” I replied.

“So,” he began again, “do you think I have a pretty wife?”

I grinned. “She’s… she’s really beautiful!”

The man gave me a sly smile and wink.

“You like her tits, too, doncha?”

“Who wouldn’t?” I answered all too quickly. Apparently my dick was answering for me, too, because that’s when I noticed that I had the first stirrings of a hard-on again. That’s when I also came back to reality and remembered that I was standing there totally naked.

My excitement wasn’t lost upon the man, either, as I caught him giving my pulsing dick a looking over.

“Yeah, I guess you do,” he smiled, looking back up at me. “So, do you play?”

“Play?” I repeated.

Our eyes locked, the man reached out and took my prick in his hand. It grew to firmness instantly in his strong grasp. He gently pulled on it a couple times, and raised one eyebrow in silent query. I swallowed hard.

“Yes,” I finally croaked out.

The man smiled knowingly. “I thought so.” He stripped his towel from his waist and handed it to me, exposing his thick cock. “Here, dry off.”

I did as he asked while we both eyed each other’s bodies, then I handed the towel back to him.

“Get yourself dressed. If you wanna play, drop by apartment D-15.”

I wasn’t sure what to expect, or what was going to happen as I wandered through the complex, my heart trying to beat its way out of my chest, looking for apartments that started with the letter ‘D’. I was beginning to think that the man had simply played a joke on this oversexed teenager, and was hiding somewhere, laughing at my hormone-driven wanderings.

I finally found ‘D’ building at the rear of the complex, near the sound wall overseeing the shopping mall. D-15 was the furthest back on the lower level. I walked up to the door on trembling legs.

I had barely knocked on the door when it swung open. There was the man, wrapped in a tan terry robe. He extended his hand in greeting.

“Glad you could make it,” he said cordially as I took his hand. His handshake was firm, and he was not only shaking my hand, he was also gently pulling me into the apartment. I followed his lead and stepped inside. He slipped out of his robe and laid it on a chair.

“Your turn,” he said.

Even though I know he had already had an eyeful of me from the restroom, I was still nervous as I stripped under his scrutinizing gaze. When I was finally as naked as the man, he stepped up to me and stood close, softly running his hands all over my smooth body, leaving tingling traces wherever his hands made contact.

“Very nice.”

His fingers ran through my shoulder-length dark blonde hair, then down the length of my back until both of his hands were cupping my small, tight ass.

“VERY nice!” he repeated.

He pulled my body to his, his stiffening cock starting to press my abdomen above my own hardening member, and he bent his head down to kiss me softly on my mouth.

“How old are you?” he finally asked.

“Fourteen,” I answered softly.

“Good age… and what’s your name?”


“Well, Donny, my name is Ray.”

“Hi, Ray,” was all I could think of saying as he bent down once again to kiss me, his tongue parting my lips and probing my mouth as he encircled my thin body and held me tightly.

By now, my dick was completely hard, probing between Ray’s furry legs, almost as a perch for his testicles that now rested upon it. He drew back from me and looked down at my erection, taking it once again in his hand.

“That is a nice cock you have there, Donny.”

He bent over and pointed my prick into his mouth, where he started to suck on it. My legs went wobbly and I thought I was going to lose it right there. He stopped after a moment and stood upright again, smiling, his gaze still on my dick.

“You’re gonna do just fine,” he whispered. “Come with me.”

He took me into the small hallway, placing his hand on the bedroom door. He stopped like that and kissed me once more, then called through the door as he opened it.

“Baby, we have company!”

He ushered me into the room, where the beautiful, busty lady I had eyed so carefully at the pool was sitting in bed. She looked up and smiled brightly.

“Honey,” said Ray, “This is Donny. He wants to play with us. Donny, this is Staci.”

Staci got out of the bed and bounced, literally, up to me, completely naked. She swept me up in her arms in an affectionate hug, her enormous boobs smashing against my body, her pelvic bush tickling my dick.

“Oooh!” she squealed. “You are a cutie!”

I had just gone to heaven. Here I was, my dick had been sucked on by a very nice man, and his absolutely gorgeous wife was hugging me and smashing her giant tits against be while my hard-on was probing her pubic hair, just fractions of an inch from slipping into her pussy, and…

I came on her leg.

I couldn’t help it, I was so wound up that my balls let loose with a small burst of my sperm on her milky soft thigh. I was so embarrassed I could have died right there.

“I- I’m sorry!” I blurted.

Staci drew back and looked down at the small wad of white cream that I had deposited on her, scooping it off with two of her slender fingers. She eyed it, then smiled at me.

“first time with a woman?” she asked in an understanding tone.

I nodded. “I- I’ve played with some… girls. But, this is the first time I’ve ever felt a… real woman.”

“It’s good to know I can still have that effect on someone,” she said, winking at me. “Don’t worry, Donny… I’m sure there’s more where that came from.”

She licked my cum off of one of her fingers, and I could have sworn she was savoring it like a first taste of wine. She lifted her hand to Ray’s mouth, slipping the other sperm-laden finger into his mouth, whereupon he sucked my cum into his mouth, too. She then leaned up to me, those wondrous breasts once again pressing against me, and kissed me on the mouth like Ray had done, sharing a taste of my own sperm with me as well.

“Well,” Ray said, “let’s get it on, shall we?”

Staci took my hand and led me to one side of the bed, while Ray headed for the other. Together, they pulled back the covers and climbed onto the bed, laying back comfortably. Staci patted the mattress next to her.

“Come on and join us.”

I was sure my face was about to split from my grin as I settled in next to Staci. She gave me another kiss, and then turned to Ray and locked lips with him in a deep french kiss as she reached up and slipped a hand behind my head, directing my face down to her tit. I instinctively opened my mouth as wide as I could and began sucking on her large nipple. I then placed a hand on her massive mound and squeezed the pliant, tender flesh as I began to really get into sucking on her.

“Mmmm… your mama must have had a hard time weaning you,” she sighed to me between kisses with Ray.

Ray then leaned over a bit and began suckling at the other nipple.

“That’s it boys… drink from Mama! Suck them big titties all up!”

By now, I had both of my hands working Staci’s left breast while Ray focused on her right. She then reached down and took our dicks in each of her hands. To my surprise and delight, I was already starting to get hard again.

She started to jack us off with her talented fingers, getting a rhythm going as Ray and I feasted upon her huge mammaries. A few moments later, Ray stopped sucking on his side and spun around until his head was towards the foot of the bed. Between licks and sucks on the nipple in my mouth, I watched as Staci turned her head to face Ray’s dick that was now pointing right at her face. She eagerly drew his cock into her mouth and started sucking it as deep as she could.

The sensation on my own dick changed dramatically as Staci stopped jacking me off, instead holding the base of my shaft while Ray’s mouth drew me in. Her hand deftly fed my cock into her husband’s mouth, bring me to full hardness in an instant. Ray reached up and took my left hand away from Staci’s tit, guiding it to her burning pussy. My fingers played through her soft pubic hair, automatically searching further as she gently spread her thighs, revealing her swollen labia to my exploring fingers and quickly coating them with her slick juices.

Ray’s mouth started bobbing up and down on my cock with greater speed and intensity while Staci continued to hold the base of my dick with just enough firmness so as to give Ray full hands-free access to my meat. The headiness of the whole circumstance had me nearly floating off the bed: my mouth sucking away on a beautiful tit, watching the woman suck her man, my fingers playing with her willing, soaked pussy, and my dick being expertly sucked on--

I felt like I was turning inside out as my balls tightened like stones and my dick burst forth with sperm once more into Ray’s sucking, driving mouth with the most intense orgasm I’d ever had. I moaned deeply into Staci’s tit flesh, stifling what were nearly screams as my guts convulsed in absolute pleasure. Ray continued sucking, a little softer, until he was confident that I was spent.

I finally rolled onto my back, trying to catch my breath; my saliva smeared on my cheeks from the intense sucking I had been doing on Staci’s huge breast.

“He’s even better fresh from the spout,” smiled Ray as he spun his body around once more. Staci drew her knees up and spread her thighs wide while her husband took position between them. I watched as she reached down and grabbed his thick tool, quickly guiding it into her hungry pussy.

Ray began with short, direct strokes, and then picked up the tempo. I focused my gaze on the erotic image of his hard cock sliding in and out of his wife, he pussy juice glistening on his rod.

“Oh, Ray…” she moaned. “I’m cumming, baby. I’m cumming…”

Ray’s pace never changed as I watched him softly hammer into Staci. Suddenly, her hand grabbed the back of my head, forcing my mouth onto her nipple once more.

“I’m cumming!” she barked again, punctuated with a soft squeal.

Ray slowed his pace, but didn’t stop pumping.

“Ever taste cunt juice, Donny?” he asked me.

Mouth still full of nipple, I shook my head.

Staci’s hand then pushed my face off of her tit, down towards her pussy. I could smell the scent of sex all about. Ray drew his cock out of his wife, and offered it up as Staci pushed my face onto it. I instinctively opened my mouth as his slickened dick slipped nearly into my throat.

“Oh, yeah,” sighed Ray. “Suck it, Donny.”

Ray held a hand down to cradle my head while Staci’s hand stayed that the back of my neck , guiding me into the same bobbing motions that Ray had so deftly used in satisfying my young dick. Before long, I didn’t need any encouragement, eagerly sucking Ray’s thick, veined cock as deeply as I could, trying to give his pussy-flavored prick the same attentions that Staci’s cunt had only recently been providing. I wanted my mouth to be a perfect pussy replacement.

“Oh, geez!” growled Ray. “This kid’s a natural-born cocksucker!”

Staci was masturbating while I sucked her husband’s delicious dick. The scent of her pussy filled my nostrils as deeply as Ray’s cock was filling my mouth.

“I’m about to cum!” groaned Ray. “This kid’s about to blow my wad!”

“In me, Ray!” shouted Staci. “Cum in me!”

Obedient to his wife, Ray quickly withdrew from my mouth and plunged his cock deeply into Staci. Within seconds, he had the bed rocking as he fucked his gorgeous wife, pounding that huge dick of his into her dripping cunt, her monster boobs rolling back and forth on her chest like waves on water. The two of them then seemed to melt into each other as Ray let his weight fall onto Staci while she wrapped her legs around his waist.

Their moans were like a chorus, their orgasmic exclamations bursting from their mouths in harmony. It was beautiful to behold, and I felt privileged to have shared in it, even if there were twinges of disappointment at having not been the recipient of Ray’s cum down my throat.

My disappointment was short-lived as Ray pulled himself off his wife, and he pulled my face to his. He kissed me deeply then without another word, he guided my face down between Staci’s thighs.

I instinctively turned my body and settled between Staci’s legs, finally staring into my first-ever live pussy. Staci reached down and grabbed a handful of my hair and pulled my face into her cum-filled cunt. I quickly responded by licking all about her swollen labia, lapping up the sweet and salty mixture of Staci’s slick pussy juice and Ray’s thick, gooey cum. I licked and slurped and sucked and swallowed, and probed for more with my tongue while eagerly smearing my face with the wondrous mixture of human sexual juices.

Meanwhile, Ray had settled behind me, spreading my butt cheeks with his hands and rimming my ass and probing my young bunghole with his tongue while he fondled my balls. He moved on to fucking my butthole with his tongue, poking it in and out like a small prick. I took his cue and made the same efforts on his wife’s cunt, which seemed to start her hips rocking even more on my face.

“Oh, honey… the kid can suck pussy, too!” she said.

When I could feel Ray’s saliva drenching my ass and running down onto my balls, I felt him push my legs wide as he grabbed my hips and pulled my butt into the air. Probing my ass with his semi-hard, cum-slickened cock, he pushed and poked with it until it my anus gave up resistance and his rod finally slipped into my ass.

I sucked in a deep breath of air as his manhood filled my rectum. Thankfully, he wasn’t his usual full size, or I don’t think I could have handled it at all, much less have survived the kind of pounding that he had given his wife’s delicious cunt.

Each thrust of Ray’s hips against my ass, each stroke of his cock in my ass, drove my face into Staci’s pussy. Staci reached with her fingertips and found the edge of my jaw, and she guided my head slightly upwards until I could feel a small, bud-like protuberance fall into my lips. I began sucking on it, like a little cock, and Staci suddenly started bucking her hips, mashing her pubic mound hard into my face and making Ray’s thrusts more prevalent.

“He’s gonna make me cum again, Ray!” groaned Staci breathlessly.

“I’m there, too, baby!” chimed Ray. His hands dug hard into my hip bones and I could feel his cock throb within my rectum, all while Staci squealed in delight once more and her cunt let loose with a rush of pussy juice that ran down my chin, and even down my throat.

We all lay like that for a while, exhausted and satisfied, until Staci curled up on her side into a fetal ball and went to sleep. Ray withdrew his well-worn cock from my asshole, and helped me up and to the bathroom where we showered together. There under the spray of the water, Ray knelt down and sucked me off once more as I leaned against the cool tile wall for support, and I came in one last dry orgasm.

I dried off, got dressed, and got one last deep kiss from Ray before he sent me out the door into the fading daylight. I had happily fed at the trough of bi sex, and spent one wonderful afternoon in heaven.

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Give It Away

Note: This is part one of two. The Second Part is called ‘Give It Away – Reprise’. I can’t get this song out of my head so I might as well write about it. It’s by George Strait and I consider it to be one of the finest country songs ever – and I know that takes in a lot of territory. ‘Give it Away’ has great lyrics, a compelling rhythm and melody and one of the smoothest singers – George Strait has that impeccable sense of timing that the very best singers have. The lyrics and music for this...

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How I became a whore Pooja

Whore is just a social construct to me. We all know what promiscuity is. Having multiple, casual, and indiscriminate partners, blah, blah, blah. However, I don’t know how many people are curious to know why a woman becomes promiscuous. I want to preface by saying that a woman’s decision to be promiscuous is not always negative. I just want to tell my story.My name is Pooja (https://xhamster.com/users/pooja_1001), I was 18 and finished my +2 when it all started. I was good in studies and it’s my...

2 years ago
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Todo el dia contigo

-Ma?ana es tu gran d?a nena. -Si ya se, ya quiero bailar contigo el Valls, tener puesto mi vestido rosa, y recibir todos mis regalos. -Jeje eres una consentida. En ese instante al estar abrazando al ser que m?s amo, Lizbeth... Y que el d?a de ma?ana iba a cumplir sus 15 a?os, y se convertir?a en toda una mujer me di cuenta que era muy feliz. Tiene el cuerpo de una diosa, un rostro bello y una sonrisa que iluminaba mi ser, ella es morena aperlada, cabello largo y negro y ondulado, ojos miel un pe...

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My Very First Time0

I have always been inquisitive where sex is concerned even from an early age. I am now a grown woman of 27 and enjoying a very varied and healthy sex life, the sky is the limit. When I was younger, like all young girls I guess, I always had fantasies about meeting this man who would show me how to be fucked properly in every position and show me the right way to enjoy every aspect of sex. I just love it. My early days were very naughty to say the least, but my inquisitive mind never seems to...

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Execution of a Soccer Mom

EXECUTION OF A SOCCER MOM A future fiction/fantasy by Jill Crokett Prolog The United States had changed profoundly by the early 22nd Century. Terroristshad detonated a nuclear bomb in Southern California a half-century earlier,throwing America into a spiral of ethical decay and economic collapse. The paranoia that followed brought on the revocation of basic rights andthe amending of the Constitution - removing the clause forbidding "crueland unusual punishment" and replacing it with a clause...

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Terrys Curse

I remember the snowstorms every winter. Sheboygan shuts down until the plows push the snow into the lake. Sometimes the ice gave way and the plow went under. Driving the snow plows in the ‘40s was a brave man’s job. Dad worked for the railroad. He was a frustrated man, quick to anger and quick to strike. The police took him away for a summer after he broke my cheek bone. I was four. When he came back, mom was pregnant. He beat her to death with his huge fists. I ran away because I knew I was...

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another aunt

It was a family dinner at this aunt place, about 20 guests there. I was 26yo, she was 58yo aunt of my wife. She was in the kitchen busy with the cooking and I was outside helping her husband with the bbq. Her husband asked me to get dishes for the meat and the bread so I went inside where I found the aunt, his wife, a chubby woman with very big tits and ass, always dresses in conservative wayThat evening she was wearing a gym short, t-shirt and had a kitchen apron on her, those that cover the...

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I lived in a place called Chingola

I lived for a while in a place called Chingola, Zambia; this was not long after independence from England and the old Northern Rhodesia and colonial days, since I was one of the 2000 single expect workforces, working on the mine with only 50 European nurses. The system for getting a date, one had to put your name on list with a picture of yourself, and how much money, you were prepared to spend, thus the chances of getting a date, let alone shag, were almost the same as winning the lottery. On...

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Spiritech Incorporated

You glance at your computer screen, reading over the details about the various in-testing products you had felt were interesting enough to personally oversee: The Juicer At some point it would be given a more elegant name, but for the time being you were rather fond of its nickname. This one you actually came up with yourself when you realized that selling bodily fluids were a largely untouched corner of the market: Blood, semen, vaginal secretions... a lot of the time you ended up with some...

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school girl and her daddy

Its Saturday night and I'm getting ready for some fun. I just finished my bath, which included some nice scented oils and a shave making my body totally smooth. Well except a cute little landing strip. I step from the tub and towel off, as I let it drop to the floor I take in the sight from the mirror. There I stand smooth as can be, erect nipples sticking out with the rings running through them. A dangling belly ring hangs below. I am very excited and that is evident in my little girl cock...

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Met His Old Lover

This story was edited by ‘Crazysoundguy’. In 1981 Dan Fogelberg wrote and later recorded a song included on the album, ‘Innocent Age’ called, ‘Same Old Lang Syne’. I recall hearing it possibly for the first time while driving home one evening from a business meeting, I also remember damn near driving off the road and wrecking my car. Still about a hundred miles from home, I pulled off in Gainesville Florida, a college town, begged for a phone book at a gas station and found a record store...

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A StepMothers Sacrifice

Miranda Hunter stood before her floor length mirror as she dressed for work, admiring her toned body as she slipped on her conservative underwear . She was 38 year old, but she had maintained a physique that many 28 year old women would be proud of. This was thanks to a healthy diet and two hours of exercise each day. Her husband Dale certainly appreciated the results, and they had a healthy sex-life, when he wasn’t away on business trips. Which, unfortunately, he was most of the time. However,...

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TwinsChapter 31

When they awoke the next morning, Alex’s hardon was pressing against Allie’s butt. Allie giggled and said, “You will have to take care of that yourself, Alex. We have to get ready for school.” Alex whined but knew she was right. Allie took the shower first and Alex lay in bed stroking his erection. He thought about just cumming in bed but he heard the shower turn off and he went into the bathroom. He found his sister naked and drying off. She looked glorious when she was wet and blood...

4 years ago
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HumbledChapter 8 The Arrest

As I arrived home after another busy day, the last thing I wanted to do was become my step-daughter's sexual bitch for the evening. I was delighted when I entered the house, only to find a note from Monica stating that she, her Mother (Michelle) and Michelle's lesbian lover, Slut Sam, had left for the evening and were not expected to return home until late. In fact, they were going to the Big L Club, the swankiest and most popular girls only leather bar in town. The Big L Club was the...

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“If you really loved me you’d…” OK Girls, we’ve all heard that one!   But what if, just for once, the guy saying it is actually not the stereo-typical slime ball who seems to say this sort of stuff?   Miracles can happen you know!   Take, for example, my friend Susie.   Now, don’t go thinking that Susie’s a kiss-and-tell operator, but we girls do have to stick together on these things.   Purely out of a well-intentioned wish to further my sexual education she told me about an evening...

First Time
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Wonder Woman Has Some Competition

Agent Diana Prince shakes her head as she gets out of her Mercedes 230SL, having finally found a parking spot in the AIDC garage. Usually she's an early bird, but it had been a long night for Wonder Woman, and a somewhat embarrassing one. First she'd clumsily slipped on several dozen marbles, dropped by clever bank robbers to deter their pursuers. The normally heroic Amazon had splatted unceremoniously onto the pavement, letting the bad guys get away as she landed on her plump derriere. Then...

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She was Naked

I was out to dinner with a very hot date. We had already been intimate so we knew each other quite well. At dinner some how the topic came to daring her to go to the wash room and take off her panties. She was wearing a short sun dress. She did it. Walking back to the table she handed me her panties.We were at our favorite restaurant. It was quite a popular place and given that it was Saturday evening, we were one of many tables for two lined up in a row not more than 2-3 feet apart. While that...

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Shop Room Romance

She felt herself being lifted off the table and then she was lowered back onto his strong body, he held her above him, rubbing his smooth face against her large breasts. Then he slowly lowered her, folding her into his strong arms. He reversed their positions and she found herself beneath him, he watching her. His hands moved to stroke her breasts. His soft finger tips brushed against his legs. He cupped the cones of her breast, gently pulling and pinching the large coral nipples, and she could...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 335

The Retreat Eileen, Jill and Kathy had showered together as they readied for bed, but Eileen, still bashful around the other two, quickly wrapped a towel around herself as soon as she was out and reasonably dry. Unseen by her, Jill and Kathy exchanged a grin, but didn't kid Eileen about her obvious uneasiness. Instead, they helped her dry and brush out her beautiful hair. As the three stood in front of the vanity mirror, Jill remarked, "You're beautiful, and we know that our husband...

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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 451

⊹⊹⊹ A teacher goes around in her class asking each of the kids what they need at home. Joey says, “A computer.” The teacher replies, “That would be very useful.” Jenny says, “A new lawn mower.” The teacher again replies, “That would also be very useful.” Little Johnny pops up and says, “At my house we don’t need anything!” The teacher asks him to think again carefully, as everybody needs something. Little Johnny replies, “No, I’m sure we don’t. When Trudeau was elected, I clearly...

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CuckoldSessions Pepper Hart 03042018

Pepper Hart is a cheater, and her Hubby knows it. Hubby knows his place in Pepper’s life: he’s the sole wage-earner and a good, good friend. He’s not her sexual partner, per se. You’re about to watch a typical day in Pepper’s life: Hubby comes home early from work in hopes of walking in to the kitchen to find Pepper prepping his dinner. Instead, he finds his wife disheveled, sitting on a messed up bed with her lipstick smeared across her pale, freckled face....

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I Love You Good Carlene

Phil Vassar had a big hit with a song called, ‘Carlene’. It’s seems only fitting to expand the story of ‘good Carlene’ with a few changes and twists. As is my habit the characters are larger than life. There is no real nasty sex in this romantic story. Don’t read it looking for the stroke material and then bitch because it isn’t there. Yes, it is a somewhat formulistic love story…I always seem to slip back to the formula I enjoy. Edited by ‘Crazysoundguy’. ‘Welcome to Carlene’s ‘business...

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Baby Sitting Bobby

Now that I am 30 and happily married to you Rick, I now have the confidence to tell u how I lost my virginity. It all started in a small town called Lake Forest in Ohio. . . I was 16 and I was still living with my fucking parents! Ive already told you about 10 times how big of assholes they are! Well enough about them, to earn some money for a car or a new handbag I baby sat. Amazingly I was the only baby sitter for a 3 block radius, so almost every night I was baby sitting babies...

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Finding Paradise

Life was becoming a living hell. My marriage had been falling apart for years and, for one reason or another, neither my wife nor I would get out. It wasn't because of the kids; because we didn't have any — we just had our own personal reasons. Several friends decided to try and brighten my spirits and took me out to celebrate St. Patrick's Day, taking me to a little dance club called Crystals. I felt a little out of place as a 40-something mingling with the dancers who were barely old...

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College Gay Life 2

After about half an hour I heard a knock on the door. I opened it as Nick was taking a bath, and there I found two men. They introduced themselves as Bill and Alex. It had to be said one looked more effeminate than the other. Bill was about 5 ft 6, slim with strawberry blonde hair while Alex was a little taller and fuller figure, he had both ears pierced and was wearing studs in them. "Well hello there, you must be Pete, we have heard sooooooooo much about you" said Bill and Alex...

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Changing the Rules

Josh West was checking out his new phone. The touchscreen was sleek and easy to use, and he quickly found himself buying some apps to match his interests. He spent ten minutes playing around with an app that let him jiggle boobs in any photo just by moving his fingers. When he exited, there was an app icon that he didn't remember buying. "Rules of the World," he read its name and clicked. There was a note attached. "They are after me. I've encrypted and transferred this application before they...

Mind Control
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Fast Loose and Lovely

Terri Lawler was bored. She lay on her bed, her pussy still tingling from her recent shag. As she lay there, playing with her hair and staring at the ceiling, she heard the door slam. She shut her eyes. It was just too easy. She had arranged for Ed Brooks, Twin Falls' only handyman, to come round to fix her leaking kitchen sink. When he arrived, she opened the door wearing only a short, black kimono with scarlet dragons climbing up the chest. The kimono was so short that Terri knew the very...

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CuckoldSessions Aubrey Black 04102022

Aubrey is a Real Estate Agent sick of her lazy Husband who just sits around and watches TV all day but refuses to get a job. She tells him she has an important meeting with her Real Estate Agent partner to go over some figures and can he go somewhere else in the house and he says no. She asks him if he can go grab some food and he says no. Then she reminds him that he crashed her car because he’s such a bum and she’s always paying all the bills. Finally she decides to teach him a...

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Couldnt wait

My wife and I have been married for a few years now, but we have known each other since high school. This was a time before beepers texts messages and emails. When you didnt hear from someone you just didn't hear from them. I have known my her since she was 18, I was 22 at the time. Back then we only saw each other off and on, but the times we did spend together we were definitly in love. I was off to college and she still had her senior year of high school left. So that summer we went out at...

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The Second Year and AfterChapter 94

We had a late breakfast at a small café on the way to the station, and left Bristol just before lunchtime on Tuesday, having another pretty good journey home, with only a few minutes wait for the connection at New Street. The countryside that had been so green and lush a fortnight earlier now appeared dry and thirsty; the wheat and barley were ripening well and it looked as if harvesting would be early this year, but the pastures and grass verges were definitely beginning to go brown from...

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EvilAngel Alexis Tae POV Anal Gaping A2M BJ

Slender, Black stunner Alexis Tae teases in tight lingerie, smiling seductively as she reveals the butt plug wedged in her asshole. The brazen beauty strips and spreads for the Jonni Darkko’s POV camera, ultimately finding herself on her knees before the XXX director. Alexis chokes and slobbers as she sucks his cock, holding a glass below to collect her nasty throat slop. Jonni bends her over and sodomizes her, Alexis moaning through intense anal reaming. Jonni alternates plunging her...

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One of Mikes dreams

I stood at the front gate and took a deep breath . . . I checked, yes it was the right address, so I tugged my jacket, checked that I looked neat and tidy and walked up to the door, tentatively knocked and waited. It slowly opened . . . "Why hello, do come in" she sullenly said through rich pouting lips. I licked my lips and followed, noticing that she was wearing a very tight strapless top which left very little to anyone's imagination, below her bare midriff was an extremely short black...

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Judgement Day

This is a little different for me. People complain that I do not often feature the confrontation, This story is all confrontation. It is also short. There is no sex in this story, if that’s what you want look elsewhere. No bitches get burned so again if that’s your bag look elsewhere. The inspiration came from an old rock starwho came out with something similar when he wanted to get rid of his wife. I looked down the street towards the main road. Four estate agents boards graced the...

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Kristy After SchoolChapter 2

"Kristy, honey, could you get the Peterson file for me?" Daddy asked, looking up from his desk. "Sure," I grumbled. I hated working for my dad at the kennel. All my friends went shopping after school. My dad on the other hand, thought this would be a positive experience for me, and insisted that I spend some hours after school and on the weekends working in the family business. I figure he also had a secondary motive. Lust was influencing my 18 year old body, so my firm breasts and...

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Erotic Sex With Horny 8216Online Game8217 Girlfriend

This happened when I had completed my graduation and was searching for a job. I had a lot of free time. So I used to play Clash of Clans (COC), an online game and I was becoming very good at it. So I decided to join a clan (a group of people who play that game) and came across an Indian clan. I joined that clan and things were going well. The people in that group were very friendly. They helped me out sometimes in that game, particularly a player who went by the name ‘Dragon Fist’. He was extra...

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TeamSkeetExtras Paris Lincoln Double Penetration

Punk chick Paris Lincoln is exactly the kind of girl that I like – she’s got a sexy buzzcut and a dirty attitude. Today, she wants to feel two cocks inside, so me and my buddy fill her up with our thick boners while she cums over and over. Then, I slide my dick inside her asshole, and we pound her at the same time, giving her the double penetration action that she’s been craving. Paris’s need for anal and vaginal penetration is insatiable, but judging by her screams, she seems pretty satisfied....

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Another sweet Sorority Story part 2

ANOTHER SWEET SORORITY STORY PART TWO PART 2 Recap: Our college freshman boy accepted a part time job offering as a house keeper in a local Sorority named "Phi Omega". The sisters seemed to like our boy especially his capability to clean the sorority house, act sweet, gentle and give great Pedicures. They also noticed his love to cross-dress and how wonderful he looks as a girl when wearing his skirt, blouse and sandals for his uniform. They sensed his inner feminine side as well and...

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Redheads or Blondes

"I told you that you can't come over tonight, I've got to see my fiancée!" said Jeremy to Fiona, his little something on the side. "Why do you prefer that little blonde tramp to me?" Fiona whined. Jeremy rolled his eyes heavenward. "I don't prefer that little blond tramp over you. You're my favorite tramp and you know it." "Flatterer." She interjected. "You know me too well" he admitted. "Nonetheless I don't prefer her to you. I just prefer her Daddy's money to...

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Fiery Latino Goddess

I started a new job in finance after leaving my previous job due to ridiculous working hours and a boss who was an actual bitch. This new job promised good working hours and ridiculous development, due to their exponential growth. From the very first day, I liked my new boss she was very kind and sweet. However, things changed after the first few weeks. It all started when they piled on too much work. My boss would nag and annoy me on an hourly basis.  My boss was a smoking hot, fiery Latino...


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