Unholy LustChapter 4 free porn video

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Julie could hardly wait to talk to Philip, she sipped her coffee in her apartment and looked impatiently at the clock. Probably the gallery wouldn't open until 10:00AM damn it, she really wanted to talk to someone. Suddenly Julie Moore felt very lonely, she realized now that she didn't know anyone in New York and it was a big place. She thought of calling Larry Rutherford, he had been so good to her he would probably give her a shoulder to cry on... still she felt silly, she didn't really know him either. The only person she felt intimate with was Philip, she would just have to wait until she could talk to him.

The clock seemed to go very slowly but finally it was 10:15AM Julie picked up the telephone and dialed the gallery. "Good morning, Argon Gallery," she heard the receptionist purr. "Good morning, could I speak to Mr. Randolph?" Julie said firmly. "Who shall I say is calling?" the receptionist inquired. "Julie Moore," Julie could sense a strange silence at the other end of the telephone, she wondered vaguely if Philip's receptionist was aware of what was going on, could it be that she desires him herself, she wondered. "Just a moment, I'll connect you," she heard her finally say.

"Good morning Julie my dear, what can I do for you," she heard Philip's soothing tones.

Immediately Julie began to sob uncontrollably, it took her several minutes to actually explain to Philip what had happened and to tell him how miserable she was.

Philip Randolph was very sympathetic, he had lived enough years to have lived through several such similar scenes himself, "I've got a good idea," he said after a while, "look you're tired, a little run down, why don't you go out to my house on Fire Island for a few days, rest up a little. When you get back you can get in touch with Randy via his company... how about it, I'll even try to get out to the Island to meet you."

"Are you sure?" Julie hesitated, not at all certain that she wanted to be alone for a few days.

"Quite sure, in fact I'll take you out there today but I won't be able to stay, too much business to attend to at the moment.

"Alright Philip, thank you," murmured Julie.

"Quite alright my dear, the sea-air will do you a world of good, always does."

Julie Moore hung up the telephone and started to look around her studio, she would take her sketchbook with her, do some studies of the ocean and the wildlife, anything to take her mind off of her problems. Oh Randy, she thought... I do love you!

Julie had been on the Island for a couple of days before she began to realize that she was being studied. Two men in particular always seemed to be on the beach when she was, at first she had thought it coincidence but now she was convinced that they were after something. She was a little frightened, after all she thought to herself, I am alone at the house, anything could happen! She made a mental note to call Philip when she got back to the day, perhaps he would come out to the Island later on. She lay back on the sand, pulling her sunhat down over her face just enough to cover the sun from her eyes but not enough to block the two young men from her view. She. was curious now... who were they?

Idly now she began to study them, both of them looked around 25, they were both fairly tall, the only difference being that one was rather stocky with his height and the other quite slim. The slim man had dark black hair and was really quite handsome, the stocky one had sandy colored hair and wasn't as good looking although he was attractive. Suddenly she became aware that they were walking towards her... oh God! what should she do? Should she get up quickly and rush into the house? No time, they were almost at her side.

"Hi, I'm Pete Howard," the slim dark-haired young man said smoothly and "I'm Tim Black," the sandy-haired man said quickly following.

"Oh... hello," Julie said shyly, "I'm Julie Moore."

"Hope you don't mind our pushing ourselves upon you, we noticed you yesterday, aren't too many people here during the week."

"Is that so?" Julie said.

"Sure, this place is mobbed on weekends. New Yorkers' pile out here like ants, you won't believe it, that is if you're here then. How long are you staying?"

"I'm not sure, I'm in my friend's house and he may come out tonight to take me back to the City," Julie said quickly, anxious to let the young men know that there was someone in her life that she wasn't open game.

The two young men were so charming however that Julie's fears were quickly dispelled, they chatted for a long while, went into the ocean together and before she really knew what she was doing, Julie found herself inviting them both back to the house for a drink.

"Love to," they both echoed.

Julie was beginning to discover a sense of power with her new freedom. Ever since Randy had walked out on her she had become increasingly aware of how much of the outside world she had closed off, particularly in the direction of men. She had even ceased to think of herself as being really attractive until recently, in fact until Philip Randolph had paid her so much attention. Now, with two attractive young men at her feet she was really beginning to feel beautiful. The fact of the matter was that she was lonely and whether she knew it or not, she was also vulnerable, and her ego was being lifted by their very presence. She would have read the danger signs in their boldly moving eyes and in the persistent tingling excitement beginning to course through her own body, but she ignored the warnings. After all, neither of the young men had said a single thing out of order.

"What would you like to drink," Julie asked them now back at the house.

"I'll take a scotch and soda," Pete said quickly his gray blue eyes lingering on her breasts for a quick moment.

"Me too," Tim said grinning a little at Pete's audacity.

"Here's to friendship," Pete said, his eyes devouring Julie with sheer desire. The young woman caught his glance and suddenly wondered if maybe she had made a mistake inviting them both up to the house. She was apprehensive as she became aware of his salacious gaze, how could I have been so stupid?

A tingling warmth keened through her to stab at her belly without warning. It was completely unwanted and now she recognized the danger signals within herself. She had no intention of playing around with a couple of men she hardly knew. They had gotten into her house, but that didn't mean they had to stay there. She was amazed at what was happening down between her legs, she felt the seeping moistness and the turgid warmth in her genitals... it had been three days now since Philip had made love to her and she realized that she was quite horny. It was almost as if the fucking session with Philip had reawakened desire in her and now here she was with a couple of men she hardly knew quivering violently and wondering if they were going to rape her. I must be going mad, she thought to herself

Immediately that Julie realized what was happening, the moment she sensed the mental communication that was going on between the two men she realized that the best thing for her to do would be to simply leave the house, they wouldn't dare do anything to her on the beach and surely they wouldn't have the nerve to wait in the house until she came back?

She glanced around the room, then quickly she headed for the door. Pete had been watching her intently however, realizing that his lecherous glances had frightened her and he was in front of her before she knew what was happening. "Going somewhere Julie?" he inquired casually. "We're nice men, you're not going to leave us alone are you?"

Tim was standing behind her now, too close for her comfort. "Are you nervous about something," he grinned lewdly behind her head.

Julie gasped inwardly when she saw the huge bulge of Pete's erection. It lurched, the movement catching her eye and causing her to shiver with unwanted expectancy.

Pete's now leering eyes followed her apprehensive gaze, and he expanded his fully erect penis again, purposefully, causing its hard length to be outlined against the cloth of his swimming trunks.

"Interested?" he grinned.

"No I'm not," Julie said firmly trying to get out of the house, a tingle of fear running up and down her spine.

Behind her Tim's arms encircled her pinioning her own arms to her sides, as his hands covered and held the soft globes of her breasts, his fingers kneading deep into the tender flesh through her cover-up and the scanty bikini top. Instantly, she was aware that her nipples had come up hard and throbbing against his hands.

"Take your hands off me you dirty bastard!" she screamed.

"Naughty, naughty, such language for a lady," sneered Tim, "not a chance though," he murmured in her ear, his loins thrusting against her so that she could feel the equally huge bulge of his fully erect cock against the small of her back. He kissed the nape of her neck.

Tiny wavelets of rising passion cascaded through her tense body. God! How was she to cope with two men intent upon seducing her... or raping her? "I'll scream," she threatened.

"Why would you want to do that?" Pete seemed surprised. Then quickly he pressed in close to her, his strong hands holding her head in a vise-like grip as he lowered his lips to hers, capturing their softness, his tongue probing between them, while below, the hard length of his erection bulging inside his swimming suit group up firmly against her rapidly inflamed loins, which were encased only in her scanty bikini bottoms. Thrilling sensations sang along her nerve endings, concentrated there between her legs, the soaring melodies of her passion gaining in constant crescendo until with a sizzling crash she knew that she was lost. She actually wanted this, something weird and perverse inside of her wanted them to take her, it was almost as if another side of her nature was now being released within her, she who had spent so much time devoting her energies to her artwork was now actually craving and drawing to her men, men whose sole intention was her body, they didn't care about her soul or her art, they just wanted to ravage her body!

Momentarily, she had resisted Pete's kiss, keeping her teeth clamped tightly shut but when it happened to her, her churning belly defying the voice of reason and answering only to the primal rhythm of the two massive cocks grinding against her and the moist warmth of Pete's inquiring tongue and lips against her mouth, she melted against them, her jaws opening slightly to allow his oral member to slide between the barrier of her teeth to taste the sweetness of her. At the same time, her hips began an almost imperceptible undulation of their own, seemingly directed by pure instinct, as she sought closer contact with the delicious warmth of those two tempting cocks. And, Tim, standing there behind her was now working open the buttons of her cover-up. There remained little doubt in her mind, now. They were going to make love to her. It was what they had planned all along. She knew that, now. God! She also knew though that she wouldn't really resist them, in her heart she realized that she wanted them, she felt weak in the knees now and knew that she could no longer hold up. She felt Tim's warm hands caressing her breasts through the cloth of her bikini bra. Wildly, her body wanted it all, wanted her naked breasts to be handled, massaged and caressed, wanted the hardness of their cocks in her own hands... and then wanted them thrusting deep up into her pussy. She could almost feel it already. It would be so marvelous... so naughty, yet so nice.

Suddenly however, something snapped inside of her, what was she thinking about, what would Philip think, how could she allow these young animals to ravage her body... she must be mad!

Julie twisted her head aside, freeing it from Pete's strong- fingered grasp and breaking the deep kiss, as she realized that she had begun to kiss him back, her own tongue entertwining with his and sliding momentarily into his mouth.

"No!" she gasped. Please... I-I can't. I can't..."

"Baby, you're going to get yourself good and fucked!" Tim leered behind her.

"No... no, please let me go," she pleaded, "I don't even know you."

"Pretty soon you'll know us though," Pete grinned, reaching down to untie the lacing at the side of her bikini bottoms.

"No," she screamed thrusting her hand down to her side to stop him.

Pete pushed her hand aside and continued to untie her bikini, "Don't tell me you don't want it baby, it's obvious, it's written all over your face, you're hot baby, hot to fuck, really hot to fuck!"

Pushing her bikini bottoms down over her hips, he stripped the tiny garment down over the sveltely curved columns of her legs. The blonde hair of her pussy was revealed curling softly at the apex of her thighs, which she clamped tightly together, her hand moving down instinctively to cover the nakedness of her loins. Julie blushed, and her eyes dropped down to see her only material defense draped around her ankles.

"Ooooooh, my God!" she groaned. "Oh, no!"

Tim was now deftly removing her short white cover-up pulling it off of her with firm hands. Not quite realizing what was happening, Julie desperately tried to cover her nakedness as she was finally stripped.

She felt confused, her head was swirling, it was almost as if her body wanted them to fuck her and yet her head didn't. She couldn't quite understand what was happening and yet her body felt like a traitor to her.

Then, Pete, who was still standing in front of her was loosening the tie of his swim trunks, and with excruciating slowness began to lower them over his slim muscular hips. She watched hypnotically, unaware that Tim was already unfastening the single snap of her bikini top and pushing the shoulder straps down over her upper arms. Then, almost instantly, Tim's hands captured her smooth globular white breasts, his fingers digging into the tender flesh to knead and massage. A tiny moan escaped her lips as her aching breasts quivered in the palms of his greedy hands, their coral-pink nipples distended and hard with wanting, while just at that moment Pete freed the long thick length of his cock, exposing it fully to her rapt gaze. She couldn't help but gasp with surprise at the size of it.

Quickly, Pete stepped out of the bathing trunks and kicked them aside, then with a top-sided leer, he reached down to grasp the throbbing length of his penis. As he slowly retracted the heavy foreskin, he chortled. "How would you like to have this shoved all the way up into your cute little cunt?"

"I-I wouldn't!" she cried out but she couldn't look away from it as a fiery bolt of lightning flashed in her loins, searing her with a demanding desire she couldn't ignore.

Pete came close to her then and plucked away the bikini top that still dangled by its shoulder straps from her elbows. Julie let him do it. Why she did she didn't know but the next instant she had stepped out of her bottoms also and now she was shamefully naked before the two lusting men.

Her body had won over, her traitorous body was willing to give itself to these two brutes, she thought shamefully to herself... I'll never be the same again.

"And she said she didn't want it," sneered Tim behind her, "she wants it alright, she's so hot for it she can't stand it."

"I'll say she wants it, she can't keep her eyes off my cock," sneered Pete as he stood close to her and guided the blood-filled head of his cock into the tiny crease of her pussy showing faintly through its soft covering of blonde hair at the angle of her thighs. "Isn't that right Julie?"

"N-no! It's just that it's so huge... I've never seen one so big," she gasped.

Pete began to enfold her in his arms now while at the same time Tim released the ripe melons of her breasts and stepped back from her. She was crushed against Pete's muscular chest now, his hips pushed hard against her to insinuate the bloated head of his penis against the pulsing bud of her clitoris.

Suddenly, Julie knew she could stand no longer. Her knees were beginning to collapse. Deep in her belly a roaring furnace door was opened as the moist warmth of his cock-head touched the key to her sexuality, and involuntarily her tightly clamped thighs relaxed to allow that monster cudgel to bore in between her legs. It felt to her as though she were rising a huge log as his thick hard and long cock seemed to be making contact with every square centimeter of her inflamed cunt flesh. Moaning uncontrollably she slumped against him. Oh God! I can't hold out any longer, she groaned inwardly to herself, I'm going to give myself to him.

"Okay baby," Pete growled now, "there's no turning back now, you're going to give yourself to both of us."

"No!" her voice gasped with the last vestige of reason as her body tingled with a new expectancy for something she had never experienced. Two potently virile men fucking her at the same time. Two! Two men... at the s-same time! "Oooooooooh!" her mewling moan contained a new tone of excitement, muffled against Pete's broad hairy chest.

"Come on Pete!" It was Tim's voice off somewhere behind her. "Let's get her into the bedroom... I've got everything ready."

Dumbly Julie allowed herself to be led to the bed, like a cow to the slaughter, into the bedroom with it's queen-sized bed where Tim waited them, naked now too and stretched out on the bed, his fully erect penis reaching upward above his hairy loins like a fleshy pylon.

She gasped. Unbelieving, she stared at it. The slightly shorter more compact Tim, broad-shouldered, his torso narrowing to slim hips and muscular legs bore a veritable monster cock in his loins. It reared above him like a jackknife, seeming to be firmly embedded in a foundation of tufting sandy hair.

Smiling at her surprise, Tim grinned up at her, his hazel eyes filled with a lust she had never seen before. "What's the matter Julie baby? Haven't you ever seen a cock before?"

"Y-yes... but..." her gaze switched to Pete standing beside her then back again to Tim on the bed.

But what?" Pete asked pushing her toward the bed firmly.

"I-I can't! I w-won't! You're both so... so...

"Ready to fuck you?" Tim smiled, showing white even teeth. He reached out for her, grasped one of her hands and pulled her down to the soft mattress beside him.

Pete lay down beside her to sandwich her sensation-ridden body between the two virile men as real fear mixed with perverse anticipation caromed around inside her skull. It was all so real to her, yet there was a tinge of fantasy to it. God! They're so big! Both of them! How can I possibly l-let them d-do it to m- me? Even as she questioned it, her body yearned for them... both of them, huge as they were... more huge than she had ever imagined a man's sex organ could be.

Now, she was enfolded between them, the men's warm and muscularly hard bodies pressed tight against her, both long and hardened cocks pressuring into the soft smooth flesh of her thighs on either side. She could plainly feel the heat of them against her quivering skin.

Before she could answer with an objection, Tim had smothered her mouth with his, his tongue surging out to burst into her oral cavern. For a desperate moment, Julie tried to twist away from him to break his slavering kiss, her tongue skirmishing with his, but when Pete's lips captured one of her spikily distended nipples sucking it up into the warmth of his mouth, his teeth grazing it slightly as he toyed with it, all of her reservations her shaky resolve, dissolved in a long shuddering moan of desire. Her jaw relaxed, her mouth opening wide, and she sucked Tim's lingual member deep into her own mouth. At that point, she knew that she was truly lost. She was beyond the point of no return. It was going to happen and nothing in heaven or hell could or would stop it.

Her body keened shiveringly as delightfully sensual things happened to her. She kissed Tim back with fierce passion, her own tongue now slipping searchingly into his mouth to probe and taste, while his hand massaged carressingly at her other aching breast, his thumb and forefinger rolling her sensitively erect nipple to even greater hardness. At the same time, Pete sucked hard at its twin, taking the entire aureola deep into the warm moistness of his mouth, and his hand, too, was busy as it smoothed down over the white plane of her belly to the soft blonde hair of her pubic mound, his extended middle finger searching for and finding the fleshly folds of her pussy, then going down into it straight to the hardened bud of her fully erect clitoris.

His touch down there was like an electric probe. Her breath was quickly indrawn, muffled by Tim's mouth covering hers in a deep soul kiss, but each of the men felt it in her body, the quivering desire in her communicated to them through every fiber of her being. Her gasp was followed by a long shuddering moan deep in her throat that sounded guttural and animalistic. Involuntarily, instinctively, her thighs parted in invitation to Pete's salaciously teasing finger. She was ready right then... ready for anything and everything, as she had never been before in her life. Unhesitatingly, Pete's whole hand went in between her thighs to cup her entire pussy. He massaged caressingly, feeling the viscous moisture gathered on the tiny peeping petals of her inner lips soak into the palm of his hand. Above, a satisfied smile split Pete's face as he nuzzled into the velvet-like skin of her softly swelling breast. Damn! She's hot! A real pushover!... and I'm really going to dig her! Man! She's really something else! He never would have believed that their plan could have worked out so easily had Tim not encouraged him... and now it was all working out so perfectly. Now, his probing middle finger sought the tiny moist opening of her vagina, slipping it easily up inside her, and he was rewarded by the unmistakable undulation of her hips up against his hand, a mute signal on her part in body language, meaning: More! More! MORE!

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Unholy MarriageChapter 7

The sight that met Alyssia in the bedroom was incredible. On the round bed, on a love-bench and on the floor, eight people were fucking, sucking, touching or reaching for, each other. On the floor was Clarence, with Rosalind squatting over his head, obviously enjoying his tongue. Nobody seemed to take care of his cock, which was standing proudly upright. Alyssia went straight for it. With one hand she supported herself on Rosalinds shoulder, while she lowered herself towards the hard cock....

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Unholy MarriageChapter 8

Six weeks had passed since the engagement/initiation-party, when Alyssia and Alexander were invited to Sunday brunch at Victoria and Sully's. The last days of September were glorious, and they chose to take the drive in the big Packard Le Baron, with the roof down. They both just adored that car, and they started out early, so they could enjoy a leisurely ride, watching the landscapes roll by and listening to the purr of the 12-cylinder engine. Just before noon they rolled up in front of the...

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Unholy MarriageChapter 9

They had entered a very old part of New York, and Alexander stopped the car in a small square, very London-like, with trees, flowers and grass, surrounded by big old houses. "That's our new home." He pointed his hand at a really big, three-story affair. Quite simple to look at, built sometime during the 1700's out of red brick, kind of Queen Ann-style with white windows and a large black double-door, framed by two pillars. "My God, it is huge for two people." "Remember, we are going...

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Unholy MarriageChapter 10 The Wedding

Time passed in a blur of activity and torment. Activity to get everything finished and packed, in time to reach Key West by the following Sunday. Torment in the form of a rather rough ride on a romantic schooner, which took them to Baron's Island, and in the form of unwanted celibacy for five days. Friday evening was the worst. Apart from a few people, the whole clan had arrived during Friday, and at the very informal evening meal, which was kind of a glorified barbecue on the white,...

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Unholy Matrimony

The girl shook her head almost imperceptibly, but a mother can pick up on the most minute details. Also, she saw her roll her eyes in the mirror. Aranel did look absolutely stunning. Her eyes shone like green emeralds on an unblemished porcelain face. Her elvish heritage gave her the long ears and lithe, nymphette body, but it must have been her human half that gifted her perky breasts considered unthinkably massive among her people. Hard to imagine they could still be growing for another...

1 year ago
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Her Name was A

Legs kicked frantically at his thick tree like thighs. He hardly noticed, such was his focus on his task. Her hands pushed on his knees, trying to fight his pull, yet unwittingly helping him keep her body in proper alignment. Thick purple bulbous head pressed, whitening at the point of contact. Her tight ring was both a gateway and obstacle to his intended invasion. His lips curled in a snarl, biceps bulged and pectoral muscles strained. He leaned backwards to push his hips forward. ...

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The Cleaner

It was a sunny July day when I was able to take my first full-time job. I was 19 at the time and as a young boy it was incredibly exciting for me to finally be able to spend my own money. I was hired as a cleaner in an office building. My first day at work was supposed to be monday at 4 p.m. As befits an exemplary employee, I appeared on time. The building was spectacular, standing at the entrance I felt so small.The first person I met was a young woman, eye-catching before the age of 30. She...

3 years ago
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Friends with benefits

I met this guy some time back. He invited me back to his place. Now I must describe his favorite attire.. Very tight spandex work out shorts (very bright colors), tight T Shirt, sneakers with his Very long hair tied back or hanging down past his shoulders. He is tall 6'+, very lean, good looking. Oh and a HUGE DICK... His dick and balls are very noticeable in this outfit.. VERY.. In fact that is what caught my eye first. Pretty much a standard pick up. He says hi I say hi back... Then he puts...

4 years ago
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Castle Tails

By Homealone_447 Claire and her friends looked through their hotel window at the old castle sitting at the top of a nearby hill. They were seriously considering a strange dare from the old lady managing the hotel. “So tell me again what the woman told you,” Brooke said, “If we spend the night up there, we won’t have to pay our hotel bill? It doesn’t make any sense.” Her friend Madison responded, “It is true. Claire and I were talking about the ridiculous stories they say about the...

3 years ago
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Sex Education Chapter 2 The Rest Of The First Week

On day two of Sex Ed, you woke up to reveille. A bugle played over a loudspeaker, and you had to hurry to shower and dress for breakfast, then off to class. Today, in the first minute of instruction, you were told to strip, then to lie down with your feet in the stirrups. Today the cadets would learn about pussy. The instructor insisted on calling it that.You, in your mind, thought of it as your cunt. You knew that you wanted it stuffed full of cock, that would fuck your brains out, and it was...

2 years ago
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Going to Michigan

I just cannot take it anymore. I have spent a year talking to this woman over the internet, getting horny, and having to go jerk off. I am sick of it. There is only one option left for me. Fly to Michigan and fuck the breath out of this woman and then fly back home again. I don't care that I had to spend a few hundred on a plane ticket, or another hundred on a hotel room. I don't care that it's going to take 3 hours to fly each direction. I don't care, I have to do all the dirty things to...

2 years ago
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The Erotic Entertainer

It really wasn't Warren desire to take his wife to the monthly BBQ he had with old work colleagues; however, of recent times she had complained that she was left out of his activities; so reluctantly he said he would take her. "The wife wants to come along", he told his mate over the phone when he was discussing what to bring. "She doesn't drink so I'll bring along a fruit juice, maybe orange or pineapple; I'll pick up a few beers as well", he concluded. The meats and bread had already...

1 year ago
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RawAttack Kasey Miller 04132019

Kasey Miller is more than just a pretty face and a round juicy ass….she’s a tight pussy too!!! But all jokes aside this girl really has a sweet personality to go with her looks. I follow her after her scene with mark and we chat for a while about her body, her future and different things she’s into. After she reveals she has a kink for multiple men in a day, one after the other, there is no turning back. She notices me getting hard in my pants for her and its game on. Fucked...

1 year ago
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HobyBuchanon Emma Hix Daddy Roughly Face Fucks and Beats Up Her Pussy

Beautiful blonde Emma Hix stopped by to see The Face Fucking King. We start with her do’s and dont’s, she has no dont’s for Daddy. I ask why she came to see me and she says she wants fucked rough & her pussy needs a good beating. I walk up and ask her if she’s ready to get her pussy beat up and put my hand around her neck and kiss her. I take my hard dick out and start fucking her pretty face. Tears are already streaming down her face. I choke and slap her and start...

3 years ago
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Androids of Evergreen part 4

Two weeks had past since Athena joined him and Chloe. The two weeks Tom had with Chloe was nothing compared to the two weeks with both girls. Athena had a dominate personality in bed towards Chloe, and Chloe was submissive to Athena. Both were, of course, submissive when Tom fucked them, but Chloe’s was to a greater extent. He also set them to fuck even when he wasn’t there. It was insanely hot to watch Athena come up behind Chloe to grope her out of the blue, to walk into the living room and...

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Cherry HuntersChapter 10 Sita

Sita was the second born of the Ragoos. She was 14 years old with small perky tits and a girlish figure. The lips of her hairless choot were pressed together with a very prominent clit. Actually she was the horniest of the three sisters. She was also the most intelligent. She was very inquisitive and obstinate. She did not like mysteries. She was happiest when everything was clear without any ambiguity or uncertainty. She was a mine of information because she had a knack of being at the...

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Summoning My Succubus Mother Chapter 5 MommySuccubuss Teacher Conference

Chapter Five: Mommy-Succubus's Teacher Conference By mypenname3000 Copyright 2021 Note: This is based off a one-off story was commissioned by a fan! “Huh, my mom wants me to wait in a safe place,” I said. She was really freaked out about Mrs. Spartan being a witch. Just what would witches do to me? A day ago, I was a normal college student with a single mother that all my friends thought was the hottest MILF. Now, I was the son of a succubus which made me into something called a...

2 years ago
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Coventry Interview

One day I was informed that the girl had come and wanted to see me for the interview, so I called her in. As is my custom I stood up to go and open the door when she knocked. Honestly, I meant to do my job and really test her but when she walked in I suddenly had a hard on. I dont know why my dick has a tendency to greet females before I do. To make matters worse I did not have a brief on. I only had mi boxer shorts and one of mi loose trousers. Much as I tried to hide the prick, it was...

3 years ago
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The Laptop Part Seven of Seven

Beth waited for Dax in her room, not being able to decide if she should just stay naked or put something on.  In the end, since she planned on just blowing him and jerking his dick, she chose her bathing suit.  That way, not only could she head out to the pool afterward, but if he made a mess on her it would be easy to wash off just by jumping in the water.Dax, not wanting to seem too eager, decided to take a medium length shower and really get clean.  He had also remembered reading an article...

2 years ago
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How a Husband Should Handle his Wife

Introduction: An unattentive wife and her outcome from her loving husband. First story. I wrote it to give a hint to a certain someone of what I wanted. Originally titled How a Husband should Handle those late calls from work. Might continue it… How a husband should handle those late calls from work. The husband gets back from working all day and all that has kept him in good spirits is the thought of his wife and how appetizing she looks naked and hungering for him. Yet, he is hungry and when...

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Little, plastic wheels grind on gritty cement, then thump three times as they are yanked up the steps. The front door is red, creating a welcome contrast against the stucco and generic grey roof of your new home. This wouldn't have been your first choice. You were given a small list of cities to choose from and this is where you randomly pointed. Witness protection. You're grateful for the safety but dreading the isolation you're about to endure. Speaking of, you look around at the view from...

1 year ago
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Finding Serenity

As you hear the cargo door close with a loud noise, you know your old life is behind you. You look around in your room. It's small, by your standards, but comfortable enough. A bed, a few storage containers, a sliding door. A few of the other dorms are occupied too, while the crew has their quarters in the upper part of the ship. This is it. You are now hitchhiking on a dubious private vessel somewhere in the outer regions instead of living your peaceful and wealthy life on the core. You could...

2 years ago
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Me and Peter pt2

So the summer break was getting hotter and hotter and we were getting more daring and breaking in to the quarry most often, swimming and frolicking in the warm water. We decided after a party one night we would go for a night swim!! We went to the usually gap in the fence and snuck in.we stripped off naked and jumped in.The water was lovely and warm and we held each other and kissed passionately,tongues searching each other's mouths hot and wet. I could feel he's hands caressing my body...

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The Hike0

Myra decided early that morning to take a hike up in the desert trails that surrounded her Arizona home. She absolutely loved the weather. Always hot and dry. She dressed for it, really skantily. She had long before obtained a permanent tan. Myra showered up early that morning and the got dressed. Her hiking outfit consisted of little khaki shorts, a tight white tee shirt and hiking boots with itty bitty socks. She wore her favorite old straw cowboy hat to keep too much sun off...

2 years ago
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Lunch Time Reverie

‘A little to the right, that’s it……just a little higher,’ I muttered under my breath as I watched this familiar frame groom trees on the grounds of my office. He didn’t get this gig until after our relationship ended and it’s been good to still see him around. It does my heart good to see him and know he’s doing well. Our intentional run-ins and small talk are good for my soul. However, our pairing was quite the opposite. Rewind time thirteen years to the summer after I graduated from high...

4 years ago
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One lucky summer

Summer Holiday and the unexpectedIt was the summer of 1999 and it was one to remember. For one I had just finished all my exams, two it was hot and sunny and third, I was about to go abroad on holiday for the first time ever! I came from a family that didn’t have much money, so holidays abroad were something that we just couldn’t afford. 6 months earlier my best friend asked if I would like to go on holiday with him and his family for 2 weeks in Florida in our own private villa and pool! Well I...

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Cane and Abyll

“Bradley just left,” I whisper cautiously into the phone and then return the receiver to its base. As quickly as my legs could carry me, I run into the shower and wash my husband’s scent from my body – inside and out. I towel off and rub a handful of strawberry-scented lotion onto my skin. Gleefully, I skip back into my marital bed and cover my naked body with soft ivory sheets. And I wait for him. I can’t believe I’m really doing this . . . I met my husband at a fetish party five years...

4 years ago
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My friends little sister

My friend Will and his family moved into town about 3 years ago. Since then he and I have become really great friends, I even gotten onto pretty good terms with his family, his parents are both funny people and they always seem happy to see me, but it’s his sister that I’m really a fan of.Katie was a walking, talking apparition of sex and lust. She was a few years younger than us, but that never mattered to me. She was tanned to such a perfect colour of bronze; her skin looked like honey to me....

2 years ago
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My sexual experience with David my neighbor 2

So the following are true experiences with older neighbor David. Check out the first story for my first gay experience with David. It was summer of 94 just finished my freshman year of high school. My parents both worked two jobs giving me a lot of free time. When they were gone, I would go David apartment across the hall. His key originally intended to "walk his little Pomeranian" was now my access to my David and my sexual awakening. My parents left before seven and David didn't have to leave...

1 year ago
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Lovely Master 2

Hello this is Shrushti. Here is the second part of my story named Lovely Master. Now lets start second part…….I was nude in the position like dog with caller in… [email protected]

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Part Two The Carpet Guys Koni Gets Ruined

Richard said something to Juan and they both laughed as I laid there in puddles of my own goo... my face covered in cum and stoned out of my sissy mind, I knew I couldn't get up. Richard pulled his pants up, leaned down and with his heavy accent, said, "chica our boss, Mike, will be here soon to check on our job... You'll need to tell him those big wet spots are from you okay? It's not our fault... " he stopped and snickered, "that you can't control yourself ya little slut." Both men laughed...

3 years ago
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As Master Ordered

After You said goodnight to me .. I shut down my computer and gathered my toys..I quietly went out to the dining room... climbing into the big overstuffed office chair. I wiggled around till I got comfy..Tossing my legs over the arms of the chair.. Spreading myself wide for You Sir..I take the lube and massage a nice amount on Your whore's asshole..Thinking of You Daddy as I do..How Master would enjoy watching His naughty whore following His instructions... How it would make Him grow.. Mmmm......

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Ashley meets Lissa

One day she brings a friend home from the mall with her. Her name is Lissa she is about Ashleys age and just as sexy. Ashley figures since Trent has been working so late at the job site why would he come home early tonight. Ashley takes Lissa up to her room. They start to kiss and explore each others bodies. "Ashley your so hot. Where did this sexy body come from?" Lissa says as she runs her hands up and down her naked body slowly. "I'm pretty sure I got it from my mom. But your...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 26

This item is compliments of bobw40‎10 From A School Principal’s speech at a graduation... He said “A Doctor wants his child to become a doctor... An Engineer wants his child to become an engineer... A Businessman wants his ward to become a CEO... BUT a teacher also wants his child to become one of them... !!!! Nobody wants to become a teacher BY CHOICE... Very sad but that’s the truth... !!! The dinner guests were sitting around the table discussing life. One man, a CEO, decided...

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Kelly By Callie Messenger The flash that I saw and the shock that I felt when Carmela placed her ring on my finger were the end of our marriage. I asked her what it was immediately after the wedding and she finally admitted that she had allowed her mother to cast a spell to ensure my faithfulness to her daughter. Carmela could not reconcile the action with the implicit trust required to make a marriage work. I walked straight back into the church and asked the priest for an...

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