Unholy MasterChapter 10 free porn video

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Once airborne, Paul Arden unfastened the safety-belt and tried to relax. He was more than just a little upset at Leduc's concern over Janet's condition. This morning, just prior to the Embassy's calling him and informing him that the Ambassador had a special mission for him to carry out in Brussels and that he was to return to Paris at once, Doctor Leduc had recommended a complete rest for Janet at some quiet sanitarium, else he would not be responsible for what was inevitably to come. Janet, he said, was on the verge of total mental collapse. Of course, he had given his permission.

My God, he couldn't believe it! His own beautiful Janet... ill to such an extent. He supposed he had known that ever since the first night of their honeymoon she was tormented with some mental disturbance, but on the verge of complete collapse... ? Heavenly Father! He wondered if he should inform her family... had been debating over it, in fact, ever since he left Dives, but now decided against it. She was receiving the finest of care in Doctor Leduc, and he felt fortunate that he had been able to leave her with them while he made this emergency trip.

Then, his mind filled with the unbelievable licentious festivities he had witnessed and taken part in the night before. His face flushed a bright crimson as he recalled the way he and Danielle Leduc had cavorted together in the vilest of sexual indulgences... and the others, swapping wives and husbands about in the manner of a true Saturnalian orgy... He still couldn't believe it. Thank God, his Janet had been exposed to none of it. She certainly would have lost her balance, with her Puritanistic upbringing, had she walked into that apartment.

But what of Leduc himself? Surely, he must be aware that these debauched activities take place under his roof... must even sanction them, and perhaps participate at certain times. Damn. It was all so overwhelming and difficult to comprehend. He'd never figured himself to be a prude, and was well aware of the wife-swapping fad and other such promiscuous dissipation's, but this had been the ultimate in bacchanalias. He found himself grinning slyly. Nero would have been happy to have been on the guest list, he mused.

Well, he'd always been given to understand that much more license was taken in Europe amongst married couples, and now he had the proof of it. And oddly enough, he found that he felt no less attracted to any of them... in fact, if anything, he experienced a sense of closer relationship with each and all of them... a sort of private, pleasant, cliquish feeling.

And he was not going to worry about Janet. She was in good, competent hands... friendly hands. Perhaps a week or so of rest as the Frenchman had suggested would do her worlds of good. He hoped so. God... he really did love her with all of his heart.

He lay his head back against the seat and let individual events of the evening pass through his mind, until shortly, he felt his member stirring lustfully. He hoped this mission was not going to take too long. He was damned anxious to get back.

Janet stirred restlessly in the small bed. Her eyes fluttered open and struggled with the sunless daylight seeping in through the little window of the cell-like room. The stale air was warm and thick and strange odors wafted through her nostrils, causing her brow to wrinkle slightly, as though in deep concentrated thought.

Her vision adjusted slowly and she saw that the room was barren, foreign to her, and that she wore a white, coarse gown and was covered with a single sheet and white spread. Her tongue circled her lips, tasting the slight pungency of a sticky moistness around them. She was momentarily at complete loss, she thought to herself, through the haze that still clouded her half-dimmed mind.

She lay quietly and tried to remember... and after a moment incidents began to creep from the recesses of her memory bank and form into little incomplete pictures... lewd pictures of impossibly vile, perverted acts in which she had taken part... No... no! It was possible! She had dreamed it! Yes, that was it... a horrible, revulsive dream... but it had seemed so real!

Paul! Where was Paul? She sat up quickly and her head swam with the effort; her stomach threatened to revolt and slowly she dropped back onto the pillow. Little twinges of fear began to come alive inside her. Had she been ill? Her body ached terribly; she felt so weak and nauseous... and this room... I Where was she? Again, she looked toward the window and saw the heavy screening covering it on the outside... and the closed door... it had no inside knob; there was a small, square glassed opening covered with the same heavy screening in its upper center... like a cell!

Once more, she forced her brain to retrace the visions it had conjured for her moments before. The vividness of them flickered across her mind as though she were watching a slightly out of focus television screen. Carefully, she commenced a self-exploration, smoothing her hands gently under the covers and beneath her gown up to her breasts. Ohhh, my God, they're tender. Her hands explored farther, coursing their way down over her stomach to her thighs and she spread them a little ways apart. She groaned again as her fingers touched tenderly the slight bruises lining the soft edges of her vagina. Her fingers probed carefully about the red sensitive opening, the tips becoming moist from the white, sticky liquid oozing viscously from it, wetting the split of her buttocks and the bed beneath. The tickling caused from the little rivulet made her flex her crotch muscles, and once more she winced from the burning pain in her rectum.

Lord above! Had it all actually happened? Or had Paul raped her again... perhaps when she was unconscious from what ever it was Doctor Leduc was treating her for... ? Doctor Leduc? My God, in her dream, he had made her call him Master! And Madame Leduc had been there... all of them committing deplorably salacious acts on each other... and the dog, Vailante... ! Dear Jesus, the dog! Had it actually happened?... she and the dog?

Wild thoughts raced through her mind one after another. Or was it possible that she had done this to herself... in the throes of fever, perhaps... ? Yes... it was possible she thought. She had done it before in extreme moments of frustration... but never like this. She had never gone to such extremes even in her wildest moments of desire. Could her own hand have probed so deep into her stomach and left this hot, gurgling pool that seemed lodged there now... or had that vile dog truly mounted her?

A feeling of deep shame crept over her. She had denied her Paul the right to do things to her time and again, a right that was his... and then she had stooped to the vilest acts of lust... even with an animal. Dear God in heaven, I must be insane! That's what's the matter with me... why I'm here locked away... why the window and door are barred! I'm losing my mind... turning into an animal myself... !

A noise at the door caused her to close her eyes quickly and to pretend at sleep. She heard it open and someone enter. There seemed to be more than one but she didn't open her eyes to see, only waited.

"She still sleeps," a strange voice said.

The aroma of perfume drifted to her, then she heard the voice of Madame Leduc.

"She is lovely... like a child lying there."

"Oui, but let us remember that she is a commodity, ma chere," replied Doctor Leduc.

"Of course, cheri. I merely mentioned it in passing," the woman said. "Are you going to awaken her?"

"Oui. I want her to have her... ah... medication regularly so that we can keep her in an amorous mood... if you know what I mean," said Leduc with a little chuckle.

"And hypnosis?" questioned the Madam.

"No longer necessary, ma chere. My post-hypnotic suggestions are well planted in her mind. She feels she must have her shot daily or go into painful withdrawal... and of course, the Dhattura takes care of the rest." Then, he addressed the third party, "Are you certain, Erabas, that she hasn't awakened since we brought her?"

"I have watched closely. I am certain, Master," the strange voice answered in a deep, strong tone.

"Very well..."

Janet felt a hand gently touch her shoulder. She had to steel herself to keep from cringing. Then, the Doctors voice said, "Madame... Madame Arden... wake up... it is Doctor Leduc."

Janet feigned a moan, rolled her head lightly from side to side, then let her eyes flutter open in blank confusion.

"How do you feel, ma chere?" he questioned gently, smiling down at her.

Momentarily, Janet did not speak, but let her eyes rove over their faces and the surroundings as if she were truly awakening from a deep stupor. They paused to rest briefly on the huge brown man who stood with arms folded across his naked, muscular chest like some eunuch overseer in a harem. He smiled at her showing a mouthful of hard, white teeth. He was completely hairless and a heavy earring hung from the lobe of his left ear. She felt a shudder pass over her as her eyes came back to the doctor.

"I-I... where am I? What hap... happened to me?"

Leduc patted her hand tenderly. "You have had a trying time... a rather serious nervous collapse, and you are now in a sanitarium outside of Paris."

"Nerv... nervous col... lapse?" Janet stammered, moving her head negatively in disbelief.

"Yes... but there is nothing to worry about now. You're coming along fine," assured Leduc.

"Paul... where is my husband?"

Again, the suave Frenchman patted her hand warmly. "He has been called away, ma chere. Right after it happened. He thought it best to move you here where you would be properly looked after and I could tend you. The Embassy has sent him on a special mission, but I'm sure he'll be returning in a week or so..."

"A week or so! You mean, I have to remain here... ?"

Madame Leduc moved close to the bed and smiled down at her as she tenderly smoothed her brow. "It is best, cheri... after what happened, and until you are feeling better."

Again, Janet shook her head. "I-I don't understand... what did happen... ?"

The Madame looked to her husband as if she were reluctant to speak and the Doctor said, "You were quite ill, ma chere... mentally disturbed... We found you with our dog, Vailante..."

He paused and Janet pressed. "Yes, yes, go on..."

Leduc shrugged. "You were having intercourse with him."

Janet's mouth fell open in abject horror... but it was partially fabricated, for she knew now that they were lying to her, that she had not dreamed those vile things that had taken place. They had actually occurred... lewd, vile, despicable acts of depravity that this man had somehow seduced her into... and suddenly, in near-panic, she realized that she must deceive them into believing that she was completely at their mercy, or else God alone knew what next would happen to her. She broke into loud sobs and covered her face, but through her fingers she saw the doctor offer a confident little smile to his wife.

"There, there now, it is not all that bad, ma chere," Leduc consoled her, gently removing her hands from her face. "Everything is going to be all right." He smiled his warm smile down at her and Janet let her tears slowly subside. "Now, after we've had our medication I am going to have you moved to a much nicer room and you will be given some gowns more befitting your station. Would you like that?"

"Y-Yes," Janet replied softly, resolved now that to play the meek innocent was her only hope.

Her mind raced while Leduc prepared her injection and handed her the small glass of sweet, amber-colored liquid to drink. She did not want to consume the concoction, but could think of no possible means of avoiding it without giving herself away. The needle, she felt she must have, or fall into those horrible withdrawal agonies once more. She was not that certain that she understood what they meant by post-hypnotic suggestion, and she couldn't afford to gamble on any more unnecessary pain. But, was she really addicted? And what had he meant when he referred to her as a commodity? What... what... what? Oh, dear God, what are they trying to do to me? Why? And where is my Paul... ?

"Now, cheri, I will take you to your new room," Madame Leduc said, interrupting Janet's thoughts as she took a white robe from the foot of the bed and held it up for her to slip into.

Slowly, Janet started to toss the covers back, then hesitated, remembering the short gown she wore was only hip-length, and the brown brute they had called Erabas was staring at her with wide, gleaming, hungry dark-eyes. Leduc read her hesitation and smiled.

"You mustn't worry about, or fear Erabas, ma cheri," he said. "He is quite harmless, and he will be looking after you."

Janet continued from the bed, quickly slipping into the robe.

Looking after me? For what? Guarding me is what he means... so that I won't try to escape. A sanitarium, he said. Good God, what kind of sanitarium would have such monsters about? Oh, Paul, Paul... please come and help me? Please... Please!

Before the Leducs left her, Janet had been moved to a luxurious room on an upper floor of the sanitarium, if indeed, she thought, it was such a place. She had been allowed to bathe and was given several exquisite, sheer negligees... certainly not the type of garment one would expect to find in a medical institution. The doctor had left her with a promise that he would be calling upon her at least daily, and perhaps more often. She was to do nothing but relax completely, get as much sleep as possible, and merely ring the little buzzer beside her bed if there was anything she wanted or needed.

Left alone, the first thing she did was to fall into a fit of despondent weeping. Although she had no conception of what fate actually lay in store for her, there was no doubt in her mind but what Leduc had some horribly evil plans. He had called her a commodity... and there could only be one thing about her that was salable... her body. She shuddered at the thought, even as the familiar irritable craving began to tingle in her belly and pelvic regions. Dear God... if only she knew how to reach Paul. She had to do something. She couldn't just lay there and wait for the worst to happen to her. She had to fight back some way... but how?

They had taken all of the necessary precautions: removed her clothing, kept her drugged and watched over by that brute Moroccan, Erabas... Erabas... ? She wondered. It was an obvious leer he had given her, a hungry and undeniable lustful expression. Perhaps... perhaps, she could bargain with him... if he would help her, she would let him... Oh God, she couldn't, she couldn't! But what, then? Where could she turn? There was no one! Her Paul was gone somewhere she didn't know...

Again, she wept, praying as the-tears streamed down her cheeks. Please, God... please help me... ? And then, she dried her eyes, set her jaw... and rang the buzzer.

Almost instantly, the giant Moroccan entered the room with the lightness of a cat. The mere sight of his massive presence caused Janet to cringe.

"Yes, Madame," he said in deep accented English. He stood at the foot of the bed and stared at her with those burning, ravenous eyes, his heavy muscular arms folded across his thick chest.

Janet forced herself to present a little smile. She hoped her lips weren't quivering the way her stomach was. She looked at him for a long moment, then said, "Are you my guard, Erabas?"

"I am Madame's servant," he replied curtly.

"Oh... I see," said Janet, softly. "Then... you are to do whatever I ask of you?"

"Yes, Madame... if possible."

"If possible?"

"Yes, Madame... all things are not possible."

Janet widened her eyes. "Such as... ?"

"I-I beg the Madame not to taunt me," Erabas said, his flashing eyes raking the length of her body that only a single silken sheet covered, clinging to its lush, full contours provocatively.

"I-I'm sorry, Erabas," Janet apologized. "I didn't mean to taunt you. It's just that... I need help... I do, Erabas," she said, suddenly sitting up in the bed, the sheet falling away to reveal her firm, pointed breasts behind the gossamery material of the negligee. She was not going to try any tricks. She was too frightened and desperate for that. The truth was the only way... "I need someone to help me get out of here. I'm being held against my will... actually kidnapped..."

"Madame is not feeling well again," the huge man replied, his tongue- tip slipping out to wet his lips. "I suggest you get some rest as the Doctor ordered..."

"But it's true, Erabas! You must believe me. They are kidnapping me!" Janet insisted frantically. "I don't know what they plan to do with me, but I'm sure it's something horrible..." she got to her knees and crawled to the foot of the bed to look up at him pleadingly. "Please, Erabas, you've got to help me. You're so big... and strong... I'll... I'll pay you well... anything you ask... anything... Please, please... ?

The Moroccan's licorice eyes were devouring every sensuous detail of Janet's luscious body, lucidly clear to him beneath the diaphanous, wispy gown, from her pink rising nipples down to the velvety fleece nestled mysteriously below her white creamy belly. He swallowed heavily as his hand slowly came away from his chest and reached out to touch her heavy protruding breast.

Janet gasped as the giant hand completely and gently cupped the melon-like globe of resilient flesh, dwarfing its size and causing an insane shiver of wild sensation to ripple down through her belly and loins.

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Fucked My Best friend Her Mommy 8211 Part II

HI everyone I am new to ISS this is the most awesome site I have ever seen. I am a resident of Bhubaneswar (Orissa).I am very hot on bed and I like fucking girls of all age all. So any aunty bhabhi aunty or girl from Bhubaneswar who wants to have sex can contact me everything will be a secret it’s a promise. Contact me at let me come to the story. This is a real story. It happened 3 years before. I had a good friend named Priyanka. I used to go to her house and her mom and dad were cool about...

1 year ago
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Choda 1722 ko Part 2

Priya mitro.Part-1 men main aapko apna e-mail batana bhool gaya tha. Aap ab apni comments mujhe is address par bhej sakte hain : Han to phir Rekha aur Dimple dono hi poore josh men aagayi aur dono men mere laure ko choosne ki hor lag gayi.Maine un dono se kaha ki tum log zara sabar rakho aur mere kahe anusaar karo agar zindagi ka asli mazaa lena hai to.Jaisa main tumhe pahle hi kah chuka hun tum dono ko ek saath hi chodooga.Phir maine apne bag se ek sikka nikal kar kaha ki ab main toss karta...

2 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 48

Man was that a lot to chew on. I got up and walked over to the lanai. I pulled a Sprite out of the the mini bar and took a long swig. I sat on the bar stool and surveyed my domain so to speak. My women were lounging around the pool basking in the glow of great orgasmic sex. They were grouped in couples or trios and were petting each other, talking softly or just holding. It was an idyllic scene. As I looked at each individual I felt a strong bond of with her. Yes, each one was definitely my...

4 years ago
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The Adventure

I was surprised by how tired I found myself as I settled down into the soft sand, warmed from another day of full sun and from the dull, red glow of the bonfire, which was now dying down into embers and small, crackling flames. Emily relaxed down next to me, leaning her head against my shoulder as we leant back against a long piece of driftwood dragged close up to the fire. I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her in close. I could tell she was just about as chilled out as me; we'd been...

3 years ago
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Halloween Part 4

Halloween Part 4: Chapter Five: Sharp Dressed Man I hesitated. You see I wouldn't exactly describe myself as religious but I would go to church fairly regularly. I was sort of isolated in church which consisted largely of older men and of women of the same age or in some cases women of my age. We had nothing in common and In short there was no-one I really identified with. I tended to fall asleep, out of boredom, during the sermons. So, perhaps you will understand with...

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SweetSinner Keira Croft The Phone Sex Operator

Keira is super frustrated that her stepbrother Nathan keeps interfering with her work from home job as a phone sex operator by making way too much noise from his own room. Nathan claims it is to drown out her loud, fake orgasms. Convinced he wouldn’t know the difference between real or fake, Keira’s hands drift down her shorts and she entices him with a quick orgasm which he is convinced is real… when he discovers it isn’t, he challenges her to allow him to make her have...

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The Good Dean

After a short drive along the highroad, she arrived at FLK University. She drove inside the gates and onto the faculty parking and got out. She could see some lecturers, not running, but hurdling to the courses building. The urge to look down on them in disdain was quickly dismissed, once she remembered how she’d used to hurdle, back when she was a mere lecturer. Not anymore. If her whole classroom lined up at the University principal’s office and asked to kick her out, their cries would go...

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The Trials and Tribulations of Tim

                       The Trials and Tribulations of Tim - Chapter 12        Now that the main players had assembled and were in the process of being cut from the herd, so to speak, it was time to take stock and figure out just how many rings this little circus had. In the Taylor's upstairs bathroom were Jill Taylor, the Meister women, and now Professors Graves and Wharton plus their dates, Marcy and Alicia. Getting that many females wedged into one bathroom, even the large one personally...

4 years ago
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Once upon a Saturday

It’s Saturday afternoon and I decide I need a little R&R, get out and get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and Rick my boyfriend, he has issues today and I’m just not ready to deal with them right now. I’m just gonna hop on my motorbike and see where the highway takes me first ride of the season. If I go 2 hours out and 2 hours back home, I should still have time to get ready for Rick’s bash tonight. Riding along, the countryside slipping by, soon I start to relax and can feel the...

2 years ago
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Lacy The Hair Dresser

Man oh man, I can remember the first time I saw her. Mmm,m. SHe had brown hair, nice tan body, maybe about 5"7. Ooo-we, I was getting my haircut from her once, I couldn't stop staring at her magnificent 36Cs. I think she noticed me staring her up and down, when she finished my hair up, I saw her smile, I smiled back. She licked her lips, By then I had a Bone, she began stripping off her T-shirt. I smiled, walked up and propped her up on the kitchen table, unzipped my pants. She seemed amazed...

1 year ago
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Evan Part One

My name is Henry. I am seventeen, and a junior in high school. I wouldn't call myself the sexiest thing on the planet, but I do just fine with girls. I have dark hair swept to the left, and hazel eyes that people tell me are beautiful. My penis, because I know you are asking, is about five inches hard; I know its is small for my age. Evan was a thirteen-year-old boy that lived a couple houses down from me on my street. He had silky brown hair and beautiful brown eyes that could melt away...

4 years ago
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Forever His

I feel you slide your hand along the curve of my rib-cage; I’m shivering in pleasure from the simple touch. I watch your hand move along my skin, taking my breath away with each movement. You slide your hand up along my rib-cage to my full breast; the palm of your hand skims along my nipple forcing it to become rock hard instantly. I gasp out, pushing my breast up towards your hand with a soft moan.  Your lips press against mine with a soft sigh. The way your lower lip teases me with kisses, a...

3 years ago
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Buying and Selling

Copyright,[email protected] Another story by Pagan. Buying and Selling Mady, short for Madeline was riding high, she sat on the plane gazingout the window, here she was about to make one of the biggest deals her firmcould capture, Mrs. Madeline Goddard could even get a department all to herself, the boss, she stifled a giggle. She contemplated her life, once Miss Madeline Stokes, then Mrs. MadelineJensen, she pondered on that short failed marriage, was it her fault shelost the baby, was...

1 year ago
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An Etiquette Lesson Chapter 1 Rachel

Rachel came home from school, tossed her bag on the counter, rushed upstairs to her room and slammed the door. She pushed the lock button on the handle, but it kept popping out. She didn't have time for this. When it stuck in a little she thought to herself "oh, good enough," and then flopped down on the bed. She had work to do. Rachel pulled off her tight skinny jeans, and pulled down her plain black panties. She lamented that these were the sexiest things her mother would let her buy. Rachel...

3 years ago
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Kara Grows Up After Graduation

Kara's mother had been killed in a car wreck five years earlier. It had taken her the better part of a year to adjust to life without a mother. When she was fifteen she realized that she liked showing off her body. Nevertheless, she had been cautious about how she dressed around the house, at least when Daddy was home. Kara's high-school graduation present had been a trip to France with Daddy. While there Kara had begun going without a bra, leaving an extra button or two undone, and had even...

2 years ago
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The biggest cock ever

Me and my husband at the beginning of this year 2015 booked a holiday to Cyprus a well deserved holiday we landed and went to our hotel lovely hotel first thing we noticed was lots of Russians and Greeks which was cool I see my husband starring at some absolute gawjuss Russian blonde gal I said to him she cute I bet u would love to be inside her making a joke he got a little offended told me no he didn't but I knew he did so we went to our hotel room to pack our clothes away well the hubby was...

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Seduced And Fucked My Cousin8217s Hot Wife

Hi, this is Aryan Khanna back with another story. I would like to thank each one of my readers for their valuable feedbacks. For those who don’t know me, I am from Kolkata. You can read my other stories by clicking on my profile. This story is about how I seduced my cousin’s wife. I remember the first time I saw her in their marriage (2 years ago). It was quite obvious that she was looking gorgeous in her wedding attire but what caught my attention was her medium-sized firm boobs. Those who...

4 years ago
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The time I accidentally fucked my mate

So as I said before I was like an unofficial member of my mates family had meals there had a key the works, and ended up getting with my mates sister while they were on holiday which was amazing and our little secret, except it wasn't quite a secret, unknown to hayley her mum knew because we were caught by the security camera.. Anna there mum came and had a talk not long after there return whilst everyone had gone to pick up some stuff in Liverpool so we were gonna be alone for a while getting...

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My br and I

When he got out of prison the last time, my b*****r found himself broke, homeless, and without any female waiting for him. He stayed at my place until he got back up on his game. This lasted a few months, and even though he got a new girlfriend around the time he moved out, he was almost stranded during the first 3 and a half months he stayed at my place. I own a single wide trailor on the property our mother has in a remote location. As is tradition, we partied the first night he was out and...

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Son Mom and Aunts Chapter 8211 7

This series is a figment of my imaginations. All characters mentioned in the story are fictional. This story contains extreme BDSM, degradation, Incest and new levels of bondage. If you are not into that stuff, I would suggest you go back and read other stories else just enjoy. My English might not be up to mark but it is better than the other stories. I suggest you read the previous parts of this series in order to keep up with the plot. Any suggestions and comments are appreciated. Chapter...

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Male Model to Mature Pornstar

Male Model to Mature Pornstar by Kelly Newman Modelling had been a hard career and Craig had come to accept some harsh truths. One was that it was one of the few professions where women made more than men. Two and more importantly, it favoured the young and now in his late 20s his career was on a downward trajectory. Certainly, by all accounts he still had the body of a male god and some of his peers had moved on to the world of personal training, but it just didn't appeal to him. He'd...

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Savita Bhabhi 8211 Episode 20 Sexercise

Savita had some company in the afternoon. Shobha had just dropped by her house for a chat. “It’s so good that you came to visit me Shobha” said Savita while pouring Shobha a cup of tea. “I was just returning from college and was in your neighborhood, so I thought I’d drop by for a chat.” “Oh, which college do you study in?” “Satnam College” Savita was surprised to hear this because her neighbor twins, Tarun and Varun, also attended the same college. “Really!!! My neighbor boys Tarun and Varun...

3 years ago
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2 It Is Not Cheating if You WatchChapter 2

“Absolutely! Of course, you should webcam!” Betty opened her front door completely naked save for a leather collar and a white pair of punishment panties. The panties were little more than a standard white cotton v-string with the triangle of material in the front cut out so that you could see most of her pussy. The idea behind the panties was that if she sat on something, she wouldn’t leave behind pussy stains or sweat from her butthole. However, I think in a room full of naked girls it...

3 years ago
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My Perfect Weekend Turns Into My Nightmare

My Perfect Weekend Turns Into My NightmareI nervously approached the door. Pause before knocking. I know as soon as I knocked I was committed to a weekend of humiliation and pain. Still I go ahead and knock timidly on the door, a few seconds go by, and I considered turning and running. The door swung open, too late to run now. In front of me is a man, slightly shorter than me, slim build with a head of receding short black hair. He looked in his fifties but is probably about forty.“Yes” he...

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Past LivesChapter 3

"Grace," I said, "you will make every other woman at the opening green with envy. That dress is stunning, but what it packages makes the dress, not the other way around." She blushed, but just under the flush or her embarrassment, I could see that my words had thrilled her. What made it easy was the fact that I hadn't exaggerated at all. "And Mom, if you looked any more alluring, Dad would need to carry a stick to beat off the men that would crowd around you instead of my...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 109

I looked at Lorrie and asked, "Is that all of them?" "That's all so far. They didn't say anything when they came in other than 'Mistress we are here'' to Marcy. She was working the window." Lorrie responded. "Tell Marcy to turn off the card entry on the gym door. I want everyone manually punched in. If there is more than one at the door I want someone on the inside of the door as well. I don't want any surprises tonight." I said. "If Carla is finished send her to me....

4 years ago
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Return of My Ex Girlfriend

Hello, my dear friends. I missed you a lot during this period of site blocking. And thanks to ISS for giving us this opportunity to connect again. To come closer to you Special Prince is back to disclose one of his latest experience. This time I want to come so close to all the girls that they want me with them on the fucking bed. Dear friends, it was 17th Jan when I got a call from my ex-girlfriend Pooja after many months. She told that she wants to meet me. I asked the reason and she said...

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A long and boring train ride turns into a most pleasant one

This story is real except for the names. It took place on September 1985. This is my first story ever and I hope you’ll like it. I dry docked my 28 footer in Perama near Athens, packed my clothes and started my journey to Amsterdam to join a nice Dutch woman I met while sailing the Greek islands. It was going to be a long and boring train – ferry – train of about three days until I reach Maud in Amsterdam. I hadn’t have sex in the last two weeks and was quite horny from...

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Alisbeth My best friends girl Part 2

When could I fuck her again?… PART 2 It had been 1 month since I had fucked my best friends girlfriend. Me and Alisbeth had only been in contact once since the incident and that was at me and Taylors high school graduation. It was uncomfortable. Through out the entire month my heart had ached for her. I couldnt deny how I felt for her. Id stay up late at night and play the moment when we laid together in bed over and over. Then of course Id think about how erotic it was when I fucked her up...

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Peoplethe Village Vampire

The events described start about the same time as Luvirini's story. Only relevant parts are reproduced to leave out much pointless whining by the original writer. Year twelve of ninth period of owl Thirty-second Sunday I really should have learned to keep my mouth shut around idiots who have high rank. Of course when your title is "head of survey in Magnimar county" you are apparently allowed to be a drooling idiot that is likely not capable of signing his own name. The fine...

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After crossing the border Manuel was more careful to stay out of the sight of everyone. The land was dry and barren with few shade trees but there was a lot of scrub brush giving him plenty of places to hide. The trip from Magdalena was easy since he was able to ride most of the way, but now he was just walking north, needing to survive on almost nothing until he reached some type of large town or city. He carried a bag with some clothing, a few pieces of bread and two bottles of water. There...

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