The CircleChapter 22: Kyle's Mother Joins The Circle Lifestyle free porn video

Jim came home from work one day and much to his surprise he found Kyle’s mother, Lynn Broadhurst, sitting on the sofa making ga-ga and cooing sounds at both Ariana and Marshall, who she’d propped up against the back of the sofa amid pillows and baby blankets. The babies seemed fascinated with her antics.
“Hello, Mrs. Broadhurst. I’m pleased to see you here.”
“My grandbabies are so adorable. I can barely stand it. I made a big mistake, and now I’m making up for it.”
Lynn picked up Ariana, as Jim picked up and cuddled Marshall who had gained sufficient weight to earn the occasional nickname Marshmallow. She said apologetically, “I couldn’t get into the ‘universal grandmother’ role right away. Somehow I had to KNOW it was Kyle’s seed that started the baby growing.”
“What changed your mind?” Jim asked, as he watched Lynn cuddle and kiss Ariana.
“Kyle gave me an ultimatum. He’s an only child, as you may know, and I’m single now. He said I had to accept every baby in this intentional family as my grandchild because there would never be any other where paternity was certain. It took me a few weeks to digest that. I’m sorry I’m so far behind the times, but...” She sobbed, “I am so in love with my babies. It’s crazy. I see signs of my ex-husband, me, and Kyle in each one of them. I love them all so.”
Jim moved close to Lynn and put his arm around the older woman and hugged her, careful not to squeeze either baby. He kissed her forehead. “Welcome to the family.”
The mood was broken when Tracy came bursting in the door from the garage towing her roll-on suitcase that she traveled with. “I DID IT.” She had a sing-song tone to her voice.
Zoey yelled over, “Did what?”
“I fucked Don last night – my boss. He was great. Such a gentleman and so tender and loving. He was so romantic.”
Zoey walked over and kissed Tracy, “Isn’t he married?”
“Yeah, but because he travels so much he and his wife have an open marriage.”
Monica walked out of the kitchen, “Yeah, and I bet he’s got some swampland in New Jersey he’d just love to sell you too.”
Tracy shook her head, “No, I actually met his wife. She told me it was OK.”
Lynn Broadhurst was jerking her head between Jim, who still had his arm around her, and Tracy and the others, having a very open conversation about sex and possible infidelity.
Jim whispered to Lynn, “It’s OK. She’s my sister and this is her first job. She’s just getting her sea legs in the business world.”
Lynn turned to him, “She’s spreading her sea legs in the business world, you mean.” Her tone of voice was not judgmental, but rather playful.
Tracy saw Lynn. “Oops. I’m sorry. I didn’t know anybody else was here.”
Lynn walked over to Tracy. “You, my dear, are a tart. I assume you will get from this new relationship exactly what you want? Have you thought that through?” This time there was a judgmental tone.
Tracy sat down and kicked off some sexy high heels. “I have. Sleeping with Doug is more a reward for him than for me. He had been so nice, and for the past six months or so he has been mentoring me and teaching me a huge volume of knowledge about selling and marketing, and just living and relationships. Every day, every meal, every after-dinner discussion has been spent dissecting our client visits and sales calls, specifically my role and what I did or didn’t do. He wants me to be a success. I can’t imagine another man taking the time to do that with anyone. It’s been so intense. I love this man, and I can tell he loves me by the time he has invested in me. He’s always been so sweet and caring.”
Lynn nodded not only in acceptance, but also in approval for what Tracy had just said. She warned, “Just don’t let it turn sour, and never try to break up his relationship with his wife.”
Tracy nodded, “I wouldn’t think of it. I’ll try to keep it in balance too.”
Jim kissed his sister and passed Marshall to her. The kiss had been anything but platonic or brotherly-sisterly.
Lynn turned to Jim with a startled expression, “You two... ?”
Jim just smiled enigmatically and walked towards the bar. “Can I get you a glass of wine, Lynn?”
Kyle was chuckling, “So, you want to seduce my MOTHER? You’ve got all this ripe pussy around you, and you want some used, middle-aged, divorced pussy instead?”
Jim blushed, “Well, not ‘instead of,’ more like ‘in addition to.’ I like Lynn a great deal, and I think she likes me. She likes all of us, and she’s fitting in so well around all of us with the kids. We’ve been flirting, plus she’s really being the universal grandmother to the kids, and I think she deserves some recognition and love.”
Kyle teased, “Recognition? I get it. You just want to play hide the salami with her. Well, you have my blessing. Let me know if you score.”
The first result of that brief discussion came the next day when Jim got home and again found Lynn playing with two of the babies; this time Ariana and Teddy – Alice’s baby. Ariana always needed childcare this time of day because her mother Willow was doing the evening news on the local TV station. So far, despite showing her the TV with her mother talking to the camera, Ariana had not responded to the image.
Jim went right over to Lynn, and turned her head to his and planted a truly explosive kiss on her lips that lingered and lingered. The last few seconds, he slipped his tongue into her mouth and found a more than willing recipient of his ardor.
When the pair parted, Lynn looked at him with a touch of awe as she panted. “Wow! I haven’t been kissed like that in over twenty years – maybe ever. You really meant that, didn’t you?”
Jim smiled, “Absolutely. Such a shame those twenty years have passed with no one tasting such luscious lips. You deserve better.”
Lynn cautiously said, “Would you do that again later when I’m not babysitting?”
Jim grinned as he headed off to change into casual clothes, “After dinner, just the two of us for a while. Sit next to me at dinner.”
After that, Lynn was nervous as a thirteen year old on her first real date. She kept rubbing her palms on her jeans, and if anyone talked to her she seemed to jump as though startled by a Halloween prank.
Jim was unusually solicitous to her over dinner, being sure she had the drink and food she wanted, and even ensuring she understood some of the ‘in’ talk by other Circle members when the discussions turned more to family business than general topics.
After dinner, Jim led Lynn outside and they took a short walk up the street and back. Jim held her hand on the walk away from the house, and had his arm around her on the way back. The frequency of kisses was going up with each step.
“I like to kiss you,” Jim said as he nibbled on one of Lynn’s ears.
“I like it too. Are you sure you want to be kissing someone almost old enough to be your mother?”
Jim reacted, “Untrue. I don’t care about your physical age; I care about your mental age. I care about whom you care about, and how you do it. I can tell you like me and enjoy flirting with me, and I am not immune to your charms.”
“Oh, dear. Have I created a monster?” Lynn teased.
“One that would like to spend the rest of the night kissing you with increasing ardor. A monster that would like to show you what else you might have missed the past twenty years you mentioned earlier.”
Lynn was quiet, but hugged Jim to her as they walked and neared the house. Her mind was racing from thought to thought at a thousand miles an hour.
Once inside, Jim gently led Lynn up the stairs to his room. Lynn seemed reluctant yet eager. Her conflicting emotions alternated stair by stair, and seemed to guide each alternate step. A few others saw the couple and politely ignored them.
Jim’s bedroom was a mix of decorating. In his area of the room were a few photographs of his family, including Tracy and his parents. Zoey also used the room as a base, and her area was more feminine, including photos and some perfume and puffs on her dresser. He didn’t try to explain the room arrangements at this point.
Jim turned Lynn and gave her the most passionate kiss she’d ever had. Without thinking she started to grind her body into his, even feeling his swelling excitement for her as their kisses progressed.
He gently pulled her blouse from her waistband, unbuttoned it, and then nudged it off of her body, carefully laying it over the back of a chair. Lynn wore a functional bra; one obviously not designed to lure and attract.
In one quick movement, Jim had unlatched the bra and helped carry it away.
Lynn was panting, “You’ll be gentle with me, right? I mean, I haven’t, you know, been with anyone for ages ... many years. I’m more like ... would you treat me like a virgin, like this was my first time ever? It almost feels that way. I’m so nervous.”
Jim kept kissing every inch of exposed skin, but he kept returning to her lips and ears and neck, and then her breasts that felt full and lush and ripe.
The late-forties blond looked succulent to Jim. He could already smell her sexual arousal rising from her body. Lynn must be churning out sexual juices at a prodigious rate.
Seconds later, Lynn’s jeans were cast aside, leaving her in functional panties.
Lynn looked down at herself and apologized, “I didn’t expect ... I mean my lingerie leaves a lot to be desired. I didn’t expect ... well, these are sort of the best I have, but...”
Jim kissed her again and nudged the white panties down her shapely legs. He whispered, “I don’t care. I’m making love to you, not your underwear.” He pulled the undies down her legs and tossed them aside.
Lynn posed, “Why am I naked and you have all your clothes on?”
“Because I couldn’t wait to see you – all of you. I have lusted after you for weeks. You are so sexy and desirable.”
Moments later, Jim was also nude, and the two of them found themselves tightly together on his bed as they petted and kissed.
Jim slid down, and his tongue started to lash out at Lynn’s pussy.
“Oh, God. It’s been nearly thirty years since anybody did THAT to me.” She panted. “Oh, GOD. Ooooh, God. OoooooOOOOOHHHHH, DAMN that feels so good. No one ever did THAT to me.”
The combination of mouth, tongue, and fingers brought Lynn to the edge, and then with one swipe of his tongue across her swollen clit and a finger slid into her, Jim pushed her over the edge.
She fell into the abyss of pleasure for many minutes, her body jerking and twitching as Jim kissed his way back to her lips, spending time at her breasts as he passed by. Once at her lips, she drove her tongue into his mouth with real passion.
Lynn pulled away, “I can taste myself on you. I’ve never tasted myself.”
“I love how you taste.”
“Oh, God, this is so unexpected.”
Jim rose over Lynn, and allowed her to hold and direct his swollen member into her body as he gently lowered onto her hips with his cock sliding into her effortlessly on the immense amount of female lubrication she’d produced.
After bottoming out, he started to oscillate his lower body, driving pleasure into her with each stroke. Lynn held his lips captive on hers as they kissed over and over. In between she raved about the beauty and fulfillment of the act they performed together.
Lynn came again, screaming out Jim’s name as she climaxed. Two minutes later, with some careful stroking of her clit as he made love to her, she came yet again. Shortly after that, Jim also came deep inside Kyle’s mother. The event of his orgasm caused her to peak once again, this time locking her legs around his and pulling him as deep as she could as his sperm filled her cavern.
As the afterglow started, Jim rolled over beside Lynn, holding her so he could kiss her some more.
Lynn was panting. “The best. The best. The best ever. Oh, thank you. I never thought that would ever happen again in my life. Oh, thank you.”

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