A Fortunate Injury. free porn video

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My name is Amee. I am an Australian post graduate studying and teaching at a university in Indonesia. I have recently committed a cardinal sin, several in fact. I have entered into a sexual relationship with one of my female students and two of my fellow tutors.

Our university has a program which consists of diploma courses in advanced English language and is a residential course for high school students from Indonesia and Malaysia. I am one of the three Australian tutors responsible for teaching and assessment in this program, and Sari is one of my students.

Sari has been a student of mine for about two months. She is only sixteen years old and comes from a high school in Perak, Malaysia to take advanced English Language units to qualify for entry into an Australian university where she hopes to study pharmacy. Her grandfather was from England and worked in the colonial service in British Malaya, he married a Malay woman and Sari is one of the descendants of that union.

She is small, very small and slim with a light olive complexion, somewhat paler than the darker complexion of the indigenous Malaysian people but her features retained the beautiful, classic Malaysian attributes, flawless smooth silky skin, dark, almond shaped eyes, perfect pearly-white teeth and long, waist length, obsidian black hair with an inherent high gloss sheen that makes you want to just reach out and touch it whenever she is close.

Whilst the region is nominally Muslim, the university has very liberal dress standards within campus and Sari invariably dresses in tight denim shorts and loose, short sleeved tops. Soon after she joined my group, I would find my eyes drawn to her more and more often.

During lectures or tutorials my eyes would wander to Sari, her perfect legs, the way her shorts moulded against her hips and thighs, the permanent sweet, innocent smile, her doe eyes and gorgeous hair and the outline of her small, firm breasts against the fabric of her blouse. Often she would catch me looking at her and flash her dazzling cute and innocent smile at me and I would feel a red hot flush, starting at my hair roots and burning onto my face. I would instantly become angry with myself for not being able to control my wickedly filthy thoughts.

Okay, I know the rules. Sari is my student, and fraternisation between staff and students, unless it happens at properly organised campus functions is frowned upon. Sexual interaction between staff and students is immediate dismissal. Furthermore, Sari is much, younger than I and always projects an aura of sweet, virginal innocence and unreserved trust in her fellow students and tutors which, in my sexually soaked brain, only serves to increase the attraction. Nevertheless, whilst I was physically and contractually bound by the rules and protocols of my position, I felt no obligation to require my private thoughts and fantasies to comply also.

Many a hot, tropical, humid night, I would lay on my bed naked enjoying the feel of the ceiling fan, the soft, gentle zephyr of a breeze like small, sensual tendrils intimately exploring every crevice and curve of my naked body. My fingers would move to my nipples, down across my tummy, my smooth, shaved mons venus and between my thighs, whilst my thoughts would become obsessed with fantasies of Sari as I masturbated to a delicious orgasm.

My fantasies would not only include Sari, but also both of my fellow instructors. Jay was about twenty four years old and had started some weeks before. He was a fair haired, muscular, Australian Adonis. He was recently married and his wife lives in Darwin. He had never shown any interest in me, and I suspected that he was too infatuated with, his new wife to be interested in any other girl.

My other colleague is Rob. He and Jay are about the same age and long-time friends, they had been through school and uni’ together and were both in the same university footy team. Rob is the same sort of athletic build as Jay but dark haired. Rob was on leave in Australia at this time but was due back on campus in a couple of days.

I sometimes feel as if I have a split personality, I have assimilated the correct demeanour of an academic. I act and talk in a manner that is considered proper in the hallowed halls of learning when I am working. My real personality however, is that of a sexually obsessed slut and serial masturbator. When I am alone in my room, my thoughts are a kaleidoscope of images of Sari, Jay, Rob and I together in every sort of sexual combination, being fucked to death by a thousand orgasms by all three of them.

The living quarters for us three foreign tutors is a huge old colonial Javanese house that is owned and has been renovated by the university and stands just off the main university campus. It is a one story building consisting of six units each containing a huge bedroom, en suite, study, large lounge and self-contained kitchen.

Each bedroom has double louvered doors that open onto a small, private veranda, (which is where the photograph on my profile page was taken) and my veranda looks out on to a huge tropical garden through which a small gravel path winds its way to the campus proper. Three of the living units form each wing of the residence and are separated by a huge communal lounge area and with comfortable sofas and armchairs.

In former days the house was occupied by the university administration before they moved to new accommodation, now, Jay, Rob and I are the only occupants with a cleaner/cook who works four hours in the afternoon. One wing of the units is designated for male staff and I am the only occupant of the female wing.

A couple of months ago I had an unfortunate accident; I slipped and fell on the steps of the library and sprained my ankle badly. The campus nurse, a lovely, middle aged and gentle, Javanese lady strapped my ankle and gave me some papaya cream to apply to the swelling and some tablets which she said were very strong and would make me very sleepy. She told me to stay off my feet for at least three days.

Sari was with me when it happened and Jay was close by, they both supported me to the clinic and stayed whilst the nurse attended to me. Sari was wonderful. She ordered Jay to help me into a wheelchair and got him to push me to our quarters. Normally, it isn’t considered proper for students to be within our compound, but, considering the circumstances, I wasn’t too concerned.

Sari fussed around like a mother hen, ordering Jay to be careful with the wheelchair. She went in ahead of me and found the bedroom and told Jay to sit me on the edge of the bed. The pain in my ankle had eased to a dull throb, probably due to the tablets the nurse had made me take at the clinic, they had made me feel incredibly light headed and drowsy.

Sari knelt on the bed beside me with her arm around my shoulders to support me as she laid me back on the pillow. In spite of my pain, I felt a gooey weakness in my tummy as my cheek brushed against Sari’s small, firm breast when she lowered me on to the pillow.

I was wearing a loose cotton skirt which extended to just above my knees, and I felt a warm buzz as Jay placed his strong, firm hands behind my knees and gently lifted my legs on to the bed. I was conscious as he lifted them that my skirt rode up my legs, exposing my thighs all the way up to my white briefs, but I didn’t care.

Sari sat on the edge of the bed close to me and took my left hand in both of hers, pulling it onto her lap. God! The feel of the top of her smooth thighs against the back of my forearm made me feel weak and I was acutely conscious that, where the back of my hand was resting in her lap, there was only the fabric of her shorts separating the back of my hand from her vagina.

Sari was saying something to me but I hardly heard what she was saying. I had an overwhelming desire to pull her down to me and taste those deliciously, perfect lips and feel her pert little breasts pressing against mine. My tummy was melting and I could feel myself getting moist.

In my drugged and drowsy state my vision seemed to cloud, as if I were looking through a lace curtain. I was vaguely aware of Jay. He was standing close to the head of the bed looking down at me. He was wearing tight, blue jeans and I dreamily imagined what it would be like to raise my hand to the front of his jeans and caress him slowly into an erection. ‘Fuck! What was in those tablets?’

Sari told me that she had one more tutorial to attend and then she would call back in the evening to check on me. I protested and said I would be okay as soon as the pain eased but she wouldn’t listen and refused to leave until I promised to lie quietly and not try to get up until she returned. I was too drowsy to argue, so I agreed.

She then surprised me by leaning over to kiss me lightly on my forehead. As she did so, she released my hand in her lap and my palm dropped on to the inside of her upper thigh. I couldn’t help myself. Even as she stood to leave, I lifted my hand so that it would remain for a couple of seconds longer between those slim, silky smooth thighs.

Her beautiful almond eyes were looking deep into mine as she stood at the side of the bed. She didn’t move away immediately, she just stood there for a few moments, allowing my hand to remain between her thighs, and, I could have sworn that, just for a second, she deliberately squeezed her thighs a little tighter together, lightly trapping my hand between them before backing away, causing my arm to flop back down on the bed as she turned and walked out of the sliding patio door, followed by Jay.

When she had gone, I cursed myself for being such a complete fool. She was so sweet and naïve, if she knew what was going through my mind she would never come near me again. She was just showing her affection in the natural way that most Malay girls do and, like an idiot, I was taking advantage of it.

What must Jay have thought as he stood there watching? God! I must have been so obvious.

The bandage on my ankle felt tight so I removed it and the effort had made my throat dry. I swore to myself for not asking Sari to get me a glass of water. I decided to hobble through to the kitchen and get one. As I reached for a glass from the cupboard, I noticed a small USB on the breakfast bench. I have a dozen or so USB’s around the place but I couldn’t remember putting one there. I vaguely remembered Sari throwing her small canvas shoulder bag on the bench when they wheeled me through the kitchen to the bedroom, it may have dropped out of her bag, so I took it back to the bedroom to check it on my laptop.

Back on my bed with the computer on my lap, I inserted the USB and noticed that there was only one video file on it. This wasn’t unusual because I have quite a number of porno’ video clips on my files which I download to watch while I masturbate. Sure enough, when opened it, it was obviously a porno’, but I was curious because I couldn’t recall this particular one.

On screen a beautiful, small, slim, naked Eurasian girl lying on a large bed, she looked very young, no more than sixteen or seventeen, her long, black hair cascaded over the side of the mattress. Her left leg was draped over the side of the bed, her foot almost touching the carpet and she was slowly and sensuously fingering her smooth shaved vagina with the fingers of her right hand.

The camera was close to the bed, just off from the side of her head so that the field of view was directed from her head, downwards along the length of her perfect, slim, naked body as she masturbated slowly. Initially, I could not see her face until she turned her head slightly to the left, but when she did, I gasped out aloud. It was Sari!

I was dumfounded. As she turned her head, I could see her eyes were closed and she was lightly biting her bottom lip as she worked her fingers between her legs and began to caressed the inside of her left thigh with her other hand, obviously enjoying the feel of her own fingers on her incredibly gorgeous body.

I watched transfixed as, still fingering herself slowly, she moved her left hand from the inside of her thigh and, opening her eyes and smiling mischievously, she beckoned to someone off to her left, just out of camera range. There was no sound on the video, but I could see by her lips that she was talking to someone.

His naked legs and thighs came into view first as he approached the side of the bed, then the most beautiful pair of tight balls and huge, rigid erection I have ever seen. His head was still out of the camera frame, but I could see that his complexion was European, not the darker complexion of all our Asian students. I had a premonition. No. It couldn’t be! It was!

The camera panned out and Jay’s face came into view as he stood at the side of the bed; his muscular torso and enormous hard-on making the tiny body of Sari look almost miniscule as he towered above her. Still teasing her clit’, she lifted her left hand and cupped Jays balls; her hand was so small and delicate as she gently stroked and squeezed them. I didn’t know if it was the camera angle, but his cock seemed to extend almost the whole length of Sari’s forearm, and almost as thick.

My own hand had slipped down the front of my briefs as I watched, working the tip of my middle finger against my moist, sensitive clit’ as I tried to imagine the sensation of Jay’s firm, tight balls in my own hand.

Jay lifted his left knee and placed it on the bed between Sari’s thighs, her left leg was still draped over the edge of the bed and his balls were now resting on top of her thigh as she moved her left hand to the base of his cock and wrapped her tiny hand around it.

As he knelt on the bed, Jay lifted her right leg until it was vertical; the back of her ankle was resting against his left shoulder. Holding her ankle against him with his left hand, he started to kiss her repeatedly on the inside of her ankle and lower leg, his right hand slowly and deliciously stroking the inside of her vertical thigh as he looked down at her hands, one fingering herself, a little faster now, the other now stroking the whole length of his magnificent hard-on back and forth. The camera zoomed in until the whole frame consisted of her hands and fingers working on herself and Jay.

My own finger was now moving a little faster. Fuck! I was so wet. As the camera zoomed out again, Sari looked so small, so doll-like and vulnerable as Jay towered above her, and the contrast between his fair skin and the light olive complexion of Sari’s flawless body was unbelievably erotic.

Sari moved her right hand from between her legs and reached for Jay’s as he continued to stroke her thigh. She grasped it and pulled it down between her thighs and Jay’s finger continued where hers had left off. Although there was no sound, I could see he was teasing her as he slid the tip of his finger slowly and gently back and forth along the soft, moist outer folds of her vagina whilst she grasped his forearm and jerked her hips, urging him to move his finger faster, then, ever so slowly, he slipped his middle finger slowly between the soft lips of her cunt, all the way to his knuckle.

At that point, Sari started to lose it; she was now jerking Jay’s cock hard and erratically, arching her hips to meet his hand as he worked his finger inside her. She was so small; his finger must have felt as big as a hard cock as he slipped it into her. She took her hand from his forearm and put it between her thighs and continued to work her own finger rapidly against her clit’ as the motion of Jay’s finger increased.

My own finger had now slipped deeper inside my sensitive slit, working myself close to an orgasm as I tried to put myself in Sari’s position, anticipating the moment when she would feel the hot, hard head of his engorged shaft force its way between those tender lips and thrusting deep inside her tight sheath, and how she would feel the exquisite eruption of his hot semen.

Sari was coming. Her whole body arched upwards and her mouth opened in an obvious cry as her finger increased in tempo until it was almost a blur. Her left hand had stopped wanking Jay but her fist was clenched tightly around the base of his cock as he held his finger hard up inside her. One last jerk of her hips and her whole torso suddenly went as limp as a rag doll as she collapsed back onto the mattress.

Sari’s eyes were closed; right arm fell away to the side of her as if she had lapsed into a coma, but her left hand was still loosely holding Jay’s still erect shaft. Jay was looking down at her lovingly, still slipping his finger, slowly now, and gently in and out of her vagina, obviously enjoying the feel of the soft, post climax moistness of her cunt. He continued doing this for a minute as the camera panned along the whole length of her body to zoom in on her beautiful face as her eyes slowly opened and looked directly into the camera with a contented smile on her lips.

Who the hell was behind the camera?

As the camera zoomed out, she started to move her hand again, masturbating him slowly, talking to him at the same time. Whatever she was saying to him caused him to move his position on the bed, allowing her to lift her left foot onto the bed and drop her right leg down from his shoulder. Still on his knees between her open thighs and raised knees, Jay pull her hips towards him until her butt was resting on top of his thighs and his tight balls pressed against the lips of her cunt as she continued to jerk him firmly.

I knew what was going to happen and I was now fingering myself urgently in anticipation. Sari’s dainty hand was wrapped around his cock, just below his prominent ridge, her other hand was holding his balls, pressing and rubbing them against the still moist lips of her slit as she wanked him faster. Her lips were moving as she talked to him. I could see she was urging him on and I tried to imagine what sweet, filthy and deliciously obscene words she was using.

Whatever she was saying had the desired effect. Jay’s eyes closed and his head was thrown back as he abandoned himself to the hands of this naked, miniature angel below him. The speed of her hand increased, she continued talking to him but her eyes were riveted on his rock-hard cock as if overawed by its sheer size and power, the visual effect of this well built, muscular guy kneeling between her thighs was a gorgeous sight; his size seemed to dwarf the petite, delicate body beneath him.

Jay’s eyes opened suddenly and he grabbed hold of the base of his cock as if to take it out of Sari’s hand, he was obviously almost at the point of coming. Sari kept hold of Jay’s cock and raised her hips higher, placing the tip of his swollen head against the lips of her cunt and I watched with awe as, with one long slow movement of his hips, the solid head of his erection parted the tight cleavage of her sweet slit and slipped slowly, inch by thick, solid inch, all the way into her until he was buried inside her to the hilt. It seemed impossible that her small, fragile body would take the whole length and thickness of that gorgeous hard-on,

He didn’t move. He must have started to come as soon as the head of his cock entered her for he just held his shaft hard up inside her, his hands completely covering her firm, almost imperceptible breasts which were stretched tight against her rib cage. Jay’s teeth were clenched and Sari was grinding her hips against him as if trying to impale herself harder on to his solid cock. The camera zoomed in again to a full frame of their locked thighs, and I could see the muscles of Jay’s butt flexed with several small spasms as he shot his load forcefully inside her.

With my free hand, I shakily fumbled with the keyboard to replay the last few seconds as I continued to finger myself. Oh fuck yes! My finger was working faster, alternately teasing my clit’ and slipping my finger deep inside, I imagined the feel of Jay’s firm balls, pressed hard against the cheeks of my butt as his warm, viscous load of cum erupted like a volcano in the depths of my cunt. I continued watching in a dreamy haze as Jay withdrew his hard-on, still huge and thick, but perceptibly softer, from her vagina, the lips of which pouted as they seemed reluctant to release his cock from their firm grasp. At that point, the camera went blank.

I was in shock when I had realised who it was on the video. Sweet, innocent, adorable Sari with my colleague, the last guy in the world who I thought would take advantage of a young teenage student. It was against the rules, wasn’t it? But of course I’m a hypocrite; I would have given anything to have been in Sari’s position.

In the afterglow of my own orgasm I started to try and make sense of what I had seen, but before I could organise my thoughts, there was a soft knock on my patio door, it was Sari. She was a vision.

She had changed into a short white sarung tied just above her waist and a tight, short, white halter top which left a couple of inches of her slim midriff and navel exposed, the white material contrasted exotically with the light olive skin of her bare arms and shoulders. As she stepped through the sliding door, her sarung parted, exposing her gorgeous leg all the way to the top of her thigh. Her long dark hair was slightly damp from the shower and she was carrying a small rattan basket with two nasi bungkus, savoury fried rice wrapped in banana leaves, inside.

She asked me how my ankle felt and I told her the bandage felt a little tight and I would take it off before I had a shower.

“I do it,” she said.

She put the basket on the bedside table and sat on the bed at the side of me, lifting my leg gently and resting it in her lap. As she sat down, her sarung had parted, revealing again her delicious thigh. As she placed my leg on her lap, the back of my calf was resting in contact with her naked thigh, sending an erotic little tremor through my body, she unwrapped the bandage slowly.

“That more comfortable?” she asked.

I told her it was and she placed my leg back on the bed. After that video, I was now looking at Sari in a completely different light. How different was this sweet, considerate, innocent young girl from the exciting, beautiful little sixteen year old slut on the video? How long had this liaison been going on? How many times had she and Jay fucked together? Who was operating the camera? I needed more time to think.

Sari walked around to the other side of the bed and sat at the side of me, one of her knees was raised, and her sarung had parted all the way up to her thigh, along with her luscious, golden legs; I could glimpse a small triangle of her white briefs between them. I thought dreamily that I only had to roll over on my side and I could place my lips on the inside of that naked thigh, run the tip of my tongue up along the inside of her leg and… ‘Christ! Pull yourself out of this you stupid slut,’ I told myself. I had already started to turn on my side and my eyes were riveted on Sari’s naked leg.

I snapped out of it and struggled to sit higher on the bed. Sari kneeled at the side of me to put an extra pillow behind me for support. She said she was going to warm the nasi bungkus but I said I needed a shower first. She insisted on coming into the bathroom and helping me shower but I said I would call her if there was anything I couldn’t manage. She helped me limp across to the bathroom and made me promise not to lock the door.

It was difficult and painful getting showered, but I managed it, hanging on to the towel rail to dry myself to take the weight off my injured ankle. I decided not to say anything to Sari yet, I needed to get my head around what I had seen and figure out how to approach the subject without turning her off from me.

Shit! I had forgotten to bring my bathrobe which was in the drawer of my wardrobe. I called through the door to Sari to ask her to bring it for me as I tried to fumble the towel around me to cover my nakedness. I was still fumbling when the door opened and I dropped the towel onto the floor. I was standing there, holding on to the towel rail, stark naked as Sari came in with my robe.

Sari started to scold me for not letting her help. She held the short, terrycloth robe whilst I slipped my arms in. She walked around to the front of me to pull the robe across me and tie it. Before closing my robe she looked down my body with a wicked little twinkle in her eye.

“Oooh! Smooth like me,” she giggled.

“What?” I replied. Not understanding what she meant.

She put her hand down and touched the smooth, shaved skin of my mound with her fingertips.

“Smooth like mine,” she repeated.

My whole body gave such a jolt when her slim fingertip touched me that I almost let go of the towel rail. There was no obvious sexual advance in what she did. It was more of a playful, girlish thing.

“Sorry. Didn’t mean to make you jump,” she giggled.

Before I left the bathroom, Sari made me take two of the painkillers that the nurse had prescribed me and then insisted that I lay back on the bed because the nurse had told me that they would make me very drowsy. True, I was feeling dizzy. But I was also horny beyond belief. I just couldn’t shake those images from the video out of my brain. If I didn’t get rid of Sari soon, I would bury my face between her soft thighs, tear her briefs off with my teeth and take her with my tongue. I had to be alone, to use my fingers to relieve this unbearable need for another orgasm.

It was about six-o-clock in the evening when we had finished eating; Sari said she would call back later before she went to bed to see if I was comfortable. I told her it really wasn’t necessary but she insisted. She turned down the sheet on the bed and helped me lay down. It was a hot evening. I asked her to leave the sheet turned down and I would pull it up when it cooled down. That was the last I remembered. I drifted off into a light sleep that was filled with a continuous stream of erotic images of Sari, Jay and I in all manner of sexual activities.

I woke up feeling uncomfortably hot. I don’t know what time it was but there was no moon and the room was completely dark. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and, still feeling groggy, I loosened the belt of my bathrobe, slipped it off my shoulders and flopped back on to the bed naked, feeling the cool breeze from the ceiling fan sending sensual tendrils of cool air over my naked body. I was asleep again within seconds.

I am not sure how long I had slept, but I awoke with a start. I was lying on my side, facing the veranda doors and the bedroom was flooded with moonlight which shone through the glass doors, illuminating the room with a soft, unearthly glow.

I had been dreaming about Sari again, the last image in my mind was this gorgeous creature lying naked on my bed, one knee raised and her legs slightly parted, the middle finger of one hand slowly teasing herself between her thighs and beckoning me with the other to me to join her on the bed. Then I awoke with a start.

I was confused. I thought for a moment that I was still dreaming, but I could feel something. I was lying on my side and I could sense something, or someone on the bed beside me. I held my breath, every muscle in my body as taught as a bowstring. I could hear the sound of soft breathing behind me, and then, a sound that was between a soft sigh, and an almost inaudible groan. Sari!

I turned over; the sight that met my eyes was breathtaking. The moonlight shining through the glass doors fell on Sari. She was lying on her back next to me, her long, jet black hair cascading over the white pillow, framing her incredibly beautiful face, and she was almost naked. She had removed her sarung and her top. She looked like an ephemeral vision in the moonlight.

Lying on my side, supporting myself on my right elbow, I looked down at her. She was on her back, both legs flat on the bed but her right foot was drawn up slightly so that the flat of her foot was resting against the inside of her left calf, causing her legs to part. She was stunning, her breasts small and firm, and her body so slim and perfect. Her long, black hair, light olive skin and tight white briefs, all framed by the background of the white, slightly crumpled sheets was, I think, one of the most erotic sights I have ever experienced. What took my breath away more than anything was her hands, or more correctly, what they were doing?

Her right hand was resting across her small, perfectly formed right breast, her fingertips moving very slowly and teasingly over and around her nipple. Her left hand was pushed down the top of her knickers, between her thighs, her fingers and knuckles profiled against the fabric of her white briefs as they moved slowly and sensuously between her legs causing that occasional delicious little moan and sigh.

What could I do? The temptation was beyond resistance. Regardless of how young she was, I wanted to take her in my arms, pull her body close to mine, feel her small breasts against my own and make love to her. She was asleep and dreaming of course. She should not be here. We would both get into an awful lot of trouble if anyone knew she stayed the night in my room. I had to wake her of course. But not yet, I couldn’t take my eyes of her, I wanted to watch her a little longer. I was mesmerised by her beautiful body, turned on beyond belief by the movement of her fingers on her breast and inside her briefs.

I couldn’t help myself, I needed to touch her, and if she woke up I could always say that I was trying to wake her. I moved closer to her, I had forgotten my own nakedness as I reached over and placed my fingers lightly on the back of the hand which was teasing her nipple, stroking it gently and feeling the movement of her fingers as they flutter around her erect little button. She made no sign of awakening, so I moved my body closer to hers until my smooth mound touched the soft skin of her left thigh, my nipple resting lightly against her bare shoulder, her forearm moved slowly against my tummy as she moved her fingers between her legs.

‘Fuck! This was insane. I was taking advantage of her, abusing her whilst she was asleep.

But I couldn’t help myself, I moved my fingers from the back of her hand and touched her firm, flat stomach lightly with my fingertips, recalling that it was just that spot where I had seen Jay’s cock and balls lying heavily as she wanked him on the video. I moved my fingers lower still until they were touching the top seam of her briefs, and I moved my hips a little harder against her thigh, opening my legs slightly so that the upper cleavage of my vagina rested lightly against the warm skin of her golden thigh. Fuck! How divinely wicked!

I looked down at her beautiful face, bathed in the soft rays of moonlight and framed by her tousle of black hair spread across my pillow. Her lips were slightly parted, showing a glimpse of her perfect white teeth. I lowered my face, I had an overwhelming urge to kiss her lips, I hesitated, my face so close to hers that I felt her gentle breath on my cheek.

My hand was now resting lightly on the front of her briefs, on top of her hand, feeling the way her fingers were moving between her legs beneath the fabric, trying to imagine what it would feel like to slip my own hand between her legs and wondering if she were dreaming of Jay’s deep, thrusting erection. She is so small, almost doll like, how sweet and tight her cunt would feel if I slipped my finger slowly inside her, I could imagine her feeling so tight that I would be able to feel the little rippling muscles along the wall of her moist, warm sheath.

Sari’s fingers were starting to move faster, more urgently inside her briefs. She started to squirm her hips under her fingers and her breathing was getting heavier, more erratic. I couldn’t help it. I opened my legs a little wider by lifting my knee so that I could press the lips of my slit a little harder against the outside of her leg and feel the movement of her thigh against my cunt. As I did so, Sari pushed her hand deeper down the front of her briefs and gave a long, slow groan. At the same time, she swung her left leg wider open, causing it to move between mine so that I was straddling her thigh, the soft lips of my vagina hard against her naked skin.

I froze momentarily, convinced she was going to wake up, instead, the rhythm of her fingers increased between her legs, she was biting her bottom lip as her head started to roll back and forth on the pillow. Her hips were jerking up and down against her fingers and her thigh, trapped between my legs, had started to move against my cunt as if she could feel it there, pressing against her.

My body had taken over from my brain and my own hips started to move in unison with hers, humping against her thigh, my moist lips and sensitive clit’ grinding against her. I was delirious with need for her. I hooked my finger under the waistband of her panties and pulled them away from the back of her hand, trying to be as gentle as possible. I pulled the front of her briefs down to expose her fingers.

Sweet unbelievable fucking ecstasy! She was smooth, so smooth. She had slipped her middle finger inside her. I could see the soft outer folds of her vagina moving against her slim, probing finger, the length of her finger was glistening from her moistness. Holding the front of her panties down with the back of my hand, I put the tip of my middle finger on the back of hers, the one that was slipping slowly but urgently in and out of her slit, and I let my fingertip slide along the back of hers each time she withdrew it. At the same time I was moving my cunt firmly against her, her thigh becoming deliciously slippery where my moist slit pressed against her.

She slipped her finger out and pressed the tip hard into the upper cleavage of her vagina and started to manipulate her clit’ rapidly. She was whimpering in her throat and her head was now rolling faster on her pillow, the fingers of her other hand urgently fondling her gorgeous little nipple, she was almost on the point of coming.

I did it without even thinking, and I could not have stopped myself even if I had tried. As soon as her finger slipped out to tease her clit’, I slipped my own finger inside her. How can I describe the feeling? Her cunt was so warm, so silky smooth, so tight. I wondered at how such a tight vagina could accommodate the length and thickness of Jay’s gorgeous cock.

Her hips arched upwards to meet my finger, she moved her finger from her clit’ and clamped it on top of mine, then she did the same with her other hand. Both her hands clamped on top of mine, holding my hand forcibly between her open thighs so that my finger was forced up inside her as she jerked and writhed her hips against it, trying to force it deeper inside.

My brain was no longer in control, my senses took over. We both seemed to blend together in a violent and insatiable sexual frenzy. I was now on my knees, grinding my cunt hard against the top of Sari’s thigh, humping and jerking against it as I worked my finger inside her. We were both gasping and sighing. I lowered my head and pressed my lips hard over her taught breast, flicking my tongue around her erect nipple. I felt her hands withdraw from between her legs, allowing me to alternate between deep, rapid thrusts of my finger and hard, slippery circles around her small, but incredibly hard little clit’.

Sharp, high pitched cries of ecstasy were now escaping Sari’s throat each time I slipped my finger into her to the knuckle. I felt her hand in my hair, pulling my face harder on to her sweet breast. I felt the fingers of her other hand forcing themselves between my legs where I was now riding her thigh as if it were a huge cock. I raised my hips a little and she immediately slipped a finger inside me. We were now fingering each other mercilessly and our audible gasps and cries were increasing in tempo as we both rushed towards the edge of our orgasmic abyss.

I moved my lips to her throat and she threw her head back on the pillow, exposing her smooth neck, inviting me to devour her, to breathe in the soft frangipani fragrance of her skin.

“Ameee!” she cried in a high pitched whimper.

I lifted my lips from her throat; her almond eyes were wide open, looking pleadingly into my own. Her mouth was open and I could feel her whole body tense for a split second underneath me as she approached her climax. She pulled my face down onto hers and our lips met, mouths wide open, tongues slipping together, entwining in a ritual of unbridled lust. I was drowning; we were groaning into each other’s mouths. We were both there, poised on the crest. I moved my hand faster between her thighs, finger fucking her with long, firm strokes of my finger, the inside of my finger sliding hard against her clit’. Sari’s finger, small and slim though it was, was working my clit’ like a high speed piston, and then it happened.

Sari groaned into my open mouth and her whole body was wracked by an involuntary shudder. She arched her hips up against my hand and I thrust my finger as deep as I possibly could inside her tight slit. I felt the little contractions and convulsions of the tiny muscles inside her velvet sheath ripple around the length of my finger as my own body was flooded with an all-consuming orgasm.

I collapsed at the side of her, clasped in each other’s arms, our naked bodies together, our legs still entwined, and we lay in silence for a long time, too breathless to speak.

“How long have you been awake?” I asked her apprehensively.

Her head was resting on my shoulder, her black hair falling across my arm as she lazily brushed her fingertips around my nipple.

“Awhile,” she whispered, “I didn’t want you to stop, Amee. I wanted you to do it with me and I knew you wouldn’t if you thought I was awake.”

“Sari,” I said softly, “this shouldn’t be happening.” Fuck! What had I done?

I rolled over on my back, away from her but she followed me, supporting herself on her left elbow she leaned over me, her gorgeous black hair falling across my breasts.

“Didn’t you like it, Amee?” her lips parting in a mischievous smile as she looked into my eyes, “It felt like you liked it.”

“No, I mean yes. But we can’t do it again, Sari. We will get into trouble.”

My words were strangled off in my throat as she lowered her lips to my breast and kissed my nipple. The feel of her lips and the way her hair flowed in a sensuous cascade across my upper body took my breath away.

“Sari, no!” I pleaded, putting my hands on either side of her head to lift her lips from my breast.

She flicked her tongue around my erect nipple as my fingers entwined in her silky hair. Looking down, over her head, I could see the flawless, soft curves of her naked back, her incredibly slim waist, the small, tight-muscled cheeks of her butt and the back of her perfectly shaped legs and thighs illuminated by the moonlight. Instead of pulling her head away from me, my right hand was drawn like a magnet to her smooth back, slipping from the back of her head to feel the soft curves of her shoulder blades.

“No, Sari. No!” I groaned, even as my other hand slipped from the back of her head to cup my breast on which her lips and tongue were working, offering it to her even as I was protesting.

Again she looked up at me with her beautiful, almond shaped doe eyes.

“Why, Amee? You like I make you come again. You come very hard last time. You like?”

I vaguely thought how cute it was that her usually perfect English became broken as she became aroused.

“Sari. We shouldn’t. We mustn’t,” I protested as she suddenly came to her knees and straddled my body with her legs.

She knelt erect with one knee either side of my body, a gorgeous little nymph, her hair falling over her shoulders and breasts to her waist, framing her small doll-like body, small, pert, upturned breasts, firm, flat tummy and cute navel. Not a trace of pubic hair to obscure the small cleft of her vagina.

“You want we do it again, Amee?” she asked as she moved her hand sensuously in a downward movement along her tummy, “You like we touch again?”

As she said this, she put one hand either side of my body, supporting herself as she lowered her hips until the warm, soft folds of her cunt were lightly touching my navel. As they touched me, she started to rotate her hips slowly, so that her vagina, like two softly caressing lips, was sliding in little circles around my navel.

“Please! Sari. No!”

Even as I pleaded, my body was arching from the bed, trying to press my tummy harder against those lips which were fluttering like little butterfly wings across my tummy and my hands had moved up to cover her luscious little tits.

She moved one of her arms behind her back and I felt it slide between my thighs which seemed to fall open of their own accord as her fingers covered my cunt.

“Oooh, Amee! You wet, feels nice, you like it?” As she said this, she slipped her finger into me, which was enough to send me over the top.

“Amee!” she groaned, as I lowered my hand from her breast, forced it between her thighs and my tummy and slipped my middle finger inside her.

She lifted her body up to make room for my hand to move, throwing her head back and closing her eyes as I fingered her rapidly.

“Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, Sari!” I cried as the thrusting of her own finger increased in tempo to match mine.

“Yes Amee. We fuck. We fuck lots and come,” she gasped.

Suddenly, she withdrew her finger from inside me and grabbed the wrist of my hand that was masturbating her.

“Like this,” she said breathlessly, “we touch like this.”

She moved her body down over my thighs and placed her left knee between them. One hand behind, and the other in front of her she grasped each of my legs behind the knee and spread my legs as wide as possible, at the same time, spreading her own legs wide as she knelt above me. Hugging my bent left knee to the front of her body, she lowered her hips until the lips of our cunts touched, ever so lightly.

The sensation of our sensitive lips coming together was mind-blowing as she started to gyrate her hips in little circles, just as she had done against my navel. Her touch was light and feathery, gently spreading and sharing the moistness of our arousal.

Her eyes were closed, her perfect, white upper teeth gently biting down on her lower lip as she hugged my knee into her. It was as if she were in a trance. Both of my hands were grasping the top of her thighs, stroking her, occasionally slipping the fingers of my right hand between our thigh to touch her cunt, to touch my own and to feel the moisture of our love spreading between us.

“Amee, Amee, Amee,” Sari kept murmured repeatedly under her breath as our hips moved in unison in a slow waltz of passion.

What can be more sensual, more erotic, and more incredibly fucking horny than the soft, gentle kiss of the lips of a sweet, moist vagina against your own hot, sensitive, tingling cunt?

She was now sliding our lips together with a slow circular movement; she was slipping them back and forth so that they moved across each other, pressing them harder against mine. She eased her hand between us. I knew what she was doing.

“Yes, Sari? Oh fuck yes!” I groaned as I felt her slim fingers parting the outer folds of my vagina wide.

She stopped the movement of her hips as she opened her eyes and looked deeply into mine as she slipped her other hand between us and parted her own lips wide.

“Oooh! Sweet, fucking Jeeez!”

She lowered her hips again and our cunts came together, lips wide apart, the hot, inner folds of her slit burning against my own. She hugged my knee to her again, grinding her cunt hard against me, my own hips arching to increase the pressure, our vaginas like two mouths wide open in a passionate kiss, our clit’s like two miniature tongues slipping and sliding together.

"Fuck yes. So hot. So smooth. Faster. Yes!" Erotic little wet sounds from between our thighs as we fucked frantically.

“Now, Sari! Now! Oh Please. Noow!”

“Yes. I there. I there, Amee. I come!”

Our climax came simultaneously like a tsunami. So intense, I’m sure I almost blacked out, my whole body jerking with small, orgasmic aftershocks, long after I came. My last vague memory was of Sari collapsing almost on top of me, sobbing uncontrollably.

When next I awoke it was daylight, Sari had gone but everything flooded back to me. It wasn’t a dream, the crumpled sheets and the lingering perfume of her body which emanated from them was unmistakably real. Oh My God! What had I let happen?

I was distraught for several minutes until it suddenly dawned upon me that I had been delivered the perfect opportunity to have both Jay and Sari. God! My imagination started to swirl with all sorts of possibilities if only I played my card carefully. There was an SMS alert on my phone, it was from Sari. No mention of what had happened a few hours ago just, ‘See you bout 11.’ There was a knock at my door.

“Can I come in?”

I recognised the voice as Jay’s. I quickly threw on my short bathrobe which lay on the floor and tried to compose myself.

“I’m in the bedroom, but I’m decent so come through,” I called back as I frantically tried to decide whether to confront him with what I knew, or talk to Sari first.

To be continued...

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Unfortunate Tales of Vanessa

Vanessa is a normal girl. She is average height, long black hair tied back into a ponytail, not ugly but not attractive. She also just isn’t into sex, not even touching herself. The only problem is that she has quite the curvy figure, with large breasts. This is not ideal for her because it draws a lot of unwanted attention. She tries to show as little skin as possible but no matter what she wears her breasts are always on display, their form distinct underneath the fabric of her tops. She...

2 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 2

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 2 Paul awoke next morning hoping that his dream was just that and nothing else. He didn't want to be a girl at all. He noticed the fortune paper still on his desk and tried again to tear it in two, but the paper was still as untearable as before. For now, he was just going to go about the day as though that dream had not happened. He was going to go to school, get more homework and enjoy the taste of Kelly's lips again. He waited as usual to get...

2 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 5

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 5 Paul awoke next morning having not had a dream with his female self in it. He had just dreamt of Kelly and the thought of having her in bed with him. It was of course Sunday, and due to the day out with Kelly, he had a day of homework to look forward to. He found that Joanne seemed more cheerful than usual. Her hair was chocolate brown now, having dyed it for the umpteenth time. She seemed to be growing it out too. Her roots were showing her...

3 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 14

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 14 Paul spent the remainder of Saturday and all Sunday as Paula. By the time Sunday night came, everyone was having the same thoughts. "He doesn't want to be a boy again," said Laura. "The changes are definitely mental as well as physical." "He still knows who he is, but he sees himself as a girl," said Alex. "But he seems so much happier. It was a wrench to remove the varnish from his nails," said Joanne. Of the three, Joanne had most enjoyed...

3 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 20

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 20 For the Smith family, it was clear that their 16 year old son was disappearing, physically anyway. In his place was appearing a 16 year old girl with all the usual girl interests and a keen interest in motor cars. Paul had acquired a set of hairbands from a hair accessory shop plus some ponytail loops. Though his hair was still too short to use them, he still wanted some. He arrived home pleased with his new items, which included a black dress...

4 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 23

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 23 Paula went to town with Laura and Joanne looking for new school clothes. They took the bus, and on the way, the days events thus far dominated their conversation. "I don't get one thing," said Joanne. "How come the receptionist didn't question Paula's gender?" "I don't know. I'm sure it was the same one I spoke to on Wednesday," said Laura. "It makes no sense. We know about Paula, but she didn't," said Joanne. "We'll have to wait till Monday...

3 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 24

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 24 Paula awoke next morning ready for her second day at school, and it was going to be an interesting one. First PE lesson as a girl plus seeing exactly what that girl who had spoken to her had meant. "Morning sweetheart," said Laura as she came down to breakfast. "Morning mom. Got my PE kit ready?" she replied. "Yes, I've put you a bottle of shampoo in as you requested," said Laura. "It's gonna feel strange being among loads of naked girls....

2 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 32

Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 32 Thursday afternoon came and Paula certainly had plenty on her mind. She checked her pocket diary once more, checking to see if an error had been made. She had recently bought it to make notes of her periods and once again, the calculations were correct: her next one was due this weekend. "I'll just have to hope it isn't a bad one," she thought to herself. She turned away from the subject and moved onto something less depressing: choosing make-up...

2 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 36

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 36 Paula went to bed Friday night still reeling from the fact that her parents had had sex in a college classroom. But since that bit of skulduggery, they had obviously cleaned up their act. The following morning, Paula prepared for her day at Alicia's. Without a set of earplugs available, she was trying to think of other ways to worm her way out of listening to hours of pop music. "Oh don't try to worm your way out," said Laura. "You may well...

3 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 38

The Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 38 Friday came and Paula was given the chance to have a few extra hours in bed. Having eventually got up, she washed and dressed before heading down for breakfast. "Morning," said Laura. "You have slept in." "I know," yawned Paula. "What're we doing today?" "Have some more mother-daughter time if you like," she replied. "That would be great. Just wish there was more I could do with my hair," said Paula. "In time. It is near to shoulder...

3 years ago
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Fortune Tellerpart one

With this being late in the off season of travel, and it snowing up a storm! This was the first time I have seen or even touched snow in my life! I got stuck there at the motel for several days, and struck up a friendship with one of the workers, a lady by the name of Hopakaia. Hopakaia lives at the motel, working in the gift shop and doing the various odd jobs of cleaning, laundry, and the like about the place. She also does some fortune telling for the guests who are interested in that...

2 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 8

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 8 Paul went to bed wondering what to put inside his shoes, allowing him to regain his lost height. He was becoming concerned about a lot of things - when would his parents be informed by the mysterious stranger and whether they would they accept him. He felt as though he was gradually accepting his fate at any rate. He just wasn't ready to face it. His future self had left him alone for a few days now. He didn't know whether this was good or bad....

2 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 11

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 11 Paul awoke next morning to find that his breasts had started to get bigger. Not much growth, but enough to show change. Having washed, he applied some more cream to his nipples and put on the sports bra. "More development, but not much," he said to Laura as he arrived for breakfast. "Morning sis," said Joanne, munching on some toast and marmalade. "Morning," said Paul. "Remember that your "sister" is still a boy," said Laura. "It's ok....

4 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 15

The Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 15 Paul arrived home and took his bag upstairs. "Come down here. Need you to try these on," called Laura. Paul quickly came back down and went into the living room. Laura was sitting down and she was holding two pairs of trousers. From first glance, they didn't look like girls trousers. "They're plain enough so that no one will tell unless they stare long enough," said Laura. "Unless girls notice," said Joanne. "Never mind that," said...

3 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 16

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 16 "You don't trust me?!" shouted Kelly. "How could you dad?!" "You've said you like girls, so its only natural you'll be attracted to them," he replied. "Has it escaped you that I only have eyes for Paul?" she replied angrily. "No one else, boy or girl, matters to me!" Kelly had discovered that her father's homophobia was near to paranoia. He seemed convinced that she would still try it with a girl, despite her strong relationship with Paul...

1 year ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 28

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 28 Despite a growing interest in clothes, hair and make-up, Paula Smith was still showing no sign in giving up the love of motor sport that she had developed when she was still Paul. This was a real benefit to the rest of her family who still missed Paul. They could see that Paul, though gone, was still present within the new girl. The days leading up to Easter were quiet in comparison to those preceding them. Paula had phoned Alicia up the next day...

4 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 35

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 35 Travelling into town had it's reasons other than to give Paula and Kelly something to do. Kelly was to meet her mom at around 3:00pm as normal. But in the time that remained, Laura followed the girls and let them decide where to go. "Paula, have you tried tying your hair back yet?" asked Kelly. "Not really. I still think it's too short," she replied. They were taking a break from window shopping and sitting on a bench. Laura was at a...

2 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 40

Fortune Cookie (Revised) Part 40 For Kelly, the remainder of Tuesday was boring. After having Paula and Linda visit, the day saw no more visitors. She was eager to go home, or to what would be her home for the next few weeks. She eagerly ate her dinner that evening before finally going to sleep hours later. The next day arrived, she had breakfast and a nurse came with her wheelchair. It was fitted with a support for her leg. Another nurse came up to help her out of bed. "Steady...

2 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 41

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 41 Friday came and that posed a question. This was the day that they ate out. They were more than willing to take Kelly with them, but in her condition, could they find a place which would cater for someone in a wheelchair. They had posed the question to her Thursday evening and she said she was more than prepared to go out. "Don't let me stop you going out. I'll go with you," she said defiantly. So, on Friday, it was decided that she should go...

2 years ago
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Fortune Cookie Revised Part 46

Fortune Cookie 1 (Revised) Part 46 After another brief spell of window shopping, Laura took the girls home. As soon as they did, Paula went upstairs and turned on her phone. She knew that there were people who would be interested to learn that she and Kelly had finally made out. "Hi Linda. Just calling to see how you are," said Paula. "I'm ok. Been quiet actually since the party, I mean since Kev and I got intimate. What about you?" replied Linda. "Nothing much here either,...

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