Lowborn Ch. 05 free porn video

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Mindblind winced when one of the boards underfoot made a loud creak as he stepped out onto the porch of the inn. He slipped his sword from its sheath, his eyes and ears alert. The town was silent, save for the taproom of the inn, and even that had quieted when he and Raven had stood up to leave their table. He saw nobody moving about as he walked along the front of the building, heading toward where he had seen the Draxnian through the window.

He had no idea where Raven was. When he went for his sword in his room, she’d said that she’d meet him outside. Thief or no, he trusted her. Even if he couldn’t see her, he had no doubt that she was nearby. Nevertheless, his heart raced as he neared the corner. Beyond it was the window, and potential danger. There were really only two possible courses of action. He could either move around the corner quickly, hoping for surprise, or move farther away from the building in hopes of seeing what he was up against. Lamenting the last second decision not to grab his shield, he chose the former.

“Creeping in the night, eh? I expected as much, juabrudo.”

The Draxnian faced him with a bared blade, his stance steady and confident. While Mindblind had no idea what the last word the man had uttered meant, he could tell from the inflection that it was an insult.

The man appeared to be waiting for him to make the first move, so Mindblind kept his sword at the ready and answered the insult instead. “I was drinking in the night until you showed up, Bub.”

The Draxnian’s eyes narrowed. “Do you fear to face a man who is awake and armed? A monster and a coward, then?”

He understood that insult, and anger boiled up inside of him. The long years of learning to control his emotions won out – but just barely. “Big words comin’ from a man who kills whores.”

Three things happened in a split second. Confusion flashed in the Draxnian’s eyes, Raven dropped with cat-like grace from the roof above, and the Draxnian reacted with surprising speed to Raven’s sudden entrance.

“Not quick enough,” Raven warned as she pressed her dagger to the man’s throat. “Drop it, or I’ll draw a line across your throat from ear to ear.”

The Draxnian’s features tightened. “You will kill me anyway, assassins. I will die with my sword in my hand.”

Raven pressed the blade against his neck a little harder, just short of drawing blood. “Last chance.”

“The hell you talking about? You’re the damn assassin,” Mindblind growled.

The Draxnian scoffed, his eyes boring into Mindblind’s and his body tensing.

Raven loosed a combination of a snort and a chuckle. “You’re an idiot. You’ll be dead before you can move a muscle.”

Having had a moment to think, the Draxnian’s words came into focus in Mindblind’s head. “We didn’t kill the men in the tents.”

The man spat out, “Liar.”

“And I’m betting that you didn’t have nothing to do with attacking the Cat.”

“What are you on about?” Raven asked.

“Think we’re about to do those murdering assholes work for them,” Mindblind answered, and let his guard drop. “You knew somebody that got killed in those tents out that way, didn’t you?”

“My brother.”

“Like I said, we didn’t kill ‘em. Killed the fuckers that did, though.”

“Liar,” the Draxnian said again, though he sounded far less convinced this time.

Raven understood where her traveling companion was leading and suggested, “Maybe we’re better off safe than sorry.”

“Think we can handle him, if it comes to that.”

Raven said, “This is stupid,” and then pulled away the knife from the man’s throat while snapping back into a defensive crouch at the same time.

“Like I said, we ain’t no murderers. Your brother had blood on his hands when he died, though. Even if he didn’t do the killing.”

The Draxnian maintained a posture of confused wariness.

“If he was in one of those tents, then he broke into a whorehouse to kidnap whores with that lot. Might be that we would have killed him, if someone hadn’t beaten us to it, but we didn’t.”

“The women inside?”

“The whores,” Raven answered from behind him.

The Draxnian lowered his weapon. “So you seek those who have done this thing?”

“Actually, we’re just trying to get home without getting killed,” Mindblind answered.

Raven blew out a dismissive hiss from between her teeth. “I still think this reeks. He’s a damn Draxnian. Probably just playing innocent so he can kill us in our sleep later.”

“Don’t think so,” Mindblind disagreed.

Raven sighed. “You’re going to owe me for this one. I’ve been saving it ever since I pinched it, and I don’t think it’s worth wasting on him.” She dug into the pouch that contained her thief’s tools, and withdrew an odd amulet suspended on a chain. She brought it close to her lips and whispered something, causing the amulet to emit an amber glow.

Holding the chain in front of her, Raven said, “As soon as I see red, you’re a dead man. What are you doing here?”

“I seek the men who murdered my brother.”

The charm in Raven’s hand flashed green for a moment. “Who’s your brother?”

“His name was Amado. He was murdered in his sleep by assassins, not far from this town.”

Again, a flash of green. Raven didn’t look happy about it. “Do you have any plans to kill us, or lead anyone to us who plans to?”

“No. I believe this man’s words,” the Draxnian replied, pointing toward Mindblind.

Raven looked over at Mindblind as well when the amulet flashed green and said, “Fine, you were right. May as well prove that he’s not stupid for trusting you.” She walked over and asked him, “Did we kill his brother?”

“Nope. Killed the sons-of-bitches that did, though.”

An evil smile spread across Raven’s face. “May as well get something out of this little trinket. What’s your real name?”

It wasn’t as if he was trying to hide it, so Mindblind answered, “Cerebus. What’s yours?”

Raven let go of the amulet chain, and the magical device dissolved into motes of light. “Oops.”

Mindblind let out a snort and shook his head. He nodded toward the Draxnian and asked, “What’s your name, Bub?”


“May as well come in and have a beer with us. We’ll tell you what we know, and you can tell us what you know.”

Indigo sheathed his sword and said, “I accept. How may I call you?”



Indigo’s eyebrows popped up in a gesture of amused puzzlement, but he shrugged it off. “So be it, my friends. Shall we?”

“The more the merrier,” Raven said sarcastically as she swept past the two men back toward the door of the inn.

Mindblind chuckled and followed her inside.


The sounds of crickets and prostitutes hard at work joined in a curious serenade as Mindblind stood next to the wagon behind the inn. While comparing information hadn’t really offered any clues about the assassins or who hired them, something that happened afterward had.

Yani had apparently taken rings off the fingers of each assassin while she was stripping useful clothing from them, and had chosen to wear one of them. While she was doing her best to entice Indigo into her bed, he’d noticed the ring and recognized it.

The insignia belonged to a renegade group of Draxnian assassins that had fled the country after botching a job for someone in the government. The killers all had a price on their head in Draxnia, but they’d managed to stay hidden in Egoria, and even returned to their trade. Once he named the group as the Order of the Nightblade, Raven revealed that she knew of them by reputation.

“You’re not thinking about going after them, are you?”

He turned around to see Raven closing the back door of the inn and answered, “Nah. Not that stupid.”

She pointed back over her shoulder toward the inn. “Apparently, he is. Damn idiot is going to get himself killed, and he actually seems excited about it.”

“Figure most people would have said the same thing about us a few days back.”

She walked up next to him and said, “One thing to go after slavers in the middle of nowhere. Whole different story to go after killers in their nest.”

“Probably never find them, anyway. They must be good at hiding if Draxnia hasn’t tracked them down and hung them.”

“At least we’ll only lose a third of a night’s sleep each night.”

Mindblind chuckled. With his only lead to the assassins back in Lakenshire, Indigo had asked to accompany them, offering his sword to the defense of the wagon along the way. “So, not pissed about dragging along somebody else now?”

She backhanded his shoulder and said, “Don’t rub it in.”

“He still in there making the girls pant?”

Raven rolled her eyes. “Probably just one – or maybe two. He vanished off into a room a little while ago. You’d think that whores would be immune to falling for that act.”

“They’re bored. They’ve ran through most of the spare coin and anything useful that a man can barter.”

A sliver of light expanded into a rectangle, alerting them that someone had opened the door. They both turned to see Kayleen, and she asked, “He’s wondering if you want any more beer? He’s about to close up for the night.”

Raven glanced at Mindblind, who shrugged and nodded his head. “May as well have one more.”

Much of the edge usually present in Raven’s voice vanished as she said, “Tell him to tap two more and leave them on the bar. You going to bed?”

Color rose in Kayleen’s cheeks as she nodded her answer.

“We’ll be along in a bit.”

Though curious about the interaction between Raven and Kayleen, Mindblind decided to let it go. He stretched and said, “I’m gonna go have that beer.”

“Right behind you,” Raven responded.


After the beer and a quick wash, Mindblind headed for bed, chuckling from the discovery that the prostitutes had purchased several mattresses to give them places to sleep with less crowding in the common room that evening. He nodded off rather quickly, despite Kayleen and Raven whispering in the bed across the room, and some rather suggestive movements that he’d seen going on beneath the sheets.

He had no idea how long he’d been asleep when he awoke with a start, feeling the weight of a body atop him.

Raven kissed him hard, and as soon as the initial shock of awakening wore off, he realized that he could taste pussy on her lips.

She moaned as she pulled away from his lips, and then leaned down next to his ear to whisper, “You like?”

“Yeah,” he answered, and pulled her nude body down against him.

A nip on his ear, just hard enough to sting, caused him to relax his grip a little.

Raven slipped down off him and spun on her knees so that her tight ass was facing him. Stretching one leg over his body, she lowered her sex to his mouth.

Mindblind slipped his tongue through the dark nest of curls, which were well dampened by her juices, into the bittersweet treat beyond. He groaned as he felt her slide down his light pants and push his knees apart to wrap her lips around his cock.

Raven gyrated her hips, grinding her pussy into his face. The stiff hairs grated against his skin, but the taste of her and the feeling of her hot mouth on his cock well overshadowed the discomfort.

As with their first heated coupling, she took charge. He simply kept his tongue moving, and she moved to guide it where she wanted it. In no time, his face was smeared with her juices from the tip of his nose to his chin. Her knees pressed the pillow up against his ears, but he could still faintly hear the sound of her moaning. He could feel it far more acutely as the sound vibrated through his cock in her mouth.

She said something, but he couldn’t make out the words. He was too lost in the taste and scent of her to worry about it, and continued to devour her. Her lips slid over his swollen shaft at a quick pace, taking about half of him in on each stroke. The motion of her hips grew slightly erratic as she soared toward climax on his tongue.

Though he didn’t feel the bed shift, he certainly felt Kayleen’s tongue when she slipped into the bed to lap his hairless orbs.

Mindblind grunted into Raven’s folds from the unexpected addition. Almost immediately, he felt the first tingles of an eruption building in the tip of his cock. A powerful jerk of Raven’s hips moved one knee enough to free his ear, allowing him to hear Kayleen panting and moaning in excitement as she lapped his balls.

A moment later, cool air washed over his saliva-coated member when Raven released him to let out a long, broken growl of pleasure. He was only left unattended long enough for Kayleen’s tongue to slide up his length and take him in her mouth.

With orgasm rushing in to claim Raven, Mindblind was able to pull her into position to suck her clit between his lips and hold her there. Her muscles tensed, while the pitch of her moans increased and intermingled with squeals.

Mindblind breathed hard through his nose as he kept his lips locked on Raven’s swollen bud. The itch in his cock had intensified, and he was having difficulty keeping his attention on the task at hand – or rather at mouth. With a surge of willpower, he wiggled his head back and forth while flicking her clit with his tongue. Raven gave a great lurch atop him, and then screamed in release.

Though he tried to keep up the pressure as Raven came, Kayleen had pushed him to the point of no return. After only a few more strokes of her mouth, he threw back his head with a deep, inarticulate scream, and erupted in her mouth.

His seed pumped from him in hard spurts, making him lurch against Raven, who remained hovering over him in the throes of orgasm. Kayleen’s lips had pulled back to just the tip of his pulsing organ, draining him of every drop he had to offer.

The sweet suckling of the blonde’s lips soon grew too much for him to handle, and a jerk of his hips caused his cock to pop free of her mouth. Raven let out a sexy moan, shuddered once more, and then knee-walked toward the other woman.

The lethargy of climax wasn’t nearly enough to overcome the sight. Kayleen had risen up to her knees, and had a dribble of cum running from her lip down her chin. A spatter also decorated one of her heavy breasts. Raven leaned in and lapped up the milky trail on the blonde’s face, and then kissed her hard.

As soon as the two women’s lips parted, the raven-haired thief turned her attention to the remaining bit of cream, and then lingered to suckle Kayleen’s stiff nipple. The blonde’s eyes closed, and she whimpered.

Raven dipped two fingers into her sex as she moved in for another kiss. When she sat back this time, she offered her glistening fingers to the blonde.

Kayleen gasped, and her lips worked through a pair of soundless words. Then she closed her eyes and licked Raven’s fingers.

“Mmm hmm. Do I taste good?”

“Yes,” Kayleen responded in a rush, almost before Raven could finish, and then sucked the offered digits.

Raven sat down, and then reclined back. “Scoot,” she quietly instructed Mindblind, and he moved closer to the edge of the bed. The thief lay down and parted her legs wide.

After only a moment’s hesitation, Kayleen dropped forward onto her hands and moved between Raven’s bent knees.

Mindblind shifted position a little to get a better view, and winced from the way the sight made his half-hard cock throb. The blonde’s tongue snaked out and slipped into Raven’s pussy.

“Yes, sweetie. That’s so good,” Raven cooed.

Kayleen started out slowly, just tickling Raven’s folds with the tip of her tongue. Mindblind couldn’t take his eyes off the blonde having her first taste of another woman.

Raven writhed on the bed, soft sounds of pleasure and encouragement slipping past her lips. Kayleen grew bolder, lapping faster and deeper with every passing second.

Mindblind’s cock reversed course with surprising speed from watching the sexy scene, though his erection was somewhat numb, with a dull undercurrent of discomfort from hardening so soon after coming. The blonde took her time, savoring Raven’s juices, slowly building a fire in the thief’s loins.

Despite Kayleen’s apparent hunger, there was something softer and less anxious about the way she tongued Raven’s pussy. Similarly, the thief’s reactions were more subdued, but equally arousing. The quiet serenade of their pleasure built toward a crescendo.

“Yes, you’re gonna make me come,” Raven said in a tight voice after several minutes, and then yelped as her words inspired Kayleen to even greater efforts. After a few whimpers, the thief cried, “Oh, I’m there,” and tumbled into sweet surrender.

Mindblind groaned as he watched Raven climax on Kayleen’s tongue. The blonde lapped for Raven’s flow of juices, emitting delighted little sounds all the while. Raven undulated on the bed, pinching her nipples and whimpering from the waves of bliss rolling through her body.

“I want to... Want to taste me on your lips,” the thief managed to gasp out.

Kayleen looked quite reluctant to leave the sweet treasure she was licking, but crawled over the dark-haired woman’s body to offer Raven that taste. The two women kissed, their tongues slipping over each other.

“You liked it, didn’t you?”

“Yes,” Kayleen replied before pressing her lips back to Raven’s.

“Mmm, you’re going to love his cock, too. H-help me up.”

Mindblind sat up and took Raven’s hand to help her rise. She was still quivering from the aftershocks of her orgasm, and paused when she let her legs drop over the edge of the bed to let a great shiver ripple through her.

Finally, she stood up – albeit on slightly wobbly knees – and took Kayleen’s hand. As the thief guided her to lie down, the blonde looked over at Mindblind’s cock and gasped in somewhat fearful anticipation.

A quick nodding gesture from Raven let him know that she wanted him to move in front of the blonde. Kayleen’s breathing quickened, her eyes never leaving his bobbing erection.

The thief pushed Kayleen’s knees up and out, exposing the blonde’s soaked sex. She then crooked her finger and beckoned Mindblind near. As soon as he scooted into position between Kayleen’s bent knees, Raven wrapped two fingers around his cock and guided it toward the blonde’s nether lips.

Raven rubbed his cock up and down Kayleen’s folds, coating the tip in slippery wetness. The blonde leaned up to watch, panting for breath and whimpering, her eyes wide at the sight of him poised to enter her.

A slight tug on his hard shaft instructed Mindblind to push, and the head of his cock popped inside her. Kayleen gasped and her eyes squinted shut for a second before opening even wider than before.

Raven rubbed the blonde’s clit with just the tip of her finger and said, “Relax, sweetie. Let him in.”

Kayleen’s lips formed the shape of an O as she breathed heavily, and Mindblind felt the resistance of her gripping canal lessen. Raven once again tugged, and he pushed a little deeper, drawing a yelp from the blonde.

“S-so big,” Kayleen gasped.

“Mmm hmm,” Raven moaned in response. Her fingers flashed as she rubbed the other woman’s clit in a rapid burst. Her fingers also uncurled from around Mindblind’s shaft and moved to his ass.

A warbling cry escaped the blonde as her walls tightened around Mindblind’s cock. As soon as her intimate muscles relaxed, Raven gave an insistent push. He groaned as he sank fully into her depths, though the sound was almost completely drowned out by Kayleen’s squeal.

“Doesn’t it feel good, sweetie?”

Kayleen’s voice once again quavered as she responded, “Oh yes.”

Raven’s hand moved yet again, this time to Mindblind’s hip. From this position, she silently instructed him to pull back, and then to bury his cock inside her again. The blonde gasped with each penetration, releasing the breath in a high-pitched moan every time he withdrew.

Despite his body demanding more, Mindblind accepted the slow pace. Raven’s perky breasts jiggled from the motion of her fingers over the blonde’s clit. Kayleen’s far larger globes quivered each time his balls settled against her. The milky sheen of juices coating his cock grew thicker with each thrust, smeared over his shaft by her nether lips clinging to him with delightful friction. Kayleen’s face flushed bright red, and tightened in ecstasy.

Raven let the words slide slowly, sensually from her lips as she said, “You’re going to come so hard.” Her guiding hand and now cream-coated fingers both stepped up the pace.

Kayleen’s cries of passion grew louder as his thick cock stroked her faster. Her fingers curled into claws, gripping the bedclothes, and she twitched from the shocks of pleasure tearing through her body. Mindblind growled from between clenched teeth as he fought against the first tingles of his own release moving to claim him.

Raven let her hand slip from his hip when she determined that the blonde was ready to take whatever he had to offer. Mindblind grunted in approval when he saw her turn the now free hand to the task of teasing her own folds without missing a beat on Kayleen’s clit.

The thief’s voice sounded almost pleading when she said, “Do it. Come for us, sweetie.”

Kayleen’s breasts bounced from the power of Mindblind’s thrusts, and he was fighting with all his will to stave off his own climax. The blonde’s eyes opened wide, and she exclaimed, “I... I’m... Ah! Ah! Aieee!”

Her squeal of release accompanied a slow, rhythmic contraction of her walls, further eroding Mindblind’s control. Still, he held on, loving the sight and sound of her coming so hard too much for it to end so soon.

“Fill her up,” Raven intimated in a rush, her fingers still fast at work on the climaxing woman’s bud.

“Oh yes!” Kayleen agreed between screams of ecstasy.

That was all it took.

Mindblind surrendered to the inevitable, giving full vent to his needs in a handful of thrusts so powerful that the legs of the bed grated upon the floor below. Then his seed surged up, and he slammed his hips forward one last time to spill it deep inside her.

“Mmm hmm,” Raven moaned, sliding her fingers up from the blonde’s clit to her tummy.

His breath blasted from his lips as Mindblind’s hips twitched of their own accord, responding to the tight squeeze of Kayleen’s canal. Soon enough, he couldn’t handle it any longer, and jerked free with a growl.

“Shit,” he hissed as he sat down to the side, having no small amount of trouble maintaining enough balance to not fall from his precarious perch at the edge of the bed. He sank down until his forearm was flat on the mattress, to give him some sort of balance.

Mindblind’s twitching and Kayleen’s ecstatic whimpers eventually calmed, and he heard Raven say, “Oh that was good, wasn’t it?”

“Uh huh,” Kayleen squeaked in response, and then let out a somewhat sleepy sounding chuckle.

“I want to taste the two of you together,” Raven purred, causing the blonde to gasp.

Mindblind looked over to see the thief moving between Kayleen’s legs, only the hot throbbing of his softening cock keeping his eyelids from drifting closed.

A broad stroke of Raven’s tongue gathered up the mingled cream dribbling from Kayleen’s canal, drawing a deeply satisfied moan from the thief, and a far sharper one from the blonde. Raven licked her lips and said, “Don’t even think about falling asleep, because I’m getting that dick inside me too.”

“Fuck me,” Mindblind groaned, not even wanting to think about getting hard again.

Raven gave him an evil smile. “Isn’t that what I just said?”

Another groan escaped him, and he dropped down into a fully reclined position as the thief slipped between Kayleen’s thighs once more.


Mindblind grunted as soon as he awakened the next morning. His morning erection burned slightly from the workout the night before, and his bladder felt tight enough to explode.

Not caring in the slightest who might see, he exited the room and crossed to the garderobe – still naked. After what felt like an eternity, he finally drooped enough to urinate, and sighed as he let off the pressure.

The stream forked at first, and he pissed on his foot.

“Great,” he grumbled, and finished emptying his bladder. A cloth dipped in some shockingly cool water from a bucket in the room let him clean the dribbles off his foot and the dried evidence of the previous night’s adventures from between his legs.

A pair of the prostitutes were walking toward the taproom when he exited, and greeted his nudity with approving smiles. He just shook his head when they both turned to watch him until he closed the door of his room behind him.

Down boy, he thought with a wince when the sight of Raven standing next to the bed stretching greeted him. She wore a sweet smile as she looked down on Kayleen still sleeping, and turned to twitch her eyebrows at Mindblind while she let her upstretched arms fall to her side.

Curiosity finally got the better of him when she walked over to join him next to the other bed. “What’s with the two of you?”

“I thought we showed you that last night?”

“Not what I mean. The way you act around her and talk to her.”

Raven shrugged her shoulders. “I like her, and she really needs a friend right now.”

“Just like night and day.”

“I don’t know. Just makes me feel good, making her feel better. She’s had a really rough time.” The thief sat down on the bed. “You were right; she’s carried more than her share of drinks around a tavern.”

Mindblind pulled on his pants and asked, “Why’d she turn to whorin’, then?”

“Long story, but she fell in love with the man who owned the place, and he betrayed her. She loved the work, but couldn’t bear to be around it after that. She got by doing odd things for a while, but then everything fell apart. Stumbled into the Cat without many other options.”

“She seemed okay carrying brew here.”

“She’s had some time, and a lot worse experiences since then than catching the man she fell for getting his dick sucked.”

He had to nod in agreement with that.

“Get me some warm water to clean up?”

“Yeah. Back in a minute.”

Mindblind grabbed the clay pitcher provided for that purpose and headed for the kitchen to fetch the water. He pondered the complexities of Raven’s dual nature, and thought that he liked both the rough and soft sides of her. The corners of his mouth turned up in a slight smile, but then he shook his head and his expression hardened.

He’d spent too long keeping his emotions from having control over his life, and this was no time to start. A moment later, he realized that this entire journey was nothing more than a visceral reaction to Delly’s death. What was done was done, so he shook his head and continued on to the kitchen.

The women appeared to have closed up shop in preparation to leave, which resulted in a few crestfallen men sitting around the taproom, staring into their beers. Indigo sat talking with two of the women, and loosed a hearty laugh before nodding a greeting to Mindblind.

In what had become an oddly unremarkable occurrence over the last couple of days, Mindblind saw that the prostitutes had managed to acquire small traveling bags and packs, as well as hats to shield them from the sun.

The group was certainly going to look far less the motley collection of vagabonds that they had appeared upon arrival in town. He shook his head as he walked into the kitchen and let out a snorting chuckle when he thought back to Vladamir insisting that he was going on an adventure.

Fate had conspired to make his little brother right after all.


Since Indigo had revealed that he had experience driving a team, Mindblind let him pull the wagon around to the front of the inn. The supplies for the trip were loaded, and the hard wooden floor of the wagon was now padded by two of the mattresses that the prostitutes had purchased. The remainder of the spare mattresses they donated to the innkeeper, as those in the rooms were now more than a little worse for wear, and smelled deeply of sex.

“Come ladies. Your coach awaits,” Indigo declared as he brought the wagon to a halt and vaulted down from the driver’s seat.

“You’re in an awful good mood,” Raven remarked with a roll of her eyes.

“It is a fine day, and even finer company,” he responded, and swept his eyes over the whores, several of whom laughed. “One must live for the day.” His expression slowly grew more somber, and he added, “Still, I have not forgotten the reason for my journey.”

The Draxnian helped the first of the women up into the wagon and said, “In truth, my brother and I have not spoken in years. Though his loss brings me pain and anger, he was a drunkard and a man of little honor. Save for my family, I fear that he is little loss to the world. I would not even know his fate were it not for the tavern owner coming to complain that he left without paying for what he drank that night.”

Mindblind inclined his head and grunted to indicate that he understood.

“So, you are leaving?”

Mindblind turned around upon hearing the question and answered, “Yeah, we’re for home, Pompeil.”

The merchant looked quite surprised that Mindblind had used his proper name, but cleared his throat to try to cover the reaction. “If I may suggest, you should set out west. Follow the road, and you will come to the town of Foxwood. From there, you can follow the road north to Lakenshire.”

Mindblind pondered it for a moment and said, “Probably not a good idea to go back the same way we came. Doubt we killed all the scum involved in this. What about you?”

“I have sent word to retainers of mine, and received a reply this morning. My guards should arrive some time tomorrow evening to escort me back to Lakenshire, and from there, to home.”

“Watch your back,” Mindblind warned. “Whoever’s behind this might not even know you were involved, but they might.”

“And you, yours,” Pompeil agreed. “I still owe you a debt. I will not forget it.”

Mindblind nodded and extended his hand. Once again, the merchant looked quite surprised by the gesture, but shook the offered hand and said, “Safe journey.”

“Much as I hate to say it, I agree with Pomp,” Raven remarked.

“West it is, then.”

A short while later, the wagon rolled toward the edge of the city with Indigo driving, six of the prostitutes riding, and everyone else afoot beside it.

Their departure did not go unobserved.


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21 February 2009Chapter 5

Sandra complimented Dan about his car, enjoying the deep growling sound and power. When Dan found out that she and Jessica were staying over, he made an early dinner reservation at Chandler’s and asked for Andrew as their waiter. Andrew realized that most of the women Dan brought there weren’t his wives but he treated them as if they were. During the drive east along Highway 2, Dan noticed Sandra was a little apprehensive, “Are you doing okay?” “I guess I am a little quiet. You are my...

2 years ago
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The Gym Girl Blew My Head Off

Hello everyone, This is Chirag from Chennai. I’ve been reading stories on ISS for nearly 4 years now. All the stories in here seemed fake to me until the day I had experienced it. This is my first story here on ISS, Sincere apologies if I make a mistake anywhere. First of all I would request all the boys to keep their one hand on the cock and the ladies on their pussies. About me, I am Chirag, born and brought up in Chennai though a Gujarati guy, I’m a 20 year old. I’m 5 feet 6 Inches tall and...

4 years ago
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Chocolate and Gold Ch 01

Author’s Notes: This is a work of fiction, and perhaps even fantasy. There is some sex in the story, but not a lot, and it’s certainly not a ‘stroke story.’ Maybe someday there will be Metzler Cell. The way science is progressing these days, it wouldn’t surprise me. I was just imaging what I might do if I were Harry Zheng and I were in his place. I’ll be interested to hear what you think. My thanks to ErikThread and DaveT for their editing skills and technical advice. * I have an active...

3 years ago
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Sophies Revenge

"So what happened this time?" Rich asked, shaking his head slowly, the cell phone pressed to his ear. "Sophie thinks I'm having an affair," Jon replied. Rich shook his head again, knowing that if his friend's girlfriend thought he was being unfaithful her concerns probably weren't completely unfounded. Sophie was, in no uncertain terms, gorgeous. 5'4", blonde, beautiful, with full lips and hair that trailed down her back and could, Rich always suspected, almost over her 34D breasts. It wasn't...

Straight Sex
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Ill Dance at Your Wedding Revised

Thanks to DragonsWeb, OldFart, RastaDevil, WanderingScot and Sweet Sue for their innumerable edits to this gentle revision of an older story! I knew now that she was the one and only true love of my life. I'd fondly remembered Linda Monroe throughout the years, but it wasn't until I unexpectedly saw her again nearly twenty years later at a wedding reception that my heart reminded me with a loud thump just exactly what I had been missing. Mercifully, it wasn't her wedding, or even mine....

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On Forgetting Ch 09

‘Girl, I don’t plan on letting you sleep for the next month,’ Connor growled, grabbing the back of her knees and dumping her onto the bed. ‘You’ll wear me out,’ Langdon giggled, scooting back toward the pillows. Connor followed her across the bed in a predatory manner, his eyes glittering with dark promise. He trapped her beneath him just before she reached the headboard and took advantage of it. He planted a hand on either side of her head, leaning over her, and captured his mouth with hers,...

2 years ago
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(Straight Gay F/mteen M/mteen Cuckold Gangbang) By: XTALES All characters are 18+ Years Old. This story contains sex between adult teenagers and Male/Female. A couple is captured and abused by a lost tribe in the Amazon forest. But even in this unlikely scenario, a romance will blossom between the married man and the young guide, while his wife rediscovers an interest for sex. If you don't like this type of story leave right now, you've been warned. PS: I am not a native English...

3 years ago
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Cindys Birthday PresentChapter 2

cindy's husband Glen shifted around a little in his seat as she told of her experiences. Only a short while into her description of the farmer's milking of her cindy could tell his cock was growing harder. Soon he brought his hand down and unzipped his pants. Taking his cock out he began idly stroking it while she continued talking. cindy licked her lips in anticipation more than once. Reliving the experience to her husband was rekindling her lust. She felt her nipples hardening and her...

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knaping and Training

Synopsis: This is a story about k**napping and training slaves, and all the joys involved.k**naping and Training chapter 1 k**napingThe Masters Mike, Jeff, Calos, Guy, and Mistresses, Jassica, Lorri, Tina,Vanessa. Work for Master Dion, and Mistress Ericka In a Mansion to k**nap andtrain slaves for there pleasures, all slaves must between 17 and 25, the slavesthey don't want are either sold to others or the Masters, Mistresses keep themfor payment. So no lost, yes what a way to make a...

1 year ago
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Taking the Plunge with Daddy Book 2 Part 2

By Tuesday afternoon at work, I was a mess. Horny beyond belief, unable to concentrate, my mind caught in some electrical storm bouncing between the clit-melting feeling of my third pair of silk panties worn under my boring office chinos and thoughts of him, Daddy - everything about him coming back to me in flashes; the first taste of his cock there on my knees in the hotel, the taste of the base of his cock when he forced himself into my wet, gagging throat, the feel of his dominant...

3 years ago
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MBF 24 A Surprise Gift Pt 15

How long have I been here? Has it been an hour? Or has it been hours? I didn’t have my watch on and Jenna, Jeanette’s sister, has been interviewing me on a surprise gift from Amanda and Jeanette. So far we have talked about how our relationship first started. How I felt for each girl, even though I kept some truths to myself. We have talked about my sex life and retelling stories from my point of view. The last couple of stories I have retold has been about Amanda, the love of my life. I...

4 years ago
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Right Neighborly

MY Neighbor Lady     At 18 years old, I still had another few decades before I would even begin to figure out what life was all about. All I knew is that I was cursed by an insatiable sex drive that, because I was still a virgin, I had to take care of it with my hands, and I took care of it a lot. At least two or three times a day I would have to whip out my cock and jerk off. I came so much that it was always best to jerk off into the bathroom sink I wouldn’t leave any tissues or...

3 years ago
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Alan Ch 15

Off to College Can you get e-mail from a dead person? Looking at his inbox Alan concluded that you could. It was just shy of two weeks since he had learned of the death (maybe?) of his mentor, Dr. Jean-Pierre Massimo, and receiving his ring in the mail. Jack had sent him a message through the ring, or, perhaps was using the ring to communicate from another plane of existence. All he knew was that Massimo’s Seed, his earthly manifestation of heavenly power, was within the silver band Alan now...

1 year ago
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Alices GiftChapter 5 Busted

For the rest of that week they all enjoyed each other repeatedly. Getting ready for school was a lot easier when they could shower two at a time. And nighttime was an orgy shifting from one room to another until everyone was completely done in. Each experience together was like falling in love for the two involved. They tried menage-a-trois a few times but found that they preferred one on one so they could concentrate on loving and pleasing whomever they were with. They grew closer and closer...

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I was first given Fatema for my wife when I was only 10 years old. She had been my nursemaid when I was an infant and was a friend of my mother. At that time, she was 30 years old, four years older than my mother and 20 years older than me. As a child, I remember her bathing me, and fondling my penis until I had a climax, even before there was ejaculate. Later, when I had physical cum, she would suck on me, draining the juice from me. It was an exercise I learned to enjoy and looked forward to...

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Perfect Wife

The third person I ever had sex with was my husband so you couldn’t call me promiscuous. I lost my virginity aged 18 during a drunken student party and I was not at all impressed with the whole sex thing. The second man came along two years later; he was my first long term love, well a few months anyway. Then there was Paul, we dated; we got engaged and eventually married. I didn’t know and didn’t care if our sex life was good or not, it was good enough for me. We had and still do have sex...

2 years ago
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The Cat And The Spider

Finally! After a week of Bruce's attention, Selina was starting to go stir-crazy. Sure, she was realizing that she was in love with the eccentric millionaire, but there was another part of her damaged mind that screamed that she should let no man possess her. Taking advantage of a lapse of caution during one of her lovemaking sessions with Bruce, she slipped into the bathroom to "clean herself up. She knew that she cared for him (love??? HAH!). She appreciated what he had done for her,...

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GirlsWay Skylar Snow Sovereign Syre Keeping Calm Under Pressure

Skylar Snow arrives for her job interview. She looks nervous but excited as manager Sovereign Syre shows her in and invites her to sit down. Sovereign seems firm but polite, asking pertinent questions about Skylar’s work experience. But Sovereign wants to make sure that Skylar can perform under pressure, so she decides to test this by fingering Skylar as Skylar has to explain various marketing strategies. Trying to fight through the pleasure, Skylar answers Sovereign’s question...

3 years ago
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Hot Horse Ride 4

After hot horny blonde Nikita mounted me, her horse drew our attention. (After our mutual (s)explosion at the end of part three. See my page!) Well, we walked back the stallion to the stable. We were both still excited. Her horse as well. Probably he smelled our flow of feromones. Walked back calmly, it seemed ... Sporting a long fifth leg.I wondered what naughty Nikita might want to do to handle that?I thought: Well, he´s her hot horse, she will know!

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Having Sex with a pregnant girl

Back in High School, it was the 12th grade, this girl I knew got pregnant and her boyfriend dumped her. He didn’t want a baby, so he left. Katie, she was 7 months pregnant and she was looking hot. Her now ex-boyfriend left her when she was almost a month pregnant. I have a girlfriend, Jennie, she was good looking girl. Jennie and I didn’t have sex, she wanted to save that part for marriage, she did give me a blow job and I ate her out. I asked Jennie if it was alright to take Katie out to a...

2 years ago
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A WTF Moment 00

It was then I froze. Wait a second, a he was itching my bareback. When I went to rub the sleep from my eyes, I then I noticed that there was some sort of sticky goo plastered over my face, that cake my eyes. I cleared my eyes and cleared some of my face of the crap. It was then it dawned on me, that I was naked on an old mattress and with some naked guy on top of me, and snoring into the back of my head like a bear. My ass was tingling and had the urge to fart, when I did, it sounded...

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The Dowager

Notes: A couple notes before we begin our journey. I had no clue when I started this, but this story is actually very similar to to merkros' "A Fantasy Dynasty." The major difference is that this is focused on single character rather than a dynasty, but it is still rather similar. While you wait for new chapters to come out or something, just check out his story here: https://chyoa.com/story/A-Fantasy-Dynasty.8418 Some choices will have (SSI) next to them. These choices represent all the...

3 years ago
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A Great Tenant

My name is Stephanie. I’m forty years old, single and I have a ten-year-old brat. He’s a good kid, but sometimes he does things that just drive me crazy.One day not too long ago, I took Kevin into the office with me, as he was out of school for a day because he was not feeling well. I had him sit in the large clubhouse area of our apartment leasing office while I tended to my works chores. I had a super cool boss who was perfectly fine with me in this regard.One of our tenants came in, a guy...

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EvilAngel Francesca Le Gia Paige Evil Couple Prowls For Teen Ass

Gia Paige displays her fleshy, natural body wearing sheer bikini undies and cute rabbit ears. Swinging pornographers Francesca Le and Mark Wood corrupt her in an anal threesome — this is the adorable brunette’s first seduction by an older couple! Shapely MILF Francesca says Gia’s pussy tastes ‘like a teen’ as the bi girls make oral love. They blow Mark’s cock together and make out as he fucks Gia. Mark sodomizes masturbating Gia’s hot butt to gaping....

1 year ago
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Other Mens Wifes His Sluts Chapter 6

Introduction: Roy Hammer makes another conquest Roy stood at the door as he watched the young couple walk to their car. As good as the sex had been with Becky, he thought, she was no match for Yvonne. Closing the door, he walked into the kitchen to find Yvonne putting the breakfast dishes in the dishwasher. She glanced over her shoulder at him with a broad smile and then turned back to her task as she spoke. I thought I would clean up in here before I have to leave. My husband will be getting...

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Boy to Princess 2 The Next Day

Boy to Princess - The Next day By Jennifer Allison "I think we need to get these kids home," announced Mom. "Dean isn't doing a very good job of staying awake." "I think that is a good idea," said the PM. "I will try to be over at your house tomorrow to go into more details." I was taken home instead of back to Sam's. My dad had to almost carry me into my room. The next thing I remember is my mom waking me up the next morning. "I am glad that was a dream," were the first...

4 years ago
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Family Affairs Pt1 Annas Story

Family affairs is a series of short, incestuous stories – originally intended as one offs, I may continue some or all, depending on feedback.Part 1 - Anna’s storyMy parents were away for a couple of weeks so my younger brother, Tom and I were trusted to look after the house. I was nearly 19 and Tom 16 and a half. I had just finished my first year at Uni and was home for the summer break, Tom was at college and usually didn’t get home until around 4.30, so I knew I had the house to myself for a...

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The Model

The Model By Bobbie Peters The peace and quiet of a summer Sunday afternoon was broken by the shrill voice of my sister, Jean, as she walked through the living room. "I need a head to work on and I need it now," she said to Mom. "Dear, I just don't have the time or patience to spare." Sis was persistent. "I need practice rolling hair or I'll never pass tomorrow's test." "Practice on the wig," Mom suggested as she prepared lunch for the family. Squiggling up her face,...

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Sea KingChapter 28

Dent's attempts to clarify the Clarise situation with Sosho were met with what could only be described as total failure. He would explain to her that he neither desired nor was interested in another woman and that her actions in this regard were not appreciated. Mostly Sosho would sit still, listening intently and then completely ignore what he said. Nesho was no help. It wasn't as if she actively encouraged her daughter's actions, but she certainly didn't do anything to discourage them...

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Soup of the Day 1519

John Allen Lucy Allen Seabolt/ Martin and /Rita Soup of the day 15 through 19 On the following Wednesday my new family had all established a shaky relationship with me. Lucy of course was fine. Martin was more edgy about my new place in the family. I expected it was a hormone thing. All that raging testosterone, I thought. I know, I had read too much in the joint, but it looked as though he fit the profile of a male dog. One who had a share his home with new male dog. The fact that I wasn’t...

2 years ago
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Seth II CarolineChapter 3 Enter Caroline

1865 Caroline French had just turned fifteen when Robert came home from the war and took up his position on the back porch. He always seemed to be sitting in the shade, whittling sticks or peeling apples for his mother, his feet raised on a piece of stove wood and his skinny ankles crossed, often barefoot. She had known Robert almost all her life and, as a child, had admired his quick wit and friendly nature. Both now seemed to have disappeared. He usually returned her cheerful greetings...

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Porn Reality 8211 Milf Sex

Hi guys, I’m Rohan, here to share my sexy adventures. Well, I have a few real experiences with couples and singles as well. Some are really wild. I have broken down each experience into one story. This one is about milf sex Let me introduce myself. I’m Rohan, a 23-year-old male, tall, fair, and ok build currently working in an MNC in Bangalore. Let me be honest. I used to watch porn during my college days once or twice a month. I fap thinking of some of the pornstars or my neighbor aunt or some...

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Its bedtime and Chase is laying in bed watching TV and has no idea what I’ve got planned for him tonight, or that I’m soaking wet just thinking about it and planning it. I know exactly what I want and I’m just waiting for the right opening to attack him and take control. Finally, he moves aside and turns off the light and when he rolls back around I’m in place to draw his cock deep in my mouth. I pulse his soft dick around in my mouth and suck it in and out and it isn’t long until it is rock...

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Fucking My Maid8217s Teen Daughter

Hi guys and girls I am from Hyderabad. This is a true story about me and my maids young daughter. Fucking young girls is my passion and licking their sweet pussy is my need Hello everyone I am sameer here want to tell you about me fucking my maids daughter. Seema comes for tuition every day. I come home after my work at 2-30.By around 3 seema comes. I give some questions and make her answer. She was an intelligent girl and pick up her studies very well. Her mother was very grateful to me for my...

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Six Times A DayPart 14 Slippin into Darkness

When Alan woke up on Monday, the main thing on his mind was the thought of painting Katherine's butt and pussy again, and painting Kim's as well. Every day for the past week or so, something had put him in close proximity with his sister's pussy. First he'd watched her frig herself, then he'd put suntan lotion on it, then he'd painted it, then he'd rubbed it with a brush and soap and fondled it, then he'd fingered it at the movies, then he'd shaved it and fingered it some more. And...

2 years ago
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The Engagement Ch 10

Molly, the Neighbor’s Wife Three months later on a Sunday morning Dutch sat alone reading the headline of the morning newspaper, ‘JFK Jr. Missing at Sea.’ He scanned the article. A Grim Search read the headline in the L. A. Times – The morning after the plane belonging to the successor of John F. Kennedy’s legacy was due to arrive on Martha’s Vineyard along with his wife and her sister in a private plane bound for the Kennedy family compound. Their party was to attend a wedding. Everyone...

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The Hitchhiker Chapter 12 Getting To Know You

“Of course little girl but remember if at any time you want to put an end to this just say the word.” She wrapped her arms around me and said, “I know but these girls are my friends I want to let them have some fun this weekend. After that we’ll see OK?” “Anything you say my dear.” We lay together and kissed for a few more minutes and I said, “We should probably get ready now before they start banging on the door. I went back to the bathroom and got a quick shave with one of the girl’s...

3 years ago
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The bad babysitter The wrong affair part one

"He likes you Julie, he said he does" my friend said, her cousin was a good looking man, and I was out on the pull, "Let me talk to him, I know he wants to buy you a drink"."Nah, he's with someone, I'm not doing that again, I need to find a single guy this time".Crap, where the fuck was she going? Tracy had always been a bit forthright, an if you like them go and get them sort of girl. She turned around and smiled then looked at her Ian, her cousin, spoke quietly to him and came back over to...

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Sweet Sixteen with the Best Present You Can Get

She was a complete catch, but she was too shy and nice. She was perfect for steady relationship type material, not a one night stand type of girl. I knew there was no way to get her to have sex before marriage. She was a big church goer. Her Birthday was coming up too, and not just any birthday, but it was her SWEET SIXTEEN. I couldn't wait to go, maybe I could get some action in as well. Who knows? Her Birthday, was one that I would never forget either. It was a red carpet event. That...

2 years ago
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The Solitary ArrowPart 22

While the citizens of Embalis were glad of the arrival of the Windy Island Rangers, mood was somber this day, though as it was a day of mourning. The people greeted the newcomers with polite words, and with generous smiles and warm embraces, but slight was the joviality in the meeting. The rangers, for their part, noticed this subdued mood and restrained their natural exuberance. Thirty-two of the Rangers of Morrovale and seventy-five of the elven guard and villagers had died. A hundred and...

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Learning from your Daughter part 2

Warning this is a Forced Feminization story, don?t read anymore if you don't like this stuff! Scott - Andy's dad (now dressed completely as a woman, right down to a pair of sexy panties that sit on his hips) Andy - Scott's daughter (forced her dad to dress like a woman with the dressing machine) Sky - Andy's Boyfriend Hackmole - Sky's friend that is good at hacking New Characters - ?????? Learning from your Daughter Part 2 By z1z1 Now that the machine was done dressing...

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Delilah and the TwinsChapter 5

Jonny and four companions returned to Woodside Lodge at seven-thirty. Jonny was rather pale, and they were all quiet. Sally was helped in serving by Yelka, but there was an empty seat next to her sister, who was next to me. Roast beef, Yorkshire pudding, roast and boiled potatoes, carrots, cabbage, gravy. Yelka took the empty seat, and Sally her customary place on her knees next to me. What can I say? I cannot imagine a better cook than Sally – it was all excellent. I did justice to mine,...

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Gorean Tavern Slut

I knelt on the rough stone tiles at his feet. Tiles that I and the other girls meticulously scrub & polish to a marble sheen every day. Naked on all fours, or in humiliating punishment, with wrists braceleted, behind our backs holding the scrubbing brush in our teeth. Every day and all day, so that the men are pleased. Our menial labours did nothing to mitigate the hardness of the stone on our bare feet, or bodies. This did not concern the masters, why would it. ?What is your use name girl??...

1 year ago
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FullOfJOI Corinna Blake The Perfect Sexual Stroke

I did not know you were going to be home so early. Why do you look so sad? Your girlfriend broke up with you again? It is not your fault. She just does not recognize how special you are. Maybe you are scared to have sex with her, but we can teach you how to do it so you will have confidence next time. I want to see your cock. Wow, it looks great! Now, I want to see you stroke it for me. Use your hand that you write with. Before you got home, I was playing with a dildo. Watch me suck it. I would...

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vidhi bhabh ki mast chudhai

Mara nam vidhi ha ma 24 sal ki hu . Ma mari sadhi ko abhi 1 sal hi hua ha ,or ma ak dam saj ka rathi hu ,mara cloar ak dam fair ha or ma 5.5′ ki hu mara booba 34′ ka ha or kamar ak dam patli 28 ; or gand akdam 36 moti ha .mara boobo ka nipple ka ranj brown ha ,or choot pa hama sha thora 2 bal rakti hu .thora din bad mara pati kisi kam sa bhar chala gaya to .mujko choodana ki tarap hona laghi .to mari najar mara chota davar bunty pa gaye ,who 22 sal ka tha or bhot hi hatta khata tha ,who hamasa...

2 years ago
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The Kiss Off

==================================== "Blood is thicker than water except when it isn't." ~Chuck Palahnuik ===================================== MOM: I guess this is it. I've reached my hand out to you again and again over these past 3-4 years only to have it slapped away, like I'm some stranger you don't know and don't want to know, who you say "murdered" your child; which hurts like you wouldn't believe. Nobody murdered anyone and I have not gone anywhere; which is more than I can...

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Changing LifeChapter 2

During his first week at the cabin Jack sat on his porch one morning and watched the sunrise. It was strange how the small lake and valley looked. In the glinting light it looked as if the earth was plowed up, pushed away somehow as if a large stone had hit soft muddy ground with force on a shallow angle. Some of the trees in a line leading to the lake were smaller, younger than those in the rest of the area. Jack sat and cogitated for a few more minutes and thought, ‘I wonder if a meteor...

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Making the MILF List P01

We were five regular guys who did not specialize in introspection or self-examination till one day we were sitting around after classes were over for the week just being bored. Going to the local community college and living at home meant several things. We had to get good grades, none of us worked regularly and our parents paid for everything which meant we were broke all the time and had no fun. None of us were getting laid or getting close and we all blamed the fact that we were living with...

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Shooter Bitch

Terry was a good friend of mine. I believe her as we have been friends since childhood and I have been to the place where she worked a lot. She was 18 at the time. She worked in a crazy large bar and was a shooter girl or shooter bitch as some call it. The bar she worked in could hold 300 plus people and was wild. It was a country style bar. Things got especially rowdy there on Friday and Saturday nights. Her job was to dress pretty slutty and of course the sluttier you dress the...

4 years ago
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Next Door Neighbors 1Chapter 3

Dad leaves really early for work and mom leaves just before 8:00 three days a week. She came to wake me up just before she left and told me she was thrilled about what happened between us yesterday. “Let me check your cock and see if it’s still swollen and red,” she said as she pulled the sheet back. “It looks almost normal to me, Mom. I don’t think we’ll need a doctor ... do you?” I asked as I looked at my still swollen and red dick. “Well, your cockhead is a lot larger but the rest of...

1 year ago
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Rehna My Long Hair Teacher Part 3

We were like a newly wed couple, fucking every chance we get. I even invited her to my house when my parents were away for a steamy love making session. Couple of times rehna even gave blow jobs to me when the school staff room was empty. In the recess, I go to her with some books in the context of clearing doubts, only to caress my long hair teacher’s breasts. These were going on for months, and it was during an inter-school arts festival, she introduced me to her cousin Merrin. Merrin was...

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My Assignment 8211 Part 7

Hello readers, I am your writer Twinkle Asher with some special edition of “The Assignment.” This is my seventh sex story on the site. Those who are reading the sixth part directly can get the earlier parts on the following link- . This is the link to my personal page on ISS and you will get all my stories at this one link. I also wanna personally thank the ISS Support Team for being so kind and helpful to me. I have received a depressing appreciation for my last story. I couldn’t make out...

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The Motel

The weather sucked. It had rained for most of the day, and now it seemed it was going to continue into the evening. I had been on my bike for almost 10 hours and had only stopped for a late breakfast. It had been a good breakfast though, the hash browns were amazing!!I was heading anywhere, I just had to get away from everything. Work had become a chore and lately things just seemed to be going badly for me. I really needed this road trip.I pulled into the next town, glancing up at the clock...

Love Stories
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Lisa had gone to college which not only left a void in my life but also a spare bedroom, I didn’t want a full-time lodger really so was looking for options.I saw an advert in Craigs about AirBNB which could work as I would get a mix of people and it wouldn’t be every night, sounded perfect so I decided to check it out and sent a message giving brief details about my circumstances, I purposefully left out my number as I wanted to see the reply first.Within an hour I got a reply from a lady...

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