Winterborn Ch. 04 free porn video

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Chapter 4 The Conclusion.

By woodmanone copyright August 2010


Dillon faded in and out of consciousness. One time he felt he was lying on a hard surface but could feel it moving. The next time he was on something soft and felt someone applying a cool wet cloth to his forehead.

Finally he fought his way back from the darkness, he was on a big bed in a room that he didn’t recognize. He tried to sit up and was rewarded with a shooting pain in his neck. Dillon fell back and moaned. Damn that hurts, he thought.

The door opened and he saw Oso entering the bedroom. ‘How are you amigo? You look better than when we brought you here.’

‘Hola,’ Dillon replied and then asked, ‘Where am I and who brought me here? ‘

Oso smiled, ‘You’re at the Triple E ranch outside Prescott. Senorita Elizabeth insisted that you be brought here until you recover.’

The door opened again and an older woman entered. ‘I see you’ve rejoined the living Mr. Gallagher. How are you feeling?’

‘Aside from a sore neck and a small headache I’m well ma’am.’

At the questioning look from Dillon she added, ‘Where are my manners? I’m Eleanor Edwards and this is our home.’ She walked over to him. ‘Let me have a look,’ Mrs. Edwards said helping Dillon to sit up. She inspected the back of his head and added, ‘The swelling has gone down and the bleeding has stopped. I think you’ll be just fine Mr. Gallagher.’

Dillon leaned his back against the headboard and his head began to clear. He looked at Mrs. Edwards and could see where Elizabeth got her eye color and the shape of her face. Her hair was dark brown worn in a French bun. Mrs. Edwards was about 5′ 6 and more solidly built than her daughter but still trim.

Dillon knew she had to be close to forty to have a daughter as old as Elizabeth but Mrs. Edwards looked to be in her early thirties at most. Her confidence and manner reminded him of Emma in some ways.

The door burst open and Ethan charged into the room. ‘Hi ya Dillon, glad you’re awake,’ the boy said in a loud voice. Ethan was typical of most twelve year olds. He was full of energy and had a difficult time standing still. But there was a sadness around the eyes that surprised Dillon.

Ethan had the same auburn hair as his sister, his eyes were brown and lively. He was tall for his age with large hands, must take after his father Dillon thought. Ethan will be taller than me when he gets his full growth.

Following at a slower pace, Elizabeth joined the group. She gave Dillon a little smile. ‘Thank you for helping Oso Mr. Gallagher. It could have gotten very ugly.’

Dillon returned her smile but before he could respond Mrs. Edwards remarked, ‘It seems you’re making a habit of coming to our families rescue Mr. Gallagher.’ Eleanor’s manner of speaking showed that she was an educated woman. ‘Our own personal Sir Galahad. I understand that you also quote poetry,’ she said with a grin. ‘Lord Byron I believe it was.’

Returning her grin with a sheepish smile Dillon replied, ‘It’s a nasty habit I picked up in school. Sometimes I can’t help myself.’

‘Oso said you quoted a verse and told him it was a poem. All he could remember was ‘She walks in beauty like the night’, Elizabeth said.

Embarrassed Dillon looked at Oso with a little frown. ‘I didn’t realize that I spoke aloud. I’m sorry if it offended you Miss Edwards.’

Elizabeth blushed a little and replied, ‘Not at all Mr. Gallagher. With Mother’s help I looked up the poem, it’s very flattering. Thank you.’

Dillon smiled at Elizabeth’s blush and turned to Mrs. Edwards. ‘Ma’am you said that I was a knight, might this knight request a boon from Milady?’ Eleanor smiled and nodded. ‘Could y’all call me Dillon? This Mr. Gallagher stuff makes me feel old.’

‘My son is already using your given name, I suppose it would be all right for the rest of us too. But you must return the favor, Sir Knight…. Dillon,’ Eleanor smiled and replied. ‘Now if you’re up to it, get dressed and I’ll feed you a ranch breakfast.’

For the first time Dillon realized he was wearing a night shirt and not his normal clothes. Now it was his turn to blush. He nodded and the ladies and Ethan left the room, Oso waited to see if Dillon needed help.

‘Who undressed me Oso?’

Oso had a grin on his face and said, ‘Well, Senorita Elizabeth….’ He stopped and his grin got bigger at the look on Dillon’s face. ‘Niña told me to put you in one of her father’s nightshirts. I undressed you amigo.’

‘Very funny Oso, very funny,’ Dillon replied pretending to be upset with the big man. Then a grin spread across his face and gave him away. ‘How long have I been here?’

‘Our adventure was on Saturday and today is Tuesday my friend. You’ve been fading in and out of it for three days.’ Oso looked at Dillon for about five seconds, his face grew more serious and said, ‘Now I have a question for you. Why did you help me? I’m glad that you did, but why?’

Dillon scratched his head and continued to get dressed. As he pulled on his boots he answered, ‘I guess I’ve always had a soft spot for an underdog.’ Looking at Oso he laughed, ‘I know as big as you are it’s hard to say you’re an underdog, but you were outnumbered four to one and they had guns.’

‘Whatever your reasons, thank you amigo. Let’s eat. Senora Eleanor makes the best gravy in the county.’

Sitting on the front porch with a cup of coffee after breakfast, Dillon got his first look at the Triple E, he’d been unconscious when the Edward’s brought him to their home. He got up and gingerly stepped out into the yard. Dillon was sore but mostly because of lying in bed for three days and not a result of his injury.

The ranch house was a rambling one level building. On the left as you faced the house was the main living space. It consisted of two very large rooms, a kitchen and large dining area and separated by a low wall the living room and sitting area. To one side of the living room was a roll topped desk where the ranch business was taken care of.

On the right were the sleeping quarters, five bedrooms joined to the living area with a covered breezeway. There was a big barn and a bunk house about a hundred feet to the west of the house. Dillon remembered that Creed Taylor’s place in Texas had been very similar. The house and barn fits in well with the land, Dillon thought.

The surrounding area was gently rolling hills mostly covered with trees. In between the hills were meadows and grass lands. If the rest of the Triple E is like this, it’s a good place to raise stock, Dillon said to himself. Oso joined him in front of the house.

‘What happened after I went down? I seem to remember someone telling everyone to stop,’ Dillon questioned.

‘That was Sheriff Jackson,’ Oso answered. ‘He stopped the fight and made Cassidy’s men leave town. They picked up Miles and the other one and carried them off. Jackson told me after they left that he didn’t believe their version of what happened. Then he got Doctor Reynolds to tend to you, the doc treated me also. Senorita Elizabeth arrived about the same time as the doctor.’

Dillon hadn’t noticed before but Oso had a large cut on the side of his head. Oso continued, ‘Doc Reynolds said he thought you’d be okay but someone should sit with you for a few days. That’s when the senorita told me to get the wagon and that we’d bring you out here to the Triple E.’

‘Strange name for a ranch.’

‘Senor Edwards named the place. He said it was for the three treasures in his life, Eleanor, Elizabeth, and Ethan. That’s why he called it the Triple E, we brand our stock with three Es.’

‘Speaking of Mr. Edwards, I haven’t met him yet. Is he around or is he away on business?’

Oso hung his head for a minute. ‘Senor Edwards was killed four months ago. That cabrón Cassidy had him killed. But we can’t prove it. I started to go after Cassi
dy but Senora Eleanor made me promise not to. She said she didn’t want me killed or put in jail.’

‘Couldn’t Sheriff Jackson do anything?’ Dillon asked and Oso shook his head no. ‘Why would Cassidy kill Mr. Edwards?’

‘The Sheriff questioned Cassidy but couldn’t find any proof. Cassidy wants the Triple E but Senor Edwards wouldn’t sell and when he wouldn’t, Cassidy had his men kill him.’

That explains the sadness in these people, Dillon thought. He stopped questioning Oso to let him compose himself. Then to lighten things up a bit said, ‘Are you called bear because of you size amigo?’

Oso smiled and replied, ‘I didn’t know you spoke Spanish. No, everybody thinks that but the name was given to me when I was little, my real name is Roberto Rios. My father married a Cheyenne woman, he didn’t take her as a squaw, he married her in the Church. We were visiting my mother’s people one summer and I wandered away from the camp. I was five at the time.’ Oso stopped for a bit and smiled remembering happier times.

‘My mother and father found me in a clearing playing with two bear cubs. The mother bear was lying nearby watching us. When my parents came into the clearing, she called to her cubs and led them into the forest. My father couldn’t believe that the bear had let me play with her cubs. My mother said I was protected by the bear totem. From then on, everyone called me Oso.’

Dillon chuckled at the story. ‘Do your folks live nearby?’

Again Oso hung his head before answering. ‘My parents were killed in a raid by the Apache on our small ranch. That’s when I got this,’ he said pointing to the scar on his face. ‘Senor Edwards was riding by the ranch and saw the smoke from the burning house. When he rode into our yard, he found me digging graves for my mother and father. I was ten.’

Dillon waited while Oso stared at the skyline. ‘Senor Edwards gave me a canteen, made me sit in the shade, and he finished the digging. After he buried my folks, he made some crosses out of pieces of fencing. He let me pound them into the ground at the head of each grave and said a prayer over them.’

For the first time since Oso began his tale he smiled. ‘Senor Edwards asked me if I had family he could take me to. I said I had no one so he pulled me up behind him on his horse. That was almost twenty five years ago, I’ve lived with the Edwards family ever since.’

Dillon nodded as Oso finished his tale. ‘That’s why you so attached to the Triple E and its owners. I guess maybe I’ve become attached to them too.’

Oso looked at him and smiled. ‘Would you like to ride around the ranch? I brought your horses from town and put them in our barn.

After thinking for a minute Dillon said, ‘Maybe I’d better wait until tomorrow, I’m still a little unsteady.’


Three days later Dillon had fully recovered. Oso, Elizabeth, and Dillon rode around the ranch. ‘How big is the Triple E?’ Dillon asked. ‘I don’t remember much about that trip from town. Seems like a nice spread.’

Elizabeth smiled and said, ‘Sometimes it’s almost too much. We’ve got almost 800 acres with grazing rights for another 400, it takes a lot to keep it going.’

‘Reckon it would take a lot of work,’ Dillon agreed. ‘How far is Prescott from here?’

‘It’s about 10 miles as the crow flies, but we’re not crows,’ Oso answered. ‘Closer to 13 miles by the trail. There’s an old trail through the hills and along a dry river bed that cuts off 3 or 4 miles but it’s a hard ride and tough on horses.’

Dillon, Oso, and the Edwards spent the evenings after supper on the front porch talking. Dillon had told them about Cassidy poisoning the other ranchers against him.

‘I guess I’m going to have to find something else to do,’ He said.

‘We can offer you work on the Triple E, if you’ve a mind too,’ Eleanor offered. ‘But you must understand that Mr. Cassidy won’t back off. He’s already run off all the hands except for Oso. If you go to work for us, you’ll probably have to deal with that unpleasantness.’

Dillon hung his head and then smiled. Looking at Eleanor he said, ‘I’d be proud to work for you ma’am.’ He paused for a little and continued, ‘Why is Cassidy so set on getting the Triple E? Is there something special about it? Water or mineral deposits maybe?’

‘We have good water on the ranch but nothing extraordinary and nothing of value except grazing land. I asked Cassidy why he wanted our place the third time he made an offer,’ Eleanor replied. ‘He said he was building a cattle empire to rival the King Ranch in Texas and we were in his way. He owns most of the ranches on either side of us you know. Maybe he has delusions of grandeur.’

Dillon shook his head, he’d heard and read about many men that talked about building an empire. He offered, ‘The problem with building an empire is that most empire builders don’t last long.’

He thought for a moment and then quoted:

‘My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:
Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!’
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.’

Eleanor smiled and then chuckled. ‘You may be right Dillon.’

‘What?’ Oso asked, clearly not understanding the quote. When Dillon explained it to him, he nodded and smiled. ‘Maybe we can be the ones to destroy that statue.’

The next morning Dillon rode back to Prescott, he had several errands to take care of. He wanted to settle his accounts at the stable and the boarding house and get the rest of his gear to transfer it to the Triple E. Dillon also wanted to see if there were more letters from his mother. He told the Edwards that he would return the next day.

Oso wanted to go with him but Dillon talked him out of it. ‘Cassidy’s men won’t bother me, they don’t know that I’m working for Mrs. Edwards. But they sure know who you are.’

Shortly after arriving in town, Dillon had completed his errands. He stopped by to talk to Sheriff Jackson and explained his part in the fight behind the stable.

‘I know that Cassidy’s men started things, but I couldn’t prove it so I had to let them leave,’ Jackson said. ‘Keeping someone from being killed was about the best I could do. You know you knocked out two of Miles’ teeth.’ He paused and added, ‘Don’t go trying to even the score. Let the law handle it.’

Dillon nodded his understanding. ‘I won’t go looking for those men or Cassidy.’ He looked the Sheriff in the eye, ‘You once said I didn’t look like a man that wouldn’t turn the other cheek, I’ll do it this time. But make no mistake, I won’t do it again.’

After leaving the Sheriff’s office he went back to the hotel and got a room for one night. He had supper in a cafe next door to the West Branch saloon. Dillon knew that after he went to work on the Triple E there wouldn’t be many chances for a beer and a little poker. One last fling, Dillon said to himself laughing.

He entered the saloon, after getting a beer he leaned against the end of the bar with a wall at his back. Dillon was watching the two poker games that were going on, wondering if he should sit in or go back to the hotel. He decided to finish his beer and go back to his room so he could get an early start back to the Triple E.

Dillon drained his beer and turned to leave. Both of the swinging doors were pushed opened as Cassidy and three of his men stomped into the saloon. The three hands followed Cassidy toward the bar. Before they got there, Cassidy saw Dillon and came to a halt, he stopped so suddenly that two of his men bumped into him. He turned toward Dillon and started his way.

He saw Cassidy coming toward him and pushed off the bar to face him and his men. The weather had started to cool down as it was late fall and Dillon had started wearing a duster. Very slowly he moved the long coat and uncovered his holstered piston making it seem like a natural motion. He wasn’t about
to be caught at a disadvantage.

Cassidy came to a stop about five feet from Dillon. ‘I understand that you’re spending time on the Triple E Gallagher. I’m going to own that place soon. Take my advice and leave before I take over. In fact it might be a good idea for you to leave Prescott.’

‘Thanks for your concern Mr. Cassidy. But I sorta like this area and the Edwards family. Think I’ll hang around and see if I can be of any help to them,’ Dillon replied. ‘After all they’re the ones that took care of me when one of your men hit me with a club from behind.’

Before the rancher could reply Dillon notice that Miles was one of the men with Cassidy. ‘How’s your teeth Miles? I understand you lost a few recently,’ Dillon said and laughed.

Miles went pale and started for his gun but Cassidy grabbed his arm. ‘You damn fool, can’t you see he’s ready for you. Go outside and wait with the horses.’ Turning back to Dillon he said, ‘You’re making a mistake throwin in with the Edwards. I suggest you ride on Gallagher.’

‘And I suggest you mind your own business Mr. Cassidy,’ Dillon replied with steel in his voice. He looked at the man with cold eyes. ‘Let’s make it clear Cassidy, if you continue to harass the folks from the Triple E you’ll have me to deal with.’

‘Is that a threat?’ Cassidy asked bristling with anger.

‘No sir Mr. Cassidy. That’s just what will happen if you don’t leave those folks alone.’

Cassidy laughed. ‘There’s just you and that big greaser to protect those woman. If it comes to trouble, you’re outgunned.’

‘Maybe so, but most of your boys are just cowhands with guns, I’m a mite better than that. If you try to run Miss Eleanor and her children off, you might just find that we don’t run too easy. You might find out that the price you have to pay for the Triple E is very high.’ Dillon’s voice and cold manner made Cassidy stop for a moment.

‘I’m leaving now. Appreciate it if you or your men don’t follow me out the door,’ he told Cassidy.

Dillon left the saloon but never completely turned his back on Cassidy and his men. As he stepped through the swinging doors, Miles was leaning against the hitching rail and stood up. Dillon fixed the man with a cold stare and shook his head. Miles slumped back and Dillon walked past him.

It might be a good idea if I went back to the Triple E tonight, Dillon told himself. I don’t think Cassidy will do anything tonight but why take the chance. Dillon got his gear from the hotel, saddled Buck, and rode back to the ranch. He stabled his horse and slipped into the bunkhouse trying to be quiet.

Oso turned up the wick on the coal oil lamp as Dillon closed the door. ‘I thought you were going to stay in town until tomorrow.’

‘Sorry to wake you amigo, I’ll tell you about it in the morning,’ Dillon replied and smiled at his friend. ‘Right now I need to get some sleep and so do you. We’ve got a full day tomorrow.’

‘I was sleeping until somebody came stomping in to the bunkhouse,’ Oso grumbled.

The next morning after breakfast the men rode out to round up some of the cattle. Eleanor had agreed with Dillon’s suggestion that the stock be kept closer in. She said it was time to bring them down from the high country grazing anyway. As they drove the cattle back toward the meadow just to the east of the main house, Dillon told Oso about running into Cassidy.

‘I don’t think Mr. Cassidy likes the fact that I’m working on the Triple E. In fact I don’t think Cassidy likes me very much.’

Oso laughed for a bit then sobered and said, ‘You know it could get nasty Dillon, you don’t owe us anything. Are you sure you want to get involved?’

The cattle had reached the meadow and Dillon stopped Buck. Turning to Oso he said, ‘I’m already a part of this my friend. I got involved when I saw Cassidy’s men rough up Ethan, I got involved when those four jumped you, and I got involved when Elizabeth decided to take care of me.’

‘But that was mostly you helping us. Why should you face the storm that’s coming?’

Dillon got a faraway look in his eyes and he stared at the cattle as they settled down. ‘I did things in the war that I’m not proud of, they were necessary but I’m still not proud of them. I regret having to kill the men that I have, both during the war and afterwards.’ He stopped for a minute remembering.

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My GF Trains Me to Take A Dick

As soon as I drove home couldn't wait to try on my new dick! Going to the bedroom I strapped "cock" viewing myself in my full length mirror. The end inside my vagina felt so good inside me stimulating all the right places especially my G-Spot. As soon as I turned on the vibe I came. I was so horny I didn't hear the door open and Michael walk in on me. His jaw hit the floor and he grabbed for his dick in his jeans readjusting his crotch because he was already getting hard. That was a good sign...

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A little help

Mom perspective I saw this ad for a new invention that would have your kids help out around the house without them arguing back and they would pay you to test it out and believe me we need the money so I just called and scheduled it and 2 weeks later my two daughters have they're implants and me and they're father have the app. Father's perspective The kids mom is leaving the house and she gave me a list of chores which of course I can pass along to my daughters jes and bay but they're mom...

Mind Control
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Blackmailed SisterinLawChapter 5

After returning from her trip to the nursery school to drop off her daughter, Sarah waited tensely for Gene's arrival. Maybe he's changed his mind, she thought, her hopes rising as the minutes ticked by. It could be that he and Fern had decided to do something else today instead. Her hopes were soon dashed, however, at the sight of Gene's red sports car pulling up to the curb. The nervous brunette stood by the window to watch Gene and Fern get out and start up the front walk together....

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Phone Calls

Not for the underaged in body or spirit. I mean it! Read Congressional Committee Reports if you must do smut! PHONE CALLS By Vickie Tern "' '" "Hello?" "Janet, thank God you're home!" "Cary?" "Yes. You've got to help me!" "Oh? Help you?" "Yes!" "Now calm down, Cary! Help you how? What's wrong?" "Everything! Nadine has found out about us!" "Found out? Found out exactly what?" "A neighbor saw us last Tuesday when we...

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My FATHER'S mother, JESSIE, was originally from Germany. My mother forbid me to visit Grandmother in her suite of rooms. Grandmother's rooms were located in the bottom corner of our old 3-story farmhouse that was located just outside Buffalo, New York.... Jessie had her own small kitchen and bathroom, and of course her own bed and chest of drawers. Grandmother also had her own door that opened onto a small porch and then out into a large back yard, filled with Pine, Hickory, and...

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Sticky Fingers

She took my hand and discreetly pulled it up between her thighs, all the while continuing her conversation with the CEO. I tried to keep my cool, but I knew I was probably as red as a tomato at that moment, and even more so when I felt the moisture of her pussy seeping through the front of her cotton panties onto my fingers. Her thighs were as smooth as silk, causing an immediate and somewhat embarrassing erection, not to mention bulging and awkward. I looked straight ahead, hoping nobody would...

Quickie Sex
2 years ago
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Pining for MamaChapter 8

Dad just laughed and laughed! He had dangled a nice meaty bone of a story of how he had “abducted” Mom, and now he was reveling in my dejected reaction as he pulled it away just as the recounting was getting interesting. “Man, I’ve got you hook, line, and sinker, my boy,” he snickered, rocking back and forth on the dark porch while putting a hooked finger in his mouth, unnecessarily emphasizing my predicament. “Damn straight you do!” I concurred, continuing to squeeze my freed aching cock....

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Butchytown II

Butchytown II By Trapper Jock McIntyre After their encounter in the girls restroom, Angie and Kathy walked and continued to talk about plans for Kathy to give Angie a masculine makeover. Well have to go out and buy you some fly-front briefs and some undershirts Kathy said. If were going to do this, we best do you right. Ill build you up from the inside out Sounds like a plan Angie replied. And how about a shirt and tie to complete the outfit Sounds dreamy! Oh look, theres...

2 years ago
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Show What You Cant Say Alexis

The sun filtered through the curtains as Alexis sleepily tried to remember last night's dream. A nervous girl was standing on a balcony modeling a formal evening gown at a fashion show or beauty pageant. She was gracefully posing as the girls in the audience offered approving encouragement, saying things like "lovely" and "you are one of us now." With a carefully practiced gesture she brought her softly curved fingers up to her scooped neckline while the other hand lifted the edge of...

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Speedo Fantasy Lived Out

I was to be leaving for overseas for quite some time and have a few mates I chat to online who are way into speedos like I am. I have over nninety different pairs and love wearing them everyday for swimming and as underwear. I have always been into them after having been in surf club as a junior, played rugby league and wore speedos and footy shorts as much as I could. I have heaps of different brands and colours.One of my online chat buddies wanted to meet up before I left. We had met online...

4 years ago
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Disaster ReliefChapter 17

Back at home, I saw Jennifer taking the tags out of her clothes. She asked, "Do you think I ought to do this? Sarah is very convincing." I thought a minute and then said, "Yes, I think it will be good for you and your cause." "Sarah says we'll start traveling tomorrow. Is that right?" "Hey, Sarah is in charge. Do what she says until you get bored or tired. Maybe you can become totally independent after her tour." She ran to me. "Sometimes, I just want to go to my room and cry."...

3 years ago
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Coke and a Smile

Chapter One It was days like today when Kate really liked the convenience of working from her home office. The carpet cleaning company she had hired was due to arrive any minute, but she could still keep on working while something else was getting accomplished around her home at the same time. For her, that was a slam-dunk. Right on cue, Kate heard the sound of a truck pulling into her driveway and the slamming of the vehicle door. Having never used this company before, she hoped that the...

Straight Sex
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mumbai local train

I am Bobby and have been a fan of desipapa for quite some time now. I have observed that most of the stories are either from Pakistan or form Indian states like Gujarat, Kerala, Andra Pradesh or Delhi, but I always wonder way stories from other states are less in no and so decided to send this story of mine and I am sure u will like it. First, let me tell u about my self and background of the story. I am 24 and have done my engineering last year from Bangalore and presently in mumbai preparing...

4 years ago
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The Ice Breaker

We talked about it and she told me to get all the sexual thoughts out of my head this was not a sex vacation or so she said at the time. We booked the reservations and started to make all the necessary plans to have a great time. The trip was scheduled for about 6 weeks off so we had time to get ourselves into better shape to be naked in public. We both started on a crash diet and we committed to going to the gym every day until departure. We started going every evening after work and after...

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Norton Towers ndash perverted girdled grannies

IntroductionAs I have a strong fetish for old ladies who wear girdles, this is the first porn story I wrote and continued to write. For all of you that enjoy large grannies in girdles and lovers of all things perverted here is the complete series. Enjoy. CHAPTER 1What does a reasonably active professional man of 60, full head of hair and reasonably libido do when made redundant? In my case it was a case of being realistic and finding any job that pays the bills. So, when I saw this ad for a...

2 years ago
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My Best Friends Girlfriend Chapter 7 The Beginning of the End

“Did you pay my phone bill?” I lift my legs and a broom slides beneath them. I look up at June, and she’s pondering. Her face is wrinkled in concentration, and she pulls her lips to one side. God, I love when she does that.“I thought so,” says June. She shrugs and keeps sweeping. “I hate that the stupid auto-pay isn’t through yet.”“Did you use one of the new cards?”“Yeah.”“Not one of the old cards?”“No. Didn’t you cut them up?”“Yeah, but I thought maybe you wrote them down or memorized...

Mind Control
1 year ago
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The sexual adventures of Lacey and Ricky Chapter 8

Ricky and his mom had just finished clearing out the kitchen after supper. They were settled comfortably on the couch with the Sexual Health book on mom's lap, not yet opened. They were chit chatting about the upcoming school year and what classes Ricky wanted to take. Soon they would continue their lessons on sex - and then what? Ricky and his mother had their first love making session and there were indications that there would be more to come. Ricky was a bright boy, but he attributed...

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Is This Heaven or Is This Hell

Being a teenager was tough enough, not to have your parents fuck everything up for you even more. When I was 14 they decided to divorce. Two years later my mom moved me and my younger sister across the country to the west coast. It was fucked. I was angry and blamed everyone around me, finding solace by turning inside myself. It was a living hell, and I was going to make sure everyone around me knew that. I refused to make new friends, preferring to spend time alone in my room reading or...

4 years ago
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Heavenly dreams

loosing my virginity, where do I begin… This story happened when I was in 10th grade. I had recently moved from upstate NY to NC and was making new friends. From going to my community, pool I met people throughout the summer and was lucky when I met Jonny. When I first met his family I found out he had two younger brothers who were twins and after a few times visiting I met his older sister Sara. WOW, she was a junior and even though she was only a year older than me,17, she always seemed...

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by Gail Holmes “You just have to try harder, if your father finds that you’re slipping behind he’ll go ballistic, you know how much he’s paying out at the moment, and if he thinks it’s being wasted!” Kerry looked up from the table, she knew her mother meant well. “It’s the noise mother, I just can’t seem to take it all in, its so distracting, everyone seems to be talking at the same time!” she informed her mother. “Something has to be done, you must listen...

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Timelooper Chapter Two

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. All characters involved in sexual activity in this story are over the age of 18. If you are under the age...

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Lace CurtainsChapter 3

So what's a girl to do? I picked up the phone. "Hi, Tessa, want some company tonight? My parents are apparently planning to fuck each other blind all night long and they want me out of the house." "Well, come on over, Megan dear. I haven't seen you in a while; maybe you can 'help me with my homework.'" I loved the lewd tone in her voice, yet I went there with trepidation. Ever since that beautiful night with Kieran, the night my cherry disappeared forever, the night I welcomed his...

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Crossdresser and I at Costco

I went to Costco over the weekend with my friends girlfriend. She went off shopping, and I went off to get a few things. I walked down some random isle, and saw a girl leaning down. I snuck a peek at her butt and saw a little bit of a thong showing over the top of her shorts. She was wearing a blue hoody. I looked up and saw that she had really short brown hair. I tried to see her face, when she stood up. A box fell from her hands and onto the floor. Being the nice guy that I am, I picked it up...

3 years ago
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Pearl Of The Orient

Mi-Cha walked quickly across the Central Plaza of the University of Washington in Seattle. It was a rainy day - typical of Seattle at that time of year - and she was hurrying to try to keep from getting soaked completely. She was headed towards the Odegaard Undergraduate Library to do some research for a paper she was working on. It was hard for her to move quickly, due to the three big textbooks in her arms.Mi-Cha was a foreign-exchange student from Korea, who had come to the UW to pursue her...

College Sex
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FoldedPleated CreamyKhaki

Folded-Pleated, Creamy-Khaki By Daphne Xu (with apologies to Lee Pockriss and Paul Vance, authors of "Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie") He was afraid to come out of his bedroom. He was as nervous as he could be. He was afraid to come out of his bedroom. He was afraid that his family would see. Two, three, four, tell the people what he wore. He wore a folded-pleated, creamy-khaki, leg-revealing, mid-thigh skirt. Because the 90s the temperature would hit. A folded-pleated, creamy-khaki,...

4 years ago
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The Tale of RolandChapter 20

Rotrington approved of the plan to rescue the damsel, helped Rolly buy up the gold he needed, and asked if he could come along. Rolly had planned to ask Sir Bryant, but Rotrington pointed out that too many men who looked like soldiers might cause suspicion. A decrepit old advisor, who knew the ways of the court, and a baron partially crippled in a fall from a horse, would look better. There really isn't much to do in a cold castle in the middle of winter. Rachel had her first sleigh ride,...

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Wendy52KWendy took her time exiting from the car. She made a pretence of looking for something in the glove box, the car door was open, so that as she stretched across the passenger seat, she was showing her naked ass.This was all done for show, a show meant for the two young men stood near some trees at the edge of the car park.They watched as Wendy seemed to be struggling to find whatever she was looking for. Wendy eventually sat back in the driver’s seat, then swung her legs out of the car,...

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My New Landlady

Tom had put an advert in a supermarket small ads board in his search for a rented room. Tom had graduated with a law degree six years ago. He had his practising certificate but had never used it as he had joined a large Auction House as a cataloger and general assistant. He had worked hard with this firm and had seen an opportunity for an Auctioneer at another large firm. He had got the job. He already had two properties which he had inherited. He had now rented out the property he had lived...

2 years ago
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The Swimmer

Donald was 17. Everyone called him Don of course and he was a very good swimmer who swam on several teams. He was very serious about his swimming and made sure his body was hairless except for the long blond hair on his head which he liked and could cover with a swimmimg cap. Don liked swimming in the sea near his home as well as in the pool. This made his small but strong body very slim and lithe. He was only 5'5" and weighed about 135 pounds. The only other notable thing about Don...

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Pictures at an Exhibition

Pictures at an Exhibition by Bailey Thayer Life had always come easy for me. I didn't really ever have to apply myself to achieve an acceptable level of success, though I also never truly excelled at anything either. I just took things as they came. I was a "B" student, and I guess you could rate my athletic ability at that level too. Take football, for instance. I had carved out a rather casual high school career as a punter and place kicker. It didn't take extensive workouts for me...

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Miss Britt Memories 5

"Lisa dear, Margret has requested your presence at her house this coming saturday. Seems she needs someone to help clean and straighten up her closet and other things. I offered your service so saturday I will be taking you over around noon and I will not be staying. You will be in her charge as to what she wants done and I must insist you obey or punishment will be in order. Do you understand me dear?" "Yes Miss Britt......perfectly." Saturday Miss Britt dropped me at Margrets...

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Derry Helps with a Yard Sale

Note to readers: I am inspired by Pamela's wonderful "Mrs. Canvendish", which can be found on Read it and you'll love it like I do. Please encourage her to continue this un-completed tale, as I have. It is the gentle, non-sexual story of Matt, a young man going it alone in life (a bit naively). He becomes gardener-helper-maid to the elegant, living-alone Mrs. Cavendish, who is fascinated by his long "not neat" hair, and insists on brushing it for him and...

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The Young Cherry Cheerleader Pt 3 The Young Cherry Cheerleader Cums of Age

CHAPTER 1 As Jennifer Wilson rolled out of bed on that Friday morning in early December to get ready for school, she did so with unusual enthusiasm. It was her sixteenth birthday – "age of consent" in her home state. Her best friend, Angie Walker, had pointed out the significance of the event. It meant that she could now legally have sex with anybody she wanted. All of those men, who had backed away from the thought of having sex...

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Bradys Mom Part 1

While standing on the sidewalk outside of the bar Chris started to think about everything going on in his life and marriage. He loved his wife very much. He would do anything for her including giving up his own life for hers if the need were to ever arise. He wouldn't even need to think twice about dying for her. Could he say the same about her though? No, no he couldn't say that about her. He questioned her feelings toward him and any love that she claimed to have for him. He...

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Peddamma Puku Koriki Koriki 8211 Kasi Thera Dengamu

Hi friends na pyeru kishore (26) madhi chittoor, ikada localga coconut bussiness chesthuntam.Na life ki sukam neripinchi intha marchipoleni anandam andisthuna ma peddamma gurinchi memu anubavisthuna sukamga gurinchi chala happyga share cheyalani ila rasthuna. Peddamma 48 kastha durapu chuttam pyeru krishnavenamma muuddhuga papamma intlo peddavallu anevaru,myemu peddamane antam assalu suuper super sexyga vuntundi clearga chepalantye cinemalo apoorva aunty anushka lakshmi rai laga sexyga super...

4 years ago
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Accidental Discharge

Arriving at the firing range, a nondescript white building dropped into the middle of an industrial district, she unloaded her range bag and gear from the boot of her car. Jeans, black v neck lightweight sweater, nothing special, just another morning to be spent throwing lead at paper and steel targets in preparation for competition. She noticed that her instructor’s car wasn’t in the parking lot yet, but knew he would be here soon enough. Twelve years of practise, and she was still learning. ...

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Chrissys New Life Part 7

Chrissy's New Life Part 7 Aunt Mary said she was going down for breakfast and we should join her as soon as we were finished. After a while we both had enough and then Carolyn helped me into my slippers and gown and picked up Bernice after getting her own gown and slippers on. We made our way downstairs and into the dining room. Another of the maids was already there placing the plates on the table. Aunt Mary said, "Thank you Edwina, Edwina this is Chrissy the girl who is staying...

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