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         "Where are we going?" asks Rose. Two years is a long time to get used to someone who kidnapped you but treated you well. Thats somehow what rose felt: Comfort around him because of the way he treated her. Always giving her what she wants, keepin her in good shape. But never letting her out of his sight for even one minute. He was always afraid she'll run away.
         "To a club," replies William. His icy blue eyes meet her green ones. She grimaces. Somehow she knew this was the last time she'll ever see him. Taking a deep breath, Rose sat up and took a seat next to him. 
        "Will I ever go home?" asks Rose. She skims for any sign of emotion on his face. There is none. 
       Sighing, William lets his hand wander up her leg and then down again. He para it lightly. This was an enticing touch for her. She's been feeling this intense level of LONGING inside of her every time he touched her for the past couple of days. She blushed, feeling his strong grip on her leg. His fingers snake up higher and higher until she starts to anticipate his touch more and more. Until she can't handle it. Her insides were burning with passion and she knew it. Even if she was a virgin, she knew all about what it was to be turned on like the way she was just now. His fingers pressed lightly against the crotch of her already damp panties before he chuckled and the car came to a stop. 
      "Go on, I need to have some privacy." He ordered the mutts out. They obeyed and stepped off onto the grid.
      It was happening again, Rose thought. She gracefully got in between his legs, her heart swelling. Even if he had kept her against her will for a long time now, she still felt something for him. "The usual?" asks Rose. When this had first happened, she had been disgusted by the mere thought of having to please someone by doing it with the mouth—orally. But she learned to like it. To love it as though it was just plain old routine. 
       Now she rubbed his cock in a blissful haze. There was this lost look on her face. Like she had become addicted to doing this to him. Like she actually enjoyed it. She unzipped his pants and reached in for his cock. But just as she was about to slip it into her mouth, he stopped her by pulling her up onto her lap. "Yes, master?" she asked, her eyes twinkling with longing. 
       "Fuck me," he ordered. She could feel Will's cock pressing against her crotch, turning her on. Her nipples were hard. The hair on her arms standing up to attention. She grind slightly against it, liking the hard feel of it. 
       "But I'm a virgin," says Rose, kissing William. They both embrace each other. Still lip-locked. Not once letting go for a few minutes. 
      "I know," says William indifferently, pulling away a bit breathless. All of a sudden, the mood in the limo changed and he pushed her off of him. She gasped in shock and looked at him.
      "Are you ok?" she asks. This has happened many times before. Some playing around will turn him on, make him want to do her, but then he'll back track and say 'I know' or 'I'm saving you for something special' or anything like that, along those lines. The only thing he can do now is put on a serious 'all-business' face. He stepped out of the limousine and then helped Rose off. It seemed like nothing was under them as she got off. When her feet first touched, she felt something close to glass sustain her. A blue light went off on the square she stood. She could see more buildings below her as she looked down.Rose obediently followed William.
       "There's a surprise waiting for you inside," says William, still with that indifferent tone. She smiles at him. He always made her feel like some sort of queen for unknown reasons. Without waiting for him to say anything, she kept following him. There was no one around but them. The place was big, fancy, and quite oddly isolated. She frowned but thought nothing bad of it. 
       Until she was inside, at least.
       Big round tables stood around her. At the very center of the room was a mass of men she've never seen before—or at least that's what she thought. Suddenly she feared the worst thing ever and clung to Will's arm. But as she came closer to all of them, she noticed the gold masks covering their eyes and foreheads. She swallowed loudly. Before she knew it, she was being yanked away by Will's body guards. She whimpered and tried to shake them away but they held her still. 
       "Will, what's going on?" she gasped. But there was no reply. Instead, the bodyguards cuffed one of her hands. There, at the very center of the circle of men was a pole. The body guards cuffed her hands back around the pole and made her stay there. She didn't complain—she didn't want to be whipped like before when Will had just taken her in. 
       "Okay, bidders, here's your little Lily. Now, I must say, she's been very well trained and is worth more than any of the whores I have brought before..." started Will. His tone was all business.  Suddenly, Rose knew what was going on. Will kept going on about her innocence. How she never did anything to contradict him. How obedient she was, her skill at giving good blowjobs. Etcetera, etcetera. 
     She started to freak out and look around the room. No one she knew. No one at all. She suddenly wished to be at home, in her school, anywhere where she could be safe. She stayed quiet nonetheless. It was already horrible as it was. No need to make it any harder. 
        "So this is Rose. Better known as Rosalie," Will grabbed either side of her face and showed it off to the men around her. Everyone looked at her from face to toe. Admiring her posture, her curves, her fair skin and face. And her luscious breast. Indeed, she was the gold mine that Will had been waiting for. It was very rare to find a cute, teenage virgin nowadays. It was a struck of luck for Will to find Rose all flustered in the streets at night, drunk.
        "How do we know she's a virgin?" said a tall, lanky guy that Rose could barely make out in the back, breaking Will out of his reverie.
        "Are you doubting me, Merlotte?" asked Will, indignant that someone would ever distrust him. He snapped his fingers and the body guards immediately went up to the tall guy. Rose watched in horror as he was taken out, trashing all over and screaming for them to let him go. That he didn't mean to make Will think he doubted him. But Will didn't care.
      "Anyone else doubt me?" Somehow, Rose knew that he was trying to stay as sharp as possible. To not let his guard down at all. Then, a figure stepped up out of nowhere. His mask was different than the others. It was silver, trimmed with what seemed like diamonds. "50,000 Dollars." He said. That voice sounded familiar to her. He was actually pretty damn tall, well-built. The arms on his fancy tux coat were pulled tight against his bulging muscles. Rose felt an air of familiarity coming of of him. But at that moment, she didn't care much. All she wanted was to go home. 
         "What's going on?" asked Rose. "Please, Wi—" a gag was put instantly on her small mouth. She kept mumbling but her words were unclear. 
        "You're my gold mine, Rose," he said, a glint of sadness in his eyes. It was soon gone when the next person spoke.
        "Sixy thousand" said another man from the front row. It was a chubby one. His head was almost bald. She certainly didn't want him to take her. He seemed too perverted and... Just weird. 
        "One hundred thousand," came a female voice from the back. She hadn't noticed her—she thought it was only guys. But apparently William had told everyone about her sexuality.
          The tall, bulky guy spoke again, suddenly alert. "Two hundred thousand,"  he said. His voice was very deep. It sounded like one of her old teachers from ninth grade—Mr. Fitch. Rose's eyes widened and her whole face began to contort into a worried frown. What this what Will had been preparing her for? Another voice came off from the back, surprising even Will.
        "Five hundred thousand," he said. His voice was deep, raspy. Rose's eyes went to him and she couldn't help but start crying. It was all she could do. She knew what was up. All those times Will had refused to sleep with her. It was because her virginity was worth more to him in green paper rather than emotionally. Her eyes met the tall dude who seemed familiar and all she could think of was of home. How much she wanted to be there. Rose kept crying silently, tears falling down her face. 
       The guy with the raspy voice and beard looked at her with a passion. It was clear he'll pay anything to have the creature who was helpless up on that pole. Specially her virginity. "Going once," said Will, already savoring the profit. No one else spoke up, "Going twice." Rose's heart dropped. She really didn't want to go anywhere with that guy. Even if he seemed attractive. Just when she thought it was all over, Tall guy spoke up. "A million," his voice raised up a bit. He had gotten distracted looking at Rose. Her curvy waist and wide hips were quite the thing to take in. Will's eyes lightened up. 
      "A million going once," Will said. Rose shook her head, not wanting to be taken away. 
       "Pleaseeee!" she mumbled. But it came out muffled. 
       "Going twice," will said. The woman who had offered the first big number looked at Rose and was about to say something but then the bidding closed up. Even the other big spender didnt have that kind of money. "Sold to Arthur." The last thing Rose remembered was a sharp object pricking her neck and her passing away. 
         Hours later, Rose woke up in what first seemed like a hotel room. But then she looked around and noticed the photo frames and personal belongings. She began to stretch and yawn. Her bones snapped as she did so. "Hello?" Rose said in a timid voice. She was scared, unsure of what to do. She sat up against the headboard and hugged her knees tight. 
      "Thought you'd never wake up," said a voice to her left. Her head instantly snapped to that side. On the door, still wearing the diamond-trimmed mask, was 'Arthur' as William had called him. Just thinking about it made Rose queasy. She noticed how a white towel was wrapped low around his torso. A well-built abdomen adorned his stomach and well-carved V lead down to his privates. Rose's eyes skimmed over his arms before briefly meeting his eyes. She looked away immediately. She heard something drop and then footsteps approaching. 
       She shyly looked at him. "What are you going to do to me?" Rose asks. Her eyes went wide in wander. She could only think of one thing and it bothered her. It bothered her because she couldn't think of anyone else but William. It was messed up, she knew, but it didn't matter to her. Will was the only one she felt comfortable with. 
       He raised his eyebrow, "I paid for you." He says, settling down on the bed. His salt & pepper hair was wet with drops of water going down his spine. Rose hugged her knees tighter. His round, firm butt was on full view and when he got on his knees to face her on the bed, his semi-hard cock came to view. As he came closer, all she could think about was how uncomfortable this was going to be. She didn't wish to do it at all. No matter how much he had paid for her. He reached for her but she instantly recoiled away from his touch, unable to stand it. 
       "I don't know you," she says. Her husky voice came out nervous. But he just looked at her with pity. "Please don't touch me." She said, looking at his cock and then away. "Please," she pleaded. Her eyes met his clear gray ones. He pursed his lips tight. 
       "You're mine," he said indignantly. But still, even if she was his, he still felt pity for her. He sighed and grabbed a pillow to cover himself as he sat down next to her. After a few minutes of staring at her, he came to a conclusion. "Fine. I'll give you time. We can get to know each other." Lies. He wasn't stupid. He didn't want her knowing his true identity. 
        She looked at him and smiled slightly, sadly. "I just feel bad. I'm sorry I can't do it." 
     "Don't worry about it. What's your name?" He asks, already knowing it—the whole thing. 
        "Rosalie Carmen Andrade Styles." She blurted out without thinking about it. She looked at him and blushed. "Umm. Rosie. Or Rose. Whichever one," and then she looked away again. "What's yours?" 
        "Arthur," that wasn't a lie. "So what do you usually do?" 
       "You mean used to?" she smiles sadly, not wanting to go back to that part of her past. But she felt like she could trust him. So she told him. "Well, I used to go to school like every normal person in 2736. You know, take seminar, ap, IB classes. I should be a junior in high school by now." 
       "What happened then?"
       "I was taken." She replied. "By William." She shrugged. "My phone wouldn't stop going off for a year. Then it just plain up stopped. That's when I knew my family had given up on me." She looked at the window that looked out over the city, the floating buildings and cars. "What made you a bidder?" asks Rose.
     "Computer—two glasses of vodka," commanded Arthur. Immediately, two glasses of vodka with ice appeared on the bedside table. He gave one to Rose and looked at her. "One of my students," he replied without thinking about it. 
       "And my inheritance." he says, smiling. "Billionaire and now successful entrepreneur." He added. Though the first one was the main one.
     "Tell me more about this student of yours," she says. Their eyes lock. Rose had started to feel more and more comfortable with him. It made her feel rather nice. Not only because he had decided to wait, but because she felt like she knew him. "I bet you that you liked her." She pokes him playfully but instantly regrets it. She quickly apologizes. "I'm sorry, master. I' disrespecting you." She frowned and immediately curled into a ball, not looking at him. "Please don't hit me," she cried. Arthur reached for her but she recoiled away and whimpered. 
        "I won't," says Arthur. She reached for her again but she crawled away, to the far end of the bed. He follows her and yanks her close. "When I say I won't do something, I really won't." 
        Rose stares at him. "Let me make it up to you." She said, already getting into her regular routine. He wondered what she was talking about but soon found out. She grasped his cock and squeezed hard. Her thumb ran over the head of his cock. She got a hazy look on her eyes. Like this was an every day thing for her. "Rose, stop," said Arthur. But she wouldn't. She couldn't. Something in her had turned on. Arthur's cock was bigger than Will's. That's all she knew. "No, Rose, I'm not in the mood." Complained Arthur but soon forgot about it. "Oh, shit!" Arthur threw his head back all of a sudden and then back again. Rose's small mouth opened up and swallowed Arthur's cock in halfway. Arthur immediately sighed and held on to her hair tightly. His eyes closed as his eyes rolled back and Rose sucked him in hard. "Shit, shit..." he leaned back on one of his hands and pushed Rose's head down lower. She had to keep herself from gagging. The girth of his cock was too thick. "Fucking hell, keep sucking," he hissed, already in heaven. 
       Arthur let her hair go. Ross came up for a deep breath before plunging in again. Her tongue rolled around the head of his cock, pressing against the sensible spot every men has. She sucked it in and rubbed whatever else she couldn't get into her mouth. Rose's head disappeared down in between his legs constantly. Never once letting go of his cock unless it was to breathe or kiss/bite/lick softly another part of it. She wanted to show him how sorry she was for not pleasing him the way she should. After all, she was now his sex slave. After briefly pulling out his cock for just a moment, she went down and sucked in one of his balls, letting it go with a 'plop.' "Mmmm...," moaned Arthur, laying back all the way and bending his legs at the knee. Rose slipped him inside the soft, wet, warm cave that was her mouth and sucked his cock again. Just the way Will had shown her. Just the way she was supposed to. Is not that she wanted to. Is that she was trained to. Her lips kept engulfing Arthur's rock-hard cock without question. Not missing a beat.
        Arthur was breathing in hard, jerking slightly and curling his toes. A pleasing, hot tingle ran up and down his cock. The sperm in his balls boiled, tempting to come out any second now. So he held on to her hair, making her stay still this way, and pushed up with his hips. His cock slid further inside Rose's mouth. She closed her eyes and gripped his legs, finding nothing else to hang on to. The best thing to do in this situation was keep still with her mouth open enough to not hurt his manhood. Arthur thrust up multiple times in fast stabs until he could no longer hold it. He groaned loudly in pleasure as his cock buried itself in her mouth almost all the way. A hot stream of sperm ran up from his balls, through his cock's length, and out from that little hole on his spongy head. Immediately, a strong stream of cum went into her windpipe, cutting out her air-supply completely. She choked a bit but quickly regained her neutral state. Tears filled her eyes uncontrollably. Spurt after spurt of cum filled her mouth. "Hold it," he instructed her. And she did. She held it in until he was done. Immediately, he pulled out and told her to sit up on her knees. She did so. "Open your mouth up and look at me," Rose obediently did so. Not swallowing, just holding it there. "Computer please Record a video from my point of view," immediately, a small tube holding a thin, clear spectacle came down from the ceiling and attached itself to Arthur's right eye. The spectacle had a red button, meaning it was recording. "Swallow it," said Arthur, still breathing hard. 
      Rosie closed her mouth and swallowed loudly, tasting the gooey, sweet, warm sperm of her new master. "Yummy," she said in a monotone. Staring at him with wide eyes. 
         And suddenly, Rose felt a current of energy go through her whole system. She licked her lips and quickly pinned Arthur down. Her frame was on top of his, grinding madly against his cock, bringing it back to life this way. Rose smiled at him and kissed his lips. This was something that Arthur was definitely not expecting. He grasped Rose's hip firmly and thrust up, grinding back against her. She laughed and grabbed either side of his face, kissed him and then quickly took her tight dress off. Arthur quickly held one of her breast and ass cheek. They were both firm and perky. "Beautiful," he mumbled. "Just like I remembered," he chuckled and then rolled over so he could be on top. He reached down in between them to pull her panties to the side. Grasping his cock carefully, he rubbed the head of it against her clit and then went lower. He met a resistance and knew that William wasn't lying. With a brief smile on his face and a look of passion towards her, he thrusted in slowly until he felt the hymen tearing. 
     "Oh!" she gasped, her vagina muscles contracting around Arthur's cock—or at least whatever length was inside of her. Never once did she break eye contact with him. Arthur saw the pain in her eyes. Saw how much she was trying to stay with him. "Mmm!" she groaned, digging her nails into his arms. Arthur slowly thrust his spear into her tight cave. Her legs tighten around him.
        "Am I hurting you?" he asked in a heavy whisper. She shook her head frantically from side to side before raising her hips off the bed. "I love how tight you are," he says, slipping more of his dick into her cunt. Rose gasped and bit her lower lip, drawing blood with her teeth. Arthur pulled out and then back in again. He worked a steady, slow rhythm until he was sure there was no more pain for Rose. 
         Without waiting for it, he pushed into her repeatedly. Her moans of pleasure became unmistakable after a while of this. He hung on to her waist and plowed his hard dick into her tight pussy. "Oh, that feels good, Arthur. Harder, please... Oh! HARDER! That feels amazing! It feels so good," she whispered in pleasure. Her legs opened up wider and he couldn't help but go in faster and faster. Not caring if he was hurting her. Rose's nails dragged down Arthur's arms, pulling blood. She moans repeatedly, shaking with every thrust, moaning with every thrust, and breathing heavier with every second. 
           "Oh, stop!" she said suddenly. A feeling in her stomach was building up. Intensifying as he kept going. All of a sudden, he stopped to pick her up and stand up out of bed. Rose hung on to his neck and wrappe her legs tightly around his torso. "You're so strong," she whispers, breathing heavy. "Sex is awesome," she said in a hazy state. Her eyes once again became cloudy. All she could think of was sex, sex, sex. She suddenly wanted to suck his dick. To fuck his brains out. To give him the biggest orgasm ever. "I want your dick," she mumbled, looking at him innocently. Arthur noticed how her irises had suddenly gone plain white. But he was too into it to care. He grabbed her ass cheeks and quickly thrust into her. He did it as fast as he could. The sound of their bodies colliding was loud. 
         "Shit! Shit! Shit!" he grunted repeatedly. His cock was engulfed in pure heaven. He enjoyed every minute of it. The strong sensations in his testicles and penis became unbearable. He tried to hold it in so badly. But he couldn't. She was too tight. At that very moment, Arthur came. His grunts were loud and clear. His strong spurt triggered her own orgasm. She moaned loudly. Her back arched and her hands grasped his hair. 
        "I want your dick," she said again. 
        "It's already yours," he said, laying back on the bed again with his cock still inside of her. He thrusted into her a few more times before pulling out. Arthur looked into her eyes and noticed they were back to their green color. She smiled at him. 
         And then it came back. Her thoughts were replaced by sexual ones. Arthur frowned, unsure what what's going on. She moaned quietly and quickly reached for his cock. "I really want it," she said. Rose took it into her mouth once again and began to clean it off with so much enthusiasm, Arthur had to wander later on if this was normal
          "Rosali—ffffuuuu–" he groaned, holding her hair yet again. He didn't know what was going on. But he liked the way her tongue kept lapping at his cock. Cleaning it off their mixed juices. 
           "That tastes amazing," she said, resurfacing from between his legs. The look was gone now. But it still bothered Arthur. "I'm glad it was you who got me..." she paused slightly. "Mr. Fitch," she smiled mischievously, reaching for his mask and taking it off.
          He was impressed. "How did you know?" he asked, surprised. 
           "Who can ever forget those eyes?" she asked. Rose got on top of him and held on to his shoulders as he sat up. Arthur noticed the way her eyes were starting to lose color again.  "Besides, you said you became a bidder because of one of your students." She was shy about it.
          "Are you still horny?" 
          "I'm here to serve you," she says, looking at him with a foggy look on her face. The bright green color was almost gone from her eyes. 
         "Not now," he said. 
        "Really?" she asked, reaching in between the both of them. "You're still hard," she breathed out. "I'd love to fuck your dick," her words were tempting. But he refused her. Her eyes. They were bothering him. Slowly, he laid her back against the pillows and clearly said no. He laid with her, spooning her into his arms from behind. She quickly closed her eyes as Arthur gave the command for the lights to go off. In just minutes, Rose was falling asleep fast. 



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My teacher

This relates to my experience, At that time I was studying at Sherwood high school Nainital, in India. My English teacher Kavita Sharma was an attractive woman of 27 or 28, with a nice build. A typical Indian female yet with that convent accent. I was an average student, so she decided to give me extra classes. The Bitch got kicks in punishing, humiliating students. Once I was asked to stay back in the class, she gave me an exercise in English to do. The hands of the large clock on the wall...

3 years ago
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Real love for bharati devi

It was a lovely morning in kolkata. In bharati devi’s flat bharati devi’s husband and his son pradip was sleeping but bharati devi was doing something in the kitchen. She was preparing juice for her son pradip. It is a special juice, it’s bharati devi’s cunt juice. Bharati devi was wearing only a cotton saree which were covering only 40% of her body and it seems she has rushly covered her bare body just to come out from her room , which she shares with her son .for the whole night she was nude...

1 year ago
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Phone call0

"So how are you?" Alex asked. "Not bad I'm just fixing a few things with my computer.” I said back as I filled the screen with lines of code. "Well, that’s boring.” April replied "Well sorry, but you two are the ones that called me.” I sighed. These two often would call me when they were over at each others houses. Both of them would normally be speaking on one phone but today Alex had just got a second cordless phone. "Is it any beater no that I have a new phone?” Alex...

2 years ago
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A glory hole in the middle of nowhere

I had spent a wonderful week end visiting some old friends in Savannah. Now I was returning home, where Victor was not waiting for me. He had just left for a full week trip to Chicago.I had already driven for three hours, when a sudden storm broke in the middle of the highway. Then I decided to keep safe and pulled over to a rest stop; to take a break and wait for the weather improves…Grabbing my old laptop and purse, I headed inside the little restaurant.I walked through the small lobby to the...

3 years ago
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Train Ride Part 2

After the group’s sexual activity, there was a common feeling of satisfaction and pleasure as everyone in the compartment lay on the floor or collapsed into a seat, panting for breath. Jackie and Richard, who obviously also just finished making love, observed the rest. Jackie was giving Amanda that ‘I told you so’ look again. Amanda had to agree, Jackie couldn’t have been more right about a match this time.   Scott pulled Amanda up to her feet and she smiled at him, still licking her lips,...

2 years ago
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Toms DiaryChapter 22

Friday, April 5, 2002 Elizabeth woke me up, her hand on my erection, a firm stroking grip that reminded me of Jenny's abilities in that arena. Thinking that led me to places I didn't want to go; however Elizabeth was a lot more determined than I was dissuaded. "Are you getting close?" she whispered in my ear. "Getting there!" I was too, in spite of distractions. Elizabeth giggled. "Then it's my turn." She rolled away, sat up, shedding a pair of panties quickly. "Where's...

1 year ago
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High School

Welcome to Northshire High School. This school has a reputation for being a bit... lenient with its staff and students. I mean, you could murder someone in cold blood and no one would lift a finger. Well.. that might be an over exaggeration, but my point remains. Before you can enter this "wonderful" High School, you must tell me a bit about yourself.

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Im not like that Dont worry I am Lesb

Laura and Jackie had been hanging out a lot over the past few weeks. They met at a local club. Laura had recognized Jackie, barely, but she couldn't think of where she remembered her from.Laura sat on Jackie's bed crying over how her boyfriend had left her."Thanks for letting me come over," Laura said."No problem."Jackie grabbed Laura a box of tissue."I can't believe he left me," Laura sniffled. "For some other bitch.""Fuck men.""Yeah. Fucking slut she had to be.""I guess what goes around comes...

3 years ago
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Lunas RebellionChapter 4

Later, when Harry had gathered his council, minus the indomitable Luna, together to hear about his adventures under the lake, it was to the amusement of everyone except for Harry when Hermione asked what Harry thought about his scores. The look of absolute befuddlement on Harry's face sent the entire room into gales of laughter. "Harry, you just competed in a task where you not only saved two hostages in under thirty five minutes, but then you went back and saved one of your fellow...

3 years ago
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My Desire To Get Fucked 8211 Part 1

Hi, I am harry.Now I am 29 yrs old but this incident took place when I was 27 yrs.As you, all know how people have used me.I am not a full-time gay.But whenever I get this urge to get fucked all I can think about is a group of men molesting me and using me as their slut.I believe all gays must be aware whenever we feel this urge for sex.My nipples become pink and sensitive and all my blood rushes to my ass. Moving on to my story.This is about those days when I was in Pune for a few days for...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Fun in the spa

Wow! What a fabulous day! We’d just been away for a long spa weekend while we had the chance. Now, we always took every opportunity to enjoy each other’s gorgeous, sexy bodies, but little did we know what chances we’d have to have some fun. We were often quite daring in public. For example, in a crowded pub in Leeds, I once got Tigs as hard as I could for as long as I could, then dared him to go to the toilets, make himself cum into his hand, return to his seat, and let me lick every last...

2 years ago
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Hunting Of My Aunty

Hi i am Ron 28 year’s old leave in Kolkata. This is my first story, so, i need your support & comment about my story. I leave in a small apartment on Balligaunge place. It is adjacent to my uncles flat. He is my grandmother’s brother’s son. Actually when i transferred to this city, my father called this uncle to look after me, & my uncle took this flat on rent for me. I was very much depressed about my looks because i am very dark completion & only 5 ft. 4 inch in height, my all friends was...

3 years ago
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Aggybook 2Chapter 5

Polack had his stick in his hand about to insert it into the lock and the door opened to its full extent. He smiled at the short thin brown man standing facing them, "Barati, I'll beat you yet." The brown face split into an excreta eating grin which said 'in your dreams, bossman, in your dreams'. He took their forage caps and was murmuring a quiet "Welcome, Commodore." as a duo of energetic children exploded about either side of him and impacted into Polacks legs with cheerful...

3 years ago
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My Work Trip

I was out of town overnight for a short work trip. I left the wife at home and brought some of my favorite toys to have some fun in my hotel room, a few butt plugs, lube, and a nice dildo. I also have a nice thong. It was hard to focus at work as I wanted to get to my room and start playing with my cock and ass.After my work dinner, I retired to my room. I got undressed and started looking at some websites to get worked up. I was surfing the Adam 4 Adam gay personals as well. I was getting...

2 years ago
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Weekend Puppy

Weekend Puppy.Thursday Night- Master and Mistress collected me from work in Masters White work van. Inside the van was my transport cage, just large enough for me to stand on hands and knees. We drove into a little side street, and I was handed my collar for the weekend, and something new, a pair of fingerless mittens that fastened to my wrists with two tiny padlocks. I was told to strip and get into the cage. The drive to the farm was uneventful, but took quite a while because of everyone...

4 years ago
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Amma8217s coconuts 1

This happened when I was around thirteen. Then I lived with my parents in the outskirts of an unimportant district of Kerala. My father ran a small tea-shop and my mother helped him in the business. Though I was their only child, I was not much spoilt. I was not bad in my studies and frequently stood first in my class. I was very obedient to my parents. Since they were fairly educated people, they knew well the value of good education and, though it was beyond their means, they were sending me...

1 year ago
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David and Goliath

I met Rogan attending a friend’s birthday party. It was one of those ‘you, me, and fifty other people’ functions that I had always hated. There is no intimacy at these gatherings, and everyone walks around chatting superficially. Rogan, however, made an impression on me for two reasons; firstly, his unusual name, and secondly because of his size.He was a very big guy and had a huge head and a very thick neck. His arms and chest looked like they belonged to a silverback gorilla. Apart from his...

Gay Male
3 years ago
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Living With My AuntEpisode 11

I then told Aunt Jane that Jill and I were going to pose for Kelly that next weekend. "That's great," said Aunt Jane. "I've always wanted to try that but I never found anyone to do that with; a serious artist, I mean." "I'm looking forward to doing it, it sounds exciting..." said I. "But I am nervous about it too." "I'm sure it will be a rewarding experience. And fun too. Hey, before I forget ... Barbara and Jaki are coming over tonight after I get home from work. We're...

4 years ago
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Neighbour Thi Meri Girlfriend

Mera name piyush h!! Aur main mumbai m rehta hu!! Mera land 7 inch ka h aur meri joh girlfriend h uska figure ek dum perfect h uska name shalini h sare ladke collage m uske pichhe gumte h akhir gumme bhi kyo na ek dum gori chiti thi phir perfect figure aur height but bhachpan ki dosti hone k karan voh meri gf thi aab m sidha story p atta hu Ek barr uske dada-dadi aur mere dada-dadi , voh aur main gumne k liye mahabaleshwar gaye toh vaha puche toh muje uska behaviour kuch alag laga voh muje kuch...

3 years ago
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The Fantastic Inn Its No Place Like HomeChapter 7

We woke up late in the morning, still a bit weak in the legs but after a shower we had back almost all of our energy. We dressed up in ski clothing when we looked at the Tv and the channel had changed by itself, we now saw June at the reception, holding up a sign in front of her, it looked like she was nude, her big smile showed just from behind the sign and her legs sticking from under it. The sign read, “Come in for a breakfast treat”. We went to the reception and some others were joining...

2 years ago
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Redneck Boss Fucks Employees Young Wife

I knew when I went to college to obtain my civil engineering degree, that the construction industry has its ups and downs with the economy. But, even as a young boy I had a strong desire to work in an occupation involving earth moving of almost any type, including road building and construction site preparation. When I graduated from college in Mobile, Alabama, I was fortunate to find a job with a civil engineering consulting firm in my hometown near Montgomery.My name is Justin, and with my...

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Exposing Cindy butterfly vibrator chapter two

Coming soon) Chapter two – back at home I had a bit more to drink at the club and had partially recovered from my very public orgasm on the dance floor when Jim shocked me by inviting Bob to come back to the house with us for another round of drinks in the our new spa.Jim teed up the conversation with, “Bob, since I am driving, I have to limit my alcohol intake here. Would you like to join Cindy and me back at our home for a few drinks where I can relax, have a few drinks and unwind myself?”...

Wife Lovers
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The Perils of Pubescent PornChapter 26

By midnight, finally, all the girls who wanted some cock had been satisfied, and they were drifting off to their dorms, along with the few who hadn’t. Frances had gone home with Christina, and taken Angie, Natalie and Hailey to drop off. I’d had a doze and woken still with an erection, which was only slightly sore and achey. “Hey!” cried the miniature reason I’d woken up, “we’ve got it!” She was waving a phone. “Oh?” I grumbled. “Yes!” She was with Sofia, Jenna and Paige. “We got into her...

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Jilly was a bleach-blonde, bubble-headed bimbo. A lot of my girls could barely stand to have her around, but there were a couple of clients who wanted to fuck the dumbest chick possible-- presumably the ones who would feel threatened by a girl with a brain. I usually send Tammy, who fakes idiocy well, but there's something to be said for a natural talent, and one guy in particular favored Jilly nearly exclusively and very frequently. After he was arrested (on completely unrelated charges, I...

3 years ago
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Mommy Teaches Son About Sex

Every night, when my husband fell asleep…I visited my son’s room.“Honey, daddy is asleep.”That faint scent, the scent of a man, mixed in with the smell of paint…My son, Billy, was barely a man, over eighteen and a senior in high school.Like most boys his age, he was interested in hobbies and girls. Both worried me.Hobbies, because he enjoyed painting his models. Girls, because he was such a timid boy, I wondered if he would have problems courting them.But in the evening, in the middle of the...

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Dannys New Flat

By Docker5000 Diane price watched with sad eyes as her only son started to pack his belongings into his old beat up Ford fiesta car. He was off to university. He had just won a full engineering scholarship. Diane was very sad on seeing him go he was her baby. However tensions in the house had been slowly rising over the last couple of weeks. Her son Danny and his father did not get on and on a few occasions she had to separate them before there was fighting between both of...

2 years ago
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Gangbanged in Dominica

My sweet wife suggested we could go this time to Dominica on vacation. I agreed with Anita; sunny days, sandy beaches, a nice resort… We could not ask for more…During the second night there, after a wild hard fuck session, my sweet wife confessed she needed much more than my cock.I had made her cum twice before I could fill her cunt with my warm semen, but Anita insisted she wanted more and more…She added that we could find a huge and hard black cock there…She convinced me next evening we...

4 years ago
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Haunted MansionChapter 5

Right as we stepped out into the hallway, we ran into a very naked Kaci, who was covered in drying cum. Immediately blushing, she stammered "I'm excuse me, just trying to find a shower..." "I'll show her, along with the clothes" I said. "Okay fine, I'll go find the others. Meet in the kitchen in half an hour." Brittany ordered, before walking off. "Try the downstairs master bedroom, its where I left them" Turning to me. "What about clothes?" Kaci asked hopefully, her hands...

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What Are Friends For

What Are Friends For It began with a relatively innocent prank. It was as innocent as pranks between old friends go. Matt and Dave were lousy drinkers and just could not manage to keep up with me some times. I had come from an Irish family and had been drinking since I was 10 or 11 years old. A few tours in the army added to my tolerance to heavy drinking. Matt and Dave always did their worst to keep up whenever we had a boy's night out. The problem was that I had no mercy on them when...

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Jail Bait

Jail Bait Synopsis: The new Governor insist on using inmates to keep up her mansion. A campaign promise kept to lower cost. As it happens they are diapered, ruled legal by the Ninth Circuit as an alternative where no secured facilities exist. The fact that she's made the prison switch to cloth diapers and plastic panties merely more savings. Using small men simply coincidental. Players: John Adams, Rick Brandon, Governor Alice Gray, Brent Spinner, Officer Wilder, Susan Carson,...

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Cum and Chocolate

Author's Note: My name is Felicia, and some of you might have read my other stories. The stories I've written so far are total fantasies but I'm real. I'm a bisexual person who coincidentally happens to be transgendered ... or vice versa. And I could probably be categorized (if you have to categorize) as a no-op TS. I have no plans to undergo GRS, I'm in a long term relationship with a female partner who won't accept hormone therapy, and I'd have had electrolysis ages ago if I could...

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Checking out the new neighbour

Sonia sat at her computer browsing holiday sites looking for a last minute deal. As the sun moved round and made it difficult to see the monitor she began to wonder why she needed to go abroad. It was absolutely glorious outside, and indoors she was hot, even though she only had on her skimpy cotton shorts and a little vest top. She decided that she would give herself another half hour then wash the car before her husband got home. She needed to do something about the glare on the monitor first...

1 year ago
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Hentai Pros is the fucking best. It’s all of the best parts of regular porn with the only limits being the artist’s imagination. There are just some things you can’t explore in real life. Do you want to see a busty babe get gangbanged by massive-dicked monsters? Hentai has got your back. You will find all kinds of new, weird fetishes to explore in the world of hentai. Plus, you always get those sweet, sweet ahegao faces. Eyes rolling into the back of their head, tongues lolling, and blushed...

Premium Hentai Sites
2 years ago
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Resort Part 2 As You Are

One way or the other, today was going to be the first day of the rest of his life. He ran the tap until the water was ice cold and splashed two handfuls onto his face, trying to focus his mind. It worked. Leaning over the sink, both hands firmly on the counter, he flexed his clearly-defined muscles in the mirror and clenched his strong, square jaw - a deep sigh escaping his hairless chest - he knew what he wanted. He wanted sex. It couldn’t be more clear to him. He wants to fuck, like...

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The Wrong Number1

I was ready to give up when my cell phone rang. I answered and was caught off guard by the deep young voice on the other end. "Is Annie there he asked. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid you have the wrong number." I said in my sexiest voice, hoping it would get his attention. "This isn't Annie's number? 619-555-6969?" he asked. That was the number he had dialed, but it didn't belong to Annie. I explained to him that I had just recently gotten the number. He apologized,...

4 years ago
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Living in Cockington part 21

I knocked on the door of my mother in laws bedroom and waited."Come in" she said calling out.I opened the door and stepped inside ready to talk to her about what she had seen me doing the previous night, but froze when I saw Polly my mother in law sitting on her bed dressed in a black bra, panties and stockings.She smiled at me and told me to shut the door.As I closed it I then noticed Bob my father in law naked lying at her feet having his cock rubbed by Polly's stocking covered feet.I stared...

1 year ago
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Building My Harem Pt 3

Anyways, I hope this part of the story is to your liking. Rate and leave comments if you want, I love hearing your feedback. All characters in this story are at least 18 years of age. I sat at my desk working, thinking of the last couple days. You can probably guess how Erin, Katey, and I spent the rest of the weekend. But before I knew it, the weekend had ended and I was back at work the following Monday. Which meant yet another week with little to no time for fun. I saw Ashley a...

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238 A Dairy conversion 8

238 A Dairy conversion (8) After her work on the awaited day, Ann collected Sam from the station, a wind from Siberia was blowing and snow was about swirling in the air in heavy flakes as they made their way down onto the remote marsh. They [and I indoors] were glad to hear the familiar rattle of the cattle grid at our gate; it had been a slow journey. They appeared at the doorway all stamping feet and shaking coats. I had been very worried at the weathers had turned and had been on...

2 years ago
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jenny the teenage robot xj9

Jenny said to Tucker and Brad”guys run now it’s too dangerous here”. They replied back in unison “ok whatever you say” and ran like cowards behind a car. During the fight between the suit and Jenny the suit jumped off of rhino and onto jenny and sprayed a pink power onto her. In no less that 2 seconds jenny ripped off the suit. The suit slithered out of her mouth “you will need me soon more than you know it” with that the suit was taken to her mother to be disconnected. The next day she...

3 years ago
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Seven days in Greece

Day One ‘May I take your order sir?’ Dylan looked up at the waitress. Her American accent was somewhat incongruous in a taverna in the small fishing village of Agios Nikolaos on the Peleponnese peninsular of mainland Greece. The waitress smiled. Dylan had been caught off-guard momentarily but swiftly regained his composure. ‘Er yes, could I have the feta in filo, honey and sesame to start and…. the souvlaki for my main. And could I have a Greek salad with my main?’ Dylan looked up at the...

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the video

She was walking down the street with a tight t-shirt covering her huge tits when a man came up to her and told her how amazing her tits were. He told her she had the figure he was looking for in his next video. It would be two big titted ladies with great asses and two hung men. It would be hot and two hours of raw sex. The pay was as good as the offer.She agreed and he took her to his studio to introduce her to the rest of the crew. The girl and the two guys were naked and they had great...

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Deus Ex Machina

Author's Note: Deus ex machina is a Latin phrase meaning "God from the Machine." It's been historically used to describe an unexpected or improbable character, thing or event introduced suddenly in a work of fiction or drama to resolve a situation or untangle a plot. In modern times, deus ex machina also has come to describe a device that emerges unpredictably and solves a seemingly insurmountable problem. This story may not be re-posted without the permission of the...

3 years ago
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Special Dinner Part 2

“You can let me go now Sweetie, unless you need the support?” Tammy had a huge condescending smile on her face, her teeth glittering in the room’s dim light. Her eyes told a different story, like a wary jungle cat, ready to strike and rip my throat out if I made the wrong move. I let her go and she moved into the room. A BIG room. In the dim light coming from a couple of wall sconces and a laptop on the desk, it looked huge. Tammy moved into the room, taking off her business jacket and...

Group Sex

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