Prototype TenChapter 1 free porn video

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"Come on, Honey!" Karen whispered, snaking her hands sensuously inside his shirt and kissing him warmly on the back of the neck. "We're going to be late for the movie!"

"Okay, just let me finish sending this one last resume," he replied, leaning back into the kiss, "and I'll be right out. You guys go ahead and load up."

"Something will come up, Will." Karen said, hearing the desperation in his voice. "You're too good at what you do. Somebody's bound to hire you soon."

"I keep trying, sweetie," he sighed, "but I'm getting the feeling that all they want is young, impressionable kids straight out of college that they can convince to work nights and weekends for the promise of stock options. As far as they're concerned, I'm too old, too experienced, too expensive, and too family oriented. After a year and a half, the only interviews I get are those where I don't list too much experience, and once they see me, it's like a curtain falls across their faces. It doesn't matter how well I answer their questions, they already know I'm not right for the job."

He hit 'Send' and yet another resume was instantly transported to a server somewhere in nearby Silicon Valley.

"Come on." He said, standing abruptly, "Let's forget about this and take Stacy to the movies. If I can't be a success at what I've trained for, at least I can try to give my daughter some happiness."

Arm in arm, Will and Karen walked into the small living room to find ten year old Stacy waiting patiently.

"Come on, Sprite!" Will said, holding out his arms to his daughter. "Let's go see a movie!"

"Daddy!" Stacy's face lit up on seeing her father. Blonde curls flying, she launched herself into his waiting arms. "I was afraid you were going to make us late again!"

"I know, Sugar." He said, lifting her slight body onto his shoulders. "I'm sorry about last time. I just had to finish applying for that job."

"I know, Daddy." Stacy said sympathetically. "I'm just glad we're not going to be late this time!"

The drive to the multiplex cinema took only about five minutes, and for the whole trip, Stacy regaled them with tales of her friends, Sponge Bob Squarepants, Kim Possible, and even a couple of made-up stories.

Will bought the tickets at the window while Karen and Stacy waited by the door.

"Theatre Seven." The pimple-faced kid said, semi-politely as he tore their tickets in half. "Down this hallway, to your left."

There were only a few people in the theatre so far and they were able to grab Stacy's favorite seats: four rows from the front, center seats.

"Can we have popcorn this time, Daddy?" Stacy asked as they settled into the plush seats.

Will gave Karen a pleading glance over Stacy's head, receiving a smile and a 'why not' shrug in return. "Why don't you get us all sodas, too?"

"You sure?" He asked, knowing how tight their budget was these days.

"I'm sure." Karen smiled. Inwardly, she cringed at the thought of having to tell another bill collector that the payment would be a little late, but they all needed to forget about their financial troubles for a little while, and in the long run, popcorn and drinks, even at these prices, wouldn't make that much difference.

Will stopped in the restroom to empty his bladder, making sure he wouldn't have to get up during the movie, and by the time he got to the lobby, the line for snacks was very long.

Finally, after arguing with the cashier about short-changing him, Will headed back down the hallway to the theatre. He could hear the previews playing as he tried to balance the little cardboard tray on one hand so he could open the door with the other.

Without warning, the door burst outward, almost taking his hand off and slamming with tremendous force into the wall of the entrance hallway, followed instantly by a stupendous blast that knocked Will backward, drinks and popcorn flying.

In the aftermath of the blast, he could hear screaming and moans from inside the theater, through the door that now hung askew on its hinges. Knowing it couldn't have been, but hoping, anyway, that this was some sort of movie special effect, Will scrambled to his feet and rushed into the darkened theater.

The projector was still running, spraying what light there was on the tattered shreds of the projection screen. In the dim light, Will's eyes began to make out the carnage left by several pounds of nails and ball-bearings as they ripped through the audience from the bomb planted behind the screen. Blood and gore were everywhere. Around the edges of the theatre and up near the back row, a few people writhed and screamed in agony. The rest were simply bloody, unrecognizable mounds of torn, twitching flesh.

Heart in his throat, Will stumbled down the aisle to the fourth row, hoping against hope that Stacy had had to go to the bathroom, or that she and Karen had gone to see what was taking him so long. His mind refused, despite the evidence of his eyes, to identify the two ravaged carcasses next to his empty seat as his wife and daughter. The sight of a familiar pink ribbon in bloody blonde curls was just too much for him, and the next thing he knew, he was on a gurney being wheeled out of the theatre.

Flashing lights in blue and red filled his vision as the harsh, static laden sound of emergency radios assaulted his ears.

"Stacy!" he cried, struggling to rise. "Karen!"

"Take it easy buddy." The paramedic told him, placing a gentle but firm restraining hand on his shoulder. "You don't want to go back in there."

"But my wife, my daughter!" He struggled feebly against the hands that tried to hold him down.

"I'm sorry, sir." The paramedic said sympathetically, "But if your wife and daughter were the two you were trying to give CPR, there's nothing anyone can do for them, so just lie down and let me check out your injuries."

It took a few seconds for that to sink into his brain.

"Injuries?" He asked, looking down at his bloody clothing. "I-I'm not hurt. I was just coming back from the snack bar when... Oh God! Stacy! Karen! Are they... ? Were they... ?"

He couldn't bear to finish the question, nor could he accept the reluctant nod he got from the paramedic.

"NO! You've got to help them!" Will struggled again to rise from the gurney. The paramedic's response stopped him more completely than the hands on his shoulders.

"I wish to God I could, buddy!" He shook his head at his own memories. "I wish I could help all of them! Thirteen fuckin' theatres full of them, GOD DAMN IT! All that training, all those refresher courses! None of it can bring a single one of 'em back to life! You're one of the lucky ones, buddy, even if you don't feel like it right now. The rest aren't much more than hamburger!"

Like a switch thrown in his brain, Will began to understand the magnitude of the catastrophe, and his brain, always a sucker for a problem to solve began chewing on what had happened. The pain was still there — the empty, aching, feeling in his gut, and the inability to grasp that his whole life had been shattered — but for now, his mind had something else to occupy it, and he grasped at it like a drowning man for a life-ring.

"Thirteen theatres?" He asked. "But the blast came from inside the theatre!"

"Yeah, there must have been a separate device planted in each theatre. Thank god two of 'em were still being cleaned." The paramedic felt down his right arm and Will winced in sudden pain. "That's what I thought. Looks like you've got a fractured wrist there. Good thing you were out of direct line of the shrapnel. Let me splint that up and we'll get you over to the hospital for a proper cast."

"Of course." His mind said for him while his heart struggled not to burst. "A claymore planted behind each movie screen. What was the shrapnel?"

"We found a bunch of nails and ball-bearings embedded in stuff - and in people." The paramedic pumped a rubber bulb and the plastic sleeve he had velcroed around Will's arm began to inflate.

He grimaced as the sleeve put pressure on the fracture. As the paramedic was finishing up, a police officer approached with notebook in hand.

"I realize this may be a difficult time for you, sir." He said, wetting the tip of his pencil with his tongue, and Will had a momentary flash of being in an old B movie. Sure enough, the cop was using a two inch stub of a #2 wooden pencil with most of the eraser worn away. "But if you could answer a few questions while the event is still fresh in your mind, it might help us get to the bottom of this more quickly."

"Of course." Will answered, absent-mindedly, his brain still clinging to the problem of how the devices had been planted, in the vain hope that he wouldn't have to think about the grisly remains of the love of his life and his precious daughter.

"Let's start with your name." The policeman said, pencil poised over his pad.

"Uh, Will. Will Masters." He said.

"Will. Is that short for 'William?'" the cop queried.

"Uh, no." Will struggled to think. "Wilson. Wilson Masters. Sorry."

"No problem, buddy." The cop sounded sympathetic. "Were you here by yourself?"

"No, I came with my... with my..." Will broke down sobbing and the cop turned a questioning eye to the paramedic.

"We found him trying to give CPR to what was left of a woman and a little girl." The paramedic filled in. "He's been asking about his wife and daughter."

"I know this is hard, Will." The cop said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Can you confirm that you were here with your wife and daughter?"

For some reason, the policeman's sympathy only made things worse and Will sobbed even harder when the big hand settled on his shoulder, but managed to nod in the affirmative.

"What were their names?"

"S-stacy..." Will answered, trying not to let his grief take control again. "She's my daughter. Prettiest little girl in the world!"

"I'll bet." The officer said. "What did she look like?"

"Blonde, curly hair," Will lost himself in the vision for a moment, "down to her shoulders. The brightest blue eyes you ever saw, and when she smiles, it lights up the whole room!"

"How old was she?"

"Ten." Will answered, clinging to the memory. "We just celebrated her tenth birthday. We couldn't afford to give her a gift and a party, but she wanted to have the party anyway, so she could share her happiness with her friends. She's always been like that, you know. Give you the shirt off her back if she thinks you need it more than her."

"What about your wife?" Will was staring off into space and didn't notice the cop swiping at his eyes.

"Karen." Will's voice softened as he thought of the love of his life. "She's my rock. I don't know how I would have made it through these last couple of years without her. Stacy has her eyes, and even though her hair is a little darker than Stacy's they wear it the same way. Like two peas in a pod! "

"How old was she?" The cop asked, cutting his reminiscence short.

"Thirty-three." Will smiled, thinking of how she had come into his life when he thought he was condemned to lifelong bachelorhood. "Way too young for me, but she seems — seemed happy being with me."

At the realization that he had been speaking of them as if they were still alive, Will broke down again. The policeman waited a few moments before continuing.

"Were there any others here with you?"

"N-uh, n-no." Will struggled to get his crying under control.

"Don't take this wrong, Will," the cop said, "but how did you manage to get away relatively unscathed?"

"I-I went to get p-popcorn!" His shoulders shook for several seconds. "S-shouldn't have left them! Couldn't really afford the damn popcorn anyway! I should have been with them! If I'd been ten seconds faster I would have been with them! If only I hadn't been so damned upset about the change! Who cares if it's a nickel short?!"

"What happened then?" The policeman asked.

"I was taking the popcorn and drinks back to the theatre. D-door blew out as I was reaching for the handle. Guess that's how I got this." He held up his splinted wrist.

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Early morning light filtered in the room. I got up first. In the bathroom, I brushed my teeth then inspected Beau for damage. Finding him fit for duty, I cleaned him up and reentered the bedroom. Hearing me, Maggie got up and left to do her duties. I heard the shower, the hair dryer—then an hour later again woke to see her open the bathroom door. She returned with hair perfect, lipstick, ultra red over full lips her breasts naked and her nipples hard. I was impressed. Beau was impressed. I...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 2 StephieChapter 65 Public Persona

September 11, 1988, Chicago, Illinois I walked home slowly, trying to figure out what was going on with Jolene. The problem was that Hope kept popping back into my mind and I couldn’t banish the thoughts. I tried hard, because the last thing I needed was a relationship with a fourteen-year-old. My real concern had to be with Jolene, and whatever the problem was. I tried to piece together the small bits of evidence that I had. She’d been upset about not being promoted and hadn’t been able to...

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Martha Space MadamChapter 13 The House

When Martha opened her eyes she was in a strange room she had never seen before; it was not just strange to her, there really was something very odd about it, but her mind could not quite grasp what it was. She was lying on a bed and there was a light coverlet over her, but she was completely naked and could not see her clothes anywhere. Then she realised what was so odd; this room was dedicated wholly to sleeping. Every other sleeping room she had ever been in was also used for other...

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Sara and My Long Awaited Trip to the Sun PART 1

Sara and I arrive at the airport, ready to have to our long waited trip to the sun. As I step to a kiosk to get our boarding passes, Sara gets a phone call from her friend Laura. She tells Laura the plane will take off in 1hour. After disconnecting the call, we head for the lounge to get drinks before we board our flight.We take a table with a nice view of the planes. A pretty waitress comes to our table asking what we would like to drinks. I look at Sara. For some reason, she seems scared to...

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Lucknow Mein

Hi myself Rahul maine yahan per aage ek story post ki thi kunwari family. Isko pad kar mere ko bahut saare yahoo per messages aaye. Lekin un mein se ek khaas tha. Yeh ek ladki ka tha jo Lunknow ke Indira nagar ki rehne wali thi and uska naam Rati tha. Usne kaha ki uske do bhai hai and woh unse sex karne ki icchha rakhti hai. Fir usne mujhe kaha ki mein usko bhai ke saath sex ke liye kuch tips doon. Hum roz baatein karne lage and deere deere hum role [playing karne lage. Mein uska bhai bhan jata...

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Graduation With Heather Owwh Part 3Chapter 15

Everyone was preparing to leave. It had been a tiring night for everyone, though Jess and I particularly. Brian came over to Jess and put his arm around her. He glanced around and slipped his phone out of his pocket. He moved it back into selfie position when he was busted by Heather. “Hey!” she shouted. “You know the rules!” She started moving towards him when Jess pulled away from Brian’s arm and stopped her first. “Wait, it’s ok. He ... he can take it,” Jess said uncertainly. Heather...

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My Best friend

I wasn’t hesitant at all to accept when Marie invited me to her house to go for a swim. It was something we did all the time, I usually did most of the asking. Marie finally had some time away from her family and her boyfriend, both of which she didn’t like being around. I put my bikini in a bag (there was no need to take my one piece, which I wore in public pools) and my towel, bottoms, extra underwear and clothing. I walked from my house to hers, it wasn’t a very long distance. When I got...

2 years ago
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Listening to JackChapter 28

The incident with Michelle was just fucking bizarre. It all started after sixth period at school, when Emily, Donna, and Michelle were sitting at one of the lunch tables in the cafeteria. Lunches for the three best friends had oddly not changed all that much, even after they’d all been tricked violet subjected VIOLET privileged and, well, gosh, lucky enough to be a part of Jack’s special conditioning process. Between bites of sandwiches and sips of diet soda, they talked about how their...

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Affair With The Lovely Neighbor

Hello to all the readers of ISS. This is Mr. K writing again from Bangalore. I am working in an MNC in Bangalore. Thank you for the few good responses for my previous story. Get ready for another interesting story that I am bringing for you all. I will move to the story without wasting time. There was a lady next door in our apartment building. She is married but separated from her husband. So she stays with her parents now. She goes to work in a nearby location. She goes by 9 and comes back by...

2 years ago
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sister in heat chapter 2

I got in late, somewhere in the hazy place between late night and early morning, but the heat had not let up. The inside of the house was just as dark and humid as the outside, and I waded through it as I made my quiet way from the door to the kitchen, fumbling a little until I saw the light peeking from around the corner. As I said, it was hot, so it figures that my sister would be looking for something cool to drink. She was silhouetted in the light of the refrigerator, wreathed in the vapor...

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Earths CoreChapter 20 Up Up And Away

When he closed his eyes, Zax could vividly see and hear the sights and sound of the wedding celebration. Granted, it ended only eighteen hours ago and much less he, even a cultivator in the first realm could clearly browse through the memories imprinted on the soul of decades ago. Nevertheless, it was not exactly the same, as Zax was just silently lying nakedly on the bed, embracing his beloved wife, and not attempting to recall anything. He did not have to, his entre self was still under the...

1 year ago
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Sexy sister with orange panty

Mere chacha ji ki familiy main chacha,chachi, aur daughter hai. Humahre un ke sath bhut ache prem payar hai. Main un k ghar jata rehta huin. Meri chachi bhout sexy hai aur un ki beti sara mere s 3 monhts choti hai. Uska to jwab hi nahi. Itni sundar ladki lakho main ek ho gi. Aur uski sexy tange, kale khule baal, kali ankhein, round beautiful boobs, moti gang agar aap dekh lo to whi chut jye. Vo kapde bhi bhout sexy phenti hai. Hum school se hi ek sath padte hai aur aab college main bhi. School...

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My wife had to go away for her company for a week, so my mother in law came and stayed with me. That night my mother in law drank a bit too much red wine at dinner. She then went to her room.The wine had made me horny, so I was laying on my bed naked, watching some porn. Suddenly the door opened and, without knocking, my mother-in-law entered my bedroom.I looked at her with an embarrassed grin. She looked at me wide-eyed, with her jaw open. She was shocked, but then, she startled me when, with...

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A Dragons Slave Ch 05

I’m woken up by a light nudging. I crack open my eyes, and see that Peter is kneeling next to me. I sigh as I stretch and ask what he wants. ‘Could we go for a walk?’ He asks, uncertainly. I frown as I sit up, rubbing sleep from my eyes as I yawn. ‘Huh?’ I mumble, confused as to why he would wake me so early. The events that lead up to my impromptu flight are still fresh in my mind, so I’m somewhat doubtful that he simply wants to go for a stroll. ‘Before Demetrius wakes up,’ he iterates....

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Virginity sale

Following on from my story about my then sales manager arranging to auction my virginity, I've had a number of you lovely people asking me how much I got for it and what happened. So here goes -Steve my then manager suggested that he contact several people that he knew who he thought might be interested in bidding. His idea was that he would arrange a secret auction by post and that the highest bidder would be the winner. I agreed a 'reserve' of three hundred pounds as I figured it was worth at...

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California CrewChapter 6

Moving day. I wake up, shower, French braid my hair into pigtail braids, and get ready. I put on jean capris, a peach Juicy t-shirt, and my tennis shoes. On top of everything else that we have been doing lately, we have also been shopping, buying some new clothes that are popular here in the States. The good thing is that there are a lot of similar clothes all around the world. The house has been painted, the rugs put down, the kitchen redone, etc. So much has been done to that house that I...

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I Was Thrown Out From Home

We were in Miami at the time. I was born here and this place is special for me. I have been here since May and will be here till November. My hubby left me with his sister in my home where my Dad, Mom, brother and his wife Niya are staying. After hubby had left, I used to live my way by finding many guys every day, even brought some guys home when mom and dad was not there. My brother and his wife Niya know about my habits and they have no problem with that. I've been nude almost all day and...

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Postcards Ch 03

Author’s Note: Kwajalein is a real place, as is the battle, the sunken Prinz Eugen, even the two pine trees. I encourage you to google the island. Chapter 3 Depart: 8:20 a.m. Arrive: 5:40 p.m. Tues., May 29 Tues, May 29 Guam (GUM) Kwajalein, Marshall Isl (KWA) One stop. Time on ground 0.45 Travel Time: 7 hr 20 mn Distance: 1,590 miles Flight:UA755 Aircraft: Boeing 737-800 Fare Class: United Economy (Y) Meal: Breakfast No Special Meal Offered. Sheila: The previous night had a surreal...

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Furry Paradise

The year was 2567. Earth had collapsed finally under the weight of all the wars and hardships that have happened. A hundred year war filled with nukes and vandals. It was time to take the population elsewhere. They had been flying through the universe for what seemed like an eternity. In all reality, it had only been four months of traveling. The male was on board solo, sent out by his commander to seek shelter in a planet. His goals were find life and see if life would be sustainable there for...

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Next Move The Fitting

Flame was here. The click-click-click of her heeled boots strode into her vision while the aroma of her perfume drifted in behind. Dressed immaculately as always, Sara risked a glance to take her in. Jet black ankle boots that merged into a pair of trousers that looked like they had been sprayed on wet a few moments before. A flamboyant white blouse that reminded her of David Bowie. A wide leather belt around the base of the blouse, with the material billowing below it. A halo of flame red...

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Miss Callahan Ch 2022

Chapter 20I’m just getting out of my car across the street from my office building when I feel my phone buzz.Before pulling it out to see who texted, I pull my coat closer to my face as I quickly run across the busy downtown street and into my building. I know it’s petty, but the fact that VPs have to park across the street, instead of in the actual building’s parking lot, annoys me every morning that it’s not sunny. Logically I get that there are a finite number of spots so they prioritize...


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